»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
colomon FROGGS++: Awesome! I was actually trying and failing to get MP3 playback working in Niecza a month or two ago. (Not Niecza's fault as far as I know, I think it was Mono issues.) 00:07
japhb Very strange time anomaly in Rakudo 3188aee: time perl6 -e '' => .477s, time perl6 -e '0' => 0.934s, time perl6 -e 'use JSON::Tiny;' => 0.594s 03:27
jnthn, pmichaud, moritz: Any ideas ^^ ? 03:28
thou rn: ^9.roll(30); 06:55
p6eval rakudo 5ceefd, niecza v19-37-g0567c61: ( no output )
thou rn: ^9.roll(30).perl.say;
p6eval rakudo 5ceefd, niecza v19-37-g0567c61: OUTPUT«(9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9).list␤»
thou rn: (^9.roll(30)).perl.say; 06:57
p6eval rakudo 5ceefd, niecza v19-37-g0567c61: OUTPUT«0..^30␤»
masak good morning, #perl6 07:17
felher o/ masak 07:20
masak oh, nice. now I see a face when I read the nick "felher". felher++ 07:21
felher yeah. Same here with you and the other guys i met :) 07:24
felher wishes everyone attending the hackathon a happy and productive time is off for $job 07:26
moritz \o 07:45
thou seen dalek 08:05
aloha dalek was last seen in #perl6 3 hours 44 mins ago joining the channel.
eiro hello all 08:44
diakopter ~hi 08:45
what's up? 08:46
eiro seen tons of new people at yapc. impressed by the young people and women: it seems we're not missing diversity anymore 08:48
aloha tons of new people at yapc. impressed by the young people and women: it seems we're not missing diversity anymore was last seen in 15577 days 8 hours ago .
diakopter well, that is an extremely tiny sample 08:50
masak we may have some diversity, but I'm pretty sure we need more of it ;) 08:51
tadzik good morning #perl6
masak thou: the thing you need to understand about prefix:<^> and other prefix operators is that they're looser than terms. for some reasons, we don't always expect that with things like ^9.roll(30). but that's the way it falls out. 08:56
moritz \o 09:00
masak from repository.readscheme.org/ftp/paper...IM-349.pdf : 'Note well that we did _not_ bring forth a clean implementation in one brilliant flash of understanding; we used an experimental and highly empirical approach to bootstrap our knowledge.' 09:32
this is from the first of the "Lambda Papers". a good read if one (like me) is interested in how closures work and the early discoveries about them. 09:33
felher masak++ # for the link. I sure want to read this if i happend to have some free time next week 09:54
moritz is Tim Smith here on IRC? 10:29
seems not; I've commented on the commit instead 10:31
tadzik .u » 10:55
tadzik does anyone have an xkbmap with this?
I used to have that on alt+[], but I seem to have lost that one 10:56
crab2313 r: say 1+3 ?? $_ !! 123; 11:31
p6eval rakudo 5ceefd: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
crab2313 n: say 1+3 ?? $_ !! 123;
p6eval niecza v19-37-g0567c61: OUTPUT«Any()␤» 11:32
tadzik re woman at yapc, that was at least one good reason to work at booking :) 12:24
there seemed to be many of them working there
leont Try Cluj.pm. At their meetup two weeks ago there were about as many women as men, and they're programmers not recruiters. They're doing something right there. 12:35
tadzik indeed
FROGGS hi there 13:06
tadzik hi FROGGS
awwaiid tadzik, I have » as compose+>+> 13:09
tadzik awwaiid: yeah, I prefer to having «» close 13:09
I put them on altgr+[]
awwaiid ah
tadzik like “”, ‘’ and so
mst I ... suspect I would need a new editor for unicode. 13:10
awwaiid I know «» can be used in perl6, what are “”, ‘’ for?
awwaiid er... s/can/are/ 13:10
you knowwhatimean 13:11
rindolf Hi all.
