»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
[Coke] i grabbed a fresh copy of rakudo and built it. I grabbed a copy of panda and ran <installed perl6> bootstrap.pl. it claims it installed panda... but where? 00:02
[Coke] ~/.perl6/bin. (wonder how star gets around this.) 00:04
so, my idea was to take Net::IRC::Bot and MuEvent and JSON::RPC and write a bot that checked twitter for perl6 tweets and sent them here. Someone have fun and run with that. 00:07
I give up.
here's the twitter URL: search.twitter.com/search.json?q=%2...erl%206%22 00:09
[Coke] mdk.per.ly/2012/08/20/prs2012-perl5...on-summit/ 01:09
diakopter .u 1FAF 03:09
diakopter or as I call it, Mr. Horseshoe. 03:10
DrEeevil hrm. nqp bundles in libtommath, would anyone mind a bug asking for it to be unbundled / to be able to use a system-installed version? 05:58
diakopter I'm curious why 06:00
(just to not bundle things?)
DrEeevil because it's ugly ;) 06:03
why are you building something my package manager already provides?
diakopter lack of developer resources (because it was easiest to just bundle it). plus the main developer develops on windows, which has no package manager. 06:04
not everyone has a package manager
so the default was to bundle it.
I'm sure patches are welcome to make it optionally use a system one. 06:05
do you have that kind of time? 06:06
DrEeevil well, I can try, it's a bit weirdly glued together 06:07
would have to figure out how to make it an optional toggle, I guess (automagic stuff is bad)
diakopter I agree; a Configure.pl flag would be good 06:08
(or environment variable) (or both) 06:09
DrEeevil hmm, I prefer Configure.pl flags. explicit and easy to read 06:10
moritz +1 to optionally use an existing dyncall 06:17
pmichaud good morning, #perl6 06:19
moritz good am, pm 06:20
eeweew 06:21
sorry, hung connection
pmichaud moritz: I can haz access to doc.perl6.org ? 06:33
masak good morning, #perl6 06:47
pmichaud good morning, masak++ 06:50
masak talk day 1! \o/
sorear good morning!
sorear .u FBF9 07:03
masak character description length win :) 07:04
shachaf shachaf@carbon:~$ cat UNIDATA/unic.txt | tail -n+2 | sort-by-lengths | tail -n1
Hmm, apparenty I have a sort-by-lengths command and a sortbylengths alias.
moritz pmichaud: please nopaste one or more of your public ssh keys 07:05
shachaf sorear: How long are you in .eu?
sorear shachaf: probably going to be leaving European airspace sometime around 1300 CEST Friday 07:08
shachaf And back to CA shortly thereafter? 07:10
sorear yes 07:11
.oO( to know when to use the Stinger rockets )
masak .oO( ouch! that's gotta Sting ) 07:13
moritz I'm pretty sure that's where the name comes from 07:15
masak the name makes me think of bees and wasps. 07:23
or the "Every Breath You Take" artist.
oh, hm. Sting wrote it, but The Police performed it. 07:24
moritz well, Sting was part of The Police, no? 07:24
sergot hi o/ ! 07:28
masak dzień dobry, sergocie. :) 07:29
GlitchMr Dzień dobry, sergocie :P.
masak moritz: yes, seems he was. 07:30
hoelzro so I wrote up the following code: gist.github.com/3413127 07:31
that *should* work, right?
moritz r: gist.github.com/3413127
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for parameter ''; expected R but got C instead␤ in method me at /tmp/OGjm6VZ9qj:2␤ in block at /tmp/OGjm6VZ9qj:14␤␤»
hoelzro right, but I'm calling a role method on an object whose class consumes that role 07:34
masak considers commuting to the venue
masak hoelzro: feels to me like it should work, yes. 07:35
hoelzro so...how do I make it work? =) 07:36
masak r: role R { method me { say "OH HAI" } }; R.^method_table<me>(R.new)
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«OH HAI␤»
masak r: role R { method me { say "OH HAI" } }; class C does R {}; R.^method_table<me>(C.new)
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for parameter ''; expected R but got C instead␤ in method me at /tmp/dGrHM2WopQ:1␤ in block at /tmp/dGrHM2WopQ:1␤␤»
masak submits rakudobug 07:37
moritz hoelzro: you wait for jnthn to wake up. He might have an idea
masak: there's already one for the same issue
masak ok.
hoelzro moritz: what TZ is jnthn ?
masak commutes to venue
moritz hoelzro: CEST+{jnthn-get-up-late-offset}
DrEeevil sorear: it looks like the niecza-20 tag is missing (or github doesn't show it)
dalek ecza: 7ff1b8e | sorear++ | / (2 files):
Add server sockets to socket test module
sorear commutes
hoelzro I think the greatest barrier to starting Rakudo development is figuring out how all the pieces fit together 08:05
parrot + nqp + Rakudo is one level 08:06
now I'm trying to figure out how the internals of Parrot and NQP work =/
arnsholt I'm not an expert, but I might be able to help a bit 08:13
What are you looking for?
hoelzro oh, I'm just commenting =) 08:14
arnsholt Ah, right =)
hoelzro I think if I ever get my head around it, I'll write a series of blog posts
arnsholt Anyways, a good place to start is often rakudo/src/Perl6/Grammar.pm
Find the bit of grammar handling what you're looking at, trace through Actions.pm
That'll usually lead you to some bootstrappy bits and indications as to where in NQP you should look 08:15
hoelzro hmm
arnsholt Or, that's what I often do, at least
hoelzro some of the time, I'll see something like this in Actions.pm:
make $/<something>.ast 08:16
and I have no idea how to figure out what happens next...
