»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
hankache m: say $*KERNEL.bits; 00:02
camelia 64
AlexDaniel hankache: so what's the situation with star? I see that there are some commits, but who is running the show? IIRC clarkema also wanted to participate, what's the current status? 00:08
hankache AlexDaniel: I just uploaded a release candidate www.hankache.com/rakudostar/ 00:09
El_Che I saw a ticket where 2 people volunteered to do it as a team
hankache included :)
hankache++ 00:10
AlexDaniel yeah but I'm not seeing a team so that's why I'm wondering
hankache: that's an http link and the archive has no signature 00:11
AlexDaniel same for msi of course 00:11
ah, it's available through https also, so it's less horrible :) 00:12
hankache $*KERNEL is behaving weirdly on Windows 00:15
drclaw2 Random thought here... Quoting Constructs and the available adverbs are a sweet feature! 00:21
AlexDaniel yes :) 00:23
Kaiepi they're great but i can never remember them 00:28
Kaiepi what does the raw trait do? 01:01
timotimo it's a bit like "is rw", but it doesn't require something writable 01:03
it's the same as using a sigil-less variable
Kaiepi timotimo, on methods? 01:40
Kaiepi m: say $*KERNEL.^methods 02:09
camelia (BUILD name version release hardware arch archname bits hostname signals signal cpu-cores cpu-usage endian Str gist auth signature desc BUILDALL)
Kaiepi no way to get the free/total memory on the system? 02:09
Kaiepi i don't think it'd be too difficult to implement 02:09
MasterDuke Kaiepi: docs.perl6.org/type/Telemetry might have something 02:19
xinming m: sub test (DateTime $arg .= new(now)) { } 05:52
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed parameter
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub test (DateTime $arg7⏏5 .= new(now)) { }
expecting any of:
xinming Can we make .= so it can work in sub signatures. :-)
This is a good feature to have IMHO. -)
ToddAndMargo Newbie question: how do I output data to a printer on /dev/lp0 (LPT1)? 05:53
xinming ToddAndMargo: Can you direct output to /dev/lp0 in bash? 06:03
If so, You can just '/dev/lp0'.IO.spurt "data";
If so, You can just '/dev/lp0'.IO.spurt $data;
ToddAndMargo Will try it. Thank you! 06:25
ToddAndMargo p6 '"/dev/lp0".IO.spurt( "abc"~chr(12) );' Hangs, but I am currntly having an issue with the kernel and lp0 06:27
tbrowder \o #perl6 10:45
i believe the 'tc' (title case) routine is lacking expected behavior. that is, it upper cases the first letter, but it does not lower-case the rest of the string. i believe it should, or at least have an adverb to allow that behavior. 10:49
otherwise, one has to use 'lc' and then 'tc' on incoming strings to ensure true title case outcomes. 10:52
timotimo you want the tclc method then
m: say "HeLlO wOrLd".tclc 10:53
camelia Hello world
jmerelo hi, tbrowder 10:55
Geth doc: df3036711d | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6
Provides example for READ and EOF, closes #2653
tbrowder jmerelo: hi 10:57
timotimo: thnx, not aware of that!
though i think a better solution would be the default behavior to be tclc and have an adverb for the current behavior which doesn't seem natural, at least in languages i'm familiar with. 11:03
tbrowder but on the other hand, i'm thinking of single words, so the current behavior i have to admit IS correct. 11:05
so, applying one of my simple rules of life: if you don't learn something new about p6 every day, you're just not paying attention! 11:08
stmuk_ .tell hankache that star RC looks great. I just tried it on FreeBSD 11 and it worked fine. 11:10
yoleaux stmuk_: I'll pass your message to hankache.
stmuk_ hankache++
pmurias tbrowder: changing existing method behavior is not something to be done lightly ;) 11:16
yoleaux 8 Mar 2019 23:17Z <MasterDuke> pmurias: it's a P6num (not surprisingly)
tbrowder pmurias: roger!!
