»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
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AlexDaniel weekly: GSoC. It's official: summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organi...599357952/ 03:36
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
03:42 random_yanek left 03:54 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined 03:58 random_yanek joined 04:08 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined, powerbit joined 04:22 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined 04:25 ferreira1 left 04:36 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined 04:51 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: dwarring self-assigned HTML::Canvas::To::PDF github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/581 04:51
04:55 zacts left 05:04 ayerhart joined 05:05 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Numeric-Nearest (0.5.1) by 03DRCLAW 05:06
05:07 |Sno| left 05:10 w17t joined
drclaw Fixed missing test-depends field in META6 in Numeric::Nearest 05:10
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jmerelo Now that Perl is accepted into Google Summer of Code, we need mentors. Please check this out if you want to help github.com/perl-gsoc-2019/ideas/bl...s-guide.md 06:15
06:25 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
samcv jmerelo, so the link to "chat" just goes to a page describing irc.perl.org iirc. but not a specific room to join 06:32
so maybe we want to make a room for it and list that?
also good morning
06:40 sena_kun joined 06:44 random_yanek left 06:50 sauvin joined
jmerelo samcv: I'll check that 06:56
samcv: I sent you an invitation as a mentor, I don't know if I got the right email address
06:57 random_yanek joined
jmerelo samcv: and good morning! 06:57
samcv: do you mean this?
Sorry webchat.freenode.net/?channels=perl6&nick= 06:58
samcv: or the one for Perl? I really have no idea where perl 5 people hang out... Do you know?
07:00 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
samcv jmerelo, yeah i got it and accepted 07:00
irc.freenode.net #perl? idk
do we have any perl 5 projects?
jmerelo samcv: yep, a few, based around Perl Dancer 07:01
Also, some perl5 people
samcv: I really don't know about the IRC channels used there. I started to really get involved with the community with perl 6. That was the best I could come up with. 07:02
I guess they use email preferably.
07:07 lgtaube1 is now known as lgtaube, zacts joined 07:10 rindolf joined 07:12 rindolf left 07:23 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined 07:25 rindolf joined 07:29 domidumont joined 07:36 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
jmerelo notable6: news.perlfoundation.org/2019/02/tpf...ogle-.html 07:49
notable6 jmerelo, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Notable
jmerelo notable6: weekly news.perlfoundation.org/2019/02/tpf...ogle-.html
notable6 jmerelo, Noted!
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patrickb o/ 09:28
El_Che hi 09:29
patrickb timotimo: In principle it it still possible to volunteer as a mentor and propose project ideas. 09:30
09:30 netrino left
patrickb The p6c ecosystem is unversioned, and just installs the latest commit in a given repository, correct? 09:34
I am struggeling to force a module (NativeHelpers-Blob) to install the latest commit. zef seems to fall back to what I installed last time. 09:35
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sena_kun patrickb, what is your command? just `zef install NativeHelpers::Blob`? 10:06
10:06 cpan-p6 joined
patrickb sena_kun: I tried: `zef install NH::B`, `zef update` then `zef install NH::B`, `zef uninstall NH::B` then `zef install NH::B`, `zef upgrade NH::B` 10:07
Could it be, that zef won't refetch the repo as long as the version number does not increase in the repo? 10:09
sena_kun it may be it. 10:10
but I wonder why it didn't work out after uninstall. 10:11
patrickb :-( That would mean, that people end up having different things installed, depending on when they installed it in the first place.
discord6 <kawaii> I think that's correct, with my own module I just resorted to cloning it and doing zef install $PWD each time I want to update it.
patrickb I think that's worth a bug report for zef.
