»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
ingy I'm setting up travis for a multilang project and using perl6 as an addon, but it doesn't install zef 00:45
I see this works: github.com/perl6-community-modules...travis.yml
but mine fails: github.com/testml-lang/testml/blob...is.yml#L12
timotimo not sure what the perl6 apt package gets you on those ubuntu versions the yhave 00:46
ingy sudo: zef: command not found travis-ci.org/testml-lang/testml/b.../382958845
timotimo potentially a version far too old to run zef
ingy right, so open to suggestions :) 00:47
raschipi You need to manually install it. Those comands in the first one aren't using zef, they are installing it.
timotimo Get:21 us-central1.gce.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty/universe amd64 rakudo amd64 2013.12-1 [2,448 kB]
yeah, no.
huggable: deb
huggable timotimo, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE and Ubuntu Rakudo packages: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#rakudo-pkg
timotimo ingy: there's an apt repository there
ingy ok
ingy timotimo: is that supposed to install perl6 and zef bins? 00:53
zef still not found
timotimo there's more info about that topic in the readme of that repository
there's a command you need to run
ingy I see 00:55
ingy there's a travis section: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#using-...-on-travis 01:01
hopefully that just works, testing now
ingy it's not 01:12
ingy trying one more thing 01:12
timotimo looks like ou forgot the important part 01:13
oh, huh?
ingy what's that? 01:13
timotimo no, that should really have been everything
i misremembered the install-zef-as-user shell script
ingy do I need that? 01:14
timotimo no
of course
sudo won't take the PATH from your environment
so it won't find zef when you sudo it
however, it tells you to "zef install" rather than "sudo zef install" in the rakudo-pkg readme 01:15
it'd surely be good to have an explicit mention of that there
in the readme of rakudo-pkg i mean
until then, just leave out the sudo for zef and perl6 invocations and i think that should make things work
ingy aye
timotimo well, that looks better 01:19
ingy one error at a time! 01:20
timotimo rome wasn't continuously integrated from day one 01:21
ingy that's how we'll fix the world!
ingy timotimo: since the testml-compiler is JS and JS is one of the runtime langs I made this interactive demo site testml-lang.github.io/testml/?type...p;view=tap 01:23
it has all the testml and testml-compiler and yaml-test-suite tests built-in
and totally interactive 01:24
and the location url permalinks any state you choose 01:25
timotimo i don't know coffeescript :) 01:25
other than that it looks neat 01:26
ingy coffeescript is the most straightforward syntax of any lang I have come in contact with
it just js minus a ton of syntax :) 01:27
testml-lang.github.io/testml/?type...view=mocha is pretty cool
ingy I had to make the compiler API take an Import callback to do imports in the brower 01:29
p6 tests all work except haven't seen this before: travis-ci.org/testml-lang/testml/b...69421#L787 01:30
don't get that locally :\ 01:31
timotimo m: sub it-fails { fail "oh no" }; my $a = it-fails; use nqp; for ^100 { nqp::force_gc } 01:33
camelia ( no output )
timotimo er, of course
m: sub it-fails { fail "oh no" }; my $a = it-fails; $a = Nil; use nqp; for ^100 { nqp::force_gc }
camelia ( no output )
timotimo ...
not helpful
oh, i really need to go, sorry; that looks like it comes from the periphery of run-time loading of modules 01:34
ingy thanks for your help! 01:35
ingy timotimo: ironically I didn't get those p6 warns on a subsequent run 02:00
P6 CAN HAZ GHOZTZ!!! 02:01
ingy does perl6 look for Foo.pm6 before Foo.pm? 03:29
MasterDuke looks like yeah 03:31
MasterDuke github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...tem.pm6#L9 and github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...m6#L45-L49 03:33
ktown raschipi: github.com/ktown007/perl6-terminal-asciisketch 03:36
ingy MasterDuke: thx 03:38
MasterDuke np 03:39
ingy timotimo: got it all working: travis-ci.org/testml-lang/testml/b.../383004625 (Passing 5 languages including perl6) 03:53
Qwerasd How do I add a catch for errors in a thread so I can get a stacktrace? 04:26
Qwerasd An error is occurring but all it says is "No exception handler located for catch" and then a stacktrace that points to a bunch of internals 04:26
ktown Qwerasd: try --ll-exception 04:34
Qwerasd I wrapped it in a try/catch and found the error.
Geth doc: 8cd8ed0dfc | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/5to6-nutshell.pod6
Finish rewriting of ref/deref section closes #1081
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/5to6-nutshell
Geth doc: 8a90a8f9ed | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Reviews relationship between ~~ and ACCEPTS.

