»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, std:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend! | feather will shut down permanently on 2015-03-31
Set by jnthn on 28 February 2015.
nbdsp Thanks, will try to look what contains Str and how it can be transferred to Buf. 00:16
cognominal m: my token a { a }; say "a" ~~ /<a>/ 00:38
camelia rakudo-moar dd77b7: OUTPUT«「a」␤ a => 「a」␤»
cognominal m: my token a { a }; say "a" ~~ /<.a>/ 00:39
camelia rakudo-moar dd77b7: OUTPUT«Method 'a' not found for invocant of class 'Cursor'␤ in method ACCEPTS at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:16681␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/ElZWD8xjwn:1␤␤»
cognominal sounds inconsistant 00:40
TimToady Inconsistency is our strength! Er, and our weakness! 00:51
m: my token a { a }; say "a" ~~ /<&a>/
camelia rakudo-moar dd77b7: OUTPUT«「a」␤»
TimToady that is the "opposite" of <.a>
<a> is a bit dwimmy 00:52
that is the "opposite" of <&nonesuch>
m: my token a { a }; say "a" ~~ /<&nonesuch>/ 00:53
camelia rakudo-moar dd77b7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/GIifNbCMLQ␤Undeclared routine:␤ &nonesuch used at line 1␤␤»
TimToady and that is the "opposite" error
cognominal ok, I guess I need a serious reread of S05 00:54
an apposite opposite? 00:55
...for the apostat 00:56
nbdsp The following: my Buf $b = $s.encode('latin-1') ; (where $s is native Str) produces an error "$b expected Buf, but got Blob[uint8]". Is there a way to convert that Blob to Buf? 01:01
retupmoca timotimo: just opened a couple of PR's for you
timotimo: your recent changes broke panda on windows (due to / vs \ confusion) 01:02
tadzik: ^
nbdsp Does the impossibility to fetch binary fields from MySQL mean that Perl 6 is not yet ready to be used with MySQL except with hacks with native memcpy? Maybe later this functionality will be added to Perl 6? 01:51
Hyer m: 1+1 01:53
camelia ( no output )
Hyer m: say "hi"
camelia rakudo-moar dd77b7: OUTPUT«hi␤»
ugexe 13:03 < nine> ashleydev: perl6 -e 'use DBI:from<Perl5>; my $dbh = DBI.connect(...);' 01:54
ugexe otherwise yes, i think its safe to assume that one day you will be able to use mysql binary data in the future with perl6 01:55
sounds like a good open source project to contribute to ;) 01:57
timotimo nbdsp: you do know of DBIish though, right? 02:00
ugexe it doesnt work with the binary data he needs to use 02:01
because it uses mysql_query
timotimo mhm 02:02
well, that seems like something we ought to fix
wasn't that putting in binary data, not pulling it out? 02:03
ugexe yeah
ugexe or rather, thats what his previous problem was and the reason he discovered 02:04
ugexe maybe he could use mysql_fetch_* somehow. but .do uses mysql_query from what i remember 02:07
or .execute does 02:08
skids m: my $*f = "."; say Proxy.new(FETCH => { $*f ~= "." }) X~ 1,2,3; # Things along these lines might make for an interesting set of tests/benchmarks. 03:25
camelia rakudo-moar dd77b7: OUTPUT«.................1 .............................2 .........................................3␤»
skids m: ({ 42.say }) # I think this disagrees with spec. 03:56
camelia ( no output )
dalek c: 279e719 | skids++ | lib/Language/control.pod:
Document blocks and do
dalek c: dd04158 | skids++ | lib/Language/control.pod:
Fix a few small things in block/do documentation
masak morning, #perl6 05:35
yoleaux 16 Apr 2015 20:52Z <DrForr> masak: #124321 - The minimal criminal appears to be monkeypatching of Pointer.parameterize.
synbot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=124321
masak ooh
vendethiel o/, #perl6 06:03
masak \o 06:08
commute &
dalek kudo/nom: 5bc3954 | labster++ | src/core/Str (2 files):
add infix:<ne>(Str,Str) subs, skip metaop for ne(Any, Any)

Makes string ne much closer in speed to eq by using nqp::isne_s(). 28-47% faster, depending on how many of the args are strings.
kudo/nom: 1e08477 | labster++ | src/core/Str (2 files):
Merge pull request #408 from labster/nequals

add infix:<ne>(Str,Str) subs, skip metaop for ne(Any, Any)
jnthn morning, #perl6 06:20
labster morning jnthn 06:21
I was just wondering, S02:915 says that there is no native str type, but we seem to have str in Rakudo's internals. Is str NQP's string type or something? 06:29
synbot6 Link: design.perl6.org/S02.html#line_915
jnthn No, it's the type that inlines a VM-level idea of string into a Str, which has to have a P6oaque REPR so you can mix into it. 06:31
jnthn I *think* once I explained the representational nature of it, TimToady may have come around to us having a str. :) 06:31
brrt has rakudo test failure on os x 06:35
not spectest, just test
ah, unsupported serialization format 06:37
nm :-)
FROGGS[mobile] gist or it did not... ahh 06:38
brrt wonders why
FROGGS[mobile] you need to upgrade all the things 06:39
labster m: my $😃 = ":D"; 06:42
camelia rakudo-moar dd77b7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/olY5QpTVg_␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/olY5QpTVg_:1␤------> 3my $7⏏5😃 = ":D";␤ expecting any of:␤ constraint␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ state…»
labster # more like my $😞
masak TimToady: if infix:<✕> is a macro, will it work to write `$a ✕= $b;` ? 06:44
more generally, can you metaop macro ops?
nwc10: have you seen lists.debian.org/debian-devel-anno...00005.html ? 06:46
"I plan on creating a Python 3 porting team." 06:47
nwc10 masak: no, I hadn't 06:49
it's on the queue after "make tea"
moritz we should suggesting porting the code to Perl 5, which takes backwards compatibility serious
masak moritz: because what the Perl/Python relations need is more snark :P 06:51
nwc10 just switch to stackless and keep playing Eve Online
brrt that would be such an epic trolling
nwc10 (this is like my co-worker reporting back from a whisky tasting session that many of the nicest whiskys are aged in sherry casks, and there aren't enough sherry casks. So everyone, please keep drinking sherry) 06:52
arnsholt masak: Yeah, it's starting to look like the 2 to 3 transition is finally starting to gather some real momentum
masak arnsholt: fingers crossed. 06:53
nwc10 what's the state of Fedora's transition from yum to dnf?
brrt what is dnf
nwc10 the yum replacement/rewrite/fork
yum (proper) is Python 2 only
brrt ah
nwc10 no, I didn't know any of this until a few months ago
brrt well, i didn't know it until just now 06:54
i was rather happy with yum
but i guess change is what we get
nwc10 I liked yum
xiaomiao I wonder if dnf has removed the massive stupid that yum carried around
so much singlethread. many exlusive lock. wow.
brrt what stupid was that?
well, if it's still python....
xiaomiao no, just bad design 06:55
run "yum update" in one terminal, try "yum search apple" in another
xiaomiao especially fun as the fedora auto-updater would easily get in the way and make me very triggerhappy 06:55
Ven \o
brrt oh that part. 06:56
xiaomiao has mostly given up on these amateurish tools :)
brrt in their defence, conservatism is c.p. a desirable property in a package manager
xiaomiao brrt: python 2.4 06:57
your move.
brrt i wouldn't care if they wrote it in tcl
xiaomiao that'd be quite awesome
masak no, it would be the other thing 06:58
xiaomiao ObjectiveTCL would be ... objectionable 06:59
brrt now that we are on the topic of python. who else thinks the 'new string formatting' is not an improvement 07:04
masak brrt: I'm a fan of it. I think the old sprintf syntax is arbitrary and weird. 07:05
brrt: I think the '{}' things have visual-pillness going for them.
but other than that, see my latest macro post: "All templating syntax sucks." strangelyconsistent.org/blog/macros...eholdeeers 07:06
brrt i thought i read that, yes
masak (masak's Deplorable Truth About Templating Syntax) 07:07
nine .tell nbdsp Inline::Perl5 is passing binary strings from Perl 5 to Perl 6 as CArray[int8] followed by manually copying to a Buf element by element. Sounds horrible but at least it works until NativeCall gets improved.
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to nbdsp.
brrt that is true, but i'm very much used to sprintf syntax :-)
arnsholt I'm in a similar spot. I'm pretty sure that the new syntax is better, it's just that I know the printf directives too darn well! =) 07:08
masak brrt: there you go then :) you've abstracted away the pain.
brrt it does work really well for mapping dict-like things to strings, that i grant 07:09
(the new syntax)
masak and objects are dict-like :) 07:10
in that sense
brrt sufficiently dict-like? i'd have to test
arnsholt Python objects are very dict-like, though =)
Extremely dict-like, even =)
brrt not enough to automagically map 'm 07:11
arnsholt object.__dict__ =) 07:12
nwc10 masak: interesting. I'd not considered the relative timescales of debian release versus Python 2 EOL 07:13
arnsholt Is the object namespace as a dict. You can turn that functionality off, though; but by default, all Python objects are just dicts
masak nwc10: thought you might like that one. 07:14
nwc10 I did
nine masak: I wonder what you think about Petal's solution to sucky templating syntax: metacpan.org/pod/Petal 07:22
masak: since out of band signalling sucks, it avoids it altogether.
masak nine: yeah, I had that same thought when I was re-reading my templating blog post just now. 07:23
nine: I personally consider XML namespaces/attributes to be one of the cleanest solutions to templating. 07:24
it *is* still out-of-band, but more on a semantic level instead of a syntactic one.
nine Maybe there's something to learn there? Though of course, this solution limits the things you can do to a somewhat sane subset which may not always be enough. 07:25
RabidGravy yeah it's a nice style and plays well with the tools the web developers use
masak nine: yeah, the horror of being limited to a somewhat sane subset! :P
nine: my go-to example of this is Genshi. genshi.edgewall.org/ -- but it's the same basic idea. 07:26
nine: little known fact is that AngularJS can be used in the same way, with XML namespaces.
RabidGravy I was just about to mention that 07:27
masak I know of no-one who uses it in practice, but I don't doubt someone is. 07:29
that seems to be the way to placate angry HTML validators, for example.
