»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
buggable New CPAN upload: Terminal-Spinners-1.0.1.tar.gz by RYNIX modules.perl6.org/dist/Terminal::Sp...cpan:RYNIX 00:18
Juerd Hm, would be nice if Terminal::Spinners had an await method :) 00:53
hi how to compile libperl.a from perl source.
Guest17966 tried with -fFPIC. no luck. 00:53
Juerd Guest17966: Are you sure that's a Perl 6 question? :)
Juerd Guest17966: libperl looks like something from Perl 5. The channel for Perl 5 is #perl 00:54
Guest17966 oh great thanks. let me try with #perl. 00:55
thanks Juerd
Juerd Have fun
Guest17966 looking for perl5 help
Juerd Tell #perl we said hi :D
Guest17966 sure. I tell 00:56
rouking I'm looking at a lazy prime sieve in Haskell and it's really nice. `sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve (filter (\x -> mod x p /= 0) xs)` 03:58
I tried doing something similar in Perl 6, but it seems to try to eagerly evaluate
Anyone know to express the logic in a similar way and get lazy evaluation? I mean, I can do it the non-functional way, but it's not really the same :( 04:01
benjikun rouking: There's this github.com/CurtTilmes/perl6-primesieve 04:07
I'm assuming since it's a module, it'll be implemented pretty well
otherwise you could implement your own fairly performant prime generator with .is-prime maybe
that has an iterator that goes along with it, if you scroll down on the readme 04:08
SmokeMachine AppStyle+{React::WSPlugin::WSPluginComponent}.new(state => {}, children => [], theme => {}, state => {}, children => [React::Element+{React::WSPlugin::WSPluginElement}.new(type => "Display", children => [], pars => {:value("0")}, theme => {}, plugins => []), React::Element+{React::WSPlugin::WSPluginElement}.new(type => "ButtonPanel", children => [], pars => {:clickHandler(sub handle-click (Str $button-name) { 04:25
#`(Sub|140296712727048) ... })}, theme => {}, plugins => [])], theme => {})
how is it possible? one object with twice the same attributes?
SmokeMachine m: dd class :: {has $.a}.new(:42a) but role :: {has $.a} 04:28
camelia <anon|1>+{<anon|1>}.new(a => Any, a => 42)
benjikun Good point, `but` doesn't catch same name collisions I guess 04:33
benjikun if you do it with two classes, you can do it like this 04:35
m: my $ex = class one { has $.a = 1 }.new but class two { has $.a = 2 }.new 04:36
camelia ( no output )
benjikun m: my $ex = class one { has $.a = 1 }.new but class two { has $.a = 2 }.new; say $ex.two.a
camelia 2
benjikun Perhaps we should put a warning in for that with mixin roles ... 04:39
benjikun SmokeMachine: The docpage for `but` does include this: "If methods of the same name are present already, the last mixed in role takes precedence". 04:44
A compilation warning could be nice though 04:45
SmokeMachine Methods ok... but I didn’t expected attributes...
benjikun They could both me harmful if someone makes that mistake 04:46
masak morning, #perl6 05:16
benjikun morning masak, it's 1 am here, but morning :3 05:20
masak and a fine morning it is!
jmerelo squashable6: status 06:16
yoleaux 30 Jul 2018 17:01Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: so what's the plan?
squashable6 jmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 3 days and ≈3 hours (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel related to the Squashathon? 06:17
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
xinming m: sub test ($t = DateTime.now) { $t.say }; test; test; 06:33
camelia 2018-07-31T08:33:05.282932+02:00
xinming In this case, How do we init the $t once? This is what I want actually. just want to know the syntax difference
jmerelo m: sub test () { state $t = DateTime.now; $t.say }; test; test; 06:34
camelia 2018-07-31T08:34:16.741119+02:00
xinming call the sub each time, get different result is what I want, But I also want to know the syntax difference
jmerelo xinming: use state variables.
xinming Ok, THanks 06:35
mrdside hi. i try install GTK::Simple on Windows 7 07:02
benjikun mrdside: Guessing it's unicode issues in the windows console 07:20
benjikun You could try changing the codepage for windows e.g. `chcp 65001` 07:23
Or try it on ConEmu or some other windows terminal
ConEmu has some unicode test thing
mrdside benjikun: i.prntscr.com/tuIgTNGgQhqOnCXvhoxIVA.png 07:29
benjikun mrdside: I'm not sure, try conemu 07:58
the terminal that comes with windows is pretty annoying 07:59
benjikun If that doesn't help, open an issue on GTK::Simple with the error 07:59
scimon So last night I spent some time with Windows cmd and powershell trying to get things working. You'd expect run 'C:/Windows/notepad.exe', 'textfile' to work but it hangs (for instance). I'm going to carry on my investigations 08:08
scimon Once I have a better understanding I'll be able to look at the docs around it. 08:08
scimon (And get Proc::InvokeEditor really working on windows. The tests work because running or proc::Asyncing a .bat file works which is what they do). 08:09
jmerelo scimon: good luck, and thanks! 08:10
stmuk_ chcp utf8 08:19
Geth doc: b23ebf0754 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/enumeration.pod6
Rewrite, eliminate header, reflow
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/enumeration
jmerelo notable6: Perl 6 small stuff #4, a series in Medium medium.com/@jcoterhals/perl-6-smal...6d0addb46f 09:21
notable6 jmerelo, Noted!
scimon Oh look $*DISTRO that's going to help. 09:26
tyil never knew about $*DISTRO 09:49
El_Che notable6: blog.jetbrains.com/blog/2018/07/31...-platform/ 09:52
notable6 El_Che, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Notable
El_Che Saw it posted on #perl 09:52
notable6: weekly blog.jetbrains.com/blog/2018/07/31...-platform/
notable6 El_Che, Noted!
