»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
timeless are they important enough to be in the glossary, or totally hidden? 00:00
AlexDaniel m: my $x, my $y Z:= 1,2; say $x; say $y 00:04
camelia rakudo-moar 60731a: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/lk3qhBBjGq␤Cannot zip with := because list assignment operators are too fiddly␤at /tmp/lk3qhBBjGq:1␤------> 3my $x, my $y Z:=7⏏5 1,2; say $x; say $y␤»
AlexDaniel timeless: ↑ these are sometimes present in the error messages
timeless: so yes, are important enough
[Coke] . 00:06
AlexDaniel ,
timeless AlexDaniel: ok, i've sent a pr for glossary bits 00:18
no guarantees, i may have messed everything up, but... it's probably an improvement
AlexDaniel timeless: in your opinion, what's the current state of S99? 00:24
AlexDaniel timeless: should we just redirect everything to doc.perl6.org/language/glossary ? 00:25
timeless i think once my bits are merged you can
you probably want to run one more set of eyes side-by-side before you do 00:26
but i think i got all the things that were meaningfully different
dalek c: 38982ff | (Josh Soref)++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
add NYI to glossary
c: de48add | (Josh Soref)++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
define Enum in glossary
doc: add6048 | (Josh Soref)++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod:
AlexDaniel timeless: ta-daaa! 00:34
AlexDaniel timeless: I've also just opened this: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/570 00:35
AlexDaniel timeless: also this github.com/perl6/doc/issues/571 00:39
timeless erm, yeah 00:40
dj_goku timeless: are you working on the whole bunch of broken links issue number 561 github.com/perl6/doc/issues/561 ? 01:17
timeless dj_goku: not instantly 01:20
if you want to do something, you can, i might in a bit
first i need to fix something elsewhere
dj_goku ahh cool. 01:21
timeless tries to remember how to use some perl tools 02:48
timeless can cpan get stuck in a loop? 02:52
BenGoldberg It has recursion detection, so no. 03:08
yoleaux 7 Jun 2016 18:18 EDT <hoelzro> BenGoldberg: that's not a bad idea, but if .resume worked on that exception (which I don't know if it does), it would probably just resume parsing the current chunk of code
7 Jun 2016 18:18 EDT <hoelzro> BenGoldberg: sadly, the exception handling for that probably isn't smart enough (yet) to ask the caller to feed the parser more input
BenGoldberg timeless, But, wouldn't that question be better on #perl? :) 03:10
timeless BenGoldberg: i'm only using perl because i'm trying to help perl6 :)
BenGoldberg wonders if perl 5 is a dependency for perl 6. 03:11
parabolize rakudobrew is perl5 03:15
strange perl5 at that
timeless dj_goku: anyway, i'm now running linkchecker 03:20
BenGoldberg m: (loop { True }).perl.say 03:36
camelia rakudo-moar 60731a: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
BenGoldberg m: (loop { True }).WHAT.say
camelia rakudo-moar 60731a: OUTPUT«(Seq)␤»
dj_goku timeless: cool, does that crawl all the html making sure it works? 03:41
timeless seems to, slowly.
www.irccloud.com/pastebin/bj4O0gdP/ 03:42
www.irccloud.com/pastebin/f03rwveG/ 03:43
dj_goku cool 03:50
timeless dj_goku: so, here's a good one 03:52
L<#prefix ...> etc. stub operators.
=head2 infix C«...»
=head2 listop C«...»
there's no prefix thing...
timeless doesn't know what's correct 03:54
TimToady building rakudo has Perl 5 dependencies 04:01
running it does not, unless you need Inline::Perl5
dj_goku timeless: there needs to be two links 04:03
timeless: I was looking at the one specifically too.
timeless: you see prefix/postfix for --? it links to a landing page: doc.perl6.org/routine/-- 04:05
it looks like a few of those just need those landing pages.
timeless www.irccloud.com/pastebin/NfFlVyUz/ 04:08
www.irccloud.com/pastebin/YxLpqlqk/ 04:09
i'm not actually sure how to read this report... 04:10
ok, i think this is how to read it www.irccloud.com/pastebin/BpNWeEi4/ 04:11
oh, wow 04:15
timeless here's my pod checker www.irccloud.com/pastebin/FhpPEmTp/ 04:16
timeless hrm, no, my thing is broken 04:17
ok, this is better www.irccloud.com/pastebin/3MG7OrQ0/
ok, that looks correct 04:18
doc/doc/Type/CurrentThreadScheduler.pod is really missing `method cue`
timeless so, what's the correct form? 04:20
that L<Scheduler#method cue> blocks until the code has finished executing.
that L<../Scheduler#method cue> blocks until the code has finished executing.
timeless dj_goku: so, what's the operator precedence for `prefix ...` ? 04:35
dj_goku timeless: does that matter? with the docs? 04:43
timeless if i understand this thing, it influences where in the file i put it
dj_goku I haven't looked to far, I am just trying to get up to speed to try and help. :D 04:44
timeless that'd help me
i can send a pr for some other bits
dj_goku plus I am trying to figure out weechat so. :) 04:45
ufobat morning :D 05:55
masak morning! 06:34
moritz \o! 06:39
timeless masak: i sent some pr's... 06:41
do any of the bots here let me ask for perldoc? 06:44
m: use Pod::Perldoc; @ARGV="pod"; Pod::Perldoc->run() 06:48
camelia rakudo-moar 60731a: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not find Pod::Perldoc at line 1 in:␤ /home/camelia/.perl6␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/site␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/vendor␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6␤ CompUnit::…»
timeless :-(
doc.perl6.org/type/Pod::Item 06:52
Pod::Item inherits from class Pod::Block, which provides the following methods:
mst: could you change the pod generator to not escape `:`s in links? 06:53
Pod::Block links to doc.perl6.org/type/Pod%3A%3ABlock
which is ugly, and unnecessary
(well, as long as the beginning is properly written) 06:54
moritz timeless: you can change it yourself 06:56
timeless htmlify.p6?
moritz yes
though it's quite dangerous to change the escaping
moritz you should run a link checker before and afterwards to make sure you didn't accidentally break anything 06:57
timeless would have to get a perl6 engine 06:57
timeless doesn't have any
can i ask cpan(perl5) for perl6? :)
moritz use github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew 06:58
you can ask a lot :-)
timeless wow, no obvious spelling errors there :o 07:02
timeless m: use URI::Escape; uri_escape("Pod::Block") 07:06
camelia rakudo-moar 60731a: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not find URI::Escape at line 1 in:␤ /home/camelia/.perl6␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/site␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/vendor␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6␤ CompUnit::R…»
timeless frowns 07:07
moritz star-m: use URI::Escape; say uri_escape("Pod::Block")
camelia star-m 2016.01: OUTPUT«Pod%3A%3ABlock␤»
timeless what's the `star` thing do?
moritz huh, I guess a more up-to-date star wouldn't hurt
timeless star-m: use URI::Escape; uri_escape("Pod::Block")
camelia ( no output )
moritz timeless: Rakudo Star is a distribution containing the Rakudo compiler, some modules, some docs
and panda
timeless star-m: use URI::Escape; sub href_escape($ref) {return uri_escape($ref).subst('%3A%3A', '::', :g);} say href_escape("Pod::Block") 07:08
camelia star-m 2016.01: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/xk8VTaJjjP␤Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)␤at /tmp/xk8VTaJjjP:1␤------> 3escape($ref).subst('%3A%3A', '::', :g);}7⏏5 say href_escape("Pod::Block")␤ expecting any of:␤ …»
timeless star-m: use URI::Escape; sub href_escape($ref) {return uri_escape($ref).subst('%3A%3A', '::', :g);}; say href_escape("Pod::Block")
camelia star-m 2016.01: OUTPUT«Pod::Block␤»
timeless moritz: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/573 wanna try it? 07:12
timeless wonders if this output from rakudobrew is ok www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ja99RQ5f/ 07:13
moritz timeless: no, I don't wanna try it. I want you to try it. 07:16
timeless is trying to get rakudobrew to brew...
is the idea of rakudobrew that it should get everything it needs, or does it expect a fully working everything? 07:17
moritz timeless: what's your perl 5 version? 07:18
timeless This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 4 (v5.18.4) built for ppc64le-linux-thread-multi
moritz timeless: then your perl 5 installation is broken
timeless: Perl::OSType is a core module starting from perl v5.13.9, so it should be available 07:19
are you using some Redhat (or derivative) that ships a Perl without its core modules?
