»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
Herby_ newbie question here... If I'm retrieving a JSON webpage, what's the best way to save the JSON data for later retrieval? use a json module to decode the json, then spurt it to a .json file? 02:58
or just save the entire webpage, and then later slurp the page and decode it
or is one pretty much the same as the other
MadcapJake Best section header: "So you're on Windows" lol 03:05
Herby_: if it's JSON you're retrieving, there's nothing that decoding it will do but make it usable within your program. 03:07
Herby_ just learned that the hardway :)
think i got it now
MadcapJake decoding larger json files is still a bit expensive, if you do need just bits of the data, you could pull it out and spurt into an easier delimited format (commas, \0 or \t) 03:10
wrt generator discussion the other day: www.perl6.org/archive/rfc/31 03:28
grondilu how do I get the name of a class? 03:38
m: my $class = class {}; sub () returns $class { $class.new }() 03:40
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/l9d8TrD9dd␤Malformed trait␤at /tmp/l9d8TrD9dd:1␤------> 3my $class = class {}; sub () returns7⏏5 $class { $class.new }()␤»
grondilu m: say class A {}.Str 03:41
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type A in string context␤Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in block <unit> at /tmp/U61mbTMQWJ line 1␤␤»
grondilu m: say class A {}.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(A)␤»
grondilu m: say class A {}.WHAT.Str
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type A in string context␤Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in block <unit> at /tmp/xamaLRrTvT line 1␤␤»
neuron Hi 05:18
Is there a way for class instance to detect which roles have been applied to it?
CIAvash grondilu: .^name gives you the name 05:23
neuron CIAvash: Oh, I'm not sure you replied to me, but certainly .^name seems to help me. Thanks! :) 05:27
CIAvash No, it wasn't a reply to you :) 05:30
m: role R {}; class C does R {}; say so C.new.does(R);
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
CIAvash neuron: ↑ 05:31
neuron Oh, that seems even better! 05:32
Hmm, how about parametrized roles, can I test them too? 05:33
CIAvash the `so` part is not needed, it returns a Bool. 05:34
neuron: yeah, I think you can 05:36
neuron Oh, yes, I made a typpo, parametrized works the same - just fine
Many thanks!
Xliff Is there a way to get a list of all roles that have been applied to an instance? 06:29
<CIAvash> m: role R {}; class C does R {}; say so C.new.does(R);
Xliff ↑ I get what CIAvash said here, but what if you don't know the specific role you wish to test against, and just want a list from an instance variable? 06:36
MadcapJake Xliff: ClassName.^roles_to_compose is supposed to work but it just returns an empty list for me :\ 06:43
m: role R {}; class C does R {}; say C.^roles_to_compose 06:46
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«()␤»
MadcapJake if you use .^add_role it works: 06:52
m: role R {}; my class C {}; C.^add_role(R); say C.^roles_to_compose
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«((R))␤»
MadcapJake Xliff: ↑ 06:53
Xliff Thanks, MadcapJake 07:14
That helps, but is slightly bothersome. 07:15
m: role A{}; role B{}; my class C does A {}; C.^roles_to_compose();
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: role A{}; role B{}; my class C does A {}; say C.^roles_to_compose();
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«()␤»
Xliff m: role A{}; role B{}; my class C does A {}; C.^add_role(B); say C.^roles_to_compose(); 07:16
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«((B))␤»
Xliff ↑ So that result is incomplete.
But accurate, according to the docs: doc.perl6.org/routine/roles_to_compose 07:17
CIAvash ^.roles_to_compose returns the list of roles that are not yet composed
m: role R {}; my class C {}; C.^add_role(R); say C.^roles_to_compose; say C.does(R); C.^compose; say C.^roles_to_compose; say C.does(R)
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«((R))␤False␤()␤True␤»
Xliff CIAvash, Ah... OK.
m: role A{}; role B{}; my class C does A {}; C.^add_role(B); say C.^roles_to_compose(); C.^compose; say C.^roles_to_compose 07:18
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«((B))␤()␤»
Xliff Makes sense now.
Xliff CIAvash: But is there a way to retrieve a list of roles from an instance variable? 07:18
CIAvash I don't know 07:19
Xliff Fair enough. Thanks for the explanation.
CIAvash m: Role R {}; class C does R {}; say C.new.^roles; 07:21
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/bhuhLLsuRF␤Invalid typename 'R'␤at /tmp/bhuhLLsuRF:1␤------> 3Role R {}; class C does R7⏏5 {}; say C.new.^roles;␤»
CIAvash m: role R {}; class C does R {}; say C.new.^roles;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«((R))␤»
Xliff Oh, excellent. 07:22
m: role A{}; role B{}; my class C does A {}; C.^add_role(B); say C.^roles_to_compose(); C.^compose; say C.^roles
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«((B))␤((A) (B))␤»
Xliff Of course, I am poking through the docs in all the wrong places and it was something simple. *sigh*
ufobat good morning :) 07:23
Xliff \o ufobat
MadcapJake wow nice! yeah that needs to be documented
Xliff I would expect that to be a part of the Mu object, but I could be wrong. 07:24
MadcapJake Xliff: Metamodel::ClassHOW
Xliff doc.perl6.org/type/Metamodel::ClassHOW 07:25
↑ Not here
MadcapJake yep, that's why I said "needs to be" :)
Xliff Oh. No fair going to the source. :P
MadcapJake B-) ohhh yeaaaahh 07:26
Xliff Heh!
MadcapJake really needs to go to sleep
Xliff ( •_•)>⌐■-■
MadcapJake hahaha
that's awesome, it's like a text-based gif :D 07:27
Xliff Yeah. Stole it from someone in hear when I first joined.
CIAvash :) 07:28
masak good (⌐■_■) morning, #perl6
Xliff HAH!
Speak of the devil. How goes, masak?
masak oh, you know. just my diabolic usual.
masak .oO( within one standard deviation of my own peculiar little average ) 07:29
Xliff Oh wow! I've been here over a month, now.
MadcapJake, irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2016-03-24#i_12233003
Time flies
MadcapJake lol, masak 07:30
irclog renders those glasses really well :P 07:31
gotta go to bed now! See ya Sixians! 07:32
brrt good morning masak 07:33
Xliff gist.github.com/Xliff/54c7b2f1661b...b1b6c1bc87 07:42
Any thoughts? It's the last bit I need to complete read testing using libvorbis. 07:43
Xliff Gist updated with results. 07:45
Xliff *sigh* "Str" in that context is not getting interpreted as NULL. Does that only work with pure NativeCall types? 07:46
psch m: use NativeCall; my @a := CArray[Str].new(["foo", "bar"]); say @a[2].defined 08:00
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
Xliff HAH! 08:14
The code in the updated gist did the trick.
jeek ^5 08:15
masak jeek: 0 1 2 3 4
Xliff psch: That was exactly the strategy I went with. Thanks.
Gist updated. 08:17
i think I will just start keeping gists and will then clean 'em all up and try to port them to the proper place in the P6 docs.
psch ++Xliff 08:18
Xliff Now the write ogg-vorbis test. *sigh* 08:32
pmurias If QAST::CompUnit has only a .load and not a .main does the load get run when it's used as the main program? 09:21
jnthn pmurias: load is only if it's loaded as a module, rather than top-level 09:23
If there's no main we default to running the top-level block 09:24
Xliff m: my $f = False; say $f; $f = True; if $f { say "F!" } 09:32
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤F!␤»
psch m: my $f = True but False; if ~$f { say $f } 09:34
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
psch what i actually was wondering is what exactly "but $value" overrides
pmurias jnthn: even if the top level block is *NOT* an immediate? 09:35
psch m: my $f = 1 but False; say ~$f; my $g = True but False; say ~$g
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«1␤False␤»
psch it seems to depend on the lhs on some level... 09:35
m: enum foo <A B>; my $f = A but B; say ~$f 09:38
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«A␤»
jnthn pmurias: Sure. immediate vs. declaration is really a description of what code-gen should happen in the enclosing block anyway 09:49
pmurias: So blocktype isn't really relevant for the outermost block 09:50
Xliff m: my $s = "two WORDS"; say $s.tc 10:23
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Two WORDS␤»
lizmat m: my $s = "two WORDS"; say $s.tclc
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Two words␤»
yoleaux 24 Apr 2016 19:10Z <moritz> lizmat: running a single spectest file through make fails: perlpunks.de/paste/show/571d1a03.5018.199
lizmat moritz: afaik, I fixed that late last night using leont++ advisement 10:24
Xliff m: my $s = "two WORDS"; say $s.wordcase
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Two Words␤»
Xliff There we go. 10:24
lizmat m: my $s = "two WORDS"; say $s.split(/\s+/,:v)>>.tclc.join # alternate 10:30
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Two Words␤»
Xliff lizmat++ -- nice alternate, but more wordy =) 10:49
lizmat more general :-) 10:49
Xliff Really? Is there a case where yours would work and .wordcase wouldn't? 10:50
lizmat my point is that you can use split to split on anything, *and* still get the values you've split on with :v
Xliff Oooh. 10:51
lizmat so you can .join afterwards and get the original back
m: my $s = "two WORDS"; say $s.split(/\s+/,:v)>>.tclc.join # alternate
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Two Words␤»
lizmat m: my $s = "two WORDS"; say $s.split(/w/,:v)>>.tclc.join # alternate
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«TWO words␤»
Xliff OK. Gotcha. Thanks for the explanation.
Xliff is still used to ">>" meaning something entirely different. 10:52
lizmat what do you think it means? 10:53
moritz bit shift? 10:54
masak clearly ">>" means "send to cout" :P 10:55
masak probably got that one wrong
Xliff LOL! 10:56
masak sees my point, exactly. Except ">>" also means "append" in a similar context :P 10:57
>> and » are the same in Perl6, right?
At least in lizmat's example. 10:58
lizmat yes 10:59
Xliff kk 11:00
jast masak: yeah, it's for input streams, e.g. using cin 11:02
timotimo aye, the out or in goes on the left side of the stream 11:04
that's why it's cout << "foo", or cin >> bar
masak right.
taking a discussion from p6l (back in January, gasp!) to here: I avoid `try` in production-level code nowadays 11:06
it catches too much, including exceptions you don't know you're getting
masak it's as if you're telling your body "keep on walking, even if it hurts" -- and you *think* this is just about your feet hurting a little, but in actual fact one leg and two ribs are broken and you really, really should stop walking 11:07
`try` keeps on walking in that case
I had a couple of these in 007, and it did indeed bite eventually. here's the commit that eliminates them: github.com/masak/007/commit/c062bc...027a4ce2ad 11:08
timotimo we might want a try variant that explicitly mentions the exception type it would like to defuse 11:09
masak I'm slightly dismayed to see that there are ~800 instances of `try` in the ecosystem. 11:10
masak a significant fraction of those are likely to be susceptible in the way I outline above. 11:10
timotimo mhm
masak this smells like a blog post in the making
timotimo sadly, a catch block that no-ops a given type of exception is very wordy
and if you want to limit it to just one expression, it's even worse, because then you've got a do-block on your hands, and extra curlies 11:11
moritz masak: well, look for error handling after the try
masak moritz: well, yes and no.
moritz: it's possible to do that right, and re-throw any unknown exception types. 11:12
moritz: but my guess is it's rare, because the default is suppress-everything.
and people focus on the happy case, or more to the point, only the expected exceptions :)
jnthn It's horses for courses. Sometimes "it failed in some way" is eough information. 11:14
timotimo greetings jnthn
jnthn o/ timotimo 11:15
brrt \o jnthn
timotimo o/ brrt
jnthn hi brrt :)
moritz looking for very specific exceptions also has its dangers
brrt hi timotimo :-)
masak jnthn: yes, horses for courses, agreed.
masak jnthn: I guess the next step is to check those ~800 uses and categorize them :) 11:16
brrt har har.... har
masak moritz++ # that "search the ecosystem" thing
moritz in python, folks tend to write things like foo = bar['baz'].quox() and catch AttributeError
masak brrt: you think I'm not serious? :)
moritz what about AttributeError thrown from quox()?
lizmat PSA: I'll be travelling for most of the rest of the day, and probably won't be in a state to finish the P6W tonight
brrt all the same to a python programmer moritz
masak moritz: even there, the problem is lack of specificity, not over-specificity
lizmat so most likely the P6W will appear tomorrw 11:17
brrt masak: it just reminds me of my own problems with OSM data
'i just categorise the 800 different ways that this data can fail, and patch them up'
moritz masak: right; but no language I know of offers this kind of specifity
timotimo moritz: that's not actually syntax, right? "and catch AttributeError"?
brrt now i have to implement a minimum-cost-spanning-tree classifier in plpgsql, figure that
moritz masak: so it's better siimply check for 'baz' in bar foirst 11:18
timotimo: no, it's except AttributeError: pass
timotimo right
brrt actually, now that i'm here, do any of you know of a better classification algorithm;
lizmat commute home&
RabidGravy I have 24 try in 51 modules 11:19
brrt i have a M tuples and N classes, I need to find N tuples that represent the consensus of values
brrt i intend to classify them based on tuple-to-tuple proximity using, well, minimum-cost-spanning-tree 11:19
i want this to be repeatable, so k-means is out 11:20
then after classification, figuring out the consensus value is easy
RabidGravy 8 of those are in one module
jnthn masak: Another thing to keep in mind when you're doing analysis of try: it's entirely possible to use CATCH without a try 11:21
masak: So just looking at how people use try won't be representitive of how robustly people handle exceptions.
