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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
elcaro bisectable6: say ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)).grep(*.any) 00:37
bisectable6 elcaro, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=8a37b93) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
elcaro, bisect log: gist.github.com/1a5df27e933c29d8b0...7a3196a390
elcaro, (2019-01-29) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/c2...ee4b1ee0fb
elcaro Issue #2975 raised for the above regression 00:44
olongjohnson I can pull file access / modified times with the IO class. Is there any way to retrieve creation times? 00:56
elcaro olongjohnson: unix doesn't have a concept of creation time for files 01:04
as for windows, I know it does tell you creation time in the file props... thought i'm not sure where that info is stored
I don't to much development on windows
elcaro correction: some googling has advised me some unix filesystems do keep track of creation time.. so it depends on what FS you use, and again, there's probably no built-in that will "just work" 01:07
olongjohnson That's kind of what I figured. I do work more on NTFS & EXT4 file systems which should have it available somewhere. For instance, you can grab file creation times with Windows' native PowerShell. 01:09
ugexe use nqp; say nqp::stat("myfile.txt", nqp::const::STAT_CREATETIME) 01:16
elcaro ugexe++ I will add that into File::Stat 01:18
ugexe looks like there are a few from the ops list you can add -- github.com/perl6/nqp/blob/master/d...kdown#stat 01:20
olongjohnson Much apprciated 01:23
elcaro ugexe: yeah, at the time I made it, I was just satisfying a need for someone who needed access to unix stat values 01:26
but I do wanna expand it to also wrap around nqp::lstat, as well as add the other consts
holyghost good morning 05:00
holyghost hi JJ 05:18
jmerelo holyghost: hi
holyghost jmerelo : I am working on your issues for Game-Stats and Game-Bayes 05:23
then they'll be done
holyghost use-ok as starter tests is a great idea 05:25
holyghost After the packages are done, I will try to read more perl6 books/tutorials 05:27
I'm just coding perl6 as C++ for example 05:28
I have the book "Think Perl 6" from O'Reilly 05:33
It'll help me on the way out
holyghost jmerelo : where do I put the version number in a pod6 ? 05:48
Anyway, I've put it in the =begin tag 05:49
jmerelo holyghost: you don't. Please read the documentation about modules 05:51
holyghost ok, I will 05:55
holyghost jmerelo : metadata ? 06:00
jmerelo holyghost: what do you mean? 06:02
holyghost jmerelo : for a pod6 including a version number I use =VERSION 06:03
jmerelo holyghost: this advice might seem a bit familiar. Read the documentation. 06:04
holyghost jmerelo : don't worry my pod6s include metatdata 06:12
version, title ,author 06:13
then I added a description
Geth doc: dd4f701d67 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 4 files
Bumps up version to account for the elimination of TypeGraph
doc: bad990053a | (JJ Merelo)++ | CONTRIBUTING.md
Perl6::TypeGraph is already outside the repo

And in the ecosystem, tested and documented. Good job
  @antoniogamiz. Closes #2573
holyghost As I said I had to read up :-) 06:16
lizmat weekly: ajs.github.io/tools/2019/06/11/perl...e-012.html 06:30
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
holyghost Game::Stats reached beta status (github.com/theholyghost2/p6-Game-Stats), I just need to elaborate on the tests and maybe add examples 07:17
jmerelo holyghost: it compiles. That's something. 07:23
holyghost jmerelo : I use "use-ok" for every module in t/00-load.t 07:24
jmerelo holyghost: you might want to eliminate use before use_ok, though. If use is not ok, you will not be able to use them.
holyghost ok
holyghost I've removed it 07:26
prove6 --lib works for me
jmerelo holyghost: I'm not saying it does not. Also, you might want to use zef test . for modules. 07:29
holyghost I see
I installed prove6, it's clearer to me
anyway, I didn't know that
holyghost Later on JJ, I'm going to work on p6-Bayes-Learn, it needs several things still then if lizmat wants to sh better writes something about Game::Bayes instead of the simplicity in Game::Stats 07:34
It needs a small text based game in tests 07:35
e.g. by elevating with a physics engine, I don't know yet
then running RPG systems in the tests on it, the physics for when enemies collide etc 07:36
It's probably gonna be a huge test system
Just saying 07:37
s/test/test and example/ 07:38
Game::Stats is made for Hidden Markov Models and Game::Bayes e.g. for Age of Empires 3 07:40
^-- this is the Good Thing about it 07:41
Life is Good :-) 07:46
jmerelo : if it's finished, is there someone who's going to publish it ro does it just stay on github ? 07:50
s/ro/or 07:51
jmerelo holyghost: leave it in GitHub until it's stable and everything has been ironed out. People can still use it from GitHub 07:57
holyghost ok, thanks for the issues 07:57
I'm getting better at perl6 every day 07:58
I'm aiming at Game::Bayes next week
Game::Stats is a very simple package to understand and you cannot just make statitics tests then calculating just a function from it 07:59
As I said, I might want some more examples
It was built for speed so the interfaces lack 08:00
holyghost s/interfaces/interfaces and somewhat the API/ 08:01
speed in games
jmerelo .tell timotimo perl6-gtksimple is failing because the location for the dlls is hardcoded: github.com/perl6/gtk-simple/issues 10:43
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
jmerelo .tell you seem to be the last one who's worked on that, so you might know how to fix it... 10:44
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to you.
holyghost JJ ^^ 10:45
jmerelo .tell timotimo you seem to be the last one who's worked on that, so you might know how to fix it...
