»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
diakopter r: .Str.say for ('abcdefg' ~~ /(a) [ (bc) (d) | .* (ef) ] .* (g)/).list 00:20
p6eval rakudo 81402b: OUTPUT«a␤ef␤use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context in block <anon> at /tmp/Nlit50o0Kp:1␤␤␤g␤»
diakopter well, that's different from before at least 00:21
[Coke] if gen-parrot checks out a fresh copy, there's no need to realclean. minor time sink. 00:55
dalek kudo/nom: 6ab416b | pmichaud++ | src/ (4 files):
Get binder to recognize QRPAs; let nqp::istype and nqp::islsit inherit from nqp.
qelseio hello 03:26
sorear Hello. 03:31
sjohnson hi 04:08
adu what does "Method 'match' not found for invocant of class 'String'" mean? 04:16
diakopter context? 04:16
adu I'm calling parse() on a grammar 04:17
diakopter do you have any inline code in the rules?
(I don't remember from when I read through your xml grammar)
adu this is a new grammar :) 04:18
sorear adu: It means you, or something you called, tried to invoke .match() on a raw Parrot String object
raw Parrot Strings don't have a .match method. hence, it failed.
adu i suppose I should paste
pastebin.com/xSpeq9r7 04:19
sorear Why is that error message confusing? How can it be improved? 04:20
adu first of all, I can't find any inline code
secondly, I never call a .match method explicitly, so I don't know what else to look for
sorear Did you see that it has a backtrace?
hmm. I am getting confrontational. I should drop this. 04:21
adu there is no backtrace
diakopter hugme: hug all
hugme hugs all
adu :)
sorear what, no backtrace? :|
adu indeed
diakopter decides to run it 04:22
adu I have a file with "say Go::Grammar.parse(@*ARGS[0]);" in it
and "use Go::Grammar;"
that's how I'm running it
diakopter what are you supplying to args 04:23
go go gadget grammar
adu diakopter: '1' 04:23
since I'm using TOP { <literal> } it should match <int_lit> 04:24
diakopter haha
I get Error while reading from file: Malformed UTF-8 string
adu hmm
diakopter my text editor must have failed
when pasting
adu I have some funky sym<<bla>>
sorear adu: try "" ~ @*ARGS[0] 04:25
adu hmm nope
diakopter sigh. the utf8 encoding thing is better, but now rakudo is failing to parse the file at line l. itz Cornfuzzled 04:27
sorear .u l 04:28
phenny U+006C LATIN SMALL LETTER L (l)
diakopter ok. I give up. switching to linux rakudo
sorear: oops :) 04:29
sigh. even more fail. 04:31
I blame pastebin.
adu: well, your use of ** is incorrect 04:34
at statement_list
** is for (un)bounded repetition with a range 04:35
adu that might be it
diakopter use ]* % ';'
adu I commented out everything until it gave a different error
diakopter except I tried it, and even more fail
adu ws should be \s*
not \s
hehe :)
sorear diakopter: what adu has is the old syntax, rakudo ought to still support it 04:36
diakopter: also, x**y is x+ % y, not x* % y
adu thanks for helping :) 04:37
it works now
this will be my third Go parser 04:38
diakopter sorear: did you test that or are you just saying "rakudo ought to still support it" because... why?
adu evolving languages should freeze a feature set at some point, what features get frozen are a matter of debate 04:39
diakopter r: say "5,3" ~~ /\d ** ","/
p6eval rakudo 6ab416: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Quantifier quantifies nothing at line 2, near " \",\"/"␤»
adu I'm quite happy with % 04:39
diakopter n: say "5,3" ~~ /\d ** ","/
p6eval niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Unsupported use of atom ** "," as separator; nowadays please use atom+ % "," at /tmp/47fC34_vex line 1:␤------> say "5,3" ~~ /\d ** ","⏏/␤␤#<match from(0) to(3) text(5,3) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>␤»
diakopter sorear: see rakudo's error above 04:40
mr confrontational; lulz :P
adu lol
dalek p: 6be8ad9 | pmichaud++ | / (2 files):
Fix count overrun bug in QRPA.splice.
diakopter adu: I reproduced your Method 'match' not found for invocant of class 'String' error 04:47
pmichaud: parrot leakage here I think
adu diakopter: i see 04:50
diakopter adu: for amusement I'll try to golf the error 04:51
sorear 'String' is a PMC type, not a Perl 6 type
it *has* to be Parrot leakage.
diakopter oh! it's failing while parsing the input file
the grammar file 04:52
sorear oh?
diakopter r: gist.github.com/2893670 04:53
p6eval rakudo 6ab416: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'match' not found for invocant of class 'String'␤at /tmp/e_WwfLP01C:162␤»
diakopter now to golf it 04:54
rule expression_list { [ <statement> | <?> ]+ % ';' } 04:58
is killing it
how, I have no diea
rule statement_list { [ <statement> | <?> ]+ % ';' }
is just fine
diakopter wth 04:59
oh. 05:00
expression_list is in there twice
r: grammar G { rule a { }; rule a { } }
p6eval rakudo 6ab416: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'match' not found for invocant of class 'String'␤at /tmp/1gme0LaT2i:1␤»
diakopter there you go, golfed 05:01
where's masakbot when you need him
adu hmm 05:02
that is strange
diakopter adu: you have too many expression_list
adu so i doo 05:03
moritz \o 05:13
diakopter moritz: bug above
moritz jnthn++ # blog
bugs before waking up :/
diakopter it's minor 05:16
quiet easy fix I'm sure
pmichaud dalek flood coming up 05:23
diakopter pmichaud: watch this 05:24
r: grammar G { rule a { }; rule a { } }
p6eval rakudo 6ab416: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'match' not found for invocant of class 'String'␤at /tmp/edQM_CEFt3:1␤»
diakopter little fun one adu just found
pmichaud diakopter: sure, looks like issue with rule method definitions
diakopter wants to see dalek flood 05:25
pmichaud here it comes....
diakopter hee 05:25
pmichaud bye dalek :-)
moritz waves
sorear that was me deactivating it for safety :p
pmichaud anyway, that merges in the new MapIter code. I still have some improvements to make, but I can do it in the nom branch instead of subbranches 05:26
moritz pmichaud++ 05:27
pmichaud there are also still a couple of pieces that are too eager, but I can track them down and clean them up also
diakopter r: grammar A { token a { }; token a { } } 05:28
p6eval rakudo 6ab416: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'match' not found for invocant of class 'String'␤at /tmp/TaBvwFfZ6b:1␤»
diakopter looks at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/20...e70fead616
pmichaud anyway, time for sleep here... will hack more tomorrow 05:34
adu sweet! 05:42
diakopter: oh, so ** had nothing to do with it, it was only the repeated definition? 05:45
diakopter yeah, but ** doens't work either
for me
adu so both
right that was an error in my code as well 05:46
anyways, the grammar is working quite well now
diakopter why can I not find a link to create a rakudobug
sorear because you can't create rakudobugs using the Web
send mail to [email@hidden.address] 05:47
any content will be automatically (subject to greylisting) be filed as a bug against rakudo
adu hmm 06:28
how do I code these rules? golang.org/ref/spec#Semicolons
diakopter study how STD.pm6 does it with terminator 06:30
there is a special case for following }
adu hmm 06:31
diakopter: on line 4907? 06:39
jnthn morning o/ 06:40
pmichaud++ # MapIter merge 06:41
adu morning :) 06:42
kresike good morning all you happy perl6 people 06:57
sorear heya, kresike 07:00
kresike sorear, o/
diakopter lol. on github just now: Great repository names are short and memorable. Need inspiration? How about finna-be-octo-dangerzone. 07:52
GlitchMr I actually wonder how many people followed GitHub suggestions :P 08:03
It's obvious joke, but still
GlitchMr ... actually... I think I will name my Clippy for PHP "fuzzy-ninja" 08:04
diakopter the joke wasn't obvious to me; I thought it was algorithm fail 08:06
GlitchMr None of those names is serious 08:07
diakopter is
None is singular :)
GlitchMr ... well... whatever
diakopter because none is short for not one 08:08
GlitchMr Repositories names aren't that important (aside of username.github.com one), but it's easier to say "check repository hello-world" than "check repository jgdsigjeiowf-vrejhjg-erhjjdewr" 08:13
cosimo GlitchMr: thanks for your pull requests 08:15
GlitchMr I'm going to send pull requests like that to every repository :P
cosimo I see automation possibilities :)
tadzik GlitchMr: glad you're doing that :) 08:18
GlitchMr I'm currently at "gge"
tadzik it would make sense to drop panda support for the repo-url thing once all the important stuff is updated
GlitchMr github.com/masak/gge/pull/1 08:19
tadzik GlitchMr++ 08:20
GlitchMr lol... GitHub for Windows stopped working
It works like this: "fork", "clone in Windows", create branch "panda-badge", fix "META.info", make commit, send pull request 08:22
Oh, and publish 08:25
I forgot to mention that
GlitchMr github.com/perl6/Pod-To-HTML/ 08:27
I guess that I can skip pull request on that :P 08:28
not_gerd hello, #perl6 08:30
is it possible to compile .pm -> .pir from within a script (ie without spawning a new Rakudo process)? 08:31
brrt euh... 08:34
this is a moritz question
not_gerd ;) 08:35
brrt but, yeah, probably, if you can get access to the rakudo compiler object
which is what the compreg() opcode does for parrot 08:36
but, i'm not sure rakudo gives you access
not_gerd well, there's always pir::
not_gerd needs to figure out how pir::compreg__Ps('perl6') works 08:37
or rather, if it does what I want
brrt probably, yes
but i'm not sure if the registered compiler is rakudo or perl6
compreg returns either NULL or a HLLCompiler 08:38
not_gerd pir::compreg__Ps('perl6') return a Perl6::Compiler
^returns 08:39
brrt oh, that will work 08:40
can you find the relevant documentation?