awwaiid hi rindolf
tadzik awwaiid: nothing. It's just that I don't always quote, but when I do, I do it with proper characters 13:13
also, Polish for example uses „” rather than “”
and ,,'' looks stupid
awwaiid ah
moritz what are modules that (possibly indirectly) use sockets and have tests? 13:45
__sri is there a reason .spurt and .spew have different names in rakudo and nqp? 14:35
mst __sri: nqp is a baby perl6 so it doesn't have the post-puberty capacity to spurt yet and can only spew? 14:38
mst hides
__sri :D
skids Is the ".clear" method mentioned in perlcabal.org/syn/S06.html#Feed_operators for feed taps still likely to be implemented, and if so, when and how was it to be called? Each time the feed tap occurs in a new feed? 14:41
JimmyZ hmm, I can't bootstrap panda 14:54
gist.github.com/3466747 14:55
looks like 'mkdir' and 'open' doesn't support no-ascii GBK strings. 15:08
leont Non-ascii on Windows is a bit of a bitch 15:39
moritz non-ascii on windows is also a bit of a bit :-) 15:40
(but less so, I think)
thou moritz: hi, you asked about Tim Smith. it is i
leont Not sure what parrot uses inside, if they use the non-wide interfaces, like perl 5 does, it is indeed problematic
masak good morning, #perl6 16:13
moritz too late 16:18
good morning masak
masak so. let's merge macros-d2, shall we? :) 16:22
moritz does it work? :-) 16:23
masak I have one known/outstanding bug, but I don't consider it a blocker.
the rest works, to my knowledge. I'd rather have what I have in maste^Wnom.
I'll be happy to write a todo test for the known bug.
moritz so, go ahead and merge :-) 16:25
masak .oO( Tim Smith -- is it thou? )
masak .oO( yes, it is I )
masak well, when I say "merge", I really mean something more like "rebase, write spectests, and then merge" ;) 16:26
masak but I have some time to do that tonight, so that's what I'll do. 16:26
moritz why rebase instead of merging?
moritz if you don't expect any fallout from the merge, you can merge locally, spectest and then push 16:27
masak hm, I meant rebase interactively, to make the commits make me appear less stupid ;) 16:28
moritz don't worry about that
we pretty much know stupid (or not) you are :-)
japhb Developers (me included) have an irrational fear of looking stupid. Don't bother with that, you've already proven yourself here. :-)
masak *sigh* -- I must've phrased myself badly. 16:29
I actually have very little fear of appearing stupid. if I did, I would be much less chatty on this channel.
japhb Long ago when I worked at a place that had Quake LAN games, my nick was "Dumbass" so no one could claim I was being uncharacteristically stupid. ;-) 16:30
masak the last five years have been one big journey of discovery for me. I've learned loads, much thanks to daring to look stupid when that was the easiest way to learn things.
the "make the commits make me appear less stupid" is more of a meme than anything else. I'm actually not afraid of leaving commits behind that make me look stupid. 16:31
but I do like leaving commits behind that are nicely compartmentalized and "do one thing well".
japhb Ah, that is a worthy goal. 16:32
masak actually, I don't seem to need an interactive rebase this time. they look fairly nice as it is.
japhb \o/ 16:33
masak there's a bit of "no, let's do it like this" in there, but in a sense, that's good historical documentation too.
japhb True
masak for D1, I rebased too much, I think, making the work look like one big commit :)
japhb Some of that "historical documentation" should probably become condensed into code comments or Pod. It's nice to read a current rev, wonder why one of a few possible designs was chosen, and see a nice comment that says "I couldn't do A because foo, or B because bar, so I went with C, which seems to be working" 16:35
masak on a scale between "leave informative comments" and "leave informative commits", my preference seems to fall more towards the former than most programmers' 16:38
japhb Works for me ... going all the way to the latter seems to only work when most of the team does it, or the repo is curated (in the way that the Linux kernel is) 16:42
masak agree. 16:45
masak moritz: as to the more general way to interpret the question "why rebase instead of merging?": I vastly prefer commits in a straight line to branches and merge commits. 16:56
leont You can do both 16:58
That way you can have merge commits (useful) without having non-linear history (annoying) 16:59
moritz masak: if there are commits that break features, I much prefer a merge commit
masak leont: I don't understand how that can be.
leont You first rebase your branch on master, then merge it into master using --no-ff 17:00
masak leont: ah. nice.
moritz: you mean breakages that are discovered later? why are merge commits nicer in that case?
leont Trick I learned on p5p, actually. Think it was demerphq's. 17:01
moritz masak: no, I mean if a branch breaks the build, or some features that previously worked
masak why would I want to merge work from a branch that breaks the build? I don't understand the use case. 17:07
moritz well, eventually you fix it in the branch 17:09
adn then you merge the branch
instead of rebasing all the commits on top of master/nom
so that from the perspective of the master branch, there is one commit (a merge commit) that didn't break anything 17:10
masak ok, now I understand your scenario.
