»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
Zoffix And what should the behaviour be? :Baz is True or 1? 00:00
m: use nqp; nqp::bool_I(True).^mro.say 00:01
camelia ((Int) (Cool) (Any) (Mu))
AlexDaniel_ do you know how to make any of these two work? :)
Zoffix just .Int it? 00:02
m: say True.Int.^mro
camelia ((Int) (Cool) (Any) (Mu))
Zoffix m: enum Foo (:Bar(1), :Baz(<42>)) 00:03
camelia ===SORRY!===
Incompatible MROs in P6opaque rebless for types IntStr and Foo
Zoffix m: enum Foo (:Bar(1), :Baz(<42>.Int))
camelia ( no output )
AlexDaniel_ no we can't .Int it
m: enum Foo (:Bar("foo")); say Bar
camelia foo
Zoffix nqp::istype($blah, Int) ?? $blah.Int !! ... 00:05
AlexDaniel_ m: enum Foo (:Bar("foo"), :Baz(42)); say Bar
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Type error in enum. Got 'Int' Expected: 'Str'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3enum Foo (:Bar("foo"), :Baz(42))7⏏5; say Bar
AlexDaniel_ m: enum Foo (:Bar("foo"), :Baz(<42>)); say Bar
camelia ===SORRY!===
Incompatible MROs in P6opaque rebless for types IntStr and Foo
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: then this won't work? 00:05
Zoffix Well, not really, I guess. What's the correct behaviour? Is :Baz to be True?
Zoffix ? 00:07
AlexDaniel_ m: use nqp; say so nqp::istype(True, Int); say nqp::rebless(True."Int"(), Int)
camelia True
AlexDaniel_ I guess True would be more correct…
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: 6256ec8272 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Make repl tests force interactive repl mode
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: e72dedf5cb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/02-rakudo/repl.t
Simplify routine call
AlexDaniel_ OK that's it for me on that ticket I think. I've left a comment and retitled it: RT #127775 00:18
synopsebot RT#127775 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127775 Declaring enums with bools ( enum Foo (:Bar(1), :Baz(True) ))
Zoffix AlexDaniel_: but it's not just Bools, IntStr also has issues 00:19
I'll take a crack at it once I'm done with `full-make-test`
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: 4358871873 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Add scrubber routine to is-run-repl
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: 92bc011ab0 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Follow convention of core multi sub declarations
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: 63643ad042 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Friendlify is-run-repl()

  - If code is a Positional, assume its separate lines to feed REPL with
  - If out/err tests are Positionals, assume they're a bunch of lines
rakudo/full-make-test: 9c4025f33f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Improve is-run()

Default to empty Str test for err/out and 0 exit code
Geth roast: bitrauser++ created pull request #344:
Add tests for RT#125466
squashable6 🍕 bitrauser++ opened pull request “Add tests for RT#125466”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/344
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by bitrauser++! ♥
synopsebot RT#125466 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125466 [MATH] bitwise shift is inconsistent on int
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “Add tests for RT#125466”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/344#is...-334975377 00:51
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: 71a0ad5528 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Rewrite Positional $code handling

The multi setup isn't working because non-Positional one takes precedence when desc is given
rakudo/full-make-test: 2f0bb20e82 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
diag() received output when Callable test fails

Otherwise we can't see why exactly it failed
Zoffix Some of these REPL tests look bogus to me. `say "works"` with `if True` on another line is meant to be interpreted as one statement, but that's lame, since it means we have to beg for semicolons for each line? 01:09
Zoffix tosses these 01:10
squashable6 🍕 bitrauser++ synchronize pull request “Add tests for RT#125466”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/344
synopsebot RT#125466 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125466 [MATH] bitwise shift is inconsistent on int
Zoffix Anyone know how are our bitshifts are meant to behave and can review the above roast PR? 01:15
bitrauser Happy for any feedback :) 01:16
Zoffix m: my int $i = int.Range.max; say $i; say $i +< -2
camelia 9223372036854775807
Zoffix bitrauser: one thing I notice is the types are missing. It needs `int` if the tests are testing for native ints instead of our Int types 01:17
And then, if it is native, then I get different results for some of these when I run them with C (maybe I'm doing wrong, I dunno this stuff)
ccc 'long long x = 9223372036854775807; printf("%lld\n", x >> -32)'
And the last "WHAT" in the ticket looks right if I run it with C 01:19
I mean, I get "-4" for it with C 01:20
m: my int $i = int.Range.max; say ($i +> -2).log: 2 01:22
camelia 65
Zoffix That one should prolly be overflowing instead of returning an Int
bitrauser: for the ones that are wrong, you can just TODO "fudge" them. Fudging is explained in some readme I think. Here's an example of its use: github.com/perl6/roast/blob/master...aram.t#L19 The comment tells the fudger to rewrite the following test as a TODO 01:24
Zoffix added these comments to the ticket 01:26
bitrauser Hmm they do? Trying out the test with `my int $int_min = int.Range.min;` and `my int $int_max = int.Range.max;` still makes it pass on my machine.
Zoffix Because the tests test for wrong values, don't they? 01:27
is($int_min +> -64, -170141183460469231731687303715884105728) and is($int_max +> -32, 39614081257132168792477007872); and probably others... Those values look too big for `int` 01:28
Do we guarantee `int` is an `int64`? I know on moarvm that's so, but what about other backends?
bitrauser: though I don't know this area, so I'm just guessing here :) For example, `my $shift = -32; say $native_int +> $shift` will likely go through `Int` candidate of the operator and in that case it's probably meant to return large values so... I dunno, are we meant to return Ints when the value is to big. 01:30
Maybe timotimo or jnthn know
bitrauser I see, that's why I used absolute values instead of `Range.max`/`Range.min`, but I did not consider that the needs to assume native ints, as you explained. 01:31
Zoffix You know what'd be cool? For List.kv to take an arg that indicates starting index 01:43
for lines.kv: 1 { say "Line #$^a is $^b" } 01:44
Don't make any sense on a Hash tho, so... nm 01:45
AlexDaniel_ WOOOP WOOOP WOOOP 01:46
AlexDaniel_ acts like an idiot, this won't be logged anyway
well, only in matrix network and maybe other loggers… 01:47
Zoffix :o All this time I thought "2001 A Space Oddysey" was made... in 2001 01:48
buggable New CPAN upload: Geo-Hash-0.0.1.tar.gz by TITSUKI cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TI/...0.1.tar.gz 01:52
teatime Zoffix: You are kidding, right? 01:54
Zoffix teatime: nope :(
teatime haha, that's great :) 01:55
Zoffix :) 01:56
ryn1x Is there a way to speed up vim while editing perl6 files? I am not sure why but it slows to a crawl only when I am in a .p6 file... 01:58
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: 153f133bc2 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Implement Map test to test specific lines

  - Keys are line numbers and values are expected lines
  - Key "t" is total expected line numbers
geekosaur suddenly feels old
Zoffix That feature looks a bit nutty... Might remove it if I don't use it often enough when I'm done with REPL testss
ryn1x: I saw that question asked several times. Don't remember what the answers were, but perhaps you can find something by searching logs: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-10-08 02:01
ryn1x Zoffix: Thanks. I'll do that. Can I ask what text editor you are using for perl6? 02:03
Zoffix ryn1x: Atom
huggable: atom ide
huggable Zoffix, github.com/perl6/Atom-as-a-Perl6-IDE
AlexDaniel_ ryn1x: alternatively, if you're using vim, then maybe you can try emacs with perl6-mode! No joking, if you go with spacemacs then you can use it straight away 02:07
spacemacs has no perl6 layer yet, unfortunately 02:08
but this does not prevent you from using perl6-mode
Zoffix But can you do Power Mode? atom.io/packages/activate-power-mode 02:09
AlexDaniel_ “Screen Shake” “Play Audio” “Particles” 02:10
maybe not
actually, I think I lied about perl6 layer
AlexDaniel_ the issue is there but it seems to be resolved: github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/pull/8493 02:11
ryn1x AlexDaniel_: I was thinking about trying that again... maybe I'll give it a shot if I cant fix this slow vim with perl6 issue... I tried spacemacs a while back and switched to vim because I had a lot of problems loading it at work... and I like mirroring my work and home set-ups.
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: do we have a list of editors somewhere? 02:12
pierrot /5/5
Zoffix No idea 02:13
AlexDaniel_ ok, found it: perl6.org/whatever/ 02:14
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: be4d57deb5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/02-rakudo/repl.t
Start rewriting REPL tests using new test routine