not_gerd brrt: probably
brrt great :-) 08:41
not_gerd just hope that they are up to date ;) 08:43
moritz you'll probably need to read the sources 08:55
not_gerd Type check failed in assignment to '$comp'; expected 'Mu' but got 'Perl6::Compiler' 08:56
moritz try binding 08:57
r: my $comp := pir::compregs__Ps('perl6')
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Mu in string context in any <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:104␤␤use of uninitialized value of type Mu in string context in any <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:104␤␤===SORRY!===␤error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected PREG, expecting …
moritz r: my $comp := pir::compreg__Ps('perl6')
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: ( no output )
moritz you must emulate the stuff that's in src/main.nqp
brrt no synopsis for getting the compiler yet? 08:58
moritz ie create an @*END_PHASERS dynamic var, then invoke $comp.command_line
not_gerd my current problem is that I can't use Perl6::Grammar (which I assume is NQP) from Perl6 08:59
I don't know how to get at hll-config as well, as it seems to be lexical 09:01
moritz r: my $comp := pir::compreg__Ps('perl6'); my $args := nqp::list; nqp::push($args, 'lib/Test.pm'); $comp.command_line($args, :encoding<utf8>); 09:05
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«> Land der Berge, Land am Strome,␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&Berge' called (line 1)␤Undefined routine '&Strome' called (line 1)␤Undefined routine '&am' called (line 1)␤Undefined routine '&Land' called (lines 1, 1)␤Undefined routine '&der' called (line 1)␤> L…
moritz wow, that seems to have invoked the REPL or something 09:06
the first element in the array to command_line is supposed to be the executable name 09:07
brrt thats dangerous stuff, really 09:08
moritz not_gerd: gist.github.com/2894632
not_gerd: that's only a first shot, you still need to separate the lists for the END phasers and so on
not_gerd: but you don't need to 'use' Perl6::Grammar etc. separately, because main.nqp already does that 09:09
tadzik moritz: why's there both filename.pl and A.pm?
moritz tadzik: because HLL::Compiler expects the executable name at index 0 09:09
not_gerd moritz: figured that out as well - it seems the compiler object that compreg returns is already set up 09:10
tadzik okay 09:10
moritz and with RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1 ./perl6 -I. -e 'use A;' I could verify that it actually loads A.pir 09:11
tadzik it that much faster compared to run("perl6 bla bla")? 09:12
I guess startup time isn't that painful nowadays
not_gerd tadzik: I'm still working on a dwimmy ufo version 09:14
I'm making it portable by not using shell built-ins but perl6 code 09:15
tadzik I see
not_gerd so compiling to pir means starting a perl6 process which immediately shells out to perl6
and that's... not that fast ;)
tadzik yeah. I guess Panda could use that too
and if it did, we could quickly test if it doesn't break anything 09:16
not_gerd now, I need a replacement for rm -rf
tadzik and if that is possible, then we could be pretty close to Pod module
not_gerd how do I get a list of files in a directory?
tadzik not_gerd: doesn't Shell::Command have it?
github.com/tadzik/perl6-File-Tools...Command.pm it's close to having it :) 09:17
moritz not_gerd: dir()
r: say dir()
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«star src .bashrc nom-inst1 test3.pl .profile t nom-inst2 nom-inst examples Makefile .gitignore lib test2.pl rakudo p1 VERSION simple-tests .perlbrew std obj main.pl .lesshst nom niecza test.pl .cpanm .bash_logout run TODO Pugs.hs dalek LICENSE .ssh License-MS-PL.tx…
jnthn Mmmm... .ssh 09:18
tadzik ew, evalbot allows dir()? :) 09:19
moritz it does. And the ssh keys are public anyway :-)
r: say dir('.ssh/')
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«authorized_keys␤»
jnthn ah, no private key in there. Phew :) 09:20
brrt say cat('.ssh/authorized_keys') 09:23
moritz r: say slurp(.ssh/authorized_keys') 09:25
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse postcircumfix:sym<( )>, couldn't find final ')'␤»
moritz r: say slurp('.ssh/authorized_keys')
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDPEkT8qXSWd/OFKrJAM8pEW0gmpvDkvcY0vdOdez+EKXGdsbhz/NnmVcjOfJo11VbZAn3ADlj4W+O3z1ocduCAPiUNAF9o4x9d0tUaSHtqZQZf5ltP60Zvc+Q7liMwmfnBhRSvErJghj/ZTsJdk55cONLkkp0mxkTXjm9bEWjCzn1JAzNcOcv0qnkvaBu/42+SQy652Q5E4AE6HHwKkPIQATUVArlb4DqKF…
brrt ah, i didn't dare to do that 09:26
moritz it's not a secrect
if you can deduce private SSH keys from public keys you'll have a lot more interesting targets than feather3 :-) 09:27
brrt fair enough 09:28
if i could do that, i'd be in jail or have millions, whichever comes first 09:29
tadzik why not both? :)
jnthn Because spending your millions in jail is hard work? :) 09:32
tadzik ;) 09:33
kresike well he didn't say anything about spending the money :)
brrt getting in jail while you have millions is hard wor, too
but thats another discussion entirely
jnthn lunch & 09:36
dalek osystem: 71caa9d | GlitchMr++ | SHELTER/ (6 files):
Update old modules to fit current module specifications.
tadzik I think most of those old modules should be removed from the ecosystem 10:04
(some already are)
GlitchMr lol... GitHub for Windows randomly crashes 10:08
That newest update was buggy
GlitchMr ok 10:12
Unless I have missed some module, after everybody will accept Pull Request, every module should have panda badge
tadzik great 10:13
not_gerd portable version of my dwimmy ufo reimplmentation: gist.github.com/2891292 10:14
GlitchMr github.com/GlitchMr 10:15
also my repository list is full of forked Perl 6 modules
not_gerd for some reason, it has extremely slow startup
might be the multi MAIN dispatch... 10:16
time ./ufo --foo
^that's a failed dispatch, and it takes nearly 2 seconds
GlitchMr And after that, we could remove those panda badges... until something will change again :P
tadzik not_gerd: may it be that you're doing many things in mainline, before MAIN appears 10:17
not_gerd Stage parse: 1.317 10:19
moritz not_gerd: multi dispatch generally isn't slow
(compared to many other operations in rakudo, that is) 10:20
not_gerd t's the parsing of the script...
time to rebuild the toolchain and see if it helps... 10:21
wolverian 10:22
moritz I think we should throw out proto
it has bitrotted, and panda works and is maintained
tadzik +1 10:24
moritz (and it was a prototype anyway :-) 10:25
dalek osystem: 941013f | moritz++ | META.list:
remove proto

it has bitrotted, and thorougly replaced by panda
moritz so
my exception grant is finished
my ufo rewrite is finished and waits for review 10:26
tadzik congratulations!
moritz the question is: what to hack on next?