i am continually amazed at the genius that was applied in creating p6! that was an intense 15 years! 11:18
Geth doc: f65fbc76ca | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6
More info for #2653
Skarsnik Hello there 14:29
timotimo greetings 14:30
El_Che seasonal? 14:34
timotimo seasoned, spicy greetings 14:41
SmokeMachine any idea of how I set the sdk on comma? `14:38Error running 'Tests': SDK is not set`
andrzejku timotimo, can you respond me? 14:42
timotimo i thought since everything works now we're fine?
andrzejku timotimo, nop I am making kind of clean up in my rakudo package 14:43
and I am not totally sure why there so many trash 14:44
sena_kun SmokeMachine, "File -> Project Settings"
timotimo have you tried my strace advice?
andrzejku especially empty directories and precomp files
timotimo, I just remove them :D
timotimo, it is still working but question is
for how long 14:45
it looked like that default perl6 rakudo install path tree is created to handle also packages 14:46
you can have packages in ~/.perl6 14:47
sena_kun SmokeMachine, oops, actually right command is "Project Structure", not settings.
andrzejku and in your root dir
timotimo, for me rakudo looks like that pastebin.com/9eH2a5q8 14:49
after clean up
SmokeMachine Should it be ~/.rakudobrew/bin? 14:53
sena_kun SmokeMachine, yup. 14:54
timotimo i've dealt with this stuff too little to really help you out with that :(
SmokeMachine usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/...229664.JPG
sena_kun SmokeMachine, it just looks for where you have perl6 in your PATH.
SmokeMachine, sigh, that's an annoying bug. Can you try to delete `.idea` folder from your project directory and then "Import" it? 14:55
It is pretty rare to show up and the harder to debug, but with new users we are seeing it more often now. :| 14:56
SmokeMachine sena_kun: it worked! thanks! 14:59
sena_kun SmokeMachine, np. you can ping me whenever I'm around(which is, well, not so rare here). :) 15:00
andrzejku timotimo, do you know to which package NativeCall belongs?
timotimo, nqp? 15:01
sena_kun it is a part of rakudo internals afaik.
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/tree/mast...NativeCall <-
SmokeMachine sena_kun: is there a way to run only 1 specific test file? 15:03
andrzejku no shit :D 15:04
timotimo SmokeMachine: yes, with "make t/spec/foobar/....t"
andrzejku so if I call use
then perl6 is looking for the NativeCall.mp6
timotimo not exactly
the file could be named very differently 15:05
also, first it will look for a precompiled version
andrzejku :O
ok now I start to understand why those precompiled files exist
SmokeMachine timotimo: do you mean on rakudo, right? Im meaning on comma...
timotimo oh sorry
i would expect you can do it by right-clicking on the test file 15:06
SmokeMachine np
sena_kun SmokeMachine, not yet. But you can make test execution concurrent to make it faster. I'd like to implement it soon though, as it is pretty annoying sometimes for me too.
SmokeMachine sena_kun: thanks... 15:07
andrzejku how do we resolve precompile versions?
it is just binary file
timotimo the infrastructure for resolving precompiled and installed stuff is pluggable 15:08
andrzejku now I start to understand why we needed those precomp 15:10
zef is working for me :D
so the default path for package managers is .perl6 15:12
but rakudo has it is own package manager
kind of
which is in its root lib directory
to manage some basic libs like nativecall
timotimo zef uses the implementation of CompUnitRepository to actually install stuff
and rakudo also uses that with install_core_dists or what it's called 15:13
andrzejku timotimo, I am curious why we don't separate interpreter staff and package manager
to include native call and unit tests into nqp
or moarvm 15:14
timotimo native call unit tests are already in nqp
and also other unit tests
andrzejku timotimo, but they are part of rakudo too 15:16
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/tree/master/lib 15:17
timotimo i don't think writing nativecall in nqp would be much fun 15:19
i'm not sure i understand what you mean by having nativecall in nqp 15:21
andrzejku timotimo, well anyway I am happy that it is working 15:38
going to push it :D
andrzejku okay now I must wait for review 16:09
Geth ecosystem: ec9bc74752 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Releases old version (compatible with 6.c)

As a different module for back-compatibility.
