»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Kaiepi kawaii: correct 00:56
Xliff kawaii: Just a minor nitpick, your use of || here -> github.com/shuppet/p6-net-rcon/blo...ON.pm6#L15 01:22
Is better to use //, since you are establishing defaults. 01:23
Geth doc/master: 4 commits pushed by Antonio++, (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ 06:17
jmerelo releasable6: status 06:21
yoleaux 7 Mar 2019 22:22Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: sure
releasable6 jmerelo, Release manager is not specified yet.
jmerelo, Next release in ≈43 days and ≈12 hours. 4 blockers. 0 out of 22 commits logged
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/f17fe02c2ab1414743...a8983b4478
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel Done: twitter.com/jjmerelo/status/1103908514664132610 06:42
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
SmokeMachine m: my $a = "42"; $a ~= "blablabla"; say $a 08:21
camelia 42blablabla
SmokeMachine m: my $a = "42"; $a R~= "blablabla"; say $a # is that a bug?
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Str (blablabla)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
SmokeMachine hum! I got it!!! 08:22
m: my $a = "42"; $a [R~]= "blablabla"; say $a 08:23
camelia blablabla42
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo cool. But keep in mind that we've been testing the ecosystem since the 2017.04 disaster, after which Zoffix created Toaster 08:38
yoleaux 06:42Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: Done: twitter.com/jjmerelo/status/1103908514664132610
AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
SmokeMachine kawaii: I would do something like this: gist.github.com/FCO/da5f95e4a4be7b...57f3778b3e 08:44
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo Blin is simply a bit more efficient, and it automatically bisects affected modules (so that the release manager doesn't have to do it manually) 08:49
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
Xliff m: my $a; my $b; say "Hi!" with $a && $b; 09:22
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: my $a=''; my $b; say "Hi!" with $a && $b; 09:23
camelia Hi!
Xliff ?!?!
m: my $a=''; my $b; say "Hi!" with $a and $b;
camelia Hi!
Xliff Felgercarb!
Is there a way to do a definedness test with more than one variable? 09:24
m: my $a=''; my $b; say "Hi!" with ($a, $b).all;
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: my $a=''; my $b=''; say "Hi!" with ($a, $b).all;
camelia Hi! 09:25
Xliff m: my $a; my $b=''; say "Hi!" with ($a, $b).all;
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: my $a; my $b; say "Hi!" with ($a, $b).all;
camelia ( no output )
Xliff OK. That works.
SmokeMachine as // (defined or) is a definition version of ||, should it exist a definition version of && (a defined and)? 10:18
SmokeMachine m: my $a; my $b; say "Hi!" with $a // $b 10:18
camelia ( no output )
SmokeMachine m: my $a = 1; my $b; say "Hi!" with $a // $b 10:18
camelia Hi!
SmokeMachine m: my $a; my $b = 1; say "Hi!" with $a // $b
camelia Hi!
SmokeMachine m: my $a=1; my $b = 1; say "Hi!" with $a // $b
camelia Hi!
SmokeMachine Xliff: what do you think? 10:19
Xliff That's actually better than a junction! 10:41
SmokeMachine: Thanks! 10:42
sortiz Xliff: Also check the andthen operator docs.perl6.org/language/operators#infix_andthen 10:48
m: my $a=''; my $b; say "Hi!" with $a andthen $b; 10:51
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: DateTime.now.posix.say 11:28
camelia 1552044531
Xliff sortiz++! 11:40
OK. Next bit. I have a list of ids in an array. I want to pass them through a sub (as the only argument) in batches of 5 using hyper. 11:41
What's the best way to go about that?
Xliff @list.hyper(:5degree).map( dothis(*) ) # ??? 11:41
@list».map( dothis(*) ) # ??? 11:43
Altai-man_ I'd go with the first one. 11:43
Xliff Thanks! 11:43
Altai-man_ afaik, `>>` is _meant_ to automagically introduce concurrency execution, but I am not sure how well it goes in reality right now. but with explicit hyper with a degree set it is a sure bet. 11:44
Xliff Ah! Thankee! 11:45
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Test-HTTP-Server (0.4.0) by 03SCIMON 11:50
scimon @list.rotor(5)>>.map( dothis(*) ) ? 11:53
Xliff does DBIish support making a query from two different database connections?
