»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
Herby_ o/ 00:23
kyan Hi! Anyone know why this code github.com/ethus3h/personal/blob/m...lighter.p6 can't find its delimiter? gist.github.com/ethus3h/55fc3217a2...1d86ddcecf 00:27
yoleaux 11 Oct 2017 23:43Z <b2gills> kyan: `.split("", :skip-empty)` is better written as `.comb()`
b2gills kyan: the ending delimiter needs to be alone on it's own line 00:29
ok runParserTest(q:to/♥/, 'blue');␤<span style="background-color: blue; color: white">keyword</span>␤♥␤ 00:30
kyan Aha, I have it wrong in the code I was basing it on, will fix that while I'm at it too. Thanks! :D
Oh, wait, that's interesting — it's not inside the function call? 00:31
(wouldn't that make the string start with ", 'blue')" rather than with "<span"? 00:32
Well, no, it doesn't — it works, although I don't understand why. I can even put the spaces before the ending delimiter to keep the indentation nice! 00:35
kyan needs to read the docs again on quoting constructs, I guess. Thanks! 00:36
simcop2387 Ok, so quick question for the ops/regulars here. I've recently added rakudo star to perlbot.pl/ for it's language running abilities and to perlbot's eval capabilities. Would it be fine to bring perlbot in here for that? perlbot.pl is a pastebin that can also run the code given to it. 00:44
Along with that I can also probably install any modules you would want it to support too. 00:45
I need to make two adjustments to it all before I'll bring it in, (make default language for pastes here be rakudo/perl6, and same for the standard eval: command that perlbot does) 00:46
url for pastebin would be f.perlbot.pl/#perl6 00:47
AlexDaniel simcop2387: another evalbot! Cool! But what can the bot do exactly? 00:48
like, what are the commands? Or does it simply announce the pastes here?
evalable6: perlbot.pl/raw/d73nzq 00:49
evalable6 AlexDaniel, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL.
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: it's also got a ton of other commands and factoids already in it, but i can also make it use a set specifically for here too. it started life as a factoid bot and has a lot of other commands/plugins to it. you can make factoids that fetch data from websites, etc. 00:50
Herby_ AlexDaniel: thats pretty slick
simcop2387 that is neat
at the very least you'd get a nice-ish pastebin for the /topic :)
AlexDaniel simcop2387: any docs? I'm wondering because we use a lot of prefixes (for other bots) that may trigger it also 00:51
simcop2387 by default it requires being addressed to do commands, so perlbot: blah 00:51
AlexDaniel simcop2387: bring it in and we'll see how it goes. 00:52
simcop2387 alright
AlexDaniel simcop2387: are you in perl6 org on github? 00:52
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: I am not, I've not done much with 6 before
AlexDaniel simcop2387: oh well, I can't send an invite. But I'll add it to the list here: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/711#is...-235414744
perlbot Herby pasted a new file at perlbot.pl/p/g7mpmg - Testing it out 00:53
Herby_ \o/
lookatme o/
AlexDaniel perlbot: help
perlbot AlexDaniel: Provides help text for a specific command. Try 'help echo'. See also the command 'plugins' to list all of the currently loaded plugins.
AlexDaniel perlbot: plugins 00:54
perlbot AlexDaniel: 8ball allowpaste arg cache_check compose conf conf_dump core default define echo eval factoids geoip get google head help host host_lookup join karma karma_modify karmatop more nick_lookup null oeis package part pastebinadmin perldoc plugins quote reload_plugins restart rss rss_title save_config seen shorten title translate twitter unicode utf8 zippit
AlexDaniel oh geez
perlbot: eval say 42
perlbot AlexDaniel: 42
simcop2387 right now that's perl5. 6 is under, rkeval:
AlexDaniel simcop2387: can we have eval6 or something like that?
simcop2387 perlbot: rkeval: say "Hello"
perlbot simcop2387: Hello
Herby_ ekeval: say "Hello" ~ " world"; 00:55
perlbot: ekeval: say "Hello" ~ " world";
perlbot: rkeval: say "Hello" ~ " world";
perlbot Herby_: Hello world
lookatme m: say "Hello"
camelia Hello
Herby_ I need coffee
lookatme camelia: say "Hello"
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: yea i'll get that configured shortly here, there's also github.com/perlbot/perlbuut-pasteb...i/Op-Tools that documents commands for turning off the pastebin without kicking the bot (and other similar things)
Herby_ simcop2387: that is all very cool 00:56
simcop2387 hobbs showed me the code to one of the eval bots in here (not sure which) and security wise it was atrocious, mine's better :) 00:56
AlexDaniel perlbot: rkeval: spurt ‘foo’, ‘hello’; say slurp ‘foo’ 00:57
perlbot AlexDaniel: hello
lookatme camelia: help 00:58
camelia lookatme: Usage: <(nqp-js|nqp-moarvm|star-m|p5-to-p6|rakudo-moar|nqp-jvm|prof-m|debug-cat|rakudo-jvm|p6|rj|nqp|rm|rakudo|perl6|star|j|nqp-q|nqp-mvm|nqp-m|sm|m|master|p56|r-j|r-jvm|r-m|r)(?^::\s(?!OUTPUT)) $perl6_program>
sacomo hi all, good morning from Japan
AlexDaniel hello!
Herby_ sacomo: o/
lookatme Hi
sacomo \o
simcop2387 at the moment, it's only supporting moarvm since getting the jvm rakudo to work in the sandbox would probably be a nightmare :) 00:59
AlexDaniel ah
lookatme nqp-m: nqp::say("Hello")
camelia Hello
AlexDaniel perlbot: rkeval: say “hello”; say “world”; 01:00
perlbot AlexDaniel: hello world
lookatme nqp-m: nqp::say("Where is camlia??")
camelia Where is camlia??
lookatme nqp-m: nqp::say("Where is camelia??")
camelia Where is camelia??