Right now there is only a short definition in the first, and a pointer to the last. It's nice to have the docs for ~~, since it's a single point of entry; `ACCEPTS` page is generated from many pages. So I would say it's better to close #1913, since it's not indexed and looks like a sufficiently good reference.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/operators
Geth doc: a82a2d89f3 | (JJ Merelo)++ | assets/sass/style.scss
Makes no-toc body wider closes #2000
Geth doc: JJ self-unassigned Roadmap for our language/ docs github.com/perl6/doc/issues/114
JJ self-assigned Roadmap for our language/ docs github.com/perl6/doc/issues/114

Adds data structures
jmerelo That was done only to draw your attention towards The 1000 Days Old Issue.
doc: 001cbdd9ad | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/structures.pod6
Laying out the general structure
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/structures
doc: a553b88e95 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/structures.pod6
Inserts TBD
Geth doc: 1def611870 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/iterating.pod6
Creates the iterating language page
doc: bba739df25 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/iterating.pod6
Refines general structure

This (and the previous commits) refer to #114. This one takes a hint from perl6advent.wordpress.com/2009/12/...nd-profit/
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/iterating
dominix do domeone know of a permutation method of a list ? 07:28
something inspired by docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl4/cook/ch04_21.htm
lookatme m: (1, 2, 3).permutation.say 07:29
camelia No such method 'permutation' for invocant of type 'List'. Did you mean 'permutations'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lookatme m: (1, 2, 3).permutations.say
camelia ((1 2 3) (1 3 2) (2 1 3) (2 3 1) (3 1 2) (3 2 1))
lookatme dominix, permutation is a built-in method
dominix nice, thanks, I am amazed everytime I look at this langage 07:31
lookatme welcome :) 07:32
jmerelo On overriding method calls and creating your very own NYI exception stackoverflow.com/questions/505035...-resolutio 07:34
lookatme dominix, anyway, if you can, implement that permutation algorithm in Perl 6 is a good practice 07:35
lizmat jmerelo: answered :-) 07:44
yoleaux 23 May 2018 12:56Z <brrt> lizmat: can you do a bechmark with moarvm branch 'jit-stack-walker'
jmerelo lizmat: you're amazing. Thanks! 07:47
Geth doc: b7245599c3 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/nativetypes.pod6
Creates native types page refs #114
doc: 74a0051dd2 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Drafts general structure of nativetypes page

And improves a bit the other data structures page. Refs #114, but also #2051
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/nativetypes
doc: 8e6753b138 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/X/NYI.pod6
Documents X::NYI constructor and methods

Closes #2052
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/X::NYI
doc: 79fb35e76e | (JJ Merelo)++ | assets/sass/style.scss
Disables max-width for no-toc pages closes #2000
Geth doc: cce30bc145 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/hashmap.pod6
Creates hashmap page refs #114

Also refs #1682, which will be the fallback issue when #114 is closed.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/hashmap
Geth doc: 07bd8264bb | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/system.pod6
Stub for system page

that could be very helpful. Refs #114
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/system
doc: 4f146f5d50 | (JJ Merelo)++ | assets/sass/style.scss
Not so !important, closes #2000
doc: a88d50da61 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/math.pod6
Creates last of the pages for #114, on math

Now let's do what needs TBD
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/math
jmerelo briandfoy wants us to update the answer to this question in SO stackoverflow.com/questions/266642...-of-perl-6 08:46
I would do it, but I still have to unlock the "Answer something without being voted down by briandfoy" badge. :-) 08:47
donpdonp first comment: read planet6! curl: (6) Could not resolve host: planetsix.perlfoundation.org. doh! 08:48
jmerelo donpdonp: you can probably edit the answers too... 09:01
donpdonp: although I wonder if the best course of action would not be to just close it and make a 2018 edition of same...
Zoffix m: sub it-fails { my $z = Failure.new; Nil }; use nqp; for ^100 { it-fails; }; nqp::force_gc; sleep 1 09:23
evalable6 WARNING: unhandled Failure detected in DESTROY. If you meant to ignore it, you can mark it as handled by calling .Bool, .so, .not, or .defined methods. The Failure was:
in block <unit> at /tmp/266xO6t_wU line 1
Zoffix ingy: ^ normally you get those when an unhandled Failure object gets GCed ('cause often that's an indication your program ignores some failure mode accidentally). Though in your case it looks like it might be R#1515 09:25
synopsebot R#1515 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1515 Erroneous unhandled failures for runtime module loading
Zoffix Qwerasd, you don't need to wrap into `try` and can just stick a CATCH { default { .... } } at the outer most scope of a threaded block 09:26
Summertime pardon me for saying, but thanks for making? the perl6 alerts site btw, its something that every language should have 09:27
Zoffix Thanks. Glad someone finds it useful.
AlexDaniel Summertime: speaking of which, do you expect alerts to posted before the release or after? For example, 2018.05 will come with this change: 09:44
m: say %<a 1 b 2 c 3>.keys
evalable6 Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at /tmp/8NHUWY7um5 line 1
Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at /tmp/8NHUWY7um5 line 1
Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at /tmp/8NHUWY7um5 line 1
AlexDaniel m: say (%<a 1 b 2 c 3>).keys
evalable6 Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at /tmp/qcnRS3Mp5H line 1
Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at /tmp/qcnRS3Mp5H line 1
Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at /tmp/qcnRS3Mp5H line 1
AlexDaniel gah…
not that
Summertime :thinking:
I think, don't make a promise 09:45
AlexDaniel m: say %(<a 1 b 2 c 3>).keys
evalable6 (b a c)
AlexDaniel m: say %(<a 1 b 2 c 3>).keys
evalable6 (c a b)
AlexDaniel ↑ this is now random
the order I mean
AlexDaniel IMO that's alert-worthy, just to make it easier for people 09:45
Summertime there are some things which are going to be obvious to alert about, some things are going to be someone coming in with their project on fire (because why not run latest without testing!) and you'll go "oh that should of been alerted too" 09:46
AlexDaniel if I post the alert now, it's somewhat useless as you'd need to build blead rakudo to test it out…
if I post after the release, then someone can say that we could've alerted earlier, so why didn't we
Summertime but an alert now will also act as an appetizer! 09:47
it seems silly to wait for news to go through all the blogs like hash randomizing has done now, and then have an alert pop up, so I'd say as soon as you think of it would be best 09:48
Summertime as long as its searchable by version affected, it shouldn't be a problem, updating a project -> go to alerts -> search for $upgrading-from <= $alert-version <= $upgrading-to, would probably be the most common use 09:51
hmm, the alerts api documentation page seems to be outputting blank though, might be my browser though 09:56
AlexDaniel Summertime: I don't think it's documentation 09:59
but: alerts.perl6.org/api/v1/all
Summertime hmm, I wonder how much of a pain it would be to hook that up with twilio or something 10:02
Zoffix looks like documentation page gives a 500 10:12
Type check failed in binding to parameter '$raw'; expected Str but got WhateverCode ({ ... }) 10:13
in sub escape-html at /home/p6lert/rakudo/install/share/perl6/site/sources/3925AABD73F7CAF1F00A31AD4FD3D188A496C03E (HTML::Escape) line 4
Zoffix ah, it's from the time when I messed up currying 10:16
*upgrades rakudo for p6lert service*
c: 2018.03 sub foo (Str $x){ dd $x }; (*.[0].Str.&foo)([42])
committable6 Zoffix, ¦2018.03: «Type check failed in binding to parameter '$x'; expected Str but got WhateverCode ({ ... })␤ in sub foo at /tmp/9IRR65HhZv line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/9IRR65HhZv line 1␤␤ «exit code = 1»»
Zoffix p6lert: help 10:32
p6lert Zoffix, github.com/perl6/alerts P6lert commands: [insta]?add ALERT, update ID ALERT, delete ID; ALERT format: ['severity:'\S+]? ['affects:['<-[\]]>+']']? ALERT_TEXT
Zoffix Summertime: it's working now: alerts.perl6.org/api
Summertime \o/
lizmat afk for a few hours&
Zoffix Summertime: as for hooking up stuff... Well, the code's here: github.com/perl6/alerts 10:33
jmerelo Another question in SO, about declaration and assignment of variables stackoverflow.com/questions/505076...ned-values 11:02
I've been doing several tests on the #whateverable channel about this, just in case you wan to check them out. 11:03
Geth doc: 29f856f7d4 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/math.pod6
Adds set algebra laws
doc: 717f9bda19 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Adds set algebra to the Math page

