»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
AlexDaniel jnthn: too bad it wasn't marked as experimental 00:00
00:00 wamba left, Sgeo_ left
jnthn AlexDaniel: Doesn't matter much; it's busted enough it's doubtful anyone will be relying on it. 00:02
AlexDaniel: And had virtually no tests, so we didn't commit to anything.
AlexDaniel jnthn: yeah, thanks. Now I'll go rewrite that piece of code I wrote a few days ago. 00:03
jnthn Will get it fixed up for 6.next :)
00:03 RabidGravy left
AlexDaniel before I upgraded it was working like 「race」 which was, eh, not too bad (but still not good enough). Now it's completely broken, but I guess I'll just change it to 「race」 then… 00:05
ugexe any chance ==>> makes 6.next?
jnthn ugexe: I think what makes it will muchly come down to the intersection of "what are people asking for" and "what do we have time to do" 00:12
ugexe: Could do with some more organized way to collect the "what are people asking for" info. 00:13
00:14 firstdayonthejob left, mcmillhj left
jnthn I suspect we'll have a couple of tracks, though. There'll be a 6.d focused around features, and a 6.c.1 which'll be more about nailing down stuff like hyper/race that we half-did in 6.c. 00:15
autarch lizmat: I realized that my rakudo fix isn't right anyway - it'd be better to fix the compiler to handle numerators >= 2**31 peroperly, I think
00:16 FROGGS left 00:17 FROGGS[mobile] left 00:18 ely-se left 00:20 jameslen_ joined 00:22 aliyev left, jameslenz left, pmurias left 00:23 Timbus left, emdashcomma left, Timbus joined 00:24 virtualsue left 00:25 vendethiel- joined 00:27 emdashcomma joined, abaugher_ joined 00:28 abaugher left, vendethiel left 00:29 pmurias joined
jnthn sleep & 00:30
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Herby_ Evening, everyone! 02:15
skids o/ 02:29
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dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 317 commits to doc/rb-nutshell by awwaiid 02:39
02:45 SCHAAP137 left 02:52 MadcapJake joined
Herby_ anyone find any perl 6 FOSDEM talks? 02:54
AlexDaniel Herby_: 2015 or 2016 ones? 02:58
Herby_ 2016 02:59
AlexDaniel not yet I think 03:03
03:08 raiph left 03:11 kid51_ joined 03:13 kid51 left, kid51_ is now known as kid51, kurahaupo joined
dalek ast/hyper-problems: 3454a5f | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | S07-hyperrace/hyper.t:
Add test for RT #127099

Processing 1000 values should be enough, but there is no guarantee that it will never flap. I don't think that there is any better way to test it, so it is probably good enough.
ast/hyper-problems: 148614c | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | S07-hyperrace/hyper.t:
Add test for RT #127452

