»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
lookatme The REPL raise an exception in first using after update rakudo 01:07
say 123;
Internal error: unhandled encoding
in method CALL-ME at /usr/local/share/perl6/sources/24DD121B5B4774C04A7084827BFAD92199756E03 (NativeCall) line 587
in method readline at /home/sgzxl/.perl6/sources/D8BAC826F02BBAA2CCDEFC8B60D90C2AF8713C3F (Readline) line 1391
evalable6 123
Zoffix lookatme: what's your perl6 -v? 01:16
lookatme I think its 2017.10 before update 01:19
and then is 2017.12
Zoffix No issues with 2017.12.11… 01:21
lookatme It's ok now, just in first time 01:22
Zoffix weird
lookatme yeah
Zoffix m: %*ENV<PATH> = join ($*DISTRO.is-win ?? ";" !! ":"), "extra-path", $*SPEC.path; dd %*ENV<PATH> 01:26
camelia Str <element> = "extra-path:/home/camelia/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/camelia/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.20.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
Zoffix Feels like the $*SPECs could use some routine/arg that does ^ this for the user 01:27
Zoffix meh 01:29
lookatme yeah, good idea 01:38
But I thought it has one :) 01:39
in Perl6 thinking
Zoffix nope 01:40
AlexDaniel hmm never ever needed to change PATH from perl 6 01:42
although I use “run” all the time
maybe that's just me
lookatme yeah, maybe help when run some external tools 01:45
Zoffix Just needed it for first time here: github.com/zoffixznet/rdev/blob/ma...#L126-L130 01:46
Though there may be Other Ways™. I just translated a piece of bash script.
Zoffix AlexDaniel: I solved the issue of release delays being hard to work with: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-12-20#i_15602495 02:00
Or rather, I will, the next time it happens. Just gonna add a command to my Z-Script Awesome Rakudo Build Helper :) 02:01
It already does the separate-checkouts stuff.
Z-Script being this: github.com/zoffixznet/rdev 02:02
It's so awesome, I can't believe it took me a year to make it :)
AlexDaniel Zoffix: fwiw some of the stuff in rdev I kinda want to see in the main makefile… :) Not sure if that's a good idea but grrr, a separate script to do the basics 🤷
Zoffix Yeah, maybe. But the maintenance burden for it is a lot lower than a makefile 02:03
AlexDaniel sure. Maybe later when it's stable?
Zoffix Well, at least for me, since I know Perl 6 but not makefile/bash :)
.oO( 1. rewrite everything using sake 2. look at the code and realize how beautiful everything is now 3. ?????? 4. Oh, now you can't build rakudo without having rakudo already built, may the force be with you! )
Loss! 02:08
Zoffix Heh. On all my boxes I have "stable" rakudo installed and the dev stuff is separate. 02:09
Guest49524 does perl6 have these? perldoc.perl.org/functions/-X.html 05:43
geekosaur they're adverbs in the IO::Path class 05:48
geekosaur (and methods but the adverb form is often more convenient) 05:48
Zoffix Guest49524: docs.perl6.org/type/IO::Path#File_..._operators 05:51
FWIW: there are no adverbs. It's just smartmatch-with-Pair syntax that calls the method names.
m: say 42 ~~ :abs 05:52
camelia True
Zoffix m: say 42 ~~ :!abs
camelia False
Zoffix docs.perl6.org/type/Pair#method_ACCEPTS
Guest49524 how do you get the path of the script you are running? 06:07
Zoffix $*PROGRAM 06:08
huggable: FindBin
huggable Zoffix, use lib $*PROGRAM.sibling: '../lib'; # finds lib/ for scripts in bin/ or t/
Guest49524 is there a docs page for it? I need the full path 06:11
Zoffix Guest49524: $*PROGRAM.absolute
Guest49524: it's an IO::Path object
huggable: IO::Path
huggable Zoffix, File or directory path: docs.perl6.org/type/IO::Path
Guest49524 $*PROGRAM.absolute.IO.dirname 06:25
Zoffix Guest49524: what are you trying to do?
