»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
lucasb Most subs and methods in core P6 doesn't have a explicit return type constraint. But we all expect them to return sensible values. I'm not talking about return values in this .subst-mutate case. I'm talking about its side-effects: should it coerce the type of the subject to string or not. 00:01
RabidGravy timotimo, it just hits nanosleep and doesn't return 00:02
Rotwang RabidGravy: my last attempt: puts 00:03
: use NativeCall; sub puts(Str) is native returns int32 { * }; await start { puts("dupa") } xx 15
m: use NativeCall; sub puts(Str) is native returns int32 { * }; await start { puts("dupa") } xx 15
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
Rotwang if it doesn't convince you, nothing will [:
but, even if the function isn't thread safe, rakudo shouldn't crash 00:04
RabidGravy Rotwang, "const char *" argument
flussence that one works locally
Rotwang RabidGravy: so what?
RabidGravy: whats wrong with const cahr? 00:05
RabidGravy: you can't disagree with it, posix defines it as thread safe
it doesn't mess the internal rakudo loop
it just print to stodut
RabidGravy and it works fine here strangely
Rotwang and const char is a string in c
RabidGravy: try with more promises
many times
you'll hit it at some point 00:06
flussence I tried xx 3000
Skarsnik did you gdb where it crash?
Rotwang Skarsnik: I have a coredump
it is 300MB [;
Skarsnik Well good night, time to read/write ponies x) 00:07
00:07 uruwi left
RabidGravy woah, I do have a real genuine, non-threadsafe thing right in Rakudo though 00:08
flussence tried xx 999_999 too, just to be sure. oddly it's only using half my cores
eating quite a lot of RAM though... 00:09
RabidGravy m: use NativeCall; await start { my $a = "dubba"; explicitly-manage($a); } xx 15
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«Could not spawn thread: errorcode -1␤»
Rotwang paste.lisp.org/display/304494
old coredump when I was playing with ssl
RabidGravy ah, I think camelia might be shagged up 00:10
leont AFAIK start uses a thread-pool, default max is something like 16?
RabidGravy m: use NativeCall; await start { my $a = "dubba"; explicitly-manage($a); } xx 7
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«Incompatible MROs in P6opaque rebless␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/ual55YTupL line 1␤␤»
RabidGravy that ^
00:10 n0xff joined
RabidGravy now that my friends is a genuine, incontrovertible bug in rakudo without any dodgy native call antics required 00:11
leont++ # yes thank you
00:11 llfourn joined
RabidGravy It should really adjust itself somehow 00:12
may even be 8 by default
Skarsnik damn the explicitmanaged role is private in nc x) 00:13
RabidGravy but I'm going to RT that one as that is quite scary 00:14
timotimo RabidGravy: "doesn't return" is something with a very special meaning; is thatr eally what you meant? 00:15
RabidGravy yes
straced it
it doesn't return from nanosleep
timotimo in that case it can really mess with moarvm; but why wouldn't it return?
00:16 llfourn left
RabidGravy nanosleep may block the whole process not just the thread for instance 00:17
Skarsnik wtf is explicitly-manage
why does is create a new type
RabidGravy I'm not in the mood to look in the Linux kernel to find out how nanosleep works 00:18
flussence RabidGravy: doesn't return ever?
00:19 nzkindest left
RabidGravy well, greater than 100 times longer than I asked it to sleep 00:19
flussence ouch
RabidGravy I got bored after that
leont nanosleep shouldn't other threads, really
timotimo shouldn't other threads? :) 00:20
RabidGravy yeah, you wouldn't have thought so
00:21 nzkindest joined, user74747 left 00:22 Skarsnik left
orbus stumbling into the middle of a conversation, but the manpage in ubuntu says nanosleep should only make the current thread sleep 00:23
it uses the term "calling thread" several times
actually I guess it only *implies* it should only make the calling thread sleep 00:24
it doesn't really say anything about its effect on other threads :p
RabidGravy yeah, it's surprising, but that's definitely what I'm seeing 00:25
00:26 n0tjack left
orbus m: say $*KERNEL 00:28
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«linux (␤»
orbus hrm, camelia has a newer kernel than me, so if it's a kernel bug it's not a new one
I was able to reproduce your failed test on freebsd, for whatever that's worth 00:30
same error
actually that's on a single core vm so if it's a concurrency problem I'm not sure I'd expect it to show up there 00:31
unless the vm layer is doing something funny behind the scenes
RabidGravy no the kernel I have is even more recent 00:33
orbus it does it on freebsd too, so it's not just linux
orbus afks 00:37
RabidGravy yeah, it's in moarvm/libuv/pthread
flussence there was a bug with early versions of promises where the perl6-land sleep() would block every thread too, wonder if it's the same bug
RabidGravy entirely possible 00:38
00:39 TimToady left
RabidGravy I've RT'd the explicitly-manage thing as rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127145 00:39
I'll have a better look at the nanosleep thing in the morning 00:40
00:40 uruwi joined
RabidGravy and if I can reproduce that I'll RT that too 00:41
00:41 TimToady joined
timotimo RabidGravy: camelia actually runs on a computer with 8 cores or so 00:42
Juerd m: my uint $a = 255; say ++$a;
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«256␤»
Juerd eh
m: my uint8 $a = 255; say ++$a;
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«0␤»
Juerd m: my uint8 $a = 255; say $a; ++$a; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«255␤256␤»
Juerd Is ++$a in sink context implemented differently? 00:43
timotimo Juerd: i'm a bit surprised because ++ is implemented in terms of $foo = $foo + 1
oh, yeah, timtoady put something in the optimizer for that
RabidGravy timotimo, but with a ulimit on memory/threads or whatever? There does seem to be a hard constraint that I don't see here 00:44
00:44 pkr joined
timotimo don't know about that 00:44
RabidGravy TBH I wouldn't take camelia as gospel on stuff like this anyway 00:45
pkr Good morning!
RabidGravy oops so it is
pkr Is this the right channel for a question regarding panda installer? 00:46
gfldex it is
timotimo that's right 00:47
i meant that as an answer to RabidGravy talking about camelia, but it also fits as an answer for the other thing 00:48
pkr I am just experimenting with it and wanted to find a remove option. Did not find one. Is there a way to remove a module not only from disk but also from the database list?
RabidGravy not currently
pkr After removing I would like to see only the name without status "Installed". 00:49
Juerd How do you run a test file manually, in a way that skips the "#?rakudo skip" things?
skids perl6 testfile.t
Juerd skids: That doesn't skip that thing
skids Not if you run the unfudged file
RabidGravy you need to run the test fudging thing
skids Oh you want to skip, sorry 00:50
Juerd Where do I find that, or documentation about it?
pkr I have installed Net::Curl but want to use the option --path in order to install it in /opt/rakudobrew all together wit perl6.
skids fudgeall rakudo file.t
(or rakudo.moar or something)
RabidGravy right, way past my bed-time, mouse and pumpkin already legged it
have fun 00:51
skids fudgeall is in roast which is c/o'ed in t/spec and it is in the base dir.
Juerd Thanks
00:51 raoulvdberge joined
skids you may have to PERL6LIB=./packages (from roast cwd) 00:52
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tadzik hoelzro++'s rakudo hacking video is superawesome :) www.youtube.com/watch?v=adUdmol7cLU 01:47
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awwaiid m: thing: "string" # what does this mean? it doesn't crash, and seems to return "string" 02:12
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for /tmp/ZpmE8PW1JK:␤Useless use of constant string "string" in sink context (line 1)␤»
skids awwaiid: a label? 02:13
02:13 molaf_ left
awwaiid skids: looks like a label. do we have labels? 02:14
skids Somewhat.
gfldex doc.perl6.org/language/control#LABELs 02:15
02:15 nadim joined
awwaiid yep; --target=ast shows a LABEL in there somewhere. great, another ':'! 02:16
gfldex the example aint that good. It's ment to be used to jump out of nested loops
awwaiid yeah, like in P5
02:17 avenj joined
skids It is a pretty old page but... www.perlfoundation.org/perl6/index....itch_colon # All the colons, some time ago. 02:18
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dalek c: a2356a0 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | doc/Language/control.pod:
better example for LABELs
c: 3ba293c | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | doc/Language/control.pod:
Merge pull request #314 from gfldex/master

better example for LABELs
02:26 xpen joined 02:29 yqt left 02:32 psy_ joined 02:35 leont left 02:39 nadim left 02:40 nadim joined 02:41 vendethiel joined 02:45 ilbot3 left
troydm is there a POE for p6? 02:47
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awwaiid troydm: there is a built-in event system using whenever blocks. Pretty different approach than POE though, I think. Room for contributions. 02:50
skids troydm: Perl 6 has it's own concurrency stuff built in. You can graft other event systems in using it.
02:51 kaare_ left
sammers good morning from Japan... question about modules... 02:51
troydm awwaiid: ic, okey
awwaiid How can I slurp ALL the arguments of a sub? I feel like sub foo(**@args){...} is supposed to do it, maybe I'm not using it right. I call foo(:x) and it doesn't do what I expect 02:52
troydm I haven't studied p6 concurrency yet,, i guess i'll take a closer look
skids awwaiid: sub foo(|c) { } will get a capture including nameds
sammers what are the advantages of using `unit module Foo::Bar` vs `class Foo::Bar {...}` when creating a module?
awwaiid skids: ok, I'll look into that 02:53
skids sammers: personally, I think just indenting. But it might help the compiler improve error messages too. 02:54
sammers to use Class?
skids No to use unit
sammers also, is there a way to include a local module using the full path?
skids Oh, you would use "unit class"
sammers ah
skids module versus class is a different matter
sammers ok
02:56 kid51 left
gfldex sammers: you may want to have operators defined outside of the class, if you can't define a namespace that ain't class, where would you do that? 02:57
sammers ok, this is probably a dumb question, in regards to p6 being multi-paradigm "Perl 6 offers procedural, object-oriented AND functional programming methodologies." are there any examples of a module being completely written fp? 02:58
gfldex sammers: there may also be constants and other stuff you may want to export, that don't belong into a class
sammers: i have one that is nearly written FP, would that help? 02:59
sammers gfldex: that was going to be my next question
gfldex, that would be great.
I just want to compare these paradigms in p6...
gfldex github.com/gfldex/pod-to-bigpage/b...igPage.pm6
i pulled the counter out into a class because functional counting with concurrency is beyond my brains capabilities 03:00
awwaiid skids: interesitng. so if I do foo(|c) and then mess with c, I can either c.list or c.hash. I'd love to be able to call foo(:a, 5, 2, :zoo) and get those params as-is
gfldex sammers: also, that module got two entry points, depending on how you use it, see the README.md 03:01
03:02 SwellJoe joined
skids awwaiid: when inside .() named order is not preserved and duplicae names will cancel previous names. That's just the calling convention. If you need to work outside it you need to pass an array at the top level instead, or find some way to do something slangy. 03:02
03:03 vendethiel left
awwaiid skids: ok, thanks. I'm trying to do something slightly devious anyway, so that makes sense. I'm trying to pretend that a :foo pair is a ruby symbol, so I can do '[2, 4, 6, 8]':rb.push([:foo]).to_s and get "[2, 4, 6, 8, :foo]" back from ruby. Well -- I want to do .push(:foo) instead of .push([:foo]), that is. 03:04
skids awwaiid: Pair.new might work. 03:06
03:06 bpetering left
sammers gfldex: thanks for sharing this, so as modules go we don't need to declare that it is a module anywhere, `unit class` works as well? 03:07
03:07 noganex_ joined
skids class is a module is a package. 03:07
gfldex there is a class called BigPage around everything, what is a requirement for a POD renderer that is supposed to work together with rakudo 03:08
rakudo will do the parsing and then call render with the POD::* tree
03:09 noganex left
sammers ah, ok, so if there is a module tree already available, in this case POD::, you can create a branch under it using the same namespace... 03:12
does that work for any module tree? or only core?
gfldex any
sammers ok 03:13
is it ok to do `unit module Foo::Bar` for everything? without class? then just put all of the subs in the same file, then have other files that represent other branches? (Foo::Bar::Something, Foo::Bar::SomethingElse) without using class anywhere? 03:14
gfldex that will work 03:15
sammers is there any downside to doing it that way?
I guess what I am asking, is using `class` really just for convention? 03:16
03:16 colomon joined, psy_ left
gfldex a class is not just a namespace and it's getting a little late to name all properties of class on IRC 03:17
sammers yeah, understood.
skids sammers: class is where all the OO paradigm gets pulled in. With just a module, all you have is subs.
no instances, no methods, no inheritance, no roles. 03:18
gfldex you can mixin rols into any object 03:19
03:19 xxpor_lap left
ugexe m: my %x = :a(1,2,3), :b(4); say %x<a b>; # how do i get (1, 2, 3, 4)? 03:20
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«((1 2 3) 4)␤»
sammers can you do something like `unit module Foo::Bar does Something`? 03:21
gfldex m: `unit module Foo::Bar does Int; 03:22
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/isOO7kzsd_␤Bogus statement␤at /tmp/isOO7kzsd_:1␤------> 3<BOL>7⏏5`unit module Foo::Bar does Int;␤ expecting any of:␤ prefix␤ term␤»
gfldex nope
ugexe thats called monkey typing essentially
gfldex m: unit module Foo::Bar does Int;
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/Uau8ASzYD4␤Int is not composable, so Foo::Bar cannot compose it␤at /tmp/Uau8ASzYD4:1␤»
sammers ok, I guess it really wouldn't make sense like that...
skids m: my %x = :a(1,2,3), :b(4); say (%x<a b>).map(*.flat).flat.perl; 03:23
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«(1, 2, 3, 4).Seq␤»
03:24 raiph left
ugexe heh, uglier than i hoped, but ill take it 03:24
skids ugexe: I suspect there will be a final GLR tidy-up where we get a $-busting version of .flat or some things cease to itemize. 03:25
Because Array.flat is kinda a useless noop right now. 03:26
ugexe so ive noticed 03:27
skids In the meantime the pain may help stop people from returning mutable Arras from modules that do not need to.
03:38 raoulvdberge left
.oO(Maybe a "do not itemize" adverb on .[] and .{})
Though I guess that would be more "deitemize" 03:43
03:47 nemsys left 03:54 Zoffix joined
sammers ok, regarding packaging, to do a fp module and package subroutines in separate files, you just create each file as its own module in the same namespace? 03:57
or for that matter, a strictly prcedural paradigm module. 04:00
skids m: package foo { sub a is export { 42.say } }; package foo { sub b is export { 43.say } }; import foo; a(); b(); # Yeah looks like that might work 04:02
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«42␤43␤»
sammers ok, interesting. 04:03
I am really just asking out of curiosity... is there a way to include a local file using full file path? 04:04
Zoffix Are we able to change keywords? Like to rename `sub` to `λ` ?
sammers I want to see how to go about doing each of these paradigms in p6 before mixing or before just juming in OOP like most modules I have seen. 04:05
04:14 araujo_ left
llfourn Zoffix: you'd have to make a slang. If you wanted to to make λ {} to what class {} does you probably could with EXPORTHOW 04:16
Zoffix Thanks. That's out of my depth for now :P 04:17
04:19 molaf__ left
llfourn Zoffix: it's not so difficult. I can't wait till we get an official way to do it without use nqp; though. 04:20
skids sammers: there's a runtime "require" that takes filenames but it is not good for use pulling in packages, because it is runtime. Might be an area less implemented at the moment. Most folks don't use absolute paths. 04:21
llfourn skids: require will pull in packages you just have to access them like ::('foo') 04:22
has worked for me in the past at least
Zoffix m: require ::('Test'); say Test::is 42 04:24
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«Could not find symbol '&is'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/uaVbYNnjTR line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/uaVbYNnjTR line 1␤␤»
sammers skids: thanks, I just wanted to be able to do this for quick tests.
llfourn m: require ::('Test') <&ok>; say &ok; 04:25
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for /tmp/3fPaxGr996:␤Useless use of constant string "Test" in sink context (lines 1, 1)␤sub ok (;; Mu | is raw) { #`(Sub|82911400) ... }␤»
llfourn heh that's a sink bug IMO
Zoffix m: require ::('Test') <&ok>; say &ok 42;
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/ZBpbW7kIwO␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/ZBpbW7kIwO:1␤------> 3require ::('Test') <&ok>; say &ok7⏏5 42;␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ state…»
Zoffix m: require ::('Test') <&ok>; say ok 42;
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for /tmp/47xzMf6arj:␤Useless use of constant string "Test" in sink context (lines 1, 1)␤ok 1 - ␤True␤»
Zoffix rakudobugs it
llfourn Zoffix++ 04:27
Zoffix .tell TimToady unless someone else looked into it, there's a wrong useless sink context warning: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127147
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to TimToady.
llfourn m: require ::('Test'); ::('Test').WHO<&ok>.(42) #this shouold work too 04:28
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«Cannot find method 'Any'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/rzitCFnFEJ line 1␤␤»
llfourn ah no Test must not be unit module Test; 04:29
m: require ::('Test'); ::('&ok').(42) #this shouold work too
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«No such symbol '&ok'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/kYHVYllCYq line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/kYHVYllCYq line 1␤␤»
Zoffix It is github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...est.pm6#L3
llfourn hmmm 04:30
actually yeah -- it's not our (of course). Anyway I thought the above should work :\ 04:31
actually no it shouldn't all good :D
require doesn't do import without args
m: require ::('Test'); ::('Test').WHO<&todo_output>.() #this will work though because it's our sub 04:34
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix m: say [+] ^1000 .grep: * %% (3|5); say [+] grep * %% (3|5), ^1000; 04:40
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«(499500)␤233168␤»
Zoffix Shouldn't these two be the same answers?
Ah no. the metaop is tighter than method call 04:44
m: say [+] (^1000 .grep: * %% 3); 04:46
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/tYXxUGomCe␤Confused␤at /tmp/tYXxUGomCe:1␤------> 3say [+] (^1000 .7⏏5grep: * %% 3);␤»
Zoffix m: say ^1000 .grep: * %% 3;
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«(0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 192 195 198 201 204 207 210 213 216 2…»
Zoffix # confused -_-
skids m: (^1000 .grep: * %% (3|5)).perl eq (grep * %% (3|5), ^1000).perl # LTA 04:47
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for /tmp/KXqry2vNkO:␤Useless use of "eq" in expression ".perl eq (grep * %% (3|5), ^1000).perl" in sink context (line 1)␤»
skids m: say (^1000 .grep: * %% (3|5)).perl eq (grep * %% (3|5), ^1000).perl 04:48
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«True␤»
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Zoffix LTA? 04:57
Seems right on target. 04:58
05:01 yurivish_ joined
skids In that the expression is partial 05:03
Though I guess you'd have to abbreviate at some point 05:04
Zoffix Ah 05:05
I think by the time it gets to eq it already evaluated the first (...).perl and just got .perl to go on by *shrug*
skids Maybe "NEA" (Not Entirely Awesome) 05:06
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moritz skids: or NFA: Not Fully Awesome :-) 05:15
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konobi TimToady: so, there's actually a TAP community going on now... have any suggestions on who to invite there? (other than perl5 folks who are already there) 05:30
skids Leont and tadzik both have made harness modules. 05:32
tadzik I think leont's one actually works :) 05:37
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AlexDaniel .tell RabidGravy i²c library? Great! I will probably need that in a week or two, good that it's not something I will have to do myself… ;) 06:15
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to RabidGravy.
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[Tux] csv-ip5xs 50000 18.315 18.196 07:04
test 50000 23.872 23.753
test-t 50000 13.218 13.099
csv-parser 50000 50.070 49.951
cxreg are feed operators still a thing? I just remembered them, and haven't seen anyone talking about them at all lately 07:12
07:13 FROGGS joined 07:19 jeek joined 07:23 darutoko joined
cxreg helping jeek with some beginner perl6, I can't explain this: 07:23
CIAvash cxreg: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2015-12-28#i_11788974 irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2015-12-23#i_11762672
cxreg each time the code runs, some random subset of the handle() calls print an (Any) 07:24
maybe a misunderstanding about the scheduler guarantees? 07:25
CIAvash: cool thanks
07:26 user74747 left
masak morning, #perl6 07:27
I'd like to flag up blogs.perl.org/users/jt_smith/2015/...umbug.html
07:27 pjscott left
masak (as being interesting and relevant) 07:27
especially john napiorkowski's comment: blogs.perl.org/users/jt_smith/2015/...nt-1645571
07:30 quester left
cxreg i was going to comment on JT's blog but I didn't see anywhere to comment 07:30
07:32 pierre-vigier left
cxreg masak: napiorkowski's comment resonates and a lot of people will feel that way 07:33
but as has long been the case, the only way to win the haters is to ship a must-have application 07:34
everything else is hot air
07:34 pierre-vigier joined 07:35 nige1 left
cxreg i think it's a waste of time to try to convince the emigrating "perl 5 old guys" to look back, they'll do what they will 07:35
kjones_ Should the following work? 07:36
my $n = "0.0";
say "\$n is a string " ~ $n.WHAT;
I get:
Use of uninitialized value of type Str in string context
I can of course say $n.WHAT on its own and it works fine. 07:37
07:37 sno left
cxreg m: my $n = "foo"; Str($n.WHAT).say; 07:39
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type Str in string context␤Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in block <unit> at /tmp/LCq6_Hq6Zw line 1␤␤»
cxreg m: my $n; Str($n.WHAT);
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context␤Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in block <unit> at /tmp/uIWsXJIToe line 1␤»
cxreg o_O maybe a .WHAT doesn't stringify 07:40
07:40 firstdayonthejob joined 07:41 lnrdo joined, domidumont joined
cxreg m: my $n = "0.0"; say "\$n is a string ", $n.WHAT; 07:42
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«$n is a string (Str)␤»
AlexDaniel m: my $n = "foo"; say ‘ok’ if defined $n.WHAT
camelia ( no output )
AlexDaniel m: my $n = "foo"; say $n.WHAT.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«(Str)␤»
07:43 average joined
AlexDaniel cxreg: so, it seems like WHAT just returns a type object 07:43
if I'm understanding it correctly
cxreg $kyles-mom.WHAT.WHAT.WHAT
AlexDaniel m: Str(Str); 07:44
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for /tmp/seRQHtWlpc:␤Useless use of constant value Str(Str) in sink context (line 1)␤»
AlexDaniel m: say Str(Str);
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«Method 'shortname' not found for invocant of class 'Perl6::Metamodel::CoercionHOW'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/INU5zfp_l5 line 1␤␤»
AlexDaniel m: my $n = Str; say Str($n) 07:45
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value $n of type Str in string context␤Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in block <unit> at /tmp/S4AZ49bKM9 line 1␤␤»
AlexDaniel there we go
hmm, no, it's different. It says “of type Str”
dalek kudo/nom: 503fbba | skids++ | src/core/ (2 files):
Add a :&where parameter to control how where clauses are gistperled

