»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
agentzh thanks 00:02
00:03 cale2 left
sena_kun last summer I introduced a typo in Exception.pod6 and noticed it only tonight. What a shame. 00:05
timotimo :D
i know what you did last summer
sena_kun lol 00:06
brokenchicken hsh 00:08
sena_kun ah, there goes another. I need to check my commits twice. 00:09
timotimo we do have spell checking now at least :) 00:10
sena_kun timotimo, the first case is a missing word, the second case is a missing bracket. God bless spell checker that can point out such cases! inb4: it's just you. 00:12
00:12 cdg left 00:13 Cabanossi left 00:15 Cabanossi joined, pierrot joined
agentzh where can i find my reported issues to [email@hidden.address] 00:16
sena_kun ah, no, the second case *always* was there. \0/
agentzh never mind, found rt.perl.org/Public/Search/Results....=%27new%27
sena_kun agentzh, I was not quick enough, sorry. 00:17
agentzh sena_kun: no need to apologize at all :) i should have diged harder :) 00:18
just filed a ticket for the infinite looping with RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=130645
btw, is there a way to get perl 6 backtrace from inside gdb? 00:19
while being attached to the moar process?
brokenchicken agentzh: we also have perl6.fail that's a bit easier to get all-tickets-at-a-glance from 00:21
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gfldex agentzh: jnthn could help you with your moarvm woes if he didn't need sleep 00:23
MasterDuke agentzh: there is a way, timotimo probably knows 00:29
agentzh brokenchicken: oh, nice! 00:30
MasterDuke: for parallel compilation?
MasterDuke agentzh: perl6 level backtrace in gdb 00:31
agentzh MasterDuke: oh great
00:32 BenGoldberg joined
MasterDuke something like there should be a tc variable, enter its frame and then type `bt` 00:33
but i haven't done it, so i'm just remembering bits and pieces of what i've seen other people say
agentzh: try `(gdb) print MVM_dump_backtrace(tc)` 00:35
agentzh MasterDuke: segfault 00:39
MasterDuke: seems like calling into the userland function is unsafe per se?
since gdb can interrupts into the process in any state.
*interrupt 00:40
MasterDuke: tried another p6 script, segfault as well. 00:42
see gist.github.com/agentzh/0708ffe8de...474676845f
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agentzh seems like rakudo has issues handling timestamps of the dependency modules. 01:00
it always compiles some of the dep modules even though they have never been edited since the last compilation.
01:02 pyrimidine joined
agentzh everytime i edit a single .pm6 file of only 146 lines of code (including empty lines and comment lines), it always takes ~7 sec to compile. 01:05
this is very annoying.
though i must say it's much faster than re-compiling rakudo when changing the Core.setting module. 01:06
the latter takes more than a 1min :)
timotimo are you using Inline::Perl5 perhaps? 01:08
agentzh timotimo: nope.
pure Perl 6
timotimo there are modules that export "no precompilation" into their users
agentzh not even P5 regexes.
timotimo those don't matter
have you tried the module debug output thingie?
environment variable
01:11 wamba left 01:13 pyrimidine left, Cabanossi left, pyrimidine joined 01:14 kurahaupo__ left
agentzh timotimo: yes. and it triggers a bug which makes moar hot looping: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.htm...et-history 01:15
01:15 Cabanossi joined
agentzh *enter hot looping 01:15
from the partial module debug output before it enters the infinite loop, it seems that rakudo is indeed trying to recompile other p6 modules which at least indirectly depend on the changed .pm6 file. 01:16
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sena_kun m: my %pairs = also-named => 4; sub f(|c) {}; f |%pairs; 01:29
camelia ( no output )
01:33 sena_kun left 01:34 bjz left
Geth oc: 423308f731 | (Samantha McVey)++ | doc/Language/classtut.pod6
Add X<> for ^methods method
01:52 agentzh left 01:53 bjz joined
Geth oc: 8a3b45ef86 | (Samantha McVey)++ | doc/Language/unicode.pod6
Add some missing quotation marks to the Unicode page
samcv Geth, source 01:55
Geth samcv, Source at github.com/perl6/geth To add repo, add an 'application/json' webhook on GitHub pointing it to geth.perl6.party/?chan=#perl6 and choose 'Send me everything' for events to send | use `ver URL to commit` to fetch version bump changes
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Geth oc: 8167550f35 | (Samantha McVey)++ | htmlify.p6
Make --no-proc-async default for MacOS

Also warn the user the build will be very slow.
samcv .tell [Coke] I have set --no-proc-async as default for MacOS
yoleaux samcv: I'll pass your message to [Coke].
samcv i forget guys, what's the way to find the name of the variable? 02:32
timotimo .VAR.name?
samcv k
timotimo disappears to bed immediately
MasterDuke .tell agentzh according to timotimo, 'will probably have to "up" a few times until you find a frame that has "tc" in it', before the `print MVM_dump_backtrace(tc)` 02:34
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to agentzh.
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cale2 Does p6 have type aliases? Or would you just use subset for that? 03:04
Also, how can I make a subset that is a List of Strings 03:05
m: subset WordList of List where *all items are strings*
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Two terms in a row␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3subset WordList of List where *7⏏5all items are strings*␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement…»
cale2 I guess I'm basically wondering if the syntax is [Str] or List(Str) 03:08
hartenfels cale2 I think you can do subset WordList of List where { .all ~~ Str } 03:17
cale2 hartenfels: thanks! I got this so far 03:18
m: subset WordList of List where { $_.map: { $_ ~~ Str } }
camelia ( no output )
hartenfels Well, that's similar.
cale2 I figured there should be an all method though :) 03:19
hartenfels all will create an &-Junction, so that'll deal with the iteration for you.
03:19 azertus joined
hartenfels subset WordList of List where { .all ~~ Str }; say ("asdf", "jklö") ~~ WordList; say () ~~ WordList; say ("asdf", 123) ~~ WordList; 03:21
m: subset WordList of List where { .all ~~ Str }; say ("asdf", "jklö") ~~ WordList; say () ~~ WordList; say ("asdf", 123) ~~ WordList;
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«True␤True␤False␤»
03:23 agentzh joined
cale2 hartenfels: in the type system, is there an easier way to express a list of a type? 03:26
like [Str] or List(Str)
hartenfels Maybe you can do List[Str]
I'm not sure.
MasterDuke m: my Str @a 03:27
camelia ( no output )
MasterDuke m: my Str @a; @a[0] = 4
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to @a; expected Str but got Int (4)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
03:28 agentzh left
cale2 m: my [Str] @a; @a[0] = 4 03:28
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Malformed my␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my7⏏5 [Str] @a; @a[0] = 4␤»
cale2 m: my List(Str) @a; @a[0] = 4
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Coercion List(Str) is insufficiently type-like to qualify a variable␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my List(Str) @a7⏏5; @a[0] = 4␤ expecting any of:␤ constraint␤»
hartenfels That works when declaring a variable at least.