Existing tests focus on hyper + grep (which fails consistently) while this test runs hyper + map which is supposed to work, but surprisingly it fails *sometimes*.
Again, this test is not guaranteed not to flap, but it is probably all we can do in this case.
AlexDaniel woah 03:16
03:16 raiph joined 03:18 kurahaupo left 03:24 maybekoo5 left
AlexDaniel ah geez, there's github.com/perl6/roast/pull/99 03:25
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Eddward Are there known issues with t/spec/integration/advent2013-day14.t hanging? 04:37
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MadcapJake I had a few perl6 related crashes today, like my whole system locked up. 05:53
yoleaux 6 Feb 2016 21:54Z <AlexDaniel> MadcapJake: I've added your ideas (and some other stuff) to gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/c89bd27...b63f31e4c. Thanks!
05:54 Sgeo joined
MadcapJake .tell AlexDaniel sweet! The new additions are awesome, I really like the hyper-operators and spaceship 05:55
yoleaux MadcapJake: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
AlexDaniel . 05:56
yoleaux 05:55Z <MadcapJake> AlexDaniel: sweet! The new additions are awesome, I really like the hyper-operators and spaceship
MadcapJake So wrt crashes: I was not getting any errors, everything would just slow down until it finally halted my system completely. This was when running a «perl6 -Ilib -c file.pm6» check
I figured out the cause: circular use statements; I think there should be some guard to prevent this from happening. 05:57
Especially in a `-c` run where it's supposed to be checking things :P 06:00
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moritz \o 07:35
masak o/ 07:38
AlexDaniel I see that there were no commits to roast for 21 days. Is there any special reason for that or is it just that nobody contributed any tests? 07:46
08:01 darutoko joined 08:09 AlexDaniel left
masak m: class A::B {}; class C { has A::B $.ab = A::B.new }; say "alive" 08:12
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«alive␤»
masak m: class A::B {}; class C { has A::B $.ab .= new } 08:13
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not locate compile-time value for symbol A::B␤»
masak (RT #126975)
08:14 musiKk joined 08:16 maybekoo5 joined 08:17 xinming_ joined 08:21 xinming left 08:29 musiKk left 08:33 protium left 08:36 firstdayonthejob joined 08:39 Gentoolman joined
Gentoolman Is MoarVM realization better then ParrotVM? 08:40
08:48 perl6newbee joined
perl6newbee hi all 08:50
08:50 NZKindest joined
Gentoolman Hi 08:52
NZKindest Hello fellow traveller
perl6newbee hehe
Gentoolman Which VM is better? Parrot or Moar?
perl6newbee afaik is the spec support in MOar better 08:53
08:53 rindolf joined
bartolin MoarVM. support for Parrot has been suspended about a year ago 08:53
and it seems unlikely that Parrot will be resurrected in the future 08:54
Gentoolman For perl6 on MoarVM i need to install Rakudo perl and then MoarVM and configure rakudo perl tp use MoarVM ?
bartolin Gentoolman: best thing would probably be to use Rakudo Star (which includes MoarVM and some modules) rakudo.org/how-to-get-rakudo/ 08:56
masak Gentoolman: hi. maybe you're a speaker of a slavic language? usually in English, it's "implementation", not "realization". 08:57
Gentoolman masak: yes, i am russian.
masak \o/
Gentoolman: I speak Esperanto, where the word is "realigo", so I'm aware of the false cognate ;) 08:58
Gentoolman masak: Esperanto is the language of the future. :)
masak ...and always will be :P
09:00 rindolf left
Gentoolman It seems i found rakudo port in Portage. Thanks. 09:00
masak just watch out for package managers sometimes carrying vary old versions 09:01
(but yes, it'll vary, too) :)
perl6newbee masak: you surely know how can I adopt the IO::Prompt repo in mu/misc/shelter? 09:03
masak perl6newbee: hm. good question. 09:04
surely there must be instructions somewhere? 09:05
perl6newbee In the shelter Readme stands Aks us on IRC on how to adopt a module :-)
masak a good start though seems to be to clone the git repo, set up your own github repo for the module, and then aim for excellence with such intensity that people just accept your version as authoritative 09:06
perl6newbee lol.
masak perl6newbee: I suspect it is that simple, actually
we just re-point the ecosystem files to your repo after some time
perl6newbee I already fork the repo and managent to get it running with 6.c. the tests passes
then I will add the META6.json raw link to the perl6 ecosystem like zoffix explained in his blog post 09:07
masak yes, I think that's it 09:08
perl6newbee :-)
masak if you make a pull request to github.com/perl6/ecosystem/blob/ma.../META.list
I will merge it
perl6newbee w00t
masak or if you have write access already, just go ahead and make the commit yerself
perl6newbee unfortunately, I am still a newbie no change to get a perl6 guru like you are 09:09
I will see what happens with IO::Promp in the wild. 09:10
Gentoolman Hi guys. I found that last perl6 from takudo has build problems 09:12
perl6newbee rakudo.org/downloads/star/rakudo-st....01.tar.gz did a gread job for me 09:13
I mean, extract the tar write "perl Configure.pl --gen-moar" and make a make; make install; did the job 09:14
Gentoolman No, guy, not Gentoo-way. :) 09:15
perl6newbee haha
Gentoolman If there some sources i need to write a ebuild
perl6newbee sometimes, you have to take a different way ^^
Gentoolman Install sources with manual compiling instead automatic ports-like package manager is strange. 09:16
perl6newbee maybe. you can wait until the gentoo package maintainer updated the package or you do itself 09:17
09:17 Laurent_R joined
perl6newbee btw IMHO installing software with compiling is the linux way. Package manager is just a wrapper about it 09:20
Gentoolman perl6newbee: it seems the problem in sources, not i package. Last update was at 3 feb
perl6newbee: portage like ports in FreeBSD. Portage in gentoo compile everything from build scripts -- ebuilds. It is awesome 09:21
09:22 RabidGravy joined, abaugher_ left 09:23 abaugher_ joined
perl6newbee francly, I never installed Gentoo. I only know Fedora and Arch 09:24
Gentoolman perl6newbee: gentoo is like "arch where yaourt is only way to install packages" 09:26
perl6newbee Gentoolman: I installed Perl6 with the sources without problems on Fedora as well as Arch :-) 09:27
Gentoolman perl6newbee: Dark side u r going to.
perl6newbee Gentoolman: Dark Side has cookies :-) 09:28
09:30 Gentoolman left
frederico hello, I'm learning some perl6 , I would like to call a sub by it full namespace name, 'Foo::bar::sub()' 09:38
but my small example is not working
perl6newbee You use a '.'. That only works if you have a object of a class I think. So, FullName::qualy; should do the trick 09:40
09:41 cognominal joined
frederico perl6newbee: with FullName::Qualy the error moves to Could not find symbol '&qualy' 09:42
perl6newbee hmm 09:43
09:44 dolmen joined
perl6newbee frederico: sorry. With my limitied knowledge I cannot help you :-( 09:50
frederico perl6newbee: :), fine. 09:51
09:52 NZKindest left 09:54 musiKk joined
RabidGravy frederico, by default subs are defined with 'my' scope. That is to say you can't see them from outside the scope they are defined in. (In this case your Fullname module) 09:55
perl6newbee off course: with our sub query it works
RabidGravy to be able to access them fully qualified you must define them as 'our' scoped: 09:56
perl6newbee facebalm
flussence drops a friendly reminder that a Gentoo overlay for Rakudo already exists (gitlab.com/flussence/perl6-overlay)
RabidGravy m: module Foo { our sub foo() { say "foo" } }; Foo::foo()
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«foo␤»
frederico cool, our sub qualy worked
RabidGravy m: module Foo { sub foo() { say "foo" } }; Foo::foo()
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«Could not find symbol '&foo'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/3MAntiSmId line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/3MAntiSmId line 1␤␤»
RabidGravy you can however "export" the 'my' subs with "is export" so they become symbols in the outer scope 09:58
perl6newbee RabidGravy: Why does a "sub foo() is exported" does not change the error.
RabidGravy m: module Foo { sub foo() is export { say "foo" } }; import foo; foo()
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/43UCK4Mczj␤Could not find module foo to import symbols from␤at /tmp/43UCK4Mczj:1␤------> 3() is export { say "foo" } }; import foo7⏏5; foo()␤»
RabidGravy m: module Foo { sub foo() is export { say "foo" } }; import Foo; foo()
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«foo␤»
RabidGravy perl6newbee, It's still a "my scoped" sub, it gets added to the outer scope with the unqualified name as it doesn't have a qualified name in that sense 09:59
10:00 JRaspass joined
perl6newbee the difference is you used "import Foo". with "use Foo;" it does not work. 10:00
That was my problem
RabidGravy the import Foo there is because it's "in the same file", of course if it was in a separate file you would use "use" (which implies an import) 10:01
perl6newbee cool. learned something new 10:02
RabidGravy: Foo::foo() does only works when foo is our, it does not work if foo is in the my-scope with the exported trait, right? 10:05
RabidGravy yes
perl6newbee thx
RabidGravy other methods of exporting are available 10:06
10:06 perlawhirl joined
perl6newbee :-) I am happy to have understand this one at the moment ggg 10:07
but maybe you can help me with another problem.
RabidGravy at it's simplest what happens when the compiler sees the "is export" it saves the name of the thing and the thing itself (in this case the subroutine) and then when you do "import Foo" it gets all those saved thingies and inserts them in the current scope
perl6newbee sounds easy and familiar. Read it already, but never need this information 10:09
10:11 perlawhirl left, abraxxa joined
perl6newbee anyway. I have problems to debug a script that imports a class from another script. The class in question is "unit class IO::Prompt". Start up the debbuger with a test.p6 script the IO::Prompt works but the code in the seperated file is never seen. If I create a bp with bp add Prompt.pm:13, the debugger says unknown file. I tried several strings: /lib/IO/Prompt.pm:14 or IO::Prompt:14 nothing worked 10:15
What is the problem here? or where is the problem 10:16
10:21 perlawhirl joined
RabidGravy this is a problem with the debugger, I'm guessing here that it hasn't kept up with the way that installed modules are stored. 10:22
perl6newbee Is there a walkthrough? 10:23
RabidGravy of?
10:27 perlawhirl left 10:33 wamba joined 10:38 virtualsue joined
perl6newbee of the problem with the debugger 10:44
abraxxa is there a message bot around? 10:49
Hotkeys m: my &f = {sum(@_)/2 ∈ @_}; say f([5,3,2])
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«False␤»
Hotkeys m: my &f = {(sum(@_)/2) ∈ @_}; say f([5,3,2])
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«False␤»
Hotkeys m: say sum([5,3,2])/2 10:50
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«5␤»
Hotkeys m: say 5 (elem) [5,3,2]
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«True␤»
Hotkeys m: my &f = {sum(@_)/2 (elem) @_}; say f([5,3,2]) 10:51
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«False␤»
Hotkeys Why isn't this working
Am I doing something dumb?
RabidGravy abraxxa, yeah yoleaux is alive and kicking
perl6newbee, I don't think so 10:52
abraxxa RabidGravy: found the syntax in my irc logs, thanks
Hotkeys m: my &f = {sum(@_)/2 ∈ @_}; say f((5,3,2)) 10:53
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«False␤»
RabidGravy HotKeys, not quite sure what you're trying to do 10:54
Hotkeys RabidGravy: trying to figure out why the function doesn't work but outside the function this works
RabidGravy er quite, but what is the function trying to do 10:55
Hotkeys m: say sum([5,3,2])/2 (elem) [5,3,2]
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«False␤»
Hotkeys Well theb
10:55 espadrine joined
Hotkeys It's for a golf problem 10:55
Checks if the difference any two of the numbers in an array of 3 ints results in the third 10:56
eg in that one 5 - 3 = 2
So it is true
10:57 _PiL_ left
abraxxa .tell Skarsnik I've rebased my DBIish pull-request, the Travis setup seems to work now (finds the dependent modules), the fails are the same as on my dev box and subject to API discussion 10:57
yoleaux abraxxa: I'll pass your message to Skarsnik.
Hotkeys m: my &f = {say sum(@_)/2; say @_; sum(@_)/2 ∈ @_}; say f([5,3,2])
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«5␤[5 3 2]␤False␤»
Hotkeys Why isn't this resulting as true? 10:58
It seems like it should
m: say {@_ ∋ sum(@_)/2}([5,3,2]) 10:59
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«False␤»
masak m: my &f = {say sum(@_)/2; say @_; (sum(@_)/2) ∈ @_}; say f([5,3,2])
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«5␤[5 3 2]␤False␤»
abraxxa have a nice Sunday guys! 11:00
11:00 musiKk left
Hotkeys m: say {any(@_) == sum(@_)/2}([5,3,2]) 11:01
camelia rakudo-moar 58d339: OUTPUT«any(True, False, False)␤»
Hotkeys Hmm
So why isn't the element op working 11:02
11:02 abraxxa left 11:03 TEttinger left 11:06 maybekoo5 left, rindolf joined
Hotkeys Figured it out 11:09
Division returns a rat
That list is integers 11:10
I'm a bit disappointed (elem) doesn't let you do that
11:11 ely-se joined
stmuk_ what terminal do the kewl kidz instead of cmd.exe? 11:15
^ use
.oO( probably one of those Mac ones that emulate CRT artifacts and make clicky sounds as you type... )
Hotkeys I use powershell
It's moderately better than cmd
And built in 11:18
stmuk_ I'll try it
ely-se I use Sakura on Gentoo
On Windows I use ConsoleZ
with PowerShell as shell 11:19
flussence I'm using `st` because it supports unicode and doesn't consume web-browser amounts of RAM, though I find its pedantic adherence to standards a little braindamaged (have to type ^D for delete) 11:20
not a windows thing, though, so ignore me :) 11:21
Hotkeys When I run linoox I usually run urxvt 11:22
flussence the problem with urxvt is it advertises itself as unicode, but is really ucs-2 11:23
11:28 dolmen left
RabidGravy ucs-2 is almost ubiquitous on windows 11:35
11:35 pmurias joined 11:42 kjs_ joined
El_Che when on windows I use the cygwin shell. It's a fork of putty 11:48
utf8, copy paste, resizable fonts of the fly
you know, like linux well for ever :)
(it's mintty) 11:49
dalek osystem/jantz-patch-1: 4069725 | jantz++ | META.list:
hoelzro has switched to meta6.info