I'll throw around some ideas
tadzik if I were you I'd take a look at P5 interop
moritz 1) focus on the book and other documentaiton effort (not too much fun)
2) more DBIish work (maybe add niecza compatible backends?) 10:27
JimmyZ thread!
phenny JimmyZ: 04 Jun 16:38Z <TimToady> tell JimmyZ irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-06-04#i_5680738 is right behavior, except that the compiler should really warn about "Useless use of 3 in a sink context"
moritz 3) precompilation stuff (though jnthn kinda seems a better fit for that; OTOH he seems a better fit for nearly all topics... :-) 10:28
4) start to partially port Mojo to p6
JimmyZ or Dancer? 10:29
moritz 5) trace module loading, so that compile time excpetions can show the module loading backtrace
p5 interop and threads aren't topics for me 10:30
mojo vs dancer: I happen to have used Mojolicious
JimmyZ doesn't know what's the difference between Mojo and Dancer 10:31
moritz and it has zero dependencies, so it's a much better target for porting 10:31
tadzik Dancer limits itself to what Mojolicious::Lite provides
JimmyZ Dancer has some dependencies?
tadzik yes
moritz JimmyZ: deps.cpantesters.org/?module=Dancer...;os=any+OS 10:32
tadzik small ones, I happen to live without them when working on Bailador (so far)
moritz the other reason is that Mojo provides lots of basic web stuff that we need anyway at some point (cookies, HTTP classes, DOM tree handling etc.) 10:33
anyway, those were just some ideas 10:34
and I feel torn
not_gerd Stage parse: 1.610 10:35
moritz documentation would probably the most beneficial, but least fun, and rather frustrating
JimmyZ I'm +1 to 4 _ and 5 )
not_gerd another regression in parsing speed :(
JimmyZ 4 ) and 5 )
moritz not_gerd: is that after updating to newest rakudo? 10:37
not_gerd moritz: yes
moritz not_gerd: iirc jnthn said he had some ideas for optimizations 10:38
tadzik moritz: Mojo seems a worthwhile goal. I keep finding myself reimplementing lots of HTTP stuff for various projects, so having them collected, well-written and maintained will be awesome 10:39
moritz "Web depends on HTTP::Daemon, which was not found in the ecosystem"
tadzik it's been like this for ages :)
not_gerd is it possible to precompile scripts?
naive approach fails with Missing or wrong version of dependency 'src/Perl6/World.pm' 10:40
brrt1 thinks it is, perl6 --target=pir or something?
moritz not_gerd: no
GlitchMr nr: m:g/42/ 10:41
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«No such method 'match' for invocant of type 'Any'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/T6999f0ZHt:1␤␤»
..niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Regex modifier g not yet implemented at /tmp/F2IOGCToyB line 1:␤------> m:g⏏/42/␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1401 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/nie…
GlitchMr Should I use .subst() hack for niecza? 10:42
'string'.subst(/(42)/, { @arr.push(0) }, :g)
... or perhaps I should use grammars... yeah... that's the solution 10:43
colomon GlitchMr: if you just want to find all the examples of a regex in a string, use .comb 10:51
ie 'string'.comb(/42/)
GlitchMr Works :) 10:52
GlitchMr Also, does Perl 6 contain something like .charAt() in JavaScript? 10:54
'abc'.charAt(0) // returns 'a' in JavaScript
colomon rn: say "This is a test of comb".comb(/<[aeiou]>./).perl
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«("is", "is", "a ", "es", "of", "om").list␤»
..niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«["is", "is", "a ", "es", "of", "om"].list␤»
not_gerd GlitchMr: you mean a borken implementation of Unicode? 10:55
hopefully, not
GlitchMr No
I just mean character at position
But not using UTF-16 :P. I want full Unicode support for that.
colomon GlitchMr: note that comb by default returns strings, if you want Match objects from it you need to use the :match argument 10:56
GlitchMr I could use .substr(), but I don't know fast it would be. And it probably wouldn't be idiomatic.
colomon GlitchMr: for charAt, use substr 10:56
GlitchMr nr: my @a = 1, 2; my @b = 3, 4; @b ,= @a; print @a 11:02
p6eval rakudo 809b8f, niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«12»
GlitchMr nr: my @a = 1, 2; my @b = 3, 4; @b ,= @a; print @b 11:03
p6eval rakudo 809b8f, niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«3412»
GlitchMr :)
But actually... I think I should use .push() instead of ,= operator
tadzik it's probably more idiomatic, yes 11:04
colomon nr: my @a = 1, 2; my @b = 3, 4; @b ,= @a; print @b.perl 11:36
p6eval niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«[3, 4, 1, 2].list»
..rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«Array.new(3, 4, 1, 2)»
colomon is kind of charmed by ,= 11:36
jnthn Yes, altnfa merge slowed parsing down a bit 11:45
Correctness first, then speed. I improved correctness. Now I can focus on speed. :)
jnthn moritz: 5 would be cool; 4 also. 3 - feel free to golf any pre-comp issues but beyond that point I can probably deal with them faster. 11:46
moritz: Another possible task is versioned modules
moritz: Also, trying to work out the import lists for require 11:47
But there's spec issues there...
I will also try to wire up some stuff for a :Perl5 attribute on regexes in the next few days, for anybody who wants to hack in this area. 11:50
sergot hi o/ ! :) 12:37
kresike hi sergot o/
grondilu p6: module life { constant meaning is export = 42 }; import life; say meaning; 12:41
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&meaning' called (line 1)␤»
..niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Action method statement_control:import not yet implemented at /tmp/6njLz1Q4jO line 1:␤------> nt meaning is export = 42 }; import life⏏; say meaning;␤␤Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method statement…
..pugs: OUTPUT«*** ␤ Unexpected "is"␤ expecting ":" or "("␤ at /tmp/f7WBHMHEDW line 1, column 32␤»
grondilu can't I export constants?
moritz grondilu: not yet
jnthn: import lists for require also sounds itneresting 12:42
grondilu also, I finally managed to overwrite &infix:<+> but it's kind of weird. I must export one of the multi, but if I write a proto then I can not add normal integers anymore. 12:43
r: module A { class Foo {}; multi infix:<+>(Foo, Foo) { Foo } }; say Foo + Foo; say 1 + 1; 12:44
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&Foo' called (lines 1, 1)␤»
moritz right; if you write a proto, it replaces the existing infix:<+>
grondilu but the weird thing is that all the multi get exported, even if I wrote 'is export' on only one. 12:45
r: module A { class Foo {}; multi infix:<+>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo }; multi infix:<*>(Foo, Foo) { Foo } }; import A; say A::Foo + A::Foo; say 1 + 1;
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«Foo()␤2␤»
grondilu r: module A { class Foo {}; multi infix:<+>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo }; multi infix:<*>(Foo, Foo) { Foo } }; import A; say A::Foo + A::Foo; say A::Foo * A::Foo; say 1 + 1; 12:46
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«Foo()␤use of uninitialized value of type Foo in numeric context in block <anon> at /tmp/q61YjDR6NH:1␤␤use of uninitialized value of type Foo in numeric context in block <anon> at /tmp/q61YjDR6NH:1␤␤0␤2␤»
grondilu ahh
I don't get it. I had a different result yesterday.
r: module A { class Foo {}; multi infix:<+>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo }; multi infix:<*>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo } }; import A; say A::Foo + A::Foo; say 1 + 1; 12:48
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«Foo()␤2␤»
moritz erm, what? it picked up the correct candidate for + but the wrong one for * ?
grondilu seems so. Weird, huh?
