»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
ItayAlmog m: class T { my $test = 1; method print() { say $test; }; method inc() { $test++ }; }; T.print; T.inc; T.print; T.new.print; 00:00
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«1␤2␤2␤»
unmatched} dj_goku: it's very likely something in this commit: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/be...0c8b42eec0
phifisher I was see a video about, gabor szabo talking about.. :P
unmatched} dj_goku: maybe you can fix it :) You get the prize for unblocking the upcoming release :)
phifisher: ahh
dj_goku unmatched}: well I have to go workout plus I want to try and figure something else out. :D 00:02
ItayAlmog I feel like I am missing something... So when I have a variable inside a class you can changed it when it is not an instance and it will keep this variable's value even when you create a new instance of it ?
phifisher unmatched}, Even so, thank you!
unmatched} ItayAlmog: yeah, that's a class variable. For attributes you use has $.test
For class attributes, you use my $.test
unmatched} & 00:03
done for the day
00:03 n1lp7r left
ItayAlmog oh! Well, I think I will have to read alot more about Perl6 before making this compiler :\ 00:04
00:06 MilkmanDan joined 00:09 mvorg left
vcv there should be some perl 6 for beginners talks on youtube from yapc::na... 00:12
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySch4xpoPA0 and www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycLU424NPUw
00:15 kyclark joined
adu hey, this is probably really simple, but what's the syntax for negative lookahead assertions in perl6? 00:22
unmatched} adu: <!before ... > docs.perl6.org/language/regexes#Lo...assertions 00:23
adu unmatched}: thanks 00:25
Juerd adu: Can you guess the positive lookahead, and both negative and positive lookbehind from this single example? :) 00:26
00:26 mniip joined
Juerd ♥ p6 regex 00:26
b2gills ItayAlmog: I would say making a native compiler for full Perl 6 is just this side of impossible. If you want to make a native compiler, you could try NQP, it should be **much** easier. 00:28
ItayAlmog Yeah, probably :\ Are there any references about NQP (like lexical structure and typing and such)? 00:30
But on the other hand, I do want a challenge since I don't have anything to do other than that right now... 00:33
00:33 kyclark left
adu Juerd: <before ..> <!after ..> <after ..>, respectively? 00:34
I always get them confused though, because ahead=after, and behind=before in my mind 00:35
but in reality lookahead=before and lookbehind=after
I should probably just add look=not to my mental dictionary and be done with it
00:37 BenGoldberg joined
ItayAlmog class P { say "test" } 00:40
m: class P { say "test" }
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«test␤»
00:42 pierre_ joined
vcv m: use experimental :macros; macro foo($bar) { quasi { say "{ {{{$bar}}} }"; } } foo 1; 00:49
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3bar) { quasi { say "{ {{{$bar}}} }"; } }7⏏5 foo 1;␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ …»
vcv oops
m: use experimental :macros; macro foo($bar) { quasi { say "{ {{{$bar}}} }"; } }; foo 1;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unknown QAST node type QAST::Unquote␤at <tmp>:1␤»
00:49 rkazak left 00:50 dha left
vcv Bug or LTA error? 00:53
MasterDuke is anyone else seeing *really* long precomp times with a rakudo built today? compared to a rakudo built yesterday for example 00:56
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unmatched} ItayAlmog: try the nqp docs github.com/perl6/nqp/tree/master/docs and the internals course I showed today teaches NQP 01:18
01:18 zacts joined
ItayAlmog ok thanks :) 01:19
dataangel I don't understand this bit from learn X in Y minutes: 'he he' ~~ / <[ h e ' ' ]> /; # Warns "Repeated characters found in characters class"
unmatched} adu: you're not meant to make some sort of mnemonics. Just read it like English: <after 'a'> 'b' <before 'c'> 01:20
dataangel What character is repeated? The space somehow?
unmatched} dataangel: the quote
m: 'he he' ~~ / <[ h e ' ' ]> /;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Quotes are not metacharacters in character classes␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> 3'he he' ~~ / <7⏏5[ h e ' ' ]> /;␤ Repeated character (') unexpectedly found in character class␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> 3'he …»
dataangel oooooh thanks
01:27 canopus left
vcv This just blew my mind. I love learning little things every day with Perl 6 01:28
m: my $name = "Matt"; my $age = 33; my %info = :$name, :$age; say %info;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«{age => 33, name => Matt}␤»
01:28 kalkin- left, kalkin-_ joined
unmatched} :) 01:30
01:31 rkazak left
unmatched} Try this for size: 01:31
m: sub foo { "Matt", 33 }; my (:$name, :$age) = foo; dd [ $name, $age ]
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«["Matt", 33]␤»
unmatched} oh wait, that's not the mind blowing one 01:32
01:32 canopus joined
dataangel vcv: what is mind blowing about that one? Asking as a newbie 01:33
unmatched} m: sub foo { my %hash = :something<or other>, :name<Matt>, :33age; return %hash }; my (:$name, :$age) = foo; dd [ $name, $age ]
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«[:name("Matt"), :something($("or", "other"))]␤»
unmatched} Eh, well, there's some way to get the hash keys into variables using something like this syntax, but I forget what it is :)
vcv short-hand for creating a hash, works as expected and consistent with how named parameters are constructed 01:34
unmatched} vcv: same works with signatures and isn't limited to scalars either
vcv I just love how consistent it all is :) 01:35
unmatched} m: class Foo { $.bar; method do-stuff (:$!bar) {}; }.new.do-stuff(:42bar).bar.say
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable $.bar used where no 'self' is available␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3class Foo { $.bar7⏏5; method do-stuff (:$!bar) {}; }.new.do-␤ expecting any of:␤ term␤»
unmatched} m: class Foo { has $.bar; method do-stuff (:$!bar) {}; }.new.do-stuff(:42bar).bar.say
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
unmatched} :(
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { :name<Ben>, :age<MYOB>, :commute("two wheeled") }; my $:age = foo; dd $foo; 01:36
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Cannot use placeholder parameter $:age in the mainline␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3OB>, :commute("two wheeled") }; my $:age7⏏5 = foo; dd $foo;␤»
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { :name<Ben>, :age<MYOB>, :commute("two wheeled") }; my ($:age) = foo; dd $foo; 01:37
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤In signature parameter, placeholder variables like $:age are illegal␤you probably meant a named parameter: ':$age'␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3B>, :commute("two wheeled") }; my ($:age7⏏5) = foo; dd $foo;␤Variable '$foo' is not de…»
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { :name<Ben>, :age<MYOB>, :commute("two wheeled") }; my (:$age) = foo; dd $foo;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '$foo' is not declared. Did you mean '&foo'?␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3("two wheeled") }; my (:$age) = foo; dd 7⏏5$foo;␤»
01:37 prammer joined
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { :name<Ben>, :age<MYOB>, :commute("two wheeled") }; my (:$age) = foo; dd $age; 01:37
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Pair $age = :name("Ben")␤»
vcv so close
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { {:name<Ben>, :age<MYOB>, :commute("two wheeled")} }; my (:$age) = foo; dd $age; 01:38
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Pair $age = :name("Ben")␤»
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { Hash.new(:name<Ben>, :age<MYOB>, :commute("two wheeled")) }; my (:$age) = foo; dd $age;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Any $age = Any␤»
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { Hash.new(:name<Ben>, :age<MYOB>, :commute("two wheeled")) }; my (:$age) := foo; dd $age;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Mu␤»
BenGoldberg shrugs 01:39
unmatched} m: sub foo { my %hash = :something<or other>, :name<Matt>, :33age; return %hash }; my (:$name, :$age) := foo; dd [ $name, $age ]
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Unexpected named argument 'something' passed␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
unmatched} m: my %h = status => 'foo', content => 'bar'; my (:$status, :$content) := %h; say $status; say $content;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«foo␤bar␤»
unmatched} m: my %h = :42bar, tatus => 'foo', content => 'bar'; my (:$status, :$content) := %h; say $status; say $content; 01:40
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«2 unexpected named arguments passed (bar,tatus)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
unmatched} I guess you have to use up all the keys
01:41 prammer left 01:42 sufrostico left
vcv m: macro foo($bar) { quasi { say "{ macro bar($baz) { quasi { {{{$bar}}}; {{{$baz}}} } } }" } }; foo 1; 01:43
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Use of macros is experimental; please 'use experimental :macros'␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3macro7⏏5 foo($bar) { quasi { say "{ macro bar($b␤»
vcv m: use experimental :macros; macro foo($bar) { quasi { say "{ macro bar($baz) { quasi { {{{$bar}}}; {{{$baz}}} } } }" } }; foo 1; 01:44
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Use of Nil in string context in any at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
01:46 canopus left 01:53 canopus joined
vcv m: macro trip($term) { quasi { 3 * {{{$term}}} } }; say trip 1 + 1; 02:02
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Use of macros is experimental; please 'use experimental :macros'␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3macro7⏏5 trip($term) { quasi { 3 * {{{$term}}} }␤»
vcv m: use experimental :macros; macro trip($term) { quasi { 3 * {{{$term}}} } }; say trip 1 + 1; 02:03
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«6␤»
BenGoldberg m: use experimental :macros; macro thrice($term) { quasi { {{{$term}}} xx 3 } }; trip say 42; 02:06
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Undeclared routine:␤ trip used at line 1. Did you mean 'trim'?␤␤»
BenGoldberg m: use experimental :macros; macro thrice($term) { quasi { {{{$term}}} xx 3 } }; thrice say 42;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unknown QAST node type QAST::Unquote␤at <tmp>:1␤»
BenGoldberg m: use experimental :macros; macro thrice($term) { quasi { ({{{$term}}}) xx 3 } }; thrice say 42; 02:08
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unknown QAST node type QAST::Unquote␤at <tmp>:1␤»
BenGoldberg m: use experimental :macros; macro thrice($term) { quasi { do { {{{$term}}} } xx 3 } }; thrice say 42;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unknown QAST node type QAST::Unquote␤at <tmp>:1␤»
BenGoldberg m: use experimental :macros; macro thrice($term) { quasi { do { {{{$term}}} } xx 3 } }; thrice 42;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unknown QAST node type QAST::Unquote␤at <tmp>:1␤»
dataangel When should I use a class and when should I use a role? 02:09
02:09 bob777 joined 02:12 MilkmanDan left
BenGoldberg It's a bit hard to say, especially since perl6 can automatically pun roles into classes. 02:12
02:14 bisectable left, committable left
dataangel Here's my simple situation porting a python3 program: I have a class called Recipe with a cook method that just throws NotImplementedError, with the intent that you derive from it and fill in that one method. In Perl 6 should that be a class or a role? 02:14
02:14 benchable left 02:15 noganex_ joined
skids probably a role. 02:15
dataangel skids: how do you figure?
