»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
lookatme morning 00:42
zengargoyle lookatme: evening :) 00:52
lookatme +_+ 00:53
zengargoyle .u + 00:54
yoleaux U+002B PLUS SIGN [Sm] (+)
zengargoyle .u ÷ 00:56
yoleaux U+00F7 DIVISION SIGN [Sm] (÷)
zengargoyle thinks i need bigger/better fonts :P
lookatme .u @ 01:01
yoleaux U+0040 COMMERCIAL AT [Po] (@)
zengargoyle .u TAG COMMERCIAL AT 01:04
yoleaux U+E0040 TAG COMMERCIAL AT [Cf] (<control>)
zengargoyle .u TAG DIGIT NINE 01:06
yoleaux U+E0039 TAG DIGIT NINE [Cf] (<control>)
zengargoyle has no clue what TAG XXX are. :) 01:08
yoleaux U+2052 COMMERCIAL MINUS SIGN [Sm] (⁒)
zengargoyle m: say 9 ⁒ 4;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say 97⏏5 ⁒ 4;
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement modifier
zengargoyle .u ﹫@ 01:10
zengargoyle unicode is weird.... 01:11
m: my ﹫tiny = 1,2,3; 01:12
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed my
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my7⏏5 ﹫tiny = 1,2,3;
zengargoyle m: my @tiny = 1,2,3;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed my
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my7⏏5 @tiny = 1,2,3;
zengargoyle guesses there isn't a Unicode table that says @ == ﹫ == @ ;/ 01:15
geekosaur the parser still has to know about it 01:17
zengargoyle yeah, i'm just goofing off. 01:18
had no clue it was COMMERCIAL AT... wtf is COMMERCIAL anyways?
i guess it's not just an AT SIGN. 01:20
geekosaur that's the formal name of it 01:22
originated on bills of lading
zengargoyle yeah, but there's a COMMERCIAL {AT,MINUS SIGN} and {SMALL,FULLWIDTH} COMERCIAL AT and TAG COMMERCIAL AT. that's the limit of COMMERCIAL in /usr/share/i18ncharpaps/UTF-8.gz 01:23
geekosaur and only some commercial usages match the common usage; it gets used in a number of contexts, and sometimes means 'as' or 'for' instead of 'at', etc.
zengargoyle it seems rather specific out of all of the symbols to have so few named with COMMERCIAL is all i'm going on about. :) 01:25
lookatme m: my @array = []; 01:27
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed my
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my7⏏5 @array = [];
zengargoyle guess i'd have to go dig through the Unicode Consortium pages for any sort of insight or resolution...
or ask samcv :) 01:28
samcv ask me what?
zengargoyle what TAG and COMMERCIAL mean in Unicode :)
lookatme some unicode staff
samcv commercial doesn't mean anything
it's just what the @ character is called because its usage was usually commercial before technology came around 01:29
lookatme .u ℗
lookatme .u ©
yoleaux U+00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN [So] (©)
lookatme .u ®
yoleaux U+00AE REGISTERED SIGN [So] (®)
samcv like 4kg wheat @ $4.50
that's how it used to be used before computers. and that's why it's called commercial at sign
geekosaur wikipedia has a discussion of this, yes 01:30
samcv u: tag commercial at
geekosaur commercial/mercantile
unicodable6 samcv, U+E0040 TAG COMMERCIAL AT [Cf] (󠁀)
zengargoyle yeah, just seems a bit whimsical being only the AT and a MINUS get the COMMERCIAL treatment.
samcv unidump U+E0040
unidump: U+E0040
unicodable6 samcv, gist.github.com/a887bae7c15ade221f...079744fedc
reino4477 is there a decent http library in perl 6? 01:31
samcv well the tag one you can use for flags 01:32
didn't know there was an @ tag
lookatme greppable6 http
:( 01:33
zengargoyle i sorta took tags like Field separator / Record separator, those normally not visibly but meaningfull things.
huggable: eco http
huggable zengargoyle, nothing found
zengargoyle huggable: eco curl
huggable zengargoyle, nothing found
zengargoyle names
i know there's a libcurl http among the other http modules.... 01:34
lookatme huggable: Curl
huggable lookatme, nothing found
samcv well check unicode 3.1 i guess. that's when the tag charecters were added. i'd look it up but i have to go to dinner :)
lookatme modules.perl6.org/#q=HTTP 01:35
zengargoyle np, thanks samcv++ :)
huggable: eco dict
huggable zengargoyle, nothing found
reino4477 is there a decent http library in perl 6?
lookatme There two module binding to curl 01:36
zengargoyle thinks huggable may be out of commision ATM...
lookatme reino4477, How about libcurl binding
reino4477 lookatme: well, I'm asking about a decent and just what works somehow 01:38
zengargoyle [#perl6]
reino4477 **not just
zengargoyle modules.perl6.org/?q=http#q=http
reino4477 I'm able to do a search 01:39
zengargoyle for some reason a search for curl shows nothing.... :(
zengargoyle Net::Curl:ver('0.1.0'):auth('github:azawawi') 01:40
zengargoyle `zef list | fgrep -i curl`... i don't know what's up with huggable/eco or search on the web page. 01:41
ugexe case sensitivity? 01:42
zengargoyle www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNls6sM8qJA
reino4477: ^^ YAPC::NA talk on LibCurl for Perl6 01:43
huggable: eco LibCurl
huggable zengargoyle, nothing found
zengargoyle huggable: eco Net::Curl
huggable zengargoyle, nothing found
ugexe there is also `zef search curl`
zengargoyle just thinks that was how to talk to huggable...
lookatme m: use HTTP::Client; 01:44
camelia ===SORRY!===
Could not find HTTP::Client at line 1 in:
zengargoyle hehe i did `zef search '*curl*' first. :)
guess it's a little more liberal than i expected. 01:45
ugexe ah i see... has to be `zef search Curl`
zengargoyle ugexe: i was just goint to complain that zef doesn't wrap output..... 01:46
zengargoyle 1 |Zef::Repository::Ecosystems<cpan>|zef:ver('0.1.15'):auth('github:ugexe')|... 01:46
1 |Zef::Repository::Ecosystems<cpan>|zef:ver('0.1.15'):auth('github:ugexe')|It's like [cpanm] wearing high heels with a tracksuit 01:47
zengargoyle hates things that cut off info just because you're in a 80 col terminal...