hang on. I forgot the '*' 12:49
moritz r: module A { class Foo { }; multi infix:<*>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo }; import A; say A::Foo * A::Foo
grondilu r: module A { class Foo {}; multi infix:<+>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo }; multi infix:<*>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo } }; import A; say A::Foo + A::Foo, A::Foo 1 + 1;
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot import symbol '&infix:<*>' from package 'A', since it already exists in the lexpad␤»
rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused␤at /tmp/_QYXCv7P0Z:1␤»
grondilu r: module A { class Foo {}; multi infix:<+>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo }; multi infix:<*>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo } }; import A; .say for A::Foo + A::Foo, A::Foo * A::Foo, 1 + 1;
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Foo in numeric context in block <anon> at /tmp/y6GIC55bsN:1␤␤use of uninitialized value of type Foo in numeric context in block <anon> at /tmp/y6GIC55bsN:1␤␤Foo()␤0␤2␤»
moritz r: module A { class Foo { }; multi infix:<*>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo } }; import A; say A::Foo * A::Foo
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«Foo()␤»
moritz r: module A { class Foo { }; multi infix:<+>(Foo, Foo) { Foo }; multi infix:<*>(Foo, Foo) is export { Foo } }; import A; say A::Foo * A::Foo 12:50
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«Foo()␤»
PerlJam good * #perl6 12:53
sergot o/ :) 12:55
moritz r: require Test <&ok &done>;
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤require with argument list not yet implemented. Sorry. ␤at /tmp/3OrIxqx4HG:1␤»
pmichaud good morning, #perl6 12:56
jnthn pmichaud! \o/
grondilu my Digest module (git@github.com:grondilu/libdigest-perl6.git) has two sub modules: Digest::sha256 and Digest::rmd160. How should I name the repo to conform to the ecosystem. Would digest-sha256-rmd160 be fine? 12:59
GlitchMr nr: print (@("\x00" .. "\x1F")).perl
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
..niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«("\x[0]", ).list»
moritz grondilu: there's no mandatory naming scheme 13:00
GlitchMr How can I make byte ranges? 13:01
moritz 'modulename' or 'perl6-modulename' seems rather common
r: say (0..0x1F)>>.chr.perl
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«("\x[0]", "\x[1]", "\x[2]", "\x[3]", "\x[4]", "\x[5]", "\x[6]", "\x[7]", "\b", "\t", "\n", "\x[b]", "\x[c]", "\r", "\x[e]", "\x[f]", "\x[10]", "\x[11]", "\x[12]", "\x[13]", "\x[14]", "\x[15]", "\x[16]", "\x[17]", "\x[18]", "\x[19]", "\x[1a]", "\x[1b]", "\x[1c]", "\…
GlitchMr :)
I like this solution
@characters.push((.substr(0, 1).ord .. .substr(3, 4).ord)».chr); 13:03
Seems to work...
pmichaud moritz: (what to work on) I've been wondering what it would take to start a 'perldoc -f' equivalent.
grondilu r: say chrs ^0x20 13:04
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«␀ ␤
tadzik grondilu: how about Digest?
GlitchMr Wait...
there is chrs function?
Nice :)
moritz pmichaud: it's probably not too hard to get a basic version started 13:05
pmichaud: but it needs to be extended to methods too
grondilu tadzik: there is no 'perl6' reference in 'Digest', but I guess I could just name it p6-digest.
pmichaud moritz: aye, methods too
grondilu GlitchMr: yes, there is. And there is also ords.
tadzik grondilu: please don't put references to Perl 6 in module names
there's no point in naming everything Perl6-Something in Perl 6 module directory 13:06
grondilu tadzik: but it could mess up with my other repos on Github :(
moritz tadzik: but it might make sense for a repo name if you want a 'Digest' module in another programming language
PerlJam pmichaud, moritz: a smarter-than-perldoc that doesn't need -f to find functions/methods would be nice.
tadzik oh, repo name
Woodi afternoon ppls 13:07
tadzik I though we're talking about the module name
in META.info and so
moritz PerlJam: the problem with smart things is that they tend to go wrong when there are multiple things with the same name
tadzik grondilu: I used to name my module repos perl6-Something on github
Woodi is maybe Storable or something with freeze to disk/load later builtinto p6 ?
grondilu Woodi that would be great. And also File::Map. 13:08
Woodi cpanning
tadzik grondilu: so regarding your question: there's no policy regarding repo names and the ecosystem. Ecosystem does not really care about repo names, only module names, as I noted
PerlJam moritz: so it needs to be even smarter! :) 13:09
grondilu tadzik: ok so I'll keep 'libdigest-perl6' since I don't know how to rename a repo :)
tadzik grondilu: looks debianish :)
grondilu: there's some option in the repo admin tools for renaming a repo, iirc 13:10
I know I renamed Pies to panda at some point in time
Woodi OpenBSD use p5-Curses-UI :)
[Coke] moritz++ # mojo 13:11
pmichaud anyway, some sort of 'perldoc -f' tool would be hugely useful for people
grondilu 'perldoc -f' would be awesome.
Woodi and I thinked that simple modules/dirty/fast hacks or pp versions could be Simple::... 13:12
estrai 'perldoc -f'++
grondilu s/perldoc/perl6doc/
tadzik perldoc -f would be relly easy once we can get Pod into the settign 13:12
and I think it belongs aside perl6 --doc, not as a separate tool 13:13
pmichaud I'm wondering if we really want Pod in the setting, though. 13:14
Woodi can .perl for use in storable is good idea ? (or one possible maybe ?)
grondilu Woodi: it's better than nothing. 13:14
[Coke] jnthn: what diagnostic tools do you use to make rakudo faster?
Woodi k, thanx
pmichaud (pod in setting) seems like we'd want documentation improvements to happen more rapidly, at least initially.
tadzik more rapidly than what? 13:15
[Coke] (smarter than perldoc -f: grok)
pmichaud than someone needing to edit the source code files to update the docs.
tadzik true
pmichaud as far as compile speed goes, we could certainly fix tools/build/gen-cat.pl to strip pod from the src/core/ files as it's building CORE.setting 13:16
tadzik why would we have it there then? 13:17
pmichaud well, there is something to be said for having the documentation near the thing being documented
and when pod-in-setting works, then we'd have .WHY working on the builtins 13:18
tadzik not if we strip it for compile speed, as you said
pmichaud I meant as a temporary step until pod-in-setting is plausible
tadzik okay
pmichaud afk in 10, in case anyone has questions/comments for me :) 13:19
afk 13:28
TimToady nr: "[" ~~ /(\[)/; say $0 13:45
p6eval niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«#<match from(0) to(1) text([) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>␤»
..rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«q[[]␤␤»
moritz r: say $*PROGRAM_NAME 14:02
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«/tmp/57BaluvP_n␤»
grondilu Check out my perl6 #bitcoin library: [email@hidden.address] Most of elliptic curve and addresses dealing is done. I'll soon work on database and network. 14:27
tadzik wow 14:28
grondilu: you probably want to add dependencies to META.info 14:29
grondilu doesn't know much about META.info 14:32
I'll fix that.
tadzik grondilu: you may want to read wiki.perl6.org/Create%20and%20Distr...%20Modules
pmichaud oh cool, the new MapIter code is 20% faster than 2012.05 (for 1..500000 { ... }) 14:33
tadzik cool
pmichaud 5.37 sec vs 6.14 sec
tadzik pmichaud++
pmichaud oh, maybe that's only 15%
r: say (6.14-5.37)/6.14
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«0.125407␤»
pmichaud 12.5%
moritz still an improvement
pmichaud plus less greedy 14:34
pmichaud okay, I can live with that. now for more improvements :) 14:34
tadzik what is the most costly thing about it, lack of sink context?