RabidGravy I think I have somewhere
maybe not 07:31
thought it was in github.com/jonathanstowe/example-a...tbook.html
nine masak: little known is also that even Petal does allow $variable substitution. I hate that this feature is there, but I don't dare to remove it. Maybe there's a learning opportunity here, too. Have a sort-of-out-in-band sane subset limited solution that looks nice and additionally provide some neccessarily ugly way to do all the really nasty things?
nwc10 masak: the other person who sent me that link then suggested news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9388502 07:33
nwc10 only part way though, but most interesting thing I learn so far is PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8:surrogateesca 07:33
masak nwc10: yeah, I was on the verge of attaching the HN discussion too. 07:38
the encoding discussion in the middle was mildly interesting.
nwc10 this amused me: ... I don't know HOW they managed to get newlines into filenames, but our editors are creative people. I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to embed fonts and colours next. 07:42
.oO( but only if they're british )
FROGGS nine: try RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1 panda install ... 07:43
but redirect it to a file because it will spit out a lot
nwc10 lizmat: maybe. Or maybe Australian, New Zealand, Canada (but all the evidence is that Canada is just confused) 07:44
nine Maybe instead of trying to fix my Inline::Perl5 test issues, I should attack it from the other end and try to make sure Inline::Perl5 is _really_ precomp safe. 07:47
How would I go on about that? Is there some precomp guide, list of things to look out for or similiar? 07:48
FROGGS nine++
moritz nine: not really a guide, but iirc we've had problems with 'our'-variables being assigned to from the mainline of a precompiled module 07:51
nine New one: STable conflict detected during deserialization. 08:05
DrForr masak: I seem to have narrowed it down to monkeypatching in the Pointer augmentation. Or at least commenting out the make_pun line causes the problem to go away, probably to be replaced by "no longer does anything." 08:13
tadzik retupmoca: uhh 08:22
that's bad. Which change exactly?
lizmat m: sub a(\b?) { say b } # LTA error for \b? arguments 08:24
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/_DfhmNGR9b␤Missing block␤at /tmp/_DfhmNGR9b:1␤------> 3sub a(\b7⏏5?) { say b } # LTA error for \b? argum␤»
FROGGS m: sub a(\b) { say b } 08:34
camelia ( no output )
FROGGS weird
std: sub a(\b?) { say b } 08:35
camelia std 28329a7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Unable to parse signature at /tmp/NAreoPDf17 line 1:␤------> 3sub a7⏏5(\b?) { say b }␤Couldn't find final ')'; gave up at /tmp/NAreoPDf17 line 1:␤------> 3sub a(\b7⏏5?) { say b }␤ expecting any of:␤ constraint␤ new …»
nine Please merge :) github.com/perl6/roast/pull/58 Fudge S01-perl-5-integration tests for rakudo 08:36
moritz nine: huh, can't you do it? 08:38
nine: if not, what's your github ID? 08:39
invitation sent to 'niner' (hope that's right :-)
nine The final piece is to add the new spec test files to t/spectest.data. But obvioulsy these tests can only pass if Inline::Perl5 is installed. 08:40
moritz: thanks :)
dalek ast: e5fe4c4 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | S01-perl-5-integration/ (8 files):
Fudge S01-perl-5-integration tests for rakudo
masak new concept: many popular scripting languages have a "piñata", another language adherents tend to regularly ridicule or hate on a little. 08:46
Python's piñata is Perl. Perl's piñata is PHP. 08:47
Perl 6 has largely avoided making Perl 5 a piñata, thankfully.
nwc10 is PHP grown up enough not to need one?
(unlike Python and Perl) 08:48
DrForr It's not the language's maturity, it's the user's :/
moritz maybe PHP developers don't know enough about other languages to hate them? SCNR
nwc10 I like masak's idea. It's just that it seems to have a curious implication 08:49
also, seems to be
Ven PHP developers mock perl and JS developers a lot :)
nwc10 The punchline of English jokes is "the Irishman". I'm told that in Ireland it's "the Kerryman"
France => Belgium, I'm told
osfameron nwc10: I've not heard an Englishman, Irishman, Scotsman joke for *years*. This is a good thing. 08:50
DrForr And in County Kerry it's one poor sot.
nwc10 Austria => Burgenland probably because of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burgenland#Ni...of_Austria
tadzik in Poland we have A Pole, a German and a Russian
moritz in Germany "Ostfriese"
nwc10 osfameron: yes, and probably for a couple of reasons
osfameron I heard that if 2 scandiwegians meet, the butt of the jokes is the 3rd nation. That seems quite democratic, as they each take it in turns :D 08:51
moritz and I thought the Swedish always made fun of the Norwegians? 08:52
xiaomiao every country with enough north-south distance has this kind of joke, afaict 08:53
nine nwc10: no that's not really Austria, more like Vienna. In Upper Austria it's the Mühlviertel :) 08:54
masak moritz: yes, mostly kids of course.
xiaomiao and for everyone else Tirol ;)
masak moritz: but it's still sad, because I've had to de-program a lot of that when I actually started visiting Norway a lot and doing business there.
moritz: in reality, Norwegians are not silly and stupid like in the jokes, but well-educated, intelligent, and generally good company. :) 08:55
moritz masak: yes, I've met my fair share of Norwegians :-)
masak :)
moritz in fact, I'm married to one
nwc10 nine: ah OK. I also don't have an answer for whom the Burganlanders make fun of, but it's been suggested that it's the Viennese 08:56
nine nwc10: because of course, Vienna is no part of Austria :)
RabidGravy I tend to mock people from Essex a lot 08:57
bobkare it's only fair that swedes make fun of norwegians, we have our fair share of jokes about swedes too 08:58
xiaomiao nine: I object! 09:00
nine: the rest of austria is just not awesome enough to keep up ;)
FROGGS sjn: ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/CPAN/authors/p6binaries.json.gz ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/CPAN/authors/p6dists.json.gz ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/CPAN/authors/p6provides.json.gz 09:03
sjn nine: pad.hackeriet.no/p/p6-deploy (tadzik and I've been working on that; WIP) 09:17
FROGGS is there no '<=' or '>=' from strings? 09:21
nine le and ge?
FROGGS ahh, stupid me, I did that and thought it was lt/gt
[TuxCM] How to confuse people :) : 09:23
$ p6 -MText::CSV -e'csv(in=>[[1,2]],out=>Str,eol=>"0").say'
FROGGS :o) 09:24
masak .oO( "Warning: you just set the property 'eol' to '0'. This is likely to confuse everybody, including you." ) 09:44
moritz and then there's a :sudo option for suppressing that warning 09:45
FROGGS .oO( "Notice: when passing numeric values in pairs you might want to use the :0eol syntax instead" ) 09:48
nwc10 will there be a :void-warranty option?
masak FROGGS: but it's not a numeric value. it's the string "0". 09:51
nine New fun fact: S01 spec tests fail when run with TEST_JOBS > 1 but work ok with TEST_JOBS=1
FROGGS masak: but is looks numericish... 09:52
masak m: say (:0eol).perl; say (eol => "0").perl
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«:eol(0)␤:eol("0")␤»
FROGGS yes yes, I know 09:56
lizmat m: my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:kv !! "hello" 09:58
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/jAJJQEZ6Sx␤Please use !! rather than :␤at /tmp/jAJJQEZ6Sx:1␤------> 3my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:kv7⏏5 !! "hello"␤ expecting any of:␤ pair value␤»
lizmat but I *am* using !! :-) 09:59
FROGGS TimToady: can you please judge on RT #116012? I'd like to disallow {pre,post,postcircum}fixes with a precedence not tighter than w=
synbot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=116012
FROGGS m: my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:kv() !! "hello"
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/MyrgtkL0ld␤Please use !! rather than :␤at /tmp/MyrgtkL0ld:1␤------> 3my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:kv(7⏏5) !! "hello"␤»
lizmat m: my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]: 10:00
nine camelia: my @a = ^10; say @a ?? (@a[^10]:kv) !! "hello"
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/XkY7GQEF2H␤Confused: Found ?? but no !!␤at /tmp/XkY7GQEF2H:1␤------> 3my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:7⏏5<EOL>␤ expecting any of:␤ colon pair␤»
masak m: say :0eol eqv :0eol; say :0eol eqv (eol => "0") 10:01
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«True␤False␤»
lizmat m: my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:k
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/qW4jV84AuS␤Please use !! rather than :␤at /tmp/qW4jV84AuS:1␤------> 3my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:k7⏏5<EOL>␤ expecting any of:␤ pair value␤»
lizmat m: my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:k !! "hello"
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/aU5B8xrAMv␤Please use !! rather than :␤at /tmp/aU5B8xrAMv:1␤------> 3my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:k7⏏5 !! "hello"␤ expecting any of:␤ pair value␤»
FROGGS m: class Foo::Bar { }; say 42 ?? Foo::Bar !! 21
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«(Foo::Bar)␤»
nine m: my @a = ^10; say @a ?? (@a[^10]:kv) !! "hello"
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9␤»
bartolin see irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2015-04-01#i_10375048 and below