kyan (simcop2387: BTW, I notice that perlbot.pl/robots.txt disallows all user-agents, which prevents people saving things from it using the Internet Archive — they're a really cool nonprofit library and Web archive (archive.org/) and it would be good to whitelist them! —just my 2¢ :) ) 01:00
AlexDaniel simcop2387: well, the security side of it is a tradeoff kinda. *ables for example are mostly targeted at the devs, and it's really useful when you can bisect with internet connection for example 01:02
sacomo question about threading and roles / state. if I have a base role (call it Base) that has a state attribute ($.foo), and I use that when I instantiate other roles (does Base), I see that $.foo.WHERE returns the same value wherever I call it from. Is it thread-safe if I treat $.foo as immutable? 01:03
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: yea. i'm working on making it secure to handle running long term things through the pastebin and interacting with them (e.g. interactively feed in to STDIN or another filehandle)
kyan: I thought about that, but I'm not sure if I want it to be possible to save automatically on there. main reason being is that if someone used the pastebin for nefarious things (db dumps, etc.) and i didn't catch it, it'd be preserved forever. that said the pastebin does let you select never for expiration
kyan simcop2387: If something nefarious gets saved by IA, anyone who notices it can email [email@hidden.address] to let them know, and they can hide it 01:04
simcop2387 true
AlexDaniel simcop2387: well, that's not exactly it. For example, at least once I had to bisect IRC::Client module :) But for regular snippets that'd be nice indeed, yeah. 01:05
simcop2387 perlbot: rkeval: say $*PERL.version
perlbot simcop2387: v6.c
simcop2387 perlbot: eval: say $*PERL.version
perlbot simcop2387: ERROR: Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at (IRC) line 1.
simcop2387 bah it didn't work
lookatme sacomo, it's threadsafe if the $.foo is readonly 01:06
simcop2387 perlbot: eval: say $*PERL.version
perlbot simcop2387: ERROR: Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at (IRC) line 1.
sacomo ok, is it just copying $.foo? or acting as a reference? 01:07
lookatme I have no idea the child class would keep $.foo as reference or a copy
lookatme m: role A { state $.foo; }; class B does A { method new() { $.foo++; } }; class C does A { method new() { $.foo++; } }; B.new; say B.foo; say C.foo; say A.foo; 01:10
camelia 1
simcop2387 perlbot: eval: say $*PERL.version
perlbot simcop2387: ERROR: Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at (IRC) line 1.
lookatme sacomo, you mean this ?
simcop2387 perlbot: eval: say $*PERL.version 01:11
lookatme I think it's a reference, not a copy
perlbot simcop2387: v6.c
sacomo ok, thanks
simcop2387 ok there we go. by default it's now perl6 in here. let me set it up to not need address for that.
lizmat El_Che: re Pumpking Perl 5: if some people continue to refer to Perl 5 as "Perl", implying it is the one and only, I will continue to refer to it as "Pumpking Perl 5"
lizmat bed& 01:12
lookatme good night
sacomo yeah, something like that. for this app I am working on I am not planning on modifying $.foo once it is initialized. Also, I tested looping a bunch of new threads and it seems to function fine and keep the WHERE address. So...
lookatme, thanks
lookatme sacomo, there some question about this, maybe help 01:14
sacomo ooh, thanks 01:15
AlexDaniel perlbot: rkeval: say ‘x’ x 999999 01:18
perlbot AlexDaniel: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... [Output truncated. Use `more` to read more]
AlexDaniel perlbot: more
perlbot AlexDaniel: Sorry, no more output
AlexDaniel simcop2387: I was expecting it to just give a link to the pastebin service, but hm…
lookatme A gist link :) 01:19
AlexDaniel perlbot: rkeval sleep ∞
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: yea that's a planned thing I haven't implemented yet
perlbot AlexDaniel: timeout at /home/ryan/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perlbot-blead-2017-11-27_27151/lib/site_perl/5.27.7/App/EvalServerAdvanced.pm line 118.
SmokeMachine is there a way to .classify() do not push the values, and not make arrays inside of the hash?
lizmat SmokeMachine: .Set ?
really bed& 01:20
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: ok, f.perlbot.pl/#perl6 now properly defaults to rakudo for the language. though the syntax hilighting might not work well for perl6 (the editor doesn't have explicit perl6 support)
SmokeMachine m: say ["a.b.c" => 1, "a.b.d" => 2].classify: *.split(","), :as{.value} # <- I mean no array here... 01:20
camelia Cannot resolve caller split(Pair, Str); Routine does not have any candidates. Is only the proto defined?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
SmokeMachine m: say ["a.b.c" => 1, "a.b.d" => 2].classify: *.key.split(","), :as{.value} # <- I mean no array here...
camelia {a.b.c => [1], a.b.d => [2]}
SmokeMachine m: say ["a.b.c" => 1, "a.b.d" => 2].classify: *.key.split("."), :as{.value} # <- I mean no array here... 01:21
camelia {a => {b => {c => [1], d => [2]}}}
timotimo you have , in the split but . in the keys, is that right?
simcop2387 one thing I haven't done for perl6 yet, (i need to learn more) is something like the bot supports with older perls
timotimo ah
SmokeMachine now its right...
simcop2387 eval5.26: [ { foo => "
perlbot simcop2387: Can't find string terminator '"' anywhere before EOF at (IRC) line 1.
simcop2387 eval5.26: [ { foo => "bar"}, "I support dumping random structures for you"]
perlbot simcop2387: [{foo => "bar"},"I support dumping random structures for you"]
SmokeMachine I'd like to have {a => {b => {c => 1, d => 2}}} 01:22
timotimo m:
curse you, broken trackpad
AlexDaniel 6c: say (42, 24).pick 01:23
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2015.12,2016.02,2016.07.1,2016.08.1,2016.09,2016.10,2017.01,2017.03,2017.05,2017.08,2017.10,2017.11: «24» ¦2016.01.1,2016.03,2016.04,2016.05,2016.06,2016.11,2016.12,2017.02,2017.04.3,2017.06,2017.07,2017.09,HEAD(1668b4f): «42» 01:24
SmokeMachine is there a way to do that?
AlexDaniel simcop2387: fwiw maybe you can steal some cool ideas from one of the bots: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki 01:25
simcop2387 I need to steal the ANSI color stuff that hobbs pointed me to for one of the eval bots here, to make the colors right in the pastebin and bot output. but i'll look at that list too, probably some good things for the perl5 ecosystem too 01:26
ana_akk hi 01:55
comborico1611 Hi 01:57
lookatme hi
ana_akk I have a question about Perl 6
can I learn it without having any background knowledge in coding? 01:58
lookatme yeah, I think you can
ana_akk I like the community aspect of this language
Ok, where should I start?