skids m: role A { method f { ... } }; A.new; 02:16
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Method 'f' must be implemented by A because it is required by a role␤ in any compose_method_table at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 2850␤ in any apply at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 2860␤ in any compose at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 3033␤ i…»
skids m: role A { method f { ... } }; class B does A { method f { 42 } }; B.new;
camelia ( no output )
dataangel m: class A { method f { ... } }; A.new;
camelia ( no output )
skids m: role A { method f { ... } }; A.new.f(); 02:17
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Method 'f' must be implemented by A because it is required by a role␤ in any compose_method_table at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 2850␤ in any apply at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 2860␤ in any compose at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 3033␤ i…»
skids m: class A { method f { ... } }; A.new.f();
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Stub code executed␤ in method f at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
skids so you could do it either way but roles are supposed to be used that way.
02:17 noganex left
skids (and will do it at compile time) 02:18
m: role A { method f { ... } }; A;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of constant value A in sink context (line 1)␤»
dataangel How does it know that ... Is not the sequence operator?
skids m: role A { method f { ... } }; my$f = A;
camelia ( no output )
skids hmm.
{ ... } is special cased
02:19 benchable joined
skids m: role A { method f { ... } }; say A.perl; 02:19
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«A␤»
02:19 committable joined
skids I guess that does not pun until a new. 02:19
m: role A { method f { ... } }; class B does A { };
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Method 'f' must be implemented by B because it is required by a role␤at <tmp>:1␤»
02:19 bisectable joined
TimToady more than that, ... is only a sequence operator where an infix is expected, not where a term is expected 02:23
just as / is division or regex 02:24
or % is mod or hash
TEttinger this reminds me of that "proof" by the halting problem that "showed" that Perl cannot be parsed (Perl 5) 02:28
timotimo sup :) 02:32
02:35 ItayAlmog left
TEttinger hm 02:35
02:35 wamba joined
TEttinger so if perl 5 can't be statically analyzed without ever executing any snippet of perl 5, can perl 6 be statically analyzed without ever executing perl 6? 02:36
dataangel p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \w* ( .+ ) \w* )+ /; say $/[0][0]; 02:37
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「 hello.c」␤ 0 => 「 hello.c」␤»
konobi depends how you look at it
dataangel Why is the space still there?
02:38 prammer joined
TEttinger m: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \w* ( .+ ) \w* )+ /; say $/[0][0]; 02:38
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「 hello.c」␤ 0 => 「 hello.c」␤»
unmatched} dataangel: you've asked for it
timotimo TEttinger: all you can do is try something like symbolic or abstract execution instead of actual execution
dataangel I'm not trying to :p
unmatched} dataangel: after the ':' you ask for any amount of word characters, then start the capture and take "any" character, which includes the space 02:39
TEttinger m: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \w*+ ( .+ ) \w*+ )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Quantifier quantifies nothing␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3lt = "hello.o: hello.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \w*+7⏏5 ( .+ ) \w*+ )+ /; say $/[0][0];␤Quantifier quantifies nothing␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3o: hello.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \w*+ ( .+ ) \w*+7…»
timotimo because traits are compile-time-run code, code in the mainline of imported modules and in their EXPORT subroutine, ...
dataangel The reason I created an inner capture group was specifically to avoid it
unmatched} dataangel: did you mean \s* in there instead of \w*?
dataangel oops yes
unmatched} p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* $<stuff>=( .+ ) \w* )+ /; say $<stuff>
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
unmatched} p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* $<stuff>=.+ \w* )+ /; say $<stuff>
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
unmatched} :S
TEttinger m: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \w+ ( .+ ) \w* )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
unmatched} is too tired
timotimo \w*+ doesn't make sense to me
TEttinger possessive capture, wasn't sure if it was valud 02:40
m: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c" ~~ / .+\:\s+ ( \w+ ( .+ ) \w* )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「hello.c」␤ 0 => 「.c」␤»
timotimo possessive makes no sense to me either :)
unmatched} m: "hello.o: hello.c".words[1].say
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«hello.c␤»
TEttinger nice
02:41 kyclark joined
TEttinger timotimo: pretty sure it was either Perl 5 or PCRE that had it first in any language/lib 02:41
unmatched} p6: "hello.o: hello.c" ~~ / .+ ':' \s* $<stuff>=.+ /; say $<stuff>
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「hello.c」␤»
02:42 prammer left
TEttinger p6: "hello.o: hello.c Darude - Sandstorm" ~~ / .+ ':' \s* $<stuff>=.+ /; say $<stuff> 02:42
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「hello.c Darude - Sandstorm」␤»
timotimo i hadn't heard about it yet
TEttinger unmatched}: you wanted that extension, right? 02:43
dataangel p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+ ) \s* )+ /; say $/[0][0]; 02:44
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「 hello.c foobar.c」␤ 0 => 「hello.c foobar.c」␤»
unmatched} TEttinger: it's dataangel's code. I don't know what their specs are
TEttinger true
dataangel: do you want all filenames after the colon and whitespace, or an individual filename?
dataangel How do I get it so that the latter two files are in an array? That's what I thought putting the + on the outside of the capture was going to give me 02:45
Since I thought captures could give you arrays
TEttinger I think unmatched} had something very close to it
unmatched} dataangel: what happens for filenames with spaces in them? 02:46
TEttinger m: "hello.o: hello.c".words[1-].say
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Missing required term after infix␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3"hello.o: hello.c".words[1-7⏏5].say␤ expecting any of:␤ prefix␤ term␤»
TEttinger m: "hello.o: hello.c".words[1,].say
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«(hello.c)␤»
TEttinger m: "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c".words[1,].say
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«(hello.c)␤»
unmatched} m: "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c".words[1..*].say
TEttinger mm. no idea how to do this
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«(hello.c foobar.c)␤»
TEttinger thanks!
dataangel unmatched}: I cry? ;) this is to parse a dependency file generated by GCC for use by make... I assume it escapes spaces not sure 02:47
unmatched} Well, the .words example above is simple enough but it'll break for filenames with spaces in 'em
TEttinger m: "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c\nhey.o: yo.c bazquux.c".words[1..*].say
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«(hello.c foobar.c hey.o: yo.c bazquux.c)␤»
dataangel unmatched}: also for my own education I'd like to understand how to do it with captures
unmatched} sure sure 02:48
TEttinger how would you adapt it to respect newlines?
unmatched} m: 'he\ llo.o: hello.c foo\ bar.c'.split(/<!after '\\'> ' '+/).[1..*].say
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«(hello.c foo\ bar.c)␤»
dataangel wat? 02:49
Before we break out fifty more language features, why doesn't my version work? ;p
unmatched} because it's greedy I'd assume 02:50
p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( \S+ ) \s* )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「 hello.c 」␤ 0 => 「hello.c」␤»
timotimo in what way does it not work? 02:51
i confused the names
dataangel timotimo: [0][0] gives a single match that has both files rather than an array of matches each with one file
02:52 MilkmanDan joined
dataangel unmatched}: ah, so the problem with mine is that .+ matches even the space separating the two filenames? 02:52
unmatched} dataangel: yes. And + is greedy. You can also fix it with .+? 02:54
TEttinger as it should
unmatched} p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) \s* )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「 h」␤ 0 => 「h」␤»
unmatched} oh, wait, you can't :P
p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) <before [\s|$]> )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「 hello.c」␤ 0 => 「hello.c」␤ before => 「」␤»
dataangel Why doesn't that work? \s* matches right away because it zero or more?