Guest49524 is there a shorter way to do that?
get the directory path of the running script without me knowing what directory it is? 06:26
Zoffix Yeah, but then what are you doing with it?
Guest49524 there is a directory in that directory with files for the script to use
Zoffix Guest49524: $*PROGRAM.sibling('directory-with-files-to-use') 06:27
There's also .parent and .add methods you can use to "navigate" a path (like, transform one path to another) 06:28
Guest49524 thanks 06:52
Guest49524 say qqx{$script} if $script ~~ :e & :f & :rwx; 07:01
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/_Zklrc4XNB
Variable '$script' is not declared
at /tmp/_Zklrc4XNB:1
------> 03say qqx{08⏏04$script} if $script ~~ :e & :f & :rwx;
Guest49524 say qqx{$script} or die;
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/APGroY4ZYg
Variable '$script' is not declared
at /tmp/APGroY4ZYg:1
------> 03say qqx{08⏏04$script} or die;
Guest49524 which of those is better?
Zoffix :e test is useless, the other two already check existence 07:02
AlexDaniel`: FWIW I see the bot get triggered by stray code more often than by someone forgetting the "m:" irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-12-26#i_15622312 07:03
Guest49524: and second one has wrong condition; you're testing return value of `say` which is always True 07:05
if shell $script, :out { $^p.out.slurp(:close).say } else { die "Could not run the $script" } 07:07
Well, if you're just `say`ing it, you likely don't need to capture its STDOUT and can just let it be carried forward:
shell $script; # it'll explode automagically when sunk 07:08
Relevant docs: docs.perl6.org/type/Proc#method_new 07:09
Guest49524 but it says the other two fail with X::IO::DoesNotExist ? and is not `or die` like a (try) catch all for exception handling?
Zoffix Guest49524: `fail` means return a Failure object ( docs.perl6.org/type/Failure ) these are "lazy" Exceptions in that they don't explode and get disarmed when evaluated in .Bool context or are tested for .defined'ness and smartmatch (`~~` op) ensures they're not exploded, so `$script ~~ :f & :rwx` will aways give either True or False. 07:12
Guest49524: The `$foo or die` the same as `die unless $foo`. The `or` operator has precedence lower than the precedence of a subcall, so your code is like `say(…) or die` or `die unless say(…)` and say() always returns True, so that'll never die 07:13
Zoffix Guest49524: and no, we don't have the `or die` idiom. That's Perl 5's thing. In Perl 6, many things return Failure objects and they explode when sunk (when used in void context) 07:14
Zoffix m: sub do-thing-or-explode { rand > ½ and fail "boom!"; "no boom this time" }; do-thing-or-explode 07:14
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix m: sub do-thing-or-explode { rand > ½ and fail "boom!"; "no boom this time" }; do-thing-or-explode.say
camelia no boom this time
Zoffix m: sub do-thing-or-explode { rand > ½ and fail "boom!"; "no boom this time" }; do-thing-or-explode.say 07:15
camelia no boom this time
Zoffix m: sub do-thing-or-explode { rand > ½ and fail "boom!"; "no boom this time" }; do-thing-or-explode.say
camelia no boom this time
Zoffix :(
m: sub do-thing-or-explode { rand > .00001 and fail "boom!"; "no boom this time" }; do-thing-or-explode.say
camelia boom!
in sub do-thing-or-explode at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Guest49524 sometimes you just want it to halt & catch fire?