why is a merge commit better there? 17:11
moritz because a git bisect won't stumbler over the commits that broke the build, for example
and it's easier to see which commits were associated with a certain feature 17:12
masak seems to me you're exclusively talking about the use of git-rebase --interactive that squashes commits. 17:17
I kinda like the way the topology is flattened. I'm not necessarily advocating squashing commits in the process. 17:18
moritz masak: well, squashing commits in one thing, but I wouldn't squash a whole non-trivial branch 17:23
mst right, for that purpose I prefer to rebase onto master 17:25
and then force git to produce a merge commit anyway
that tends to look really nice in the relevant browsers etc.
moritz what's the benefit over straight merging? 17:26
masak the usual benefit of rebasing. 17:34
you get conflicts in commit order, not all-at-once. 17:35
mst straight merging is a crutch for people who don't have git. 17:55
moritz mst: that's not an answer to my question -)
mst it's one of those "try it with the rebasing for a bit, then go back to without, then scream, then understand" type things
if you don't immediately see the value in having a clean commit history, you're probably not going to be swayed by any argument I can think of, so TIAS is probably an easier answer 17:56
moritz mst: I do value a clean commit history, I just don't see why a rebase + merge is supposed to (significantly) cleaner 17:57
[Coke] waves from the airport.
moritz if many of the commits have conflicts, then I can see the value. If not, not
mst so ... you're saying "there are two cases - one where the rebase is superior, and one where the rebase is neutral" 17:58
at this point, I would argue that the argument for defaulting to doing the rebase has just been made :)
moritz ok, I agree now :-) 17:59
mst oh, the other thing is it means that after the rebase, I can do a straight 'git diff master' to get a clean diff set to review
[Coke] is very happy he has a chance to git pull everythig before the flight 18:00
mst which during the reviewathon I just did for dbix-class was really quite handy
masak mst++ # swaying moritz ;) 18:01
[Coke] cjbot:[D help 18:04
cjbot: help
cjbot Run by Coke, I relay tweets about Perl 6.
[Coke] the sleeps are probably the wrong way to stop us from killing the CPU long term. 18:05
glad to see he hasn't fallen asleep, though.
moritz [Coke]: yes, it's not a long term solution, just a workaround 18:06
mst well, I'll be doing a bit of async I/O stuff 18:07
I guess you can bolt a timer API on the top in the process of rewriting my code to not be completely horrible
(since I'm sure it'll require that)
sorear good * #perl6. 18:27
diakopter wb
rindolf sorear: hi.
sorear I am safely home, pmichaud, masak, anyone else who wanted to kno0w 18:28
moritz glad to hear that
rindolf sorear: that's great. 18:29
sorear hello rindolf. Are you just saying hi or can I help you? 18:30
rindolf sorear: no, no help needed in particular.
sorear: just saying hi.
masak sorear! \o/ 18:34
glad to hear you've arrived safely.
GlitchMr perl6: print ucfirst 'the world' 18:36
p6eval rakudo 5ceefd, niecza v19-37-g0567c61: OUTPUT«The world»
GlitchMr But... Perl 6 doesn't have ucfirst... does it?
masak GlitchMr: correct.
moritz GlitchMr: it's deprecated in rakudo, but it won't be replaced until we have tc as a repalcement
aloha: don't fall asleep 18:37
masak GlitchMr: if you're worried about the name being taken when you wanted such a sub in your program, the good news is that your sub will lexically shadow the setting's :)
moritz nr: say Nil 18:38
p6eval rakudo 5ceefd, niecza v19-37-g0567c61: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
GlitchMr Sometimes I would like to replace log with something more... useless
moritz why doesn't that say Nil() like other type objects would?
GlitchMr: and you're free to do that 18:39
GlitchMr But that would probably be probably too confusing
moritz isn't Perl 6 wonderful?
GlitchMr Using log() for logging instead of logarithm
GlitchMr JavaScript does that. But in JavaScript we have Math.log() and console.log() 18:40
(also, lack of consistency on first letter ;))
moritz nr: say Nil.new === Nil 18:42
p6eval niecza v19-37-g0567c61: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No value for parameter '$l' in 'infix:<===>'␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (infix:<===> @ 1) ␤ at /tmp/0UPX3nNvy8 line 1 (mainline @ 4) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4137 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6e…
..rakudo 5ceefd: OUTPUT«True␤»
GlitchMr Another Niecza bug?
moritz "No value for parameter"?