sena_kun well, the github approach is a bit fragile anyway, I think. I wonder if something like stackage can be suitable. 10:12
discord6 <kawaii> I wonder why cpan5 wasn't just duplicated for perl6? 10:14
patrickb kawaii: Well we are reusing cpan5 in perl6. The ecosystem is rather quickly moving over there currently. 10:15
discord6 <kawaii> ecosystem aside, is this the correct place to post lengthy (and messy) perl 6 code snippets that are buggy and ask where I should even start debugging it? :] 10:16
sena_kun it is the right place. :) 10:17
discord6 <kawaii> This is part of my first real Perl 6 application, so be kind. :] gist.github.com/kawaii/32762d9cf40...434ed8b61c my problem lies within the grant-level-roles routine, which will sometimes freak out and assign a user all or some of the role IDs from the %level-roles hash, and I'm really unsure why or where I need to start debugging the issue. 10:18
10:19 cpan-p6 left
discord6 <kawaii> i.e. it assigns the user roles which they don't have the required experience points for, so maybe the issues lies in the calculate-level or get-user-xp routines? 10:20
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sena_kun are you sure there are no races in calling code? 10:27
I don't see anything too wrong with your gist, but "sometimes it behaves odd, but most of the time it is ok" sounds like a race to me. 10:28
discord6 <kawaii> I don't understand how it can be a race condition though when surely I'm just doing a single query to get a value from the database, and using that in some synchronous routines. 10:35
10:36 zakharyas left
sena_kun well, I don't see any top-level calls or MAIN, so I have assumed you are calling this code from some outer place. If it is synchronous too, then I wonder what it can be. 10:37
discord6 <kawaii> sena_kun: I have extended the gist with my MAIN :] 10:39
<kawaii> that code is async, but I wasn't aware it could cause issues in the way it is
10:42 rindolf left
sena_kun well, no, `whenever` is thread-safe. 10:42
so it likely can't hurt as far as I understand it.
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pmurias patrickb: aren't the students also free to propose project ideas not from the list if they are awesome and someone is willing to mentor for them? 10:56
(or did it change from the way it used to be)
patrickb pmurias: They are!
We actually encourage students to come forward if they have an idea. 10:58
(see perl-gsoc-2019.github.io/ideas/)
sena_kun I wonder if "Linking Perl6 for MoarVM" is already done(at least partially). 11:02
not yet merged though.
patrickb sena_kun: As you say. But I'd say that's the minor part of that project. So once that branch is merged I'd ask brrt to change the description a little and all is good. 11:04
sena_kun ah, great then. was just wondering. :) 11:05
11:06 scimon joined
lizmat weekly: news.perlfoundation.org/2019/02/tpf...ogle-.html 11:07
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
El_Che weeklie: The Perl Foundation acquired by Google. localhost/nope 11:09
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tadzik :o 11:13
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Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: tbrowder self-assigned Date::Names github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/577 11:38
masak I've forgotten to announce -- blog post still upcoming -- that `swap` now exists and works in 007 11:42
here: github.com/masak/007/blob/master/e...s/swap.007
11:43 jmerelo joined
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Date-Names-Perl6 (2.0.1) by 03TBROWDER 11:45
masak (pre-empting a likely objection: yes, we're still evaluating the unquotes twice in there. that's bad, and technically a bug. will hopefully be able to address that soon.)
pmurias GSoC++ # Insanely awesome Google is paying students just to do something cool over the summer 11:47
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jmerelo pmurias: let's hope may students apply and we have plenty to choose from (and for Google to fund) 11:50
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liahs hey 13:34
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masak liahs: hi 13:36
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Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: melezhik self-assigned Sparrowdo::VSTS::YAML::Nuget github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/569 13:47
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brrt` any students showed up yet? 15:24
avuserow GSoC was a good experience for me. mostly due to great mentoring from folks in this very channel. glad to see Perl getting some more slots once again :) 15:28
pmurias brrt`: I haven't spotted any thus far 15:33
brrt`: although it has been announced today so it seems to early to expect them
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manwar Hi, does any know how ":c" closure interpolation works? 15:59
jnthn m: say q:c/For $6 you can buy { 6 / 2 } $2 things/ 16:00
camelia For $6 you can buy 3 $2 things
manwar Thanks @jnthn. Let me try
jnthn m: say qq:!c"Don't you dare { eat my braces }!"
camelia Don't you dare { eat my braces }!
manwar what is wrong with this? say q:c/The quick brown { return 'fox'; } jumps.../; 16:06
lucasb m: say q:c/The quick brown { return 'fox'; } jumps.../; 16:09
camelia Attempt to return outside of any Routine
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
patrickb m: say q:c/The quick brown { 'fox' } jumps.../;
camelia The quick brown fox jumps...
patrickb return is only allowed in subs and methods
manwar Thanks @patrickb 16:10
16:10 brrt`` left, choiboi joined 16:11 ferreira1 joined
Geth perl6-examples: manwar++ created pull request #55:
Fixed incorrect examples in the "Introduction to Strings" section.