timeless Description: Fedora release 21 (Twenty One)
and `using` is correct, it's not my box
Linux gcc2-power8.osuosl.org 3.17.4-301.fc21.ppc64le #1 SMP Mon Dec 1 07:51:01 UTC 2014 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux 07:20
moritz sighs
Redhat, breaking perl since at least 2003
timeless was using redhat in '98
although, tbh, i don't recall that being something that was broken 07:21
timeless had more problems w/ nic drivers
timeless gets a perl6 07:26
timeless fails to get a panda www.irccloud.com/pastebin/iDwElRS4/ 07:29
so, i /think/ that's panda trying to use /usr/bin/prove (perl5) 07:36
Hotkeys why doesn't p6 play nice with unicode anymore on windows 08:33
in the repl anyway
masak Hotkeys: could you be more specific? 09:02
masak in Perl 6, what's an idiomatic way to ask for all the declared classes/roles provided by a `use`d module? 09:09
moritz you mean besides looking at the docs? :-) 09:11
masak yes, I mean in code
my question is triggered by this comment: github.com/masak/007/commit/31b531...t-17801202
in fact, "by a `use`d module" is not essential
moritz by the time you use'd a module, it's GLOBAL:: is already merged, I don't know if it's still available somehow 09:12
masak main thing is to have some way from within the code itself to (say) find all the roles and classes with a name like Q::* 09:12
moritz m: say X::.keys 09:13
camelia rakudo-moar d292d7: OUTPUT«(Method NoSuchSymbol NotEnoughDimensions OS InvalidType Pairup NYI PseudoPackage EXPORTHOW IO Set Package Declaration Inheritance Redeclaration StubCode UnitScope PoisonedAlias Placeholder IllegalOnFixedDimensionArray Temporal Proc InvalidTypeSmiley Numeri…»
masak hmm :)
masak tries this
moritz note that it only gives you one level at first
masak nodnod
moritz m: say X::Proc::.keys
camelia rakudo-moar d292d7: OUTPUT«(Async Unsuccessful)␤»
masak so I need to tree-walk, no biggie
yay, that works 09:14
.oO( let's do the tree-walk again)
Hotkeys masak I'm in bed now, but basically it deletes Unicode chars or turns them into "?" (not a weird representation, a literal "?") 09:29
Hotkeys This is with powershell 09:31
But powershell parses the chars fine outside the p6 repl
nine masak: note that this only works if the module is nice and sticks to it's namespace. It also doesn't include modules use'd by the module which may or may not be an advantage for you. 09:34
masak all that works to my advantage 09:37
the test and the module are all in the same code base 09:38
but yeah, good points
nine masak: a more complete solution would be $*REPO.need(CompUnit::DependencySpecification.new(:short-name('Q'))).handle.globalish-package.WHO.keys 09:40
m: $*REPO.need(CompUnit::DependencySpecification.new(:short-name("Test"))).handle.globalish-package.WHO.keys.say
camelia rakudo-moar d292d7: OUTPUT«(Test)␤»
masak nine: I don't quite grok that, but looks neat
nine masak: "use Test;" is pretty much BEGIN GLOBAL.WHO.merge-symbols($*REPO.need(CompUnit::DependencySpecification.new(:short-name("Test"))).handle.globalish-package.WHO); 09:42
moritz plus a bit of importing 09:54
gregf_ gist.github.com/anonymous/af60e979...99e84f6b68 # coded something in perl6 ;) 10:03
literal so, it looks like <.ws> can't capture anything, correct? I have <comment> in there that I would like captured in between tokens, how would I do that? 11:09
moritz literal: call <ws>
moritz the . in <.ws> instructs it not to capture 11:10
literal I see
works now, thanks
moritz literal: the other option is bypass the traditional capturing mechanism, and track some comments through a different mechnaism
token comment { # \N* $$ { self.record_comment($/) } } 11:11
mst timeless: on RHish OSen, you need perl-core to have a complete perl5 install. they did a split like debian did, except being RH, did it the opposite way around to the way debian does it 12:10
mst timeless: so on RH 'perl' doesn't have half the core modules and you need 'perl-core', on debian 'perl-core' is the stripped down version and 'perl' is an actual perl 12:10
timeless: distros \o/
moritz: ^^ eventually you get used to explaining this to people
tadzik ...'perl-core' is the *super*set of 'perl' 12:11
do I read that right? 12:12
masak tadzik: it's the kind of core that's bigger than the thing it's contained in 12:15
hashtag #tardis
moritz sounds like an IoS device 12:17
where IoS stands for Inversion of Space :-)
tadzik mst: I recall you putting Rakudo::Star on CPAN, do I remember it wrong or is there some reason why it's not there anymore? 12:18
mst tadzik: it isn't there anymore because I did it as a proof of concept, and then it turned out because I had pumpking bits in pause and had forgotten to no_index the rakudo sources the release was causing confusion 12:26
tadzik ah, fairy nuff
mst tadzik: and the *idea* was it would always get updated when star was released, but nobody doing star release management ever tried or ever remembered to remind me 12:27
when I realised this had happened four releases in a row and nobody'd noticed, I sort of assumed people didn't care much
also that was parrot era
mst I should get around to reinstating it now 12:27
tadzik it was? Damn, time flies
mst since I can go onto #perl6-release and bully people until they get used to reminding me or something
tadzik we could put that step in the release instructions 12:30
mst and eventually I can probably integrate it into the release process
tadzik "update wikipedia, poke mst to update Rakudo::Star"
masak was gonna say 12:31
step in the release process or it didn't happen
mst: how do you prefer to be contacted on such a thing?
mst and nobody added one last time, and it didn't
masak: once I've got the thing re-done (remember I need to do a new set of hackery for Moar) I suspect 'kick mst repeatedly on #perl6-release' will work fine 12:32
masak mst: what if you're not online on IRC during the release process -- does the process block at the last step until you can be contacted?
I mean, Wikipedia tends to be there fairly regularly. less reliably so with human meat sacks like us
mst I would suggest that it doesn't, because I only intend to do it manually a few times anyway, and then I write a script that does it and give the release managers co-maint on the cpan5 namespace 12:34
masak ok, so async poking of mst 12:46
mst but lemme make it work at all again first ;) 12:47
tadzik hmm 12:49
m: sub MAIN($arg?) { say "OK" } 12:50
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«OK␤»
tadzik m: sub MAIN($arg? is rw) { say "OK" }
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/bT55Ys0oFo␤Cannot use 'is rw' on an optional parameter␤at /tmp/bT55Ys0oFo:1␤»
tadzik *grumble*
masak I vaguely recall hearing a rationale for that
don't remember if I still grumbled afterwards, though
tadzik my point being: gist.github.com/tadzik/a63294b0cf7...e812ffe6e3 12:51
masak basically `is rw` means "I should be able to mutate this container"
whereas `?` means "there might not be a thing there at all"
tadzik I guess that makes it an LTA error message at least
jnthn tries to work out how main could get something that matches `rw` 12:52
tadzik not that I know exactly what I expected... :) 12:53
jnthn :-)
`is copy` makes sense, just means you'd like an assignable $arg
tadzik right, this is what I was after 12:54
I mistakenly put 'is rw' in there, and suddenly my invocation failed, I didn't expect 'is rw' to be something that may decide whether the dispatch is valid or ont
jnthn Your invocation didn't fail, the script didn't even compile? 12:55
jnthn Or did you not have it as optional? 12:56
Ah yeah, your original in the gist didn't have the ? 12:57
But yeah, you can dispatch on rw-ness
m: multi m($a is rw) { say 'container' }; multi m($a) { say 'value' }; my $x = 42; m($x); m(5)
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«container␤value␤»
stmuk_ is GH slow or is it me? 13:04
lizmat status.github.com seems to indicate response times going up 13:06
timeless mst: so... pretend i'm not root (because i'm not) 13:34
what magic do i need tot get the equivalent of perl-core?
i probably can just ask cpan to give me a perl5....
mst timeless: p3rl.org/Perl::Build into ~ then
mst timeless: cpan probably doesn't work properly if you've only got half a perl 13:35
timeless mst: basically ignore the fact that i have something vaguely resembling perl? 13:35
once i fixed my env so that it found lib::local, cpan worked well enough for me to install and run the w3 link checker
mst heh, you mean local::lib
timeless sure.. whatever 13:36
mst hey, I wrote that module, I'm allowed to care about getting the name right :P
timeless i probably did it between 1 and 4am today
and i had a few hours sleep before
ok, well, thanks, it worked -- once i added the env
mst well, basically, either you can mess around trying to backfill your way to a full perl install
or you can outsource building yourself a standard one to Perl::Build
timeless (that part was annoying, it could have warned me that i'd needed to add stuff to my env for it to be useful) 13:37
mst I'm a perl5 toolchain hacker and I wouldn't bother trying option one
timeless i've built perl5 before, (not recently)
and i've recently built both py2 and py3
mst and Perl::Build is a cpan module that provides a perl-build script that automates the process
timeless i think i want `plenv` first
mst plenv is some shell stuff wrapped around Perl::Build 13:38
you can if you want, I don't bother
timeless oh
so it isn't like virtualenv?