scimon tyil: neither did I? Funnily. 09:54
(Don't know why I put a ? there)
tyil it seems to return the correct results on Funtoo, which I'm happy with
usually systems recognize it incorrectly as Gentoo
lizmat clickbaits p6weekly.wordpress.com/2018/07/30/...t-garbage/ 10:32
tbrowder_ .tyil: ref =defn: good news, i believe i can adhere exactly to Damian’s S26 spec 11:01
tyil: ^^^ 11:02
xq thanks for the update post 11:14
jmerelo tbrowder_: great news! 11:15
Geth doc: 4ca3ebca94 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Changes anchors and de-capitalizes headers #2223 #1303
doc: fda0a735e8 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Clarifies an example (and eliminates subsectioning)
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/typesystem
tbrowder_ jmerelo: fingers crossed! 11:24
jmerelo: did you see my comment yesterday about using a lock to help prevent conflicts between building doc and publishing doc website? 11:26
could that be made to work?especially with allowing web edits?
jmerelo tbrowder_: yep, I saw that. It might work, but it's something I have to test 11:31
tbrowder_: problem is locks can creep up pretty fast and still there could be overlap between regenerations 11:32
tbrowder_ erg! 11:33
jmerelo tbrowder_: and that would only sweep under the rug the underlying issue: 12 minutes to regenerate the whole site, no matter what.
So, I don't know. That would solve the small problem of de-sync between the search.js script and the actual pages, which is no small problem. 11:34
jmerelo tbrowder_: I think a more long-term solution in general would be to overhaul the site so that it uses extensively .precom caches 11:35
tbrowder_ sounds like a plan! 11:36
jmerelo tbrowder_: but that would go through creating a pod::cache module, which could be used extensively. That would kill several birds with a stone: it would speed up tests, would speed up regeneration of the site, and would allow us to understand better precomp caches...
(which are not well documented, BTW. I ghink that there are only a couple of persons, ugexe and hoelzro, who understand them well)
tbrowder_: so I was wondering, if you've got the time and will, maybe we could do a hangout over this and work over the next month? 11:37
tbrowder_ i can only do it remotely, sorry to say 11:38
jmerelo tbrowder_: (see also the priv msg) 11:40
tbrowder_: but remotely is OK as long as we can both hammer out on the subject. You are the expert on POD, so that's needed...
Geth doc: d327f3a035 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Eliminates a (possibly misleading) example
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/typesystem
tbrowder_ well, you probably know the def of an “expert” :), but thnx anyway 11:43
jmerelo tbrowder_: I can start and play with that, but I'm pretty sure I'll need your help... 11:44
tbrowder_ did you get my private reply?
jmerelo tbrowder_: I'm doing alt-number but can't find it... 11:56
tbrowder_ i need to find out how to connect irc privately, but email is [email@hidden.address] 12:00
jmerelo tbrowder_: OK 12:02
Geth doc: c9539cf223 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Improves examples and rephrases
doc: f71a1de067 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Improving the last example for enums
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/typesystem
jmerelo We're not finished for the month yet, and it's already the month with the second highest number of commits in perl6/doc github.com/JJ/TPF-Grant/commits/ma...ommits.csv 12:36
jmerelo And it's also tied with the month Perl 6 was released for the highest number of collaborators (44) 12:36
El_Che jmerelo <-- hero :)
jmerelo El_Che: if you've not contributed to perl6/doc this month, create something and you'll be the 45th! Month with the highest number of collaborators ever! 12:37
timotimo jmerelo: i think i sent you a .tell on jjmerelo 12:40
jmerelo I'll look it up on the logs 12:42
jjmerelo nope 12:43
yoleaux 5 Jul 2018 14:57Z <Zoffix> jjmerelo: you can tell that person that we don't have any volunteers with available system to build 32-bit builds and that their best bet is to try building from source using instructions here: rakudo.org/files/rakudo/source
29 Jul 2018 19:52Z <timotimo> jjmerelo: can you explain what makes your data different from finanalyst's ModuleCitation thing? finanalyst.github.io/ModuleCitation/
El_Che jmerelo: ^--- there you go 12:43
timotimo thank you El_Che
jmerelo timotimo: I see. I think it's simply computed in a different way github.com/JJ/TPF-Grant/blob/maste...ommits.csv 12:45
timotimo: (sorry, didn't want to paste that)
timotimo :)
jmerelo timotimo: I think I'm using also build_depends and test_depends, and considering all modules, not the top 50. I see for instance JSON::Marshall is not in his list, I don't know why. 12:48
jmerelo timotimo: but it's a cool project. To tell you the truth, when we started to do that we recalled vaguely something like that, but we couldn't manage to find it. 12:49
timotimo OK
yeah, i found it difficult to find again even though i knew a bunch about it
now i have a bookmark 12:50
jmerelo timotimo: which is good, I guess. So people can start new project from scratch :-)
timotimo: anyway, thanks for pointing it out to me.
timotimo: I'll add it to the README...
alexghacker AlexDaniel, MasterDuke: ty for the link - glad to see it's already being thought about 12:58
RubioTerra Hi, I'm having problems getting Comma to debug scripts 13:32
masak RubioTerra: what's the problem?
RubioTerra It doesn't seem to be able to connect to the moar instance
sena_kun RubioTerra, you can pm me with details.
RubioTerra "org.edument.moarvm.exception.CouldNotConnectException: Could not connect to debug server"
sena_kun RubioTerra, what OS do you use? 13:34
RubioTerra Fedora Linux 13:35
sena_kun RubioTerra, can you paste your "perl6 --version" output?
RubioTerra Hmm... maybe it's SELinux blocking the connection...
Let me disable it 13:36
It is in permissive mode already 13:37
timotimo i wonder if it's localhost vs or ipv4 vs ipv6, even though it's just on loopback 13:38
[Coke] (lock on building doc site) pretty sure this already has a lock.
sena_kun we use "localhost", if RubioTerra has latest release.