Zoffix m: sub do-thing-or-explode { rand > .00001 and fail "boom!"; "no boom this time" }; do-thing-or-explode() orelse "Whoa who whoa.. Looks like somethind {.mess}".say 07:16
camelia Whoa who whoa.. Looks like somethind (HANDLED) boom!
in sub do-thing-or-explode at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: sub do-thing-or-explode { rand > .00001 and fail "boom!"; "no boom this time" }; do-thing-or-explode() orelse "Whoa who whoa.. Looks like something said `{.exception.message}`".say
camelia Whoa who whoa.. Looks like something said `boom!`
Zoffix Guest49524: well, yeah, that's what Failures do if you don't "handle" them (evaluate in Bool or defined contexts)
^ like above, `orelse` op handles that Failure because it checks .defined'ness, and so nothing gets thrown 07:17
Bascially Failures let you handle Exceptions using boolean/definedness constructs rather than `try { CATCH {} }` stuff (tho we have that too, if that's your thing)
m: sub do-thing-or-explode { rand > .00001 and fail "boom!"; "no boom this time" }; try { do-thing-or-explode(); CATCH { default { "Whoa who whoa.. Looks like something said `{.message}`".say } } } 07:18
camelia Whoa who whoa.. Looks like something said `boom!`
Zoffix (`try` block automatically enables `use fatal` pragma which lexically makes Failures explosive right away)
Zoffix and shell() returns Proc object which throws when sunk if the exitcode isn't zero 07:21
Guest49524 my $say = qqx{"_$script"} or die; 07:26
Zoffix finally tries out Cro 07:37
Performance is A LOT better than what I was expecting.
Voldenet Zoffix: Really? The last time I tested it was quite terrible - how many requests per second? 08:57
moritz isn't "time per request" the more interesting measure? 08:59
you can typically scale requests per second with more cores
Voldenet moritz: they are both interesting, some servers are highly concurrent but not very fast 09:03
Voldenet I'm more interested in requests per second because it means cheaper servers ;P 09:10
uh, hm, time per request means that too though
Guest49524 how do you run an external program and interact with it? 11:21
FROGGS morning
Guest49524 FROGGS: night
FROGGS Guest49524: see docs.perl6.org/language/ipc
Guest49524 FROGGS: run and shell and qx and qqx do not work interactively 11:22
FROGGS Guest49524: and what about async mentioned at the bottom? 11:23
I dunno what you need
pmooney which channel can I ask about the perl6 docs, in particular docs.perl6.org/language/classtut ??? 11:24
moritz here
pmooney cool 11:25
to my eyes, the method add-dependency is confusing. Its in the example class for Task but is not actually used. Am I right? 11:26
stepping away from computer for a short while, back soon 11:29
moritz pmooney: it's not used, but you could use it 11:31
it's part of Task's API
buggable New CPAN upload: Sparky-0.0.24.tar.gz by MELEZHIK cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/ME/....24.tar.gz 11:38
Guest49524 FROGGS: async cannot handle pipes? 11:42
FROGGS I'm not sure 11:43
lizmat clickbaits p6weekly.wordpress.com/2017/12/25/...s-no-more/ 11:44
Guest49524 docs.perl6.org/type/Proc::Async 12:11
No such method 'bind-stdin' for invocant of type 'Proc::Async'
that should allow piping 12:12
lizmat Guest49524: it may not be documented yet, but that method definitely exists in the Proc::Async code 12:14
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...nc.pm#L226 12:16
Guest49524 lizmat: it only has a non working example in the docs 12:18
lizmat if it's not working, we would greatly appreciate a Github Issue on the rakudo repo :-)
jnthn Guest49524: perl6 --version - perhaps you have a version older than that method? 12:19
Guest49524 how?
jnthn: This is Rakudo version 2017.04.3 built on MoarVM version 2017.04-53-g66c6dda implementing Perl 6.c.
Geth doc: 564aae20bb | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Minimal documentation of use newline / $?LF
lizmat Guest49524: ah, yes, that would explain 12:20
Voldenet Guest49524: I've checked on 2017.10 and it does handle pipes
El_Che lizmat: does the rakudo test suite accept the TEST_VERBOSE=1 option?