ugexe zef search Curl --wrap 01:48
zengargoyle *yay* 01:48
ugexe or --wrap=666 to set the col width to use 01:48
zengargoyle complaint retracted. :) 01:49
ugexe it doesn't format good with the table though 01:49
zengargoyle yeah, just like psql and many other things. it's probably not a make-everybody-happy-at-once sort of thing. 01:52
i'm probably a dinosaur for mostly keeping to 80x24 terminals. :) 01:53
geekosaur speed 38400 baud; rows 54; columns 105; line = 0; 01:54
even we've upgraded :p
zengargoyle really wants 64x16 for 1k blocks and each 1 code block has a shadow block with 1k worth of documentation. 01:58
but seriously, i have often wished for a shadow block like documentation. a split that's synced to the code on one side and doc on the other... not this inline comment stuff.. 02:00
lookatme show document in split windows 02:06
zengargoyle yeah, but auto synced so additions in the code included space in the doc. maybe sync'd on function name and a tag in the doc. 02:07
zengargoyle so page up/down or scrolling or edits in the code window still keep the doc window in the appropriate place automagically. 02:08
lookatme write in single document, split them when show in terminal
this like emacs buffer
zengargoyle i think you're missing the auto-sync bit. 02:09
lookatme yeah, that's, Hmm
zengargoyle you can totally split and show code on one side and doc on the other, the trick is keeping them tied together seamlessly.
zengargoyle old FORTH systems had 1k blocks of code, cool systems had 1k block of doc for each 1k block of code (whether you use it or not). 02:10
lookatme oh 02:11
zengargoyle just a little more transparent than an editor split. basically every line in code window had a line in doc window and they could be sync'd because every page was exactly 1k characters. 02:13
lookatme Hmm 02:14
zengargoyle 10 1k blocks for code + 10 1k blocks for doc, just load block 1 code and block 1 doc. it's not as obvious or simple to keep code and doc sync'd when it's just a stream of text. hence inline comments and docs intermixed with code. 02:15
zengargoyle it was also nice to sorta force documentation without cluttering code with comments... 02:15
just another of my pipe dreams that the implementation is beyond my skills or patience. :) 02:17
zengargoyle i might be possible in the future to write a p6 editor in p6 and introspect and keep pod/comments sync'd side by side instead of inline. 02:21
or i might be the only person who likes such an ides. :P 02:22
lookatme Hmm, at least I like your idea 02:26
AlexDaniel dogbert17: hello? 02:28
greppable6: HTTP 02:29
greppable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/f557d10e3bbfd1b0ee...de8e675b85 02:30
AlexDaniel greppable6: use.*HTTP
greppable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/1be48cfc061ef3c92e...c287ef86cf
lookatme greppable6: Curl 02:33
greppable6 lookatme, gist.github.com/1bf947bae880e8d789...741dc7d78c
AlexDaniel wow, a lot of irrelevant stuff :) 02:37
AlexDaniel .tell dogbert17 I fully support your work on the ticket queue, sorry I had to reopen two tickets. It's just that besides “rejected” and “resolved” there's also “open - testneeded” status :) 02:49
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to dogbert17.
andrzejku hi 06:34
lookatme andrzejku, hi 06:35
andrzejku lookatme, could you look on my code please?
lookatme what code ? 06:36
andrzejku lookatme, github.com/damaxi/InterestRate/blo...ntRole.pm6
lookatme What's the problem ?
andrzejku the @month_remainings_interests array in while scope
differs from out which is out 06:37
however as I check yesterday perl6 array works more like pass by value
lookatme andrzejku, How do you used `calculateDecreasingInstallment`? 06:38
andrzejku lookatme, I extend InterestRate class with roles 06:38
andrzejku than call this method there 06:39
andrzejku github.com/damaxi/InterestRate/blo...ulator.pm6 06:39
andrzejku it looks like it took only last value 06:39
like it was passed by reference
lookatme please try binding `($capital_part, @month_remainings_interests) := self.calculateDecreasingInstallment` 06:40
andrzejku lookatme, wait I will check 06:41
lookatme andrzejku, it probably what you need
andrzejku lookatme, perl6 is awesome however it is not gonna be easy when you code tired and you don't know syntax and pitfalls very well 06:43
lookatme andrzejku, the document somewhere may be explain this. As I know binding is like parameter capture, and assign not 06:44
zengargoyle AnnualInterestNumber? 06:45
andrzejku lookatme, the problem is not there, I putted say for @month_remainings in while scope and outside and let me show how it looks 06:48
lookatme ok 06:49
andrzejku lookatme, pastebin.com/xY3iVty0
inside @month_remaining has correct values 06:50
and outside all values change to default
lookatme oh
andrzejku $month is incremented
lookatme it's @month_remainings_interests ? 06:51
andrzejku yeah
lookatme oh ok
andrzejku what about bindings as I know that creates a value read only and make performance impact 06:52
lookatme andrzejku, I don't know what happened. Is that code can run on my pc ? 06:55
andrzejku it should
try to clone it and for ex. perl6 main.p6 391000 1.77 30
lookatme ok
andrzejku I will try to fast debug it ;d however it would be my first time
lookatme andrzejku, I think the variable reference one instance 07:01
I don't know what cause this
lookatme I make a clone `@month_remainings_interests.push: ($month.clone, $remaining_capital.clone, $interest_part.clone);` and it work 07:02
andrzejku, try this
zengargoyle try: @month_remainings_interests.push: [$month, $remaining_capital, $interest_p
lookatme zengargoyle, what's different [ and ( 07:03
zengargoyle try [] instead of () in the push.