16:17 patrickb left 16:21 ravenousmoose left 16:22 jmerelo joined
jmerelo squashable6: status 16:22
squashable6 jmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 1 day and ≈19 hours (2019-03-02 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo yay!
releasable6: status
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 2 blockers. 319 out of 321 commits logged
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/765bcca7abe13eb52f...f603d998d7
16:32 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined 16:42 pmurias left
jkramer Is there a workaround for using URI with URLs that contain unicode characters? I tried URI.new($u.decode) but then it dies saying it only allows named arguments 16:45
16:45 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
jmerelo jkramer: that's unrelated. You probably need to find out what's the name of the named argument it's looking for. 16:45
jkramer There's already an issue but it's pretty old and no one seems to care :/ github.com/perl6-community-modules.../issues/38 16:46
jmerelo jkramer: right... those community modules really need some love.
jkramer jmerelo: Well URI.new($url) works when $url is a Str
jmerelo jkramer: looking at the source now, trying to figure it out... 16:47
but $u.decode might not be a string. Maybe it's a Buf?
jkramer Yes it is, I was just trying stuff to work around the unicode problem :) 16:48
16:48 ChristopherBotto joined
jkramer So apparently it only accepts Str and they may not contain "special" unicode characters, including umlauts :/ 16:48
timotimo i think you have to use URI.parse rather than URI.new?
jmerelo jkramer: there are only two "new", both take a Str, one as a named argument, the other as a positional. You will need to render it to a Str
timotimo oh
16:49 choiboi left
jmerelo jkramer: it accepts special characters as long as they are rendered to a Str, is what I understand. 16:49
jkramer timotimo: Just looking at the code, .new just calls .parse
timotimo OK. when you're not passing the Str $uri or Str :$uri, you'll get the default constructor, which probably wants to be shadowed
ChristopherBotto Hi everyone. o/
jkramer m: use URI; URI.new('test.com/ö.html').say 16:50
camelia ===SORRY!===
Could not find URI at line 1 in:
jmerelo ChristopherBotto: Hi!
jkramer Ah
timotimo greetings
ChristopherBotto I'm not able to download rakudo-star to our cluster.
wget rakudo.org/dl/star/rakudo-star-2018.10.tar.gz
jmerelo ChristopherBotto: 404?
ChristopherBotto --2019-02-27 10:45:23-- rakudo.org/dl/star/rakudo-star-2018.10.tar.gz Resolving rakudo.org... 2001:780:101:ff00::80:1, Connecting to rakudo.org|2001:780:101:ff00::80:1|:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found 2019-02-27 10:45:23 ERROR 404: Not Found.
timotimo rakudo.org doesn't seem to work at the moment? 16:51
ChristopherBotto But I can from my laptop, but I have to use --no-check-certificate
jmerelo it does for me?
timotimo oh, so maybe only https is broken?
that's not it, either
jmerelo If it works only for some, could it be some DNS problem? 16:52
timotimo on my end rakudo.org gives the front page to the p6c servers
ChristopherBotto I even installed a new copy of wget with openssl, but it doesn't work.
jmerelo Maybe it has not propagated everywhere?
ChristopherBotto But downloading perl5 from an HTTPS address isn't a problem (i.e. wget www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl-5.28.1.tar.gz)
timotimo it's a v4/v6 thing 16:53
ChristopherBotto: you can pass -4 to wget, that may work
ChristopherBotto Wow. -4 did the trick. Thanks timotimo! 16:54
Geth perl6-examples: b2231a0f87 | (Mohammad S Anwar)++ | categories/cookbook/01strings/01-00introduction.pl
Fixed incorrect examples in the "Introduction to Strings" section.
perl6-examples: f436540d83 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | categories/cookbook/01strings/01-00introduction.pl
Merge pull request #55 from manwar/fix-incorrect-examples

Fixed incorrect examples in the "Introduction to Strings" section. Thanks a lot!
jkramer jmerelo: What did you mean with "rendered to a Str"?