TEttinger looks like it
unmatched} dataangel: right 02:55
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) [$|\s]+ )+ /; say $/[0][0];
dataangel Now you you went and added more magic :p
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 977305600 bytes␤»
unmatched} dataangel: I just told it that the stuff .+ matches must be before whitespace or end of string
TEttinger hahaa what 02:56
timotimo unmatched}: it's not a good idea to match $+
TEttinger that was me
unmatched} timotimo: I'm not :)
TEttinger how on earth...
timotimo i really need to get the rest of my sleep
TEttinger why is $+ a regex breaker? 02:57
timotimo because it's zero-width
so it matches as often as you want
TEttinger only at end of file though?
it matches infinite ends of file?
timotimo yeah, but still more than just once
that's right
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) \s+|$ )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「 hello.c 」␤ 0 => 「hello.c」␤»
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) \s+|$ )+ /; say $/[0][1]; 02:58
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) \s+|$ )+ /; say $/[1][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
TEttinger hm
02:58 kyclark left
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) $? )+ /; say $/[1][0]; 02:58
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Can only quantify a construct that produces a match␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) $? 7⏏5)+ /; say $/[1][0];␤»
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) \b )+ /; say $/[1][0]; 02:59
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) \b )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
TEttinger mm.
unmatched} oh right
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+ \b ) )+ /; say $/[0][0]; 03:00
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
TEttinger is \b boundary between words in perl 6?
unmatched} No
<< and >> are
p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( << ( .+ ) >> )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
unmatched} p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( << ( .+ ) >> \s* )+ /; say $/[0][0]; 03:01
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
unmatched} p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* << ( .+ ) >> \s* )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「 hello.c foobar.c」␤ 0 => 「hello.c foobar.c」␤»
unmatched} bah
p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* «( .+? )» \s* )+ /; say $/[0][0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«「 hello」␤ 0 => 「hello」␤»
TEttinger yay
unmatched} oh right teh dots and things :)
TEttinger seems like this might need lookahead? 03:02
dataangel How do I return each of the array elements of $/[0] as an array of strings? Basically want to return the files on the right-hand side of the :
unmatched} p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) <before [\s|$]> )+ /; say $/[0]».Str; 03:03
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«[ hello.c foobar.c]␤»
unmatched} p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( \S+ ) \s* )+ /; say $/[0]».Str;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«[ hello.c foobar.c]␤»
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: \s* ( .+ ) /; say $/[0].words;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«(hello.c foobar.c)␤»
TEttinger heyyy
dataangel Why unhappy? Looks decent to me
unmatched} p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: ( \s* ( \S+ ) \s* )+ /; say $/[0].list>>.Str;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«[ hello.c foobar.c]␤»
unmatched} It got spaces in it 03:04
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: \s* ( .+ ) /; say $/[0].words[1];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«foobar.c␤»
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: \s* ( .+ ) /; say $/[0].words[0];
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«hello.c␤»
TEttinger yaaaaay
unmatched} TEttinger: heh... may as well not use the reggex then :P
TEttinger that's like my first time successfully writing anything in perl6
it uses the regex to get rid of the part before the :\s*
dataangel unmatched}: why does it still have spaces? Again thought inner capture group was going to take care of that 03:05
TEttinger p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c\nsome other line" ~~ / .+\: \s* ( [^\r\n]+ ) .* /; say $/[0].words[0]; 03:07
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller words(Nil: ); none of these signatures match:␤ (Cool:D $: |c is raw)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
TEttinger that's quite the puzzling error 03:08
geekosaur somehow you have a Nil before the actual items
timotimo um, are you sure you mean ^\r\n inside a [ ]? 03:09
because that looks a bit like perl5 regex
geekosaur so you see [ hello.c foobar.c] and "why does it have spaces?" it doesn't. it has something that stringifies to the empty string first
[Nil, "hello.c", Nil, "foobar.c"]
TEttinger timotimo: I was wondering why regular-expressions.info has indepth coverage of most languages but not perl 6, and I suspect it's because a lot of stuff is different 03:10
geekosaur (now, as to why...)
perl 6 regex is less classical regex and more grammar
TEttinger "how i do make match character class please"
dataangel geekosaur: that seems like a dangerous string conversion... Why make it convert to empty string? None in python doesn't work that way and it doesn't seem to cause me trouble 03:11
geekosaur <[ a c x ]> # charclass
TEttinger and not having spaces in that breaks it?
oh, <[
geekosaur [ ] is a noncapturing group in perl 6 03:12
TEttinger why did one of the few most common aspects of regex change here?
timotimo because [ ] is much too valuable to spend on character classes
geekosaur so charclass moved to <[ ]>. the syntax differs also, because it's mroe flexible than traditional character classes
TEttinger uh huh
timotimo and having <...> as the general "special" match syntax fits well with character classes
and <-[abc]> is much saner than putting the "negate this char class" inside the [ ] 03:13
geekosaur dataangel, I was not privy to that decision, but it *is* pretty Perl-ish
TEttinger oh yes, very. I think it's very sane if you didn't have multiple generations of programmers used to the previous version. I can see why we had TRUMP_PENCE join this channel to spam, it's in the contrarian spirit of things :P 03:14
geekosaur perl 5's /x already started changing things... 03:15
(not that anyone uses it. sadly, because it's the second best thing ever to happen to regexes (perl 6's reimagining being the best thing!)) 03:16
TEttinger what is \x?
timotimo extended mode
geekosaur actually I do use /x. with copious comments when the regex is complex, so a future reader will actually understand what's going on
it is /x as in s/pat/repl/x
TEttinger oh, that's the comment and whitespace modifier?
geekosaur yes
TEttinger I mean, I don't think of that as a terribly unusual feature 03:17
geekosaur I can't count the number of times I encounter people who insist on using regex. then insist on using a regex that they explicitly do not understand
TEttinger because it's hardly unique to the perl family
it's been in PCRE for a long time and other languages have it too 03:18
dataangel geekosaur: so why are the Nil elements there?
geekosaur [18 03:10] <geekosaur> (now, as to why...)
meaning, I have no idea
dataangel oh :p
TEttinger .NET has an extension to their capturing groups that allows capturing into a stack of captures, then popping off elements when other things are captured. it makes their regexes part of a turing-complete class of languages as opposed to the class regular languages are in. it also allows you to parse html with regexes. perl 6 of course has the equally powerful grammars 03:20
dataangel geekosaur: that doesn't make sense though, [0][0] and [0][1] each had the objects I wanted, and the hyper operator should not create new elements, so how would you end up with four things?
timotimo i'll try to resume my sleep
geekosaur TEttinger, that was not a comment on /x itself, it was a comment on why /x is a good thing (that is, given that people use regex all over the place without knowing what they are doing, a facility to allow explanations and break a dense regex into comprehensible chunks is good) 03:21
TEttinger oh
geekosaur perl 6 started from there and reimagined regex as something less on the impenetrably-dense side to begin with
becuase, frankly, regexes suck 03:22
TEttinger I'll just leave it at "I don't use it, but have fixed implementations of it"
so this is penetrably dense, then: / .+\: ( \s* ( .+? ) <before [\s|$]> )+ / 03:23
the one pasted earlier
geekosaur it;s at least broken into bite-size chunks. I'd go a bit further toward making it more self-explanatory, but I suspect it will take time for that mindset to penetrate
otoh we're talking about the successor to a language far too many of whose users prided themselves on incomprehensible "clever" code (see: JAPH) 03:24
TEttinger no I mean I understand the rationale, I just don't think it's achieved or possibly achievable
geekosaur it may well end up that people will continue to write "regex" in perl 6 grammars
it's more achievable if you drop some of the classical stuff and use tokens instead 03:25
03:25 raiph joined
TEttinger so is this a regex or a grammar? I may be misunderstanding something. / .+ / 03:26
or somehow both
geekosaur it is a regex. a grammar is a mechanism for extending regex with named tokens 03:27
token any { / .+ / }; .... / <token> /
token any { / .+ / }; .... / <any> /
TEttinger that is very powerful 03:28
I think that is a much more meaningful addition than a change in syntax
raiph p6: my $result = "hello.o: hello.c foobar.c" ~~ / .+\: [ \s* ( \S+ ) \s* ]+ /; say $/[0].list>>.Str 03:29
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«[hello.c foobar.c]␤»
yoleaux 16 Aug 2016 02:17Z <AlexDaniel> raiph: Using readable names for placeholder values (like $^key and $^value) is a footgun, please consider not recommending it publicly
TEttinger I prefer foodgun myself 03:30
dataangel geekosaur: interestingly using a non- capturing group on the outside gets rid of spaces: / .+\: [ \s* ( \S+ ) \s* ]+ /
geekosaur hm. maybe I misunderstood the thing just before I commented on that, which produced a Nil as the first element 03:31
which is why I understood it as Nil string Nil string
dataangel It would be cool if there were built in character classes for unescaped spaces and escaped spaces 03:35
geekosaur anyway, re character classes, S05 might be the best current explanation. one of the extensions is that <[a..c] + digit> is a thing (perl5 spelled that [a-c[:digit:]]) 03:36
03:39 wamba left
raiph .tell AlexDaniel Are you saying #perl6 consensus and/or TimToady thinks `for Foo.kv { $^key, $^value }` is poor form? I thought current p6doc advice for placeholder variables ("use short names or ones that can be trivially understood in the correct order") was good. 03:56
yoleaux raiph: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
raiph .tell AlexDaniel I've edited the comment you saw to use and $^k and $^v instead -- that's what you're suggesting, right? 04:01
yoleaux raiph: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
04:02 raiph left 04:04 skids left 04:05 raiph joined
geekosaur raiph, the "in the correct order" part is what makes comprehensible names a footgun :( 04:06
geekosaur thought those were an interesting idea until he realized what that meant; now has no intention of using them 04:07
raiph geekosaur: is the thinking now that 'key' and 'value' are in less comprehensible order than 'k' and 'v'? 04:09
geekosaur no, the problem is that they're always assigned in lexical order; the thinking is that single letter things don't hint that you can reorder them the way meaningful names do 04:10
geekosaur finds that reasoning... dubious
i.e. the real footgun is not the naming, but the concept 04:11
04:11 kyclark joined 04:15 kyclark left
raiph geekosaur: is #perl6 consensus and/or TimToady's thinking now leaning toward deprecation or discouragement of use of placeholder variables? 04:15
geekosaur the above was my personal opinion. consensus still seems to think they're a good thing; I think they need to bake a bit longer 04:16
tailgate If I have an array of arrays of arrays like , how can i flatten it while retaining the orginal i.e. ([0 1] [0 1]) ([0 1] [0 1]) ([0 1] [0 1]) ([0 1] [0 1])) -> ([0 1] [0 1] [0 1] [0 1] [0 1] [0 1] [0 1] [0 1]) 04:17
the lowest level of list
raiph tailgate: does stackoverflow.com/questions/3717302...-in-perl-6 help? 04:18
gfldex tailgate: that depends on what you want to do with that array in the end 04:19
tailgate nice, thanks
04:19 Cabanossi left
tailgate cross-product all the arrays 04:19
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BenGoldberg . o O ( Imho, I think all examples where placeholder variables are used, the names should be a single letter, $^a, or start with a single letter and a dash, $^a-key, $^b-value ) 04:34
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raiph my (:$name, :$age, *%) := :something<or other>, :name<Matt>, :33age; dd $age 04:59
^^ vcv, unmatched} 05:00
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { Hash.new(:name<Ben>, :age<MYOB>, :commute("two wheeled")) }; my (:$age, *%) := foo; dd $age; 05:08
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Mu␤»
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { :name<Ben>, :age<MYOB>, :commute("two wheeled") }; my (:$age, *%) := foo; dd $age;
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«"MYOB"␤»
BenGoldberg raiph++
05:09 BenGoldberg left 05:10 labster left, labster joined 05:19 labster left 05:22 canopus left 05:26 mcmillhj joined 05:27 pierre_ joined 05:31 mcmillhj left, pierre_ left 05:33 canopus joined, Girafferson joined 05:37 pmurias joined
pmurias hi 05:37
05:41 pduh left
shantanu Is there a way to get a list of all available namespaces or atleast package names in CompUnit::Repository::Perl5 or CompUnit::Repository::NQP? 05:45
I am looking at implementing pluggable and I am wondering if its ok to just ignore everything except CompUnit::Repository::Installation 05:46
m: my $repo = $*REPO;repeat {given $repo.^name {when 'CompUnit::Repository::Installation' {for $repo.installed -> $distribution {for $distribution.meta<provides>.keys -> $provides {say $provides;}}}}} while $repo = $repo.next-repo; 05:47
camelia rakudo-moar e97fb7: OUTPUT«Pod::To::Text␤NativeCall::Compiler::MSVC␤CompUnit::Repository::Staging␤experimental␤newline␤NativeCall::Compiler::GNU␤NativeCall␤NativeCall::Types␤Test␤TAP␤» 05:48
05:50 leego joined, raiph left
shantanu ditto for CompUnit::Repository::AbsolutePath and CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem. What do you guys think? 05:53
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dalek osystem: d021aba | (Shantanu Bhadoria)++ | META.list:
Add CompUnit::Search to ecosystem

See github.com/shantanubhadoria/p6-CompUnit-Search
osystem: f6ee27e | azawawi++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #236 from shantanubhadoria/master

Add CompUnit::Search to ecosystem
08:13 TEttinger left 08:21 labster joined 08:26 gfldex left 08:31 cibs left 08:33 cibs joined, lizmat left 08:35 kjs_ joined 08:39 AlexDaniel joined 08:41 tokomer left
TheLemonMan hmm, is it possible to extract the Signature off a class method ? 08:44
m: class a { method m($i) {}; }; say a.m.signature;
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
TheLemonMan m: class a { method m($i) {}; }; say a.^methods[0].signature; 08:47
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(a $: $i, *%_)␤»
TheLemonMan gotcha!