RubioTerra tcpdump shows that moar is resetting the connection 13:39
timotimo ah 13:40
we can get some more debug info out of it
sena_kun RubioTerra, what's your `perl6 --version`?
timotimo please set the MDS_NETWORK and MDS_PROTOCOL environment variables for the run config you're using to debug
RubioTerra "This is Rakudo version 2018.06-276-gbb6a6f80b built on MoarVM version 2018.06-329-g21ea40f6"
timotimo to 1 or yes or anything true-ish
sena_kun hmm, sounds fresh enough to me. 13:41
[Coke] (lock on building docs) - it's in the cron job: */5 * * * * PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin flock -n ~/update.lock -c ./doc/util/update-and-sync > update.log 2>&1 13:42
RubioTerra @timotimo, I've set the variables and no luck
timotimo it should spit out more stderr in the output window, does it? 13:43
at least something like "responding to suspend request"?
RubioTerra I now gives a new message: "thread 1 reacting to suspend request"
but still timeout
timotimo right, that message more or less only means the debug env vars have worked 13:45
RubioTerra I've run into the same problem on my Windows machine 13:46
But Iet's focus on linux for now... :)
timotimo you think you can strace the moar process that gets started by comma? 13:47
sena_kun unfortunately, it was discovered that for Windows debug was broken. It is already fixed and will be in next release.
RubioTerra good!
let me try strace
timotimo that could tell us what makes the connection reset happen
RubioTerra hmm... the problem is, once I click debug it tries to create another instance of moarvm 13:49
timotimo ah, it basically immediately dies and takes the moar process down with it?
ah, it doesn't retry connecting 13:50
a quick fix for this is to use the perl6 module App::MoarVM::Debugger, which is a CLI
RubioTerra The moar instance stays running, but Comman doesn't try to reconnect
sena_kun hmm, the thing is we do try to reconnect for 5 times iirc with increasing intervals. So this is odd. 13:51
RubioTerra Let me try the debug module 13:52
@sena_kun, it doesn't seem to be trying to reconnect
sena_kun that sounds like an issue, yes. 13:53
RubioTerra 'nc localhost 9999' connects ok 13:56
sena_kun RubioTerra, can you please leave a feedback describing this issue on the site, so we could focus on it among other features/fixes before next release?
RubioTerra Yes
sena_kun RubioTerra++
RubioTerra I'll try App::MoarVM::Debugger later to get more info 13:58
El_Che RubioTerra: in case you want to test against an alternative rakudo, there are fedora packages
RubioTerra By the way, I'm using rakudobrew, it should make no difference, right? 13:58
sena_kun it should.
El_Che RubioTerra: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg
RubioTerra hm 13:59
El_Che RubioTerra: I don't expect any difference
sena_kun using linux distribution packages are preferred though for users.
El_Che (grasping at straws can be interesting when debugging :) )
tbrowder_ [Coke]: perl foundation website needs to show tpc::na::2019, at least location and rough dates for planning 14:16
[Coke] Thanks, opening a ticket.
tbrowder_ i hate duplicated efforts, but an active, one-stop events page for perl (esp. p6) would be cool. there seem to be several of varying currency. i don’t have a solution, but maybe a wiki with some moderation, or send emails to someone or some org. 14:21
++lizmat’s weekly is a good source for many events 14:22
lizmat If I don't mention a Perl 6 event, it's usually because I didn't know about them 14:24
El_Che and if lizmat and woolfie don't know, it's a bug 14:26
lizmat hehe 14:27
well, woolfy is off to Wacken, so she won't know for a little while anyway :-)
tyil tbrowder_: awesome :D 14:34
El_Che so, it's party time in Echt? No old ball and chain? 14:35
tyil tbrowder_: would be nice if we could list perl 6 related events all on perl6.org directly
El_Che lizmat: she tolerates the progrock so you should do the same with Metal :)
lizmat El_Che: I would, if they only had seats at Wacken: but you're not even allowed to bring in your own 14:36
El_Che: and standing on my feet for whole days is a very painful experience for me
El_Che lizmat: yeah, hard for he knees 14:37
tyil .tell jnthn the comma IDE newsletter in non-html only shows non-english messages to read it online at anpdm.com, which makes it look shady (imo)
yoleaux tyil: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
tbrowder_ tyil: how will you use =defn? i’m looking at our doc site rendering and wonder what would be a better html look. something like: B<...term...>: I<...definition...> 14:38
tyil tbrowder_: I'll answer that in half an hour, need to pack up and go to Utrecht for a meetup
tbrowder_ roger 14:39
jkramer m: sub foo(*@x) { .say for @x }; foo<foo bar baz> 15:00
camelia ( no output )
jkramer What exactly does this code do? :)
Juerd foo().<foo bar baz> 15:01
m: sub foo(*@q) { .say for @x; return { foo => 1, bar => 42, baz => 100 }; }; say foo<foo bar baz>
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '@x' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub foo(*@q) { .say for 7⏏5@x; return { foo => 1, bar => 42, baz =>
Juerd m: sub foo(*@x) { .say for @x; return { foo => 1, bar => 42, baz => 100 }; }; say foo<foo bar baz>
camelia (1 42 100)
jkramer So it's trying to use the return value of foo() as hash and access the keys foo, bar and baz in it? 15:02
Juerd Yes.
jkramer Ok, thanks :)
jkramer Shouldn't it crash though? foo does not return a hash. 15:02
lizmat m: say Nil<foo bar baz>
camelia (Nil Nil Nil)
jkramer Huh, interesting :)
Juerd It returns Nil, which is sufficiently hashy for this :)
lizmat m: Nil<foo bar baz> # jkramer # your original code golfed 15:03
camelia ( no output )
Juerd I don't agree that Nil<foo> should silently "work", but iirc this is intentional.
jkramer lizmat: Nice, that saves me a lot of space ;)
jkramer But then again: 15:04
m: say Nil{'test'}
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Autovivifying object closures not yet implemented. Sorry.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say Nil{'test'}7⏏5<EOL>
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo yes?? 15:05
yoleaux 06:17Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: related to the Squashathon?
AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
lizmat jkramer: I guess you would have to look up that syntax in the synopses 15:06
jkramer I think I'll just avoid using Nil has hash for now :)
lizmat m: my $a; dd $a; $a<foo> = 1; dd $a # auto-upgrade 15:07
camelia Any $a = Any
Hash $a = ${:foo(1)}
tyil tbrowder_: I'm back 15:14
tbrowder_ that was speedy! 15:15
tyil in what sense do you mean "use"? As in, how will I render it? 15:17
if you want to format it to html, you can use the dedicated html tags for definitions, <dt> 15:20
I'm working on output to the terminal (and to troff), so I'd probably bolden/color the term, and use regular style for the definition itself 15:22
tyil docs on HTML definition lists, in case you're interested: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/W...Element/dl 15:26
tbrowder_: does that answer your question? ^ 15:27
tbrowder_ tyil: the mods i am making are: a new class Pod::Defn is Pod::Block with attributes $.term and $.definition. it will replace the current Pod::Block::Defn and the %config will be checked to ensure all lower-case keys are one of the S26 standard keys with its correct S26 value type. @.contents should be empty UNLESS a future spec wants to add more para blocks following the $.definition. 15:41
and there will be specced tests for all the above. 15:42
afk& 15:43
t0ne15 <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth 16:14
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/
or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/
luisoliv14 <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth 16:29
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/
or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/
timotimo is that ... creative? 16:31
sena_kun sigh
lizmat I guess we need to add another regex / something somewhere 16:32
mst: ^^^
mst lizmat: channel now registered users only until the stupid passes. 16:33
yoleaux 16:04Z <brrt> mst: you can always still rebind
timotimo freenode is offering their "own" bot for anti-spam, afaik?
lizmat mst++
mst that's Sigyn, which killed the spambot just now.
El_Che mst: thx for the effort. Those f* are annoying as hell 16:34
wbn :(
timotimo OK
mst the problem is that it has to be reactive and so a carefully calibrated spambot can get a few lines through before it gets blown away
timotimo i wonder if a tarpitting solution would be acceptable for the irc server 16:35
mst I've done ... something different ... on irc.perl.org
but that wouldn't replicate at freenode scale, I don't think
Geth ¦ doc: Scimon self-assigned Proc::Async Example needs to be modified to run on Windows 10 github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1453 16:37
mst timotimo: there's been some discussion about how to modify the infrastructure to be more resistant against this stuff
but it's annoyingly non-trivial 16:38
timotimo i can only imagine
mst plus if we fuck over the bots on here, they immediately flip over to /msg spam
somebody's actually paying attention unlike on smaller networks
(another reason my 'something different' worked) 16:39
Util m: say "9930972392403501" ; 16:42
camelia 9930972392403501
Util m: say "9930972392403501" + 0;
camelia 9930972392403501
Util m: say 9930972392403501 ;
camelia 9930972392403500
Util m: say 9930972392403501 + 1;
camelia 9930972392403501
Util Two hours of debugging, just golfed down to that.
Please tell me this is a bug, and not behaviour for which I must forever be watchful :^)
lizmat that looks like a bug to me! 16:43
El_Che a weird on
lizmat Util++ # perseverance
El_Che I would have expected the string to misbehave
sena_kun do I understand correctly that there are no methods that can be called on List/Array, but cannot on Hash/Map? Or other way around.
lizmat sena_kun: objects can always be considered a one-element List 16:45
sena_kun I have tried comparing of `set Foo.^methods`, and there are difference with `(-)` seen, but I still can call methods from the diff on both, so I guess it's inherited.
lizmat m: say 42[0]
camelia 42
El_Che m: Hash.^mro
camelia ( no output )
El_Che m: Hash.^mro.say
camelia ((Hash) (Map) (Cool) (Any) (Mu))
lizmat m: say 42<a> 16:46
camelia Type Int does not support associative indexing.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
sena_kun lizmat, yes, thought so. :S Thanks a lot.
El_Che it gets the role Iterable though (common with List and Array) 16:46
Util lizmat, El_Che: thanks! 16:52
timotimo wow, how did that happen 16:59
El_Che off by one, literally :) 17:00
AlexDaniel Ulti: nice find 17:05
lizmat Util actually :-)
AlexDaniel oops 17:07
uzl Hello, #perl6! 17:33
raschipi heya 17:34
uzl hey, raschipi! 17:35
I wrote this simple blog about command line args in Perl 6. --> uzluisf.gitlab.io/2018/07/31/comma...ine-perl6/ 17:38
uzl Any feedback is welcome ;)! 17:38
lizmat uzl: why $name.tc~" "~$last-name.tc , why not "$name.tc() $last-name.tc()" 17:43
raschipi "Like with other subroutines, you have named and positional parameters, optional (and required) parameters, multiple dispatches, etc. with the MAIN subroutine." This sentence repeats itself at the start and at the end. 17:45
lizmat uzl: other than that, nothing that immediately caught my eye 17:46
weekly: uzluisf.gitlab.io/2018/07/31/comma...ine-perl6/
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
uzl lizmat: Not really sure. I'll change it to that! 17:47
any instance where that would make a difference? 17:48
lizmat or at least put some whitespace between the elements
lizmat a ~ " " ~ b rather than a~" "~b 17:48
the latter looks really funny (at least to me :-)
uzl alright!
raschipi uzl: It's just more idiomatic, helps understand the program easier. Otherwise people will have the same reaction as lizmat: y tho? 17:49
uzl raschipi: I'll try to rephrase it. Thanks!
uzl raschipi: that makes sense. 17:50
raschipi s/color-pair syntax/colon-pair syntax/ 17:51
lizmat raschipi++ # good catch
Zoffix uzl: FWIW, on my display, the "Perl" and "6" are on separate lines 17:52
in the title
unicodable6 Zoffix, U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE [Zs] ( )
Zoffix use that to make them stick
raschipi I hope he comes back 17:56
.oO( he? )
raschipi sorry, I'm not used to languages where words are gendered that strongly 17:58
My language has feminine and neutral genders, I mean neutral.