RabidGravy two are in modules whose explicit purpose is to determine whether doing something would infact throw an exception 11:22
timotimo we could write a "fuzzer" of sorts that replaces exceptions with different types and analyzes paths taken in response
masak jnthn: well, what I want to check is how people mis-use `try`
timotimo RabidGravy: the way you write it "would" makes it sound like you've solved the halting problem :D
RabidGravy I didn't know there was any other way of spelling would 11:24
brrt otoh, sometimes you do want 'catch all the things' 11:25
RabidGravy I'm actually surprised I only have one "try require ::($module)"
timotimo i meant to refer to the whole sentence structure :)
jnthn masak: Ah, so the CATCH cases aren't even that interesting for you. OK :)
masak brrt: I think that's rather rare.
brrt: my thesis is that people *think* they want that way more often than it's actually good to do that. 11:26
moritz masak: interesting exercise: submit 5 PRs to make some of these trys more specific
brrt antithesis: people think they want that more often than *you* think they should want that
masak moritz: ooh
moritz masak: and count how many you visited until you got to the five 11:27
masak brrt: that doesn't feel very anti- :)
brrt well, its subtly anti 11:28
masak brrt: I think they do it too often because there's a real reason not to
timotimo so maybe it's the dualthesis?
masak it's not opinion, it's grounded in reality and actual bugs
timotimo sidethesis?
brrt tries to get out of the grunt-industrial-programmer mental mode
masak brrt: I'd give you more credit for that point if it weren't for the fact that I *was* bitten by exactly this 11:29
so my blog post would count as a warning to others, based on hard-school-of-life experience
brrt masak: you are absolutely right, in a way that is going to be completely unconvincing to the mentality of a grunt programmer
masak goes back to writing more code that can blow up in various ways
timotimo hard-school-of-life sounds much less fun than, say, Video Game High School 11:30
pmurias masak: isn't catching too match a general problem rather then something Perl 6 specific?
RabidGravy actually that's 13 in 48 modules if I exclude one which I haven't released
masak brrt: you're saying there are people out there who refuse to listen/adapt when someone says a practice is dangerous? ok -- as long as they're not on my team.
masak pmurias: yes. 11:30
brrt :-D
i'm saying i'm working too much with people who will do exactly that 11:31
(refuse to adapt)
masak not to put too fine point on it -- change jobs. :)
brrt point taken 11:32
masak I have absolutely no basis for saying that
except "my colleagues won't learn", which would make *me* do a 180 and run
brrt hmm, now that i think of it, it is kind of bad 11:33
timotimo well, if your daily experiences would make for a good post on thedailywtf, you know something's up :) :) 11:34
masak .oO( dear diary: today I made someone on IRC quit his job )
brrt masak: that wouldn't have been just on you anyway
masak :)
moritz brrt: do you need a good job? Where are you located? :-) 11:36
.oO( "asking for a friend" )
brrt moritz: yes, well, it's complicated; i'm in the finishing months of my study, i don't really have that much time on offer right now; i might be starting a PhD afterwards 11:38
masak brrt: ...we're hiring too! :D
brrt well, make it more difficult will you
masak that's what we're here for
brrt: many fine p6 people already work with us, so why not you as well? :) 11:39
jast reminds me, I've got to spend more time looking for jobs... not while I'm at work, though :}
brrt masak, moritz: it will be considered
RabidGravy I have one module that has four try of which two could be removed completely because I actually catch the one exception I care about, one is associated with an open RT and one is "try and coerce something and *shrug* if it doesn't work" 11:41
masak RabidGravy: the last one, does it call a function or a method? 11:42
RabidGravy function
masak and that function will never, ever throw an exception for any reason whatsoever? 11:43
(or call something that does)
RabidGravy but the outcome is the same, "that didn't work" 11:44
masak ok 11:45
RabidGravy In a whole category of cases I have an attempt at coercion and leave the value as it was if it fails, thereby delegating the failure to a type constraint 11:47
which is actually what, for the most part, I want to happen as it makes more sense 11:48
pmurias node rakudo.js --setting=NULL -e 'nqp::say "Hello World"' just worked (locally with a bunch of hacks, including support for running code with --setting NULL), will now work on having it work in a commitable way 11:53
RabidGravy pmurias++ # nice one 11:54
smls I found another interesting Rakudo concurrency failure mode: 11:56
«No such symbol 'primers' at /path/to/my/script/EVAL_19:4 ------> $self(primers⏏.list[0], |{ %ahash, %chash }); # |{} wo»
Note that the code is not from my script (nor does my script use EVAL).
So that's some sort of Rakudo internals leaking out... :P
timotimo what is |{ %ahash, %chash } all about? o_O 11:57
brrt jnthn: is there some reason why writing a return value in the last bits of ->work would be invalid? 11:58
in the reframe branch, i mean 11:59
masak pmurias++ # woot! 12:00
RabidGravy: even in the cases where you reliably fail no matter what the cause, the `try` has thrown away all the details about the cause. 12:01
(or, it hasn't -- the details are in $! -- but if you're not checking $! then that makes no difference) 12:02
RabidGravy I'm really not seeing the problem 12:04
m: my Int $a; my $b = "foo"; try $b = Int($b); $a = $b 12:05
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to $a; expected Int but got Str ("foo")␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/DGzCo_urxY line 1␤␤»
RabidGravy or 12:06
m: my Int $a; my $b = "foo"; $b = Int($b); $a = $b
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5foo' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/gufsuetL8L line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/gufsuetL8L line 1␤␤»
RabidGravy *shrug*
masak it all depends on how much machinery you're hiding away in the `try` 12:09
if it's just a coercion, then fine
smls timotimo: Looks like it's from Block.assuming (Which my script does call.)
timotimo ah 12:09
smls src/core/Block.pm
timotimo holy hell, that's a long piece of code 12:10
RabidGravy no, it *is* fine
timotimo looks like there's a , missing in there? 12:11
"primers |{..., ...}" isn't correct 12:12
smls timotimo: I think what's going on is that I have different *clones* of the same closure on different threats, and calling .assuming on them at the same time.
Is that not allowed?
timotimo oh, depends on capwrap 12:13
smls ?
timotimo if they share lexicals they've closed over, that could be problematic
but what you have there is a parse error
isn't it?
smls a parser error inside the EVAL that .assuming does, yeah 12:14
timotimo the assuming method doesn't write to $! attributes at least 12:15
and also doesn't call anything much on $self
so it'd surprise me if it's not reentrant, so to speak
you could try doing the .assuming up front and see if it makes any difference
smls timotimo: Unfortunately I can't reliably reproduce it. It has only happened twice so far. 12:16
timotimo ah, of course :( 12:17
there's also a cross-thread-write error log thingie for moarvm that'd yell at you when you do things that may be troublesome; no clue how noisy that usually is with regards to false-positives
smls Sound useful, how can I activate that? 12:18
Also, is there a non-mutating form of .assuming? 12:19
(The name suggests it would return a new closure anyway. The mutating form should have been called .assume)
timotimo give me a second. 12:21
MVM_CROSS_THREAD_WRITE_LOG Log unprotected cross-thread object writes to stderr
^- from moar --help
smls thanks
smls m: for (^200).race(batch=>1) { ({ 1 + $_ }).assuming(10)() } 12:28
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Parameter '$a' requires a type object of type Int, but an object instance was passed. Did you forget a 'multi'?␤␤Parameter '$a' requires a type object of type Int, but an object instance was passed. Did you forget a 'multi'?␤␤Parameter '$a' requi…»
timotimo github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/756 - review please; it's just about how the rakudo usage help output should look.
smls timotimo: This golfed code pretty much always fails, and one of the rarer failure modes is the one discussed above.
timotimo huh!
smls I guess .assuming on clones of the same closure is really not allowed then. 12:29
timotimo am i allowed to say the error message confuses me?
[Coke] waves.
timotimo greetings, coke
smls timotimo: Run it a few times, you'll get different error messages... :P
awwaiid hoelzro (or anyone interested in REPLness): I updated github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/738 so it now works with jvm. I haven't tried on windows yet to see if that is different. 12:32
Ulti cool 12:35
is the JVM version of Rakudo also 6.c ? 12:36
jnthn brrt: Well, the end of ->work is used for arg passing
awwaiid As far as I know that's a goal, though I think there are still some issues. It's working better this month than previously for me :)
jnthn brrt: And the GC scans its content by looking at the callsite used to pass args 12:37
brrt: So you can't just stash a value in the end slot really.
brrt hmmm
thing is
i've been reusing that slot in the jit for the return address of istrue in the if_o to istrue-lowering 12:38
now, when we're calling Bool(), we have no args except perhaps the callee
ehn, invokee
timotimo ideally, we'd already turn an if_o or istrue_o(?) into the call at spesh time when we know the STable, invocation mode, etc etc 12:39
same with some other things that have that kind of mode
brrt that has worked without problems for a long time, it may be so that there is something wrong there in the reframe-jit
jnthn brrt: Oh, so you're just stashing a value in there?
brrt aye
jnthn You'd likely get away with that...
brrt well, i'd think so 12:40
jnthn I don't see why you'd stop being able to get away with it
brrt thing is, we're clearly running into an infinite loop
in reframe-jit, in QRegex EXPR method, somewhere...
brrt it's not the new invoksih check, that one works well 12:41
jnthn And you got rid of all the FRAME references?
timotimo have you been able to find the bounds of that infinite loop? 12:42
jnthn :P 12:42
timotimo that's clearly the wrong way to spell that :D 12:43
i meant: what values does the IP reach?
brrt re FRAME, pretty sure yes 12:44
timotimo, i should get that from my debugger
ilmari haha, my file(1) says t/harness6: OS/2 REXX batch file, ASCII text 12:44
brrt but it is limited
timotimo fantastic %) 12:47
[Coke] Ulti: the ideal of the rakudo-j implementation is 6.c; the reality is far behind that.
brrt this reminds me that JIT debugging options are still pretty il 12:52
timotimo agreed :(
(and profiling with perf and other such tools is also difficult)
smls m: for (^50).race(batch=>1) { EVAL(q[ ({1 + $^a}) ]).assuming(10)() } 12:54
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(signal ABRT)*** Error in `/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/bin/moar': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00000000049f23e0 ***␤======= Backtrace: =========␤/lib64/libc.so.6(+0x730bf)[0x7ffec6d5b0bf]␤/lib64/libc.so.6(+0x7892e)[0x7ffec6d6092e]␤/lib6…»
smls timotimo: ^^ Fails even when I use EVAL to make sure each thread has a different closure. 12:55
(That moar crash seems to be camelia-specific; locally it fails with the same failure modes as the previous examples.)
timotimo oh, very interesting 12:56
i don't have time to look into it right now, though
smls will RT 12:57
masak getting spectest failures in t/spec/S06-other/main-usage.rakudo.moar and t/spec/S32-num/power.rakudo.moar today 13:01
moritz masak: I got the main-usage failure as well 13:03
masak: the power one, is that really a failure, or passing TODOs?
masak moritz: oh! passing TODOs.
the framework told me so, and then I forgot.