timeless asks cpan to install Perl::Build
mst local::lib is more like virtualenv
timeless :o
mst or perlbrew + perlbrew's local::lib support
timeless btw, this is pretty nuts 13:39
mst honestly, I just perl-build into ~/local/
stick a local::lib on top
and move on
timeless i shouldn't have to use cpan to install perl::build to build perl5 to build perl6 {stuff}
mst also, p3rl.org/local::lib does tell you that you need the env vars, but if memory serves RH comes with a customised initial CPAN config that uses local::lib but doesn't tell you
timeless although, if it means i don't have to read makefiles, i suppose i should be thankful
stmuk_ you should be able to build perl6 with any recent distro's system perl 13:40
timeless stmuk_: it so didn't work
mst stmuk_: it's an RHish system with half a perl install and he doesn't have root
so he can't install the other half via rpms
timeless i could technically unpack them and futz around w/ their locations
timeless has done that in another life too
mst you could. but just making perl-build do it seems like less hassle
timeless but at some point my hair will go grey
stmuk_ you will need perl 5.10 or better
timeless This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 4 (v5.18.4) built for ppc64le-linux-thread-multi 13:41
Linux gcc2-power8.osuosl.org 3.17.4-301.fc21.ppc64le #1 SMP Mon Dec 1 07:51:01 UTC 2014 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux
Description: Fedora release 21 (Twenty One)
stmuk_: i trust mst
(and the fact that it didn't work...)
stmuk_ I don't
what error did you see? 13:42
timeless stmuk_: set up an fc21 vm and create a non root user :)
is what i got when i tried to build panda
stmuk_ panda doesn't need perl5 13:43
mst wait, that's a perl6 error, I thought you said it was missing a perl5 module
timeless i got a different error when i tried to build moar which i was able to resolve once i had added + configured local::lib + used cpan to get one more thing
mst timeless: that's not the error I thought you had, please switching to listening to stmuk_ for a bit
since that's a perl6 error and I'm better at perl5 errors, sorry
stmuk_: doh
timeless mst: here was the failure for moar: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ja99RQ5f/
timeless mst: the perl6 error is coming from `prove` which is a perl5 script... 13:44
mst timeless: yeah, but prove is just running a test file
prove can run perl6 tests as well as perl5
(actually, I have a project where some of the tests are Tcl scripts)
timeless shrugs
mst if you have local::lib going then yeah throwing Perl::OSType into there should be fine 13:45
timeless ok stmuk_ the panda error is for you
mst: yeah, Perl::OSType was all i needed once local::lib was happy
mst timeless: sorry for the confusion, the 'RH half-a-perl' thing is so common I pattern matched
timeless otoh, the moar error at least gave me a hint about how to fix
the panda error is basically useless
it doesn't suggest how to get debugging
stmuk_ timeless: I don't think you are following the instructions of putting rakudobrew in the path you are calling it relative 13:46
neither are you using .rakudobrew
stmuk_ I think if you follow the instructions exactly it should work .. I just build on a PI3 and I'm sure Fedora works 13:46
s/build/built 13:47
timeless still fails :)
stmuk_ start again and follow the exact instructions
timeless hrm
timeless kicks ln -s
stmuk_ is this on PPC? 13:48
timeless yes
stmuk_ ah .. does anyone know if that actually works? JIT of course won't work
timeless there's now a ~/.rakudobrew www.irccloud.com/pastebin/3GvsIhoi/ 13:49
timeless (it's a symlink, but i'd hope that doesn't trip anything up) 13:50
stmuk_ I would still follow the instructions to set the PATH
timeless I set that path...
stmuk_ you didn't export it 13:51
timeless PATH is already exported 13:51
if it wasn't, rakudobrew wouldn't have been found...
i know it's possible to have a system w/o PATH exported, but it's pretty rare for someone who's actually using a system to manage that 13:52
fwiw, the README.md instructions for rakudobrew are disappointing 13:55
this doesn't mention removing stuff from your .profile www.irccloud.com/pastebin/HXqY3J07/
stmuk_ its intended for developers on perl6 itself 13:56
timeless that's nice
stmuk_ you might be better off with rakudo star if you are less familar with UNIX 13:56
timeless url?
stmuk_ www.perl6.org/downloads/
timeless mst: let's temporarily assume that perl5 isn't well configured, what version should i tell perl-build to get for me? 13:57
stmuk_ you might also be better trying on intel before PPC if you haven't built before
although it would be interesting to hear of PPC builds 13:58
mst timeless: 99% sure that isn't the problem now 13:58
timeless i'm using this box because of the boxes in the gcc farm, it's one of the beefier ones
cpuinfo|tail www.irccloud.com/pastebin/rMUV0ciK/ 13:59
stmuk_: could you temporarily assume that i can run and understand basic unix commands and help me troubleshoot the .t failure for panda?
stmuk_ timeless: Sorry I have to leave shortly to do other things 14:00
timeless is there a way to get rakudobrew to ask prove/friends for debugging/verbose output?
(should I try zef?)
timeless Done, built zef for moar-nom 14:02
timeless ok, zef worked 14:04
timeless can finally run `make html` in perl6/doc
mst: is there a simple `perl web server`? :) 14:06
something i can use to host the perl6doc repo on localhost:someport ? 14:07
perlpilot timeless: HTTP::Server::Simple::Static is fairly simple. Mojo can be used to serve static files. 14:10
etc. 14:11
timeless perlpilot: i just want to serve the entire perl6 generated doc tree so i can run a link checker
i'd rather avoid fighting apache
iH2O who wants to fight the apaches? 14:11
timeless yeah, HTTP::Server::Simple::Static looks like it'll do what i need 14:12
although i'll have to figure out how to tell it my port
yay! the docs built
timeless of course for `Static` to work, i'd have to teach it about `index.html` 14:23
timeless looks at mojo
perlpilot timeless: if you've got Mojolicious and Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory installed, you can use perl -Mojo -E 'a->plugin("Directory", root => "/path/to/files") ->start' daemon --listen *:<port> 14:24
timeless asks cpan for those two things
it's really `-Mojo`? 14:25
perlpilot yep
timeless (that means the library is ojo, right?)
perlpilot It's a cute thing that comes with Mojo 14:26
mst perlpilot: that was the one I was thinking of and couldn't remember 14:26
perlpilot Though, it's still not going to do anything special for a file named index.html. It's just another file to present.
timeless perlpilot: i just need something smart enough to treat `*/` => `*/index.html` 14:27
and again, a goal being to avoid talking to apache (or tomcat, or...)
perlpilot mst: aye, it's in the docs for Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory 14:28
perlpilot meeting &
timeless so... `::` seems to be working... 14:29
timeless is tempted to try to improve the w3 link checker 14:30
timeless this is odd www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ikZRdzaq/ 14:31
tony-o timeless: might check out xenu's link sleuth 14:32
timeless System requirements: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, WININET.DLL required (included with Internet Explorer). 14:33
this is on a firewalled linux-ppc machine...
perigrin What about 3.12?
timeless No, it won't work on Windows 3.11, not even with Win32s.
tony-o i think he addresses that
perigrin I'm running DOS 6.5 though ... 14:34
timeless No, I won't make a Java, MacOS, Linux, Knoppix, Ubuntu, Beos, Palm, C64, SAP, AmigaOS, Blackberry, Symbian, iPhone or Android version. Don't even ask!
tony-o i have os2
runs fine for me
timeless he managed to misspell BeOS and BlackBerry :-(
ok, so, apparently i could run it w/ wien
tony-o is RIM still around?
timeless of course, i don't think this system has x11
my former employer? yes
they're still laying people off
they changed their name to BlackBerry a few years ago 14:35
tony-o that seems like a poor decision, BB already lost the race by then 14:36
timeless it wasn't their poorest decision 14:37
`hiring` Alicia Keys w/o a very strongly designed contract was near the top of the list of poor decisions (imo) 14:38
tony-o did leont leave the perl6 community?
timeless (a brand embassador w/o a very strict penalty for being caught using [tweeting from] a competitive product) 14:39
dogbert17 o/ #perl6 14:40
timotimo .seen leont
yoleaux I saw leont 24 Apr 2016 14:45Z in #perl6: * leont has lived with --std=c++11 for a while now, and wouldn't ever want to look back
timotimo leont often stays away from the irc for a few months at a time, as he's got plenty other stuff to worry about (that's my guess anyway)
dogbert17 have just stumbled upon a regression, one of my projext euler scripts suddenly segfaults 14:41
timotimo uh oh
segfaults are good, though. usually comparatively easy to debug
can you get a backtrace with perl6-gdb-m?
does it have any threading in it?