DrForr TheLemonMan: If you want some ideas on what to do with them, github.com/drforr/perl6-App-prance...Routes.pm6 08:49
08:50 domidumont joined
gregf_ m: class a { method m($i) {}; }; say a.^lookup("m").signature 09:01
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(a $: $i, *%_)␤»
09:02 kjs_ left 09:04 domidumont left 09:05 MilkmanDan left 09:08 tx0h joined
tx0h i got a "Internal error: invalid thread ID 33 in GC work pass" with bailador. server crashed. what could cause this issue? 09:09
i'm not sure if thread 33 existed at the time or not. 09:10
09:19 pierre_ joined
nine jnthn: ^^^ 09:23
jnthn It usually means memory corruption. 09:26
timotimo tx0h: what version of perl6 are you on? we very recently got more stability improvements into git
09:26 kurahaupo joined 09:27 mvorg joined 09:35 ItayAlmog joined
ItayAlmog m: class P { my $p; has $p; } 09:35
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Redeclaration of symbol $p␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> 3class P { my $p; has $p7⏏5; }␤»
ItayAlmog m: class P { has $p; }
camelia ( no output )
09:36 rindolf joined 09:37 kurahaupo left
TheLemonMan can anyone confirm that 'class a {method m(:$i) {$i};}; say a.new().m(:i(42));' gives a couple of Oops when compiled with --target=ast ? 09:46
timotimo can someone test GTK::Simple? it seems to be broken on linux because for some reason it tries to copy around an lzma.dll file 09:48
which is obviously bogus
09:52 Wiertek joined 09:54 bob777 left 09:56 bob777 joined 09:59 ItayAlmog left
tx0h timotimo: This is Rakudo version 2016.07.1 built on MoarVM version 2016.07 10:02
timotimo: in other words: debian unstable package
10:09 g4 joined
timotimo OK, you could try building a latest rakudo from git 10:11
10:16 trnh joined, trnh left, trnh joined
timotimo can we still nqp::box_i into a CPointer repr'd class 10:20
This type cannot box a native integer: P6opaque, Scalar
jnthn Missing nqp::decont? 10:21
timotimo then i get P6opaque, Mu 10:22
oh, looks like i can actually nativecast here 10:23
the code must have been written before nativecast was a thing
but nativecast says "failed binding to $source, expected Any but got Mu" 10:25
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ItayAlmog m: class P { has $.x = 5; method x() { $.x++; } }; P.new.x 11:45
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 131072 bytes␤»
ItayAlmog Well, I would guess this is a bug (?) 11:46
ilmari m: class P { has $.x = 5; method x() { $!x++; } }; P.new.x
camelia ( no output )
ilmari ItayAlmog: $.x calls the accessor, which you replaced, leading to infinite recursion
m: class P { has $.x = 5; method x() { $!x++; } }; P.new.x.say
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«5␤»
ItayAlmog Ops, My mistake :P
ilmari m: class P { has $.x = 5; method x() { $!x++; } }; given P.new { .x.say; .x.say } 11:47
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«5␤6␤»
ItayAlmog m: class P { has $.x = 5; method x() { $!x++; } }; class T {}; T.new.x.say
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Method 'x' not found for invocant of class 'T'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
ItayAlmog m: class P { has $.x = 5; method x() { $!x++; } }; class T is P {}; T.new.x.say
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«5␤»
11:52 bjz_ joined, bjz left 12:01 rmmm left, Wiertek left, rmmm joined 12:04 Girafferson left 12:05 infina left 12:06 rmmm left, kjs_ left, infina joined 12:07 infina left, infina joined, heatsink joined 12:09 kjs_ joined
ItayAlmog m: enum Test <True>; my Bool $test = True; 12:10
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to $test; expected Bool but got Test (Test::True)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
12:12 rmmm joined
nine ItayAlmog: that's the downside of having all builtins lexically scoped. You can override anything but you also have to live with it. 12:12
unmatched} m: sub say { put "You shall not say $^a!" }; sub infix:<+> { $^a - $^b }; say 2 + 2 12:13
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«You shall not say 0!␤»
ItayAlmog I feel like I am going to have a really really hard time making a compiler for this language :\ 12:14
nine ItayAlmog: let's put it this way: a lot of people have been working for ~ 7 years to build rakudo. 12:15
And they did not start with nothing
unmatched} ItayAlmog: well, we've been at it for 15 years and so far I've seen folks tell you doing your way is next to impossible :)
ItayAlmog Yeah, my dad told me that this language have been under construction for 15 years :)
I will prove it is somewhat possible :D 12:16
unmatched} m: sub infix:<♥> { say $^a + $^b }; ๒ ♥ ๙
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«11␤»
unmatched} Ah, to be young again :)
unmatched} remembers having the same attitude about perpetual motion drives for a brief period of teenagehood 12:17
ItayAlmog Right now I am not even working on the Parser, I right now have a code generator and AST which currently I build manually.
unmatched} ItayAlmog: it sounds like we could really use your skills to make Rakudo faster and betterer :)
m: sub infix:<¯\(°_o)/¯> { ($^a, $^b).pick }; say 'Coke' ¯\(°_o)/¯ 'Pepsi'; 12:19
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Pepsi␤»
DrForr ItayAlmog: You have attraced my attention :)
ItayAlmog :D
I will update as soon I will run it for the first time :) (Right now I have no idea if it works or not) 12:20
unmatched} m: sub prefix:<∑> (*@els) { @els.sum }; say ∑ 1, 2, 3, 4;
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«1234␤»
unmatched} ItayAlmog: write a blog post about it!
ItayAlmog I will consider it :)
unmatched} m: sub prefix:<∑> (*@els) is looser(&infix:<,>) { @els.sum }; say ∑ 1, 2, 3, 4;
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«10␤»
nine ItayAlmog: why not just join the fun and work on rakudo? You'd be part of a team and the results will help a lot of people. And you'll see results a whole lot quicker :) 12:21
ItayAlmog I might go ahead and help on rakudo once I will have more knowledge about Perl 6 NQP :) 12:23
12:24 n1lp7r joined
heatsink speaking of NQP, could somebody point to where the documentation is, the only thing I found was on the parrot wiki 12:32
unmatched} heatsink: there's the Internals Course: edumentab.github.io/rakudo-and-nqp-...ls-course/ and the docs folder in repo: github.com/perl6/nqp/tree/master/docs 12:33
heatsink unmatched}: ah, thanks :) 12:34
moritz if somebody is looking to do something good for the community, please consider going through github.com/linuxfoundation/cii-bes...riteria.md and add missing stuff for Rakudo 12:35
unmatched} huggable: best practices badge :is: github.com/linuxfoundation/cii-bes...riteria.md 12:37
huggable unmatched}, Added best practices badge as github.com/linuxfoundation/cii-bes...riteria.md
unmatched} dj_goku: FWIW, the REPL bug has been fixed in HEAD 12:38
moritz I plan to go over it once my Internet connection is better again (hopefully Tuesday) 12:39
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moritz bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.o...ojects/313 12:45
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El_Che if I want to send a feature request for rakudo, I go through RT? 12:50
nine zes
12:50 perlawhirl joined
El_Che you smart people, that a nice filter :) 12:50
AlexDaniel El_Che: filter? 12:51
yoleaux 03:56Z <raiph> AlexDaniel: Are you saying #perl6 consensus and/or TimToady thinks `for Foo.kv { $^key, $^value }` is poor form? I thought current p6doc advice for placeholder variables ("use short names or ones that can be trivially understood in the correct order") was good.
