»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
leszekdubiel Array @csv = [{:col1("cel11"), :col2("cel12")}, {:col1("cel21"), :col2("cel22")}] 00:00
leszekdubiel What does "Z=>" mean? 00:01
timotimo zip two arrays together by combining the individual items with the => operator 00:02
(also, stop at the shorter list's end)
leszekdubiel Excellent. :) But hard to find in documentation... I fount only here: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2010/12/...operators/ 00:06
timotimo not sure if there's a good way to make that searchable in the docs 00:11
just chop off an initial Z or X and search for what's left recursively 00:12
leszekdubiel Ok, thank you. Good night. Greetings from Poland. :) 00:13
timotimo good night leszekdubiel! 00:15
leont Damn, I just now realized I needed Z=> for a problem someone else posted here recently :-p 00:18
timotimo oh snap!
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo OK I did some preliminary work… maybe I will be able to finish it tomorrow, so perhaps not a big deal given that people usually start on Saturday… 00:32
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
holyghost I've made a game in Xcode, I've donated the code to my pm 05:34
jmerelo warns of some rough spots ahead while I test ecosystem-unbitrot 06:52
yoleaux 00:32Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: OK I did some preliminary work… maybe I will be able to finish it tomorrow, so perhaps not a big deal given that people usually start on Saturday…
jmerelo squashable6: status 07:03
squashable6 jmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈2 hours (2019-02-09 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo yay!!!
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: a9df30b2ba | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
ecosystem-unbitrot: eb2b08c966 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Adds mapping per module
ecosystem-unbitrot: 8918c81e02 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Adds state-opening routines
AlexDaniel jmerelo: good morning 07:28
jmerelo: OK, stop, let's talk 07:30
jmerelo: we need to figure out how this is going to work 07:31
jmerelo: I have a json file with all modules, their status and their output 07:32
also, I don't want people to close issues when a module was not fixed 07:33
e.g. a PR was submitted but not merged
this way the next time we do this type of a squashathon we won't need to go through the same modules *again*
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I need to go to work now 07:36
Let's talk in 30 minutes
AlexDaniel ok!
squashable6 Webhook for perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot is now active! Design for failure. 07:50
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: f2bba174d2 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | data/blin-output.txt
Remove generated blin-output file

It is changing all the time, and soon we'll not need to have it as a reference.
ecosystem-unbitrot: 1269340553 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | template.md
New issue template
ecosystem-unbitrot: 9c390d7272 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 4 files
Move old scripts to scripts/

These scripts may be needed sometimes, but our workflow no longer relies on them.
ecosystem-unbitrot: c029ea6ac1 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | template.md
It's not guaranteed that we know the author
ecosystem-unbitrot: 6524317910 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 3 files
Unbitrot::Utils, script placeholder
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: b0c62ccfed | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Unbitrot/Utils.pm6
Better url, removed some code, other tiny fixes
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: b8f8818a0b | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 3 files
Getting close to a working prototype
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: hello, I'm getting somewhere. I need some help though 09:10
jjmerelo shoot 09:11
yoleaux 2 Jan 2019 00:53Z <uzl> jjmerelo: I read you're writing a P6 book, JJ! Will it be a "bible" reference like "Programming Perl" or something less extensive?
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: can you review github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...emplate.md ?
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: yep
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: also I bastardized a bunch of your code :)
jjmerelo .tell uzl it's going to be a book for APress, "Perl 6 quick reference". Already 4 chapters into it, will amount to 15 chapters. No bible, though.
yoleaux jjmerelo: I'll pass your message to uzl.
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: you did great :-) 09:12
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: shouldn't that template say something about the actual state in the file? 09:13
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: for example?
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 14eb55acf5 | (JJ Merelo)++ | template.md
Adds blin-message
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: ahhhhhh yes yes yes 09:15
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: where's data.json? 09:16
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: it's a 2M json file: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/eb8a7da...72e42ff993
jjmerelo I don't see why it's not in the repo 09:17
Or in a permanent URL
Anyway, I'll download it for testing.
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 15e2211db3 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Functional issue submitter
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: prz don't commit a 2M file that is constantly changing to a repo :)
plz* :)
jjmerelo: is it needed for general public? I though issues is what people should be looking at 09:19
maybe I'm wrong
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 9c251b6ea8 | (JJ Merelo)++ | bin/update-issues.p6
Adds substitution
ecosystem-unbitrot: 68cf586919 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Looks fine now
ecosystem-unbitrot: 4d1f8f08bc | (JJ Merelo)++ | bin/update-issues.p6
Adds self to pinging
ecosystem-unbitrot: 64d1f1e850 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files

It's not a human-readable description unfortunately.
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: the goal of that Ping line was to ping the author of the module 09:24
jjmerelo: I just didn't have a better placeholder :)
jjmerelo: I'm actually not sure how to get a github username from module name easily…
jjmerelo I thought it was to ping someone for closing or reviewing or whatever...
AlexDaniel: in the most general case, you can't
AlexDaniel: you can maybe use META6.json, but we would need to download it 09:25
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: well if I just knew the clone url, then maybe… 09:26
where's my yet another hack-in-5-minutes-script to do that 09:27
I bet I had it somewhere
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: Maybe not worth the while...
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: maybe… so I think I should just run it? :)
so you think*
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: aeae5772e6 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Unbitrot/Utils.pm6
Recommit removed patch sub

It is used by close-single-issue
AlexDaniel squashable6: status
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon is in 29 minutes (2019-02-09 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: can we shift it by 2 hours or so? I don't want the squashathon to start while I'm populating the repo 09:31
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: here's the current output: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/2d24e91...da65b41d93 09:35
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: you would have to change squashable...
Let's just stay quiet and not encourage people to participate... 09:36
jjmerelo thinks it's quite unlikely that people does anyway... 09:36
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: no but the issue is that me submitting the issues will trigger squashable…
I can make it quite on this channel, but the log will still have a bunch of stuff in it… 09:37
quiet* :)
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: We'll make you not eligible for the plush toy anyway
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: can you check the README? I think the process is different now 09:38
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: and it's going to become even more
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: btw I'm expecting that contributors will use this link: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...endency%22 09:39
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: where in the body are you setting the issue to open?