Which might or might not be what someone 1000 days ago had in mind, but it's at least what I would like to find if I go looking for math stuff in Perl 6. This refs #114, but still a lot TBD.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/math
Geth doc: 4be7e50cb0 | (Luca Ferrari)++ | doc/Type/Junction.pod6
Introduce junction infix ~ example.

See issue #2053
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Junction
mahafyi Hello. I am trying to do this -> pastebin.com/VN2wviF8 with File::Find. Can someone tell what eagerly vs lazily create list means please? 13:24
moritz mahafyi: a lazy list is one that is created as you consume it
moritz mahafyi: and an eager list is one that is created fully even before you start to use it 13:25
mahafyi moritz : thanks. 13:25
mahafyi i simply cannot understand lazy list, lol. Can't get how it works at all..anyways, what i am looking at first is: (see earlier pastebin) if i need to use multiple regexes in the File::Find arg 'name', is it possible at all 13:39
raschipi mahafyi: Can't it be a regex with an alternation? 13:41
mahafyi i guess in this specific case, i can think like this: can we ouse an OR condition in regex (probably, it is not the correct way to epxress the question)
raschipi, thanks, i guess i have the term to google for now, lol
raschipi alternation means OR
Just another way to say what you said right after me. 13:42
Can't you use multiple File::Find instances?
mahafyi yes, thats what i have in a pseudocode now, run it twice one after another 13:43
raschipi Then put the two lists togheter. 13:44
mahafyi it may not be needed, i just need to concatenate all the files in each list into two separate files, one for each list
each file will have headers, what is the equivalent of sed, in order to do -> (I need to delete the header lines - along with the carriage return) 13:46
raschipi You could also try to give it a junction, something like (/regex1/, /regex2/).any
or /regex1/|/regex2/ 13:47
mahafyi in which case, i will need to recurse the list elements with a IF condition i guess 13:48
there is such a tremendous knowledge base inside any one thing! its very dense, if that is the correct word. I guess one can eventually reach a point when the thing needed will come like a reflex. but now its reading 90% working 10% lol. 13:54
timotimo i'd rather read a thousand lines of documentation and write one line of code than reading just one line of documentation and have to write a thousand lines of code for the same result :D
mahafyi sure, i cannot remember which , i will find it, i wrote some several dozen lines for a rosetta code problem, and find a one liner in answer, 13:57
timotimo yeah, especially when it comes to not having to write out loops, perl6 is very strong
not as strong as languages like APL or J, though
mahafyi good to know. I have never heard of APL or J until now... 13:58
benjikun J is a weird language 14:11
I looked at it years ago
interesting for sure 14:12
Pretty crazy with what you can do with one line of J 14:13
raschipi very terse, moreso than APL, despite using multiple symbols 14:16
benjikun terse? 14:20
moritz compact 14:21
short programs
benjikun ah 14:22
mahafyi what do i do for: find and delete all lines that matches a regex, but ignore the first. do i need to recurse the whole file or is there a better way to do ? the file may be over a million lines. 14:47
raschipi Are you doing it with a loop? 14:48
mahafyi i havent yet written ? i am planning what to write before i write. Lets say two csv files with headers are concatanated, i need to delete the header lines after. 14:49
raschipi m: for ^10 {once next; .say}
camelia 1
mahafyi so , i can go thru in a looop, line by line, or i can do something like, what i'd do with sed from command line.
raschipi either are possible 14:50
timotimo don't forget you'll likely have to output the first line back so it doesn't disappear
mahafyi timotimo, right, delete all the headers, except the first..
raschipi m: (^10).tail(*-1).say 14:51
camelia (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
raschipi tail(*-1) skips the first item in a list.
mahafyi which means each line in the file has to be in a list? 14:52
timotimo m: <foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep>.grep({ not $++ or /o/ }).say
camelia (foo bor boot shoot)
timotimo m: <foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep>.grep({ not $++ or /<-[o]>/ }).say
camelia (foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep)
timotimo hold on ..
m: <foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep>.grep({ not $++ or m/<-[o]>/ }).say
camelia (foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep)
timotimo m: <foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep>.grep({ (not $++) || m/<-[o]>/ }).say
camelia (foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep)
timotimo ah, of course
m: <foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep>.grep({ (not $++) || !m/o/ }).say 14:53
camelia (foo baz quux bleep)
timotimo ^- remove all entries that have an o in them, except the very first
demorgan's law lets you make it less strange 14:54
mahafyi timotimo : ok great.
timotimo m: <foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep>.grep({ not ($++ && m/o/) }).say
camelia (foo baz quux bleep)
timotimo but you'll probably want map, not grep
i.e. do changes to lines, not just throw lines out
m: <foo bor baz quux boot shoot bleep>.map({ $++ ?? S/o/AAAAA/ !! $_ }).say 14:55
camelia (foo bAAAAAr baz quux bAAAAAot shAAAAAot bleep)
timotimo replace the first o with AAAAA except if it's the very first line
