»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
neteng1198s SmokeMachine: can you provide an example of using shift on the array within the hash? I keep getting it wrong 00:49
SmokeMachine m: my %a = a => [<1 2 3>]; say %a<a>.shift 00:56
camelia 1
tobs` m: my @a = 1; my Int @b = 1; use Test; cmp-ok @a, 'eqv', @b
camelia not ok 1 -
# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected: Array[Int].new(1)
# matcher: 'infix:<eqv>'
# got: [1]
tobs` can anyone think of a way to make this True? 00:57
tobs` (I wish the diagnostics in my real case were that helpful. I always got the same stringification for both values) 00:58
tobs` m: my @a = 1; my Int @b = 1; use Test; cmp-ok @a.values, 'eqv', @b.values 01:01
camelia ok 1 -
timotimo right, eqv also cares about exact types 01:06
tobs` it still doesn't quite work in my case: 01:09
m: class A { has $.name }; class X { has A @.arr }; my @arr = A.new(:name<z>); my $x = X.new: :arr(A.new(:name<z>)); say $x.arr.values eqv @arr.values; say Set($x.arr.values) eqv Set(@arr.values) 01:10
camelia True
tobs` m: class A { has $.name }; class X { has @.arr }; my @arr = A.new(:name<z>); my $x = X.new: :arr(A.new(:name<z>)); say $x.arr.values eqv @arr.values; say Set($x.arr.values) eqv Set(@arr.values) 01:12
camelia True
timotimo custom classes don't behave like value types by default
tobs` apparently it isn't even related to the type constraint on the has'd variable
timotimo at least i think that's what it does
m: class A { has $.name }; class X { has @.arr }; my @arr = A.new(:name<z>); my $x
camelia ( no output )
timotimo oops
timotimo m: class A { has $.name; method WHICH { ValueObjAt.new("A" ~ $.name.WHICH) } }; class X { has @.arr }; my @arr = A.new(:name<z>); my $x = X.new: :arr(A.new(:name<z>)); say $x.arr.values eqv @arr.values; say Set($x.arr.values) eqv Set(@arr.values) 01:13
camelia True
timotimo there you go
Grinnz neteng1198s: if you want help with perl 5, you should ask in #perl or on irc.perl.org #perl-help, not here 01:14
tobs` timotimo: thanks, I have to read up on that 01:15
tobs` huh, that's exactly my situation, but I have never heard of "value types" before 01:17
timotimo whether two objects with the same "things in it" are eqv by default depends on whether they act immutable or not 01:18
an array would use its identity (think: memory address, but constant) for keying 01:20
in sets and such
tobs` suddenly all my tests pass \o/
timotimo \o/ 01:21
buggable New CPAN upload: DateTime-Monotonic-0.0.1.tar.gz by JMASLAK cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/J/JM/...0.1.tar.gz 01:38
holyghost I've debugged Game::Markov somewhat, needs more time 02:38
Geth doc: c671af1212 | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/modules.pod6
Update modules.pod6

add =end code
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/modules
buggable New CPAN upload: Mathx-Chaos-0.1.3.tar.gz by HOLYGHOST modules.perl6.org/dist/Mathx::Chaos...:HOLYGHOST 03:38
holyghost ^-- includes mainstream correlation dimension
s/mainstream/more mainstream 03:48
holyghost .seen Zoffix 04:13
yoleaux I saw Zoffix 30 Nov 2018 23:37Z in #perl6: <Zoffix> huggable: AlexDaniel
hahainternet m: my $t="test"; given "anything" { when /anything/ { say $t }} 05:36
camelia test
hahainternet m: my $t="test"; given "anything" { when /anything/ { say $t; $t="changed"; say $t; }}
camelia test
hahainternet m: my $t="test"; given "anything" { when /anything/ { say $t; $t="changed"; say $t; }}; say $t;
camelia test
hahainternet ok something bizarro is going on for me then 05:36
oh, no i'm just tired
and solving aoc problems at 5:30am for some reason 05:37
jmerelo Latest data on commits/month in the perl6/doc repo github.com/JJ/TPF-Grant/blob/maste...ntropy.png 06:47
yoleaux 3 Dec 2018 21:16Z <masak> jmerelo: it's not ready, but I'm still planning to write it before the 5th. today is the 3rd. hope that works ;)
jmerelo .tell masak of course it does :-)
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to masak.
holyghost hi jmerelo, I'm debugging Game-Markov, it should be ready for next week 07:16
The only of my non-working packages
I'm full of ideas for it, by reading a bit 07:17
jmerelo holyghost: good luck 07:18
Geth doc: 931a2d269d | (JJ Merelo)++ | 5 files
Reflow, de-indentation and some corrections
holyghost jmerelo: thx, Mathx-Chaos should be working, I've updated the functionality 07:20
jmerelo holyghost: "should be working" does not mean what you think it means. 07:25
holyghost ok
jmerelo holyghost: it means "I have not tested it, but it looks OK" 07:26
holyghost: like Yoda said, "Do and don't, there is no should"
Either it's working, or it's not working.
holyghost the updated and same functionality works I meant 07:27
It has 3 tests that work 07:28
the rest also
jmerelo holyghost: it compiles and there are two tests, which work. That's the only thing we can say
holyghost: and the two tests compare a function with itself. No wonder it works.
