»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg camelia perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 25 June 2013.
00:01 nebuchadnezzar left 00:03 benabik left 00:07 pat_js left 00:12 ssutch left 00:13 ssutch joined
jnthn sleep; 'night o/ 00:13
00:13 spider-mario left
dalek ecs: d519b6f | larry++ | S02-bits.pod:
Temp values default to boxed unless 'use native'

Attempt to bring some correctness (with the option for speed) to the use of builtin operators that might return boxed or unboxed values. Also wave hands feebly about native literals.
Attempts to resolve #8.
00:19 ssutch left 00:20 ssutch joined 00:23 benabik joined 00:27 nebuchadnezzar joined, dmol left
dalek ecs: ae7cf35 | larry++ | S32-setting-library/Numeric.pod:
Define .narrow method to narrow numeric types

Can narrow either Rat or Num to Int, for instance. Resolves #47.
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dalek ecs: 8193f27 | larry++ | S32-setting-library/Numeric.pod:
mention narrowing complex and native types
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dalek ecs: 0b7df09 | larry++ | S (9 files):
rename eval to EVAL to indicate specialness

EVAL must have a special relationship with the compiler, so don't pretend it's a normal function/method. We aren't capitalizing it because it's a "come from" as most phasers are, but because it's an escape hatch macro that is mostly there to compensate for an insufficiently imaginative language designer.
Resolves #50.
TimToady (also, it reduces the temptation to think of it as equivalent to P5's eval) 01:35
colomon errr, how much of my code is that going to break?
TimToady how much do you use eval? 01:36
I suspect we'll do a deprecation cycle on this one
araujo looks around to see how perl6 is receiving the new year 01:37
TimToady it's still trying to deal with the old year :)
araujo hehe
TimToady has apparently been making resolutions early though... 01:38
colomon TimToady: looks like once in active code in ABC, three times in tests in Math::Vector... 01:39
colomon wishes he had an easy way to ack just his modules
lue colomon: ack TERM `find <dir> -name *.pm` ? 01:40
01:40 mtk left
colomon lue wouldn't catch .pl or .t 01:41
but I suppose I could do --type=perl
lue colomon: then you could replace *.pm with *.{pm,pl,t} :)
lue & 01:42
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colomon is deleting a fantastic number of obsolete copies of rakudo as part of this process 01:43
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TimToady you could just wait until we deprecate it and then see what complains :) 01:56
or who :)
closed: github.com/perl6/specs/issues/38 01:57
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colomon Looks like about 70 uses in my modules. 02:01
TimToady how many of those should be using less powerful mechanisms? 02:02
colomon Certainly not reason to reverse what seems like a sensible decision, but it will be a minor pain in the neck.
TimToady: many (most?) are just testing that if you call .perl.eval, you get the same thing out. 02:04
TimToady gotcha
maybe we should have a .perl-eval method :)
colomon me appears to have deleted about 15 gigs worth of old rakudos and perl-5.10s during this process, so TimToady++ lue++ 02:05
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lue you could just s/eval/EVAL/, wouldn't be *that* painful :) 02:27
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lue TimToady: maybe we can make it more special by mirroring the opener for the closer: EVAL("stuff here")LAVE :) 02:29
TimToady or EVIL...LIVE 02:36