Fix Task::Star build
11:51 RabidGravy left 11:52 virtualsue left 11:53 maybekoo5 joined
dalek osystem: 4069725 | jantz++ | META.list:
hoelzro has switched to meta6.info

Fix Task::Star build
osystem: 31976cb | niner++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #144 from perl6/jantz-patch-1

  hoelzro has switched linenoise to meta6.info
.oO( maybe the commit bot shouldn't mention the same sha1 twice in a row )
dalek kudo/nom: 06ed9cf | lizmat++ | src/core/ (3 files):
Better fix for RT #126888

This will actually allow binding into a list if the element is a container.
timotimo oh, interesting 12:08
El_Che what is it nowadays: META.info, META6.json, meta6.info? 12:11
lizmat forward looking, I think META6.json is the one 12:12
12:14 rindolf left 12:17 rindolf joined 12:21 Cabanossi left
dalek href="https://perl6.org:">perl6.org: a43a96f | (Steve Mynott)++ | source/downloads/index.html:
how to fix p6doc on windows corrected to follow tested process on 32 bit Windows 10 anyway
stmuk_ virtualbox++
dalek osystem: 8584fda | okaoka++ | META.list:
Add Algorithm::Treap to ecosystem

See github.com/okaoka/p6-Algorithm-Treap
osystem: 4e294cd | (Shoichi Kaji)++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #143 from okaoka/add-treap

Add Algorithm::Treap to ecosystem
kudo/nom: 8e967c8 | lizmat++ | src/core/Hash.pm:
Make sure DELETE-KEY(:SINK) doesn't bomb on empty

Even though this DELETE-KEY candidate isn't used yet, it had a flaw when being called on a Hash that didn't have any storage allocated yet
12:30 rindolf left, rpburkholder joined
dalek href="https://perl6.org:">perl6.org: 7d8ed09 | (Steve Mynott)++ | source/downloads/index.html:
close tag
12:35 mr-foobar joined 12:41 Cabanossi joined 12:52 atta_ is now known as atta 12:55 loic joined 12:56 RabidGravy joined
RabidGravy back again 12:57
dalek kudo/nom: 62b5308 | lizmat++ | src/core/Hash.pm:
Make Hash[Type].AT-KEY 25% faster
Heuristic branch merge: pushed 103 commits to DBIish/oracle by jonathanstowe 13:02
13:06 dolmen joined, perlawhirl joined 13:13 Skarsnik joined
Skarsnik Hello 13:15
yoleaux 10:57Z <abraxxa> Skarsnik: I've rebased my DBIish pull-request, the Travis setup seems to work now (finds the dependent modules), the fails are the same as on my dev box and subject to API discussion
13:17 neilb joined
dalek line-Perl5: 6fb0c35 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | / (3 files):
Pass real code references to Perl 5 code

When passing Callables to Perl 5 code, we turned them into Perl6::Callable objects that overrode call dereferencing. While this allowed for calling the referenced code, the passed references still pointed to objects instead of code. Perl 5 code checking explicitly for CODE references would fail even though just calling it anyway would have worked.
We now create a new wrapper sub for wrapped Callables that are indistinguishable from ordinary Perl 5 code references.
Fixes Perl RT #127454
line-Perl5: b01a3b3 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | META.info:
Version 0.4
13:20 kid51 joined 13:22 loic left
nine I think this eliminated the last gotcha from my Leapfrogging the Bootstrap talk at last year's FOSDEM :) 13:23
ab5tract nine++
thank you for all your work, man. Inline::Perl5 and otherwise :D 13:24
nine It's a pleasure to be a part of this community :)
13:24 Zero_Dogg left
ab5tract i hear that :) 13:25
13:25 Zero_Dogg joined
dalek kudo/nom: 8588eeb | lizmat++ | src/core/Hash.pm:
Don't create a named intermediary