is-deeply $corrdim.dimension($pop,$pop), $corrdim.dimension($pop,$pop); 07:29
holyghost there's a 3rd test on cpan
jmerelo holyghost: that, also, does not mean what you think it means
holyghost which works
jmerelo holyghost: for me, it means "It's releasing to CPAN stuff that is not on the repository"
holyghost the above test you mentioned compares numbers by the functionality of the same method 07:30
holyghost I use is-deeply because of comparison between numbers 07:30
e.g. doubles or floats 07:31
jmerelo I can't really figure out what it does. It's not documented, nor tested, and there's no main "Mathx::Chaos.pm6" module with documentation. 07:31
It apparently computes correlation between two things, which I can't figure out either 07:32
holyghost It's chaos theory math 07:33
holyghost I'll write docs later on, after everything of Game-Markov works 07:33
jmerelo holyghost: Mathx::Stat is in better shape, since there's some stuff in the README.md, but still no "main" class file, very few tests. 07:33
holyghost ok 07:34
jmerelo holyghost: far as I can see, same problem with tests there. You are comparing something that returns a scalar with itself. There's no way that does not pass. That's not a test. 07:34
jmerelo github.com/theholyghost2/Mathx-Sta...riance.pm6 07:35
holyghost I want to compare the scalars as the function has no bugs
scalar to scalar is just a number as I mentioned 07:36
jmerelo holyghost: that is a single function. It should simply be a function. Besides, you are not constraining the type of $xpop and $ypop.
holyghost: in general, if you compare something to itself, it's going to say it's true
You should compare some call to the expected value of that call, which you compute independently. 07:37
That's what tests are.
holyghost ok but they return numbers so they are the same and easily formatted for is-deeply
ok never mind
jmerelo holyghost: is-deeply compares objects. And you should compare the result of a function to the expected result, _computed independently_ 07:38
holyghost yes but if you return a decimal number, those tings stay the same
numbers matter in this
where you say you compare objects you compare numbers 07:39
so it doesn't matter for my is-deeply
jmerelo holyghost: you want to test consistency, right. Consistency is good. But you should also test that the returned value is the right one, because if you don't, the value could be consistent but wrong. 07:42
Geth doc: 4fc1be8803 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/control.pod6
Extends the definition of blocks

To include the fact that classes also behave as blocks. Closes #2481
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/control
holyghost jmerelo: sure but in math packages you cannot just put in an ok test against a number as the test itself can fail because of your bitwise system, somewise incorrectly speaking, but if my method is inexact I cannot test against some number 07:44
jmerelo holyghost: yes, you can. You can write tests for approximate numbers. There's the is-approx test
holyghost ah
holyghost which is the same thing again 07:45
is-approx is stupid in my tests of Mathx-Chaos
jmerelo holyghost: look at this: github.com/MattOates/Stats
jmerelo holyghost: look at the tests: github.com/MattOates/Stats/blob/ma...relation.t 07:46
holyghost ok
jmerelo This is one test: github.com/MattOates/Stats/blob/ma...relation.t
is cov(@x,@x), variance(@x), 'Covariance of same values is equal to variance';
holyghost I know
jmerelo And then the rest.
Besides, if correlation and covariance are already tested, and documented, and everything, it's always better to stand in the shoulder of giants and use them. 07:47
andrzejku do you think that it would be possible in the future to have Perl6 compiled executable like in compile language to tweak performance?
holyghost again, my tests are not dumb 07:48
jmerelo andrzejku: you can probably have Perl6 bytecode. That's it. Perl 6 works on a virtual machine, so it's difficult to generate machine code.
sena_kun as a packed moarvm with a script inside? likely yes, if enough hands or funds to do. :)
sena_kun though I don't see how it can improve performance in a significant way, however I don't know a lot of things anyway. 07:49
andrzejku jmerelo humm, maybe question regarding history who took the decision as I read a Perl6 history the first ideas about Perl6 VM it was C++ based VM, and how that happend that finally you created a C one? 07:52
jmerelo andrzejku: _I_ definitely didn't create anything.
And if I remember correctly, the first compiler was created by Audrey Tang in Haskell
andrzejku jmerelo I read it in Dr Fogs book 07:53
jmerelo andrzejku: I don't know what were the advantages, at the point MoarVM started, of C over C++. Probably speed, but historically, the first was PUGS 07:55
jmerelo andrzejku: Which one is Dr Fogs book? 08:02
andrzejku Learning Perl6 08:05
jmerelo Can someone please help Zarul Zajuan here? stackoverflow.com/questions/536047...ket-server 08:15
andrzejku: ah, Foy!