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: I don't think you need to? If there's no ticket, I submit a open a new one 09:40
AlexDaniel and submitting a ticket doesn't require any change to `state` 09:40
squashable6: status
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈2 hours (2019-02-09 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: if it's closed, you're creating a new body, but not setting it to open
(That's why I always test) 09:41
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: shit the $url is wrong 09:43
Harzilein <jjmerelo> AlexDaniel: We'll make you not eligible for the plush toy anyway
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 1482597d62 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Unbitrot/Utils.pm6
Fix submit-issue by using the right url
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: should be fixed now
jjmerelo: doing a POST on that url files a new issue 09:46
at least that's what was used in populate-issues.p6
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: dc754c0d76 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 3 files
Adds meta for easy installation and test
ecosystem-unbitrot: f1f637f99c | (JJ Merelo)++ | 3 files
Adds JSON and fixes tests
ecosystem-unbitrot: 42fe4be67d | (JJ Merelo)++ | lib/Unbitrot/Utils.pm6
Adds 'is export'
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: can we make sure that nobody runs tests in t/ ? 09:52
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: what I'm tryingo to is to make them work...
AlexDaniel because that will bang github API in very unwanted ways… 09:53
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: it will not
AlexDaniel only if GH_TOKEN is set?
jjmerelo let me fix the tests 09:54
I'm working on that but you keep changing the functions...
AlexDaniel hah sorry :) 09:55
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 0e2feb421e | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Fetch some metadata from modules.perl6.org
ecosystem-unbitrot: 9be04c42a8 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 5 files
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: OK maybe pull now…
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: b73e32eb65 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Still tests fail, but need to pull
ecosystem-unbitrot: 8f42048e33 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot
ecosystem-unbitrot: 736cac0725 | (JJ Merelo)++ | t/0.t6
Tests passing
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: did you include state:open in the body? 10:01
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: no, and that's not needed
jjmerelo Also note should indicate whether it's a new issue or we're just opening it 10:01
AlexDaniel: if you change the issue it opens itself automatically?
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: my goal is to not reopen close issued
closed issues* :) 10:02
jjmerelo: because closed issues can be from a year ago, they're no longer relevant
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: but you're rewriting the issue...
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: that being said, there's a link to the previous ticket in the ticket template
jjmerelo: no, it opens a brand new one
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: Ah, OK.
OK, you're good to go. 10:03
I would have liked to have done it in another way, but, well...
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: yea I get it, reopen if there's a ticket already. But then we should teach the script to write comments and do other stuff
it gets way more complicated this way, and also you still need to reopen after some time 10:04
oops I mean recreate
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: ok I think I'm getting ready… are we sure that this template is alright? 10:20
changing it later will be somewhat annoying
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 188b2db952 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | bin/update-issues.p6
Ping module author if possible

This is not 100% correct but it will do the job almos every time.
tyil there's a bridge between this channel and the recently created Discord community :D 10:28
AlexDaniel tyil: can you send a single ‘hello’ message so that we see how it works? 10:29
discord6 <tyil> 'hello'
AlexDaniel uhhh…
but right, what did I expect :) 10:30
I mean, I just hate non-puppeted bridging with passion
tyil non-puppeted?
AlexDaniel tyil: matrix.org/docs/guides/types-of-br...ted-bridge 10:31
well, federation is even better, of course 10:32
tyil I don't think there's such a setup for Discord to IRC (and vice-versa) 10:32
but it may be a nice project for some people around to make :) 10:33
tyil I won't mind running it in my infra if such a project existed, because it would seem nicer to me too 10:33
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: I don't think the template might get any better. 10:34
AlexDaniel: it's good enough. 10:35
AlexDaniel I'm not sure, maybe you can bridge Discord to Matrix
and then we'll get everyone natively in the same room :3
tyil sounds like it will get increasinly slow to communicate with the Discord people then 10:36
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: what's the problem with the template?
tyil Matrix is not known to be a bastion of speed nor stability
AlexDaniel only if you route it through matrix.org servers 10:37
tyil which is where most channels are, so no matter which server you pick, it's going to route messages through the matrix.org server 10:38
AlexDaniel yes but can you federate with freenode yourself? I'm not sure 10:39
tyil but as I said, if you find (or make) a program that allows for a puppeted bridge, I will gladly host it instead of discord6 :p
AlexDaniel I don't mind it, I'm just slightly worried because I've seen channels where they have multiple things relayed in that way
like discord slack gitter… 10:40
tyil you theoretically can, but from what I've heard from ircops, they'd rather not set up any more Matrix bridges because theyre a massive pain to maintain
AlexDaniel it just turns into hell on the IRC side, at least for me…
tyil: hmm, interesting. I see
AlexDaniel` test 10:41
AlexDaniel yeah, that takes like 3 seconds
tyil to arrive at Matrix?
AlexDaniel from matrix to irc
tyil ah
AlexDaniel for some reason it's instant other way 10:42
anyway, we'll see how it goes :) 10:43
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: knock, knock 10:44
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: who's there? Get out, I don't know you
:) 10:45
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: template is OK.
AlexDaniel: go ahead!
AlexDaniel OK let's run the script for a single issue and see what happens
jjmerelo: omg markdown in tickets is different… 10:46
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 57048205f1 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | bin/update-issues.p6
Add delays
ecosystem-unbitrot: 173d6e542e | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | template.md
Remove convenient newlines from the template

Because GitHub has different markdown parsing everywhere (comments, gists, wikis, …).
AlexDaniel OK attempt №2
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: check it out! github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/322 10:52
note how it pinged the author and linked to the previous ticket :D
jjmerelo: great, though can you delete that comment? :D It reads like the module looks good 10:53
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 4aa424e4c2 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Unbitrot/Utils.pm6
Named :$token for consistency with other subs
ecosystem-unbitrot: 326f0422fc | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | template.md
Point people to the wiki page

Let people know that we track native deps of modules to make it easier to run Blin.