GlitchMr Isn't === comparable to "is" (mutable types) and "==" (immutable types) in Python? 18:43
sorear dunno, I don't know python 18:45
sorear moritz: niecza's signature binder treats Nil as an omitted argument 18:46
although this seems to not (longer?) be by spec 18:48
moritz I'm pretty sure you should be able to === to Nil
sorear I am not so sure where I stand on this particular consistency/DWIM tradeoff 18:51
since we've established that === autothreads, it's not a low-level binding 18:52
moritz if the OKNess proposal goes anywhere, that will probably change anyway 18:53
TimToady_ is happy to report that our living area in Belgium has a decent internet connection 18:54
diakopter ahoy
TimToady also that viv can now parse nearly 800 lines of viv 18:56
phenny TimToady: 23 Aug 13:12Z <sorear> tell TimToady see colomon 06:12 and 05:13 PDT, I think we are looking at a stdbug
sorear TimToady: awesome!
leont viv == perl5 on perl6? 18:57
TimToady yep
moritz erm, isn't that the other way round?
it's the p6-to-p5 compiler that runs STD.pm6
TimToady well, it's a perl5 parser written in perl6
anyway, got heredocs working earlier today, at least for the '' and "" forms 18:58
ingy an someone give me a url for a grammar of perl6?
sorear the way STD is currently set up, there is 6000 lines of Perl 6 which implements a grammar (std/STD.pm6), and 4000 lines of Perl 5 which implements the Perl 5 emitter (std/viv)
github.com/perl6/std, STD.pm6 18:59
TimToady well, viv itself is 4300 lines, so I don't know where you're gonna find the -300 lines :P 19:00
sorear TimToady recently restarted a Perl 6 gramar for Perl 5 (std/STD_P5.pm6)
I think "viv can parse 400 lines of viv" means "std/viv+std/STD.pm6+std/STD_P5.pm6 can parse 400 lines of viv" 19:01
STD_P5 is not independent of STD
TimToady correct
masak had not realized this 19:05
TimToady it uses the same EXPR opp parser, for instance
eiro hello all 19:08
masak heiro!
TimToady: oh, that makes sense.
TimToady tomorrow we'll be going to see The Pageant of the Golden Tree in Bruges 19:09
moritz aloha has stopped reporting commits 19:10
leont Bruges is fairly high on my to-visit list, I it rather beautiful
eiro just read about viv: exciting project!
masak .oO( vive la viv! ) 19:11
moritz found www.imdb.com/title/tt0780536/ quite amusing (re Bruges :-)
sorear hello eiro. 19:14
leont moritz: watched that movie on my first date with $GF, we're romantic like that :-p
eiro .oO( viva! ) 19:15
sorear so, I'm listed in the credits for Rakudo 2012.08 19:19
__sri viva la viv! 19:20
moritz sorear: somebody ++'ed you in a commit message, I think
masak moritz++ did :) 19:21
moritz sorear: you diagnosed the proble with Num.new not being well-suited for subclassing 19:22
GlitchMr Is there a difference between &log and \&log? 19:32
moritz nr: say (\&log).WHAT 19:33
p6eval rakudo 5ceefd, niecza v19-37-g0567c61: OUTPUT«Capture()␤»
moritz nr: say (&log).WHAT
p6eval niecza v19-37-g0567c61: OUTPUT«Code()␤»
..rakudo 5ceefd: OUTPUT«Sub()␤»
GlitchMr oh, I see... 19:34
\&log simply doesn't work 19:35
masak indeed.
GlitchMr Without any warnings... what is Capture anyways?
masak a Capture is the thing you get from doing \
it captures containers rather than values.
containers, also known as "value cells". 19:36
GlitchMr my $arr = (3; 4) 19:38
Is it modern comma operator?
moritz GlitchMr: doc.perl6.org/op/infix/: 19:39
masak moritz: er, that's a colon. 19:42
moritz oh, I misread
sorear oh, something I need to do now that I have network again 19:45
moritz sorear: fix aloha? :-)
sorear don't we use dalek here?
moritz erm, right
fix dalek, then :-) 19:46
sorear why should I care if aloha is broken
moritz never mind aloha
sorear well, github.com/sorear/niecza/compare/0...55e895a832
masak oh, that's why my commits don't show up on the channel... :) 19:47
sorear bailador runs unmodified + niecza no longer depends on write access to the install directory + parrallel make debreakage
moritz masak: did you merge?
