»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
colomon AFK 00:03
dalek blets: bb22c7d | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix-a-index.txt:
repair conj entry
00:18 eviltwin_b joined 00:20 wolfman2000 joined 00:21 geekosaur left 00:38 allbery_b joined 00:41 scott_ joined, eviltwin_b left, scott_ is now known as Guest29779
dalek blets: e4a5245 | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix- (3 files):
explain quote protection and add dummy for quasiquoting
01:07 eviltwin_b joined
dalek blets: 3ac7047 | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix- (3 files):
repair the new links and polish quote ops
01:10 allbery_b left 01:21 allbery_b joined 01:24 eviltwin_b left
dalek blets: 87c0e37 | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix-b-grouped.txt:
backlinking mutable types
01:26 tokuhirom joined 01:28 skids joined 01:32 replor___ left 01:33 eviltwin_b joined, Chillance left 01:36 allbery_b left 01:38 rsimoes joined, rsimoes left
dalek blets: 4285762 | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix-b-grouped.txt:
backlinking Contextualizers
01:40 allbery_b joined 01:43 eviltwin_b left 01:48 noam left 01:49 noam joined 01:52 replore joined 01:57 replore left
lichtkind gnight 01:58
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colomon n: sub mcf($x) { gather loop { my $a = $x.floor; take $a; $x = $x - $a; last if $x == 0; $x = 1 / $x; }; }; mcf(3) 02:17
p6eval niecza v16-23-gaa61ed5: ( no output )
colomon n: sub mcf($x) { gather loop { my $a = $x.floor; take $a; $x = $x - $a; last if $x == 0; $x = 1 / $x; }; }; say mcf(3).erpl 02:18
p6eval niecza v16-23-gaa61ed5: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method erpl in class List␤ at /tmp/VaQxAPhEna line 1 (mainline @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3840 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3841 (module-CORE @ 65) ␤ at /home/…
colomon n: sub mcf($x) { gather loop { my $a = $x.floor; take $a; $x = $x - $a; last if $x == 0; $x = 1 / $x; }; }; say mcf(3).perl
p6eval niecza v16-23-gaa61ed5: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: assigning to readonly value␤ at /tmp/n_8gIsNTCf line 1 (ANON @ 2) ␤ at /tmp/n_8gIsNTCf line 1 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at <unknown> line 0 (KERNEL dogather @ 1) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2354 (GatherIterator.reify @ 3) ␤ …
colomon n: sub mcf($x is copy) { gather loop { my $a = $x.floor; take $a; $x = $x - $a; last if $x == 0; $x = 1 / $x; }; }; say mcf(3).perl 02:19
p6eval niecza v16-23-gaa61ed5: OUTPUT«(3, ).list␤»
colomon r: sub mcf($x is copy) { gather loop { my $a = $x.floor; take $a; $x = $x - $a; last if $x == 0; $x = 1 / $x; }; }; say mcf(3).perl 02:20
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«Method 'eager' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:4926␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4907␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4678␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5065␤ in method perl at src/…
sorear o/ colomon
colomon \o 02:21
you're totally right about fail.
02:21 awwaiid left 02:29 awwaiid joined 02:32 jaldhar joined, ponbiki joined
colomon r: sub mcf($x is copy) { gather loop { my $a = $x.floor; say $a; take $a; $x = $x - $a; last if $x == 0; $x = 1 / $x; }; }; say mcf(3).perl 02:36
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«3␤Method 'eager' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:4926␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4907␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4678␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5065␤ in method perl at sr…
colomon r: say 3.floor
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«3␤»
02:43 eviltwin_b joined 02:46 geekosaur left 02:47 orafu left
colomon r: sub mcf($x is copy) { gather loop { my $a = $x.floor; say $a; take $a; $x = $x - $a; last if $x == 0; $x = 1 / $x; }; }; say mcf(3)[0].perl 02:47
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«3␤3␤»
02:47 orafu joined
colomon r: sub mcf($x is copy) { gather loop { my $a = $x.floor; say $a; take $a; $x = $x - $a; last if $x == 0; $x = 1 / $x; }; }; say mcf(3)[1].perl 02:48
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«3␤Method 'eager' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:4926␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4907␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4678␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5065␤ in method exists at …
02:50 leprevost joined
colomon r: sub mcf($x is copy) { gather loop { take 1; last; }; }; say mcf(3)[1].perl 02:51
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«Method 'eager' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:4926␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4907␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4678␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5065␤ in method exists at sr…
colomon r: sub mcf($x is copy) { gather loop { take 1; last; }; }; say mcf(3)[0].perl 02:52
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«1␤»
colomon r: sub mcf($x is copy) { gather loop { take 1; last; }; }; say mcf(3).perl
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«Method 'eager' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:4926␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4907␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4678␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5065␤ in method perl at src/…
colomon r: sub mcf($x) { gather loop { take 1; last; }; }; say mcf(3).perl
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«Method 'eager' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:4926␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4907␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4678␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5065␤ in method perl at src/…
colomon n: sub mcf($x) { gather loop { take 1; last; }; }; say mcf(3).perl 02:54
p6eval niecza v16-23-gaa61ed5: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $x is declared but not used at /tmp/DfIHt7g5uH line 1:␤------> sub mcf(⏏$x) { gather loop { take 1; last; }; }; ␤␤(1, ).list␤»
02:54 thelazydeveloper left
colomon n: sub mcf() { gather loop { take 1; last; }; }; say mcf(3).perl 02:54
p6eval niecza v16-23-gaa61ed5: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Excess arguments to mcf, used 0 of 1 positionals␤ at /tmp/IiS6Lzbwik line 0 (mcf @ 1) ␤ at /tmp/IiS6Lzbwik line 1 (mainline @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3840 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setti…
colomon n: sub mcf() { gather loop { take 1; last; }; }; say mcf().perl
p6eval niecza v16-23-gaa61ed5: OUTPUT«(1, ).list␤»
colomon r: sub mcf() { gather loop { take 1; last; }; }; say mcf().perl 02:55
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«Method 'eager' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:4926␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4907␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4678␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5065␤ in method perl at src/…
03:01 allbery_b joined 03:04 eviltwin_b left 03:13 geekosaur joined 03:16 allbery_b left 03:17 envi_ left
colomon r: sub mcf() { gather take 1; }; say mcf().perl 03:18
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«(1,).list␤»
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moritz \o 04:51
04:52 birdwindupbird joined
moritz r: constant %a = a => 1, b => 2; say %h.WHAT 04:55
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable %h is not declared␤at /tmp/doOHAVgQdK:1␤»
moritz r: constant %a = a => 1, b => 2; say %a.WHAT 04:56
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«Parcel()␤»
04:59 JimmyZ joined
JimmyZ r: dir | say 04:59
p6eval rakudo dda5b0: OUTPUT«␤Method 'FLATTENABLE_LIST' not found for invocant of class 'Bool'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/lYHiWy5y3l:1␤␤»
JimmyZ std: dir | say 05:00
p6eval std fab64fc: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of bare 'say'; in Perl 6 please use .say if you meant $_, or use an explicit invocant or argument at /tmp/lnnbmLF7qN line 1:␤------> dir | say⏏<EOL>␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:00 40m␤»
05:02 Guest29779 left 05:09 replore__ left
dalek Iish: 45dd6aa | moritz++ | lib/DBDish/Pg.pm6:
[Pg] query type OIDs, and map them to p6 type names
05:16 sivoais joined
dalek Iish: 6718e68 | moritz++ | lib/DBDish/mysql.pm6:
[mysql] simplify fetchrow_hashref
05:20 eviltwin_b joined 05:24 geekosaur left 05:31 itz left 05:33 itz joined 05:56 robinsmidsrod joined, JimmyZ left 05:58 robinsmidsrod left 05:59 kaare_ joined 06:01 robinsmidsrod joined 06:07 allbery_b joined 06:11 eviltwin_b left 06:28 geekosaur joined 06:31 allbery_b left 06:34 eviltwin_b joined 06:38 geekosaur left 06:40 geekosaur joined 06:44 eviltwin_b left 06:47 erkan joined 06:49 eviltwin_b joined 06:52 geekosaur left 07:05 fglock joined 07:18 allbery_b joined 07:21 eviltwin_b left 07:23 GlitchMr joined 07:52 eviltwin_b joined
dalek kudo/nom: a25e7d1 | pmichaud++ | src/Perl6/Actions.pm:
Make bare loop statement use Perl 6 True instead of Parrot 1 value. Fixes RT #112654.
