»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
Xliff timotimo: Still there? 00:56
timotimo Xliff: yup 00:57
Xliff Do you have a copy of rindolf's port of that euler problem to P6? 00:58
The pastebin seems to have expired.
How is that going, BTW?
timotimo haven't been able to work on it any more since rindolf told me the numbers would fit into 64bit 01:00
hack.p6c.org/~timo/rindolf_primes_thing.p6 01:03
i reduced it to 2..19 so it would finish is ~7 seconds instead of the ~10 minutes i read in the backlog 01:05
i also downloaded a primesieve x64 binary
so i started writing the first report blog post for my grant and ... i'm really not good at this ... 01:06
it's already past 1k words
Xliff Ahhh. 01:09
FWIW, mine runs in ~11, but I'm on a 32bit VM 01:14
timotimo seconds? 01:38
Xliff: fwiw, the ASSIGN-POS and AT-POS stuff was changes i made to the code 01:45
Xliff timotimo: Yes, seconds. 01:51
timotimo i got it down to under 3 seconds just now 01:52
i had to split the calculation in the hot loop, the one with the assign-pos and at-pos and such
into three pieces that are all defined int 01:53
somehow it's still allocating a crapton of int objects 01:54
well, Int objects 01:55
yet somehow there's much fewer GC runs and every gc run is almost half as long 01:56
something's way off :) 01:58
Geth doc: a42f317f3d | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/5to6-nutshell.pod6
Spec here meant syn; document current state
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/5to6-nutshell
doc: 230e421156 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/5to6-nutshell.pod6
remove ref to Syn (which isn't spec)
doc: 7a254d74bb | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | 12 files
Factor out logic to find test files.

Closes #1749
wbiker jnth El_che: FYI problem with zef solved. On a fresh Fedora 27 installation perl prove is no longer installed and thus the test cannot be started and failed. 05:06
ecocode ola 05:25
moritz que tal? 06:57
Geth doc: 20c8dc4c40 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Adds documentation for Buf methods

Closes #530
stmuk_ twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/472 10:12
stmuk "Perl 6, the Sagrada Família of programming languages" 11:11
that's actually quite funny
sjn clever :) 11:12
sjn throws in a joke about the Cathederal & the Bazaar for good measure 11:13
stmuk I remember an article in the early 2000s saying perl 5 was Baroque and perl 6 would be more classical 11:16
tbrowder hi, #perl6 11:31
tbrowder the bailador project is having trouble with travis zef not finding URI::Encode. i notice there have been some changes in its META6.json file and its source location was recently changed. suggestions welcome! 11:34
Geth Swapped META.info → META6.json in 1 dists in github.com/perl6/ecosystem/commit/e096a86b77 11:52
Zoffix tbrowder: ^ that fixes it 11:53
tbrowder thanks! 11:53
tbrowder btw, was there a fix in jvm that may have affected nqp stderr when you were dealing with eof issues? if so, that may have fixed an issue with nqp reading stderr on the jvm, but i’m still testing. 11:56
AlexDaniel ⚠ There will be a rakudo point release (2018.02.1). ETA ≈<24h 17:42
mspo anything in there about predictable/reproducable module builds? like from install-dist.pl 17:48
AlexDaniel mspo: you mean the point release? No. Are there any issues with that? 17:56
jkramer If there's a perl6 process running while upgrading rakudo, that process dumps core due to a "bus error" 17:57
mspo AlexDaniel: I'll have to check it out. I haven't done anything since 2017.08 or so 17:58
AlexDaniel: where the filenames for modules were based on things like build timestamp :)
AlexDaniel mspo: well, there's this issue: github.com/ugexe/zef/issues/117 17:59
mspo yeah all related 18:00
AlexDaniel jkramer: I've never seen a ticket for this, although I've known about this issue for a long time (in fact I abused it to restart the bots). So maybe you can file a ticket?
jkramer AlexDaniel: Do you think it's worth it? :) I was just curious about why this happens as I assumed everything's in memory already, but I wouldn't consider this a bug 18:03
AlexDaniel jkramer: if it's not a bug we'll have a properly written explanation in the rejected ticket. I think it's worth it 18:04
jkramer Ok then :) 18:05
El_Che sounds like it seriously breaks the least surprise principle, at least 18:06
AlexDaniel: hehe, the bots :)
[Coke] has a bunch of stickers from a conference called "rise of the bots", feel like I should ship that all to AlexDaniel++ :) 18:12
AlexDaniel hm, I should probably ship myself to some conference 18:13
jkramer AlexDaniel: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1554 18:16
AlexDaniel jkramer: thank you
Geth doc: 703f0d7ef7 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Type/Buf.pod6
remove trailing ws
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Buf
DrForr Figured out the issue with the CommonMark module, will hopefully release it this week. 21:13
Also, if the person who I was talking about rebuilding Markdown is around, ^^^ 21:14
dylanwh DrForr: I'm working on binding github's markdown for perl5. 21:26
sjn something like search.cpan.org/~minimal/Pod-Markdown-Github/ ? 21:27
dylanwh sjn: no, github.com/github/cmark/ 21:28
sjn aah 21:29
dylanwh my users desire 100% github compatibility :)
DrForr Heh. I think it's the same library, but let me take a look. 21:35
Almost exactly the same, they appear to have added a generic linked-list on top of cmark... 21:37
I can throw what I have onto github right now if you need a basis to work from - I've just finishe cmark_node_* calls.
DrForr Eeh, let me do that anyway. 21:38
DrForr Done, look at github.com/drforr/perl6-CommonMark 21:43
DrForr You can do CommonMark.to-html('*commonmark* text'); # and get UTF-8 HTML back, and it also apparently (passes the tests, anyway) handles the CommonMark node with a somewhat-useful wraper class. 21:45
dylanwh yeah, I'm already basing it on that 21:48
figuring out when I need to allocate the linked list of extensions is the hardest part 21:49
DrForr Oh, I put that up up last week, right :/ Senioritis... 21:51
Right, I put it up from a different VM.
Well, what I've got up there covers the base and ::Node, I'm putting up ::Iterator here in a few minutes. 21:52
DrForr Iterator's added and pushed, and sort of teste. 21:58
DrForr Parser as well, pushed and heade to bed. 22:29
Zoffix .tell DrForr you have a moldy PR unbreaking your module being listed in ecosystem: github.com/drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/pull/15 23:40
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to DrForr.
Zoffix .tell tbrowder build log shows your cpan://id/T/TB/TBROWDER/Perl6/Net-IP-Lite-Perl6-1.0.1.meta having invalid JSON in its meta file. Was that ever meant to be a valid module? If not, you should delete it from PAUSE pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?A...lete_files 23:42
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to tbrowder.
Zoffix I'm guessing andydude ain't around here? Threre's a ton of META file fixing PRs: github.com/andydude/p6-c-parser/pulls 23:46
.tell Ulti you have a PR unbreaking module listing: github.com/MattOates/Stats/pull/6 23:47
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to Ulti.