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel Released as instructed.
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
AlexDaniel . 16:21
yoleaux 16:18Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: Released as instructed.
AlexDaniel jmerelo: now if you get rakudo 2018.10 and try to install that module, is it going to work? 16:22
if not, then no good
and I don't think that it will, I think I said that in the comment? 16:23
Geth doc: 6ab6dd3b17 | cfa++ | xt/code.pws
Spelling (whitelist).
jmerelo AlexDaniel: well, it will work as long as you change the version. 16:25
Geth doc: b3480e1ccd | cfa++ | xt/code.pws
Spelling (fix: lowercase whitelisted words).
AlexDaniel jmerelo: what does that mean
jmerelo: if I'm installing a module that depends on it, is it going to work?
jmerelo AlexDaniel: In Spain we call this "a case of bandaid before the booboo". Nobody has complained about that, and we are saying they might. 16:27
AlexDaniel: again, you can always set the version to 1.001001. It's the self same code.
AlexDaniel luckily that's not the standard that we used for rakudo releases… 16:28
break things intentionally without a good reason and then wait for people to complain
jmerelo AlexDaniel: and again, I'm using 6.d features which are documented _and_ spec. This might be the first case of this, but I'm sure it will not be the last.
AlexDaniel yes but you just defenestrated a perfectly usable module 16:29
and made it v6.d-only
jmerelo AlexDaniel: no I didn't. I forked it, with two versions, one of which works only with 6.c, another one which works perfectly with 6.d
AlexDaniel 16:30
by the way
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I have followed every suggestion you have done, up to and including this release. If you have any other suggestion that does not involve seeing every single instance of doc tests failing, I'm all ears 16:30
AlexDaniel if you add `use v6.c` in the module, is it going to fix it?
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I can check... 16:31
cfa 👋🏽 16:31
AlexDaniel o/ 16:32
cfa anyone having issues with 2019.03 and readline?
i'm not getting any recorded repl history (in ~/.perl6)
and i've had readline crash a number of times with an "Internal error: unhandled encoding"
jmerelo cfa: he
cfa hey jmerelo, AlexDaniel
jmerelo cfa: that's the "say optimization" striking back again. 16:33
AlexDaniel cfa: is it 2019.03 or master? 16:33
cfa 2019.03
installed with rakudup so it's possible i have some cruft lying around
jmerelo cfa: checking 16:34
cfa: it happens whatever you do?
AlexDaniel can you double check with perl6 --version ?
cfa This is Rakudo version 2019.03 built on MoarVM version 2019.03
AlexDaniel uhhh
cfa if the answer to my question is 'no', i'll try nuking my installation dirs and reinstalling afresh 16:35
this is on macos fwiw
jmerelo AlexDaniel: Just checked with use v6.c. Does not work. So we'll have to make do with two versions. 16:36
AlexDaniel no
we will revert the change that makes no sense right now, and then we can think again…
jmerelo cfa: how can we reproduce the error?
cfa jmerelo: it's intermittent, which is the problem 16:37
jmerelo: 'using the repl for a bit' is the closest account i can give
this was frustrating yesterday because it interrupted work
(repl state and history lost seemingly at random)
AlexDaniel jmerelo: fwiw say optimization is not in 2018.03, so it can't be it 16:38
cfa but history isn't stored at all, atm
i'm going to nuke ~/.rakudup and ~/.perl6 and reinstall now
jmerelo AlexDaniel: then "say optimization" is not to blame either for the Test::Output problem. I'm using the same version as cfa
AlexDaniel jmerelo: THAT IS CORRECT
jmerelo: the fix that you did in the module is specifically for rakudo master 16:39
there were no releases so far that'd have an issue with that module
and yet you broke it for all releases in this range: 2015.12 … 2018.10 16:40
c: 2018.10 say $*PERL
cfa ☢️
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2018.10: «Perl 6 (6.c)␤» 16:41
AlexDaniel jmerelo: *including* rakudo star
jmerelo AlexDaniel: again, I'm using 6.d spec.