lookatme was not noticed that he always use `[]` 07:04
zengargoyle or just remove the () totally. @month_remainings_interests.push: $month, $remaining_capital, $interest_part;
lookatme :) 07:05
zengargoyle oh, nevermind removing them....
not sure exactly why () is different than () in this case.
not sure exactly why [] is different than () in this case. -- DOH! 07:06
lookatme remove the `()`, that's become a comma expression. 07:07
or ?
zengargoyle doesn't know the interest maths. :)
lookatme yeah, comma expression 07:07
and [] works fine 07:08
also, clone is work
andrzejku mm sorry I am dumb :P 07:09
zengargoyle @month_remainings_interests.push( |($month, $remaining_capital, $interest_
part) );
andrzejku I tried to create array of tuples 07:10
[(a, b), (b, c)]
zengargoyle the () are pushing on the container instead of the value inside for some reason.... so each ends up with final value.
i do not know why. :) 07:11
zengargoyle try also: @month_remainings_interests.append( ($month, $remaining_capital, $interest 07:12
_part) );
append seems to be different than push.
lookatme m: class A { method clone(*%_) { nextwith(|%_); }; }; my @a; my $c = A.new; my $d = A.new; @a.push: ($c, $d); @a.push: [$c, $d];
camelia ( no output ) 07:12
andrzejku zengargoyle, I will back to you in 5-10minutes
lookatme m: class A { method clone(*%_) { say "CALL ME"; nextwith(|%_); }; }; my @a; my $c = A.new; my $d = A.new; @a.push: ($c, $d); @a.push: [$c, $d]; 07:13
camelia ( no output )
lookatme m: class A { method clone(*%_) { say "CALL ME"; nextwith(|%_); }; }; my @a; my $c = A.new; my $d = A.new; @a.push: ($c, $d); @a.push: [$c, $d]; say @a[0].[0].WHERE; say @a[1].[0].WHERE; 07:14
camelia 140036006626368
lookatme m: class A { method clone(*%_) { say "CALL ME"; nextwith(|%_); }; }; my @a; my $c = A.new; my $d = A.new; @a.push: ($c, $d); @a.push: [$c, $d]; say @a[0].[0].WHERE; say @a[1].[0].WHERE; $c = A.new; say @a[0].[0].WHERE; say @a[1].[0].WHERE;
camelia 140308650411904
zengargoyle is just looking for $month to increase instead of stay the same. 07:15
maybe @thing.push: ($var1, $var2) is a bug.... or maybe a feature :) 07:16
lookatme yeah
zengargoyle i have seen a similar thing in other code where a variable keeps last value. i do not know if it is related or different. 07:18
lookatme have you solved that ? 07:22
zengargoyle lookatme: it is known and there is a bug report. it is a weird case with * magic and ~~ and regex. (where using 'eq' instead of '~~' works. 07:26
.push: ($month, ... ).Slip also seems to work. 07:27
lookatme oh
zengargoyle i would expect .push: ($month, ...) to work... 07:28
lookatme zengargoyle, yeah, .List also work 07:28
maybe a bug 07:29
zengargoyle maybe a differnece between .push and .append
zengargoyle doesn't really understand the difference between .push and .append... :) 07:30
moritz m: my @a = 1, 2; @a.push: [3, 4]; @a.append: [5, 6]; say @a.perl
camelia [1, 2, [3, 4], 5, 6]
moritz that is the difference 07:31
lookatme append works fine except it flat the list
zengargoyle i think .append does the .Slip thing.
moritz "append automatically slips you" :-)
lookatme :)
I agree with you, .push: ($month, ... ) would be work 07:32
zengargoyle why does .push: ($foo, $bar) not push a list of 2 values, but pushes a ref/container/whatnot that ends up holding the last value of $foo, $bar? 07:33
my @f; for 1..3 { @f.push: ($_) }; say @f; 07:34
m: my @f; for 1..3 { @f.push: ($_) }; say @f;
camelia [1 2 3]
zengargoyle hehe, watch it work here and not there... :P
lookatme m: my @f; for 1..3 { @f.push: ($_, ) }; say @f;
camelia [(1) (2) (3)]
lookatme m: my @f; my $a; for 1..3 { $a = $_; @f.push: ($a, ) }; say @f; 07:35
camelia [(3) (3) (3)]
zengargoyle m: my @f; my $m=0; for 1..3 { $m+=1; @f.push: ($m) }; say @f;
camelia [1 2 3]
lookatme That's the problem
moritz, do you know what the .push happened ?
with a list
zengargoyle m: my @f; my $m=0; for 1..3 { $m+=1; @f.push: ($m,'foo') }; say @f; 07:36
camelia [(3 foo) (3 foo) (3 foo)]
zengargoyle bingo!
m: my @f; my $m=0; for 1..3 { $m+=1; @f.push: |($m,'foo') }; say @f; 07:37
camelia [1 foo 2 foo 3 foo]
andrzejku sorry for question? what a difference between [] and () 07:37
lookatme m: say [].WHAT; say ().WHAT;
camelia (Array)
lookatme It's different type
andrzejku oh okay 07:38
lookatme And we don't know what that .push happened
andrzejku lookatme, so @arr can be list and array 07:38
zengargoyle andrzejku: [] will almost surely create a new thing (an Array) where the values can be changed, so it makes a new thing. () makes a list that is not changeable so maybe it just copies the reference-like thing...?? 07:39
andrzejku class Array is List {}
lookatme andrzejku, maybe a Seq or other things
zengargoyle dd (1,2,3) 07:40
m: dd (1,2,3)
camelia (1, 2, 3)
zengargoyle m: dd [1,2,3]
camelia [1, 2, 3]
zengargoyle m: dd (1,2,3)[0].WHAT 07:40
camelia Int
zengargoyle m: dd (1,2,3)[0] = 4
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Int (1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
zengargoyle m: dd [1,2,3][0] = 4
camelia 4
zengargoyle m: dd (1,2,3)[0].HOW 07:41
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new
andrzejku ou list are immutable
lookatme it's not a container
lookatme in list 07:41
But that's not the hint, I think
andrzejku lookatme, I think it is gonna be to complecated 07:42
zengargoyle yes, () are things that are immutable... doing [] instead will force a new writeable container to be made and initialized.