Not sure whether this will speed up things, but at least it won't leak a nonsense name in case of errors
Iish/oracle: 2202e81 | RabidGravy++ | t/35-pg-common.t:
Just skip the test if PGDATABASE not set
Iish/oracle: c3df49b | RabidGravy++ | .gitignore:
Add .precomp to .gitignore
lizmat m: my $m = Map.new("a",42); $m.Hash<b> = 666; dd $m # this feels wrong 13:35
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«Map $m = Map.new((:a(42),:b(666)))␤»
lizmat as a Map is considered to be immutable, right ? 13:37
well, like a List is immutable
13:38 kid511 joined
ab5tract lizmat: that's how I understood them, though the GHR (GMR?) went past with considerably less stress than the GLR 13:40
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timotimo great hash refactor? i think it was actually called GMR 13:41
nine Yes, it's GMR as the List refactor was also named after the immutable base type 13:42
masak .oO( at some point, we started calling all refactors "Great", even the small ones )
nine masak: when I started out on the gmr branch, I thought it would be much more work than it actually was 13:43
ab5tract assignment to a coerced object could maybe be considered a 'useless use in sink' case
masak nine: well, that's good news in retrospect 13:44
ab5tract but as I understand it the result of the .Hash should be another object entirely, not the same container with a different object in it
lizmat yeah, working on a fix
ab5tract but maybe I've misunderstood that aspect of coercion
13:44 musiKk joined
lizmat well, a Hash is mutable, so by definition, it should not return the same immutable Map 13:45
13:45 kid51 left
ab5tract lizmat: so are you saying the output should be 'Hash $m = Hash.new((:a(42),:b(666)))' ? 13:46
lizmat $ 6 'my $m = Map.new("a",42); my $h = $m.Hash; $h<b> = 666; dd $m, $h' 13:48
Map $m = Map.new((:a(42)))
Hash $h = ${:a(42), :b(666)}
after I push my fix
m: my $m = Map.new("a",42); my $h = $m.Hash; $h<b> = 666; dd $m, $h # now
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«Map $m = Map.new((:a(42),:b(666)))␤Hash $h = ${:a(42), :b(666)}␤»
13:49 mwheat joined
ab5tract lizmat: perfecto :) 13:50
lizmat hmmm,,, alas, no:
$ 6 'my $m = Map.new(my $ = "a",42); my $h = $m.Hash; $h<a> = 666; dd $m, $h'
Map $m = Map.new((:a(666)))
Hash $h = ${:a(666)}
nqp::clone is too shallow :-(
timotimo ugh :< 13:51
jnthn Well, no, nqp::clone is defined to clone precisely the thing you call it on :) 13:52
lizmat yeah, I guess
ok, looking at that again after some cycling& 13:53
moritz does IO::Notification work on the JVM?
ab5tract moritz: interesting question. is there any documentation on what's broken/divergent from moarvm? or just the results from roast? 13:55
timotimo moritz: i think it does, but it's probably not equivalent in behaviour 13:56
or perhaps nobody bothered to implement it yet?
13:59 BenGoldberg joined
jnthn throw new UnsupportedOperationException("watchfile is not yet implemented."); 14:01
So, no :( 14:02
timotimo damn. 14:05
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timotimo hm. 15:01
friedo.com/blog/2016/02/exploring-p...res-part-2 - always using the variable name itself in the where clause rather than $_; that seems unidiomatic to me
15:03 BenGoldberg joined
gfldex m: sub is-positive($n){ $n > 0 }; sub f($x where .&is-positive){ say 'OK' }; f 1; 15:07
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«OK␤»
gfldex i don't need no stinking variable while nitpicking :-> 15:08
timotimo DrForr: in your article "from regular expressions to grammars", you seem to claim that the index method returns -1 on a failed match
15:08 lustslut joined
timotimo m: sub is-positive($n){ $n > 0 }; sub f($x where &is-positive){ say 'OK' }; f 1; 15:08
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«OK␤»
15:08 lustslut left 15:09 sail0r joined
gfldex m: sub is-positive($n){ $n > 0 }; sub f($x where * > 0){ say 'OK' }; f 1; 15:09
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«OK␤»
gfldex is-positive is not the best example possible
timotimo that's right 15:10
15:11 espadrine left
gfldex "Every Perl 6 subroutine can also specify its own return type as part of the signature." is plain wrong. There is a big difference between a type constraint and a type. 15:11
timotimo you mean if you supply Cool and return Str, that's just a type constraint on what it returns, not a return type? 15:12
AlexDaniel b2gills: hi! Do you know why your hyper tests are not merged yet? I reviewed your PR and it looks great, but I thought that I'd ask you before merging it in case you know something 15:13
timotimo fosdem's status.txt recently went up to 149, but still none in the 1124 room 15:14
or was it 2214 that we're interested in?
AlexDaniel 2214
timotimo anyway, will be AFK for a bit
(none in 2214 either)
15:15 Ben_Goldberg joined 15:17 BenGoldberg left 15:19 musiKk joined
AlexDaniel j: (-1)⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵ 15:24
camelia rakudo-jvm f99bdb: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/hS9Fz7O6KA␤Bogus postfix␤at /tmp/hS9Fz7O6KA:1␤------> 3(-1)7⏏5⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement e…»
AlexDaniel j: say (-1)⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵
camelia rakudo-jvm f99bdb: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/KWfipmXbVa␤Bogus postfix␤at /tmp/KWfipmXbVa:1␤------> 3say (-1)7⏏5⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix…»
AlexDaniel j: 2² 15:25
camelia rakudo-jvm f99bdb: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/Z9yl36IqoQ␤Bogus postfix␤at /tmp/Z9yl36IqoQ:1␤------> 0327⏏5²␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ statement modifier␤ statement…»
AlexDaniel how old is that?
hm that's pretty recent 15:26
jnthn m: 2² 15:28
camelia ( no output )
jnthn Is it a regression or did it ever work on JVM?
AlexDaniel I don't know actually
bartolin locally it works fine (build from last night) 15:29
15:29 maybekoo5 left
bartolin ./perl6-j -e 'say 2²' 15:29
(this is on FreeBSD, 2015.12-262-g58d3398) 15:30
AlexDaniel j: say π
camelia rakudo-jvm f99bdb: OUTPUT«3.141592653589793␤»
AlexDaniel j: say (-1)**4553535345364535354 15:33
camelia rakudo-jvm f99bdb: OUTPUT«1␤»
AlexDaniel m: say (-1)**4553535345364535354 15:34
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«Numeric overflow␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/zb1dCZ2T_Z line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/zb1dCZ2T_Z line 1␤␤»
AlexDaniel hm
15:35 sjoshi joined, perl6newbee left 15:38 raiph joined 15:45 s_kilk joined 15:50 khw joined 15:51 ELBeavers left, ELBeavers joined 15:55 sjoshi left
bartolin ahh, the r-j camelia runs is actually rather old 15:57
r: say $*PERL.compiler 15:58
camelia rakudo-jvm f99bdb: OUTPUT«rakudo (2015.10.134.g.273.e.895)␤»
..rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«rakudo (2015.12.266.g.8588.eeb)␤»
bartolin star-m: say 2² # same failure mode
camelia star-m 2015.09: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/G68OBeCWX0␤Bogus postfix␤at /tmp/G68OBeCWX0:1␤------> 3say 27⏏5² # same failure mode␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement end␤ …»
bartolin doesn't know how to trigger a rebuild of r-j for camelia 15:59
16:14 maybekoo5 joined
ugexe jvm doesnt build 16:15
bartolin it does for me (donaldh++ for making it build again) 16:16
first successful build was two days ago: github.com/usev6/perl6-roast-data/..._rates.csv
AlexDaniel meh, I can't build it 16:18
“Unhandled exception: java.lang.StackOverflowError … bla-bla”
bartolin afaik this was the commit which unbusted the build: github.com/perl6/nqp/commit/175e8a7251 16:19
hmm, I just built it 40 min ago (on linux)
Guest45613 in case someone wants to weigh in on this discussion of Perl 6 parallelism, etc. soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=16/02/07/0145222
dalek osystem: 8c7b871 | (Jake Russo)++ | META.list:
Fix for recent linenoise file change
bartolin AlexDaniel: I built it from HEAD with 'perl Configure.pl --backends=all --gen-moar --gen-nqp' 16:22
(didn't 'make install', though)
16:26 isBEKaml joined
AlexDaniel bartolin: oh well, I hoped that rakudobrew will do it 16:27
bartolin hasn't tried rakudobrew, yet 16:28
16:34 Ven joined 16:35 espadrine joined
Guest45613 the how to help page github.com/usev6/perl6-roast-data says to open a ticket for test failures - surely that is something that could be automated? or am i misunderstanding something 16:37
16:37 AlexDaniel left
Guest45613 another question i had is are there docker containers available for building the latest rakudo-star? 16:39
RabidGravy there is a docker image available
hub.docker.com/_/rakudo-star/ 16:40
16:42 neilb joined
Guest45613 awesome - thanks RabidGravy 16:42
16:43 isBEKaml left
bartolin Guest45613: (please note, that README hasn't been updated in a while); automatically generated tickets won't be that good IMHO (at least not yet). in my experience it needs at least some investigation to generate useful tickets (for eventual test failures) 16:45
16:48 sufrostico joined
Guest45613 ok. any suggested areas to look at with low hanging fruit? i'm coming from a perl 5 background but am eager to get into perl 6 16:48
Juerd Documentation. Finding out what's missing or wrong. 16:49
16:50 abaugher_ left
geekosaur we need more cross-references too 16:50
Guest45613 ok
16:51 abaugher_ joined 16:55 araujo left
ugexe bartolin: sorry, it builds but it doesnt pass its tests (so camelia wouldnt update the build exposed here) 16:57
bartolin ugexe: ah, that explains it. I didn't try 'make test' recently -- only 'make spectest'. thanks for clarifying 16:58
raiph 'noon all 16:59
yoleaux 6 Feb 2016 21:27Z <moritz> raiph: please mark rakudo-specific stuff as such in the docs, even if it's not always the case yet
ugexe the travis badge is also a false positive. it shows green for the jvm matrix items, but the tests say failure
17:02 Cheery left, Cheery joined 17:04 kjs_ joined, dnmfarrell joined
dnmfarrell hey folks I just raised a ticket (rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127483) but forgot to prepend "[BUG]" to it. Anyone know how I can updated it by email? I doing it from RT but I get "permission denied" 17:05
bartolin I don't think you can do that via email. I'll change the subject, mom 17:06
done 17:07
dnmfarrell bartolin: thank you sir! 17:09
bartolin yw :-)
17:10 DubiousPepper joined
autarch how would I get some debugging output from Perl6::Actions - something like dd? 17:10
moritz if it's a Perl 6 level object, you can nqp::say($theobject.perl()) 17:11
autarch cool
llfourn autarch: if you mean QAST nodes .dump
17:11 Ben_Goldberg left
autarch I have no idea what I mean - I'm trying to figure out what's getting passed to Perl6::Actions::bare_rat_number 17:12
I'm guessing I want dump
17:12 drrho left
moritz method bare_rat_number($/) { 17:12
a match objet
llfourn autarch: $/ is a NQPMatch
I think .dump might work on it too though?
17:12 musiKk left
moritz it's automatically called by the grammar token of the same name 17:13
autarch moritz: that much I understand
llfourn anyway what probably want is note $/.ast.dump
17:13 sufrostico left
autarch I'm trying to figure out why in some cases calling @($<nu>.ast)[0].compile_time_value in that method throws an error that compile_time_value doesn't exist as a method 17:13
llfourn or rather $/<something>.dump
note $<nu>.ast.dump # try this 17:14
autarch $/.dump did work, btw
moritz except that you need parens for the sub call in nqp
llfourn cool 17:15
^^ yes
autarch hmm, but that didn't help me figure out why it doesn't have a .compile_time_value method 17:16
llfourn well what type of QAST node at [0]?
moritz what type is its first child node?
autarch yeah, that's my next step
moritz the QAST node should dump its children too
if it doesn't have one, it would explain why it has no .compile_time_value method :-) 17:17
17:17 FROGGS joined
autarch the .dump for cases where .compile_time_value worked and where it didn't looked fundamentally the same 17:17
but we'll see what @($<nu>.ast) and @($<nu>.ast)[0] produce 17:18
I'm trying to fix rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126873
llfourn (you should .dump them) 17:19
moritz m: say <1480211362/1021>
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«1449766.270323␤»
moritz m: say <1480211362999/1021>
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot find method 'compile_time_value'␤»
moritz m: say <148021136299/1021>
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot find method 'compile_time_value'␤»
moritz m: say <14802113629/1021>
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot find method 'compile_time_value'␤»
moritz m: say <1480211362/1021>
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«1449766.270323␤»
moritz m: say 14802113629.log(2)
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«33.7850841452925␤»
moritz 32 bit boundary, eh?
17:19 lokien_ left
autarch actually, it seems to be 2**31 17:21
m: say 2**31/7
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«306783378.285714␤»
autarch hmm, maybe not
m: say 2**32/7
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«613566756.571429␤»
autarch m: say (2**32)/7
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«613566756.571429␤»
autarch m: say ((2**31)/3).perl.EVAL 17:22
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot find method 'compile_time_value'␤»
autarch m: say ((2**31 - 1)/3).perl.EVAL
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«715827882.333333␤»
llfourn right so .compile_time_value will work on a **
dalek p/experiment-multi-line-repl: 09391cb | hoelzro++ | src/HLL/Compiler.nqp:
Move continuation detection into eval