sorear the berlin layover was amazingly productive
tadzik wow, nice! 19:48
masak moritz: no, not yet. I'm just about to rebase onto nom locally. spectesting before and after.
tadzik I wonder how many more than 20req/s can you squeeze there :)
eiro no __END__ and __DATA__ in perl6 ? 19:59
masak eiro: not with that syntax, no.
eiro: perlcabal.org/syn/S26.html#The+%3dEND+block 20:00
huh, I thought we renamed that one =finish
is S26 on the web out-of-date?
moritz might be 20:03
if it's just --doc=HTML output, I can easily refresh it
eiro thanks :) 20:04
masak rebase successful. rebuilding and respectesting.
moritz tadzik: I meant pod-gist to be a replacement for Pod::Block.gist, not .Str :-) 20:10
Pod::To::HTML doesn't seem to like the change :/
sorear (o/ everyone) 20:13
moritz and t/spec/S26-documentation/09-configuration.t doesn't like it either :( 20:14
masak post-rebase spectest run succeeded. pushing.
colomon sorear++
masak r: say "what SHA is p6eval on now?" 20:15
p6eval rakudo 5ceefd: OUTPUT«what SHA is p6eval on now?␤»
masak it'll have b7e189 in a little while :)
masak is excited at this 20:17
I haven't added tests yet, but I will during the weekend.
moritz masak: does that mean I should wait with pushing my local patch until you're done? 20:18
masak no, it means I'm done.
moritz (I just want to add a test file)
masak I've already pushed.
moritz \o/
masak r: say "how about now?"
p6eval rakudo 5ceefd: OUTPUT«how about now?␤»
masak is lazy and doesn't look at the cron table 20:19
moritz triggers a rebuild manually 20:20
masak moritz++ 20:22
moritz oops, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/19...316dbc1ddd contained stuff I wanted to put into a separate commit
moritz-- # still using git commit -a
masak whoa. I never used -a by virtue of it being obviously a bad idea from the start. 20:23
masak I *want* to add files (or parts of them) manually. 20:23
(in other words, I like the staging area)
moritz r: say 42 20:27
p6eval rakudo 196572: OUTPUT«42␤»
moritz that's the new rakudo
jnthn evening o/
moritz good UGT morning, jnthn
jnthn no...it's so not morning :P 20:28
moritz in UGT it's always morning when you join a conversation :-) 20:29
masak jnthn: good morning! 20:30
r: macro demo($ast) { quasi { "This is the " ~ {{{$ast}}} ~ " unquote splicing on the channel" } }; say demo "first" 20:31
p6eval rakudo 196572: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'position' not found for invocant of class 'QAST::Unquote'␤»
masak :/
r: macro demo($ast) { quasi { {{{$ast}}} } }; say demo "first" 20:32
p6eval rakudo 196572: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'position' not found for invocant of class 'QAST::Unquote'␤»
masak seems to be a systematic error. investigating.
hm, I have such a method here...
jnthn NQP revision bump fail? 20:33
masak possibly.
moritz 2012.08-2-gc223607 added it 20:35
masak yes, looks kosher.
moritz and it works locally
masak I have that as the current NQP_REVISION
moritz: manual rebuild didn't update nqp? 20:36
moritz masak: I have a theory
(it should, because I ran the same command as cron does)
maybe it did a 'git pull' during an existing rebuild run 20:37
masak :/
moritz $ p6eval@feather:~/nom/nqp$ ./nqp --version
This is nqp version 2012.08-4-g8fac254 built on parrot 4.4.0 revision RELEASE_4_4_0
that is very odd 20:38
moritz cleans out and tries again 20:39
sorear jnthn!