Xliff "…expect that there will be no release of Perl 6 suitable for everyday use by regular developers in the foreseeable future." - chromatic, 2013 13:11
Oh what a difference 3 years makes.
[Coke] sixfix doesn't need to be using say in the REPL, btw.
pmurias chromatic had a pretty precise definition of that, it's interesting if have met it (or how far we are from it) 13:13
masak pmurias: can that definition be found publicly somewhere? 13:15
Xliff On the whole try/catch issue. Is it the implementation of try/catch that's the problem or how it is used? 13:19
RabidGravy we'd all better stop writing software using perl 6 then
Xliff Because I believe that you test by exception type and then rethrow everything else in the default case.
timotimo it's only "try" without catch 13:20
putting try inside an expression
Xliff o_O
What's the point of "try without catch"?
RabidGravy Xliff, try on its own because it may inadvertently hide errors you do care about
Xliff O_o
brrt Xliff: to not die in the face of errors 13:21
Xliff looks at the sky and screams "whhhyyyyy"
brrt it has to do with the psychology of a creature called 'the normal person'
the kind of people who hit an electrical device to make it work
Xliff brrt: I am a fan of "die if this specific error", but "die on any error" is something that very rarely will work as expected.
I speak from experience.
geekosaur a spherical person of uniform density?
brrt incidentally, i do that for devices when i don't want to understand its details 13:22
geekosaur and, sadly, most people do *not* think that way
Xliff geekosaur, I may vaguely resemble that remark. =P
geekosaur may also :p
timotimo Xliff: do you have your nots reversed there?
Xliff vaguely spherical, vaguely uniform.
brrt i *think* the issue here may be that perl6 makes this case really easy, and you shouldn't use it
RabidGravy if you *shouldn't* use it then it *shouldn't* be in the language 13:23
timotimo --no-preserve-root shouldn't be in rm :) 13:24
Xliff Perl6 - giving you enough rope to succeed almost invariably means giving you enough rope to hang yourself.
RabidGravy in a lot of cases it is probably not what you want to do 13:24
smls I believe TimToady did argue once for making 'try' only catch X::AdHoc by default
Xliff Me personally, that's a thin line. However I prefer the flexibility and the responsibility to use things correctly rather than not having it at all.
RabidGravy yes, but y'know people just love their absolute rules based on opinion 13:25
Xliff I do so love irclogs. 13:27
RabidGravy: Oh. I have all of the read tests done against my (hacky) bindings for libogg and libvorbis. 13:28
Now comes write tests with libvorbisenc, libvorbis andlibogg.. *_*
Once those are done I will write p6 interface in Audio::OggVorbis 13:29
RabidGravy cool :) 13:30
Xliff++ # making those things so I don't have to :)
Xliff I have it on GitHub, now but the project is a long way to being ecosystem-ready. 13:31
Comments/Suggestions welcome.
Xliff timotimo, LOL - you are correct, sir. I meant "but 'not die on any error'", above. 13:40
takadonet morning all 13:56
MadcapJake Xliff: why not Audio::OggVorbis instead of Audio::LibOggVorbis ? 14:02
RabidGravy well it is entirely possible someone could come up with a completely different implementation :) 14:03
MadcapJake just seems lengthy and "Lib" seems superfluous 14:04
RabidGravy well the same reason I called Audio::Encode::LameMP3 14:13
MadcapJake I don't see a problem with that one, seems well categorized 14:14
RabidGravy it's still early days, I'd go with names that don't preclude making alternative implementations 14:16
grondilu m: my %h; %h<foo> := %h<bar>; %h<bar> = "bar!"; say %h<foo>; 14:22
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
grondilu was hoping the result would be "bar!"
dalek ar: c9e9516 | (Steve Mynott)++ | modules/MODULES.txt:
Comment File::Find since its embedded with panda. Oddly error only
jnthn grondilu: You'd need to force vivification of %h<bar> before binding it, otherwise you get a throwaway container that's bound nowhere 14:24
grondilu ok
dalek ar: 0e7dbb2 | (Steve Mynott)++ | / (2 files):
no unix type PATH under windows
RabidGravy tadzik, or anyone else with commit on panda github.com/tadzik/panda/pull/309 would be a great boon as half my modules are failing right now 14:43
moritz RabidGravy: merging right now 14:44
stmuk_ github doesnt like multi line commit logs :/
RabidGravy fabulous! moritz++
ilmari do you mean commit messages without a separate subject line? 14:45
moritz stmuk_: it does, if you follow the convention of putting an empty line after the first one
stmuk_ ah
RabidGravy I think vim even has a quite smart syntax highlighter for git commit messages, which give a clue how they might wind up 14:47
Xliff MadcapJake, I'm in the process of renaming it to just that. The GitHub repo implies just that. 14:48
MadcapJake Xliff: oops, didn't even notice that :P 14:50
BooK m: my @a=1,2; say @a; say @a X @a; # what's the difference between () and [] ? 14:51
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«[1 2]␤((1 1) (1 2) (2 1) (2 2))␤»
Xliff MadcapJake, it's OK. I forgive you. =)
Xliff re-reads line at 10:48:02 and shakes head at the repitition. 14:52
sjn m: my @a=1,2; say @a.WHAT; say (@a X @a).WHAT; 14:53
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(Array)␤(Seq)␤»
takadonet where do you report bug for rakudo?
is it still rt.perl.org/Public/Dist/Display.ht...a359312be6 ? 14:54
RabidGravy BooK, [] is an array, () is a list (or a seq in this case)
sjn takadonet: rakudo.org/tickets/
takadonet sjn: thanks 14:55
dalek ar: f281cd4 | (Steve Mynott)++ | modules/panda:
panda with new JSON::Fast dep
ar: e873b77 | (Steve Mynott)++ | modules/doc:
newer docs should be safe
BooK RabidGravy: I assume in most cases (e.g. for loops) I can use them indifferently 14:56
BooK m: my @a=1,2; say @a.WHAT; say (my @b=@a X @a).WHAT; 14:56
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(Array)␤(Array)␤»
BooK mkay
RabidGravy interchangeably yes 14:57
you can use them indifferently if you want but meh ;-)
moritz ... but I don't care if you do :-) 14:59
stmuk_ I'm starting to think R* should just include p6doc, panda and maybe zef :/ 15:04
and just be called "perl 6" 15:06
Xliff BooK: I think any List or Seq is coerced into an Array when assigned to a variable.
m: my @a = (1,2,3,4); say @a.WHAT 15:07
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(Array)␤»
jnthn Note quite
Xliff m: (1,2,3,4).WHAT
camelia ( no output )
jnthn An Array is something you can store things into
And assignment is copying
Xliff m: say (1,2,3,4).WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(List)␤»
jnthn my @a = 1..5; my @b = @a; @a[3] = 42; say @b;
ilmari my $a = (1,2,3,4); say $a.WHAT
jnthn m: my @a = 1..5; my @b = @a; @a[3] = 42; say @b; 15:08
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«[1 2 3 4 5]␤»
Xliff m: say ((1,2,3,4) X (3, 6)).WHAT
ilmari m: my $a = (1,2,3,4); say $a.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(Seq)␤»
rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(List)␤»
jnthn Note that @b doesn't reflect the change in @a because assignment works that way
ufobat is there a problem with nativecall and filehandles? i am just wondering why Net::PCAP (in perl5 as well) doesn't have pcap_fopen_offline
Xliff ufobat, what do you mean? 15:09
jnthn, I meant to imply the assignment. Sorry if that was unclear.
ufobat both Net::PCAP in perl5 and perl6 have not implemented the pcap function "pcap_fopen_offline" and i am wondering why
Net::Pcap, sorry 15:10
jnthn Xliff: np, it's just that "coerce" is a tad under-specific :)
So figured I'd try to clarify a bit :)
Xliff Ahh... 15:12
And here I was trying to sound knowledgeable. 15:13
m: my @a = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6, 7)]; say @a[2].WHAT;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(List)␤»
Xliff m: my @a = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6, 7)]; say @a[2].WHAT; my @b = a[1]; say @b.WHAT 15:14
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/i2XsKrGCWE␤Undeclared routine:␤ a used at line 1␤␤»
Xliff m: my @a = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6, 7)]; say @a[2].WHAT; my @b = @a[1]; say @b.WHAT;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(List)␤(Array)␤»
RabidGravy ufobat, it could be implemented, there isn't a particular problem it's just fiddly
Xliff OK. So the behavior I was expecting was correct. 15:15
ufobat good to know
ZoffixW m: my $text = "### Perl 5\nSome code\n## Perl 6\nMoar code\n"; my @titles = $text.comb(/^^ <?after '#'+ \s> (.+?) $$/); .say for @titles; 15:18
camelia ( no output )
ZoffixW Why doesn't this match, yet if I remove '^^' then it works?
moritz ZoffixW: because of the \n 15:20
ZoffixW moritz, doesn't it make a new "line", hence the start/end of line anchors would work? 15:21
moritz ZoffixW: <?after '#'> doesn't match, because the previous character was a \n, not a #
ZoffixW The docs also say "The ^^ assertion matches [...] either at the start of the string, or after a newline character."
moritz ZoffixW: maybe you want <?before> instead? 15:22
ZoffixW Nah, I want <?after .. but now I see why it's failing. <after is zero-width. But then, why does this fail too, if I put the ^^ inside the <?after? 15:23
m: my $text = "### Perl 5\nSome code\n## Perl 6\nMoar code\n"; my @titles = $text.comb(/<?after ^^ '#'+ \s> (.+?) $$/); .say for @titles;
camelia ( no output )
moritz ZoffixW: what do you want to achieve?
ZoffixW moritz, I want the result to be @titles = 'Perl 5', 'Perl6'; 15:24
Xliff 'Perl 5', 'Perl 6'
Xliff knows what its like to suffer from a defective space bar. 15:25
ZoffixW right
moritz m: my @lines = "### Perl 5\nSome code\n## Perl 6\nMoar code\n".lines; for @lines.rotor(2 => -1) { say .[1] if .[0] ~~ /^'#'/ } 15:26
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Some code␤Moar code␤»
ZoffixW heh. But I want with .comb
moritz and it's not what you want, right?
ZoffixW Right.
moritz m: say "### Perl 5\nSome code\n## Perl 6\nMoar code\n".comb(/^^'#'+\s* <( \N+ /).perl 15:27
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«("Perl 5", "Perl 6").Seq␤»
moritz ZoffixW: better? :-)
ZoffixW Yeah, thanks. Now I juse need to read up on what <( and \N+ are :) 15:28
moritz <( starts the match
\K if you know p5 regexes
and \N is the opposite of \n 15:29
a non-newline character
ZoffixW Though I'm still curious why my version with <?after didn't work.
moritz, thanks. That makes sense
m: my $text = "### Perl 5\nSome code\n## Perl 6\nMoar code\n"; my @titles = $text.comb(/<?after ^^ > (.+?) $$/); .say for @titles;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«␤Some code␤␤## Perl 6␤␤Moar code␤»
ZoffixW ^ first line is missing :S
psch m: say +("\n" ~~ / ^^ /) 15:33
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«0␤»
psch m: say +("a\nb" ~~ / ^^ /)
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«0␤»
psch m: say +("a\nb\n" ~~ / ^^ /)
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«0␤»
psch oh duh 15:34
ZoffixW ?
psch not capturing anything of course reports 0 captures... :)
ZoffixW Ah
psch m: say +("\n" ~~ / (^^) /) # not sure we *can* capture that..?