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lue TimToady: I really only suggested it for the cross-lingual punning :) evaluating -> ... -> I now wash my hands of what I've done 02:37
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TimToady it's not cross-language to me, who was brought up to know what a laver is 03:08
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TimToady or were you thinking cross-computer-language? 03:15
lue TimToady: no, I was thinking French :) "Je lave mes mains" 03:17
TimToady could almost persuade himself that lave and Japanese ara(w)u are etymologically related 03:21
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finanalyst p: sub a (@a) {say [~] @a RX~ 'pre' };my @x=<nat med fix>; say [~] @a Rx~ 'pre'; a(@x) 06:16
camelia rakudo-parrot d7bf82: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/5aTmqfao7U␤Variable '@a' is not declared␤at /tmp/5aTmqfao7U:1␤------> 'pre' };my @x=<nat med fix>; say [~] @a⏏ Rx~ 'pre'; a(@x)␤ expecting any of:␤ postfi…»
finanalyst p: sub a (@a) {say [~] @a RX~ 'pre' };my @x=<nat med fix>; say [~] @x Rx~ 'pre'; a(@x) 06:17
camelia rakudo-parrot d7bf82: OUTPUT«preprepre␤prenatpremedprefix␤»
finanalyst p: sub a (@a) {say [~] @a RX~ 'pre' };my @x=<nat med fix>; say [~]( @x Rx~ 'pre'); a(@x) 06:18
camelia rakudo-parrot d7bf82: OUTPUT«preprepre␤prenatpremedprefix␤»
finanalyst p: sub a (@a) {say [~] @a RX~ 'pre' };my @x=<nat med fix>; say [~]( @x RX~ 'pre'); a(@x) 06:21
camelia rakudo-parrot d7bf82: OUTPUT«prenatpremedprefix␤prenatpremedprefix␤»
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FROGGS morning 09:00
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dalek kudo/nom: 375aaf9 | moritz++ | / (5 files):
first shot at Numeric.narrow
FROGGS preflex: tell Rotwang I've seen you talking about C code in the backlog... Have you considered Inline::C? 09:05
preflex Consider it noted.
09:07 _ilbot joined 09:17 REPLeffect left 09:18 REPLeffect joined 09:24 xinming_ joined 09:25 REPLeffect left 09:27 hoverboard left, xinming left
dalek ast: 27feb20 | moritz++ | S32-num/narrow.t:
tests for Numeric.narrow
ast: 5990eca | moritz++ | S16-filehandles/filestat.t:
comment out a file system-dependent test
kudo/nom: ac4e9fb | moritz++ | t/spectest.data:
prior.t is gone
kudo/nom: c14a846 | moritz++ | src/core/ (2 files):
Instant.narrow and Duration.narrow
09:35 autumn joined 09:36 sivoais left, sivoais joined
moritz TimToady++ # closing specs tickets 09:37
09:39 finanalyst left 09:44 isBEKaml joined
isBEKaml hey guys, I have a problem in getting nqp to build on latest parrot HEAD (as of y'day). Does this look familiar to anyone here? gist.github.com/anonymous/8168990 09:57
this is on cygwin (win7) 09:59
moritz hasn't built on parrot HEAD for some time 10:00
tadzik me neither 10:01
isBEKaml Oh, so I'm the only one :-)
tadzik I lost track of whether parrot wants to support rakudo or every language in the world or neither
moritz I lost track of whether there is a coherent parrot that can want anything 10:03
nwc10 As best I can tell, parrot doesn't even know the latter. In that, the discussions on the parrot list about what they do next fizzled out 10:05
isBEKaml nwc10: yeah, I remember seeing something about that on parrot logs. Allison and others pitched in what seems like its "last huzzah". :( 10:06
tadzik www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjOSLCR2hE relevant? :)
10:08 BenGoldberg left
isBEKaml okay, moritz, tadzik:how do you build parrakudo then? on supported releases or not at all? :) 10:08
tadzik isBEKaml: I just say 'rakudobrew build parrot' 10:09
not sure if it works on windows though
isBEKaml tadzik: is there such a thing? (even on OSX?)