04:01Z <raiph> AlexDaniel: I've edited the comment you saw to use and $^k and $^v instead -- that's what you're suggesting, right?
ShimmerFairy moritz: definitely seems like something worth working towards (at the very least, award-grabbing isn't a bad idea :P)
El_Che AlexDaniel: many people won't bother if it's not something straightforward like github. 12:52
dj_goku unmatched}: thanks for letting me know!
AlexDaniel El_Che: ironically, a lot of people think that RT is easier because you don't have to register an account to submit a bug report 12:53
El_Che AlexDaniel: yeah, you know people, we're never happy
AlexDaniel El_Che: which is somewhat true actually, but harsh reality is that most developers have a GitHub account so RT tends to be harder…
ShimmerFairy AlexDaniel: for sure, that's something a surprising number of bugtrackers lack (you'd ideally want a low bar for submitting bugs, right?)
AlexDaniel ShimmerFairy: well, ideally RT should allow people to login with GitHub and that will be it, I guess 12:54
El_Che Im using the RT webinterface now :)
unmatched} El_Che: and put [RFC] as the first thing in the subject line
12:55 heatsink left
ShimmerFairy AlexDaniel: I mean in a general sense, having to sign up for a bugtracker just to report one lousy bug seems like too high a price to me. "Wait, spend five minutes registering to report this one tiny bug? How about nah." 12:55
12:55 heatsink joined
mst what I'd really like is 2-way sync between GH issues and RT 12:55
and then people can use whichever interface they prefer 12:56
however, no, I can't be arsed building it myself
nine El_Che: you can submit bug reports by sending email to [email@hidden.address]
ShimmerFairy: ^^^
ShimmerFairy nine: yeah, and having a low barrier like that is something I appreciate :) 12:57
El_Che nine: yeah, I know 12:58
AlexDaniel .tell raiph I don't remember any big discussion on that topic, so I'd say that it is a consensus of a small bunch of people who care about it. However, don't take my word on it and judge yourself, here is how the logic goes:
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to raiph.
13:01 xinming_ left, _4d47 left, xinming joined
AlexDaniel .tell raiph while $^onearg and $^otherarg might look very readable, it is pretty hard to tell which one comes first in the signature. Are you sure that readability is worth the extra mental step which requires the reader to sort the variable names alphabetically (…unicodically?) in his mind? If that does not sound very convincing, think about one of those times when variables are renamed during refactoring 13:03
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to raiph.
ShimmerFairy I just realized: one way to think about $^a variables is as though they were explicitly labeled Whatevers, with the sorting part to provide some kind of plus over just stars everywhere :) 13:05
AlexDaniel .tell and no, $^k and $^v is not any better than $^key and $^value. Call me stupid, but I don't know which one comes first off the top of my head. I'd say that $^a $^b $^c are better. 13:06
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to and.
AlexDaniel .tell raiph and no, $^k and $^v is not any better than $^key and $^value. Call me stupid, but I don't know which one comes first off the top of my head. I'd say that $^a $^b $^c are better.
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to raiph.
13:13 kjs_ left 13:14 mcmillhj joined 13:16 wamba joined
AlexDaniel I think that one of the selling points of $^… was that you can do stuff like this: 13:18
m: my @foo = ^20; say @foo.sort: { $^b cmp $^a }
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)␤»
AlexDaniel however it does not look very convincing when you realize that you can do this:
m: my @foo = ^20; say @foo.sort: * Rcmp *
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)␤»
unmatched} :S
Looks pretty convincing to me
13:19 adu joined, cdg joined
AlexDaniel unmatched}: okay then :) 13:20
m: my @foo = ^20; say @foo.sort: { $^two cmp $^one } # what about this? ;)
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)␤»
unmatched} What about it? 13:21
$a and $b is what even Perl 5 uses. $^a and $^b is nearly the same
AlexDaniel yeah, $^a $^b in perl 6 is perl 5 $a $b done better. 13:22
ShimmerFairy except $^a and $^b aren't magic globals that (presumably) haunt coders' dreams.
13:22 g4 left
unmatched} I find that whole conversation about $^vars kinda silly... It's like arguing about whether you should name your subroutines by mashing on your keyboard. 13:22
13:23 skids joined
unmatched} Or a more direct analogy: arguing that you should use descriptive subroutine names instead of naming the a() and b(), except with $^a and $^b it's in reverse, but for the same purpose 13:23
lucs AlexDaniel: Are $^two and $^one special cases recognized by the grammar, or is something else going on? 13:25
unmatched} $^a and $^b encode the parameter position in their name so using $^key and $^value is just as silly as naming a sorting subroutine nondescript a()
AlexDaniel unmatched}: except that $^descriptive-name may look like a great idea, which is what this discussion is about
ShimmerFairy lucs: it's in alphabetical order, which is why $^b cmp $^a compares things in reverse. 13:26
AlexDaniel m: say ‘one’ le ‘two’
unmatched} lucs: docs.perl6.org/language/variables#...entry-%24^
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«True␤»
AlexDaniel m: say ‘a’ le ‘b’
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«True␤»
13:26 kyclark joined
AlexDaniel m: say ‘key’ le ‘value’ 13:26
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«True␤»
lucs ShimmerFairy: Ah, just alpha order, makes sense.,
(makes sense, but may be misleading -- I believe I wouldn't use that.) 13:27
unmatched} AlexDaniel: "except that sub a() {} may look like a great idea 'cause it's short to type"
ShimmerFairy lucs: yeah, but more general sorting for the different kinds of letters you can use :)
AlexDaniel unmatched}: ok, you win :D
unmatched} \o/
13:28 Wiertek joined
AlexDaniel unmatched}: I've never thought about it this way :) 13:28
ShimmerFairy lucs: It's clear and advantageous for single letter variables, otherwise you'd have to do -> $a, $b { $b cmp $a } to get the same thing (as one alternative)
lucs ShimmerFairy: Oh, I totally agree with a/b, etc. it's the one/two I find misleading. 13:29
jnthn I figure code is read a lot more than it's written. The main danger of confusion to me would be if somebody changed the names not realizing the importance of their names on ordering, but (a) that'd hopefully show up as a big enough fail to break tests etc. and (b) comprehension wise, more meaningful names indicating the content of the variable are likely a net win.
For sorting though I'd just go with a and b, 'cus the names or the sortees don't really matter much :) 13:30
ItayAlmog m: class P { say "test" }
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«test␤»
ShimmerFairy lucs: which is why you shouldn't do it :P . It's a natural consequence of wanting that kind of shorthand implicit ordering, but in a general sense.
jnthn $^key and $^value make sense to me in calling out what they two things are, though.
AlexDaniel well, if code is read a lot more than it's written, then perhaps it's worth to type out -> $key, $value { … } ;) 13:31
jnthn $^one and $^two don't in that I don't think I'd ever call a variable $one unless it contained the number one :)
AlexDaniel: That isn't an argument in favor of verbosity. :) 13:32
lucs $^first, $^second ;) (luckily, and just luckily, it works)
jnthn Indeed, it's surprising how many of them actually work ;)
unmatched} jnthn: but $^key and $^value work properly nearly by accident. If you translate them to Russian, the order would be different, for example
lucs $^premier $^deuxieme BZZZT! 13:33
unmatched} m: say <a b c d e>.map: { $^key => $^value }
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
unmatched} bah
m: say <a b c d>.map: { $^key => $^value }
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(a => b c => d)␤»
jnthn unmatched}: That's a pretty rare use case :P
unmatched} m: say <a b c d>.map: { $^ключ => $^стоимость }
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(a => b c => d)␤»
unmatched} :/ 13:34
AlexDaniel m: say <a b c d>.map: { $^ключ => $^значение }
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(b => a d => c)␤»
unmatched} right
jnthn: why is it? English isn't even the most common language.
pmurias variable names in Russian seem like a bad practice
lucs We'd like to use words for symbols, but before anything else, they're symbols. 13:35
ShimmerFairy only if you're not Russian.
unmatched} pmurias: not if you're Russian
...working in Russia... for a Russian code shop
jnthn unmatched}: Yes, but even then it's rare to write code in one lnaguage and then afterwards translate it to another. :)
AlexDaniel unmatched}: I'd say that in programming context “стоимость” is either “cost” or “weight”
though I've never thought about it 13:36
pmurias unmatched}: I wouldn't name variables in my native language Polish either
jnthn unmatched}: And if you're authoring the code in Russian in the first place you'd either pick words that naturally work or just use a different language construct. :)
AlexDaniel haha. That's a nice argument because none of the Russian words work naturally :D
unmatched} pmurias: that's because you speak English. If all I know is Russian, transliterating Russian into English alphabet seems silly, consiring you can just use Russian
ItayAlmog m: class P { has $x = 5; say $!x; } 13:37
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable $!x used where no 'self' is available␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3class P { has $x = 5; say $!x7⏏5; }␤»
pmurias unmatched}: do the have a Russian CPAN in Russia?