felher pmichaud++
pmichaud I'm not sure what the greatest cost is atm. lack of sink context probably increases memory usage but I doubt it's affecting the speed much 14:35
(modulo gc issues)
moritz have you tried --profile? 14:36
pmichaud not yet
I have another minor optimization spectesting now
kresike bye all 14:39
tadzik bye kresike
moritz r: say join ', ', reverse <a b c> X~ 1..3 14:41
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«c3, c2, c1, b3, b2, b1, a3, a2, a1␤»
moritz r: say join ', ', <a b c> XR~ 1..3 14:42
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«␤»
moritz r: say join ', ', <a b c> X~ 1..3
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«␤»
moritz r: say join ', ', (<a b c> X~ 1..3) 14:43
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3␤»
moritz r: say join ', ', (<a b c> XR~ 1..3)
p6eval rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«1a, 2a, 3a, 1b, 2b, 3b, 1c, 2c, 3c␤»
grondilu I'm surprised you needed parens. 14:44
moritz list ops like X have loser precedence than , 14:45
grondilu I thought X~ would have the same precedence as ~
pmichaud how does the output of --profile work? do I feed that to kcachegrind or something? 14:47
moritz pmichaud: like that, yes
tadzik I think so
jnthn Open it in kcachegrind
moritz perl6 --profile yourprog.pl 2>profile.log
kcachegrind profile.log 14:48
pmichaud installs kcachegrind again
moritz the unless nqp::isconcrete($!reified) { ... } block in ListIter.reify seems to use up most of the CPU time 14:51
jnthn What? :)
pmichaud well, that's the list handler, so it makes sense
jnthn isconcrete is a flag check...
pmichaud not the flag check, the block
jnthn oh! 14:51
pmichaud okay, I have some optimizations for that block 14:52
pmichaud however, it's interesting that the cost of that block is not coming from any of the various methods it calls 14:52
so there's likely something pathological there 14:53
moritz it makes 90% in my profile
pmichaud ....90%?
in mine it's 17%
jnthn Are you lookign at inclusive or exclusive? :)
moritz pmichaud: are you looking at "ticks" or "ops"? 14:54
pmichaud ops
I can look at ticks
moritz I looked at ticks
it's much lower in ops
(ticks are time, ops just counts the number of invoked parrot opcodes; much less useful IMHO) 14:55
jnthn The ratio can be sometimes interesting though
Few ops to ticks suggests some op is very expensive
If it's that costly, a C level profile may also show it up
pmichaud just a sec, let me screen dump my profile and you all can walk me through it 14:56
jnthn OK, but gotta go in 5 or so... 14:57
pmichaud pmichaud.com/work/kc-1.png 14:58
moritz pmichaud: first click on the column header 'self'
pmichaud okay, done
GlitchMr nr: print &pack 14:59
p6eval niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'pack' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1401 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 37) ␤ at /home…
..rakudo 809b8f: OUTPUT«pack»
moritz that way it's sorted by exclusive time
jnthn Yeah, the exclusive time bet is interesting.
High exclusive time in CORE.setting especially so
moritz now some _block(\d+) should show up on top
pmichaud so, on mine the bulk of the time is in block 1013 (33.66%) and postfix:<++> (29.90%) 15:00
moritz you just grep for that name in src/gen/CORE.setting.pir
[Coke] is happy that this level of profiling is available.
moritz and there you can see in the annotations which line in src/gen/CORE.setting it corresponds to
and that way you can find out the enclosing routine
pmichaud pmichaud.com/work/kc-2.png (sorted by 'self') 15:01
so, on mine it looks like the bulk of the time is spent calling the { $i++ } block (500K times)
jnthn The most expensive block is the one in the program, not the actual list guts.
pmichaud that indicates to me that the cost of the map itself is less than 37%
moritz ah, I had an empty block in my for loop 15:02
pmichaud oh, well, yes -- if your for loop has an empty block, then the loop takes up 90% of the execution time :)
moritz well, not the loop, just one block in the loop 15:03
pmichaud anyway, yes, this works for me. I'm not seeing anything too unexpected here at the moment 15:05
[Coke]: (profiling available) I'm very happy to see it also. It's a huge help that we went without for too long.
dalek kudo/nom: 8bb2fad | pmichaud++ | src/core/MapIter.pm:
Use QRPA for ListIter's $!rest in MapIter.
[Coke] I hope to find time to play with it soon and find expensive things to clean up. ;)
jnthn decommute & 15:08
adu good morning 15:15
TimToady likewise 15:17
[Coke] # 06/07/2012 - rakudo++ (22423); niecza (91.29%); pugs (34.56%) 15:20
minor gains by rakudo
adu rakudo++ 15:21
xinming If I remember right, In our roadmaps, That we targeting compiling of perl 6 into plain C source files, and ship the source files to another machines and build via a C Compiler, Am I right? 15:25
moritz xinming: who is the "we"/"our" you're speaking of? 15:26
pmichaud xinming: that's not been the plan for rakudo, no.
moritz I'm pretty sure it was never on a roadmap of mine
pmichaud at least, not in any sort of short-term or medium-term roadmap.
xinming I don't mean roadmap
I remember that when we are at pugs age, And people compiling perl 6 into javascript 15:27
and someone "said"(maybe I'm wrong), That we can write a C emmit kind of thing to generate C code directly.
pmichaud I think I remember hearing that, yes. I don't know how feasible that's ever been. 15:28
[Coke] the problem with that is eval. 15:29
TimToady well, all you have to do is emit a parrot too, which is in C :)
pmichaud well, I suppose someone could write Perl 6 code that implements a Perl 6 VM (including dynamic stuff) and is translatable to C.
arnsholt I'm not sure I see (much) of a use-case for emitting to C 15:30
adu "all you have to do"
arnsholt But I do think in the really long term someone'll probably get around to writing a compiler that compiles to native code
PerlJam arnsholt: the usual reason is "speed" (but we know how that turns out)
pmichaud adu: TimToady often says "all you have to do" :-)
adu: "All you have to do is implement protoregexes and longest token matching via DFAs and ... " :-P 15:31
arnsholt PerlJam: There is that, but I think a compiler to machine code is more viable. Not unlike the state of Common Lisp compilers
Most of the CL compilers are written in CL and emit machine code (just like C compilers tend to be written in C) 15:32
xinming arnsholt: If I remember right, sbcl can compile lisp code to C 15:33
adu clj emits jvm
[Coke] I'm more sanguine about parrot getting a JIT in the next year than I am about rakudo or niecza emitting C. 15:34
adu I was interested in doing that
arnsholt Definitely. Native-code compiler is very-much a long term possibility, I think. Not just something that can be magically conjured into existence 15:35
moritz fwiw the codegen part (when compiling to C) will be much less work than providing all the runtime support
arnsholt Well, true. But it's not very useful without the runtime support = 15:39
moritz github.com/perl6/doc 15:47
felher moritz++ :) 15:48
pmichaud maybe "p6doc" is a better repo name, to match the name of the tool. 15:50
other than that, moritz++ 15:51
moritz pmichaud: well, I also want to gather the docs, not just the tool
pmichaud fair enough. 15:52
where "docs" != "specs", of course :)
moritz of 15:56
[Coke] are the docs going to be tied to an implementation? 15:57
or annotated for same?
or pretend to be universal for a spec revision? 15:58
moritz universal
pmichaud r: say 20/540 16:01
p6eval rakudo 8bb2fa: OUTPUT«0.037037␤»
moritz nr: say fc 'foo' 16:05
p6eval niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'fc' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1401 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 37) ␤ at /home/p…
..rakudo 8bb2fa: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&fc' called (line 1)␤»
moritz nr: say titlecase 'foo' 16:06
p6eval niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'titlecase' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1401 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 37) ␤ at …
..rakudo 8bb2fa: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&titlecase' called (line 1)␤»
felher moritz: what exactly do mean by 'gather documentation'? Go through the specs, write documentation for builtin functions and such and let them be viewable using p6doc? :)
moritz felher: exactly
felher \o/ :)
moritz nr: say 'abc'.index('b').WHAT 16:07
p6eval rakudo 8bb2fa, niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«Int()␤»
moritz in cases where both rakudo and niecza deviate from the spec in the same way, I'm going to describe what is, not what should be 16:08
moritz nr: say 'abc'.index('d').WHAT 16:10
p6eval niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«Num()␤»
..rakudo 8bb2fa: OUTPUT«Str()␤»
felher moritz++ :) 16:10
moritz Num? why Num?