Zoffix When I first came to #perl6, I made it a point to not reveal my gender and for several months I amused myself everyone assuming I was a "he" :) 18:00
AlexDaniel we suck :) 18:02
timotimo i generally make an effort to use gender-neutral pronouns, i consider it polite 18:05
tadzik pronouns are silly
and I can relate to raschipi, in Polish "user" is a male, so that's the connection in my head as well: "he left, maybe he comes back" 18:06
alexghacker they're the real world equivalent of the '^' twigil
timotimo in lojban the letter-words are usually used for pronouns 18:07
tadzik well, but you do have ^ for all variables, not ^ for some and + for others for absolutely no reason other than hystorical :)
timotimo i.e. i would refer to tadzik as "tee"
or as alex as "eh" i guess?
.oO( looking forward to e neural gender )
tadzik I'd like e, or any alternative to the current situation for that matter 18:08
we could also take ŝi from Esperanto, as it kind of sounds like both :)
raschipi Just use he as gender neutral, solved. 18:09
AlexDaniel heh… :) um… not really 18:10
tadzik I imagine it'd piss off a similar amount of people as if you'd use "she" for everyone
and pissing people off, even if for the right reason, is no way to convince people of anything
Zoffix m: say Q:b:c/\{ $^{<a b c>.pick}.say; $^{<a b c>.pick}.say }(42, 100)/.EVAL xx 10
camelia 42
Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2
in block <unit> at EVAL_2 line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Zoffix hehe
lizmat raschipi: act.perlconference.org/tpc-2018-gla.../talk/7317
,oO( Just use she as gender neutral, solved :-) 18:11
raschipi lizmat: I'm aware of the issues. Like I said, it was a pure translation problem, since it's how it works in Portuguese. 18:12
lizmat raschipi: no worries :-)
timotimo oh, my previous statement may be interpreted to say people are rude if they don't default to "they"
lizmat but perhaps we should start using "e" from now on, saves on typing as well :) 18:13
El_Che using "it" for a person is way weirder, though
even if well intended
tadzik it baffles me that people tend to complicate things to no visible end in an attempt to make everyone happy instead of trying to simplify things instead
lizmat said e
what e said
Zoffix 𝑒 :)
tadzik we're all equals, let's move behind this silly differenciation and move on. "e" is great!
Zoffix I like what e said :) 18:14
timotimo i like e, but they is already better understood
tadzik frowns at pronoun.is/
El_Che isn't that the depressed singer from The Eels
tadzik I find they confusing as it's wired in my head as something plural
El_Che it *is* plueal 18:15
timotimo now you sound like the fellow who was upset that people use "you" as singular
tadzik hehe
timotimo you is plural, you bleeps, use thou like any other normal person FFS
El_Che the plural is for kings and queens, but I am a non-US republican :)
tadzik well, I don't have that problem with "you" because I've seen it in both contexts for 25 years :)
timotimo if you can learn a new javascript framework every three hours, you can learn a new pronoun every couple years 18:16
El_Che I will refer with the pronoun the person in question prefers, but I won't generalise that for all my generic utterances
it's a compromise that seems to work
tadzik timotimo: ah, but I don't want to learn all those new JS frameworks either :P 18:17
maybe let's just use $ for singular and @ for plural universally...? ;)
El_Che I also try to switch in texts between he and she
timotimo didn't mean to stick you into a too general category there
tadzik . o O ( e and "ey" ) 18:18
.oO( oh god, what have I started! :P )
[Coke] eyyyyyyyyyyyy </fonz> 18:18
tadzik e tends to appear and disappear all the time :o
[Coke] wonders if you have to be a us person of a certain age to get a fonz reference. Probably
timotimo well, i didn't get it, and i'm a non-us person 18:19
lizmat I got it
El_Che same
oh crap
raschipi My problem with made up pronoums is that it's offensive to trans people.
lizmat timotimo: www.youtube.com/watch?v=90qX16aWwEY 18:20
raschipi For some of them, the ones that don't buy into it.
tadzik oh, now we're getting into "made up words" :) 18:21
timotimo huh, this is the first time i hear that
but pronouns are for more than just cis and trans people, they're also for genderqueers, genderfluid, agender, etc
raschipi Denies them their own gender, giving them a defective gender that's not either male of female. 18:21
timotimo but trans people are free to use she or he if they want? 18:22
El_Che The trans people I have met in the Perl community seemed very nice and not too preocupied with pronouns. You use what they prefer out of respoect and you continue talking.