dogbert17 timotimo: gist.github.com/dogbert17/d7822b6d...5727bf0729 14:42
timotimo OK, and just for completeness sake, can you add perl6 --version to it? 14:43
dogbert17 gimme a sec :) 14:44
timotimo: done gist updated 14:45
perlpilot does bisectbot handle gists? 14:47
timotimo the perl6 stuff on my desktop is a bit out of date, so i'll build newest first
perlpilot Also, does bisectbot handle long-running programs gracefully? 14:48
tadzik so, the general pattern for "I need time more precisely than time()" is "use nqp; nqp::time_n()"? I don't see Time::HiRes or anything in the ecosystem
jnthn m: say now 14:49
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«Instant:1465483787.822199␤»
tadzik ...oh 14:51
timotimo oh hey tadzik :)
tadzik oh hey timo :)
for some reason I thought 'now' gives integer values 14:52
tadzik 9¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 14:52
dogbert17 perl6-valgrind-m is slooooow 14:54
tony-o timeless: thanks - 14:55
nemo dogbert17: s/perl6-//;s/-m//
timotimo oh yes, it is
tony-o tadzik: i wasn't able to get that working when i made `bench` - i'd be interested to know if it works now. it was specifically erroring out on win
dogbert17 perhaps I should have run perl6-gdb-m instead
nemo dogbert17: I've run valgrind so many times on hedgewars matches at like a few fps to catch our fails. I'd usually launch it then check back half an hour later ☺ 14:56
timotimo i'm reproducing the crash and it's interesting
dogbert17 nemo: interesting
timotimo: cool
timeless so doesn't understand the magic of doc.perl6.org
tadzik tony-o: hm, no idea, I don't have windows around to try it on 14:57
seems to work fine on linux though
tony-o err oh, my problem was getting sys/cpu/real or whatever 14:58
i'll try it on win
tadzik ah 14:59
dogbert17 timotimo: I know for a fact that it, at least, worked on This is Rakudo version 2016.03-40-g81558b8 built on MoarVM version 2016.03-46-g50c7f6a
timotimo the problem appears when we're On-Stack-Replacing (or at least trying to) the count-only method of some class
[Coke] timeless: I'm catching up. but perl6doc has "make run" 15:00
timotimo since it's about spesh and optimization and such, it can be very finnicky
tony-o i wrote bench in 2014 so things have had a bit of time to develop since then :)
timeless [Coke]: oh boy, that sounds like what i want (doh) -- thanks
[Coke] that requires your p5 to have Mojolicious::Lite 15:01
dogbert17 timotimo: I eun these programs from time to time in order to track the improvements made by jnthn, lizmat et al
timeless [Coke]: well, hrm,...
run www.irccloud.com/pastebin/iU4NIUly/
dogbert17 s/eun/run/
timotimo that's good :)
timeless no output from curl?? www.irccloud.com/pastebin/MlXpjVM7/ 15:02
[Coke] we'd all be happy if it used the perl6 mini server, but it wasn't crucial for testing to self host there.
timeless [Coke]: i'm kinda expecting output from curl...
dogbert17 timotimo: on a positive note, this latest run was by far the quickes :)
timotimo the quickest to crash :D
[Coke] timeless: does it show in chrome or other gui browser?
colomon built a small p6 Inline::Python script yesterday, because that seemed easier than learning enough Python to set up a command line interface for what he wanted to do.
timotimo i like using "curl -v" to figure out what's going on with http requests 15:03
timeless [Coke]: the machine isn't very reachable
timotimo it shows you outgoing and incoming headers, too
timeless -v www.irccloud.com/pastebin/CjqVf7rh/
dogbert17 when I ran it in March it took 5m50s on my systen
timeless i'm trying to decide who to blame here
the server clearly says it's serving a 302
timotimo huh, so it's really just giving you an empty document for index.html
timeless oh
timeless wonders if it needs to follow redirects?
ok, w/ curl -L things work better 15:04
timotimo ooooh
dogbert17 that sounds ominous :) 15:05
tony-o [Coke]: i've been playing with HTTP::Easy for perl6 - it looks pretty easy, as the name suggests
[Coke] tony-o: nice. 15:06
tony-o if it's just serving static docs, it looks like it could handle that
timeless um
[Thu Jun 9 15:05:38 2016] [debug] GET "/robots.txt.html.html.html.html.html.html.html"
perhaps that isn't the best outcome from a web server?
"If i don't have an X, I should suggest an X.html, w/o first checking to see if it exists!"
[Coke] not just static docs. 15:07
tadzik uh-oh 15:13
any idea if Inline::Perl5 is thread-safe? :S
timotimo only in the same way perl5 itself is thread-safe :P 15:14
timeless [Coke]: would you take this? www.irccloud.com/pastebin/WHgOl1g4/
that should make my robots problem go away...
timotimo i think you can have a single Inline::Perl5 thingie per thread, but it's essentially the same as having multiple processes
i.e. you have to rely on perl6 to marshal the objects between the interpreters
tadzik I'm getting happy segfaults 15:15
timeless hrm, it doesn't
tadzik "Internal error: Unwound entire stack and missed handler" well that's new :o 15:16
timotimo nah, it's very old
that's when you throw an exception inside a nativecall callback and it reaches the C code
tadzik hm
timeless [Coke]: ok, this works www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ac3E1Adg/ 15:17
timotimo if you can't get it to not show up by placing CATCH everywhere, it can be the signature bind for the callback itself doesn't work
arnsholt Oh, that one, yeah. *sadface* 15:18
timotimo i think we should be able to register a handler for that case in the HLL that prints out the exception with a little hint about callbacks 15:18
because we should be able to figure out if we're in a sub-interpreter situation
timeless watch "grep -B3 'To do' ../checklink.report3.txt |egrep -v 'github|Code:|Lines?:|^--|robots exclusion'" 15:20
tadzik timotimo: apparently it also means "don't 'return' in a start { } block
timotimo oh
that should give a different error
[Coke] timeless: I'd look at a PR with that. Can't say right now, though.
timotimo but returning is about to become a whole bunch better :)
timeless [Coke]: ok, i'll send one in a bit 15:21
timotimo but yeah, a start block doesn't give you a sub, so you'll be returning from the routine that has the start block in it
tadzik right
timotimo you can start anon sub() { }, i believe
m: await start sub foo() { say "hi" };
camelia ( no output )
timotimo huh.
m: start sub foo() { say "hi" }; sleep 1
camelia ( no output ) 15:22
timotimo heh.
that just makes the sub be the return value of the promise
tadzik anyway, gist.github.com/tadzik/add0e94079d...a78151f25d segfaults my code, basically
timotimo yeah, that's very expected
you need to create an Inline::Perl5 per thread 15:23
that also means you can't use :from<Perl5>, as you have to address each of the I::P5 objects one-by-one
tadzik oh bummer
timeless [Coke]: 15:24
Language/setbagmix.pod:=head3 infix (.)
Language/setbagmix.pod:Equivalent to L«(.)», at codepoint U+228D (MULTISET MULTIPLICATION).
timotimo why? it's easy to do and it'll work for your case
timeless are those two supposed to be related?
timeless thinks so
timotimo yeah, they should
timeless timotimo: do i change it to L«infix (.)» or L«(.)|infix (.)» 15:25
tadzik timotimo: yeah, it's doable. My actual code is more complex than this golfed loop though :)
timeless or something else
timotimo i'd say have it show (.) but link to infix (.)
tadzik: of course
tadzik I have aplenty of worker objects that just use WWW::Mechanize like it's the most ordinary thing ever 15:26
so I just need to de-sugarize them
timeless timotimo: ok, do you know offhand if i need a `#` here?
tadzik no tragedy :)
timotimo i do not :(
timeless so doesn't understand the pod link syntax
timotimo i don't even know if you need to spell out the file name, too
timeless ok, i'll try and see what the build system says
timeless [Coke]/timotimo: any idea why some links are to `.html` and some aren't? www.irccloud.com/pastebin/qNOuWx2S/ 15:31
timeless Language/objects.pod:$*IN.L<nl-in> = "\r\n"; 15:32
timotimo: i presume that should be C<...>?
dogbert17 timotimo: valgrind came through but I suspect that you already have all relevant info: gist.github.com/dogbert17/bedd7295...70aad85e64
stmuk_ timeless: maybe mentioned in scrolback already but there are redirects done at the apache level
timotimo it could be a link to the nl-in method 15:33
timeless timotimo: what's that? 15:33
timotimo well, it's an attribute 15:34
or rather, the method is the accessor for that
timeless hrm, ok, i clearly asked an ambiguous question 15:40
"as far as a user is concerned, where would they meaningfully find an explanation of that in doc.perl6.org ?"
timotimo probably on the IO::Handle class page 15:41
timeless fwiw, L«(.)|infix (.)» seemed to do the right thing. 15:43
timotimo cool!
azawawi . 15:43
timeless IO::Handle is pretty empty :( 15:44
azawawi Xliff: ping
stmuk_ which repo has the apache redirects for doc.perl6.org? anyone remember? 15:45
timotimo hmmm
azawawi Xliff: re How much of GTK is covered in GTK::Simple? ... No idea but we're getting there (full list: developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/ch03.html)
moritz stmuk_: iirc there's just a .htacess file somewhere
hm, doesn't seem to be in the repo :( 15:46
root@www:/var/www/doc.perl6.org# cat .htaccess 15:47
Redirect 301 /language/5to6 doc.perl6.org/language/5to6-nutshell
timeless is that the entire file?