AlexDaniel which didn't yet have a v6.d release
jmerelo AlexDaniel: OK, let me know if this is acceptable: just forking Test::Output to Test::Output::D and using that in my Pod::Load. 16:42
AlexDaniel no
there are 12 modules that depend on Test::Output
cfa meanwhile, oops ~ env: perl6: No such file or directory
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I'm going to leave Test::Output just the way it was and just change Pod::Load to use Test::Output::D What's the problem with that? 16:43
AlexDaniel jmerelo: 12 modules are not going to work 16:43
Skarsnik AlexDanielable, hello 16:44
AlexDaniel ok, maybe 11 because you're fixing one? 16:44
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I think I'm missing something here. I am going to *revert* the changes I have made, and create a new module with a new name that will not fail with the new version
AlexDaniel jmerelo: aaaaaah… ok I'm misunderstanding
jmerelo: but what's up with Pod::Load exactly? 16:45
cfa hmm, still no history
jmerelo AlexDaniel: It's not Pod::Load itself. It's that one of the two Travis tests for the documentation use rakudo master, and it was failing all the time. 16:46
Test::Output is used by Pod::Load which is used by several Pod::to::xyz
AlexDaniel jmerelo: nah that's ugly. Maybe a less ugly hack is to check the rakudo version? 16:47
still not pretty, but that's going to work
c: 2018.10,HEAD say $*PERL.compiler.version > 2019.03
committable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/38a9957e12123ab174...228064ad6b
AlexDaniel c: 2018.10,HEAD say $*PERL.compiler.version > v2019.03
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2018.10: «False␤» ¦HEAD(6e8df01): «True␤»
AlexDaniel c: 2018.10,2019.03,HEAD say $*PERL.compiler.version > v2019.03
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2018.10,2019.03: «False␤» ¦HEAD(6e8df01): «True␤»
AlexDaniel I mean, this is horrible, but less horrible than anything that was proposed so far… 16:48
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I'd have to hack the metaclass, since the solution is to use different methods.
AlexDaniel mmm
jmerelo: ok what about reverting that commit… 16:49
in rakudo
jmerelo AlexDaniel: no, don't do that.
Why would you?
It's just a simple change in a single module, Pod::Load. No big deal 16:50
AlexDaniel it's an optimization commit that breaks at least one module
jmerelo AlexDaniel: OK, just checked and *both* work with 2019.03 16:53
AlexDaniel that's correct
jmerelo Maybe release two files instead of two versions? 16:55
Ok,no, two versions. It's not big deal.
AlexDaniel no. It is a big deal
imagine being a user using the latest recommended version
and the module doesn't freaking work
jmerelo AlexDaniel: really, Alex. I already said I was reverting the change. 16:56
cfa jmerelo: so, are you getting readline history with .03?
AlexDaniel jmerelo: ok now I don't know what you're going to do :)
jmerelo AlexDaniel: first, revert current changes 17:08
AlexDaniel: second, two options. Create two different modules, Test::Output and Test::Output::D and release them as different. I would use the second for Pod::Load
AlexDaniel don't do that 17:09
jmerelo AlexDaniel: second option, leave just one module, Test::Output, but two different files, Test/Output/D.pm6 which would be one I would use.
AlexDaniel because once 2019.04/05 is released, 12 modules will break
we have to fix Test::Output or revert the change in rakudo 17:10
jmerelo AlexDaniel: as in fix it in a way that's compatible with 6.d and 6.c
AlexDaniel jmerelo: yeah
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I have tried to just leave the TWEAK for the encoding instead of creating a new WRITE and that does not work. 17:11
AlexDaniel: and as I said, fixing that was _way_ above my pay grade. It was difficult enough to find a fix that worked with current HEAD.
jmerelo AlexDaniel: so what you suggest is to create a class that uses one method if it's below 2019.03 and another if it's not. 17:12
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I don't think the TWEAK will hurt, so it's only the method. 17:12
AlexDaniel: we can use MONKEY-TYPING stackoverflow.com/questions/345048...-in-perl-6 17:13
AlexDaniel: maybe decorate with different roles depending on the version stackoverflow.com/a/44509701/891440 17:14
AlexDaniel jmerelo: or maybe wait for a resolution in github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2751 17:15
it's possible that it's no the only module with that issue
xinming When in supply, are the taps run in order or they are running in parallel? 17:16
jmerelo AlexDaniel: but meanwhile... Revert, right? And just make do with the Travis errors.