sortiz You can open as many DB connections as you need, but you must made the query in every connection. (A query is a execution of a StatementHandle bound to a particular Connection) 11:58
Xliff So I can't make a query using tables from two different connections? 12:01
Or not... maybe this suggestion will work... ;q 12:03
SmokeMachine Xliff: `@list.batch(5).hyper(:1batch).map: &dothis` ? 12:05
sortiz Nop. In SQL a query is to be executed by one DB trough one connection. 12:06
Xliff SmokeMachine: Thanks! I think I have that down. Writing the "dothis()" now. 12:06
SmokeMachine m: my @list = ^100; sub dothis(@a) { sleep rand; say @a }; @list.batch(5).hyper(:1batch).map: &dothis 12:07
camelia (0 1 2 3 4)
(5 6 7 8 9)
(10 11 12 13 14)
(15 16 17 18 19)
(20 21 22 23 24)
(25 26 27 28 29)
(30 31 32 33 34)
(35 36 37 38 39)
(55 56 57 58 59)
(50 51 52 53 54)
(40 41 42 43 44)
(45 46 47 48 49)
(65 66 67 68 69)
(80 81 82 83 8…
SmokeMachine m: my @list = ^100; sub dothis(@a) { sleep rand; say @a }; @list.batch(5).hyper(:1batch).map: &dothis
camelia (5 6 7 8 9)
(15 16 17 18 19)
(10 11 12 13 14)
(20 21 22 23 24)
(0 1 2 3 4)
(25 26 27 28 29)
(30 31 32 33 34)
(45 46 47 48 49)
(40 41 42 43 44)
(50 51 52 53 54)
(35 36 37 38 39)
(70 71 72 73 74)
(55 56 57 58 59)
(60 61 62 63 6…
discord6 <kawaii> SmokeMachine: thank you for your feedback on my module! I wanted to use an enum originally too but sadly two of those values both share '2', so I stuck with a constant. 12:36
SmokeMachine m: enum bla (a => 2, b => 2, c => 3); say "{ $_ } => { +$_ }" for a, b, c # kawaii 13:27
camelia a => 2
b => 2
c => 3
El_Che AlexDaniel: what happened? A new release? 13:50
lucasb AlexDaniel++ thanks for all the releases you did so far! Have a good rest :) 14:01
sortiz o/ #perl 14:34
discord6 <kawaii> when can we expect to see rakudo-star then? afaik star is just rakudo+zef? 14:35
Altai-man_ there is no release manager for star distribution, as I remember? 14:36
discord6 <kawaii> lack of volunteers? 14:45
Altai-man_ not sure I know all the recent news to be sure 14:49
Altai-man_ but regardless, volunteering is welcome as always, I think. :) 14:49
discord6 <kawaii> if there is a documented workflow, CI spec and someone willing to teach me the ropes then I'm happy to volunteer 14:50
<kawaii> AlexDaniel: ? ^
Altai-man_ github.com/rakudo/star <- see "Release Guide"
and if you mean Rakudo releases too, it has its own document.
discord6 <kawaii> I'm happy to take a look at, and manage Star, if I can get this built later without any issues and no one objects :] 14:51
Altai-man_ I think no one will. You also need to get access to the repo, and then go for it. AFAIK it requires Windows and macOS machines, which I don't have. :| 14:52
AlexDaniel See github.com/rakudo/star/issues/124
there are at least 2 volunteer for star 14:53
and 0 for rakudo :)
discord6 <kawaii> ah, hm, no access to a macOS box sadly, Windows can always be done in a VM though
Altai-man_ oh, so I was right that my info is outdated.
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel++ for the release. 14:53
tyil kawaii: I'd love to see a new Rakudo Star release :D
AlexDaniel yes, we should wait for hankache and clarkema to respond 14:54
discord6 <kawaii> if no one else is able to, I'm happy to learn the process
tyil iirc the manager needed to be able to release for windows, which I don't use (and don't want to use either), so it'd be hard for me to do myself :<
discord6 <kawaii> I think finding someone with access to a mac is going to be the most difficult part 14:55
<kawaii> we're mostly native linux users here it seems
AlexDaniel kawaii: what about rakudo?