moritz yessir
stmuk_ ah I was probably thinking of the main site
timeless well, um... is it reasonable to ask for it to be added to the doc repo? 15:48
moritz timeless: it totally is
stmuk_ www.perl6.org has more redirects I think?
timeless at the very least `make run` should be aware of the lines there
dalek c/parallel-htmlify-2: 2dd16d1 | moritz++ | html/.htaccess:
Add .htaccess file for the website
moritz stmuk_: there is irc.perl6.org for eamplw which redirects to irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/today 15:49
should become https, btw :-)
parabolize timeless: `p6doc -f nl-in` didn't find anything for me `grep -d recures 'method nl-in' ~/.rakudobrew/' had 4 hits
timeless fwiw, here's how I'm watching the link checker www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ag9sbL2t...watcher.sh 15:50
stmuk_ BTW I used a custom google search box on pl6net.org which gets hits for "nl-in"
timeless parabolize: ok,... what should i do w/ that?
stmuk_ it indexes most of the obvious sites
timeless www.pl6net.org’s server DNS address could not be found. 15:51
stmuk_ its pl6anet.org 15:51
timotimo for some reason i really like that spelling
even though it's so strange
timeless stmuk_: so, i'm still leaning on changing it to C<...> 15:52
none of the pl6anet.org things stand out to me (non-expert hat) as obvious methods
parabolize: `recures`? 15:53
parabolize yeah, sorry
I think its only method definition is in ~/.rakudobrew/moar-nom/src/core/IO/Handle.pm 15:54
Xliff azawawi, neat! Thanks for the info! 15:55
timeless hrm,
azawawi Xliff: np
timeless ok,.... so... i guess technically $*IN.nl-in *is* talking about IO::Handle.nl-in 15:56
but even so, i don't think that's what the user is looking for when reading the text that offended the link checker
so... i'm now 80% confident in changing L<...> to C<...>
parabolize you talking about the example in doc.perl6.org/language/objects#Using_Objects? 15:57
stmuk_ m: say IO::Handle.^methods
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«(FALLBACK gist new)␤»
parabolize was indeed confused by it 15:58
stmuk_ uh
dogbert17 m: say IO::Handle.^methods(:local) 15:59
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«()␤»
[Coke] moritz: html/.htaccess already existed.
dogbert17 hmm
timotimo i think IO::Handle may just be a role or superclass
not sure
timeless parabolize: yes
moritz [Coke]: oh, I was on the wrong branch 16:00
stmuk_ say IO::Handle.^methods gives me results in my REPL
timeless (sorry, i had to look it up)
stmuk_ not from the bot
moritz dogbert17: IO:: classes are stubbed out in the restricted setting
stmuk_ s: say IO::Handle.^methods
star: say IO::Handle.^methods
camelia star-m 2016.01: OUTPUT«(FALLBACK gist new)␤»
moritz m: CORE::<IO::Handle>.^methods(:local)
camelia ( no output )
dogbert17 moritz: that explains it :)
moritz m: say CORE::<IO::Handle>.^methods(:local)
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«(new Numeric Str sink AT-POS AT-KEY BIND-POS BIND-KEY ASSIGN-POS ASSIGN-KEY STORE push append unshift prepend FALLBACK ords chrs iterator gist)␤»
moritz ... though as a security measure not very effective :/
dogbert17 :) 16:01
stmuk_ ah
dogbert17 cheating - (open nl-in close eof get getc comb words lines read readchars Supply seek tell write opened t lock unlock print put print-nl slurp-rest chmod IO path flush encoding DESTROY e d f s l r w x modified accessed changed watch native-descriptor umask split say Str gist perl chomp nl-out)
timeless parabolize: so change L<...> to C<...> there? 16:02
presumably one could filter the list for /nl/
parabolize I don't know. I haven't learned PODs yet. 16:03
stmuk_ m: say IO::Handle.^mro
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«IO::Handle is disallowed in restricted setting␤ in sub restricted at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 1␤ in method gist at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 33␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/Th9UeNOT2c line 1␤␤»
timotimo hah, oh crap
forgot about the restricted setting stuff 16:04
stmuk_ maybe .^methods should also report an explicit error under RESTRICTED
timotimo yeah, we could have a RestrictedHOW for that :P
actually, we can define a method ^methods
timeless is NaN a type? 16:07
timotimo it's an instance of Num, i believe 16:08
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«True␤»
timotimo m: say NaN.defined
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«True␤»
timotimo oh, it's even defined 16:09
stmuk_ not a number *is* a number!
timeless these things think it's a type www.irccloud.com/pastebin/oF5csPz6/
azawawi is currently thinking of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naan # 45 min left till breaking fast :)
timeless azawawi: sounds good
timotimo wellllll, that's just the file name/path, so ... dunno! 16:10
timeless well, you have Type/{Complex,Hash,Int,Numeric,Str} 16:11
sounds like NaN could live in Numeric.pod?
hrm, no :/
timotimo maybe because NaN behaves so strangely compared to actual numbers? 16:12
timeless I just need a place to put it to make the link checker (and human readers) vaguely happy 16:14
if someone gets religious they can move it later
i'm leaning toward Numeric
timeless actually 16:15
timotimo AFK
timeless where does NaN fit on the pretty graph in docs.perl6.org/type/Numeric ?
azawawi any plans for a Perl 6 book?
printed that is
[Coke] azawawi: yes.
I believe work is in progress, no estimated completion date at the moment. 16:16
azawawi any samples? links?
timeless m: NaN.unival
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«Cannot call unival(Num); none of these signatures match:␤ (Str:D $str)␤ (Int:D $code)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/YKEgASt2WO line 1␤␤»
timeless ok, so NaN is not a Num? :)
[Coke] azawawi: nope 16:17
stmuk_ m: NaN.WHAT
camelia ( no output )
[Coke] it's not an open source book.
azawawi [Coke]: cool thx... who's working on it?
[Coke] And my info on it is months old, I'm afraid
timeless m: 5.WHAT 16:18
camelia ( no output )
[Coke] I'm sure they'll speak up if they want that info out there. :)
stmuk_ I think the obvious author popped in a few weeks ago and mentioned it was at least started
timeless is totally lost
stmuk_ but didn't give details
azawawi [Coke]: yup 16:19
timeless so.... what is NaN? :-/
perlpilot Not a Number
as usual
stmuk_ (Num)
is a number and not one
timeless stmuk_: so, dump NaN in Num.pod? 16:20
perlpilot stmuk_: It's a "number" that represents notness. :)
timeless but, if NaN is a Num, then why did NaN.unival fail?
stmuk_ timeless: I don't know .. TBH it probably doesn't need documentation since it's well known outside the Perl 6 community anyway
timeless stmuk_: `%` is known outside the C community, but it definitely needs documentation for C ... 16:21
(what is -3 % -2 [C] ?)
perlpilot timeless: depends on the implementation of C ;)
timeless perlpilot is correct.
(another fun one: `what is/are the allowed prototype[s] for ``main``? [C]` 16:22
perlpilot timeless: you really could go on all day with this stuff for C. But, please don't :) 16:23
timeless fair enough. but i hope the point is understood, just because a concept exists elsewhere doesn't mean you shouldn't define it for your language 16:24
especially when it's flaky
and `%`, `NaN` and `main()` all count as flaky
timeless dumps it into Num.pod
odd 16:25
ok, i don't get it
perlpilot The only problem with % is that people conflate "modulus" and "remainder" (and unfortunately some of those people are compiler writers)
timeless chuckles 16:26
TimToady timeless: you seem to have a strange idea of what .unival is supposed to do 16:34
timeless TimToady: i have absolutely no idea what it should do :)
TimToady m: say "⅓".unival 16:35
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«0.333333␤»
timeless but the error says cannot call unival(Num) which to me implies that unival(Num) exists
it might be the case that it means "unival() does not accept Num"
TimToady no, it implies that it *doesn't* exist
timeless ok. well... that's my problem, the error confused me 16:36
TimToady m: say unival(now)
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«Cannot call unival(Instant); none of these signatures match:␤ (Str:D $str)␤ (Int:D $code)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/ULJQ74FbVM line 1␤␤»
timeless I was hoping to use the call to determine the type of NaN, and apparently it would have worked if i understood the error :/
TimToady m: say NaN.WHAT 16:37
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«(Num)␤»
TimToady okay, I think I see what was confusing 16:38
TimToady when it says "Cannot call unival(Num)" it's trying to indicate generically what the types of the call were, not that unival(Num) actually exists 16:38
timeless i think replacing `call` with something else might help, maybe 16:39
tentatively `apply`
timeless (acknowledging that `apply` may be overused/otherwise defined) 16:39
possibly `resolve`
TimToady 'do anything with' :) 16:40
timeless sure? 16:40
TimToady 'figure out' :)
timotimo "frumble"
timeless anyway, if you're taking this UX as input to considering changing the Output, I appreciate it :) 16:41
timeless goes back to not understanding POD
TimToady :D
timeless All I want to do is add `NaN` to Num.pod, now that I've established that's where it belongs 16:42
this did not work at all www.irccloud.com/pastebin/GTxrv0ub/
now, NaN is an Instance of Num, and not a subclass, right? 16:43
m: say NaN.new
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«0␤»
timeless m: say NaN === NaN
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«True␤»
timeless m: say NaN === NaN.new
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«False␤»
TimToady yes, it's just a special value 16:44
TimToady NaN.new is the same as 42e0.new 16:45
new generally ignores the actual value and just uses the type
timeless ok, I think: 16:46
=head1 Constants
=head2 X<C<NaN>|Nan>
C<NaN> is a C<Num>.