Tossed sanity tests (what's the point?) and two TODOed tests for postfix if/for on next lines. Such behaviour is undesirable, since we'll have to force users to use a semicolon at the end, having unhelpful behaviour of expecting further lines of input when it's missing.
teatime ryn1x: The answer is yes, there is. It has been like 6mo. at least since I last touched that stuff though, so I do not remember the specific details. 02:17
AlexDaniel_ ryn1x: I created this issue github.com/perl6/perl6.org/issues/83
AlexDaniel_ wonders why he stopped using spacemacs 02:18
it was years ago so I don't really remember
teatime ryn1x: Perl 6 is pretty complex/difficult to properly syntax-highlight. vim comes w/ perl6 support, but it is not very good/complete/whatever.
teatime so pretty sure the answer is to install a/the better Perl6 highlighting stuff 02:19
ryn1x AlexDaniel_: What editor are you using now? Atom also?
AlexDaniel_ I think one of the issues was that I went with vim keybindings and after several months of use realized what a horrible idea it was
ryn1x: emacs with perl6-mode
teatime and as a super-short-term workaround, turning syntax off should eliminate the slowdown; if it doesn't, do let me know.
ryn1x teatime: Thank.. I am reading through the logs now... it looks like it has been brought up a few times... no solution yet... 02:20
AlexDaniel_ wait, there's perl6 mode for neovim? 02:21
teatime I didn't have slowdown problems, but I did encounter limitations of the built-in Perl6 definitions that were all completely resolved by installing some other one.
AlexDaniel_ err doesn't look like it does anything: github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/mast.../perl6.vim
teatime AlexDaniel_: ftplugin is a hook that runs when vim recognizes it's loaded a file of that type 02:22
teatime AlexDaniel_: and multiple ones can be registered and run 02:23
AlexDaniel_: so it's not too weird to have one that just does something like "set indenting to two spaces" for Ruby or "actually use tabs" for Makefiles, etc. 02:24
AlexDaniel_ ah ok
teatime AlexDaniel_: also neovim includes everything (afaik?) in vim, jsyk
AlexDaniel_ this is the right file
AlexDaniel_ teatime: so they just took all syntax files from vim, right? 02:25
teatime AlexDaniel_: there's definitely more to a syntax definition than that, it'll be elsewhere, but it kinda looks like this ftplugin is fixing-up some stuff that would be set there? I dunno. agreed, it doesn't look like it does much.
AlexDaniel_ doesn't it make neovim a possible editor alternative also?
teatime AlexDaniel_: yeah, presumably. they may have then improved etc. them tho.
well sure! :)
ryn1x Says last change 2013...
teatime I beleive neovim is pretty much 100% backwards-compatible to vim... it just 1) has saner more modern defaults for config settings and 2) has additional features. 02:26
vim syntax highlighting is pretty much just defining a bunch of regular expressions that identify each kind of syntax element 02:27
you can see how 1) this would be even more difficult to do well for perl6 than maybe it is in general :) and 2) prone to slowness on big files
AlexDaniel_ github.com/perl6/perl6.org/issues/84
teatime of course, if I ask you guys "Is it sane to parse Perl6 code with just regexes??" you would probably say "Well, Perl6 does ;)"
teatime AlexDaniel_: was this what you were looking for / expecting? github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/9f6d.../perl6.vim 02:29
AlexDaniel_ teatime: yeah, given that I've sent this link a few messages ago… :) 02:30
ryn1x I wish there was support for sublime text... seems like atom has taken the spotlight, but it is horribly slow compared to sublime.. and vim/emacs has always scared off the majority because of the learning curve.
teatime heh, sorry, multi-tasking poorly
AlexDaniel_ never really understood the learning curve problem with emacs 02:32
teatime I've never given emacs a fair trial, but when I have started to, it's just kinda overwhelming.
ryn1x AlexDaniel_ Me either, but for the GUI generation of people it is not very approachable I guess 02:32
AlexDaniel_ sure, ctrl+s and some other shortcuts don't work, but you have all the buttons in the GUI, and all these show how you can do this stuff using the keyboard
teatime I don't try to convert people to vim but I use it because I am used to it.
ryn1x: how big is the file(s) that are causing bad slowdowns for you / are they public / etc. 02:34
would like to duplicate it
ryn1x teatime: File size does not seem to matter... I can open a 20 liner and get scroll lag with j/k 02:36
teatime oh wow, ok 02:37
how close to stock is your vim configuration? 'cause *that* has not been my experience
ryn1x teatime: it ir very small... I just backed it up and removed it and the lag is almost gone though... I think it may be my relative line numbering... going to turn that off and try again.. 02:40
teatime ahhh yes, I don't use rel numbering but it is a known source of ui lag 02:42
ryn1x teatime: yep that fixed it... strange... it is only within a perl6 file that the relative line numbering can't keep up...
Zoffix huggable: slow vim :is: Perl 6 Vim is slow? Turn off relative line numbering: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-10-08#i_15272870 02:43
huggable Zoffix, Added slow vim as Perl 6 Vim is slow? Turn off relative line numbering: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-10-08#i_15272870
ryn1x now I can stop all these crazy thoughts of trying a different text editor
teatime relaxes. 02:44
teatime ryn1x: #vim is pretty useful, fyi. curmudgeonly sometimes, but what else can one expect. 02:45
ryn1x teatime: I bet. There is no friendlier channel than this one! Honestly the interactions I have had here made me decide to stick with learning perl6. 02:48
teatime yeah, it's a big influence on my sticking with it, and also tbh a motivator for me to behave better in general 02:49
sometimes I start to snark at someone in #randomchannel and then think, "Wait, that would def. be a Less Than Awesome response, now wouldn't it?" 02:50
Zoffix \o/
AlexDaniel_ \o/ indeed 02:52
.oO( hey, it's a positive feedback loop right there! )
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: c45d0cd1b5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Disable error colouring
Zoffix squashable6: status 03:05
squashable6 Zoffix, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈8 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Zoffix, Log and stats: gist.github.com/1e0dfeae35507a7e6c...1f55e29243
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: 338a097246 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Allow :out test given as third positional
rakudo/full-make-test: 7c8a2739a5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/02-rakudo/repl.t
Rewrite remaining REPL tests using new routine
rakudo/full-make-test: d82c09b351 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Toss `Map` test option

Too convoluted and turned out to be rather useless afterall.
mudguts squashable: next
squashable6 mudguts, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈8 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
mudguts, Log and stats: gist.github.com/585d37427b74182866...032e81c123 03:34
teatime ryn1x: some things that may or may not mitigate some of the symptoms: set lazyredraw, set regexpengine=1 ... expected to exacerbate issue: set cursorline, set relativenumber, folding especially foldmethod=syntax. you likely found all that already.
ryn1x: I found this quite interesting: github.com/chrishunt/dot-files/iss...t-39977334 03:35
teatime ryn1x: cursorcolumn is out for same reason. 03:39
ryn1x teatime: thx. i didn't think about it until reading the link you just sent, but if rel line nums causes the screen to be redrawn... that is probably killing me because I am using a 5k monitor.. that and the demanding syntax highlighting for p6 was just too much for my laptop. 03:43
teatime tbh the real core issue is that vim re-calculates/re-matches the syntax stuff way over-often 03:44
i.e., (I think) reducing the amount of redrawing is making such a dramatic improvement because vim is unnecessarily re-doing all the regex matching work for the syntax highlighting, on every redraw 03:45
Zoffix 5k monitors are out? 03:46
teatime github.com/vim/vim/issues/1735 <-- issue is here, if you want to track it; also mentioned in `:help todo` ... many other langs with non-trivial syntax configs are affected (I've seen ruby, php, html mentioned so far), so at least you don't have to wait on someone to be motivated by Perl6 to fix it :)
(I, however, wouldn't be shocked if neovim fixes the problem before vim...) 03:47
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: c9913277c9 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Consistify interface

By allowing Seq :out/:err tests, since we allow Seqs for $code
ryn1x Zoffix: LG UltraFine 5k. It is really nice, but quite pricey.
Geth rakudo/full-make-test: f8edb82957 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/packages/Test/Helpers.pm6
Document test helpers
rakudo: zoffixznet++ created pull request #1187:
Full make test
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ opened pull request “Full make test”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1187
🍕 zoffixznet++ merged pull request “Full make test”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1187
Zoffix yeah boiii
ryn1x: fancy :o I'm on 1440p and 1050p monitors feel rather interior by comparison. 5k sounds heavenly, though I guess I'd need several monster video cards to be able to game on it properly 03:49
Zoffix For some reason Geth fails to notify about merge of PRs with many commits 03:50
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: this last merge… doesn't look quite right 03:51
maybe there's a reason for it but it's weird
so it's a bunch of commits rebased on something? Hmmm…
ryn1x Zoffix: Oh yeah... you are not gaming on this thing ha. I think 1440 is still the sweetspot for gamers.
Zoffix AlexDaniel_: what's weird? 03:52
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: basically, all of the latest commits show up twice 03:53
Zoffix: once normally and once rebased by you, or something
or do they
Zoffix AlexDaniel_: ah, yeah, they were rebased when I was pulling in master. The same thing happened when I was working on IO::CatHandle in a branch, so I know it doesn't break anything, but no idea how to avoid this duplication stuff
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: something does --rebase in your workflow, I think 03:54
Zoffix Yeah, I did it myself
Zoffix Is it wrong? I always did it this way 03:54
teatime I could have sworn I installed a *different* Perl6 syntax file and it being much better... perhaps it was just a *newer* one than what shiped with my vim ...
AlexDaniel_ so that's how you avoid it… :)
just merge instead
Zoffix AlexDaniel_: how?
Currently, I did `git pull --rebase github.com/rakudo/rakudo/` to bring in new stuff from master to my branch 03:55
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: git checkout nom; git pull; git checkout YOURBRANCH; git merge nom 03:56
I think
Zoffix k, I'll try that next time
AlexDaniel_ that will create a merge commit and that's ok, one merge commit is better than tens of duplicated commits 03:57
Zoffix Yeah 03:57
AlexDaniel_: how do TimToady and jnthn pull in stuff? I seen no merge commits when they pull in master 03:58
AlexDaniel_ maybe they rebase their branch instead?
Zoffix How to do that?
AlexDaniel_ on top of nom HEAD
Zoffix Ahh, right. Probably 03:59
Maybe one day I'll actually learn git :)
AlexDaniel_ that I don't know by heart :)
should be something easy like 「git rebase nom」 instead of 「git merge nom」 but I have no idea actually 04:00
yea 04:01
Zoffix I think that's what I did basically, but TimToady and jnthn don't use GitHub to merge to master and I guess they just rebase to master or whatever
squashable6: log 04:02
squashable6 Zoffix, Log and stats: gist.github.com/dbbec790ed026a6a8f...1020dcfe78
Zoffix squashable6: status
squashable6 Zoffix, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈7 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Zoffix, Log and stats: gist.github.com/b28c4e8c62f4b3b38d...f2e0cde70f
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: that's not exactly the same
AlexDaniel_ but now that I think about it I really don't know… git pull --rebase should've done exactly the same /o\ 04:03
Zoffix AlexDaniel_: so RT#127775 ... why is it reblessing to an Int? Are enums forced to be all of the same type? 04:08
synopsebot RT#127775 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127775 Declaring enums with Bools, IntStrs and maybe other things ( enum Foo (:Bar(1), :Baz(True) ))
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: as I understand it, there's some low-level reason for it 04:09
all this stuff is compile-time and scary
you can try removing rebless, it didn't compile for me 04:10
oh also, it doesn't really rebless to Int I think 04:11
it reblesses to Foo (enum type object)
Zoffix m: enum Foo (:1a, :b<b>, :c<c>); 04:13
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Type error in enum. Got 'Str' Expected: 'Int'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3enum Foo (:1a, :b<b>, :c<c>)7⏏5;
Zoffix Yeah, looks like same type is expected 04:14
m: enum Foo (:a<42>, :b(42)); 04:16
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Multi method 'Str' with signature :(Foo:D $: *%_) must be resolved by class Foo because it exists in multiple roles (StringyEnumeration, NumericEnumeration)
at <tmp>:1
Zoffix puts the ticket back into the pile
enums are really gross
AlexDaniel_ actually, this probably means that your enums should be either stringy or numeric… 04:17
and the error message above simply says that there's a bug, you can't have both at the same time
Zoffix rejects RT#125344 04:44
synopsebot RT#125344 [rejected]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125344 [PERF] Int..Whatever ranges are slow (~20 times slower than Int..Int)
Zoffix Rejections still count towards SQUASHathon right? :)
AlexDaniel_ yes 04:49
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: but… why does it have to be lazy? 04:51
ah, the whole returned thing is lazy 04:52
hm, nope?
AlexDaniel_ doesn't get it
Zoffix m: say (1, 2, 3)[^10] 04:54
camelia (1 2 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil)
AlexDaniel_ “0..* is a lazy Iterable” – no? It's just a range object? Can't [] just look at the range object and decide to do 0..$end ?
Zoffix m: say (1, 2, 3)[lazy ^10]
camelia (1 2 3)
Zoffix Range does Iterable
AlexDaniel_ lazy returns a Seq
Zoffix Seq is also iterable 04:55
Zoffix doesn't get what AlexDaniel_ is getting at
AlexDaniel_ with 0..* you're working with a Range object directly, there's all information there to make it fast
squashable6 🍕 bitrauser++ synchronize pull request “Add tests for RT#125466”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/344
Zoffix AlexDaniel_: look at my evals above. The extra work is not in reifying the indices.
synopsebot RT#125466 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125466 [MATH] bitwise shift is inconsistent on int
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ merged pull request “Add tests for RT#125466”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/344 04:56
Geth roast: 447ceef0d2 | Joel++ (committed by Zoffix Znet) | S03-operators/bit.t
Add tests for RT#125466 (#344)