DrForr Hrm, I've got an unrepeatable 'Internal error: invalid thread ID in GC work pass' error... 10:04
bartolin star-m: my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:kv !! "hello"
camelia star-m 2013.03: OUTPUT«0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9␤»
"star-m 2013.03" ?? 10:05
nine FROGGS: if I disable the merge option of TAP::Harness I still get the parallel failures 10:06
FROGGS :S 10:07
yeah, I thought it would not be that easy
bartolin the error regarding ?? !! happens since rakudo commit 225a7e3939, I think
FROGGS star-m: say $*PERL.compiler.version 10:08
camelia star-m 2013.03: OUTPUT«v2015.3␤»
dalek ast: 06412b7 | usev6++ | t/04-combinations. (3 files):
Test that '#?DOES' is not seen in subsequent blocks
FROGGS star-m: say .WHAT 10:13
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
nine FROGGS: spec test errors reproducable by: t (nom *>)> prove6 -j8 spec/S01-perl-5-integration/*.moar spec/S01-perl-5-integration/basic.t 10:14
FROGGS .oO( now we have 10 problems )
dalek ast: 6edb64e | usev6++ | fudge:
Clear $DOES flag when leaving top level block
masak TimToady: wow, isn't github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/22...dba19R4208 a kind of two-pass parsing? 10:19
also, wouldn't it throw up false positives sometimes? 10:20
masak m: say 42 ?? "OH HAI" 10:24
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/sPoY3N7i6Y␤Confused: Found ?? but no !!␤at /tmp/sPoY3N7i6Y:1␤------> 3say 42 ?? "OH HAI"7⏏5<EOL>␤»
masak m: say 42 ?? "OH !! HAI"
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/gdFzvhslRr␤Your !! was gobbled by the expression in the middle; please parenthesize␤at /tmp/gdFzvhslRr:1␤------> 3say 42 ?? "OH !! HAI"7⏏5<EOL>␤»
nine FROGGS: interesting: ls spec/S01-perl-5-integration/*.rakudo.moar | xargs -n 1 -P 4 perl6 10:25
masak m: sub postfix:<!!+>($t) { $t.uc }; say 42 ?? "oh hai"!!+ !! 7
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«OH HAI␤»
masak m: sub postfix:<!!+>($t) { $t.uc }; say 42 ?? "oh hai"!!+
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/Y7IAIyyPAM␤Your !! was gobbled by the expression in the middle; please parenthesize␤at /tmp/Y7IAIyyPAM:1␤------> 3!+>($t) { $t.uc }; say 42 ?? "oh hai"!!+7⏏5<EOL>␤»
nine FROGGS: may lead to xargs: perl6: terminated by signal 11
FROGGS: so it may not be the shared STDOUT after all 10:26
May be the source of my failures: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007ffff7de4ab0 in check_match () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 10:30
FROGGS nine: maybe we need to take a look at TAP::Harness 10:31
nine No TAP::Harness involved there
lizmat m: my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:kv !! "hello" # I think this parse error predates having :adverbs 10:36
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/Paowvt0Abm␤Please use !! rather than :␤at /tmp/Paowvt0Abm:1␤------> 3my @a = ^10; say @a ?? @a[^10]:kv7⏏5 !! "hello" # I think this parse error␤ expecting any of:␤ pair value␤»
lizmat it feels to me, it should simple be removed
nine m: say 1 ? "foo" : "bar" 10:37
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/VK5AiGH9tS␤Unsupported use of ? and : for the ternary conditional operator; in Perl 6 please use ?? and !!␤at /tmp/VK5AiGH9tS:1␤------> 3say 1 ?7⏏5 "foo" : "bar"␤»
nine ^^^ that one is definitely worth keeping though
Once you know about ??, you probably also know about !! 10:38
nine I learned it from this error message :) 10:38
FROGGS m: class Foo::Bar { }; say 42 ?? Foo::Bar !! 21 10:44
camelia rakudo-moar 1e0847: OUTPUT«(Foo::Bar)␤»
DrForr Hrm, I got the 'invalid thread ID' 4 times in a row, then #5 worked. 10:46
dalek ast: 6f2fc2d | usev6++ | S05-substitution/subst.t:
Separate failing test for RT #114388
synbot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=114388
dalek kudo/nom: c30f235 | lizmat++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp:
Allow adverbs inside the first part of a ternary

You will probably still need to parenthesize the expression to avoid:
   Precedence of :v is too loose to use inside ?? !!; please parenthesize
but now you can at least make it work.
nine FROGGS: I collected some backtraces: gist.github.com/niner/e4c0fad201c8af500524 11:13
dalek ast: e0741e9 | lizmat++ | S03-operators/ternary.t:
Also test ?? foo : bar
dalek ast: 4cc5663 | lizmat++ | S32-str/numeric.t:
Unfudge passing :37<8> test
dalek kudo/nom: 420a9b5 | lizmat++ | src/core/array_slice.pm:
Slices on auto-extending arrays now work as lvalue

As per my interpretation of S09:217
my @a;
  @a[^Inf] = ^4; # 0,1,2,3
  @a[^4] = ^Inf; # 0,1,2,3
  @a[^Inf] = ^Inf; # noop
synbot6 Link: design.perl6.org/S09.html#line_217
arnsholt [A 11:44
timotimo you can say that twice! 11:45
arnsholt My wireless connection dropped for a bit
FROGGS ohh, you are at a perl workshop? 11:53
arnsholt Nope, I'm at $work
dalek kudo-star-daily: d64b0c4 | coke++ | log/ (2 files):
today (automated commit)
rl6-roast-data: 26b7bc8 | coke++ | / (9 files):
today (automated commit)
lizmat m: say "foo" xx -42 # should this be silent ? 12:36
camelia rakudo-moar 420a9b: OUTPUT«␤»
lizmat FROGGS: ^^ ??
FROGGS lizmat: well, it did print a newline 12:39
do you want an exception? 12:40
dalek kudo/nom: 4e8a163 | lizmat++ | src/core/List.pm:
Make xx about 1.8 times faster (for xx 1024)
Ven lizmat: is the list preallocated at $n elements?
lizmat FROGGS: well, I accidentally made it an exception, and t/spec/S03-operators/buf.t, test 5 failed
dalek kudo/nom: e55c80b | FROGGS++ | src/ (2 files):
throw typed ex for "You cant adverb that"
kudo/nom: a95107d | FROGGS++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp:
throw for P5ish use of "?? :" without upsetting adverbs
lizmat but instead of setting elements back to 0 and pushing, I'm just indexing into it
Ven ah, setelems indeed.
dalek ast: 874a8ba | FROGGS++ | S03-operators/ternary.t:
more tests for adverbed things in ternaries
FROGGS well, +1 to an exception...
lizmat yeah, I feel that way too
FROGGS m: say "foo" xx *-42
camelia rakudo-moar 420a9b: OUTPUT«Method 'Int' not found for invocant of class 'WhateverCode'␤ in sub infix:<xx> at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:10776␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/pfA7FU8NGA:1␤␤»
FROGGS well, that does not make sense anyway ^^
Hyer m: my @a = (2,3,5); my $s = set(@a); say so 2 ∈ $s; 13:10
camelia rakudo-moar 420a9b: OUTPUT«True␤»
Hyer Can anyone tell me how to do this with ASCII characters? "set" is Google-proof 13:11
and the Rosetta-code example, obnoxiously enough, shows only the unicode way
DrForr I'm going to patch that so § is also a set sigil :) 13:12
Hyer <golf clap for DrForr>
colomon Hyer: (elem) 13:13
arnsholt Hyer: doc.perl6.org/language/setbagmix has the full list for sets
Hyer ahh, thank you both
colomon (is the Texas version of ∈)
colomon arnsholt++ # that’ll be handy for me. :) 13:14
Hyer m: my @a = (2,3,5); my $s = set(@a); say so 2 (elem) $s;
camelia rakudo-moar 420a9b: OUTPUT«True␤»
Hyer m: my @a = (2,3,5); my $s = set(@a); say so 2 elem $s;
camelia rakudo-moar 420a9b: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/pxU1mWpckO␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/pxU1mWpckO:1␤------> 3@a = (2,3,5); my $s = set(@a); say so 27⏏5 elem $s;␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ …»
psch (elem), not elem
grondilu Hyer: you don't need parens btw
psch oh, it was the line before :) 13:15
Hyer grondilu: I thought my second chat establishes that I do need parens
leaving them out produces the "two terms in a row" error
grondilu no I meant around 2,3,5
colomon Hyer: you do for (elem), I think he meant… right
Hyer gotcha, thanks 13:16
psch m: my @a = 2,3,5; my $s = set @a; say so 2 elem $s;
camelia rakudo-moar 420a9b: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/2OKdKhQWlr␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/2OKdKhQWlr:1␤------> 3my @a = 2,3,5; my $s = set @a; say so 27⏏5 elem $s;␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ …»
psch m: my @a = 2,3,5; my $s = set @a; say so 2 (elem) $s;
camelia rakudo-moar 420a9b: OUTPUT«True␤»
grondilu std: say so 2 ∈ set(2,3,5); 13:17
camelia std 28329a7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Confused at /tmp/dZX9Y8p69p line 1:␤------> 3say so 2 7⏏5∈ set(2,3,5);␤ expecting any of:␤ feed_separator␤ infix or meta-infix␤ infixed function␤ statement modifier loop␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:00 137m␤»
btyler nifty paper/overview for the async/parallelized future: blog.acolyer.org/2015/04/17/asynchr...tructures/ 13:27
[Coke] [ptc]++ 13:29
andreoss m: my $x = Str: 0x10 ; $x.say; 13:31
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/dTZZnWeKGw␤Confused␤at /tmp/dTZZnWeKGw:1␤------> 3my $x = Str:7⏏5 0x10 ; $x.say;␤ expecting any of:␤ colon pair␤»
andreoss m: my $x = Str: 0 ; $x.say; 13:32
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/e9IihnADGZ␤Confused␤at /tmp/e9IihnADGZ:1␤------> 3my $x = Str:7⏏5 0 ; $x.say;␤ expecting any of:␤ colon pair␤»
andreoss m: my $x = Str(0) ; $x.say;
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«0␤»
[Coke] nine - t/spectest.data has a few markers that cause files to be included or not depending on what flag is passed to the fudger. Could probably add a # perl5 marker there without much pain.
andreoss are Str:, Int: meant to be used? 13:33
grondilu not really
nine FROGGS: this must be it! #4 0x00007ffff7dee33b in _dl_open (file=0x3b0dec0 "/tmp/p5helper.so",
[Coke]: thanks, that may be very helpful indeed!
grondilu the function: arg syntax exists with a method. 13:34
[Coke] I wonder how hard it would be to start adding those to the daily runs, also.