moritz there's an action method associated with most grammar rules
arnsholt Then the rule passes through the object made in the something rule
moritz and they all call 'make' to set the current .ast 08:17
so make $<something>.ast just uses the AST of rule 'something' as the current AST
so yes, passing it on
hoelzro ok, that makes sense
so what "handles" the current AST?
moritz you mean, which rule works on the resulting AST? 08:18
moritz isn't sure he understood the question
hoelzro moritz: I think so, yes 08:19
moritz src/main.nqp sets upt he compilation chain 08:20
which basically says that the return value from TOP is compiled down to PIR
and TOP calls comp_unit
and comp_unit calls other rules, which eventually call the rules you care about
and the handling of the ASTs is the reverse process 08:21
so, your caller handles whatever you did
hoelzro I see
moritz and eventually the caller's caller is TOP, which is then handled by Perl6::Compiler, as set up in src/main.nqp
it's basically post-order tree traversal 08:22
hoelzro needs to start a Rakudo reading list
moritz needs to start a rakudo writing list :-) 08:24
hoelzro =) 08:25
arnsholt It's compositional semantics, if that's the kind of term that makes sense to you =)
moritz it does
at some point I've made a nice (IMHO) overview of the rakudo architecture, but it's now out of date 08:26
and I've long wanted to update it
DrEeevil sorear: hrm. niecza bootstrap is "dirty" ... would you be terribly upset if I mangled that to bits? 08:52
mathw o/ 08:55
tadzik [Coke]: (MuEvent) I dunno, should be probably 09:09
phenny tadzik: 20 Aug 21:36Z <japhb_> ask tadzik Can panda GitHub issue #15 "install for windows, Could not find Shell::Command" be closed now?
tadzik japhb: (#15) I'd be glad to get feedback from the original bug openers. I _hope_ it can be closed 09:10
arnsholt o/ jeffreykegler 09:29
jeffreykegler hi
arnsholt: I was just following your suggestion to read "rakudo/src/Perl6/Grammar.pm" 09:33
kresike hello all you happy perl6 people 09:37
moritz \o kresike, jeffreykegler, arnsholt 09:38
jeffreykegler: any insights from reading it?
kresike o/ moritz
arnsholt jeffreykegler: Oh, cool =)
mathw is moonlighting as a happy Perl 5 person today 09:39
arnsholt It can be big and scary (and it makes perl6.vim lose it completely) but it's pretty straightforward, mostly
jeffreykegler I'm looking into operator precedence for a blog post, and so just skimming
arnsholt Of course, previous experience with weird grammar formalisms has hardened me a bit =) 09:40
(HPSG, I'm looking at you)
jeffreykegler Also, it's 2:30 AM PST, and I need something to put me back to sleep :-) 09:41
moritz the actual precedence fiddling bit happens in nqp/src/HLL/Grammar.pm in EXPR and EXPR_reduce 09:42
which is still mostly written in PIR, it seems :(
arnsholt Yeah, the OPP was really scary last time I looked
moritz STD.pm6 has a Perl 6 version of the OPP 09:43
arnsholt Oh, excellent. I'll have to look at that at some point
moritz which is also scary :-)
arnsholt But probably less pages of code than the PIR version =) 09:44
moritz fewer
pages are countable
arnsholt Right, right
moritz 285 lines
arnsholt But the PIR one is closer to a kiloline, IIRC =) 09:46
moritz and does less
push @opstack, $infix; # The Shift
oh, the pain
yes, 800 lines of PIR 09:47
jeffreykegler good night, all! 09:57
mj41 Hello from Frankfurt. Enjoy updated feature matrix summary chart raw.github.com/mj41/Perl-6-GD/mast...odData.png 10:21
moritz mj41++ 10:22
pmichaud 07:05 <moritz> pmichaud: please nopaste one or more of your public ssh keys 10:33
moritz: gist.github.com/be2b026e28c58a6bdef2
GlitchMr mj41: just wondering, why partial features are over missing features? 10:40
dalek osystem: bf25353 | tadzik++ | META.list:
Add MuEvent
hoelzro why is it that nqp code always uses binding (:=) instead of assignment? 10:53
tadzik because nqp doesn't support assignment :)
hoelzro =P 10:54
why not?
GlitchMr It's probably too magical for simplified NQP code 10:55
hoelzro hmm
GlitchMr @array := 1, 2, 3; doesn't do what you would think 10:57
For that, you have to use @array := [1, 2, 3];
hoelzro nqp::findmethod($obj, $name) is equivalent to $obj.^find_method($name), yes? 11:18
moritz hoelzro: assignment requires a level of indirection that NQP doesn't want/need to provide 11:47
hoelzro ok 11:50
I'm still getting my head around = vs := vs ::=
:= seems to be a reference assignment, afaict
moritz pmichaud: I've added your ssh key. You should be able to run the 'sync' script in the perl6/doc repo 11:51
pmichaud: if you need addtional privs (like for changing the apache config), please let me know
[Coke] does jnthn++ have slides up from the debugger talk? 13:07
or was it even a talk yet?
moritz it was a talk (about exceptions :-) 13:08
and no, slides aren't up yet
[Coke] :( 13:09
moritz the newest on www.jnthn.net/articles.shtml are from the German Perl Workshop
[Coke] wonders if there is a way to view PDFS on the mac that will auto-fit to the size of the page, so I can hit "page down" and not have it be "page and a little bit". 13:12
[Coke] ah, preview-> turn off "continuous scroll". \o/ 13:14
Woodi o/ everyone :) 13:18
[Coke] good morning.