tadzik most reasonable people work like that :) 18:23
raschipi Getting hang up on it is very rude indeed. 18:24
tadzik I'm all for people being addressed in the way they prefer, as El_Che says, out of respect. But the moment we try to accomodate everyone with their own pronoun it just gets crazy complicated for no good reason. Wasn't the goal to treat everyone equally instead of specialcasing? 18:26
El_Che That doesn not mean that I mimic the vocabulary like "cis" and the like. I just find important that person feels welcome and accepted (as (s)he is) 18:27
timotimo there's a difference between equality and equity that i think applies here
tadzik I'm looking at github.com/witch-house/pronoun.is/pulls, people request additions of "yo", "vi", "shi" etc
timotimo take it from this perspective: everybody has an equal right to be addressed in a manner that fits them
tadzik maybe it's time to take a step back and just admit that pronouns serve little purpose it practice 18:27
timotimo if you call everybody "he" or "she", even those who refuse to be gendered, you're giving equality to those that "he" or "she" fits well
tadzik we have language contructs to differenciate men from women, but not one race from another, one hair colour from another, one body type for another. You could say "oh then we should add them all", but maybe it's better to just drop them completely? 18:28
timotimo we have language constructs that differentiate married from unmarried women
tadzik timotimo: that's why I'd rather pick a new word so everyone's on even ground
yeah, that's silly too, and I think it's getting less and less popular 18:29
El_Che you'll loose some specificallity
that can be relevant on some ocastions
and not in others
timotimo to me, pronouns are more like first name / last name
you're not going to say "we must drastically reduce the number of different last names in the world" 18:30
El_Che I think many trans people want to be refered to the gender they feel and not a neutral pronoun
it's also about identity
tadzik no, but we're not advocating for everyone to use other people's full names at all times
El_Che (in contrast with biological classification)
tadzik you pick a short version because that's easiest
timotimo what about nicknames
tadzik those are especially handy with name collisions :) 18:31
timotimo why isn't picking a pronoun that fits you just like picking a nickname that fits you
El_Che in roman languages like italian, spanish and portuguese it's easy to pick the preferred pronoun
timotimo likewise, forcing a nickname that doesn't fit someone is also rather rude
this fits surprisingly well
El_Che on germanic languages it's more difficult
tadzik it's different if you expect people to use it at all times. I wouldn't go around correcting people from Tadeusz Sośnierz to Tadeusz „tadzik” Sośnierz, that'd be silly
timotimo except pronouns are usually shorter than both nicknames and full names 18:32
tadzik I'd rather just have people skip the irrelevant parts as long as it's clear
El_Che "I am happy" in those languages already carries gender, so it's easy to continue from there
tadzik timotimo: I'm now thinking of pronoun being like a title :) 18:33
raschipi Holy crap don't get me starded on the 'x' or '@' nonsense.
El_Che lxs chichxs :) 18:34
raschipi I have no problems with it, as long as it's something possible to pronounce, ffs. :)
timotimo if it's only used in writing, it's fine if it's not pronouncable, imo 18:35
raschipi It's annoying as heck, because I can't read what I can't pronounce.
timotimo oh, OK
SmokeMachine pronouns arent the only problem if you are not talking exclusively in english... there are languages (as portuguese) that every substantive is "male" or "female"... and you use a different article for each of them
raschipi No, in Portuguese the two genders are female or neutral. There are no male gendered words. 18:36
timotimo yeah, in german it's a bit awkward, too
tadzik curious how languages kept all these distinctions even though they tend to simplify themselves over time 18:37
sena_kun timotimo, pronounce gives you info about, well, chromosomes and you can assume things based on that, that's why it is useful. as for e.g. skin color, it gives some small differences to assumptions, but not so drastically ones as biological sex does. 18:38
SmokeMachine raschipi: or you could say you use the male article for neutral words, or that there are no neutral words...
sena_kun of course, "assumption are wrong because you can make a mistake in 1% of cases", but if 99% are nice... that's better than nothing. of course, if you know a person, it is a different matter, but it is not always the case. 18:39
raschipi If I tell you the the student is learning, is about a male or female student? Same in Portuguese.
tadzik sena_kun: right, but we (socially) tend to assume less and less based on the biological sex. I guess it's fair to say (at least around you good people) that it's an objectively good thing :)
sena_kun *assumptions
raschipi that the*
SmokeMachine raschipi: but in portugues "estudante" is a male word... 18:40
raschipi It's not, it's a neutral word.
timotimo it's even funner for words that don't make much sense to be gendered
SmokeMachine you say: "o estudante"
timotimo what is it about a table, or chair that makes it male? but a bench is female for some reason?
raschipi Even 'o estudante' is neutral. It doesn't carry any gender information.
timotimo a spoon is male, a fork is female, a knife is neuter?
raschipi A colher, o garfo, a faca. 18:41
.oO( there is no spork )
raschipi Mostly the last letter.
[Coke] new rule: everyone gets a sigil instead.
sena_kun tadzik, we do, but biology is not, there are tons of differences between bodies disregarding what people want/think. :S 18:42
timotimo sena_kun: but most biological differences ought not influence things, IMO
SmokeMachine o: artigo masculino; a: artigo feminino
tadzik sena_kun: right, but I think it's a worthy goal to disregard those more than underline them even more
new pronouns for new gender variants seem to me like an effort to underline the differences even more 18:43
SmokeMachine www.duolingo.com/comment/25262212/...-OS-and-AS 18:44
tadzik "it's not just a person, it's a transsexual person" -- I don't care! I'll treat them just the same anyway
raschipi SmokeMachine: think about how people use them, you'll see 'o' is neutral.
timotimo tadzik: there isn't a "pronoun for trans people", i don't think. pronouns are for everybody. 18:45
raschipi Have to create new pronoums since they aren't really women/men is the message I hear.
tadzik I think I understand the point of timotimo's, about them being a bit like nicknames
SmokeMachine call every one `it` 18:46
tadzik but when someone is insisting on using a particular pronoun for them, it feels a bit like "it's «Jackie Brown *PHD*» to you, sir", and that's just silly and annoying
(to me anyway)
sena_kun tadzik, if you're about tons of quickly made up words for hundreds of new genders(except for XX, XY and trans people who do transition), then I agree with you 100%. But I personally don't think we should erase difference between XX and XY, it exists and it is useful.
SmokeMachine (in portuguese there is no `it`)
raschipi If we are to pick pronoums, 'His Majesty' is mine.
timotimo i disagree about the useful between XX and XY
sena_kun Or, rather, useful to know in some situations, like doctor, not "useful to be different". 18:47
tadzik timotimo: right, I picked that as an example, perhaps an unfortunate one
[Coke] "So, how about that Perl 6?"
tadzik :)
raschipi The topic police is here!
tadzik $e for singular, @e for plural, it's settled then
tadzik hides 18:48
[Coke] yes, it only took me 10 screens and people starting to get slightly crabby.
SmokeMachine tadzik: and %?