With this change, eval can return the output of running the code, or a sentinel value that indicates that more input is needed to run a chunk of code. This is so that more advanced forms of detecting when we need more input, such as if the user is entering input for a multi-line statement like a block.
This is just a proof-of-concept change; I don't really like how eval indicates to its caller that it needs more input. But at least this will get people to try and see if multi-line input could be feasible.
We also add a new method to HLL::Compiler - needs-more-input, which is used in conjunction with the sentinel value returned by eval.
p/experiment-multi-line-repl: 7f07a9f | hoelzro++ | src/HLL/Compiler.nqp:
Check if we need more input due to trailing backslash

This is a bit of a hack, but it's good enough for this experiment
MadcapJake anyone ever used fish shell? I love how writing functions can happen right in the shell. (I've been thinking about writing a Perl 6 plugin for fish, not sure what's all possible though) 17:24
llfourn you can write function in sh though?
MadcapJake in fish you can
llfourn foo(){ echo "hello world"; } # /bin/sh 17:25
MadcapJake no it's a multiline kind of thing i mean
17:25 dupa joined, dupa is now known as magiczna_dupa
dalek kudo/experiment-multi-line-repl: f9ff566 | hoelzro++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
Require experimental NQP for multi-line REPL
kudo/experiment-multi-line-repl: 7a22486 | hoelzro++ | src/ (2 files):
Add pos attribute to X::Syntax
kudo/experiment-multi-line-repl: 2ecda56 | hoelzro++ | src/Perl6/Compiler.nqp:
Override HLL::Compiler.eval for multi-line input

The way this works is pretty dodgy, but it's good enough for my experiment. How this works is that we catch any exceptions from evaluating the code; if there's an exception, it's an X::Syntax::Missing, and it occurs at the end of the input string, that means that more input is required. Instead of just throwing the exception at the user, we signal HLL::Compiler that we need more input via self.needs-more-input
MadcapJake like you type `function name` and then pressing enter actually indents the shell and only dedents when you type `end`
llfourn I'm sure it's much better -- but you can do that in sh too :)
magiczna_dupa hey
could you fix documentation? 17:26
MadcapJake o_O
mspo hey nice
MadcapJake llfourn, i was speaking to the multi-line repl idea, it'd be good inspiration
17:26 Actualeyes left 17:27 ryan_ joined
MadcapJake fish shell functions: youtu.be/8pno3tTdywg?t=2m22s 17:27
llfourn MadcapJake: I was just mentioning that vanilla sh also does multiline repl.
MadcapJake llfourn, look at the video to see what i mean
llfourn (well on my mac at least) 17:28
sure does look nice :) 17:29
MadcapJake llfourn, that'd be cool to have for perl6 repl
llfourn yep. looks like hoelzro++ is getting us slightly closer to that. 17:30
MadcapJake sweet!
17:30 Ven left
moritz m: say 2**31 17:31
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«2147483648␤»
moritz m: say <2147483648/1>
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot find method 'compile_time_value'␤»
moritz m: say <2147483647/1>
camelia rakudo-moar 8588ee: OUTPUT«2147483647␤»
MadcapJake i might be able to write some functions for fish that'll give you some of the same power
hoelzro your wish is my command (line): hoelz.ro/files/multi-line-repl.gif
mspo hoelzro: asciinema.org/ 17:32
hoelzro please try out the experiment-multi-line-repl branch of Rakudo and NQP, and let me know if I broke anything serious
17:32 Ven joined
MadcapJake hoelzro++ 17:32
hoelzro mspo: thanks for the tip!
autarch so how can I get some insight into what's in "@($<nu>.ast)" - both .dump and .perl fail
llfourn hoelzro++ The people's champion
mspo hoelzro: it's pretty slick- you can copy and paste 17:33
hoelzro I'll work on getting multi-line history going too
llfourn autarch: eh, $<nu>.ast.dump doesn't show anything?
hoelzro gotta run and get coffee now =)
autarch llfourn: it blows up
llfourn autarch: erm does $/.dump show a 'nu' in the match? 17:34
autarch I'll check
the build/test cycle is pretty slow :(
llfourn heh yep :\
autarch: also is it nu.ast that blows up or when you call a method? 17:35
autarch when I call the method
17:35 jevin left
autarch cannot find method 'dump' 17:35
llfourn autarch: ok maybe try asking HOW for the type name -- my $tmp := $<nu>.ast; $tmp.HOW.name($tmp) 17:36
(I think that works) 17:37
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llfourn (printing it out of course) 17:37
17:38 drrho joined
llfourn it should def have a nu in the match so nvm about that 17:38
17:39 s_kilk left
autarch llfourn: so it looks like in the cases where it works $<nu>.ast is a QAST::Want and when it fails it's a QAST::WVal 17:40
17:40 sevvie left, dnmfarrell left
autarch which makes sense to me, since the former has a compile_time_value method and the latter does not 17:41
oh wait, no, they both have that method
llfourn yeah...
well Want doesn't always?
I'm not an expert of this stuff but I think WVal should always have compile time value 17:42
autarch no, it should since it does the QAST::CompileTimeValue role, right?
llfourn so it's Want when it works?
autarch yes 17:43
17:43 sevvie joined
llfourn well I think I'm at the end of my helpfulness then because I expected it to be the other way around! 17:43
autarch so if I get rid of the "make an array" bit in Perl6::Action and change it to "my $nu := $<nu>.ast.compile_time_value;" then it just works
17:44 Xor_ left
autarch does anyone know _why_ it's making an array and getting the first element? 17:44
17:44 s_kilk joined
autarch because QAST::Want::compile_time_value is defined as "self[0].compile_time_value()" - which seems to do what's needed ;) 17:45
17:45 s_kilk left
llfourn yeah I saw that too I guess give that a shot? 17:46
autarch I'll try running the entire spectest with this change but this might be the easy fix
17:46 TEttinger joined
llfourn autarch: although blame shows jnthn did that last august :P 17:46
autarch my guess is maybe something else changed in nqp-land since then to make this unnecessary, but that's very much a guess 17:47
llfourn Make <0x01/0x03> work reliably across platforms.
Fixes it on Windows, and probably on JVM too.
is the commit msg FYI 17:48
so it seems he's working around some low level stuff
autarch guess we'll see if this breaks that ;)
[Tux] test 22.092 17:49
test-t 12.038
csv-parser 50.114
autarch github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/707 17:51
llfourn autarch: oh did it fix the immediate issue? 17:52
autarch llfourn: yep 17:53
llfourn autarch++
autarch well, let's see what the spec test says in ... how many minutes/hours?
lizmat waits for Travis before merging 17:54
autarch yeah, absolutely
lizmat but looks good! autarch++
autarch I for one do not trust myself ;)
lizmat always does a spectest before committing 17:55
17:56 NZKindest joined
autarch I was hoping travis might be quicker than me 17:58
I'm all about just rebasing anyway
mst o/ all about rebase / no merges o/
18:00 Cabanossi left
lizmat [Tux]: again lower, right ? 18:00
autarch well, my change doesn't break the tests jnthn added when he changed Perl6::Actions
llfourn autarch: but he changed it because it didn't work on windows?
autarch but that's just on moar - I guess we'll see what travis says about the jvm
llfourn are you testing on windows?
autarch oh right, no 18:01
and travis doesn't either :(
18:01 magiczna_dupa left
autarch someone should get rakudo running on appveyor too 18:01
actually, looking at the earlier change, I think it's unlikely I broke windows 18:05
I think the earlier problem had to do with making the numerator and denominator Int values explicitly in the action method 18:06
llfourn hmm yes it would be strange if your change was platform dependent 18:08
18:09 jevin_ left, jevin joined 18:10 magiczna_dupa joined 18:11 Ven left 18:13 woolfy joined, Xor_ joined, woolfy left, sjoshi joined
dalek kudo/nom: 95e9655 | lizmat++ | src/core/Map.pm:
Make sure Map.Hash works correctly