  * Add tests for RT#125466
  * Bump `plan`
  * Add missing types and "todo fudge" unclear cases
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “Add tests for RT#125466”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/344#is...-334983274
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: sorry, but in what? I don't understand the point 04:58
Geth roast: 6aa3422b63 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S03-operators/bit.t
Change todo fudges to skip

So they don't get reported on stresstests as passing todos
AlexDaniel_ to me it seems that both [0..*] and [0..$end] give exactly the same result. If not, what's the difference between these results? 04:59
Zoffix AlexDaniel_: see my evals above. They clearly have different behaviours -_-
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: your evals above don't show @arr[0..*] and @arr[0..$end] 05:00
Zoffix AlexDaniel_: lazy iterables as indeces stop when the iterable they're indexing ends, while non-lazy ones continue returning Nils. The [0..*] has to do extra work to figure out where the iterable ends while [0..$end] don't got to do anything
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: OK I'm stupid, I see now!
squashable6 🍕 samcv++ edited pull request “Add tests for RT#125466”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/344 05:01
AlexDaniel_ or do I…
no. I don't
squashable6 🍕 samcv++ edited pull request “Add tests for RT#125466 …”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/344
AlexDaniel_ the claim is that 0..$end is faster, why can't 0..* do the same?
it doesn't have to figure it out, it can just use $end
Zoffix No it can't 05:02
AlexDaniel_ shrugs… the information is right there, finding out the value of $end can't take that much time 05:03
Zoffix: anyway, let's give somebody else to take a look at it with fresh eyes, or something
a chance* 05:04
Zoffix m: my @a = 1..10; @a[2]:delete; say @a[0..*] 05:07
camelia (1 2)
Zoffix m: my @a = 1..10; @a[2]:delete; say @a[0..@a.end]
camelia (1 2 (Any) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
Zoffix currently, it stops at the first hole too
AlexDaniel_ isn't it a bug? 05:08
Zoffix There's a ticktet for it, yeah, but the source comment reads "We truncate at the first one that fails to exists."; dunno if the author thought about holes 05:09
Zoffix in src/core/ 05:09
in src/core/array_slice.pm 05:10
AlexDaniel_ I found RT #131783 but that's not the right one, do you remember the ticket id? 05:12
synopsebot RT#131783 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131783 [LTA] :delete holes in Arrays get turned to Mus when coercing to List or Slip
Zoffix #127573 05:13
synopsebot RT#127573 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127573 Lazy range as Array index stops at first deleted index unexpectedly
Zoffix Looks like it can be safely deemed a bug, since it affects .splice apparently 05:14
Zoffix m: my @a = 1..10; @a[(1..10) but role { method iterator { ^3 .iterator } }].say 05:19
camelia (1 2 3)
Zoffix Though there's userlange Ranges to consider too... .oO( nqp::iscoretype(...) )
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: okay I think I did my best trying to explain myself: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id...xn-1497369 05:22
but my brains are squashathoned away so please don't be angry at me if I'm saying something really stupid
teatime idly wonders why ssh doesn't default to -t when local side is connected to a terminal 05:24
atroxaper o/ #perl6 05:25
bitrauser atroxaper: o/
Zoffix \o
atroxaper Can not find information about 'how to write it' :) 05:26
Zoffix Write what?
atroxaper Foo $obj.field-name will call method .field-name. $obj!field-name will get field itself. Right? 05:27
Zoffix Oh wait. $todo.WHAT === Range should do it 05:28
Zoffix hackety hacks
atroxaper: right
atroxaper If Foo has Foo field inside. How can I write something like method foo-obj-method() { self!foo-field!private-field } ? 05:29
I found only self!foo-field.private-field. But is it method call instead of field access. 05:30
Zoffix does foo-field's object trust the owner of the method?
Zoffix Ah. No idea 05:30
I mean, without nqp... since it's a private access and it's not private up in there. 05:31
Why you need that anyway?
atroxaper But they have the same Object Type.
In Java I can write that.
atroxaper For example I what to write LinkedList. And Node can operate its next and prev link. Recursevly :) 05:32
Zoffix Well, you can define a private method and call it. 05:34
atroxaper Probably. Ok then :)
Zoffix m: class Foo { has $!bar = 42; has $!o; method BUILD(:$x) { $!o = ::?CLASS.new if $x }; method !bar is rw { $!bar }; method z { $!o!bar } }; Foo.new(:x).z.say
camelia 42
atroxaper Yeah. It works with private method< but not with private fields... 05:36
Zoffix m: use nqp; class Foo { has $!bar = 42; has $!o; method BUILD(:$x) { $!o = ::?CLASS.new if $x }; method z { nqp::getattr($!o, ::?CLASS, q|$!bar|) } }; Foo.new(:x).z.say 05:37
camelia P6opaque: no such attribute '$!bar' in type Foo when trying to get a value
in method z at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: use nqp; class Foo { has $!bar = 42; has $!o; method BUILD(:$x) { $!o = ::?CLASS.new if $x }; method z { nqp::getattr(nqp::decont($!o), ::?CLASS, q|$!bar|) } }; Foo.new(:x).z.say
camelia 42
Zoffix (P.S.: nqp is not user-land material and there's no support for it) 05:38
can be changed at any time without notice
atroxaper I understand that, sure. Will write private methods then. 05:39
AlexDaniel_ atroxaper: maybe another option is not to hide these attributes? 05:41
like, make them public 05:42
atroxaper They a public. But inside the class I what to call field instead of method. 05:43
Maybe without a purpose :) 05:44
Does we have 'static' methods? 05:53
Zoffix What are those? 05:55
atroxaper Methods that we can call without object. Just with Type Object. 05:57
atroxaper Oh. I remembered. Any methods are static until they access fields :) 05:57
Zoffix Yeah
Geth rakudo/nom: 456358e3c3 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/array_slice.pm
Make @a[42..*] 4.2x faster; AlexDaniel++ for persistence

  - Faster with any Inf .max Range
  - Faster only with non-lazy @a (we can't .elems lazies)
  - Fixes RT#125344: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125344
synopsebot RT#125344 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125344 [PERF] Int..Whatever ranges are slow (~20 times slower than Int..Int)
teatime AlexDaniel_: would it be acceptable/appropriate for me to throw some notes from the earlier vim discussion (and my related googling etc.) to github.com/perl6/perl6.org/issues/84 ? it's links & info that I would find useful, if I were to extend the Whatever blurb about vim [and neovim] as a Perl6 editor. (but it's probably pretty off-topic/orthogonal to that *particular* issue title... can I 06:07
retitle it? :)
AlexDaniel_ teatime: go for it 06:08
teatime: and I'm very used to wiki-like development so feel free to edit any of my issues and comments
Zoffix teatime: you can also just edit the page and close the Issue: github.com/perl6/perl6.org/blob/ma...index.html
AlexDaniel_ 42..* 4.2x faster? :) 06:10
.oO( what about 100..* )
Zoffix also 4.2
AlexDaniel_ wrong, because my array has less than 100 elements! 06:12
Zoffix In that case, 58% faster 06:13
AlexDaniel_ anyway, Zoffix++ :)
Zoffix AlexDaniel_++ 06:14
AlexDaniel_ with enough nerves for all this tension people can do great things!
teatime Zoffix: I most likely will, but for the moment I need to context-switch to non-perl (and this way, I have a reminder & my notes preserved :) 06:16
AlexDaniel_ squashable6: status 06:19
squashable6 AlexDaniel_, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈5 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel_, Log and stats: gist.github.com/db74f19170d3f042b7...ac0a86b705
HoboWithAShotgun wishes atom would support code folding 06:28
Zoffix sees dozens of packages show up when searching for "folding" 06:29
squashable6 🍕 bitrauser++ opened pull request “Add tests for RT#132083 …”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/345 06:30
Geth roast: bitrauser++ created pull request #345:
Add tests for RT#132083 | [REGRESSION] Broken math (-2147483648 != -2147483648)
synopsebot RT#132083 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132083 [REGRESSION] Broken math (-2147483648 != -2147483648)
Zoffix bitrauser: I sent you an invite to perl6 github org (can accept it on github.com/perl6/ ). That gives you a commit bit to most of our repos, so you should be able to merge that PR and commit anything else directly 06:33
AlexDaniel_ well, eh… I've got a very ugly fix for something :S 06:36
bitrauser Zoffix: Wow that's nice, actually feeling honored. Not sure I'm ready yet. 06:37
AlexDaniel_ bitrauser: I believe in you! 06:38
loop (42;42) {} # Malformed loop spec (expected 3 semicolon-separated expressions but got 2) 06:39
loop (my $x = 0, $x < 5, $x++) {} # Malformed loop spec (expected 3 semicolon-separated expressions but got 1)
awesome? Awesome. As long as you don't look at the code that does this /o\ 06:40
HoboWithAShotgun yes, i stumbled over github.com/perl6/Atom-as-a-Perl6-IDE 06:43
great stuff, but i can't get nav-panel-plus to work
it installed but the panel won't show up 06:44
squashable6 🍕 bitrauser++ merged pull request “Add tests for RT#132083 …”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/345 06:54
HoboWithAShotgun "But for now you can use .nav-marker-rules as the instructions show."
Geth roast: b2a148d684 | bitrauser++ | S03-operators/arith.t
Add tests for RT#132083
synopsebot RT#132083 [resolved]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132083 [REGRESSION] Broken math (-2147483648 != -2147483648)
roast: 64227ec7a2 | Joel++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S03-operators/arith.t
Add tests for RT#132083 (#345)