tadzik if it does, it's by accident :)
moritz isBEKaml: I simply run perl Configure.pl --gen-parrot && make 10:10
isBEKaml tadzik: well, for a moment I thought - you're playing memegenerator. :)
FROGGS isBEKaml: I think the removal of EvalPMC in parrot breaks building nqp, we must adapt nqp to use the new PakFile api (IIRC this was on "our" request)
PackFile* 10:11
10:11 araujo joined
moritz there's a new-packfile-api branch in nqp 10:11
isBEKaml FROGGS: I thought that was something different? This looks like something messing up the makefile conventions. 10:12
moritz ... which updates the bootstrap, and conflicts :(
FROGGS that would mean --target=pbc instead of --target=pir, which is nice :o)
moritz: sure... we even changed the parts in nqp that produced pir... these parts needs updated too in the new branch 10:13
isBEKaml: your problem might be something different, but parrot HEAD won't work after all because of what I have pointed out
isBEKaml FROGGS: Oh, I remembered a long standing PR/issue on parrot git repo. I thought you were referring to that. 10:16
FROGGS: (on new PackFile API from whiteknight over at parrot)
tadzik: rakudobrew - "I don't accept bugs, only pull requests." Nice touch. :) 10:17
tadzik heh 10:18
I wondered how that'll work. I got 0 bug reports, and 1 pull request, I think :)
10:18 rindolf joined
tadzik 2 pull requests, even 10:18
moritz considers opening a pull requests that adds a file ISSUES with bug reports :-)
isBEKaml then try that everywhere? You'll maybe get a *cackling* rush of PRs. :-)
moritz just for trolling sport 10:19
tadzik haha
masak good antenoon, #perl6
tadzik well, accepting bugs definitely won't hurt rakudobrew's adoption
but the bottleneck is the absolute lack of marketing anyway :) 10:20
isBEKaml considering that you never intended it for adoption.
tadzik not really
isBEKaml hello, masak
tadzik it's something I put together to make it easier for myself to update rakudo, now that it got more backends and whatnot
masak! \o/ 10:21
nwc10 also, I believe that there hasn't been a parrot release this month, and based on last time it got this late, I suspect that there won't be 10:22
tadzik the last commit was 3 months ago 10:23
moritz wonders if www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVReDiyouWs applies :-) 10:24
FROGGS www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjOSLCR2hE :P 10:27
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dalek ast: f355189 | moritz++ | S02-magicals/pid.t:
unfudge a passing test for the JVM
moritz this one has been passing for me for quite some time 10:41
if that still causes problems for anybody, please revert this commit
FROGGS +1 10:44
10:50 xenoterracide left
nwc10 last commit was actually 10:51
AuthorDate: Mon Oct 7 19:40:02 2013 -0400
CommitDate: Fri Dec 13 21:37:34 2013 -0500
the previous commit is the tag for RELEASE_5_10_0
it's really not very active these days 10:52
FROGGS p: "abc" ~~ /$<test>=.+/; say (:~$<test>) # @TimToady: an we make this work? so that only the stringified version of $<test> goes into the Pair's value? 11:05
camelia rakudo-parrot c14a84: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/uNA88uVSTx␤Bogus statement␤at /tmp/uNA88uVSTx:1␤------> "abc" ~~ /$<test>=.+/; say (⏏:~$<test>) # @TimToady: an we make this ␤ expecting any of:␤ semicolon…»
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timotimo back to workign on Nil postcircumfix handling 13:21
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isBEKaml win 13:28
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isBEKaml I'm slower than autojoin :-) 13:29
timotimo i'm having trouble making a sufficiently narrow sub postcircumfix:<{ }> or :<[ ]> for Nil as the first argument 13:36
it seems like the other ones always win over my pretty broad one :\ 13:37
what was the "after this point, don't participate in multi-dispatch any more" syntax again?
will that help?
moritz it's ;; 13:38
but it generally makes candidates less specific, iiuc
what's wrong with (Nil, |rest) ? 13:39
maybe you need a second Nil:D candidate, no idea
timotimo it doesn't trigger :(
moritz which one is triggered instead?
timotimo good question. one that returns (Any) instead of Nil. 13:40
oh 13:41
i think i made it work on the last iteration
Nil.[1] gets (Any), Nil[1] gets Nil 13:42
it seems like one of them is compile-time evaluated, the other isn't 13:43
SMOP, i guess >_< 13:44
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timotimo waitwhat. 13:49
when did our stage parse get down to 85 seconds?
nwc10 bisect it? :-) 13:50
timotimo no. there were almost no changes.