But it's not the same to have an Array[Str] as it is to have an array that happens to have a bunch of strings in it.
cale2 Pretty annoying when you want to add a guard that this is a list of certain items 03:33
hartenfels m: my List[Str] $doesnt-work-either;
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤An exception occurred while parameterizing List␤at <tmp>:1␤Exception details:␤ 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤ List cannot be parameterized␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> 3my List[Str]…»
cale2 I guess it's not terrible to write `where { .all ~~Str }` all over
hartenfels You'd probably make a subset type.
cale2 but you'd have to do that for every list
I'm translating a haskell program from a while ago. That's why I'm asking
hartenfels You'd also have to specify [Str] for every list :P
cale2 hartenfels: maybe you could write a macro for type objects
if it's wrapped in square brackets, check to make sure it's a list of this type
I was gonna write Str anyway though lol 03:34
hartenfels I dunno, for me just specifying `subset Strs where { .all ~~ Str}` and then using `sub (Strs $bla)` seems fine.
And Strs is one less character than [Str]!
And it doesn't require you to write any macros of course. 03:36
cale2 That's true. Good call
Isn't there a github repo for comparing perl6 to other languages? 03:37
hartenfels There's RosettaCode.
cale2 No, I'll find it
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cale2 nevermind, i can't find it lol 03:48
03:49 travis-ci joined
travis-ci Doc build errored. Samantha McVey 'Make --no-proc-async default for MacOS 03:49
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/195409042 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/8a3b4...67550f359b
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cale2 Is there a functional difference between Strs and Chars in p6? 03:57
Would you typically just use the Str type even for individual graphemes? 03:58
03:58 agentzh joined
hartenfels cale2 There's a Char type? 03:58
cale2 hartenfels: I don't see it in the docs 03:59
hartenfels Then the functional difference between a Str and a Char is that the latter doesn't exist :P
cale2 I'll make a subtype 04:00
m: subset Char of Str where { $_.chars ~~ 1 }; say Char "cale"; 04:01
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Two terms in a row␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3of Str where { $_.chars ~~ 1 }; say Char7⏏5 "cale";␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement end…»
cale2 m: subset Char of Str where { $_.chars ~~ 1 }; my Char $c = "cale";
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to $c; expected Char but got Str ("cale")␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
hartenfels You should probably be using == if you're doing numeric comparison. 04:02
04:12 kyan left
cale2 hartenfels: feel free to contribute, or just look at what i'm doing github.com/WildYorkies/perl6-mess 04:12
hartenfels cale2: I could probably whip up something in Perl 5, but I can't check what the Haskell one does since ghc takes about 3 years to compile in Gentoo. Is it supposed to let the user guess the letters or just play hangman with itself? 04:15
cale2 hartenfels, it's been a while since I touched the haskell code. maybe I'm leaving off the user input part by accident haha 04:16
hartenfels It doesn't look like it play at all actually. 04:18
cale2 hartenfels: I was mainly looking for single file programs from functional languages
I'll see if I can find the rest of that code lol 04:19
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grondilu m: my %h = hash <a b c> Z=> ^3; for %h X %h -> $a, $b { say "$a:$b" } 08:00
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«a 0 a 0:a 0 c 2␤a 0 b 1:c 2 a 0␤c 2 c 2:c 2 b 1␤b 1 a 0:b 1 c 2␤Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
grondilu ^not sure what I'm doing wrong
m: my %h = hash <a b c> Z=> ^3; for %h X %h -> ($a, $b) { say "$a:$b" }
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 0 in sub-signature␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
08:00 melezhik_ joined
melezhik_ HI Perl6 gurus! 08:00
grondilu hello
m: my %h = <a b c> Z=> ^3; for %h X %h -> ($a, $b) { say "$a:$b" } 08:01
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 0 in sub-signature␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
grondilu m: my %h = <a b c> Z=> ^3; for %h X %h -> $a, $b { say "$a:$b" }
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«a 0 a 0:a 0 c 2␤a 0 b 1:c 2 a 0␤c 2 c 2:c 2 b 1␤b 1 a 0:b 1 c 2␤Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
grondilu m: my %h = <a b c> Z=> ^3; for flat %h X %h -> $a, $b { say "$a:$b" }
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«a 0:a 0␤a 0:c 2␤a 0:b 1␤c 2:a 0␤c 2:c 2␤c 2:b 1␤b 1:a 0␤b 1:c 2␤b 1:b 1␤»
melezhik_ how to tuncate string to contain no more N characters ?
grondilu substr 08:02
m: say "fooooo".substr(0, 3)
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«foo␤»
melezhik_ grondilu: thanks 08:03
m: say "fooooo".substr(0, 20) 08:04
camelia rakudo-moar 0ad05c: OUTPUT«fooooo␤»
melezhik_ ok, works for me! thanks
parv is it possible to specify an exact version of a module/package (not just the minimum as is the case in Perl 5)? 08:06
moritz yes. I just don't know how well it works at the moment 08:07
parv the working part, was that comment meant in context of rakudo? 08:08
moritz yes 08:09
parv ok. thanks, moritz.
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parv is there any other comprehensive & current doc about version specification other than "design.perl6.org/S11.html#Versioning"? That URL says to consult docs.perl6.org for current state; didn't find anything suitable. 08:39
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wololoooo Hello guys, I have a problem with file IO 08:44
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wololoooo perl6 -e 'if "ratings.list".IO.f {say "HI!!";} 08:45
my $fg = open ("./ratings.list" ,:r , enc => "latin1");
say $fg.get;'
== OUTPUT == 08:46
Failed to open file /home/pi/project/perl6/lear/ratings.list r True enc latin1: no such file or directory
in any at /home/pi/project/perl6/rakudobrew/moar-nom/install/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm line 1
in block <unit> at -e line 2
Actually thrown at:
in any at gen/moar/Metamodel.nqp line 3072
in block <unit> at -e line 3
moritz wololoooo: please use a pastebin
wololoooo: the problem is the space between open and (
wololoooo ok, sorry
moritz wololoooo: leave out the parens, or the space
08:46 geekosaur joined, SITM left
wololoooo ok 08:47
moritz wololoooo: as is, you're calling open() with a single argument, which is a list of a string and two Pair objects 08:48
wololoooo isn't that practically 3 arguments? 08:49
moritz nope
in Perl 6, lists are first-class objects 08:50
wololoooo then what would multiple arguments look like in perl6?
