»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 May 2018.
tony-o_ AlexDaniel: - that test *should* be fixed on Koos, ty for the ticket 00:14
AlexDaniel tony-o_: Koos? 00:26
ah, Koos! 00:28
AlexDaniel tony-o_: nice! I scratched my head quite a bit on that one trying to come up with a short fix 00:30
tony-o_: I don't think it is fixed though… 00:32
ah wait, that's my fork…
yes, looks fixed to me now! 00:34
Geth ¦ doc: rafaelschipiura self-assigned remove merged branches github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2118 01:05
¦ doc: rafaelschipiura assigned to W4anD0eR96 Issue remove merged branches github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2118
tony-o_ my fix isn't the most bullet proof
Geth ¦ doc: rafaelschipiura assigned to ronaldxs Issue remove merged branches github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2118
¦ doc: rafaelschipiura assigned to molecules Issue remove merged branches github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2118
¦ doc: rafaelschipiura assigned to fluca1978 Issue remove merged branches github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2118
tony-o_ but it lets the module install
Geth doc/coke/build: 18 commits pushed by (Will "Coke" Coleda)++
review: github.com/perl6/doc/compare/0c830...a51e98e9ce
AlexDaniel .tell Zoffix there's “modules-20171223” branch in the doc repo with no commits ahead. I'm not sure what this was for, but it does sound like a tag was wanted instead of branch. Anyway, is it safe to delete or not? 01:17
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
Todd_ Hi All, Is there a way to tell split I want it to split across every two characters? 02:58
yoleaux 2 May 2018 10:34Z <Zoffix> Todd_: Yes, "perl6" is a batch file on Windows. Just use run "notepad.exe" instead of going through cmd.exe. You can copy-paste Windows instructions from here to build on win32: rakudo.org/files/star/source It's not rocket surgery.
Todd_ Do we have two todds on right now? 03:00
I will log out and back on as todd and margo
ToddAndMargo I am back. Is there a way to tell split to split across every two characters? 03:01
geekosaur not split, no. 03:08
m: say 'abcdef'.match(/../, :g) 03:09
camelia (「ab」 「cd」 「ef」)
ToddAndMargo in a "for" loop, is there a way to give it a string and tell it to loop over every two characters
ToddAndMargo $ echo 41424344 | perl6 -e 'my $x = slurp(); for $x.match(/../, :g) -> $a { say "$a";};' 41 42 43 44 03:11
Thank you!
MasterDuke m: say "a1b2c3".comb(2) 03:28
camelia (a1 b2 c3)
MasterDuke ah, they left
kybr does perl6 have a list of unicode blocks in there somewhere? 03:29
oh, i think i found it. 03:31
geekosaur oh, that does work. missed that (comb was the first thing I tried to check… via docs. sometimes those signatures get to be a bit thick) 03:32
Geth ¦ doc: W4anD0eR96 self-unassigned remove merged branches github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2118 03:33
MasterDuke yeah. at first i thought it had to take /../ also, then remember it had an int candidate 03:34
Juerd github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2117#i...-399627557 # It seems %() is just about the only thing that won't create an empty hash, lol. So many options. 03:45
Juerd github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2117#i...-399630726 # Fishy benchmark?. Why would {} be so much slower than hash()? 04:54
buggable New CPAN upload: IP-Random-0.0.6.tar.gz by JMASLAK modules.perl6.org/dist/IP::Random:cpan:JMASLAK 05:05
Xliff m: my token select_alias { '@' \w+ }; my $m = '\@identifier' ~~ /^<select_alias>/; $m.gist.say 07:25
camelia (Any)
Xliff m: my token select_alias { '@' \w+ }; my $m = '@identifier' ~~ /^<select_alias>/; $m.gist.say
camelia 「@identifier」
select_alias => 「@identifier」
tyil how long does it take for comments to be approved on news.perlfoundation 07:47
samcv what does +~ do? 07:51
jmerelo samcv: I guess it will depend on the context... But it's hard to guess...