Add tests for RT#132083 | [REGRESSION] Broken math (-2147483648 != -2147483648)
HoboWithAShotgun which effing instructions?
Zoffix HoboWithAShotgun: I think samcv++ wrote that stuff; perhaps she can explain the missing bits 06:59
samcv oh hello
ah hey HoboWithAShotgun 07:00
HoboWithAShotgun good morning good sir 07:01
samcv lemme just start up my atom then i'll help you. i know sometimes when you first install it you have to do something to get it to show up. since by defualt it's disabled
HoboWithAShotgun and lady 07:02
oh it works for other languages
just not for Perl6, the doc talks about nav-marker-rules 07:03
that i should use and instructions therefore
i just can't find any, or am i supposed to apply that pull request?
samcv ok you can right click and choose show 07:04
"toggle nav panel plus" 07:05
HoboWithAShotgun, oh. no the PR has been applied
i can update the readme though
lemme check 07:06
hmm. it is applied and they released. but not working atm for me. i'm investigating 07:08
HoboWithAShotgun well it doesn't work. the panel is there for other files like .coffe, but disappers for perl6 types 07:09
my apt says atom is up to date
samcv yeah i'm seeing that too 07:10
HoboWithAShotgun Atom : 1.20.0, Electron: 1.6.9, Chrome : 56.0.2924.87, Node : 7.4.0
HoboWithAShotgun also i read that change being reverted cause it operate on the wrong file 07:10
samcv well yeah it doesn't seem to be working 07:15
samcv ah i see 07:16
well you can put github.com/perl6/Atom-as-a-Perl6-I...rker-rules in the folder of the project
launch atom from within that folder and it should then work
HoboWithAShotgun yes, that's the droid i was looking for 07:17
you may pass now :) 07:18
can you update the doc and link this file therein?
HoboWithAShotgun yay, works 07:20
HoboWithAShotgun shares chocolate peach cake with samcv 07:21
just one slice!
samcv thanks :) 07:24
teatime is audrey tang one of y'all? 07:32
Zoffix `She's busy being Minister of Digital of Taiwan 07:34
samcv HoboWithAShotgun, i updated the doc
Zoffix, fancy :)
Zoffix teatime: audreyt is the IRC nick, if you wanted to read logs :) 07:35
teatime huh. that's pretty cool. (just read her wikipedia page.) 07:36
AlexDaniel_ ===SORRY!=== 07:38
Frame 1 local access out of range
HoboWithAShotgun m: say $*KERNEL, '#', $*DISTRO 07:39
camelia linux ( (42.2)
HoboWithAShotgun m: say qx{ stty size } 07:40
camelia qx, qqx is disallowed in restricted setting
in sub restricted at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 1
in sub QX at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 11
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
HoboWithAShotgun good :)
maybe sucha restricted seeting shouldn't talk about OS details as well 07:41
teatime (sorry guys if I've been a bit hyper/off-topic this eve... did 16-hour day today as pollworker for election, and the end of it was stress++)
Geth rakudo/awesome-malformed-loops: a757328bdd | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp
Awesomify “malformed loop spec” errors

This is a questionable fix for RT #127857.
Makes each parse of a loop construct 0.04 ms slower. So if you have one hundred 「loop」-s in your code, that's already about four milliseconds slower.
Also breaks one 6.c-errata test that checks for “loop spec” text.
synopsebot RT#127857 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127857 [RFC] [LTA] error message when using commas in c-style “loop” (loop (my $x = 0, $x < 10, $x++) {})
rakudo: AlexDaniel++ created pull request #1188:
Awesomify “malformed loop spec” errors
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ opened pull request “Awesomify “malformed loop spec” errors”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1188
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Awesomify “malformed loop spec” errors”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1188...-334989585
smls Oh, 🍕 is still going on? 07:50
Zoffix squashable6: status
squashable6 Zoffix, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈4 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Zoffix, Log and stats: gist.github.com/bacbebf576af814b10...f105cbdbf6
Zoffix Yup
smls Unrelated question: When dealing with an IO::Proc that responds with one line of output for every line of input, is it safe to do this in a loop: 07:51
$proc.in.print: "$input\n"; my $output = $proc.out.lines.head;
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Awesomify “malformed loop spec” errors”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1188...-334989717 07:52
smls Or is creating a new .lines Seq on each iteration cause some problems down the road?
Zoffix eco: IO::Proc 07:53
buggable Zoffix, Nothing found
Zoffix has no idea what that is 07:54
smls: seems easier to just call .get
smls Zoffix: I meant the built-in `Proc`, sorry. 07:54
Ah, I forgot about get! Thank. 07:55
Zoffix But don't think there'd be any problems with .lines, other than wasted effort of creating and GCing the Seq 07:55
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Awesomify “malformed loop spec” errors”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1188...-334989899 07:56
AlexDaniel_ you wouldn't believe how much time I've spent on this…
Geth roast: bitrauser++ created pull request #346:
Add tests for RT#125215 | [BUG] 10 ** -1 is a Num, but should probably be a Rat since it can in Rakudo
squashable6 🍕 bitrauser++ opened pull request “Add tests for RT#125215 …”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/346
synopsebot RT#125215 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125215 [BUG] 10 ** -1 is a Num, but should probably be a Rat since it can in Rakudo
squashable6 🍕 zoffixznet++ wrote a comment on “Add tests for RT#125215 …”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/346#is...-334990184 08:01
bitrauser forgot the bump again on the commit just noticed
Zoffix didn't notice >_< 08:02
m: -> (*%_) {dd %_}(Failure.new) 08:03
camelia {:backtrace(Backtrace.new), :exception(X::AdHoc.new(payload => "Failed"))}
Zoffix Gonna make it blow up
squashable6 🍕 bitrauser++ synchronize pull request “Add tests for RT#125215 …”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/346 08:05
bitrauser Starting to get tired ^^ 08:07
AlexDaniel_ buggable: pizza bitrauser
buggable bitrauser, enjoy this slice of Vegan pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕 08:08
AlexDaniel_ bitrauser: at least you didn't spend more than 4 hours on one LTA ticket like I did…
(and in the end didn't even come up with a good solution)
bitrauser: so good job :) 08:09
bitrauser Pizza sounds good :)
AlexDaniel_ squashable6: status 08:10
squashable6 AlexDaniel_, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈3 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel_, Log and stats: gist.github.com/0b50f9198c5b85aca4...36a4ae85a5
🍕 bitrauser++ merged pull request “Add tests for RT#125215 …”: github.com/perl6/roast/pull/346 08:12
Geth roast: a55c0f4ae5 | Joel++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S32-num/rat.t
Add tests for RT#125215 | [BUG] 10 ** -1 is a Num, but should probably be a Rat since it can in Rakudo (#346)

  * Add tests for RT#125215
  * Bump `plan`
synopsebot RT#125215 [resolved]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125215 [BUG] 10 ** -1 is a Num, but should probably be a Rat since it can in Rakudo
AlexDaniel_ laughs at RT #127980 08:14
synopsebot RT#127980 [rejected]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127980 Smartmatching $item ~~ list does not DWIM (4 ~~ (4,5,6,7))
AlexDaniel_ “The concept of the Perl 6 smart-matching operator, is not "Do whatever operation the developer thinks would be most useful in the given situation so he doesn't have to write it out explicitly".” 08:14
why is it called *smart*match then :D
that's dumbmatch right there! 08:17
anyway, the ticket is rejected correctly :)
stmuk it means the language is smart 08:18
Geth rakudo/nom: 8300844303 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Do not explode in IO::CatHandle.nl-out