   If this returns Nil, the whole gistperl returns Nil, which can be
   used to detect where clauses when you want them to matter, such as
   in the metamodel Signature comparator to prevent false conflicts.
   Do so, fixing RT#127024 and RT#127025.
   Whether Signature eqv Signature should be changed to do this as
   well is TBD.
kudo/nom: de40f3a | niner++ | src/core/ (2 files):
Merge pull request #672 from skids/roles

Add a :&where parameter to control how where clauses are gistperled
07:45 domidumont left
cxreg AlexDaniel: any idea on that gist i pasted earlier? 07:46
07:46 domidumont joined
AlexDaniel let's see 07:46
cxreg as many as 100% of the lines will end up like "[Channel.new (Any)]" 07:47
but usually 1 or 2
i suspect some race condition around how start() works but the docs are very not clear on that
AlexDaniel m: gitlab.com/snippets/12832 07:48
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new Channel.new]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new Channel.new]␤[Channel.new Channel.new]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new Channel.new]␤[Channel.new Channel.new]␤»
AlexDaniel m: gitlab.com/snippets/12832
camelia rakudo-moar e95c62: OUTPUT«[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new Channel.new]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤[Channel.new (Any)]␤»
cxreg yeah, there we go
kjones_ Thanks, it's a learning experience to see how you poke around with code. 07:49
cxreg kjones_: I'm not sure we know the correct answer though, sorry
FROGGS m: $n = "0.0"; say "\$n is a string " ~ $n.^name; 07:54
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/x7NHjpTb0i␤Variable '$n' is not declared␤at /tmp/x7NHjpTb0i:1␤------> 3<BOL>7⏏5$n = "0.0"; say "\$n is a string " ~ $n.␤»
FROGGS m: my $n = "0.0"; say "\$n is a string " ~ $n.^name;
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«$n is a string Str␤»
FROGGS kjones_: ^^ this is how you'd do that
kjones_ That's fine. I'm just learning some Perl6 and I was never a Perl5 expert. I have the Perl Cookbook 2nd edition, so I thought I would start translating some of the code in section 1.0 into Perl6. But I didn't want it to be a literal translation. So, I started looking at the introspection features of Perl6 when I was looking at the code on page 2 of chapter 1. That section deals with the truthiness of strings and coersion. Anyways, 07:55
thanks for your help.
FROGGS kjones_: .WHAT gives you back a type, which is meant to warn if you interpolate or concat it or do math with it
kjones_ Ok, thanks. That makes sense.
nine .tell timotimo camelia runs in a VM with 4 CPUs on a server with 8 cores
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
07:56 pjscott joined, pjscott left
cxreg FROGGS++ 07:58
AlexDaniel m: my $c = [ Channel.new for ^10 ]; for 2..10 { start { say ($c[$_-1], $c[$_]) }; }; sleep 1;
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«(Channel.new (Any))␤(Channel.new Channel.new)␤(Channel.new Channel.new)␤(Channel.new Channel.new)␤(Channel.new Channel.new)␤(Channel.new Channel.new)␤(Channel.new Channel.new)␤(Channel.new Channel.new)␤(Channel.new Channel.new)␤»
AlexDaniel golfed down a little bit
08:00 pierre-vigier left
cxreg AlexDaniel: i tried toying with the promises returned from start and that didn't help 08:01
not sure why it would though
AlexDaniel: ok in your golfed version, only slot 10 has Any (as it should) 08:02
it comes back in random order due to threadpool
so that seems to not have the problem 08:03
nine .tell awwaiid Congrats on your progress on Inline::Ruby! Piece of advice: don't map language constructs in one language to constructs in the other language unless they really match semantically. Because one day someone will use code that looks very closely and discovers you cheating.
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to awwaiid.
08:03 adhoc joined
cxreg nine: so he should use more primitive constructs, is what you're saying? 08:03
08:06 pierre-vigier joined
cxreg AlexDaniel: it seems to be the start block closing over $i that's the problem 08:08
the value of $i in there is undefined
non-guaranteed 08:09
when you switched to $_ it removed the bug
08:09 abraxxa joined, snarkyboojum joined
AlexDaniel cxreg: yes. But why? 08:09
08:10 lnrdo left
cxreg because it's an outer-scoped variable that's being closed over 08:10
AlexDaniel right
cxreg so it's the same container used in multiple threads
AlexDaniel indeed
cxreg thus race condition depending when the threadpool picked it up vs what $i was at the time? makes sense now. I just with the compiler warned you when you did it. 08:11
08:11 average left 08:12 abraxxa left
cxreg seems like for 2..9 -> $i { ... } also doesn't have the problem, probably because $i is scoped to the loop block 08:12
AlexDaniel so if you do 「my $x = $i」 then it is fixed
or that
08:13 abraxxa joined, SwellJoe left
AlexDaniel m: my $c = ^10; loop (my $i = 2; $i <= 10; $i++) { start { say ($c[$i-1], $c[$i]) }; }; sleep 1; 08:14
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«(Nil Nil)␤(3 Nil)␤(8 Nil)␤(2 Nil)␤(5 Nil)␤(9 Nil)␤(Nil Nil)␤(7 Nil)␤(Nil Nil)␤»
AlexDaniel m: my $c = ^10; loop (my $i = 2; $i <= 10; $i++) { my $x = $i; start { say ($c[$x-1], $c[$x]) }; }; sleep 1;
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«(9 Nil)␤(7 8)␤(1 2)␤(8 9)␤(2 3)␤(6 7)␤(4 5)␤(5 6)␤(3 4)␤»
AlexDaniel m: my $c = ^10; for 2..10 -> $i { start { say ($c[$i-1], $c[$i]) }; }; sleep 1 08:16
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«(3 4)␤(6 7)␤(1 2)␤(7 8)␤(2 3)␤(5 6)␤(8 9)␤(4 5)␤(9 Nil)␤»
AlexDaniel jeek: ↑
jeek ?
Ah, scoping issue? 08:17
cxreg it's (9 Nil) because the loop goes up to [10] but ^10 is 0..9 08:18
nine AlexDaniel: .WHAT does return a type object. Stringifying that will give you the "uninitialized" warning while calling .gist (as say does to its arguments) will not. In any case $n.^name is really what you want.
cxreg: ^^^
08:18 _mg_ joined
cxreg .gist? hm. thanks 08:18
AlexDaniel: back to the original example. the first loop localizes $i to the loop block, correcT? 08:20
08:20 pierre-vigier left
cxreg hm. maybe it doesn't. 08:20
AlexDaniel cxreg: nope, because you don't have 「my」 in the second one
DrForr Wow, more #perl denizens coming in... Rock.
yoleaux 30 Dec 2015 11:51Z <_nadim> DrForr: Readline broken with the latest Rakudo
2 Jan 2016 08:04Z <azawawi> DrForr: Any update on the OpenCV bindings for Perl 6? Can you please share your WIP github repo?
nine cxreg: I was saying that if there for example is no "symbol" thingy in Perl 6, I'd write a class that mimicks its behavior and can be mapped back to Ruby symbols without ambiguity.
.tell AlexDaniel I was saying that if there for example is no "symbol" thingy in Perl 6, I'd write a class that mimicks its behavior and can be mapped back to Ruby symbols without ambiguity. 08:21
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
AlexDaniel I'm here :)
yoleaux 08:21Z <nine> AlexDaniel: I was saying that if there for example is no "symbol" thingy in Perl 6, I'd write a class that mimicks its behavior and can be mapped back to Ruby symbols without ambiguity.
nine .tell awwaiid I was saying that if there for example is no "symbol" thingy in Perl 6, I'd write a class that mimicks its behavior and can be mapped back to Ruby symbols without ambiguity.
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to awwaiid.
nine That's what I meant :)
cxreg is there an echo in here :o
nine++ 08:22
masak cxreg: agree with "ship a must-have application"
cxreg: I think the unbiased way to say what I want to say is that I see this as the biggest uncertainty for Perl 6 going forward, whether an actual business case and a killer app will materialize 08:23
cxreg m: loop (my $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $i.say }; say "\$i is now $i"
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«0␤1␤2␤$i is now 3␤»
08:23 nige1 joined
cxreg AlexDaniel: it's not... ? i thought it was for sure. but it seems to be outer scoped. 08:24
Juerd masak: Well, that requires that at least some people will pick Perl 6 for new projects. The chance of anyone doing that would increase with great performance, so I think we shouldn't count on such a thing happening just yet. 08:25
masak cxreg: the rule is, is it outside of the block braces? then it's outer scoped.
AlexDaniel m: loop (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { }; loop (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { };
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Redeclaration of symbol $i␤ at /tmp/5hvMrH4HaY:1␤ ------> 3 $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { }; loop (my $i7⏏5 = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { };␤»
masak Juerd: agreed -- it's partly a matter of "things need to happen in the right order"
Juerd masak: Except for arguments: -> $foo { ... }
cxreg masak: what about pointy block args? 08:26
yeah that
AlexDaniel cxreg: honestly, I was surprised by that. I haven't ever used 「loop」 actually
nine masak: I think, Perl 6 will see a long and slow but steady growth. At least if we continue to focus on high quality libraries and a performant core. I think that's much better for the long term perspective than having hundreds of thousands of libraries that no one will ever find.
masak cxreg: oh, they're an exception. as are routine parameters.
AlexDaniel cxreg: usually there are better alternatives in Perl 6
masak Juerd: also, robustness, both in the sense of "doesn't crash" and in the sense of "behaves predictably"
cxreg well. yeah. but details like this matter, a lot
jeek I just started in perl 6 a couple of hours ago. I'm working on projecteuler example solutions. I'm guessing my solutions will evolve as I learn more about the language. 08:27
AlexDaniel m: my $x = 5 if True; say $x;
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«5␤»
AlexDaniel m: my $x = 5 if False; say $x;
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
masak nine: though I agree, that sounds a bit like "grr, those Node people!" sour grapes ;)
nine jeek: welcome!
08:27 firstdayonthejob left, pdcawley joined
masak jeek: pro tip: use camelia (either here on channel or in privmsg) 08:27
m: say "hi, jeek!"
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«hi, jeek!␤»
jeek Is that the new purl? :)
masak shudders 08:28
AlexDaniel and for bigger snippets use gists, bitbucket snippets or gitlab snippets, hehe
moritz jeek: we try to keep camelia much less annoying than purl :-)
masak jeek: it's a great way to communicate code with other people here, and so a great way to get help :>
jeek I liked purl. :( 08:29
Juerd Mind blown:
m: my @foo[10]; my @bar[10]; my @baz := |@foo, |@bar; @baz = ^20; say @foo; say @bar
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]␤[10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]␤»
Juerd That's really nice. 08:30
nine masak: that's just because I've read the comments just now ;) But the point still stands: Perl 6's raison d'être is to get rid of the mistakes of the past. In my eyes that should really include a huge ecosystem of ill fitting libs written by beginners. Instead I would like us to strife for shared maintenance and an eye for compatibility. More Mojo instead of CPAN.
masak nine++ # putting the 'ê' in "être" 08:31
08:31 pierre-vigier joined, snarkyboojum left
masak oh, that reminds me: perl.com/pub/2000/07/perl6.html (via someone on Twitter) 08:31
08:31 octoploid joined
masak an interesting read 15 years down the line :) 08:31
08:32 sjohnsen left
nine "One perennial problem has been that installing a new version of Perl has frequently broken binary compatibility with older versions and required that all of Perl's unbundled extension modules be recompiled; this may be fixed in Perl 6." 08:33
I'm....glad I could play a part in solving that :)
AlexDaniel Juerd: have you tried recursive lists yet?
Juerd AlexDaniel: Not in this context.
masak nine: that one stood out to me as well ;)
AlexDaniel Juerd: not that it is a real feature, but it was another way to blow my mind :) 08:34
08:34 sjohnsen joined 08:35 zakharyas joined
nine Bonus points for anyone who can say why Juerd's mind blowing actually works that way :) 08:37
moritz nine: is "magic" a good enough explanation? :-)
08:41 maddingu1 is now known as maddingue
El_Che masak: I dislike panda's UI when it prints exceptions instead of a concise error, e.g. when not finding a module. Very pythonesque. Are PRs welcome related to this, or you like that design? 08:44
masak El_Che: dunno; ask tadzik :) 08:46
El_Che: (I personally find stack traces boring, yes. they help the developer, but not the user.) 08:47
_nadim good morning 08:50
08:55 araujo joined, araujo left 08:56 araujo joined, araujo left, araujo joined, araujo left
richi235 masak: well, if the user is a programmer they are quite helpfull 08:57
08:58 nige1 left
cxreg masak: the odds of a great killer app in a language seem to be some Drake equation involving the learning curve of the language, the size of the community, the phase of the moon, etc 08:59
richi235 ah sorry, didn't read full backlog, it's about panda ignore my message
cxreg masak: i think the odds are pretty good honestly. once the dust settles a bit.
there's still a lot of grumbling about "ya shouldn't have called it perl" 09:00
either because it upsets people's delicate psyche WRT thier preconceived notions about back compat, or because of poisoned mindshare
09:01 justine_o joined
cxreg whatever. cool apps win. QED. 09:01
once i'm beyond Noob Mountain, I'll do my part to see what can be forged 09:02
cherry picking from that 2000 post 09:05
m: system()
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/74xTM0GlwM␤Undeclared routine:␤ system used at line 1␤␤»
cxreg m: localtime()
camelia rakudo-moar de40f3: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/gWwsXyu9NV␤Undeclared routine:␤ localtime used at line 1␤␤»
cxreg *cough* :) 09:06
kind of adorable that those were specific concerns in the announcement. what a long road.
TimToady is "not big on specs" :) :) :) 09:07
Ulti cxreg: system is 'shell' and localtime is 'DateTime.now()' ? 09:11
cxreg yeah. this is from the july 2000 perl 6 commencement ;) 09:12
Ulti ahh
Ulti didn't even begin to learn Perl until 2004 despite the constant chatter about the death of Perl starting in 2000 09:13
09:13 nige1 joined
AlexDaniel Ulti: what? system is ‘shell’? 09:14
Ulti and that was after I already knew PHP, Java, C and JavaScript quite well... all those "modern" languages people are flocking to "nowadays"
AlexDaniel *shrug* think so
AlexDaniel if you call it with one long stringy arg then yeah
but otherwise not really
the thing is, system() is kinda supposed to run a program and pass some args to it, all that without using a shell 09:15
now, for whatever reason somebody made system() “smart” so that if you put everything into one long string (not multiple args) then it will do that through shell
Ulti system prefixes 'sh' ?
AlexDaniel so, perl5 「system」 is more like 「run」 when you call it with multiple args 09:16
Ulti or at least used to before all the bash uproar a year and a bit ago, right?
AlexDaniel prefixes 'sh'? What does that mean? 09:17
09:17 justine_o left
Ulti as in runs via the shell 09:18
sh -c or whatever it is
AlexDaniel well it doesn't prefix it, it perhaps runs 'sh' and passes your string as an argument after '-c', yeah 09:19
but ‘prefixing’ is only possible in shell, which 「run」 and 「system」 typically don't do at all
AlexDaniel wonders how long will it take to consider himself a troll after all those shell discussions 09:20
masak cxreg: thank you for the wonderful Drake equation analogy. I really like that. 09:22
cxreg: but you're not allowed to put "phase of the moon" as a factor -- I think that's against the implicit rules ;)
09:23 yeahnoob left
masak cxreg: re "ya shouldn't have called it perl" -- to me the KO rebuttal to that is "oh hey, here's TimToady, he *made* Perl. he can call Perl 6 whatever he wants". nothing past that is very interesting to me. 09:23
09:24 sno joined
masak (probably phrased a little more delicately when stated outside of #perl6, though) 09:24
Ulti >___>
but "they" are watching us 09:25
09:25 pierre-vigier left
masak Ulti: are we still talking about the Drake equation? :P 09:26
09:26 pierre-vigier joined
cxreg masak: while true, it's the thousands of developers that will make it a success, not Larry standing alone and being a BDFL 09:26
so their concerns matter, even if they're wrong
09:27 wamba joined
masak cxreg: you have a point. since many years back, I've refused to hang my personal happiness on the thousands, for reasons of continued sanity. I'm a Perl 6 user. others can be too if they want. 09:27
cxreg anyway, i've been preaching it, and some percentage of that does sink in. time will tell.
09:27 dakkar joined
cxreg can i ask an honest question? why does reini keep releasing new versions of parrot? 09:29
masak that question is perhaps better asked on #parrot 09:30
cxreg i idled in there until i realized that only the bot ever said anything for months at a time :/
09:31 sno left
Ulti surely if someone is there to release it that's reason enough? 09:31
cxreg maybe one day someone will uh, fix the parrot backend? hm. just wondering is all. i guess the tree really does fall in the woods.
09:32 kjones_ left
cxreg 100% of the people i knew involved in that project rage quit several years ago 09:32
moritz didn't rage quit, but rather quietly left for greener pastures 09:34
not that I was ever much of a parrot developer, but I did have a commit bit
cxreg it would be nice to see it brought at least back to relative functionality with the last year of development
masak well volunteered! 09:35
I had no idea someone would step up like that!
cxreg my tuits are not that round, sadly
09:35 gregf_ joined
masak oh, you meant it would be nice if *other people*, not you... got it... :) 09:35
moritz cxreg: we could ship you some round tuits if that's all that's blocking you :-) 09:36
masak frankly I suspect that the "opportunity cost" arguments that were once raised against focusing on MoarVM could now equally well be raised against Parrot 09:37
cxreg i guess we don't talk about that uncle in here. point taken.
masak though don't let my pessimism stop anyone who wants to try
arnsholt Opportunity cost is a good argument
And from my experiences working with Parrot vs. JVM/Moar, it's not gonna be easy to find someone who actually *wants* to do it
masak arnsholt: though the MoarVM case shows that sometimes it's a bet that pays off.
arnsholt Yeah, opportunity cost is definitely a hard argument 09:38
cxreg well, plus the never-aligned goals was a mood killer
arnsholt Very hard to predict the future dividends from two different options
cxreg but it was hard to align goals when perl 6 kept moving the goalposts?
could very well be that it's an easier discussion with p6.c 09:39
El_Che masak: ah. I took you for the panda author. Sowry :)
moritz cxreg: well, parrots goal were "support all dynamic languages, somehow" for a long time
cxreg that's what i meant by alignment. it was a "well, we should at least have one working language" vs "let's not specialize" 09:40
moritz cxreg: so even if Perl 6 hadn't been a moving target, there wasn't much room for goal alignment
09:40 cognominal left
cxreg maybe the question is, is that still a worthy goal 09:40
possibly no since "all the dynamic languages" aren't the hotness they were 10 years ago 09:41
moritz also "all the dynamic languages" didn't give a good guide for what to do 09:42
cxreg allison is quite sure it directly influenced microsoft
donno if she's right or not
maybe Sun/Oracle too? 09:43
masak ISTR an article Allison wrote about "we succeeded, because we influenced other players" 09:44
cxreg yeah, and i talked to her irl about it too
masak I definitely don't want to rob her (or the Parrot people) of that definition of success
...so I'll say no more about it.
cxreg that's all that smalltalk people can claim (oh snap) 09:45
and boy howdy do they claim all of it
masak I can see it with Smalltalk
Eclipse is a whole largely came out of Smalltalk people building stuff for Java 09:46
09:46 rindolf joined
masak as a whole* 09:46
arnsholt Also, Objective C 09:47
cxreg lots and lots of things did
ruby owes a lot there too 09:48
anyway, there are still people that maintain spin-offs of BeOS and AmigaOS 09:49
and i know a guy who, i think, still ports perl 5 releases to legacy macos
masak oh, and also Smalltalk -> Strongtalk -> v8/JavaScript 09:51
moritz is anybody working on a Star release for 2015.12? 09:52
or has an idea what's required to do it, at least?
09:52 pmurias joined
cxreg do you think it would make sense to have a trait that you have to declare, lest the compiler give you grief if you share a variable across multiple threads? 09:53
pmurias graal/truffle on the jvm seems to be the current iteration of the "support all dynamic languages" goal
cxreg or something like that anyway?
(going back to the start-related bug from earlier) 09:54
FROGGS moritz: I am 09:55
moritz FROGGS: do you have an ETA? (asking for a friend, no pressure :-)
FROGGS moritz: I wanna work on it this evening, but I bet one evening is not enough 09:56
moritz FROGGS: what approach are you planning to do? bootstrap panda? 09:57
FROGGS moritz: yes
started doing that weeks already
moritz FROGGS: do you have a branch for that that you can share? 09:58
09:58 pmurias left
FROGGS moritz: I can surely create one 09:59
timotimo cxreg: we have a "cross thread write" logging thingie in moarvm that loudly complains if you write something to a variable or object from another thread than the one that owns it
yoleaux 07:55Z <nine> timotimo: camelia runs in a VM with 4 CPUs on a server with 8 cores
moritz FROGGS: would be nice; maybe I can also pour some tuits in
FROGGS cool 10:00
cxreg timotimo: this was a "used an outer lexical in multiple start calls" with much surprise
read-only, but they had unexpected values because of scheduling
10:00 pmurias joined
timotimo yeah, it's probably a bit surprising that it closed over the value without explicit curlies involved 10:00
but if there were no implicit curlies there, your code wouldn't have multi-threaded period 10:01
cxreg loop { start function($outer-lexical) } # like that
except more complex 10:02
do you think there's room for a warning there?
timotimo oof 10:03
10:03 aenaxi left
timotimo sometimes you do want to share that, for example if you have an object there 10:03
_mg_ Hello all. Will there be a rakudo-star release for 2015.12?
cxreg well, in this case it was a loop variable
timotimo _mg_: we've got a developer working on it
_mg_ timotimo: ok thanks 10:04
cxreg maybe that could be noticed
timotimo cxreg: loop doesn't necessarily mean you've got an int or something simple like that
but still ... yeah
in this case i'm really not sure
cxreg my $outer-whatever is intended-to-be-shared; # :) 10:05
but i guess you don't always know what you'll do
timotimo that's right 10:06
cxreg sure would be nice to have a noob mode that puts more guard rails on than an advanced user would want
timotimo "no noob" would be the new "use stict", eh?
cxreg heh.
could even be opt-in. is there a pluggable warnings / strictures system at all? 10:07
timotimo i was wondering why your code was starting at $i = 2, btw
was there a reason to be skipping the first Channel?
nine FROGGS: what rakudo version will star use?
FROGGS nine: 2015.12
cxreg it was not my code, it was jeek's. not exactly sure.
FROGGS nine: or was there a point release?
timotimo probably an accident? expecting lua-style array indices? 10:08
FROGGS: i don't think there was one yet. but there really should be, IMO
we have reasons to have one, at least
nine FROGGS: I really think we should do a point release first to include it in star. 2015.12 was...not that usable :/
FROGGS nine: sounds good to me
timotimo moarvm doesn't have commits critical to users, IMO 10:09
so we can at least skip that part of the release process without upsetting things too much 10:10
all nqp got was using \0 in char classes
and of course pmurias' tests and js implementations of ops
moritz so, start a release branch that sets NQP_REVISION back to 2015.12? 10:12
cxreg nine: did you ever see IPFS? 10:13
it occurs to me that you might find it interesting / relevant
timotimo the bump was only for the character class, it seems 10:14
cxreg nine: conceptually anyway, maybe not literally :-) but i was looking at your CURI file-id stuff just now. 10:16
10:17 Sqirrel left
masak .oO( NO NOOB; NO PROJECT EULER ) 10:17
10:18 Sqirrel joined
arnsholt I'm getting an error when building Rakudo HEAD: "An exception occurred while evaluating a constant" 10:19
When doing install-core-dist.p6. Anyone know what's going on? 10:20
10:22 glucosade joined 10:25 nzkindest left
FROGGS arnsholt: maybe you need to wipe your install/share/perl6/site and the ~/.perl6? 10:29
10:29 snarkyboojum joined
arnsholt I can definitely try that 10:31
I thought to git clean my Rakudo dir, but that won't clear the install dir 10:32
nine cxreg: no?
cxreg: jnthn++'s inspiration for the CURI architecture was git 10:33
cxreg: so it has the same ancestor as IPFS
10:34 snarkyboojum left, pmurias left
masak the idea behind Git is definitely a powerful one. content addressing rocks. 10:34
cxreg nine: cool i'll look deeper at how curi works
masak doesn't Docker use something like that, too?
cxreg the general concept is "merkle trees" 10:35
the idea of using it as a global content distribution mechanism is nifty, the guy gave a good talk that i saw.
well, "global". lol. he imagines using it across light-hours.
timotimo the one at the congress?
hm, actually, i think that was just the lightning talk introducing it 10:36
nine The advantage of all those hashes compared to previous suggestions is that the repository's state is solely represented by the presense of files, not their contents. This means that a distribution package can just copy files and those file names should never conflict.
arnsholt FROGGS: Had to blow away the whole install/ dir, but that did the trick. Cheers!
JimmyZ It woulde be nice to have jnthn++'s curli gist in rakudo repo
masak JimmyZ: +1 10:37
JimmyZ I wanted to say it longlong ago
10:37 pmurias joined
timotimo nine: we don't have a plan for what happens when sha1 is finally deprecated enough, eh? 10:37
JimmyZ s/curli/CURI/ 10:38
AlexDaniel timotimo: I think that the typical response was that sha1 is just fine for that purpose
cxreg timotimo: mass cache invalidation? :)
it's a simpler answer for cache than it is for things like git that consider history to be permanent 10:39
timotimo true
dalek kudo/nom: f0a524a | (Stefan Seifert)++ | docs/module_management.md:
Add jnthn++'s module management proposal to docs