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: OK 11:03
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: maybe test your tests? I changed it to :$token again
squashable6: status 11:04
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon is in 55 minutes (2019-02-09 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel OK, running it then
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: OK 11:10
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: f95f733dcc | (JJ Merelo)++ | .gitignore
:see_no_evil: Tests are OK
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 3004ec84b4 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | README.md
Tweak the README slighly
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: wanna bet how long it will take for someone to yell at me because of all these notifications? 11:16
jnthn AlexDaniel: Thanks to the advance warning, I turned them off yesterday. :-) Thanks for that. I'd not have yelled anyway, but still... :) 11:20
moritz you would have grumbled :)
jnthn If I grumble in an empty office and nobody hears, did I really grumble? :) 11:23
moritz well, yourself. Problem solved. :D 11:24
.oO( it could've been the office itself that grumbled… )
AlexDaniel btw I have really high hopes for the ecosystem-unbitrot repo 11:26
it may be noisy now, but running the script again will not create new tickets if they already exist 11:27
and it will close tickets if the problem is gone
so we can use this repo continuously to keep the ecosystem healhy 11:28
healthy* :)
jnthn Very nice. 11:30
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 11:33
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon is in 26 minutes (2019-02-09 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: will you be around to help people? I wanna take a break today…
jjmerelo: note that we shouldn't close tickets, only label them 11:34
jnthn: I wonder, did you receive any notifications for @croservices org? 11:36
jnthn: even if the module is not watched, ticktes like this will ping authors anyway: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/549 11:37
but I wonder if it works for organizations
haha, the way I type right now :D OK time to take a break 11:38
jnthn AlexDaniel: Yes, I got the ones with mentions 11:41
AlexDaniel: Though this looks odd:
Module IO::Socket::Async::SSL cannot be installed (InstallableButUntested)
So the status is InstallableButUntested and the log below shows it's installed OK, so now does "cannot be installed" describe things? 11:42
Also the module has tests :)
AlexDaniel haha!!
jnthn: actually… Blin skips some modules because they don't behave well 11:43
AlexDaniel so the ticket is probably valid in a sense that the module needs to chill during its testing phase 11:44
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: not right now, I'm on a meeting, but I'll be this afternoon 11:44
jnthn Hm, wonder why it doesn't behave well...
AlexDaniel jnthn: github.com/perl6/Blin/blob/80417a8...lin.p6#L48 11:45
jnthn Also I got told off for NativeCall: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/478
Which is part of Rakudo :)
AlexDaniel jnthn: so if it's part of rakudo, then why modules.perl6.org/dist/NativeCall:...6.json#L13 11:46
jnthn AlexDaniel: Ah, as I remember it there was a hang resulting from a Rakudo bug that was fixed that it relied on, but I think that was resolved.
ooh, why is that still in the ecosystem...
I mean, once I guess it wasn't in Rakudo 11:47
jnthn Wonder how I can be rid of that 11:47
AlexDaniel jnthn: leave a comment that it should be OK to test it now, I'll unskip it in blin and the ticket will be closed automatically later
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: titsuki self-assigned MeCab github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/471
titsuki self-assigned App::AizuOnlineJudge github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/333

Do not close issues, just label them
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by AlexDaniel++! ♥
🍕 holli-holzer++ wrote a comment on “Color::Scheme”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461782003
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by holli-holzer++! ♥
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “November” (broken beyond repair): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/487 12:11
frankjh Hi, I got an email wrt github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/368. I am confident, that the test once worked, so probably perl6 or the infrastructure changed. How do I address this?
squashable6 🍕 nkh++ wrote a comment on “Data::Dump::Tree”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461783959
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by nkh++! ♥
AlexDaniel frankjh: do you on which rakudo version it used to work? 12:12
I can bisect it for you quickly
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “November” (deprecated module): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/487 12:13
🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “November” (broken beyond repair): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/487
🍕 ryn1x++ wrote a comment on “Graphics::TinyTIFF”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461784529 12:14
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by ryn1x++! ♥
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “November”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461784922 12:16
frankjh AlexDaniel: I hope I did not destroy that info just now, by pressing restart build on travis. travis-ci.org/soundart/perl6-tweetnacl/builds 12:18
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Graphics::TinyTIFF” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/410 12:19
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Graphics::TinyTIFF”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461785637
frankjh AlexDaniel: it probably was This is Rakudo version 2018.05-98-g61878c3e0 built on MoarVM version 2018.05-131-g9fb02c950implementing Perl 6.c. 12:20
AlexDaniel frankjh: OK, testing it. It will take a few minutes 12:21
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Data::Dump::Tree” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/374 12:23
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Data::Dump::Tree”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461786927 12:25
AlexDaniel frankjh: 🥞🥞🥞 Bisecting Crypt::TweetNacl 12:25
frankjh: we'll see the result soon, but I guess you're right that it's a regression of some sort
frankjh: I confirm that on 2018.05 it passes OK 12:26
frankjh AlexDaniel: travis uses now his is Rakudo version 2018.12-288-g5be7555fd built on MoarVM version 2018.12-45-ga9d02578aimplementing Perl 6.d. and it falis there too 12:27
AlexDaniel frankjh: yeah… I wonder how we managed to miss that
frankjh: ok, it was bisected to this commit: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/76...29449e82fa 12:34
squashable6 🍕 niner++ wrote a comment on “Inline::Perl5”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461789082
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by niner++! ♥
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Inline::Perl5” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/435
AlexDaniel frankjh: can you file a rakudobug here? github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues 12:35
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Crypt::TweetNacl” (rakudobug): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/368 12:36
frankjh AlexDaniel: ok, many thanks 12:47
AlexDaniel: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2681 12:52
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Crypt::TweetNacl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461794008 12:54
AlexDaniel frankjh: thank you! 12:56
frankjh Is there a way to start the travis build of Tweetnacl automatically if a new perl6 is released? 12:58
squashable6 🍕 nkh++ wrote a comment on “Data::Dump::Tree”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461794947
lizmat [14:00:31] <+Geth>¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned Crypt::TweetNacl test suite fails since 762c708fdcef github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2681 13:00
AlexDaniel frankjh: I don't of a way to do that, but I personally test every module before every release 13:01
lizmat ^^^ shouldn't that one have appeared here during the Squashathon?