Woodi is Curses for Perl 6 maybe ? :) 13:19
GlitchMr www.perlfoundation.org/perl6/index....rl_6_today says you can, but I don't know how 13:21
Perhaps NativeCall would work
moritz please ignore the perlfoundation perl6 wiki 13:22
it's mostly unmaintained
Woodi but Curses is there... 13:23
moritz where "there"? 13:27
Woodi look Lue want Curses too :) rdstar.wordpress.com/2012/07/27/mak...in-august/ 13:28
tadzik well volunteered :)
Woodi "there" means perlfundation.org link above 13:29
what is prefered resource for _starting_ with NativeCalls ? 13:31
arnsholt The NativeCall Readme, then the tests 13:33
After that, experimentation or asking here, I think
PerlJam sounds about right. 13:34
Woodi arnsholt: oki, I want to try: initscr(); endwin(); :)
pmichaud should I check with tpf to see about having the perlfoundation perl6 wiki forwarded to somewhere else? 13:35
Woodi pmichaud: probably we do not have ready page titled exactly: "What can YOU do with Perl 6 Now, Today, This minute?" 13:36
and title look nice... 13:37
arnsholt Although, there was someone working on Curses stuff a little while back 13:39
Can't remember who though :/
PerlJam Doesn't hurt to duplicate effort if Woodi learns something about how to use NativeCall. 13:41
arnsholt Definitely 13:42
Just figured it'd be a good person to ask about stuff as well 13:43
moritz iirc there was an old curses binding for parrot, which a hacky p6 module used, back in the days 13:43
if that's true, it surely won't work in nom
Woodi hates www.garfield.com/comics/vault.html?...ddr=120821 ! but maybe Woodi is too naive... 13:45
[Coke] pmichaud: consider it raised to a TPF person. 13:47
would we be happy if the whole thing was replaced with a link to perl6.org ? 13:53
moritz would be, yes
TimToady wow, I can get on the network during a break, since everyone else is eating ice cream... 13:58
Woodi so far: Cannot locate native library 'libncurses.so' but it is in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ ...
moritz Woodi: does /etc/ld.so.conf have an entry for /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ ? 13:59
[Coke] ok, I'll take care of it.
Woodi moritz: no, it is empty... how my system is working ?? 14:01
moritz Woodi: I have no idea. What kind of system is it?
I only know of linux that it uses ld.so.conf
PerlJam Woodi: try specifying the full path to the lib in your "is native()" call
moritz *BSD systems might use a different mechanism 14:02
PerlJam Woodi: or try setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
arnsholt ]
moritz is that a 64 bit machine with a 32bit lib installed?
arnsholt Stuff hit my keyboard
Woodi moritz: 32 bit Debian, probably everything should be done as part of apt-get 14:03
PerlJam Woodi: (neither of those is "the answer", but they might be enough to get you going for now)
Woodi trying now 14:04
none works. will check strace... 14:09
PerlJam It would be nice if that "Cannot locate native library" message would tell you where it looked. 14:10
moritz Woodi: does linking a C program with libncurses work? 14:11
jnthn ohhai o/
moritz lolitsjnthn! 14:12
PerlJam jnthn: o/
hoelzro o/ jnthn
jnthn was suffering from the heat in the venue, so has retreated to the hotel
geekosaur beware on recent debian-based distributions, libncurses.so is a linker script redirecting to libncursesw.so. several add-on dynamic linkers I'm aware of choke on the linker script 14:14
Woodi found: open("/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libncurses.so", O_RDONLY) = 3 and next: read(3, "INPUT(libncurses.so.5 -ltinfo)\n", 512) = 31 and then: write(2, "Cannot locate native library... maybe it do not like symlinks ?
jnthn geekosaur: Would using dlopen work out on such a thing?
Woodi yes, that libnc*w annoys me...
geekosaur I don't think so but havven't tested 14:15
but that is a linker script right there that Woodi just quoted
moritz wtf? /usr/lib/libncurses.so: symbolic link to `/lib/libncurses.so.5'
jnthn It'd kinda suck if they did something such that the well-knwon primitive for dynamically loading a library didn't work...
moritz /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5: symbolic link to `libtermcap.so' 14:16
/usr/lib/libtermcap.so: symbolic link to `libncurses.so'
geekosaur ...
jnthn wtf indeed
PerlJam moritz: what OS?
moritz PerlJam: that's a debian stable 14:17
PerlJam makes another mental note to be wary of debian
sirrobert is there a syntax for applying multiple roles through a single "does" ?
class A does X, Y, Z { ... } 14:18
that sort of thing (I tried a few but couldn't come up with one that worked =)
moritz no, you need multiple 'does'
oh, one of them is a link to /lib/libncurses.so.5
not /usr/lib
sirrobert moritz: ok. Is that a reasonable feature request? 14:19
(and if so, where do I make it? =)
moritz sirrobert: no, multiple 'does' work fine
jnthn sirrobert: I'm rather certain this has been discussed before :)
moritz sirrobert: why must it be a single 'does'? 14:20
jnthn I forget the exact arguments for why to keep things the way they are.
moritz precedence?
sirrobert jnthn: ok; I'll read up on it
jnthn Probably 'cus it's get ugly
moritz: Yeah, parsing issues could be fun
moritz oh
and multi dispatch
jnthn Well, you'd need another candidate that took a list of roles...