lizmat not sure, /me checks
I don't see a difference in behaviour 12:21
El_Che so, no :)
Voldenet Guest49524: ix.io/DoK the code I've used to test piping, looks like it's working 12:22
jnthn Guest49524: I don't remember exactly what month bind-stdin went in, but it was summer this year. So that'll be why the error - that method didn't exist back in 2017.04 12:29
timotimo github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/dc...35eacb173c - looks like 2017.06 is the first release to haev it 12:35
we should introduce a networking component to rakudo that regularly (once or twice a month) downloads a text file that lists all methods for all core setting classes and what release they first went in on, and then when we get a "method not found" exception for a class in the core setting we should search that file :P 12:36
.oO( and then download a patch, install that, and continue after the exception :-)
timotimo i didn't want to go quite that far :) 12:45
teatime "30 things about Perl on its 30th birthday" weird, I would have guessed Perl as older than that. 13:47
quite young really, for such an influential language. 13:48
hummy2 Hi need to instll plod.shar for systemadministrators 13:52
masak teatime: Fortran is 60 years old. our whole industry is extremely new. 13:53
teatime I suppose you are right.l 14:02
also I am old :/
mspo docs.perl6.org/language/5to6-perlsyn#Goto 14:07
hummy have installed gentoo foss-cloud. now want to make logs for management purposes. plod is tool but dont know how to install plod.shar file 14:23
moritz hummy: wrong channel, maybe? 14:53
Summertime for the following: say do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; $x; }; 15:49
why doesn't the state stay... statey? it seems to get reset each loop?
switching to: loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; $x.say; } 15:50
the state works, but then you can't get the values out as easily 15:51
moritz Summertime: state behaves like an outer lexical variable
Summertime: if the outer lexical scope is re-entered, the state variable is reset
Summertime what would be the outer scope? it wouldn't have a reason to re-enter from... uh... say? would it? 15:53
Summertime say do for ^10 { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; $x; } # seems to work fine too, just seems specific to loop's scope when used as an expression(?)? 16:03
AlexDaniel to me that looks like a bug
6c: say do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; say $x; };
AlexDaniel uh 16:04
AlexDaniel 6c: say do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; say $x; }; 16:05
AlexDaniel committable you kidding me! 16:05
b2gills m: do loop { state $x = 0; $x.say; last if ++$x > 2; $x; }
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of $x in sink context (line 1)
b2gills m: say do loop { state $x = 0; $x.say; last if ++$x > 2; $x; } 16:06
Summertime the poor innocent bots vv
camelia (timeout)0
b2gills That is definitely a bug. 16:08
AlexDaniel 6c: my $global; say do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; say $x; last if $global++ > 10 };
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦6c (26 commits): «1␤1␤1␤1␤1␤1␤1␤1␤1␤1␤1␤1␤()␤»
AlexDaniel c: all my $global; say do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; say $x; last if $global++ > 10 };
committable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/1392eb375ae2fc25a3...a7917fe961 16:09
AlexDaniel c: all my $global; say do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; last if $global++ > 10; $x }; 16:10
b2gills m: say do for 1..* { state $x = 0; $x.say; last if ++$x > 2; $x; } # it should work more like this
camelia 0
(3 3)
committable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/535b15bc50aa0fdb63...7070c8ef74
Summertime hmm, should I report it to morevm/morevm? or some other repo...?
AlexDaniel huggable: rakudobug 16:11
huggable AlexDaniel, Report bugs on github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/new If you don't have access to GitHub, you can email your report to [email@hidden.address] . See also: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/rt-introduction
AlexDaniel Summertime: ↑
Summertime ah, thanks!
AlexDaniel j: say 42
camelia 42
AlexDaniel j: my $global; say do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; last if $global++ > 10; $x };
camelia (1 2)
AlexDaniel well, heh, that works on jvm?? :D
Summertime and done, thanks for the feedback and extra testing, I was getting a bit confused trying to work out why it wasn't working 16:24
Summertime j: say do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; $x } 16:51
camelia (1 2)
Summertime j: say do for ^5 { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; $x }
camelia (3 3)
Summertime that'd be because loop is lazy?