07:55 allbery_b left 07:56 Su-Shee_ is now known as Su-Shee 07:58 allbery_b joined 08:00 eviltwin_b left
dalek blets: 368aaa2 | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix- (2 files):
fixing links of last nights endevour
08:03 eviltwin_b joined
pmichaud colomon / sorear: fail() returns a Failure value containing an unthrown exception. If the returned Failure isn't marked as handled somehow, any attempt to use the Failure as a normal value throws the exception. Essentially, fail() is a soft failure ("return something that throws an exception if you attempt to use it"), while die() is a hard failure ("throw an exception immediately"). 08:03
phenny pmichaud: 25 Apr 21:53Z <moritz> tell pmichaud basing a star release on rakudo 2012.04.1 seems to give star the version 2012.04.1 too. Should we try to separate that? or just go with it?
pmichaud: 25 Apr 21:54Z <moritz> tell pmichaud never mind, doesn't seem hard
pmichaud: 26 Apr 09:01Z <moritz> ask pmichaud to please enable the issues on github for rakudo/star
pmichaud phenny: tell moritz issues for rakudo/star now enabled on github 08:04
phenny pmichaud: I'll pass that on when moritz is around.
moritz phenny: thanks 08:05
phenny moritz: 08:04Z <pmichaud> tell moritz issues for rakudo/star now enabled on github
moritz erm, pmichaud :-)
pmichaud sure thing :)
afk, sleep
moritz dammit, /me not fast enough
08:05 allbery_b left 08:07 erkan left 08:11 araujo left
tadzik good morning 08:19
moritz \o tadzik 08:20
during rakudo compilation, it seems that the PIR and POST stages require the most memory 08:25
do we keep the nodes from the previous phases around during POST and PIR generation?
tadzik good news of the day: github.com/PerlGameDev/SDL6/tree/experimental is being worked on \o/ 08:32
08:35 geekosaur joined 08:37 eviltwin_b left 08:41 fhelmberger joined, eviltwin_b joined 08:43 geekosaur left
dalek rlito: 205df32 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (9 files):
Perlito5 - parser: move named-subs to the named-block module
08:58 geekosaur joined 08:59 bbkr joined, GlitchMr42 joined, GlitchMr left 09:00 GlitchMr42 is now known as GlitchMr 09:01 eviltwin_b left, fgomez left 09:03 erkan joined 09:04 geekosaur left 09:05 geekosaur joined
dalek ast: 0e05bd5 | moritz++ | S04-statements/loop.t:
RT #112654, gather loop
rlito: 6c32749 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (3 files):
Perlito5 - parser: add "sub BEGIN {}" syntax
09:24 thelazydeveloper joined
moritz std: 1<=>2 09:58
p6eval std fab64fc: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Two terms in a row at /tmp/UACCRNtz2G line 1:␤------> 1<=>⏏2␤ expecting any of:␤ POST␤ infix or meta-infix␤ infixed function␤ postcircumfix␤ postfix␤ postfix_prefix_meta_operator␤ postop␤ statement
..modifier loop␤Pa…
jnthn Good noon, #perl6 10:00
moritz good midday, jnthn 10:01
jnthn Mmm. I think I feel well enough today to write code again. \o/
moritz \o/
moritz should blag about DBIish
jnthn will finally do his much-delayed second post on the hackathon too :) 10:03
std: 42.blah (1) 10:14
p6eval std fab64fc: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Two terms in a row (method call requires colon or parens to take arguments) at /tmp/nHvdZSaGBb line 1:␤------> 42.blah ⏏(1)␤ expecting any of:␤ infix or meta-infix␤ infixed function␤ statement modifier
..loop␤Parse f…
10:16 birdwindupbird left 10:17 fhelmberger left
masak good postnoon, #perl6 10:19
10:19 birdwindupbird joined 10:26 PacoAir joined 10:28 JimmyZ joined
moritz blug: perlgeek.de/blog-en/perl-6/2012-dbiish.html 10:30
good pn, masak :-)
gfldex where in the S?? are traits explained? 10:37
jnthn 14 iirc
gfldex found it, tyvm 10:38
jnthn pzh 10:41
masak .oO( spice it up with abbreviations in Russian! ) 10:47
10:47 whiteknight joined
jnthn пж :P 10:48
dalek rlito: 7c52512 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | src5/lib/Perlito5/Javascript/Runtime.pm:
Perlito5 - javascript: add AUTOLOAD infrastructure
10:54 eviltwin_b joined 10:57 geekosaur left
masak how about that rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=112634 , eh? 11:05
it feels like a "usability vs. gosh that's a lot of work to implement" thing.
rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=112632 is just wrong. rejecting it now. 11:06
jnthn masak: I expect 112634 to work some day. 11:08
masak: I'm happy enough having it as an RT.
masak: BTW, I rejected one other ticket this morning too.
Ah, and yes, 112632 is also right to reject.
11:08 holysword joined
holysword hi there 11:09
could anyone enlight me if it is possible to print colorful messages in terminal using perl6?
masak hi holysword 11:10
that should be possible, yes.
jnthn holysword: I used colorful output in my Grammar::Debugger module...I used...lemme check..
masak rejects #112636 too
jnthn use Term::ANSIColor;
masak oh, moritz++ already did.
holysword okay, thanks. I have been trying to google it, couldn't find many directions
thank you
jnthn github.com/tadzik/perl6-Term-ANSIColor/ 11:11
It worked nicely for me.
holysword thank you =D
masak we really need to improve those TTIAR/whitespace errors in Rakudo. 11:12
jnthn masak: We do.
masak: We should land qbootstrap first though.
holysword :P
masak jnthn: aye! 11:13
let's land the crap our of qbootstrap! \o/
jnthn looks around for a pmichaud :)
moritz seen pmichaud
aloha pmichaud was last seen in #perl6 3 hours 8 mins ago saying "afk, sleep".
jnthn I wonder if he can implement mark_commit in his sleep... :) 11:14
Anyway, once we get mark_commit and the NFA builder can get transitivity right, we should be a lot further forward with qbootstrap. 11:15
masak ok.
gfldex r: gist.github.com/2518066
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in find_method('slots')␤ in sub handle_call at /tmp/1Sr1bcbqU5:21␤ in any enter at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2685␤ in method postcircumfix:<( )> at src/gen/CORE.setting:1601␤ in <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:815␤ in any <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.…
jnthn Eek. That looks bad. 11:17
gfldex tries to find the line that triggers Null PMC
jnthn (&$signal).connect($sender, $rcpt, $slot); 11:18
gfldex it'
jnthn ...what's that & doing there? :)
gfldex it's line 21
masak r: sub foo {}; my $bar = &foo; say &$bar 11:19
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«sub foo() { ... }␤»
moritz r: class A { our method x() { say "A::x" } }; &A::x(A)
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«A::x␤»
masak r: my $bar = 42; say &$bar
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«42␤»
masak seems it's a no-op.
IMHO, that last one should be illegal.
gfldex i have a trait on a method. In line 31 i want to call the method that is mixed in from role Signal. 11:20
masak gfldex: if I were you, I'd just write '$signal' 'stead of '(&$signal)'
gfldex tries
jnthn Yeah. I doubt that's the actual bug here though. 11:21
moritz @.slots.push([$sender, $rcpt, $method]);
masak it isn't.
moritz that shouldn't ever work
because @!slots is typed to contain Method objects
and you try to push an array on it
jnthn Wow, yes.
gfldex i changed &$signal to $signal, still Null PMC
masak still, that's not the bug either.
moritz aye 11:22
masak gfldex: right, we haven't found the cause for the Null PMC access yet.
try golfing it :)
moritz r: class A { has Method @.slots; }; A.new.slots.push: [1, 2, 3]
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: ( no output )
moritz masak: wanna submit?
gfldex changed Method @.slots to just @.slots, still Null PMC
masak submits rakudobug 11:23
gfldex: right, that's not the cause of the Null PMC access. we know this.
just finding different, easier errors on the way.
gfldex gist.github.com/2518066 updated
11:24 sergot joined
sergot hi o/ 11:24
masak sergocie! \o/
gfldex i don't think i can golf it much
masak tries, then
moritz the weird thing is, it explodes while invoking method pressed 11:25
gfldex yes and it calls the wrong handle_call 11:26
moritz but nothing seems to override its invoke/postcircumfix:<( )>
jnthn That &wrap call means you are wrapping with the proto.
moritz oh, erm, does .wrap on a method work at all= 11:27
jnthn And that trait_mod along with the multi, proto etc. has to be compiled "just in time" since the trait_mod runs at BEGIN time.
Yes, .wrap is defined on Routine.
moritz r: class A { our method x { say 'A.x' }; }; BEGIN &A::x.wrap( sub(*@) { say 'OH WRAP' }); A.x 11:28
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse postcircumfix:sym<( )>, couldn't find final ')' at line 2␤»
gfldex my guess is that the dispatcher is calling the wrong handle_call with a capture that is empty but not
11:28 oiig_ joined
jnthn But a $m should be in scope and not null in either case. 11:28
moritz r: class A { our method x { say 'A.x' }; }; BEGIN &A::x.wrap( sub (*@a) { say 'OH WRAP' }); A.x 11:29
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«OH WRAP␤»
moritz hm, doesn't seem to call the method
gfldex i don't think $m is null, let me check
moritz do I need to nextsame?
r: class A { our method x { say 'A.x' }; }; BEGIN &A::x.wrap( sub (*@a) { say 'OH WRAP'; nextsame }); A.x
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«OH WRAP␤A.x␤»
jnthn gfldex: multi handle_call {
In this case, that candidate can never match.
Because a method *always* has at least one argument. 11:30
gfldex well, $m seamt to be null
jnthn Yeah, it shouldn't be.
gfldex i added say $m.elems; and it explodes
jnthn I suspect it's some kind of lexical chaining issue.
masak $m.WHAT says Method+{Signal}() 11:31
gfldex s/i added say $m.elems; and it explodes/nvm/ gfldex--
actually say $m.slots.elems; explodes 11:32
jnthn masak: Not if you do it inside of the multi handle_call
masak oh! 11:33
jnthn OK, it's the multi that is somehow to blame
masak Can only use get_what on a SixModelObject
gfldex if i say multi handle_call in the trait_mod multi, does it create a clousure?
masak yeah, that feels like a lexpad outer chain corruption.
jnthn gist.github.com/2518209 gets much further 11:34
masak: Yeah, something along those lines.
masak submits rakudobug
moritz adding a proto also gets much further
jnthn Now we know what it is, it's probably very golfable.
moritz: oh...
moritz++ 11:35
11:35 mucker joined
masak r: { my $s = 42; multi foo { say $s }; foo } 11:35
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«42␤»
gfldex moritz: at what point?
masak not as simple as that, it seems.
r: sub bar {}; { my $s = 42; multi foo { say $s }; &bar.wrap(&foo) }; bar 11:36
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«42␤»
masak nor even as simple as that.