moritz declaring multis for infix:<does> that do the right thing would be much harder
jnthn And parser tweaks
sirrobert it seems like "does (A, B, C)" could just do multiple does underneath? 14:21
jnthn moritz: This is about the trait mod
moritz jnthn: yes, same problem
jnthn *nod*
sirrobert well, I'm ok to use multiple "does" for now =) 14:22
geekosaur wonders what benefit you get from uglier syntax? 14:23
sirrobert me too ;) 14:24
moritz doesn't find the start of github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...lassHOW.pm ugly at all 14:25
jnthn wonders what benefit you get by saving a couple of characters when it introduces two ways to do something that look different but would really be completely the same
...and make something that's clean more complicated to boot.
sirrobert TIOORWTDI =)
jnthn moritz: Right, it's never bothered me either. 14:26
sirrobert I don't find the ClassHow definition ugly either, but there are other considerations, such as line length
jnthn So...spread it over more than one line! 14:27
PerlJam line length?
jnthn My talk slides from yesterday are at jnthn.net/papers/2012-yapceu-exceptions.pdf
pmichaud \o/ jnthn++
moritz it's not a very common operation, so not much gain from optimizing short syntax for it 14:28
jnthn And I already pasted the debugger URL yesterday :)
Also, I want to be where the front cover photo is again :P
sirrobert gain is in the eye of the beholder 14:29
pmichaud yeah, that front cover photo is awesome
sirrobert though (as I mentioned before) I'm happy to adhere to the aesthetic culture present 14:30
pmichaud for those looking at jnthn++'s slides, note that the debugger stuff is mostly in slide 49. 14:31
jnthn Yeah, the way to show the debugger was to, well, show the debugger :) 14:32
pmichaud I'm hoping to create a screencast to demo the debugger soonish (maybe thu or fri of this week, while I'm still in .de)
jnthn ooh 14:33
moritz hasn't tried it yet, just read the source :-) 14:33
pmichaud seems as though everyone else will be mostly gone by fri, which means I'll have a day to do a little sightseeing and a fair bit of catching up on hacking stuff 14:34
jnthn moritz: Oh my :)
pmichaud and since I have my webcams and stuff with me... I might be in good shape for making a screencast. 14:35
moritz jnthn: I had about 10 minutes on a slow machine and no compiled rakudo :-)
webcam*s*? if you have more than one, you can record in 3D :-)
jnthn moritz: ah :) 14:36
pmichaud there's a webcam built-in to my laptop, and I have a usb webcam I carry around with me for emergency presentations
anyway, I'm off to the lightning talks -- bbl
moritz decommutes
kresike bye all 14:37
PerlJam sirrobert: I can see your desire for multiple does. All the repetition in the current way bothers ever so slightly. Have a look at some other craziness that I just thought of: gist.github.com/3416060 (the first is your version of does) 14:38
sirrobert PerlJam: thanks; reading =)
yeah, the second two would be trixy, but the first is not uglier for long lists and prettier for short 14:39
PerlJam I don't really have an opinion either way (at least not a strong enough one). The existing way works and has less syntax to worry about, so on the whole, I'd lean towards the status quo 14:41
sirrobert that's about where I am on it 14:42
worth asking about, in case it was implemented already
not worth merely aesthetic arguments
PerlJam besides, once macros are fully functional, you can make your own multi-does if you want :) 14:43
sirrobert well, once macros are fully functional, obviously I'll write an Esperanto dialect ;)
sirrobert completely joking, of course 14:44
[Coke] OH NOES there are no actual debugger slides! ;) 14:47
jnthn++ nice exception slides, though, moritz++ for heavy lifting.
p6rd: next
p6rd parrot 2012-08-21, rakudo 2012-08-23, niecza 2012-08-27
[Coke] is there going to be a star release this week? 14:48
jnthn Compiler release is this week, afaik 14:48
Star probably early next week unless somebody jumps on it sooner :)
Woodi could anyone check if this Curses/NC lines work for him pls ? pastebin.com/Ja9GMfPL Or maybe I messed something 14:52
PerlJam Woodi: my ubuntu system seems to have problems locating libncurses.so. If I change it to read ... is native('libncurses.so.5') ... the program executes 14:56
flussence mine doesn't even have a libncurses.so.5 symlink 15:01
...and somewhat worryingly, the ubuntu desktop I'm at doesn't have /usr/lib/libncurses* at all. That doesn't seem right. 15:03
oh. It's in /usr/lib/$ARCH/ 15:05
moritz works here too with libncurses.so.5 15:16
sirrobert how do I add a module to the ecosystem? It's already created and formatted correctly (per wiki instructions) 15:19
tadzik sirrobert: ask me :) 15:20
moritz sirrobert: you add the URL to its META.info file to the perl6/ecosystem repo
sirrobert tadzik: heh ok =)
moritz sirrobert: tell me your github ID, and I can give you commit access to that repo
sirrobert moritz: via pull request?
moritz sirrobert: via direct pushing to it :-) 15:21
sirrobert sirrobert
(that's my github id)
moritz sirrobert: you now have commit access to the ecosystem repo, and, oh, a few more repos. Welcome!
sirrobert thanks (both) =)
tadzik \o/ 15:22
sirrobert what do o/ and \o/ mean?
tadzik it's a head and a set of hands
sirrobert ahh, heh
PerlJam o/\o (high 5!)
moritz and now you can guess what /o\ means :-)
sirrobert handstand?
tadzik more like "OH ONES" 15:23
moritz more like hiding your head under your arms
tadzik or maybe "OH NOES"
sirrobert I guess % is like ... a two-headed guy trying to brush his hair?