AlexDaniel yeah
jmerelo AlexDaniel: OK
xinming Anyone here tells me wether the $supply.tap(&tap1); $supply.tap(&tap2) are tap1 and tap2 different ones? 17:18
I mean, are they running in parallel, or tap2 will be run after tap1 is processed.
AlexDaniel m: Supply.interval(1).tap({say ‘in one’; sleep 1; say ‘done’}); Supply.interval(1).tap({say ‘in two’; sleep 1; say ‘done’}); sleep 1.5 17:21
camelia in one
in two
in one
in two
AlexDaniel xini in parallel
xinming: in parallel
xinming Ok, Thanks.
Then, I'll need lock.
AlexDaniel xinming: you can use `react` block
m: react { whenever Supply.interval(1) {say ‘in one’; sleep 1; say ‘done’}; whenever Supply.interval(1) {say ‘in two’; sleep 1; say ‘done’}; whenever Promise.in(1.5) { done } } 17:22
camelia in one
in two
in one
jmerelo AlexDaniel: OK, done.
xinming I still need some think to get how to fix that.
cfa hmm, meanwhile the same input caused a crash one run and nothing the next
xinming m: sub test (DateTime $arg .= new(now)) { }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed parameter
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub test (DateTime $arg7⏏5 .= new(now)) { }
expecting any of:
xinming AlexDaniel: Do you think make .= for default arg is a good idea? 17:23
I know we can do something like sub test (DateTime $arg = DateTime.new(now)) { }
But I think it'll be good that .= can work with = :-)
Geth ecosystem: 69c4c703b0 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Reverts adding of fork.

To leave just the only Test::Output.
cfa gist.github.com/cfa/927b73262d8ef4...68760f9d69 17:24
AlexDaniel xinming: I don't know, it's hard to tell
jmerelo cfa: wow 17:25
cfa hmm, and touching (thereby creating) ~/.perl6/rakudo-history means that history is recorded again
yeah, this isn't being created if absent
so there're two separate issues
one is this encoding crash, the other creation of the history file 17:26
jmerelo: can you test the latter? mv ~/.perl6/rakudo-history{,.bak}
then try
jmerelo cfa: you sure it's Readline? Might be the plain REPL
cfa yes, it's readline 17:28
jmerelo cfa: I've moved the history file and done that lin several times and no problem
cfa the history file is recreated?
jmerelo cfa: Ah, let me see
jmerelo cfa: ah, no, it's not 17:29
cfa okay, bug #1 there
my history file has probably existed for at least 6 rakudo releases
MasterDuke cfa: are you reading in any files? or using "prompt"?
cfa MasterDuke: completely interactive
launch perl6 repl, keyboard input
no flags 17:30
jmerelo cfa: but it returns a handle anyway. Even if it's not created
cfa anyway, the history file not being created might be an old problem
but this crash is new for me
MasterDuke cfa: does it happen in every repl session eventually?
cfa MasterDuke: the crash? 17:31
MasterDuke yeah
cfa basically, yeah
to the point that the repl is kinda unusable
so i need to downgrade to linenoise i guess (which is a real downgrade given its lack of unicode support) 17:32
MasterDuke cfa: does running with --ll-exception give anything useful?