m: say '3' +~ 3 07:52
camelia 6
jmerelo m: say '3' + 3
camelia 6
jmerelo In this context, nothing.
samcv: I would say nothing in general... ~ stringifies and puts in string context, + adds and puts in scalar context, so... No idea. 07:53
m: say '3' +~ <2 3> 07:54
camelia Cannot convert string to number: trailing characters after number in '032⏏5 3' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jmerelo m: say <2 3> +~ 5
camelia 7
moritz it's just parsed as '3' + (~<2 3>)
samcv jmerelo: ok that's why it seemed like it wasn't doing anything 07:55
jmerelo samcv: I would say it's unary ~ (stringification) plus infix + (which will put in numeric context and add). 07:56
jmerelo Updating perl6 in the docs.perl6.org (and other) domains to the latest version. Last time it was done was in March or April. I needed tbrowder's patches to Pod to go online 08:03
No outage is expected, but that's like 100% probability that it will happen. 08:04
moritz where by "outage" you mean "build no longer working", not "docs website unavailable", right? 08:06
jmerelo moritz: It's my first time... So I don't really know. 08:07
moritz: I mean, if the build is broken, temporarily everything will be unavailable while I reset it back to the old build.
moritz: anyway, as long as you're around, I'd be grateful if you held my hand a little bit (or a lot) and check that I'm doing the stuff correctly 08:08
moritz jmerelo: the build happens on hack, and only if it works it's rsync'ed over to www 08:09
jmerelo I guess those bots coming and going are an effect of the build
moritz: OK, it's suceeded, let's go to the modules.
Geth Pod-To-HTML: e881958359 | (JJ Merelo)++ | META6.json
Bumps up version
jmerelo moritz: I just bumped up the version, but it looks like it take some time to update the ecosystem... 08:16
Geth Pod-To-HTML: 5acb576fe4 | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
Reflow and badge added
moritz jmerelo: correct 08:21
jmerelo moritz: Is there some way to speed it up? 08:22
jmerelo moritz: this is it, right? github.com/ugexe/Perl6-ecosystems Updates every 1-2 hours. 08:28
Geth doc: 849f90cf17 | (JJ Merelo)++ | writing-docs/STYLEGUIDE.md
Adds entry to style guide closes #2114
doc: 695771dfa5 | (JJ Merelo)++ | writing-docs/STYLEGUIDE.md
Adds an explanatory paragraph and closes #2115, which is the correct one
atroxaper Hi, #perl6 o/ 09:44
Does #commaide exist? 09:45
jmerelo atroxaper: yep, it does. It's now in limited beta, but you can purchase a license 09:52
atroxaper jnthn: timotimo: I have a issue with a debugger. Timeout while a connection to debug port. I decompiled plugin's code and see that there is connection to "" hostname. The issue is that I can "telnet localhost 9999" but i cannot "telnet 9999" (Connection refused) on my Mac. I can't googling how to resolve that behavior. I want you to add a property for setting the hostname for connection :)
jmerelo: I meant a cannel #commaide for related questions ^^ 09:53
jmerelo atroxaper: I really don't know, but it's the first time I've heard that, so probably not. 10:06
jmerelo atroxaper: you can probably use this one. 10:17
atroxaper .tell jnthn Hi, I made a feedback about debugger in the commaide commaide.com/subscriber/feedback/2. Please take a look. Maybe you know a workaround for now :) 10:39
yoleaux atroxaper: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
stmuk "slow and steady wins the race" 11:29
jnthn atroxaper: A workaround would be to recompile MoarVM with github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...er.c#L2534 changed to; we should switch the debugger to connect to localhost instead, though, to match what MoarVM is doing. 11:38
atroxaper jnthn: Thank. I'm going to try recompile MoarVM. Will tell about results. 11:57