andrzejku lookatme, how can I create an array of immutable sublists x)
lookatme zengargoyle, yeah, it's copied data and store them in another container
andrzejku lookatme, did someone think about performance when did that? 07:43
zengargoyle it may just be that you need to |() or ().Slip things to do what you think it will do. :)
lookatme m: my @a = (1, 2, 3).Slip; @a[0] = 54; 07:44
camelia ( no output )
lookatme m: my @a := (1, 2, 3).Slip; @a[0] = 54; say @a;
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Int (1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
zengargoyle m: my ($x,$y,$z); my @a := ($x, $y, $z); @a[0] = 1; 07:46
camelia ( no output ) 07:46
zengargoyle m: my ($x,$y,$z); my @a := ($x, $y, $z); @a[0] = 1; say @a[0].
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed postfix call
at <tmp>:1
------> 3a := ($x, $y, $z); @a[0] = 1; say @a[0].7⏏5<EOL>
zengargoyle m: my ($x,$y,$z); my @a := ($x, $y, $z); @a[0] = 1; say @a[0]; 07:46
camelia 1
zengargoyle the 1, 2, 3 are specially actual Int things.... 07:47
lookatme andrzejku, I don't know, maybe a little effect performance, it's all integer, not object
zengargoyle yeah...
Juerd lookatme: Everything is an object, including Ints
zengargoyle m: my ($x,$y,$z); $x=1; my @a := ($x, $y, $z); @a[0]; $x=10; say @a[0]; 07:48
camelia 10
zengargoyle m: my ($x,$y,$z); $x=1; my @a := ($x, $y, $z); say @a[0]; $x=10; say @a[0];
camelia 1
zengargoyle m: my ($x,$y,$z); $x=1; my @a = ($x, $y, $z); say @a[0]; $x=10; say @a[0]; 07:49
camelia 1
andrzejku lookatme, I don't get how the array can extend list
lookatme If they do a optimizing on integer, it would be fine
andrzejku that weird
lookatme andrzejku, extend list ?
andrzejku lookatme, is a list
zengargoyle m: my ($x,$y,$z); $x=1; my @a.push: ($x, $y, $z); say @a[0]; $x=10; say @a[0]; 07:50
camelia (1 (Any) (Any))
(10 (Any) (Any))
andrzejku lookatme, array is continous container and list not so they cann't be equal but you can transform values via push
lookatme andrzejku, yeah that's right 07:51
andrzejku, oh I got what you mean, sorry 07:52
andrzejku, here is what the document said what is an Array 07:53
An Array is a List which forces all its elements to be scalar containers, which means you can assign to array elements.
andrzejku lookatme, :) 07:55
lookatme andrzejku, is that clear ?
i.e. Array is a subset of List 07:56
andrzejku lookatme, yeah I need to look for documentation but probably that issue before should clasified as bug or clarified in intro
lookatme andrzejku, I don't know :) 07:57
andrzejku lookatme, the question is how to create an reference array
zengargoyle i'm starting to guess you just need to .Slip it. 07:58
lookatme maybe when they wake up, I mean master from Europe 07:59
m: my @a; @a[0] := (1, 2, 3); dd @a; 08:00
camelia Array @a = [(1, 2, 3),]
lookatme m: my @a; @a[0] := (1, 2, 3); dd @a; @a[0][0] = 4;
camelia Array @a = [(1, 2, 3),]
Cannot modify an immutable Int (1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lookatme andrzejku, ↑
zengargoyle since there is no \$var like in p5 to pass by reference, and everything is an object, the default is basically pass by reference.
you are pushing a list with ($month) (the container) onto an array over and over... it's the same container you push each time unless you do something to make a new one. 08:01
Zoffix andrzejku: docs.perl6.org/language/containers
andrzejku: everything's "default" is because you're pushing containers and reusing the same containers 08:02
lookatme m: my @a = []; my $x = 10; @a.push($x); @a.push($x); @a[0] = 11; dd @a; 08:02
camelia Array @a = [11, 10]
zengargoyle otherwise you need a way to tell that you want to push the container instead of the value inside.
Zoffix I showed you three ways to decont yesterday :/ 08:03
"perl6 is awesome however it is not gonna be easy when you code tired" It'd be much easier if you made proper objects instead of using generic datastructures to heap a bunch of variables together 08:05
zengargoyle it is one of the weirder things in p6
zengargoyle still has trauma from GLR 08:06
i think the weird is that () sorta makes a closure keeping the container while [] deconts and gives you a 'copy' of sorts. 08:09
Zoffix Not really. Arrays give containers to their elements. 08:12
It's on the Everybody Knows level to my mind...
zengargoyle but a list can contain containers. 08:14
Zoffix Sure.
And you can bind your own container to an Array element.
With scalar it's my $x = 42; vs my $y := 42; It's not weird that you can $x++ but not $y++, is it? 08:16
But you can bind a container to $y and ++ it
lookatme m: my $x = 42; my $y := 42; say ++$x; $y := $y + 1; say $y; 08:17
camelia 43
lookatme m: my $x = 42; my $y := 42; ++$y;
camelia Cannot resolve caller prefix:<++>(Int); the following candidates
match the type but require mutable arguments:
(Mu:D $a is rw)
(Int:D $a is rw)

The following do not match for other reasons:
(Bool $a is rw)
(Mu:U $a is rw)…
zengargoyle how would one actually push a list onto an array withoud falling into the trap? 08:18
Zoffix Which trap? 08:26
zengargoyle my $things; while not finished() { my $x = something(); my $y = somethingelse(); push @things, ($x,$y);} 08:27
all of @things will be the same ($x, $y) of the last interation. how to build AoL vs AoA? 08:28
zengargoyle when you really want immutable tuples as the result. 08:28
Zoffix m: my @things; for ^10 { my $x = rand; my $y = rand; push @things, ($x,$y) }; dd @things
camelia Array @things = [(0.931975587174624e0, 0.583947015097645e0), (0.483737273714957e0, 0.83258998935469e0), (0.65110229441697e0, 0.324162172008149e0), (0.549915124136017e0, 0.361200362298923e0), (0.110868149633726e0, 0.890485250549652e0), (0.333903291591087e…
Zoffix ??