tadzik hehe
sirrobert heh nod
dalek osystem: c35ff6a | (Sir Robert Burbridge)++ | META.list:
added Class::Utils
sirrobert a 'getting my feet wet' module 15:29
moritz sirrobert++ 15:31
PerlJam sirrobert++ indeed.
sirrobert: You say "Array for example" ... do you know any other classes that have this problem? A nice addition to your module might be something that shows which classes require it. Like a program that you can run to test a particular class maybe? 15:37
sirrobert good idea. I don't know of any off the top of my head (I just tried with Array), but I can check easily enough
Can you add that as an issue in the module's repo? 15:38
moritz do I suck at searching on the internet, or is it really that hard to find documentation about ncurses? 15:39
sirrobert tldp.org/HOWTO/NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO/ 15:40
moritz sirrobert: more than what I had until now, thanks
sirrobert sure 15:41
moritz I actually wanted the API documentation 15:41
sirrobert ah
invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses-intro.html 15:42
geekosaur afaik the API docs are all manpages
no html or other fancy formats
with 'man 3 curses' as the table of contents
PerlJam sirrobert: did you just google "ncurses API reference" and follow the stack overflow link ? :-) 15:43
sirrobert heh nod
surprisingly often, that's better search results than other people get
my sister is a search ninja. I'm more of a search hooligan.
moritz eeks
NativeCall exports a refresh() function 15:44
PerlJam really?
moritz and I want to define my own sub refresh
PerlJam that's ... unfortunate
moritz ah well, 'is symbol<refresh>' to the rescue 15:46
gist.github.com/3416731 15:49
PerlJam looking at /usr/include/ncurses.h it should be fairly straight forward to create NativeCall declarations for most of the ncurses routines 15:54
thou PerlJam: i started one 16:04
arnsholt moritz: Oh, good point. Might be an argument in favour of changing the name a bit =)
thou PerlJam: github.com/softmoth/p6-Term-Curses
PerlJam thou++ 16:05
moritz arnsholt: I sow it as an argument in favour adding export traits 16:06
*export tags
dalek volaj/export-tags: 3228da6 | moritz++ | lib/NativeCall.pm6:
add export tags
arnsholt Or that, yeah =)
moritz arnsholt: if you like that branch, feel free to merge
arnsholt: if you like that branch, feel free to mergec 16:08
PerlJam moritz: apparently you and I think quite a bit alike :) (though you actually did something about it)
arnsholt: what does refresh() do exactly?
arnsholt Looks good to me
PerlJam: It's for corner cases, really
sirrobert r: say ::('::?PACKAGE'); 16:10
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«Start of substr out of range. Is: 1, should be in 0..0␤ in method Str at src/gen/CORE.setting:9719␤ in method Stringy at src/gen/CORE.setting:735␤ in sub infix:<eq> at src/gen/CORE.setting:1047␤ in sub INDIRECT_NAME_LOOKUP at src/gen/CORE.setting:11704␤ in blo…
arnsholt If you pass an object to C and that object is mutated we catch the change when the C function returns 16:12
But if one function call saves a reference to an object and another one changes it (where the object is not an argument) we need a way to explicitly check for changes
Might be useful with callbacks too, come to think of it 16:13
PerlJam I was having hard time thinking of when it would be useful *without* callbacks. 16:14
(after reading src/ops/nqp_dyncall.ops) 16:15
sirrobert is there a var that stores a list of all available classes?
moritz no 16:16
moritz r: say CORE::.keys 16:16
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«ObjAt Stash Scalar Proxy Grammar PROCESS Bool False True ContainerDescriptor MethodDispatcher MultiDispatcher WrapDispatcher StaticLexPad NQPCursorRole Metamodel Pair Whatever WhateverCode Positional Associative Callable X &trait_mod:<is> &EXPORT_SYMBOL &trait_mod:…
moritz that gives you some 16:17
you just have to grep for the undefined values
sirrobert thanks
hoelzro jnthn: I was told I should bother you about this: gist.github.com/3413127
arnsholt PerlJam: The tests for it is without callbacks, if you're interested =) 16:19
But yeah, it was essentially a piece of LHF I picked
moritz it's something that was needed for the SQLite driver, iirc
arnsholt Wasn't that the explicitly managed strings?
moritz oh right 16:20
another pitfall
GlitchMr .u ☺ 16:38
phenny U+263A WHITE SMILING FACE (☺)
GlitchMr .u 😁
phenny U+1F601 (No name found)
GlitchMr But... it is Unicode 6.1 character
Is Unicode 6.1 supported in phenny? 16:39
moritz phenny only supports character upt to U+FFFF
GlitchMr I guess I have to do it myself 16:40
thou r: my $io = '/etc'.IO; <d e f l r s w x z t>.map({ $io."$_"() }).say; 17:00
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«True True False False True 4096 False True False False␤»
thou r: my $io = '/etc'.IO; <d e f l r s w x z t>.map({ $_ => $io."$_"() }).say; 17:01
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context in block at /tmp/0RUwHgTYzz:1␤␤Method '' not found for invocant of class 'IO'␤ in block at /tmp/0RUwHgTYzz:1␤␤»
thou what am i doing wrong in 2nd instance?