ItayAlmog m: class P { my $x = 5; say $x; $x++; say $x }
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«5␤6␤»
ShimmerFairy There is something to be said for preferring English where possible/convenient though. Considering you have to look at English words in Perl 6 (by default) already, among the other usual reasons.
unmatched} pmurias: no idea. They do have translated Perl 5 13:38
jnthn AlexDaniel: That's unlucky... 13:39
pmurias unmatched}: you mean one with Russian keywords?
unmatched} jnthn: still, $^a and $^b encode position, which is relevant in $^ twigil, while $^key and $^value encode meaning and inherently place the encoded position information onto the backseat, hence bugs can creep in
pmurias: probably not. But when you don't know English you don't learn of BEGIN/map/sort as words that have some meaning outside of the language, but rather as words that make the language do things. 13:40
AlexDaniel no, there's no Russian CPAN… stop making it sound like Russia is some kind of an isolated island :D 13:41
unmatched} s:g/language/programming language/;
SourceBaby unmatched}, Ehhh... I'm too scared to run that code.
lucs unmatched}: Again, it's good to think of them simply as symbols, not words (although as symbol that happens to be a word that one knows has an extremely strong mnemonic value). 13:42
unmatched} SourceBaby: then don't!
lucs s/as symbol/a symbol/
13:43 CIAvash left
AlexDaniel .tell raiph also feel free to read this discussion: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2016-08-18#i_13046240 13:43
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to raiph.
jnthn unmatched}: True. I guess it's about making a value judgement at the time you're writing the code. :)
unmatched} Yeah :) 13:44
unmatched} does use .tap: { $^something-meaningful.print } # forexample
ShimmerFairy well, when it's one variable, it definitely doesn't matter :)
jnthn Yeah, then it's pretty nice :) 13:45
AlexDaniel except that on the next line you might have $^a $^b in sorting. I don't care, but I see how some people might find it inconsistent. 13:46
ShimmerFairy By the way, I wonder if anyone ever uses the $:variable syntax, 'cos if not, maybe we could free up that valuable twigil character for future use :) 13:48
jnthn Pretty sure I've seen it in the wild :) 13:50
It actually came about because somebody wanted to use it and missed it.
Rather than being speculated as a maybe nice thing to have. :)
ShimmerFairy ah. Just wondering because I only ever remember it when I think "oh yeah, that one twigil I never ever need" 13:51
unmatched} m: my &сказать = &say; my &перевести = &map; сказать перевести { $^ключ => $^значение }, <водка подводка пиво красиво>;
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(подводка => водка красиво => пиво)␤»
unmatched} ehehe
jnthn :D 13:52
13:53 adu left, ptolemarch joined 13:56 kjs_ joined
jnthn hehe, my wife had never realized подводка contained the word водка until just now :D 13:58
jnthn had to look it up...if I'd been put on the spot and made to guess, I'd have said it was probably the водка equivalent of what a bar mat for пиво :P 14:00
AlexDaniel thought that подводка is a typo-ed подлодка, until realizing that it is an actual thing that I just happen not to use 14:01
jnthn Now that one I can guess right :) 14:02
unmatched} heh. There's a song that goes something like "if the sea were водка, I'd become подводка; if it were пиво I'd become a dolphin (which I thought had красиво in it, but now I recall it was the dolphin, which is дельфином)
14:03 leedo left
literal silly question...does Unicode define locale-dependent sort orders for characters, and if so, are they included in Perl 6? 14:03
14:03 leedo joined
ShimmerFairy That would be the CLDR, and I don't think P6 integrates that in core. 14:03
jnthn literal: Yes (TR10 iirc) and not yet 14:04
literal e.g. because in my language 'á' follows 'a' and precedes 'b'
unmatched} Oh, right, it's подлодка in the song. And TIL подводка is a thing
unmatched} strikes out "Native Russian proficiency" off his resume.
Been too long lol
literal jnthn: I see 14:05
unmatched} m: say "a" before "á"
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«True␤»
unmatched} m: say "b" after "á"
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«False␤»
14:06 Wiertek left
unmatched} Oh, it's amusing this conversation about Russian happened, because I just realized I've now spent 3 days of my life longer outside of Russia than in it, despite being born and raised in it :) 14:08
jnthn :) 14:11
AlexDaniel unmatched}: it didn't just “happen”, you started it ;)
jnthn Still 10 years or so before I'll be able to say the same about the UK. :) 14:12
14:13 kyclark left 14:18 _4d47 joined 14:19 khw joined 14:22 kurahaupo joined
[Coke] , in review, lobs out a "MAKE EXPRESSIONS REGULAR AGAIN". 14:24
ugexe m: sub foo(Str:D(Cool) $str) { say $str }; foo: $*CWD; # How does one write `Str:D(Cool)`? 14:25
camelia ( no output )
unmatched} What's the foo: do? 14:28
m: sub foo(Str:D(Cool) $str) { say $str }; foo $*CWD
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding to $str; expected Str but got IO::Path ("/home/camelia".IO(:S...)␤ in sub foo at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
14:28 finanalyst joined
ugexe oops yeah thats what i meant 14:28
unmatched} m: say IO::Path ~~ Cool; say IO::Path ~~ Str 14:29
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«False␤False␤»
ugexe m: sub foo(Str(Cool) $str) { say $str }; foo $*CWD;
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«/home/camelia␤»
unmatched} :/
jnthn [Coke]: But the expressions have never been truly regular, there's always been backreferences and stuff. You're dreaming of an era of academic purity that never was! :P 14:30
[Coke] jnthn: it works on many levels. :P 14:31
jnthn #NeverPumpingLemma
unmatched} m: say $*CWD ~~ Cool; say $*CWD ~~ Str 14:33
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«True␤False␤»
unmatched} m: ( Str:D(Cool) ).^target_type.say 14:35
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Method 'target_type' not found for invocant of class 'Perl6::Metamodel::DefiniteHOW'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
unmatched} m: my $v = Str:D(Cool); $v.^target_type.say 14:36
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Method 'target_type' not found for invocant of class 'Perl6::Metamodel::DefiniteHOW'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
unmatched} m: my $v = Str(Cool); $v.^target_type.say
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(Str)␤»
14:42 tx0h left
_4d47 m: say [1, 2, 3].VAR ~~ Scalar 14:43
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«False␤»
_4d47 think this doc is wrong docs.perl6.org/language/mop#VAR 14:44
unmatched} m: await start { get }
camelia ( no output )
unmatched} I get "Tried to read() on a socket from outside its originating thread" for that in terminal. Is there a way to avoid that? 14:45
geekosaur thinks that sounds like libuv being "helpful"
14:50 MilkmanDan left, jack_rabbit left 14:57 zacts left
ugexe no 15:03
that may or may not spawn a new thread which is why it does not always happen 15:04
15:05 pierre_ left
unmatched} I'll try to cook something up with a Channel maybe 15:05
ugexe wont matter
unmatched} Why? All the reads will happen on the one original thread.
ugexe dunno. when I tried to work around this no matter what I did the data still acted like it had some flag set saying it was from a different thread 15:06
i guess it could have been fixed in the mean time, but afaik it was a problem with libuv + scheduler-per-thread 15:09
15:09 MilkmanDan joined
TheLemonMan do I have to submit a testcase too when submitting a nqp fix ? 15:10
ugexe github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/165
15:15 acrussell joined
pmurias TheLemonMan: you don't have too, but it would be great 15:16
TheLemonMan: if you really hate writing tests I can write the testcase ;)
ItayAlmog How can you define methods on enums? Or is it not possible? 15:19
15:21 wamba left 15:23 Ariantes_ left
TheLemonMan pmurias, that'd be nice, the t/ directory is so confusing 15:27
unmatched} m: enum <Foo Bar>; Foo.^mixin: role { method meow { say "meow" } }; Foo.meow
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«meow␤»
ItayAlmog interesting 15:28
thanks :)
15:35 cdg left 15:37 djbkd left, djbkd joined
_4d47 m: role Catish { method meow { say "meow" } }; enum Cat does Catish <cherise catlee>; catlee.meow; 15:42
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«meow␤»
ItayAlmog m: sub test { sub test2 {say "test2"}; test2() } 15:43
camelia ( no output )
ItayAlmog m: sub test { sub test2 {say "test2"}; test2() }; test(); 15:44
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«test2␤»
ItayAlmog this language doesn't make it easy on me :\
unmatched} _4d47++
m: sleep 1 for ^4 .hyper: :batch; say "Look ma! Four 1-second sleeps took just {now - INIT now} seconds!"; 15:46
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«Look ma! Four 1-second sleeps took just 1.00599812 seconds!␤»
unmatched} ItayAlmog: ^ just wait until you get to the multi-threaded stuff :P
ItayAlmog Yay xD :\ 15:47
Right now I am writing a parser to also parse it, I might also have to redo some of the current code :\ 15:48
But hey, I have done it for only one day, you have done it for 15 years so... I can't complain xD 15:49
unmatched} :)
TheLemonMan touché (?) 15:51
15:54 araujo joined, araujo left, araujo joined 16:01 perlawhirl left
unmatched} ugexe: I got a working version, which I think can apply in my particular case. The limitation is you the place where get() happens has to remain in the first thread, so that portion has to block your program somewhere :/ gist.github.com/zoffixznet/5488a21...cbb2ca0306 16:02
16:03 sno left, canopus left 16:06 zacts joined
dalek c: e231200 | skids++ | doc/Language/mop.pod6:
Fix docs for VAR, arrays are not automatically items, _4d47++
16:09 Actualeyes left, canopus joined, Actualeyes joined
moritz why does travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo say "This is not an active repository"? 16:15
geekosaur becuase it's looking for master, not nom 16:16
(this is probably a travis-ci default that can't be overridden. how many git projects *don't* use master? 16:17
select "Branches" and it'll show the default branch is "nom" and passing 16:18
16:18 finanalyst left
ugexe travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/153202296 # wut 16:19
16:21 smls joined 16:22 Actualeyes left 16:30 mcmillhj left 16:33 dakkar left 16:35 Actualeyes joined, araujo_ joined
harmil_wk m: say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n } # Perfect numbers? 16:37
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
harmil_wk Ahem.