maybe? 16:47
TimToady maybe something like NaN is a special Num value that normally results from supplying nonsensical inputs to afloating-point operation. 16:51
timeless the fancy search box on doc.perl6.org/ doesn't work well for no-results when your screen is narrow (half width) 16:53
can't see search box usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/aB3Lq76u/
parabolize well, its there but to the right for some reason 16:54
timeless it's behind the red box 16:55
timeless (z-order) 16:55
timeless frowns 16:56
parabolize firefox isn't doing that to me but the error message is bound to the green div.menu thing 16:58
timeless is using Chrome
did you narrow your window to approximate my window's width?
ok, so, i don't understand how Type/Num.pod works 16:59
parabolize so if you make it ridiculously small firefox will cover the search bar
it works fine at the width you had it
parabolize but if a phone did what firefox did I wouldn't be happy 17:00
timeless launches ff for android
it does 17:01
want a picture?
timeless waits for irccloud to load in chrome for android 17:02
timeless should just use imgur.com ...
parabolize firefox fo android isn't really firefox 17:03
timeless m.imgur.com/RX49zLj
ok... so, back to `Num.pod` 17:05
3 lines above `Type graph`are contributed by the file itself 17:06
everything else seems to be magically inserted
timotimo .u square 17:07
yoleaux U+005B LEFT SQUARE BRACKET [Ps] ([)
timotimo :\
timeless could i claim` enum NaN is Num` ? 17:13
ignoring that fact that it isn't actually an enum, would that get me close enough to being in the type-graph that something useful would happen? 17:14
Xliff FROGGS: Ping 17:19
timeless parabolize: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/574
TimToady timeless++ for suggesting github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/b6902e5192 17:20
timeless parabolize: and fwiw, the next version of firefox for desktop will finally have e11s which will make them much closer
TimToady++ for writing a patch!
TimToady funny thing is, I tried it with just "resolve" and it failed the spec tests, which require the word "call" to be in there somewhere :) 17:21
timeless really, much appreciated. that's what i love about collaborative systems
TimToady so really a bit of an overspecific roast buglet 17:22
but I worked around it
timeless so... I can't figure out how to get Num.pod to list my own content 17:24
the best I can do is get NaN to appear in the graph as a child of Num
and then just write a NaN.pod
TimToady has not played with that at all
timeless I'm going to go w/ that approach, and if someone objects, they can rewrite it
Xliff Can you create multi methods that respect the aka trait? 17:28
m: class A { multi method unreal_name($a, $b) is aka<better_name> { self.unreal_name($a => $b); } multi method unreal_name(Pair $kv) is aka<better_name> { dd $kv } }; A.new.better_name(1, 2); 17:30
camelia rakudo-moar 2095ed: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/5XogxaaAmH␤Can't use unknown trait 'is aka' in a method declaration.␤at /tmp/5XogxaaAmH:1␤ expecting any of:␤ rw raw hidden-from-backtrace hidden-from-USAGE␤ pure default DEPRECATED i…»
timeless m: NaN.roots 17:34
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/ZqQLmad5Gd line 1␤␤»
timeless m: NaN.roots(1)
camelia ( no output )
muraiki what's the perl6 version of perl5 @INC? 17:35
timeless m: NaN.rindex("This is NaN or something")
camelia ( no output )
timeless m: NaN.rindex("This is NaN or something", 0)
camelia ( no output )
muraiki I couldn't find info on it in 5to6-nutshell
it only listed the "use inc" pragma 17:36
timeless saw something which hinted at not needing to do it
timeless didn't ask "why"
NaN.abs 17:37
m: NaN.abs
camelia ( no output )
timeless m: (-2).abs
camelia ( no output )
timeless m: say NaN.abs
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«NaN␤»
timeless m: say NaN.rindex("This is NaN or something", 0)
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
timeless m: say NaN.roots(1) 17:38
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«NaN+0i␤»
timeless m: say NaN.conj 17:38
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«NaN␤»
timeless m: say NaN.sign 17:40
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«NaN␤»
timeless ok, i like that... since NUMERIC.sign says the possible values are 1, -1, and 0 ...
timeless m: say 'a'.unival 17:44
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«NaN␤»
timeless is there a replacement for www.perlito.org/perlito/perlito5to6.html 17:52
timeless fglock.github.io/Perlito/perlito/perlito5.html i guess 17:53
Woodi was just hit by enlightenment - OSes are just compilers! ;) 17:57
"The first step is to build a new and host-independent toolchain (compiler, assembler, linker, libraries, and a few useful utilities)..." www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/d...ction.html
dalek c: df64b5c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | html/css/style.css:
Do not cover search field with "no results" on narrow screens

Closes #574
[Coke] IWBNI there was an indicator on the docs.perl6.org site about which commit it was built from. 18:02
so I might know when, for example, df64b5c was running live.
llfourn is Hash.keys determinisitic in rakudo/moar? 18:24
moritz m: my %h = ('a' ... 'z') X=> 1; say %h.keys 18:25
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«(x p k h g z a y v s q e d m f c w o n u t b j i r l)␤»
moritz m: my %h = ('a' ... 'z') X=> 1; say %h.keys
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«(x p k h g z a y v s q e d m f c w o n u t b j i r l)␤»
moritz m: my %h = ('a' ... 'z') X=> 1; say %h.keys
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«(x p k h g z a y v s q e d m f c w o n u t b j i r l)␤»
moritz seems so, but you can't rely on that
llfourn hmmm yeah, my program has recently started to fail non-deterministically 18:26
timeless heads out
[Coke] you using any async/concurrent code? 18:27
llfourn nope
jdv79 i had a program stall for 7m the other day but i'm not sure it had anything to do with rakudo 18:28
it uses IO::Socket::Async
llfourn I don't have any IO Asyn or not :S 18:30
well I have O 18:31
llfourn and I can see the difference in the O before it fails. Things happen in a different order. 18:31
but looking closer the order isn't even dervived from a hash. 18:32
ahhh yes it is 18:34
but it's not Hash.keys it's Hash.values which *isn't* non-deterministic
llfourn m: my %h = "a".."z" Z=> (^100).pick xx *; say %h.values 18:35
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«(83 19 30 52 62 1 90 97 74 82 4 62 16 11 53 57 5 80 40 71 67 56 48 19 90 66)␤»
llfourn m: my %h = "a".."z" Z=> (^100).pick xx *; say %h.values
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«(4 22 33 31 42 89 36 31 48 27 47 75 90 94 28 64 76 4 3 79 31 43 1 53 50 33)␤»
llfourn which *isn't* deterministic rather
llfourn oh wait I'm an idiot... pick is introducing the randomness 18:39
m: my %h = "a".."z" Z=> (^100); say %h.values
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«(23 15 10 7 6 25 0 24 21 18 16 4 3 12 5 2 22 14 13 20 19 1 9 8 17 11)␤»
llfourn m: my %h = "a".."z" Z=> (^100); say %h.values
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«(23 15 10 7 6 25 0 24 21 18 16 4 3 12 5 2 22 14 13 20 19 1 9 8 17 11)␤»
llfourn needs to take a break
dalek c: 147a284 | moritz++ | / (2 files):
htmlify: include commit hash in the footer.
moritz [Coke]: ^^ there ya go
perlpilot moritz++ (I was just about to do that :) 18:45
moritz perlpilot: I was faster :-) 18:48
ZoffixW Does docs.perl6.org actually run on a Mojolicious app? Wasn't there some sort of mowyw thing happening? github.com/perl6/doc#building-the-...umentation 18:57
ZoffixW I guess a better question is what's the purpose of this file: github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/app.pl 19:03
It can be replaced in entirety with a couple of Apache redirects, but if it is in fact in use, I think we have larger possibilities. Like fixing this bug (spurious 404s): github.com/perl6/doc/issues/155 19:04
dalek c: 569472f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | README.md:
Linkify usefull things
c: d92e30d | (Zoffix Znet)++ | README.md:
Add missing space
[Coke] ZoffixW: it's for running the app locally 19:08
ZoffixW Ah. Thanks.