grondilu m: say Int.new: 4;
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«Default constructor for 'Int' only takes named arguments␤ in method new at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:988␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/dWg2hOilrp:1␤␤»
grondilu ah bad example 13:35
grondilu class Foo { method duh($) { rand } }; say Foo.duh: 7; 13:35
m: class Foo { method duh($) { rand } }; say Foo.duh: 7;
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«0.760936420834028␤»
andreoss is there haskell's $ operator? 13:36
andreoss : is nice for reducing parentesis, but works in strange way with type classes. 13:36
timotimo where did you find that syntax? 13:37
the something colon argumentlist is only for methods 13:38
either direct or indirect method call notation
subs are already like list prefixes
m: say Str 0
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/unpoCDpRS8␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/unpoCDpRS8:1␤------> 3say Str7⏏5 0␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement end␤ statement…»
timotimo m: my $x = Str 0; say $x
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/V3tIbpzcXh␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/V3tIbpzcXh:1␤------> 3my $x = Str7⏏5 0; say $x␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement end␤ …»
timotimo m: my $x = Str(0); say $x
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«0␤»
timotimo m: Str 4 13:39
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/0uQhTPj36n␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/0uQhTPj36n:1␤------> 3Str7⏏5 4␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ statement modifier␤ st…»
timotimo those aren't registered as &Str, though
so you can't just type "Str"
m: my &Str := Str; say Str 5
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/m0ST969k1i␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/m0ST969k1i:1␤------> 3my &Str := Str; say Str7⏏5 5␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement end␤ …»
timotimo m: my &Str := Str; say say 5
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding; expected 'Callable' but got 'Str'␤ in any bind_error at src/vm/moar/Perl6/Ops.nqp:224␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/SQyJgV4Qmh:1␤␤»
timotimo interesting
andreoss m: say: 123;
camelia ( no output )
timotimo that's just a label
grondilu m: my &Str : { Str $_ }; say Str 5 13:40
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/xBPoVe353E␤Confused␤at /tmp/xBPoVe353E:1␤------> 3my &Str :7⏏5 { Str $_ }; say Str 5␤ expecting any of:␤ colon pair␤»
timotimo is AFK for a bit
grondilu m: my &Str := { Str $_ }; say Str 5
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/ktw5ZVPWYi␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/ktw5ZVPWYi:1␤------> 3my &Str := { Str7⏏5 $_ }; say Str 5␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ stat…»
grondilu m: my &Str := { Str($_) }; say Str 5 13:40
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/vaOJpMMhCU␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/vaOJpMMhCU:1␤------> 3my &Str := { Str($_) }; say Str7⏏5 5␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement…»
grondilu meh
timotimo interesting
it probably finds Str first before even looking for &Str
timotimo is AFK for a bit 13:42
grondilu 27.Na4! # the comp did not see that but gives it a better eval than what it suggested. 13:43
[Coke] m: say ?NaN # slightly surprising. 13:45
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«True␤»
moritz m: say NaN == 0 13:46
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«False␤»
tadzik look #perl6, I did a thing: imgur.com/V8dn2Ir 13:56
takes less than a second to load a 10-meg profiling data, and virtually zero time to search it with regexes 13:57
take that, angular :)
dalek line-Perl5: 4ebc31e | (Stefan Seifert)++ | lib/Inline/Perl5.pm6:
Fix random test failures during parallel test runs

Since commit 257614503a76a188401aca7ad59f4c693498fbe9 we copy
  p5helper.so to /tmp on load. When several processes try to do that at
the same time, some may end up loading a half written library leading to all kinds of interesting and very confusing error messages.
Fix for now by prepending the process id to the file name. Real fix will be to store files by their original name in the CompUnitRepo::Local::Installation
ast: 51e1489 | usev6++ | S12-introspection/methods.t:
Fix fudging (and number of tests)
gtodd thing++ 14:03
[TuxCM] lizmat, strange? 14:05
m: my@x=^3;my@y=1;@x[@y]:v.perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/knXCpSMdUq␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/knXCpSMdUq:1␤------> 3my@x=^3;my@y=1;@x[@y]:v7⏏5.perl.say␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ stat…»
tadzik github.com/tadzik/p6profiler-qt here it is, if anyone wants to improve on it
dalek line-Perl5: 1de865a | (Stefan Seifert)++ | t/ (4 files):
Remove unneeded use NativeCall in tests
ecs: 0a559da | lizmat++ | S22-package-format.pod:
Elaborate a bit more on %?RESOURCE
retupmoca tadzik: github.com/tadzik/File-Find/pull/5 please :) 14:12
tadzik retupmoca: oh, yes. I saw that, and had mixed feelings 14:16
because of .relative
I mean, I know that the original path is also relative, but it feels like this line is doing something else than it looks like it's doing 14:17
colomon m: my $today😂 = “Does this work?”; say $today😂 14:18
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/sZa9TslUQU␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/sZa9TslUQU:1␤------> 3my $today7⏏5😂 = “Does this work?”; say $today😂␤ expecting any of:␤ constraint␤ infix␤ infix stop…»
colomon darn.
tadzik 3> sees that the channel accepts colored text 14:19
3> wonders if his plugin works
grondilu sees green 14:20
cschwenz1 @colomon: i see someone else reads xkcd.com :-)
colomon cschwenz1: just now, yup. :)_ 14:20
PerlJam cschwenz1: who doesn't? :)
cschwenz1 :-D
colomon cschwenz1: not just xkcd.com, but the mouse-overs, too. :) 14:21
tadzik emoji in variable names? 14:22
nine Oh I read xkcd. I just didn't realize it was Friday :) 14:23
cschwenz1 :-P
it's okay, it has been a long week. 14:24
tadzik retupmoca: also, it feels like it should be fixed in Panda::Fetcher, since it uses a slash 14:26
retupmoca: if you put 'exclude => "$from/.git".IO.path' in Fetcher instead, would that fix the problem? 14:27
colomon tadzik: 😂 is, as far as I know, an emoji. 14:32
tadzik oh, my font doesn't like it
colomon wondered if that might be the case.
dalek ast: 4c4de48 | usev6++ | integration/advent2009-day23.t:
Fix fudging
[TuxCM] lizmat, FROGGS, tadzik for review: gist.github.com/Tux/587e5914afda17e1b1ee <= that hangs in the second iteration 14:46
tadzik not here it doesn't :) 14:47
psch star-m: gist.github.com/Tux/587e5914afda17e1b1ee 14:48
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«(0, 1e0)␤(3, 3e0)␤(5, Inf)␤Array.new(11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19)␤Array.new(21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29)␤Array.new(31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39)␤Array.new(41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49)␤Array.new(51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59)␤Array.new(61, 62, 64, 66, 6…»
psch m: gist.github.com/Tux/587e5914afda17e1b1ee
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«(timeout)(0, 1e0)␤(3, 3e0)␤(5, Inf)␤[11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19]<>␤» 14:49
[TuxCM] This is perl6 version 2015.03-305-ga95107d built on MoarVM version 2015.03-108-g2bad607
psch m: say $*VM.version 14:50
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«v2015.3.108.g.2.bad.607␤»
grondilu damned when I have to write some P5 code, I feel so confused. Like, how do I write the equivalent of for ^Inf -> $n {...} ?? 15:02
for my $n ($something_here) {...}
colomon I don’t think that works at all in p5 15:03
maybe for (my $n = 0; ; $n++) ?
disclaimer: I’ve tried to avoid p5 for the last 5 years....
psch what colomon said. i had 1; as condition, which looks a bit more explicit 15:04
but empty expr works too
grondilu yes I guess C-style for it is.
psch tadzik: how far behind HEAD are you locally? 'cause [TuxCM]'s hang seems to be between star and now 15:05
psch (and git log immediately shows changes to ..., not ..) 15:05
tadzik I'm on eadbae09a32333373a14072e2c8c17d1764455e9 15:06
psch ah, i was behind that locally, that's why i didnt see anything 15:07
i'd suspect 54fbdfe, but i'll look closer
psch hm, that points at something i encountered yesterday, iirc 15:08
m: class A { has Str $.a; submethod BUILD(:$a) { $!a = $a.Str } }; say A.new(:a(42)).perl; class B { has Str $.b; submethod BUILD (Str() :$b) { } }; say B.new(:b(42)).perl 15:09
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«A.new(a => "42")␤B.new(b => Str)␤»
psch coercer in signatures of BUILD seem wonky 15:10
dalek ast: 2d371de | FROGGS++ | S32-io/pipe.t:
add test for pipe()
psch (i might be misremembering what an empty BUILD does, but seeing that lizmat++ expected the same behavior as i did makes me less confident in my misunderstanding) 15:10
grondilu solved projecteuler.net/problem=44 with Perl 5 because brute force in Perl 6 was too slow. 15:12
^Perl 5 still is much faster for a few things.
dalek ast: bc9f52e | usev6++ | fudge:
Fix fudging for 'skip'

lines were commented out by 'fudge'
dalek ast: 347b68e | usev6++ | t/ (3 files):
Test that fudging 'skip' does not hit lines with plain code
psch grondilu: my implementation runs in ~2.5 seconds locally? 15:20
maybe you're forcing bruter
eh, not 2.5, 0.5
ah 15:21
i missed looking for the sum :)
psch is still curious about runtime and has to go get groceries anyway & 15:22
+the 15:23
grondilu psch: ok then your solution is better than mine I suppose.
psch: "i missed looking for the sum :)" missed that. 15:24
dalek kudo/nom: 039d27b | lizmat++ | src/core/Any.pm:
Make dd() handle infinite lists
grondilu std: dd 15:25
camelia std 28329a7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'dd' used at line 1␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:00 134m␤»
grondilu what's dd?
flussence data::dumper, it looks like
gtodd perl5 thing that liz "ported" 15:26
gtodd :-) 15:26
grondilu m: say dd my $ = pi
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«$ = 3.14159265358979e0␤Nil␤»
gtodd m: say dd my $_ = pi 15:27
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Redeclaration of symbol $_␤ at /tmp/mRF202dtFB:1␤ ------> 3say dd my $_7⏏5 = pi␤$_ = 3.14159265358979e0␤Nil␤»
gtodd hahah
m: say my $_ = pi
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Redeclaration of symbol $_␤ at /tmp/SkN583Fa0S:1␤ ------> 3say my $_7⏏5 = pi␤3.14159265358979␤»
gtodd oh I thought the output would be different
lizmat m: my $a = 42; my $b = 666; dd $a, $b 15:28
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«$a = 42␤$b = 666␤»
gtodd lizmat: did it show at one pint where the error message came from ?
flussence lizmat++ # I can't remember how many times I've tried to hand-code that kinda output and got it wrong
gtodd Ithought there was some way to sort of "trace" where ==> "«Potential difficulties:␤ Redeclaration of symbol $_" would come from 15:29
but I guess not with dd :-)
lizmat gtodd: I'm not aware of that 15:30
gtodd lizmat: I could be mixing it up with some perl5 thing :-D
flussence stuff that comes from the grammar itself generally doesn't have backtraces 15:34
retupmoca tadzik: I think that would fix the problem, but the File::Find tests would need to be tweaked as well 15:35
("that" being: 'exclude => "$from/.git".IO.path' in Panda::Fetcher) 15:36
mjreed How can I declare a constant array in r*?