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parv S11 missed the chance to use "globalyness" when "globalness" was used instead. 8-[ 08:55
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moritz wololoooo: open(a, b, c) or open a, b c 09:05
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brokenchicken call for a new TPF grants committee member: news.perlfoundation.org/2017/01/gra...new-m.html 11:16
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brokenchicken reads backlog 11:38
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brokenchicken You guys are overdoing it with type checks. 11:39
Which is why you feel it's "annoying".
moritz that's what I tell people regularly 11:42
"Perl 6 is not Haskell"
El_Che moritz: of "Perl 6 is a slower Haskell" :) 11:43
DrForr Type checking has caught a few things for me, almost enough to justify keeping the return types around. 11:45
jnthn To be fair, it takes time to develop a feel for when to do it and when not to.
Just part of growing up as a Perl 6 programmer.
timotimo sure, but it'd be nice if you listened to the people trying to help you out ;)
Just Programmer Things
jnthn Listening to people who know stuff isn't the in thing these days. :P
El_Che :)
arnsholt Neat! gravitational.com/blog/instant-ssh-github/ 11:47
timotimo that's cute 11:49
11:49 FROGGS joined
brokenchicken Neat indeed. Now all I need is a remote team to let ssh into my laptop... 11:49
parv brokenchicken: are you looking for people to log on do your 'puter and do stuff? ;-> 11:55
arnsholt brokenchicken: Like #perl6? =)
brokenchicken hehehe :)
timotimo outsource all your work for cheap?
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gfldex where could that come from? gist.github.com/gfldex/59e95733069...493a567264 12:36
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timotimo does --ll-exception give you anything? 12:39
gfldex an empty file with `use Git::Config` is causing it
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gfldex updated with stack trace gist.github.com/gfldex/59e95733069...493a567264 12:40
i will check on a clean vm
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gfldex same in a clean VM 12:51
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brokenchicken Hah. Funny: stackoverflow.com/admin.php 13:11
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arnsholt Hee hee 13:16
I should add that rule to my Varnish =D
brokenchicken m: say v6 before v6.c 13:17
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«False␤»
brokenchicken gfldex: ^ fwiw, the "perl" meta field is supposed to specify the minimum required perl version and yours won't even be met
in Git::Cojnfig
wonder if that Nil is due to something missing in the META file 13:18
gfldex checking right now
brokenchicken Hm, I don't get any nils with empty file with use Git::Copnfiug in it on This is Rakudo version 2016.12-376-g69a66b7 built on MoarVM version 2016.12-113-gd1da1ba 13:20
gfldex This is Rakudo version 2017.01-56-g0ad05ce built on MoarVM version 2017.01-13-g4aab506 13:21
`-I ../perl6-git-config/lib/` hides the problem 13:27
13:30 Actualeyes left
brokenchicken Hm, I see you can't do QAST::Var.new(:name(~$<ident>), :scope<lexical>, |(:decl<var> if $*DECL),) in NQP? Like slipping in some named args based on condition 13:31
jnthn No
brokenchicken Oh well :)
jnthn You'd have to put it into a hash and the flatten that in
brokenchicken Ah
jnthn NQP does sigil analysis to decide if we're flattening in positionals or nameds 13:32
So it's a static decisions
Unlike in Perl 6 where it's a dynamic decsion (which is why it's an order of magnitude slower :P) 13:33
brokenchicken :D
gfldex .oO( Perl 6 is slow to allow humans to keep up. ) 13:34
brokenchicken Ain't getting Nils on This is Rakudo version 2017.01-58-gd06d7c1 built on MoarVM version 2017.01-13-g4aab506 either 13:44
in a git clone, with perl6 -Ilib foo.p6, where foo.p6 has just use Git::Config
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brokenchicken w00t! Just added varibles support to Perl 7. No sigils. No declarators. Varibles are auto-declared on first use. Pretty revolutionary idea; I hope it won't have problems 😘 13:57
13:57 Cabanossi left
moritz \o/ revolutionary languge design! 13:58
brokenchicken :)
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raschipi brokenchicken: There's a strong parallel between variables and hash lines. You should make use of that, just give the programmer a single hash and have him use the lines as variables. 14:13
brokenchicken hm, some langs use "func" to declare functions, but usually have braces or "end" to signal end of its body. I'm surprised no one used "tion" to end such declarations. The "tion" matches the length of "func" AND the one and true ident width of 4 spaces. Makes things look pretty. 14:17
or shorten it to 3 chars: "fun" and "ion" :P
raschipi Identation is made with tabs. 14:18
And a tab is 8 spaces.
brokenchicken uhuh. I wanna see you write Perl 6 code using that. 14:19
raschipi It's the only aceptable way to do it, to be quite honest. 14:20
timotimo ===SORRY NOT SORRY!=== It seems like you're indenting your code with spaces. what the fuck is wrong with you! 14:21
brokenchicken raschipi: Perl 6 is not C. If you're using 8-spaced tabs, I hope you also plan on setting your line lengths to 200 chars 14:22
raschipi Yep, the compiler should enbforce it, this would be very helpful for programmers.
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pmurias brokenchicken: you want to release your toy language as Perl 7? :/ 14:29
raschipi brokenchicken: currently my terminal has 264 columns.
brokenchicken Toy?!
pmurias * pet language 14:30
raschipi Perl5 and Perl 6 are TimToady's pet languages. 14:31
brokenchicken pmurias: Nah, bruh. It's a legit lang. I listened to complains about Perl 6 and solved them.... Like the logo stuff: github.com/perl7/perl7 14:32
Actually, the logo was the majorest issue. From what I understand this is what managers pay attention too. And with that solved, Perl 7 will flourish. The rest of the features are just details, though I think the single-character print function is sure to turn some of the heads, in today's fast-paced, no-time-for-nonsense world. 14:33
profan man, is it a sad indicator when it's actually hard to tell if obvious satire is supposed to be satire or not :D
mst brokenchicken++ # finally, somebody who understands
pmurias: I would love him to; given the general stupidity levels of conversations involving 'perl7' ending the conversation by linking this would actually be an improvement 14:34
brokenchicken :) 14:35
SmokeMachine brokenchicken: why not use something like 🤐 for comments?