well, entry, not line. you'll have to do line-splitting yourself
raschipi .lines isn't enough? 14:56
timotimo it is enough
i just meant my code doesn't do anything regarding lines 14:57
it relies on the list that comes in to already be whatever you need
raschipi right
mahafyi wow, ok let me go thru this
timotimo $++ is just a cute little trick for "false one time, then true every other itme"
or you can split the list up front into "first element" and "all other elements" and only .map on the "all other elements" list 14:59
but that's probably also awkward
mahafyi I suppose we can use sed from inside a program? 15:00
timotimo you can if you want to 15:01
lucasb m: for \(1,2,3,:a,:b).item { .say } # why? 15:02
camelia 1
tbrowder_ question: why are backticks used in markdown and other text files? are they re 15:04
lucasb it's code markup 15:05
tbrowder_ are they treated differently than single right quotes? 15:06
timotimo yes, they are
tbrowder_ what is their effect in, say, markdown?
i understand the effect in shell... 15:07
timotimo markdown turns `foo` into <code>foo</code> or something like that 15:08
tbrowder_ treatment in pod 6, perl 6?
raschipi in markdow it renders the text in monospace font and also keeps spaces intact (markdown usually supresses multiple spcaes)
tbrowder_ ah, right, i forgot, thinking of three backticks for a code block
timotimo m: say `foo bar` 15:09
camelia 5===SORRY!5===
Argument to "say" seems to be malformed
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say7⏏5 `foo bar`
Bogus postfix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say 7⏏5`foo bar`
expecting any of:
infix stopper
timotimo perl6 doesn't let you use ` as quoting without q 15:10
tbrowder_ ok, keeping multiple spaces in md
timotimo m: q`backticks are cool`
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant string "backticks are cool" in sink context (line 1)
timotimo m: say q`backticks are cool`
camelia backticks are cool
timotimo m: say "foo bar" ~~ s:g`o`i`
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Str (foo bar)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: say "foo bar" ~~ S:g`o`i`
camelia Potential difficulties:
Smartmatch with S/// is not useful. You can use given instead: S/// given $foo
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say "foo bar" ~~ 7⏏5S:g`o`i`
timotimo i'm no good at example code today
m: $_ = "foo bar"; s:g`o`i`; .say 15:11
camelia fii bar
tbrowder_ they may be cool, but: xtra typing and backticks are hard to use on typical apple virutual keyboards
s/virutual/virtual/ 15:12
timotimo: thnx 15:13
raschipi: thnx 15:14
raschipi lucasb: why did you add an .item there? 15:23
m: .say for \(1,2,3,:a,:b) 15:24
camelia 1
timotimo m: .say for $(\(1,2,3,:a,:b)) 15:25
camelia 1
timotimo m: .say for (my $ = \(1,2,3,:a,:b))
camelia \(1, 2, 3, :a, :b)
lucasb to show that even with a .item it gets iterated over, while (1,2,3).item and [1,2,3].item doesn't
raschipi m: .say for $(1,2,3) 15:26
camelia (1 2 3)
raschipi I see. It is indeed strange.
lucasb raschipi: thanks for agreeing :)
raschipi m: .say for $(\(1,2,3))
camelia 1
raschipi m: .say for \(1,2,3), 15:30
camelia \(1, 2, 3)
raschipi m: .say for \(1,2,3, :a, :b), 15:31
camelia \(1, 2, 3, :a, :b)
Zoffix lucasb: that's 'cause () and [] are already Iterable, but \() ain't, so it gets made into an Iterable by calling .list, which returns positionals from the capture in non-conted List 15:55
m: .say for (\(1, 2, 3) but Iterable) 15:56
camelia 1
Zoffix m: .say for $(\(1, 2, 3) but Iterable)
camelia Capture+{Iterable}.new(list => (1, 2, 3,))
lucasb ok. but .item alone wasn't supposed to make it itemized?
Zoffix lucasb: it did. But a Capture, even an itemized one, isn't an Iterable 15:58
lucasb m: class C { method list { 1,2,3 } }; for C.item { .say } 16:00
camelia 1
lucasb is confused
timotimo s: (1, 2, 3), "item", \() 16:01
SourceBaby timotimo, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/154d...le.pm6#L16
timotimo so the default implementation literally just creates a Scalar and puts the object on it, and returns the scalar
raschipi So it's the Iterable role that interacts with the $() and for receives something different then?
Zoffix I think it's the Iterable role that makes `for` decide how to loop over it 16:02
s: \(), 'map', \(*.say)
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/154d...ds.pm6#L17
lucasb for the record, things changed here:
c: 71160596,71160596^ for \(1,2,3,:a,:b).item { .say }
committable6 lucasb, ¦7116059: «1␤2␤3␤» ¦71160596^: «\(1, 2, 3, :a, :b)␤»
lucasb github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/71...64399c883c
(well, for the Capture thing) 16:03
Zoffix lucasb: you're calling "item" BEFORE giving `for` a non-Iterable thing.
lucasb not the general class C { method list {...} } case 16:04
Zoffix It doesn't have any effect on what happens after `for` converts your thing to an Iterable thing
lucasb ok, I'll get it after a while :) 16:05
I just think is strange that 'for' tries to make a non-Iterable thing into a Iterable a thing, while (1,2,3).item and [1,2,3].item are really iterable things and 'for' treats as itemized 16:06
Zoffix You put bunch of oranges into a box. Then you put them into a bag and hand it to me, saying "here, eat this". It doesn't look like food, so I have to open up both the bag and the box to get to the oranges and by that time they're not in any boxes, so I eat them one by one. 16:07
Geth doc: 09767255d5 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Junction.pod6
Moving @fluca1978's explanation to a method subsection