atroxaper jnthn: It works now! And as commaid.com says "debug support is still at a very early stage"... Will wait next versions ^^ Thanks you again for your and your colleges work. CommaIDE is great! 12:35
El_Che I suspect that once rakudo is relocatable, comma could have its built-in rakudo (like some products do with java) 12:37
thundergnat bisectable6: old=2017.12 new=HEAD multi move ('up') { say 'up' }; multi move ('dn') { say 'dn' }; move 'up'; 13:31
bisectable6 thundergnat, Bisecting by exit code (old=2017.12 new=c441d8d). Old exit code: 0
thundergnat, bisect log: gist.github.com/144d98154e6e77debd...2bddd9b8cc
thundergnat, (2018-04-21) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/4b...5e6fa36cbb
thundergnat Sigh. Well that one ^^^ made me question my sanity for a while. (and broke a bunch of existing code) 13:34
timotimo m: move 13:36
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Calling move() will never work with signature of the proto ($, $, *%)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3<BOL>7⏏5move
timotimo ah, because move already exists in the core setting
thundergnat timotimo: Yeah, I need to add a proto sub in the script. 13:56
m: proto sub move (|) {*}; multi move ('up') { say 'up' }; multi move ('dn') { say 'dn' }; move 'up';
camelia up
thundergnat ^^^ works, but it took me quite a while to figure that out... 13:57
caphook $a.++ # will call postfix increment operator; so what's syntax to call prefix one ? ( no practical goals just for fan ) 14:19
moritz ++$a 14:20
I guess the postfix call with . is a left-over from when the operator was a method 14:21
mikejw hi 14:23
what does it mean when I get Type List does not support associative indexing. 14:24
Juerd caphook: Well, $a.&prefix:<++> if you insist on calling it with a dot ;)
moritz mikejw: it means you tried a hash access like {$foo} or <foo>
Juerd mikejw: You're using a list with associative indices, such as $foo{$key}
moritz mikejw: but the thing yout tried it on is a List
Juerd mikejw: Lists support numeric indexing: $foo[0] 14:25
mikejw ok thanks 14:28
caphook Juerd: oh, thanks a lot )
mikejw does grep return an array? 14:31
moritz it returns a Seq
which is a potentially lazy sequence/iterator-thingy 14:32
mikejw that's maybe the issue
can I do thing.grep)
or equivalent?
sorry rtfm 14:33
moritz m: say <a b c>.grep(/b/).elems 14:34
camelia 1
moritz yes, you can :-)
mikejw that's not helping lol
here's the code pastebin.com/aTdYn0pQ
Juerd If that's not helping, I don't know what is 14:35
mikejw now I can see the typo
moritz web-root => %item<web_root
mikejw haha 14:36
Geth ecosystem: atweiden++ created pull request #398:
add File::Path::Resolve
ecosystem: 9dd04a5f1f | (Andy Weidenbaum)++ | META.list
add File::Path::Resolve
ecosystem: 1f432852d1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #398 from atweiden/file-path-resolve

add File::Path::Resolve
buggable New CPAN upload: FindBin-0.1.0.tar.gz by LEMBARK cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/L/LE/...1.0.tar.gz 15:16
Zoffix caphook: the syntax for prefix one is $a.:<++> 15:51
yoleaux 01:17Z <AlexDaniel> Zoffix: there's “modules-20171223” branch in the doc repo with no commits ahead. I'm not sure what this was for, but it does sound like a tag was wanted instead of branch. Anyway, is it safe to delete or not?
Zoffix .tell jmerelo if you need to install a module with a change you've just made, you can just give zef the URL to its zip or repo github.com/perl6/Pod-To-HTML.git 15:56
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
Zoffix .tell tyil comments are approved manually by a human. [Coke] does most of that, so you can talk to him, if any comments are missing. 15:57
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to tyil.
tyil alright
yoleaux 15:57Z <Zoffix> tyil: comments are approved manually by a human. [Coke] does most of that, so you can talk to him, if any comments are missing.