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«0␤»
Xliff m: my @a = ("a\nb\n" ~~ m:g/ ^^ /); say @a 15:35
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«[「」 「」]␤»
Xliff Ooorrr...
psch m: say +("\n" ~~ / [^^ (<?>)]+ /) # not sure we *can* capture that..?
Xliff m: say ("a\nb\n" ~~ m:g/ ^^ /);
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 94656 bytes␤»
rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(「」 「」)␤»
psch well, yeah, that should be a timeout i guess
i mean, it makes sense
psch slowly steps away from the zero-width assertions 15:36
ZoffixW :D
Xliff They would be useful if I could ever get them to work like want them to!
psch .oO( "sir, please put down the kleene star!" ) 15:37
tadzik moritz++
Xliff s/like/like I/
psch i just occassionally braino, like above :S 15:38
dalek osystem: 71e841b | RabidGravy++ | META.list:
Rename META file for AccessorFacade
MadcapJake tadzik: how do I keep separate my panda for rakudobrew and one for rakudo? 16:01
takadonet m: for 1..8 -> $core { next if $core %4 !=0; say $core;} 16:04
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Cannot modify an immutable Int␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/ltAhBcPWVO line 1␤␤»
takadonet m: for 1..8 -> $core { my $temp = $core; next if $temp %4 !=0 ; say $core;} 16:05
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Cannot modify an immutable Int␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/q_mOvqF1an line 1␤␤»
takadonet what I am missing? 16:06
ZoffixW m: for 1..8 -> $core { next if $core % 4 != 0; say $core;}
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«4␤8␤»
ZoffixW takadonet, spaces :)
takadonet ZoffixW: ..... bloody hell!
ZoffixW I wonder what it's being interpreted as... 16:07
m: my $x; say $x !=0;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
ZoffixW m: my $x; say $x != 0;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type Any in numeric context in block <unit> at /tmp/vmuw7mllk0 line 1␤False␤»
takadonet Was just about to report it as a bug 16:09
awwaiid $core % 4 != 0 ---> $core !%% 4 # I think 16:12
%% means "even multiple of", and thus !%% means "not an even multiple of" 16:13
ZoffixW would just use unless ... %%
awwaiid m: for 1..8 -> $core { next if $core !%% 4; say $core }
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«4␤8␤»
ZoffixW Well, it might be a bug that !=0 is doing something weird. It almost like it's trying to do the same type of stuff as +=, except with the ! operator. 16:14
ZoffixW reports it
ZoffixW Ah, $a !=$b, behaves as $a = $b and returns !$b as result 16:17
stmuk_ pl6anet.org/drop/rakudo-star-2016.04-RC3.tar.gz
ZoffixW stmuk_++
stmuk_ testing on Windows welcomed - if nothing serious pops up I'm planning on releasing that in 12 hrs or so
awwaiid ZoffixW: I looked at perl6 --target=parse -e 'my $x; say $x !=0', and ... yep. 16:18
!==0 works in that case :) 16:20
gregf_ m: (1..8).grep: { next unless $_ %% 4; .say }
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«4␤8␤»
ZoffixW Reported: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127988
m: (1..8).grep(* %% 4)>>.say 16:21
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«4␤8␤»
gregf_ oh, that next is not needed :| 16:22
m: (1..8).grep: { $_ %% 4 && .say }
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«4␤8␤»
gregf_ heh.. ZoffixW++
gregf_ refactoring++ 16:23
takadonet gregf_: original script little more complex then that :)
Xliff Can you make Buf/Blob/Array mimic a file stream in Perl6? 16:28
stmuk_, Can Rakudo Start live in harmony with Strawberry Perl? 16:30
ZoffixW m: (0, 4 ... * > 100).say 16:31
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104)␤»
moritz Xliff: what do you mean by "mimic"?
stmuk_ Xliff: currently that's just a source distro with basic windows support - its likely some of the nativecall modules like linenoise might not work depending on compiler 16:32
Xliff Well, ideally I want to write one entry point into an interface I am writing.
stmuk_ Xliff: if you could try building with strawberry and report any issues of a gist posted here that would help
Xliff So I want to be able to run this Bufs, Blobs, Arrays and file streams. 16:33
stmuk: OK. Rebuilding now.
moritz Xliff: sounds like you want something like p5's IO::All
I don't think such a thing has been written yet for Perl 6 16:34
stmuk_ Xliff: I'm travelling shortly but will read this scrollback later 16:36
Xliff moritz++ # Thanks! 16:45
Xliff The hurdles I have to go through to get rakudobrew to work on Windows. 16:55
grondilu m: say (class {}) // "not defined?" 16:58
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«not defined?␤»
grondilu m: say Int.defined 16:59
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
grondilu needs to review the semantics of &[//]
moritz &[//] probably doesn't short-circuit 17:00
smls moritz: TimToady made [ ] with || // and friends short-circuit, shortly before the 6.c release 17:02
m: say [//] 42, (say "here")
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«42␤»
moritz smls: rakudo disagrees with you 17:03
smls ?
It did not execute the (say "here") 17:04
ilmari m: say [&&] 42, (say "here") 17:05
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«here␤True␤»
ilmari m: say [&&] False, (say "here")
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
MadcapJake m: [//] Nil, Nil, (say 'here'); 17:05
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«here␤»
MadcapJake m: say (class {}).defined; say (class{}).new.defined; # grondilu 17:07
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/7p4QP88Akj␤Whitespace required after keyword 'class'␤at /tmp/7p4QP88Akj:1␤------> 3say (class {}).defined; say (class7⏏5{}).new.defined; # grondilu␤»
MadcapJake m: say (class {}).defined; say (class {}).new.defined; # grondilu
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤True␤»
[Coke] stmuk: what do you mean, no PATH under windows? 17:08
geekosaur yeh, I was wondering about that... a class would be a type object
thought they said "unix-like".. .which would mean :-separated 17:09
Xliff Error while building. Detailes here: gist.github.com/Xliff/83bddb9af82e...b330811ff8 17:10
MadcapJake Why do I keep getting "IO::Path requires named arguments only" error when it clearly allows you to provide a single string/IO argument 17:14
smls m: say IO::Path.new(5); say IO::Path.new(5, 10) 17:15
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«IO::Path is disallowed in restricted setting␤ in sub restricted at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 1␤ in method new at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 32␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/Rh2thN3Apr line 1␤␤»
MadcapJake that even works smls, it just concats it onto $*CWD 17:16
oh but the second one doesn't and gives the same named args only error
smls It's an LTA error message. Might be worth to RT it. 17:16
dalek c: 26bd494 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/Dateish.pod:
Added documentation for the weekday-of-month method
MadcapJake smls: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id...6818e5712c 17:19
smls MadcapJake++
pmurias hmm, when we reach 100 nqp test how should they be numbered? 17:41
[Coke] can't we just keep going
llfourn unicode! 17:42
RabidGravy I wrote a script to renumber tests spaced out by 100 and left padded with zeroes the other day 17:43
ZoffixW rename 's/^(\d+\d+)(?!\d)/0$1/' * 17:44
m: my %things = 'moo=meow ping=pong'.comb(/(\w+) '=' (\w+)/, :match).map({ $_[0] => ~$_[1] }); say %things
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«{moo => meow, ping => pong}␤»
ZoffixW Is there a more concise way to write the above? Preferably with .comb, but I'll take other methods too? 17:45
Err... \d\d not \d+\d+
mst maybe some sort of .flatten.pairs_to_hash type thing? 17:46
maybe not conciser but prettier, maybe
ZoffixW .comb is itching for a :captures flag... Where it returns a list of all the $0, $1, $2 ... etc captures 17:46
ZoffixW m: my %h = 'moo=meow ping=pong'.comb(/(\w+) '=' (\w+)/, :match)>>.flat.flat>>.Str; say %h 17:48
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«{moo => meow, ping => pong}␤»
ZoffixW mst++
Still, kinda roundabout, especially when you compare it to Perl 5's: my %h = 'moo=meow ping=pong' =~ /(\w+)=(\w+)/
m: my %h = 'moo=meow ping=pong'.comb(/(\w+) '=' (\w+)/, :match)>>.Slip.>>.Str; say %h 17:50
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«{moo => meow, ping => pong}␤»
mst ZoffixW: you missed a 'g' on the perl5 version, I think 17:52
ZoffixW Yeah, I did
It's still much shorter even with /g :)
mst how come it needs all of >>.flat.flat>..Str ? 17:53
that's a bit beyond my current comprehension
ZoffixW .comb with :match returns a bunch of Match objects.
And apparently when you coerce them into a list, you get a list of captures.
MadcapJake mst: .map(.flat).flat.map(.Str) 17:54
llfourn m: 'moo=meow ping=pong'.comb(/(\w+) '=' (\w+)/, :match).say
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(「moo=meow」␤ 0 => 「moo」␤ 1 => 「meow」 「ping=pong」␤ 0 => 「ping」␤ 1 => 「pong」)␤»
dha is still waiting for a programming language that can handle having just one instruction: DWIM
MadcapJake >>.method equivalent to .map(*.method) 17:55
mst ah, right, so the first .flat just turns it into one list per match and the recond one flattens it entirely? 17:56
ZoffixW Yeah 17:57
But you still get Match objects, so that's why .Str is there too
smls_ MadcapJake: Isn't >>.method closer to .deepmap(*.method) ? 18:03
llfourn m: my %h = q|moo=meow ping=pong|.comb(/$<key>=\w+ "=" $<value>=\w+/, :match).map({.<key> => .<value>.Str}); say %h.perl # clearer 18:04
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«{:moo("meow"), :ping("pong")}␤»
CIAvash m: say 'moo=meow ping=pong'.split([' ','=']).hash
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«{moo => meow, ping => pong}␤»
ZoffixW CIAvash, that's incorrect. Your `ping` key is ` ping` key.
Oh 18:05
Sorry, I missed the ' '. But still.
mst oh hey something that does have a hash form ;)
ZoffixW :D
MadcapJake smls_: yeah you're right
perlawhirl Zoffix: this is how i've always done string pairs to hashes... 18:06
m: my %things = [=>] 'moo=meow ping=pong'.split('='); say %things; 18:07
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«{moo => meow ping => pong}␤»
ZoffixW m: dd [=>] 'moo=meow ping=pong'.split('=')
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«:moo("meow ping" => "pong")␤»
perlawhirl or... just in case separators are in your 'value' string ... .split('=', 2)
hmm... .words too then :D 18:08
ZoffixW I guess that's another way to go, but it's not the equivalent of the Perl 5's version [and doesn't use .comb]... 18:09
ZoffixW is writing an article, so those two bits are more important than they should be :)
perlawhirl m: dd 'moo=meow ping=pong'.words.map({ [=>] .split('=') }); 18:10
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(:moo("meow"), :ping("pong")).Seq␤»
perlawhirl ahh... didn't see you say 'preferably with comb' 18:11
ZoffixW Hm. I started writing a proposal to add :captures, but can't come up with any sane behavior (should it return a List for each set? What about named captures?): Here's what I wrote so far, if anyone wants to take the torch: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/b88f63a...9eb86b0c54 18:12
ZoffixW ».Slip.».Str ain't too bad 18:12
vendethiel- (why not map?) 18:13
psch ZoffixW: Match exists to deal with ambiguity of having positional and named captures... :) 18:14
ZoffixW Right, which makes :captures pointless :P 18:15
psch +the
ZoffixW vendethiel-, more typing? :)
vendethiel- .map(*.Slip.Str) isn't that bad, really :P
ZoffixW ».Slip».Str both shorter and sexier :)
vendethiel- politely disagrees
ZoffixW :D 18:16
vendethiel- the good thing is, both work :).
psch and a .Slip.Str is fast either way, amirite 18:17
dalek osystem: f11e8db | RabidGravy++ | META.list:
Rename META file for XDG::BaseDirectory
perigrin /w 74 18:25
dha So... If I wanted to know what directory my program thinks it's in at the moment, I would think I would use - from what I can find searching for "dir" at doc.perl6.org - IO::Spec::curdir 18:42
RabidGravy $*CWD
dha But It's not working in any way I can think of using it.