Is that the code you're talking about? 08:29
You're making a new container on each iteration.
zengargoyle my $things; my ($x,$y); while not finished() { $x = something(); $y = somethingelse(); push @things, ($x,$y);} 08:30
Zoffix m: my @things; my $x; my $y; for ^10 { $x = rand; $y = rand; push @things, ($x,$y)»<> }; dd @things
camelia Array @things = [(0.801360592079413e0, 0.583388471035365e0), (0.0619285680005101e0, 0.62801428213172e0), (0.365400123176733e0, 0.145330942225848e0), (0.45931868256555e0, 0.444358687169692e0), (0.769759559638631e0, 0.372590153464904e0), (0.667568134711939…
Zoffix Here you decont from the containers you're reusing
zengargoyle that's what doesn't work in the original question....
Zoffix I don't see any deconts in the original code
zengargoyle oh, missed the >><> 08:31
my bad.
.oO( Jesus operator )
parv what is that calles, fish operator?
zengargoyle adds to my list of things 08:32
Zoffix Decont is the <> thing. The hyper just hypers it
m: my @things; my $x; my $y; for ^10 { $x = rand; $y = rand; push @things, ($x<>, $y<>) }; dd @things # works too
camelia Array @things = [(0.96865598711853e0, 0.326676109900493e0), (0.172875834492312e0, 0.866172719751773e0), (0.379645722125719e0, 0.720606150984329e0), (0.299306893974122e0, 0.922439594680222e0), (0.588092109489506e0, 0.794310481296526e0), (0.061336769649142…
Zoffix Or just push an Array instead of a List 08:33
zengargoyle yeah, i got he array bit. just curious about the case where you *really* want lists. (not sure why)
parv Zoffix, would you please call Perl 6 something else, if you must, other than the name of software that implements the Perl 6 spec? 08:34
zengargoyle backs away slowly...
Zoffix parv: convince TimToady to pick a better extended name to prepend. 08:35
lookatme m: my @a; my $x; for 1..3 { $x = $_; @a.push: ($x, )>><>; }; say @a; 08:36
camelia [(1) (2) (3)]
Zoffix So far I seem to be the only core dev who thinks the name is problematic. Despite people acknowledging there's a marketing problem (but not because of the name) or that people who preach the Rakudo mantra get abused (we should just talk to people who like Perl)
lookatme m: my @a; my $x; for 1..3 { $x = $_; @a.push: ($x, )>><>; }; @a[0][0] = 32;
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Int (1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
parv Zoffix, do you know what is marketing problem other than due the name? 08:40
Zoffix parv: to quote: "Sounds to me like what we're missing is some shiny, positive lighthouse use cases that create excitement. PHP had a couple of really nice, open web applications which pulled people in. Code was horrible, but they were user friendly." 08:42
zengargoyle AKA Ruby 08:43
Zoffix It's the whole "killer app" mantra. People think if they just make a great product, people will use it. PHP didn't have really nice, open web applications. They lead in category (CMS). 08:44
parv Zoffix: (*argh* come on.) I think that is a weak argument. Perl 6 does not need to produce that.
zengargoyle nope, the lead in terrible ease of provisioning VPS servers that couldn't step on each other like mod_perl 08:45
PHP won because it was per-apache process unlike mod_perl which was whole apache process. 08:46
zengargoyle try to put dozens (or mor) of (unrelated) users under a single apache with mod_perl vs the same under PHP. 08:47
PHP - Perl for Home Pages. 08:48
stripped down to allow an interpreter per process.
parv Zoffix, in case [Rr]akudo would be the only implementation for forseeable future, then I don't have any reason to request not to name the language based on the name of implementation. 08:49
zengargoyle i say just call it 'p6', less typing. 08:51
besides, Camel is 'rakuda'
perlawhirl m: say bag(<A B>) ⊂ bag(<A B C>) # This should be a blocker for 2017.10 since it will end up in Star 10:57
camelia False
lizmat huh>? 11:01
ab6tract lizmat: I defined symmetric difference as ($a (-) $b) (+) ($b (-) $a) 11:18
This feels sound to me.
However, I've gotten quite tired of having to constantly justify this behavior 3 times over the last two years as you have felt free to change the behavior that is provided in the tests 11:19
ab6tract .tell lizmat the order does not matter for symmetric difference of a pair of bags/mixes because it is symmetric for a pair of inputs 11:21
yoleaux ab6tract: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
lizmat .
yoleaux 11:21Z <ab6tract> lizmat: the order does not matter for symmetric difference of a pair of bags/mixes because it is symmetric for a pair of inputs
ab6tract that does not make it transitive and i do not see how you can have setty like semantics for mixes/bags 11:22
lizmat m: my $a = <a b c>.Set; my $b = <c d e>.Set; dd $a (^) $b; dd ($a (-) $b) (+) ($b (-) $a))
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unexpected closing bracket
at <tmp>:1
------> 3a (^) $b; dd ($a (-) $b) (+) ($b (-) $a)7⏏5)
lizmat m: my $a = <a b c>.Set; my $b = <c d e>.Set; dd $a (^) $b; dd ($a (-) $b) (+) ($b (-) $a)
camelia set("d","e","b","a")
araraloren evening 11:39
lizmat araraloren /o 11:40
araraloren ^_^
nadim someone seen azawawi lately? 11:46
[Coke] .seen azawawi 11:53
yoleaux 09:11Z <Zoffix> [Coke]: Looks like something busted with RT. I saw an email reply to RT#131722 yesterday and it had the 'bug follow up' address in it, but there's nothing on the ticket when vewing on Web
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=131722
yoleaux I saw azawawi 27 May 2017 12:50Z in #perl6: <azawawi> jnthn: in Graphics::PLplot im aiming on providing Raw (native) and cooked with sugar API :)
10:13Z <Zoffix> [Coke]: what's the usual timeframe to receive a check from TPF? Wondering if mine is lost or if it usually takes a long time.