AlexDaniel maybe you can try perl6intro.com/ 01:59
lookatme And first you should have a rakudo installation 02:00
ana_akk ok thanks because on the tutorial page was weird and I couldnt find an intro
lookatme It's in ^^ page right side 02:01
Introductory Material
timotimo ana_akk: there's a book specifically written for people who have no background in coding 02:02
ana_akk Can I have a name please? 02:03
timotimo perl6book.com/ - this has a nice flowchart at the top
ana_akk Oh! Thanks!
timotimo there's "Think Perl 6" which starts very low, and "Learning to program with Perl 6" sounds like it also does, but i don't have that yet
ana_akk I'll look at that as well
mainly got roped in by the d&d references 02:04
timotimo "Learning Perl 6" sounds like the right thing for you, but it's not finished yet, and perhaps only kickstarter backers from when it started can read it?
timotimo oh, like 02:04
m: say (^6 + 1).roll(10)
camelia (4 4 3 4 6 5 1 5 2 3)
timotimo i think moritz probably needs to put more books into the flowchart :) 02:05
ana_akk can't really read that but I mean the Warrior, Mage, and Priest MMORPG game style it showed, seemed cool 02:06
timotimo correction: i do have "learning to program with perl 6"
ana_akk GTG thanks for your guys' help!
timotimo oh 02:06
i would have loved to know what that was from
strangelyconsistent.org/blog/perl-6-is-my-mmorpg - perhaps this post? 02:07
warrior, mage, priest, that's definitely in this one
comborico1611 Goodnight, guys. 02:08
timotimo bisectable6: my ($a, $b) = (1, 0); for ^1 { METAOP_ZIP(METAOP_ASSIGN(&[+]), &METAOP_REDUCE_RIGHT)(($a, $b), <-1 1>) }; dd $a, $b; 02:13
bisectable6 timotimo, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=1668b4f) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
timotimo, Output on both points: «Int $a = 1␤Int $b = 0»
timotimo bisectable6: my ($a, $b) = (1, 0); for ^1 { sink METAOP_ZIP(METAOP_ASSIGN(&[+]), &METAOP_REDUCE_RIGHT)(($a, $b), <-1 1>) }; dd $a, $b; 02:14
bisectable6 timotimo, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=1668b4f) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
timotimo, Output on both points: «Int $a = 0␤Int $b = 1»
kyan Hello again! Is there something about S:g/a/b/ that makes it not work as a parameter? say S:g/a/b/ with "blah" #works .content( "blbh" ) #works .content( S:g/a/b/ with "blah" ) #Unable to parse expression in argument list; couldn't find final ')' 02:53
Geth doc: 9e1ecad903 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/modules.pod6
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/modules
doc: 3c9b5709d2 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | xt/words.pws
learn new word
lookatme kyan, what is .content ? 03:04
kyan lookatme: It's a method from DOM::Tiny. I'm passing it a string though either way (I think?), so would it matter? 03:05
lookatme m: say(S:g/a/b/ with "blah")
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in argument list; couldn't find final ')' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say(S:g/a/b/ with 7⏏5"blah")
lookatme Same error
m: say (S:g/a/b/ with "blah")
camelia blbh
lookatme m: say: S:g/a/b/ with "blah"
camelia ( no output )
kyan wha... I'm slightly confused — there's a difference between a method call with a space and without? 03:06
lookatme kyan, yeah, it's a "trap" 03:06
Geth doc: c5b48f3d15 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Type/Dateish.pod6
squash compilation warning
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Dateish
kyan Okay then, interesting :P Thanks! 03:07
lookatme lunch time &
kyan pokes at docs.perl6.org/language/traps again
Oh, I see, I need a separate set of parens inside the method call. I guess they're necessary to make it evaluate the contents 03:09
lookatme would check out the trap later 03:11
travis-ci Doc build failed. Will "Coke" Coleda 'learn new word' 03:21
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/308228453 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/b2763...9b5709d271
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 03:21
travis-ci Doc build failed. Will "Coke" Coleda 'squash compilation warning' 03:24
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/308229489 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/3c9b5...b48f3d157c
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 03:24
kyan Btw: is this the right place to ask about the DOM::Tiny module? Apparently #mojo on irc.perl.org is Perl 5-only (figured it would be the same, but I guess not)... Thanks! 03:26
(To avoid asking-to-ask, here's my question: how can I convert a string into DOM elements in the flavor that the .content method wants? .content((DOM::Tiny.parse("<br>").root)) indicates a type mismatch.)
[Coke] checks out DOM::Tiny... 03:31
[Coke] try: DOM::Tiny.parse("<br>").content; 03:40
kyan That runs, but treats it as literal text rather than HTML (it seems like it parses it then turns it back into a string...) 03:41
(resulting HTML is &lt;br&gt;) 03:42
(here's how I'm calling it: github.com/ethus3h/personal/blob/m...er.p6#L11) 03:43
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: Oh, I also forgot to mention that perlbot's eval can read and write files in the container everything runs in. So demoing something with say, SQLite is perfectly doable and a bunch of other stuff like that. It's got a 16MB limit on space per eval, and files don't persist. 04:01
TimToady perlbot: say "foo"; say "bar" 04:02
simcop2387 eval: say "foo"; say "bar";
evalable6 foo
perlbot simcop2387: foo bar 04:03
simcop2387 hmm, might need to adjust that so it doesn't spam you guys.
TimToady m: say "foo"; say "bar" 04:04
camelia foo
simcop2387 perlbot: eval5.26: open(my $fh, ">temp"); print $fh "Hello World"; close($fh); open(my $fh2, "<temp"); [<$fh2>]
perlbot simcop2387: ["Hello World"]
TimToady note that camelia gets both of te newlines in there
AlexDaniel yeah that's probably more correct
TimToady m: say "␤".ord 04:05
camelia 10
simcop2387 yea mine (due to historical behavior) just turns all whitespace into spaces. (10 years ago it didn't handle unicode properly)
TimToady also translates on input
simcop2387 it does translate that on input though too
AlexDaniel that evalable knows :)
simcop2387 any nice to have modules I should install? I know basically nothing about perl6/rakudo 04:06
TimToady other than everything in Rakudo Star? 04:07
simcop2387 es
TimToady perlbot: eval: use Inline::Perl5 04:09
perlbot TimToady: ===SORRY!=== Could not find Inline::Perl5 at line 1 in: /langs/perl6/share/perl6/site /langs/perl6/share/perl6/vendor /langs/perl6/share/perl6 CompUnit::Repository::AbsolutePath<94853847626128> CompUnit::Repository::NQP<94853826739616> CompUnit::Repository::Perl5<94853826739656> [Exited 1]
TimToady perlbot: rkeval: use Inline::Perl5
perlbot TimToady: ===SORRY!=== Could not find Inline::Perl5 at line 1 in: /langs/perl6/share/perl6/site /langs/perl6/share/perl6/vendor /langs/perl6/share/perl6 CompUnit::Repository::AbsolutePath<94391790592416> CompUnit::Repository::NQP<94391769705888> CompUnit::Repository::Perl5<94391769705928> [Exited 1]
simcop2387 if that forks then it won't work, the sandbox prevents execve() 04:10
TimToady doesn't use a lot of modules yet
I think it's just not in Star 04:11
piojo kyan: I tried it and couldn't reproduce. Running this: my $xml = False; DOM::Tiny::HTML::_parse("<br><", :$xml).content
gives "<br>&lt;", as you'd expect from a parse which treats the "<br>" as HTML and the "<" as a less-than.