scott how would i find the index of the largest integer in a list? 08:55
timotimo scott: have a look at the maxpairs method: docs.perl6.org/routine/maxpairs 09:06
m: my @ints = 1, 2, 3, 9, 8, 7; say @ints.maxpairs
camelia (3 => 9)
scott timotimo: perfect, thanks! 09:07
pmurias andrzejku: the C++ Perl 6 VM was an early prototype (I don't remember it) 10:55
moritz smop? 10:56
pmurias moritz: Topaz 10:57
moritz: smop was in C (I remember that one as I was helping with it) 10:59
El_Che AlexDaniel`: now at Dockercon, but looking at the rakudo build failures 11:02
pmurias www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-b...windows-10 - hurray!!! microsoft is finally giving up on their browser, one less obstacle for rakudo.js :) 11:06
tadzik hooray, more of google's monopoly on the internet 11:08
El_Che pmurias: I thnk you haven't met microsodt
they will find a sauce to make it not-that-compatible
harrison m: "({(1...4).join(',')});"; 11:12
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "({(1...4).join(',')});" in expression "({(1...4).join(',')});" in sink context (line 1)
harrison m: say "({(1...4).join(',')});";
camelia (1,2,3,4);
harrison m: say "({(1...4)shuffle.join(',')});"; 11:13
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say "({(1...4)7⏏5shuffle.join(',')});";
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement modif…
harrison m: say "({(1...4).shuffle.join(',')});"; 11:14
camelia No such method 'shuffle' for invocant of type 'Seq'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
El_Che AlexDaniel`: good news. The failures were 1 travis fluke and 2 rakudo test flappers
lucasb harrison: do you want ".."?
not triplets
harrison m: say "({(1..4).pick(*).join(',')});";
camelia (3,2,1,4);
harrison m: say "({(1..4).pick(*).join(',')});";
camelia (2,1,4,3);
El_Che download the repo here at 8.00 KiB/s :(
harrison lucasb, what's the difference?
lucasb ".." creates ranges, "..." creates sequences
lucasb m: say 2, 4 ... 10 11:15
camelia (2 4 6 8 10)
harrison m: say 4...10.WHAT;
camelia (4)
harrison m: say (4...10).WHAT;
camelia (Seq)
harrison m: say (4..10).WHAT;
camelia (Range)
pmurias El_Che: they have nothing to gain in making it not-that-compatible, they luckily don't have the market share anymore 11:17
El_Che it will be installed on all their desktop OS 11:17
harrison lucasb, for small 'list' of values, is there a difference in terms of range and sequence? Why prefer one over the other?
El_Che it's a huge marketshare
lucasb harrison: i guess it depends on the use case, ranges are 2-field unexpanded data structures, where you can handle both ends 11:19
sequences are the whole shebang expanded, with a possibly arbitrary step/increase
harrison aha. 11:19
pmurias El_Che: people have learn to not to use the built in browser because IE was so horrible
harrison m: say 1,2,*+1...*>14; 11:20
camelia (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)
harrison m: say 1,2,*+1..*>14;
camelia 12{ ... }
harrison eh?
m: say (1,2,*+1..*>14).WHAT; 11:22
camelia (List)
harrison m: my $a = 1,2,*+1..*>14; say $a.WHAT;
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of ">" in expression "..*>14" in sink context (line 1)
Useless use of constant integer 2 in sink context (lines 1, 1)
harrison m: my $a = (1,2,*+1..*>14); say $a.WHAT;
camelia (List)
harrison m: say 1,3,* * 1..*>14; 11:23
camelia 13{ ... }
harrison m: say 1,3,* * 1..*>5;
camelia 13{ ... }
harrison Can anyone explain what is happening? 11:24
lucasb docs: docs.perl6.org/type/Range , docs.perl6.org/language/operators#..._operators 11:43
jmerelo harrison: hum 12:15
jmerelo harrison: 12:16
OK, I get it.
harrison: it's actually doing this
m: say "1","3", * * 1..* > 5 12:17
camelia 13{ ... }
harrison jmerelo, oh.
m: say 1,155,* * 1..*>200; 12:18
camelia 1155{ ... }
jmerelo harrison: there's some stuff with operator precedence there. It's creating a WhateverCode with the asterisks, and I really don't know what's going on with the > 5, but it might go also inside
harrison jmerelo, you're right.
jmerelo Actually, .. is only for ranges. If you want Sequences, you should use ...
But still, there might be some issues
harrison m: say 1,155,* * 1...*>200;
camelia (1 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 …
jmerelo well, no issues. That's good :-) 12:19
harrison Oh no! I hope that is not an infinite sequence I just created.
m: say 1,155,* + 1...*>200;
camelia (1 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201)
jmerelo harrison: infinite, but lazy 12:20
harrison :) oh hail laziness.
SmokeMachine pmurias: isn't await working yet? 12:22
Juerd Picking a nit: I find it much more readable with a bit of extra whitespace: 1, 155, * + 1 ... * > 200
If you don't like whitespace, redistributing it can also make it more readable: 1, 155, *+1 ... *>200 12:23
The whitespace in the original, "1,155,* + 1...*>200" makes it look to me as if "1,155,*" and "1...*>200" are grouped 12:24
lucasb ah, I think it's nice when whitespace follow operator precedence too
Juerd As if two lists are being added: (1, 155, *) + (1 ... * > 200), not that that makes sense :)
lucasb 2*3 + 4*5 instead of 2 * 3+4 * 5
SmokeMachine pmurias: perl6.github.io/6pad/#0bbc5596e2d0...5bd1ebe68a 12:25
harrison SmokeMachine, this is what I get on the console transfer.sh/2b7si/Screenshot%20fro...-27-07.png 12:28
SmokeMachine harrison: that makes sense!