Zoffix samcv: you can just dump --target=ast and see what ops are being genned. `perl6 --target=ast -e '+~42'` => - QAST::Op(call &prefix:<+>) ( - QAST::Op(call &prefix:<~>) ( 42 ) ). So in this case it's just two prefix ops 15:59
geekosaur: ToddAndMargo, `'abcdef'.match(/../, :g)` is better written (and is slightly more performant) as `'abcdef'.comb: 2` 16:02
geekosaur yes, we hit that one shortly thereafter. I managed to miss the Int candidate for comb
b2gills MasterDuke: I sent an email message about `.comb(2)` to ToddAndMargo (active on the user mailing list) 16:08
MasterDuke b2gills: cool, thanks
b2gills I also mentioned that it would be a good idea to stay on irc for a while after getting an answer, in case there is a better one 16:09
AlexDaniel hah, someone found a way to print fibonacci numbers in 17 characters 16:10
( code-golf.io/scores/fibonacci ) 16:11
b2gills While I do a lot of code golfing, one of my goals in doing so is to show off Perl 6 and to explain how the code works. There is no way to do either on that site, so I have less incentive to post to there than to codegolf.stackexchange.com . 16:14
AlexDaniel b2gills: it's more competitive on code-golf.io, and I together with nwellnhof maintain this: github.com/AlexDaniel/6lang-golf-cheatsheet 16:16
the cheatsheet doesn't show off good sides of perl 6 though, you're right
b2gills For example: I delay posting golfs until after I have written an explanation. 16:17
AlexDaniel yeah, that's pretty cool 16:18
Geth ecosystem: atweiden++ created pull request #399:
add Sustenance
Geth ecosystem: 2ade8ba3cb | (Andy Weidenbaum)++ | META.list
add Sustenance
ecosystem: 794a3fa780 | (Andy Weidenbaum)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #399 from atweiden/sustenance

add Sustenance
buggable New CPAN upload: Pod-To-Pager-0.1.0.tar.gz by TYIL cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TY/...1.0.tar.gz 18:16
perlpilot Is there a way to easily search Perl 6 modules on metacpan.org yet? 18:19
raschipi perlpilot: We use modules.perl6.org instead
MetaCPAN is Perl5 only. 18:20
Any feature you're missing in modules.p6.o ? 18:21
perlpilot except that we also upload our Perl 6 modules to PAUSE and they are offered by metacpan.org if they's in the Perl6 dir. I was just wondering if metacpan.org has grown or will grow the ability to search Perl 6 modules 18:22
that was a weird typo
timotimo modules.perl6.org also gives you perl6 modules from cpan, but as i understand it, metacpan won't offer perl6 modules at all 18:23
raschipi As far as I know, they won't. PAUSE receive both Perls modules and they are made available in CPAN. But the search interface for them is different. 18:24
perlpilot seems like a weird dichotomy to me. 18:25
but ... I'm not volunteering to do the work so ... oh well. :) 18:26
raschipi Most people that use CPAN are not interested in Perl 6 modules, after all. And the work is actually convincing the metacpan developers that they should offer Perl 6 modules, they think it would just be confusing. 18:27
timotimo their data model might have to change to accomodate multiple modules with the same name 18:28
raschipi That's also true, and for very little gain in their view.
I wonder if it's time to remove the github listing of modules that are available from both Github and CPAN from modules.perl6.org... 18:31
Installing from github always trips noobs because they need to install git. Is there a motive to keep the github entries if they are available from CPAN? 18:32
moritz no, they can be removed 18:33
raschipi Because the CPAN entries also include the Github link for people that wish to clone with git. 18:34
For example, the zef CPAN link doesn't show the Travis and AppVeyor status... 18:35
Can that be set up or are those just for GitHub entries?
timotimo there's code to try to find that even for cpan modules, isn't there? 18:36
raschipi None of the CPAN entries have them set up...