[Coke] I'm not your granddad, though. 18:49
geekosaur communities and governments?
raschipi %e for cranky people
SmokeMachine I am writing a ORM where $ means a relationship to-one, @ to-many and Im thinking of using % to many-to-many... 18:50
timotimo i tend to take a "it's none of your business what's in my pants or genes" stance about pronouns, i think
timotimo especially since there's not only XX and XY, but also X0, XXY, XXXY, XXXXY, and XYY 18:51
Scimon Hi all.
raschipi I agree, and I do think it's appropriate to ask people you are close to you to use your chosen pronoums. The problems arise when there's too many of them to keep track and when in more formal situations where they can attacrct unwanted attention. 18:52
Hi Scimon
timotimo huh, women with more than 90% XY genes have given birth, eh?
jferrero XYY == "superman"?
Scimon The rabbit hole that is Windows Process fun gives getting deeper.
tadzik SmokeMachine: so "we like them" becomes "%e like %em"? :)
timotimo jferrero: sounds like "supermale" is the term used for it, but it's not a sensible description of the outcome
btw, lojban has different words for "we (including you)" and "we (excluding you)" 18:53
i've wished for that to be available in german a whole bunch of times
tadzik that sounds useful
timotimo when my parents would tell me "we're invited over to $foo's house tonight" i'd always have to ask "you or we?"
SmokeMachine like: `class Post { has Person $.author`, `class Person { has @.posts` and `class Person { has Array[Comments] %.comments{Posts}`
jferrero timotimo: Oh, yes! Superman is an alien... 18:54
timotimo Scimon: i do not envy you for having to deal with that
huh, there's historians who suggest that joan of arc may have been XY with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, that's fascinating 18:55
i wonder what they base that on
anyway, i'll stop going off-topic now %) 18:56
Scimon I don't suppose know's where in the code base the Proc stuff lives?
timotimo of course
the high-level parts live in src/core/Proc.pm and Proc/
Scimon As far as I can tell in CMD.exe and Powershell it only really works for bat files. 18:56
(I need to try Cygwin too)
timotimo the low-level parts are mostly moarvm's src/io, i'd assume mostly procops.c
Scimon Meeep. 18:57
(That's the sound when I'm feeling way out of my depth)
(interestingly if you run an exe, like firefox, you can see it spawned in the task manager but there's no sign of the thing...) 18:58
timotimo firefox probably has a "is there already a firefox open? if so, communicate with the existing one instead"
i think calc.exe is the common thing you launch when you want to launch a process
Scimon Well I was generally trying notepad.exe 19:00
Because I'm doing a lot of this for Proc::InvokeEditor
I'll try calc too
Notepad++ worked fine.... 19:01
timotimo another place where windows is mostly one big clusterfuck of special cases? 19:03
Scimon Great I think it really depends on what you're running (atom launches but it's spawned from a bat file (well a cmd file) so the perl6 process thinks it's done). 19:04
So yeah.... special case city. Try it an see.
timotimo at this point, it may be better to grab contorl of keyboard and mouse, add a new launcher to the desktop or task bar, double-click it, and delete it afterwards, then give control back
raschipi I get annoyed when application double fork on Linux too. They're not supposed to do that. 19:05
"Double fork". That's not how it's done on Windows, but it's somewhat analogous. 19:06
Scimon I'm getting enough info to update the docs at least. 19:10
As for InvokeEditor I'll just give a list of tested editors I guess.
geekosaur I think Windows really wants you to use COM instead: send 'edit this file' to an editor object, wait for a response saying 'done'? 19:12
Scimon That sounds.... right. 19:16
Well when I say right...
Scimon (Calc also does the spawn and says it's ended trick) 19:18
I think I'm going to eat.
Later everyone
geekosaur right, it's just sending a message to a COM component, not actually launching the program as such 19:19
uzl Zoffix: I've added the non-breaking space character. hopefully it's displaying fine in your end now. 20:08
great catch, raschipi!
raschipi uzl: Why did you add the multi MAIn with the -h option? It works better without it. 20:18
xinming what are the differences between $a.flat @($a) 20:19
what are the differences between $a.flat @($a) and |$a ??? 20:20
Are they all the same thing?
raschipi xinming: mostly the same.
SmokeMachine m: my $a = [1,2,3]; dd [$a.flat, @($a), |$a] 20:21
camelia [(1, 2, 3).Seq, [1, 2, 3], 1, 2, 3]
xinming seems doesn't. :-) 20:22
I'll need to read more doc so I can understand them. 20:23
raschipi m: my $a = [1,2,3]; .say for [$a.flat, @($a), |$a]
camelia (1 2 3)
[1 2 3]
tyil tbrowder_: I'd personally say Pod::(Block::)Defn is a Pod::Block, which has a $.term, and .contents contains the para
SmokeMachine the .flat return a Seq of flatened list and |$a return a Slip 20:24
tyil tbrowder_: this would make a =begin defn block be able to contain multiple Pod::Block::Para if needed
SmokeMachine m: dd |[1,2,3]
camelia Int element = 1
Int element = 2
Int element = 3
SmokeMachine m: dd (|[1,2,3])
camelia slip(1, 2, 3)
SmokeMachine [1, slip(2, 3), 4, (5, 6), [7,8]] 20:25
m: dd [1, slip(2, 3), 4, (5, 6), [7,8]]
camelia [1, 2, 3, 4, (5, 6), [7, 8]]
SmokeMachine m: dd [1, slip(2, 3), 4, (5, 6).flat, [7,8]] 20:26
camelia [1, 2, 3, 4, (5, 6).Seq, [7, 8]]
SmokeMachine m: dd [1, slip(2, 3), 4, (5, 6).flat, @([7,8])]
camelia [1, 2, 3, 4, (5, 6).Seq, [7, 8]]
xinming so, the slip thing will auto flat in array context?
SmokeMachine yes
tyil m: [1, |(2, 3), 4, (5, 6), [7,8]]
camelia ( no output )
timotimo anything that iterates
tyil m: dd [1, |(2, 3), 4, (5, 6), [7,8]] 20:27
camelia [1, 2, 3, 4, (5, 6), [7, 8]]
SmokeMachine m: my $a = [1,2,3]; dd [$a.flat, @($a), |$a, $a<>] 20:27
camelia [(1, 2, 3).Seq, [1, 2, 3], 1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 3]]
uzl raschipi: I guess I just wanted to show the concept (and be more explicit) but you're right, it works fine out without it. Do you recommend removing?
xinming now, it get me confused again, (5, 6) vs [7, 8]?