my laptop is now actually *faster* at stage parse than my desktop is?! 13:51
timotimo oh. it could have been the jvm stage parse that outputted its info in the middle of my parrot stage parse
yes, that was it %)
FROGGS "That is not logical"
timotimo it may be much easier to give Nil an at_pos and at_key that returns Nil 13:54
than to make a candidate for the postcircumfixes
Nil[5] := 10 13:55
r: Nil[5] := 10
camelia rakudo-parrot c14a84, rakudo-jvm c14a84: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Type Nil cannot accept type arguments␤»
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timotimo wat. 14:14
ah, that's what.! 14:15
r: my $foo = Nil; $foo[10] := 10;
camelia rakudo-parrot c14a84: OUTPUT«No such method 'bind_pos' for invocant of type 'Any'␤ in sub postcircumfix:<[ ]> at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:2341␤ in sub postcircumfix:<[ ]> at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:2301␤ in block at /tmp/meFD36E_7p:1␤␤»
..rakudo-jvm c14a84: OUTPUT«No such method 'bind_pos' for invocant of type 'Any'␤ in sub postcircumfix:<[ ]> at gen/jvm/CORE.setting:2329␤␤»
timotimo i've got an implementation. just need to get some tests done :) 14:24
i'm not sure how assigning to Nil should work 14:25
as in, bind_pos, set_pos, set_key etc etc
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colomon github.com/supernovus/exemel/pull/5 14:56
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colomon If anyone knows how to ping supernovus… 14:56
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FROGGS colomon: you can still take over as a last resort... 15:35
colomon FROGGS: yes, but I don't like using that power unless I have to.
moritz p: my $x := Nil; say $x[1]
camelia rakudo-parrot c14a84: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
colomon especially since it might end up making me the one responsible for the module... 15:36
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pippo Hello #perl6! 15:40
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FROGGS hi pippo 15:41
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pippo Hello FROGGS :-) 15:42
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pippo I have one question relevant to the Mix type. I have one set e.g. {a => 2.1}.MixHash and I would like to be able to add {a => 3.2}.MixHash and get {a => 5.3}. 15:44
r: say {a => 2.1}.MixHash (+) {a => 3.2}.MixHash; 15:45
camelia rakudo-parrot c14a84, rakudo-jvm c14a84: OUTPUT«bag(a(5))␤»
pippo Why this is converted to Bag type? Like this I loose the decimals. 15:46
moritz probably because (+) is a Bag (or Set?) operator
pippo Why does it work then on MixHashs? 15:47
Why does it kind-off-work then on MixHashs? 15:48
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colomon the Set and Bag operators convert their arguments to Set or Bag before processing. 15:50
though I agree it seems like MixHash should have its own version of (+)
((+) was written before MixHash was a thing
pippo OK. I'll wait until this hapens :-)) Thank you colomon. 15:51
15:59 Psyche^ joined
pippo colomon: any idea on how to get around this limitation and make some arithmetics with MixHashs? 16:00
also a push method seem non existent. 16:01
r: my MixHash $a; $a.^methods
camelia ( no output )
pippo r: my MixHash $a; say $a.^methods
camelia rakudo-jvm c14a84: OUTPUT«at_key delete delete_key Mix MixHash Bag BagHash total grab Bool pickpairs invert of roll values categorize-list pick elems Int grabpairs ACCEPTS Num pairs hash keys BUILD Numeric list classify-list new-fp Real new default exists exists_key gist Str perl␤»
..rakudo-parrot c14a84: OUTPUT«at_key delete delete_key Mix MixHash Bag BagHash default total new-fp grab pick roll BUILD keys values elems exists exists_key Bool hash invert new ACCEPTS list pairs grabpairs pickpairs classify-list categorize-list Int Num Numeric Real of gist Str perl␤»
16:02 Psyche^_ left
colomon pippo: set_operators.pm has the code for (+) at line 212. Pretty trivial to copy-n-paste the code and switch it to MixHash 16:03
pippo colomon: Yep! I'll try :-)) 16:04
colomon If lizmat++ doesn't beat me to it, I can probably fix (+) to do the right thing in the next day or two
pippo ++colomon 16:05
16:06 isBEKaml left
dalek kudo-star-daily: 083214e | coke++ | log/ (5 files):
today (automated commit)
rl6-roast-data: 4b7eae0 | coke++ | / (6 files):
today (automated commit)
FROGGS p: say qq:to/EOF/ ~~ /\t/;␤\thello␤EOF␤# the tab is preserved 16:16
camelia rakudo-parrot c14a84: OUTPUT«「 」␤␤»
FROGGS p: say qq:to/EOF/ ~~ /\t/;␤ \thello␤ EOF␤# now it is gone 16:17
camelia rakudo-parrot c14a84: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
FROGGS rakudobug?