nr: say 'abc'.index('d')
p6eval niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«Num()␤»
..rakudo 8bb2fa: OUTPUT«Str()␤»
moritz eeks
I'd expect either a Failure or the Int type object
pmichaud (deviate) also note that it's a deviation somehow :) 16:12
moritz the dalek hook from perl6/doc doesn't seem to work :/ 16:17
sorear good * #perl6 16:21
moritz \o sorear
moritz sorear: any idea why commits to perl6/doc don't show up here? 16:26
I've added feather3.perl6.nl:5000/dalek?t=freenode,perl6 as a post-commit URL 16:27
moritz nr: say Parcel ~~ Positional 16:28
p6eval rakudo 8bb2fa, niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«True␤»
moritz nr: say split('a', 'bac', :all).perl 16:30
p6eval rakudo 8bb2fa: OUTPUT«("b", "a", "c").list␤» 16:30
..niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«["b", #<match from(1) to(2) text(a) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>, "c"].list␤»
sorear moritz: 16:33
moritz: I think it needs to be #perl6
moritz sorear: ok
sorear: mu/misc/dalek-push.txt doesn't include the # 16:34
sorear: and with the # it also doesn't work :/ 16:35
sorear actually, it doesn't work because I think the parrot folks might have done something
dalek crashed spewing errors from the CREDITS parser 16:36
moritz sorear: so, what's the problem with the CREDITS file? 16:47
sorear starting that investigation now 16:48
GlitchMr back (for a while :P) 16:49
moritz the last commit that touched CREDITS removed the pod markers
sorear yeah, dalek depends on searching the file for =cut 16:55
bad #parrot
[Coke] bad dalek, that's not a pod file. ;)
seems like reading to the end is safe. 16:57
sorear ok, dalek is patched and restarted, moritz you can try again 16:58
[Coke] sorear++ 17:01
GlitchMr nr: say "c"~ <\ | / ->[$_%4]for^Inf 17:06
nr: say "c"~ <\ | / ->[$_%4]for 1..10
p6eval rakudo 8bb2fa: OUTPUT«(timeout)c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤…
..niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«(timeout)c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤…
rakudo 8bb2fa, niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤c-␤c\␤c|␤c/␤»
GlitchMr Makes sense... 17:07
[Coke] dalek just posted in #parrot; sorear++ 17:09
pmichaud in perl6/doc, is it worth it to come up with a shorthand notation that indicates implementation status? E.g., "r+ n+"? 17:16
(borrowing from the 'features' repo for the moment.) 17:17
I'm also reminded of the IndexDotHTML support key system: www.blooberry.com/indexdot/misc/suppkey.htm where they indicated support for HTML features by browser type 17:19
(yes, it's very outdated; the idea is the thing)
moritz pmichaud: don't think it's worth the shortcut 17:21
pmichaud: there's enough implemented stuff we can document first :-)
pmichaud okay. I'm just wondering about "not implemented in XXX" becoming stale 17:22
having a shortcut means we might be able to use this to have a "detailed features" online matrix
but since I'm not doing the work (yet), it's just an idea and not really a "iwbni" :-)
dalek c: 137e690 | moritz++ | CREDITS:
update my CREDITS entry to match the repository
moritz tadzik: ping 17:32
moritz tadzik: I want to extract only a section of Pod of which I know the name of the heading in advance 17:33
tadzik: any good ideas how I could do that?
moritz so far I've come up with some ideas: 1) preprocess with regexes, write only the interesting part to a temp file, run rakudo on that 17:34
2) patch rakudo somehow to magically do it for me (but how?)
3) subclass Pod::To::Text (but then I'm screwed when I want a different backend)
4) inject a filter stage between parsing and emission backend (is that overkill)? 17:35
eiro hello guys
moritz tadzik: any thoughts?
\o eiro
erm, eiro/
:-) 17:36
eiro trying to write a script to install a rakudo/fpw
is there a chance to have a tag for fpw12 ?
moritz yes 17:37
eiro cool :) 17:38
moritz eiro: I just need to check if/how it interacts with rakudo's own version reporting
eiro the goal of the script: bailador + tags + dbi
moritz eiro: any particular revision you want to tag? 17:39
eiro moritz, you tell me :) i really don't know what commit is the best to use 17:40
perhaps tadzik could tell ?
i'm trying the very last tag for now 17:41
eiro 8bb2fadddd5f4779d3d33f09880cd2fb3d415be8 17:42
GlitchMr How can I make Perl 5 style sub. That means I can use it either as method of class or by specifying it as first argument?
So I could do both of those:
$something.do_that('a') 17:43
Something.do_that($something, 'a')
moritz you can't do that in p5 either
eiro yes you can in perl5
moritz you can do Someting::do_that($something, 'a') in p5
eiro ohh .. :: instead . , right 17:44
moritz eiro: yes, but only if special-case the subroutine to ignore the first argument if it's a string
GlitchMr Well, whatever. So I can use method directly or on instance
moritz r: class A { our method x is export { 'A::x' } }; say A.x; say A::x(A) 17:44
p6eval rakudo 8bb2fa: OUTPUT«A::x␤A::x␤»
moritz GlitchMr: like this
GlitchMr Interesting :)
eiro moritz, anyway: you can Something->do_that( $something, 'a'), you have 3 parameters then
eiro 'Something', $something, 'a' 17:45
moritz eiro: yes, I know
eiro: but since it's not normal calling convention, the routine must be written to explicitly take that case into account 17:47
zby_home is there something like local::lib for perl6 nopaste.snit.ch/143553 ? 17:50
moritz phenny: "Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu"? 17:51
phenny moritz: "No such file or directory" (pl to en, translate.google.com)
moritz zby_home: you need perl6 in $PATH for now
zby_home OK 17:52
interesting - I did not even noticed that that error message was in Polish
GlitchMr lol 17:53
moritz I did :-)
GlitchMr I did too :P
But too late
Well... 1:1... whatever that means
GlitchMr Isn't need for perl6 in $PATH a bug? 17:54
geekosaur "for now" implies it's something expected to change in the future 17:55
which suggests if not a bug then a known infelicity
GlitchMr oh, ok 17:55
eiro masak, remember where Tags.pm is ? 17:56
moritz eiro: if neither jnthn nor pmichaud object, i'll push the fpw12 tag tomorrow 18:04
dalek kudo/nom: 5a415c9 | moritz++ | src/core/Cool.pm:
return Int type object from failed Str.index
eiro moritz, ok: i'll test from it 18:09
pmichaud ...fpw12 tag? 18:12
pmichaud reads backscroll
pmichaud I see no issue with a fpw12 tag. Most of the release details look specifically for tags that begin with "2012..." or the like. 18:13
pmichaud looks like it looks for tags beginning with "2" 18:14
anyway, fpw12 tag +1 from me if you want
moritz good
pmichaud (foldcase) I wasn't sure if ICU's foldcase semantics matched the ones we want for p6 18:15
also, we can always write our own opcode to access ICU's foldcase rather than wait/ask parrot to do it 18:16
see, for example, the is_uprop opcode in src/ops/nqp.ops 18:17
(which gives us access to ICU's property databse, which Parrot also doesn't expose)
pmichaud adds note to issue ticket 18:18
adu how do I match \n when it's already matched by <ws>? 18:24
moritz you can match ^^ which is begin-of-line 18:25
adu oh
moritz r: say "a\nb" ~~ /<alpha> <.ws> ^^ b/
p6eval rakudo 5a415c: OUTPUT«q[a␤b]␤ alpha => q[a]␤␤» 18:26
moritz r: say "a\n b" ~~ /<alpha> <.ws> ^^ b/
p6eval rakudo 5a415c: OUTPUT«#<failed match>␤»
moritz so be careful that you don't use <.ws> if it could slurp up a space after the newline
pmichaud also note that \h* can be used for whitespace that isn't newline 18:27
(horizontal whitespace)
adu and \v
anyways, I'll give it a think
moritz and in grammars you can write your own token ws that fits your needs 18:28
adu I'm aware of that 18:29
I suppose I could write a special newline token that fails when it could be an automatic semicolon... 18:30
[\n <!semi>] 18:31
where <semi> matches newlines under certain conditions? 18:32
moritz well
that would be an \n not followed by a semi
maybe you rather want <!semi> \n ?