It has been implemented mostly as proposed, so this document is still very valid and helps understanding the implementation.
nine Now I can finally stop being nervous about clearing my browser's history... 10:40
JimmyZ nine++
nine timotimo: sha1 is good enough for git, it's good enough for us
cxreg pre-image attacks are for academics and the NSA :) 10:41
AlexDaniel there are some doubts about it being good enough for git though
masak I think as a rule, we should err on the side of adding gists to the docs/ folder ;)
nine masak: +1
masak at least until someone goes "arrgh, what's this annoying informative thing doing here!" :P
more realistically, and less strawman-y, the real risk is probably information overload or bad culling or something 10:42
10:43 araujo joined
nine masak: I'm a fan of dealing with such problems when we really have them 10:43
masak YAGNI, agreed 10:45
timotimo fair enough
we don't have anything for keccak in our module ecosystem yet, do we?
AlexDaniel so in the end we have doc.perl6.org, synopsis, some kind of docs in rakudo repository, there are also apocalypse and exegesis thingies… did I miss anything? These have different purposes, I know, but… 10:46
10:47 RabidGravy joined
masak AlexDaniel: in particular, docs/ in the Rakudo repository and doc.perl6.org have very different audiences 10:48
you don't have to be a Rakudo developer to be a Perl 6 user
.oO( you don't have to be a Perl 6 user to be a rakudo developer )
I was happy to see lizmat++ moving S99 to user docs 10:49
perhaps the same thing could be done with the rest of it
lizmat good *, #perl6!
am about to start on a second batch 10:50
can only do this for ~ 2 hours before my mind starts to draw a blank
masak I agree that S99 is more user-doc-like than synopsis-like
timotimo a second batch of what now? 10:51
masak lizmat: what in the world is it you're doing that blanks out your mind after 2 hours? :)
lizmat second batch of moving stuff from S99 to doc/glossary
timotimo oh, OK :)
masak it's not eminently automatable?
lizmat trying to read newbieish documentation
ah, no, I want to do an editorial review on the S99 entries before entering them into the doc/glossary
AlexDaniel masak: there's a bunch of cruft there 10:52
lizmat too many inside info/jokes on S99
it's the editorial review that makes it hard
timotimo fair enough
lizmat sometimes, (like IRC abbreviations), it's easy, yeas
nine In our team meeting, an hour ago we moved from "will we use Perl 6 any time soon" to "how can we start to use Perl6" quickly
timotimo oh, neat
lizmat cool!
arnsholt Very neat indeed. Where do you work?
10:52 espadrine joined
masak nine: wow, nice! 10:53
lizmat are we the only people who cannot reach doc.perl6.org ??
nine arnsholt: www.atikon.com you probably couldn't tell that it's such a cool place :)
lizmat or perl6.org for that matter ?
cxreg lizmat: same here 10:54
llfourn down for me
lizmat invoking moritz to check out what's going in
nine www.isitdownrightnow.com/doc.perl6.org.html
masak lizmat: "It's not just you! perl6.org looks down from here."
cxreg masak: "lmdfeojmfy" :-)
masak aye 10:55
cxreg i think that's the anglicized form of the 2015.12 release name
masak .oO( invoking the moritz. please step back to a safe distance to enable vine-swining from roof. ) 10:56
masak .oO( *REGEX* )
lizmat perhaps moritz is already aware of it, because it may be part of bigger problem at his $work ? 10:57
masak possibly. if he's back to $work already.
lizmat anyways, it seems that not having a Perl 6.0 out there, is *mighty* confusing to a *lot* of people 11:00
so I was thinking: why not name the next Rakudo * 6.0
timotimo it seems we now have a little bug fixed in nqp::join with regards to GC, so we may want to actually release a 2015.12.1 of moarvm
nine lizmat: which would be technically highly incorrect but could actually be helpful :) 11:01
lizmat it's all about marketing in this respect
and Rakudo * is really a bit like a Debian on top of the Linux Kernel
so it may well have it's own version numbering 11:02
and since we recommend Rakudo * to beginners anyway
it only seems *very* appropriate to name it 6.0
cxreg node.js went from 0.12 to 4.0 in one go
lizmat because that is what many people want to see
and we want many people to see Perl 6 :-) 11:03
timotimo what do we name rakudo stars after 6.0?
lizmat well, 6.1 ? 11:04
cxreg phones captain semver
timotimo that seems like a terrible idea
lizmat perhaps only switch major numbers on a language version bump
timotimo then we'll have 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, suddenly we have perl 6.d
11:04 crux left
timotimo so we'll have perl 7, perl 8, perl 9 for 6.d, 6.e and 6.f? 11:05
man is *that* going to make perl5 people mad
lizmat so this one would be 6.0.0, the next one 6.0.1
and when we get to 6.d, we go to 6.1
timotimo and we won't have 6.c.1?
masak timotimo: we should just release Perl 7, then Perl 8, then Perl 9. one each month. :P
AlexDaniel like a web browser! Great
lizmat well, you can take it into the absurd, but we *do* have a marketing problem 11:06
masak yes
lizmat to the point that one of the people doing marketing for Perl 6 is about to call it quits
because it cannot be explained to Joe Average
timotimo i must admit, i have no clue about marketing
11:07 TEttinger left
cxreg how do things like pypy and the like version themselves? 11:07
nine Well by not daring to call the release 6.0.0, we've robbed ourselves from great markting potential. Because that's the exact version that people have expected to see. So much that they don't believe that Perl 6 final has really been released.
11:07 crux joined
cxreg "Python2.7 compatible release — PyPy 4.0.1" "Python3.2.5 compatible release — PyPy3 2.4.0" # o.O 11:08
dalek kudo/nom: 511854a | LLFourn++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp:
Fix RT #126566

Exporting multiple custom declarators made them clobber their changes to
  $*ACTIONS. Now use %*LANG<MAIN-actions> to chain the changes.
kudo/nom: 0f26aef | lizmat++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp:
Merge pull request #673 from LLFourn/multi-exporthow

Fix RT #126566
masak nine: agreed. 11:09
nine: as far as I can tell, though, that was very deliberate.
nine: actually, to me it seems half of everone expected to see "Perl 6 1.0", which makes no sense to me 11:10
lizmat deliberate as in wanting to create a marketing disaster ?
masak lizmat: no, of course not :)
cxreg imo, we're too overly concerned with the short-term reaction
masak lizmat: deliberate as in "6.0.0 would send the wrong signals, let's use the 6.c naming scheme instead"
timotimo cxreg: if we don't have any short-term reaction, we can't hope for a long-term development, though
cxreg disgaree
masak I disagree too 11:11
cxreg there's been quite a lot of reaction, and much of it positive. you can't placate everyone so don't try.
timotimo mayhaps
masak I don't care if thousands of developers don't show up at our doorstep today
timotimo is AFK for a bit
i trust y'all much more than i trust myself to make decisions about this :)
lizmat masak: I think we need a bigger bus factor soon, because I detect signs of burnout 11:12
AlexDaniel actually, it would be nice to make the documentation less messy. e.g. if Sxx are not considered as a specification, then what are they and why do we keep touching them? So to me it makes sense to start moving stuff from synopsis into docs or into other places. For example, it can go like this: “is this part documented in user docs? Yes → delete it; no → move it into user docs. Are there any tests for it? No → wait, leave it here for
now.”. This way we will get more (potentially useful) stuff in user docs, less cruft in synopsis, and less people will think about synopsis as the specs for perl 6. Also, synopsis will become kinda-specs for not-yet-implemented stuff. Sounds great.
cxreg comes back to the killer app thing. make a great thing people want and they'll come asking how they howya the whatsits
masak lizmat: we always need more core developers. 11:13
11:13 poga joined
nine masak: not just core developers 11:13
masak lizmat: expecting 6.c to bring in new core developers is even more far-fetched than expecting it to bring in masses of users
nine masak: I can hug our whole marketing team at once
And am looking forward to do that in a couple of weeks :)
masak :) 11:14
cxreg maybe just a nice solid FAQ would help here?
masak nine: will you be at GPW?
nine yes
masak \o/
me too. haven't made travel arrangements yet, though
DrForr Reminds me, I need to check on FOSDEM arrangements.
11:15 cognominal joined, glucosade left, sno joined 11:16 nzkindest joined
lizmat cxreg: the solid FAQ is already in place, on doc.perl6.org which is still down :-( 11:16
AlexDaniel .u 💱
yoleaux U+1F4B1 CURRENCY EXCHANGE [So] (💱)
nine I wonder if I should even try do to something new for my 5th talk on Inline::Perl5 or if it's time to just recycle...
masak nine: something new! :D
RabidGravy something borrowed!
yoleaux 06:15Z <AlexDaniel> RabidGravy: i²c library? Great! I will probably need that in a week or two, good that it's not something I will have to do myself… ;)
cxreg lizmat: if the 1.0 question is covered, then the marketing people can use it, no? is it a matter of having a short-answer to say out loud? 11:17
RabidGravy :)
AlexDaniel .u 💊💉 11:18
yoleaux U+1F489 SYRINGE [So] (💉)
U+1F48A PILL [So] (💊)
lizmat cxreg: having that covered is *not* marketing
RabidGravy AlexDaniel, you can look now github.com/jonathanstowe/RPi-Device-SMBus - but it's completely untested right now (until I make the other thing I am making) 11:19
11:19 au left
AlexDaniel RabidGravy: is it limited to RPi or is it more general? 11:19
11:19 au joined 11:20 brrt joined
RabidGravy well, In theory it should work on anything that has a /dev/i2c-1 and uses ioctls to send the commands 11:22
however it is unlikely to be tested by me on anything but a RPi 11:23
AlexDaniel RabidGravy: I can probably test that on A13-based board a bit later this month
lizmat: “Ahem, that's not the bug. This is:” 11:24
lizmat: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=127144 here 11:25
m: my uint8 $x = 255; print $x, " -> "; $x = $x + 1; say $x; 11:26
camelia rakudo-moar f0a524: OUTPUT«255 -> 0␤»
AlexDaniel hm
m: y uint8 $x = 255; print $x, " -> "; $x++; say $x;
RabidGravy I do have a "PCDuino" and an "Intel Galileo" somewhere (both of which support i2c) but I'm skeptical that I have the patience to build Perl 6 on either of them
camelia rakudo-moar f0a524: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/XEqXpIePCr␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/XEqXpIePCr:1␤------> 3y uint87⏏5 $x = 255; print $x, " -> "; $x++; say $␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ …»
AlexDaniel m: my uint8 $x = 255; print $x, " -> "; $x++; say $x;
camelia rakudo-moar f0a524: OUTPUT«255 -> 256␤»
AlexDaniel rigth
RabidGravy: hahaha
m: my uint8 $x = 255; print $x, " -> "; $x++; say $x; say $x.WHAT 11:27
camelia rakudo-moar f0a524: OUTPUT«255 -> 256␤(Int)␤»
AlexDaniel m: my uint8 $x = 255; print $x, " -> "; say $x; say $x.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar f0a524: OUTPUT«255 -> 255␤(Int)␤»
dalek ast: c824a98 | lizmat++ | S02-types/native.t:
Add tests for RT #127144, Juerd++
nine I just submitted 2 talk proposals for the GPW 11:32
arnsholt The unconditional warning in NativeCall when you don't pass a version number is pretty annoying
sergot isup.me/perl6.org :( 11:34
au lizmat: "Rakudo Star 2016.01 [Stable]" perhaps? later on "Rakudo Star 2017.01 [LTS]" 11:38
[Stable] and [LTS] seems to carry more weight than .0.0 these days
lizmat sergot: yeah, a known issue... we've tried invoking the moritz already
11:38 Skarsnik joined
lizmat au: "Rakudo Star 6.0 [Stable]" has an ever better ring to me :-) 11:39
sergot lizmat: oki :)
moritz huh, seems the webserver hangs, or so
au lizmat: <small>201</small><big>6.0</big><small>1</small>
11:41 snarkyboojum joined
jast YYYY.MM suggests rolling releases, so in that case a stable/LTS tag is very informative. with something like semver, a tag is much less relevant IMO. 11:41
moritz perl6.org is back up again.
masak lizmat: I think there's a small confusion involved in the 6.c naming scheme, but I think it would be way *more* confusing to then go 6.0 for the Rakudo Star releases
moritz++ # I assume 11:42
moritz "Rakudo Star 2016.01 with support for Perl 6.c"
fwiw I just force-rebooted www.p6c.org from the hypervisor; no idea what went wrong 11:43
if anybody wants to try to dig up relevant information to track what went wrong, please let me know 11:44
nine How many people outside of #perl6 know that "Perl 6.c" has the meaning of "Perl 6 v1.0"?
au lizmat: or, in plaintext unicode: "Rakudo Star 2016.01 [Stable]"
moritz nine: I don't know, but I know quite certainly that we don't gain anything with inconsistent versioning
dalek ast: ceab66c | LLFourn++ | S12-meta/ (2 files):
multiple declarators inside DECLARE
ast: f297fbc | LLFourn++ | S12-meta/ (2 files):
Merge pull request #93 from LLFourn/multi-exporthow