Ah. So, does curdir actually work at all?
RabidGravy m: say $*SPEC.curdir 18:43
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«.␤»
dha Ah. So IO::Spec methods would be used via $*SPEC?
RabidGravy yes, but it doesn't mean pwd, it returns '.' to mean "who do I talk about the current directory" :) 18:44
ZoffixW dha, yeah, $*SPEC is the appropriate IO::Spec::* object for the current OS
RabidGravy or how even 18:45
m: say $*SPEC,updir
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/t7J7yKgGLR␤Undeclared routine:␤ updir used at line 1. Did you mean 'chdir', 'indir', 'mkdir', 'pair', 'tmpdir'?␤␤»
RabidGravy m: say $*SPEC.updir 18:46
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«..␤»
dha Ah, ok, $*SPEC is covered in the full IO::Sped doc.
RabidGravy yeah
dha but if you search for curdir, it just gives you the curdir parts of IO::Spec. Hm. that looks like a problem I don't see an easy solution for. 18:47
ZoffixW dha, what problem? 18:49
m: $*CWD.say
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«"/home/camelia".IO␤»
dha The problem is that searching for that is problematic if one doesn't already know to look for it. 18:50
dha And that, if you search for curdir, you don't see the bit in the full IO::Spec doc that says you need to access IO::Spec methods via $*SPEC 18:50
ZoffixW I s'pose. It's listed under Variables: docs.perl6.org/language/variables#D..._variables
dha So, not a problem in how it works, but a problem for people looking for things. 18:51
ZoffixW Yeah
RabidGravy maybe "are you looking for $*CWD?" could help
dha ZoffixW - right, but again, you need to know you're looking for a variable, not a function/method
dha RabidGravy - if we could make that work in a useful way, sure. :-) 18:52
RabidGravy just in the curdir pod
hankache good evening #perl6 18:53
ZoffixW \o
dha Hm. Yeah, that could work. except there are several OS-specific curdirs that come up if you search for curdir, so I'm not sure how that would work. that, though, is more me not knowing how the doc.perl6.org search works than anything, I imagine. 18:54
RabidGravy I don't know how it works either :) 18:56
leont_ There are various algorithms, with various edge cases 18:57
[Coke] When the site is built, all the searchable things are put into a static JS block.
dha RabidGravy - that's somehow comforting. :-)
ZoffixW For one, you can use X<foo|section,explanation> tags to index bits. I think a good way to solve the above problem would be to use that form for all the special variables. Alas, looking at the page, it seems like POD tags inside the table aren't parsed 18:58
RabidGravy no I could never work out how to fix that
CIAvash m: say 'moo=meow ping=pong'.comb(/\w+/).hash 19:03
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«{moo => meow, ping => pong}␤»
CIAvash ZoffixW: Does this count? ↑ 19:04
ZoffixW CIAvash, sure :D Thanks 19:05
dalek c: 3b7440d | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/Dateish.pod:
Added documentation for method week-number and wrote some code examples for is-leap-year and days-in-month
ZoffixW New blog post: "Perl 6: Comb It!" blogs.perl.org/users/zoffix_znet/20...mb-it.html 19:25
mst "Your code is a tangle, might I suggest .comb, sir?" 19:27
Xliff Hummm…... 19:28
Looks like jnthn beat me with Audio::Sndfile
Ah well. I've started. I may as well finish. 19:29
psch Xliff: not jnthn, RabidGravy 19:31
Xliff Oh. LOL! Same name.
Any idea when (un)?pack will move out of the experimental phase? 19:32
RabidGravy audio::sndfile doesn't do compressed audio
Xliff RabidGravy, Ahhh.
RabidGravy the most complex it does is flac
timotimo Xliff: it'll need an implementation first :) 19:33
Xliff timotimo, you're kidding me? That's still NYI (Not yet implemented) 19:34
Juerd timotimo: And before that, perhaps some specification :)
Xliff Aaieee!
Juerd Xliff: pack/unpack is unspecified, perhaps mostly an oversight.
Xliff wonders how he's going to do WAV header parsing without it.
Juerd Xliff: Well, there's something in place, just not feature complete.
RabidGravy it's partially implemented, no-one likes the way it works
Xliff I could always cheat and use Inline::Perl5
timotimo yes, partially implemented, but that implementation will (hopefully) go away before the feature goes non-experimental 19:35
Xliff >.>
RabidGravy Xliff, you can use Audio::Sndfile :)
Xliff <.<
Juerd If you're interested in pack/unpack, could you read gist.github.com/Juerd/ae574b87d40a66649692/ and comment if you have any thoughts on that design?
Xliff RabidGravy, yes. And that is on my list of possibilities. However using a module that can read/write Ogg/Vorbis to test one that will read/write Ogg/Vorbis seems rather...err... meta. 19:36
Xliff I'd like Audio::OggVorbis to have as few dependencies as possible. 19:36
Xliff goes to read Juerd's gist
CIAvash ZoffixW: You can also use the match method instead of matching with comb: `'moo=meow ping=pong'.match(/(\w+) '=' (\w+)/, :g)` 19:37
RabidGravy Sndfile can't read/write ogg vorbis
Xliff RabidGravy, says so here -> www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/#Features. There's a footnote right after the table that states: "From version 1.0.18, libsndfile also reads and writes FLAC and Ogg/Vorbis." 19:39
dha ZoffixW - nice article. Also, that's a big comb. 19:40
Xliff Juerd: By "byte-prefixed" do you mean "<byte> <data>" where <byte> is the length of the data? 19:41
Juerd Xliff: Line number? 19:42
Xliff 44
Juerd Oh, byte *length* prefix. That's the length in number of bytes, prefixed as some number 19:43
timotimo does the byte length prefix also have a byte length prefix length prefix?
Juerd This number could have any encoding, e.g. uint32 or uint8. The length prefix itself can thus be one or multiple bytes.
RabidGravy Xliff, well I never, I must have had an older version when I first made it :)
Xliff OK. I am reading this right, then.
Juerd timotimo: Templates can be nested, so that is possible.
timotimo OK
oh, that's your design from back then! 19:44
Xliff RabidGravy, LOL!
Juerd timotimo: Yes, that I never had time for to implement.
Not that I know enough low-level p6/nqp to even dare...
RabidGravy I'd just make it in Perl 6 in the first place 19:45
pack & unpack are
Juerd Yes, and that makes them unusably slow.
RabidGravy well there's the problem 19:46
Juerd One of several :)
timotimo Juerd: my ($s, $i) = $blob.decode([ "latin1", uint16 ]); # FAILS - btw, why does this fail? why doesn't it just find the first null byte and then unpack a uint16
Juerd timotimo: Because I didn't want to specify that latin1 cannot include null bytes. Instead, null-termination will need to be indicated explicitly. 19:47
Xliff timotimo, I was just about to ask that.
timotimo ah
Juerd timotimo: Good point, though! I only considered \0 strings for encoding, and thought that Nil could perfectly handle that. But for decoding, something else is needed. 19:48
Xliff Juerd: So how does the other one work, then? "my ($n, $s) = $blob.decode([ num, "latin1" ]);"
Juerd Xliff: That reads to the end of the input
Xliff: Non-length-specified types can be specified at the end of the template
RabidGravy but to go back to the original question pack/unpack aren't going anywhere
Xliff So "my ($n, "latin1", $n) = $blob.decode([num, "latin1", num])" will fail? 19:49
Juerd Xliff: Yes.
Xliff kk
RabidGravy there is software that uses them *which was made before everyone moaned them into being marked experimental* 19:50
Xliff BUT! "my ($n, $s, $n) = $blob.decode([num, uint8 => "latin1", num])" is valid? 19:50
Juerd RabidGravy: It had to be made experimental because there's no way the current design could be repaired without breaking compatibility.
Xliff: Indeed.
Xliff RabidGravy, Oooh! So the "experimental" stuff is the result of groaning? 19:51
RabidGravy yeah
Xliff I'm SAVED!
Juerd Why 'moaning' and 'groaning'?
Xliff Still will need to taint my module with "use experimental" but I don't feel so bad about it, now. 19:52
Juerd Xliff: It's just an indication that your software *will* break once these features are touched. 19:53
Practically any change to this will be incompatible.
Xliff And I will just have to accept the responsibility to fix it when that happens.
RabidGravy well, that's what it was. there isn't an alternative implementation, and the functionality is required
Xliff Because parsing binary headers will be a bitch without it. 19:54
Juerd RabidGravy: So should we have gone with the broken and unfixable thing we have now, without indicating that it will break?
Juerd You could argue that the release was rushed because the spec and implementation were incomplete, but imho a release is a mostly symbolic thing anyway. 19:55
No piece of software has ever been perfect, especially at 1.0 19:56
RabidGravy so how come Net::AMQP was working fine for a year using it before all that?
Juerd Oh, really? How can something be broken if it worked for a particular purpose?
RabidGravy er, you've lost me 19:57
dogbert2 o/ #perl6
Juerd RabidGravy: Your argument seems to be that Net::AMQP having workend, means that pack/unpack is sufficient to not be experimental. 19:58
_ramix_ Hi. We have the Spanish version of perl6intro: es.perl6intro.com. Enjoy it!
dogbert2 doc question
Juerd It's a stub at best. Useful and it would suck if we didn't have it, but not anything we can build future versions on. Not a weird situation, considering that it was built without specification. 19:59
dha yay! someone other than me has a doc question! :-)
dogbert2 the 'write' method in IO::Socket has the following documentation 'Writes the supplied buffer to the socket, thus sending it to other end of the connection. The string version is method send.'
RabidGravy my argument is that it does what it does sufficiently well for something quite complicated to work 20:00
[Coke] RabidGravy: are you saying it's not experimental?
dogbert2 There is no method 'send' in the source as far as I can tell. Should it in fact be 'print'?
Juerd RabidGravy: Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's good enough to take forward. There are many things that it doesn't do, but cannot be made to do without breaking compatibility.
[Coke] dogbert2: Channel has a send, FWIW. 20:01
Juerd RabidGravy: That a specific example doesn't exercise those missing features doesn't mean a thing. Obviously, it if needed those features, the module might not have existed.
dha Perhaps we should encourage people not to think "experimental" doesn't mean "doesn't actually work"...
dogbert2 [Coke]: yup, but there's no suck thing in src/core/IO/Socket.pm 20:02
RabidGravy I'd actually go for something completely different, which isn't pack/unpack at all
dogbert2 *such
[Coke] dha: some docs on "is experimental" are probably in order if we don't have them, sure.
Juerd RabidGravy: So would I. Have you seen my gist at gist.github.com/Juerd/ae574b87d40a66649692/ yet? I went with encode and decode, just like character encodings, because that's what number encodings are: encodings.
RabidGravy as it is, I've stopped the MIDI file module because of the uncertainty 20:03
Juerd, I saw it before.