So that it can be indexed properly. Also added other two multis that use ~ in a rather more natural way. Closes #2053.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Junction
Zoffix With (1, 2, 3).item.... You take a bunch of oranges and put them in a cake and hand it to me, saying "here, eat this". It looks like food, so I eat it without having to get to individual oranges. 16:08
s: \(), 'map', \(*.so, :item) 16:10
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/154d...ds.pm6#L17
lucasb Ok, so when someone says they eat a box of chocolates, the haven't literally eated a box :D
thanks Zoffix for the patience. I'll eventually get it
Zoffix oh, whoops replied in the wrong channel 16:15
Zoffixlucasb: actually my explanation was likely inaccurate
Zoffix │ Looking at p6for desugar, it don't care about Iterable at all: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...#L561-L578
Zoffix │ But, Iterable provides the `.item` method that shoves things into container:
Zoffix │ While \Mu's version is a no-op: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/154d...u.pm6#L574
m: .say for $ = \(1, 2, 3)
camelia \(1, 2, 3)
Zoffix At least now I know I'm good at making shit up in a way that makes sense :D 16:16
Ah, now I what I confused it with. It's nodemap/deepmap that care about iterables: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast....pm6#L1500 16:18
Zoffix R#1862 16:34
synopsebot R#1862 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1862 [@LARRY] Some objects don't .item'ize even though they probably should
Zoffix lucasb: ^ FYI
raschipi "zoffixznet opened this Issue 17 seconds from now" 16:39
Zoffix: can I lend your time-travel machine/device?
Zoffix I must now kill you. You know too much.
raschipi I would already be dead if you were to actually kill me. 16:41
lucasb Zoffix++ thanks for the issue 16:43
Zoffix And R#1863 for a potential fix 16:46
synopsebot R#1863 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1863 Always containerize stuff when asked to with .item
jmerelo m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); say @otherphi[^10, |(20, 30 ... 100)] 17:18
camelia ((-0.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030918 -0.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030918 -0.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030918 -0.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030918 -0.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030918 -0.618033…
raschipi m: say Φ, φ 17:23
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routines:
Φ used at line 1
φ used at line 1
jmerelo m: say $c.^name, " → ", $c for π, τ, e; 17:28
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$c' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say 7⏏5$c.^name, " → ", $c for π, τ, e;
jmerelo m: say .^name, " → ", $_ for π, τ, e;
camelia Num → 3.141592653589793
Num → 6.283185307179586
Num → 2.718281828459045
raschipi m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); say @otherphi[1000] # I was talking to timotimo the other day about this. We watched the video that explains why this happens. 17:29
camelia 1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374847540880753868917521266338622235369317931800607667263544333890865959
jmerelo m: say $_, " → ", $_<> for <π τ e>;
camelia π → π
τ → τ
e → e
jmerelo m: say $_, " → ", $_.item for <π τ e>; 17:30
camelia π → π
τ → τ
e → e
jmerelo m: say $_, " → ", $_.Num for <π τ e>;
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5π' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
buggable New CPAN upload: master.zip by KTOWN cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/K/KT/...master.zip 17:33
raschipi m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); say @otherphi[0]; say @otherphi.first( * > 0 ) 17:36
camelia -0.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030918
Attempt to divide 1 by zero using div
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
raschipi Why does 'first( * > 0 )' atempts a div 0 ? 17:37
timotimo it's probably just eagerifying a Failure from somewhere in there 17:38
moritz raschipi: it's likely some Rat internal code that uses div
raschipi m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); say @otherphi[1000] # But this one works
camelia 1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374847540880753868917521266338622235369317931800607667263544333890865959
timotimo s: &infix:«>», \(<1/2>, 0) 17:38
SourceBaby timotimo, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/154d...t.pm6#L261
timotimo m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / 17:39
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing required term after infix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 /7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
timotimo derp
m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); for @otherphi { say $_ > 0; CATCH { say $_.perl } }
camelia (timeout)False
timotimo m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); for @otherphi.head(1000) { .say if $_ > 0; CATCH { say $_.perl } }
camelia X::Numeric::DivideByZero.new(using => "div", details => Any, numerator => 1)
Attempt to divide 1 by zero using div
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Luneburg "False"
timotimo m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); for @otherphi.head(1000) -> $val { $val.say if $val > 0; CATCH { say $val.perl } }
camelia FatRat.new(1, 0)
Attempt to divide 1 by zero using div
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo well, yeah
m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); for @otherphi.head(1000).kv -> $idx, $val { $val.say if $val > 0; CATCH { say $idx; say $val.perl } }
camelia 202
Attempt to divide 1 by zero using div
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