I'm approaching this from the wrong end :P
11:36 sergot left
jnthn gist.github.com/2518235 11:37
gfldex: ^^
gfldex that makes sense 11:38
but the compiler should be a bit more concerned without the proto :)
but it still doesnt work how i would like it to
jnthn masak: gist.github.com/2518262 - this golfs it some way 11:39
gfldex because |$args should be empty 11:40
jnthn masak: Uncommenting the proto explodes
gfldex: It will never be empty because you're wrapping a *method*.
GlitchMr: You'll always have at least one argument.
sorry, that was for gfldex :)
gfldex so i have to strip the first argument?
jnthn Well, the first argument is the invocant.
11:40 sergot joined
gfldex i have the invocant anyways 11:41
jnthn multi handle_call($invocant, |$rest) { } # works
gfldex and i should not need a multi anymore 11:42
masak jnthn: we had an RT ticket about that the other day.
jnthn masak: ? 11:43
11:44 snearch joined
JimmyZ everythingsysadmin.com/2011/01/pyth...perl6.html 11:47
masak r: role R { has $.x }; multi trait_mod:<is>($m, :$a!) { $m does R; multi y(|$) { say $m }; $m.wrap(&y) }; (class { method z is a {} }).z; 11:49
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in find_method('gist')␤ in sub say at src/gen/CORE.setting:6555␤ in sub y at /tmp/Ipv8GSFBLg:1␤ in any enter at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2685␤ in method postcircumfix:<( )> at src/gen/CORE.setting:1601␤ in <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:815␤ in an…
masak golf'd. :)
jnthn: I'll find it for you.
jnthn: rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=112642 11:50
no, wait. 11:51
r: multi trait_mod:<is>($m, :$a!) { multi y(|$) { say $m }; $m.wrap(&y) }; (class { method z is a {} }).z; 11:52
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in find_method('gist')␤ in sub say at src/gen/CORE.setting:6555␤ in sub y at /tmp/LxB4luvHae:1␤ in any enter at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2685␤ in method postcircumfix:<( )> at src/gen/CORE.setting:1601␤ in <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:815␤ in an…
masak roles don't enter into it.
it's *so* easy to become blind by positive confirmation bias.
that's why golfing is useful.
jnthn masak: And you can fix that one by adding an explicit proto, yes?
masak dunno.
jnthn r: multi trait_mod:<is>($m, :$a!) { proto y(|$) { * }; multi y(|$) { say $m }; $m.wrap(&y) }; (class { method z is a {} }).z; 11:53
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«z␤»
jnthn Yes, you can
So it's everything to do with the auto-generated proto.
masak r: multi trait_mod:<is>($m, :$a!) { multi y(|$) { say $m }; $m.wrap(&y) }; sub foo is a {}; foo
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in find_method('gist')␤ in sub say at src/gen/CORE.setting:6555␤ in sub y at /tmp/brOPOBDGQV:1␤ in any enter at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2685␤ in method postcircumfix:<( )> at src/gen/CORE.setting:1601␤ in <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:815␤ in an…
masak huh! classes don't enter into either.
yes. it's the auto-gen proto's the culprit.
masak concentrates this down into a simple bug report 11:54
jnthn Derived dispatchers too if the patch I'm trying at the moment works.
Yeah, I think I have a patch locally.
r: multi trait_mod:<is>($m, :$a!) { multi y(|$) { say $m }; $m.wrap(&y) }; sub foo is a {}; foo 11:55
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in find_method('gist')␤ in sub say at src/gen/CORE.setting:6555␤ in sub y at /tmp/Sji3LNwiKd:1␤ in any enter at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2685␤ in method postcircumfix:<( )> at src/gen/CORE.setting:1601␤ in <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:815␤ in an…
JimmyZ r: dir | say #bug too ?
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«␤Method 'FLATTENABLE_LIST' not found for invocant of class 'Bool'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/8boAQ0TDGi:1␤␤»
jnthn LTA error. 11:56
Can fix that one.
Should be more like "Cannot flatten a Bool into an argument list"
JimmyZ std: dir | say
p6eval std fab64fc: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of bare 'say'; in Perl 6 please use .say if you meant $_, or use an explicit invocant or argument at /tmp/BtEzDiPQWI line 1:␤------> dir | say⏏<EOL>␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:00 40m␤»
jnthn Well, also that.
But if you choose something other than say that returns a bool...
JimmyZ :) 11:57
jnthn Feel free to file as LTA error, anywya.
11:57 eviltwin_b left
jnthn *anyway 11:57
holysword hi again! I would like to know how I can use the "do filename" thing in perl6, please! 11:58
JimmyZ what is 'do filename'? 11:59
jnthn In Perl 5, do 'filename' would read the file, eval the code and run it, iirc. 12:00
holysword yes, exactly jnthn
jnthn In Perl 6 we don't overload do to do that...
I guess you can: eval slurp 'filename';
holysword oh, so how can I do that? is there any other command?
jnthn slurp reads the whole file in, eval runs that code.
Which I guess is what Perl 5 really does 12:01
Hmm...is there an evalfile too, I wonder...
12:01 eviltwin_b joined
holysword I am starting to learn Perl now for the first time, and I starting to seriously consider learning Perl5 rrrather than perl6 O.O 12:04
masak JimmyZ: did you RT-submit the LTA error?
dalek kudo/nom: 6c9661f | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Actions.pm:
Fix a lexical handling bug in installation of auto-generated protos and derived dispatchers. gfldex++ for reporting, moritz++ for realizing it was about protos.
jnthn masak: ^^ means the ticket can be tagged testneeded. 12:05
gfldex that was one fast bugfix :)
JimmyZ masak: RT #112662 12:06
masak JimmyZ++
jnthn: I'm on it.
gfldex what's the most basic type of a class? 12:07
jnthn gfldex: If you declare "class Foo { }" then it inherits from Any, if that's what you mean. 12:08
Mu is above Any, but you generally want to inherit from Any.
gfldex r: say Role ~~ Any;
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&Role' called (line 1)␤» 12:09
jnthn There's no "Role" type, just as there's no "Class" type
There are meta-objects, but those live off in the Metamodel:: namespace
masak there's just HOWs, which are metaobjects.
jnthn And there's four of them related to roles :)
jnthn should give a talk on how that lot is factored some day, for people who are bonkers enough to come to such talks... :) 12:10
gfldex r: my class A {}; sub foo($some_class:D){}; foo(A.new); foo(A); 12:11
p6eval rakudo a25e7d: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤invoke() not implemented in class 'Capture'␤»
moritz jnthn: I'd live to hear that talk
jnthn gfldex: Uh...other than get Rakudo to spit out weird errors, what were you trying to do? :) 12:12
masak jnthn: what moritz said.
gfldex i want to force a real object instead of a metaobject
masak gfldex: X/Y
jnthn s/metaobject/type object/
masak gfldex: what do you *really* want to do? :)
jnthn r: my class A {}; sub foo(Any:D){}; foo(A.new); foo(A);
masak take a step back. no, take two steps back.
p6eval rakudo 6c9661: OUTPUT«Parameter '' requires an instance, but a type object was passed␤ in sub foo at /tmp/CZ_1PUcPNj:1␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/CZ_1PUcPNj:1␤␤»
jnthn Like that. 12:13
gfldex that one :)
jnthn Mini-challenge for a C hacker: find a way to make that error include the paramter index instead of '' :)
12:14 araujo joined
gfldex what i really want to do is doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/signalsandslots.html 12:14
and i'm getting closer :)
masak jnthn++ # understanding what gfldex wanted 12:15
gfldex++ # cool QT experimenting
dalek p: edd14da | jnthn++ | tools/build/PARROT_REVISION:
Now the release is done, we can bump PARROT_REVISION to the one with pmichaud++'s fixes for Unicode handling.
gfldex qt's signal and slot stuff is real clever, they sneak late binding into c++ 12:16
that might be the reason why signal/slots in perl6 are so much easier to implement :)
moritz but you can get late binding in p6 much easier :-)
i mean, you can just call $obj."$methodname"(|$capture) to get late binding, no? 12:17
masak hehe. methods already give you late binding.
"no, no. later than that!" :P
gfldex you can but in contrast to qt's moc the compiler can be picky at compile time
at least that's what i hope
masak wants to give a talk about late binding at some point 12:18
12:18 mdupont joined
dalek kudo/nom: 2a962e3 | jnthn++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
Bump NQP_REVISION. Can haz somewhat cleaner spectest runs without ICU; pmichaud++.
moritz "Callbacks have two fundamental flaws: Firstly, they are not type-safe." 12:19
erm, what?
jnthn huh? :)
masak sez who?
moritz doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/signalsandslots.html
jnthn ooh, Swedish has one of its National Days Off To Hack on Tuesday :) 12:20
masak yep.
not just Sweden.
jnthn Oh?
masak it's International Something Day.
jnthn Oh yeah
Isn't it a good day to have political protests too? :) 12:21
masak I seem to recall it's about women going into labor... or something.
gfldex makes a sign that says: "Free Perl6 for everyone!!!"
Su-Shee 1st of may is worker's movements day. 12:22
masak: aua ;)
jnthn masak: Oh, so it happens 9 months after national get pregnant day? :)
masak my dad, when we was running his own company, was fond of saying "This year, just like every year, I will celebrate International Labor Day... by going to work." :P
jnthn :D
jnthn wonders if Monday will be a half-day 12:23
masak yep.
jnthn wtf :)
That's pointless
Then go into work for 3 hours
Then a day and a half off!
gfldex my dad was ordered by the state to protest when i was a wee boy (nobody knew what for)
Su-Shee gfldex: let me guess.. socialist country? :)
gfldex eastern germany 12:24
Su-Shee ;)
masak jnthn: welcome to the land of "klämdag".