AlexDaniel frankjh: in fact that's how we got that ticket :)
frankjh: the interesting thing about it is that somehow we missed it a few months ago… usually that doesn't happen…
leszekdubiel hello! 13:02
AlexDaniel frankjh: “don't know of a way to do that”**, sorry I can't type today :)
leszekdubiel i have a problem to solve.... 13:03
printf "A\tB\n1\t2\n3\t4\n" | perl6 -e 'my @kol = $*IN.get.split("\t"); dd $*IN.lines.map({ hash @kol Z=> .split("\t"); }); '
AlexDaniel lizmat: probably not? I'm not expecting many rakudobugs
leszekdubiel ({:A("1"), :B("2")}, {:A("3"), :B("4")}).Seq
lizmat AlexDaniel: okidoki
leszekdubiel but I need such a result:
printf "A 1\tB 2\nA 3\tB 4\n"
evalable6 A 1␉B 2
A 3␉B 4
leszekdubiel printf "A\tB\n1\t2\n3\t4\n" | perl6 -e 'my @kol = $*IN.get.split("\t"); $*IN.lines.map({ hash @kol Z=> .split("\t"); }).map({ dd $_ }) ' 13:06
shows keys
AlexDaniel leszekdubiel: I don't know an elegant way to do it, but what about 13:09
printf "A\tB\n1\t2\n3\t4\n" | perl6 -e 'my @kol = get.split("\t"); .join(“\t”).say for lines.map({ (@kol X~ ‘ ’) Z~ .split("\t"); });'
or maybe even 13:10
printf "A\tB\n1\t2\n3\t4\n" | perl6 -e 'my @kol = get.split("\t"); .join(“\t”).say for lines.map({ @kol Z .split("\t"); });'
leszekdubiel works great! :) Thank you. 13:11
AlexDaniel frankjh: so, generally, don't worry about it, we'll be checking that for you. Even if we miss it again somehow, we now have ecosystem-unbitrot repo where we will keep track of further issues 13:14
frankjh: just keep writing great modules and we'll do the rest :)
squashable6 🍕 jnthn++ wrote a comment on “IO::Socket::Async::SSL”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461799080 13:15
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by jnthn++! ♥
🍕 jnthn++ labeled issue “IO::Socket::Async::SSL” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/426
scimon For squashathon purposes what varsion should we be testing? The 2018.12 build? Or HEAD? 13:17
AlexDaniel scimon: the data is from HEAD, but you should see the same error in 2018.12 13:23
scimon: if something is failing on HEAD but not on 2018.12 it should be reported… github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues?q=...2%9A%A0%22 13:24
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Algorithm::LibSVM” (rakudobug): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/329
frankjh AlexDaniel, lizmat: thanks 13:25
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Algorithm::LibSVM”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461801629
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: masak self-assigned GGE github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/399 13:27
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by masak++! ♥
🍕 vendethiel++ wrote a comment on “Sprockets”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461803573 13:32
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by vendethiel++! ♥
AlexDaniel lizmat: “Since this was caught by tests, I guess we don't need any further tests?” uhhhh not really
lizmat: I think we shouldn't be relying on the ecosystem
lizmat ok, fair enough 13:33
lizmat added "testneeded" label
AlexDaniel lizmat++ ♥
wait, there's no pizza bot
AlexDaniel a squashathon without pizza… I want a refund, now 13:34
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Crypt::TweetNacl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461804323
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by lizmat++! ♥
🍕 lizmat++ closed issue “Crypt::TweetNacl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/368
🍕 vendethiel++ wrote a comment on “Hydrate”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461804395 13:35
AlexDaniel lizmat: fwiw this time, generally, we will be letting issues autoclose once modules become installable
lizmat oki
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ reopened issue “Crypt::TweetNacl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/368 13:36
lizmat is in the middle of some other stuff, but please ping me if you think I can provide a quick resolve
squashable6 🍕 vendethiel++ wrote a comment on “Hydrate”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461806890 13:43
Ven`` o/ 13:45
m: Mu<>; 13:46
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '<anon>'; expected Any but got Mu (Mu)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Ven`` ^ is that fine at is?
m: ($ = Mu)<>.perl.say
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '<anon>'; expected Any but got Mu (Mu)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Ven`` AlexDaniel: investing the failures in my modules, but I'm not doing too great ): 13:48
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Hydrate”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461811526 14:00
AlexDaniel Ven``: left a comment… but I have no idea why would you get Mu anywhere
Ven`` AlexDaniel: well, I very much want to get Mu. 14:04
also I don't see anything about postcircumfix:<> in that bisected commit 14:05
oh it calls hash_slice underneath
so it's the postcircumfix:{ } candidate that fails 14:06
m: my $mu = Mu; say Mu =:= Mu, $mu =:= Mu;
camelia TrueFalse
Ven`` ^ AlexDaniel: here's why I use <>
as a decon 14:07
as a decont*
AlexDaniel lizmat: maybe you can help? ↑ 14:08
Ven`` though honestly the other failure for Sprockets, the VMNull call, is just as perplexing...
lizmat yeah, looking at it sideways already: if there's a ticket, please assign to me 14:09
Ven`` lizmat++
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “Math::FFT::Libfftw3” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/468 14:10
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Math::FFT::Libfftw3” (rakudobug): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/468
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Math::FFT::Libfftw3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461814699 14:11
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Chronic” (rakudobug): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/353 14:15
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “JSON::RPC” (rakudobug): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/440 14:18
scimon AlexDaniel: Cheers. 14:25
AlexDaniel o/
squashable6 🍕 CurtTilmes++ labeled issue “LibCurl” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/447 14:31
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by CurtTilmes++! ♥
🍕 CurtTilmes++ edited wiki page “Home”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/wiki/Home 14:33
squashable6 🍕 Garland-g++ wrote a comment on “Libui”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461828012 14:53
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by Garland-g++! ♥
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Libui”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461829643 14:58
squashable6 🍕 Garland-g++ wrote a comment on “Libui”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461833061 15:09
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Garland-g self-assigned Libui github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/451
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Lumberjack::Dispatcher::Syslog”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461833856 15:11
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by jonathanstowe++! ♥
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Lumberjack::Application”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461834280 15:12
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Lumberjack”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461834622 15:13
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Lumberjack::Dispatcher::Syslog”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461835091 15:15
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461835249
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Lumberjack”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461835277
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Device::Velleman::K8055”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461836120 15:18
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Chronic”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461836644 15:19
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Cache::Memcached”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461836949 15:20
Geth doc: 9d9c65ba70 | Coke++ | 4 files
Allow examples to compile
doc: 3b91438617 | Coke++ | 2 files
prefer american spelling
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Math::FFT::Libfftw3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461844463 15:41
AlexDaniel lizmat: fwiw I didn't have time to look inside the module 15:46
AlexDaniel leaves to take a nap 15:49
squashable6 🍕 MasterDuke17++ wrote a comment on “Math::FFT::Libfftw3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461847647 15:51
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by MasterDuke17++! ♥
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Math::FFT::Libfftw3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461848346 15:52
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Math::FFT::Libfftw3”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461849319 15:55
squashable6 🍕 bbkr++ wrote a comment on “GeoIP::City”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461856907 16:17
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by bbkr++! ♥
AlexDaniel greppable6: GeoIP::City 16:21
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 10 lines, 2 modules: gist.github.com/1a2a1d199a2b47cdd8...dd788c8e34
timotimo Geo::IPCities? :D
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Lumberjack::Dispatcher::Syslog”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461861318 16:30
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: jonathanstowe self-assigned Lumberjack::Dispatcher::Syslog github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/460
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Lumberjack”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461862745 16:34
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: jonathanstowe self-assigned Lumberjack github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/458
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Lumberjack::Dispatcher::Syslog”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461864012 16:37
Geth doc: c5104a3241 | cfa++ | 4 files
Identation fixes.