SmokeMachine harrison: thanks! 12:29
harrison SmokeMachine, you're welcome.
lucasb SmokeMachine: pudim! om nom nom 12:30
ah, and this await code works in non-js? 12:32
SmokeMachine lucasb: no... Im using the js fetch... 12:35
now Im getting `semacquire NYI`... :(
pmurias SmokeMachine: using js promises using await from Perl 6 isn't done yet 12:40
SmokeMachine but im converting js promises to perl6 promises... :(
pmurias SmokeMachine: coroutines (used by gather/take/await etc.) work on node.js only atm, but there is an alternative implementation done for the browser it's just not yet plugged in 12:41
pmurias SmokeMachine: if you made a github repo for MemoizeDOM maybe it would be easier for me to colaborate on it/tweak it 12:42
SmokeMachine pmurias: what are you using for it js async/await?
pmurias SmokeMachine: yep
SmokeMachine pmurias: github.com/FCO/MemoizedDOM 12:43
pmurias SmokeMachine: in the generated code you can see commented out /*async*/ /*await*/
SmokeMachine yes... Ive seen
lucasb hmm, so parcel is akin to other bundlers like browserify and webpack? 12:50
SmokeMachine lucasb: I think so
lucasb I know nothing about JS. just wondered if there was any reason to pick one over another 12:51
SmokeMachine pmurias: did you see the repo? github.com/FCO/MemoizedDOM
lucasb unfortunately it makes my browser unresponsive 12:52
eval_code.js is huge (74M), maybe it could get trimmed down 12:53
but I guess everything comes from P6, can't strip it without changing the language 12:54
SmokeMachine what about save the eval_code.js on a service worker or at least on a local storage? 12:55
pmurias SmokeMachine: cloned it, working on making it build
SmokeMachine pmurias: would it make sense to use service worker to "save" the eval_code.js? 12:56
pmurias: or the old app cache
pmurias how would that help?
SmokeMachine pmurias: would not download it every time...
pmurias the big problem is that that it takes a lot of time to load?
SmokeMachine: isn't it cached? 12:57
SmokeMachine of course it should be cached... (sorry, I was trying to help to solve the lucasb's problem...)
but yes... its cached on my machine... 12:58
pmurias lucasb: yeah parcel is a bundler like webpack/browserify
lucasb: I mostly chose it because it insists the least on re-parsing the code rakudo.js generates 13:00
lucasb pmurias: thanks! so that was the reason :) 13:02
it seems there's a lot of unicode stuff in that file... 13:03
pmurias lucasb: had a webpack plugin working for nqp at some time in the past, so it should be doable
pmurias lucasb: I haven't put time in reducing the size of code rakudo.js generates 13:05
lucasb understood. now that it works on firefox (thanks for this!), I'll try playing with it, see how it works 13:07
pmurias the way dartpad works is the compile stuff on the server side and just execute a small tree shaken script on the user side 13:08
araraloren so the Raku can work on Firefox now ?
pmurias rakudo.js now supports firefox
araraloren Cool
SmokeMachine and safari too 13:10
pmurias haven't tried it on edge (but that's hopefully dead) 13:11
moritz www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-b...windows-10 13:16
Summertime edge was absolutely rocking standards compliance for a bit 13:18
pmurias doesn't trust the makers of IE 6 ;) 13:19
pmurias lucasb: the downside of parcel is that it often tries to too smart and values potential awesomeness over correctness 13:27
SmokeMachine pmurias: have you a easy example? Im curious... 13:28
pmurias pmurias: sometimes it's output formatting doesn't display error messages in full because it's update output in place and print a ton of emojis and colors formatter is broken 13:30
SmokeMachine: or it compiles your Perl 6 program twice because before the worker process "warms up" it races it with the main process 13:31
SmokeMachine pmurias: had you the same kind of problem with web pack? 13:32
pmurias SmokeMachine: not, but webpack wants to reparse generated code a lot 13:35
which I want to avoid
SmokeMachine pmurias: had you the same problem as me trying to build MemoizedDOM? 13:36
pmurias SmokeMachine: yep 13:36
will try to fix the build 13:37
SmokeMachine :)
AlexDaniel jmerelo: so? 13:47
buggable New CPAN upload: Chart-Gnuplot-0.0.8.tar.gz by TITSUKI modules.perl6.org/dist/Chart::Gnupl...an:TITSUKI 13:58
jmerelo AlexDaniel: hum 14:06
so what?
AlexDaniel jmerelo: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...12-03#l876
jmerelo I'll check it out. 14:07
I just did a Doc squashathon because no one else proposed anything...
You probably mean 8 contributors, not 88, right? 14:08
I would say kensanata is the winner, right?
AlexDaniel jmerelo: oh whoops, yeah. And yeah 14:11
jmerelo AlexDaniel: changed that already
AlexDaniel \o/ 14:12
so let's do anything but a doc squashathon next time… :)
jmerelo AlexDaniel: unbitrot? 14:13
AlexDaniel there are many ideas actually. Bug hunting (submit bug reports), blog posting, another unbitrot…
jmerelo .seen kensanata 14:14
yoleaux I saw kensanata 30 Nov 2018 21:27Z in #perl6: <kensanata> AlexDaniel: sure
jmerelo .tell kensanata you're the winner of the last Squashathon! github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to kensanata.
jmerelo .tell kensanata contact AlexDaniel for Camelia shipping :-)
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to kensanata.
AlexDaniel .tell kensanata actually you have to tell your address to lizmat (or figure out another way, like getting it on a conference) 14:15
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to kensanata.