[Coke] zoffix: email to RT can be slow, as it's possible to require a human to approve a message.
zoffix: no idea, but will ping the treasurer. 11:54
ab6tract lizmat: I meant in terms of the reduce form of the operator 11:58
lizmat ab6tract: bit distracted atm, will get back to it :-) 11:59
fwiw, it was always my intent to 1. make things faster, and 2. fix things I found broken on the way 12:00
perhaps the finding of brokenness was incorrect
leont It seems my .travis.yml is outdated (still using panda installdeps). Anyone have a good example of how to do that now? 12:00
lizmat and I know I introduced new brokenness along the way
moritz leont: I think you can zef install --verbose . 12:00
moritz which installs dependencies, and run tests, and even installs your modules 12:01
ab6tract lizmat: to me the question is, can this palindrome code be made to work as expected for a list of inputs vs just two: sub palindrome($a, $b) { return so $a.comb.Bag (^) $b.comb.Bag == bag() }
moritz s/s$//
ab6tract vs sub palindrome(@p) { return so [(^)] @p == bag() } 12:02
leont Would I need a rakudobrew build-zef? Or can I assume it's already there?
Geth_ ecosystem: 06ea7cdb4c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | META.list
Revert "Remove all my modules"

This reverts commit 262da75685d591d4d5604fc54b4aec3e88167073.
moritz leont: yes, needs that 12:03
leont: github.com/moritz/Math-Model/blob/...travis.yml
that's what I use right now
ab6tract erm, sub palindrome(@p) { return so [(^)] @p>>.comb.Bag == bag() }
lizmat ab6tract: whether all words are palindromes of each other ? 12:04
ab6tract lizmat: sorry, brainfart -- not palindrome specifically, but whether the words are all composed of the same number of the same characters 12:05
lizmat isn't that the definition of a palindrome ? 12:06
ab6tract anagram
lizmat ah,. duh
moritz [eqv] @p.map(*.comb.Bag) # ?
ab6tract :)
lizmat is still distracted
ab6tract moritz: i'm not looking for a specific answer, i'm saying that the symmetric difference operator should be able to extend from infix to reduce and maintain expectations 12:08
and note also that symmetric difference for lists of sets is not something i found documented somewhere, though maybe someone with serious math creds knows ones 12:09
but especially for bags and mixes, there is not formal definition of symmetric difference that i have seen. 12:10
lizmat well, In extrapolate from what you did for sets: basically include only the ones that occur once 12:14
ab6tract but alas, i guess i've shot my own implementation down...
lizmat: yeah, but that's easy for keys. when you have weights it gets a lot trickier 12:15
perlawhirl while not "official literature" multiset sym diff is mentioned here mathematica.stackexchange.com/ques...-multisets
lizmat well, I interpreted that as: all the elements that occur in only one Set 12:15
extrapolating that to Bags, it would mean the difference between the highest and second highest number of occurrences seen for an element 12:16
perlawhirl as a reference point, there is a multiset lib for python (not Collections, there is another called multiset) that implements a sym diff for bags
ab6tract right, but a different approach could be "all the elements that occur in only n-1 Sets"
lizmat perlawhirl: link and explanation of the algorithm used ? :-) 12:17
ab6tract lizmat: seems reasonable and actually makes the infix/reduce behavior work
that i outlined for anagrams
lizmat ab6tract: and extrapolating that to Mixes, works the same way
except you can get positive weights from only negatives 12:19
lizmat m: dd (a => -1).Mix (^) (a => -2).Mix 12:19
camelia ("a"=>1).Mix
perlawhirl i did link the on on mathematica. the python module source is here: github.com/wheerd/multiset
or more specifically: github.com/wheerd/multiset/blob/ma...et.py#L329
ab6tract right but that's because it is recording the distance between the values of the keys 12:20
perlawhirl I had a bunch of pages bookmarked. the reason I found this bug is because i am writing a multiset lib for p5, using p6 and python as references.
ab6tract i think your approach makes a lot of sense and certainly making the output indepentent of the order of inputs has a great deal of appeal
perlawhirl someone could ask the question on #math :D 12:21
raschipi #math, not even once 12:22
perlawhirl hah 12:22
ab6tract lizmat: so consider me on board .. let me know once the details shake out and i will write the docs 12:23
perlawhirl lizmat: oeis.org/wiki/Multisets
lizmat: has a section called "Generalized set operations". last point mentions sym diff 12:24
ab6tract unless of course all of perlawhirl++'s links turn out something better
perlawhirl ab6tract: i failed math... so a lot of info i found just goes in one ear and out the other :D 12:25
There's a java lib as well, but i think that's enough links for now... i mainly used the term 'multiset' when i was searching cause it found more math-y type results 12:27
the java one defines it as "The quantities of equal elements get subtracted from each other (maximum minus minimum)"
lizmat perlawhirl: is that for 2 or 2+ multisets ? 12:29
perlawhirl hmm. i'm not entirely sure... i was mainly concerning myself with binary operations... but i understand the point of contention here is with reduction. I'll let you know if i find something specific to 2+ 12:31
perlawhirl hrm... ok, so i dunno how authorative this video is, but it implies order or operations does matter: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxffSUQRkG4 12:48
ie. A Δ B Δ C =:= ( A Δ B ) Δ C
perlawhirl it's talking about sets.. but p6 sets don't act like this 12:48
do they/
ab6tract perlawhirl: the implementation i initially provided did this for sets and bags/mixes 12:49
but it conflicted with a test case in 6.c-errata
so i fixed my patch to only use that behavior on bags/mixes