AlexDaniel simcop2387: was going to suggest WWW but then again, I guess that won't be possible?
eh, won't be useful rather :) 04:12
kyan piojo: Yeah, the issue is when trying to assign that to the contents of another node
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: not currently yea. Once I finish figuring out a secure way to handle it (keep it from being a DoS or redirect issue, etc.) then I'll make it able to point at some kind of default server I'll have setup.
kyan parsing works as expected
AlexDaniel perlbot: rkeval: run ‘ls’ 04:14
perlbot AlexDaniel: Could not create a new Thread: too many open files in block <unit> at /tmp/hT7KymlVbD line 1 [Exited 1]
AlexDaniel simcop2387: any chance to get that to work? ↑ Or is it seccomp-ed away anyway? 04:15
TimToady that involves an exec
AlexDaniel right
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: probably not, though you can use stuff built in to the language to get at files 04:16
perlbot: eval5.26: [glob "*"]
perlbot simcop2387: ["Cczq5oqBOf","cert.pem","elib","example.html","hello.txt","key.pem","lib","married.fwp","README.md","single.fwp","template.angular"]
simcop2387 perlbot: jail
perlbot simcop2387: No factoid found. Did you mean one of these: [fail] [joel] [jql] [_tail] [japh] [java] [tall] [.al] [.il] [aol]
simcop2387 perlbot: source
perlbot simcop2387: check out my insides github.com/perlbot/perlbuut/ | Perl's source code can be found at github.com/Perl/perl5 | If you're after an eval server look at App::EvalServer and App::EvalServerAdvanced on CPAN | Also check out the rest of the perlbot projects at github.com/perlbot/
simcop2387 hrm where the hell was that link
TimToady perlbot: eval: .say for dir
perlbot TimToady: "key.pem".IO "README.md".IO "hello.txt".IO "elib".IO "lib".IO "married.fwp".IO "cert.pem".IO "single.fwp".IO "template.angular".IO "example.html".IO "2uwyphJt1R".IO 04:17
simcop2387 github.com/perlbot/perlbuut-jail/ is the repo for the files in there, see eval/ in there. I need to clean it up since the complete rewrite I did so that it's no longer necessary to have those other dirs
piojo kyan: sorry, I don't know what your code is trying to do. I don't see _link() defined anywhere, but that could be where the problem is.
simcop2387 the password for key.pem is password if you want to play with x509 certs
kyan piojo: No worries, sorry, I've changed it since I linked it first T_T 04:18
simcop2387 the random filename is the current eval that's happening
kyan should have linked to the specific commit
kyan Here's what I was *trying* to link to: github.com/ethus3h/personal/blob/4...ter.p6#L11 04:19
AlexDaniel m: (^90).race.map(* x 2).say 04:21
camelia (00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010 1111 1212 1313 1414 1515 1616 1717 1818 1919 2020 2121 2222 2323 2424 2525 2626 2727 2828 2929 3030 3131 3232 3333 3434 3535 3636 3737 3838 3939 4040 4141 4242 4343 4444 4545 4646 4747 4848 4949 5050 5151 5252 5353 …
AlexDaniel perlbot: rkeval: (^90).race.map(* x 2).say 04:22
simcop2387: any idea what's going on there? ↑
perlbot AlexDaniel: timeout at /home/ryan/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perlbot-blead-2017-11-27_27151/lib/site_perl/5.27.7/App/EvalServerAdvanced.pm line 118.
AlexDaniel like what limit is it hitting?
jferrero m: ("01","02" ... "12")».join(",").say 05:08
camelia (01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12)
kyan I think the issue is that Text nodes are in some way different from "normal" DOM nodes, and aren't able to be replaced by DOM nodes that contain other nodes... 05:09
jferrero m: ("01" .. "12")».join(",").say 05:16
camelia (01 02 11 12)
jferrero m: ("01" ... "12")».join(",").say
camelia (01 02 11 12)
jferrero m: ("01" .. "12").join("-").say 05:18
camelia 01-02-11-12
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: not sure. that looks like it should be pretty fast to do. 05:43
rkeval: (^90).race.map(* x 2).say 05:44
perlbot simcop2387: timeout at /home/ryan/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perlbot-blead-2017-11-27_27151/lib/site_perl/5.27.7/App/EvalServerAdvanced.pm line 118.
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: ah looks like one of the threads that gets created is getting killed by the sandbox. looks like a safe syscall too I'll add it to the whitelist 05:45
simcop2387 the sandbox doesn't always catch child threads/processes being killed like that. One of the things I need to work on for it. 05:46
jferrero m: ("01" .. "12").join("-").say 05:47
camelia 01-02-11-12
simcop2387 rkeval: (^90).race.map(* x 2).say
perlbot simcop2387: (00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010 1111 1212 1313 1414 1515 1616 1717 1818 1919 2020 2121 2222 2323 2424 2525 2626 2727 2828 2929 3030 3131 3232 3333 3434 3535 3636 3737 3838 3939 4040 4141 4242 4343 4444 4545 4646 4747 4848 4949 5050 5151 5252 5353 5454 5555 5656 5757 5858 5959 6060 6161 6262 6363 6464 6565 6666 6767 6868 6969 7070 7171 7272 7373... [Output truncated. Use `more` to read more]
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: there we go. If you find more like that let me know and I'll update the whitelist. It should be pretty comprehensive but I know I've missed some still (this time it was the syscall for getrusage) 05:48
usually it should say it was killed by SIGSYS. I've got to make my own strace library to properly record which syscall in the server itself (one of the many many many planned features) 05:49
ZzZombo any chance we get an equivalent of enum classes from C++? 05:50
lookatme m: enum A ( A => 0, B => 2); say A::A; 05:51
camelia A
lookatme ^^
simcop2387 also I am SOOO glad i mostly finished that seccomp rewrite for this. Now adding a new thing to the whitelist is significantly easier, it's just a few lines of YAML instead of changing the software.
ZzZombo what in "enum classes" wasn't clear?
simcop2387 stackoverflow.com/a/18335862 # this explains the difference a bit 05:54
lookatme Oh, you mean the enum class in c++11, I think no 05:55
simcop2387 does seem like something that should be doable as a library though I'd think 05:56
lookatme m: enum A ( A => 0, B => 1); enum C ( B => 2); # you can not declare same name in different enum # I hate this design 05:57
camelia Potential difficulties:
Redeclaration of symbol 'B'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3um A ( A => 0, B => 1); enum C ( B => 2)7⏏5; # you can not declare same name in dif
simcop2387 lookatme: that almost makes them annoyingly useless
ZzZombo yea 05:58
I'd rather work with string constants than them.