Su-Shee masak: "kläm"?
masak phenny: sv en "klämdag"?
phenny masak: "klämdag" (sv to en, translate.google.com)
masak phenny: sv en "klämma"?
phenny masak: "terminal" (sv to en, translate.google.com)
masak g'ah!
Su-Shee like klempner, plummer? :)
masak phenny: en sv "squeeze"?
phenny masak: "pressa" (en to sv, translate.google.com)
masak tut tut.
it literally translates as "squeeze day". as in, the day gets squeezed in between two periods of being off work. 12:25
.oO( klämrisk )
masak that's usually a Friday, but this time it's a Monday.
moritz phenny: "brückentag"?
phenny moritz: "Bridge Day" (de to en, translate.google.com)
masak our metaphor beats your metaphor. :) 12:27
or squeezes it, perhaps.
moritz your metaphor is violent, it seems :-)
masak it pinches rather than punches.
moritz has already mostly updated from Squeeze to Wheezy
jnthn afk for a little bit 12:28
12:32 laurus joined
moritz wonders if that signalling thing could go into a role that is mixed into objects or classes, not into methods 12:32
12:32 sergot left
gfldex moritz: that would not make sense because slots are just methods and signals are kind of not really methods or better they are all the same beside their @.slots; 12:34
12:36 sergot joined
moritz gfldex: you're probably right, and it's simply my infamiliarity with the whole system that makes me wonder 12:37
gfldex and it would be nice to have class Foo { signal pressed; }; class Bad { slot exit() { $*GLOBAL::exit }; my $a = Foo.new; my $b = Bar.new; connect($a.pressed, $b.exit);
so there would be at least some macroing needed if not some grammar-foo
and i'm eager to get there :) 12:38
because signal/slot is very very nice
it's so easy to reuse code that way
there will be blogging where i explain 12:39
12:42 holysword left 12:46 geekosaur joined
JimmyZ method exit is slot? 12:48
moritz jnthn: do the Test::Util based tests now pass on your machine?
12:49 eviltwin_b left
jnthn moritz: Seems so 12:50
I still have scattered failures
Many in pod.
Hmm...we could really do with -I 12:51
gfldex JimmyZ: slot exit() { ... } would translate to our method exit is slot() { ... }
it's mostly because of the our because that's easy to forget 12:52
jnthn Why do you need the "our"? 12:53
mucker o/ #perl6
gfldex because &Foo::bar would return Nil (or nil)
jnthn Why do you need to look it up that way?
Why not Foo.^find_method('bar') for example?
gfldex i could do that if i have unhygienic macros 12:54
or maybe not
12:55 laurus left
jnthn will wait for the gfldex++ blog posts and then comment :) 12:55
(I'm not familiar with the signals/slots thing either.)
gfldex if i go connect($obj1, 'method1', $obj2, 'method2'); i get the error message for a typo at runtime
that's exactly the problem with qt's moc 12:56
the connect happens at runtime and you get the typecheck and lexical check late
the advantage is that it works inbetween different processes
masak "unhygienic" !=== "operates on text rather than ASTs" 12:57
gfldex masak: i am most sorry to have hurt your macro feelings :)
so you can call a slot in a c++ application from the bash
that includes all kde apps 12:58
all you have to do is to write: slot void my_method(){};
and that slot is even an empty macro :)
masak gfldex: no hurt feelings, just trying to improve the general public's understanding of macros ;) 12:59
ASTness and hygiene are two distinct levels of purity.
if it made sense to talk about pure textual macros -- maybe it does, though I doubt it -- you could combine textual/AST and impure/pure all four ways. 13:00
gfldex i would rather not, macros are confusing as they are :)
masak the point of textual macros is that they can ignore or span boundaries easier than AST macros. they're sloppier, and harder to analyze. 13:02
but they can certainly have a lexically scoped influence, and indeed I suspect they will in Perl 6.
13:03 mucker left 13:04 mucker joined
masak but there's nothing that stops a textual macro from inserting the variable name '$' ~ whatever() at a point -- and getting hygiene from that, well, hm. could be it comes down to solving the halting problem, actually. 13:06
hm, no. it's simpler than that. 13:08
what we *want* from that text insertion is unhygiene.
so they're not compatible, and by design.
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masak hm, another way of looking at it is that AST macros come with their own block boundaries, and text macros don't. block boundaries of some sort are needed for hygiene. 13:23
13:24 eviltwin_b left
gfldex Stage parse: 106.830 13:27
Stage syntaxcheck: 0.000
would it be possible to have vmsize_peak too?
13:29 yeltzooo7 left, eviltwin_b joined 13:30 yeltzooo joined
masak gfldex: don't mind the figures in 'Stage parse' and 'Stage syntaxcheck'. they're meaningless. 13:30
13:31 geekosaur left
gfldex r: gist.github.com/2519081 13:31
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse blockoid, couldn't find final '}' at line 22␤»
masak I guess it's entirely possible to have vmsize_peak too.
gfldex: missing a '
at line 21
gfldex copy paste fail
masak doesn't really matter, does it? :) 13:32
gfldex r: gist.github.com/2519081
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«turn method into signal in sub trait_mod:<is> at /tmp/X9OVJoWQxX:16␤␤turn non-method into signal in sub trait_mod:<is> at /tmp/X9OVJoWQxX:30␤␤0␤Button()::pressed - App()::exit␤App::exit called␤Routine signal handler called␤1␤sub+{signal}+{wrapped} bare_signal_exi…
gfldex that's not to helpful, need to change a few bits
masak another good way to test your programs is to run them locally. 13:33
13:34 skids left
gfldex i may have found another bug and you wont like that one :) 13:34
r: gist.github.com/2519081
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«turn method into signal in sub trait_mod:<is> at /tmp/e5bpYL1Bk6:16␤␤turn non-method into signal in sub trait_mod:<is> at /tmp/e5bpYL1Bk6:30␤␤0␤App::exit called␤App::exit called␤»
gfldex grrrr
r: gist.github.com/2519081 13:36
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«0␤App::exit called␤App::exit called␤»
gfldex r: gist.github.com/2519083
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«App::exit called␤»
gfldex the only difference of those two gists is in line 33
it should call App::exit twice for both 13:37
masak please golf this, and I'll submit it.
13:38 skids joined
dalek blets: 039be2a | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix- (3 files):
more repaired links
13:42 allbery_b joined
arnsholt o/ 13:43
gfldex masak: that's as short as i can get it gist.github.com/2519182 13:45
13:45 eviltwin_b left
gfldex masak: update: gist.github.com/2519182 13:51
13:53 jaldhar joined
masak tries to golf it further 13:58
generally, if it contains 'use v6;', it's too long :P 13:59
gfldex masak: i got it a little shorter myself
.oO( and finally putts it in RT )
gfldex gist.github.com/2519279
masak still very long. 14:00
you can't see what's happening when it spans several lines like that.
gfldex i can put it all on one line if you like :)
masak and remove all the other cruft. 14:01
the 'say' is unnecessary.
I think the '.elems' is the key component there.
making the bug about lazy lists.
gfldex can't be
masak the '.elems' is unnecessary too.
but the '.slots' is necessary. 14:02
14:05 leprevost joined
gfldex masak: not even that, update: gist.github.com/2519279 14:08
where the heck does it take the @a from in the wrap({block}) ? 14:09
jnthn I'm not really surprised that doesn't work...
The @a would be the one in the static lexpad I guess...
Whereas when the mainline actually runs, it gets a fresh @a 14:10
14:10 eviltwin_b joined
gfldex so it should either work or complain that @a is not declared? 14:10
jnthn But it is declared 14:11
You're talking about two different @as
gfldex because of the -> ?
jnthn Because of BEGIN time
That trait_mod runs at BEGIN time.
masak yes, it is BEGIN time. why does that make it two different @a ? 14:12
jnthn sub foo() { my @a }; foo; foo; # how many @a ?
14:13 allbery_b left
gfldex if you add @a.elems; right before $r.wrap it works 14:13
jnthn Hm
gfldex and @a.elems is called at BEGIN indeed
jnthn Yeah...
That may well be a case of "works by accident"
You actually vivify the @a then
I guess you vivify the one in the static lexpad. 14:14
And then it gets copied
nom: sub foo() { my @a; BEGIN { @a = 1,2,3 }; say @a; }; foo(); foo();
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«elements() not implemented in class 'Mu'␤ in method REIFY at src/gen/CORE.setting:5280␤ in method REIFY at src/gen/CORE.setting:5527␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4691␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4678␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.se…
gfldex but why does it get copied instead of forming a closure?
jnthn Wow.
masak here we go.
r: role R { has @.s is rw }; multi trait_mod:<is>($r, :$x!) { $r does R; sub h(|$){ for $r.s { &^m() } }; $r.wrap(&h) }; sub b is x {}; push &b.s, { say "OH HAI" }; b
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: ( no output )
masak r: role R { has @.s is rw }; multi trait_mod:<is>($r, :$x!) { $r does R; $r.s; sub h(|$){ for $r.s { &^m() } }; $r.wrap(&h) }; sub b is x {}; push &b.s, { say "OH HAI" }; b
p6eval rakudo 6c9661: OUTPUT«OH HAI␤»
masak note.
only difference.