Doing so breaks .Capture, which is more important than throwing in a feature clearly documented as NYI
AlexDaniel_ c: all say 'Hello'; *...'WAT' 08:23
tyil how long does it take for perl 6 modules on cpan to show up on modules.perl6.org?
committable6 AlexDaniel_, gist.github.com/d515acf8181f9d3900...eb60580d4f
HoboWithAShotgun m: my %a; %a<a, b> = <1 2>; say %a 08:24
camelia {a, => 1, b => 2}
HoboWithAShotgun how do i do that anonymously?
Zoffix tyil: 0..100 minutes
tyil: "In about 2 hours, the dist will also appear on modules.perl6.org. Its updater is started in a cron job on 20th and 40th minute of the hour (unless a job is already running) and it takes about 2 hours to finish each run."
tyil hmm
HoboWithAShotgun m: (<a b> Z <1 2>).flat.Hash.say 08:25
camelia {a => 1, b => 2}
tyil one of my modules is available on modules.perl6, but others arent
AlexDaniel_ bisectable6: old=2016.09 new=2016.10 say 'Hello'; *...'WAT'
bisectable6 AlexDaniel_, Bisecting by output (old=2016.09 new=2016.10) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
HoboWithAShotgun that seems clumsy
bisectable6 AlexDaniel_, bisect log: gist.github.com/f5220f4b280d3947d8...66d0716cc0
AlexDaniel_, (2016-09-27) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/22...0f14b9c05c
Zoffix m: %(<a b> Z=> <1 2>).say
camelia {a => 1, b => 2}
tyil in addition, my Hash::Merge module seems to be tested against p5 tests, even though its uploaded to $CPAN/authors/id/T/TY/TYIL/Perl6/Hash-Merge/Perl6/Hash-Merge-0.1.0.tar.gz
(there is a p5 Hash::Merge) 08:26
the same seems to happen for Config
Zoffix It's possible the system has some bugs to iron out still
tyil the ones with no p5 equivalent seem to be tested against p6 correctly
HoboWithAShotgun what does z=> do? or is that a combination of Z and =>?
Zoffix HoboWithAShotgun: yes
tyil but only IRC::Client::Plugin::Github appears on modules.perl6 so far 08:27
Zoffix HoboWithAShotgun: Z is equivalent to Z with "," op; Z=> uses "=>" instead
AlexDaniel_ bisectable6: old=2016.07.1 new=2016.08.1 say 'Hello'; *...'WAT'
bisectable6 AlexDaniel_, Bisecting by output (old=2016.07.1 new=2016.08.1) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
AlexDaniel_, bisect log: gist.github.com/74a1d1bea32406938a...4faf594fcf
AlexDaniel_, (2016-08-19) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/25...b0673f26e2
Zoffix eco: author:TYIL
buggable Zoffix, Found 2 results: MPD::AutoQueue, IRC::Client::Plugin::Github. See modules.perl6.org/s/author%3ATYIL
tyil do the PAUSE/CPAN folk have their own irc channel?
Zoffix tyil: yeah, but I forget what it is. mst would know
Zoffix tyil: why is "Perl6/" appear twice in that URL? 08:29
HoboWithAShotgun i feel really bad for poor sods who will learm Perl6 as first language 08:30
in the sense that they'll always feel somewhat amputated when having to use something else 08:31
tyil Zoffix: idk
I told it to upload into Hash-Merge/Perl6 08:32
AlexDaniel_ what a title for a ticket… :D RT #128879
synopsebot RT#128879 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128879 [LTA] “is default” trait is compile-time, but no warning is printed when I do stupid things (is default($x))
tyil it has appended an additional Perl6 for all my uploads
HoboWithAShotgun i mean look at this: return %( <rows columns> Z=> qx[ stty size ].comb(/\d+/) ); 08:33
you need 20 lines of c# for that
Zoffix tyil: "well, there's yer problem"
tyil :( 08:34
Zoffix tyil: just select "Perl6" from the <select>; don't specify any other extra paths.
I'm guessing that's why it's going through perl5 channels. Modules.perl6.org has an exlude rule in rsync to toss stuff deeper in the tree, so I guess that's why those aren't showing up on it either 08:35
This one github.com/perl6/modules.perl6.org...er.pm#L139
tyil oh, I didnt know about stuff deeper in the tree being ignored 08:36
can I move the files on PAUSE or should i delete and re-up?
Zoffix isn't aware of any interface to move stuff
Zoffix c: HEAD dd %(<rows columns> Z=> qx/stty size/.words) 08:37
committable6 Zoffix, ¦HEAD(8300844): «stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device␤Hash % = {}»
AlexDaniel_ well, it's not a tty 08:37
buggable New CPAN upload: App-MPD-AutoQueue-0.1.0.tar.gz by TYIL cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TY/...1.0.tar.gz 08:42
AlexDaniel_ alright, I'm done for today 08:43
happy squashathoning everyone o/
Zoffix \oi
AlexDaniel_ squashable6: status
squashable6 AlexDaniel_, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈3 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel_, Log and stats: gist.github.com/9f178ca985456533ef...e4a80ce7a8
HoboWithAShotgun is there an operator so i can call something-that-might-return-any.method safely? 08:50
c# as a ?. operator for that
AlexDaniel_ well, you can try .? 08:51
IIRC it checks if a method exists… right? But chances are Any does not have your method 08:52
HoboWithAShotgun oh. <- feels silly 08:53
i tried $ob//.method
AlexDaniel_ m: class Foo { method bar { 42 } }; my $x = Foo.new; say $x.?bar
camelia 42
AlexDaniel_ m: class Foo { method bar { 42 } }; my $x = Any; say $x.?bar
camelia Nil
HoboWithAShotgun m: class Foo { method bar { %(:a(1) } }; my $x = Foo.new; say $x.?bar<a> 08:55
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in contextualizer; couldn't find final ')' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class Foo { method bar { %(:a(1) 7⏏5} }; my $x = Foo.new; say $x.?ba…
HoboWithAShotgun m: class Foo { method bar { %(:a(1)) } }; my $x = Foo.new; say $x.?bar<a>
camelia 1
HoboWithAShotgun m: class Foo { method bar { Any } }; my $x = Foo.new; say $x.?bar<a> 08:56
camelia (Any)
Zoffix 5am. Time for bed 08:58
squashable6: status
squashable6 Zoffix, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈3 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Zoffix, Log and stats: gist.github.com/49830f1b965e4d3cb3...50f18a5c11
AlexDaniel_ 11:59:49 *AM* 08:59
time for bed, too 09:00
buggable New CPAN upload: App-MPD-AutoQueue-0.1.1.tar.gz by TYIL cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TY/...1.1.tar.gz 09:12
buggable New CPAN upload: perl6-App-MPD-Notify.tar.gz by TYIL cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TY/...ify.tar.gz 09:22
HoboWithAShotgun how do i redirect STDERR to nul when doing a qx? 09:23
maybe i should use run instead? 09:24
HoboWithAShotgun mmh. i tried qx[ sttyx size &>/dev/null ] 09:31
but i still have "/bin/sh: 1: sttyx: not found" in my output 09:32
go|dfish HoboWithAShotgun: 2>/dev/null 09:33
HoboWithAShotgun yay :) 09:35
lizmat not sure this was posted here already: www.infoq.com/presentations/langua...esign-perl 09:37
HoboWithAShotgun another site that doesn't work wiith JS off 09:40
tyil welcome to the internet in 2017 09:41
HoboWithAShotgun it's readable at least 09:42
HoboWithAShotgun just learned about my n = 1; say n; 09:51
not sure wether i should like this
wander4096 why we have `?^` which is the same as `!`, it seems waste 09:52
HoboWithAShotgun m: class c { has \.foo = 1 }; say c.new.foo 09:52
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed has
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class c { has7⏏5 \.foo = 1 }; say c.new.foo
HoboWithAShotgun m: class c { has \foo = 1 }; say c.new.foo 09:53
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
has scoped term definitions (only 'my' is supported at the moment) not yet implemented. Sorry.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class c { has \foo7⏏5 = 1 }; say c.new.foo
expecting any of:
andreoss what is the name for Metamodel constants in EXPORTHOW::DECLARE package? where I can find docs on them? 10:25
llfourn andreoss: design.perl6.org/S12.html#Custom_Meta-objects # don't think there's docs for it yet 10:29
gfldex m: class C { method m:sym<s>{} }; C.new.m:sym<s>(); 11:00
camelia No such method 'm' for invocant of type 'C'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
gfldex how do I call that method?
moritz the whole MOP documentation is very patchy
m: class C { method m:sym<s>{} }; C.new."m:sym<s>"()
camelia ( no output ) 11:01
andreoss llfourn: thanks 11:04
are class and role keywords defined in the same manner (as constants in some package)? 11:05
lizmat m: class C { method m:sym<s> { "foo" } }; dd C.new.^find_method(q/m:sym<s>/)(C) # gfldex 11:06
camelia "foo"
lizmat m: class A {}; role A {} 11:08
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Redeclaration of symbol 'A'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class A {}; role A7⏏5 {}
expecting any of:
generic role
lizmat andreoss: I'd say yes :-)
HoboWithAShotgun when i run this the on-close gets never called: hastebin.com/oyagusonaf.pl 11:15
but Terminal::Print::RawInput does the same, and there the event gets fired 11:16
wgat am i missing?
geekosaur buggable: eco Terminal::Print 11:18
buggable geekosaur, Terminal::Print 'Asynchronous printing to your terminal -- as a simple grid': github.com/ab5tract/Terminal-Print
HoboWithAShotgun github.com/ab5tract/Terminal-Print...wInput.pm6 11:19
geekosaur yes, but my expectation is that on-close is triggered by something elsewhere 11:20
geekosaur hm, doesn't look like it. 11:22
oh. this may be the buffering stuff 11:23
geekosaur but I don't know where that is now :/ 11:25
HoboWithAShotgun o i meant its called by calling done on a supply 11:26
geekosaur hm. are you using v6.d.PREVIEW? this affects how buffering works iirc 11:27
timotimo i don't think so, geekosaur 11:30
timotimo the preview stuff changes how await works (including some things that await behind the scenes) 11:30
the recent chnanges to turn on buffering automatically for files should be in .c as well as .d 11:31
HoboWithAShotgun nah preview is n't it. 11:34
fricking strange, i do have T::P installed and injected a say into that handler 11:35
and i see it getting called
by calling done on what gets returned by that method 11:36
buggable New CPAN upload: IO-Prompt-0.0.2.tar.gz by WBIKER cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/W/WB/...0.2.tar.gz 12:42
wbiker hi all 12:43