TimToady most collisions happen on import, and those we handle differently
lookatme ~_~ 06:01
And actually, I wonder why they use `()` for enum constructor, not `{}`
I would prefer `enum { }` 06:02
b2gills m: constant A = do { my enum A ( A => 0, B => 1 )}; constant C = do { my enum C ( B => 2 )}; say +A<B>; say +C<B> 06:03
camelia 1
lookatme m: constant A = %{ A => 0, B => 1}; constant C = %{ B => 2 }; say +A<B>; say +C<B> 06:05
camelia 1
TimToady m: module A { enum <A B> }; module B { enum ( B => 2) }; say +A::B; say +B::B 06:10
camelia 1
TimToady and we don't generally use braces for things that are not closures, so enum just takes a list of some sort 06:12
lookatme oh
TimToady you only have to use the paired form to set a different starting point than 0 06:12
(or 1 more than the last one) 06:13
lookatme Perl6 's enum is ancient design, I would prefer rustlang's enum 06:20
simcop2387 I'd imagine you could make a DSL that generates a type and classes for doing it like that 06:27
teatime if you did want to make a DSL with Perl6, how exactly might that look 06:31
would it just be a module that imports some functions/operators ?
lookatme no, it would be a slang module 06:32
add some new syntax
teatime o right
lookatme modules.perl6.org/search/?q=slang 06:33
There some module about slang 06:34
buggable New CPAN upload: Font-FreeType-0.0.4.tar.gz by WARRINGD cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/W/WA/...0.4.tar.gz 07:13
ufobat hi :-) 07:41
lookatme hi 07:52
TimToady m: enum Pows (<A B C> Z=> 1,2,4); say +B 07:56
camelia 2
TimToady m: enum Pows ('A' .. 'Z' Z=> (1,2,4 ... *)); say +Z
camelia 33554432
lizmat clickbaits p6weekly.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/...ity-first/ 09:20
DrForr Indeed. 09:21
yoleaux 01:10Z <lizmat> DrForr: the link is in the Meanwhile on FaceBook section ?
lizmat .
DrForr Yes, it was.
Sort of hidden, my apologies. 09:22
DrForr I didn't quite make myself clear. The blog entry is theperlfisher.blogspot.cz/2017/11/t...hings.html (permalink) - I didnt see that in the 'blog post' section. 09:25
Zoffix kyan: it's possible it's just a bug in DOM::Tiny. It's alpha-quality, as the docs say. I found another problem in .content() yesterday. May wanna add your issue there too: github.com/zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/issues/6
DrForr *didn't 09:26
Zoffix FWIW, enums would be more useful if there were a way to add only the full-name names, so, say, `enum Foo <A B> :full;` would install only Foo::A, and Foo::B, without installing A and B as well 09:27
ufobat Zoffix, hi :-), btw, is there still something to do in my PR? 09:28
Zoffix m: module Foo { enum <A B> }; say +Foo::A
camelia 0
Zoffix This does the trick I guess... 09:29
ufobat: the .resolve one? I don't see any commits after this comment: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1249...-345766115 09:30
ufobat Zoffix, issnt github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1249...691cb914c8 after your comment?
Zoffix No idea. I thought GitHub usually showed when modifications were made. 09:32
ufobat: I can't test it properly right now, maybe someone else can. My internet is down (again -_-) and I rather not pull in quarter of a gig over my tethered mobile connection. They're charging me an arm and a leg for data :( 09:33
Won't be fixed until Thursday or later.
Speaking of which...
Zoffix &
ufobat .tell Zoffix, i dont make a hurry. i just wanted to ensure that i didn't miss something and you're waiting on me 09:34
yoleaux ufobat: What kind of a name is "Zoffix,"?!
ufobat .tell Zoffix i dont make a hurry. i just wanted to ensure that i didn't miss something and you're waiting on me
yoleaux ufobat: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
Addictedbliss R 09:50
DrForr lizmat++ # Thanks for the addition :) 09:52
lizmat yw :-) 09:53
SmokeMachine Hi there! What do you guys think of adding a new named parameter to classify and classify-list called :&reduce that will be used to “aggregate” the values on each “class”? The default value of its parameter would be a code that create an array maintaining the current behavior... 11:21
SmokeMachine [:1ok, :2nok, :3ok].classify: *.key, :as{.value}, :reduce{$^a + $^b} 11:24
Would return:
{ok => 4, nok => 2} 11:25
SmokeMachine For example 11:36
lizmat m: dd (:1ok, :2nok, :3ok).Bag # SmokeMachine 11:43
camelia ("nok"=>2,"ok"=>4).Bag
SmokeMachine lizmat: but that doesn’t work, for example here: 11:45
[“a.b.c” => 1, “a.b.c” => 2, “a.c.d”=> 3].classify: *.key.split(“.”), :as{.value}, :reduce(-> $agg, $a {$a}) 11:48
That would return:
{a=> {b => {c => 2, d => 3}}} 11:49
Geth mu: virtualsue++ created pull request #30:
Put myself down for the 15th
SmokeMachine lizmat: ^^
Geth mu: 3a8bbf8205 | (sue spence)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | misc/perl6advent-2017/schedule
Put myself down for the 15th
mu: 4741c312d8 | lizmat++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | misc/perl6advent-2017/schedule
Merge pull request #30 from virtualsue/master

Put myself down for the 15th
lizmat SmokeMachine: need to go afk right now, will look at it in an hour or so
SmokeMachine :) 11:53
araraloren hi 12:23
DrForr o/ 12:27
araraloren I have a question about grammar
here is the code
Can someone help me ? 12:28
DrForr Do you get that with Grammar::Tracer commented out? 12:31
(that may be an internal error...
araraloren It's not the module problem
DrForr The grammar looks valid to me, although I think you're relying on tokens when rules would be easier to work with. 12:34
araraloren gist.github.com/araraloren/c644ef7...df1e7e8ae6 12:35
araraloren yeah, but that's not the key point 12:36
It failed call `token item`, I think 12:37
DrForr It's a recursive token, that strikes me as odd.. 12:42
Replacing the token with a rule makes the error go away but also fails the match...