'$r.s' 14:15
masak submits rakudobug
jnthn :/
masak whatever the cause or underlying subtleties with BEGIN time, that *shouldn't* happen.
jnthn OK, maybe I should find a way to make this not work at all.
gfldex but how do you carry state in a trait_mod:<is> then? 14:16
masak jnthn: that sounds like a good start.
masak does another RT ticket of massive bookkeeping
gfldex++ # extending our limits :)
gfldex or to ask the question from a perl6user viewpoint: how do i do that correctly? 14:17
it's funny how one can find bugs in a language by actually using that language :)
masak how else would you find them? 14:18
gfldex well, you have design by committee and then some magic 14:19
that's at least what managers tend to believe 14:20
jnthn masak: The bug you filed isn't to do with BEGIN time. 14:22
It's to do with .clone not doing the right kinda thing with arrays. 14:23
Just worked out what's going on.
masak ok.
I'm still editing it, so I can still change the subject line. :) 14:24
jnthn I suspect all the odd behavior we have here may actually be down to that kind of thing. 14:25
masak rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=112666
jnthn I won't fix it right now, but basically, the $r.s causes some interals of the Array to come to life earlier, and then the (already known) .clone issue with Array kicks in and over-shares stuff. 14:27
14:30 lichtkind joined, preflex_ joined
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 28 commits to nqp/toqast by jnthn 14:31
lichtkind shouldnt be there also a meta category for regex and other slangs?
14:31 preflex left
lichtkind jnthn++ 14:32
14:32 preflex_ is now known as preflex 14:36 Chillance joined
masak a meta-category in what? 14:36
jnthn What's a meta-category? :)
lichtkind grammatical metacat
if you want to make your own class of regex thingies
masak lichtkind: to the extent that I understand what a metacategory is: no. there shouldn't. 14:39
I see 27 grammatical categories in S02. 14:40
the only one I'd call a "meta-category" is the first one, 'category:'
I don't think we need more than that. 14:41
14:41 snearch left
masak STD.pm6 has 37 categories. <category sigil twigil special_variable comment version module_name value term numeric quote prefix infix postfix dotty circumfix postcircumfix quote_mod trait_mod initializer type_declarator scope_declarator package_declarator multi_declarator routine_declarator regex_declarator statement_prefix statement_control statement_mod_cond statement_mod_loop infix_prefix_meta_operator infix_postfix_meta_operator infix_circumfix_meta_operato 14:45
dalek p/toqast: 9dbb0ea | masak++ | t/qast/qast.t:
[t/qast/qast.t] belatedly update test count

masak lichtkind: look at STD.pm6:4791, how Regex is defining its own categories in the 'category:' category. 14:50
and that's in the Regex grammar, so it definitely qualifies for your use case, "if you want to make your own class of regex thingies" :) 14:51
14:51 godfrey999 left, leprevost left 14:56 fhelmberger joined
dalek p/toqast: 6fe3c6c | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Operations.nqp:
Add a way to register op compilation handlers at core and HLL level.
p/toqast: 29c96d3 | jnthn++ | t/qast/qast.t:
Merge branch 'toqast' of github.com:/perl6/nqp into toqast
p/toqast: a4bd66d | jnthn++ | t/qast/qast.t:
Test WVal node.
p/toqast: b54c728 | jnthn++ | / (2 files):
Compile op 'list'; test.
masak right, so a WVal is a value that's been registered in the World? 15:05
jnthn Some world, somewhere. 15:06
masak right.
jnthn May not be the world of the current compilation unit. May be a cross-ref.
masak .oO( many-worlds interpretation )
jnthn Main thing is we have a node for it now. :) 15:08
masak \o/ 15:09
jnthn The 6model <=> QAST integration conspiracy deepens!
masak the most beautiful thing about each refactor is how each layer becomes more accomodating and adapted to other layers.
jnthn masak: What QAST-y bits do you want to work on? 15:10
masak: Just the pirop mapping for now? 15:11
I'm pondering doing conditionals (ops if and unless) next...
masak I'll work on the pirop mapping unless there is some other place where I could be of significantly more use. 15:13
jnthn Go for it.
masak \o/
jnthn If you want some pain, you can take on the keyed bits too. :)
(That's the Qs that show up.)
masak sounds like masakistic fun! ;) 15:14
jnthn (I think POST can do a little to support too.)
Yeah. It's the only trick bit
masak hm, I might do .STORE before digging in, though.
jnthn STORE?
*confused look*
masak as in groceries.
jnthn oh!
masak :P
jnthn Groceries are overrated.
masak troo 15:15
jnthn ...I could do with some too though :)
masak there's beer in the fridge... :P
jnthn \o/
masak ...but I think I should buy something non-liquid too.
15:17 lichtkind left
masak ↝ @groceries 15:20
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gfldex r: gist.github.com/2519842 15:33
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)App::exit called␤»
gfldex that's bad, right?
line 48 -> |$args # | is the offender 15:34
15:38 eviltwin_b joined
gfldex changing -> |$args to -> $args? does segfault too 15:38
15:41 geekosaur left
gfldex and S06 states that -> |$args should work 15:43
arnsholt jnthn: BTW, are argument types checked by Rakudo somewhere, or should Zavolaj do it itself? 15:48
15:48 Psyche^ joined
TimToady if you're calling C, it should just coredump :P 15:49
arnsholt Dumping core makes everything better ^_^
jnthn arnsholt: The current arrangement winds up with them getting shuffled straight off to the mapper. 15:50
moritz arnsholt: I think checking the number of arguments shouldn't be too hard, and a good step to prevent the most commen segfaults
jnthn arnsholt: My plan is that Zavolaj will just do $cap ~~ $sig at some point.
Apart from I didn't implement Signature.ACCEPTS(Capture) again yet.
jnthn should really get around to that.
Blocks on knowing a good way to do it :) 15:51
arnsholt Right. But that certainly sounds like a good approach =) 15:52
15:52 Patterner left
moritz fwiw the logic is there already, somewhere 15:52
jnthn moritz: Is it? :)
TimToady I dunno, it seems like the sig should be involved in marshalling the args
jnthn moritz: If you mean "do what ng did" then NO NO NO NO 15:53
TimToady: It's introspected and used to feed the marshaller.
moritz the MAIN helper checks if any MAIN can be called with a given capture
15:53 spaceships joined
TimToady introspection == design smell 15:53
jnthn TimToady: This is EXACTLY THE RIGHT USE FOR IT.
It basically does a .params.map to map them towards the thing the NQP NativeCall stuff in C land wants as in put. 15:54
TimToady so why can't the marshaller check it then
jnthn It could, it's just duplicate work.
TimToady so's calling ACCEPT
jnthn As in, we shouldn't implement signature binding in the marshaller, it just call .ACCEPTS to do it. 15:55
TimToady maybe we're in violent agreement here
jnthn No, the design of what's there now assumes that "I have a Capture in the right shape"
What we're missing is asking the signature "do you accept this capture"
jnthn did design these pieces to fit together :) 15:56
TimToady tries to figure out some other way to torment jnthn++
jnthn TimToady: While we're on this though...guess I can ask something useful: would you expect a Signature to always be mapped back to a scope that it's a signature for? 15:57
At the moment, I have a Code Object -> Signature reference.
Should there be something back the other way?
TimToady depends on the declarator, I'd think 15:58
jnthn If yes, then the main implication is that a signature literal in code also implies generating a hidden-away Code object.
TimToady a bare :() doesn't map to anywhere
a my () does
jnthn If it does that, then we have a lexpad in the right shape to feed the signature binder to.
s/ to.//
jnthn gets back to QAST, and will ponder that lot later... 15:59
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gfldex r: gist.github.com/2519842 16:07
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
gfldex masak: could you add gist.github.com/2519842 to RT112666 please?
masak gfldex: will do. 16:08
"While eating food and having a good time is useful and commendable, it also shows something about what the current focus of the team is oO" -- www.reddit.com/r/perl/comments/sm7c...was_a_cup/
this is probably the strangest criticism of the Perl 6 effort I've ever seen.
I can only presume it comes from someone who doesn't eat food and have a good time. 16:09
gfldex you may want to tell that gerdr person how much money you take the a man hour 16:10
masak the things I want to tell that gerdr person makes other parts of my brain override my reddit commenting privs ;) 16:11
jnthn masak: If I didn't ever eat food and have a good time, I guess I'd have some strange views on stuff too :) 16:12
masak but yeah, I can see the meta-message clearly: it's taking a long time. people are fidgety, especially outsiders who are looking in and seeing a partial view.
arnsholt I'm not sure I've made Zavolaj quite ready to talk to Mongrel2 yet, but oh well =) 16:13
masak in my humble opinion, a hackathon is *such* a morale-booster, that the net productivity easily offsets both time taken off for coding dojo and for eating Vietnamese and generally having a good time.
jnthn Not to mention that a bunch of useful discussions happened over food anyway. 16:14
masak perhaps if people were emotionless code-spewing robots, I might agree more.
arnsholt Having talked to people in meat-space is invaluable IMO 16:15
jnthn arnsholt: Very much so.
The bandwidth is vastly superior to what you get here.