multiple declarators inside DECLARE
lizmat moritz: some people might argue that exact point with the move to 6.c versioning
and I would like to invite anybody in favour of 6.c versioning to start explaining that to visitors of the Perl booths on events like FOSDEM 11:46
moritz lizmat: but isn't it a bit late to have that discussion now? 11:47
lizmat and ofher non-Perl events we intend to visit this year
moritz: my idea is about Rakudo Star
moritz lizmat: I mean, the exact same arguments existed in November too
lizmat the discussion about the compiler release is indeed water under the bridge
masak so far I like moritz's suggestion.
nine Well, about language release, because the compiler targeting 6.c is 2015.12 11:48
masak "Rakudo Star 2016.01 with support for Perl 6.c"
11:48 pierre-vigier left, pierre-vigier joined
lizmat moritz: I'm not sure if you've seen the backlash about the lackluster release if Perl 6.c 11:48
nine masak: that doesn't convey anything about this being a stable release
11:48 cygx joined
cygx o/ 11:48
lizmat blogs.perl.org/users/jt_smith/2015/...umbug.html
.oO( Rakudo Star 2016.01 [6.c-stable] )
nine masak: nothing to distinguish it from previous star releases
lizmat www.vromans.org/johan/articles/Perl...51229.html
moritz lizmat: that blog post has *nothing* to do with versioning 11:49
masak nine: maybe a footnote about what the "6.c" means (so that people who don't know can read more about it and understand what guarantees it gives)
lizmat moritz: ack, you're right
the second one is
moritz lizmat: it looks like a timing issue to me
lizmat and there's a lot of traffic on the Perl 6 FB group
moritz lizmat: though I can't be certain
lizmat about the versioning 11:50
moritz lizmat: the traffic I've seen on twitter was overwhelmingly positive
cxreg it seems more like a lack of actually having the * release at all, maybe more than its name
lizmat well, anyway, I've launched my idea about versioning
Rakudo Star
and now I'm going to leave it up to you people to convince our marketing people to continue marketing
cxreg what was that mst marketing effort that he launched for perl 5? iron man? we could attempt a similar thing. 11:52
abraxxa what's wrong with modules.perl6.org?
moritz abraxxa: it seems we don't have a service file that restarts the backend on reboot 11:53
masak "Service Unavailable"
abraxxa moritz: systemd?
moritz or rather, it didn't seem to work :(
11:53 lnrdo joined
moritz Zoffix: how do I debug modules.perl6.org "Service Unavailable"? Hypnotoad is running 11:55
nine it's up! 11:56
moritz yes, I just restarted apache, after manually starting hypnotoad
moritz hates software
abraxxa I saw Perl 6 release articles on golem.de and phoronix.com
moritz hates operations
nine moritz: a very healthy sentiment
abraxxa i need a monitoring sponsor ;) 11:57
moritz lizmat: do you treally think it's easier to explain three versioning schemes than two?
Zoffix moritz, it works fine
lizmat I';m not sure there will be 3
Zoffix moritz, did you have to start it manually after the reboot?
abraxxa moritz: works again, thanks! 11:58
moritz lizmat: if we do a different versioning scheme for star than for the compiler, there will be three
Zoffix: yes
lizmat moritz: I mean, traditionally we've had fewer Rakudo Star releases than we had compiler releases
for a number of reasons
moritz Zoffix: and I had to restart apache2 afterwards
Zoffix :S
lizmat so, why not decouple Rakudo Star further?
moritz lizmat: sure; but still the version numbers corresponded
Zoffix I'll take a look tonight
11:58 lnrdo left
lizmat moritz: but why? other than for historical reasons ? 11:58
moritz Zoffix: could you please write a proper service file for the hypnotoad
Zoffix Yeah, I will
moritz lizmat: 1) so that we don't have to explain three versioning schemes 2) so that it's obvious on which compiler it's based 11:59
Zoffix "Service Unavailable" stuff is cached so it takes a few score seconds before it starts showing things even after you start hypnotoad
lizmat I mean, if we have a bad compiler release for some reason, we might still want to do a Rakudo Star release because of updates in the modules
11:59 snarkyboojum left, lnrdo joined
masak I'd still much perfer Star to be clearly tied to compiler, version-wise 11:59
moritz lizmat: 3) people already recommend "rakudobrew build moar $compiler-version" and then panda install Task::Star; that won't work with separate star versniong 12:00
cxreg you could do a point release of the prior compiler's version? wait for the compiler to be fixed?
lizmat moritz: now *that* is a valid point :-)
DrForr Out of all the questions we'll get at FOSDEM, I don't think that versioning will be the first one on their minds :)
moritz cxreg: typically we either did a point release of the current compiler version, or skip the star release altogether
cygx moritz: does it work anyway without versioned Task::Star
12:00 xpen left
DrForr I rather suspect "Why?" will be :( 12:00
moritz cygx: the closer it is to a release, the better it works :-) 12:01
cxreg moritz: yeah. just thinking it out.
12:01 Actualeyes left
cygx moritz: so the compiler versions one may provide are just tribal knowledge of what versions work wit task::star 12:01
cxreg you should call it Rakudo Star 15 and make jokes about the 15 years. own it so they can't mock it. :-)
lol 12:02
how about a twitter blitz of useful one-liners that you can write in 140 characters or less 12:05
12:05 jameslenz left
masak go for it 12:05
12:06 pierre-vigier left
cxreg i need to work on my golf before i'm up to it, but it sounds fun 12:06
masak need to temper that golf with clarity if you want the one-liners to be useful... :)
12:08 syb joined
dalek c: e89affa | lizmat++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
Fix the L<> mess I made last night
cygx if you really wanr to mislead people, the next Rakudo Star version should be called 6.0 ;) 12:10
12:10 user74747 joined
cxreg steps back slowly 12:10
llfourn and call it Rakudo Star Wars
cxreg llfourn++
llfourn try to ride the hype! 12:11
cxreg That's no moon, that's a WhateverStar!
nine Feels a little like we have allowed ourselves to get dragged into a versioning discussion to avoid the more important marketing team bus factor discussion. 12:12
Skarsnik Hello 12:13
lizmat nine: agree...
lizmat withdraws idea and will no longer discuss it
masak nine: what do you want to discuss about the marketing team bus factor?
12:14 syb left, joydo joined 12:15 panos joined
nine When lizmat++ talks about burn out, I take it seriously. Mostly because it doesn't surprise me. Fact is: we have no infrastructure that I'm aware of for collaboration on marketing. 12:15
panos hello everyone.
12:15 panos is now known as Guest8050
nine Hello Guest8050 12:16
Guest8050 I am trying to compile rakudo on my windows machine and it is complaining about unknown OS....
Anyone has any idea about it ?
llfourn Guest8050: with rakudobrew?
Guest8050 No, no....the manual installation..... 12:17
Clone the git repo and then try with make
masak nine: I'm not aware of any such infrastructure either.
Guest8050 I have installed already mingw-w64 at my pc
What do you mean masak ?
llfourn Guest8050: hopefully you ran perl Configure.pl --gen-moar --gen-nqp
lizmat Guest8050: is it a spectest test that complains about unknown OS ? 12:18
Guest8050 Correct !!! This is what i am doing !!! :)
FROGGS Guest7256: dunno if it works with mingw... the easiest thing might be to install strawberryperl that ships a gcc
Guest8050 Oh !!!!!!
cygx Guest8050: are you using an msys shell? 12:19
Guest8050 This....i didn't knew !!!
I am using ActiveState perl (which is the one we usually use at the office)....
12:20 Actualeyes joined
cygx I think jnthn uses ActiveState and MSVC 12:20
FROGGS I usually either use strawberry *or* activeperl with MSVC
Guest8050 Hi, cygx...i am using the mingw-w64
12:21 loren joined
cygx Guest8050: you might try --moar-option="--os mingw32" 12:21
loren Hi, #Perl 6
FROGGS hi loren
loren Can i test MAIN feature use evalbot ?
Zoffix don't think so 12:22
loren Em, oh..
FROGGS m: sub MAIN(Str $foo) { }
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«Usage:␤ /tmp/V0cGYqXky_ <foo> ␤»
FROGGS loren: like this?
Zoffix :o 12:23
loren like perl6 -e 'sub MAIN(Str $x) { }' ""
12:23 nige1 left
FROGGS loren: do you want to see the usage message for wrong args or do you want to call it successfully? 12:24
loren call it
i have a problem about it
FROGGS loren: just call it, it is a subroutine nevertheless... 12:25
m: sub MAIN(Str $foo) { }; MAIN(<42>)
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«Usage:␤ /tmp/4yhpj25ZMg <foo> ␤»
loren When a pass a empty string to it, perl6 will report error
FROGGS m: say <42>
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«42␤»
FROGGS m: sub MAIN(Str $foo) { }; MAIN("") 12:26
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«Usage:␤ /tmp/zqz6zx1jUJ <foo> ␤»
FROGGS why do I get a usage message here?
loren: what error message do you get?
loren I wonder too..
Cannot invoke this object .. 12:27
loren just this message
Cannot invoke this object \n in block <unit> at -e line 1
FROGGS $ perl6 -e 'sub MAIN(Str $x) { }' ""
Cannot invoke this object
confirmed 12:28
m: val("")
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«Cannot invoke this object␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/i8Jbk4RMoA line 1␤␤»
FROGGS golfed
12:28 kaare_ joined
loren em ?? 12:29
lizmat looks at it
12:29 nzkindest left
cxreg m: val(Mu) 12:29
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 2411960 bytes␤» 12:30
12:30 nzkindest joined
cygx oO 12:30
AlexDaniel what is val?
Guest8050 Thank you so much, i will try with strawberry perl...
12:30 pjscott joined
loren $ perl6 -e 'say "I can use evalbot like this, get it!"' 12:31
What happen ..
12:31 Guest8050 left
DrForr loren: You can paste that into your own terminal :) 12:32
cxreg m: val(Str)
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«Cannot unbox a type object␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/ntwjZMf2RL line 1␤␤»
RabidGravy I keep meaning to write a vim macro such that I can select a bit of code and run it, putting the output in a new buffer
cxreg i'm mildly concerned at the Mu one that OOMs
loren Em, DrForr I know, i just try whether it work or not.. 12:33
m: say &val; 12:34
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«sub val (;; Mu | is raw) { #`(Sub|63430800) ... }␤»
12:35 nige1 joined 12:36 _mg_ left
lizmat FROGGS: so what do you think val("") should return ? 12:37
and should it warn ?
FROGGS dunno, really 12:39
lizmat Nil perhaps ? 12:40
arnsholt m: is-approx -1.4210854715202e-14, 0, "?"
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/szLW16hg4O␤Undeclared routine:␤ is-approx used at line 1␤␤»
arnsholt m: use Test; is-approx -1.4210854715202e-14, 0, "?"
lizmat or "" with a warning ?
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«not ok 1 - ?␤␤# Failed test '?'␤# at /tmp/PjPwCQy8Ff line 1␤# expected: 0␤# got: -1.4210854715202e-14␤»
lizmat m: val(Int) # something like this ?
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«Value of type Int uselessly passed to val() in block <unit> at /tmp/mxPbTV6ThN line 1␤»
FROGGS val should return a hybrid type/value for a string that looks like another type, no? 12:44
12:44 _mg_ joined
Skarsnik oh a variable named like a named arg does not work? 12:44
FROGGS so "" should return "" without a warning IMO
Skarsnik: context?
lizmat FROGGS: indeed... 12:45
Skarsnik m: sub foo($a, :$x) {say "foo"}; my $x = 1; foo(1, $x);
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2␤ in sub foo at /tmp/d3oKWSKDR8 line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/d3oKWSKDR8 line 1␤␤»
12:45 cygx left
Skarsnik Oh I need a put : in front of it 12:46
m: sub foo($a, :$x) {say "foo"}; my $x = 1; foo(1, :$x); 12:47
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«foo␤»
FROGGS Skarsnik: yes, that
m: my %h; say (:%h<foo>)
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«(Mu)␤»
abraxxa Skarsnik: I'll test gptrixie against the OCI header files as soon as I find time
FROGGS m: my %h = foo => 42; say (:%h<foo>)
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«(Mu)␤»
m: say (:$<foo>) 12:48
camelia rakudo-moar 0f26ae: OUTPUT«foo => Nil␤»
FROGGS I was hoping :%h<foo> would DTRT
Skarsnik abraxxa, remind me I need to add array output x)
12:49 lnrdo left 12:51 krunen joined 12:53 lnrdo joined
daxim U+1F98B BUTTERFLY # we did it, reddit 12:53
12:53 lnrdo_ joined, panos_GR joined
panos_GR Hello to everyone. 12:53
You were correct ! By using Strawberry perl everything worked fine !!! 12:54
llfourn panos_GR: !! awesome :D !!
panos_GR But in perl6 there is no executable...right ?
I mean.....i just see a perl6.bat
This is the equivalent of the perl.exe ?
FROGGS panos_GR: yes, that's correct 12:55
panos_GR Because it is running on MoarVM ?
Right ?
FROGGS perl6.bat will invoke the vm (MoarVM) plus some options
just run than
panos_GR Oh !!!!
FROGGS perl6 -e "say 'hello!'"
panos_GR Wow !!! You guys made my day today !!!!! :D
dalek kudo/nom: cd7cd0e | lizmat++ | src/core/allomorphs.pm:
Fix various val() related issues

As golfed by FROGGS++ at irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2016-01-04#i_11826565
panos_GR Yes it worked !!! [perl6 -e "say 'hello!'"]
panos_GR It's alive !!!!! :D 12:56
panos_GR But what i cannot understand is why with my previous configuration it didn't worked ! 12:57
Strawberry perl + MinGW-W64
Sorry...i mean ActiveState Perl + MinGW-W64
12:58 lnrdo left
FROGGS panos_GR: the --moar-option shown earlier in irc might have helped too 13:04
panos_GR: seems our operating system guessing could be improved with that constellation
panos_GR I have tried but couldn't work.
I got the same issue.....
well, we'll fix that too at some point 13:05
panos_GR It's all right. No worries...since i managed (with your help) to make it work....i am quite happy !
Actually i am using perl 5 for many years....but i am completelly new in perl6 !
dalek p: b295edd | (Pawel Murias)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION:
Bump MOAR_REVISION to hopefully fix a bug randomly screwing up code generation on the js backend.
FROGGS panos_GR: then have fun learning something new :o)
panos_GR Of course at home i didn't had ANY problem at all with my linux box...at the office i am stuck with windows..... 13:06
Thank you so much !
13:08 panos_GR left 13:09 virtualsue joined
nine Cool! It just took me ~ 90 minutes to create updated openSUSE packages for MoarVM 2015.12, nqp 2015.12 and rakudo 2015.12.1 including finding out where to actually download the tarballs from :) 13:11
_nadim Gone are the days when people liked to install from source ... says an ex Gentoo user. 13:13
13:13 lucasb joined
nine I rebuild rakudo from source multiple times a day, but if we are to use it on our servers, there'd better be packages for it. 13:13
_nadim nine++ 13:14
loren i prefer use source build it
lucasb you said... rakudo 2015.12.1 ?
nine Something close to it, actually. The package is called 2015.12.1 and contains current nom 13:15
loren fedora packages version are still 2015.11
lucasb ah, ok. it's not a git tag for 2015.12.1 13:16
arnsholt I think all our is-approx tests break when the expected value is 0...
Which is kind of annoying
(And they're not the same is-approx as is specified in S24, but that's fixable) 13:17
lucasb now that nqp got a moar bump, can rakudo be bumped as well? so I can build a new one with the libuv updated :) 13:18
moritz m: use Test; plan 1; say is-approx 1e-12, 0, 'foo';
camelia rakudo-moar cd7cd0: OUTPUT«1..1␤not ok 1 - foo␤␤# Failed test 'foo'␤# at /tmp/TRRNcYQ9vg line 1␤# expected: 0␤# got: 1e-12␤False␤# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1␤»
13:18 pjscott left 13:19 CIAvash left
arnsholt moritz: The default one compares |got - expected|/max(|got|, |expected|) to the tolerance value (by default 1e-6) 13:19
RabidGravy loren, fedora tracks rakudo star I think 13:20
arnsholt Of course, that ratio's gonna be 1 for all inputs
There's a more advanced version, but I think that breaks similarly at 0
brrt panos_GR: with Strawberry Perl (x64), MoarVM *should* justwork 13:21
i dunno about mingw64
dalek kudo/nom: 812a48b | lizmat++ | src/core/allomorphs.pm:
Streamline allomorphs a bit