pippo colomon: dont know if it is good idea. Do you think SetHash, BagHash and MixHash deserve a push method? Should be trivial to implement using (+)? 16:18
colomon you can always say $bag<key> += 3 (I think) 16:20
r: my $mix = {a => 2.1}.MixHash; say $mix; $mix<a> += 2; say $mix 16:21
camelia rakudo-parrot c14a84, rakudo-jvm c14a84: OUTPUT«MixHash.new(a(2.1))␤MixHash.new(a(4.1))␤»
pippo I was thinking at {a => 3.1}MixHash.push(b => 3.3);
I was thinking at {a => 3.1}.MixHash.push(b => 3.3);
colomon r: my $mix = {a => 2.1}.MixHash; say $mix; $mix<b> += 2; say $mix
camelia rakudo-jvm c14a84: OUTPUT«MixHash.new(a(2.1))␤MixHash.new(b(2), a(2.1))␤»
..rakudo-parrot c14a84: OUTPUT«MixHash.new(a(2.1))␤MixHash.new(a(2.1), b(2))␤»
16:23 mtk left
pippo Yes. It works. But I was thinking for consistency. Like for the Hash type where you also could do both (i.e. %h.push(b =>1) or %h<b> =1). 16:25
jferrero Rakudo Perl 6 Wikipedia Page will be deleted: "Not notable" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Ar...udo_Perl_6 16:26
16:26 mtk joined
colomon yeah, maybe 16:26
Rotwang tadzik: wouldn't it be better if the whole Build.pm thing was executed in the beginning of the build method of the Panda::Builder? 16:27
preflex Rotwang: you have 1 new message. '/msg preflex messages' to read it.
16:29 arnsholt left
Rotwang FROGGS: I don't think inlining is the best thing to do in my case 16:30
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FROGGS Rotwang: it compiles a C source text to a dll and makes the function(s) available to perl 16:33
Rotwang: what is your plan?
Rotwang FROGGS: github.com/Rotwang/digest-xxhash 16:34
so I have this c source code with xxHash implementation
I'd have to copy it to a perl file, which isn't pretty imo
so I'm using NativeCall and cmake for compilation 16:35
but having some issues with Panda :C
FROGGS Rotwang: what if you create a Build.pm which takes the C source and does what Inline::C does? 16:36
16:36 atroxaper left
FROGGS then you would map the functions 16:36
this Build.pm is picked up by panda btw
colomon pippo: I'm not saying it's a terrible idea, but it's 1) not really doing the same thing as Hash.push, which is all about Hashes of arrays and 2) it's easily done the way I did it there. 16:37
Rotwang FROGGS: so inline c compiles c code every time it is used
FROGGS Rotwang: atm yes 16:38
atm there is no way to tell it: hey, name the created lib xyz
Rotwang in my use case it is better to do that at the install time
FROGGS sure 16:39
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Rotwang that's why all of my files to be installed are generated in Build.pm, but panda doesn't like that apparently 16:40
FROGGS but it should 16:41
pippo colomon: I understand. And you are right it is easily done as you showed above. So there is no need for that .push. At least for now :-)
Rotwang I agree, Build.pm is executed after Panda finds which files to install: github.com/tadzik/panda/blob/maste...Builder.pm
line 63
if it happened above my @files, everything would be fine and dandy ;] 16:42
FROGGS sounds you should make a pull request :o) 16:44
Rotwang FROGGS: anyway, thanks for tips
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dalek kudo/nom: 1747273 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/core/Nil.pm:
method calls and hash/array access on Nil gives Nil.