Juerd NB: if someone has a git account and can add a comment that terminator-specified decoding is a required feature, that would be welcome 20:04
I don't have my phone with me and I need that to login at github...
timotimo OK 20:05
Juerd Thanks :)
timotimo there you go 20:06
Juerd I'll think up some way to fit it into the design
First thought is "\0" => "latin1" 20:07
But I'll think about it some more because I don't like that.
timotimo will we have something like "\r\n\r\n" => "latin1" for HTTP header section, too? 20:08
Juerd I think HTTP headers should be approached as text, not binary :)
RabidGravy yeah
Juerd I like "latin1\0" better, but it might be nice to support arbitrary delimiters, maybe even bracketing ones. 20:09
Xliff That will make it…interesting…to parse. 20:10
timotimo yes 20:11
well, we'd really like to have something fast and short to type to split a buffer at a multi-element delimiter
Xliff Juerd: also encode/decode are already used in Buf and Str.
Juerd Xliff: Yes, my design intends to extend that 20:12
Xliff: The rationale behind this is that string encodings and number encodings can be treated as one thing. 20:13
Xliff Ahh.
Makes sense.
Juerd Both are ways of encoding numbers anyway
timotimo: Er... I think we already have that: .split
timotimo on blobs? 20:14
Juerd If it doesn't exist, it should :)
m: my $b = Blob.new(65, 13, 10, 65); say $b.split(Blob.new(13, 10))
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context␤Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in block <unit> at /tmp/eGPvlvvg_t line 1␤Cannot call split(Blob, Blob); none of these signatures match:␤ in bl…»
Juerd Meh :( 20:15
RabidGravy it should, it's usually implemented with some subbuf thing
AlexDaniel psch: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127980 20:25
tailgate how does perl perl6 look for modules? If I want to import a module in the directory lib/foo/bar.pm6 how would I do that? Does it have to be under "lib"? 20:26
Xliff Juerd, looks good. I've made a comment on your gist. 20:27
AlexDaniel tailgate: what about perl6 -Ilib/foo/
timotimo shouldn't -Ilib work just as well? then you'd have to use foo::bar
Xliff It's much easier to understand than pack/unpack. 20:28
And would work for my use-case.
With one issue, which I bring up in the comments.
Juerd Xliff: Thanks for your time 20:29
Xliff Juerd, no problem. Thanks for your thoughts! ;) 20:30
moritz fails to Apache 20:31
Xliff wonders if Apache had it's head scalped... or if Apache was the one doing the scalping.
moritz was unclear.
moritz Xliff: it's the one not doing the redirect :( 20:32
Xliff What are you trying to redirect?
moritz perlpunks.de/paste/show/571e7eda.3187.86
I'm trying to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS, except for the URLs that the lets-encrypt/ACME protocol uses for domain verification 20:33
AlexDaniel dogbert2++ for working on documentation
moritz and it doesn't redirect anything 20:34
and I'm using pretty much exactly the same code for a different domain, where it works
timotimo ugh, is there some tool that outputs the exact configuration that applies with all things that come from other sources, too? 20:35
like the "calculated css" thing inside chrome's dev tools for css rules
psch AlexDaniel: well, i'm pretty sure that can be a really interesting discussion 20:36
moritz timotimo: well, firebug does it too 20:37
AlexDaniel psch: yea!
psch i'm not quite sure if i know enough arguments to stick with my position though...
moritz timotimo: but outside the browser? I'm not aware of any tools
psch m: say 2 ~~ %( 0 => 1, 2 => 3 )
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
psch m: say <a b c> ~~ (**, "c")
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
Xliff moritz: For this I wonder if your RewriteCond is off. You might want "RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off", instead
timotimo how do people debug apache without something like that :\
psch AlexDaniel: note that design.perl6.org/S03.html#Smart_matching didn't speculate on $item ~~ $list at all
moritz Xliff: this is only the virtualhost for port 80, so no need for that 20:38
Xliff timotimo, we read log files.... LOTS AND LOTS of log files.
[Coke] so does sawyer X hang out on freenode anywhere?
psch i think that's the strongest argument i have. $item ~~ $list does not have any meaningful behavior, it's just False out of principle it feels
Xliff moritz, then drop the RewriteCond?
AlexDaniel psch: I'd love to have M metaop though
Xliff If that's the only host for port 80 then the rewrite is implicit. 20:39
moritz Xliff: no, that's needed for the lets-encrypt domain verification URLs
psch AlexDaniel: what does that do?
Xliff So that's why !well-known is there?
moritz Xliff: it's not the only host
Xliff Coz I couldn't find it in the mod_rewrite docs.
moritz Xliff: ! is just a negation
psch AlexDaniel: i don't quite grasp your snippets in the comment... :)
AlexDaniel psch: well, it's for comparing lists 20:40
moritz Xliff: and well-known is a regex I match against the URLs that I want to exclude from the redirect
the URLs I want to exlude look like /.well-known/acme-challenge/evaGxfADs6pSRb2LAv9IZf17Dt3juxGJ-PCt92wr-oA
AlexDaniel psch: with an explicit op to do comparisons. Much like you do in “$x eq any(…)” case 20:41
Xliff moritz: "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /^\.well-known/" 20:42
Your regexp isn't in that paste.
I'm running on guesswork here.
moritz Xliff: "well-known" *is* the regex 20:43
Xliff But it sounds like your Cond isn't matching. Have you turned up the LogLevel? 20:44
psch AlexDaniel: what's the general semantics? i mean, you mention that your example doesn't account for different length of lists, how does the propose metaop M deal with that?
oh, and why doesn't hyper do that? 20:45
m: my @a = ^4; my @b = ^6; say (@a xx *) == (@b xx *)
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Cannot .elems a lazy list␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/yZrxAIhv8W line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/yZrxAIhv8W line 1␤␤»
psch err
Xliff moritz: OIC.
moritz Xliff: the rewritecond is a red herring; even if I remove it, no rewrite happens
psch m: my @a = ^4; my @b = ^6; say (@a) <<[==]>> (@b)
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«[True True True True False False]␤»
Xliff moritz: Turn up your LogLevel and see what's actually going on.
When (what should be) common sense fails, log everything. 20:46
I hate debugging crazy rewrite rules.
psch AlexDaniel: well, i don't think i understand the need nor the intent behind a list-comparison metaop... :)
Xliff Mainly because logging is the only debugging tool you have.
moritz argl 20:47
and mod_rewrite "of course" dropped RewriteLog 20:48
Xliff It's LogLevel, now
moritz yes, and will log all the other noise that I'm not interested in
timotimo well, just replace the apache setup with a few hundred lines of node.js code
RabidGravy I worked at a certain large media organization where everything was rewrite rules, did my head in 20:49
timotimo node.js outperforms apache anyway, because apache was developed before async was discovered
Xliff timotimo, o_O
psch AlexDaniel: don't take this as shooting down, though. i'm fairly sure i just don't understand what exactly you're proposing... :/
timotimo Xliff: that comes from a pretty funny internet video 20:50
ugexe al gore discovered async in 2001
psch oh boy, the $item ~~ $hash case can make for a wonderful $item ~~ $list idiom, actually 20:51
m: my @a = <foo bar baz>; say "foo" ~~ %(@a.antipairs)
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
psch there, "is the item in the list" with smartmatch
moritz is there some weird magic that if you have a .htaccess file that rewrite stuff in the virtual host config isn't applied? 20:52
Xliff Are there rewrite rules in the .htaccess file? 20:53
moritz yes
Xliff Can you paste those? 20:54
moritz Xliff: github.com/moritz/perlgeek.de/blob.../.htaccess
psch AlexDaniel: in any case, i'll reply properly to the ticket tomorrow which at least my arguments, even if i'm not sure i'll actually be able to argue a specific position...
Xliff "RewriteRules" before "RewriteEngine on" :/ 20:55
moritz ... and it doesn't error out 20:56
Xliff moritz: Is this a devel server or production? 20:57
If devel, then move the .htaccess file out of the way so you can debug your problem in the clear.
moritz Xliff: prod
Xliff Then move the .htaccess file back in and see if it still breaks.
moritz: :/
moritz or I just move the redirect to the .htaccess file
Xliff Always best to move other shit out of the way when debugging a specific RewriteCond/RewriteRule block. 20:58
OOps! Sorry about the language.
Getting tired I am. 20:59
dha Yeah, I mean... mentioning DEBUGGING.
Xliff I know rite!
Xliff washes mouth out with Raid.
Xliff dies.
mst pretty sure #perl6 cares a lot more about you not being an asshole than not saying the word, on the whole
Xliff: yeah, lvm is not designed for human ingestion
moritz seems to work in the .htaccess file 21:01
well, mystery unsolved, problem solved
timotimo yay
Xliff Wow
moritz time for sleep
Xliff moritz++
timotimo it was because of the wrong location of RewriteEngine on? 21:02
AlexDaniel psch: yeah, thanks :)
moritz timotimo: I have no idea. Probably not
timotimo oh, OK
moritz I guess it inherited the RewriteEngine On from the vhost config, or something
Xliff timotimo, No. I think if there is an .htaccess file with Rewrite directives it ignores anything in the virtual host config.
moritz there are days when I think I shouldn't software.
timotimo urgh!
good rest, moritz :)
Xliff Or it could just be the presence of the .htaccess file 21:03
I haven't Apache'd since 2.2
moritz thanks everybody
Xliff Good night, moritz
timotimo what do you webserver these days, Xliff? 21:04
nginx has risen up in popularity over the last years i hear
teatime paste.debian.net/plain/440861 ← halp. fails at the "Function Composition" example with "Preceding context expects a term, but found infix = instead" (@:43)
timotimo but i've kind of liked lighttpd in the mean time
teatime: i think it wants you to terminate the "sofar" 21:06
with just =finish it works
but clearly the error message is bogus as hell 21:07
teatime wat... I only did that to separate out the rest of the stuff from the other examples
to golf for reporting purposes... and created new error, hooray me :/
Xliff timotimo, I don't! I've webservered maybe 2 things in the past 3 years and it was Apache 2.2 because they couldn't upgrade to 2.4 because...breakage!
timotimo :)
timotimo is apache 2.2 still being bugfixed and securityfixed? 21:08
Xliff Sometimes I miss it.
teatime how did you get it to work? I added =finish to the end of the file, also tried =end, getting same error?
Xliff Then it passes.
timotimo not the end of the file
replace =begin sofar with =finish 21:09
teatime aye yeah just figured that out
timotimo and the error you're getting is probably just because you've not specified a value for s in your A.new 21:17
teatime timotimo: heh, I'm trying to figure out how to. should I have a new() or a BUILD ? 21:22
timotimo the default new you'll get just passes on all named parameters to the BUILDs 21:22
if you want to get by entirely without new and BUILD, you'd "has $.s" instead of "has $!s" 21:23
geekosaur BUILD. new should only be overridden in very special cases sinceyou need to handle superclass building and iirc roles yourself
teatime timotimo: and that makes the attribute directly rw from outside the class ?
timotimo no 21:24
for that you have to "is rw"
private attributes are mostly about "this isn't part of the API"
we've always said if you set the value of "s" directly from the constructor and even give its name, why is it private in the first place? 21:25
masak I'm not sure I fully buy that argument 21:27
partly because the one who creates the object and the one who uses it might be two different consumers with different access to its innards 21:28
timotimo you can rent the argument if you want to
after 3 months i'll let you decide if you want to continue renting, buy it properly, or drop the deal altogether 21:29
(of course in the latter case you'll have to return the argument, and pay for any repairs necessary to restore it to what it was when you started renting)
masak another consideratum: object construction sort of happens at the *edge* of the object's life cycle, technically before it starts being all encapsulation...y and stuff 21:30
timotimo good point 21:31
jnthn The best argument, to me, is the simple one that we decided we'd like to aid refactorability by making sure that you can refactor any $!foo without having to consider anything outside of the class body. 21:33
Private methods work out the same 21:34
masak yes, that is still a strong argument
mst timotimo: what masak said about different consumers 21:35
if I want to expose an interface object to the outside world with a reference to a guts object, I need to pass the guts object in at construction time 21:36
in perl5 I usually do "has _foo => (is => 'ro', init_arg => 'foo');"
timotimo nothing prevents you from making the constructor private and "trusts" for something else :)
we do have an ecosystem module that provides the equivalent of init_arg if i'm not mistaken
mst sure, but a private constructor doesn't affect the "if you set it directly, why is it private" question 21:37
timotimo mhh, OK
jnthn If you want to have a non-accessor'd attribute assigned from a named parameter, it's just a BUILD submethod away. There's even a parameter binding syntax to let you do it declaratively. 21:38
mst I'm not expressing a specific opinion, just poking holes in an argument I don't believe holds water in practice
timotimo right, that's incidentally what teatime is using in their code right now - what jnthn just mentioned
mst jnthn: yep, and I have no problem with that. you're assuming I was making a stronger argument than what I actually said, I think 21:38
pattern matching a nuanced position to a more absolutist version you've argued against before is such an annoying failure mode of brains (mine included) 21:39
jnthn mst: I was actually reacting to "we have an ecosystem mdoule to do X" :P
mst jnthn: init_arg isn't the same thing as that. 21:40
jnthn Ah, fair enough
mst the specific use I put it to is basically equivalent
jnthn What other uses can it have?