Geth doc: dba1d79794 | Coke++ | doc/Type/Test.pod6
tag multi-line methods properly
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Test
AlexDaniel kensanata: o/ 14:36
kensanata yo! 14:37
yoleaux 14:14Z <jmerelo> kensanata: you're the winner of the last Squashathon! github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
14:14Z <jmerelo> kensanata: contact AlexDaniel for Camelia shipping :-)
14:15Z <AlexDaniel> kensanata: actually you have to tell your address to lizmat (or figure out another way, like getting it on a conference)
kensanata Haha, wow! 14:38
Geth doc: taboege++ created pull request #2487:
Mention value types in eqv documentation
AlexDaniel hah, I love JJ's advent post :) 🎅 15:48
kensanata: some time ago you asked about documentation: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2018/12/...mentation/ 15:49
Geth doc: taboege++ created pull request #2488:
Add WAT to Glossary
buggable New CPAN upload: Math-FFT-Libfftw3-0.1.1.tar.gz by FRITH modules.perl6.org/dist/Math::FFT::L...cpan:FRITH 16:38
kensanata AlexDaniel: Nice! 16:43
jmerelo kensanata: congrats :-) 16:44
kensanata bows
Geth doc: f8016747c9 | (Tobias Boege)++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod6
Add WAT to Glossary

Synopsis 99 has an entry for WAT. It still appears in chat and issues, e.g. in the doc repo, often as the backside of a DWIM [1]. The formulation in this commit differs a bit from S99 to highlight that perceived duality.
  [1] colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...ion=search
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/glossary
doc: 8558478f9a | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/glossary.pod6
Merge pull request #2488 from taboege/WAT-glossary

Add WAT to Glossary
pmurias SmokeMachine: EVALing while compiling the module is causing the weird error 17:17
SmokeMachine you mean the EVAL :lang<JavaScript>? 17:18
or any EVAL?
pmurias: ^^
hahainternet m: my %h = (a => "b", b => "c", a => "c"); %h.say
camelia {a => c, b => c}
hahainternet is there a nice idiom to avoid this unfortunate misstep?
timotimo yeah 17:19
hahainternet and create an array / list within the value, ie a => [<b c>]
SmokeMachine m: my @h = a => "b", b => "c", a => "c"; @h.say
camelia [a => b b => c a => c]
timotimo m: my %h; %h.push((a => "b", b => "c", a => "c")); say %h.perl
camelia {:a($["b", "c"]), :b("c")}
hahainternet aaaaah push, of course
timotimo when push comes to shove ... :)
hahainternet (it's not that obvious but i should have checked it)
timotimo yeah, it's certainly not obvious without checking the docs 17:20
hahainternet timotimo: it makes my line length 1 too long, how do you propose to deal with that? ;)
pmurias SmokeMachine: any EVAL is broken, will fix that in a moment 17:21
SmokeMachine pmurias++
El_Che weekly: Rakudo 2018.11 Linux packages released (in repos and Github releases) github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg 17:23
notable6 El_Che, Noted!
pmurias SmokeMachine: but EVAL :lang<JavaScript> with document won't work anyways 17:26
timotimo shorter variable names :) 17:27
pmurias SmokeMachine: when using parcel we are compiling under node.js
SmokeMachine but for the compiler isnt it just a string? it will be parsed at runtime, wont?
pmurias: ^^ 17:28
pmurias SmokeMachine: when you are using MemoizeDOM, the code in it gets run
the Perl 6 compiler doesn't complain, the node.js V8 that does the eval complains 17:29
SmokeMachine yesy... you are right... maybe Ill have to transform it in a sub `get-document`
pmurias: no... I didnt get it... it would happen if it were on a BEGIN, but why is it running on node? 17:31
and why it works on 6pad?
pmurias SmokeMachine: the problem happens when MemoizeDOM is in it's own module 17:33
when you 'use MemoizeDOM' the stuff in it gets run at BEGIN time
SmokeMachine pmurias: ok! now I got it! 17:34
pmurias: maybe a `class Element { has $.document = EVAL :<JavaScript>, "return document"; ...` could work... and that would make it easier to mock on tests... 17:36
maybe a `my $document; class Element { has $.document = $document //= EVAL :<JavaScript>, "return document"; ...` 17:38
atweiden-air about to open prs for moarvm, nqp, rakudo at homebrew-core with these: 17:42
is it a good idea to use system libs in moarvm?
jmerelo atweiden-air: what does it imply a PR for homebrew? Do you need them to download them using homebrew? 17:43
atweiden-air jmerelo just that it effects lots of potential p6 users, so if system libs are iffy, then i will go back to building 3rdparty in moarvm
SmokeMachine .tell pmurias is there any plan to implement the `defined` method on the JS object wrapper? 17:44
yoleaux SmokeMachine: I'll pass your message to pmurias.
jmerelo atweiden-air: sorry, you lost me here. Do you mean you are going to make PRs to somehow make people compiling moarvm (and the rest) use some library that is not the system library? Will that be for the Mac or for everyone? 17:46
atweiden-air jmerelo: the goal is: brew install rakudo
as opposed to brew install rakudo-star 17:47
jmerelo atweiden-air: ah, OK.