wbiker I uploaded my perl6 module IO::Prompt to cpan. How can I remove the github module from modules.perl6.org? 12:46
I mean it will be listed twice then, or?
MasterDuke wbiker: i think just remove it from here github.com/perl6/ecosystem/blob/ma.../META.list 13:01
wbiker MasterDuke: Thanks, I think that is what I was looking for 13:03
MasterDuke np
Geth ecosystem: wbiker++ created pull request #373:
Remove IO::Prompt because it is uploaded to cpan
ecosystem: 37463e1c0c | Wolf++ (committed by timo) | META.list
Remove IO::Prompt because it is uploaded to cpan (#373)
timotimo i like where this is going :) 13:32
just a couple more modules have to move from ecosystem to cpan and we'll get two modules.perl6.org updates per hour working (if there's enough change) 13:33
hm. well, a bit more than "a couple"
m: say 7.5 * 60 / 2
camelia 225
timotimo okay, maybe a few hundred
moritz is there an idiot's guide to moving stuff to CPAN? 13:34
mattr p6: say List.^methods 13:36
camelia (from-iterator from-slurpy from-slurpy-onearg from-slurpy-flat new to from sum fmt BIND-POS reification-target iterator sink STORE eager Capture FLATTENABLE_LIST FLATTENABLE_HASH CALL-ME pick roll reverse rotate combinations permutations join push append…
timotimo moritz: mi6 makes it pretty idiot-proof (except you have to be careful not to lose the contents of your README.md, because mi6 re-generates it from what pod is in your "main module") 13:38
you just gotta sign up for a pause account
i think the post zoffix just made on his perl6.party (or rakudo.party?) should help a lot with that
atroxaper Can somebody help me, please? I can not find any information about how standard hash's implementation (or language design) converts keys to indexes and compare keys between themselves. My knowledge enough for looking to Rakudo repo and find 'key.Str'. But further I see solid nqp code :( 13:45
In Java I know that everything has equals and hashCode. I naively suppose that there should be something similar. 13:47
moritz timotimo: hm, mi6 doesn't install here :(
moritz atroxaper: are you looking for ways to make your objects hashable, or do you want to know the low-level gory details? 13:47
atroxaper In Java I know how it works and know what I can do. I know how to override equals method if I need. But in Perl 6 I do not mechanics of equals and key mapping. 13:49
do not know *
For example, I want to use 'not string key'. And I doubt can I use 'similar' objects as keys, or have to use 'same' objects. 13:50
atroxaper I know that ~~ uses .ACCEPTS under the hood. But what the hash uses? :) 13:52
moritz so, the normal hash coerces to Str by default 13:54
moritz which means if you're fine with that, you can write your own Str method 13:54
but, then the hash contains Str keys, not your object keys
if you want the objects to remain as keys, you have to declare the hash appropriately, and write a WHICH method 13:55
atroxaper With my 'object keys' example above - I tries to write class key { has Str $.s; has Num $.n }; And it is works with 'similar' keys. But what if I what to add mutable field in key. Of course I do not what to use that field while comparing of keys. Do not know how to do that.
moritz then don't include the mutable part in your WHICH method 13:57
atroxaper Does WHICH contains Java's equals+hashCode methods together? 13:58
moritz hashCode, i think
I don't know java well enough
atroxaper Ok. Thank you. Gonna find some WHICH implementation example :) 14:00
moritz rakudo has some 14:01
bitrauser Good evening, again :)
atroxaper Yeah. Enough. 14:02
moritz good morning, bitrauser :-) 14:03
timotimo moritz: what's the failure mode? 14:10
moritz timotimo: perlpunks.de/paste/show/59da3221.3c0b.3c8 14:11
This is Rakudo version 2017.09-246-g5747bc7 built on MoarVM version 2017.09.1-575-gd4e230a 14:12
timotimo oh
moritz built yesterday, iirc
timotimo you gotta update zef
potentially by git cloning it; it might not be able to update itself in this state
yoleaux Zoffix: add `where-is` to subset helper, bruh 14:27
moritz uploaded two Perl 6 dists to CPAN and now waits for the indexer mails 14:29
moritz according to pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?A...ile_1=5000 it has sent at least some mails 14:31
haven't gotten them yet :(
buggable New CPAN upload: Math-Model-0.1.tar.gz by MORITZ cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MO/...0.1.tar.gz 14:32
New CPAN upload: Math-RungeKutta-0.1.tar.gz by MORITZ cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MO/...0.1.tar.gz
moritz ah, there they go! 14:33
timotimo fantastic :)
moritz I guess I should teach perl6-all-modules about CPAN then :/
timotimo that'd be good 14:34
moritz github.com/moritz/perl6-all-modules/issues/1 14:36
is there a nice URL that gives me all Perl 6 modules on CPAN? 14:37
timotimo i'm just looking for it 14:39
there is one.
moritz I had hoped for one that is generated by PAUSE
the modules.perl6.org code seems to use rsync 14:40
timotimo github.com/ugexe/Perl6-App--ecogen...n/cpan.pm6 - the ecogen program grabs all the interesting data via rsync
atroxaper I always think that if we what to implement HashTable then we have to convert key object to some integer, then use it integer as index in some array. In simple story. But, if I am not wrong, in Perl 6 Map's keys converted in Map's fields itself. Without explicit array. Am I right?! 14:46
timotimo in rakudo we use uthash to do the hashing 14:47
timotimo we have an explicit string-key-based associative access API 14:47
i.e. nqp::atkey, nqp::bindkey, nqp::existskey
atroxaper It seemed to me that nqp::bindkey just add one more field to object :) 14:48
timotimo nope, that would have terrible performance 14:49
atroxaper timotimo: Ok. Then WHICH is like Java's equals+hashCode. As documents says. 14:50
timotimo yeah
if you want you can implement a hash based on adding attributes whenever a new key gets added 14:51
atroxaper timotimo: can you describe how nqp::objectid works. If this can be done shortly of course.
timotimo and see how well that goes ;)
atroxaper nonono. I do not what. I was really surprised when I came to this conclusion ^^ 14:52
timotimo i find it hard to find a good starting point for the explanation
timotimo let's just say it gives you the object's location in memory and simultaneously prevents it from being moved around by the garbage collector 14:53
atroxaper timotimo: as I thought... In simple words it is some address im memory. 14:55
timotimo: And the is a mechanics which map string '123' and '123' to the same 'memory'. Right? 14:56
timotimo the is? 14:57
atroxaper Donno. But '123'.WHICH is the same as another '123'.WHICH 14:58
moritz this is because Str is a value type
timotimo yeah, it implements its own method WHICH
atroxaper 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 . WHICH even
moritz it doesn't mean that string interning (reusing the same memory for identical strings) is happening 14:59
BenGoldberg m: "ABC".WHERE for ^3
camelia ( no output )
BenGoldberg m: "ABC".WHERE.say for ^3
camelia 140459212386120
timotimo yes. when you get lines from a file and every line happens to haev the same contents, they'll still be separate string objects behind the scenes
BenGoldberg m: "ABC".WHICH.say for ^3 15:00
camelia Str|ABC
timotimo m: ("ABC" ~ "a".pick).WHERE.say for ^4
camelia 140280001647936
timotimo ^- same string, but different WHERE results
same string in value, not in identity
BenGoldberg m: "ABC".pick.WHERE.say for ^5 15:01
camelia 140149397008200
BenGoldberg m: ("A"~"B").pick.WHERE.say for ^5
camelia 139986690128432
BenGoldberg m: ("A".pick~"B").WHERE.say for ^5 15:02
atroxaper timotimo: % uses === which uses WHICH. Right?
camelia 140537259521960
BenGoldberg It looks like the parser does constant folding of strings, and re-uses the string value objects where it can. 15:04
timotimo the optimizer will constant-fold the ~ operation, the result will be serialized into the string heap and every reference to it will use that same string object in the future 15:05
timotimo though there's still a difference between the strings in the string heap - which are low-level VMString objects - and the actual Str objects - which have a VMString object boxed up inside of them 15:05
atroxaper timotimo: % uses === which uses WHICH. Right? 15:07
timotimo you mean hashes, right? 15:08
because we also have a % operator
object hashes and "regular hashes" are implemented differently
since regular hashes stringify everything anyway, it completely ignores WHICH 15:09
WHICH is used by object hashes to create a string that can be used for keys in the underlying hash
in fact, object hashes store pairs as their values; each pair has the "actual object" as its key and the "final" hash value as its value 15:10
and the key used for the hash storage itself is what WHICH gives you from the object
atroxaper timotimo: Then hashes use string (from WHICH or itself) as uthash key. Right? 15:12
timotimo yes
there's currently an open bug that .pick and .roll on object hashes accidentally give you the "actual" pairs that the hash stores
so you can see its guts spill out:
atroxaper Yeah! I feel level up! :)) 15:12
timotimo m: my %foo{Any} = 123 => 9, what => 8, 1.5 => 7, set(1, 2, 3) => 6; .perl.say for %foo.pick(*) 15:13
camelia 123 => 9
1.5 => 7
(set(1,3,2)) => 6
timotimo oh, huh?
timotimo oh, maybe the bug happens onyl when the object hash has just a single entry 15:13
m: my %foo{Any} = 123 => 9; .perl.say for %foo.pick(*) 15:14
camelia 123 => 9
timotimo ... did somebody fix the bug in the mean time?
m: my %foo{Any} = question => 9; .perl.say for %foo.pairs.pick(*); .perl.say for %foo.pick(*)
camelia :question(9)
atroxaper Cool. Gonna write some text about basics s/Java/Perl 6/
timotimo i'm confused now. 15:15
timotimo i swear i was able to reproduce this bug yesterday 15:16
it's #132246 FTR 15:17
synopsebot RT#132246 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132246 .pick and .roll return incorrect results for object hashes
Geth rakudo/nom: 775c367f34 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/02-rakudo/repl.t
Fudge OSX-failing tests