Geth doc: 90539288a8 | cfa++ | doc/Type/Buf.pod6
Fix typo.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Buf
doc: 5417488d60 | cfa++ | 2 files
Spelling: add a few more words to {code,words}.pws
Geth doc: 58dbbc8f96 | cfa++ | 2 files
... a few more words to {code,words}.pws
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Map::Agnostic”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461886776 17:46
🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Map::Ordered”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461887021 17:47
jmerelo I have updated the River scores, to check which are the modules in the ecosystem with the highest number of dependencies: github.com/JJ/p6-river/blob/master...scores.csv 17:48
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461887688 17:49
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by JJ++! ♥
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned Bailador github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/344 17:50
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461888212 17:51
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Bailador”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461888219
ufobat___ strange
should i drop that one from ecosystem because its on cpan as well
( i think )
jmerelo ufobat___: which one? 17:52
squashable6 🍕 lizmat++ wrote a comment on “Map::Ordered”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461888548
jmerelo The "old" one is in Github
Hum, no. That one is redirected to Bailador/Bailador.
ufobat___ is confused 17:53
what should i do?
jmerelo It's probably picking up the CPAN one.
AlexDaniel I'm also very confused about this 17:54
lizmat jmerelo: perhaps modules like NativeCall should be excluded from the river
ufobat___ is this github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/439 beause of the "same" issue
AlexDaniel lizmat: perhaps modules like NativeCall should be excluded from the ecosystem :P
ufobat___ there is on on github and one on cpan
lizmat AlexDaniel: there was a reason we added them...
AlexDaniel lizmat: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...02-08#l453
ufobat___ but for both ( i assume ) that the github "version" is the same that is on cpan
jmerelo lizmat: it's interesting to know the score anyway...
AlexDaniel lizmat: it's part of rakudo, it shouldn't be in the ecosystem 17:55
jmerelo lizmat: I can exclude them by checking if they are in the ecosystem or not, if you think that's helpful.
squashable6 🍕 ufobat++ wrote a comment on “IoC”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461889449
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by ufobat++! ♥
AlexDaniel lizmat: it's currently pointing at zavolaj :D
lizmat ah... ok, yes, that should most definitely be gone from the ecosystem
jmerelo ufobat___: we can delete it from the ecosystem and leave only the CPAN version. 17:56
CPAN is OK, right?
lizmat as in: findable on modules.perl6.org?
if so, then yes 17:57
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Bailador”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461890754 17:59
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Bailador” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/344
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461891079 18:00
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned HTTP::Server::Ogre github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/418
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “HTTP::Server::Ogre” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/418 18:06
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Server::Ogre”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461892797
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned IRC::Client github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/427 18:07
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “IRC::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461893260 18:08
leont jmerelo: is there any place where I can look up what modules depend on a specific module 18:10
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461894550 18:12
jmerelo leont: you can use zef, I think it's something like zef rdepend 18:13
leont: you can also use my "River" module...
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: lukasvalle self-assigned Net::DNS github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/480 18:15
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by lukasvalle++! ♥
🍕 Leont++ wrote a comment on “IoC”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461895812 18:16
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by Leont++! ♥
🍕 Leont++ wrote a comment on “Bailador”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461895838
🍕 lukasvalle++ labeled issue “Net::DNS” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/480 18:17
🍕 Leont++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Server::Ogre”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461895996
leont Sorry for breaking stuff :-(
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “IRC::Client” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/427 18:18
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned Terminal::Print github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/526 18:18
squashable6 🍕 Leont++ wrote a comment on “DBIx::NamedQueries”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461896363
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “IRC::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461896779 18:20
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Terminal::Print”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461897012
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned Pluggable github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/502 18:21
jmerelo leont: you can look at the river score: Path::Iterator, 232, 18:23
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Server::Ogre”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461898393 18:25
leont Yeah, those 4 are all the dependents
squashable6 🍕 Skarsnik++ wrote a comment on “Discord”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461898510
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by Skarsnik++! ♥
leont An s/Iterator/Finder/ should fix all of those four modules. Or uploading a stub module deriving from, but yuk. 18:26
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Pluggable” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/502 18:27
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Pluggable”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461899010 18:27
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned epoll github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/550 18:28
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Leont self-assigned DBIx::NamedQueries github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/373 18:30
¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Leont self-assigned IoC github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/439
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “epoll” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/550
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “epoll”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461900069 18:31
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned License::Software github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/452
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “License::Software”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461900413 18:32
jmerelo leont++
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “License::Software” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/452 18:33
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Crust::Middleware::Session” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/367 18:35
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Crust::Middleware::Session”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461901488
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “MPD::Client” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/462 18:36
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “MPD::Client”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461901854 18:37
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned PDF::Class github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/492
doc: 041fe205aa | cfa++ | 2 files
... a few more words to {code,words}.pws
leont jmerelo: If you want to assign me the other two (Bailador & HTTP::Server::Ogre) that's fine by me 18:45
Geth ecosystem: 94a7f13869 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Removes Discord

Requested by @Skarsnik in github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461898510
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Kaiepi self-assigned Slang::AltTernary github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/519 18:46
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by Kaiepi++! ♥
🍕 Kaiepi++ labeled issue “Slang::AltTernary” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/519 18:49
squashable6 🍕 lukasvalle++ wrote a comment on “Net::DNS”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461906130 18:50
🍕 lukasvalle++ closed issue “Net::DNS”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/480
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “PDF::Class” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/492 18:52
jmerelo leont: will do 18:53
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-unassigned Bailador github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/344 18:53
¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ assigned to Leont Issue Bailador github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/344
¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-unassigned HTTP::Server::Ogre github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/418 18:54
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ unlabeled issue “HTTP::Server::Ogre” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/418
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned WebService::FootballData github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/542 18:55
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Net::DNS”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461908234 18:57
squashable6 🍕 lukasvalle++ wrote a comment on “Net::DNS”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461908714 18:58
🍕 lukasvalle++ reopened issue “Net::DNS”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/480
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Net::DNS”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461908759
AlexDaniel Kaiepi: I think there are now two PRs for that module :D 19:00
Kaiepi: github.com/mryan/perl6-Slang-AltTernary/pulls
Kaiepi oh whoops 19:01
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Discord” (deprecated module): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/381 19:02
🍕 Kaiepi++ wrote a comment on “cro”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461910175 19:03
AlexDaniel jmerelo: how much time does this take to install? github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/492
IIRC the tests are so slow that they time out
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461910531 19:04
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “PDF::Class”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461910574
rindolf AlexDaniel: hi, is there a hackathon now? 19:06
AlexDaniel rindolf: yes!