Before, any subsequent changes made to the Hash, would be happening to the Map also. This also makes Map.Hash 15x faster for an empty Map, to the same speed for a Map with 20 keys, to slower for larger Maps.
18:17 s_kilk joined 18:21 skids joined 18:22 maybekoo5 left 18:23 Relsak joined, Relsak left
magiczna_dupa please fix documentation 18:27
18:30 dnmfarrell joined 18:31 kjs_ left
timotimo can you be more specific, magiczna_dupa? 18:32
magiczna_dupa try to find docs for .= 18:33
the site will error
dnmfarrell m: @*INC.say; 18:34
camelia rakudo-moar 95e965: OUTPUT«Dynamic variable @*INC not found␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/wOsT_q0iuU line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/wOsT_q0iuU line 1␤␤»
dnmfarrell Does anyone know how to inspect @*INC?
llfourn magiczna_dupa: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/155 # known issue
MadcapJake m: $*REPO.say
camelia rakudo-moar 95e965: OUTPUT«inst#/home/camelia/.perl6/2015.12-267-g95e9655␤»
18:35 s_kilk left
MadcapJake dnmfarrell, @*INC is gone 18:35
magiczna_dupa oh ok
dnmfarrell Meh, it's still in S28
MadcapJake: is there an alternative? 18:36
MadcapJake m: $*REPO.^methods.say
llfourn dnmfarrell: you can look at $*REPO
camelia rakudo-moar 95e965: OUTPUT«(BUILD writeable-path can-install install files need resource id short-id loaded precomp-repository path-spec prefix load repo-chain new installed perl gist Str WHICH <anon>)␤»
MadcapJake dnmfarrell, ^
dnmfarrell MadcapJake: thanks :)
llfourn m: note $*REPO.repo-chain.perl 18:37
camelia rakudo-moar 95e965: OUTPUT«(CompUnit::Repository::Installation.new("/home/camelia/.perl6/2015.12-267-g95e9655"), CompUnit::Repository::Installation.new("/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/site"), CompUnit::Repository::Installation.new("/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl…»
18:39 maybekoo5 joined 18:41 ryan_ left 18:42 Sqirrel joined 18:43 ryan_ joined
autarch magiczna_dupa: patches for that would be very welcome, but I think it's a somewhat challenging issue to fix properly 18:43
18:43 ryan_ left
autarch but maybe I'm overestimating the work involved? 18:44
MadcapJake magiczna_dupa, if you ever have questions on operators, the best resource available is doc.perl6.org/language/operators
autarch jnthn: are you around today? 18:45
MadcapJake autarch, the current status on operators is that we should encode them in some custom way
wrt doc search
autarch right, I know that
MadcapJake oh ok, sorry! 18:46
autarch I'm saying that might be a fair bit of work
MadcapJake where's the search code in perl6/doc? 18:47
autarch MadcapJake: it's some JS in the perl6/doc repo, I believe
github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/t...emplate.js 18:48
MadcapJake thanks!
autarch so I think the trick is to substitute the operators with words when generating the file that template is for - and then update the autocomplete JS to perform the same substitution 18:49
hmm, after describing it it doesn't sound so hard ;)
MadcapJake maybe a json file could contain the translations used by both sides 18:50
sjn \o 18:51
is there a good way to search for rakudo bugs?
sjn looks at rt.perl.org
18:52 dnmfarrell left, ZoffixWin joined, ZoffixWin left
llfourn sjn: rt.perl.org is the best we got atm 18:53
sjn hm. no free text search? 18:54
llfourn nope 18:55
dalek kudo/nom: 2775261 | autarch++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp:
Just call $<nu>.ast.compile_time_value in Perl6::Actions.bare_rat_number

The value of $<nu>.ast can either be a QAST::Want or a QAST::WVal depending on the value of the numerator. Any value of 2**31 or greater gives us a QAST::WVal.
Previously the code called "@($<nu>.ast)[0].compile_time_value" - this works fine for a QAST::Want, but a QAST::WVal does not have any children, and so this would lead to an error of "Cannot find method 'compile_time_value'".
Internally QAST::Want.compile_time_value is implemented as
  "self[0].compile_time_value()" so it seems like there's no good reason for us
to do same thing in Perl6::Actions. Yay polymorphism!
kudo/nom: 09181a4 | lizmat++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp:
Merge pull request #707 from autarch/autarch/fix-large-numerator-Rat-literal

Just call $<nu>.ast.compile_time_value in Perl6::Actions.bare_rat_number
ast: c785caa | autarch++ | S32-num/rat.t:
Fix incorrect plan in rat.t
ast: 1b4f796 | autarch++ | S32-num/rat.t:
Add a test for Rat.perl.EVAL round tripping with arbitrary numerator & denomator

As of the latest Rakudo this leads to an error of the form:
   Cannot find method 'compile_time_value'
See rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126873 for the original report.
ast: 8be23bb | lizmat++ | S32-num/rat.t:
Merge pull request #101 from perl6/autarch/fix-Rat.perl

Tests that Rat.perl to actually generates valid code
autarch MadcapJake: re: json file - yeah, I was thinking the same thing 19:08
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hoelzro is back from coffee 19:43
what's the best way to announce a branch for public testing? I really want people to try out the experiment multi-line REPL branch, to make sure it behaves well, doesn't break anything, and help me improve the code 19:44
I admit that the change to introduce multi-line statements is more than a little hacky =/
moritz ask for testing here and on p6u
hoelzro thanks for the advice, moritz; I'll promote it again tomorrow morning when more people are on, and I'll follow up on p6u! 19:46
hankache puts testing hat
19:53 Xor_ left 19:59 molaf_ left
lizmat m: dd Map.new.hash 19:59
camelia rakudo-moar 09181a: OUTPUT«Map.new(())␤»
lizmat that feels wrong, seems to me it should be the same as: 20:00
m: dd Map.new.Hash
camelia rakudo-moar 09181a: OUTPUT«{}␤»
lizmat m: dd Map.new("a",42).Hash
camelia rakudo-moar 09181a: OUTPUT«{:a(42)}␤»
20:01 darutoko left 20:03 hankache left 20:06 domidumont left
autarch blog.urth.org/2016/02/07/hacking-on...and-roast/ 20:10
dalek kudo/nom: e387a76 | lizmat++ | src/core/Map.pm:
Several Map optimizations