REPL output differred slightly on OSX for ages and we already had fudged tests for that reason. Fudging a couple more of these new ones.
Zoffix squashable6:
squashable6 Zoffix, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
Zoffix squashable6: status
squashable6 Zoffix, Next SQUASHathon in 25 days and ≈18 hours (2017-11-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
lizmat timotimo: I'll take RT#132246
synopsebot RT#132246 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132246 .pick and .roll return incorrect results for object hashes
lizmat m: dd :{ a => 42 }.pick # confirmed
camelia "Str|a" => :a(42)
timotimo oh 15:29
i'm still not quite sure how i messed up my code examples. assigning to that %foo{Any} should have properly kept the key objects?
Zoffix jnthn: perlpilot: SQUASHathon is over. Would you remove `,#perl6` from the end of the URL in geth's webhook on rakudo/rakudo repo? (moarvm/moarvm might've been set up with it too, I'm unsure) 15:33
timotimo there's a big amount of modules still mentioning "build panda" or "build-panda" in their travis files :( 15:35
timotimo some have that line commented, though 15:35
Zoffix tries to remember the good reason why object hashes .Captures converts keys to Str 16:03
m: dd :{42=>70}.Capture
camelia \("42" => 70)
timotimo well, capture doesn't support non-string keys
Zoffix Yeah, but why?
timotimo because capture is about calling stuff with arguments 16:04
that's where the limitation lives
Zoffix I can't have an argument named "42", can I?
timotimo though with slurpy hashes ... hmm
m: sub test(*%foo) { say %foo.perl }; test(|:{42 => "hi"});
camelia {"42" => "hi"}
timotimo ah, that goes via .Capture i assume
Zoffix bisect: [42 => 42].Capture.perl.say 16:05
bisectable6 Zoffix, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=775c367). Old exit code: 1
Zoffix, bisect log: gist.github.com/338e79a02083a9dcd6...2c41d0d170
Zoffix, (2017-05-26) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/75...c62347b9df
timotimo i need to take a break for my wrists
Zoffix Expl: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6-dev/2017-...i_14629113
timotimo: take like 1-2 days off the computer. 16:06
ugexe moritz: there is no pause generated index of perl6 dists, and it could be possible there won't be for awhile due to the fact its not equiped to deal with the same short-name/ver being used by more than one author 16:13
jdv79 tony-o: HTML::Parser::XML looks borked 16:14
jdv79 parse's main loop isn't ending 16:14
.seen tony-o
yoleaux I saw tony-o 2 Oct 2017 16:00Z in #perl6: <tony-o> m: my %h = :foo<FOO>, :bar<BAR>; my $key = "foo"; sub callme($arg where %h = $key) { say %h; say $arg; }; callme;
jdv79 .tell tony-o HTML::Parser::XML - parse - the main loop never ends on latest rakudo 16:15
yoleaux jdv79: I'll pass your message to tony-o.
[Coke] timotimo: fixed up the vote formatting 16:17
Zoffix moritz: "is there a nice URL that gives me all Perl 6 modules on CPAN?" Yup, use use `from:cpan` search qualifier on mp6.o without any search term: modules.perl6.org/search/?q=from%3Acpan available as JSON too: modules.perl6.org/s/from:cpan/.json 16:20
.tell moritz "is there a nice URL that gives me all Perl 6 modules on CPAN?" Yup, use use `from:cpan` search qualifier on mp6.o without any search term: modules.perl6.org/search/?q=from%3Acpan available as JSON too: modules.perl6.org/s/from:cpan/.json
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to moritz.
Geth rakudo/nom: 12fcece494 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Hash.pm
Fix for RT #132246
synopsebot RT#132246 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132246 .pick and .roll return incorrect results for object hashes 16:23
thundergnat . 16:51
yoleaux 7 Oct 2017 14:10Z <Xliff_> thundergnat: Thanks for the suggestion. I will upgrade, but I thought I had done that, recently.
7 Oct 2017 14:12Z <Xliff_> thundergnat: I am on Inline::Perl5 0.26 and am still getting the error.
thundergnat .tell Xliff_ Ah. Oh well, it was worth checking since I was getting that exact same behavior with an older version. 16:51
yoleaux thundergnat: I'll pass your message to Xliff_.
Geth doc/master: 6 commits pushed by (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ 16:54
thundergnat .tell timotimo Is there any reason JSON::Fast doesn't have a JSON tag in its META file? I was mildly surprised when I searched for modules tagged JSON and it didn't show up. (Had to do a keyword search like an animal... ;-) ) 16:56
yoleaux thundergnat: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
timotimo oops
yoleaux 16:56Z <thundergnat> timotimo: Is there any reason JSON::Fast doesn't have a JSON tag in its META file? I was mildly surprised when I searched for modules tagged JSON and it didn't show up. (Had to do a keyword search like an animal... ;-) )
thundergnat timotimo BTW, cool module. Is literally at least 3 orders of magnitude faster than using .perl and EVAL to save large hashes to a file. 16:59
timotimo yeah, it's not bad :)
EVAL is especially slow since it's the full rakudo grammar 17:00
however, with .perl you can use precompilation for your benefit
moritz thanks Zoffix
yoleaux 16:20Z <Zoffix> moritz: "is there a nice URL that gives me all Perl 6 modules on CPAN?" Yup, use use `from:cpan` search qualifier on mp6.o without any search term: modules.perl6.org/search/?q=from%3Acpan available as JSON too: modules.perl6.org/s/from:cpan/.json
timotimo in which case it'll be massively faster than JSON::Fast could ever hope to be
Zoffix moritz: would you remove ",#perl6" from the end of Geth's webhook for rakudo repo github.com/rakudo/rakudo/ ? SQUASHathon is over, so it don't need to report up in here no more 17:01
thundergnat yeah. It works fine for small hashes but I had a 100KB file I was EVALing and it was.... not so much.
moritz Zoffix: will do
Zoffix Thanks!
moritz done 17:01
Zoffix \o/ 17:02
moritz so, there's a small thing that's less than awesome 17:05
from modules.perl6.org/s/from:cpan/.json I get the CPAN user name, but not the github username
so I'll have both zoffixznet/somemodule and ZOFFIX/othermodule 17:06
what should I do? just accept it?
or create separate directories, cpan/ZOFFIX/othermodule and github/zoffixznet/somemodule?
I'm currently leaning towards the latter 17:08
not all cpan modules must come from github, so there's not always a reliable way to link it back
Zoffix moritz: yeah, there's no reason why cpan/ZOFFIX and github/zoffix are the same person even, so it makes sense to keep these all separate 17:10
(P.S.: we have a few dists off gitlab (`from:gitlab`) too)
moritz I must say that renaming 19.6k files in a git repo is unpleasantly slow 17:13
Geth perl6.org: tibi77++ created pull request #85:
Adding spacemacs reference
gfldex lolibloggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2017/10/08/it...-way-down/ 17:23
moritz gfldex++ 17:25
"But if tokens are methods then grammars must be classes." Not quite sound reasoning, but close enough :-) 17:26
m: Metamodel::GrammarHOW.^mro
camelia ( no output )
Geth perl6.org: 4036b7ef0d | tiberiu_lepadatu++ | source/whatever/index.html
Adding spacemacs referance
perl6.org: fe5662e5e8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/whatever/index.html
Merge pull request #85 from tibi77/master