adu [\n & <!semi>]
moritz no
adu <!before semi> \n 18:33
moritz & is for matches of the same length left and right
adu <semi> either matches ';' or \n
moritz <!before <semi>> and <!semi> do the same thing
adu those are both the same length
moritz but <!semi> matches 0 chars
adu oh
so yes, I want <!semi> \n :) 18:34
dalek c: 03bfa61 | moritz++ | lib/Str.pod:
c: 67120d9 | moritz++ | bin/p6doc:
basic implementation of -f
c: 24ae160 | moritz++ | README:
more examples for README
brrt r: pir::compreg_Ps('nqp'); 20:22
p6eval rakudo 5a415c: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Mu in string context in any <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:104␤␤use of uninitialized value of type Mu in string context in any <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:104␤␤===SORRY!===␤error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected PREG, expecting …
moritz r: my $n := pir::compreg__Ps('nqp') 20:23
p6eval rakudo 5a415c: ( no output )
moritz brrt: need two __ between pirop and signature 20:24
brrt a, i see 20:25
moritz: would you know why load_language('nqp') in winxed causes a segfault? is that normal?
moritz brrt: I hope it's not normal :-)
brrt hmm, i can't seem to start gdb with the correct arguments 20:26
moritz gdb --args your command line
brrt oh, i see
moritz and no, I don't know why that happens
otherwise only the first argument is treated as executable
and you have to supply the rest of the args to the 'run' command in gdb 20:27
brrt its in Parrot_oo_find_vtable_override
none of its arguments seem to be zero 20:28
is this an nqp bug or a parrot bug? 20:30
moritz hard to know 20:30
moritz nqp: my $r := pir::compreg__Ps('nqp') 20:34
p6eval nqp: ( no output )
tadzik is back 20:35
moritz \o tadzik
tadzik moritz: okay, Pod extraction. You mean to extract Pod from a separate file somehow? 20:36
if you want it from the file you're in that should be quite easy 20:37
moritz from a different file
tadzik even easier if we implemented all the spec :)
now that's a hard part
moritz p6doc Str.split # searches for Str.pod =head3 split # or so
tadzik as we don't really have a Pod Parser which we can tell "parse this file"
moritz we do
it's called perl6 :-) 20:38
tadzik well, yeah :)
but you'll have to execute something from another file's UNIT scope, or so
moritz I've now done a regex job and extracted the pod section into a temp file
p6doc Str.split # works
it's not a nice solution, but better than nothing
tadzik true
moritz now we just need docs :-9 20:39
tadzik okay, you have all the pods in $=pod, which is an array of Pod::Blocks
tadzik so you could do .first on it, looking for Pod::Block::Heading (I think) where .name eq something 20:39
moritz but how do I get another files' $=pod var? 20:40
tadzik oh, it's just .content, not .name
yeah, that's the hard part
tadzik I wonder if we could eval { $file ~ '; $=pod' } ;) 20:40
tadzik string eval, I mean 20:41
moritz and have all our variables leak into the inner scope
tadzik yeah, seems to work 20:42
oh, will they :F
yeah, they will 20:43
tadzik considers extracting Pod grammar into a module
jnthn home 20:45
tadzik hello jnthn 20:46
jnthn: any ideas about stealing some file's unit-scoped $=pod? 20:47
jnthn hi, tadzik
tadzik accessing, from a perl 6 code 20:49
so far the best idea is "my $somepod = eval(slurp('foo.pl') ~ ';$=pod');", which is hardly awesome
moritz tadzik: I think the best approach is to install a hook between the pod parser and the emitter 20:52
and which can transform the pod tree 20:53
tadzik an emmiter is called from within the file with $=pod
moritz yes
but we already have hooks to use a different emitter
tadzik yes 20:54
moritz --doc=html # irrc
tadzik oh
moritz erm, iirc
tadzik so you can write anything you want, yes 20:54
moritz --doc=myfilter
tadzik and you'll get your $=pod
moritz and Pod::To::Myfilter can then pass on stuff to Pod::To::Whatever
tadzik you need any class with a render() method
tadzik which takes $=pod as an argument 20:55
so class Myfilter { method render($pod) { ... } } and you're done
then --doc=Myfilter will work
lichtkind o/ 20:56
tadzik \o
jnthn +1 to doing it through existing API :) 20:57
lichtkind tadzik: I will have tuits in 2 weeks again when next issue of foo is out 20:58
tadzik lichtkind: any particular ideas for spending tuits? 20:58
lichtkind tadzik: sure my grant is still open - i want complete the glossary tablet 21:00
and sync it a bit with the glossary in ther perldoc and camel
jnthn pmichaud: ping 21:26
moritz r: say Pod::Heading 21:31
p6eval rakudo 5a415c: OUTPUT«Heading()␤»
sergot good night! o/ 21:34
pmichaud jnthn: pong
jnthn pmichaud: One slowdown: while loops always generate exception handling stuff 21:36
pmichaud jnthn: yes, but ?
jnthn pmichaud: Even if redo/next/last are not used.
pmichaud I'm not sure what this is in reference to.
jnthn pmichaud: but it's expensive when you have while loops in your LTM code.
pmichaud oh!
jnthn pmichaud: I don't have a way to write a loop in NQP, so far as I can tell, that doesn't result in creating a Parrot ExceptionHandler 21:37
pmichaud: I don't think that's very cheap :)
pmichaud we could make one. 21:38
nqp::while(...) with some option that says "don't generate exception handlers" 21:39
jnthn pmichaud: Yeah, something like that.
dalek p: dceb34b | jnthn++ | src/QRegex/Cursor.nqp:
Simplify and improve performance of !alt a bit; creates less junk. ~4% improvement on CORE.setting parse time.
pmichaud in our other Actions.pm stuff, do we make much use of 'next' or 'last', ooc? 21:40
jnthn Not much.
dalek c: beac27d | moritz++ | lib/Pod/To/SectionFilter.pm:
add a Pod::To:: module that searches for a given section
jnthn Or at least, I don't remember off hand anywhere that we do.
pmichaud I count seven instances in src/Perl6
moritz 3 x last, 1x next
in Actions.pm 21:41
pmichaud er, 6 instances
3 in Pod.pm, one in ClassHOW, 2 in Actions.pm
so, it does get used some.
jnthn Seems a shame to penalize every while loop though.
Especially when we can probably statically detect it.
It's lexical, innit? 21:42
pmichaud according to p6 it's lexotic
jnthn Or at least, we can constrain NQP that way.
pmichaud which means dynamic
jnthn Ah.
pmichaud I wouldn't be opposed to making it lexical-only in nqp
dynamic instances of next/last aren't really all that common
or, more to the point, I wouldn't mind that someone would have to code a loop such that it can detect the need for the handler lexically 21:43
jnthn *nod*
pmichaud i.e., you only get the handler if there's a lexical next/last/redo. The handler is still dynamic; but you have to explicitly add a next to get it.
thus if 0 { next; } would be good enough to generate the handler but not cause much of a runtime cost 21:44
so, we'd need to extend the ast while node to have an option that says "don't install a handler", and then have the lexical detection of next/redo/last 21:45
jnthn Yeah 21:46
pmichaud I wonder if it makes sense to do the same for 'for' loops. :-) 21:47
(I believe they share some of the underlying code gen anyway.)
for that matter, I wonder how many of our occurrences of next/last actually occur in while loops :)
jnthn Oh, I thought aht's what you'd searched for 21:48
I didn't realize you were looking at for loops too :)
pmichaud no, I just searched for instances of next/last
lichtkind jnthn: model6 landed fully?
jnthn lichtkind: Huh? :)
lichtkind hai 21:48
i mean that this work on wrenching model6 into rakudo is now completed? 21:49
pmichaud jnthn: ooc, which ltm code are you looking at wrt while loops?
jnthn !alt
And !protoregex
pmichaud is the cost of the handler showing up in a profile, ooc? 21:50
I mean, it's one handler per while loop, not one per while loop iteration 21:51
jnthn I'd need to do a C level profile...generally I just know that reducing the amount of junk each !alt call generated just made a fairly sizable difference. 21:52
And that ExceptionHandler creation there is probably multiple PMCs. 21:53
iirc, there's an RPA of the handler IDs created also
Or maybe it's just the one...
Plus the ops to set it up
Just looking for ways to streamline !alt and !protoregex, really.
pmichaud they're showing up in the profile?