  - reduce number of scope by using ternaries/postfix given
  - don't use return if it is already last value of a sub
loren I often update my fedora
13:22 domidumont left, administ1ator joined
arnsholt Ah, nm. The more elaborate version works 13:24
loren rakudo on windows version are still 2015.09.. 13:25
13:25 domidumont joined
arnsholt Knuth suggests a different method of comparing floats though 13:25
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lizmat hmmm... so how do I declare an internal link in the doc/glossary ? 13:32
13:33 nzkindest left
lizmat L<foo> seems to refer to /type/foo 13:33
dalek kudo-star-daily: cc115b5 | coke++ | log/ (7 files):
today (automated commit)
rl6-roast-data: 5058335 | coke++ | / (7 files):
today (automated commit)
13:33 nzkindest joined
dalek c: 8c4bd04 | lizmat++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
Actions(stub)/Adverbial Pair/Argument/Parameter
13:35 domidumont joined
arnsholt lizmat: L<#Foo> or something along those lines, if memory serves 13:35
lizmat arnsholt++ 13:36
Skarsnik why this is full of fail? github.com/coke/rakudo-star-daily/...odules.log 13:41
13:43 lnrdo_ left
dalek c: 87ae1b7 | lizmat++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
Another round of link fixes
RabidGravy lizmat++
13:47 pmurias left 13:48 pmurias joined 13:51 zakharyas left 13:53 pmurias left 13:54 ribasushi left, zakharyas joined, zhi joined 13:55 pmurias joined 13:56 joydo left
RabidGravy locates the PiGlow and cracks on with making a thing 13:59
dalek p: 4345f11 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
[js] Remove useless code.
p: 87092ac | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/ (2 files):
[js] Implement nqp::objectid.
p: e997347 | (Pawel Murias)++ | t/nqp/92-where.t:
Test nqp::objectid.
p: e4b80e9 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
[js] Add a bunch of C_TYPE_* constants.
13:59 nzkindest left 14:00 nzkindest joined, ribasushi joined 14:02 pmurias_ joined 14:04 xpen joined 14:05 pmurias left
Skarsnik it could be cool if the 'Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context' names the variable x) 14:08
[Coke] (point release of 2015.12) this is tricky and needs review. If someone is thinking of this to help with the star release, you can't use nom at this point. 14:09
(need a new branch off christmas with whatever has to be cherry picked) 14:10
14:10 pierre-vigier left
lizmat [Coke]: I only think the GC fix in MoarVM might warrant a point update 14:11
so maybe it could be as simple as an NQP version bump 14:12
[Coke] (stable release) we had an argument about that pre-xmas as well, and jnthn made a convincing point that we don't really want stable vs. dev releases, at least short term. 14:13
lucasb I fear that backward compatibility will kill all the fun 14:15
[Coke] lizmat: then we have to review nqp commits & moarvm commits also.
lizmat hmmm.... yeah :-( 14:16
14:16 pierre-vigier joined
lizmat hmmm... there are some CURI fixes... 14:16
[Coke] but I know flussence, e.g. has some strong ideas for things that need to be in a point release. (and I think those were related to precomp or installation)
lizmat OTOH, we're only two weeks off from 2016.01, right ?
moritz but if that also supports perl 6.c, it can't break much backwards compatibility either, can it? 14:17
nine Yeah, maybe we should just release an early 2016.01? 14:18
14:18 zakharyas left
lizmat well, the release date is set on 16 ? 14:18
seems like 21 would be more historically correct, [Coke] ??
Skarsnik why not delay star for 2016.01? 14:19
14:19 zakharyas joined 14:20 pmurias_ is now known as pmurias, aenaxi joined
pmurias do we have to review and cherry pick all the MoarVM/nqp commmits, isn't just passing the 6.c test suit enough? 14:21
14:23 pierre-vigier left 14:24 pjscott joined 14:25 wamba left, pierre-vigier joined 14:26 _Vi left
lucasb idk if it makes sense what I will say, but shouldn't 2016.01 monthly releases be targeting the upcoming 6.d version? moar, nqp and rakudo should all branch from xmas release to keep a 6.c compatibility branch. Only a few fix commits would have to be cherry picked, right? I think this is the only way possible for the language to continue evolve. 14:29
14:29 ZoffixW joined
Woodi hallo #perl6 :) 14:29
lucasb: IMO 6.c for next 2 years... 14:30
lucasb: and new features going to experimental ?
ZoffixW reads backlog 14:32
m: my @foo[10]; my @bar[10]; my @baz := |@foo, |@bar; @baz = ^20; say @foo; say @bar
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]␤[10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]␤»
ZoffixW I'm here to score nine's extra points :) This works because it's the containers inside the arrays that get bound which is why assigning to @baz works.
Also +1 (no, +2) on using the [Stable] tags on releases. +1 on using [LTS] too, but maybe only in a year, when the dust settles a bit and things become more stable to support an LTS. I've actually not seen any confusion over actual versions and more about there being a version of the language + a version of a compiler + lack of a R* release you could just point people at. I think something tagged with '[Stable]' gives people a clear indicator of what
to download among the many options.
nine ZoffixW: right! :) 14:33
ZoffixW \o/
lucasb well, idk nothing really. I think there is this balance between language evolution and backward compatibility, and they contrast with each other. The last months of 2014 saw the most disruptive changes and I think it's silly to think that now everything is stable and frozen.
brrt that's kind of what was promised, though 14:34
nine lucasb: have you read this? gist.github.com/jnthn/f3a691016c20f0cc4cfa
Woodi maybe our marketing departmen could start to push C11/C++11/6.c propaganda ? :)
ZoffixW lucasb, fwiw the last few months of 2015, I rage quitted programming in p6 several times because every thing I touch was crumbling due to rapid changes. It's especially true with the stuff in the ecosystem where authors don't always have the time to fix their stuff or to merge PRs. 14:35
lucasb nine: I haven't read in its entirety, but I'll do so. sorry if I said something nonsense :)
14:35 CoconutCrab left
lucasb ah, I mistake the year, it's 2015, not 2014 :D 14:36
FROGGS ZoffixW: sadly, we had to do that (were "we" does not include me sadly, had hoped to be able to spend more time on perl6) 14:37
ZoffixW FROGGS, sure, that's perfectly understandable.
Woodi also: last years was like this: March -> new feature or speed++; May -> same or similiar; October new feature or speed++ again; December something++ again. I hope that 2016 will be similiar: few seriously good "events" especially in in speedup or bug removing. so by 2017 we could have something STABLE/LTS like au++ proposed 14:39
brrt damn that is a sensible proposal for the 6.c
14:41 pmurias left
Woodi ZoffixW: rage stopping programming in Perl6 is common thing last years :) becouse of bugs and language changes. now for 2016 we have bugs alone ;) 14:42
ZoffixW Woodi, I'd put lack of libraries in there too :) 14:43
14:44 n0tjack joined, pmurias_ joined, skids joined
ZoffixW I've tried DBIish last night and—and this is not to belittle anyone's effort in making it—but using it, compared to say Perl 5's DBIx::Class is lightyears away. Even Mojo::SQLite is way more usable than DBIish SQLite backend 14:44
ZoffixW is currently contemplating releasing DB::SQLite BTW
14:45 lnrdo joined
abraxxa ZoffixW: PLEASE document your experience in e.g. github issue(s)! 14:45
ZoffixW abraxxa, the DBIish experience?
abraxxa yes
Woodi ZoffixW: and there no many finished modules becouse every time you start something you hit bug</maybe history>...
ZoffixW abraxxa, I fear to sound too negative.
14:46 molaf joined
ZoffixW I think the brute-force approach of porting something from P5 to P6 will never produce good results. 14:46
dalek c: 2819f25 | lizmat++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
Add stubs for stuff inside the glossary already
ZoffixW Unless it's something trivial, like Lingua::Conjunction and Number::Denominal (P5) / Number::Denominate (P6) that I ported. 14:47
Woodi ZoffixW: I very miss bruteforce C API in Perl6 :) then things could be builded on top of this
ZoffixW But even then, I changed the interfaces because P6 has Types and stuff
Anyway. My 2 cents :)
pmurias_ nick pmurias
ZoffixW goes back to $doing-things
14:47 pmurias_ is now known as pmurias 14:48 ZoffixW left
nine Building packages with the Open Build Service really is a joy! 14:48
abraxxa as soon as DBDish::Oracle gets working on moarvm again I want to work on its API 14:49
14:49 pierre-vigier left
abraxxa Zoffix: we already started in making it more Perl6-ish by using - instead of - in the method names and returning typed values 14:50
I plan on refactoring the test suite into a (standalone) module (Test::DBDish?) to make running the same base tests against multiple DBD's easy
nine: is that a Suse thing? 14:51
14:51 gtodd joined
gtodd is there a way on perl6's rt to list all bugs posted by a particular user? 14:51
Woodi was realy shocked when saw that NCurses.pm6 looks complete :) krunen++ 14:52
El_Che stupid error I keep shooting myself in the foot. Have a attr $.name and a method name 14:53
RabidGravy and works and everything
nine abraxxa: yes, though it can create packages for openSUSE, SLES, Arch, Debian, Fedora, ScientificLinux, RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu and Univention 14:54
RabidGravy I'm struggling with "handles" today
14:55 pierre-vigier joined
lizmat adds a lemma stub for "handles" in the glossary 14:57
RabidGravy edit, I'm struggling with shell quoting today ;-) 14:58
m: class F { has @.bb handles ( "get-bb" => "AT-POS" ) = <a b c d>; }; say F.new.get-bb(1)
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«b␤»
timotimo yeah, shell quoting is the worst
i recommend an editor shortcut that evaluates the file for you :P 14:59
14:59 profan_ is now known as profan
[Coke] lizmat: yes; we have to answer all these questions for 2016.01 15:01
lizmat: we changed the release cycle last year after discussion.
lizmat: (the actual monthly date changed)
lizmat ok
[Coke] mainly because mid-week for a release makes it really hard for someone with a standard $DAYJOB to do the release. 15:02
lizmat okidoki, yeah, that makes sens 15:03
[Coke] is at $dayjob right now, so responses to convos may take an hour. :)
15:04 anaeem1 joined, psy_ joined, lnrdo left, anaeem1 left 15:05 psy_ left, lnrdo joined, lnrdo left, psy_ joined 15:06 lnrdo joined 15:10 _Vi joined
gtodd answers self: there is and I figured it out and e.g. Zefram's bugs are interesting :) ... 15:11
15:13 wamba joined
nine t/04-nativecall/15-rw-args.t ... Failed 16/22 subtests on openSUSE Factory i586: build.opensuse.org/package/live_bu...ctory/i586 15:13
15:13 muraiki joined
muraiki this is belated, but congrats to all on the Christmas release and thank you all for your hard work :) 15:14
15:14 nige1 left 15:16 khw joined
arnsholt nine: At a guess, 32bit vs. 64bit issue, since you're on a 32bit platform 15:18
FROGGS hmmm, I should try that on my 32bit ubuntu vm... 15:19
RabidGravy I found my PCDuino, when I have a couple of days to spare I may try building rakudo on it 15:20
15:21 lucasb left
Woodi days ? it takes so much time ? :) 15:21
arnsholt BTW, is "sub foo is native('foo')" intended to be deprecated?
konobi you could always try building rakudo for the kobo
RabidGravy it's like a 100Mhz single core ARM6 15:22
|Tux| m: say [+] (3..9).map(* **3)
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«2016␤»
|Tux| m: say [+] (3..9).map(***3)
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«7␤»
konobi (kobo aura is 1GHz, 256Mb armv7l)
15:22 CIAvash joined
loren Night, everyone .. 15:24
timotimo night loren 15:25
loren ^_^, o//
15:25 pierre-vigier left
RabidGravy arnsholt, not that I know of 15:25
lizmat m: say [+] (3..9).map: *³ # alas :-( 15:26
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«Cannot call Numeric(Whatever: ); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu:U \v: *%_)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/XDO3XXbpQP line 1␤␤»
15:27 sammers left, loren left 15:28 pjscott left
nine FROGGS: you here? 15:28
lizmat m: say "Hello world"
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«Hello world␤»
FROGGS nine: I am
nine FROGGS: looks like precompiled files contain the path of their source files. Does moar actually do anything with this?
FROGGS nine: perhaps for error reporting? 15:29
nine: I guess these strings are in the string heap... these are at least used for $?FILE 15:30
dalek p: 23b4314 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
[js] Stub nqp::settypefinalize.
p: 1c3a513 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/ (3 files):
[js] Basic nqp::getlexrel working only on nqp::curlexpad().

Might need to make it work for outer variables, etc. latter on.
p: 652b299 | (Pawel Murias)++ | t/nqp/77-curlexpad.t:
Basic tests for nqp::getlexrel, and nqp::existkeys with a outer variable
nine FROGGS: oh, I just noticed that even the .deps files contain the paths containting the BUILDROOT. Guess I'll have to check with flussence++ on how to avoid that. 15:31
arnsholt FROGGS: Is the intention to deprecate "is native('foo')"? If not, the warning really shouldn't be there 15:32
Ulti ooo p6doc has got all fancy 15:33
nine arnsholt: I'm actually wondering if it's too late to change the is native(('foo', v1)) to use some named argument for the version
15:33 pierre-vigier joined
arnsholt At a guess, probably not 15:35
But probably not, given how traits work 15:36
A separate version trait might be cleaner
FROGGS arnsholt: I dunno 15:37
llfourn this exists now in case anyone didn't see: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG_t23B8hDI #lizmat++ p6 talk
arnsholt TBH, I've been wanting to do some larger-scale cleaning in NativeCall for a while. Just no time ATM
Juerd lizmat: Thanks for adding the tests :) 15:38
lizmat Juerd: thanks for writing them! :-)
skids Really the "is native" version needs to allow specifying a bunch of ranges so authors can blacklist buggy releases of the target lib.
lizmat llfourn: it's just the quality of the video :-( 15:39
15:39 sammers joined
Juerd lizmat: Note that I screwed up the first post and the actual bug is in a reply. You're right that the thing that I initially posted does exactly the right thing. I copy/pasted the wrong lines. 15:39
skids (Though, going by the lib version these days when fixes are backported tends to be a mess anyway) 15:40
lizmat Juerd: yeah, figure that out later :-)
RabidGravy right I've type something like "has @.foo handles ('get-foo' => 'AT-POS');" more than three times now, time for a trait I think ;-)
llfourn lizmat: yes I am just discovering this. It seems you're face will be forever shrouded in darkness.
15:40 administ1ator left, nige1 joined
lizmat llfourn; not sure that's a bad thing :-) 15:41
arnsholt FROGGS: Well, there's an unavoidable warning if you don't do it, which is kinda annoying =) 15:42
15:42 pierre-vigier left 15:43 octoploid left, xinming_ joined 15:44 pierre-vigier joined 15:45 xinming left
dalek c: cf8a75e | lizmat++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
Another bunch of lemmas and stubs
pdcawley Is there a way of persuading the repl to accept/detect multi line statements? 15:47
15:47 lnrdo left
llfourn pdcawley: I don't think so. 15:48
(of course in the future this will be desireable)
pdcawley grins, "Patches welcome?"
[Coke] it's hard, or we'd have done it already. 15:49
mspo make ;'s mandatory with an option ;)
llfourn mmm it wouldn't be so bad if we could use Perl6::Grammar easily but right now you can't
[Coke] m: sub a ($a;$b) { say "a" } 15:50
camelia ( no output )
llfourn what does ; do in a sig?
FROGGS pdcawley: the parser is designed to know where a safe point of statement parsing is... though, one would need to port that from STD to rakudo
[Coke] pdcawley: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=112634
pdcawley [Coke]: Really? Stash the code in a buffer, attempt to execute it, if the error implies an EOF before the end of a parse, carry the buffer over to the next line.
llfourn i know what ;; does
FROGGS pdcawley: timotimo and me already tried without much success
pdcawley: IIRC it was about a magic "moreinput" token 15:51
timotimo nothing i try successes :)
moritz pdcawley: it's not that easy; the regex engine uses length of the input string all over the place to check if stuff can match or not
pdcawley run the equivalent of perl -c on the buffer, only actually execute the buffer if the -c passes.
15:51 psy_ left
[Coke] pdcawley: please give it a shot. 15:51
moritz pdcawley: so there's no clear "have we reached EOF?"
mspo blank line? 15:52
pdcawley moritz: So... perl -c could continue failing forever, if you fucked up the statement?
[Coke] pdcawley: right. you need help from the parser to make this work, or how do you tell between "bad" and "not done" 15:53
15:53 FROGGS left
pdcawley [Coke]: Hackish approach: User input a blank line, she must be done, just execute the buffer and let the chips fall where they may. 15:53
15:53 zhi left
pdcawley [Coke]: clearly not the Right Thing long term, but implementable now. 15:54
(I hope!)
Where's the REPL to be found in the source.
mspo pdcawley: hacks that work work best
pdcawley mspo: Cheat all you want, but don't get caught :) 15:55
mspo now if you could up-arrow your previous multi-line statement, bump into vi mode to move around, and then :w prog.pl6 after it works
nine Oh my....both my GPW talk submissions have been accepted
cxreg [Coke]: bad and not-done are the same thing until instructed otherwise by the typist?
awwaiid nine: come to dcbpw
yoleaux 08:03Z <nine> awwaiid: Congrats on your progress on Inline::Ruby! Piece of advice: don't map language constructs in one language to constructs in the other language unless they really match semantically. Because one day someone will use code that looks very closely and discovers you cheating.
08:21Z <nine> awwaiid: I was saying that if there for example is no "symbol" thingy in Perl 6, I'd write a class that mimicks its behavior and can be mapped back to Ruby symbols without ambiguity.
mspo or can vim just be the repl somehow? 15:56
stmuk_ :!perl6 % 15:57
nine awwaiid: I've never been to the US, and I'm not particularily attracted to crossing that border...
awwaiid yoleaux: good point -- what I've done in other cases is to make a separate "sugar" lib, and anyone who uses it is then opting-in to weirdness.
cxreg [Coke]: it's how node's repl works, you just get "... " forever. once you expect that the statement is done, if you still have "... " you can ^C to interrupt the broken input
mspo kind of like erlang and emacs
awwaiid nine: ah, that's too bad. I guess I'll have to come over there sometime instead 15:58
15:58 gabiruh joined
mspo although as a non-emacs using the connection was off-putting 15:58
also the erlang repl/interactive env has weird limitations
cxreg [Coke]: gist.github.com/cxreg/e1a88edcb70e734baece 15:59
pdcawley: you also
16:00 wamba left
pdcawley cxreg: you've implemented it? 16:00
moritz awwaiid: a good opportunity would be the German Perl Workshop in March :-)
cxreg no, this is what node.js does
it's quite elegant
[Coke] cxreg: not perfect, but seems better than the current situation. I think part of the issue is that we were going for ideal, and since -that- is hard...
moritz awwaiid: nine++ is coming and giving two talks on Perl 6, in fact :-)
awwaiid: act.yapc.eu/gpw2016/
cxreg [Coke]: yeah it is. 16:01
[Coke] there are a HUGE number of nativecall warnings running against 6.c
cxreg i have minor quibbles with that repl, in that it doesn't distinguish between various errors and often leaves you with "..." when it knows better. but we could do better.
16:02 xpen left
lizmat cycling& 16:02
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RabidGravy boom boom boom boom 16:06
awwaiid moritz: I need to work some place that considers conferences with "perl" in the name as reimbursable :( . But I'll look into it 16:08
cxreg awwaiid: tell them it's RakudoCon 16:09
llfourn awwaiid: just tell them YAPC stands for something else
cxreg Yet Another Profit Center
llfourn lol 16:10
[Coke] I started keep a list of things I know we need to address before 2016.01 - gist.github.com/coke/2d5f2c63eda7cc890eda
mspo Yearly Annual Prostate Check
then submit it to your insurance
llfourn The A should stand for Agile and C - cloud
mspo ugh, missed a joke on the 'A'
[Coke] the conference is cheap enough, it's the travel that gets me. :|
Yahoo Agile Pascal Cloud 16:11
llfourn [Coke]++ except for Pascal lol
mspo maybe a perl6 program could generate these
AlexDaniel m: my @a = ^10; say(|@a);
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«0123456789␤»
pdcawley So... where in the source does one find the repl? 16:12
Woodi awwaiid: simplest way to get to conference is if your company sponsor it :)
AlexDaniel m: my @a = ^10; say join(|@a);
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«10203040506070809␤»
16:12 colomon_ joined
llfourn Yougsters Agilely Programming the Cloud 16:12
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lucs m: sub foo (%h?) { say join(" - ", %h.defined) }; foo(); foo({}); # How to distinguish between the two cases? 16:13
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«True␤True␤»
[Coke] pdcawley: I would start with src/Perl6/Compiler.nqp // interactive
that points at HLL::Compiler's interactive
lucs m: sub foo (%h?) { say %h.defined }; foo(); foo({}); # (Simpler, eh) 16:14
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«True␤True␤»
[Coke] and I think that is at nqp/src/HLL/Compiler.nqp
16:16 araujo left
pdcawley [Coke]: Cool. Perl6::Compiler is a bit high level then? 16:16
16:17 boegel left
pdcawley [Coke]: Hmm... seems so... 16:18
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dalek c: 627b289 | (Jake Russo)++ | bin/p6doc:
Refactor show-docs & change no-pager to a no-op

Update Windows support in show-docs sub Made original ternary more idiomatic as per @jnthn's comment in PR #311. Added another ternary to support no-pager mode in Windows.
Refactor show-docs & turn no-pager into no-op
c: ca3ea2b | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | bin/p6doc:
Merge pull request #312 from MadcapJake/master

