»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
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comborico1611 Pong 00:39
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timotimo tyil: i recommend you use the deletion feature of pause so that we can all forget that existed 01:01
deleted files are kept on another page, i believe
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Geth doc: 0964f8ea77 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/concurrency.pod6
edit tweaks
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/concurrency
02:46 ilbot3 left 02:48 mcmillhj joined 02:49 mr-fooba_ left 02:51 Ven joined 02:52 Ven is now known as Guest5943, mr-foobar joined
ZzZombo timotimo, it doesn't work: 02:52
m: class A does Encoding {method name{'asd'};method decoder{};method encoder{};method alternative-names{('bsd')}};say Encoding::Registry.register(A)
camelia P6opaque: no such attribute '$!reified' on type List in a Str when trying to get a value
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo you're returning a single string from alternative-names 02:53
02:53 mcmillhj left
timotimo m: class A does Encoding {method name{'asd'};method decoder{};method encoder{};method alternative-names{('bsd',)}};say Encoding::Registry.register(A) 02:53
camelia Nil
ZzZombo ah shit
timotimo alternative-names is an optional method for this role, though, as it has an implementation
the error could definitely be improved there
by putting a typecheck in place 02:54
ZzZombo m: class A does Encoding {method name{'asd'};method decoder{};method encoder{}};say Encoding::Registry.register(A)
camelia This type (Scalar) does not support elems
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ZzZombo ^
timotimo oh? interesting
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timotimo just misses a decont i reckon 02:56
will take a bit for me to recompile and test
the change might even make it into the release 02:57
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ZzZombo I don't see how can my encoder access the options passed to `encoder` call of my encoding. 03:00
timotimo you take that parameter in your encoder method and pass it on to the constructor of your encoder 03:01
for example method encoder(*%opts) { Encoding::UCS2.new(*%opts) } 03:02
ZzZombo ah
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Herby_ o/ 03:03
araraloren o\ 03:04
Herby_ \o/
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timotimo ZzZombo: i pushed a fix to rakudo, and a test to roast. if our release manager doesn't object to it, it'll be in the next release i think 03:13
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ZzZombo wow, that's a lot of functions in Encoding::Decoder, what should I do with them, timotimo? 04:13
Also grats on the fix.
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ZzZombo Alternatively, how could I delegate decoding to the built-in UTF-16 decoder? 06:34
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eugene_barsky hi 08:12
ZzZombo hi 08:13
eugene_barsky On one of my laptops REPL startup takes long time — several times longer than on the other, which is similar in terms of hardware. What can be the reason and what the solution? My system: Kubuntu 17.10, perl6 2017.10 (but the problem was present on the previous version as well) 08:14
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Geth doc: e67b027957 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/glossary.pod6
fix spelling
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/glossary
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sjn o/ 10:47
sjn looked at the new Perl 6 brochure. Really nice! :)
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lizmat waves from T-Dose 11:04
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moritz sjn: link? 11:47
ZzZombo <ZzZombo> wow, that's a lot of functions in Encoding::Decoder, what should I do with them, timotimo? 11:58
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gfldex eugene_barsky: Rakudo may scan some directories for modules. strace might help. 12:07
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blakers gm perl6ers 12:07
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eugene_barsky gfldex: thanks, I'll try. 12:18
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___luke___ Hello, I'm trying to golf a bit of Perl 6 code down to less than 95 bytes. Does someone know another trick I could use? Here's my code (now 107 bytes): say " .-@@-.";say " "x(($_-2.5).abs+|0)~($_+>2??'\/'x(9-$_)!!(<= - = _>[$_]x((6,8)[$_]||10),).gist)for ^9 12:29
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comborico1611 Greetings 14:03
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masak comborico1611: ahoj 14:04
comborico1611 Ahoj? 14:05
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comborico1611 Ship ahoy. 14:09
You Czech?