16:58 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined 16:59 brrt`` joined
ChristopherBotto It looks like IPv6 for rakudo.org is what is having issues, as far as I can tell. 16:59
jmerelo jkramer: you can convert a buf to a string, interpreting it as utf8-c8 or whatever. Let me see if I find how.
jkramer: right, it's simply decode. it will decode to UTF8 by default. Maybe you need utf8-c8. I'd need to see the whole thing. 17:00
17:01 AlexDaniel joined
jkramer jmerelo: So I need to encode my Str to utf8/utf8-c8 first and then decode it back to Str using some other encoding, hoping the validation won't complain? 17:03
jmerelo jkramer: that very much depend on where your string comes from. if it's already a Str, you should be good to go. If you're reading it raw from somewhere, you might need to decode using that to a Str. 17:04
jkramer: but it's always better to see the whole thing, if possible. It might still be a URI bug, the one you've pointed to. Let me see if I can add a test or something. 17:05
jkramer jmerelo: It's already a Str, but it's not accepted. I tried fooling URI by decoding/encoding it but nothing seems to work. :/
jmerelo: The whole thing: URI.new('test.de/ö')
jmerelo jkramer: OK; let's try then with a test. 17:06
17:06 abraxxa left
timotimo encoding something as utf8-c8 and decoding it as utf8 on the other end will give you a fun surprise 17:06
jkramer timotimo: Tried that to, decoding it works but than URI complains again that it can't work with the ö :) 17:07
17:07 scimon joined
jkramer I'm too tired for typing propertly 17:07
jmerelo jkramer: this works: $u = URI.new(uri-escape('test.de/ö')); 17:08
Let's see if it also does what is should do 17:09
timotimo ö isn't something that utf8-c8 would be useful for anyway
jmerelo without the uri-escape it says "could not parse URI". But I think we shouldn't need to uri-escape to, well, create an URI. 17:10
jkramer jmerelo: uri-escape with the full url generates this: http%3A%2F%2Ftest.de%2F%C3%B6
jmerelo jkramer: I hadn't seen that, but anyway that's bad.
jkramer I think it's only meant for parameters and stuff, not the whole URL
jmerelo jkramer: correct
17:11 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
jmerelo jkramer: it's using a grammar 17:12
jkramer: and the grammar is not tested... 17:13
jkramer Yep I've had a short look at it but no idea what it's doing with those pchar and unenc-pchar thingies
17:13 abraxxa joined
timotimo domain names aren't urlencoded, they are punycode-encoded 17:15
jmerelo Well token uri-alpha { <[A..Za..z]> };
timotimo only the part after the / (fragment?) is urlencoded if at all
17:17 abraxxa left
jmerelo jkramer: fixed and bumped up version 17:18
jkramer: it was an error in the grammar.
Version 0.1.6 should be good to go. clone it from the repo, but I think that zef will download the new version anyway. 17:19
ChristopherBotto jmerelo and timtimo: thanks for helping me diagnose rakudo.org issue. Signing off. 17:20
17:20 ChristopherBotto left 17:21 tyil left
Geth perl6-examples: manwar++ created pull request #56:
Added method get_animal() to complete 'function interpolate' example.
17:21 dakkar left 17:22 tyilanmenyn joined
Geth perl6-examples: 891b0806b2 | (Mohammad S Anwar)++ | categories/cookbook/01strings/01-00introduction.pl
Added method get_animal() to complete 'function interpolate' example.
perl6-examples: 47e2f57c1f | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | categories/cookbook/01strings/01-00introduction.pl
Merge pull request #56 from manwar/complete-function-interpolate

Added method get_animal() to complete 'function interpolate' example.