Even when they have been set up for the corresponding GitHub entry. 18:37
timotimo OK, seems like it really doesn't look for the build status 18:38
though of course the cpan version you get isn't necessarily the one that is being tested
i.e. you get a "release" commit delivered from cpan, but what's visible on github at that moment is whatever's the bleeding edge commit
raschipi On the other hand, is someone still working on making cpantesters work with Perl 6 modules? 18:45
jmerelo raschipi: you sure about closing #2117? 18:46
yoleaux 15:56Z <Zoffix> jmerelo: if you need to install a module with a change you've just made, you can just give zef the URL to its zip or repo github.com/perl6/Pod-To-HTML.git
jmerelo .tell zoffix thanks :-)
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to zoffix.
jmerelo raschipi: not even adding a trap entry? 18:48
pmurias raschipi: there was a branch from one of the metacpan developer to offer Perl 6 modules 18:53
raschipi: re confusion, wouldn't they be offered on a different site? 18:54
raschipi jmerelo: Yes, it was closed with WONTFIX last time too. It even used to raise warnings at one point and it was reverted. 18:55
It was in the TRAPS section and was taken out, it's just normal syntax, raises meaninful erros and it just doesn't trip new people.
AlexDaniel I don't remember that. Link? 18:56
raschipi Only people that wish Perl 6 was a "pure" language somehow complain about it. They wish Perl 6 wasn't Perl, that's all there is to it. 18:57
jmerelo raschipi: it was taken out because it was wrong...
raschipi: Probably using hash is not such a good idea, but using { ... 18:58
AlexDaniel raschipi: but we can't just close the ticket like that, because we haven't really fixed anything 18:59
jmerelo raschipi: } makes sense, I guess. Or we can just eliminate any requirement. After all, it's a style guide. Let everyone decide what to use.
raschipi There's nothing to fix. 19:00
jmerelo AlexDaniel, raschipi: that too.
AlexDaniel raschipi: ok, calm down :)
raschipi: for example, the styleguide says that %() form should be preferred in the docs
jmerelo raschipi:
raschipi I'm calm, sorry if I came as heated.
AlexDaniel raschipi: now you say that all that isn't an issue, and {} can and should (?) be used for both… and then you close the ticket
but we haven't converged anywhere 19:01
jmerelo raschipi: no prob :-) But AlexDaniel is right, we should have kind of achieved some consensus, and do something, before closing it.
raschipi: so do you mind if we open it up again?
AlexDaniel I already did 19:02
raschipi What about opening another bug saying that it should be documented as a trap?
AlexDaniel there's D#2113 for that, I think 19:03
synopsebot D#2113 [open]: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2113 [bug][docs] Document behavior of %(), @(), $()
AlexDaniel but documenting it as a trap is one thing, and another thing is which form do we prefer in the docs
jmerelo raschipi: I don't see the trap. This is mostly about guidelines for the docs. Should we prescribe {} or %() or depends? Or nothing?
AlexDaniel because right now we recommend %(), I'm OK with that, but maybe it's not entirely right. I don't know
jmerelo To tell you the truth, I'm mostly for prescribing nothing right now.
raschipi Right, what I oppose is using Hash.new(). That will never be idiomatic... 19:04
jmerelo I mean, we can document all possible ways of initializing a Hash wherever we do...
raschipi: I think that's pretty much settled.
AlexDaniel raschipi: yeah, I agree… have never seen that really
mikejw hi 19:05
jmerelo So let's say we don't prescribe anything in the docs.
mikejw: hi
raschipi So it makes sense to close the bug. Another bug can be opened when we actually know what to do.
Yes, just don't prescribe anything. There's no bug to solve in my view.
mikejw is there any reason why I wouldn't be able to call for $array.kv -> $index, $item { ... on an array that looks like: "[Misc::Gordon::Stacks::Addition.new]"
jmerelo raschipi: not before agreeing (or roughly agreeing) on something.