moritz r: my $io = '/etc'.IO; <d e f l r s w x z t>.map({; $_ => $io."$_"() }).say 17:01
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«d True e True f False l False r True s 4096 w False x True z False t False␤»
moritz thou: it's the hash vs. block thing
thou ah
colomon hash vs block: who'd win? 17:02
GlitchMr It depends
DWIM chooses
thou i thought if $_ was present, then it should be a block 17:03
moritz aye; rakudo doesn't implement that part yet
thou roit
thou rn: my $p = '/foo/bar'; my $r = substr-rw($p, 0, $p.index('/', 1)) = ''; say "p[$p], r[$r]"; 18:26
p6eval niecza v19-30-g7ff1b8e: OUTPUT«p[/bar], r[/bar]␤»
..rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«p[/bar], r[/foo]␤»
dalek c: e7f00c9 | moritz++ | lib/X/Signature/NameClash.pod:
document X::Signature::NameClash
thou should i believe niecza, rakudo, or neither?
moritz has no idea 18:27
thou i'm kind of surprised that $r isn't ''
i'm pretty sure niecza's doesn't make sense 18:28
i actually like rakudo's interpretation, but i'm not sure how it works 18:29
moritz neither 18:30
thou r: my $p = '/foo/bar'; my $r = (substr-rw($p, 0, $p.index('/', 1)) = ''); say "p[$p], r[$r]";
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«p[/bar], r[/foo]␤»
moritz and I implemented substr-rw
thou r: my $p = '/foo/bar'; (my $r = substr-rw($p, 0, $p.index('/', 1))) = ''; say "p[$p], r[$r]"; 18:31
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«p[/foo/bar], r[]␤»
thou n: my $p = '/foo/bar'; (my $r = substr-rw($p, 0, $p.index('/', 1))) = ''; say "p[$p], r[$r]";
p6eval niecza v19-30-g7ff1b8e: OUTPUT«p[/foo/bar], r[]␤»
thou maybe just need to rewrite the docs. seems that if substr-rw is rw subroutine, it needs to be on the LHS of assignment in order to have effect; otherwise it's just substr 18:33
so it doesn't return a writable reference to part of $p. it returns the same thing as substr(). 18:34
PerlJam thou: I don't know about "just rewrite the docs" ... surely there's a test missing? 18:35
thou yeah
thou looks at S32-str/substr-rw.t 18:37
OK, so it's NYI
dalek c: 6fc732a | moritz++ | / (2 files):
document X::Method::Private::Permission
dalek c: 3b79954 | moritz++ | lib/X/Method/Private/Unqualified.pod:
document X::Method::Private::Unqualified
diakopter .u hexagram decayed 19:13
moritz wow 19:15
moritz phenny: ask jnthn in Actions.pm sub bind_op, is there any way to obtain the variable name to pass to X::Bind::NativeType? if so, how? 19:17
phenny moritz: I'll pass that on when jnthn is around.
dalek c: 471e747 | moritz++ | lib/X/Bind/NativeType.pod:
document X::Bind::NativeType
thou how do i write this? 19:31
std: (-> $x => $y { $x.say }).('foo' => 'bar')
p6eval std 235f71b: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Preceding context expects a term, but found infix > instead at /tmp/HqcsBWTDGV line 1:␤------> (-> $x =⏏> $y { $x.say }).('foo' => 'bar')␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:00 43m␤»
PerlJam what are you trying to say? 19:32
thou i have a list of pairs, and i want to write a for loop: for @pairs -> $k => $v { say "key: $k, val: $v" }
PerlJam what's the $y for?
thou r: my @pairs = a => 1, b => 2, c => 3; for @pairs>>.kv -> $k, $v { say "k $k, v $v" } 19:35
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«k a, v 1␤k b, v 2␤k c, v 3␤»
moritz thou: for @pairs -> $ (:$key, :$value) { say "$k => $v" }
uses signature unpacking 19:36
thou ah, cool
moritz or
thou yes, i was hoping to unpack in the sig there
r: my @pairs = a => 1, b => 2, c => 3; for @pairs -> $(:$key, :$value) { say "k $key, v $value" }
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«k a, v 1␤k b, v 2␤k c, v 3␤» 19:37
thou thanks, moritz++!
r: my @pairs = a => 1, b => 2, c => 3; for @pairs -> $(:key($foo), :value($bar)) { say "k $foo, v $bar" }
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«k a, v 1␤k b, v 2␤k c, v 3␤» 19:38
thou maybe ».kv is cleaner anyways :-)
moritz maybe :-) 19:40
jnthn moritz: (bind_op) you'll have a QAST::Var to hand typically. You can look at its .name 19:48
phenny jnthn: 19:17Z <moritz> ask jnthn in Actions.pm sub bind_op, is there any way to obtain the variable name to pass to X::Bind::NativeType? if so, how?
moritz jnthn: thanks 19:49
pmichaud good evening, #perl6
PerlJam pm: greetings! How's .eu? 19:50
jnthn moritz: note that in the postcircumfix cases there's not an easy ride though
jnthn moritz: as in, the expression on the left could be fairly complex 19:50
pmichaud .eu has been very enjoyable... a bit more so than I had expected.
more enjoyable because of the people I've been hanging out with, mainly 19:51
plus many of the talks ahve been excellent
PerlJam excellent
pmichaud I'll be glad for the conference to be over so I can get back to hacking, though. 19:52
we really need to figure out a hacking venue for thursday that has a/c
jnthn pmichaud: yes. yes. yes.
