»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
jackfly26 yay more nqp stuff 01:01
i keep getting unable to parse blockoid
on a sipmlified version of my code 01:02
line 31 near new QAST:
jackfly26 ok i guess nobody is online 01:17
MasterDuke i just looked at it, but nothing jumps out at me 01:18
yoleaux 3 Apr 2019 03:19Z <AlexDaniel> MasterDuke: yeah, it actually does run *every* message. Crazy. :)
3 Apr 2019 03:19Z <AlexDaniel> MasterDuke: well, almost every. Most of them for sure
jackfly26 huh ok 01:20
weird then
Xliff NQPHLL is only recognized by nqp, correct? 01:22
jackfly26 wdym
i think
Xliff Commenting out all of "method statement:sym<putln>" reveals a new error. 01:23
Cannot find method 'language' on object of type NQPMu
jackfly26 huh 01:24
MasterDuke jackfly26: it parse/compiles if you comment out all the putln action
Xliff Ah! There is no Fly::Language
jackfly26 is that needed
Xliff Er.
jackfly26 the tutorial mentioned in the repo doesnt show that
Xliff Fly::Compiler.
jackfly26 oh 01:25
its the $comp.language()
so compiler is pretty much null
Xliff Yes. Fly::Compiler is missing.
jackfly26 i must have accidentally deleted that 01:26
Xliff :)
jackfly26 oh
MasterDuke ah, think i figured it out. use different quotes around say
jackfly26 the blockoid literally got fixed by double quotes 01:27
thats stupid
Xliff ??
Post fix?
MasterDuke u: ’ 01:28
unicodable6 MasterDuke, U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK [Pf] (’)
Xliff Oh... wooow
:op("say") -- works
:op('say') -- works 01:29
:op(’say’) -- doesn't work
Yeah. Wrong quotes.
u: '
unicodable6 Xliff, U+0027 APOSTROPHE [Po] (')
MasterDuke it probably would if it started with a left single quotation mark and ended with a right 01:30
jackfly26 wow
MasterDuke oh, maybe not. guess nqp doesn't support those 01:31
jackfly26 it doesnt give any errors but
Xliff Yep.
jackfly26 it still doesnt print out
Xliff :op('say') -- works
jackfly26 i got that working
Xliff MasterDuke: You are correct. It parses with left quotation mark.
jackfly26 it just won't print to screen
Xliff Yeah. Well can't help you further coz missing Fly::Compiler. 01:32
jackfly26 oh
lemme post updated code
Xliff :) 01:33
jackfly26 hastebin.com/gafiyezefa.xml
MasterDuke jackfly26: don't you need to eval the input? 01:38
jackfly26 no 01:39
i think the HLL::Compiler does that
Xliff After this operation "$output := $output();".... $output is an empty string 01:40
jackfly26 i just realized i can take everything out of the compiler class 01:41
eval doesnt do anything
jackfly26 ok got it working 02:02
MasterDuke what was the problem? 02:03
jackfly26 im testion out a new client dont mind me 02:14
more tests 02:16
jackfly26 more tests 02:17
Xliff .tell jackfly26 What was the solution to the eval issue? 02:30
yoleaux Xliff: I'll pass your message to jackfly26.
Geth ecosystem: alabamenhu++ created pull request #445:
Add Intl-CLDR
guifa Finally got the stupid thing done 02:44
Odd, the travis build failed. 02:51
.tell jmarelo Any ideas what I did wrong?
yoleaux guifa: I'll pass your message to jmarelo.
guifa .tell jmarelo Actually, nm. Somehow there was a bug in one of the dependent modules 03:01
yoleaux guifa: I'll pass your message to jmarelo.