dalek c: cc8577b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | README.md:
Fix incorrect markdown link syntax
c: 3dccf05 | (Josh Soref)++ | doc/ (6 files):
clean up various doc links
c: f993419 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/ (6 files):
Merge pull request #572 from jsoref/docs

clean up various doc links
moritz ZoffixW: mowyw is used for www.perl6.org
ZoffixW Ah, thanks. I thought I was going insane for a second :) 19:13
moritz we all do, no worries :-) 19:14
dalek c: 7f15517 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | README.md:
Fix broken link
FROGGS o7 19:20
ZoffixW \o
AlexDaniel timeless: hi 19:22
timeless: I have merged/closed some of your pull request 19:23
AlexDaniel somebody had to do it anyway :) 19:23
huggable: dunno
huggable AlexDaniel, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
AlexDaniel timeless: if I did something wrong please bite me
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: can your bisectbot do anything woth this gist? gist.github.com/dogbert17​/d7822b6...5727bf0729 19:42
AlexDaniel dogbert17: hmm… 19:44
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: I'm 100% certain that it worked with - 2016.03-40-g81558b8 built on MoarVM version 2016.03-46-g50c7f6a
AlexDaniel dogbert17: well, first of all I'm trying to replicate that here 19:47
dogbert17: no luck so far
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: timotimo succeeded 19:48
AlexDaniel oh really
is there any way to speed it up?
e.g. start from some high number, not 1 19:49
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: on my machine it crashed after 55 sec, perhaps it is possible to gold it down a bit
AlexDaniel dogbert17: and if it doesn't crash, then what happens? 19:50
dogbert17 s/gold/golf
AlexDaniel dogbert17: there's no time limit on bisectbot, so…
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: the program is my attempt to solve projecteuler.net/problem=12 19:51
AlexDaniel dogbert17: finished here just fine on 2016.05 19:53
timotimo i succeeded what?
dogbert17 timotimo: you reproduced the SEGV 19:55
AlexDaniel bisect: my $numFactors = 500;my$sum=0;for (1...*) -> $term {$sum+=$term;my$factors=(1..floor(sqrt($sum))).grep(-> $x { $sum % $x == 0} ).elems * 2;$factors-- if floor(sqrt($sum)) == sqrt($sum);if $factors > $numFactors {say "$sum";last;}} 19:56
that's not going to work :)
my bet is that it is going to ping out
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: trying to make it crash faster 19:58
AlexDaniel dogbert17: if you find no way to make it crash faster then I'll just bisect it manually with existing builds and that will be it
AlexDaniel yeah, that was expected 19:59
timotimo oh, yeah, sorry, i didn't follow it up muhc more yet 20:00
dogbert17 timotimo: np, was just asking AlexDaniel if the bisectbot could provide more info 20:00
AlexDaniel bisectable: poor creature 20:00
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: interesting that it didn't crash for you 20:01
timotimo as said, it's optimization and OSR related 20:02
that makes it finnicky
dogbert17 timotimo: perhaps it's a recent change 20:03
AlexDaniel people have no problems with womble huh :) 20:06
no issue then
dogbert17: bisectable runs on another machine, but I cannot reproduce it there too 20:08
dogbert17: 6bb23a5 is fine
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: how old is that? 20:09
AlexDaniel dogbert17: pretty old, 7 days ago
dogbert17 I can now get it to crash in 31 secs instead of 55 20:10
I'm running on an old Core I5 660
AlexDaniel dogbert17: that's an improvement for sure. But you'll probably have to bisect it yourself, hmm 20:11
dogbert17: oh, ok, I have something 20:19
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: what do you have?
AlexDaniel dogbert17: a segmentation fault!
dogbert17 yay
AlexDaniel dogbert17: either it flaps or it was actually “added” in the last 7 days 20:20
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: very interesting 20:22
timotimo the crash is call stack or invocation related 20:23
jnthn just recently changed stuff about that
dogbert17 ok, I have it down to 3.5 sec now 20:29
AlexDaniel dogbert17: oh really? Just slam it into bisectbot 20:29
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: is it bisectbot: program 20:30
AlexDaniel dogbert17: bisect: code
dogbert17 bisect: my $sum = 10082800;for (4601...4900) -> $term { $sum += $term; my $sq = floor(sqrt($sum)); my $factors = (1..$sq).grep(-> $x { $sum % $x == 0} ).elems * 2; } 20:31
bisectable dogbert17: on both starting points the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well 20:32
dogbert17 will this work? 20:32
AlexDaniel dogbert17: well, my manual git bisect pointed me to this github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/65...80baf8113a 20:36
but uh…
lizmat I broke stuff ?
AlexDaniel lizmat: wait, too early
lizmat well, looking at who has done commits in the past days, there's a good chance it's my fault :-) 20:37
AlexDaniel bisect: good=6bb23a my $sum = 10082800;for (4601...4900) -> $term { $sum += $term; my $sq = floor(sqrt($sum)); my $factors = (1..$sq).grep(-> $x { $sum % $x == 0} ).elems * 2; }
dogbert17 m: my $sum = 10082800;for (4601...4900) -> $term { $sum += $term; my $sq = floor(sqrt($sum)); my $factors = (1..$sq).grep(-> $x { $sum % $x == 0} ).elems * 2; }
bisectable AlexDaniel: on both starting points the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
camelia rakudo-moar b6902e: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
AlexDaniel star: my $sum = 10082800;for (4601...4900) -> $term { $sum += $term; my $sq = floor(sqrt($sum)); my $factors = (1..$sq).grep(-> $x { $sum % $x == 0} ).elems * 2; } 20:38
camelia ( no output )
dogbert17 star is old
AlexDaniel bisect: good=6bb23a my $sum = 10082800;for (4601...4900) -> $term { $sum += $term; my $sq = floor(sqrt($sum)); my $factors = (1..$sq).grep(-> $x { $sum % $x == 0} ).elems * 2; }; say ‘hi’
bisectable AlexDaniel: exit code is 0 on both starting points, bisecting by using the output 20:38
AlexDaniel: (2016-06-09) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/65e1b54
AlexDaniel lizmat: ↑
dogbert17 oops, you got something? 20:39
AlexDaniel lizmat: I think that… yeah…
dogbert17: same commit that I've found manually
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: cool
AlexDaniel bisect: my $sum = 10082800;for (4601...4900) -> $term { $sum += $term; my $sq = floor(sqrt($sum)); my $factors = (1..$sq).grep(-> $x { $sum % $x == 0} ).elems * 2; }; say ‘hi’
lizmat dogbert17 AlexDaniel and what did I break exactly ?
bisectable AlexDaniel: exit code is 0 on both starting points, bisecting by using the output 20:40
AlexDaniel: (2016-06-09) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/65e1b54
lizmat because the spectests have been clean all the time for all the commits I've done
AlexDaniel lizmat: the code above
lizmat: try to run it, it segfaults
lizmat: I'm not saying that it's your fault, but it happened after your commit :)
lizmat segfault confirmed here 20:41
AlexDaniel lizmat: it is also confirmed by timotimo, camelia and bisectbot
yep, does not segfault on 42f07cd, segfaults on 65e1b54 20:43
timotimo well, as i said, it's about optimization. in this case, the dynamic optimization we have in moar
lizmat I wonder whether the use of Nil in a nqp::until could be the trigger
oops, looking at wrong method :-) 20:44
timotimo there's a loop in some iterator method somewhere that gets on-stack-replaced and when looking at the method it's in finds out it doesn't have a callsite, i.e. a null pointer at that place
and that shouldn't ever have a null pointer there, jnthn pointed out to me
lizmat ok, if I change the int $i in count-only to an Int, it doesn't segfault
AlexDaniel is more worried about the fact that segfaults are not catched by bisectbot unless you have some output… 20:45
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: this 'good' command, does it enable you to start from a known good commit thereby speeding up the bisect prpcess? 20:46
AlexDaniel dogbert17: yes. It defaults to 2015.12
dogbert17: bad defaults to HEAD
bisect: good=HEAD~150 my $sum = 10082800;for (4601...4900) -> $term { $sum += $term; my $sq = floor(sqrt($sum)); my $factors = (1..$sq).grep(-> $x { $sum % $x == 0} ).elems * 2; }; say ‘hi’ 20:47
lizmat timotimo: should I revert the change in count-only, or keep it ? 20:47
bisectable AlexDaniel: exit code is 0 on both starting points, bisecting by using the output
AlexDaniel: (2016-06-09) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/65e1b54
timotimo oof
but yeah, count-only is the method in which it b0rks 20:48
there's an underlying problem that wants to be fixed at the moar level
AlexDaniel can somebody submit a bug report about this? 20:49
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: i believe that perlpilot wondered if the bisectbot can handle gists
timotimo yeah
well, someone did ask that
AlexDaniel well, then it's probably better to integrate it into camelia
because we are starting to see some duplicated functionality :) 20:50
AlexDaniel people voted against that very early, claiming that these bots should probably be separate 20:50
but if you want gists now… then I don't know :)
dogbert17 AlexDaniel++ for bisectbot 20:51
regreg is there an imap library for perl6? 20:53
lizmat regreg: no idea, check modules.perl6.org :-) 20:54
[Coke] github.com/retupmoca/P6-Net-IMAP
... which you can find by doing what lizmat said.
regreg modules.perl6.org?