DrForr Pasting a simpler ersion of your grammar, one mo. 12:49
DrForr Er, has a bug... 12:50
gist.github.com/drforr/9540219b69f...caf514e36d 12:52
DrForr araraloren: Does that make sense? 12:55
araraloren I will check later 12:56
DrForr, thanks
lizmat SmokeMachine: aah, you're using a multi-level classify :-) 13:19
SmokeMachine lizmat: yes 13:39
lizmat you're the first person that I know who wants to use that :-) 13:40
there's no way to do the reduce before calling classify ? 13:41
timotimo hm. you could "unique" the input list 13:44
that does it for this case at least 13:45
[Coke] waves. 13:56
timotimo o/ [Coke] 13:57
Geth mu: 76f40e1fd5 | (Will Coleda)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | misc/perl6advent-2017/schedule
Update schedule

Claim a spot.
araraloren m: grammar S { token TOP { ^ <bar> $ }; rule bar { \w+ '{' '}' }; }; say S.parse: Q { CTRL { } } 14:28
camelia Nil
SmokeMachine lizmat: no... :( 14:30
timotimo: but that would continue to return arrays inside of the hash... 14:31
DrForr araraloren: rule 'bar' isn't invoked recursively there. 14:32
araraloren m: grammar S { token TOP { ^ <bar> $ }; rule bar { \w+ '{' '}' }; }; say S.parse: "CTRL { }"
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
araraloren m: grammar S { token TOP { ^ <bar> $ }; rule bar { \w+ '{' '}' }; }; say S.parse: 'CTRL { }' 14:33
camelia 「CTRL { }」
bar => 「CTRL { }」
araraloren m: grammar S { token TOP { ^ <bar> $ }; rule bar { \w+ '{' '}' }; }; say S.parse: ' CTRL { } '
camelia Nil
DrForr araraloren: You can test that in your own terminal... We generally use that when we want to show someone else a problem.
araraloren cmd on windows is suck :( 14:34
araraloren m: grammar S { token TOP { ^ <bar> $ }; rule bar { <item> '{' '}' }; }; say S.parse: "CTRL { }" 14:53
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
araraloren So <item> is an something internal ? 14:54
I remember I faced same problem a few week ago :(
araraloren This is a trap, never using "item" as the token or rule name :) 15:02
good night
donaldh This thinko gave me trouble for a while: 15:04
m: enum <North, East, South, West>; given North { when North { .say } }
camelia 5===SORRY!5===
Function 'North' needs parens to avoid gobbling block (or perhaps it's a class that's not declared or available in this scope?)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3West>; given North { when North { .say }7⏏5 }
Missing block (apparentl…
AlexDaniel m: enum <North East South West>; given North { when North { .say } } 15:24
camelia North
donaldh Yep. Same LTA message for typos too of course: 15:27
enum <Nrth South East West>; given North { when North { .say } }
m: enum <Nrth South East West>; given North { when North { .say } }
camelia 5===SORRY!5===
Function 'North' needs parens to avoid gobbling block (or perhaps it's a class that's not declared or available in this scope?)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3West>; given North { when North { .say }7⏏5 }
Missing block (apparentl…
donaldh thinks this is a good opportunity to learn what is involved in improving error messages. 15:41
perlpilot donaldh: you might want to see if the edit distance checker is including enumerations 16:05
AlexDaniel m: enum <Nrth South East West>; say North 16:06
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
North used at line 1. Did you mean 'Nrth'?
AlexDaniel MasterDuke++ 16:06
perlpilot I guess that answers that :-) 16:07
tyil would anyone have any objections to a "commendable" bot that keeps track of how often a name has been ++d? 16:42
AlexDaniel tyil: maybe perlbot can do that 16:46
perlbot: help karma
perlbot AlexDaniel: karma <nickname>; returns the "karma" value for a user or arbitrary subject. Karma works by appending either ++ or -- to a word to modify its karma.
AlexDaniel tyil++
tyil oh
AlexDaniel perlbot: karma tyil
perlbot AlexDaniel: tyil has karma of 1
tyil nice
tyil considers it solved
AlexDaniel that's not entirely nice because it does not take into account all the history before yesterday (when that bot joined the channel)
tyil my intention wouldn't have solved that either 16:47
you'd have to parse all past logs to get that
AlexDaniel why not? Just feed irc history through the bot
quotable6: ‘AlexDaniel++’
quotable6 AlexDaniel, OK, working on it! This may take up to three minutes (4412528 messages to process)
tyil I could add that if there's interest, but that wasn't my original goal :p
AlexDaniel (quotable is a bit broken because of some bug, but let's see if it works) 16:48
quotable6 AlexDaniel, Found nothing!
AlexDaniel yeah, doesn't really work. I should really investigate what's wrong with it 16:49
IIRC some utf-8 issue, but I don't remember the details
huggable: irc 16:50
huggable AlexDaniel, nothing found
AlexDaniel tyil: if you go for it, let me know and I'll find a script that can pull the whole history from moritz++'s logger 16:52
then you can easily grep through it, generate a csv file or something, and I guess simcop2387 will be able to import it into the bot
though personally I don't like this karma competition :)
simcop2387 quotable6: 'committable6\+\+' 16:53
quotable6 simcop2387, OK, working on it! This may take up to three minutes (4412528 messages to process)
AlexDaniel (that is, using foo++ as “thank you” is great, but counting the amount of times someone was thanked is kinda weird)
quotable6 simcop2387, Found nothing!
AlexDaniel simcop2387: this answer is actually right, it takes a perl 6 regex 16:54
simcop2387 ah i see
tyil I only wanted to keep track of ++s as commends, and the messages added with it (if applicable), as a small side project to get a little break from App::Cpan6
AlexDaniel although it has probably short-circuited due to a bug…
tyil App::Cpan6 comes with two issues to create other modules for rn anyway, so I can just work on those for now 16:55
once i get home and have some spare time, that is :.
AlexDaniel squashable6: next 17:41
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 2 days and ≈16 hours (2017-12-02 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel wonders if we will have any participants this time, given that it wasn't advertised as much 17:41
( and also given that there's no topic yet! :) ) 17:42
El_Che that was my question :)
El_Che "make rakudo portable" <--- that would be so cool :) 17:43
El_Che I have the pavlovian urge to end with "again" every sentence that I start with "make" 17:44
Zoffix perl6advent.wordpress.com don't tell me what timezone it uses. I recall we published on Midnight UTC. Do I just put in midnight in the schedule or is it using some other timezone?
yoleaux 09:34Z <ufobat> Zoffix: i dont make a hurry. i just wanted to ensure that i didn't miss something and you're waiting on me
12:16Z <tbrowder> Zoffix: the pod spec tests now require roast with PR #353 merge.
moritz Zoffix: I set it to midnight, and it worked for me 17:45
Zoffix Cool. Thanks
moritz: ... do you live in UTC? If I hover over "Scheduled" it shows me "2017-12-01T05:00:31+00:00" and I'm in -5 timezone 17:49
AlexDaniel El_Che: well, hard topics are not that cool because it's an opportunity to attract new contributors. I think both doc squashathons worked great, and the rakudo one was ok but not as great
moritz Zoffix: no, I live in UTC+1
Zoffix: it shows me perl6advent.wordpress.com/wp-admin...ction=edit to be scheduled for Dec 1 @ 05:00 17:50
Zoffix Hm. That's not the interface I used to set the time. Thanks. I updated it to be 0 17:51
moritz there seem to be an old-style and a new-style interface for editing articles
being a grumpy old man, I use the old-style interface 17:52
Zoffix And seems all codeblocks are now messed up :)
I guess if you "save" in Visual mode it takes a lot of liberties 17:53
AlexDaniel buggable: tag MOLD 17:54
buggable AlexDaniel, There are 225 tickets tagged with MOLD; See fail.rakudo.party/t/MOLD for details
Zoffix K, now it shows proper time.