i'm trying to repro, but haven't yet
cfa i'll try
MasterDuke also, you could trying running under gdb. i.e., use perl6-gdb-m instead of just the regular perl6 binary 17:34
cfa nothing from that flag 17:34
cfa hmm 17:35
i tried with perl6-lldb-m
Process 82680 launched: '/Users/cfa/.rakudup/2019.03/install/bin/moar' (x86_64)
I ran into a problem while trying to set up Readline: Could not instantiate role 'ReadlineBehavior':
Falling back to Linenoise (if present)
(i don't have gdb) 17:36
MasterDuke if you're getting an exception you may need to set a breakpoint at MVM_exception_throw_adhoc
cfa mhmm 17:37
i'm not getting evaluated output when i run
which makes this rather problematic
MasterDuke heh, and i can use Readline in lldb and gdb, but aren't getting any crashes 17:38
cfa could be related to my readline library ofc
but that hasn't changed between releases
(macports' libreadline.8.dylib) 17:39
AlexDaniel cfa: what if the way you compile rakudo changed? 17:39
cfa AlexDaniel: rakudup for 2018.12 too
AlexDaniel yes, but… 17:40
let me find it
AlexDaniel cfa: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/1055 ? 17:40
cfa AlexDaniel: isn't this performing checks? 17:41
AlexDaniel: i can't see any changes
AlexDaniel ahh, right 17:42
cfa: ok! Can you bisect it? :)
cfa not sure how to do that practically given that the problem is encountered interactively
i should probably revert to 2018.12 and check whether i'm now encountering this error there 17:43
because that would mean system libraries or Readline itself
AlexDaniel cfa: clone rakudo repo and use `git bisect`
cfa though i doubt it because 2018.12 was working fine, this issue cropped up within 5 minutes of ugprading
AlexDaniel: to look for what?
AlexDaniel cfa: old 2018.12 new HEAD 17:44
cfa: it will be jumping between revisions, you'll need to run make to compile and then check if the issue exists
in total you'll need to do around 11 checks, I think
cfa hmm 17:45
MasterDuke cfa: btw, if would be good to try with MVM_JIT_DISABLE=1 and then MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 to see if there's any change when those are disabled
that will help with troubleshooting
cfa okay 17:46
cfa nobody's able to repro this? 17:46
MasterDuke not so far 17:48
cfa dang
MasterDuke what's your env LANG set to? 17:51
cfa LANG="en_US.UTF-8" 17:54
(as are LC_* apart from LC_ALL which is blank
MasterDuke hm. and no difference with those MVM_*_DISABLE env vars set? 17:55
cfa i'm trying
the crash doesn't occur immediately
i'm having trouble getting the crash without those set atm, sigh 17:56
MasterDuke well, there was some nativecall and/or jit stuff done in the most recent release, so maybe we need to look at those more closely 17:59
cfa got the crash with =0 again 18:00
okay! 18:01
gist.github.com/cfa/7fe38dcd0dadcb...9621daafbb 18:02
MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 doesn't help
MasterDuke huh, i was expecting it to make a difference 18:07
MasterDuke cfa: can you install gdb? 18:10
El_Che great new about comma community edition 18:16
thx sena_kun jnthn (and the people I forget to highlight)
cfa MasterDuke: i'll try 18:33
don't have a huge amount of time today
MasterDuke no worries 18:36
cfa yet to repro with MVM_JIT_DISABLE=1 18:37
oh, therewe go 18:38
gist.github.com/cfa/7fe38dcd0dadcb...9621daafbb comment 18:39
cfa also fwiw, that's without a history file 18:40
cfa MasterDuke: gist.github.com/0racle/c7e65b6946a...fbafc04f53 18:47
MasterDuke huh, really not new 18:48
cfa yeah 18:50
also unclear whether this was reported, resolved for 0racle
new for me though
🎉 18:51
MasterDuke i don't see a relevant existing (or closed) moarvm issue 18:53
cfa dang 18:54
MasterDuke or rakudo issue 18:55
cfa: when you get a chance could you create one? 18:57
cfa sure, against rakudo?
MasterDuke and/or moarvm
cfa btw, i gather those testing are on the latest readline?
i have Readline:ver<0.1.5>:auth<github:drforr>
MasterDuke 0.1.5 here also 18:58
cfa k
MasterDuke and libreadline7 version 7.0-5 on kubuntu 18.10 19:00
cfa github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2758 for the log issue 19:07
cfa MasterDuke: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2759 19:17
MasterDuke great, thanks 19:18
cfa hmm, as a stopgap i guess i ought to (i) tell the repl not to use Readline or Linenoise and (ii) use rlwrap 19:46
is (i) possible?