mst apart from the action-at-a-distance-ness, depending on how you look at it
init_arg => undef lets you have a public attribute that isn't settable via the constructor 21:41
and sometimes you're emulating somebody else's new() protocol
are the two that immediately spring to mind
jnthn In the latter, you want to take a different name than your attribute? 21:42
mst right
it's not honestly something you want very often
jnthn submethod BUILD(:it's-name($!my-name)) { }
uh, *its
timotimo jnthn: did you notice i put more work into the "create code from a buildallplan" branch? any chance you'd know when you could have a look at it? since it's failing in a hard-to-debug way for me ;(
jnthn Damn, I am tired :P
mst ah, well, in that case it's just aesthetics as to whether you prefer it in BUILD or as an annotation on the attribute 21:43
timotimo hm. maybe it'd be a good idea to just dump the qast of the code i generate for later inspection
jnthn timotimo: Sometimes after I've finished banging my head against the GC bugs my torture testing turned up, maybe :)
mst I suspect but cannot yet confirm that BUILD will be fine for me
timotimo yeah, let's dump a blob of qast for pretty much every class in the core setting
that doesn't sound like a firehose of information at all
jnthn timotimo: Just check if an env var is set and only dump in that case? 21:44
timotimo well, loading the core setting fails, so i can't run any simpler code than the core setting through this yet 21:46
i can, however, turn off actually installing the method when an env var isn't set
jnthn Right :) 21:46
timotimo also, can you explain to me what code 13 does? it seems to just call a getattr; is it to trigger autovivification of attributes? 21:47
it's a no-op in BUILDALL, but it does that in BUILD_LEAST_DERIVED
tony-o ZoffixWin : for Data::Dump - you do realize that Match.gist doesn't output the same as .perl ?
ZoffixWin m: say ('foobar' ~~ m/foo/).gist 21:48
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«「foo」␤»
jnthn timotimo: Yeah, it just does a getattr
ZoffixWin m: say ('foobar' ~~ m/foo(bar)/).gist 21:49
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«「foobar」␤ 0 => 「bar」␤»
jnthn timotimo: If you git blame the line that added it, you'll see a commit message describing the bug it fixed
ZoffixWin tony-o, I guess... the above .gist is what I'd want it to output like with the proposed option enabled. I think the same applies to Pair objects too
jnthn It was in the crazy run-up-to-Christmas bugfixing, which is a bit of a blur :)
ZoffixWin Or maybe I'm thinking of something else that barfs up a whole ton of methods when Dumped
jnthn goes for sleep :) 21:50
'night all
ZoffixWin night
timotimo OK
timotimo isn't totally sure when we BUILD_LEAST_DERIVE; it seems to me like we almost always BUILDALL
timotimo greps the source
oh, mostly for role mixination 21:51
masak 'night, #perl6 21:58
timotimo gnite masak 22:00
teatime how can I get the class's name from inside new() 22:03
self.^name says "Cannot look up attributes in a type object"
teatime :8 22:04
timotimo well, inside new you don't have a self 22:05
timotimo er, what am i saying 22:05
timotimo m: say Str.^name 22:05
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Str␤»
timotimo why wouldn't that work?
sortiz m: class Foo { method new { say ::?CLASS.^name } }; Foo.new; 22:06
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Foo␤»
teatime timotimo: I thought self would be the class inside new() (instead of the instance) 22:07
timotimo yeah, it is 22:08
how it depends on what you want in the case of derived classes
because they will inherit "method new" unles they override it
teatime m: m: class Foo { method new { say self.^name } }; Foo.new; 22:08
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Foo␤»
teatime wtf 22:09
timotimo if you use ::?CLASS, you'll get the class that the method was derived from; if you use self.^name, you'll get the name of the class that ended up being called
tony-o ZoffixWin: are you looking for that to happen by default for just those two types or do you want to pass in :gist or :perl when you do the data dump? 22:10
ZoffixWin tony-o, I want to pass :gist so all objects would be dumped with .gist. A name of an object is enough for me, I don't need to see all of its methods. I imagine some folks like the current behaviour, hence I propose an option, not default 22:12
tony-o okay, cool - i'm coming up with a test file for it and i'll update you in a bit - estimated 10 to 15 minutes
ZoffixWin No rush :) I'm about to go gaming or movies 22:13
timotimo what do you game these days? 22:14
ZoffixWin timotimo, ummm.. hard to say: i.imgur.com/uwiDHc2.png 22:16
timotimo haha
do you have any go-to games these days?
dalek c: 616ac07 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/IO/Socket.pod:
Changed reference from method send (removed in 2015) to method print
ZoffixWin not really. I'm just playing through a bunch 22:17
timotimo steam says i have 183 games 22:18
ZoffixWin Doing `Wolfstein: The New Order`, the first `Bioshock`, `South Park: The stick of truth`... then I'll probably start 2nd Witcher. Though I pre-ordered the newest DOOM and it comes out on May 13th... And No Man's Sky comes out some time in summer
Xliff Yikes!
Xliff I drool for No Man's Sky 22:18
ZoffixWin Oh, and I got "Singularity" yesterday that looks interesting too
Xliff I drool badly.
ZoffixWin Me too :)
teatime paste.debian.net/plain/440871 ← This prints 'D(D(D(D(0))))', but I was hoping for 'D(C(B(A(0))))' 22:19
Xliff I will probably need to EOL my 2 SLI'd GTX 550 for it.
timotimo i'm frightened it'll really end up only being Walking Around Simulator 2016
Spore Edition™
ZoffixWin hah
Xliff LOL, "timo" x 2
ZoffixWin I think I'd be OK with that. The only thing I'm worried about (looking at the trailers) is your walking speed is super slow.. I don't want to feel like I'm moving through molases :/ 22:20
teatime wait, BUILD is supposed to be a submethod
ZoffixWin teatime, yeah 22:20
teatime I wanted this in new(), but I don't know how to set private attributes from new()
tony-o ZoffixWin: update has been sent to DD with a [currently] undocumended flag of :gist
timotimo teatime: the thing is, you don't have "self" as the instance inside new yet. you'll have to bless first to create the instance 22:21
Xliff timotimo, It depends on the conflict and the crafting. If they do both right, the game will be epic.
teatime right
timotimo mhm
Xliff I mean. I grok crafting. I play Factorio fer crissakes.
Xliff I was addicted to it for two months, then I haven't played it again. 22:22
timotimo my top games by time spent playing them are natural selection 2 (420 hours, haha), starbound (98 hours), mass effect 2 (73 hours), portal 2 (53 hours), and planetary annihilation (44 hours)
Xliff Natural Selection 2? 22:23
Starbound, ME2, P2 are classics.
timotimo i'm surprised i played as much PA as i did. i don't enjoy its economy stuff much
haven't played NS2 in a long while, though
Xliff Planetary Annihilation had such promise, but it didn't deliver. 22:23
timotimo it's an asymmetric team-based shooter + RTS
tony-o ZoffixWin: it's also documented, now - lmk what you think pls
timotimo yeah, and titans doesn't do enough to make up for it
tony-o (when you've time, obviously) 22:24
Xliff Nope.
Xliff looks up Singularity
timotimo oh, the game where you're an AI that has become sentient and has to evade getting detected/deleted?
ZoffixWin Don't think so: store.steampowered.com/app/42670/ 22:25
timotimo oh, that one
Xliff 2010
ZoffixWin Yeah, it's dated
Xliff I thought there was a more recent game named that.
ZoffixWin :)
timotimo where the main character has a time manipulation "gun" thingie
Xliff That's Quantum Break 22:26
Xliff Which I am totally not interested in. Since it is artificially limited to Windows 10 because.... DX12! 22:26
timotimo as soon as wine gets DX12 support that translates to vulkan or opengl, you can run it on windows 8 :P 22:27
Xliff Which MS could have brought to Win7, but... it's Microsoft. Artificially induced obsolescence!
Please. I puke when I look at anything Metro-based.
Why would I want to tolerate MORE of it? 22:28
timotimo OK, win 7 then
Xliff =) 22:28
grondilu m: say 1 !== 2 !== 1 22:28
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
grondilu m: say 1 !== 2 !== 3
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
Xliff I'd do Ubuntu if support for my SLI'd 550's wasn't so unstable.
grondilu m: say [!==] 1, 2, 3, 1, 5 22:29
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
timotimo if you ever have people over to play, towerfall: ascension and assult android cactus are great; AAC also works very well with just one player 22:29
teatime paste.debian.net/plain/440876 ← getting closer. how do I bless though. 22:30
timotimo self.bless(*%args)
er, |%args
grondilu how can I test that all elements of an array are different? @a == @a.unique would work I guess but it's a bit dull
teatime I want to mutate their value first
timotimo you could have just used your BUILD and supplied a default value for the :$!s parameter :)
timotimo oh, good point 22:31
grondilu somehow I was hoping [!==] would do the job
timotimo it sadly can't do the job, as it doesn't go across all elements
Xliff Wow! Assault Android Cactus is bullet-hell at its most basic! :p 22:31
timotimo only the bosses are actually bullet hell, the rest just spams random bullets :P
timotimo and it has the nice twist with the "battery" mechanic 22:32
also has fantastic music
teatime hrm, I'd've expected [==] ($a, $b, $c) ≡ $a == $b == $c
ZoffixWin tony-o, hmm... I guess it's my fault for forgetting that in Perl 6 everything is an object... Now, the methods are gone, which is good, but readability of the output also decreased because, well.. an Array and Hash are objects in Perl 6: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/b3db53a...6c3d397f39
tony-o, in my mind, I envisioned something more like this: metacpan.org/pod/Acme::Dump::And::...r#SYNOPSIS
teatime timotimo: can you tell me what's wrong w/ my new()'s :/ 22:33
timotimo let's see
grondilu m: say "123415" ~~ / (\d)+ <?{ $0 == $0.unique }> /;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«「5」␤ 0 => 「5」␤»
ZoffixWin You get all your basic structures like normal and objects just named. No giant lists of methods or guts.
Not sure if that's even possible in Perl 6 though (unless you check against all of the built in types or something)
timotimo you'll still need a build submethod to grab the s named parameter passed to bless and put it into the private attribute
grondilu m: say "123415" ~~ / (\d)+ /; 22:34
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«「123415」␤ 0 => 「1」␤ 0 => 「2」␤ 0 => 「3」␤ 0 => 「4」␤ 0 => 「1」␤ 0 => 「5」␤»
grondilu m: say "123415" ~~ / (\d)+ <?{ $0[] == $0[].unique }> /;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«「5」␤ 0 => 「5」␤»
AlexDaniel m: say 42[]
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«42␤»
tony-o ZoffixWin: i need to think about how to accomplish that without just hardcoding 'when * ~~ Match, ignore XYZ methods'
teatime timotimo: isn't there a default one that does that?
