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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
discord6 <Rogue> Steady progress on the rename discussion, I guess 00:19
Xliff \o 05:15
Geth_ ¦ doc: coke self-assigned build broken (OS X) github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2926 05:34
Geth_ ¦ doc: coke self-unassigned Parameterization vs. parametrization github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2967 05:50
¦ doc: coke self-unassigned Styling of types github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2954
¦ doc: coke self-unassigned docs.perl6.org design github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1090 05:51
¦ doc: coke self-unassigned Unify differences between `multi` and `multi sub` github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1189
¦ doc: coke self-unassigned build broken (OS X) github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2926 05:52
Geth_ ¦ doc: coke self-unassigned Add new top level search page github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1099 05:52
¦ doc: coke self-unassigned Convert static site to dynamic site github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1246 05:53
¦ doc: coke self-unassigned Try out EVAL :compile-only github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2819
¦ doc: coke self-unassigned type images generation should be smarter github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1206 05:54
¦ doc: coke self-unassigned convert 'make run' to use Perl 6 github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1057
SmokeMachine is there any way to make Inline::Perl5 to use a specific Perl5 binary? 09:28
timotimo during installation it compiles a helper library, that is what communicates with perl5; whatever libperl.so (or what it may be called) it loads is the one you're getting 10:43
SmokeMachine timotimo: thanks! 11:16
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> Oh cool tio.run now supports Perl 6 Niecza 11:24
timotimo cool, but sadly a bit left behind in terms of features, classes, and syntax 11:33
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> wait, niecza doesn't have classes? 11:41
<theangryepicbanana> ik it's been dead for a while but still 11:42
timotimo no, it has classes 11:43
timotimo just not all of the built-in classes rakudo has right now 11:43
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> ah 11:46
discord6 <michalm> What is the status of Perl6 on ARM devices? Do you have any exp. with that? 12:15
timotimo moarvm can run on arm devices, but it does require an operating system that supports libuv 12:17
El_Che an no JIT 12:27
timotimo ah, yes, indeed
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 12:29
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 6 days and ≈15 hours (2019-10-05 UTC-12⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel hmmmmm
jnthn (ARM) No JIT as in the machine code generation prat, though you still get the inlining and other bits of specialization at least :) 14:25
japhb imagines a really foolish assembly language programmer 15:43
Geth_ problem-solving/path-to-raku: dc7f4512e8 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | solutions/language/PATH-TO-RAKU.md
Remove accidental markdown
problem-solving/path-to-raku: 2d57afe177 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | solutions/language/PATH-TO-RAKU.md
Replace the mention of “DarkPan”
problem-solving/path-to-raku: 51890ebe26 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | solutions/language/PATH-TO-RAKU.md
Minor fixes
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! File::Copy (0.0.1) by 03TBROWDER 17:04
tbrowder sena_kun: check out my File::Copy module when you have some time. thanks for yr help with it. 17:18
sena_kun inline docs are awesome. :) 18:57
uzl[m] .tell moritz I suppose your're "only" retiring from the perl6/problem-solving repo and not the community at large? It'd be truly sad if it was the latter. 19:35
tellable6 uzl[m], I'll pass your message to moritz
moritz uzl[m]: I'm still here :D
uzl[m] Oh, awesome! :-) 19:37
Xliff \o 19:41
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Cofra (0.2.0) by 03HANENKAMP 20:27
hythm how to match anything between '<' and '>' ? this regex works / '<' ~ '>' <-[<>]>* / but of course will fail when the string in between contains '<' or '>' 20:50
Grinnz if it's HTML or XML, use an HTML or XML parser 20:52
regexes are not good at balanced text
perhaps they can be in perl 6, but i don't know :)
tadzik yeah, they can 20:53
because they're not regular anymore :P 20:54
hythm its not html, its to parse module spec, like Module::Name:ver<0.0.1>:auth<name>
tadzik well then you have a problem: how do you know if it's ver => 0.0.1, auth => name and not ver => "0.0.1:auth<name" 20:55
it only makes sense to disallow the <'s and >'s inside the <'s and >'s
hythm i have a grammar that works but it fails to parse when auth field has email if the form "name [email@hidden.address]
tadzik does perl 6 actually allow that? 20:56
Grinnz the only way that would be possible is balanced parsing
tadzik or a lot of backtracing
for that case
Grinnz ok, the only sensible way ;)
tadzik :P 20:57
japhb hythm: Why not just copy the way that Rakudo itself does the module spec parse? That's part of the advantage of having a parser for the language written in the language itself. :-)
tadzik possibly it's even possible to use it directly without copying 20:58
tobs m: class X:auth<abc<> {}; say X.^auth
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in quote words; couldn't find final '>' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class X:auth<abc<> {}; say X.^auth7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:…
japhb I mean, depends on your exact usage of course, but I suspect you will at the very least get ideas, and in the best case, can just use the real parser.
Yeah, what tadzik says.
tobs apparently it has to be balanced in Perl 6
hythm looking at rakudo code to see how its parsed, hopefully its not in nqp land 21:01