lizmat m: do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; say $x; $x } 16:57
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of $x in sink context (line 1)
lizmat m: say do loop { state $x = 0; last if ++$x > 2; say $x; $x }
camelia (timeout)1
lizmat seems to be some interaction between say and do and loop that causes a new scope to be cloned
andrzejku hey 17:39
moritz \o 17:43
andrzejku moritz :) 17:47
Zoffix Voldenet: don't really care about requests per second. I'm not Facebook and rarely would have more than a couple. 18:24
Zoffix El_Che: you can just add a command on travis to run perl6 t/02-rakudo/whatvertest-that-fails.t 18:37
oh you already did it; nm
Geth doc: 5893559b9f | (Jeremy Studer)++ (committed by Zoffix Znet) | 3 files
Rewrite, remove inaccurate Range truncation info (#1681)

  * Rewrite, remove inaccurate Range trucation info
Previously, this section stated that:
  * All ranges (including non-lazy ones) will truncate the output/ omit
... (51 more lines)
Zoffix timotimo: is JSON::Fast shoving {"0": null} for object by-design? 21:26
Zoffix was expecting .Capture to be used
timotimo that doesn't sound right, yeah
well, can't really use capture, because no support for mixed positional and keyed in json objects 21:27
Zoffix Ah
timotimo looks like it uses .keys
and then accesses it via { }
Zoffix Ah 21:28
moritz star: use JSON::Tiny; say to-json( class { $.x }.new(:x(42)) )
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable $.x used where no 'self' is available
at <tmp>:1
------> 3use JSON::Tiny; say to-json( class { $.x7⏏5 }.new(:x(42)) )
expecting any of:
timotimo need "has"
moritz star: use JSON::Tiny; say to-json( class { has $.x }.new(:x(42)) )
camelia Can't serialize an object of type <anon|87187968>
in sub to-json at /home/camelia/star-2017.07/share/perl6/site/sources/9B467EEF9267A777BB53BAA2F19BE2C9D756BEED (JSON::Tiny) line 51
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
moritz thanks timotimo
Zoffix star: use JSON::Tiny; say to-json (class { has $.x }.new(:x(42)),)».Capture 21:29
camelia Can't serialize an object of type Capture
in sub to-json at /home/camelia/star-2017.07/share/perl6/site/sources/9B467EEF9267A777BB53BAA2F19BE2C9D756BEED (JSON::Tiny) line 51
in sub to-json at /home/camelia/star-2017.07/share/perl6/site/sources/9B467E…
Zoffix bah
Well, doing ».Capture Did The Right Thing with JSON::Fast :)
timotimo it does, eh?
Zoffix star: use JSON::Fast; say to-json (class { has $.x }.new(:x(42)),)».Capture 21:30
camelia [
"x": 42
timotimo how is it supposed to handle things that give both positionals and nameds in the capture?
Zoffix star: use JSON::Fast; say to-json class { method Capture { \(<a b c>, :42foo) } }.Capture 21:31
camelia {
"0": null,
"foo": 42
timotimo that looks wrong 21:31
Zoffix mhm
timotimo m: say \(<a b c>, :42foo).keys
camelia (0 foo)
timotimo m: say \(\<a b c>, :42foo).keys
camelia (0 foo)
timotimo m: say \(|<a b c>, :42foo).keys
camelia (0 1 2 foo)
timotimo you did the capture wrong :)
but it'll not do the right thing with those keys 21:32
Zoffix star: use JSON::Fast; say to-json class { method Capture { \(|<a b c>, :42foo) } }.Capture
camelia {
"0": null,
"1": null,
"2": null,
"foo": 42
timotimo or does json support integer keys?
i don't think it does
moritz it does not
Zoffix FWIW, Perl5's Mojo::JSON and several other JSON modules try to call .TO-JSON on objects they don't recognize 21:33
timotimo hm, yeah, we could implement that in both our json modules
tiny and fast, i mean
moritz Zoffix: .TO_JSON, maybe?