  - directly setting $!storage instead of using bindattr
  - using postfix unless instead of ||
  - using ternaries if possible
  - don't attempt to copy if there's nothing to copy
20:19 mcmillhj joined
lizmat autarch++ # nice blog posts pointing to one of rakudo's USP's 20:20
20:21 BenGoldberg joined
lizmat is starting to wonder what the exact semantics of .hash are 20:24
pmurias autarch: re why 2**31 I think that such numbers are just treated as big integers 20:35
magiczna_dupa hey I find smh in PSGI code that I can pass array into submodule
and it will autoextracto to parameters
autarch pmurias: that'd make sense
magiczna_dupa like in python
timotimo what are USPs?
lizmat Unique Selling Points
that what differentiate you from other suppliers
magiczna_dupa oh okay that not true 20:37
20:38 DubiousPepper left
timotimo oh 20:38
RabidGravy right that's update functions basically implemented, now for attachments 20:39
20:42 geraud joined, virtualsue left
jnthn lizmat: .hash is like .list, that is "given me something I can use in a hash-ish kind of way" 20:43
lizmat: I'd expect it to be identify for Map
.hash also de-itemizes
Since it's the thing used by %$foo 20:44
autarch: I'm only about a little today...
autarch: Anything I can answer quickly?
autarch jnthn: I think I figured out my question, actually
jnthn OK :)
autarch but you might want to take a look at my PR that lizmat merged to make sure I didn't break something you fixed a few years ago 20:45
I'm fairly sure I didn't, but we (for some value of we) really need to get rakudo running via appveyor
ugexe github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/master/.appveyor.yml 20:46
jnthn lizmat: oops 20:48
if nqp::defined('$!storage') {
That's checking if the string is defined
autarch: It looks reasonable 20:49
autarch cool, thanks for checking
jnthn lizmat: (That was in your latest commit) 20:50
Rest looks fine
20:52 DubiousPepper joined
Hotkeys codegolf is v fun 20:53
20:53 mcmillhj left 21:01 rindolf left 21:04 espadrine left
magiczna_dupa should modules in perl be wrote as OOP design 21:04
I mean user should only see what he need no more 21:05
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raiph magiczna_dupa: "user should only see what he need no more" <-- That's how P6 is designed 21:12
doesn't have to be OO
(re: modules)
ely-se I have a few modules in the module index, but I want to move their repos to bitbucket 21:13
IIRC they have to be on GitHub
21:13 musiKk joined 21:16 magiczna_dupa left
autarch how can I build everything HEAD with rakudobrew? 21:17
21:18 kaare_ left, lokien_ joined 21:20 CIAvash left 21:21 Sqirrel_ joined, Sqirrel left 21:24 rpburkholder left, ely-se left, yoleaux joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v yoleaux 21:25 AlexDaniel joined, rpburkholder joined, ely-se joined
autarch I don't think I understand what "perl6 --version" is telling me - This is Rakudo version 2015.12-259-g5605d5f 21:25
what is that commit from? I can't find it in the logs for rakudo or MoarVM 21:26
21:26 Sqirrel joined
ugexe 5606d5f, rakudo 21:27
MadcapJake autarch, it's «$*PERL.compiler.version()» 21:28
21:28 Sqirrel_ left, SCHAAP137 joined
autarch but that commit doesn't show up in the rakudo log 21:28
ugexe --configure_opts="--gen-moar=HEAD --gen-nqp=HEAD" or something like it should get your rakudobrew setup 21:29
21:29 dolmen joined
autarch the problem is the rakudo version, not the others "rakudobrew build moar HEAD" doesn't give me rakudo HEAD 21:29
RabidGravy I think rakudobrew triple HEAD HEAD HEAD 21:30
autarch cool, that seems to be working
ugexe i thought rakudobrew `moar` by itself was supposed to get HEAD 21:31
autarch I think it somehow figured out a tag and gets that - it's all a bit confusing
ugexe maybe it gets HEAD from master instead of nom? (or the other way around) 21:35
21:35 yoleaux left 21:39 virtualsue joined
Hotkeys is there a method like 'min()' but for strings 21:41
21:41 Zero_Dogg left
Hotkeys ie choose the string with shortest length 21:41
21:42 Zero_Dogg joined, Zero_Dogg left, Zero_Dogg joined
flussence m: say <zzzz foo foobar>.min(:by(*.chars)) 21:42
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«foo␤»
Hotkeys oh dang
I was going way too complicated
I had min("foo", "bar", :by({$^a.chars cmp $^b.chars})) 21:43
thanks flussence
21:43 kjs_ joined 21:44 kjs_ left 21:46 magiczna_dupa joined
autarch it seems to get HEAD the first time you build, but on future build calls it does something else 21:47
21:47 magiczna_dupa left
Hotkeys flussence: i.imgur.com/eIh9rz6.png (for reference the returned value is $_) 21:51
it's treating r as greater even though it isn't 21:52
regardless of the value of $_
21:53 Amendil joined, musiKk left, yoleaux joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v yoleaux
flussence huh, no idea... 21:54
Hotkeys i.imgur.com/wjoOYw4.png
seems strange
dalek ast: 2212bf2 | (Brad Gilbert)++ | S07-hyperrace/ (2 files):
Test hyper and race in reverse
ast: 5016fe1 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | S07-hyperrace/ (2 files):
Merge pull request #99 from b2gills/reversed_hyper_race

Test hyper and race in reverse
Hotkeys m: ("foobar", 3000000).min(:by(*.chars)).say
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«3000000␤»
Hotkeys m: ("foobar", "foobarbaz").min(:by(*.chars)).say
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«foobar␤»
Hotkeys m: ("foobar", "3000000").min(:by(*.chars)).say
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«3000000␤»
Hotkeys m: ("foobar", "3000000".Str).min(:by(*.chars)).say
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«3000000␤»
Hotkeys is very confused 21:56
m: ("300", "3000000").min(:by(*.chars)).say 21:57
AlexDaniel m: ("foobar", "30000000000000000".Str).min(:by(*.chars)).say
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«300␤»
rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«30000000000000000␤»
Hotkeys m: ("3000000", "foobar").min(:by(*.chars)).say
AlexDaniel Hotkeys: honestly that's the first time I see :by :)
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«3000000␤»
Hotkeys AlexDaniel: it's undocumented for min except in supply 21:58
AlexDaniel Hotkeys: great!
21:58 Kristien joined
Hotkeys m: min("foo", "3000000", :by({$^a.chars cmp $^b.chars})) 21:58
camelia ( no output )
Hotkeys m: min("foo", "3000000", :by({$^a.chars cmp $^b.chars})).say
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«foo␤»
Hotkeys m: min("foo", "3000000", :by(*.chars})).say 21:59
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/s_arJLzP3s␤Unable to parse expression in parenthesized expression; couldn't find final ')' ␤at /tmp/s_arJLzP3s:1␤------> 3min("foo", "3000000", :by(*.chars7⏏5})).say␤ expecting any of:␤ …»
Hotkeys m: min("foo", "3000000", :by(*.chars)).say
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«foo␤»
Hotkeys ohg
m: min("foo", 3000000, :by(*.chars)).say
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«foo␤»
Hotkeys well that works for me
the dotty method not working is strange though
AlexDaniel m: ("foobar", "3000000".Str).min(:by({say $_.chars}))
camelia ( no output )
AlexDaniel does it even work? 22:00
m: ("foobar", "3000000".Str).min(:byhoaesuhoae({say $_.chars}))
camelia ( no output )
AlexDaniel right
Hotkeys: look, it does nothing
Hotkeys weird
22:00 ely-se left
Hotkeys I feel like it should be there 22:00
if it's there in other places
m: min("foo", 3000000, :byagdkjl(*.chars)).say 22:01
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«Unexpected named parameter 'byagdkjl' passed␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/se17MuQ3Xh line 1␤␤»
Hotkeys just checkin
AlexDaniel m: min("foo", "3000000", :by({say .chars}})).say
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/tnpVTFvFr7␤Unable to parse expression in parenthesized expression; couldn't find final ')' ␤at /tmp/tnpVTFvFr7:1␤------> 3min("foo", "3000000", :by({say .chars}7⏏5})).say␤ expecting any of:␤ …»
AlexDaniel m: min("foo", "3000000", :by({say .chars}))
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«7␤3␤»
AlexDaniel this one works, yeah 22:02
Hotkeys strange 22:03
autarch m: my $n = now; say $n.perl; say $n.perl.EVAL.perl 22:07
camelia rakudo-moar e387a7: OUTPUT«Instant.from-posix((<1744404512151/1199>, 0))␤Instant.from-posix((2.0, Bool::False))␤»
22:07 RabidGravy left
autarch another round tripping bug - the extra parens are screwing things up 22:07
22:08 Kristien is now known as ely-se 22:10 Cabanossi joined
lizmat jnthn: good catch 22:17
22:17 virtualsue left 22:19 perlawhirl joined, yqt joined
dalek kudo/nom: 93a3479 | lizmat++ | src/core/Map.pm:
Fix copy-pasto, spotted by jnthn++
jnthn lizmat: :)
ely-se well then, I think all my Perl 6 modules broke 22:22
lizmat ely-se: recently? 22:23
ely-se A few moments ago. Because I deleted all my GitHub repositories. 22:24
I should remove them from the module list until non-GitHub hosts are supported and before people start depending on them
lizmat autarch: can we expecte a PR ?
autarch lizmat: I'm so sleepy right now, but probably at some point - I think this one is a much easier fix, actually 22:25
lizmat wonders what autarch's timezone is 22:26
it being pretty late in CET
autarch heh, it's 16:30 here I've just been feeling lazy
lizmat ah... :-)
siesta :-)
22:30 Guest98990 left 22:32 bowtie joined, bowtie is now known as Guest63714 22:33 sotka joined 22:36 BenGoldberg left
pmurias ely-se: why did you remove all your GitHub repos? 22:37
22:38 sotka left
ely-se pmurias: political reasons 22:38
I'm not using GH anymore
pmurias did GH do anything outrageous recently? 22:39
autarch some people seem to think so 22:42
pmurias autarch: what did they do? 22:43
dalek kudo/nom: f59c769 | lizmat++ | src/core/Hash.pm:
Scrape a few % off of Hash's introspection methods
autarch www.businessinsider.com/github-the-...ory-2016-2 22:44
ely-se pmurias: hintjens.com/blog:111
22:45 crux left, vendethiel- left
AlexDaniel ely-se: so have you moved everything somewhere else? 22:46
22:46 dolmen left
ely-se I moved everything to Bitbucket and I'm soon evaluating gitgud.io 22:46
luckily Git is a DVCS so I can keep it on both BB and GG
AlexDaniel ely-se: did you have any perl 6 modules? If yes, then how is it going?
ely-se I did, they aren't there anymore. If you try to install them with Panda now you get an error 22:47
flussence was half-tempted to add my last thing to META.list via a gitlab url just to see what exploded, but it was in mid-december so I held off :)
AlexDaniel ely-se: yes, that's what I've been doing for some other projects too. There's no reason not to have several mirrors
ely-se I'm trying to figure out how best to remove them from META.info without using GH pull requests
until Panda supports non-GH repositories 22:48
AlexDaniel ely-se: yeah, we should have more people like you
lizmat I thought the URL was pretty agnostic about where things lived ?
AlexDaniel that's what I thought too, but who knows
ely-se It's late so I'll check it out tomorrow 22:49
AlexDaniel ely-se: if you can contribute anything to support non-GH repos please do
ely-se: it will make lots of people happy (me)
flussence ely-se: I can remove 'em if you want, what username?
ely-se ok :p
flussence: rightfold
I think it's only the three topmost in META.info
hoelzro MadcapJake: btw, thanks for fixing my screwup with linenoise earlier =) 22:50
ely-se they're now on BB, e.g. bitbucket.org/rightfold/nativecall-errno
22:50 crux joined
ely-se problem is that you can't have version-agnostic links to source files on BB, so you can't use it with META.info that way 22:50
META.list*, unless you want to update META.list for each revision 22:51
dalek osystem: f54969a | (Anthony Parsons)++ | META.list:
g/github.*\/rightfold/d, per request in #perl6