AlexDaniel raschipi: rejecting is the last thing to do, really. The entry in the style guide is still there, *if* we decide not to use any form consistently, then we should *at least* remove that from the styleguide 19:06
jmerelo mikejw: maybe $array is not Associative. it does not have the sigil (or the name)
raschipi We agree the bug shouldn't be solved, Hash.new() is just not gonna happen...
jmerelo mikejw: or positional, which should do something too. 19:07
raschipi It's not clear even something should change, nothing to put in the traps section (because it's not a trap) either.
AlexDaniel raschipi: IMO most tickets can't be just rejected and need some doing to get them closed (yes, not necessarily what was asked in the ticket, but something needs to be done)
jmerelo raschipi: OK, not that... But the name of the issue has changed: agreeing on hash construction on the docs.
raschipi Oh, didn't see that. 19:08
So yes, it should be opened again, sorry.
jmerelo raschipi, AlexDaniel: I also agree with that. An issue request a change, and it should be closed from a commit.
mikejw jmerelo: sorry, I mean't @array.kv...
jmerelo raschipi: no need to be sorry. :-)
mikejw :)
jmerelo mikejw: in that case, something sensible should show up. But without seeing the rest of the code, it's difficult to see what goes on. Or the error. 19:09
raschipi Well, they could be requesting a change we don't agree with, so making the change would not be good...
AlexDaniel m: say %(Empty)
camelia {}
AlexDaniel I mean…
maybe that sounds crazy, but…
is that so freaking descriptive? :D 19:10
mikejw jmerelo: there's no error, it seems. just the for loop not doing anything
as if it was empty
it's probably another typo again 19:11
raschipi The only problem I see right now is the %(), @() and $() misfeature. Perhaps {} should build an empty block in 6.d instead, when the other one is solved. 19:12
AlexDaniel mikejw: that's interesting, but it does sound like there's something else going on. Any chance you can upload the related piece of code sowhere? (e.g. gist.github.com/ ?)
raschipi %() will build an empty hash instead. The kludges will be solved, but {...} sometimes building a hash and sometimes a block isn't the problem. 19:13
AlexDaniel raschipi: that will take quite some time unfortunately :( in v6.d we can only deprecate, the removal will need to happen after that… so that's *at least* v6.e
and same with %() if we want to do the change correctly… 19:14
raschipi Right, if people don't ask for anything they get 6.d when that's released, so they should get a warning.
mikejw gist.github.com/mikejw/1d1f9683017...e5b2e3e618 19:15
AlexDaniel m: say %(;)
camelia {}
AlexDaniel oh look, an empty hash…
mikejw there's two chunks. where the array is being defined and then used (unsuccessfully) 19:16
mikejw the add-additions method just does "@!additions = @additions" 19:19
is that helpful?
raschipi But I don't agree every issue should lead to a change, because people will regularly open issues complaining our type system doesn't conform to some model a computer scientist has in mind or complaining that we offer mutable objects, etc.
raph reacted to #2117 with both a heart and a thumbs down... 19:20
mikejw AlexDaniel: any ideas? 19:24
moritz mikejw: add-additions sounds like it should call @!additions.append(@additions) 19:25
if you want to replace the ones so far, call it set-additions or replace-additions or so 19:26
mikejw hmm
moritz (I'm missing most of the context here, so feel free to ignore me if it doesn't make any sense)
mikejw haha 19:27
it's cool 19:28
there's only one set of additions per stack item
not great naming but hey
does that make sense? 19:29
I'm sure the problem is something to do with trying to do something mildly complicated with a powerful language without any tests :) 19:31
I've tidied it up a bit by declaring addition-items at the top and re-initializing to an empty array each time 19:42
if I use this syntax instead it still doesn't work "@addition-items[$j - 1] = Addition.new(..." 19:48
I can dump the array and see the contents but the .kv loop isn't executing
maybe I should just use map
pmurias any good ways of pretty printing s-expressions? 20:01
(nqp-truffle dumps one of it's asts in this format)
raschipi pmurias: Lisp is a good one. 20:09
pmurias raschipi: you mean pass it to a lisp implementation 20:15
buggable New CPAN upload: FindBin-0.1.1.tar.gz by LEMBARK modules.perl6.org/dist/FindBin:cpan:LEMBARK 20:16
buggable New CPAN upload: FindBin-0.1.3.tar.gz by LEMBARK modules.perl6.org/dist/FindBin:cpan:LEMBARK 20:36
raschipi No, just emmit Lisp...