Refactor show-docs & change no-pager handling
16:24 siriu5b_ left
hoelzro pdcawley: what kind of stuff do you want to do with the REPL? 16:24
16:24 hahainternet left
pdcawley hoelzro: initially just allow some kind of multiline input a la things like the node repl. 16:25
RabidGravy concludes that "lazy built attribute with a delegate" is better handled by handles on a method
hoelzro ah ha
16:26 boegel left
hoelzro I think BEGIN blocks and other compile-time behaviors may make that interesting, but it would probably be an improvement over what we have atm 16:26
pdcawley: the code you want to look at is almost definitely in HLL::Compiler
pdcawley hoelzro: Cool. 16:27
lucs m: sub foo (%h?) { say %h.defined }; foo(); foo({}); # So, how to distinguish between no %h argument passed vs an empty one? (I mistakenly thought .defined would work)
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«True␤True␤»
Skarsnik nine, you probably could have a named parameter aside the list parameter for version on NC, not sure how that work in a trait thou
16:27 MadcapJake left
mspo this? github.com/perl6/nqp/blob/master/s...mpiler.nqp 16:27
hoelzro as [Coke] pointed out, the interactive method
mspo: that's the one
mspo hoelzro: it's difficult to reason about where the source for things will live :) 16:28
pdcawley hoelzro: cool. Are there docs anywhere on how the source is laied out?
RabidGravy Skarsnik, named parameters in traits work fine
hoelzro mspo, pdcawley: I happen to have given a talk on that very thing =)
pdcawley If i grab rakudo and do perl ./Configure.pl --gen-nqp, will I have a sane checkout? 16:29
hoelzro you should, yes
16:29 cygx joined
cygx m: sub foo (Associative $h?) { say $h.defined }; foo(); foo({}) 16:29
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«False␤True␤»
hoelzro let me know if there's anything unclear in those slides; I tried to annotate them as best I could
[Coke] pdcawley: it won't be on master, necessarily.
lucs cygx: Oho. Thanks.
[Coke] --gen-nqp=master should get you the latest and greatest.
hoelzro hmm, unfortunately, I don't cover Perl6::Compiler in that talk =/ 16:30
pdcawley [Coke]: but rakudo/nqp will be a git repo?
mspo $code := $code ~ "\n"; ;; change that to \n\n ?
cygx lucs: not sure if it should work with the % sigil 16:31
I'd probably vore for yes
16:31 boegel joined
cygx % variable are containerish, but parameters are bound, not assigned 16:31
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[Coke] pdcawley: yes. 16:34
pdcawley is confused. AFAICT, the master implementation of interactive does have logic for getting multiple lines....
Skarsnik [Coke], for me a major issue for the next rakudo release is being easily 'packagable'
timotimo pdcawley: i think that's for when you end your line in a backslash
[Coke] Skarsnik: how is the compiler not?
Or are you saying you want a Rakudo * ? 16:35
pdcawley timotimo: I thought I tried that...
cygx on the other hand, you'd then have to write something like sub foo(%opt = {}) {...} to get current %opt? semantics
Skarsnik there was some issue/bug with like bootstrap.pl or panda, that make the whole thing hard to package 16:36
16:36 pmurias joined
pdcawley timotimo: Yup... the version that gets installed by rakudobrew build moar treats a \ terminator as an error. 16:36
Skarsnik bug in precomp and such (maybe they get fixed, I am blaming noone)
[Coke] Ok. I need RTs or PRs or commit ids if you have 'em.
16:37 geck left
[Coke] then I have something actionable I can check a box on when cutting a release. 16:37
mspo can you just replace share/nqp/lib/Perl6/Compiler.moarvm?
cygx m: sub foo (%h = Hash) { say $h.defined }; foo(); foo({})
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/zUiq1j134G␤Variable '$h' is not declared. Did you mean '%h'?␤at /tmp/zUiq1j134G:1␤------> 3sub foo (%h = Hash) { say 7⏏5$h.defined }; foo(); foo({})␤»
cygx m: sub foo (%h = Hash) { say %h.defined }; foo(); foo({})
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«False␤True␤»
skids [Coke] I've seen a lot of people fighting with getting a centrally installed rakudo to play nice with user local directories for precomps and other such issues.
cygx lucs: ^^^ if you prefer the %-sigil
hoelzro mspo: just replace? what are you trying to do? 16:38
mspo hoelzro: screw around with the repl?
lucs cygx++ Nice, thanks again.
timotimo pdcawley: hm, maybe it comes with Linenoise or Readline for some reason?
pdcawley Hmm... and a quick look at that source says that rakudobrew install moar is using \\ detection. 16:39
[Coke] timotimo: verified, ending with a \ works with linenoise.
hoelzro mspo: if you want to edit the REPL, you should probably edit src/Perl6/Compiler.nqp and do a make install
[Coke] (and without, does not)
16:39 raoulvdberge joined
.oO(Maybe someone who has been trying to package could summarize the IRC logs on the matter.)
pdcawley so... panda install Linenoise should do the trick? 16:40
16:40 _mg_ left
pdcawley bingo! 16:40
mspo hoelzro: not HLL/Compiler.nqp?
hoelzro mspo: that too, depending on what you need to do 16:41
mspo find ./ -name "Compiler.nqp"|wc -l -> 8
pdcawley It'd still be nice to be able to copy/paste a chunk of code into the repl without having to fix it up first, but that's splendid.
hoelzro we could change the REPL so that if a chunk doesn't compile with an EOF encountered error, it automatically appends the backslash 16:42
mspo linenoise is referenced a lot in the code 16:43
why isn't it just installed by default?
hoelzro but that could cause problems with BEGIN
mspo: we don't bundle a lot of modules with Rakudo itself
just Pod::*, Test, and NativeCall, IIRC
Pod::* and Test for bootstrapping reasons, and NC because it's so tightly coupled to the implementation 16:44
timotimo OK
hoelzro when I wrote Linenoise, we thought "don't bundle unless we need to"
mspo but it's referenced by name all over the place 16:45
16:45 hahainternet joined
hoelzro it's loaded if available 16:45
so is Readline
pdcawley Hmm... I _think_ there's some weirdness going on between Perl6::Compiler and HLL::Compiler 16:46
16:47 lnrdo joined
hoelzro I wonder if $code ends with "\n" without Linenoise, and with "\\" with Linenoise 16:47
mspo hoelzro: if it's referenced by name and adds good functionality and is unlikely to be replaced by something else...
pdcawley when P6::C calls HLL::Compiler's interactive, it seems to be passing in a nqp:readlinefh rather than a bare fh. I can't spot the implementation of readlinefh, but I'd not be surprised to find that the simple variant is either doing something clever, or not clever enough.
hoelzro I'm not opposed to bundling Linenoise with Rakudo, but there's definitely not a lot of love for Linenoise among people I've talked to 16:48
mspo the current repl is rough without anything
hoelzro you can use rlwrap as well 16:49
mspo yes but why have these options with varying degrees of functionality? :)
hoelzro well, the reason for Linenoise vs Readline is licensing
pdcawley Hmm... tests imply that nqp::readlinefh($stdin) grabs the line _and_ the separator. 16:50
hoelzro we can't distribute Readline with Rakudo, afaik
pdcawley: that's consistent with my theory
mspo gnu readline?
hoelzro mspo: yes
mspo what about bsd libedit instead?
cygx mspo: windows support
hoelzro if someone writes a binding, we can use that =)
and what cygx said
pdcawley So simpleminded readlinefh(...) given "foo\\\n" won't match the check in HLL::Compile::Interactive
16:51 domidumont left
pdcawley Is chomp available in nqp? 16:51
mspo powershell might jfw?
hoelzro there's readlinechompfh
pdcawley: ^
16:51 yqt joined
hoelzro .oO( which I just learned about ) 16:51
16:52 IWONDER joined 16:53 IWONDER is now known as Guest55396
llfourn .tell lizmat The backstory part of your presentation was great. Pitty I couldn't see the slides for the more slide assisted parts :) 16:53
yoleaux llfourn: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
dalek c: 7124341 | (Stéphane Payrard)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod:
small clarification
pdcawley grins at hoelzro
16:57 Ch0c0late joined, abraxxa left
timotimo i wonder if the perl6 grammar objects are friendly to lazy loading ... 16:58
and if not, how to improve that
... how to figure out that? ...
16:59 lucasb joined
pdcawley Arsebiscuits, changing HLL::Compiler::readline doesn't seem to do the trick. 16:59
16:59 lnrdo left
hoelzro timotimo: lazy loading? how do you mean? 17:00
timotimo lazy deserialization
hoelzro pdcawley: what was the change you made?
timotimo you know about that?
17:00 lnrdo joined
pdcawley hoelzro: change the 'readlinefh' in that method to 'readlinechompfh' 17:00
hoelzro did you recompile both NQP and rakudo?
pdcawley hoelzro: Thought I had, but can't swear to it. 17:02
hoelzro: Is there a trick to it? (cd nqp; make); make doesn't seem to be doing anything at the rakudo level. 17:03
hoelzro do a make install at NQP
then a Configure.pl --gen-nqp && make install at the rakudo one
changing NQP will probably make rakudo angry with its current state
pdcawley ah... make install!
timotimo that's right; rakudo depends on the exact version of some of the NQP moarvm files 17:06
pdcawley hoelzro: Bing. O! 17:08
So... now to make a pull request for my first perl 6 contribution since I was writing weekly summaries :)
hoelzro \o/ 17:09
timotimo were you doing the weekly summaries before xfix took over?
GlitchMr was his previous name, right?
lucasb didn't the REPL had multiline support in the past? But I guess nobody liked it, that's why it's gone? 17:10
17:10 glucosade joined
timotimo it has the \ at the end support if you have linenoise 17:10
17:11 nzkindest left
lucasb well, I don't use the real REPL. I use a ad-hoc thing like 'rlwrap repl.sh echo6.sh' 17:12
timotimo tbh, i try to avoid the repl at all costs
lucasb it spawns one instance of rakudo for every evaluation
timotimo ah 17:13
dalek p: 942aaa8 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/ (5 files):
[js] Implement nqp::bindhllsym, nqp::gethllsym.
p: 346adce | (Pawel Murias)++ | t/nqp/97-hll.t:
Test nqp::bindhllsym, nqp::gethllsym.
17:15 SwellJoe joined
lucasb I tried to understand jnthn's gist but it was not clear to me *when* will rakudo stop targeting 6.c and start targeting 6.d 17:15
[Coke]: what do you mean by 'Need to decide on 6.c track vs. 6.d track' ? 17:16
dalek p: 0a6abdd | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/bin/run_tests.pl:
Make js-all run test 97.
[Coke] lucasb: are we going to have separate releases of rakudo for 6.c and 6.d-pre, or a single release that does both? Or ...
The leaning before jnthn went on vacation was, I think, a single release. This has already been made difficult by the commits that have landed on nom. 17:18
pdcawley timotimo: I was doing weekly summaries back when parrot was the only game in town and Dan Sugalski was desperately trying to corral Leo
17:18 zakharyas left
pdcawley timotimo: and it was all on mailing lists. 17:18
timotimo wow, you go way back 17:19
Skarsnik hm, could it be interesting have something like eval that just support data dump and not real code?
mspo bsd libedit doesn't seem to let me type «utf8»
at least not in netbsd's ftp 17:20
tony-o m: (0..5000).pick.say; 17:21
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«3429␤»
lucasb if 6.d is going to be a superset of 6.c, then I think there wouldn't be no problem. but seems it's not going to be a superset, right? they will have conflicting features... maybe?
tony-o NAILED IT
[Coke] there are already conflicts on nom. 17:22
(since changes were made that force 6.c tests to fail)
17:23 pierre-vigier left
lucasb [Coke]++ thanks for worrying and taking care of this 17:23
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pdcawley PR submitted. 17:24
timotimo: I wasn't actually there when the coffeecups were thrown, but I took over the summaries from Simon Cozens who, I think, was. 17:25
timotimo :)
17:25 yurivish_ left
pdcawley A remarkably satisfying job, but bloody hell, was it time consuming. 17:26
17:28 wamba joined
lucasb just sharing a idea for repl feature: to support repl commands like ':set foo' or ',set foo'. and then have 3 modes: line mode, paragraph mode and dot mode. line mode ends at EOL. paragraph ends at empty line (two \n\n). dot mode ends in a line consisting of only a single dot '.', like ed text editor. then one could change the modes with commands ":set mode line", etc. 17:30
but anyways, this is not P6 specific, just a generic REPL idea.
17:30 pierre-vigier left
lucasb and maybe it's too much stuff for what one would expect from a simple repl 17:31
pdcawley Hmm... am I reading this right, the backend/stages as far as HLL::Compiler is concerned accept strings not streams? 17:34
17:36 lnrdo left
RabidGravy lawks, precompilation is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay slow on the RPi 17:36
17:37 pmurias left
TimToady is there anything that isn't slow on the RPi? :P 17:37
yoleaux 04:27Z <Zoffix> TimToady: unless someone else looked into it, there's a wrong useless sink context warning: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127147
ugexe wait till you try precompiling modules on the jvm with rpi
pdcawley Because if they _could_ accept streams, then the repl could have some kind of 'code stream' that does 'readlines' on demand and let the backend pull code...
17:37 lnrdo joined
pdcawley (And if the stream 'knows' the parser it's feeding, could even vary the prompt on parser state). 17:38
TimToady drove to SoCal and back yesterday, so should be more available toady ;)
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hoelzro pdcawley: streaming grammars would be really nice 17:39
pdcawley hoelzro: Does perl6 -e file convert file to a string before feeding the grammar? Or does it pass a filehandle? 17:40
hoelzro I'm actually not sure 17:41
it reads the whole file into memory 17:42
(src/HLL/Compiler.nqp:method evalfiles)
pdcawley Oh. Drat. 17:43
17:43 Guest55396 left
pdcawley That's... annoying. 17:43
hoelzro yeah =/
17:43 cygx left 17:44 pierre-vigier joined
hoelzro I would love it if we could have SAX-y grammar objects, that return a continuation or something when they can still parse more, yield action method objects to callbacks at certain levels, and discard the AST at certain points 17:44
mainly for writing things like an XMPP client
lunch &
pdcawley hoelzro: I don't even care about that. Just a grammar that consumes something that does a stream role would let the repl be more capable without having to talk to the grammar much at all. 17:45
hoelzro yeah, I'm just laying out my dream, which probably won't happen until (6.d|6.e) 17:46
pdcawley All it has to do is, when the grammar calls for more characters from the buffer and there is none, call readline
hoelzro the thing is, for stream-based grammars to work, you'd need the VM to understand streams
but what are streams but callbacks that yield strings?
really-lunch-now &
17:47 lnrdo left
pdcawley hoelzro: I suppose for what I'm thinking about, a something akin to a tied string would allow for a smarter repl... 17:47
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pdcawley hoelzro: Assuming we don't do too much backtracking in the parse, the parser is essentially treating the code buffer as a stream. 17:48
TimToady we've had Cat strings specced for streaming purposes a long time now, but nobody got around to implementing them yet 17:50
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TimToady shouldn't actually be terribly difficult since we already use ropes underneath 17:50
hankache hello #perl6
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pdcawley TimToady: Implementable at the NQP level? Or deeper? 17:51
TimToady but I'll bet there're still plenty of places where the code assumes it can take the length of a string
ropes in MoarVM anyway
dunno how that maps in jvm-land
17:52 nzkindest joined
konobi pmurias: have any more luck with the JS backend? 17:53
pdcawley TimToady: Sounds like it's not something I'd be comfortable trying to implement if it needs to be done in Moar. Shame. 17:54
pmurias konobi: with implementing Cat string, or you mean how are things on the JS backend going?
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konobi pmurias: just how things on the JS backend are going... has beena while since i had a chance to look 17:55
17:56 llfourn left
pmurias mostly implementing various missing nqp ops, etc. will apply soon for a grant to work on getting the backend to support rakudo 17:58
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pmurias fixed a MoarVM bug that was causing random build failures for the backend 17:58
pdcawley TimToady: where would I find the Cat string spec? 18:00
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TimToady well, it's more like mentioned various places without going deeply into it 18:03
RabidGravy gosh, testing the module on a RPi is tedious 18:04
TimToady S03, S32/Str, S32/Containers, one mention in S05
18:05 kjs_ joined, pmurias joined
TimToady RabidGravy: maybe you need to read a good book in parallel? :) 18:05
Alternately, write a JIT for that arch... 18:06
RabidGravy :)
pmurias konobi: nqp-js fails 3 t/nqp tests (which are problematic for various reasons), I'm currently working on stuff that's untested but needed for rakudo
konobi: got to afk&
18:07 pmurias left 18:08 lucasb left
ZoffixW RabidGravy, do @other-languages run well on RPi? Like Python, Ruby, etc 18:09
timotimo python has the benefit of being a super simple implementation, using super little ram and such 18:10
RabidGravy dunno about Ruby, but python is one of the recommended languages
but, by jove, this thing actually works! WE HAVE BLINKEN LIGHTS! 18:11
ZoffixW :o
TimToady how jovial!
timotimo cool
Skarsnik RabidGravy, do a small video! 18:12
ZoffixW ^
timotimo if someone manages to somehow implement the correct lifecycle of NFA objects, we could have smaller .moarvm files and less deserialization work for most cases
hint hint
they'd "just" have to complete my "nfatostatelist" branch
Skarsnik Could be cool to have it in the weekly repport for fun x)
timotimo it's a bit more involved than what i'd consider an entry-level task 18:13
i was hoping i could get TimToady to do it :)
ZoffixW This is pretty disheartening. 5 minutes prior to the death of www.p6c.org this morning, I see cron ran "Jan 4 10:20:01 www CRON[17803]: (modules.perl6.org) CMD (bash update-modules.perl6.org)" 18:14
Not that it implicates it in the death, but still :P
timotimo BBIAB
Skarsnik Zoffix, I still have the weid issue with m.p6.org x) 18:15
let me reccord
18:16 lnrdo_ joined, lnrdo left 18:17 kjs_ left
Skarsnik Zoffix, www.twitch.tv/skarsnikus/v/33576143 18:17
ZoffixW Mr. Nutz nuts? 18:18
Skarsnik It's an arbitrary category for the game Mr. Nutz (too lazy to change my stream title) 18:21
18:22 lnrdo joined 18:24 lnrdo_ left, nzkindest left
pdcawley TimToady: Hmm... Cat does look very useful; It'd be lovely if grammar engine was written against some Cat interface rather than a full Str. 18:24
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: 4f7d360 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | public/js/main.js:
Don"t focus search box if scroll is not at top
ZoffixW Skarsnik, there. Fixed forever! :)
18:26 nzkindest joined
pdcawley TimToady: Ah... I see 'Stringy' in the list of types. I guess that's the interface one would hope it's written to. 18:27
Skarsnik Zoffix, I don't know if you notice, the page preload stuff before displaying the right content
ZoffixW Skarsnik, yeah, I notice that. It's not really a preload, it's the search box getting swapped from the JS-less version to the JS version 18:28
TimToady nqp uses nqp::chars to determine end-of-string in 20 or so places, looks like
18:28 lnrdo left 18:29 lnrdo joined 18:30 bbkr left
TimToady so there'd be a bit of work to make EOS determination data-driven rather than position driven, but not comceptually difficult 18:30
18:31 pierre-vigier left
TimToady at least we did some work last year to make moarvm not quite so exception-happy on looking beyond EOS, which helps 18:33
18:36 PerlJam joined, pierre-vigier joined 18:37 vendethiel joined
pdcawley TimToady: I'm thinking about it in terms of a smarter REPL, but I'm thinking it'd be useful for all sorts of parsing situations, no? 18:37
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TimToady to really be useful in stream parsing, we'd also have to implement <cut> to discard the front of a string, fsdo "discard" 18:42
pdcawley TimToady: do we actually have stream parsing? 18:43
TimToady not without Cat
just sayin' we also have to worry about sinks as well as sources
pdcawley TimToady: Am I misunderstanding the current implementation that seems to be implemented in terms of cursors?
TimToady well, a cursor has an offset into a string
pdcawley TimToady: internally, yes, but the interface that the parser works to? 18:44
TimToady yes, the API is mostly relative there, though we do expose .from and .to
those would need to be recase as 'offset since we started', not necessarily an offset from a memory location 18:45
18:45 nzkindest left
TimToady presumably a Cat that is emulating a string interface can have an initial offset to the head as well as a lazy tail 18:46
pdcawley So, no promises that you could actually get back to something you already read. If you need that, you hold onto it yourself, or hold onto another cursor.
TimToady <cut> is for explicitly throwing away the head
but nYI
pdcawley nYI?
TimToady not yet implemented
pdcawley Ah. 18:47
TimToady with bogus caps :)
Cat has been specced for most of a decade already...
pdcawley TimToady: But the spec hasn't been written down :)
TimToady just hasn't bubbled up to the top of anyone's todo list
nine [Coke]: I think we really need to figure out how to implement jnthn's suggestion of a separate, overlay setting for 6.d and then move the changes we did to nom there. At least the changes that break 6.c 18:48
18:48 raoulvdberge left 18:49 alpha123 joined
TimToady looks like argfiles and something about leap seconds are the two breakers at the moment 18:50
stmuk_ didn't jnthn recommend two branches nom and master and one of those was 6.c (although I can't remember which and don't have the gist on this machine) 18:51
18:51 nzkindest joined 18:52 spider-mario joined, llfourn joined
pdcawley TimToady: So, about the first thing I tried to do in Perl 6 involved trying to have sets of value objects and I couldn't work out how to do that without more tapdancing than I wanted to think about, second thing I try to do is have a repl that happily accepts incomplete statements and only triggers eval at the end of an expression a la perl repls. I'm not deliberately trying to pick holes :) 18:52
mst pdcawley: have you found a problem that the repro steps for blew up larry's dev env yet? 18:54
pdcawley: because if not, you're still doing better than me :D
pdcawley mst: Crikey!
No. No I haven't.
mst: Were you poking at it again?
18:55 Actualeyes left, hankache left
nine [Coke]: in my view a new release has to contain: git log 2015.12..nom -- src/core/CompUnit 18:55
pdcawley right. Must go. Should've gone hours ago. 18:56
TimToady I think we should include all the bug fixes that aren't the two breakers, or why do we have a test suite anyway?
for sure my loop fix has to go in 18:57
moritz why do we even have breakers?
TimToady and several LTAs have been improved
18:58 yqt left, llfourn left
TimToady because inertia; people are still in a bleeding-edge dev mindset, I imagine :) 18:58
moritz so, can we just revert them? 18:59
TimToady we all need to be a little more deliberate about that now
well, that's one way to "branch", I guess, but not the only way
moritz when do we want to incorporate breaking changes again? 19:00
TimToady it's not like a revert is anything irreversible though
19:00 mojca joined
moritz because I hate long-lived branches 19:00
mojca who maintains the contents of rakudo.org/how-to-get-rakudo ?
moritz mojca: I have editing privileges, if that's what you're asking
TimToady well, maintenance branches are by definition long-lived... 19:01
moritz I don't quite consider myself a maintainer though
mojca moritz, would it be possible to add further instructions about installing rakudo on OS X?
There are three package managers for OS X
TimToady it's hard enough maintaining the dev branch :)
mojca Current instructions are fine for Homebrew, but instructions for MacPorts would be nice
moritz mojca: if you give me somthing copy&pastable that is helpful, I can paste it in 19:02
19:02 pierre-vigier left
mojca Rakudo Star is available from Homebrew -> Homebrew and MacPorts 19:02
[Coke] mojca: you cut an R* for macports? Danke.
19:02 pierre-vigier joined
awwaiid pdcawley: for repl-land, feel free to poke at LREP 19:03
TimToady awwaiid: is that the one that was based on moreinput in the grammar?
PerlJam wonders how long it will take before mojca gets editing privs for that page and becomes the de facto "maintainer" ;)
nine moritz: have you read this? gist.github.com/jnthn/f3a691016c20f0cc4cfa
stmuk_ gist.github.com/jnthn/f3a691016c20f0cc4cfa 19:04
moritz for the record: colomon_, FROGGS, hoelzro, jnthn, lue/ShimmerFairy, myself, PerlJam, pmichaud, raiph, tadzik, timotimo and Util have editing privs on rakudo.org
stmuk_ snap! stmuk-- too slow
mojca moritz: "To install rakudo perl and panda: 'sudo port install rakudo panda'. To install modules: 'panda install Task::Star'."
that is, if the instructions should tell the user how to install rakudo-star; rakudo-star doesn't exist on its own 19:05
stmuk_ ah nom=dev release=master
19:05 xtreak joined
mojca [Coke]: I didn't understand 19:05
awwaiid TimToady: no, it is not fancy at all other than using a middleware-based plugin system; otherwise it is just linenoise, nested lexical scope magic, and an "LREP::here" command to conveniently start a repl... "here" 19:06
stmuk_ maybe branch master from dev and revert the changes which break roast 6.c?
Skarsnik mojca, rakudo-star are a fixed release of rakudo + select module. Task::Star is not the same x)
stmuk_ s/dev/nom
mojca moritz: sorry, actually, "Rakudo Star" is not directly available
moritz mojca: I'm not a big fan of this approach; Rakudo Star is there to bundle versions of modules that work with a particular compiler version
mojca I only noticed that I tried to edit the sentence in the wrong way
19:06 cpage_ joined
moritz mojca: doing a "panda install Task::Star" doesn't give us that 19:06
mojca ok, sorry 19:07
Skarsnik moritz, can you bump a version of dbiish for R* btw? I am not sure how to do that
mojca then maybe just mention installing rakudo alone
I tried to package rakudo-star, but the December release hasn't been available yet
TimToady perhaps Task::Star is a bit misnamed
19:07 raoulvdberge joined
mojca else, if someone can help me figure out how to package rakudo-star as an "add-on" to moarvm, npq, rakudo & panda, that would be great 19:08
moritz nine, stmuk_, TimToady: I've skimmed this proposal before, and mostly liked it. Now on second read-through, I'm not sure what we do when somebody does commit backwards incompatible changes to nom; if nobody takes "defensive" actions, there'll never be a merge into master again
mojca it would be a bit stupid to have two packages, rakudo and rakudo-star, conflicting with each other
moritz mojca: yes, we need to cut a Star release; it's absence shouldn't encourage us to write misleading documetnation 19:09
mojca it would be better to have rakudo-star depend on rakudo
19:09 protium joined
moritz mojca: right, that's the sane approach (rakudo-star being a kind of meta package that depends on rakudo + modules) 19:09
mojca but which modules?
how do I know what else to package and how? 19:10
ZoffixW Well, I give up with figuring out why www.p6c.org died. I see nothing in the logs other than testers.perl6.org barfing some sort of JSON into syslog, but that's been happening for ages. Nothing in web server logs. There's 1800MB of free RAM+swap, so all good. The last command I see was the start of the modules.perl6.org DB build and I reviewed all of its code and don't see anything that would make it use all of that RAM from its normal 180KB run
moritz mojca: star has a list of modules that it includes
ZoffixW ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
moritz mojca: github.com/rakudo/star/tree/master/modules
mojca: how? dunno; never packaged anything for the mac
mojca moritz, this is not a mac-specific question 19:11
I could ask the same question for linux
assuming that rakudo, nqp, moarvm, panda are already installed: what's the easiest way to install exactly the specified modules? 19:12
to match rakudo-star 201x.y
19:12 kjs_ joined
moritz mojca: well, with Debian packages, I'd create one package per module 19:12
mojca: and probably some tooling analogous to dh-make-perl to make that less arduous manually
mojca and then rakudo-star would depend on all those modules?
moritz yes
or, if that's too much work, one rakudo-star-modules package 19:13
or maybe rakudo-star contains them directly, and depends on rakudo to provide the compiler
you can get creative :-) 19:14
mojca in perl5 we are currently fighting because there are more than 1000 packages and hardly enough maintainers, so most modules get outdated very soon
so having some simple single package for now with these modules might be handy
[Coke] I still argue that making R* available via ports at all seems odd. if ports want to make a distro, they can. 19:15
moritz ... and probably be a nightmare to do properly because you have to track the license for each module etc.
19:15 MadcapJake joined
[Coke] (one package per module) that way lies insanity unless we have a way to automate it. (yes, I know people already do this, it's still crazy) 19:15
mojca all in all, would it be bad to list "sudo port install rakudo" on the website then even if rakudo-star won't be available as such 19:16
[Coke], for perl5 we have cpan2port to create a package, but it's a nightmare
19:16 FROGGS joined
[Coke] yah. I would like folks to think if there's ab etter way to handle modules when dealing with a packaging system than the status quo. 19:17
(I mean, there may not be.)
mojca in addition to well over 1000 modules, they would multiply with a factor of up to 7 (when we still provided perl5.8, 5.10, 5.12, 5.14, 5.16, 5.18, 5.20)
ZoffixW :o 19:18
mojca for perl6 we need to find a better way :)
FROGGS o/ 19:19
TimToady would be nice if there was a way to calculate maintrot
moritz mojca: and it already has great tooling, so "more automation" doesn't seem to be the solution
mojca the thing is, if some software needs a specific module, the package manager has to provide that module to satisfy the dependency
so again, would it be acceptable to list just "sudo port install rakudo" for now? It might take a while until we figure out the best way to package rakudo-star. 19:21
moritz I'm painfully aware of that (I maintain lots of internal debian modules for $work)
mojca: I can add that, yes
[Coke] so, TL;DR, I'm Ok with telling people that if they want something R* like, they can "sudo port install panda" and then "panda install Task::Star" until we think of something cleverer.
19:21 araujo_ joined, lichtkind joined
mojca Initially I wanted to package rakudo including moarvm and nqp, but everyone told me that I should package them separately, so I did 19:21
lichtkind colomon / pierre-vigier ping 19:22
mojca HomeBrew has just a single package that ships everything together
moritz, thank you
moritz mojca: rakudo.org/how-to-get-rakudo/ updated 19:23
FROGGS: please push your panda bootstrapping branch to rakudo/star 19:24
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: c0174a8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/02-db-builder/02-github-source-and-source-base-class.t:
href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: 6fbbb01 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | modules.perl6.org-init.d:
Add init.d script in the repo