nice to read some validation though :) 12:50
perlawhirl hmmm i'm not sure what i belive... wikipedia says The symmetric difference is commutative and associative
wikipedia says: A Δ ( B Δ C ) =:= ( A Δ B ) Δ C 12:51
lizmat but that all applies to Sets, not ti multisets/Bags ? 12:52
perlawhirl true... i'm just digging up what i can. i'm not sure it's helping 12:54
lizmat bbiab 13:01
ab6tract perlawhirl: well, imo it does highlight that we are into "new frontier" territory with some of this behavior 13:13
ambs any [email@hidden.address] manager around? 13:34
araraloren :) 13:36
What's that
Juerd A mailing list 13:42
mst oh, wow, that still exsts? 13:44
ambs I still get mails there, would like to change subscription, but can't send e-mail from the e-mail I am registered with. 13:50
timotimo just fake your from address :D 13:51
araraloren junk mail 13:53
linuksz why don't this work? 14:15
my @numbers = ( 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven' );
my @selected = ( 'two', 'three', 'five' );
@numbers.grep({ $_ ~~ @selected}).say;
i want it to print two three five
araraloren $_ (elem) @selected 14:16
this would be work
linuksz and why the smartmatch not? it isn't for it? 14:18
araraloren Seems like not 14:19
docs.perl6.org/language/operators#infix_~~ 14:20
raschipi @numbers.grep({ $_ ~~ any(@selected)}).say; 14:23
linuksz both works. thanks. 14:25
moritz @numbers.grep(any(@selected)).say 14:45
grep does smart-matching on its argument already
araraloren What's the mean of `inhandled Failure detected in DESTROY` 15:11
timotimo it means something failed and you threw the failure object away without inspecting or sinking it 15:12
moritz DESTROY methods are called by the GC
timotimo m: sub fails { fail "oh no" }; for ^100 { my $ = fails; 1 }
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant integer 1 in sink context (line 1)
timotimo m: sub fails { fail "oh no" }; for ^100_000 { my $ = fails; 1 } 15:12
moritz so there is no ordinary Perl 6 code that can catch it 15:13
camelia (timeout)WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant integer 1 in sink context (line 1)
WARNING: unhandled Failure detected in DESTROY. If you meant to ignore it, you can mark it as handled by calling .Bool, .so, .not, or .defined methods. The Failur…
timotimo m: use nqp; sub fails { fail "oh no" }; for ^100 { my $ = fails; nqp::force_gc; 1 }
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant integer 1 in sink context (line 1)
moritz so the compiler produces that warning
timotimo hmm.
moritz timotimo: you missed the "in DESTROY" part
m: class A { method DESTROY() { fail "foo" } }; $ = A.new for ^100; use nqp; nqp::force_gc(); say 42 15:14
camelia 42
moritz hm
araraloren github.com/araraloren/perl6-app-sn...in/snippet
moritz m: class A { method DESTROY() { die "foo" } }; $ = A.new for ^100; use nqp; nqp::force_gc(); say 42
camelia 42
in method DESTROY at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
araraloren sometimes it warning me that
not always
line 10
araraloren So is there a pretty way, get a name inside a module or class 15:16
This what I want use as a plugin 15:17
araraloren @_@ 15:20
robertle_ is there a way to clear the precompiled modules cache? I have a (probably wrong) suspicion that it is not being updated when I re-install via zef... 15:43
araraloren rakudo report `No such symbol 'MyModule'` 16:06
araraloren What's that warning mean ? 16:06
[Coke] You're referring to a class that wasn't defined. 16:10
class/type/module etc.
[Coke] m: MyModule.new; say "alive" 16:12
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
MyModule used at line 1
Skarsnik Hello
raschipi Oi Skarsnik 16:20
araraloren [Coke], but I have required it 16:22
And it's a warning, not a error 16:23
nicq20 Are slangs still in flux? I have not checked in a while... 16:27
araraloren It's no document, don't know
nicq20 Ok. I'll just have to fiddle around with it then. :) 16:30
timotimo moritz: no, "in destroy" means that the destroy method of the failure is called 16:32
araraloren Anyway, If any one interested, please check out this gist.github.com/araraloren/ea1bf8d...45f778fc43 16:36
night 88
bdmatatu p6: my $a = gather { take 1; take 5; take 42; } ; say join ', ', $a; 16:51
yoleaux 7 Jul 2017 22:15Z <Zoffix> bdmatatu: yeah it's a bug in Range.int-bounds. It's supposed hang. 1e100 is a Num and there you have only 15 digits of precision, so the other 86 digits are all floating point noise. The buggy Range.int-bounds erroneously converts that 15 digits + 86 digits of noise into a Int, which is why you get the wrong sum. And the reason the fixed version hangs is because when failing to find .int-bounds, it'll
camelia 1 5 42
yoleaux 7 Jul 2017 22:15Z <Zoffix> bdmatatu: fully reify the range to get the elements, but while doing that you're again hit with limited precision in the 1e100 and once the reification reaches 1e15, the next +1 to it would still end up a 1e15 (not enough precision for +1), so it'd loop at that point forever. We can probably improve that to give an error tho
bdmatatu I think this doc page is not quite right: docs.perl6.org/syntax/gather%20tak...ather_take 16:52
raschipi m: my $a = gather { take 1; take 5; take 42; } ; say join ', ', @$a;
camelia 1, 5, 42
bdmatatu Much better 16:53
raschipi my $a = gather { take 1; take 5; take 42; } ; say join ', ', |$a; #works too
m: my $a = gather { take 1; take 5; take 42; } ; say join ', ', |$a; #works too 16:54
camelia 1, 5, 42
bdmatatu I noticed $a.List works, but not sure how the docs should look
raschipi It's because attribution is mostly eager.
m: say join ', ', gather { take 1; take 5; take 42; } 16:55
camelia 1, 5, 42
raschipi Since the need to list or slip comes from the attribution, and not from the gather/take, i think the last one would be better.