pmurias mst: I'm just worried someone will try to install that by mistake 14:36
14:36 raschipi left
mst pmurias: if you're worried about confusing naming, start a campaign to rename perl6. if you're not going to start such a campaign, it's clearly not that important to you and you're worrying about nothing :P 14:38
SmokeMachine brokenchicken: I mean for perl7 14:39
brokenchicken Nah, the comments will stay as '#' because I don't know how to configure my editor to use something else when I press CTRL+D :) 14:41
huf the logo is particularly spiffy
possibly the best proglang logo i've ever seen
brokenchicken See? People notice! 14:42
14:42 sammers joined
huf the only way to improve it would be if the image format were .txt 14:42
pmurias mst: I view the Perl 6 naming as already done damage
raiph .oO ( fun ... `nuf ) 14:45
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huf that's good but sub/bus is even better because "bus" 14:46
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brokenchicken I went with 'fuc' and 'ton' 14:46
raiph :) 14:47
mst huf: having a compiler that can say 'bus error at line 13' would be AWESOME
14:47 Guest13718 left
huf mst: i was hoping to fit "fuck you i'm a bus" in there somewhere 14:47
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sena_kun m: my UInt $u = 1; say $u.WHAT; 14:48
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«(Int)␤»
14:48 cdg joined
sena_kun it should be int, not uint? 14:48
brokenchicken sena_kun: UInt is just a core subset of Int
raiph you what?
sena_kun brokenchicken, hmmm, okay. I'll fix docs then, thanks.
brokenchicken mc: my UInt $u = 1; say $u.WHAT; 14:49
committable6 brokenchicken, ¦«2015.12»: (Int)
14:49 cdg left
brokenchicken sena_kun: they also list wrong definition. It's github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/.../Int.pm#L6 14:50
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brokenchicken We also have UInt64, but IIRC it needs a bit of loving first 14:51
sena_kun noted.
brokenchicken liek that .defined check
14:52 Gasher joined
brokenchicken m: say Int ~~ UInt64 14:55
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«Invocant requires an instance of type Int, but a type object was passed. Did you forget a .new?␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
brokenchicken mhm
m: say Int ~~ UInt
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«True␤»
brokenchicken And the other one is to check if it got a off-by-one issue on its max value. I think the constant it uses is 1-too-many, but then the check in it is `<` so it's fine. Or something or other 14:56
Don't even know if it's meant to be public tho :) 14:57
Or whether it's even roast
14:57 Cabanossi left
sena_kun afaik uint is in roast. 14:57
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sena_kun github.com/perl6/roast/blob/b4da78...int.t#L147 14:59
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brokenchicken yeah 15:02
AlexDaniel brokenchicken: :P gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/3e7ad0a...ab5332b570 15:08
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brokenchicken heh 15:09
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mst AlexDaniel++ # yaaaaaaaaaaaasss 15:09
15:12 pmurias left
brokenchicken steals it 15:12
AlexDaniel feel free :P
raiph .oO ( Perl ל aka Perl Lamed -- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamedh) 15:13
AlexDaniel brokenchicken: though maybe you want to slap this : on your own version, there are some tiny issues inside the P hole due to tracing
brokenchicken Yes, I will have the logo designer add it. I paid $3000 for this logo design, so he should have high quality files to edit. 15:14
AlexDaniel should've paid $6000 for svg 15:15
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brokenchicken Pfft... The real high quality logos don't use SVGs. They use .ai 15:16
Everybody knows it ;)
AlexDaniel forgive my incompetence
brokenchicken It's OK. That's why I have the guy making $3000 logos for me. 15:17
AlexDaniel samcv: so where's your grant proposal? :o 15:19
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[Coke] AlexDaniel: AIUI, waiting for the board to decide if she can apply against the core perl 6 fund instead of the hague fund. (or the general grant committee fund, which brokenchicken submitted against) 15:24
yoleaux 02:23Z <samcv> [Coke]: I have set --no-proc-async as default for MacOS
AlexDaniel oh
[Coke] but the original submission against hague won't work, as apparently that fund is depleted. (which I am surprised to hear, and would love to see if there's a list of outstanding in-progress-but-unpaid grants.) 15:26
AlexDaniel oh… ouch… 15:27
sena_kun is our Language docs section compileable? 15:29
mst [Coke]: ah, yes, "trying to get financial information out of TPF" ... good luck
mspo our logo guy produced .eps 15:30
brokenchicken AlexDaniel: my logo guy said your version sucked, but for another $1,000 he'd make me an improved logo that better captures the spirit of the language and emboldens the brand identity or something or other. I said good deal, and behold! github.com/perl7/perl7#perl-7-the-...-date-perl 15:31
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[Coke] mst: It's super challenging, and I'm on the GC. 15:32
brokenchicken mspo: clearly you're not getting the bestest logos! 15:33
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brokenchicken sena_kun: compilable to what? 15:37
sena_kun brokenchicken, I meant ability to automatically compile examples and check their validness(this point is still LTA). it is possible for Type/ section, but I didn't work on Language/, hence the question. 15:40
brokenchicken Ah, no idea. 15:41
sena_kun it's time to try it to check!
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sena_kun m: my %pairs = also-named => 4; sub f(|c) {}; say f |%pairs; 15:56
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
sena_kun should it be Nil here? 15:57
brokenchicken Yup
sena_kun doc page is lying!
brokenchicken What's it saying/
sena_kun (:$also-named)
brokenchicken :S 15:58
m: my %pairs = also-named => 4; sub f(|c) {c}; say f |%pairs;
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«\(:also-named(4))␤»
sena_kun Signature page.
15:58 domidumont joined
brokenchicken That if anything. 15:58
c: 2015.07 my %pairs = also-named => 4; sub f(|c) {c}; say f |%pairs;
committable6 brokenchicken, ¦«2015.07»: \(:also-named(4))
brokenchicken been that way for ages
Looks like it's just indicating the meaning instead of showing output 16:00
sena_kun hmm... Let it be like that for a bit until my future pr merge/rejection. 16:01
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cale2 I'm having an issue with Str.comb 16:27
It seems to spit out a Seq. I thought it would be a List. 16:28
brokenchicken cale2: what sort of issue
cale2 docs.perl6.org/routine/comb#(Str)_routine_comb
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cale2 The problem for me is building up subsets. I assumed that everything would be lists, but it turns out that comb (the only way to get a list of graphemes from a Str) returns a Seq 16:29
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cale2 subset Char of Str where { $_.chars == 1 }; 16:30
subset Word of Seq where { $_.all ~~ Char };
subset WordList of List where { $_.all ~~ Word };
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brokenchicken Wow, you're sure stepping up the insanity on the type checks :) 16:30
16:31 Gasher left
cale2 Having to deal with Lists, Seqs, and (possibly) Arrays sort of muddies the waters. This is where type signatures come in handy 16:31
moritz cale2: so use .comb.List
brokenchicken cale2: but what's the actual problem you're facing? So far you said you assumed one thing but (on HEAD) it's neither documented nor does return the thing you assumed it does
moritz cale2: or rely on Iterable or Positional
cale2 Because I could do a search for "Seq -> List" or "Array -> List"
moritz cale2: but really, don't treat strings as lists
cale2: subset Word of Str where /^ \w* $/; 16:32
cale2 Treating strings as a list of chars is quite a natural way to think about textual problems, though
moritz but it's not natural way in Perl 6 16:34
play to the language's strengths, not its weaknesses 16:35
brokenchicken Seq don't do Positional, only Iterable is shared between Seq and Lists. But note that Maps do it as well and I recall a convo on how about making QuantHash do it too
moritz m: say "Perl 6 is not $_" for <Haskell Python C C++ Java Perl5>;
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«Perl 6 is not Haskell␤Perl 6 is not Python␤Perl 6 is not C␤Perl 6 is not C++␤Perl 6 is not Java␤Perl 6 is not Perl5␤»
brokenchicken nods
cale2 moritz: I guess I don't know how to think that way then. For example, I'm very accustomed to mapping a function over a string and having it apply to each character
moritz cale2: and is that how you think about text in real life, or in your English classes? 16:36
16:36 AlexDaniel joined
brokenchicken cale2: I saw your repo where you try to recreate programs in other languages to be close to other languages, but I think that's a good recipe for frustration and for missing out on learning all the good idioms of Perl 6 16:36
cale2 I thought one main selling point of perl6 is that everything and nothing is idiomatic and you can basically write it however you want 16:37
brokenchicken Like this typecheck stuff you're doing right now. Along with being frustrating, you'll find the way you're doing right now is also terrible slow.