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lizmat no, masak is suite 14:47
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Ulti the thing missing from code golf is elegance and readability 15:14
the competition sites should all have beauty or something as a community defined metric
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timotimo act.yapc.eu/lpw2017/talk/7213 - should we tell them to maybe not use rakudobrew? 15:22
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lizmat timotimo: I'll probably attend that, so I will mention :-) 15:47
perhaps even catch Lance before he gives his talk
timotimo i can tweet at them 15:48
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lizmat timotimo: by all means, tweet! :-) 15:55
.oO( fewer things to remember to do once in London for me )
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timotimo twitter.com/loltimo/status/931915416514985984 - i hope this formulation doesn't come off as rude or anythign 16:02
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tadzik so how about we rewrite rakudobrew into something meant for end-users and rebrand a tool for devs into something else? 16:05
if Perl 6 has taught us anything it's that once people learn what a name is they never unlearn it, even if they weren't right in the first place
timotimo haha 16:06
good point
El_Che tadzik: you're concentrated evil ;)
tadzik I solve practical problems :P 16:07
tyil there's no perl6 cloak available on freenode, is there? 16:08
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tadzik oh, cloaks! I haven't heard of that thing in a while :) 16:08
timotimo if someone does the paperwork, i'll take one as well
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tyil I'm not sure how much work would be involved, but there's an ircop in another channel I'm in, I can just ask :> 16:18
timotimo you mean the one who starts with m and ends in st? :) 16:19
ZzZombo timotimo: help with writing decoder is appreciated, it's the last thing that holds me back. 16:36
timotimo right, the decoder is a bit more complicated because we really want to be able to deal with partial data coming in
i thought you only needed an encoder 16:37
however, you're relatively in luck. you don't have to deal with variable width data pieces at all; everything is 16 bit units all the time, and you don't even have to support surrogates!
ZzZombo Well, it would complicate having to encode/decode using different encodings. 16:38
timotimo oh, you mean switch in between?
ZzZombo No, I'm answering your previous line 16:39
<timotimo> i thought you only needed an encoder
timotimo right, i thought you were only taking data in, never writing data back out into this horrible horrible format :)
ZzZombo I could use UTF-16 encoding to read files, and write using my custom UCS-2 encoding, but that's a terrible mess then of a code to support. 16:40
timotimo i can't help terribly much, need to rest my wrists for RSI reasons 16:42
ZzZombo I could help if you could tell me if it's possible to write an decoder that would just delegate decoding to the built-in UTF-16 decoder. 16:43
timotimo oh
well, yes of course it is :)
16:43 Morfent left
timotimo method decoder(*%options) { return Encoding::Registry.find("utf16").decoder(*%options) } 16:43
ZzZombo wow 16:44
timotimo something like that
ZzZombo and here I am, preparing myself to write a dozens of lines for that.
the asterisk isn't needed in the `decoder` call, is it? 16:45
timotimo it expects options to be passed as individual named parameters, not a single hash 16:46
ZzZombo ah
I thought it's what Slip for 16:47
timotimo er
sorry, yes, it is
ZzZombo oops
timotimo i'll be AFK for a bit; i hope you'll succeed in your codec business 16:52
ZzZombo yea, thanks a lot! 16:53
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ZzZombo timotimo: I've registered my encodings, but when attempting to use one it dies with "unknown string encoding ucs-2le", even tho `Encoding::Registry.find('ucs-2le').say` does find it. 17:26
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timotimo ZzZombo: can you give me your code to experiment with? 17:41
ZzZombo: that is very strange, because the find method is the only place in the whole core setting that can throw that exception 17:43
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ZzZombo will do, wait up 17:44
timotimo: gist.github.com/ZzZombo/e78cad5672...0b33ad6bb5 17:54
timotimo if you turn your BUILD into a TWEAK you won't have to re-write all the default values in the signature 17:56
ZzZombo done. 17:58
timotimo huh. well, that's certainly wrong. 18:00
for now just pass the encoding object to :enc instead, does that work? 18:02
actually it doesn't seem to work?