timotimo i might have written $a.join(', ') 16:56
raschipi m: say (gather { take 1; take 5; take 42; }).join(', ') 16:57
camelia 1, 5, 42
raschipi m: my @a = gather { take 1; take 5; take 42; }; say join ', ', @a; 16:59
camelia 1, 5, 42
raschipi m: my @a = gather { take 1; take 5; take 42; }; @a.join(', ').say; #with timotimo's improvement 17:01
camelia 1, 5, 42
timotimo that's not an improvement, it's a question of taste 17:01
raschipi Well, it sure is, but I like you's more, which is what I meant. 17:02
Geth_ doc: 145ae16db2 | (Brian Duggan)++ | doc/Language/control.pod6
Fix gather/take example
dalek c: 145ae16 | (Brian Duggan)++ | doc/Language/control.pod6:
Fix gather/take example
kybr can we use regexes on Buf/Blobs? i want to make a grammar to decode a binary. found this: gist.github.com/smls/bc5d0fb42f199574e339 18:01
yoleaux 09:33Z <Zoffix> kybr: you should add yourself to CREDITS file, unless you want to be credited as all-lowercase "karl yerkes": github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/CREDITS
kybr yoleaux: thanks.
Geth doc: ca4e4f5169 | (karl yerkes)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CREDITS
timotimo huh dalek 18:09
zengargoyle kybr: there's also this 'unpack' idea: gist.github.com/Juerd/ae574b87d40a66649692 18:17
zengargoyle i'm just using pack/unpack but i expect that may go away in the future since it's so p5-ish. if you come up with something nicer, let me know. :) 18:22
travis-ci Doc build passed. Brian Duggan 'Fix gather/take example' 18:24
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/252095764 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/aebdc...5ae16db2f7
lizmat zengargoyle: there's PackUnpack in the ecosystem 18:27
so it will stay, I would think
fwiw, the module could use some love by people other than me :-)
andrzejku lizmat hey 18:29
lizmat andrzejku hi!
TimToady nicq20: we haven't quite finished hooking up in-line slangs yet 18:31
m: BEGIN $?LANG.refine_slang('MAIN', role { token apostrophe { <[ - ' \\ ]> } }); my $foo\bar = 42; say $foo\bar;
camelia 42
TimToady that's about as close as we can get so far
TimToady the interesting bit will be getting quasi-quotes to work as actions without directly using QAST 18:33
nicq20 TimToady: That's much nicer than what I had last seen! Is `use nqp` still needed? 18:34
TimToady not for that
as you can see by the fact that it worked
or are you referring to QAST? that's nqp-land still
nicq20 Err, sorry. Yeah, I ment QAST. 18:35
TimToady as masak has been discovering over the last couple years, the syntax is not all that hard to deal with, but the semantics you attach can be "interesting" 18:36
travis-ci Doc build errored. karl yerkes 'Update CREDITS' 18:54
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/252105811 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/145ae...4e4f5169af
buggable [travis build above] ✓ All failures are due to timeout (1), missing build log (0), GitHub connectivity (0), or failed make test (0). 18:54
timotimo TimToady: can you put the code that parses escape codes and such up somewhere so i don't have to reinvent the wheel? 20:13
gfldex m: my \a := lazy gather for 1..3 { .take }; say a.perl 20:49
camelia Cannot .elems a lazy list
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
gfldex could a slang add a sigil today? (I'm found myself fancy a sigil that means Iterable.) 20:57
raschipi m: say "New sigil will be:{(0..0xFFFF).pick.chr}" 21:11
camelia Error encoding UTF-8 string: could not encode Unicode Surrogate codepoint 55894 (0xDA56)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
raschipi m: say "New sigil will be:{(0..0xFFFF).pick.chr}" 21:11
camelia New sigil will be:즇
lizmat gfldex: isn't that what '@' is all about? 21:15
geekosaur @ is about Positional, not Iterable 21:18
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2017/07/10/...do-is-hot/ 21:28
Geth doc: 29e7f545bb | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/5to6-perlvar.pod6
Reword to clarify our autoflush behaviour
gfldex m: sub s(*@i){ say @i.is-lazy }; s lazy (1,); 21:42
camelia True
gfldex m: sub s(**@i){ say @i.is-lazy }; s lazy (1,); 21:43
camelia False
gfldex is that doced?
lizmat gfldex: feels like a bug to me, that the **@a iterator is not passing through the state of its source iterator 21:45
but then again, I'm very tired so I should probably refrain from commenting now
gfldex it doesn't feel like one to me bacause one could call it with two lazy lists or a mix of lazy and non-lazy stuff 21:46
lizmat as soon as one of the lists is lazy, shouldn't it be marked as lazy in total? 21:47
TimToady m: sub s(**@i){ say @i[0].is-lazy }; s lazy (1,); 22:16
camelia True
TimToady you can have a non-lazy list of lazy lists 22:17
m: for (1...*),(1...*) -> $l { say $l.is-lazy } 22:19
camelia True
travis-ci Doc build errored. Zoffix Znet 'Reword to clarify our autoflush behaviour' 22:29
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/252181531 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/ca4e4...e7f545bb74
buggable [travis build above] ✓ All failures are due to timeout (1), missing build log (0), GitHub connectivity (0), or failed make test (0). 22:29
japhb .ask skaji Are you the mi6 author? (#perl6-toolchain is guessing so.) If you are, I'd like to say THANK YOU. mi6 has greatly reduced my pain in pulling apart and re-namespace-ing a Perl 6 project that had become a big ball of mud. 23:14
yoleaux japhb: I'll pass your message to skaji.
kybr how do you call a method or your parent class? 23:19
kybr aaah. i think i need multi 23:20
timotimo not necessarily 23:24
you can self.NameOfParentClass::name-of-method
skaji japhb: thanks!! 23:39
yoleaux 23:14Z <japhb> skaji: Are you the mi6 author? (#perl6-toolchain is guessing so.) If you are, I'd like to say THANK YOU. mi6 has greatly reduced my pain in pulling apart and re-namespace-ing a Perl 6 project that had become a big ball of mud.
Geth_ ecosystem: 314cc8b727 | (Brian Duggan)++ | META.list
Add WebService::AWS::S3 to ecosystem
kybr yay! somebody made vim understand symbols-with-dashes in my perl6 code. 23:51