Lisp is a representation of s-expressions. 20:37
pmurias not sure what Lisp you are referring too 20:42
I want to nicely format the s-expressions I'm emitting
I'm already emitting them in "(stmts (say 123))" form, I just want to make it pretty and readable 20:44
raschipi Right, I don't have any idea about how to do that. 20:46
ASCII graphs?
pmurias raschipi: was just hoping to pass it to some lisp format that will add some extra whitespace 20:47
raschipi TikZ?
Google saerch suggests READ and PPRINT from Common Lisp... 20:50
raschipi . 21:34
tyil clickbaits gitlab.com/tyil/perl6-pod-to-pager 22:14
my very extensive "fix" to hide declarator blocks from generated pod output 22:15
AlexDaniel weekly: gitlab.com/tyil/perl6-pod-to-pager 22:17
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
AlexDaniel squashable6: next 22:38
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Next SQUASHathon in 12 days and ≈11 hours (2018-07-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Xliff m: ("field" ~~ /\w+ ** 1..3 % '.'/).gist.say 23:30
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quantifier quantifies nothing
at <tmp>:1
------> 3("field" ~~ /\w+ ** 1..37⏏5 % '.'/).gist.say
Xliff m: ("field" ~~ /\w+ ** 1..3 %% '.'/).gist.say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quantifier quantifies nothing
at <tmp>:1
------> 3("field" ~~ /\w+ ** 1..37⏏5 %% '.'/).gist.say
Xliff m: ("field" ~~ /(\w+ ** 1..3) % '.'/).gist.say 23:31
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quantifier quantifies nothing
at <tmp>:1
------> 3("field" ~~ /(\w+ ** 1..37⏏5) % '.'/).gist.say
Xliff m: ("field" ~~ /$<i>=[\w+] ** 1..3) % '.'/).gist.say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse regex; couldn't find final '/'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3("field" ~~ /$<i>=[\w+] ** 1..37⏏5) % '.'/).gist.say
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Xliff m: ("field" ~~ /$<i>=[\w+] ** 1..3 % '.'/).gist.say
camelia 「field」
i => 「field」
Xliff m: ("table.field" ~~ /$<i>=[\w+] ** 1..3 % '.'/).gist.say 23:32
camelia 「table.field」
i => 「table.field」
Xliff m: my token word { \w+ }; ("table.field" ~~ /<word> ** 1..3 % '.'/).gist.say
camelia 「table.field」
word => 「table」
word => 「field」
Xliff m: my token word { \w+ }; ("field" ~~ /<word> ** 1..3 % '.'/).gist.say
camelia 「field」
word => 「field」
Xliff m: my token word { \w+ }; (".field" ~~ /<word> ** 1..3 % '.'/).gist.say
camelia 「field」
word => 「field」
Xliff m: my token word { \w+ }; ("schema.table.field" ~~ /<word> ** 1..3 % '.'/).gist.say 23:33
camelia 「schema.table.field」
word => 「schema」
word => 「table」
word => 「field」
thowe trying to use rakudobrew on OpenBSD 6.3 23:54
SC not yes resolved; lookup failed at src/vm/moar/ModuleLoader.nqp:61 23:55
not "yet" resolved, sorry
MasterDuke thowe: there are some known problems/workarounds needed on openbsd 23:56
thowe where might I find them? 23:57
jnthn thowe: See this issue: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/878 23:58