FatRat.new(1, 0)
Luneburg Guys, could someone take a quick look at my code? I'm having a problem and I'm not sure why 17:41
timotimo m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); say @otherphi[200..210]>>.perl
camelia (FatRat.new(-1, 1) FatRat.new(0, 1) FatRat.new(1, 0) FatRat.new(1, 1) FatRat.new(2, 1) FatRat.new(3, 2) FatRat.new(5, 3) FatRat.new(8, 5) FatRat.new(13, 8) FatRat.new(21, 13) FatRat.new(34, 21))
timotimo Luneburg: sure
Luneburg timotimo: Cool :D I'll put it in a pastebin 17:42
timotimo m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); say @otherphi[190..205]>>.perl 17:42
camelia (FatRat.new(-89, 144) FatRat.new(-55, 89) FatRat.new(-34, 55) FatRat.new(-21, 34) FatRat.new(-13, 21) FatRat.new(-8, 13) FatRat.new(-5, 8) FatRat.new(-3, 5) FatRat.new(-2, 3) FatRat.new(-1, 2) FatRat.new(-1, 1) FatRat.new(0, 1) FatRat.new(1, 0) FatRat…
timotimo m: say -1 + 1 / (-1) 17:43
camelia -2
timotimo m: say 1 + 1 / (-1)
camelia 0
timotimo oh, 0/1 is fine, the 1/0 is the wrong one
um, yeah
it literally does divide 1 by 0 in that series
Geth doc: f6577ddf39 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/math.pod6
Adds arithmetic section, refs #114
doc: 4b9d5882e8 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/math.pod6
Adds section on sequences refs #114
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/math
doc: f4a5417f7c | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Finishes the first version of the math page