AlexDaniel m: say (42[]).WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(Int)␤»
Xliff timotimo: Last word from me on %topic<games>. Nothing will ever beat the System Shock series. They might come close, but best sci-fi game ever.
timotimo only for public attributes, no?
teatime aha 22:35
timotimo i've only played 90% of system shock, never system shock 2
but i did play bioshock
Xliff They don't 'em like that anymore.
Bioshock didn't give me the same feel. I just didn't get into the setting.
timotimo btw, there's #perl6-gaming for games discussion (and also perhaps game development)
Xliff Ooh! Might join. Later.
grondilu m: say .all ~~ .one given <1 2 3 1> 22:36
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Ambiguous call to 'infix:<===>'; these signatures all match:␤:(Int:D \a, Int:D \b)␤:(Str:D \a, Str:D \b --> Bool)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/VDLbu2jVQx line 1␤␤»
Xliff Or now. Now is good.
grondilu m: say .all == .one given <1 2 3 1>
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«all(one(True, False, False, True), one(False, True, False, False), one(False, False, True, False), one(True, False, False, True))␤»
Xliff <- Nap
grondilu m: say so .all == .one given <1 2 3 1>
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
grondilu m: say so .all == .one given <1 2 3 6> 22:36
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
grondilu m: say so .all == .one given <1 2 3 3 6>
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
grondilu m: say so .all == .one given <1 2 3 7 6> 22:36
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
teatime does that look like: submethod BUILD { :$!s } 22:37
grondilu m: say "123415" ~~ / (\d)+ <?{ $0.all == $0.one }> /;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«「23415」␤ 0 => 「2」␤ 0 => 「3」␤ 0 => 「4」␤ 0 => 「1」␤ 0 => 「5」␤» 22:37
teatime it keeps saying "Cannot look up attributes in a type object" at the line w/ bless.
AlexDaniel m: say 2..8 ~~ 1.5..8
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
grondilu .all == .one looks like a hack. Not sure I can do that reliably. 22:38
timotimo teatime: can you give me your guaranteed latest code?
teatime yes
timotimo 'k 22:39
teatime paste.debian.net/440878/
timotimo OH!
you're using "$!s => self"
that's not going to work
the self doesn't matter
the $!s on the LHS of the => does
teatime self.^name is looking for 'A'
XliffNap m: say 1.5...8; 22:40
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5)␤»
AlexDaniel so… thot's a bug?
grondilu m: say so .one == .all given <1 2 3 7 6 > 22:41
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
grondilu m: say so .one == .all given <1 2 3 7 6 2>
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
AlexDaniel grondilu: what are you trying to do?
grondilu checking if all elements are different
AlexDaniel m: say [==] <1 2 3 7 6 2>
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
AlexDaniel m: say [==] <1 2 3 7 6>
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
timotimo if not @a == @a.unique, i'd've @a == @a.Set
AlexDaniel m: say [!=] <1 2 3 7 6> 22:42
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
AlexDaniel m: say [!=] <1 2 3 7 6 2>
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
teatime timotimo: if you call A.new("0"), I'm wanting that to set $!s to 'A(0)'.
AlexDaniel hmm
timotimo yeah, and $!s => blah is not the way to d oit
because that'll try to get the value of $!s and put it as the .key of the Pair
teatime then how. tell me the right way. I've tried like 12 different iterations of attempts :) 22:42
timotimo and on top of that, it won't be a named argument at all, it'll be a Pair in a positional argument
s => blah 22:43
teatime ok
timotimo for named arguments, all the sigils are dropped for you
so when you have :$!s in your signature (as is the case in BUILD), you'll just pass a named argument with the name "s"
teatime omfg it finally works 22:44
AlexDaniel m: say so <1 2 3 7 6>.Bag.values.any > 1
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
AlexDaniel m: say so <1 2 3 7 6 2>.Bag.values.any > 1
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
grondilu yeah I was considering Bag as well
m: say "123415" ~~ / (\d)+ <?{ $0.Bag.values.none > 1 }> /;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«「5」␤ 0 => 「5」␤»
grondilu m: say "123415" ~~ / (\d)+ <?{ $0[].Bag.values.none > 1 }> /; 22:45
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«「5」␤ 0 => 「5」␤»
grondilu m: "123415" ~~ / (\d)+ <{ say $0.Bag.values }> /; 22:46
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«(6)␤(6)␤(6)␤(6)␤(6)␤(6)␤(5)␤(5)␤(5)␤(5)␤(5)␤(4)␤(4)␤(4)␤(4)␤(3)␤(3)␤(3)␤(2)␤(2)␤(1)␤»
grondilu wth
teatime timotimo: inside methods, when do you use $.a and when $!a
or anyone; sorry :)
timotimo depends on whether you wish derived classes to be able to change what you get
XliffNap $.a if it is defined as "$.a" and you are reading.
"$!a" otherwise.
timotimo well, yeah, you can write to $!a even if the accessor isn't "rw" 22:47
teatime timotimo: that's interesting... expound?
timotimo $.a is sugar for "self.a"
AlexDaniel m: say $_ eqv .unique given <1 2 3 7 6 2>
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
AlexDaniel m: say $_ eqv .unique given <1 2 3 7 6>
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
timotimo and accessors are also just methods generated for you by default for $.foo
XliffNap timotimo, yeah. jnthn++ explained that to me.
grondilu I use $!a everywhere even when defined as $.a, caus' it makes things easier if I want to change my mind about it being public.
tony-o timotimo: how would i tell if the method is public? 22:48
timotimo it's public if and only if it doesn't start with a ! 22:49
tony-o does ^methods report private methods? 22:50
i don't think it shows !methods
timotimo probably not, no
but i assume .^private_methods exists 22:51
tony-o ah, DD is only doing .^methods
AlexDaniel psch: it feels like 42 ~~ (42,) should be true according to S03 22:52
psch: unless I'm reading that incorrectly
psch: “The Any entries in the first column indicate a pattern that either doesn't care about the type of the topic” and then it goes “Any Positional lists are comparable $_[] «===» X[]” 22:53
AlexDaniel psch: this has no practical value though 22:53
psch: another interesting one is “Positional Regex attempted any/all/cat FAIL, point user to any/all/cat/join for LHS” 22:55
psch: so perhaps $item ~~ list should do the same thing – point user to any/all
timotimo that'd be a good solution, i think 22:56
except it's dreadfully slow :)
AlexDaniel timotimo: good solution? Then what about “Any Hash hash contains object X{$_}:exists” 22:57
according to that we can similarly have $item ~~ list with the same semantics
timotimo *shrug*, language design of smartmatch is a topic i'm not willing to dabble in :) 23:00
teatime paste.debian.net/plain/440883 ← ok, this works, and does what I want. am I still doing anything wrong? :) 23:06
timotimo you could write o => $o as :$o instead 23:07
and you could give $o in the method new a ? so it'll allow users to call .new() instead of having to .new(Any) to get the '_' 23:08
teatime .new() seems work 23:09
but I'm assuming it's the default one
timotimo ah, because you defined it multi, yeah, ok 23:10
AlexDaniel grondilu: want some craziness? :) 23:13
m: my @a = <2 3 7 6 2 5>; say ?any((for @a -> $x { @a ~~ (**,$x,**,$x,**) }))
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
AlexDaniel m: my @a = <2 3 7 6 9 5>; say ?any((for @a -> $x { @a ~~ (**,$x,**,$x,**) }))
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
timotimo oh lord :D 23:14
timotimo i didn't know ~~ does backtracking when a list is on the RHS 23:14
.u 🐈 23:16
yoleaux U+1F408 CAT [So] (🐈)
teatime finally settles on paste.debian.net/plain/440886 23:17
TEttinger .u FAP 23:18
yoleaux U+A0D4 YI SYLLABLE FAP [Lo] (ꃔ)
dalek c/hash-block: 0712be4 | (Dabrien 'Dabe' Murphy)++ | doc/ (2 files):
Document "Hash vs. Block" Gotcha

   my %fruits = apple => 'McIntosh', pear => 'Bartlett';
   given (%fruits) {
   my $fails = { red => $_<apple>, green => $_<pear> };
   say $fails.WHAT; # Block
   say $fails<red>; # ERROR: Type Block does not support associative indexing
teatime which prints 'D $d = D.new(C.new(B.new(A.new(Any))))' and that's a suitable demo.
AlexDaniel m: my @a = <2 3 7 6 8 5>; say ?@a.map(->$x {@a~~(**,$x,**,$x,**)}).any 23:22
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«False␤»
AlexDaniel m: my @a = <2 3 7 6 2 5>; say ?@a.map(->$x {@a~~(**,$x,**,$x,**)}).any
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«True␤»
teatime paste.debian.net/plain/440889 ← now, less important, but is there an easy way to make the method chaining example (line just above =finish) actually work ? 23:23
to somehow coerce $a.one() into one($a)
timotimo yeah, you just have to $a.&one
then you can also drop the parens
teatime sick. 23:25
AlexDaniel ZoffixWin: “Supply an integer and you'll get a list of strings at most that many characters long, receiving a shorter string when there are not enough characters left.“ 23:27
ZoffixWin: hmmm… wrong? 23:28
ah, it's correct
timotimo yeah, it's rotor where you'd have to :partial
AlexDaniel :/ 23:29
Herby_ Afternoon, #perl6! 23:31
timotimo yo
AlexDaniel well it's understandable. I guess that if someone is using rotor then he may rely on indexes, which may result in weird things if accidentally he gets a list that is not quite the right size
timotimo yeah
grondilu what is the best style: Foo::CompoundWord or Foo::Compound-Word ? 23:33
travis-ci Doc build passed. Dabrien 'Dabe' Murphy 'Document "Hash vs. Block" Gotcha 23:34
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/125709617 github.com/perl6/doc/commit/0712be40fcc9
AlexDaniel m: dd ‘Hello world’.comb(‘’) 23:34
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "").Seq␤»
atweiden is it possible for a token/regex in a grammar to read from a grammar attribute? 23:34
e.g m: grammar Sample { has Str @.tokens; token sample { <{ say '[DEBUG] @.tokens ', @.tokens.perl; {| $_ for @.tokens} }> } }; my Str @tokens = '/John\sDeere.*/', '/:i computer.*/'; @tokens .= map({ .substr(1, *-1) }); my Str $content = 'John Deere'; say Sample.new(:@tokens).parse($content, :rule<sample>); 23:35
grondilu m: 13 ~~ / :my $var = 13; (\d+) <?{ $0 == $var }> /;
camelia ( no output )
grondilu m: say 13 ~~ / :my $var = 13; (\d+) <?{ $0 == $var }> /;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«「13」␤ 0 => 「13」␤»
atweiden m: grammar Sample { has Str @.tokens; token sample { <{ say '[DEBUG] @.tokens ', @.tokens.perl; {| $_ for @.tokens} }> } }; my Str @tokens = '/John\sDeere.*/', '/:i computer.*/'; @tokens .= map({ .substr(1, *-1) }); my Str $content = 'John Deere'; say Sample.new(:@tokens).parse($content, :rule<sample>);
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«[DEBUG] @.tokens Array[Str].new()␤Nil␤»
grondilu m: say 12 ~~ / :my $var = 13; (\d+) <?{ $0 == $var }> /;
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
teatime heh, ==> $a doesn't work... should have seen that coming. 23:37
AlexDaniel m: dd ‘’.comb(‘’) # i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/origin...42/069.jpg
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«("",).Seq␤»
timotimo feed operators operate with slurpy positional arguments, they probably want to have an @foo at the end 23:38
teatime right 23:39
dalek ar: 6bfd13c | (Steve Mynott)++ | tools/star/release-guide.pod:
note 2016.04 release in release-guide.pod
BenGoldberg m: sub foo { say $^y, $^x }; foo( 1, 2 ); 23:53
camelia rakudo-moar f05c77: OUTPUT«21␤»
BenGoldberg wonders, does any language other than perl6 have anything resembling $^foo? 23:59