cale2 I'm finding that the haskell translations are working well though lol
brokenchicken Never heard of such a selling point.
moritz cale2: that's not the Perl 6 way 16:38
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brokenchicken The TIMTOADY thing in my view is you can write things many different ways and use the more suitable way depending on situation, same as you use a natural language. 16:38
moritz there's more than one way to do it, but if an experienced programmer tells you that one way works clearly better in the language, you should still listen
cale2 brokenchicken: youtu.be/Nq2HkAYbG5o?t=26m40s 16:40
16:41 AlexDaniel left
cale2 I guess I took that presentation too literally lol 16:41
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moritz Damian's talk aim to dazzle the audience, more than they try to be accurate, or teach idiomatic programming 16:42
which is fine; if you wanted to learn Perl 6, you could always buy the book :-)
16:43 Gasher left
brokenchicken :) yeah. Same talk shows the quantum computing done in Perl 6... despite there yet not being hardware to do the stuff :) 16:44
cale2 moritz: what book? 16:49
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brokenchicken cale2: leanpub.com/perl6 16:50
moritz cale2: leanpub.com/perl6 (disclaimer: my own, ebook), deeptext.media/perl6-at-a-glance/ (print)
16:50 pmurias joined
brokenchicken cale2: though when Damian gave the talk you linked in Toronto, he promised a book too "in a year".... That was almost a year ago :P 16:50
cale2: also www.learningperl6.com/ though by reading the preview copies of that one, I'd say it's more geared towards beginner programmers. 16:51
huggable: books :is: "Perl 6 At A Glance" deeptext.media/perl6-at-a-glance/ (print only for now); "Perl 6 By Example": leanpub.com/perl6 (get preview digital copies now!) ; "Learning Perl 6": www.learningperl6.com/ (good for programming beginners) 16:53
huggable brokenchicken, Added books as "Perl 6 At A Glance" deeptext.media/perl6-at-a-glance/ (print only for now); "Perl 6 By Example": leanpub.com/perl6 (get preview digital copies now!) ; "Learning Perl 6": www.learningperl6.com/ (good for programming beginners)
brokenchicken There's no longer a way to get preview copies of LP6 is there?
moritz convince bdfoy to give somebody access to the repo :-) 16:54
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TimToady .tell grondilu the subsig ($a,$b) is always treating pairs as named args, not positionals; perhaps we could distinguish a [$a,$b] subsig to force positional and let the () form turn pairs to nameds 17:01
17:01 grw left
yoleaux TimToady: I'll pass your message to grondilu. 17:01
.oO(if I had access to bdfoy's repo I'd fix the outdents on closing brackets...)
brokenchicken I can give you the next best thing: open an Issue on bdfoy's repo quoting the above :) 17:03
17:04 dataf3l left
[Coke] huh. work project using rakudo-star:latest docker image had to go back to rakudo-star:2016.07 (maybe didn't have to go back that far, but that one worked) due to panda not being able to download the ecosystem module. 17:04
brokenchicken Well, damn... lifepluslinux.blogspot.de/2017/01/l...te-to.html 17:06
The saddest part is I'll probably still continue copy-pasting commands to terminal >_<
[Coke]: FWIW there's a ticket of another person having issues with latest star: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.htm...et-history 17:07
Oh. It was lack of prove. Maybe it should be closed now that zef is the Gold Standard
As is " Rakudo* 2014:08 panda doesn't see bundled modules ": rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.htm...et-history 17:08
17:11 dakkar left 17:19 rba_ left
brokenchicken Done! 17:19
"His Majesty Larry of Wall demands you abandon this weird brace style OR ELSE!" 17:20
:) i.imgur.com/XVeLAav.png
17:20 jonas1 left
pmurias did learning Perl (5) use that sort of weird brace style? 17:21
brokenchicken Well, he didn't write that one. At least not the first editions. 17:22
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brokenchicken is failing to find any screencaps of the book on google 17:24
pmurias I found the examples on the internet and it used normal formating 17:25
I'm not sure where I have my old Learning Perl printed copy 17:26
17:26 Cabanossi left
brokenchicken Well, in the presumably pirated PDF of 5th edition I found online all examples seem to use normal braces EXCEPT for one example with `foreach` that does use that weird bracing 17:28
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Geth oc: Altai-man++ created pull request #1165:
Make comment style the same in Type/ directory
brokenchicken Actually just one example of foreach.. The rest all use normal formatting... My guess would be bdfoy used that style for ages and for that book but editor missed this one example
sena_kun Discussion around this pr is like, super-welcome.