17:24 MidCheck joined
MidCheck hello 17:25
jmerelo Hi, MidCheck ! 17:27
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AlexDaniel o/ 17:29
MidCheck Hi, jmerelo 17:30
I saw Google Summer of Code ideas for Perl projects and I am happy to participate in this project.
discord6 <Rogue> Do you have a link to the ideas? 17:31
jmerelo MidCheck: you're very welcome!
AlexDaniel MidCheck: nice! Any particular topic you like?
jmerelo MidCheck: there's the organization page summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organi...99357952/; the ideas page is linked from there
discord6 <Rogue> Thanks
jmerelo MidCheck: you can check out the ideas already posted, or post new ones as issues. If you want a bit of orientation, just ask!
MidCheck i like Improving Decoding Modularity and Implementing the GB2312 Encoding (Simplified Chinese) 17:32
AlexDaniel samcv: ↑
17:33 abraxxa joined
discord6 <Rogue> Oh boy, "Documentation Tooling Revamp" sounds like a lot of fun 17:33
jmerelo It could be
jkramer jmerelo: Awesome, thanks! 17:34
jmerelo And it will have a big impact on the community. And it involves a lot of low-to-intermediate Perl 6 to learn. Plus it's something we sorely need
jkramer: sure :-)
discord6 <Rogue> Oh man, if we could get single executables for programs, that would be fantastic. I have a friend who would use Perl 6 but needs to be able to ship a single executable
jmerelo Rogue: just suggest it as a project, in an issue, or if you want to be a mentor, as a full-fledged project. I think that would be nice too. 17:35
discord6 <Rogue> I was referring to "Linking Perl 6 Compiler and Programs" on the ideas list 17:36
jmerelo MidCheck: it's Samantha McVey who's proposed that project. You can try and contact her through an issue to the site, mentioning her. She's here from time, too.
.seen samcv 17:37
yoleaux I saw samcv 07:00Z in #perl6: <samcv> do we have any perl 5 projects?
jmerelo Rogue Oh, I had missed that one. 17:38
MidCheck jmerelo: thank you, I found her in the list and sent hello 17:39
DrForr waves weakly.
discord6 <Rogue> Does Moar actually depend on any shared libs during runtime?
jmerelo MidCheck: great. Good luck!
MidCheck But my country has restricted some websites so that I can't access it.
jmerelo o/ DrForr
MidCheck: where are you from if I may ask?
DrForr MidCheck: VPN?
AlexDaniel hm, maybe it's a good idea to have a project related to tooling for rakudo releases… this way we'd at least find a new release manager :)
MidCheck China
jmerelo AlexDaniel: do propose it. 17:40
AlexDaniel jmerelo: ok what's the process exactly? I'm a bit lost
jmerelo AlexDaniel: full-fledged project (with mentors), PR with file following that format. Half-baked, an issue. They we'll try to find mentors, if the students go for it. 17:41
AlexDaniel jmerelo: ok 17:42
17:42 aindilis left
MidCheck DrForr: my country has blocked all vpn sites and cannot download them. 17:42
jmerelo MidCheck: but that might be a problem. Can you work with GitHub then?
MidCheck jmerelo: yes, i can 17:43
jmerelo MidCheck: then you're good to go, I guess, although filling some forms might be a problem. Just check with us if you need help there when the time to apply comes. 17:44
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MidCheck jmerelo: Yes, I am very happy to do this because I really like perl6. Thank you for your help 17:47
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jmerelo MidCheck: happy to serve :-) 17:50
Kaiepi i've been looking through the page on the perl foundation in google's summer of code and came across this in perl-gsoc-2019.github.io/ideas/per...nking.html 17:52
perl6 --compile foo.pl6 would generate an executable that would be, to some reasonable degree, self-contained (for instance, could be copied to a docker container).