moritz in particular it's odd that it has a newer NQP revision than was ever in tools/buil/NQP_REVISION 20:40
and now NQP rebuild segfaulted 20:41
masak o.O 20:42
moritz r: macro demo($ast) { quasi { {{{$ast}}} } }; say demo "first" 20:49
p6eval rakudo 196572: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'position' not found for invocant of class 'QAST::Unquote'␤»
masak .oO( never do live demo! ) 20:50
moritz r: macro demo($ast) { quasi { {{{$ast}}} } }; say demo "first" 21:09
p6eval rakudo 196572: OUTPUT«first␤»
masak {{{\o/}}} 21:10
r: macro demo($ast) { quasi { "This is the " ~ {{{$ast}}} ~ " unquote splicing on the channel" } }; say demo "second"
p6eval rakudo 196572: OUTPUT«This is the second unquote splicing on the channel␤»
moritz r: macro call($a) { quasi { {{{$a}}}() } }; call { say "OH HAI" } 21:11
p6eval rakudo 196572: OUTPUT«OH HAI␤»
masak r: macro call($a) { my $x = "how very"; quasi { say $x; {{{$a}}}() } }; my $x = "lexical"; call { say $x } 21:13
p6eval rakudo 196572: OUTPUT«how very␤how very␤»
masak oh!
moritz they are not hygienic?
masak this would happen if the unquotes don't get their context set properly, I guess.
they should.
they're meant to be hygienic. 21:14
moritz could say lots of things about writing tests early in the process, but decides not to
instead, I'll gravitate towards the bed 21:15
'night &
masak 'night :) 21:17
I usually tend towards writing tests early in the process, too.
anyway, this is an excellent test to put in a macros-d2.t file. moritz++ 21:18
hm, if the above happens, then that means...
r: macro call($a) { quasi { {{{$a}}}() } }; my $x = "lexical"; call { say $x }
p6eval rakudo 196572: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
masak yeah.
[Coke] spends a flight trying to convert partcl to partcl-nqp, is stymied, and then remembers that pmichaud already did most of this work. 21:42
sorear: how was the trip?
UGT: universal grumpy time. 21:44
[Coke] notes that "class foo is bar; <class def>" fails horribly in nqp, but only if you target==pir. 21:45
[Coke] is it still necessary to "use NQPP6Regein nqp? 21:49
is it still necessary to "use NQPP6Regex" in nqp?
(I hope not, since it's failing. ;) 21:50
can someone help me with a nqp-rx -> nqp regex issue? 21:53
diakopter probably not, but I'm curious what the problem is 21:54
(probably not *I)
[Coke] gist.github.com/3471303
diakopter I think ** went away 21:55
[Coke] remembers to checkout a copy of the specs this time..
diakopter try % instead? 21:56
[Coke] see, you were helpful. /( 21:57
;) 21:58
masak diakopter: ** went away for separators. not for numbered/range quantifiers.
diakopter ah.
(good thing this case was a separator)
[Coke] if I change it to %, it now dies with: 21:59
Unable to parse blockoid, couldn't find final '}' at line 7, near "token meta"
diakopter :S 22:00
[Coke] updated gist 22:02
diakopter maybe it was %%
diakopter no clue
[Coke] that would impact what the regex did, but not stop it from compiling 22:04
sorear [Coke]: trip was great
sorear 1. ssh into [email@hidden.address] 22:11
2. sudo -u p6eval tmux attach
3. notice that the dalek frontend is NOT RUNNING 22:12
[Coke] glad to hear it. I am travelling for work to a programming conference, but it's to learn about "agile". :P
sorear 4. attempt to fix
[Coke] stares at regexes.
sorear o/ cognominal 22:16
[Coke] so, ** -> % or %% seems to be the right answer, but doing a simple dropin replacement doesn't work.
dalek ecza: 3826c2a | sorear++ | Makefile:
Add an extra dependency to make parallel make happy
ecza: 9fad9f7 | sorear++ | / (5 files):
First attempt to use a per-user directory for the module cache

Data is stored in Local Application Data\NieczaModuleCache, which Mono will
  map to $HOME/.local/share/NieczaModuleCache. The --obj-dir object actually
does something now (how long has it been broken?) and can be used to isolate multiple instances of Niecza, and is used internally to make bootstrapping work.
One known wart is that $*PERL<version> may become out of date because it is only updated when the setting needs to be recompiled, and the build system no longer always forces a recompilation of the user-wide setting.
ecza: 55e895a | sorear++ | Makefile:
Update mkpackage for new run/Run.Kernel.dll file setup
sorear whee, dalek is working
[Coke]: ** -> +%
masak [Coke]: what sorear said. % isn't a quantifier, it's a quantifier *modifier*. 22:21
'night, #perl6
sorear bye masak 22:26
tadzik oops, so I broke rakudo :( 22:28
sorear o/ tadzik 22:29
tadzik sorear: o/
cognominal \o: sorear 22:45