.tell AlexDaniel github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1165 17:30
yoleaux sena_kun: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
brokenchicken Hahaha 17:31
bdfoy replied to my issue
i.imgur.com/56taHJt.png 17:32
cale2 somone make a thug life meme out of that interaction
brokenchicken I'll assume he's still butthurt about my grant comments and not general dick to people opening issues :P
m: say (a => 1, 'b', 'c').pairup.perl; 17:35
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«(:a(1), :b("c")).Seq␤»
brokenchicken TIL we have pairup. Neat 17:36
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brokenchicken sena_kun: well, I reviewed up to "doc/Type/Attribute.pod6" and didn't spot anything. Don't have time to review more as I gotta work :) 17:39
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SmokeMachine why is the "master" branch named nom? 17:47
brokenchicken it's more fun that way :) 17:48
SmokeMachine: AFAIK it was first the "new object model" branch but it then became what master should be and well, got left that way
And if we switch now force of habit + some tools that know it to be master would be confused 17:49
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sena_kun brokenchicken, reviews are good, "agree/disagree" comments are better. ;) Thanks for attention anyway. 17:54
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brokenchicken m: sub foo { fail "foo" }; my $x = foo or dd $x\ 18:11
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Cannot use variable $x in declaration to initialize itself␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3 foo { fail "foo" }; my $x = foo or dd $7⏏5x\␤ expecting any of:␤ argument list␤ term␤»
brokenchicken m: sub foo { fail "foo" }; my $x = foo or dd $x
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Cannot use variable $x in declaration to initialize itself␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3 foo { fail "foo" }; my $x = foo or dd $7⏏5x␤ expecting any of:␤ argument list␤ term␤»
brokenchicken Is this an accurate error? The sub eats up the `or` and it's not lower precedence to be equal to my $x = foo() or dd $x? 18:12
Ah 18:13
m: sub foo { fail "foo" }; my $y = 42; my $x = foo or dd $y
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Undeclared routine:␤ or used at line 1␤␤»
brokenchicken It's seen as a routine and so yeah, gobbled up by foo
18:14 lukiramu joined
brokenchicken Hah 18:14
bdfoy now also deleted my pointing out the example is broken. 18:15
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brokenchicken Well, I have no compunctions about not recommending his book to people. 18:16
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nine brokenchicken: FWIW I have seen this bracing style in the wild. And I find it confusing as hell. But it's all just a matter of getting used to it. 18:20
mst I've only ever seen it on bdf's blog 18:23
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TimToady all it says to me is "I wish I were python" 18:23
brokenchicken Eh, fuck him. I see him and his pet nanis trash P6 on twitter. I tried to be nice about him and be open minded about his book but if he wants to play penis games on GitHub, I couldn't give two shits.
Which reminds, I need to load Perl 6 by Example on my ereader to peruse on the bus \o/ 18:24
mst brokenchicken: oh, yeah, if you publically disagree with him once he'll be a dick to you forevermore
I've lost count of the number of people he refuses patches from etc. because of some minor disagreement being turned into a vendetta 18:25
El_Che are we talking about the same guy I gave a small amount of money to write a book?
brokenchicken El_Che: I dunno, there are at least three guys writing a book you may have given a small amount of money to write a book :) 18:27
El_Che hehe
mst El_Che: we're talking about bdfoy 18:28
El_Che yeah, I know, I was being silly. More of a rhethorical thing
brokenchicken huggable: books 18:29
huggable brokenchicken, "Perl 6 At A Glance" deeptext.media/perl6-at-a-glance/ (print only for now); "Perl 6 By Example": leanpub.com/perl6 (can order preview digital copies)
brokenchicken ^ the other two guys. The first one is already finished, but no ebook yet and the second one is still in production being produced by our very own morit++
18:30 robertle joined
brokenchicken And the other one is by Anton Shitov 18:30
Ooops. *Andrew Shitov 18:33
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brokenchicken act.yapc.eu/ye2015/user/1773 18:34
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samcv that brace style O.o 19:39
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samcv well I found it in this list here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indent_style..._of_braces 19:43
Geth cosystem: 274143b6e4 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | META.list
add META6-bin
samcv seems to be Ratliff style: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indent_style...liff_style
19:44 bstamour left, lichtkind left 19:45 kyan joined
brokenchicken github.com/gfldex/perl6-meta6-bin/ 19:47
gfldex: `perl` is the "minimum perl 6 version this module works on" and you're setting it to v6 by default, which will never be released. 19:49
You meant v6.c (or v6.*)
19:49 girafe joined 19:50 ocbtec left
brokenchicken sees META6 making the same mistake in SYNOPSIS :/ 19:51
m: say Version.new('6') before v6.c 19:52
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«False␤»
brokenchicken m: say Version.new('6.*') before v6.c
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«True␤»
brokenchicken m: say Version.new('6.c') before v6.c
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«False␤»
brokenchicken m: say Version.new('6.c') eqv v6.c
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«True␤»
gfldex unsurprisingly given that roast doesn't test for v6.c to be younger then v6 19:54
brokenchicken hm? 19:55
gfldex m: say so v6 ~~ v6.0
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«True␤»
gfldex m: say so v6.0 cmp v6.c
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«True␤»
gfldex m: say v6.0 cmp v6.c
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«More␤»
TimToady for normal versions, letters are considered variants of "alpha", basically, hence before .0; however, v6c steals that notation for a different purpose 19:56
19:56 pyrimidine left
brokenchicken Yeah 19:56
m: use v6
camelia ( no output )
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.oO(Someday we'll come out with Perl 6.0!)
brokenchicken ^ that one's a bit confusing tho
I mean as far as figuring out what to stick in `perl` META field 19:57
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brokenchicken Maybe special case it to mean any version? It's a pretty common mistake. 19:57
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brokenchicken (not that anything cares about `perl` meta field ATM AFAIK) 19:57
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gfldex no need to special case it. In a few month we will have v6.d . :-> 20:00
20:01 pyrimidine left
Geth oc: 3706a3d8fc | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | doc/Language/pragmas.pod6
v6 -> v6.c
AlexDaniel .
brokenchicken Hm, Diwali is October 19th this year... Plenty of time :P
yoleaux 17:30Z <sena_kun> AlexDaniel: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/1165
brokenchicken And it even aligns with regular release date (will be on Oct 21) 20:03
mspo how do I type a utf8 combining character, like skin tone modifier? 20:04
AlexDaniel mspo: docs.perl6.org/language/unicode_entry ?