Adding spacemacs reference
moritz m: say Metamodel::GrammarHOW.^mro
camelia ((GrammarHOW) (ClassHOW) (Any) (Mu))
Geth perl6.org: c356a5f59c | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/whatever/index.html
Add closing </li> for consistency
gfldex Perl 6 defies logic :->
ugexe why not have grammar be a role (that still puns to a class)? then we could apply a grammar as a role or a class... 17:28
moritz you can just put your regexes and tokens into roles 17:33
and then compose them as you like
moritz (my upcoming book shows examples of this) 17:35
timo2 dragon is incompatible with qwebirc m( 17:36
timo3 bleh! even with firefox it opens the print window instead of putting my text into the text box >:( 17:40
timo3 Maybe it works now 17:42
timo2 and maybe it even works with Google Chrome 17:43
that's cool
HoboWithAShotgun m: my \a = @(1,2,3).WHAT; say a; 17:44
camelia (List)
HoboWithAShotgun is there a way to get a sigil-less array/hash?
timo2 m: my \a = (1,2,3).Array; say a.WHAT 17:45
camelia (Array)
HoboWithAShotgun that's ugly 17:46
timo2 m: my \a = my @ = 1, 2, 3; say a.WHAT 17:47
camelia (Array)
HoboWithAShotgun better. we went from woody allen to prince charles 17:48
now the ben affleck solution?
HoboWithAShotgun i like this slang though. i can use siggiless for lexicals and sigils for arguments and attributes 17:50
i'd like the other way around more but alas
m: class { has \foo; } 17:51
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
has scoped term definitions (only 'my' is supported at the moment) not yet implemented. Sorry.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class { has \foo7⏏5; }
expecting any of:
new term to be defined
ugexe moritz: yeah thats what i have done as well. but then you can't easily do things like have multiple stand alone RFC grammars that compose into a single larger grammar 17:51
moritz ugexe: you can in each role have an "is Grammar", that makes them stand-alone 17:52
ugexe well you can, but you have to add boilerplate
moritz m: role ABC is Grammar { token TOP { abc } }; say ABC.parse('abc') 17:53
camelia 「abc」
moritz Zoffix: it looks like Math-Model made it to CPAN correctly: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-10-08#i_15274350 but it doesn't show up on modules.perl6.org/s/from:cpan/.json 18:00
moritz Zoffix: bad timing, or bug? 18:00
Geth ecosystem: 25a2f3bf05 | (Moritz Lenz)++ | META.list
Remove module that now lives on CPAN
moritz Zoffix: also in modules.perl6.org/s/from:cpan/.json the "files" attribute in each dist seems to be a JSON-encoded string rather than the JSON data structure. Bug or feature? 18:03
wander4096 m: my $a = (1, 2, 3).Seq; $a.skip 18:09
camelia ( no output )
wander4096 m: my $a = (1, 2, 3).Seq; $a.skip.say 18:09
camelia (2 3)
wander4096 but it doesn't work if call in different line
Method 'pull-one' must be implemented by Iterator because it is required by roles: Iterator. in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
seems like REPL's bug 18:11
MasterDuke wander4096: the REPL has a bunch of known bugs 18:12
using -e or just a file is better at this point 18:13
wander4096 where can find a list of it
MasterDuke wander4096: fail.rakudo.party/t/REPL should have some
wander4096 get it 18:14
moritz perl6-all-modules now has cpan support 18:20
AlexDaniel_ moritz: yay! 18:26
HoboWithAShotgun what am i missing here? 18:26
class c { has &.sub; method m { &.sub.(1); }; }; my $c = c.new( s => sub ($x,$y) { say $x } ).m;
m: class c { has &.sub; method m { &.sub.(1); }; }; my $c = c.new( s => sub ($x,$y) { say $x } ).m;
camelia Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Uninstantiable; Callable)
in method m at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
HoboWithAShotgun that's
sorry 18:27
m: class c { has &.sub; method m { &.sub(1); }; }; my $c = c.new( s => sub ($x,$y) { say $x } ).m;
camelia Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2
in method sub at <tmp> line 1
in method m at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
HoboWithAShotgun that's the one
ugexe why would s => not be sub => ?
moritz right; so far you're just calling the accessor for $.sub, which doesn't want any arguments 18:28
HoboWithAShotgun yes that's a typo 18:29
moritz m: m: class c { has &.sub; method m { &.sub()(1, 2); }; }; my $c = c.new(sub => sub($x, $y) { say $x }).m
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$x' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3)(1, 2); }; }; my $c = c.new(sub => sub(7⏏5$x, $y) { say $x }).m
moritz m: m: class c { has &.sub; method m { &.sub()(1, 2); }; }; my $c = c.new(sub => sub ($x, $y) { say $x }).m
camelia 1
HoboWithAShotgun but even then its the same error
moritz HoboWithAShotgun: ^^
ugexe your sub requires 2 positional arguments, and you are passing just 1 18:31
HoboWithAShotgun that was a typo. what moritz++ did there was my problem 18:34
why do i have to do ()() on a callable to actually call it?
ugexe &($.sub)(1,2) 18:38
moritz HoboWithAShotgun: because $.foo is a shorthand for $.foo()
HoboWithAShotgun: and if you add the parens, they contain the arguments for the accessor method, not for the thing that the accessor method returns (if it's a callable)
($.foo() is a shorthand for $(self.foo())) 18:39
HoboWithAShotgun ah, yes ugexe. that's a clearer syntax 18:41
HoboWithAShotgun needs a trinary boolean 18:47
Zoffix m: class c { has &.sub; method m { &.sub,(1, 2); }; }; my $c = c.new(sub => sub ($x, $y) { say $x }).m 18:51
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix m: class c { has &.sub; method m { &.sub.(1, 2); }; }; my $c = c.new(sub => sub ($x, $y) { say $x }).m
camelia 1
Zoffix moritz: "feature". It's decoded only on individual dist pages. It's not an ideal design, but I got annoyed with trying to make it work The Right Way 'cause I'm not good with databases, so I just shoved it into a cells as a JSON string 18:53
Zoffix moritz: hm, Math::Model ain't got a meta file generated for it. That's why it's not showing up on mp6.o. Dunno why it's missing: cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MO/MORITZ/Perl6/ 18:56
Zoffix moritz: looks like there's 2 math models; one in Perl6 dir and another not in it; perhaps that's what's screwing up PAUSE that it doesn't generate meta file? www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan....16988.html www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan....16989.html 18:58
moritz Zoffix: I've deleted the on outside of Perl6/ 18:59
*one 19:00
Zoffix I don't know anything about PAUSE system, so don't even have any guesses why the meta wasn't generated. I'd trying uploading the module again. If that fails, check if keys are missing in the meta file inside the tar (check other dists that made it through to see what they got up in them) 19:03
moritz tries again 19:15
ugexe might need to bump the version as well (otherwise backpan wouldnt work right) 19:17
audiatorix Do arguments to BUILD have to be named? 19:17
moritz ugexe: I've done that, yes 19:18
audiatorix: that would be advisable, yes
audiatorix Maybe if I just describe the problem you could help me here. I want a constructor which takes two hashmaps which do not directly correspond to class fields 19:20
Zoffix Just define your own method new
andreoss are objects somehow carring the information about a package/module from which they were imported?
something like .^package
Zoffix They're from that package yeah 19:21
m: class { has $.foo; method new ($what) { self.bless: :foo($what) } }.new(42).foo.say
camelia 42
andreoss by objects i mean routines/constants and so on
audiatorix So that would probably mean making a hashmap that does correspond to the fields, and calling bless with that 19:22
Zoffix audiatorix: ^ you can do whatever processing you need in `new` and just shove the results into appropriate attributes by passing them as named args to bless
audiatorix right
buggable New CPAN upload: Math-Model-0.2.tar.gz by MORITZ cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MO/...0.2.tar.gz 19:22
audiatorix Construction seems a bit strange after doing OO in other langs 19:23
ugexe `method new($pos1, $pos2, |c) { self.bless(:$pos1, :foo($pos2), |c) }` 19:25
but by using named arguments you encourage composition instead of hamper it
Zoffix andreoss: for subs, it's the .package method 19:26
No sure what it is for constants 19:27
andreoss m: &say.package.say 19:28
camelia No such method 'say' for invocant of type 'GLOBAL'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: use Test; &is.package.say 19:29
camelia (Test)
Zoffix m: use Test; &is.package.name.say
camelia No such method 'name' for invocant of type 'Test'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: use Test; &is.package.^name.say
camelia Test
Zoffix m: &say.package.^name.say
camelia GLOBAL
andreoss is "jump to definition" possible for perl6? 19:33
moritz I don't see why it would be harder to do than in other dynamic languages 19:34
sjn o/ 19:35
Anyone here heard of langserver.org/ ?
thundergnat m: my \a = [1,2,3,4]; say a.WHAT; my \b = {:a(1), :b(2)}; say b.WHAT; # <-- HoboWithAShotgun 19:36
camelia (Array)
andreoss Ruby has source_location for example 19:37
moritz: it seems to me that it should be implemented in HOW classes 19:39
geekosaur I think there's a .WHERE described in the old design docs but not implemented or in the current spec? 19:40
moritz andreoss: I'm a bit confused; I thought you were talking about static analysis
andreoss so they would save somekind of metadata about origin of method/routine
moritz andreoss: an IDE shouldn't require running the code to be able to jump to a definition
ugexe moritz: cpan isn't indexing your dist because the dist needs to be in a root directory inside the tar 19:42
andreoss i guess an IDE asks a compiler for source location
ugexe moritz: you can use the archive downloaded from githib (.tar.gz or .zip) as an example of what i mean 19:44
moritz ugexe: thanks 19:52
tar --transform 's,^,Math-Model-0.3/,' -czf Math-Model-0.3.tar.gz $(git ls-files) 19:53
hope this works
weabot if I modify a zef module in its .zef directory, how do I make sure that every file will be recompiled and my modifications used as they are?
moritz weabot: in general zef --force-install install . 19:54
though I have no idea if that works inside of .zef
weabot it'll just refetch it won't it? 19:56
moritz weabot: . installs from the current directory
ugexe if you give it a directory it will install whatever is in that directory. if you change something in .zef/ it will get used if it matches whatever query you use 20:02
buggable New CPAN upload: Math-Model-0.3.tar.gz by MORITZ cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MO/...0.3.tar.gz
ugexe moritz: i think you also need to include the directories 20:04
you can test with `zef install my-dist.tar.gz`
weabot yep, it worked. thanks a lot!
moritz now it generated a .meta file 20:07
ugexe zef doesn't seem to understand without directories though (not that i cant fix this) 20:08
zef counts on the first thing listed with tar --list to be the directory it will be extrated into 20:09
ugexe the fix would be a routine that when given a list of relative paths would determine the longest common path prefix 20:14
Xliff \o 20:21
Xliff Why is it that when I am dealing with string objects from Inline::Perl5, when I want to save it to another structure, I get an $[Inline::Perl5::Perl5Object.new(ptr => NativeCall::Types::Pointer.new(121489008), perl5 => Inline::Perl5.new)] 20:21
How can I convert those to Str? I can do a $o.Str and it does nothing? 20:22
jdv79 did you assign it back? 20:24
gfldex m: my (@a1, @a2); sub s1 { 1,2,3 }; sub s2 { <a b c> }; (@a1, @a2) = [&s1, &s2].hyper.map({@($_.())}); dd @a1, @a2;
camelia Array @a1 = [(1, 2, 3), ("a", "b", "c")]
Array @a2 = []
gfldex m: my ($a1, $a2); sub s1 { 1,2,3 }; sub s2 { <a b c> }; ($a1, $a2) = [&s1, &s2].hyper.map({@($_.())}); dd $a1, $a2; 20:25
camelia List $a1 = $(1, 2, 3)
List $a2 = $("a", "b", "c")
jdv79 m: my $v = <a b c >; say $v.perl; $v ~= ""; say $v.perl 20:27
camelia $("a", "b", "c")
"a b c"
jdv79 Xliff: ^^ - is that not sufficient? 20:28
Xliff Yes. I am assigning it back. I am working through another bug to see if I fixed it. 20:30
AlexDaniel_ squashable6: status 20:51
squashable6 AlexDaniel_, Next SQUASHathon in 25 days and ≈13 hours (2017-11-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel_ errr how do I get the log of the previous one
squashable6: log 20:52
squashable6 AlexDaniel_, Nothing there yet
AlexDaniel_ squashable6: status 2017-10-07 20:53
squashable6 AlexDaniel_, Log and stats: gist.github.com/f60a0b881294d52756...cd2b5a1cbf
AlexDaniel_ squashable6: status 2017-10-42 20:54
squashable6 AlexDaniel_, Invalid date format
AlexDaniel_ squashable6: status 2017-10-01
squashable6 AlexDaniel_, Invalid date format
HoboWithAShotgun got the event loop, screen driver going and a working clock widget 21:18
imgur.com/a/mADp5 21:19
AlexDaniel_ buggable: bugs 21:20
buggable AlexDaniel_, Total: 1640; 6.D: 2; 9999: 10; @LARRY: 26; ANNOYING: 9; BOOTSTRAP: 4; BUG: 596; BUILD: 12; CONC: 47; DOCS: 1; EXOTICTEST: 2; FLAP: 1; GLR: 3; IO: 22; JVM: 48; LHF: 7; LTA: 177; MATH: 4; META: 2; MOAR: 2; MOLD: 233; NATIVECALL: 22; NYI: 57; OO: 13; OPTIMIZER: 8; OSX: 2; PARSER: 5; PERF: 26; POD: 19; PRECOMP: 15; REGEX: 46; REGRESSION:
AlexDaniel_, 36; REPL: 6; RFC: 62; RT: 2; SECURITY: 1; SEGV: 26; SINK: 1; SITE: 1; SPESH: 1; STAR: 7; TESTCOMMITTED: 10; TESTNEEDED: 56; TODO: 13; UNI: 28; UNTAGGED: 278; WEIRD: 2; WINDOWS: 3; See fail.rakudo.party/ for details
AlexDaniel_ dammit, I'm counting 29 tickets more again /o\ 21:21
HoboWithAShotgun so, can you have them done by friday? 21:25
AlexDaniel_ HoboWithAShotgun: yes
AlexDaniel_ HoboWithAShotgun: not sure which Friday though 21:25
HoboWithAShotgun lol. that was a joke 21:26
oh, right. lol free zone
no more lols
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: any chance you know why buggable says 1640 tickets in total instead of 1669?
it's 1638 without “stalled”, fwiw 21:27
ok, so fail.rakudo.party does not include stalled tickets 21:29
and these extra 2 are there because… I don't know
yoleaux Zoffix: link tyil to CPAN guide 21:37
tyil yoleaux: ?
I read it, yoleaux
weabot how do I ensure precision in Ints? is there a way to force them to be floating point? 21:39
tyil docs.perl6.org/type/Num 21:40
weabot thanks 21:40
AlexDaniel_ weabot: hold on, what's your problem exactly? 21:41
weabot: Num will not give you the precision you want
most likely you need either Rat or FatRat, but I can't know without more info
weabot I was just adding up a value to DateTime.now and it became a whole int
Num will probably be fine
AlexDaniel_ RT #121327 21:47
synopsebot RT#121327 [resolved]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=121327 [TESTNEEDED] Scoping bug with `xx`
AlexDaniel_ synopsebot: how many tickets can you handle?
AlexDaniel_ synopsebot: nevermind 21:51
buggable: tag TESTNEEDED 21:55
buggable AlexDaniel_, There are 56 tickets tagged with TESTNEEDED; See fail.rakudo.party/t/TESTNEEDED for details
Juerd Observation: slang (the suggested pronunciation for 6lang) is Dutch for snake. Interesting clash with Python :) 21:56
AlexDaniel_ Juerd: ha-ha :D 21:59
HoboWithAShotgun is anybody working on an intellisense plugin for atom? 22:18
HoboWithAShotgun prays to the code pixies
Herby_ o/ 22:38
Zoffix \o
AlexDaniel_ \o … o/ 22:39
AlexDaniel_ Zoffix: MasterDuke: hey, what do you think? gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/0cdb8ea...b0701a20e1 23:08
AlexDaniel_ lizmat: hey. I have a script that generates this stuff ↑. What if we start doing it every week for p6weekly? 23:12
timotimo: hey, I know you love pretty graphs. Maybe you'll have some ideas on how to make a pretty gist? ↑
timo2timo are you asking for something graphical? 23:14
like generate an svg with pretty things?
not sure how to display anything more than the numbers or something 23:15
do you know if svg displayed in a gist will let you have links?
AlexDaniel_ timo2timo: it doesn't have to be a gist. I can upload it anywhere
it can be graphical if we want to 23:16
timo2timo make it a square filled with pizza emoticons and butterflies
and put some of the RT numbers in there, clickable? 23:17
i haven't a clue :)
AlexDaniel_ that's an interesting idea 23:17
timo2timo somewhat inspired by the perlin noise twitter bot 23:18
TEttinger there's a perlin noise twitter bot? 23:22
AlexDaniel_ twitter.com/perlin_noise this one I think
TEttinger yeah, that's classic perlin noise, not simplex it looks like 23:24
meanwhile, I'm off cavorting with really weird kinds of noise i.imgur.com/hZWjfN6.gifv 23:26
that's a neat gist summary, btw AlexDaniel 23:29
I think a lot of projects would appreciate something like that being done automatically
AlexDaniel_ u: hyphen 23:32
unicodable6 AlexDaniel_, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS [Pd] (-)
AlexDaniel_, U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN [Cf] (control character)
AlexDaniel_, 16 characters in total: gist.github.com/e825b7ae12503ed0f2...d53e9aceff
AlexDaniel_ OK this page is now updated github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day 23:48