timotimo pretty easy all in all; just got distracted a whole lot 17:29
TimToady timotimo++ 17:34
FROGGS: definitely a bug on the say qq:to/EOF/ thing 17:36
it's removing the tab instead of removing the four spaces 17:37
dalek ast: 5ffc8ff | (Timo Paulssen)++ | S02-types/nil.t:
tests for Nil.method/.[]/.{}/[]/{}
TimToady I would argue the \t should not even have turned into a tab yet when the four spaces ought to have been removed 17:38
since the latter should be an AST transformation that looks for literal nodes 17:39
and \t is not a literal tab 17:41
huh, STD's heredoc parsing has bitrotted on indented terminators :( 17:45
I wonder what changed... 17:46
timotimo :( 17:47
FROGGS TimToady: I already masak'd the bug :o)
timotimo didn't find any RT tickets for the Nil behavior with methods and postcircumfixes 17:48
and i don't know how to get Iterator out of the mro of Nil.
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Rotwang r: Str ~~ s/$/a/ 19:08
camelia rakudo-jvm 174727: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
..rakudo-parrot 174727: OUTPUT«␀␀␀[␀␀␀3␀␀␀1␀␀␀m␀␀␀=␀␀␀=␀␀␀=␀␀␀␀␀␀[␀␀␀0␀␀␀m␀␀␀S␀␀␀O␀␀␀R␀␀␀R␀␀␀Y␀␀␀!␀␀␀␀␀␀[␀␀␀3␀␀␀1␀␀␀m␀␀␀=␀␀␀=␀␀␀=␀…»
Rotwang "Malformed replacement part; couldn't find final /" that's what camelia is trying to say
it seems that $/ is interpreted as scalar, I guess this shouldn't happen 19:09
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Rotwang ? 19:10
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japhb What's with all the NULs? 19:14
FROGGS that is a messed up four byte encoding 19:16
japhb At first I assumed just direct output of 32-bit-per-codepoint encoding, but there's a missing bit: the six NULs in a row before the second left bracket.
Maybe a control character that doesn't get output is at that byte position, hmmm 19:18
japhb Yeah, ESC. Eaten, I guess.
FROGGS not by me :o) 19:19
though it is dinner time... hmmm
Rotwang ok, so what about this issue, is this a bug, should I report it? [;
japhb Yeah, it's a bug (I'd say two, in fact). Dunno if it's been reported before. 19:21
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lizmat colomon: will add MixHash related operators 19:25
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lizmat colomon: for consistency's sake, this would also apply to (.) and (-) 21:48
tadzik Rotwang: +1
preflex tadzik: you have 1 new message. '/msg preflex messages' to read it.
dalek nda: 070ffcf | (Bartlomiej Palmowski)++ | lib/Panda/Builder.pm:
run custom build method before finding files to install
nda: ce648e7 | tadzik++ | lib/Panda/Builder.pm:
Merge pull request #65 from Rotwang/master

run custom build method before finding files to install
tadzik I trust that it runs; I didn't test it :)
lizmat timotimo: what happened to github.com/perl6/specs/commit/4c9c...b4c18ffabc ? 21:51
sleep now& 21:53
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smls Which operators, exactly, have a corresponding mutator/assignment form in Perl 6? 22:02
Like « $foo += 5; » for the addition operator, for example
22:05 kivutar_ left
lue smls: anything that makes sense in that position, I believe. 22:06
p: my $a = 3; $a = 3 & 4; say $a.perl
camelia rakudo-parrot 174727: OUTPUT«all(3, 4)␤»
lue p: my $a = 3; $a &= 4; say $a.perl
camelia rakudo-parrot 174727: OUTPUT«all(3, 4)␤»
smls I'm asking because I think « @foo .= sort; » is pretty nice :) 22:07
And I'm wondering if there are any more positive surprises like that 22:08
lue the following = is a metaoperator, so there's no hardcoded list for += things.
smls ah 22:09
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timotimo lizmat: i need to copypaste the operators and it would be nice if somebody told me the wordings are acceptable or not 22:23
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raydiak r: my ¢foo = (1, 2); say ¢foo.perl; 22:25
camelia rakudo-jvm 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/A3eodCvo96␤Malformed my␤at /tmp/A3eodCvo96:1␤------> my ⏏¢foo = (1, 2); say ¢foo.perl;␤ expecting any of:␤ scoped declarator␤»
..rakudo-parrot 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/tyLkl2wLDJ␤Malformed my␤at /tmp/tyLkl2wLDJ:1␤------> my ⏏¢foo = (1, 2); say ¢foo.perl;␤ expecting any of:␤ scoped declarator␤»
raydiak ^ NYI?