AlexDaniel yes, modules.perl6.org :)
regreg P6-Net-IMAP 20:54
lizmat timotimo dogbert17 regarding the segfault, it looks like replacing the nqp::eqaddr() back with infix:<=:=> makes the segfault go away 20:55
regreg basically i need to download about 115k email headers and delete the emails from the server
(a datamining project)
dogbert17 lizmat++ 20:56
lizmat do we have a ticket number for the segfault ? 20:58
dogbert17 lizmat: not from me I'm afraid all my attempts (2) to report something to RT has been dismal failures, don't know why though 20:59
lizmat have you tried sending an email to [email@hidden.address] ? 21:00
dogbert17 lizmat: that is exactly what I have done 21:01
lizmat hmmmm...
lemme try then
regreg how do i use a library from github?
dogbert17 lizmat: thank you
regreg i download and unpack it into a directory, then?
sorry i'm a noob 21:02
dogbert17 regreg: do you have a program called panda installed on your machine?
sufrostico regreg: github.com/tadzik/panda/ 21:03
regreg dogbert17, a sec i'll do an apt-file search panda
AlexDaniel no panda in debian yet, as far as I remember
regreg ouch
AlexDaniel regreg: by the way, what version of perl6 are you using? 21:04
regreg This is perl6 version 2015.11 built on MoarVM version 2015.11
should i download a fresh copy instead?
AlexDaniel regreg: yea
lizmat regreg: that would be advisable
regreg ok 21:05
dogbert17 regreg: perl6.org/downloads/
AlexDaniel regreg: sometimes we have people here trying to use 2014.07 or something… that's completely wrong :)
regreg: 2015.11 is not too bad but it's still pre-v6.c
regreg should i first remove the rakudo package from debian?
AlexDaniel yea
regreg: by the way, 2016.04 is in debian testing 21:06
lizmat rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128357 # we haz a number
AlexDaniel lizmat++
regreg this one: rakudo.org/downloads/star/rakudo-st...04.tar.gz?
dogbert17 lizmat++
regreg: should work quite nicely I think 21:07
regreg compiling 21:08
AlexDaniel regreg: another option is to use rakudobrew 21:09
regreg running tests 21:12
AlexDaniel .tell perlpilot right now it does not handle gists and the way it handles long-running programs is non-ideal. But you can send your stuff to me and I'll run it in the terminal
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to perlpilot.
lizmat AlexDaniel timotimo dogbert17 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/41736009bf fixes the segfault (for now) 21:13
dogbert17 lizmat++ again :) 21:14
lizmat yw :-) I hope someone will be able to trace the underlying issue that causes the segfault 21:15
dogbert17: but you should be able to continue now
dogbert17 lizmat: more project Euler then :)
lizmat :-)
dogbert17 I have solved a bunch of them and I sometimes rerun them in order to see performance improvements 21:16
AlexDaniel dogbert17: er, do you realize that this commit was made just 13 hours ago? 21:17
like… how often do you rerun them? :) 21:18
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: actually I'm ill atm, fighting an ear infection and I had nothing better to do :)
AlexDaniel dogbert17: I'm ill too :( 21:19
dogbert17 In fact I'll rerun the previously segfaulting code, in march it took 5m50s on my machine, it should be a bit faster now 21:20
lizmat hopes so
dogbert17 lets see
dogbert17 m: my $sum = 10082800;for (4601...4900) -> $term { $sum += $term; my $sq = floor(sqrt($sum)); my $factors = (1..$sq).grep(-> $x { $sum % $x == 0} ).elems * 2; } 21:25
camelia rakudo-moar 8cfa6c: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
dogbert17 so when will camelia be updated?
lizmat no idea
moritz might know
AlexDaniel dogbert17: patience, my friend, patience 21:26
dogbert17 I made a rakudobrew bild moar and got This is Rakudo version 2016.05-81-g8cfa6c7 built on MoarVM version 2016.05-17-g6075599, hmm
dogbert17 tries again 21:27
AlexDaniel dogbert17: yea, you need g4173600, not g8cfa6c7
dogbert17 must have been too quick
regreg AlexDaniel, testing while doing make install is normal? it takes forever to install, much longer than compilation time 21:29
AlexDaniel regreg: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 21:33
regreg: I've never noticed
dogbert17 lizmat: everything works and execution time is down to 4m14s from 5m50s in March 21:40
regreg Rakudo Star has been built and installed successfully.
AlexDaniel, finally :)
lizmat m: say 254 / 350 21:41
camelia rakudo-moar 8887a7: OUTPUT«0.725714␤»
lizmat not bad :-)
dogbert17 indeed :-)
regreg: now you should have the mosule installer panda 21:42
regreg dogbert17, how do i test if i have it enabled?
there is no panda binary in rakudo/bin
dogbert17 regreg: what happens if you type panda on the commandline? 21:43
regreg command not found
dogbert17 that's strange
regreg perl6 works ok 21:44
ah 21:46
i've found panda
dogbert17 regreg: cool
regreg it's in share/site/bin
more exacly ~/opt/rakudo-star-2016.04/share/perl6/site/bin
dogbert17 regreg: panda install <the-module-you-want> 21:47
regreg ok, doing it..
regreg *resolve stage failed for P6-Net-IMAP: Project P6-Net-IMAP not found in the ecosystem. Maybe try "panda update" first?) 21:48
not found
panda install Net::IMAP, this one should probably work 21:49
dogbert17 regreg: probably :)
regreg because it's Net::IMAP not P6-Net-IMAP
dogbert17 I think you can write panda list to see all modules 21:50
regreg great
lizmat good night, #perl6!
regreg good night lizmat
dogbert17 good night lizmat
regreg pastebin.com/Khw9xVVV 21:52
regreg i get a failed test 21:52
==> Testing Email::MIME 21:53
regreg dogbert17, could you please if you are kind to check out that error message in above pastecode? 21:53
dogbert17 regreg: hmm, seems to work for me, full disk? 21:58
regreg 28% in /
28% /home
dogbert17 regreg: I was wrong it failed for me as well :( 21:59
regreg actually there seems to be some progress if i run the command panda install again 22:00
dogbert17 regreg: sounds strange but promising 22:02
regreg i think that the dependecies have been installed, currently testing ==> Testing Net::IMAP 22:04
regreg failed 22:04
pastebin.com/bTb9Ws9T 22:05
here's the error 22:06
is there any way i can mess with the code before compiling and installing it? i might be able to correct minor bugs
(assuming they are not too perl6 specific since i'm a perl noob)
dogbert17 regreg: try panda --notests install Net::IMAP 22:08
regreg sounds risky :) trying it..
Successfully installed Net::IMAP 22:09
dogbert17 regreg: risky indeed :)
regreg does default ubuntu emacs distribution have support for perl6? 22:10
or what is the recommended editor under xfce? 22:11
dogbert17 atom is what I use atm 22:14
I believe that there is support for vim as well 22:15
regreg i don't like vim :) 22:16
dogbert17 :) 22:16
sufrostico Vim Rocks!!! 23:18
grondilu suddenly wonders if some people have Vim tattoos. Googles it. 23:31
geekosaur this strikes me as something best not searched for :p 23:32
timotimo i can do the vim gang sign
geekosaur (rule 34 in 3, 2, ...)
timotimo bedtime!
grondilu well, apparently there's none. 23:33
timotimo start one, then :)
grondilu neh, I'm really not into tattoos but I've read a bit about this hobby lately on reddit. 23:34
grondilu not related at all : I've mentioned it the other day, but here I'll go again : how could I have the product of three objects been implemented by a procedure? like $a*$b*$c would call my-product($a, $b, $c) instead of my-product($a, my-product($b, $c))? 23:37
timotimo you'd have to set the operator be list assoc
grondilu hum... tell me more.
timotimo not sure if/how you can do that in your code
i think you can only have one kind of assoc per operator, so with * you're potentially out of luck already 23:38
timotimo goes to bed actually
grondilu m: sub infix:<é>(*@a) { [+] @a }; say 5 é 4 é 2 23:39
camelia rakudo-moar 87e91c: OUTPUT«11␤»
grondilu m: multi infix:<*>($a, $b, $c) { Inf }; say 5 * 2 * 3 23:40
camelia rakudo-moar 87e91c: OUTPUT«30␤»
arnsholt grondilu: You'll probably have to define your own operator and make it list associative 23:51
infix:<*> is declared as left associative, so you're out of luck there 23:52
It *might* be possible to hack the assoc of the existing operator, but that smells like a bad idea