This refers to #114. Will check this page now and move on to the next. If think it can be improved, please open a different issue for that.
timotimo raschipi: you see that?
raschipi Yep, thanks
Luneburg timotimo: 0bin.net/paste/UGTs+Zm8lYuvstjn#XY...kngqfOzFfR 17:45
raschipi m: my @phis = (2.FatRat, 1 + 1 / * ... *); my @otherphi = (1 - @phis[200], 1 + 1 / * ... *); say @otherphi[204]
camelia 2
Luneburg The problem is that "A" moves left no matter if I press "a" or "d" 17:46
timotimo yup 17:47
the = in your if statements is not what you want
there's two reasons: = is assignment, not comparison
but if you just replace it with ==, you'll notice that == is actually numerical comparison, rather than string comparison 17:48
you'll want to use the eq operator instead of == or = there, then it should work
Luneburg timotimo: Thanks!
Geth doc: 06ff027b45 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/math.pod6
Eliminates dangling =item
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/math
ingy Zoffix: any way to work around R#1515? 18:03
synopsebot R#1515 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1515 Erroneous unhandled failures for runtime module loading
enheh_ Hello, I'm having difficulty installing rakudo-star-2018.04. It hangs after printing the line: 18:04
===> Testing: LWP::Simple:ver<0.101>:auth<Cosimo Streppone>
A little investigation found that it's hanging in t/get-unsized.t. It seems it never gets past the line: 18:06
my $server := IO::Socket::INET.new: :listen, :localhost<localhost>, :0localport;
jmerelo enheh_: platform? 18:07
enheh_ Mac
version 10.6 (yes, it's quite old!)
jmerelo enheh_: could the port it's using be already occupied?
enheh_: or some firewall getting in the way? 18:08
enheh_ I don't know. How can I find out?
As for the firewall, no.
jmerelo enheh_: I would use lsof in Linux, but I don't know about Mac. Check first what is the value of the :0localport it's using. 18:09
timotimo if the port were already in use it'd throw an exception i believe 18:10
but :0localport just uses any free port, right?
jmerelo timotimo: probably... Then, firewall?
Zoffix enheh_: I saw someone else say tests were hanging on MacOS in that module, with suspect new tests being to blame. I suggest you report the problem github.com/perl6/perl6-lwp-simple/issues and then just skip the tests during installation: zef --/test install LWP::Simple
enheh_ Yes, this get-unsized.t has entirely new contents since 2018.01 18:11
Zoffix oh, I wrote that one.. :S 18:12
enheh_ Okay, I'll do that. Thanks!
mst found the problem!
Zoffix :)
jmerelo waits anxiously for mst to reveal the problem.
Zoffix ingy: only thing I can think of is a sledge hammer: Failure.^lookup("DESTROY").wrap: -> | {} This affects the entire program tho 18:13
jmerelo: you missed the joke :)
ingy: and what that does is wrap Failure.DESTROY method into an empty callable, so anytime it gets called it'd be a NOOP. The default one just emits that warning tho, so you're not missing any critical functionality by doing so. 18:14
jmerelo Zoffix: I did. Some explanation, please? 18:15
ingy Zoffix: I have a workaround I think but it is failing 18:15
I'll gist it
Zoffix jmerelo: <Zoffix> oh, I wrote that one.. :S <mst> found the problem!
jmerelo Zoffix: :-) 18:16
Zoffix enheh_: what version of perl6 are you on?
enheh_ Trying to install rakudo star 2018.04 18:17
Zoffix ah
ingy Zoffix: this is my failing workaround: gist.github.com/ingydotnet/85ed90b...5c7d5a6d91 18:18
Zoffix You can probably just delete that test file. I dunno if there's an option to skip module tests in rakudo star
ingy I'm sure it's a noob error
enheh_ Okay, that can work too. 18:19
ingy ie what's wrong with this syntax: `require Foo; my $foo = Foo.new;` 18:20
Zoffix It's wrong if Foo is not a class 18:22
m: require Test; Test.new
camelia You cannot create an instance of this type (Test)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ingy Zoffix: it's a unit class 18:23
Zoffix What's the code?
ingy unit class TestMLBridge is TestML::Bridge;
github.com/testml-lang/testml/blob...Bridge.pm6 18:24
Zoffix Also, require returns the thing it required, so you could write `(require ::(%*ENV<TESTML_BRIDGE>)).new`
ingy thanks
Zoffix hm, yeah, I reproed the same problem now 18:26
Zoffix uh 18:26
ingy so it's a bug?
Zoffix ah, nm, I was looking at p5 file in that dir 18:27
ingy :P
fwiw this works in my code: $!bridge = (require TestMLBridge).new;
and R#1515 is not triggered in 10 runs :) 18:28
synopsebot R#1515 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1515 Erroneous unhandled failures for runtime module loading
ingy so I'm good for now. thanks
chrom_ hey guys, a short question: are ther any issues regarding promises and shell commands with qqx{}? I am reading a list of urls and would like to check http headers (using lynx with qqw{}) in a parallel way. So if there sone hints to give .. it would be very nice :) 18:31
ingy Zoffix: well actually, just using `$!bridge = (require ::(%*ENV<TESTML_BRIDGE>)).new;` fixes the 1515 problem too. so no the workaround isn't needed. 18:32
Zoffix ingy: and the other one, yeah, I think it's a bug. My understanding is the `package` version installed by `require` is supposed to be replaced by the class 18:33
e: BEGIN 'sandbox/Foo.pm6'.IO.spurt: 'unit class Foo;'; use lib <sandbox>; require Foo; say Foo.HOW.^name
evalable6 Perl6::Metamodel::PackageHOW
Zoffix but it ain't and looks like it behaved like this for ages.
ingy leave it to ingy... 18:34
Zoffix Filed as R#1865 18:35
synopsebot R#1865 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1865 require Foo; does not replace `package` with proper class
Zoffix Or maybe runtime is too late for it to replace it.
Zoffix enheh_: are you still around? What does `say $*DISTRO.name` print on MacOS? I'm gonna skip that test and file an Issue 18:39
enheh_ Okay, one moment... 18:40
It says "macosx" 18:41
Zoffix Thanks.
enheh_ I was working on filing an issue. If you are filing one, should I stop then? 18:42
Zoffix enheh_: I just filed one. You could add any additional info to it, if you have it: github.com/perl6/perl6-lwp-simple/issues/28 18:43
Like operating system details, etc. I know the release manager of Rakudo Star tested it on MacOS and did not have any hangs, so it's not all MacOSes where the issue exists. 18:44
enheh_ Okay. Zoffix++
I'll do that. :)
Geth perl6-lwp-simple: 3e34aae1f5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Temp-fudge new test file on MacOS