16:37 araujo_ left
geekosaur numbers too perfect for rakudo? 16:37
16:37 mcmillhj joined 16:38 araujo_ joined
unmatched} harmil_wk: would you put [SEGV] as the first thing in subjectline, please. 16:38
harmil_wk unmatched}: sure
timotimo huh, it asplodes inside decont
how does that happen
16:39 araujo left
harmil_wk sent 16:39
timotimo bisectable: help
bisectable timotimo: Like this: bisectable: good=2015.12 bad=HEAD exit 1 if (^∞).grep({ last })[5] // 0 == 4 # RT128181
timotimo bisectable: good=2015.12 bad=HEAD say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n }
16:39 MilkmanDan left
bisectable timotimo: Exit code is 0 on both starting points (good=2015.12 bad=643c0f9), bisecting by using the output 16:39
timotimo: bisect log: gist.github.com/190316c15d4f56d320...0edd8a6a45
timotimo: (2016-03-02) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/62ed92a
timotimo why doesn't it use the exit code? it's clearly different 16:40
AlexDaniel: halp? :)
hoelzro it might just be looking at the lower byte of the status 16:41
hmm, it would still be 11 then, though...
unmatched} Is it a P6 or P5 version? 16:42
harmil_wk Signals are routinely masked from exit status. It's common that people ignore signals in exit status unless they're thinking about it.
unmatched} There's a bug in Proc where signals still end up with .exitcode zero: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128805
16:42 mcmillhj left
TheLemonMan container_spec is unaligned, probably some code goes noots somewhere or a bad cast happens 16:43
16:51 mcmillhj joined 16:55 kjs_ left 16:56 mcmillhj left
_4d47 perl6/doc `make html` fails with pod2onepage, `make html-nohighlight` with type-graph-ComplexStr.svg not found 16:56
16:56 zakharyas left
unmatched} If you uninstall IO::Socket::SSL pod2onepage might work 16:58
_4d47 `panda install Pod::To::BigPage` with Expected MAST::Frame
_4d47 is not feeling lucky 16:59
unmatched} Right, you need --force for that
And if you have IO::Socket::SSL installed, you have to remove it
(I'm describing a workaround, I'm not saying that this is an expected thing to do :P)
dafuq 17:01
_4d47 unmatched} how do you remove IO::Socket::SSL ? i'm not finding with panda
unmatched} huggable: uninstall 17:02
huggable unmatched}, nothing found
unmatched} huggable: uninstall module
huggable unmatched}, nothing found
unmatched} huggable: uninstall dist
huggable unmatched}, nothing found
unmatched} _4d47: here: gist.github.com/niner/b39258032f70c083e57b 17:03
You can also use zef; it got an uninstall feature
huggable: uninstall :is: Handy few-liner to uninstall a module: gist.github.com/niner/b39258032f70c083e57b
huggable unmatched}, Added uninstall as Handy few-liner to uninstall a module: gist.github.com/niner/b39258032f70c083e57b
AlexDaniel bisect: good=2015.12 bad=HEAD say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n } 17:05
bisectable AlexDaniel: Exit code is 0 on both starting points (good=2015.12 bad=643c0f9), bisecting by using the output
AlexDaniel: bisect log: gist.github.com/80154f17271c8f036f...923a1a8d67
AlexDaniel: (2016-03-02) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/62ed92a
AlexDaniel commit: releases bad=HEAD say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n }
committable AlexDaniel: gist.github.com/67552f3fa9f2e4aac5...c26acada06
17:05 pierre_ joined
_4d47 unmatched}: thx i'm trying that out! 17:05
unmatched} I'm tapping a signal inside a promise and I'm hoping to intercept it, but it keeps telling me I got an unhandled exception. What gives? gist.github.com/zoffixznet/096ce71...138ed4779f
AlexDaniel commit: releases say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n }
oops ;) 17:06
committable AlexDaniel: ¦«2015.10,2015.11,2015.12,2016.02,2016.04,2016.05,2016.06,2016.07,HEAD»: (0)␤|«2016.03»: «exit signal = SEGV (11)»
17:06 mcmillhj joined
AlexDaniel committable5 is bugged :P 17:07
17:10 ItayAlmog left, pierre_ left, ItayAlmog joined
unmatched} I guess the tap is in another thread :/ I'm trying to kill the start {} once the signal is received 17:10
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unmatched} :'( 17:14
It it possible to kill one thread from another if you use the lower-level bits and pieces or does the same limitation apply, that you can't kill that way? 17:17
17:17 zacts left
AlexDaniel timotimo: 1) it did find the right commit, right? Looks so. 2) it's not so much that the exit code is different, it's the segfault that produces a signal… similar, but different :) There is an open issue for that: github.com/perl6/whateverable/issues/14 17:17
committable: die you bugged piece of sh 17:18
committable AlexDaniel: ¦«die»: Cannot find this revision
17:18 committable left 17:20 MilkmanDan joined, committable6 joined
AlexDaniel commit: releases say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n } 17:20
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦«2015.10,2015.11,2015.12,2016.02»: (0)␤¦«2016.03,2016.04,2016.05,2016.06,2016.07,HEAD»: «exit signal = SIGSEGV (11)»
AlexDaniel commit: 2016.02..2016.03 say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n } 17:21
harmil_wk Another interesting thing about that code: 17:22
m: say ^214 .grep: -> $n {([+] (1..^$n).grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n }
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(0 6 28)␤»
harmil_wk m: say ^215 .grep: -> $n {([+] (1..^$n).grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n }
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(0 6 28)␤»
harmil_wk Oh, interesting. On my box, 215 SEGVs.
TheLemonMan harmil_wk, try disabling the spesh, the segfault will go away
committable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/938583ffc4a1971a6b...670d750a6b 17:23
AlexDaniel commit: 62ed92a say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n } 17:24
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦«62ed92a»: «exit signal = SIGSEGV (11)»
AlexDaniel commit: 50a4df3 say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n }
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦«50a4df3»: (0)
AlexDaniel timotimo: anyway, I can't fix that bug so fast, but see this: gist.github.com/Whateverable/93858...670d750a6b ;) 17:25
harmil_wk TheLemonMan: yeah, that "fixes" it. Still, odd that it has such specific breakpoints 17:26
17:27 MilkmanDan left
ilmari huh, ' is allowed in symbols, but only between letters, not at the end :( 17:28
so you can't have $n and $n'
geekosaur not that odd, actually. spesh has a history of failing that way
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harmil_wk ilmari: that's because ' in identifiers is a holdover from Perl 4 where it was equivalent to :: 17:50
17:50 trnh joined
harmil_wk That is, before :: was introduced 17:50
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mspo .u U+00BB 18:05
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ItayAlmog m: my $test = my $test2; 18:07
camelia ( no output )
ItayAlmog m: my $test = my $test2; say $test;
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
unmatched} m: my ($a, $b, $c); $a = $b = $c = 42; dd [$a, $b, $c ]
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«[42, 42, 42]␤»
ItayAlmog m: my $test; say $test; 18:08
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
ugexe m: 1 R= my $a = 3; say $a 18:09
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«1␤»
unmatched} :D
ItayAlmog I will not even ask :) 18:10
18:10 itaipu left
unmatched} R is a meta operator that reverses its operator 18:10
m: say (1, 2, 3, 4)
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(1 2 3 4)␤»
unmatched} m: say (1 R, 2 R, 3 R, 4)
camelia rakudo-moar 643c0f: OUTPUT«(4 3 2 1)␤»
18:10 trnh left
ItayAlmog so it is some kind of a strange defer, interesting 18:11
unmatched} m: say (1 RRRRRR, 2 RRRR, 3 RR, 4)
camelia rakudo-moar 92d5e7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Only identical operators may be list associative; since 'RRRRRR,' and 'RRRR,' differ, they are non-associative and you need to clarify with parentheses␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3say (1 RRRRRR, 2 RRRR7⏏5, …»
18:11 trnh joined
smls harmil_wk: I don't think ' in Perl 6 variable names has anything to do with how they were used in Perl 4 18:11
18:12 pierre_ left
unmatched} m: say (1 RRRRRR, 2 RRRRRR, 3 RRRRRR, 4) 18:12
camelia rakudo-moar 92d5e7: OUTPUT«(1 2 3 4)␤»
unmatched} hah
smls harmil_wk: I think it was just to make more english words (e.g. contractions) possible as variable names
unmatched} we have doesn't-hang() in our utility roast subs :)
And I'm very disappointed Test.pm6's isnt isn't named isn't
brrt cant always get what you want 18:13
smls unmatched}: Test.pm's API is pretty Perl 5-ish, overall. 18:14
unmatched} You can if you want it a lot :) 18:15
unmatched} doesn't
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harmil_wk m: class Reals is Range { method iterator() { -Inf, {fail "Reals are uncountable"} ... Inf }; method Numeric { Inf }; method Str { "ℝ" } }; say Reals.new.perl 18:39
camelia rakudo-moar 92d5e7: OUTPUT«Any..Any␤»
harmil_wk Am I wrong to think that should be -Inf..Inf?