SmokeMachine m: my $a = [1,2,3]; dd [$a.flat, @($a), |$a, $a<>, $a]
camelia [(1, 2, 3).Seq, [1, 2, 3], 1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]
xinming are they the same? 20:27
tyil xinming: first is a list, other is an array iirc
lists are immutable, whereas arrays are mutable 20:28
xinming I mean, (5, 6) to be a @array, second to be a array in scalar.
SmokeMachine m: say (1, 2).^name; say [1, 2].^name
timotimo putting $a<> into [ ] will give you a scalar container around it again
camelia List
timotimo because array
xinming a bit understand now
raschipi uzl: I do recommend removing it and then pointing them it adds -h and --help automatically. It's confusing because those are acttually automatically generated.
SmokeMachine m: my $a = [1,2,3]; dd ($a.flat, @($a), |$a, $a<>)
camelia ((1, 2, 3).Seq, [1, 2, 3], 1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 3])
SmokeMachine m: my $a = [1,2,3]; dd ($a.flat, @($a), |$a, $a<>. $a)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of . to concatenate strings; in Perl 6 please use ~
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 [1,2,3]; dd ($a.flat, @($a), |$a, $a<>.7⏏5 $a)
SmokeMachine m: my $a = [1,2,3]; dd ($a.flat, @($a), |$a, $a<>.,$a)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed postfix call
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 [1,2,3]; dd ($a.flat, @($a), |$a, $a<>.7⏏5,$a)
SmokeMachine m: my $a = [1,2,3]; dd ($a.flat, @($a), |$a, $a<>,$a) 20:29
camelia ((1, 2, 3).Seq, [1, 2, 3], 1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 3], $[1, 2, 3])
tbrowder_ tyil: maybe, but i see extra paras as separate from the definition. they would expand the definition. when you look at common renderings of definitions the definition often follows the term on the same line, logically part of one para comprised of two parts. but that’s just my opinion.
xinming Will need to think more to get more clear about this 20:30
tyil most definitions would be only one para, sure
but it's not necessarily a single para
and .contents is already pretty standard I'd say 20:31
SmokeMachine xinming: try to read about containers
tyil Pod::Block::Named have a .name and a .contents
uzl raschipi: Oh, great! I'll do that then.
tadzik hah, I wrote that :) What a feeling
raschipi uzl: Do you want to guess what it does or do you want me to tell you? 20:32
tyil so I'd expect defn blocks to have a term and contents as well
then it doesnt matter if it contains 1 or multiple paras
tyil and it's in line with every other pod block as well 20:33
Util uzl: "multiple dispatches" should be "multiple dispatch" in all three appearances. 20:41
The wording ending in "es" does not appear in any of our documentation.
Re: `notice the lack of :` - You have explained that nuance quite well!
AlexDaniel squashable6: next 20:43
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 2 days and ≈13 hours (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel hmmm…
uzl Util: I'll fix that. I tried to make as clear as possible because it wasn't obvious to me the first time I saw. 20:44
raschipi: not sure I understand what you mean ;). 20:45
Is it a rhetorical question?
raschipi -h and --help are added automatically and send the USAGE message to standard output instead of standard error like when it doesn't recognize the parameters. 20:46
tyil tbrowder_: we could open it as an issue on a perl 6 repo so we can get input from others as well 20:48
uzl raschipi: This is what I have to justify their inclusion in the USAGE message: 20:53
You might notice that we mention the `-h` (and `--help`) flags in the
usage message which we didn't need to explicitly define because they
are automatically generated.
raschipi uzl: That's correct. 20:54
uzl After that I have: 20:55
If we execute prog.p6 with the `--help` (or `-h`) flag o provide no
matching signature, we get the new usage message:
raschipi yep
uzl I'll go with that then. Thanks for the clarification! 20:56
raschipi No need to mention it on the post, but to see the difference, try to pipe it into less with -h and then with incorrect usage.
MasterDuke .tell uzl i would probably say "prepending : to each variable", since it comes before the variable name 21:26
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to uzl.
MasterDuke .tell uzl also, you have '$surname' in the aliases example signature, but use '$last-name' in the body of the routine 21:32
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to uzl.
MasterDuke .tell uzl oh, and you say two kinds of aliases, but both of your list items are numbered 1 21:33
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to uzl.
SmokeMachine Will COMMA be on this promo? www.jetbrains.com/promo/friends/ 22:21
sena_kun SmokeMachine, you want to .ask jnthn after his vacation. :) Though I doubt about "right now"(today) for this particular sale. I am sure it involves some law/tax-related things to resolve. And COmma is still in its beta now. 22:30
tbrowder_ tyil: good idea, go for it. however, i’ve beeb thinking more about the defn scaffolding in S26 and am not sure multiple paras are mentioned explicitlly, although the presence of a defn delimited block allows for that. also coloring my view is the dual nature of how the term can be defined versus how the definition can be defined. i think an explicit definition attribute more closely follows S26. maybe we should ask Damian? 22:35
tyil tbrowder_: I think it would be good to ask him (or other people in general) to see what they think is right 22:40
tbrowder_ agree 22:50
SmokeMachine sena_kun: thanks! 22:51
and does Comma highlight custom slang? 22:52
sena_kun not sure about that. I'd bet at "no" as for now, but it's up to jnthn to look into it, he's the brave person behind lexer/parser. 22:53
for all months I've been developing various things, I've changed maybe 10 or something lines in grammar area, too scared. :P 22:56
timotimo i tried once, it didn't go terribly well 22:57
jnthn helped me, though, so it ended up working
SmokeMachine I realy wanna buy it... but its 526.51 reais 22:58
sena_kun well, there'll be community edition coming after "release". 23:00