rindolf AlexDaniel: ah 19:06
AlexDaniel rindolf: perl6.github.io/ecosystem-unbitrot/ 19:07
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “epoll” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/550 19:08
🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “epoll” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/550
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “epoll”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461911829 19:09
🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “Pluggable” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/502 19:10
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “WebService::FootballData”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461912865 19:12
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Pluggable”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461912917
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “WebService::FootballData” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/542
jmerelo AlexDaniel: quite a while... 19:13
mns` Hi 19:14
AlexDaniel mns`: hello!
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned Backtrace::AsHTML github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/343
mns` Guys, i'm trying to follow this introduction to perl6 -> perl6intro.com 19:15
but when i'm trying :
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Backtrace::AsHTML” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/343 19:16
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Backtrace::AsHTML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461914129
mns` my ($a, $b);
AlexDaniel squashable6: be quiet
squashable6 AlexDaniel, .oO( Mmmm… pizza! )
mns` $a := $b;
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by atweiden++! ♥
mns` i've got: Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side 19:17
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned HTTP::Client github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/415
mns` perl6intro.com/#_scalars 19:17
timotimo m: my ($a, $b); $a := $b; 19:18
camelia ( no output )
timotimo it's the REPL's fault
if you put it in one line it works, if you use perl6 -e '...' it works, if you have it in a script it works, but the repl is sometimes very strange 19:19
mns` timotimo: i'm in repl 19:19
timotimo: thx
timotimo NP 19:20
feel free to stick raound and ask more questions
mns` timotimo: nice. i will :) 19:20
AlexDaniel squashable6: ok be loud again 19:22
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ALRIGHT, LET'S DO IT!!!
mns` AlexDaniel: =)
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “HTTP::Client” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/415 19:23
jmerelo squashable6: status
squashable6 jmerelo, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈18 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo, Log and stats: gist.github.com/5f1541c585dfe42081...855050fd33
AlexDaniel mns`: there's a hackathon today, so this channel is a bit noisy :) perl6.github.io/ecosystem-unbitrot/
mns` AlexDaniel: alright, np 19:24
squashable6 🍕 timo++ labeled issue “bamboo” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/548 19:25
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by timo++! ♥ 19:25
🍕 timo++ wrote a comment on “bamboo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461916973
Kaiepi cro's gonna be a toughie to fix
leszekdubiel So i have tested that code: 19:26
printf "A\tB\n1\t2\n3\t4\n" | perl6 -e 'my @kol = get.split("\t"); .join(“\t”).put for lines.map({ @kol Z .split("\t"); });'
input file has 841 kilobytes
perl6 processes that in 80 seconds
when run 100 times 19:27
perl 5 makes that 100 times in 1 second
squashable6 🍕 atweiden++ wrote a comment on “Digest::xxHash”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461917806 19:28
🍕 atweiden++ wrote a comment on “TXN”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461917822
🍕 atweiden++ wrote a comment on “TXN::Parser”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461917844
🍕 CurtTilmes++ wrote a comment on “epoll”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461917845
🍕 timo++ labeled issue “XXX” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/545 19:29
🍕 timo++ wrote a comment on “XXX”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461918192
jmerelo leszekdubiel: you might get some speedup using types, for instance. But there are some areas where Perl6 could use some speedups.
squashable6 🍕 timo++ labeled issue “X11::libxdo” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/544
AlexDaniel leszekdubiel: oh, wait, but do you take startup time into account? 19:30
leszekdubiel: for example, how fast is `perl6 -e ''` 19:31
leszekdubiel: and yes, that is slow. It is very hard to beat perl5 when it comes to startup time
leszekdubiel Welll... if I run this only once it takes 7 seconds 19:32
I don't care about startup time...
It can take even one second.
But computation time is long... 19:33
squashable6 🍕 timo++ labeled issue “Wkhtmltox” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/543
AlexDaniel leszekdubiel: yeah, something is wrong. Do you have some example data so that I can play around with it a bit?
squashable6 🍕 timo++ wrote a comment on “Wkhtmltox”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461919557
leszekdubiel Ok! I will prepare data. 19:34
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “Wkhtmltox” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/543
AlexDaniel timotimo: I think the meaning of that label is a bit different, although I could be wrong 19:35
previously we used it when one of the dependencies was preventing the installation of the module 19:36
I guess the dependency is fine in this case? It's the META6.json that is wrong?
timotimo right
what other label should i have used? :)
AlexDaniel timotimo: `PR sent` after you send a PR? :) 19:37
timotimo does blin give programs access to "java"?