SmokeMachine pmurias: I mean something like this: github.com/FCO/MemoizedDOM/pull/1/files 17:52
jmerelo .seen timotimo 17:56
yoleaux I saw timotimo 17:27Z in #perl6: <timotimo> shorter variable names :)
jmerelo .seen masak
yoleaux I saw masak 3 Dec 2018 21:26Z in #perl6: <masak> otherwise you can't bind an Int argument to a Real parameter
pmurias SmokeMachine: re .defined I have to think that over 17:58
yoleaux 17:44Z <SmokeMachine> pmurias: is there any plan to implement the `defined` method on the JS object wrapper?
pmurias SmokeMachine: got to think over what happens if the is a defined method on the JS object etc. 17:59
SmokeMachine pmurias: I think it would help to have: defined, Bool, gist, Str, etc...
pmurias I'll go grab some food and think that through 18:00
SmokeMachine: but maybe I could over a 'raw' and 'with extra methods' flag to EVAL 18:01
SmokeMachine pmurias: I think that would work... 18:02
pmurias: had you had the chance to take a look at the PR? 18:03
pmurias SmokeMachine: that should fix that issue
Geth doc: 6f57bbe431 | (Tobias Boege)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Mention value types in eqv documentation

Add an example where eqv on Set objects is (counter-intuitively) false: putting two objects which are equivalent each into a Set does not make the Set objects equivalent. The explanation refers to documentation of value types.
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/operators
doc: c854f4d4ee | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Merge pull request #2487 from taboege/eqv-on-Set

Mention value types in eqv documentation
SmokeMachine pmurias: and I think that would make it easier to me start to write some tests... 18:04
lucasb ^^ I was surprised by this Set/eqv thing 18:09
m: say ('foo'=>[1,2,3]) eqv ('foo'=>[1,2,3])
camelia True
lucasb m: say ($[1,2,3]).Set eqv ($[1,2,3]).Set 18:10
camelia True
lucasb nevermind, I must have mis-interpreted something :) 18:11
lucasb m: say ([1,2,3],).Set eqv ([1,2,3],).Set 18:12
camelia True
lucasb m: say ($[1,2,3],).Set eqv ($[1,2,3],).Set
camelia False
tmtvl o/ 18:13
lucasb ah, ([1,2],[3,4]).Set expand things... I was expecting a 2-elem set, not 4-elem
masak right. advent post writing time. 18:16
yoleaux 06:47Z <jmerelo> masak: of course it does :-)
masak rolls up sleeves
jmerelo masak++ 18:17
buggable New CPAN upload: PDF-Class-0.3.1.tar.gz by WARRINGD modules.perl6.org/dist/PDF::Class:cpan:WARRINGD 18:18
Geth doc: cff272d825 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Test.pod6
Reindent to test shippable refs #2489
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Test
lucasb we'll get to know the adverb usage he is intending :) 18:22
masak actually, no 18:24
that's next post ;)
lucasb ah
Geth doc: 4b0a19a92c | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
Puts badges in a row, closes #2489
jmerelo gets back from a brief moment of panic 18:25
masak m: sub foo(:$x) { $x }; sub bar { foo :$:x }; say bar :x 18:27
camelia True
masak .oO( :$:x )
look what happens when Larry gets the colon :P
Kaiepi ? 18:32
m: sub foo { say :$:foo }; foo :foo<ayy lmao>
camelia Unexpected named argument 'foo' passed
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jmerelo sub foo(:$x) { $x }; sub bar { foo :$:x }; say bar :none 18:33
m: sub foo(:$x) { $x }; sub bar { foo :$:x }; say bar :none
camelia Required named parameter 'x' not passed
in sub bar at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi oh i see what's going on
timotimo $:x is syntax for the implicit named argument, right?
tobs it's say that is complaining
Kaiepi m: sub foo { say $:foo }; foo :foo<ayy lmao> 18:34
camelia (ayy lmao)
timotimo and putting a : in front makes it a pair x => $:x 18:34
Kaiepi neat, i didn't know you could do that
masak timotimo: a pair which is a named *parameter* in this case
timotimo yeah
masak (getting its name from the implicit named argument, of course) 18:35
timotimo well, it's a pair of the name to the value that has been passed from outside
masak timotimo: I think of it as a more syntactic thing than that
Pairs are runtime values -- here, it just denotes "named parameter"
timotimo it surely is the shortest syntax to pass on an individual named argument :D
masak hard to beat, yes 18:36
masak though I guess |%* is pretty short, too 18:36
timotimo right, but it won't give you control over individual nameds 18:39
timotimo unless you use |%*<foo bar baz>:p, but that's neither here nor there :D 18:48
pmurias SmokeMachine: why isn't the PR merged? ;) (I can't do it because I don't have commit access to your repo) 18:56
SmokeMachine I’m on a meetings... 18:57
pmurias ok
SmokeMachine Merged 18:59
pmurias: could you please send me your github user?
pmurias pmurias 19:01
masak .oO( not the user *name*, silly. the *user* ) :P 19:05
mscha m: my @foo; if 'bar42' ~~ /\d+/ { @foo[1;$/]++ } # Very helpful error message...
camelia Cannot resolve caller postfix:<++>(List); the following candidates
match the type but require mutable arguments:
(Mu:D $a is rw)

The following do not match for other reasons:
(Bool:D $a is rw)
(Bool:U $a is rw --> Bool::False)…
mscha m: my @foo; if 'bar42' ~~ /\d+/ { @foo[1;+$/]++ } # This works.
camelia ( no output )
mscha m: my @foo; if 'bar42' ~~ /\d+/ { @foo[$/]++ } # This doesn't have the same issue.
camelia ( no output )
masak mscha: that looks like a multidimensional array indexing to me. is that what you intend? 19:06
i.e. -- do you know that `;` means "multidim" in index brackets?
mscha masak: yes, that's what I indend, and it works fine, but not if one of the two indices is a Match object, then you get that weid error message. 19:07
masak mscha: you intend for the Match object to numify automatically? 19:08
mscha With one-dimensional indexing, it works fine with a Match object as the index.