AlexDaniel what about MOLD-related squashathon? With a goal to reduce the number of tickets that are tagged 「MOLD」
Zoffix moritz: how did you get to the old interface? 17:55
Ah, just perl6advent.wordpress.com/wp-admin/edit.php
Thanks for help \o
AlexDaniel that's a relatively easy thing to do given that in most cases you can just leave a comment that the bug is still there
AlexDaniel … except that squashable6 will not be able to report any comments on RT 17:58
but maybe that's OK
travis-ci Doc build failed. Jan-Olof Hendig 'Added a few missing method headers' 18:07
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/308552929 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/c5b48...33f20100d3
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 18:07
Xliff Hi! 18:18
timotimo o/
Xliff What's the minimum amount of RAM necessary to compile Rakudo? 18:19
timotimo let me have a look
timotimo so, with SPESH_DISABLE=1 i get 1284024maxresident 18:22
so about 1.3 gigs
BuildError Hi, has the perl6 bugtracker been moved to github? I see quite a few open tickets there but the documentation / various blogposts still talk about 'rt' 18:23
timotimo we are "softly" moving over to github
no old bugs will be copied over, but new bugs can be made on github
you can also still make bugs on rt, of course
BuildError Will bugs that are on both be marked duplicate on either of them? 18:24
And, is one of the two systems being seen as 'leading', or are they truly equal 18:25
timotimo i'm not sure, i've been a little hands-off in the last 1.5h months (for RSI reasons) 18:26
Xliff: with spesh (and thus, jit) turned on it takes 1371068maxresident
Xliff timotimo++ 18:27
I just resized my EC2. It only had 1G
Xliff That instance was so old it was running kernel 3.13 /o\ 18:28
timotimo i wonder how well you can build rakudo with a whole chunk of zram 18:30
Xliff 75 second stage parse on t2.medium EC2!!! 18:35
timotimo cool
Xliff That's 15 seconds faster than my 4-cpu VM
Of course, the VM is 32 bit.
timotimo locally i get 66 seconds :) 18:36
and yeah, without the jit it's a bit slower
Xliff This is Rakudo version 2017.11-40-ge7c0a6447 built on MoarVM version 2017.11
implementing Perl 6.c.
timotimo 80s with spesh and jit disabled. spesh itself also gives a nice little boost already
Xliff I take it the JIT is not built on 32bit?
I get 90s when I rakudobrew on the VM
timotimo yep, no jit for 32bit x86 18:37
Xliff kk
So when I dual boot back intu Kubuntu, I should expect sub 80s.
I don't do that very often.
timotimo well, more like "there's jit only on x86_64"
no jit on arm or similar, either
Xliff ah
How long until Rakudo is on Android do ya think? 18:38
timotimo i seem to recall tadzik built rakudo on a smart phone a long time ago; that wasn't android, though
Xliff tadzik++
I guess easiest way to make P6 "apps" would be as webapps you use the browser to get to. 18:39
AlexDaniel BuildTheRobots: github is leading if you look at the number of new tickets created 18:46
BuildTheRobots: yes, duplicates are counted across bug trackers, so if both trackers have the same ticket then one should be closed in favor of the other 18:47
that's… 18:48
a wrong nickname
timotimo yeah, they already left :(
AlexDaniel BuildTheRobots: sorry, these messages were meant for BuildError
travis-ci Doc build failed. Alex Chen 'sub MAIN and sub USAGE are collected to generate /routine/' 18:50
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/308574087 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/2c33f...de65ac82b0
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 18:50
[Coke] You said BuildError and summoned a wild build error!
xcm names 18:56
AlexDaniel squashable6: next 19:40
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 2 days and ≈14 hours (2017-12-02 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/MOLD...QUASHathon
El_Che AlexDaniel: I know, I was just wishful thinking :) 19:41
moritz can somebody please try to create the category 2017 on perl6advent.wordpress.com/wp-admin/ ? 20:03
it returns with any message for me
worked with 2018 :(
tbrowder .tell AlexDaniel ref tabs in my code: I found my emacs setting for tabs was misspelled ("setq-default indent-tab-mode nil" instead of the correct "setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil"), so i hope to have no format probs with tabs instead of spaces in the future... 20:26
yoleaux tbrowder: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
GhostValk Hi! 20:29
moritz ho! 20:41
El_Che who are you calling a ho' 20:42
AlexDaniel . 20:43
yoleaux 20:26Z <tbrowder> AlexDaniel: ref tabs in my code: I found my emacs setting for tabs was misspelled ("setq-default indent-tab-mode nil" instead of the correct "setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil"), so i hope to have no format probs with tabs instead of spaces in the future...
AlexDaniel tbrowder: great
[Coke] finally gets into wordpress and sees that 2017 is there. :) 20:47
moritz: you all set?
moritz we still need somebody for day 2 20:53
mantovani this question is not related to Perl 6, but what would be faster, parse an XML with XSD or without a XSD ? 20:59
moritz I'm done with my post for day 8, but I only want to publish it earlier when the ebook version of the book is published 21:00
tony-o mantovani: probably without the XSD, no basis for saying that aside that from XSD requires a parse of the XML and the XSD rather than just the XML to make no mention of validating XML elements against the XSD 21:03
mantovani I was thinking if when the XSD is used, it would compile a "optimized" grammar or something like it to optimize the parse. 21:06
AlexDaniel dalek is dead again!