18:40 cdg left 18:41 Actualeyes left
unmatched} m: Range, "perl", \() 18:41
camelia rakudo-moar 92d5e7: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of constant string "perl" in sink context (lines 1, 1)␤»
unmatched} s: Range, "perl", \()
SourceBaby unmatched}, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/92d5...Mu.pm#L509
18:41 wamba joined, grondilu left
unmatched} m: Range.HOW, "name", \() 18:42
camelia rakudo-moar 92d5e7: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of constant string "name" in sink context (lines 1, 1)␤»
18:42 n1lp7r joined
unmatched} dammit 18:42
s: Range.HOW, "name", \()
SourceBaby unmatched}, Something's wrong: ␤ERR: Method 'map' not found for invocant of class 'NQPRoutine'␤ in sub sourcery at /home/zoffix/services/lib/CoreHackers-Sourcery/lib/CoreHackers/Sourcery.pm6 (CoreHackers::Sourcery) line 25␤ in block <unit> at -e line 6␤␤
unmatched} s (1..5), "perl, \()
s: (1..5), "perl, \() 18:43
SourceBaby unmatched}, Something's wrong: ␤ERR: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e␤Unable to parse expression in double quotes; couldn't find final '"' ␤at -e:7␤------> <BOL>⏏<EOL>␤ expecting any of:␤ double quotes␤ term␤
unmatched} s: (1..5), "perl", \()
SourceBaby unmatched}, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/92d5...ge.pm#L444
unmatched} harmil_wk: looks like it's constructed from $!min/$!max and I don't think you're setting that
s: &infix:<..> 18:44
SourceBaby unmatched}, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/92d5...ge.pm#L661
harmil_wk I guess expecting it to infer those from the iterator was silly
the other way would be more natural
18:44 brrt left
harmil_wk Wait... how do I set $!min in a subclass? 18:46
unmatched} m: class Reals is Range { method new { nextwith :min(-∞), :max(∞) }; method iterator() { -Inf, {fail "Reals are uncountable"} ... Inf }; method Numeric { Inf }; method Str { "ℝ" } }; say Reals.new.perl 18:47
camelia rakudo-moar 92d5e7: OUTPUT«-Inf..Inf␤»
unmatched} that's one way
harmil_wk Oh, that's nice.
18:49 sufrostico left
unmatched} m: Range.^can('perl').say 18:51
camelia rakudo-moar bc0293: OUTPUT«(perl perl)␤»
unmatched} m: Range:D.^can('perl').say
camelia rakudo-moar bc0293: OUTPUT«Method 'can' not found for invocant of class 'Perl6::Metamodel::DefiniteHOW'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
unmatched} Seems smileys are kinda iffy
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kyclark I've made a module in my "t" (test) directory with a couple of subs I'd like to share. If I "use lib '.'" everything is fine when I'm /in/ the "t" dir, but if I execute one dir up (e.g., "make test") then it fails. In Perl 5 I might use FindBin $Bin. 19:12
19:12 darutoko left
unmatched} huggable: FindBin 19:15
huggable unmatched}, nothing found
unmatched} Damn, looks like she lost a load of factoids during upgrade to IRC::Client v3 19:16
huggable: FindBin :is: say $*PROGRAM.dirname.IO.parent.child("lib");
huggable unmatched}, Added FindBin as say $*PROGRAM.dirname.IO.parent.child("lib");
19:16 setty1 joined 19:17 trnh left, zacts left 19:18 zacts joined 19:21 zacts left
kyclark Sorry, I'm confused. I don't seem to be able to "use lib $*PROGRAM.dirname.IO.parent.child("lib");" 19:21
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unmatched} kyclark: it works if you add .Str at the end 19:26
kyclark: and you'd might want something other than .child('lib'), if you say they're in 't' 19:27
huggable: FindBin :is: use lib $*PROGRAM.dirname.IO.parent.child("lib").Str; # finds lib/ for scripts in bin/ or t/ 19:31
huggable unmatched}, Added FindBin as use lib $*PROGRAM.dirname.IO.parent.child("lib").Str; # finds lib/ for scripts in bin/ or t/
unmatched} $*PROGRAM is the test file filename, .dirname is the directory it's in, .IO.parent gives you parent directory and .child('lib') on that gives you 'lib' inside that directory 19:33
And .Str just coerces it to something use lib likes
So $*PROGRAM.dirname.Str may be enough for you 19:34
kyclark Yes, perfect! Thanks. 19:35
19:37 kurahaupo joined
unmatched} m: say $*PROGRAM.dirname.^name 19:38
camelia rakudo-moar bc0293: OUTPUT«Str␤»
unmatched} Don't even need the .Str at the end for that
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pmurias TheLemonMan: ok, so once your nqp fix is done I'll write the test 20:17
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TheLemonMan pmurias, I've already submitted a PR and have attached some possible test vectors in the GH message 20:21
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Ven .u ⚯͛ 20:28
yoleaux U+035B COMBINING ZIGZAG ABOVE [Mn] (◌͛)
Ven hi, #perl6.
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TEttinger Ven: partners with a lightning bolt? 20:37
did you unmarry-partner usain bolt?
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masak this is why emoticons are not enough to convey meaning 20:39
TEttinger ȹ ⌚ 20:43
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masak did you just say I have a small watch?! 20:49
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kyclark I think I asked the other day, but how do I printf to STDERR? 20:51
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kyclark Oh, "note" got it 20:54
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Ven TEttinger: looks like something from harry potter :) 20:59
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TEttinger masak: hammer time 21:03
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pmurias Ven: hi 21:20
TheLemonMan: I'll write tests for that tommorow
21:24 mcmillhj left
masak TEttinger: can't touch this 21:24
TheLemonMan pmurias, ty! anyway, 'nite #perl6 21:26
pmurias TheLemonMan: the pull request looks good
21:26 TheLemonMan left
_4d47 note "Wayne's".fmt("%s World, It's party time") 21:26
Ven hi pmurias 21:28
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timotimo oh hey Ven 21:39
how's you?
Ven like a tire, but -ed! how about you? 21:40
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timotimo yeah, also tired 21:45
i un-bit-rotted my gtk cairo shooter today
_4d47 is it possible to type constraint return for an Array of Int ?
timotimo _4d47: yes, but a type constraint for "Array of Int" will only work for "an array that's declared to be an Array of Int", not for "An Array that happens to have only Int in it" 21:46
21:48 n1lp7r joined
_4d47 timotimo: oh ok thx 21:49
pmurias Ven: re ECMAScript 6, I think we should be able to support old browsers, maybe with a (small) performance penalty. 21:52
Ven right, there are tools for that
21:53 Ven_ left
pmurias also getting things working is more important then supporting old stuff atm ;) 21:53
Ven definitely! 21:54
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pmurias Ven: I'll merge the cleanup branch tommorow or on saturday, so reading nqp-js commits should be more pleasant with most of the ugly old hack gone ;) 21:59
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pmurias sleep& 22:03
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tailgate I have an interesting problem gist.github.com/ahalbert/1b495ad9f...9fedc3ebe0 basically, I get the correct output from my function with say but testing with the Test 'is' function for the same result fails with a different output 23:03
23:04 kalkin-_ left
timotimo "is" will do string comparison, say will call .gist and output that 23:05
that could be a reason why things fail
tailgate interesting. what cases were in mind for making .gist and Str coercion different functions? 23:06
timotimo gist is for human-readable output and will do things like cut off very long lists 23:07
geekosaur Str preserves as much as possible, gist is what its name implies
tailgate hmm. I guess it's generating a Seq of 'c' after going through the rest of the array. 23:11
from calling dd
23:11 labster left
timotimo that's strange 23:12
23:13 labster joined
tailgate I get (["c"], ["c"], ["c"], ["c"], ["c"], ["c"], ["c"], ["c"], ["c"]).Seq 23:13
timotimo why would it get different results the second time around? it does look like it's getting a fresh start?
tailgate I think it's getting the same results
timotimo you're not re-using the result from combinations_with_replacement 23:14
m: gist.github.com/ahalbert/1b495ad9f...9fedc3ebe0
camelia rakudo-moar 1b898c: OUTPUT«([a a] [a b] [a c] [b a] [b b] [b c] [c a] [c b] [c c])␤not ok 1 - ␤␤# Failed test at <tmp> line 25␤# expected: 'a a a b a c b a b b b c c a c b c c'␤# got: 'c c c c c c c c c'␤»
timotimo m: gist.github.com/timo/e02e14a338e93...84d4f184b9 23:15
camelia rakudo-moar 1b898c: OUTPUT«([a a] [a b] [a c] [b a] [b b] [b c] [c a] [c b] [c c])␤not ok 1 - ␤␤# Failed test at <tmp> line 25␤# expected: 'a a a b a c b a b b b c c a c b c c'␤# got: 'c c c c c c c c c'␤»
timotimo m: gist.github.com/timo/e02e14a338e93...84d4f184b9
camelia rakudo-moar 1b898c: OUTPUT«([a a] [a b] [a c] [b a] [b b] [b c] [c a] [c b] [c c])␤not ok 1 - ␤␤# Failed test at <tmp> line 25␤# expected: 'a a a b a c b a b b b c c a c b c c'␤# got: 'c c c c c c c c c'␤»
timotimo i don't think it has something to do with that, but perhaps scalars are getting overshared? 23:17
m: gist.github.com/timo/e02e14a338e93...84d4f184b9
camelia rakudo-moar 1b898c: OUTPUT«([a a] [a b] [a c] [b a] [b b] [b c] [c a] [c b] [c c])␤not ok 1 - ␤␤# Failed test at <tmp> line 25␤# expected: 'a a a b a c b a b b b c c a c b c c'␤# got: 'c c c c c c c c c'␤»
timotimo grmlb
oh 23:18
m: gist.github.com/timo/e02e14a338e93...84d4f184b9
camelia rakudo-moar 1b898c: OUTPUT«([a a] [a b] [a c] [b a] [b b] [b c] [c a] [c b] [c c])␤not ok 1 - ␤␤# Failed test at <tmp> line 25␤# expected: 'a a a b a c b a b b b c c a c b c c'␤# got: 'c c c c c c c c c'␤»
timotimo that's also not it, eh?
man, i need to get some sleep \: 23:19
maybe this night there'll actually be some to be had
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