Most importantly, the error message is confusing. It took me about 15 minutes to figure out I had to numify it.
timotimo hm, but you can also pass a list, right? 19:09
to slicing
m: my @foo; if 'bar42' ~~ /\d+/ { @foo[$/]++ }; say @foo
camelia [(Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any…
timotimo hm, ok, that does use 42 there
lucasb too mAny
timotimo so you'd have to use | there i suppose
pmurias masak: I'm too lanky to fit into a parcel ;) 19:10
lucasb mscha: playing AoC per chance? :)
Geth doc: c3a1ccdb38 | Coke++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
curly braces
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/operators
mscha lucasb: exactly. :-)
lucasb if you wanna join our leaderboard the code is 169430-b1c331b2
mscha lucasb: I'm not getting up at 6am to do this, so the leaderboard is useless to me. ;-) 19:12
lucasb ok, it's a fun exercise anyway :) 19:13
Xliff my %h = |%*<foo bar baz>; %h.gist.say 19:14
m: my %h = |%*<foo bar baz>; %h.gist.say
camelia Odd number of elements found where hash initializer expected:
Only saw 1 element
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: %*<foo bar baz>.say 19:14
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
(foo bar baz)
Useless use of "*" in expression "%*<foo bar baz>.say" in sink context (line 1)
mscha lucasb: fun excercise, and a good opportunity to show off Perl 6. :-)
Xliff m: %<foo bar baz>.say
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Died with X::Hash::Store::OddNumber
in block <unit> at <tm…
SmokeMachine pmurias: but it will have a problem with the EVAL of the defined, won’t it? 19:15
lucasb mscha: yeah, keep comming everyday, so we all learn new idioms!
Xliff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lucasb s/m// :) 19:17
[Coke] in the REPL, if I type $*V and hit tab, the autocomplete is giving me types, not dynamic variables. 19:31
Geth doc: 7912acddc8 | Coke++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
really wants an article here.
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
jmerelo [Coke]: old URL alert!!! 19:47
jmerelo lizmat: how are you? 19:51
Geth doc: 30aa8aefb2 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Changing to new URL

Old one still works, but it redirects and we can use the new one already.
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
[Coke] jmerelo: ? 19:58
oh. I was only looking at the one thing I changed. 19:59
also: the URL you added has a double / in it.
(in the path, not just after the scheme)
jmerelo [Coke]: no problem. There are a few, we would have ot check it...
[Coke] perlconference.us/tpc-2019-pit/ now showing June 16-21 in Pittsburgh, PA 20:01
[Coke] also, I just got an email with some details 20:02
Geth doc: e088d260a5 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 3 files
Updates IRC log pointers
jmerelo [Coke]: RFC is kind of close, right?
masak draft of the advent post: gist.github.com/masak/9d586206067f...e79588a1ce 20:07
jmerelo masak++
masak let me know what you think! will put it up on wordpress later tonight.
if I'm lucky, I might even be able to work out how to schedule it for automatic publishing 20:08
jmerelo masak: looks fine to me.
masak: although 20:10
masak: macros are still experimental, right?
masak: you click on publish, that option will pop up.
lucasb what is the feeling about redirecting docs.perl6.org to doc.perl6.org ? 20:18
or... *feelings* (in the plural :) 20:20
sena_kun is there a reason besides personal preferences? 20:21
lucasb none that I'm aware of :)
sena_kun count me -1 then. :)
tadzik +1 from me, less confusion when you typo 20:22
lucasb seems like we reached zero :)
sena_kun typo like what? `doc` instaed of `docs`?
[Coke] lucasb: it's going the other way currently. why change it? 20:23
lucasb as stated before, "personal preferences" :) 20:24
it's ok, it's just a "S", it was an idea :)
sena_kun has muscule memory already done for typing `docs.p` into address bar 20:25
lucasb usually names the directories in the singular 20:26
hankache Anyone interested in grabbing my spot in the Advent Calendar? It's the on the 9th. 20:26
sena_kun Skarsnik maybe? 20:28
colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...12-03#l928 20:29
hankache .seen Skarsnik
yoleaux I saw Skarsnik 3 Dec 2018 21:58Z in #perl6: <Skarsnik> trait are compile time
hankache .tell Skarsnik regarding colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...12-03#l928 feel free to take my spot on the 9th. Kindly submit a PR to perl6/advent. 20:32
yoleaux hankache: I'll pass your message to Skarsnik.