(assuming both are installed)
cfa aha, RAKUDO_LINE_EDITOR='none' p6 19:48
cfa noted that in a comment 19:53
antoniogamiz Hi! I'm Antonio Gamiz, a student from Granada, Spain. I've been around a couple of weeks, learning the basics about the community and Perl6! 20:17
antoniogamiz My idea is to apply to GSOC with this project by jmerelo: github.com/perl6/doc/wiki/A-Redesi...ion-System 20:17
ufobat \o/ 20:18
antoniogamiz I think it's a good idea if I make a repo where I periodically update my ideas and work about that, to get feedback from you and fresh ideas :D 20:19
ufobat antoniogamiz, you should ping jmerelo when he is online 20:24
but what you can do is forc perl6/docs :)
antoniogamiz ufobat: right, I'll do that :) 20:27
in fact I've already done it, but I wanted to say it here in order to make it more "formal" I suppose ahahah 20:28
Geth doc: Kaiepi++ created pull request #2655:
Document the :&tap parameter of Supply.tap
antoniogamiz where can I find the code for rakudo-star distribution? 21:28
timotimo antoniogamiz: what are you after, a way to install rakudo star, or how rakudo star packages are built? 21:29
github.com/rakudo/star - this has all the tools - including the release-guide.pod documentation file - for building a rakudo star release 21:30
antoniogamiz I'm searching the definitiion of the function pod2onepage
timotimo that probably comes from Pod::To::OnePage module
or maybe that lives in the docs repo?
antoniogamiz oh it makes sense, I'll check it when I discover it ahah thanks :) 21:31
MasterDuke antoniogamiz: probably github.com/perl6/perl6-pod-to-bigpage
antoniogamiz MasterDuke: thanks :) 21:32
MasterDuke np
Kaiepi what's the name for <>, «», and () 21:37
idk how to look them up in the docs 21:38
antoniogamiz the first one is angle brackets I think
Kaiepi no i mean like
they're used to create lists
is there a term for that?
antoniogamiz eemmm this maybe? docs.perl6.org/routine/%3C%3E 21:39
Kaiepi no, i meant <> as in <foo bar baz> 21:39
pmurias antoniogamiz: having your proposal and notes etc. in a github repo is a great idea 21:40
MasterDuke docs.perl6.org/language/operators#term_%3C_%3E
Kaiepi i guess there isn't a term 21:41
timotimo it's quote-words 21:41
Kaiepi yeah but i meant a term for all three 21:42
timotimo «» is interpolating quote-words, but () isn't a thing
that's just grouping syntax 21:43
Kaiepi for context, i'm writing docs on types for the js nutshell and am explaining how to make enums. <>, «», and () are allowed for declaring the enums' keys, but i didn't know what to call them 21:44
Kaiepi i guess i'll just mention all three and link to their documentation 21:44
timotimo "either put a string list literal like <> or «» or put a list literal in parenthesis" 21:45
Kaiepi Enums can be defined by writing C<enum>, followed by the name of the enum, then the list of keys, which can be done using L«< >|/language/operators#term_<_>», C<« »>, or L<( )|/language/operators#term_(_)>. 21:49
there's no documentation on term « »?
oh docs.perl6.org/language/quoting#Wo...%AB_%C2%BB 21:50
Kaiepi ffs this is the third time i've had to run make html for the docs, the first two times failing only after it processed every single pod file 23:26
first time failed because npm's fucking dumb and made a lock file with root as the owner 23:27
second time i forgot to set CC=egcc CXX=eg++ CPP=ecpp because node's dumb and uses the really old version of gcc openbsd has by default
timotimo ah damn :( 23:28
timotimo so, why exactly doesn't this align strings: 23:46
m: say "hello".fmt("%15s");
camelia hello
timotimo m: say "hellooooo".fmt("%15s");
camelia hellooooo
timotimo huh, it does?
null bytes, haha