i wouldn't recommend this, docker doesn't run on openbsd
jmerelo Kaiepi: do you suggest to just eliminate the reference to Docker? 17:53
Kaiepi sure
brrt`` ho
I think there's a misunderstanding 17:54
jmerelo hi, brrt``
brrt`` what i meant by that is, it is 'self-contained', and can be copied integrally, without copying the interpreter, its environment
hi jmerel
hi jmerelo
17:54 rindolf left
brrt`` it's a reference to a potential use case, not a solution 17:55
Kaiepi oh
brrt`` maybe that wants a clarification
Kaiepi yeah
jmerelo brrt``: you can actually create docker containers right now without making any big fuss. Having a single file makes it only marginally easier. 17:56
brrt`` I know :-)
Kaiepi tbf you can use docker on openbsd, but you need an alpine vm for it
jmerelo brrt``: maybe a better use case could be used. Like "turnkey projects for customers", "protect intellectual property", I don't know, that kind of stuff 17:57
brrt`` I think the idea is 'copyable to a compatible machine' 17:58
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jmerelo brrt``: that, too. 17:59
brrt`` anyway, ehm, feel free to change it
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jmerelo brrt``: if that's OK for Kaiepi and yourself, I might add something like that. 17:59
brrt`` just wanted to clarify that I didn't mean a docker container would be how the solution ought to look
alright, /me afk
Kaiepi that's fine
18:00 brrt`` left
Kaiepi (alpine is the only distro i know of that works with vmd, i tried running debian and could only get around halfway through. maybe slackware/arch/gentoo work) 18:01
*through the install process
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kurahaupo is annoyed at the Alpine Linux distro for stealing the name of a great email client. 18:14
jmerelo kurahaupo: wasn't that simply "Pine" 18:15
and then "elm"
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jmerelo Or did elm come before pine? 18:15
DrForr Elm, I think. Pine was around the time of pico, IIRC 18:18
El_Che DrForr: Pico was the editor op pine 18:26
Mutt was written because of the non-free license of Pine
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japhb Mutt is right up there with git as proof that software having a crappy license can be completely eclipsed by a far better replacement supposedly only created because of the crappy license. 18:30
DrForr I remember using elm, but that's bout as far back as the dimm recesses go... 18:35
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El_Che Well, pine was my first unix mail client, it took some time to get used to mutt 18:54
Eudora was my first DOS/Netware mail client :) 18:55
DrForr It was pretty popular on the Mac as well :) 18:56
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El_Che yeah, later on Win 3.11 as well 18:57
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guifa ’s BEGIN blocks suddenly magically started working. Weeeeeird 19:32
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mikfire the thing that gets me every time is perl6 is even dwimier than perl5 20:30
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woolfy Present from Jess 'castaway' Robinson, for you who have a 3D-printer at home/office/hackspace: the 3D printed Camelia Puzzle. Thanks to Jess. Have fun! www.thingiverse.com/thing:3456759 21:00
tadzik oh these are great :) 21:01
woolfy tadzik Indeed they are! She made a whole bunch for me, several years ago, and they were gone in just hours. I hold on to my copy like it's a treasure. www.flickr.com/photos/wendyga/albu...1114791224 21:04
DrForr I still have mine in one of my bags. 21:05
tadzik I'm pretty sure I have one at home :) 21:06
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antoniogamiz Hi guys! 22:04
to install perl6 in ubuntu 16.04, have I to compile from source or there is another option?
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thundergnat antoniogamiz: Maybe take a look at this page and see if it helps? github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#debian-and-ubuntu 22:18
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antoniogamiz thundergnat: thanks for the info! I've found an official package (apt install rakudo)! :D 22:20
but for some reason zsh could not find it so I didntt know it existed 22:21
thundergnat antoniogamiz: Just be aware that some of the official packages are pretty old. And Perl 6 is still a fast moving target.
antoniogamiz thundergnat: mmm I will keep that in mind! gonna take a look at the link then 22:23
thundergnat If / when you do get it installed, do a >perl6 -v to see what version you have. Anything older than 2018.06 is probably worth looking for something more recent.
antoniogamiz the official package installed a version frrom 2015 O.o 22:25
I'm going to update yep
thundergnat Heh. yeah, that's old...
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antoniogamiz well, I gotta leave now! I already have perl6 installed and running! I hope to learn a lot these days! Bye! :) 22:39
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AlexDaniel squashable6: status 22:40
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 1 day and ≈13 hours (2019-03-02 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Red (0.0.3) by 03FCO 23:28
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japhb Yay, new Red! 23:41
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MasterDuke ++ all around, very cool about gsoc 23:56