moritz m: constant @a = 1, 2, 3; @a = 4, 5 15:37
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«Cannot modify an immutable Int␤ in method STORE at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:9361␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/PA6MxW7Gfd:1␤␤»
moritz m: constant @a = 1, 2, 3; say @a
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤»
moritz wonders why it sid "immutable Int" in that error message 15:38
mjreed m: constant @foo = 1,2,3; say @foo.WHAT 15:38
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«(Parcel)␤»
sjn lizmat: www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/c...ships.html 15:39
mjreed m: constant @foo = 1,2,3; push @foo, 4; say @foo
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«Cannot call push(Int: Int, Int, Int); none of these signatures match:␤ (Any:U \SELF: *@values, *%_)␤ in sub push at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:10803␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/cvKnxiVFSy:1␤␤»
mjreed m: constant @foo = [1,2,3]; push @foo, 4; say @foo
camelia rakudo-moar a95107: OUTPUT«1 2 3 4␤»
tadzik retupmoca: do they not pass on windows currently? 15:40
[Coke] wonders how dd is different than .perl 15:44
psch ho humm 15:51
psch 5.5g ram and growing 15:51
i think i'll kill this script :)
japhb [Coke]: For one thing, dd's output shows you the variable names, and puts each variable on a separate line 15:53
nine The power of a single line of code in the right place: gist.github.com/niner/d278b67ec573b3a801fe 15:56
tadzik nine++ 15:57
psch nine++
the 5/6 integration is definitely amazing 15:58
bartolin \o/ nine++ 16:00
hahainternet nine: raiph posted you using DBI to the subreddit yesterday too 16:04
pretty ridic
nine hahainternet: do you have a URI for me?
hahainternet nine: www.reddit.com/r/perl6/comments/32...biconnect/ 16:05
very very low traffic subreddit unfortunately
isBEKaml yeah, /r/perl6 isn't well subscribed at the moment - only ~350 readers 16:06
hahainternet it's a shame, but i prefer it this way 16:07
that way there's less drama and noise
and the people who focus on working on cool stuff, ie nine, jnthn and i'm sure many others i'm ignorant of
get heard
psch hm, ~500k more I refs without special casing for tr/// in make_smartmatch 16:13
FROGGS / nwc10: i think that means it actually is slower? 16:14
(and my bench scripts before were just noisy)
nwc10 more I refs means more CPU work. But more CPU work can pay off if there are fewer cache misses 16:15
psch for reference, this is about PR #299, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/299
nwc10 (D refs, and particularly D misses)
psch aah
that's about 22k less
m: say "that's { 8126799 / 8148478 }" 16:16
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«that's 0.99733950␤»
psch D misses that is, D refs is 300k more 16:17
psch i guess the lower misses explain the ~.15 seconds less runtime then 16:17
i hazily remember reading hundreds of times that cache misses are expensive... :)
well, i guess i can take that as "it's probably worth it" 16:18
nine nwc10: did you look at this? gist.github.com/niner/d278b67ec573b3a801fe 16:21
nwc10 no 16:22
does no v6; turn it off again? :-) 16:23
nine I also got a nice little prototype for gist.github.com/niner/785dd2158ed1d79dbdfb
nwc10: I guess that would be v5's job to support. 16:24
lucasb Hey o/
In Cool's subst-mutate, does it make sense to only coerce self to string if the match was successful or it should do it always, unconditionally? If the former, then a line like "$self = $str if $match" would do the job?
m: my $x = 42; $x.subst-mutate('a','b'); say $x.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«(Str)␤»
nine nwc10: I just added an execvpe("perl6", PL_origargv, PL_origenviron); in pp_ctl.c right before it would print "Perl 6.0.0 required" 16:25
nwc10: but that's already enough so I can for example use prove to run my Perl 6 tests without having to use -e 'perl6'
dalek p: f51bf0e | FROGGS++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION:
bump moar for exit codes fixes
psch lucasb: i think turning it into Str is probably wrong, but it shouldn't leave it alone if the Match doesn't succeed 16:27
dalek kudo/nom: 6fc1534 | FROGGS++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
bump nqp/moar for exit codes fixes
psch lucasb: in my understanding, it should assign Nil and thus set the container to its type (i.e. mostly Any, but maybe Int or something)
japhb nine: That is sneakiness of an awesome order. 16:28
FROGGS lizmat: after you had a chance to upgrade moar+nqp+rakudo can you please test t/spec/S32-io/pipe.t ? it's new
lizmat will do
psch lucasb: S05:4662 is where what i'd justify my understanding with
synbot6 Link: design.perl6.org/S05.html#line_4662
psch +is written 16:29
nine japhb: the crazy thing is, that it's probably the most sensible thing to do this.
japhb nine: It does dissuade p5p from supporting a class keyword though ... 16:30
japhb is unsure if that is a good or bad thing
lucasb psch: Thanks! I just wanted to raise the question. I don't know what is best too. :) 16:31
btyler also means you need to steer clear of the various P5 modules that give you a class keyword 16:31
lizmat FROGGS: all tests successful! :-) 16:34
japhb btyler: Yeahbut ... those would require a 'use' before the class, and they would hook the parser (not sending it down the "needs v6" path), so that shouldn't be a problem, no?
nine japhb: that's what I think 16:36
FROGGS m: my $r = 0..*; my @a = ^10; say @a[$r] 16:37
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«Cannot index Array with Inf␤ in sub postcircumfix:<[ ]> at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:3506␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/bDf_10EWcD:1␤␤»
japhb nine: With so much awesome dwimmery, do you have a list of things that still require using Inline::Perl5 "longhand"? 16:38
lizmat m: my @r = 0..*; my @a = ^10; say @a[@r]
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9␤»
Hyer I have written a Lakos-style "levelization" program for simple C/C++ projects
lizmat m: my @r = 0..*; my @a = ^10; say @a[@r]; say @a[@r]
Hyer I feel I should contribute it as an example 16:39
where's the best destination?
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«(timeout)0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9␤»
psch Hyer: examples.perl6.org?
Hyer: if it is Perl 6, that is :)
nine japhb: it's getting shorter. You'd still need it for inheritance
Hyer psch: will do
nine japhb: though I may have some ideas on how to improve that area, too. 16:40
lizmat m: my @r = 10..*; my @a = ^10; say @a[@r]; say @a[@r]
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«(timeout)␤»
psch Hyer: it might also make sense as a modules
Hyer: if it's generally useful that's probably better than as an example
japhb nine: That would be straight-up awesome. 16:41
FROGGS m: my @r = 0..*; my @a = ^10; say @r.infinite; say @a[@r]; say @r.infinite # lizmat
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«True␤0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9␤Nil␤»
psch lizmat / FROGGS: i had looked at that. possitionals to BUILD aren't special, which is why 54fbdfe4 doesn't work as-is 16:42
i'm not sure how to solve it, because passing arguments as named to BUILD means every .new gets less simplified
lizmat m: my @r = 0..*; my @a = ^10; say @r.WHAT; say @a[@r]; say @r.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«(Array)␤0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9␤(Array)␤»
psch otoh, having the assigning body in BUILD means it can't be simplified
i'm not sure there isn't something else weird behind it though 16:45
FROGGS m: say "\c[EURO]" 16:46
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/XjXG_9umAg␤Unrecognized character name EURO␤at /tmp/XjXG_9umAg:1␤------> 3say "\c[EURO7⏏5]"␤»
yoleaux U+20AC EURO SIGN [Sc] (€)
lizmat psch: I must have missed something, are you saying that 54fbdfe4 is causing a bug ?
FROGGS m: say "\c[EURO SIGN]"
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«€␤»
lizmat m: "€".uniname.say # ??? 16:47
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«Method 'uniname' not found for invocant of class 'Str'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/0jJUzxOyCR:1␤␤»
FROGGS m: say uniname '€'
camelia rakudo-moar 039d27: OUTPUT«EURO SIGN␤»
lizmat ah, I was close :-)
FROGGS :o) 16:48
psch lizmat: [TuxCM] has a gist 1-2 hours ago that hangs now but doesn't in eadbae09a32333373a14072e2c8c17d1764455e9
lizmat: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2015-04-17#i_10458119
[TuxCM] we are aware of that
psch doesn't know who's in Berlin :P
[TuxCM] nine, tadzik, FROGGS, lizmat, Tux, sjn at least 16:49
lizmat but that commit is the $_ Nil -> Any commit ?
psch lizmat: right, but i saw something surprising with coercers in BUILD when working on StrDistance 16:50
lizmat and rjbs
psch lizmat: and 54fbdfe4 does pretty much the same thing to Range.BUILD as i did to StrDistance.BUILD, and i saw "unitialized" warnings
lizmat and tinita_ (I think)
FROGGS and bartolin
lizmat indeed! :-)
FROGGS tinita_ is back home already 16:51
bartolin o/ from Berlin
psch lizmat: and what FROGGS camelia'd just now has .infinite as Nil
lizmat but that doesn't feel at all BUILD related ???
psch m: class A { has Str $.a; submethod BUILD(:$a) { $!a = $a.Str } }; say A.new(:a(42)).perl; class B { has Str $.b; submethod BUILD (Str() :$b) { } }; say B.new(:b(42)).perl 16:52
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«A.new(a => "42")␤B.new(b => Str)␤»
psch lizmat: that's in essence the simplification in 54fbdfe4, isn't it? 16:53
retupmoca tadzik: correct, the File::Find tests fail on windows - specifically the 'exclude' test, because it's trying to compare 'path\to\file' (from the filesystem) to 'path/to/file' (from the exclude argument)
lizmat m: class A { has Str $.a; submethod BUILD(:$a) { $!a = $a.Str } }; say A.new(:a(42)).perl; class B { has Str $.b; submethod BUILD (Str() :$b) { } }; say B.new(:b<42>).perl 16:54
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«A.new(a => "42")␤B.new(b => Str)␤»
lizmat m: class A { has Str $.a; submethod BUILD(:$a) { $!a = $a.Str } }; say A.new(:a(42)).perl; class B { has Str $.b; submethod BUILD (Str() :$!b) { } }; say B.new(:b<42>).perl 16:55
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«A.new(a => "42")␤B.new(b => "42")␤»
lizmat m: class A { has Str $.a; submethod BUILD(:$a) { $!a = $a.Str } }; say A.new(:a(42)).perl; class B { has Str $.b; submethod BUILD (Str() :$!b) { } }; say B.new(:b(42)).perl 16:55
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«A.new(a => "42")␤B.new(b => "42")␤»
lizmat psch: you need a Bang (!)