AlexDaniel timotimo: heh… is there a module that runs java during its testing phase? xD
timotimo Tika
it's a wrapper around a java program 19:38
AlexDaniel interesting. No, I don't think java is available on that server
so `works for me` maybe if it works for you?
timotimo i haven't tested it :P
a bit too distracted to actually properly work on things 19:39
but i thought i could triage directly on github
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Pluggable”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461921660
🍕 CurtTilmes++ wrote a comment on “epoll”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461921684
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Pluggable”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461922012 19:40
leszekdubiel @ AlexDaniel: here is the testsuite 19:41
This runs 7 seconds:
time perl -e '$colnum = 500; $rownum = 500; print "column:$_\t" for 1..$colnum; print "\n"; for $r (1..$rownum) { print "data-in-row-$r-col-$_\t" for 1..$colnum; print "\n"; } ' | perl6 -e 'my @kol = get.split("\t"); .join(“\t”).put for lines.map({ @kol Z .split("\t"); });' | wc -l 19:42
in perl5 it runs 0.2 seconds
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “epoll”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461922839 19:42
leszekdubiel put colnum=900, rownum = 900 19:43
it lasts 22 seconds
perl5 makes that in 0.6 seconds -- half of second
AlexDaniel leszekdubiel: ok, let's double check something, what's your rakudo version? 19:44
leszekdubiel ii rakudo 2016.12-1 all Perl 6 implementation on top of Moar virtual machine
dpkg -l in debian
AlexDaniel ahhhhhh that could be it
it takes 1.2s on my machine
rakudo 2018.12
timotimo wow that's old :) 19:45
leszekdubiel Ok ... i have tried ubuntu: ii rakudo 2018.06-1 amd64 Perl 6 implementation on top of Moar virtual machine
AlexDaniel leszekdubiel: people were working really hard on performance in these two years, so that's exactly what I'd expect…
leszekdubiel it lasts 1 second
Wooow! You have made such a bit progress...
Sorry for troubling you with that old software. 19:46
timotimo i wonder if perl6 should, in its repl, point out if it's older than, say, one year? one and a half years?
leszekdubiel I won't install any software outside debian repositories on production system. 19:47
AlexDaniel timotimo: too late, I don't think it'll be more than twice faster any time soon
leszekdubiel I hope debian would pull newest version next release cycle.
AlexDaniel timotimo: maybe in some rare cases
leszekdubiel: yes, 2018.12 will be part of the next debian release
timotimo i can imagine that code could be made a bunch faster, too
the example code 19:48
AlexDaniel timotimo: but twice faster is perl5-like performance… hard to beat
squashable6 🍕 Leont++ wrote a comment on “Getopt::ForClass”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461924763
leszekdubiel for users 1.2 seconds or 0.6 seconds doesn't make any difference 19:49
AlexDaniel depends on the amount of data, I guess :)
leszekdubiel we run perl in our business software for textual data processing and files are no bigger than 100Mb; so I'm happy that newer version is the same magnitude of speed as perl5. 19:51
timotimo the measurement is pretty noisy on my machine :( 19:52
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461925924
timotimo time for moarperf to start up (by first recompiling all of cro and its dependencies) 19:53
AlexDaniel leszekdubiel: on average it is still noticeably slower, and there are some rare cases when the performance is really bad 19:54
leszekdubiel: but yeah, there's progress on this
timotimo perl -e '$colnum = 900; $rownum = 900; print "column:$_\t" for 1..$colnum; print "\n"; for $r (1..$rownum) { print "data-in-row-$r-col-$_\t" for 1..$colnum; print "\n"; } ' | time perl6 -e 'my @kol = get.split("\t"); .put for lines.hyper(:100batch).map({ (@kol Z .split("\t")).join("\t") });' | wc -l 19:56
3.38user 0.12system 0:01.60elapsed 219%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 299712maxresident)k
without the .hyper in the middle:
3.04user 0.04system 0:03.04elapsed 101%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 98840maxresident)k
that is rather good 19:57
leszekdubiel on my ubuntu: 3.57user 0.08system 0:01.26elapsed 288%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 297688maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+73057minor)pagefaults 0swaps 19:59
without hyper 3 seconds 20:00
timotimo that's even better 20:02
leszekdubiel perl6 is probably cow as perl5... we have had awful experience when string was of length (2**N + 5) then COW stopped working and program instead of few seconds run 40 minutes; 20:07
hope perl6 doesn't have many tricks inside that may render it unstable 20:08
timotimo i'm not sure what exact part would be COW
squashable6 🍕 cygx++ wrote a comment on “Unicode::GCB”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461931161 20:09
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by cygx++! ♥
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Kaiepi self-assigned cro github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/549 20:13
timotimo leszekdubiel: strings are immutable, but substrings, repetitions, and concatenations are often built as ropes, i.e. "references" 20:26
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461935817
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Unicode::GCB” (fixed): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/538 20:29
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Unicode::GCB”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461936676
leszekdubiel ok, thank you.
timotimo no prob 20:30
erick hello, I think I need privilege to add a label to perl6/ecosystem-unbitro 20:34
AlexDaniel erick: what's your github handle? 20:35
erick erickfjordan
sorry, erickfjordan 20:36
correction: erickjordan
AlexDaniel erick: check it here github.com/perl6 20:37
I've sent an invitation, you shuold be able to accept it there 20:39
erick ok thanks
squashable6 🍕 erickjordan++ labeled issue “Parse::STDF” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/493 20:43
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by erickjordan++! ♥
squashable6 🍕 erickjordan++ wrote a comment on “Parse::STDF”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461941118 20:46
squashable6 🍕 erickjordan++ edited wiki page “Home”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/wiki/Home 20:50
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: jonathanstowe self-assigned Task::Noise github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/525 20:55
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Task::Noise”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461943743
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Scimon self-assigned Uzu github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/539 20:57
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by Scimon++! ♥
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Red”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461944799 20:59
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by FCO++! ♥
Geth ecosystem: 11597eb2d9 | (Jonathan Stowe)++ | META.list
Remove the Task::Nose

This was always problematic as all the dependencies are tricky.