hankache thanks sena_kun
sena_kun you're welcome. I hope the spot will be taken. :) 20:33
hankache indeed I'll feel bad if no one does. I was planning on writing something but won't have the time to. 20:35
masak jmerelo: yes, macros are experimental still. I added a pragma to that effect in the blog post. 20:36
I should also write something about the new exciting hygiene semantics not working yet
hankache If anyone wants the 9th of December spot please take it. First one to submit a PR to perl6/advent wins 20:37
pmurias SmokeMachine: I committed some fixes to MemoizedDOM 20:39
Geth advent: hankache++ created pull request #8:
Remove my entry on the 9th
SmokeMachine pmurias: .rakudorc is a thing? 20:50
pmurias: thanks! 20:59
Geth advent: 70f7ae9b24 | (Naoum Hankache)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | perl6advent-2018/schedule
Remove my entry on the 9th

Unfortunately I won't have the time to prepare my post. Feel free to grab it or tell someone who wants to.
advent: 82c4847f3d | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | perl6advent-2018/schedule
Merge pull request #8 from hankache/patch-1

Remove my entry on the 9th
SmokeMachine pmurias: are you getting this? 🚨 /home/fernando/Projects/MemoizedDOM/examples/todo/todo.p6: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/fernando/Projects/MemoizedDOM/examples/todo/node_modules/rakudo/CORE.setting.js.map' 21:04
moritz masak: how is your advent calendar entry for tomorrow coming along? 21:29
masak moritz: it's done; just need to put it into the wordpress thing 21:35
moritz masak: that's good to hear, thanks 21:40
masak I think I just scheduled it correctly 21:43
hint to future-me and all the other authors
masak you need to *both* choose to make the "status" into "Schedule", *and* to hit the big nice "Schedule" button (twice) 21:44
the second step is what I usually omit, methinks
I also scrolled through the preview, and it looked OK
Xliff Is there a way to refer to the current file, in Perl6?
_FILE_, is it? 21:45
moritz Xliff: $?FILE I believe
masak pasting directly from a rendered gist is a surprisingly viable way to use the WYSIWYG editor ;)
m: say $?FILE
camelia <tmp>
Xliff moritz++
m: say $?FILE.lines
camelia (<tmp>)
Xliff m: say $?FILE.WHAT
camelia (Str)
moritz masak: last I used it, selecting a publishing date in the future automatically selected the status, so fater that I only had to hit "Publish" 21:46
Xliff m: say $?FILE.IO.open.slurp.lines
camelia (say $?FILE.IO.open.slurp.lines)
Xliff m: say $?FILE.IO.open.slurp.lines.elems
camelia 1
Xliff Hahahaha!
moritz Xliff: camelia automatically replaces the current temp file name <tmp> in output
jdv79 what exactly is %? 21:49
not sure i've ever seen something like "say % .classify-list:..."
Geth doc: 8314e10294 | (Mike Clarke)++ | doc/Language/control.pod6
Add missing 'end code' to control structure page
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/control
lucasb jdv79: looks like an anonymous state hash variable 21:58
moritz or a hash contextualizer 22:03
buggable New CPAN upload: Sparrowdo-0.0.43.tar.gz by MELEZHIK modules.perl6.org/dist/Sparrowdo:cpan:MELEZHIK 22:08
New CPAN upload: Sparky-0.0.25.tar.gz by MELEZHIK modules.perl6.org/dist/Sparky:cpan:MELEZHIK
pmurias SmokeMachine: you get that error while building? 22:12
SmokeMachine yes
and the file really does not exist
jdv79 is it one or both? 22:29
anon state 22:30
pmurias SmokeMachine: I'll need to make a new rakudo.js release :/ 22:54
SmokeMachine .tell pmurias I splitted the modules into different files and started to write some tests... 23:20
yoleaux SmokeMachine: I'll pass your message to pmurias.
donaldh Is there an idiomatic way of %h<key> = Thing.new if %h<key>:!exists followed by $obj = %h<key> 23:22
tobs m: my %h; my $obj = %h<key> //= Rat.new; say $obj; say %h<key> 23:24
camelia 0
tobs m: my %h; %h<key> = 'defined'; my $obj = %h<key> //= Rat.new; say $obj; say %h<key>
camelia defined
tobs donaldh: like that?
donaldh tobs++
Exactly. was looking for a 1 liner
tobs though I'm not sure about the corner cases of "//= vs. :!exists" 23:25
donaldh True, the exists as undefined corner case 23:26
m: my %h; %h<key> = Nil; my $obj = %h<key> //= Rat.new; say $obj; say %h<key> 23:28
camelia 0
donaldh m: my %h; %h<key> = Nil; say %h<key> 23:29
camelia (Any)
donaldh m: my %h; %h<key> = Nil; say %h<key>:exists
camelia True
donaldh m: my %h; %h<key> = Nil; say %h<key>.defined 23:38
camelia False
donaldh oh
Kaiepi Parse errors: Tests out of sequence. Found (6) but expected (5)
how do i tell which tests are out of sequence?
jaush hi! how do i get zef (This is Rakudo Star version 2018.10 built on MoarVM version 2018.10) to work on windows (2012)? 23:43
leont Kaiepi: by running in verbose mode (-v) 23:44
leont What harness are you using: prove or prove6? 23:44
Kaiepi whichever zef uses
prove i think
leont zef can use either, depending on what is installed 23:45
leont is the author of prove6 23:45
(and the maintainer of prove)
Kaiepi how do i use prove for perl6 tests again? 23:47
Kaiepi nvm, prove -e 'perl6 -Ilib' -v t/ 23:50
thanks 23:51
leont or just «prove6 -l -v t» ;-) 23:52
lichtkind rakudo tells me cant flush filehandle but all i wanted is to use keyword prompt 23:57