TimToady people always falling into either/or thinking, except when they don't 16:16
16:16 allbery_b joined
TimToady Either people fall into either/or thinking, or they don't... 16:17
arnsholt Would replacing recursive descent parsing be such a huge memory win though, as chromatic seems to suggest?
jnthn I find recursive descent a misleading characterization. 16:19
.oO( chromatic made a constructive suggestion? I thought he was just sandbagging the conversation to try and make people agree with him again. )
16:19 eviltwin_b left
jnthn Recursive descent in the traditional sense doesn't do any of the declarative prefix / LTM stuff. 16:20
arnsholt There's that as well
TimToady I think the real underlying point is that you can parse a single language faster than many languages, but this is taking the lesson backwards. 16:21
lalr and such is a useful optimization for a given langauge
but our problem is that we're recalculating the set of languages over and over
as a degenerate case, if you know the language hasn't changed, and the program hasn't changed, you can compile instantly 16:22
arnsholt True, true. Also the horrid horrid error reporting characteristics of LALR, if you ask me
TimToady partial recompilation is another way to slice it
yes, error reporting was a big reason, but that doesn't prevent it from being a useful optimization 16:23
you just regress to recursive descent if the bottom up fails
arnsholt Oh, that's a nifty idea 16:24
But I'm not sure I'd want to implement it =)
TimToady STD used to cache a set of common languages from run to run, but we dropped that somewhere along the way 16:25
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uvtc Was happy to discover a link to Damian's "Perl 6 Update" talk. Added a link to it at <wiki.perl6.org/Categorized%20Extern...ideos>. Can anyone point me to any other "must-watch" Perl 6 videos/recorded-talks that we could link to? 16:51
16:51 allbery_b left 16:53 eviltwin_b left
moritz uvtc: if you can find any recording of jnthn++'s talk on Signatures, that would be really worth it 16:54
www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOsfmeWlw-U and www.jnthn.net/articles.shtml 16:55
uvtc moritz, I'd look for that at <www.jnthn.net/articles.shtml>, but the white-on-black colorscheme is burning my retinas. 16:56
moritz uvtc: then turn down the brightness of your screen :-) 16:57
masak .oO( we give the people awesome presentations. the people complain about the color scheme. )
uvtc Get off my lawn! 16:58
masak what, you had horrible color schemes long before we did? :P
jnthn reads console output and IRC with white on black all day...
masak white on black is the new black. 16:59
uvtc masak, Oooh, that hurts. :) I happen to like low-contrast...
masak uvtc: I've never understood a preference for low-contrast. ever since I realized that high contrast improves readability, I've preferred high contrast.
but it's a "de gustibus" thing, I know. 17:00
jnthn has an eyesight condition that makes high-contrast desirable, which no doubt influences things he makes
17:00 JimmyZ left
masak prefers black on #ffd 17:00
takes the edge off the white.
jnthn I tend to do something like that for presentations. 17:01
uvtc I've been using this #222 on #f8f8f8 for example: www.unexpected-vortices.com/doc-not...cters.html and it feels just right. But everyone's {monitor,eyes,ambient lighting} is different. 17:02
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masak I suspect even #222 would be too un-black for my tastes. 17:05
it's just at the limit, I think. #111 is fine, #333 is already too bright. 17:06
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flussence all this talk of hex triplets just led to me finding a completely impractical feature in the webkit DOM inspector: you can press (↑|↓) to change numbers by 1 and shift+(↑|↓) to change them by :$base(10), which lets you play with the green/blue on colours in realtime. There doesn't seem to be a way to do :$base(100) though :( 17:16
masak heh, people keep expecting :$var(100) to mean "the digits '100' interpreted in base $base"... :) 17:20
au flussence: shift-fn- (↑|↓) wfm here 17:21
phenny au: 18 Apr 14:53Z <[Coke]> tell au if you do add something for bless or anythign else, be sure to do a spectest first; I found some (to me) surprising) breakage, especially missing multi variants.
au: 20 Apr 22:52Z <[Coke]> tell au I tried to add a ".Str" that could be invoked as a method on .Str, but my naive patch (now reverted) caused a conflict with the bare {{ Str }}; the table in Prim.hs doesn't seem to be able to handle aliases, so I can't say Str is the same as ~; so I tried to find where I could add a method to Any; couldn't see anything obvious (to a non haskell me) , but found Prelude.pm - figured that would be great, I can write it in
au: 20 Apr 22:57Z <[Coke]> tell au at some point I realized if I did it for Str, I was just going to have to do it for all of the Cool types, so, lacking Cool, figured I'd just try to add it to Any.
au flussence++ # neat discovery 17:22
moritz masak: I think that was metasyntactic :-) 17:23
masak note to self: say that next time I write something that doesn't parse. :P 17:27
uvtc moritz, thanks for that link to jnthn's talk, btw. link added. 17:28
masak au! \o/
jnthn There was a video of a talk I did some time in Oslo too 17:33
Which I think was vaguely interesting.
flussence ooh, page up/down. figures I'd miss something obvious :) au++ 17:34
au \o/
masak that has a certain strange consistency to it. 17:36
gfldex r: sub foo(Int $i, Str $s){}; sub bar(Int $i, Str $s){}; say &foo.signature ~~ &bar.signature;
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«False␤»
gfldex NYI? 17:37
moritz correct
it falls back to Any ~~ Any
which in turn falls back to ===
gfldex cant wait for Christmas
moritz me neither. Which is why I've stopped waiting :-) 17:38
17:38 birdwindupbird joined
moritz life is much more pleasant when you live in the present 17:38
17:38 fhelmberger left
arnsholt moritz: Where were we with sqlite again? 17:39
moritz arnsholt: Malformed UTF-8 string
flussence p6: sub foo(Int $i, Str $s){}; sub bar(Int $i, Str $s){}; say &foo.signature.perl ~~ &bar.signature.perl;
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«1␤»
..niecza v16-23-gaa61ed5: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $i is declared but not used at /tmp/dXBSdfR6U2 line 1:␤------> sub foo(Int ⏏$i, Str $s){}; sub bar(Int $i, Str $s){}␤ $s is declared but not used at /tmp/dXBSdfR6U2 line 1:␤------> sub foo(Int $i, Str [33…
..rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«True␤»
moritz arnsholt: but often works with valgrind
arnsholt: valgrind reports invalid reads
flussence n: sub foo(Int $, Str $){}; sub bar(Int $, Str $){}; say &foo.signature.perl ~~ &bar.signature.perl;
p6eval niecza v16-23-gaa61ed5: OUTPUT«True␤»
flussence there you go, workaround :) 17:40
arnsholt Hmm. Right
arnsholt valgrinds the test file 17:43
dalek p/toqast: 7da93fd | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
Correct misleading name.
p/toqast: 6980843 | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Operations.nqp:
Implement operations if and unless; give them what should hopefully be decent native handling also. Can be optimized further for void context.
p/toqast: 115c75c | jnthn++ | t/qast/qast.t:
Tests for if/unless on IVal.
arnsholt moritz: Something's fishy with CArray and CPointer, I think 17:53
moritz arnsholt: yes, probably 17:54
arnsholt: btw do we support stuff like a pointer do a double? 17:55
arnsholt I get two reads of the same pointer, just off the end of a block of 16 bytes
Hmm. I wonder how large a CPointer body is
arnsholt goes to look 17:56
Hmm. SixModelObjectCommonalities is 16 bytes 17:57
Oh! Maybe I've got a non-concrete CPointer object in child_objs
moritz arnsholt: and if you look for some inspiration, that's what we need to model for mysql using prepared statements and bind params: gist.github.com/2520846 17:58
I wonder if it might be easier to write C functions that fill (and possibly read) them 17:59
arnsholt Hmm. Sized ints, unsigned might not be too hard
Callbacks are a bit off though I think 18:00
moritz I think we can use NULL Pointers there for now
arnsholt jnthn: What kind of object is passed around in the C code for a non-concrete object?
(If that makes any kind of sense to you) 18:01
If it didn't: What kind of structure is the C-side representation of a non-concrete object?
moritz you mean, a type object? 18:02
arnsholt Yeah 18:03
Cuz if it's just the SixModelObjectCommonalities, that explains a lot =) 18:05
jnthn type objects map to NULL
Oh, wait, you mean...
What does a type object actually have?
In that case, yes, just the stuff in SixModelObjectCommonalities.
Which means, an st and and sc.
arnsholt Right. Now I know what to fix 18:07
jnthn OK :)
arnsholt Can't do it right now, but I'll get to it relatively soon
Yay =)
jnthn class A { has $.x } 18:08
^ the type object is allocated here
So there's no way it could be allocated with storage space too :)
uvtc I've always installed R* in the past into my ~/opt dir (into its own directory, in fact), because I didn't want to have lots of files spread out into the /usr/local subdirs. In fact, I just added a wiki article about it: wiki.perl6.org/Local%20and%20Isolat...udo%20Star . But when I look now in the R* readme, there's no mention of /usr/local ... (instead, it now uses an install/ subdir?) 18:09
moritz uvtc: it uses install/ by default, but you can change that with perl Configure.pl --prefix=/usr/local/ or so 18:10
sorear goood * #perl6
moritz \o sorear 18:11
uvtc moritz, Oh, that's a really nice default.
moritz sorear: I just notice that I never welcomed you in #perl6. So, welcome :-)
arnsholt jnthn: Certainly an excellent point ^_^ 18:12
uvtc moritz, that totally removes the motivation for wanting to install R* into its own separate dir. I'll delete that wiki article. Nice. Thanks.
sorear :p 18:14
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: 6f3320d | moritz++ | web/build-project-list.pl:
update Mojo::UserAgent usage, uvtc++
moritz uvtc: fwiw I chose a bit different approach here, which happens to be the one that the documentation uses :-) 18:23
sorear I would like to point out that #112634 would be trivial if we used LR(k) grammars like the rest of the world does
uvtc moritz, The issue that previously came up with regard to an automated way to generate html from module's Pod, was that it's a potential security problem. That is, if you have feather git clone modules and run `perl6 --doc=html ...` on them, arbitrary code in various phasers could be a problem. Would this problem be solved if the perl6 process to generate html were run in a ... not sure of the correct terminology here... chroot jail? 18:32
Is it difficult (or has anyone) set up Rakudo to run in a sandbox like that? 18:34
18:34 bbkr left
flussence I think feather3 serves that purpose atm - it runs try.rakudo.org occasionally 18:35
that about as "arbitrary remote code execution" as you can get...
uvtc tadzik, ^^ 18:36
I wrote a similar sort of script (in another language, for another language), but all it does is: grab code from github, generate the docs, copy them to a web dir, and update the main index pointing to what docs are in the web dir. 18:37
phenny, tell tadzik irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-04-28#i_5511648 18:44
phenny uvtc: I'll pass that on when tadzik is around.
uvtc phenny, tell moritz irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-04-28#i_5511648
phenny uvtc: I'll pass that on when moritz is around.