PerlJam what little of the Perl summit that's made it out into the blogosphere has seemed very positive. 19:53
jnthn has already almost melted down multiple times this yapc thanks to the heat...
dalek ecza: 94c69fe | sorear++ | / (2 files):
Move IO::Socket::INET into the setting & a DateTime stub for Dancer
PerlJam I haven't seen much about YAPC::EU though
(haven't looked really)
moritz PerlJam: there's a bit on twitter
masak good morning, #perl6
pmichaud I don't yet know how much time TimToady++ will have on Thu for hacking... so hacking venue may depend a bit on that. We'll undoubtedly work it out tomorrow :)
PerlJam jnthn: global warming. It's a trend :)
moritz but I get the impression that wifi is bad the conference, which is why nearly nobody reports directly from it 19:54
is that true?
moritz good am, masak 19:54
pmichaud we have remarked that it will be odd if YAPC::NA 2013 (Austin, TX) ends up having lower temperatures than YAPC::EU 2012 (Frankfurt)
masak moritz: yes, it's true.
pmichaud wifi is problematic, yes.
pmichaud this afternoon I basically gave up on even bringing my notebook to the venue; not worth the weight 19:55
moritz jnthn: currently I'm mainly interested in the case where we've already checked for QAST::Var
r: my int $ := 3 19:56
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot bind to a natively typed variable; use assignment instead␤at /tmp/A0X00Jhfkg:1␤»
jnthn moritz: Ok, then it's easy. Use le .name
pmichaud PerlJam: overall I have to say the summit was very positive
sorear good * #perl6
moritz agreed, even though I missed half of it
good morning sorear :-)
pmichaud I somewhat expected it to be positive, but apparently many others had stronger trepidations than I did :)
ingy seen TimToady
aloha TimToady was last seen in #perl6 5 hours 58 mins ago saying "wow, I can get on the network during a break, since everyone else is eating ice cream...".
PerlJam pm: that's the gap that needed filling.
sorear moritz: are we not both in CEST? 19:57
jnthn For anyone who missed the commits: the Rakudo debugger now lets you single step through regexes.
moritz sorear: everybody is in UGT :-)
sorear I don't like this UGT meme. It's stepping on the toes of my "good *" meme. 19:58
pmichaud "*" is a valid UGT time, I think :)
moritz doesn't see the conflict either
pmichaud jnthn: okay, now you're just showing off. :-P
moritz wow 19:58
pmichaud jnthn++ # debugger was a very nice surprise this conference
moritz now somebody please integrate it in star
pmichaud oh, I'll do that.
moritz (probably needs a bit more twiddling than the average module, 'cause of le Makefile) 19:59
pmichaud I'm planning to do the star release anyway, so I've got it on my tasklist.
I will undoubtedly work on it some Friday
moritz note that I already did the fix for twiddling the shebang lines of ufo and panda
dalek ast: 12f1b31 | moritz++ | S (2 files):
basic tests for sigilless params
jnthn pmichaud: We could look at in on Thursday 20:01
pmichaud jnthn: yes, we can do that if you want; I'm suspecting that integrating the debugger into star isn't too difficult though. We might want to focus on other things, perhaps.
jnthn pmichaud: well, I thinking we can probably knock it out in like 10 minutes ;) 20:02
pmichaud although I do need to get a debugger runthrough so I can come up with a screencast script 20:02
or storyboard
so perhaps that would be good as well.
jnthn pmichaud: I'm pondering doing a blog post about it. 20:03
pmichaud jnthn: yes, you should do that (if you do not, then I will :-).
jnthn Though I agree a screencast would be cooler at showing it off.
pmichaud we can always have both
jnthn Oh, sure :)
pmichaud hearing your description of the debugger is equally valuable. 20:04
moritz is the tree format after QAST still called POST, or is it now PIRT? 20:06
jnthn PIRT 20:07
When I get done with all this transition, I'm gonna go on a big search/replace.
jnthn tbh though, I don't mind too much what we call it :) 20:08
jnthn hm, wat, hotel wifi seems to have stopped doing DNS resolution for me 20:13
pmichaud jnthn: I had that issue to for a while. Rebooting eventually resolved (pardon the pun) the problem for me :) 20:14
oh, wait
looks like dns just failed for me too
like, just now
jnthn tssk
pmichaud jnthn: what did you do to the dns?!? arggggggh :-P
jnthn Tried to visit github :P 20:15
moritz use as DNS server 20:15
that's the only one where I can remember the IP :-)
pmichaud I'm afk for a bit 20:16
jnthn ooh, it works again now Pm has gone afk 20:17
And me blamed me! :-P
masak .oO( and now pm is absent, we'll probably get torrential rainfall ) 20:19
dalek kudo/nom: b1d83db | kboga++ | src/core/Str.pm:
adds native str ops and return type annotations
kudo/nom: 9162d07 | moritz++ | src/core/Str.pm:
Merge branch 'str-ops-ret-annotations' of github.com/kboga/rakudo into nom

Conflicts: src/core/Str.pm
kudo/nom: e0ffd92 | moritz++ | src/ (3 files):
supply name to X::Bind::NativeType, jnthn++
kudo/nom: e9b4461 | moritz++ | / (2 files):
Merge branch 'nom' of git://github.com/rakudo/rakudo into nom
kudo/nom: 555a3eb | moritz++ | docs/architecture.svg:
[docs] update architecture image a bit.