Fudge while github.com/perl6/perl6-lwp-simple/issues/28 is being resolved
raschipi "Temp". That means it will stay more than features. 18:47
Geth perl6-lwp-simple: f1257d6d75 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Fix incorrect argument to `plan`
Zoffix With that attitude, sure it will :) 18:49
raschipi Well, you can just go forward and take a quick look anyway. 18:55
Zoffix raschipi: at what? 18:57
I don't got an MacOS
raschipi Because you have a time machine, you can take a peek. 19:04
lucasb Zoffix: what does "for 'x' ~~ /./ { say 'yes' }" says in your Mu-item-cont-R1862 branch? 19:30
Zoffix lucasb: I don't have that VM powered on, but I can tell it doesn't affect that code 19:33
Luneburg What was that? 19:34
Zoffix m: my $m := 'x' ~~ /./; use nqp; dd nqp::iscont($m)
camelia 0
lucasb Zoffix: ah ok 19:35
Zoffix m: Mu.^lookup("item").wrap: my method () is raw { $ = self }; for <x> ~~ /./ { say <yes> } 19:36
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix m: Mu.^lookup("item").wrap: my method () is raw { $ = self }; for $(<x> ~~ /./) { say <yes> }
camelia yes
Zoffix Luneburg: maintenance + issues after it. "There are ongoing issues with services that are being looked into" 19:37
And I guess after maintenance users need to login to nickserv again and those people didn't so it booted them off the nick
lucasb m: for $('x' ~~ /./) { say 'yes' } 19:39
camelia ( no output )
lucasb m: for ('x' ~~ /./).item { say 'yes' }
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix $( ) codegens to .item 19:40
[Coke] m: use Test; check-name 20:23
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
check-name used at line 1
Geth doc: coke assigned to JJ Issue xt/examples-compilation.t fails. github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2055
fe7a86fd47 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | 2 files
doc: ff9bc968c3 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/math.pod6
Fix POD link
doc: 34aabd3013 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | xt/code.pws
learn new word
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/math
Geth whateverable/master: 4 commits pushed by (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ 20:46
AlexDaniel lucasb: ↑ :)
lizmat hmmm.. looks like there are only 7 seats left in perlconference.us/tpc-2018-slc/ses...do-perl-6/ 20:54
yoleaux 16:28Z <Zoffix> lizmat: I recall like half a year ago you asking why QuantHash objects aren't Iterable. Did you ever figure it out? I notice lack of Iterable makes them get .item from Mu, which is a no-op, and thus you can't iterate over, say, a set as a single item: `dd $_ for $(set <a b c>); # OUTPUT: «:b␤:a␤:c␤»`
Geth whateverable: bcad26d746 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable.pm6
Ignore irc notices instead of replying

Otherwise bots unnecessarily reply to global notices.
Zoffix lizmat: FWIW, I came to think QuantHash doing Iterable to be likely undesirable since I've sent that message 20:57
m: -> *@stuff { dd @stuff }(set <a b c>) 20:58
camelia [("c","b","a").Set]
Zoffix m: -> *@stuff { dd @stuff }((set <a b c>) does Iterable)
camelia [:c, :b, :a]
lizmat Zoffix: yeah, read the github thread :-)
Zoffix Ah, k :)
raschipi Which thread? I looked back on the channel but can't find the link anymore... 21:03
lucasb R#1862 R#1863 21:04
synopsebot R#1862 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1862 [@LARRY] Some objects don't .item'ize even though they probably should
R#1863 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1863 Always containerize stuff when asked to with .item
tbrowder_ m: my $n=0x2000;say $n.chr 22:11
tbrowder_ m: my $n=0x2000;my $m=$n.chr;my $n2=$m.ord;say $n==$n2 22:13
camelia False
tbrowder_ m: my $n=0x2002:my $m=n.chr:my $n2=$m.ord;say $n==$n2 22:15
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
You can't adverb 0x2002
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my $n=0x2002:my7⏏5 $m=n.chr:my $n2=$m.ord;say $n==$n2
expecting any of:
pair value
tbrowder_ m: my $n=0x2002;my $m=$n.chr;my $n2=$m.ord;say $n==$n2 22:17
camelia True
tbrowder_ a bug??! ^^^\ 22:18
AlexDaniel m: say 0x2002.uniname 22:22
camelia EN SPACE
lucasb 0x2002.chr.ord == 0x2002 <-- seems a resoanable expectation
AlexDaniel m: say 0x2000.uniname
camelia EN QUAD
AlexDaniel m: say 0x2000.chr.uniname.say
camelia EN SPACE
tbrowder_ i’ve been working on some pod tests with space chars and found this possible bug when testing roundtripping hex ints. ints 0x2000 and 0x2001 don’t round trip, but i may be doing something wrong. the two hex ints are supposed to be unicode space chars
AlexDaniel tbrowder_: looks like normalization to me? 22:23
lucasb ah, sorry, misread
AlexDaniel propdump: 0x2000 0x2002 22:24
unicodable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/d67b0c59b8b11bdcc7...d26d18435f
tbrowder_ hm, maybe
propdumping... 22:29
m: 0x2000.uniprops 22:30
camelia Cannot resolve caller uniprops(Int); none of these signatures match:
(Str:D $str, Stringy:D $propname = "General_Category")
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
AlexDaniel tbrowder_: that's not what it's for 22:31
m: say ‘hel∞lo’.uniprops
camelia (Ll Ll Ll Sm Ll Ll)
tbrowder_ m: 0x2000.chr.uniprops
camelia ( no output )
tbrowder_ m: say 0x2000.chr.uniprops 22:33
camelia (Zs)
tbrowder_ m: say 0x2001.chr.uniprops 22:33
camelia (Zs)
tbrowder_ m: say 0x2002.chr.uniprops 22:35
camelia (Zs)
tbrowder_ jnth confirmed those are two of the singleton normalization chars 22:45
Herby_ o/ 22:55
lucasb m: say <1/2>.base(10,*) 23:04
camelia 0.5
lucasb m: say <1/3>.base(10,*)
camelia (timeout)
Rich_Morin I'm getting a time out on www.perlfoundation.org - anyone know wazzup?
Geth whateverable: 5ca2ac89f4 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | bin/Undersightable.p6
Add perlfoundation.org to the list of checked urls