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gfldex r: class A { our method b (Int $i) {} }; &A::b.wrap(sub (*@args){ say @args.elems } ); A::b(1); my $a = A.new; $a.b(1); 19:01
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«1␤2␤»
gfldex why is there a difference?
moritz the invocant :-) 19:02
phenny moritz: 18:44Z <uvtc> tell moritz irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-04-28#i_5511648
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masak r: class A { our method b (Int $i) {} }; &A::b.wrap(sub (*@args){ say @args.elems; callsame } ); A::b(1) 19:04
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«1␤Nominal type check failed for parameter ''; expected A but got Int instead␤ in method b at /tmp/HxslAuHhLO:1␤ in any call_with_capture at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2614␤ in block <anon> at src/gen/CORE.setting:407␤ in sub <anon> at /tmp/HxslAuHhLO:1␤ in any enter…
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masak hey, can the well-known formula in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_num...expression be done with just integers? 19:40
I mean, complex numbers are just numbers on the form a + b sqrt(-1), right?
could one create a custom class representing numbers on the form a + b sqrt(5), and define addition, multiplication, and division such that one never has to use floating-point numbers to calculate fibonacci numbers? 19:41
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moritz knows an integer-only representation that can calculate fibonacci numbers :-) 19:42
colomon you can certainly create a class representing numbers of the form a + b * sqrt(5)
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moritz masak: the problem is just that raising a number to the power needs seem kind of iteration 19:43
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masak that's fine. 19:43
moritz masak: so calculating that power boils down to the well-known iteration formula, if you are lucky. And to something more complex in the worse case
masak nod. 19:44
it's a mental exercise, not an optimal solution.
colomon is very fuzzy on how a + b * sqrt(5) is useful in this context, though....
masak colomon: all terms in that formula are on that form.
moritz modulo the /2 at the end :-) 19:45
masak no, that's also on that form :)
oh wait.
yeah, I see what you mean.
19:45 geekosaur left
masak so maybe the integers should represent halves... :) 19:45
(this is inspired by github.com/raganwald/homoiconic/bl...bonacci.md , by the way) 19:46
colomon it doesn't really help, does it?
(I mean, adding halves) 19:47
moritz right, you need to store numbers of the form (a + sqrt(5) * b ) / 2**c
masak oh, indeed. 19:48
so its representation is a triple...
colomon but it's not closed or anything like that, is it?
masak yes, and that's my point. 19:49
(but I missed the /2)
colomon I mean, multiplying two Fib numbers doesn't necessary give you another Fib
masak no, but this field is bigger than just the fibs.
moritz but adding two gives you one :-)
erm, not always
never mind :-)
masak :P
(a + bq)(c + dq) = ac + adq + bcq + 5bd = (ac + 5bd) + (ad + bc)q, and the latter is also part of the set. 19:50
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masak so these Q numbers are closed under multiplication. 19:51
the above again ignores the /2**c, but you can add it in and it'd still be closed, since it's just a power of 1/2.
colomon sure, a + b sqrt 5 (with a, b integers) is a perfectly reasonable set of numbers. (Is it a field?)
masak I wouldn't be surprised.
sorear yes, it is a field 19:52
masak yes.
colomon sorear! \o/
masak sorear! \o/
sorear sqrt(5) is an algebraic number of degree 2
19:52 allbery_b joined
sorear if X is an algebraic number of degree N, you can get a field from the basis X^i for i \in [0,N) 19:52
masak "degree 2" because you can get a rational root with a degree-2 polynomial? 19:53
sorear yes
19:54 xinming_ left
masak can barely keep up with sorear if he's allowed to peek at Wikipedia ;) 19:54
s/barely/just barely/
sorear wikipedia's Galois theory materials suck
I'd loan you my book if you were local
it's suprisingly thin
masak I've always wanted to grok Galois theory.
colomon is delighted that in this case he can follow sorear without externals aids. :)
masak yeah, I follow too now. it looks like a pretty result. 19:55
19:55 eviltwin_b left
masak look at that, that's beaooootiful: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Algebraicszoom.png 19:56
sorear however, there is an IMO much nicer way to get fibonacci numbers, without fussing with Galois theory or square roots of 5
first, consider pairs of numbers
moritz sorear: the matrixy stuff?
sorear yes, matrixes
masak right. that URL I posted did that. 19:57
sorear there's a nice optimization of the matrix approach - the calculation never leaves a 2-dimensional subalgebra spanned by the initial matrix and I
masak ooh
sorear so you only need to track two coefficients, not 4 19:58
masak right.
sorear I beleive this is closely related to the HAKMEM algorithm
which also uses a 2-dimensional algebra, but with less details 19:59
masak HAKMEM++ 20:00
moritz masak: gist.github.com/2521684 20:01
masak: it cheats at the end
20:02 geekosaur joined
colomon class AN does Real .... ;) 20:04
moritz colomon: NOOO :-)
20:04 ggoebel__ left
colomon moritz: you know you want to do it.... 20:04
.... before I can. ;)
20:05 allbery_b left
moritz the point is to never go through .Real or .Numeric or .Num 20:05
gist.github.com/2521684 udpated 20:06
now without the cheaty parts
20:06 ggoebel__ joined
colomon errr, confusion between a and b? 20:06
moritz where? 20:07
colomon Intize seems to assume b is the integer part, but your defining comment assumes it is a
moritz colomon: Intize is not Int
colomon: it tries to extract an exact integer by dividing by sqrt(5) 20:08
masak moritz++
colomon oh. okay, then, LTA method naming is my complaint. ;)
moritz because fib(n) = (phi**n - psi**n) / sqrt(5)
colomon: better method names welcome :-)
masak I think .Int would've been fine in the end, since it's custom for the class ;) 20:09
what does AN stand for?
moritz but it's not the int representation of that number
colomon AFK 20:10
moritz my previous method name was Int-by-div-sqrt5
sorear What if, instead of the ring Q[sqrt(5)], you used Q[phi]? 20:11
masak ok, I see.
tadzik 'evening 20:13
phenny tadzik: 18:44Z <uvtc> tell tadzik irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-04-28#i_5511648
masak tadzik! \o/
tadzik \o/
did I miss anything cool? 20:14
moritz r: gist.github.com/2521684
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«21␤»
moritz tadzik: just a complicated way to calculate fibonacci numbers :-) 20:15
tadzik eek
well, 46 lines > 10 characters :)
moritz blames masak
masak hee hee
tadzik :)
moritz masak: oh, and for calculating fibonacci numbers you can actually leave out c 20:17
masak oh! yes.
moritz in this calculation, b == 0 mod 2 ** (c -1) always holds
masak nod. 20:18
hm, phi**2 = (1 + q)**2/4 = (1 + 2q + 5)/4 = (6 + 2q)/4 = (2 + 2q)/4 + 4/4 = phi/2 + 1
so (a + b phi)(c + d phi) = (ac + bd) + (bc + ad + bd/2) 20:19
interesting algebra :)
er, last paren times phi, 'course.
(a + b phi)(c + d phi) = (ac + bd) + (bc + ad + bd/2) phi 20:20
colomon tadzik: you need to regenerate the Emmentaler page -- I keep on fixing modules. ;) 20:23
tadzik hehe, right
you can run it too :) 20:24
moritz how long does a run take?
tadzik <20 mins on my laptop
colomon tadzik: you shouldn't be tempting me to make it a local cron process. 20:26
tadzik I don't need to. You already want it :) 20:27
jnthn Where was the Emmentaler page again?
Is it somewhere pernament enough we can link to it from modules.perl6.org?
moritz or I can make cheese.perl6.org redirect to it 20:28
jnthn \o/
tadzik it's currently tjs.azalayah.net/new.html, but it's just a place where I scp an html file
I should move it to its repo 20:29
I should have a handful of tuits tomorrow
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lichtkind_ what actually is the Iterator object type, in description stand just "Perl list"? 20:33
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dalek p/toqast: c0b439f | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
Sketch in a BlockInfo to track per-block compilation state; tracker outer chain.
p/toqast: 16319cd | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
Start sketching out QAST::Var; not enough to do anything useful yet.