flussence that url thing sounds kinda awkward, gitlab has a similar problem where it's impossible to get tarballs with a consistent md5sum 22:53
22:54 perlawhirl left
geekosaur ? github does that too, seems to gc tarballs if unused for a while an make new ones with different md5sums on demand 22:54
flussence huh... maybe they're stable if you use the "releases" feature 22:55
I know a few gentoo packages pull straight from the site, so there has to be some way to do it
22:56 BenGoldberg joined
AlexDaniel ely-se: what's the difference between gitgud.io and gitlab itself? 22:58
ely-se gitlab is software, gitgud.io is a running instance of that software
you can host gitlab yourself if you want 22:59
pmurias ely-se: so it's mostly a fear of github trying to rake in profits by turning into an evil empire and taking over everything to rake in profits?
ugexe zef should handle bitbucket repos (and local/remote tar.gz archives)
AlexDaniel ely-se: no-no I mean if you hit “Explore” button on gitlab.com you can see some projects hosted there
ely-se Oh, no idea. 23:00
flussence gitlab.com runs an instance of their commercial version, so you get a few more buttons to click
ely-se the thing I like about gitgud is that it claims to be "100% politically neutral" 23:01
flussence (it's also *full* of automated spam, it seems)
AlexDaniel so if I want to host something, should I prefer gitlab.com or gitgud.io?
jast claims are cheap...
AlexDaniel ely-se: yeah I kinda liked that too
jast: well claims are cheap but at least the source of gitlab is released while github is proprietary. You might say that it doesn't really matter because you're still using git, but in my opinion one is definitely better than the other in that respect 23:03
jast there's also notabug.org
I was talking about the claim of political neutrality mostly, which is mostly unrelated to how closed the source is
and in this particular case I don't personally care about whether the source code is available, I only do if I host it myself
AlexDaniel jast: but the difference is that you can move to self-hosted solution as soon as you don't like anything 23:04
jast: or move to another gitlab hoster which looks exactly the same
geekosaur I am somewhat biased about gitlab because they handled buying and shutting down gitorious very badly
AlexDaniel /anything/something/
jast geekosaur: what do you think they could/should have done better? 23:05
short of not shutting it down at all :)
AlexDaniel jast: e.g. moving from github to something else is going to painful for sure (but still possible, yeah). Moving between different gitlab hosters is supposed to be easy (at least in theory it is so). I think that that's why the source code matters in that case 23:06
geekosaur well, for one, gitorious suffered some failure just before the start of the migration period. they didn't extend the migration period and gitorious was pretty broken/unable to migrate stuff for half of the period
jast AlexDaniel: the difference is that gitlab actually started out as open source and didn't offer hosting for the longest time
geekosaur which made it really painful to move stuff away in time
jast and, well, personally I wouldn't consider hosting gitlab myself, it's a bit much 23:07
AlexDaniel jast: I know. I was really disappointed when they started commercializing it
jast it was enough having to set it up at work, despite my misgivings
flussence isn't willing to self-host anything more complex than gitweb/cgit, and those are horrible to hack on :( 23:08
jast we had a perfectly good gitolite setup (basically a headless git repo manager), and we're not even using gitlab's pull requests and issues and wiki and such
AlexDaniel anyway, we should be more TIMTOWTDISH with that. I've already added support for gitlab and bitbucket on camelia, but we should definitely do more.
geekosaur so I keep thinking "is that how they're going to handle gitlab outages too?"
AlexDaniel m: gitlab.com/snippets/14172
camelia rakudo-moar f59c76: OUTPUT«((a a a) (b b) c)␤»
jast geekosaur: fair enough. in fact they're having scaling issues already, although they say they're working on fixing that 23:09
yeah, supporting more platforms is definitely good 23:10
23:12 ely-se left 23:13 pmurias left, wamba left, pmurias joined
lizmat .tell jnthn do you have an idea as to when object hashes would make it to Moar ? 23:13
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
dalek kudo/nom: 63fdd19 | lizmat++ | src/core/Hash.pm:
Scrape a few % off of initializing a Hash
23:16 pmurias left 23:19 Amendil left, perlawhirl joined 23:20 captain-adequate joined, Skarsnik left
dalek kudo/nom: f0a4504 | lizmat++ | src/core/Hash.pm:
Slice off one frame for each Hash.ASSIGN-KEY
23:27 BenGoldberg left 23:28 wamba joined
dalek ast/autarch/fix-Instant.perl: ade9e00 | autarch++ | S02-types/instants-and-durations.t:
Add a test for the round trip of Instant via .perl.EVAL
AlexDaniel lizmat++ # I love that stuff 23:29
progress! 23:30
autarch if someone wants to give me access I could close the RT bugs I'm fixing
AlexDaniel autarch: access to what? 23:31
23:31 KotH left
AlexDaniel RT? 23:31
autarch access to edit tickets in rt
AlexDaniel autarch: ok, so you have to create bitcard account
autarch I have a bitcard account
I just don't have rights to the queue 23:32
AlexDaniel autarch: what do you see when you log in?
autarch I see a bunch of RT stuff ;)
AlexDaniel hmmm
autarch I don't have perms to manage the queue, basically
AlexDaniel ah!
right… 23:33
autarch although that begs the question of whether bugs should be marked resolved when a fix is pushed or when that fix is in a release 23:34
AlexDaniel right, so it seems like you can close your own stuff but can't close other tickets, hmm
23:35 kjs_ joined 23:36 KotH joined
dalek ast/autarch/fix-Instant.perl: 8650ef2 | autarch++ | S02-types/instants-and-durations.t:
Add a test for the round trip of Instant via .perl.EVAL
autarch lizmat: PRs made 23:42
23:43 azawawi joined
azawawi hi 23:43
github.com/azawawi/atom-perl6-edit...itive-help # animated gif screenshot to explain what it does... ctrl-f5 to refresh if needed 23:44
dalek kudo-star-daily: 0e0c7c8 | coke++ | log/ (9 files):
today (automated commit)
23:47 azawawi left
Hotkeys wait so what did github do? 23:50
23:51 JRaspass left 23:56 atweiden joined
lizmat autarch: commented on PR 23:56