probably needs a complete redo eventually
sirrobert I have a compile error that says just "No object at index 85". How can I track that down? 20:22
dalek ecs: 1a55450 | moritz++ | S32-setting-library/Exception.pod:
[S32::Exception] X::Bind::NativeType now reports name of the variable
sirrobert there's no other context, except a .pir file (that doesn't get generated)
moritz sirrobert: that's usually related to precompiled modules in some way 20:23
sirrobert: how old or new is your rakudo?
sirrobert most recent star
but I was fiddling around with panda earlier =) Let me take a look
moritz rakudo doesn't like it when you precompile a module that has dependencies that aren't precompiled (or the precompiled version isn't loaded) 20:24
most recent rakudo from git gives a better error message
sirrobert ok, I'll grab that one
should I remove the existing rakudo ?
completely, I mean -- and all installed modules and scripts 20:25
moritz yes, the whole install dir
sirrobert ok, thanks
dalek c: d1af529 | moritz++ | lib/X/Bind/NativeType.pod:
document X::Bind::NativeType
dalek c: 9fed358 | moritz++ | lib/X/Attribute/Package.pod:
document X::Attribute::Package
moritz nr: class A { sub f() { has $.x } } 20:45
p6eval niecza v19-31-g94c69fe: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Attribute $!x declared outside of any class at /tmp/VJ4tWtSbRG line 1:␤------> class A { sub f() { has $.x ⏏} }␤␤Potential difficulties:␤ &f is declared but not used at /tmp/VJ4tWtSbRG line 1:␤------> [3…
..rakudo 009325: ( no output )
sirrobert ooh
moritz r: class A { sub f() { has $.x } }; say A.new(x => 3).x 20:46
p6eval rakudo 009325: OUTPUT«3␤»
moritz std: class A { sub f() { has $.x } }
p6eval std 235f71b: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 42m␤»
moritz just ~35 error classes left to document 20:50
sirrobert heh
moritz should really automate some parts of it 20:51
masak $ ./perl6 -e 'macro four { my $q = quasi { 2 }; $q = quasi { 1 + {{{say $q.WHICH; $q}}} } for 1..2; $q }; say four'AST|-686369491820049320 20:54
oops. ww.
(but still a nice illustration of what I do and don't have working locally) :) 20:55
diakopter :)
masak .oO( good thing it wasn't anything sekkrit! ) 20:56
sirrobert trying to install Class::Util (the module I published this morning) gets this: resolve stage failed for Class::Utils: Project Class::Utils not found in the ecosystem 20:58
Is there an additional step I overlooked?
moritz maybe your local projects list is out of date? 20:59
sirrobert I just reinstalled everything (5 minutes ago)
where is the list, so I can check?
moritz $ panda update
Segmentation fault
sirrobert heh
thanks, that seems to have fixed it 21:00
moritz it seems you've spelled it Class::Util*s*
sirrobert yeah, that was an interesting oversight =)
I guess I could change it now before it gets into usage 21:01
or just leave it and that's what it is =)
masak the fact that it's List::Util but then List::MoreUtils seems to indicate that the 's' there is a good idea. 21:07
moritz huh?
moritz doesn't comprehend the logic behind that statement
PerlJam List::StuffThatShouldAlreadyBeInTheLanguage
masak so does the fact that you thought your own module was called that :) 21:08
PerlJam If Class::Utils has more than one utility, perhaps the "s" is warranted. :)
Currently it seemes to only have one "util"
sorear 1. is it something which belongs in the setting? 21:12
2. will it continue to make sense in the face of 6model changes? 21:13
masak moritz: the logic behind that statement being something like (1) consistency is nice, but (2) "List::MoreUtil" looks weird, and (3) if the namer of "List::Util" had anticipated (2) and valued (1) enough, then he might have named it "List::Utils". 21:25
'night, #perl6 21:33
japhb o/ 21:34
jnthn Stepping through spectests is an awesome way to feel out places where the debugger user experience is LTA 21:43
japhb jnthn++ # A debugger has been in my top 3 list of Rakudo desires for like a year now, THANK YOU 21:49
jnthn japhb: Welcome. Enjoy it, ask for a commit bit if you find you want to patch it :) 22:04
japhb Will do.
jnthn 'night o/ 22:13
japhb o/ 22:14
sergot good night o/ 22:26
dalek nda/verbose-list: 682dbf4 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | lib/Panda/Fetcher.pm:
Track source-revision in Fetcher
nda/verbose-list: 025c83b | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | lib/Panda/Fetcher.pm:
Try harder to detect git URLs in Fetcher
nda/verbose-list: cb876f0 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | lib/Panda/Fetcher.pm:
Save source-type in metadata when Fetcher autodetects it
nda/verbose-list: e47946f | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | lib/Panda/Fetcher.pm:
Minor whitespace fix
nda/verbose-list: 1c443a5 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | bin/panda:
'panda list' improvements: Add saved revision info for installed projects; rearrange columns for readability; only show extra columns when --verbose requested
nda/verbose-list: 500690c | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | bin/panda:
Clean up 'panda info' output and include saved info for installed projects
nda/verbose-list: 5ea91f8 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | TODO:
Remove TODO items for completed verbose-list branch
nda: 2ba908f | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | lib/Panda/Ecosystem.pm:
When installing, save a snapshot of that project's metainfo into the statefile
panda: d0553e2 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | bin/panda:
panda: Display saved metainfo for installed projects when doing 'panda list'
japhb phenny, tell tadzik, I just pushed a lot of stuff to panda; I suggest pulling and ./reboostrap.pl, and then enjoy my last few days of hacking. :-) 23:31
phenny japhb: I'll pass that on when tadzik is around.
japhb phenny, tell tadzik, if you want to use the saved meta features on panda *itself* and its local-bootstrap, you should ./reboostrap.pl *twice*, because only after the first bootstrap will panda be saving all that info. 23:33
phenny japhb: I'll pass that on when tadzik is around.