20:34 fglock left
masak sorear: phi is a degree-2 algebraic number too, right? 20:35
sorear: that bd/2 term causes me trouble. set b=d=1, and it comes out 1/2, which means I can't just use integers and get closure under multiplication. 20:37
20:39 geekosaur left
dalek Iish/mysql-prepared: 29717ac | moritz++ | CREDITS:
Iish/mysql-prepared: 385fb81 | moritz++ | lib/DBDish/mysql.pm6:
[mysql] some preparations for prepared statements
Iish/mysql-prepared: 1cba5bf | moritz++ | lib/DBDish/TestMock.pm6:
add missing TestMock.pm6 file, torehaug++
20:41 uvtc joined
uvtc tadzik, hi 20:41
20:41 geekosaur joined
tadzik hi uvtc 20:43
uvtc Earlier I was asking about running `perl6 --doc=html ...` in a sandbox to generate docs for modules.perl6.org. I've been learning Clojure, and wrote a little script to do something for clojure libs (but in Python). It's at <github.com/uvtc/petit-lorange>.
tadzik yeah, seen that
sandboxing is probably the way to go, yes
dalek Iish/mysql-prepared: a138cc5 | (Tore Haugland)++ | t/10-mysql.t:
Fixed missing $database parameter to connect calls for two tests. Changed values of raiseerror from int to bool
masak who's Tore Haugland?
tadzik after integrating Emmentaler with modules.perl6.org somehow the next plan is to add some documentation to it as well 20:44
masak yay
uvtc regardin Emmentaler, I think the table would look nicer (it would be wider) if the camelia logo had a <br/> after it.
s/regardin/regarding/ 20:45
tadzik, what does "Emmentaler" mean?
tadzik uvtc: it's a kind of cheese
also, ask masak, it's his idea :)
uvtc mmmm.... cheeese....
tadzik uvtc: re layout, I'm no HTML wizard, I first stole the HTML from perl6.org, then from perl6.org/compilers/features 20:46
dalek Iish: 29717ac | moritz++ | CREDITS:
Iish: 385fb81 | moritz++ | lib/DBDish/mysql.pm6:
[mysql] some preparations for prepared statements
Iish: 1cba5bf | moritz++ | lib/DBDish/TestMock.pm6:
add missing TestMock.pm6 file, torehaug++
Iish: a138cc5 | (Tore Haugland)++ | t/10-mysql.t:
Fixed missing $database parameter to connect calls for two tests. Changed values of raiseerror from int to bool
uvtc I only mention that little petit-lorange script because I think something like that would work for modules.perl6.org.
tadzik, I'm no html wizard either. (In fact, I'm actually the one who added the logo to the features page :) ) 20:47
Ooops. Gotta go. Glad to hear about docs for modules.perl6.org being on the todo list. Bye. o/
20:47 uvtc left
sorear masak: yes, phi^2 - phi - 1 = 0 20:48
masak right. 20:49
phenny: tell uvtc that in my second talk ever, masak.org/carl/npw2009-november/talk.pdf -- I used a metaphor with Rakudo being a cheese with holes that we find by running the spectests, or by writing applications. this led to "Rakudo cheese" and "app cheese" being synonymous with testing Rakudo and the app space, respectively. hence, Emmentaler. 20:50
phenny masak: I'll pass that on when uvtc is around.
masak that talk is probably still my most appreciated talk, ever. I don't know how that happened. 20:51
I think it's because the audience was sitting really close, and it became cozy-like. 20:52
jnthn remembers that workshop :) 20:54
It was on the top story of a fairly tall building.
So there was a nice view.
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masak there was indeed. 21:03
I met a wild-eyed guy with messy hair at that workshop. I asked him "who did you say you were, again?" he said "I'm mst!" 21:04
jnthn :)
And then there was the rooftop beer party... 21:05
masak hm, I musta been not drinking beer back then. 21:06
but I remember Gloria. :)
she had TimToady whistle. :)
lichtkind_ mst rocks
i like him
masak deep inside mst, there's a very nice person... because mst ate that person. :P 21:07
no, he's a hoopy frood, srsly. I just don't think he'll ever be a Perl 6er. 21:08
I'm willing to be proven wrong, though.
jnthn masak: No, you didn't start on beer until you came to work at the same $dayjob place as me :P 21:10
dalek p/toqast: 7179ed3 | masak++ | src/QAST/Operations.nqp:
added the neg_i operation

All tests in t/qast/qast.t now pass.
.oO( now the test file ain't qass )
masak jnthn: right, and this was 2009.
21:17 [Coke] left, [Coke] joined
dalek blets: 33a5516 | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix- (2 files):
add backlinks for grammatical categories and added these of the regex slang into Index A
21:27 allbery_b joined
dalek blets: b6abc8f | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix- (2 files):
backlink introspection methods
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gfldex i iz propaganda cat i tellz troof: gfldex.wordpress.com/2012/04/28/sig...-the-pros/ 21:39
masak gfldex++ 21:41
gfldex: that last bit of wish-code 'connect(&$input.sig_changed, &$data.set_age);' makes no sense whatsoever. 21:44
if I were you, I'd remove it from an otherwise excellent post. :)
jnthn masak: gfldex++ is hungering for a nice way to do a method dispatch but not actually dispatch, just get what we would dispatch to, I guess. 21:45
masak yep, I get that.
gfldex i will leave it or i will forget about it
masak but the syntax he proposes is insane :)
it... I...
jnthn masak: :)
masak: Relax. :)
gfldex i'm not going to force you to use that syntax
jnthn masak: We don't actually *have* a good syntax for it at the moment though.
masak right, I know. 21:46
but that's not gonna be it, I can tell you that.
jnthn The right way involves a .^find_method
No, there's a lot of reasons why it can't be the one in the post.
gfldex connect($sender, 'signal', $receiver, 'slot'); # is ugly 21:47
masak I hear ya. 21:48
diakopter I'll send your slot
masak gfldex: as an interim, you could define a class which holds an object and a method name. 21:49
and then an operator which creates that pair.
gfldex one thing I found strange (beside the segfault) is that when I do connect($obj, &Obj::wrong_method_name, $obj2, &Obj2::wrong_too);# rakudo complained fairly late
masak connect($sender :. 'signal', $receiver :. 'slot') 21:50
21:51 Patterner left
jnthn masak: Weren't we meant to be making it less ugly? :P 21:51
masak or, hm, you could mix in a role to all classes that overrides postcircumfix:<( )>
connect($sender<signal>, $receiver<slot>)
I don't think it gets much prettier than that ;)
jnthn omg...
gfldex connect($sender, signal, $receiver, slot); # is something i would be happy with and what works with Qt thanks to the formidable c preprocessor 21:52
jnthn You can do that with a textual macro I guess.
gfldex that's how they do it
masak yeah. I'll have no part in it.
jnthn masak: Oh come on, you know you want to... :P
21:52 Psyche^ joined
masak I'm not insane enough yet to want it. 21:52
but I meant, I don't think it's a good solution API-wise in this case. 21:53
or most of the time, really.
gfldex $receiver<slot> would either involve macros too or require changes to the slot
masak it breaks Least Surprise in a big way.
gfldex and i actually like it that you don't have to do anything at the slot side
jnthn Yeah, I like the loose coupling in this.
masak I didn't follow the bit that says it involves macros or requires changes to the slot. but never mind. 21:54
gfldex you either untangle $receiver and <slot> with a macro or you mixin postcircumfix:< < > > (or however that is spelled) into the slot 21:55
what would be easy ofc 21:56
dalek blets: 36e9c52 | (Herbert Breunung)++ | docs/appendix- (2 files):
backlink metaops
masak r: class ObjSlot { has $.obj; has $.slot }; class Obj { method postcircumfix:<( )>($slot) { ObjSlot.new(:obj(self), :$slot) }; my Obj $o .= new; say $o<slot> 21:58
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse blockoid, couldn't find final '}' at line 2␤»
masak r: class ObjSlot { has $.obj; has $.slot }; class Obj { method postcircumfix:<( )>($slot) { ObjSlot.new(:obj(self), :$slot) } }; my Obj $o .= new; say $o<slot>
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«postcircumfix:<{ }> not defined for type Obj␤ in method gist at src/gen/CORE.setting:8667␤ in sub say at src/gen/CORE.setting:6555␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/unmjfs8D3g:1␤␤»
masak r: class ObjSlot { has $.obj; has $.slot }; class Obj { method postcircumfix:<{ }>($slot) { ObjSlot.new(:obj(self), :$slot) } }; my Obj $o .= new; say $o<slot>
p6eval rakudo 2a962e: OUTPUT«ObjSlot.new(obj => Obj.new(), slot => "slot")␤»
masak that's how I meant.
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masak 'noight, #perl6 22:33
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uvtc What exactly does "hai" mean? translate.google.com tells me it's "shark" in german. 22:54
phenny uvtc: 20:50Z <masak> tell uvtc that in my second talk ever, masak.org/carl/npw2009-november/talk.pdf -- I used a metaphor with Rakudo being a cheese with holes that we find by running the spectests, or by writing applications. this led to "Rakudo cheese" and "app cheese" being synonymous with testing Rakudo and the app space, respectively. hence, Emmentaler.
jnthn uvtc: as in, "oh hai"? 22:55
22:55 FACEFOX-DOT-COM joined
uvtc Yes. "oh shark!" 22:55
jnthn uvtc: No, it's just a deliberate misspelling of "hi", as in "hello" :)
uvtc Ah. thanks, jnthn
tadzik, please forget what I said about "just adding a <br/> to Emmentaler to get the table to display right". I'm not an html designer, but I sometimes and caught playing one on TV. 22:56
tadzik, though, it might all work out right if you added a legend, like the feature comparison matrix has. 22:58
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uvtc phenny, please tell masak Thanks for the link to the slides to your November talk. 23:03
phenny, tell masak Thanks for the link to the slides to your November talk.
phenny uvtc: I'll pass that on when masak is around.
uvtc phenny dispenses with the pleasantries.
23:09 eviltwin_b joined 23:12 geekosaur left
jnthn -> sleep o/ 23:14
uvtc phenny, tell tadzik irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-04-28#i_5512561 23:15
phenny uvtc: I'll pass that on when tadzik is around.
23:15 uvtc left 23:30 sudokode left 23:53 allbery_b joined 23:55 eviltwin_b left