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Task::Noise”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461945205
🍕 jonathanstowe++ closed issue “Task::Noise”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/525
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ labeled issue “Red” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/514 21:01
🍕 Scimon++ wrote a comment on “Uzu”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461945493
🍕 Scimon++ labeled issue “Uzu” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/539
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Uzu”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461945732 21:02
squashable6 🍕 Scimon++ wrote a comment on “Uzu”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461945979 21:03
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Red”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461947170 21:07
🍕 Scimon++ wrote a comment on “Uzu”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461948004 21:10
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Scimon self-assigned Tika github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/533 21:12
squashable6 🍕 Scimon++ wrote a comment on “Tika”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461948948 21:14
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Lumberjack::Application”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461949148
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: jonathanstowe self-assigned Lumberjack::Application github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/459 21:16
squashable6 🍕 Scimon++ wrote a comment on “Tika”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461949825 21:17
🍕 Scimon++ labeled issue “Tika” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/533
squashable6 🍕 Scimon++ edited wiki page “Home”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/wiki/Home 21:19
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::UserAgent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461950434
squashable6 🍕 Scimon++ labeled issue “Typed::Subroutines” (deprecated module): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/536 21:24
Kaiepi m: my $s = supply { my Promise $p1 .= new; my Promise $p2 .= new; whenever $p1 { .say; $p2.keep: 2; }; whenever $p2 { .say }; $p1.keep: 1 }; $s.tap({ .say }) 21:26
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi whenever blocks right? 21:27
m: my Supply $s = supply { say 1; whenever Promise.new { }; say 2; }; $s.tap({ .say }) 21:28
camelia 1
Kaiepi m: my Supply $s = supply { say 1; my Promise $p .= new; whenever $p { }; $p.keep; say 2; }; $s.tap({ .say })
camelia 1
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Red”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461953097 21:29
🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “Red” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/514
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Red” (rakudobug): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/514
Kaiepi ok i guess not
m: my Supply $s = supply { say 1; my Promise $p .= new; whenever $p { .say }; $p.keep; say 2; }; $s.tap({ .say })
camelia 1
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Device::Velleman::K8055”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461953702 21:31
🍕 jonathanstowe++ closed issue “Device::Velleman::K8055”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/379
Kaiepi m: my $s = supply { my Promise $p1 .= new; my Promise $p2 .= new; whenever $p1 { emit .result; $p2.keep: 2; }; whenever $p2 { emit .result }; $p1.keep: 1 }; react whenever $s { state $c = 0; .say; done if ++$c == 2 } 21:32
camelia A react block:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Died because of the exception:
No such method 'result' for invocant of type 'Int'
in block at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: my $s = supply { my Promise $p1 .= new; my Promise $p2 .= new; whenever $p1 { emit $_; $p2.keep: 2; }; whenever $p2 { emit $_ }; $p1.keep: 1 }; react whenever $s { state $c = 0; .say; done if ++$c == 2 } 21:33
camelia 1
Scimon I took a look at Math::ThreeD but it seems to be based on Panda and I have no experience with it. 21:35
Sore head. Bye all. 21:38
timotimo see you and get well soon Scimon :)
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Device::Velleman::K8055” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/379
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Device::Velleman::K8055”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461955868 21:39
🍕 AlexDaniel++ reopened issue “Device::Velleman::K8055”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/379
squashable6 🍕 Kaiepi++ wrote a comment on “cro”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461956468 21:41
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: Kaiepi self-unassigned cro github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/549
Kaiepi disappointed i can't figure out what's wrong with cro's tests 21:44
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: jonathanstowe self-assigned Chronic github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/353
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ labeled issue “Chronic” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/353 21:45
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Chronic”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461957572
🍕 jonathanstowe++ closed issue “Chronic”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/353
🍕 thundergnat++ wrote a comment on “X11::libxdo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461958251 21:48
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by thundergnat++! ♥
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “X11::libxdo” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/544 21:48
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Cache::Memcached”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461958848 21:50
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “X11::libxdo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461959130 21:51
AlexDaniel finally got yelled at! 21:52
a little bit :)
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: CurtTilmes self-assigned LibGit2 github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/448
moritz AlexDaniel: HOW DARE YOU FIX THINGS?!?!?! :D 21:53
kerrhau hi 21:58
AlexDaniel kerrhau: hello!
squashable6 🍕 lukasvalle++ wrote a comment on “Web::Scraper”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461961330 21:59
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Cache::Memcached”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461961808 22:01
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: jonathanstowe self-assigned Cache::Memcached github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/350
squashable6 🍕 lukasvalle++ labeled issue “Web::Scraper” (failing dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/541 22:03
squashable6 🍕 Kaiepi++ wrote a comment on “UNIX::Daemonize”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461967913 22:25
Kaiepi ugh
i better get to an issue i can fix because that's 2 in a row i failed to
squashable6 🍕 Kaiepi++ closed issue “Hastebin”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/421 22:29
Kaiepi fucked up my own module lol
AlexDaniel xD 22:30
cpan-p6_ New module released to CPAN! Hastebin (0.0.4) by 03KAIEPI 22:55
New module released to CPAN! epoll (0.3) by 03CTILMES
New module released to CPAN! Map-Ordered (0.0.2) by 03ELIZABETH
New module released to CPAN! Map-Agnostic (0.0.2) by 03ELIZABETH
New module released to CPAN! MeCab (0.0.9) by 03TITSUKI
New module released to CPAN! MeCab (0.0.8) by 03TITSUKI
squashable6 🍕 jonathanstowe++ closed issue “Cache::Memcached”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/350 23:06
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Cache::Memcached”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461977621
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “Backtrace::AsHTML”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461978422 23:10
thundergnat AlexDaniel: Sorry if I came across as yelling. I meant that to mean "is there something I can put in the testing to fail early if X11 isn't available and don't bother to try if X11 isn't available", not "don't bother me". :-( 23:26
AlexDaniel thundergnat: it's alright, the situation itself is actually very funny :) 23:29
this got me thinking…
ha, it's there xD 23:30
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Foo::Regressed”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461982877 23:32
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Foo::Regressed” (broken beyond repair): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/396
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Foo::Regressed::Very”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-461982953
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Foo::Regressed::Very” (broken beyond repair): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/397
AlexDaniel is it possible to have a module named ‘’ (empty string)? 23:43
just found a module with `"depends": [""]` and am wondering if I can satisfy that dependency :D 23:44
timotimo ouchies 23:45