tyil I know plenty of people who use a mac, but none of them with an interest in Perl 6
discord6 <kawaii> I am probably not nearly knowledgeable enough to handle Rakudo itself AlexDaniel
AlexDaniel kawaii: but are you willing to learn? I'll be around next month to help 14:56
discord6 <kawaii> sure, of course, as you might have noticed - I use the Raku Discord bridge to chat here, but I check this channel often so it's fairly easy to get hold of me 14:57
<kawaii> I'm simply '@kawaii' on github too, if you need to tag me in anything
<kawaii> ugh, Discord tried to do things there and probably sent weird things to the IRC
<kawaii> i'm simply 'kawaii' over there, regardless :] 14:58
AlexDaniel kawaii: ok, you were not in perl6 org, right? I have sent you an invitation 14:59
El_Che linux packages are being built as we speak ( now doing a test run to make sure 2019.03 isn't broken)
discord6 <kawaii> but yes, happy to learn when you have time, I had some experience in similar pursuits packaging postgresql and xen for Debian for a previous employer so, I'm sure I can pick it up
El_Che AlexDaniel++
discord6 <kawaii> AlexDaniel: accepted the invite, thanks! 15:00
AlexDaniel kawaii: go through this doc to see what needs to be done github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast..._guide.pod
kawaii: you will also need to sign a CLA
www.perlfoundation.org/contributor...-agreement print it out, sign it, scan it in (resize your scan to 250KB or less). Email to trademark -at- perlfoundation.org (please scan and email if you can, it's so much more efficient) ” 15:01
discord6 <kawaii> AlexDaniel: I
<kawaii> will do so today
AlexDaniel kawaii: the doc mentions a script that is currently not on github, I'll fix that ASAP, but basically it just does all the steps that described in the doc 15:02
are described*
you need to know how to do it manually anyway 15:03
discord6 <kawaii> AlexDaniel: rather large document, and quite complex, so I'll set aside some time this weekend to get to grips with the process :] 15:05
<kawaii> regardless, I'll send that email with document attached within the next few hours
AlexDaniel kawaii: yeah, CLA is needed to be able to push to the rakudo repo 15:10
kawaii: somehow it has a different policy than other perl6 repos… but that's ok :)
it takes some time for someone to confirm that it was received, so yes, it's better to do it now to make sure you get the required access when the time comes :) 15:12
discord6 <kawaii> AlexDaniel: is the entire document needed? or just the last bit with my signature and date? To send the entire scan of the document goes well over a megabyte :] 15:39
Altai-man_ kawaii, you can try to resize it with `ps2pdf` 15:40
it is part of ghostscripts and usually makes pdf scans smaller quite a bit, while the quality is about the same. 15:41
just `ps2pdf big-file.pdf small.pdf` will do. 15:42
Geth doc: 8dfacd6b07 | cfa++ | doc/Type/Complex.pod6
Trailing whitespace.
doc: e644cee2c8 | cfa++ | xt/code.pws
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Complex
AlexDaniel kawaii: yeah, try to resize it 16:19
discord6 <kawaii> AlexDaniel: sent! 16:26
<kawaii> Altai-man_: thanks, that worked fine!
El_Che notable6: weekly New linux pkgs github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releas...g/v2019.03 ; github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#os-repositories 16:28
notable6 El_Che, Noted!
Geth doc: 3812880bbc | Coke++ | doc/Type/Complex.pod6
Make example compile
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Complex
Geth doc: 8bb51f8aaf | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Range.pod6
Note that AT-POS on Range objects returns Nil
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Range
Altai-man_ m: say (a => 5)<b>; 17:58
camelia Nil
Altai-man_ m: say (a => 5)<a>;
camelia 5
AlexDaniel .tell lucasb thank you! :) 18:11
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to lucasb.
AlexDaniel Altai-man_: thank you too! 18:12
Altai-man_ :) 18:13
Altai-man_ I also have to say that things like installing a bunch of modules with zef is visibilly faster for me now compared to a half of a year ago state. And it is pretty great. 18:15
I wonder why do Pair ~~ Associative, though. 18:17
Intuitively it is, of course, but it is hard to imagine a situation where `$pair<explicit-key-name>` can beat `$pair.value` 18:18
Geth doc: eac6eda2e7 | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Pair.pod6
Show Associative-like access of Pair

And fix some output comment formatting.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Pair
Kaiepi i've been writing perl 6 for a year and a half and i still keep trying to access hash keys like %hash.key instead of %hash<key> 18:29
i blame node for this
Altai-man_ I remember wondering why `<$foo>` doesn't work, but when I get it, things were fine in this regard. 18:32
Geth doc: 64c55d4d36 | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Pair.pod6
Extend Pair description
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Pair
discord6 <kawaii> hello! I've made some changes based on the feedback I got yesterday regarding my module, but now running into errors that are a little above my understanding gist.github.com/kawaii/c6e1cbbc78a...071dbd6fd2 19:06
<kawaii> github.com/shuppet/p6-net-rcon/blo...t/RCON.pm6
<kawaii> {host => localhost, port => 25567} is what gets passed to the IO::Socket::INET.new, is this wrong? 19:07
Altai-man_ hmm, that |%arguments should be working. :| 19:09
kawaii, is your module self-contained? 19:10
I likely need to write a little mock server to test it out... 19:11
discord6 <kawaii> Altai-man_: yes, and I've updated the gist with a docker command you can use if you need a real RCON server to play with 😉
<kawaii> I've no idea if the rest of my module works, such as authentication, since I can't yet get past connecting 😄 19:12
Altai-man_ well, I cannot promise I can help, but I can try. :) 19:13
discord6 <kawaii> much appreciated regardless 😃 19:13
Altai-man_ can be reproduced with just `my $args = {:host("localhost"), :port("25567")}; my $a = IO::Socket::INET.new(|$args);` when dummy server listens. :| 19:17
Altai-man_ oh, I get it 19:19
kawaii, you need to pass port as an Int, not as a Str.