or you can use “\c[…]”
brokenchicken m: "\c[woman health worker: medium-dark skin tone]"
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of constant string "👩🏾‍⚕️" in sink context (line 1)␤»
AlexDaniel depending on where you actually want to type it
brokenchicken m: "\c[woman health worker: medium-dark skin tone]".say
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«👩🏾‍⚕️␤»
brokenchicken m: "\c[woman health worker: medium-dark skin tone]".ords.say 20:05
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«(128105 127998 8205 9877 65039)␤»
mspo m: "\c[pile of poop: medium-dark skin tone]"
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unrecognized character name [pile of poop: medium-dark skin tone]␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3"\c[pile of poop: medium-dark skin tone7⏏5]"␤»
20:06 bjz joined
brokenchicken it's "pile of poo" 20:06
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brokenchicken And I don't think skinton modifiers work just on anything 20:06
m: "\c[snowman: medium-dark skin tone]".say 20:07
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unrecognized character name [snowman: medium-dark skin tone]␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3"\c[snowman: medium-dark skin tone7⏏5]".say␤»
brokenchicken hehe
AlexDaniel no that's not how it works
20:07 domidumont left
AlexDaniel here's the list: unicode.org/Public/emoji/4.0/emoji-...uences.txt 20:08
20:08 Gasher left
mspo oh well 20:08
brokenchicken And purty chart: unicode.org/emoji/charts/emoji-zwj-...ences.html
Geth oc: a7a81c3d2a | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | 13 files
v6 -> v6.c
brokenchicken m: (128169 127998 8205 9877 65039)».chr.say
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Two terms in a row␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3(1281697⏏5 127998 8205 9877 65039)».chr.say␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ statement modif…»
AlexDaniel you can slap a tone modifier on a poo character, sure, but not with \c[]
brokenchicken m: <128169 127998 8205 9877 65039>».chr.say 20:09
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«(💩 🏾 ‍ ⚕ ️)␤»
.oO( and a gender sign, if that matters… )
brokenchicken How?
mspo I more more font
need more fon
AlexDaniel brokenchicken: poo + zwj + gender sign, that's it 20:10
brokenchicken: no font will render it, but…
you can make one that does
20:11 astj left
brokenchicken m: "\c[snowman]\c[ZERO WIDTH JOINER]\c[WOMAN]".say 20:11
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«☃‍👩␤»
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brokenchicken Don't I just print two separate chars with a ZWJ in the middle and... that's it? 20:12
There's no slapping involved?
20:12 jjido left
AlexDaniel you don't have to slap yourself, yes 20:13
brokenchicken :) 20:15
AlexDaniel font developers may tell you otherwise though
but that's actually an interesting question… how often people use that stuff at all? 20:17
and if their font does not support it, are they going to do it anyway? 20:18
brokenchicken I'd think this is more used by apps that use their own pictures for all of these 20:19
AlexDaniel sena_kun: there are conflicts 20:20
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brokenchicken And the user just picks the emoji from emoji selector and is completely unaware of wtf Unicode even is 20:20
sena_kun AlexDaniel, I know, I noted it in the description.
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sena_kun AlexDaniel, they can be resolved when I finish my struggling with cabal hell. :/ 20:22
AlexDaniel sena_kun: I want to just merge the damn thing to be honest 20:23
sena_kun: the issue was up for 6 months or so, nobody is interested in discussing it. Let's merge and *then* discuss :P
sena_kun AlexDaniel, I think it is because nobody want such changes. :o
AlexDaniel nope 20:24
brokenchicken Hm, getting "Cannot find method 'keyword' on object of type Perl7::Grammar" any idea how come? github.com/perl7/perl7/blob/master...l7.nqp#L46
20:25 astj left
brokenchicken This example has it and it compiles fine: github.com/edumentab/rakudo-and-nq...-3.nqp#L37 20:25
Oh... and it defines token keyword. Nevermind, I thought it came from HLL::Grammar
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[Coke] (diwali) we are NOT release 6.d on the day of diwali 20:34
brokenchicken Why not?
Hm. For some reason function support in Perl 7 don't work right. Fails to parse: github.com/perl7/perl7/blob/master.../perl7.nqp 20:36
brokenchicken tables it for another day
[Coke] 1) brokenchicken - well, while diwali is far enough for us to start planning, I don't want us to get locked into releasing on the day of. And we had a lot of pressure on the last day of release that we ended up cutting a few corners - like I said, probably have enough time to do it right this time, but would rather schedule to the work, not the holiday. 20:39
... I started that off as a 1) list and then lost track of that as I kept typing. sorry. ) 20:40
geekosaur "a few corners"
it really needed to bake for several more months
brokenchicken [Coke]: oh right that yeah :) 20:41
Diwali 2018 looks attractive ;)
[Coke] I don't mean compiler functionality, btw, but language-level things like to deal with cutting a copy of roast, that sort of thing.
20:41 wololoooo left
.oO( don't name releases after holidays )
Name it just The D. The younger generation will love it.
geekosaur do that but ship it 9 months later. fashionably late...
brokenchicken heh
20:44 YEM2040 left 20:45 pukku joined
pukku Hi! There are two Base64 modules on modules.perl6.org -- MIME::Base64 and Base64. Does anyone know why I would prefer one over the other? 20:45
[Coke] we don't have a quality rating yet, but I would check test coverage, recent-ness of commits... 20:47
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Geth oc/master: 4 commits pushed by coke++ 20:47
mspo did perl6 grow its own cpan yet?
[Coke] (docs) trying something out with 223e38759c - maybe we can use something like when dealing with compiler/language versions.
mspo zefAN?
[Coke] mspo: no, we're going to use cpan's cpan
mspo [Coke]: why? 20:48
[Coke] ... why would we build our own if we didn't have to?
building wheels is HARD
mspo yeah
pukku They both pass tests, they both have similar commit recentness. One has 3 stars, and one has 1 star, but I don't know how important stars are...
mspo does CPAN need to grow a supported-perls or something? 20:49
[Coke] mspo: the perl6 stuff will be invisible to the p5 toolchain
and vice versa.
mspo interesting
pukku So I decided to ask and see if anyone has preferences... 20:50
perlpilot pukku: MIME::Base64 20:51
pukku Cool! Any reason, or just flip of the coin?
perlpilot for no real reason other than it's in perl6 :-)
pukku Ok
perlpilot I don't think I've even used ugexe's version 20:52
mspo Base64 looks more "modern"?
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mspo but MIME:: looks nice too 20:53
pukku Looking deeper, I just noticed the "oneline" option to the MIME::Base64 functions, which makes the choice simpler, as I want back one line. 20:56
On a different topic, I real somewhere that I should start using zef instead of panda, because that is going to be the new installer? 20:57
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gfldex pukku: yes 20:58
[Coke] yes, zef is preferred instead of panda these days
sena_kun pukku, yes, it seems so. 20:59
pukku Is there something I should do with Homebrew on a Mac to get zef installed? I installed rakudo-star via homebrew,
21:00 rmusial left 21:01 FROGGS left
RabidGravy panda install zef 21:02
pukku Thanks! 21:03
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pukku And on another topic, if I want to find out the Content-Type from something fetched with LWP::Simple, is there a way to do that? 21:15
Or is there something more like LWP::UserAgent for Perl 6?