timotimo i'd've maybe said either .Json or .JSON
moritz likes AS-JSON better than TO-JSON 21:34
"to" implies an in-place conversion
Zoffix moritz: they use .TO_JSON yeah, but IMO P6 version should be the status quo kebob-case
timotimo to-json doesn't do that either :)
moritz fwiw JSON::Tiny won't be the first mover when it comes to such a method, but will accept patches if other modules come to a consensus 21:39
it's not JSON::Experimental after all :-) 21:40
timotimo gfldex had found some rather big speed improvements by making all escapes based on \u sequences rather than the different ones we have 21:45
i might be able to combine both approaches, actually 21:47
oh, but that code isn't able to handle surrogate pairs
timotimo zoffix, got a good idea for when a capture has both positionals and string keys "0", "1", "2" for example 21:50
gfldex timotimo: i found that speeding to-json up breaks tests of quite a few modules that make the assumption that JSON round trips are easy 22:31
timotimo i feared as much :( 22:39
gfldex we have to break those at some point
because that assumption is simply false
timotimo i think i'll steal your str-escape but make it output \t and friends again instead of \u... 22:40
timotimo looks like i found a way to make it rather a bit slower 23:06
um, huh 23:09
gfldex: did you test the str-escape change with strings that have to-be-escaped things in them? because it seems incredibly slow compared to the old code
lizmat m: say Mu ~~ (*); say Mu ~~ Whatever # why the difference ? 23:14
camelia True
timotimo gfldex: with my old code it does a 5k string with some special chars in it in just 1.02 seconds, whereas your code spends 112 seconds (this is for to-json-ing the same string 1k times) 23:15
lizmat sleep& 23:16
teatime lizmat: they seem totally different. Mu ~~ Whatever should def. be false. I dunno enough about whatever star to know what Mu ~~ (*) should be, however it's actually False on my 2017.09 install. 23:17
lizmat m: say (*).WHAT # should be a bare Whatever afaics 23:19
camelia (Whatever)
lizmat ah, it's a test that Zoffix added today... 23:20
I think the test is wrong :-)
really sleep& 23:21
dogbert17 anyone have time for a nOoB question?
teatime I've never been denied :)
dogbert17 say (1, 0, -1) Z+ (1,0,-1); # this does what I expect 23:21
evalable6 (2 0 -2)
dogbert17 my %dirs = (ne => (1, 0, -1)); say %dirs<ne> Z+ %dirs<ne>; # but this doesn't
m: my %dirs = (ne => (1, 0, -1)); say %dirs<ne> Z+ %dirs<ne>; # but this doesn't 23:22
camelia (6)
dogbert17 expected the second example to give the same answer as the first 23:22
Zoffix lizmat: why is the test wrong? (*) is Whatever:D and accepts everything, while Whatever is Whatever:U and it's a type-check smartmatch
Zoffix m: my %dirs = (ne => (1, 0, -1)); say %dirs<ne><> Z+ %dirs<ne><>; 23:23
camelia (2 0 -2)
Zoffix dogbert17: their conted
dogbert17 huh 23:24
Zoffix huggable: decont
huggable Zoffix, Article on containers and decont: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2017/12/...oneandonly
Zoffix m: dd (1, 2, 3) Z+ (4, 5, 6) 23:25
camelia (5, 7, 9).Seq
dogbert17 Zoffix++, lol guess I'll have to read it :-)
Zoffix m: dd $(1, 2, 3) Z+ $(4, 5, 6)
camelia (6,).Seq
Zoffix s/their/tehy're/;
dogbert17 is actually working on an AoC problem 23:26
Zoffix lizmat: note, that along with the test there was a rakudo commit; you'll need it for test to pass 23:27
timotimo: what if the named portion has "0", "1", "2" as keys? 23:31
{ "list": [0, 1, 2], "named": { "foo": 42 } } 23:32
Zoffix star: use JSON::Fast; dd from-json 「[ 0, 1, 2, { "foo": 42 } ]」 23:33
camelia $[0, 1, 2, {:foo(42)}]
Zoffix star: use JSON::Fast; dd from-json 「[[0, 1, 2], { "foo": 42 }]」
camelia $[[0, 1, 2], {:foo(42)}]