Note: it is NOT automatically updated from commits
href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: edbd65f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | Build.PL:
Add Toadfarm into prereqs
mojca moritz, thanks again; just for completeness, there exists "port info rakudo", but I don't think it's necessary to write a complete tutorial
FROGGS moritz: yes, I'm preparing it atm
moritz mojca: aye; I guess port users will know about that 19:25
[Coke] mojca: I'm willing to defer to you on macports (assuming I was the only person pushing for separate packages)
I only started down that road because it let me have a fairly standalone port with little effort on the build step.
19:26 araujo left
mojca [Coke], can you please elaborate that about separate packages and you being the only one for that? 19:26
[Coke] mojca: I don't know how to elaborate on that. 19:27
I can restate it: Do what you want with macports. 19:28
mojca I would like to be at least somewhat compatible with upstream and not reinvent the wheel
[Coke] If you have a recommendation for macports, I'd trust your recommendation sooner than any plan I had. 19:29
19:29 lnrdo left
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: 2521003 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | DEPLOYMENT.md:
Add "TroubleShooting" section

Explain what it is and how to debug the "Service Not Available" error from Apache
mojca [Coke], I only hope that someone will manage to fix paths of MoarVM's dependency and I will need further guidance about panda 19:30
but at least it kind-of-works for now
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: c321849 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | DEPLOYMENT.md:
ZoffixW moritz, inet.d script for modules.perl6.org installed. 19:32
Should start up on next reboot
moritz ZoffixW: thanks
Rotwang does it take long for rt.perl.org to "catch" a reply? 19:33
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: 6f88e6c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | DEPLOYMENT.md:
Fix Markdown formatting
19:34 lnrdo joined, lnrdo left
moritz Rotwang: depends on whether you land in the manual spam filtering queue or not 19:35
19:35 lnrdo joined
moritz Rotwang: if not, it's usually in the one-digit minutes (often <3) 19:35
Juerd (often ♥)
19:38 kjs_ left
Rotwang How come "Instead of taking low quality medication try visiting our really trusted and popular pharmacy!" topic went through and mine is stuck in the spam filter 19:38
ZoffixW :P
19:40 DrArch joined
moritz Rotwang: because 90% of rt.perl.org tickets are about pharmacy. /s 19:40
Skarsnik 496 modules, who will publish the 500 nm
19:40 jrpyle joined 19:41 lnrdo left, jrpyle left
DrArch folks need some info on which and why to opt from, eval, TryCatch, try:tiny or Error, I know, lot of documentation is there amd I have read a lot. just need another pespective, if any one can guide, appreciate. thanks. 19:41
19:41 lnrdo joined
moritz DrArch: since this is #perl6: the built-in mechanism in Perl 6 are good enough that you don't need any external modules 19:42
ZoffixW DrArch, and if you're asking about those Perl 5 mechanisms, there's #perl channel on this network for that language. 19:43
19:44 xtreak left
ZoffixW Skarsnik, I could quickly fill the gap if I try porting my Perl 5 IRC trinkets :P 19:44
Skarsnik I have a Movie::BK2 to write 19:45
ZoffixW These: metacpan.org/release/POE-Component...undle-Toys
timotimo i didn't know you were a movie writer
RabidGravy Skarsnik, got two ready to go bar the pod and stuff 19:46
19:46 lnrdo left
DrArch @moritz @ZoffixW thanks, I shall run to them then. appreciate and thanks once again. 19:46
ZoffixW I got one ready to go tonight, unless I waste it gaming
Skarsnik BK2 is the movie format of bizhawk (a multipurpose console emulator)
ZoffixW DrArch, yeah, we're a different language in the same family :) 19:47
[Coke] For future bug reporters: When opening RT's, please attach the file instead of linking to (the ephemeral) gist.github.com
dalek osystem: 620dccc | (Sylvain Colinet)++ | META.list:
Add IRC::Art a module to create irc colored/bold/italic formated string

see github.com/Skarsnik/perl6-irc-art
19:50 leont joined, aenaxi left
ZoffixW XD 19:51
Skarsnik, I wish I had that for me HNY IRC bot on New Years :)
Skarsnik You should have asked (or use Inline::p5 and use Acme::IRC::Art)
I copy the tests and the method than handle text (because it's a big wtf) x) 19:52
ZoffixW A thought have not occurred. A lot of people spam ASCII art on #freenode-newyears so I only now recall that that happens :)
Skarsnik It's not for ascii art
well it's like a gd lib for irc x) 19:53
ZoffixW Well, yeah :)
lemme try it out
19:54 llfourn joined 19:56 pi4 left 19:57 pi4 joined
lizmat TimToady moritz I have taken the "nom" is dev branch pretty literally when adding IO::CatHandle and friends 19:58
yoleaux 16:53Z <llfourn> lizmat: The backstory part of your presentation was great. Pitty I couldn't see the slides for the more slide assisted parts :)
moritz lizmat: and that's a good think, because it makes us discuss these things :-) 19:59
19:59 llfourn left
moritz *thing 19:59
lizmat anyways, IO::CatHandle changes should be revertable by reverting only 3 commits 20:00
20:00 _nadim left 20:01 _nadim joined, sno left
lizmat The Date/DateTime changes would be a little more involved, but still doable, just say the word 20:01
fwiw, the DateTime.later changes also fixed a bug (well, at least in my opinion) 20:02
20:03 Perl6IRC joined
ZoffixW Perl6IRC, test 20:03
Perl6IRC ZoffixW, 4,4 4,4 4,4 4,4
ZoffixW, 4,4 13,4W13,4o13,4o13h13o13o13 13613.13,c
ZoffixW, 4,4 4,4 4,4 4,4
tadzik :o
ZoffixW Skarsnik, works! :D 20:04
This is the code gist.github.com/zoffixznet/7c2c6ac7f8a4902d97bb
dalek p: 4b1236e | pdcawley++ | src/HLL/Compiler.nqp:
Make HLL::Compiler::readline chomp

Continued statement detection in `interactive` expects that any code read in
   will have had the line separator removed, which is what Linenoise (and
presumably Readline) do. However, the fallback readline doesn't.
This fixes that.
ZoffixW <3 the method irc-to-me/.respond duo in IRC::Client implemented last night
p: 220390a | lizmat++ | src/HLL/Compiler.nqp:
Merge pull request #268 from pdcawley/patch-1

Make HLL::Compiler::readline chomp
20:06 Michy joined
[Coke] pdcawley++ #committing 20:06
Michy ciao a tuti
ciao a tutti
20:06 Michy left 20:07 TEttinger joined
lizmat I was thinking about copying the list of contributors of the 6.c announcement into a separate file under doc/language 20:07
and maintain it for the world to see ? 20:08
Skarsnik Zoffix, good :) if you have any api/name changing to do, I am fine with it
like result.. I did not have a better idea
[Coke] lizmat: to what purpose? 20:10
if it's one more file I have to update each release. mleh.
lizmat to give credit to the people working on Perl 6 ?
20:10 pierre-vigier left
lizmat [Coke]: I wouldn't worry about that so much... 20:10
[Coke] It's already in the repo as part of the release announcement. You could link to it rather than duping it.
lizmat if *that* is the deal breaker, I will take it upon me to fix up that list in doc
20:11 hyan joined
lizmat [Coke]: but not in a form that is easily readable / updatable 20:12
20:12 pierre-vigier joined
PerlJam lizmat: this is why we ask forgiveness :) 20:12
20:13 nemo joined
[Coke] Given the amount of effort that went into creating that list, I'm not sure I want to commit to updating it for every perl 6 repo/effort we included. And if it's for rakudo only, we already have CREDITS. I vote 0, if you feel strongly about it, go ahead. :) 20:13
20:14 _Vi left
nemo You know, I was reading doc.perl6.org/language/unicode_entry and I can't believe there's no mention of my very fav digraph system. XCompose! works in all my apps and has a nice config. I use it for emoji silliness like setting :D to 😃 20:14
moritz nemo: then please patch it! 20:15
nemo github.com/kragen/xcompose/blob/ma...otXCompose insanely large .XCompose
ZoffixW Skarsnik, for the API, I'd be returning invocants from the drawing methods so you could chain them as well as add a separate fg/bg colour-setting methods, so If I have to draw a bunch of rectangles then I don't need to specify the color all over the place. At least that's what I've done in my P5 PDF module (metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::PDF#SYNOPSIS) . Not sure how applicable that is for IRC art
nemo moritz: that probably requires registering for something 😝
<capslock> + :p = 😝 in mine btw 😃
and, yeah, »+« is just >>+<< plus hitting capslock twice 20:16
ZoffixW nemo, "for something" you mean github and you wish not do so?
nemo, there's an open Issue just for that that's dying for a contributor: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/286
nemo ZoffixW: oh. yeah, I technically have a github account, but never really used it
ZoffixW: not a fan of git, and their site in general sucks at degrading gracefully 20:17
[Coke] Note: I need to include our financial sponsors in an updated Christmas release notice. If you feel your employer made a significant contribution to the Perl 6 effort by contributing your time (or other resources), please privmsg so I can make sure they get considered for inclusion. Thanks. (This covers any of the related-to-p6 efforts going back to 2000)
nemo: It beats the alternative. 20:18
nemo [Coke]: mercurial?
[Coke]: Bugzilla?
[Coke] (which is: anything we would have to maintain ourselves)
nemo ah
[Coke] so, yes.
nemo yeah, is kinda funny how centralised dvcs is these days
ZoffixW nemo, fwiw, if you just write the docs and throw a diff in a pastebin, I'm sure someone will be happy to merge that for you
Skarsnik Zoffix, interesting 20:19
ZoffixW Or not even a diff.. just the docs
mst nemo: get ingy's git-hub project
gives you a CLI interface that lets you avoid the terrible GUI
nemo [Coke]: we opted for hg.hedgewars.org personally, wasn't that much of a pain, although a few contributers use bitbucket
mst: sounds interesting. does it do issue tracking too?
nemo searches
mst that's ... why I suggested it ... 20:20
nemo lol
that wasn't obv
mst it was the issues you were complaing about so
nemo one of...
mst go look at the tool already :D
nemo mst: already doing that 20:21
mst github.com/git-commands
20:21 domidumont left
nemo already half-way through doc 20:21
but thanks for linking eventually 😉
nemo clones it
20:21 muraiki left
nemo hm. might be one of the few things I actually use "git" for 20:21
usually I rely on hg as a git bridge
mst first I had to remember where to look that URL up ;)
stmuk_ there is also an official and similar hub wrapper from github themselves
20:22 Odud joined
stmuk_ github.com/github/hub 20:22
mst I have more faith in ingy understanding how to produce a decent grumpy minimalist's CLI
nemo mst: TBH I would have been totally fine if their issue tracker worked in w3m like bugzilla does ☺ 20:23
but I'll take a cli
20:23 sno joined
mst ah 20:23
I'd still rather a CLI
nemo yeah, prob
mst: I much prefer editing our wiki in the cli
hg pull -u, futz around in sed and vi, then hg ci... ♥ 20:24
20:24 kjs_ joined
nemo hedgewars.org/kb/ (aforementioned wiki for context) 20:24
aaaanyway, will take ZoffixW's suggestion and whip up a plug for XCompose for that doc and link him to it ☺ 20:25
ZoffixW nemo, do you use w3m for regular web browsing all the time?
nemo ZoffixW: quite a lot actually!
ZoffixW: I currently have 22 tabs open
20:25 nzkindest left
nemo also nice due to stupid moronic firewalls 20:25
ZoffixW nemo, are a lot of sites completely unusable? :) 20:26
nemo ZoffixW: not that many really
ZoffixW: just web "apps" and you kinda expect that
20:26 nzkindest joined
nemo ZoffixW: amusingly, some sites are more usable than if you, say, use privacy code... For example. If you don't whitelist google for fonts or javascript you might not get sites that render 'cause some idjit decided to avoid "flash of unstyled content" by *defaulting* to a hide css instead of adding it in in JS 20:27
ZoffixW: result, failure to load a remote resource can result in a blank page until you disable CSS
but shows up fine in w3m
firefox readability mode can help w/ that too
ZoffixW: fair number of badly-written expand/collapse stuff out there has same behaviour 20:28
ZoffixW I'm kinda disappointed modules.perl6.org is not working properly 20:29
20:30 patrickz joined
Skarsnik scrolling is fixed, yay 20:30
ZoffixW ;)
sjn p6: say 1 + e ** (π * i); # Euler's idententity = 0 20:31
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«0+1.22464679914735e-16i␤»
Skarsnik how work koalitee? that still confuse me : modules.perl6.org/#sort-col=2&sort-dir=a
ZoffixW Skarsnik, github.com/perl6/modules.perl6.org...tee.pm#L22 20:32
TimToady m: say 1 + e ** (π * i) ≅ 0
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«True␤»
sjn ok, so it's just because π is too irrational then? :)
Skarsnik oh make sense
TimToady m: say (1 + e ** (π * i)).Num.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«0e0␤»
TimToady most common numeric methods are approximate 20:33
dalek ar/release: 3e3e9b0 | FROGGS++ | modules/ (20 files):
attempt at bootstrapping panda directly
FROGGS moritz: ^^
moritz: though, it Does Not Work Yet™
moritz FROGGS: thanks, will take a look soon (I hope :-) 20:36
FROGGS moritz: thing is that I can change the bin-dir of site for bootstrap.pl, but that shells out to panda and then the changed bin-dir is lost
panda usually uses environment vars to transfer information like that... dunno if I want to do it the same way 20:37
20:37 Rotwang left, Rotwang joined
moritz FROGGS: I'd love to have panda install --into=site option or so 20:38
FROGGS: but environment variables would be OK too
20:39 adu joined 20:40 zakharyas joined
dalek c: c40b7cd | lizmat++ | doc/Language/contributors.pod:
First version of documented contributors
nemo ZoffixW: m8y.org/tmp/perl6.txt here ya go 20:42
20:42 hankache joined, espadrine left, Tonik left 20:43 Odud left
PerlJam idly wonders if Test.pm6 could forego is_approx() in favor of ≅ instead 20:45
dalek kudo/nom: f7f9172 | moritz++ | docs/module_management.md:
Fix typo
moritz PerlJam: it could use ≅ inside is-approx, but you really we really want to retain the test function for better diagnostics
7w 11
dalek c: c40ffa0 | lizmat++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
Fix header thinkos
20:46 pi4 left
dalek c: ca3147b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/unicode_entry.pod:
List Compose Unicode entry