moritz mantovani: more likely it needs to do more validation, and thus becomes slower 21:07
tony-o mantovani: then it probably depends on the efficiency of creating the DSL and how much faster the DSL is at parsing then the implementation of the straight XML parsing 21:08
but i'd still imagine that unless the grammar is significantly faster and the XML is huge, parsing the XML would be faster
mantovani thank you very much 21:09
tony-o if you're asking us if you should create something that validates XML files based on a generated grammar from an XSD, then yes, absolutely you should 21:10
travis-ci Doc build failed. TimToady 'point to authoritative cheatsheet, not a copy' 21:21
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/308630207 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/81de6...d89dfb80d8
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 21:21
Zoffix moritz: I got my Containers article for the 2nd, I just left the spot blank for someone else to claim so I could keep my articles as spares for other holes. Gonna claim it in 24hr and the rest of the holes too... will claim if they're still empty three days before publishing 21:34
Xliff Is there a blog post or something that explains Containers? 22:16
Xliff I know I need that more for nqp. But it would still be a big help 22:16
tyil maybe interesting for someone to write up an advent post for that? there's still some empty slots 22:21
I still have an unpublished tutorial for perl 6 that requires some testing, but I'm afraid it'd be too long to turn it in for the perl 6 advent calendar :< 22:22
gambatte64 who 22:30
perlpilot what 22:30
tyil where
tony-o when
tyil anybody here using mastodon and interested to spread the word of perl 6 there with me? 22:41
Zoffix Xliff: tyil you guys said that literally right after I said I got a containers article for the 2nd -_- 22:43
ZofBot: no one listens to me!
ZofBot Zoffix, Glad my guess was helpful :)
tyil Zoffix: s-sorry!
I hadnt read backlog yet
but indeed you seem to have said that :. 22:44
if interested, you can read through github.com/Tyil/website/blob/tutor...ming.adoc, if its not too long I can publish it in the advent calendar if you want
(general feedback is also welcome) 22:45
Zoffix Xliff: there's this section, if you need it urgently docs.perl6.org/language/containers or you can wait until the 2nd to see my alternate approach 22:46
And more correct...
No geth? 22:51
Hack is murdered again. Something's killin' it (geth? synopsebot?)
AlexDaniel hopes that it's killed because bots ate all memory :) 22:53
Zoffix Why? 22:54
AlexDaniel Zoffix: because right now I have to cycle some of the bots because they're too memory-hungry 22:54
Zoffix It's not. 10GB free RAM still 22:55
AlexDaniel just noticed it today, but I think this was happening for quite some time
Zoffix 12 even
AlexDaniel that's probably the reason why the bots keep reconnecting sometimes (one by one), as there's a systemd limit for them… 22:56
AlexDaniel Zoffix: oh, what rakudo version is installed there? 22:57
Zoffix 2017.10 22:57
Geth doc: 2c33f20100 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/IO/Socket/Async.pod6
Added a few missing method headers
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/IO/Socket/Async
AlexDaniel hm, ok. That's probably before this issue appeared
Geth doc: 81de65ac82 | (Alex Chen)++ | doc/Language/functions.pod6
sub MAIN and sub USAGE are collected to generate /routine/
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/functions
AlexDaniel or maybe not, it's really hard to tell right now. I'll keep my eyes open on it 22:58
Geth doc: 2ed89dfb80 | TimToady++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
point to authoritative cheatsheet, not a copy
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
AlexDaniel bloatable6: uptime 22:59
bloatable6 AlexDaniel, 18 hours, 10 minutes, and 31 seconds, 866.736MB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2017.10-215-g85105077a built on MoarVM version 2017.10-86-g89fae17a6 implementing Perl 6.c.
AlexDaniel greppable6: uptime
reportable6 AlexDaniel, 2 hours, 13 minutes, and 51 seconds, 497.9MB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2017.10-215-g85105077a built on MoarVM version 2017.10-86-g89fae17a6 implementing Perl 6.c.
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 5 minutes and 25 seconds, 212.523438MiB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2017.10-215-g85105077a built on MoarVM version 2017.10-86-g89fae17a6 implementing Perl 6.c.
Geth doc: c047f875cc | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/containers.pod6
Correction for `@` coercer

  - It does more than just remove the Scalar
  - Show <> decont methodop
  - Show a bug where using `@` instead of `<>` leaks memory
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/containers
jnthn greppable6: uptime 22:59
greppable6 jnthn, 5 minutes and 56 seconds, 212.902344MiB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2017.10-215-g85105077a built on MoarVM version 2017.10-86-g89fae17a6 implementing Perl 6.c.
reportable6 jnthn, 2 hours, 14 minutes, and 23 seconds, 499.152MB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2017.10-215-g85105077a built on MoarVM version 2017.10-86-g89fae17a6 implementing Perl 6.c.
jnthn reportable6 doesn't know its name? :) 23:00
AlexDaniel greppable6: uptime 23:00
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 7 seconds, 197.425781MiB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2017.10-215-g85105077a built on MoarVM version 2017.10-86-g89fae17a6 implementing Perl 6.c.
AlexDaniel jnthn: too optimistic fuzzy checking :)
jnthn :)
AlexDaniel rprtable6: uptime 23:01
reportable6 AlexDaniel, 43 seconds, 208.898438MiB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2017.10-215-g85105077a built on MoarVM version 2017.10-86-g89fae17a6 implementing Perl 6.c.
jnthn 500 MB is a lot. Hm
AlexDaniel jnthn: it's not just a lot, it keeps increasing. bloatable6 did zero useful work and was just hanging there for 18 hours, 866MB
jnthn And that's sorta-recent-ish? 23:02
jnthn wonders if we can see up some kind of resource usage tests
AlexDaniel something during the last 30 days I think
Zoffix releasable6: status
releasable6 Zoffix, Next release in 17 days and ≈19 hours. No blockers. 0 out of 40 commits logged
Zoffix, Details: gist.github.com/ef452025f3c69a2b74...86b5ac4833
AlexDaniel tangible6: I'll have to kill you. There's not enough memory for all of us. Bye. 23:04
tangible6 AlexDaniel, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Tangible
Geth doc: dcb567d7e5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 4 files
Make xtest pass
Zoffix I think that passes; can't run full xtest 'cause my rakudo is too old and can't upgrade now. Will run in full during next release. 23:11
Xliff Zoffix: Thanks for the heads up. I will def want to see your article on the 2nd. 23:12
travis-ci Doc build failed. Zoffix Znet 'Make xtest pass' 23:29
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/308703298 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/c047f...b567d7e598
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 23:29
Herby_ o/ 23:48
SmokeMachine .tell lizmat this (WiP) (github.com/FCO/rakudo/commit/94617...015c3b137) is what I mean when I was talking about add a :&reduce parameter to classify-list/classify 23:51
yoleaux SmokeMachine: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
SmokeMachine does anyone think that something like this (github.com/FCO/rakudo/commit/94617...015c3b137) could be useful? 23:52