ZzZombo Malformed UTF-8 at line 1 col 1 18:04
in sub MAIN at encode.p6 line 101
timotimo it ignores anything but Str passed to enc, and it doesn't seem to look at the registry at all 18:05
ZzZombo huh 18:06
timotimo i'm afraid you might have to use the decoder API directly here 18:07
or since you're just slurping put "utf16" instead
ZzZombo you mean in the meantime? Until it's fixed? 18:09
whenever that will be
timotimo yeah
the next release is like today 18:10
so a fix likely won't make it in
ZzZombo last resort, I'll do it, sigh
so much for this though
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timotimo might be enough to nqp::decode(nqp::decont($myblob, Encoding::Registry.find("foobar")) 18:12
ugh, we don't have a streaming decoder implementation for utf16 18:14
setting the encoder properly seems to be set up for IO.open, but not for slurp and friends
and also not for Blob.decode and such
Str.encode on the other hand does query the registry 18:15
or maybe the fix is so blatantly easy that i can just commit it right soon 18:18
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timotimo hackety hack 18:19
ZzZombo That would be best, not the hack, but fixing it. 18:20
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timotimo i'm not making much progress, and i've gotta go again 18:31
jstuder Hey all. I have a question regarding the docs. In the "Truncating slices" section of /Language/subscripts it says that using a Range will truncate the output to only defined elements. But this is not currently the case in Rakudo. 18:33
Is this a bug in Rakudo or an error in the docs? I can't find it in the specs or roast.
jnthn m: my @a = 1..10; say @a[5..15] 18:34
camelia (6 7 8 9 10 (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any))
jnthn m: my @a = 1..10; say @a[5..*]
camelia (6 7 8 9 10)
jnthn It's only true for ranges with a * or Int endpoint
And the general rule is that lazy = truncate, non-lazy = don't
m: my @a = 1..10; say @a[lazy 5..15]
camelia (6 7 8 9 10)
jstuder yeah. the docs say it is the case for all ranges
jnthn Yeah, that's not right
jstuder ok i'll open an issue in the repo and can change that in the docs. 18:35
thanks for the clarification
I can add a new test in the roast as well to make it explicit that Non-lazy ranges/iterable means the potential of undefined elements 18:38
jnthn I'm pretty sure there are some there 18:42
I remember implementing these semantics (truncate if lazy, don't otherwise)
jstuder Ok, but if not, I'll add them.
jnthn The issue with ranges always truncating was things like @a[^10] = 1..10; on an empty @a would become a no-op :) 18:43
Sure, please add any for things you feel aren't sufficiently covered :)
AlexDaniel jstuder++ 18:44
jstuder Oh I see. yeah that would be a problem. I'll try to get all that in the docs
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tyil timotimo: I didnt know mst was fnode staff until now 20:28
but I know another guy who specifically deals with handing out cloaks 20:29
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tyil he told me to send an email with the request 20:29
so I did
he tells me there's a perl cloak already available, so he cant just hand out the perl6 cloak, it would probably take a day
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poohman hello all 20:41
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: blib/Perl6/BOOTSTRAP.jar
this comes up when I try to use perl6-j 20:42
perl6-m works fine
I compiled rakudo with both backends 20:43
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bartolin poohman: hmm, what version of rakudo ddid you compile? 20:44
poohman did a git clone today 20:45
let me check
This is Rakudo version 2017.10-211-g2f0da94c3 built on JVM
implementing Perl 6.c.
20:45 comborico1611 left, AndChat|688961 joined
bartolin the jvm backend has a lot of issues, unfortunately. but it shouldn't fail like that ... 20:46
do you get the same error if you run ./perl6-j -e '' in the directory where you build it?
poohman let me try 20:47
bartolin there definitely is an issue with 'make test' (which uses the EvalServer) before executing 'make install'. it fails with the same error, see rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132101 20:48
poohman: I've run a spectest with a perl6-j just one commit older than yours. there are failing tests, but most things work fine. 20:52
poohman ./perl6-j -e 'say "Hello"' works in the rakudo source folder 20:53
even perl6-j -e 'say Hello"' works
20:54 char_var[buffer] left
bartolin ah, good. and what caused the above error (NoSuchFileException)? 20:54
poohman should I include the source folder in the PATHand try? to get the blib folder in
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bartolin after running 'make install' that shouldn't be necessary. could you gist the code that triggers the error? maybe that rings a bell with me. 20:59
poohman paste.gnome.org/prdbbzp9z 21:02
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poohman i had just used zef to install the modules 21:03
should I use zef-j also?