Closes #286. nemo++ Relevant IRC conversation: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2016-01-04#i_11828959
ZoffixW nemo++
masak m: sub infix:<w>($l, $r) { "\\o/" }; 7 w 11
camelia ( no output )
masak m: sub infix:<w>($l, $r) { "\\o/" }; say 7 w 11
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«\o/␤»
masak m: sub infix:<w>($l, $r) { "\\o/" }; say 7w 11
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/1J3SjbKTxb␤Confused␤at /tmp/1J3SjbKTxb:1␤------> 3sub infix:<w>($l, $r) { "\\o/" }; say 77⏏5w 11␤»
masak thought so
20:47 CIAvash left, pi4 joined
nemo ZoffixW: nifty 20:48
dalek osystem: 454c0e2 | (Dan Kogai)++ | META.list:
Add Num::HexFloat to ecosystem

See github.com/dankogai/p6-num-hexfloat/
osystem: 4d50a97 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #114 from dankogai/patch-1

Add Num::HexFloat to ecosystem
ZoffixW 2 more until 500 \o/ 20:49
nemo ZoffixW: yeah, I mostly use .XCompose for silly emoji, and stuff like ಠ_ಠ and ◕‿◕, but perl 6 might actually give me an excuse to use it in code 😃
ZoffixW nemo, for some reason my compose often stops working -_-
nemo ZoffixW: what's your window manager?
ZoffixW m: sub term:<ಠ_ಠ> { say "e16.9999999" }; ಠ_ಠ 20:50
camelia rakudo-moar 812a48: OUTPUT«e16.9999999␤»
nemo heh
ZoffixW I'm on Englightenment 0.16.999 20:51
nemo oh. hm
ZoffixW (yeah, it's long overdue for an upgrade)
But I hear they made it horrible and I really really like how it works
(right now)
avenj e16 was my favorite wm for a long time
nemo ZoffixW: ಠ_ಠ.m8y.org/ಠ_ಠ btw - no, this has no good reason for existence. I just link people to it when appropriate ☺
ZoffixW heh
nemo ZoffixW: much like ☠.m8y.org which I mostly use for TLAP
20:52 llfourn joined 20:53 kjs_ left 20:54 ZoffixW left 20:56 n0tjack left 20:57 llfourn left
Skarsnik Zoffix, oh you fixed the generated README.md x) 21:03
21:05 sprocket_ left
[Coke] lizmat: the AUTHOR section of the glossary seems to be from a while ago. I'd probably just remove it. 21:05
lizmat [Coke]: not sure what you mean? 21:06
[Coke] "Patrick Michaud [email@hidden.address] is the primary author
and maintainer."
is that still true in 2016? 21:07
oh. perhaps the file I found isn't the one you just touched! ;)
lizmat I created a new file 21:08
[Coke] hey, we have a glossary in both rakudo & doc. :)
21:08 raoulvdberge left
lizmat these strings don't currently occur in doc 21:08
[Coke] sorry. Excuse me while I go get more caffeine. :
lizmat: right, I saw the commit, then went to rakudo and found docs/glossary*
my bad entirely.
lizmat ah, good point
I will ravage that as well then and remove it afterwards 21:09
21:16 sjoshi joined 21:25 kaare_ left 21:26 pierre-v_ joined 21:27 zakharyas left 21:28 pierre-vigier left
dalek osystem: 542c3b1 | RabidGravy++ | META.list:
Add RPi::Device::SMBus

And 500!
gfldex .seen mberends 21:30
yoleaux I saw mberends 26 Sep 2014 19:50Z in #perl6: <mberends> lizmat++
gfldex i unbusted http-server-simple 21:31
lizmat hmmm... that karma was a very late repeat :-)
masak is that a first? karma through seenbot?
probably not.
gfldex how long should i wait for the pull-request before i take over the module?
RabidGravy I've waited eight months 21:32
tadzik well, you do have a fork already
21:32 n0tjack joined
tadzik it'll not be the first case if you apply for subsituting the original module with your fork in the module ecosystem 21:32
diakopter .karma lizmat
karma lizmat
[Coke] ENOKARMABOT lo these last 10 years. 21:33
21:33 sjoshi left
[Coke] ISTR there being on #parrot back in the day. 21:33
PerlJam we store our karma in the universe
diakopter there was one here around 4-5 years ago I think
masak karma is part of this community, but we don't keep count, because that's not the point :) 21:34
diakopter it's more like kudos 21:36
21:36 sprocket_ joined 21:37 n0tjack left
mspo it's only fun if you also get negative 21:37
21:38 pierre-v_ left
gfldex :-| no LICENSE file 21:38
PerlJam Usually people give themselves negative karma when they do something ... unwise.
gfldex is there a rule about modules in the eco system and lack of license? 21:39
21:39 pierre-vigier joined
[Coke] Rules? maybe a guideline. 21:39
PerlJam gfldex: no "rules", but there are some suggestions and community peer pressure.
masak gfldex: if you don't have a license, then only copyright applies, I guess. and any copying or modification is a copyright infringement and punishable by law.
masak is not a lawyer 21:40
21:40 mojca left
gfldex i just broke the law \o/ 21:40
21:40 pierre-vigier left 21:41 Zoffix left, sprocket_ left
hankache anything built on top of perl has to be artistic 2.0 licensed no? 21:41
21:41 Zoffix joined
PerlJam hankache: What does "built on top of" mean? 21:41
hankache built using? 21:42
PerlJam hankache: on the face of it that does not look like a true statement
hankache: then, definitely no.
gfldex that leave the question if panda (and it's author) are complicit of copyright infringement. I would say yes, for germany (see Störerhaftung)
hankache a module for Perl 6 needs Perl 6
it cannot run on anything else
Skarsnik it need something that implement perl 6
21:42 pierre-vigier joined
awwaiid m: DateTime.new(1451915781.000284).say # I'd like to get a DateTime from a timestamp 21:42
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«2016-01-04T13:56:21.000284Z␤»
awwaiid hm. maybe that doesn't work in rakudo 2015.12? 21:43
Zoffix hankache, err, why would it need to be Artistic 2?
[Coke] modules don't have to be artistic 2.0, no
Zoffix hankache, you can license your code anyway you like.
hankache no idea, i was asking
Skarsnik awwaiid, hm probably
awwaiid rakudo 2015.12 say s"Default constructor for 'DateTime' only takes named arguments"
Zoffix m: DateTime.new(1451915781.000284.Int).say # awwaiid
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«2016-01-04T13:56:21Z␤»
hankache i thought there is a share-alike thing 21:44
Zoffix m: DateTime.new(1451915781.000284.Instant).say # awwaiid
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«Method 'Instant' not found for invocant of class 'Rat'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/i1anu7njPR line 1␤␤»
gfldex hankache: it's up for the user to check if all licenses he uses are compatible. And artistic is fairly loose to start with.
Zoffix ehe
21:44 pierre-vigier left
awwaiid msut be my version 21:44
21:44 geraud joined
Skarsnik awwaiid, that pretty weird, the new could take a str before 21:44
Zoffix It should really treat 1451915781.000284 as an Instant. 21:46
Since it handles 1451915781 as an epoch
awwaiid that's what camelia appears to do here -- works as expected
Zoffix m: say DateTime.new: 0
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«1970-01-01T00:00:00Z␤»
rindolf Zoffix: hi, sup? 21:47
Zoffix: how were the holidays?
awwaiid oh works on an int
rindolf PerlJam: hi , long time.
awwaiid well that's plenty good enough
PerlJam happy new year rindolf
Zoffix rindolf, crappy
rindolf contemplates writing a smallish app in Perl 6.
PerlJam: thanks.
Zoffix: oh . :-( 21:48
Skarsnik m: say DateTime.now
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«2016-01-04T22:48:12.027481+01:00␤»
21:48 pierre-vigier joined, pierre-vigier left
Zoffix rindolf, I missed the unlimited garbage collection day and now they changed the system to some sort of a trucking picking up the containers and dates changed. So not only do I have a full can of trash that's been sitting for two weeks and will sit for 1 more week, but I can no longer dispose unlimited amounts of recylcing. 21:49
21:49 nige1 joined
Zoffix And I've no idea how this stuff will play with my hostile neighbours, since we have to share those new containers. -_- 21:49
Skarsnik Zoffix, you patched the wrong file in my module. but I will use the commit to fix in the pm file x)
Zoffix Skarsnik, oh lol :)
Skarsnik I generate the readme.md x)
21:50 colomon_ left
rindolf Zoffix: ah, I see. 21:50
PerlJam: sup?
dalek osystem: 0c70c38 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | META.list:
hostile takeover of http-server-simple
21:53 nzkindest left
PerlJam rindolf: nothing much. Trying to stay awake at work after a really long day yesterday 21:53
21:53 llfourn joined
rindolf PerlJam: ah. 21:54
Zoffix "Excess bags of recyclables or organics do not need to be tagged." and I can buy tags for a $1 and have extra bags of regular garbage, and I guess the truck driver will be picking those up? Man, the City really messed up the system -_- 21:56
21:58 llfourn left
masak Zoffix: but did they mess it up using Perl 6? 21:59
probably not
diakopter *snort
dalek c: 040a5d5 | lizmat++ | doc/Language/unicode_texas.pod:
Start with definitive table of Unicode<->Texas
diakopter lizmat: cool! I've always wanted such a thing
lizmat diakopter: please let me know of any errors / omissions 22:03
diakopter (mostly because I can't be bothered to learn to type the "shorter" ones 22:04
masak lizmat++
diakopter (they feel *much* longer to me)
dalek c: f01297e | lizmat++ | doc/Language/unicode_texas.pod:
∞ has nothing to do with sets
Zoffix This looks weird. Unless my browser/IRC client are tricking me: github.com/perl6/doc/commit/040a5d...e19efe8R32 22:07
.u ⁻
yoleaux U+207B SUPERSCRIPT MINUS [Sm] (⁻)
Zoffix .u ⁻
yoleaux U+207B SUPERSCRIPT MINUS [Sm] (⁻)
Zoffix .u ¯
yoleaux U+00AF MACRON [Sk] (¯)
[Coke] docs sooo slooooow 22:08
lizmat I have no idea why that is in there, but I lifted it from Grammar.nqp
geekosaur works for me fwiw 22:09
lizmat [Coke]: are you referring to the site, or generating the pages ?
geekosaur (then again I hacked super/sub +/- into my prompt as part of git status...)
dalek c: 643ab8b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/unicode_texas.pod:
Use macron instead of minus
22:10 adu left
Zoffix Looks very different on my terminal, even though I can't tell the difference on IRC: i.imgur.com/g4UTQSn.png 22:10
diakopter m: use Acme::Meow;
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not find Acme::Meow in:␤ /home/camelia/.perl6/2015.12-94-gf7f9172␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/vendor␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6␤ Co…»
lizmat Zoffix: so I did a pasto ?
.u ¯
yoleaux U+00AF MACRON [Sk] (¯)
lizmat (guess I did, Zoffix++)
PerlJam Macron as superscript minus for exponentiation is weird. 22:11
lizmat m: say 3¯3
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/36v6gopVbG␤Bogus postfix␤at /tmp/36v6gopVbG:1␤------> 3say 37⏏5¯3␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement end␤ statement modif…»
Zoffix PerlJam, it is, but it's the default on the compose+^-
22:11 colomon joined
lizmat m: say 3¯³ 22:11
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«0.037037␤»
Zoffix .u ¯
yoleaux U+00AF MACRON [Sk] (¯)
[Coke] lizmat: building the site, not browsing.
Zoffix (that was my compose sequence)
lizmat m: say 3⁻³ 22:12
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«0.037037␤»
[Coke] I keep looking at it, but it's hard to break off a piece that is easy to speed up
I am tempted to make the build more ||, anyway. (whether in straight perl 6 or with a make file)
lizmat [Coke]: what is it exactly that you're running ? 22:13
[Coke] "make"
22:13 mojca joined
Zoffix It was using 750MB on my box today. The parrallel stuff will want moar :P 22:14
(of RAM)
22:16 virtualsue left
dalek c: f24d91c | lizmat++ | doc/Language/contributors.pod:
Get better index placement
22:20 sprocket_ joined 22:23 woodruffw left
dalek c: ffd2148 | lizmat++ | doc/Language/ (2 files):
Add lemma for Pull Request

And fix the link from the list of contributors
22:25 yqt joined 22:26 atta joined, bpmedley left 22:27 DrArch left
Rotwang is there moar/nqp hacking guide anywhere? I'm really struggling with making the thing to compile with my changeset 22:28
PerlJam Rotwang: there's github.com/edumentab/rakudo-and-nq...als-course 22:29
I don't think there's a "deeper" guide
Rotwang PerlJam: thanks 22:30
am I the only one who thinks that build scripts aren't wonderful?
22:31 skids left
geekosaur reserves judgement, having seen some rather heinous build scripts (and indeed sometimes maintaining them...) 22:32
well, makefiles
which is just a build script with a funny name, really
PerlJam and a funny syntax 22:33
and weird quirks
22:34 hankache left
Rotwang I've done tons of makefiles 22:34
make isn't that bad
PerlJam Clearly make has withstood the test of time (nothing has adequately supplanted it yet :)
masak nowadays, when I have a compilation error in a module that I `use` from a script, I get the same compilation error N times instead of 1 time 22:35
is anyone else seeing the same thing?
I suspect precompilation is trying and failing over and over along various `use` paths
dalek osystem: 7d0d866 | RabidGravy++ | META.list:
Add RPi::Device::PiGlow

Blinken lights!
b2gills 「」 don't really have Texas equivalents, unless you count Q// 22:41
Skarsnik good night #perl6
22:42 Skarsnik left 22:43 virtualsue joined
Zoffix RabidGravy, is that 500th module? 22:43
RabidGravy that was the 501st, my previous one was 500th 22:44
dalek kudo/nom: 49fcd53 | lizmat++ | docs/glossary.pod:
Remove outdated glossary

After having moved the lemma's to the doc/Language/glossary.pod
lizmat m: my $a = 42; say 「foo $a bar」 # indeed, b2gills, seems like they work like q// ? 22:47
camelia rakudo-moar f7f917: OUTPUT«foo $a bar␤»
b2gills No it is even more basic than that
lizmat so what's the difference between q// and Q// again ? 22:48
b2gills doesn't even support backslashes Q '\' eq '\\', basically all features are off
dalek c: c62fd69 | lizmat++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
Lemmas from docs/glossary.pod
22:49 ELBeavers joined, DrArch joined
dalek c: c8961ab | lizmat++ | doc/Language/unicode_texas.pod:
「」 is really like Q// b2gills++
22:52 nige1 left 22:55 llfourn joined 22:56 colomon left
RabidGravy what larks 22:56
22:57 kid51 joined 22:58 atweiden joined
lizmat good night, #perl6! 22:58
RabidGravy toodles
masak 'night, #perl6
RabidGravy toodles 22:59
stmuk_ new 6guts
Rotwang autarch: I've added a comment to perl6advent.wordpress.com/2014/12/...t-of-main/
23:00 llfourn left
autarch Rotwang: fixed 23:01
Rotwang autarch: that was quick [; 23:02
the markup example didn't work for me either, don't know why, have no mental power to look why
23:03 peter__ joined 23:04 Ch0c0late left
Zoffix lizmat++ # all the speedups 23:04
23:05 peter__ left
Zoffix 8x faster :o 23:05
timotimo, how did you come up with 485 modules in ecosystem? It's at 499 now 23:06
Zoffix decides to claim the 500th spot
stmuk_ Acme::Bump!
RabidGravy [jonathan@coriolanus ecosystem]$ wc META.list
501 501 37572 META.list
Zoffix RabidGravy, oh, damn, you already claimed it :(
stmuk_, Nah, it won't be crap, it's a Factoid plugin for IRC::Client 23:07
RabidGravy, your last was 500th. There's one extra META line for same module with two different versions, for testing AFAIC
RabidGravy I also now have 31 modules, I may have to give up soon 23:08
23:08 peter__ joined
Zoffix I have 11 \o/ 23:08
RabidGravy MORE! 23:09
23:11 peter__ left 23:12 yurivish_ joined, peter__ joined
stmuk_ r/perl6 seems to be coming to life 23:17
RabidGravy Zoffix, you're in the top ten! 23:19
Zoffix RabidGravy, that's pretty sad :/ 23:20
I wish modules.perl6.org had a sort-by-author field so I could see what I wrote
23:20 peter__ left 23:21 colomon joined
Zoffix Well, 3/11 are mostly useless :D 23:21
23:21 yurivish_ left
Zoffix Seen this guy on P5? metacpan.org/author/PERLANCAR 23:22
621 dists...
RabidGravy that's insane 23:23
23:23 vendethiel left
leont Zoffix: and about 3 of them are used by other people, at most 23:25
stmuk_ maybe perl6.org should have modules.perl6.org more obvious on the home pahe
RabidGravy also a lot of wheel reinvention
Zoffix leont, that many you think? :D I dunno, App::rmhere sounds like a killer app
leont I'm trying to be generous ;-) 23:26
Zoffix stmuk_, it's on every page! :D
stmuk_ "below the fold"
maybe replace the advent calendar box by modules.perl6.org plug? 23:27
come 12th Night or whenever the tree is thrown out 23:28
Zoffix stmuk_, I call this the "Executive Syndrome". My bosses/sales reps always want $foo in the visible place (often on the home page). Eventually, the end result is a ridiculously overcrowded home page that's pretty useless as clicks on it confirm :)
stmuk_, I think that's a good idea; to do on 15th or so. Today's is first working Monday since release. To many the advent would be new
stmuk_ yes that's true 23:29
Zoffix Not to mention it has a lot of info not covered by docs
stmuk_ I did wonder why perl6.org/compilers/std-viv is linked when its not developed anymore
dalek href="https://perl6.org:">perl6.org: ca98af0 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | source/downloads/index.html:
Mention modules.perl6.org/panda on the /download page
stmuk_ ah good idea
23:40 yurivish_ joined
timotimo Zoffix: did you read last week's weekly and assumed it was this week's? 23:44
Zoffix timotimo, yes, I in fact have! 23:45
I guess I never read it in the past
timotimo, that's awesome then. In 5 days we got 15 modules
timotimo :) 23:46
timotimo didn't really backlog
and during most of the day i forgot that today is weekly-day 23:47
23:51 yurivish_ left
dalek kudo-star-daily: 6160a19 | coke++ | log/ (8 files):
today (automated commit)
23:54 spider-mario left
AlexDaniel “Smartmatch with S/// can never succeed because the subsequent string match will fail” 23:55
ok, now I stumbled upon it too
m: say ‘foo’ ~~ S/o/u/
camelia rakudo-moar 49fcd5: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Smartmatch with S/// can never succeed because the subsequent string match will fail␤ at /tmp/MaoITPf90o:1␤ ------> 3say ‘foo’ ~~ 7⏏5S/o/u/␤False␤»
23:56 llfourn joined
timotimo yeah, that's not how you do it :) 23:56
AlexDaniel timotimo: what's the point of S/// then?
RabidGravy right that's me done
have fun 23:57
timotimo you set $_ and then have something like my $new = S/.../.../
23:57 skids joined
AlexDaniel m: say S/o/u/ given ‘foo’ 23:58
camelia rakudo-moar 49fcd5: OUTPUT«fuo␤»
23:58 zwu joined
zwu just forgot what '\' mean in the code my ($c) := \(gather for 1..2 { take $_, $_ * 10; }); 23:59