Xliff Is there a way to remove a role from an object? 03:50
m: role A { }; class B { }; my $b = B.new but A; $b.^name.say 03:51
evalable6 B+{A}
japh .tell jmerelo so I asked $wife if she could print the pdf on her laser printer at work, few hours later she called me up, freaking out, "dude, did you ask me to print the whole internet?" 03:54
yoleaux japh: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
Xliff m: role A { }; class B { }; my $b = B.new but A; $b.^name.say; my B $c = $b; $c.^name.say; 04:01
evalable6 B+{A}
perlbot Howardnok pasted a new file at perlbot.pl/p/6rocsm - 04:03
Xliff m: role A { }; class B { }; my $b = B.new does A; $b.^name.say; my B $c = $b; $c.^name.say; 04:04
evalable6 B+{A}
Geth doc: 15af92f4e8 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/hashmap.pod6
Closes a link
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/hashmap
Geth doc: 2281d5ed81 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/hashmap.pod6
Junctions as keys to hashes
synopsebot_ Link: doc.perl6.org/language/hashmap
SmokeMachine Does anyone here knows about Keybase? I've found about it yesterday... it seems interesting... 08:15
kawaii SmokeMachine: I use keybase! keybase.io/kawaii 08:28
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: I have it too, not sure if I like it… 08:44
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: what don't you like on it?
kawaii Keybase keep a copy of your private key, of course they claim it is all encrypted and secure but as with anything - you will never know. 08:48
Personally, I've used and trusted the service since it was in closed beta. But I can understand why others might now.
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: the idea of having a profile with links to multiple sources where your key can be verified is cool, but anything beyond that makes me worried. Like I don't see any good reason for a yet another chat application… and it looks like someone has sent a file to me, but I can't get it unless I install their thing, apparently? I don't want to install things 08:50
kawaii: wait what? Why would they have your private key? They definitely don't have mine
kawaii AlexDaniel: ah well if you used their key generation service (i.e. you didn't previously have a key at all), they store both parts.
AlexDaniel o_O 08:51
kawaii usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/...-51-15.png
>Export my private key
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I think you can download from browser, can't you? 08:52
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: no 08:54
not for files, apparently
kawaii You need to use the desktop or mobile clients to use Keybase chat/filestorage/git etc... 08:55
SmokeMachine maybe you can't if its crypt with your pub key because they don't have you prove key (neither mine)
AlexDaniel why can't they just give the encrypted file to me? 08:56
ok so to install their app they recommend to curl a deb package and install it 08:57
I don't feel like doing that
SmokeMachine what about clone theirs repo? 08:58
kawaii Speaking of repos, Debian stable has Rakudo from 2016 - and as far as I can see, we don't have our own upstream Debian repos for Rakudo, do we AlexDaniel?
xq I've looked at keybase and even have an account, but I've never found a problem that I can solve with it 08:59
a hammer looking for a nail
AlexDaniel kawaii: no repo but there's github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releases
AlexDaniel kawaii: also, new debian release is coming this year, hopefully 09:01
kawaii I know a little bit about Debian packaging, maybe we could get something like deb.(rakudo|perl6).org and provide an upstream?
AlexDaniel kawaii: we can have our own repo, yes, but I'm not convinced that it's a super useful thing to have 09:02
kawaii Could be, I hardly ever use Debian's own repos for most things (i.e. I use nginx upstream, postgresql upstream...) 09:03
Most people want bleeding-edge unless it's for a server.
AlexDaniel people who want bleeding edge stuff use ubuntu, no? 09:04
and ubuntu comes with updated rakudo like every 6 months
kawaii 2018.03 according to apt search
AlexDaniel 2018.03 in 18.04, 2018.06 in 18.10, 2018.12 in 19.04 09:06
see also: repology.org/project/rakudo/versions 09:09
ah, also, there's already debian unstable 09:10
so you can install rakudo from that, if you want…
AlexDaniel timotimo: “I was trying to install doxygen” 09:13
timotimo: now I'm even more confused 09:14
timotimo i'm also confused 09:25
atweiden-air on a related note, we have `xbps-install rakudo` in void linux, plus a `perl6` build-style in the official repos 09:27
timotimo what is a "build-style"? like a template for creating packages? for modules and such? 09:28
atweiden-air also, i wrote an excellent installer in perl 6 at github.com/atweiden/voidvault
timotimo: yes, it's an alternative to zef
xq debian sid has 2018.12 rakudo 09:44
so does testing
so thats what next stable will release with 09:45
timotimo oh
timotimo no 6.d then :( 09:45
xq yes, too late for that (testing frozen)
timotimo were we too slow? was there a problem on one of the non-x86 architectures?
xq I don't see particular problems 09:47
Geth mu: 5bc5c450d2 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Fixes example w/o slurpy
timotimo OK, that's good then
kawaii hence why official upstreams would be good, user friendly for those who don't want to compile, can be updated as soon as we cut a release, a trustworthy source to get rakudo instead of 3rd party repos.