bartolin last time i looked, zef did not work with perl6-j :-( I haven't tried in a while, though ... 21:04
poohman i found something else 21:06
~/source/rakudo/install/bin/perl6-j -e 'say "Hello"'
gives the same error
~/source/rakudo/perl6-j -e 'say "hello"' 21:08
Error: Could not find or load main class perl6
this happens when my PWD is not ~/source/rakudo/ 21:09
it works onlz when the PWD is ~/source/rakudo
bartolin poohman: yeah, i can reproduce it :/ 21:12
poohman ok so I hopefully didnt botch the install up 21:13
i tried the jvm backend only todaz 21:14
bartolin poohman: no, it just doesn't look at the right place (and that's a bug). the BOOTSTRAP.jar file should be in your install dir under share/nqp/lib/Perl6/
poohman ok 21:15
bartolin poohman: the jvm backend is in bad shape. you really should use the moar backend, if you want to use perl6 (instead of hunting bugs :-) 21:16
poohman: but this particular problem should be fixable. I'll take a closer look.
so, thanks for bringing this up! 21:17
poohman ok - was trying some clojure and scala - java interop was pretty easy - atleast in scala - but after seeing paul Phillips rants thought would be great if perl6 java interop worked 21:18
will try to get stuff done via nativecalls in moar - thanks for your help 21:20
bartolin your welcome 21:23
21:26 mson left
bartolin poohman: it turns out there is a superfluous 'nqp-lib=blib' in the installed versions of 'perl6' and 'perl6-j'. removing that seems to help with finding BOOTSTRAP.jar. but as feared, installing zef fails after a while ... 21:29
poohman you mean you cant install zef after removing it or zef cant install modules? 21:33
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bartolin poohman: i tried to install zef but it failed with a NullPointerException somewhere 21:37
poohman ok
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poohman zef works for me, zef-j fails with a serialization error - but ill leave the -j stuff alone for awhile :) 21:38
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Geth whateverable: e9ccebadca | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable.pm6
Fix KB/MB bug, use Telemetry

Issue #260.
mst timotimo: btw the paperwork for cloaks is "ask me" 21:49
stmuk maybe we should learn from the Utimate OSS Marketeers 21:50
mst tyil: please as timotimo suggested talk to me rather than bothering other staffers, the perl6 group is already registered and I can give out cloaks w/in it
tyil mst: hi
stmuk www.ebay.ca/itm/Official-OpenBSD-6...3265944606
tyil kline told me to talk to you as well
cool tho 21:51
can I request such a cloak? :3
mst sending in a duplicate request and putting samcv's name on it without bothering to tell them you were doing that was not particularly good.
tyil I didnt put her name in it tho 21:52
mst shrugs 21:54
it's so much easier if you listen to people in channel sending you to the right place :P 21:55
tyil that was past the time I contacted kline :(
mst also staff *don't* give out project cloaks, projects do
I just happen to be staff as well as perl+perl6 group contact 21:56
tyil I didnt know those things :(
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samcv i think i was busy and didn't understand what was going on as well, since i was fixing a release blocker and just sort of scanned the channel and didn't understand what wa sgoing on 21:58
mst yeah, it's all fine 21:59
however, given just yesterday we had
< ugexe> tyil: i would suggest removing the folder "perl6-nigger" from your distribution before uploading it to cpan (App-Cpan6-0.8.0.tar.gz)
I don't think I'll be offering tyil a perl6 affiliated cloak for the moment
anybody else who wants one is welcome to /msg me and ask 22:00
tyil :<
that mistake was already fixed tho
simcop2387 i wouldn't mind one but i expect i should do something perl6 related first
mst simcop2387: I was assuming you'd want a perl cloak if any
simcop2387 probably but i don't think i care. came here since i got an alert in here because of so many spammers using that word it's on a hilight for me now. 22:01
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TEttinger cloak? i.imgur.com/9Ybgz.gif 22:03
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timotimo mst: cool, i'd like a cloak, what are the options? 22:19
mst perl6/name or if you have a commit bit to any of the core stuff perl6/developer/name but I'm also open to suggestions for what the middle bit could contain if you want something else 22:21
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timotimo timo@is/the/best/at/perl6 :P 23:25
i'd like a developer one please 23:26
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tbrowder what exactly is a “cloak?” 23:57
AlexDaniel freenode.net/kb/answer/cloaks 23:59