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
jmerelo :-)
holyghost All bots are stupid :-)
It needs some AI :-) 10:46
jmerelo holyghost: but obedient.
holyghost .tell yoleaux "All bots are stupid but obedient" 10:47
yoleaux holyghost: Thanks for the message.
jmerelo ... and polite 10:48
.oO( some bots do get the message )
holyghost Id was almost infinitely looping :-) 10:49
holyghost OTOH I was talking to my AI/Adaptive Systems/DB/Programming profs, it seems I can write a game of tabletop "Risk" with Game::Bayes, I'll try to make it an examples dir for that next week 10:51
risk-o-matic in the tests and a non-curses (non-ncurses) GUI which prints the rectangles of neighbouring Risk table regions 10:52
with army size in them 10:53
I'll start on Mars :-)
I would also like to do an M$ "Age of Empires (3)" game with it using NCurses module, again later on 10:55
NCurses for such as nethack graphics
Plenty of "@"'s :-) 10:56
Newt wars :-)
holyghost My module pagan can help with the 2D graphics, again later on 10:58
s/2D/2D, tile and isometric
For a tabletop Risk you would choose conditional probabilities starting with ask-attack, ask-defend, ask-move-armies etc 10:59
then use the decisions theory in Game::Bayes 11:00
*decision theory
Itaipu p6: say hello world ;) 12:16
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/JljpJoHYwV
Unexpected closing bracket
at /tmp/JljpJoHYwV:1
------> 03say hello world ;08⏏04)
Itaipu oops
p6: say 'hello world ;)' 12:17
evalable6 hello world ;)
pmurias what's a good :from<...> to load node.js modules on rakudo.js? 13:39
moritz nodejs? 13:45
patrickb why not just "js"? 13:50
pmurias patrickb: maybe people will want other js module loading schemes than calling require 13:52
moritz there's more js than just node 13:53
patrickb Even when I'm on node? 13:53
pmurias patrickb: rakudo.js is not node only 13:54
patrickb But when I'm in a browser there can't be any node modules, right?
moritz pmurias: if you write a use Thing :from<...>; you're in Perl 6, not (necessarily) node 13:55
erm, meant patrickb
pmurias patrickb: node modules can be used in the browser by a bundler (webpack or parcel)
patrickb And those are different from other stuff I might load in a browser... 13:56
pmurias patrickb: what I mean is that it should be possible to bundle your Perl 6 script together with node.js modules and run it in the browser 13:57
patrickb: and I suspect there is value for things that aren't valid in the place where you are running stuff in to have a different :from<...> so that they are cleanly detected as impossible 14:03
patrickb Got it. Thanks for the explanation! 14:04
abraxxa is all the infrastructure online again? 14:31
moritz not quite; we're still in the process of establishing shared control of the DNS of perl6.org 14:36
which is complicated by the domain owner currently being busy with YAPC preparations 14:37
nine In a cro application, where would I catch exceptions like "Cannot write to a closed socket" when a websocket goes away mid-write? 14:49
yoleaux 10 Jun 2019 22:10Z <japhb> nine: Ah, good to know re: python3, thank you.
holyghost FYI, I have the whole week now from my profs for working on perl6, so I'll try to get to 30000+ lines a year 14:54
abraxxa moritz: thanks for the info! 14:57
kawaii nine: might be best asking in the #cro channel, but currently that is a pretty major problem with the architecture, those errors are not passed back up the pipeline so sockets seem to just 'die' silently and your application has no idea. 15:44
holyghost JJ, I have the whole week time to work on perl6 modules from my profs from now on 15:54
I don't have to work in scheme and C++ anymore except for some games I write in cc and python
discord6 <Vendethiel> too bad :-) 15:55
<Vendethiel> working with racket is always a treat
holyghost So I'm going to do 60000+ lines a year in perl6 :-)
debugged, tested etc 15:56
jmerelo holyghost: OK, good luck.
holyghost Starting from today 15:57
Geth doc: JJ assigned to antoniogamiz Issue Fix duplicated index entries and avoid them in the future by adding a test. github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1912
931fcc1272 | (JJ Merelo)++ | shippable.yml
holyghost hi Woodi 16:02
Geth doc: ade3687918 | (JJ Merelo)++ | shippable.yml
Try and upgrade zef
Geth doc: e3ed9e62c9 | (JJ Merelo)++ | shippable.yml
zef can't upgrade itself
Geth doc: afe831b462 | (JJ Merelo)++ | META6.json
Only reindent, but fixed upstream error closes #2850 fixes perl6/tap-harness6#32