Geth mu: f9bc1c0656 | (JJ Merelo)++ | examples/functional/monads.p6
Using return values -debug code
AlexDaniel timotimo: what do you mean no 6.d 10:33
c: 2018.12 say $*PERL
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2018.12: «Perl 6 (6.d)␤»
timotimo oh, that's a non-star
never mind then! 10:34
AlexDaniel kawaii: I don't agree because unstable is usually up to date and even more trustworthy than our repo could ever be 10:35
patrickb is it possible in comma to attach the debugger to an already running process? 12:12
timotimo patrickb: not at the moment; moarvm has to be started with the debugger turned on for it to even listen for commands 12:15
though in theory, i guess it'd be possible to attach to the actual moar process with gdb and run a script that sets everything up
that sounds rather advanced and potentially very fragile :)
patrickb ok 12:16
Where do I report comma bugs? 12:20
timotimo there's a feature in the program that lets you report errors you encounter 12:26
other than that
when you're logged in to commaide.com there'? a "submit feedback" link in the top menu bar
patrickb I don't have a login :-( 12:28
timotimo oh, because you're using comma community 12:41
that makes a lot of sense
patrickb True
timotimo there's [email@hidden.address]
patrickb OK. Will do. Thanks! 12:42
timotimo twitter.com/2DArray/status/1092541253089218560 - beautiful 13:09
kawaii awoo 14:27
wahnwitz hi, how can I add a class from another file into my code? :/ 15:04
i have multiple files with classes
timotimo hi 15:05
usually when you're working on a module, you'll have them in a lib/ folder and outside of that a META6.json with a "provides" section in it that lists them with their names
zostay I can't get to perl6.org subdomains. I'd search IRC history to see if this was a known problem, but I can't get to irc.perl6.org either to do that. What's up with DNS?
timotimo then you can "use" them
zostay: for me, docs.perl6.org works at least 15:06
wahnwitz: if you're okay with being more closely bound to paths and directory structure and such, you can "use lib 'blah/';" from your code to put "blah/" into the module search path 15:07
zostay Hmm... I wonder if my ISP is doing something stupid. It does not work from either of my laptops, but if I connect to the VPN it switches resolver setups and then it works. 15:09
wahnwitz thx timotimo ..thats what I want
timotimo usually when i'm developing on one of my modules or have a dependency i'm making changes in i'll use -I flags to point at the module folders 15:10
either point them at the folder that has the META6.json in it and it'll pick that up, or the lib/ folder
wahnwitz its just training for now..i have something like this: use lib './classes/Importer.class'; my $imp = Importer.new("blabla"); 15:11
still get an "undeclared name" "Importer 15:12
timotimo yeah, "use lib" is only to add paths to the list 15:13
and normally perl6 won't pick up files ending in .class
wahnwitz so i need a use "Importer" than 15:14
timotimo without quotation marks
wahnwitz ok..now i have an Could not find Importer at line 4 in: file#/usr/home/Abuse/classes .. its going better :D 15:15
ahh, ok .. with .pm its going well 15:16
zostay Weird. Google's DNS servers won't resolve perl6.org subdomains, but my ISP DNS doesn't have a problem, so I've switched back to that. 15:20
wahnwitz thx timotimo 15:21
moritz zostay: it has a catchall for the subdomains 15:22
moritz can confirm, dig docs.perl6.org @ +short comes up short 15:23
moritz the DNS (cloudflare, IIRC) can resolve it just fine 15:24
Chaz6 no AAAA record :( 15:25
Xliff m: say Str !=:= Str 15:29
evalable6 False
Xliff m: say Str =:= Str
evalable6 True
lucasb Wouldn't be cool if "=!=" was shorthand for "!=:=" ? :) 16:06
moritz it's not an operator that is used often enough to warrant such a shortcut 16:10
Geth ecosystem: alabamenhu++ created pull request #446:
Add Intl-CLDR
ecosystem: 9c58f3a2c4 | L'Alabameñu++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Add Intl-CLDR

Add the CLDR module
ecosystem: 9a6557f088 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #446 from alabamenhu/patch-4

Add Intl-CLDR
guifa jmarelo++ 16:24
jmerelo Anyone around has any idea of Haskell? 18:06
yoleaux 03:54Z <japh> jmerelo: so I asked $wife if she could print the pdf on her laser printer at work, few hours later she called me up, freaking out, "dude, did you ask me to print the whole internet?"