brokenchicken buggable, eco http::useragent 21:16
buggable brokenchicken, HTTP::UserAgent 'Web user agent': github.com/sergot/http-useragent
pukku Thanks! I also just found Net::HTTP, so I will look at the two. 21:17
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brokenchicken dont see a way to get content type from httpua (at least by reading the code) 21:18
oh wait .content-type on response 21:20
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brokenchicken RabidGravy: are you open to a decent docs PR for HTTP::UserAgent....? 21:25
RabidGravy of course :)
brokenchicken seeing as current "for documentation links" seem to just point to random locations in source :/
Oh, maybe there ARE pod docs and the links are just messed up 21:26
yup, there's pod
RabidGravy The docs did fail to keep up with the code
so shall I install IBM MQ and have a crack at making a client binding 21:28
brokenchicken vOv why not :) 21:32
pukku Are there any weirdnesses with `qq:to/FOO/`? 21:35
In particular, I'm trying to interpolate some variables into some HTML text, but perl6 is complaining about trying to compile stuff that should be inside the heredoc... 21:36
moritz pukku: if you try to interpolate $foo</p>, the <...> is parsed as a postcircumfix
(same in double-quoted strings, fwiw)
geekosaur {} interpolation?
although the other is probably more likely for html, yeh 21:37
gfldex pukku: docs.perl6.org/language/faq#%22Typ...dexing.%22
moritz as always, examples and error messages help
21:37 pyrimidine joined
pukku Right! OK, there is CSS, and I just copied this out, and forgot to escape the CSS brackets. My bad... 21:37
moritz you can always use Q:s:to/FOO/ 21:38
to only interpolate scalars
brokenchicken m: my $x; say Q:s/$x<y>/ 21:39
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value $scalar of type Any in string context.␤Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
21:39 astj joined
pukku Many thanks for all the help! 21:41
brokenchicken seems it don't work
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AlexDaniel ? 21:42
brokenchicken I mean :s doesn't prevent <...> from being interpreted as key on scalars
AlexDaniel m: my $x = 42; say Q:s/$x<y>/
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«Type Int does not support associative indexing.␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
AlexDaniel oh
m: my $x = 42; say Q:c/{$x}<y>/ 21:43
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«42<y>␤»
AlexDaniel :S
21:44 astj left
brokenchicken Hah, this one's funny: 21:48
m: my $x = 42; say Q:s/$x\<y>/
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«42\<y>␤»
brokenchicken You can't escape the `<` properly either 'cause of Q :P 21:49
gfldex there is a PR for that
brokenchicken PR to what? 21:50
Also, am I blind or the adverbs aren't listed in docs :/
AlexDaniel there is an issue for that 21:52
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brokenchicken my last eval above isn't a bug since there's no q/qq in adverbs. 21:55
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brokenchicken or :b 21:55
m: my $x = 42; say Q:bs/$x\<y>/
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unrecognized adverb: :bs␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my $x = 42; say Q:bs7⏏5/$x\<y>/␤»
21:55 trnh left, trnh joined
brokenchicken aww 21:55
m: my $x = 42; say Q:b:s/$x\<y>/
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«42\<y>␤»
brokenchicken Oh, now I recall a ticket for something like that 21:56
15 matches on perl6.fail for "interpolation" 21:57
So any idea for a good way to interpolate $ variables in a heredoc with HTML and CSS in it? 21:58
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SmokeMachine brokenchicken: thanks 21:58
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AlexDaniel oh! Oh 21:59
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lucs brokenchicken: If you find a good solution, it'll be real useful for me to adapt it to heredocs containing PostScript and LaTeX :-) 21:59
What I'd like in particular is to have a character other than '{' to introduce interpolated evaluation. 22:00
brokenchicken for HTML alone, Q:c works fine with {$whatver} interpolation, but if you add CSS to the mix you're back in backslashing-escape hell
gfldex brokenchicken: this may help github.com/gfldex/perl6-xhtml-writ...ion.p6#L42
brokenchicken gfldex: I don't follow. There's a bunch of escapes in that heredoc 22:01
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brokenchicken and a confusing use of constants :P 22:02
m: my $x = 42; say Q:f/&item($x)<42>/
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«Type Int does not support associative indexing.␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
brokenchicken Damn all the ways come with this chaining feature :/ 22:03
gfldex m: my $x = 42; constant $foo = '<42>'; say Q:f/&item($x)$foo/
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«42$foo␤»
22:03 labster left
lucs q:v⦃⦄:to/EoT/ ⋯ \begin{Foo}{⦃$bar⦄} ⋯ # If :v⦃⦄ for example meant to evaluate what is inside those brackets. 22:04
brokenchicken I see. That's far from ideal tho
gfldex agreed, the nature of all workarounds
22:04 st_elmo left
brokenchicken gives up... for now 22:06
brokenchicken laughs at this email subject line 22:07
"***SPAM*** Trump attacked by reporters and reveals he took this pill-to become President"
They make pills for everything these days!
22:09 travis-ci joined
travis-ci Doc build errored. Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer 'v6 -> v6.c' 22:09
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/195653620 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/81675...06a3d8fc71
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brokenchicken "The job exceeded the maximum time limit for jobs, and has been terminated." 22:10
Prolly can be ameliorated by not building rakudo from scratch
lucs Allowing heredocs to specify their interpolation-introducing characters would be really nice.
q:k«»:to/EoT ⋯ <div class='foo'>The hash value is $bar«key», right.</div> ⋯ (or something) 22:11
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gfldex m: my $c = 42; say Q:c⸨$a<p>{$c}</p>⸩ 22:15
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«$a<p>42</p>␤»
gfldex m: my $c = 42; say Q:c{$a<p>{$c}</p>}
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«$a<p>{$c}</p>␤»
brokenchicken w00t
gfldex strangle the 2nd version doesnt work
22:15 pyrimidine left
gfldex grammars are hard 22:15
brokenchicken The second version is buggy... I keep meening to look at that ticket 22:16
m: my $c = 42; say Q:c⸨$a<p>{$c}<p>⸩
camelia rakudo-moar d06d7c: OUTPUT«$a<p>42<p>␤»
brokenchicken Oh
I thought this was The Solution. But I see it won't work with CSS code :)
BUT, you can stick a heredoc inside the heredoc, for just the CSS code ('cause it'd be just a separate block) and use different rules on it 22:17
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travis-ci Doc build errored. Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer 'v6 -> v6.c' 22:17
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AlexDaniel hmmmm 22:17
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AlexDaniel samcv: I figured that greping over the whole range is faster if you 「use nqp」… for @words -> str $word { $sieve .= grep({nqp::isge_i(nqp::index(nqp::getuniname($_), $word, 0), 0)}) }; 22:18
aaabout 1.7s 22:19
versus 2.2s with no nqp
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pmurias brokenchicken: be careful with the pill, it might turn you orange 22:25
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brokenchicken hehehe 22:30
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samcv AlexDaniel, which whole range? 22:47
I see
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