so `:port('25567')` becomes just `:port(25567)`.
discord6 <kawaii> ohhh right!
Altai-man_ and the error message "Invalid arguments to .new?" is, well, technically correct. :) 19:20
discord6 <kawaii> so my new error is 'Could not accept socket connection: Invalid argument' 19:21
discord6 <kawaii> is that because I'm passing in a password at the same time? 19:21
Altai-man_ I wouldn't say that. 19:22
let me see...
isn't it because you are trying to write a client, but `accept` is for server-side? 19:23
as far as I understand it.
discord6 <kawaii> huh, oh, let me re-read the docs
Altai-man_ >In listen/server mode, waits for a new incoming connection. Once a new connection is established, an IO::Socket::INET instance (or a subclass instance) for consuming the connection is returned.
I don't think it is needed. 19:24
discord6 <kawaii> so I should just pass $socket directly into authenticate? 😃 19:25
Altai-man_ I hope you'll be fine doing it. :)
discord6 <kawaii> yes, thanks for your help! 19:26
Altai-man_ you are welcome!
Kaiepi kawaii: alternatively you can pass numbers to named arguments like this: :25567port 19:44
Geth doc: 8059fdc9fb | (Trey Harris)++ | doc/Type/Pair.pod6
Pair.pod6: fix link
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Pair
andrzejku Hey
do you know if Nodes.nqp and Ops.nqp thats a runtime dependency for rakudo? 19:45
or just build deps for nqp?
I am trying to clean package
guifa is off to Spain
See y’all in a week or two :-) 19:46
Altai-man_ o/
discord6 <kawaii> so I have this line my $payload = pack("VV", 1, $packet-type) ~ $message ~ pack("xx"); and pack returns a Buf but the ~ stringifys it, causing an error, how else can I concatenate all this? 😃 19:52
Altai-man_ .append method?
Altai-man_ though I am not sure how ~ doesn't work with Buf... 19:53
Altai-man_ m: my $a = Buf.new(1,2,3); my $b = Buf.new(4,5,6); say $a ~ $b; say ($a ~ $b).^name; 19:54
camelia Buf:0x<01 02 03 04 05 06>
discord6 <kawaii> the original module does this my $data = pack( "VV", 1, $type ) . $message . pack("xx");
Altai-man_ 1)is your $message a Buf?
discord6 <kawaii> in this case, $message is the password, so it's a string 19:55
Altai-man_ you need to convert it to Buf too.
what encoding do you want, utf-8?
discord6 <kawaii> can I coerce it?
<kawaii> yes 😃
Altai-man_ what encoding should one use during coercion? :)
"$message.encode" 19:56
will do, I think.
m: my $a = Buf.new(1,2,3); my $b = Buf.new(4,5,6); say $a ~ 'foo'.encode ~ $b;
camelia Buf:0x<01 02 03 66 6F 6F 04 05 06>
discord6 <kawaii> I'll try that!
Altai-man_ utf8 is default for `encode` method.
discord6 <kawaii> hey! that... worked, I didn't get any error and it just returned to my shell 19:57
<kawaii> so I assume I need to add the rest of the logic to see if my auth worked 19:58
<kawaii> thanks again!
Altai-man_ well, you can read some response from the socket, I think, and print it.
Geth doc: cffbb74d71 | (Trey Harris)++ | doc/Type/Pair.pod6
Fix link (Fixup of 8059fdc9)

There were two errors with that link and I only fixed one, oops!
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Pair
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! gtk-v3 (0.8.2) by 03MARTIMM 21:16
New module released to CPAN! gtk-glade (0.8.0) by 03MARTIMM
Kaiepi m: subset Foo of Mu is export where Int | Junction 22:09
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi m: subset Foo is export of Mu where Int | Junction 22:10
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi what order is it supposed to be in? i always get confused 22:10
ok just tested and it looks like both work 22:21
Kaiepi it's just where that's picky about the order 22:21