jmerelo .tell japh that's rich :-)
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to japh.
jmerelo .tell but that pretty much describes Perl6, yes. "Everything _and_ the kitchen sink" 18:07
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to but.
jmerelo I'll just drop it here: typeclasses are basically like roles in Perl 6?
jmerelo Well, maybe actually like roles with abstract methods. And no instance variables. 18:15
ugexe conceptually sure 18:26
ugexe its just you can do things with roles that would not be considered something a typeclass should do 18:27
jmerelo ugexe: like putting state into instance variables. State is bad. Functional languages don't like that.
ugexe: or punning... 18:28
ugexe: OK, thanks!
ugexe you can put default implementations inside of a role, although thats not something an interface should o
Kaiepi back from detox! can finally use git and irc again 19:18
tyil Kaiepi: \o/ 19:33
vrurg I'd like to ask for testing of a new Configure for rakudo/NQP. Instructions are here: gist.github.com/vrurg/0fff72701bd8...le-test-md 19:35
Sorry for being very brief, have very little time now. :( 19:36
Xliff vrurg: Testing.... What kind of info do you want back? 19:51
AlexDaniel vrurg: what is the problem that you are trying to solve? 19:52
Xliff vrung: Makefile:728: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop. 19:57
vrurg AlexDaniel: don't have time to answer now. Just wanna see if it builds. Especially on Win. 20:40
vrurg is away now
AlexDaniel: briefly: started with adding a new lang specs letter. The decided that overall the configure looks not so good.
guifa If you do something like 20:45
my %data = BEGIN { … }
my %data = INIT { … }
Is there any reason that callables that get stored in %data should be any different?
AHA! There *is* a difference 20:51
lucasb please show 20:52
guifa Although I think it’s definitely in bug territory. If you use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL in a BEGIN block, the callables created with it are basically deemed callables non grata. If you do it on INIT, they’re dconsidered acceptable
guifa I can reduce this down to just two files, where should I submit it to? 21:03
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! NativeHelpers::Callback (0.1) by 03CTILMES
gabc Hi, is it normal that the link to smoke testing on the community page gets me a 500 error? 21:11
That page smoke.perl6.org/report
timotimo i wonder when the last time that was mentioned was
to the irclog! 21:12
gabc ahah
I don't know what is a smoke test, I was curious :P
ugexe testers.perl6.org/ still lives though 21:13
timotimo the last report was 2017 though : 21:14
hm, does the updater for that site still eat up cpu on hack? maybe we should retire it 21:15
anyway, the smoking stuff has been superceded by Blin
but we don't really have a site for blin results; they always just land on github as issues
gabc Oh what is Blin?
timotimo github.com/perl6/Blin 21:16
ugexe github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/master/l...porter.pm6 uses tests.perl6.org
gabc timotimo: thanks :) 21:16
timotimo ugexe: i seem to recall we've talked about this before
ugexe testers.perl6.org/dist/Z/Zef/ugexe.html <-- passing test results for zef on jvm win/osx/linux 21:17
we've regressed
Geth rakudo.org: 7ef2c86dda | (Mike Clarke)++ | templates/files.html.ep
Update download link for macOS
guifa Alright just submited the bug report. 21:40