(just checking for confirmation, not doubting that they could be) 21:54
jnthn I remember it showing up in the last C level profile I did...lemme generate a new one.
Problem is...the answer is fuzzy (more)
pmichaud I agree the exception handlers can be expensive -- we've seen that when we did rakudo-level subs
jnthn I don't have a way to correlate the "we spend time creating them" in the C level profile with the HLL level profile. 21:55
pmichaud does every method/sub/etc still get an exception handler to catch returns? I think you detect those lexically also, iirc
jnthn So in a sense even though I recall there being some cost there, it's ahrd to actually conclusively say "it's the while loops here"
In NQP? 21:56
pmichaud yeah, in nqp
jnthn It only gets a return handler if there's an explicit return.
pmichaud so yes, having while and for loops only get iteration handlers on explicit next/last/redo seems very doable.
jnthn It detects it's there, then adds it only if needed.
pmichaud at least seems like it could follow a similar pattern.
jnthn *nod*
lichtkind jnthn: i just wanted ask beause i read in your blog nowadays only about QAST and such and was wandering if 6model is an topic anymore 21:57
pmichaud and I suspect also that it means that many (most?) exception handler creations you're seeing are coming from loops, not methods or subs
jnthn pmichaud: Yes, that's my guess. I wish I had better data.
Not sure how to get it.
lichtkind: The core of 6model is largely stable enough these days that it doesn't see much development.
pmichaud I can certainly do a few tests to see how much the exception handler creation might be costing us. 21:58
jnthn lichtkind: The point of 6model was that we'd do development of meta-objects in a HLL (like NQP) though.
pmichaud: Could be good to get an idea of what it might save us.
lichtkind jnthn: thanks i slowly preparing for the next update article :)
pmichaud jnthn: actually, come to think of it, I already have a perfect test case. the MapIter code has to install an exception handler -- I can compare it to with/without pretty easily 21:59
just a sec
dalek p: d738608 | jnthn++ | src/QRegex/Cursor.nqp:
Similar simplification to !protoregex as just done to !alt; much less noticable difference, probably because we just pick the first answer much of the time and it works out.
pmichaud jnthn: have you tried replacing new "ResizableIntegerArray" with a clone yet? 22:00
istr you said that showed up on the profile some.
I also wonder if RIA is at all suboptimal. Doesn't seem likely, since we only really do push + pop on it. 22:01
jnthn pmichaud: Not tried that yet.
jnthn pmichaud: fyi, !alt is called 323,000 times in CORE.setting parse. 22:02
pmichaud oh! 22:03
the other thing you could do is to replace the while loop with Q:PIR { ... } -- like MapIter does 22:04
jnthn Yeah, I was hoping not to do Q:PIR blocks :(
pmichaud I agree that's not a general solution to the problem, but for hotspots it's plausible
and when we get fast loops again we can always go back :)
okay, trying mapiter w and w/o handler 22:05
just a sec
sjohnson @karma 22:10
tadzik karma sjohnson 22:11
aloha sjohnson has karma of 5.
tadzik sjohnson++ # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
sjohnson heheh
pmichaud 50K while loops with handler installed: 17.048 sec
pmichaud 50K while loops w/o handler installed: 16.263 sec 22:11
jnthn Oh?
That's...much smaller than I'd have imagined. Hm.
pmichaud r: say (17.048-16.263)/17.048 22:12
p6eval rakudo 5a415c: OUTPUT«0.046046␤»
pmichaud 4% 22:12
jnthn Pretty small difference. 22:12
pmichaud that particular test might be swamped by other execution time stuff; but it's clear that the time involved is on the order of 0.8 / 50000 sec 22:13
r: say 0.8 / 50000
p6eval rakudo 5a415c: OUTPUT«0.000016␤»
sjohnson tadzik++ 22:13
jnthn r: say 0.000016 * 300000 22:14
p6eval rakudo 5a415c: OUTPUT«4.8␤»
jnthn Adds up when you do it 300,000 times...
pmichaud yeah, 300K loops would add 5 seconds
jnthn And the profile says we're doing that many. 22:15
pmichaud out of 100 seconds (on my box) needed to parse CORE.settings, that means it's costing 5%
seems worth fixing at some level then
plus, that's just the cost of the while loops for the alt handler
we have lots of other loops in the compilation :)
jnthn Yeah.
Well, we have one in !protoregex, but that one actually *uses* last. :) 22:16
pmichaud so, +1 to fixing it. Need me to adjust the PAST nodes, or ... ?
jnthn Depends how soon we want the fix.
pmichaud I'm thinking of all of the while and for loops in Actions.pm, though.
jnthn I mean, maybe we just do it right in QAST? :)
pmichaud well, doing it right in QAST goes without saying :)
I can certainly add a replacement 'while' node type to PAST that provides the new capability 22:17
or, since this is optional, I can even add it to Parrot's PAST nodes directly
jnthn If it won't take much time, it'd mean we can improve the parse performance in time for the next release. 22:18
It'd help us to improve the...
pmichaud oh, the PAST part is pretty straightforward. I can do that, like, tonight.
the detection of lexical last/next is the trickier part, at least for me. But since you've already done it, I suspect you could do that quickly also :) 22:19
jnthn Hah, I just ahve a $*USES_RETURN or something in routine_def :)
pmichaud right, we just need a $*USES_NEXT or something 22:20
in statement:<while> and friends
jnthn Right.
pmichaud okay -- let's do this. if I get time tonight (likely), I'll work on the whole thing some.
I'll leave word via phenny about how far I get.
getting the PAST node updated should be no problem.
pmichaud I should have some time tomorrow, also, but my schedule has other events on it to deal with :-/ 22:21
plus I should probably make sure my stuff is ready for yapc :-)
jnthn Ah, yeah, YAPC is soon, right?
pmichaud I leave tuesday, it starts wed
jnthn k
pmichaud and a good bit of sunday is unavailable for me 22:22
jnthn OK.
I'm around quite a bit this weekend and early on next week
Towards next weekend I'll be largely afk
pmichaud anyway, I agree based on the above that avoiding the exception handlers is probably worth(pardon the pun)while 22:23
jnthn :P 22:24
pmichaud afk for a bit 22:27
dalek p: ac5f5fc | jnthn++ | src/ops/nqp.ops:
Re-use state arrays in NFA runner, saving roughly a million PMC allocations during CORE.setting parse. Another couple of percent off.
lichtkind good night 22:42
spacebat_ trying to build rakudo on the nom branch, from a clean checkout, running Configure.pl has nqp complain it can't find libgmp.so.3, parrot complains it can't find libicuuc.so.42, then make-realclean fails with /usr/local/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.1/bin/perl5.14.1: not found 23:37
but nothing in my environment mentions perlbrew being under /usr/local, and nothing mentions 5.14.1, I use 5.14.2
I've build rakudo on this machine before alright, so I have libgmp and libicu installed 23:38
am I building a broken old branch? 23:39
jnthn No, "nom" branch is the right one. 23:40
Latest commits were earlier today...I built latest recently also and it worked out. Seems it's something ICU related, though the perlbrew error is really odd too. 23:41
spacebat_ I'll try a fresh clone
spacebat_ I think my nqp and parrot submodules must have been out of date or something 23:45
dalek p: f60f402 | jnthn++ | src/ops/nqp.ops:
Refactor to pull much of the NFA runner out of the op body.
p: ba8bf93 | jnthn++ | src/ (3 files):
Refactor the NFA ops; we needn't get the ordering back and then push it onto the bstack in a loop, we can just do it right in an op; we've a few other ops that manipulate the bstack after all. Another little win.
p: 35db044 | jnthn++ | src/stage0/ (8 files):
Update bootstrap.
p: 7176d14 | jnthn++ | src/ops/nqp.ops:
Toss now-unused op.
dalek kudo/nom: 0fde4a1 | jnthn++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
Use latest NQP for some parsing performance improvements (roughly 8% improvement for CORE.setting).
diakopter jnthn++
jnthn Sometime over the weekend I'll try to recover our spectest time too. 23:55
(We spent a load of time early in the parse building NFAs that we could build at compile time and serialize.)
The LTM transitivity is to blame. 23:57