psch lizmat: that's a relief. i thought something was horribly broken, but i just did it wrong :) 16:56
tadzik retupmoca: so the test passes a platform-specific string to exclude. That's bad indeed 16:57
mjreed m: my $x={a=>1};my $y=$x.clone();$y<a>=2;say $x 17:00
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«a => 2␤»
mjreed does clone() not do what I thought it would do? 17:01
Su-Shee jnthn: hey, are you awake? ;) I'd like to trade talk time slots with you ;) 17:02
psch m: my $x={a=>1};my $y=$x.clone();$y<a>=2;say $x.WHICH; say $y.WHICH 17:04
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«Hash|73576704␤Hash|73576752␤»
psch m: my $x={a=>1};my $y=$x.clone();$y<a>=2;say $x<a>.WHICH; say $y<a>.WHICH
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«Int|2␤Int|2␤»
lizmat psch: that feels wrong
psch lizmat: i agree. the containers for the keys should also be different ones 17:05
lizmat OTOH, how would .clone know what to copy (generically?)
psch i can't think of a case where "everything" wouldn't be an option, but i'm probably being unimaginative
lizmat m: m: my $x={a=>1};my $y=$x.clone(:a(42));$y<a>=2;say $x 17:08
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«a => 2␤»
lizmat m: m: my $x={a=>1};my $y=$x.clone(a => 42);$y<a>=2;say $x
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«a => 2␤»
Hyer OK, when contributing for the first time to perl6-examples -- do I apply somewhere for push permissions, or create a pull request? 17:08
lizmat S12:883 not fully implemented ?
synbot6 Link: design.perl6.org/S12.html#line_883
lizmat Hyer: moritz would know 17:09
psch Hyer: as i said, if it's generally useful it might be better as a module or app
moritz Hyer: just tell me your github username
psch Hyer: although i'll readily defer judgement over that. i didn't even know about Lakos levelization until shortly after you asked where to put it :) 17:10
mjreed I’m trying to see where the .WHICH’s are the same, but it must be somewhere not visible at the p6 layer.. and even adding a new key to $y also adds it to $x. 17:11
Hyer on Github I am TomHyer 17:15
dalek ast: fe2c47b | TimToady++ | S15-unicode-information/uni (3 files):
test method forms of uni functions
[Coke] gets a perl6 google'lert for libraries.io/emacs/perl6-mode
Hyer psch: I think of it as an app, because I'm mostly just running it to view the output and check for circular dependencies
dalek kudo/nom: 9449e15 | TimToady++ | src/core/Cool.pm:
add method forms of uni functions
psch Hyer: i suppose that means it should be on modules.perl6.org, not examples.perl6.org
Hyer aha
Maybe I should separate the dependency-analysis from the file choice (right now it just does all files in '.') 17:18
FROGGS[mobile] lizmat: do you want pizza? 17:21
lizmat FROGGS[mobile]: yes please
FROGGS[mobile] or somebody else from our room
FROGGS[mobile] look at joeys pizza in Kreuzberg nord 17:22
FROGGS[mobile] (quick) 17:22
lizmat grrr 17:23
Su-Shee if you are at betahaus: there is a lovely persian place 300m away ;) 17:25
skids std: if 0 { say "no" } else{ say "yes" } 17:26
camelia std 28329a7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Whitespace required after keyword at /tmp/b4qSCFifnn line 1:␤------> 3if 0 { say "no" } else7⏏5{ say "yes" }␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:00 137m␤»
skids m: if 0 { say "no" } else{ say "yes" }
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«yes␤»
[Coke] That smells vaguely like an RT I remember. 17:32
grondilu m: my @ := (^Inf Z* 1..*) Xdiv 2; 17:40
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
grondilu is not sure why that times out. 17:41
m: my @ := ^Inf Z* 1..*;
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
grondilu m: my @ := 0..* Z* 1..*;
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 17:42
grondilu m: 0..* Z* 1..*;
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 17:42
lizmat grondilu: did that change recently ?
grondilu star: 0..* Z* 1..*; 17:43
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
grondilu I really thought this used to work. 17:43
it should work anyway, shouldn't it? 17:44
star: 0..* Z* 1..10;
camelia ( no output )
grondilu star: 0..10 Z* 1..*;
camelia ( no output )
grondilu m: 0..* Z* 1..10;
camelia ( no output )
jercos star: say 0..10 Z* 1..*;
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«0 2 6 12 20 30 42 56 72 90 110␤»
jercos >.>
I've done that too many times
grondilu star: say 0..* Z* 1..*; 17:45
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«0 2 6 12 20 30 42 56 72 90 110 132 156 182 210 240 272 306 342 380 420 462 506 552 600 650 702 756 812 870 930 992 1056 1122 1190 1260 1332 1406 1482 1560 1640 1722 1806 1892 1980 2070 2162 2256 2352 2450 2550 2652 2756 2862 2970 3080 3192 3306 3422 3540 3660 …»
grondilu wth
star: 0..* Z* 1..*;
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
jercos yeah I guess it gets evaluated fully for some reason when you *don't* print it, while printing it recognizes it's infinite and prints a subset? 17:46
grondilu but what about var affectation then? 17:47
star: m @ := 0..* Z* 1..*;
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/kTxdSPVeO_␤Unrecognized regex modifier := ␤at /tmp/kTxdSPVeO_:1␤------> 3m @ := 7⏏050..* Z* 1..*;␤»
grondilu star: my @ := 0..* Z* 1..*;
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
grondilu star: my @a := 0..* Z* 1..*; #maybe?
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 17:48
grondilu well, that's LTA
m: constant Catalan = 1, [\*] (2, 6 ... *) Z/ 2 .. *; 17:49
camelia ( no output )
b2gills Str already had the methods unival and univals, which should probably be removed now
grondilu m: my @Catalan := 1, [\*] (2, 6 ... *) Z/ 2 .. *; 17:50
camelia ( no output )
b2gills m: my @ := 0..* Z* 1..*; Nil;
camelia ( no output )
b2gills m: say my @ := 0..* Z* 1..*;
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«0 2 6 12 20 30 42 56 72 90 110 132 156 182 210 240 272 306 342 380 420 462 506 552 600 650 702 756 812 870 930 992 1056 1122 1190 1260 1332 1406 1482 1560 1640 1722 1806 1892 1980 2070 2162 2256 2352 2450 2550 2652 2756 2862 2970 3080 3192 3306 3422 3540 3…»
grondilu star: my @a := 0..* Z* 1..*; say "ok I'm done" 17:50
camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«ok I'm done␤»
grondilu ok
kinda weird though 17:51
b2gills The same thing happens on the command line 17:52
dalek kudo/nom: eaf99c2 | lizmat++ | src/ (2 files):
Once a List is infinite, it stays infinite

  $ my @r = ^Inf; say @r.infinite; @r[^10]; say @r.infinite'
True Nil
b2gills maybe its caused by the same thing that allows `sub example { 'returned string' }` to work 17:54
colomon m: sub infix:<😂>($a, $b) { say $a + $b }; 4 😂 5 17:58
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«9␤» 17:59
colomon that was impressively slow. 18:00
b2gills m: {; my @ := 0..* Z* 1..*}; Nil 18:00
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 18:01
FROGGS colomon: perhaps somebody plays with camelia in privmsg
.oO( I think it was me )
I was recompiling so I didn't have a local Perl6 to play with ( I don't install perl6 ) 18:02
FROGGS that is what camelia is for :o) 18:03
b2gills Perhaps I should refrain from using it for things I suspect will cause her to timeout 18:04
dalek kudo/nom: 54fa42e | lizmat++ | src/core/Str.pm:
Remove now superfluous Str:D: candidates
ast: 47681bd | lizmat++ | S15-unicode-information/uniname.t:
Fix test count
dalek ast: aee9f9e | lizmat++ | S15-unicode-information/unimatch-general.t:
Fix copy-n-pasto
FROGGS jnthn: please take a loot at the WAT in #124324 :o) 18:18
synbot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=124324
[Coke] jnthn++ lizmat++ 18:19
masak .oO( take a loot -- arrrr! ) 18:22
TimToady that's twice now I've failed with --append, lizmat++ for reproducing my amendment exactly :) 18:29
lizmat :-) 18:30
TimToady er *--amend
masak I can see why --append didn't work so well :P
dalek kudo/nom: 7f12892 | lizmat++ | src/core/Str.pm:
Hide unixxxx method caches in helper subs
[TuxCM] lizmat++ 18:31
All tests successful.
Files=20, Tests=18951, 81 wallclock secs ( 4.95 usr 0.25 sys + 219.59 cusr 2.39 csys = 227.18 CPU)
Result: PASS
mjreed How to create a literal array of hashes, equiv to perl5’’s { my @x = ( { a=>1, b=>2 }, { c=>3, d=>4 } ); }? Is there a shorter way than { my @x = ( $( %( a=>1, b=>2 ), %( c=>3, d=>4 ) ) ); } ? 18:32
er, should be a $(…) around second %(...)
[Coke] m: my @a = {a=>1,b=>2}, {c=>3,d=4}; say @a.perl; 18:34
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/HwchIrWKL9␤Undeclared routine:␤ d used at line 1␤␤»
[Coke] m: my @a = {a=>1,b=>2}, {c=>3,d=>4}; say @a.perl;
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«[{:a(1), :b(2)}, {:c(3), :d(4)}]<>␤»
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 31 commits to rakudo/newio by lizmat 18:36
lizmat pizza&
mjreed hm. Somehow I was getting a Parcel or an array of individual Pairs. Thanks.
TimToady you'd get a parcel if you were using := instead of = 18:37
mjreed yeah, but I wasn’t..