timotimo r: sub infix:<hooray>($a, $b) { ($a ** 5 + $b ** 5) ** (1/5) }; say 10 hooray 20; my $a = 10; $a hooray= 20; say $a;
camelia rakudo-jvm 174727: OUTPUT«20.123466170855586␤20.123466170855586␤» 22:26
..rakudo-parrot 174727: OUTPUT«20.1234661708556␤20.1234661708556␤»
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lue raydiak: sigil ¢ does not exist (unfortunately. It's a particularly awesome-looking character for a sigil ☹) 22:32
raydiak lue: end of S08 says it's a Capture 22:33
pippo good * #perl6 ! 22:34
lue The end of S08 needs updating :)
22:34 pippo left
raydiak lue: how *do* I create a capture? :) 22:34
lue r: my Capture $a; say $a.WHAT;
camelia rakudo-parrot 174727, rakudo-jvm 174727: OUTPUT«(Capture)␤»
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raydiak heh, right... thanks lue++ 22:35
dalek ecs: beea531 | lue++ | S08-capture.pod:
[S08] Minimal changes to Context Deferral, needs more attention.

Removed the @%a form because that's already defined as @(%a). The ¢a form doesn't exist anymore, however it's temporarily left in the spec because I'm not clear on what context deferral exactly is, much less why Capture and Parcel need to be treated separately for it.
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timotimo r: say \(1, 2, :foo).perl; 22:48
camelia rakudo-parrot 174727, rakudo-jvm 174727: OUTPUT«Capture.new( list => (1, 2).list, hash => EnumMap.new("foo", Bool::True, ))␤»
raydiak thanks timotimo++ - the backslash is what I was missing 22:52
timotimo TimToady: i'm glad you took the time to go through all the tickets of perl6/spec :) 22:53
yw, raydiak
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lue r: my $,test; say "alive" 23:31
camelia rakudo-parrot 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/hyZ9TXUet2␤Undeclared routine:␤ test used at line 1␤␤»
..rakudo-jvm 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/GLpNVd4xit␤Undeclared routine:␤ test used at line 1␤␤»
diakopter r: $,$ 23:32
camelia rakudo-jvm 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/2OuZIIfaaD␤Unsupported use of $, variable; in Perl 6 please use $*OUT.output_field_separator()␤at /tmp/2OuZIIfaaD:1␤------> <BOL>⏏$,$␤ expecting any of:␤ stat…»
..rakudo-parrot 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/ozfbN9nUTd␤Unsupported use of $, variable; in Perl 6 please use $*OUT.output_field_separator()␤at /tmp/ozfbN9nUTd:1␤------> <BOL>⏏$,$␤ expecting any of:␤ s…»
diakopter r: my $; $,$
camelia rakudo-jvm 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/8ygEqOEFYA␤Unsupported use of $; variable; in Perl 6 please use real multidimensional hashes␤at /tmp/8ygEqOEFYA:1␤------> my $;⏏ $,$␤»
..rakudo-parrot 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/3kfJYKrU_1␤Unsupported use of $; variable; in Perl 6 please use real multidimensional hashes␤at /tmp/3kfJYKrU_1:1␤------> my $;⏏ $,$␤»
diakopter r: my $ ; $,$ 23:33
camelia rakudo-parrot 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/mnjlRPeAkX␤Unsupported use of $, variable; in Perl 6 please use $*OUT.output_field_separator()␤at /tmp/mnjlRPeAkX:1␤------> my $ ; ⏏$,$␤ expecting any of:␤ …»
..rakudo-jvm 174727: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/yPDAjCKc9F␤Unsupported use of $, variable; in Perl 6 please use $*OUT.output_field_separator()␤at /tmp/yPDAjCKc9F:1␤------> my $ ; ⏏$,$␤ expecting any of:␤ sc…»
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