[Coke] m: my @a = {a=>1,b=>2}, {c=>3,d=4}; say @a[1].WHAT;
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/c9OZOxC_4B␤Undeclared routine:␤ d used at line 1␤␤»
[Coke] m: my @a = {a=>1,b=>2}, {c=>3,d=>4}; say @a[1].WHAT; #figures I picked the wrong one 18:38
camelia rakudo-moar 6fc153: OUTPUT«(Hash)␤»
[Coke] (just to make sure)
dalek c: 69e5dbb | skids++ | lib/Language/control.pod:
Document if/until/else/elsif

Could not paper over the Rakudo "Nil" fossil, so put in some caveats
   (those will have to be pulled later.)
[TuxCM] rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=124323 can be closed now. I don't have the rights to do so 19:06
dalek kudo/nom: a244887 | lizmat++ | src/core/Str.pm:
Stub missing unixxxx subs for JVM

This unbusts the JVM build
skids We should maybe colorize/refont C<stuff> a bit more visibly in doc. 19:07
masak [TuxCM]: is there a test for it in roast?
bartolin [TuxCM], masak: I can do that later (adding a test, closing the ticket) 19:09
masak ++bartolin
dalek line-Perl5: 0b63e04 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | t/file_handles.t:
Add missing use v6; to a test file
[TuxCM] <travis-ci> Tux/CSV#80 (master - 805e256 : H.Merijn Brand - Tux): The build was fixed.
<travis-ci> Change view : github.com/Tux/CSV/compare/4b28803...5e256c2efc
<travis-ci> Build details : travis-ci.org/Tux/CSV/builds/58953247
[TuxCM] \☺/ 19:14
hoelzro [TuxCM]: that's awesome! 19:17
[TuxCM] indeed
[TuxCM] now building with jvm
nine Ok, now support for "module" and "class" keywords for Perl 5 is no longer a prototype. It's a surprisingly simple patch to perl: gist.github.com/niner/a5c06c450e4d9bc37167 19:18
[TuxCM] nine, www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1121802 19:21
Done, jvm-nom built 19:22
nine [TuxCM]: epic! 19:23
hoelzro FROGGS: do you think you could give my tab completion branch another look? 19:25
masak nine: wow.
FROGGS hoelzro: will do 19:25
hoelzro thanks! 19:34
nine I probably won't get the "module" and "class" support in. They will want to reserve those words for themselves. 19:35
But the use v6; support may get into perl 5.23 :)
lizmat nine++ rjbs++ p5p++ :-)
nwc10 nine:
colomon !!! 19:36
lizmat speechless ?
masak ??? 19:37
vendethiel I see what you did there. 19:38
grondilu where is the v6 home so I read about that stuff?
vendethiel Inline::Perl5, probably. 19:39
grondilu isn't Inline::Perl5 doing the opposite of what v6 does? 19:40
FROGGS jnthn: can you please run that twice and tell me if that can be made to work? gist.github.com/FROGGS/25d22b159f3c225993c1 19:42
FROGGS hoelzro: will look at this after $sleep 19:43
hoelzro ok, good night 19:43
dalek ast: 1790997 | usev6++ | S03-operators/ternary.t:
Add tests for RT #124323
synbot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=124323
[TuxCM] Done, built panda for jvm-nom 19:47
Updating shims
[TuxCM] .tell tadzik gist.github.com/Tux/eb7cdda3079bcec5f8e7 19:56
yoleaux [TuxCM]: I'll pass your message to tadzik.
[TuxCM] stops for the day 19:58
pippo o/ #perl6 20:23
timotimo yo pippo
masak ahoj pippo 20:24
pippo Question: when I define a grammar and have say rule TOP { <r1> <r2> } how can I make the space between <r1> nd <r2> optional? 20:26
i.e. I want the rule TOP also match <r1><r2> 20:27
masak then maybe make it a token, not a rule
and do something like <.ws>?
DrForr token foo { <r1> <ws>* <r2> } # mebbe?
(not that I didn't just echo what masak just said...) 20:28
masak er, no
never put a * on <ws>
whitespace is an *uncountable*, people
it comes in mass quantities, like water or freedom 20:29
don't quantify it
.oO( can ' t c o u n twh i t e s p a c e )
DrForr channels his inner Conehead. :)
masak my point is, that's still *whitespace*, not "whitespaces"
pippo I was thinking that some modifiers exist in order to achieve what I said. Nevermind. Thank you all for helping. 20:30
DrForr Ah, in the sense that it defaults to \h* ?
masak short story: <ws> got you covered. don't quantify it.
DrForr (or \h+, I don't have the manpage before me.) 20:31
masak DrForr: <ws> defaults to more magic than that. in sum: don't quantify it.
DrForr Nod. 20:32
vendethiel masak: fun fact: "whitespace" and "void space" use the same word in french, but one is female and the other one is male
masak vendethiel: of course. because French.
vendethiel yep. my language is pretty terrible :-)
masak .oO( in French, even the nouns have sex )
and the adjectives, I guess. 20:33
DrForr Incidentally, github.com/drforr/perl6-ecmascript
masak DrForr: which ES version are you targeting? 20:34
DrForr And yes, the <LT>* scattered throughout does indeed mean vertical whitespace and will probably go away.
An excellent question. The original ANTLR grammar is timestamped 2008.
vendethiel masak: well, in that regard, spanish is really worse. everything is gender-variant 20:36
masak *nod*
masak .oO( oui, we are gendered, but at least we're not des Spaniards! ) 20:37
vendethiel needs to learn german, because most people here seems to speak it
s/seems/seem/ # english is *hard*
DrForr I don't, but I hardly qualify as 'most people' :) 20:38
vendethiel DrForr: I'll rephrase: most of the amazing people I met at salzburg! haha 20:38
psch curiously, my girlfriend never refers to herself with the properly gendered nouns for things-she-does 20:39
e.g. she calls herself a "Psychologe" (psychologist) even though she is by virtue of being female a "Psychologin"
psch that's german, just to be explicit 20:39
though french has the same tri-gendered grammar iirc 20:40
pippo Out of topic. But since last day every body was looing at the launch: spaceflightnow.com/2015/04/15/new-l...on-demise/
vendethiel psch: no, "he" wins 20:41
(i.e., 5 females and a male, we use the male form)
(or rather, women and men...)
psch vendethiel: oh, yes, german speaker usually do that do
vendethiel: there was a bit of a complain a few weeks back here by a french speaker iirc
about some parenthesized gender-inclusive thingy 20:42
vendethiel psch: oh? I didn't see that
psch i don't remember the specifics, i just remember that i said that "germans do "*/Innen"
e.g. "Psychologen/Innen"
DrForr Spanish as well. It was rather awkward in HS as I was the only male in a nearly-all-female Spanish class. Made for some great lessons on gendered pronouns though.
psch (also sorry for the unbalanced quotes : ) 20:43
FROGGS[mobile] psch: we also do *Innen
without a slash, though sometimes with underscore
psch FROGGS[mobile]: you're right, i think the non-slashed version is actually more common 20:44
not sure what made the slash so important in my head
TimToady you think of yourself as a slasher? 20:46
DrForr I'm a midnight toke[niz]er. 20:47
pippo I have noticed that .nl can be set to any character but not be null. Is it possible to include also ''? 20:48
m: $*ERR.nl = '';
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«Invalid string index: max -1, got 4294967295␤ in block at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:18021␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/VrxMGDJJZA:1␤␤»
psch TimToady: taking into account the translations offered by dict.cc (one of which translates back as "harsh critic"), maybe. i am occassionally overly harsh in my criticism 20:49
riceandbeans when is perl6 going to be ready for primetime use? 20:51
masak riceandbeans: I've primetime used it since 2008. 20:53
riceandbeans: you're late :)
pippo good night #perl6
psch vendethiel: you were there, actually, when spider-mario complained: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2015-03-27#i_10351152 20:55
riceandbeans according to wikipedia it's not even in RC state until hopefully september
unless that's totally off
psch (actually 3 minutes before that link)
which might as well mean that you weren't there anymore :) 20:56
DrForr riceandbeans: Very well, what is *your* definition of 'prime-time'? It's in a usable, albeit somewhat embryonic state right now. 20:57
vendethiel riceandbeans: "prime time"? I've already used it at $work and use it for a lot of "scripting", if that's the question
vendethiel psch: aaah, he complained that way 21:01
I thought he did the other way
[Coke] I think embryonic isn't the right word. 21:02
DrForr riceandbeans: I am genuinely curious. Ive come back to the language after quite a long hiatus, and it's firming up remarkably well. 21:03
psch i'm of two minds of the "primetime use" question
[Coke] It's usable today. If you have a specific use case we can probably tell you if we do that well already. Anything we can't do off the shelf, we can probably do with Inline::Perl5
masak prime-time means different things to different users.
psch ...and masak illustrated one of the viewpoints 21:04
DrForr [Coke]: Yeah, it's not the right word, but it's late here and I can't quite sum up my impressions in a convenient Twitter-sized commuique'.
psch if "primetime use" means "production ready", then it's a question of "what does that mean?"
DrForr And that's why I was after his definition of 'prime-time'. It's already available in RPMs, though somewhat outdated.
psch the other would be taking "primetime use" to mean "everyone *should* use it", which is obviously overly idealistic, because it assumes preference doesn't matter, and as such this viewpoint should be discarded 21:06
psch but i'm probably not quite fit for irc anymore... & 21:06
DrForr Hrm, 22 terms remaining to be tested in this grammar. I wonder if my next project shouldn't be an ANTLR grammar porter. 21:08
riceandbeans so perl6 is now a jvm language in the only actively developed implementation, according to wikipedia
masak yep.
though it's not jvm-only. 21:09
[ptc] maybe the wikipedia page should be updated and MoarVM metioned as well
riceandbeans well, jvm or 'moarvm', but I've never heard of the latter and wikipedia says that it's slower
it does mention moarvm 21:10
[ptc] ah, ok
masak moarvm is the recommended default backend at this point.
[ptc] moarvm starts faster, but is afaik slower when running 21:10
jvm starts much slower, but runs faster once it's up and going.
masak I think the runtime speed depends on the actual code.
riceandbeans jvm is always slow to start 21:11
[ptc] hopes that's still right
riceandbeans and tends to leak
DrForr Oo, and I just triggered a segfault. 21:12
masak 'night, #perl6 21:12
[ptc] 'night masak 21:16
[Coke] MoarVM was built specifically for what Perl 6 needed, so, unless you've touched perl 6 before, it's not surprising you haven't heard of it. 21:17
riceandbeans why abandon parrot though? 21:18
and why flock to jvm?
[ptc] jvm is a widely-used technology, and makes asynchronous stuff easy to implement, from what I understand 21:19
timotimo one of the big reasons to build a port to the JVM was that the jvm had battle-tested concurrency already 21:20
Su-Shee riceandbeans: there's a very very long article about that..
[Coke] Also, targetting the JVM lets us get our foot in the door in some corporate environments (like mine)
timotimo rakudo, our main implementation, was aimed towards running on multiple different VMs at a somewhat early point 21:21
and porting to the JVM was an exercise in that, so to speak
[ptc] Su-Shee: do you have a link?
[Coke] basically, moarvm took the lessons learned from parrot, and from perl 6 development. it's goal was to do what perl 6 needed and nothing else, and that hadn't been parrot's goal for a lot of its formative years.
timotimo but since we have jvm interop, we can potentially tap into a very big library of modules through the JVM
i haven't seen terribly much in the way of examples, though
[Coke] parrot was trying to be a good backend for a bunch of different languages. (And it's doing OK at that, near as I can tell)
someone just did a bunch of good work on JVM interop. 21:22
vendethiel timotimo: I know a few friends toyed with it, but executing p6 code from the jvm was still insanely slow for now :)
timotimo mhh
riceandbeans most perl people don't like the JVM
Su-Shee hmm lemme look
timotimo i suppose that's their loss
riceandbeans it's like trying to alienate your base for the swing vote 21:23
Su-Shee riceandbeans: that's nonsense. also, any other language has a jvm implementation, it's an extremely smart move
riceandbeans in my opinion
[Coke] anyway, welcome to the channel. Please hang out and give the evalbot a whirl, and grab a copy of rakudo 2015.03. 2015.04 is almost out.
timotimo being able to deploy stuff to the JVM lets you get into lots of places
though with rakudo on jvm, you need to deploy onto a device with lots of ram, but that's always the case with a jvm ;)
[Coke] m: <rice and beans>.join.say
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«riceandbeans␤»
timotimo m: <rice and beans>.pick(*).say
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«beans and rice␤»
[Coke] heads out.
timotimo m: <rice and beans>.pick(*).say
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«beans rice and␤»
timotimo m: <rice and beans>.pick(*).say
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«and beans rice␤»
vendethiel remembers reading an abstract from a TimToady++ 2000/2001 or 2002 talk titled "java isn't the enemy" :P
psch wishes he had a clue how to make rakudo-j faster 21:24
timotimo how long do i have until the release gets tagged?
psch iirc arnsholt++ has a similar, more refined problem, which points at PriorInvocation
timotimo: i heard 23rd
timotimo i have something i'd love to fix up, but i have no idea how long it'll take
is that rakudo or rakudo star?
psch rakudo iirc 21:25
timotimo good, that should be enough
i'm being sent to bed early today :\
psch is the cat being possessive? :)
timotimo hah 21:26
timotimo the cats are living in a place i'm visiting quite often these days 21:26
no cats in my own home
psch sounds like a solid arrangement — cats in a place you like to visit but peace from cats at home 21:27
psch i have memories of my toes being bitten and clawed at when living with cats 21:27
riceandbeans oh no, my walls
Su-Shee: I bought them markers, and they turned my walls into murals
psch i'm also reminded that i should sketch out and probably implement a few more jvm-interop bits... 21:28
psch anyway, actually away now o/ 21:29
nbdsp_ Greetings! Due to inability of DBIish module to work with binary data, I was advised here to use DBI from Perl 5 as follows: use DBI:from<Perl5>; my $dbh = DBI.connect(... However this produces an error: "Don't know how to load code from Per 5". Are there some additional declarations or modules needed for using Perl5 code? 21:35
*Perl 5
RabidGravy Inline::Perl5 I think 21:38
skids nbdsp_: I think :from<Perl5> was just made to work today?
geekosaur yesterday 21:41
timotimo can't you use Foo:from<Perl5> if you use Inline::Perl5 before that?
nbdsp_ I don't use Inline::Perl5. Is it needed with that feature? Or I need to reinstall Rakudo for using F;;::from<Perl5>?l 21:43
skids Either reinstall or use Inline::Perl5 but you will need to intall Inline::Perl5 in either case. 21:44
nbdsp_ Thanks. Will install Inline::Perl5 and if it doesn't work, will reinstall Rakudo. 21:45
timotimo now that we have a fast analysis tool for profiles, maybe someone with a machine with loads of ram could run a core setting compilation with --profile-compile (and probably also --optimize=off to reduce the profile size and ram usage even further)? 21:53
is there somebody here with a machine that has 32gigs of ram or something? i have no idea if that's enough %)
i wouldn't dare run it on hack.p6c.org 21:54
vendethiel :from<Perl5> worked before AFAIK, but wasn't in core 21:56
RabidGravy parse is twenty seconds quicker than it was for some reason 21:58
flussence 20?!
riceandbeans xkcd.com/1513/ 21:59
timotimo i'll try if 8 gigs of ram and 10 gigs of swap will be enough locally 22:01
RabidGravy bizarre
timotimo RabidGravy: that can happen if you forgot to optimize your moarvm build. in fact, parrot used to default to --optimize=0 if you didn't pass --optimize to its configure script, which confused the hell out of me one day
flussence timotimo: got a compilation command line I can blindly copy and paste? ;) 22:03
timotimo i just closed that tab
flussence (I wonder if 8 gigs of RAM and a gigantic /dev/zram0 swap would work...) 22:04
timotimo just delete CORE.setting.moarvm and "make", it'll give you the line i mean
it's the one following "this is going to take a long time"
flussence righty
timotimo thank you!
the resulting profile-*.html should gzip very nicely
AFK for a bit
.o( of course after copy-pasting you'll need --profile-compile rather soon after the "perl6.moarvm" ) 22:05
flussence my fast server's currently crying under the load... maybe I'll try it on my slow one (which has a big fast SSD, so tons of real swap ought to not hurt) 22:16
timotimo i'm at 5.5 gigs of swap used and growing 22:18
flussence 9GB here :D
flussence Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 325532884 bytes 22:24
aw nuts.
timotimo damn :\ 22:31
i wonder ...
ah, hehe 22:32
whenever the profiler reaches 4096 "pieces" of string added to its list, it joins all the pieces together and the result becomes the new first piece 22:33
we should be able to do a bit better than that
flussence maybe it'd be better to spit it straight out to a file... 22:34
I'll give it another shot in the meantime, hopefully 48GB of swap will be enough... 22:35
(wait... how are we gonna *load* this profile?) 22:38
timotimo the profile itself will be much, much smaller 22:46
i think it'd be enough to keep a list of "megachunks" around and instead of joining them just print them out to the file one by one 22:47
but i should go to bed now
if you want to hack that, it lives in nqp's repository under src/vm/moar/HLL/Backend.nqp
nbdsp_ Reinstalled Rakudo and Panda gives the following error on installing Inline::Perl5 or reinstalling Panda: $ perl6 bootstrap.pl ==> Bootstrapping Panda ===SORRY!=== Unsupported serialization format version 13 (current version is 15)
timotimo you have some old precompiled files lying around, i'm afraid
it's kinda shitty that it doesn't give you a filename, though 22:48
nbdsp_ make clean?
timotimo oh 22:50
can you use rebootstrap.pl instead?
andreoss is there a way to fetch only N elements within a feed? 22:53
andreoss m: 1 .. * ==> grep { $^a %% 11 } ==> limit 10 ==> my @x; say @x; 22:54
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/3i46RizcBM␤Undeclared routine:␤ limit used at line 1. Did you mean 'list'?␤␤»
andreoss m: 1 .. * ==> grep { $^a %% 11 } ==> my @x; say @x[^10];
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)» 22:55
flussence interesting, this run seems to be hovering around 12GB virt even though there's plenty of room free. 22:57
skids andreoss: feeds don't work like they should yet at all. 22:58
andreoss: but an object with a .push method inserted in the feed should be able to tap it. 22:59
andreoss i guess gather/take can be put into a feed, but i haven't found out how yet 23:01
vendethiel m: sub limit($n) { my $r = ^$n; -> @a { @a[$r] } }; say 1, 3, 9 ... * ==> limit(10)(); 23:07
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«1 3 9 27 81 243 729 2187 6561 19683 59049 177147 531441 1594323 4782969 14348907 43046721 129140163 387420489 1162261467 3486784401 10460353203 31381059609 94143178827 282429536481 847288609443 2541865828329 7625597484987 22876792454961 68630377364883 2058…»
vendethiel m: sub limit($n) { my $r = ^$n; -> @a { @a[$r] } }; say (1, 3, 9 ... * ==> limit(10)());
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«59049␤»
nbdsp_ reboostrap.pl worked! But: $ panda install Inline::Perl5 ===SORRY!=== Missing or wrong version of dependency 'src/gen/m-Metamodel.nqp' (from 'lib/File/Find.pm') 23:20
skids m: class A { has $.i = 0; has @.a = (); method push (@v) { for (@v) -> $v { @!a.push($v) if 5 < $!i++ < 10 } }; }; my $a = A.new; my @x; @x <== $a <== 1..50 ; for (1..10) { @x[$_] }; $a.a.perl.say; # tap example. but even with a for loop keeping it from reifying to infinity seems undoable. 23:21
camelia rakudo-moar a24488: OUTPUT«[7, 8, 9, 10]<>␤»
flussence is watching this --profile-compile via strace... mmap()s 6 or 7 quarter-GB chunks spaced 0.5s apart, thinks about it, then throws them all away and repeats 23:29
It's getting *somewhere*, just very slowly and oddly
vendethiel flussence: it's solving the halting problem, just you wait! 23:34
flussence I think tweaking the to-json code is probably gonna be a better approach, I'll try that instead. 23:37
nbdsp_ Running rebootstrap.pl again solved the problem with wrong version of m-Metamodel,nqp, but the majority of tests during installing of Inline::Perl5 are failed. :( 23:56