»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
vrurg .^compose works, sorry! The error was coming from another location. Thank timotimo! 00:00
timotimo oh, cool!
vrurg Though there is another thing which is confusing me alot. When a trait is applied in a role then Attribute.package returns an object with GenericHOW metaclass. That doesn't seem correct to me. 00:01
Xliff m: ((1, 2, 3) ~~ (2, 3).any).say 01:13
camelia True
Xliff m: ((1, 2, 3) ~~ (2, 3).none).say
camelia False
Xliff m: ((1, 4, 5) ~~ (2, 3).none).say 01:13
camelia False
Xliff m: ((1, 4, 5).any ~~ (2, 3).none).say
camelia True
tyil tbrowder_: I dont mind waiting for both to land at the same time, unless you can get part of it in the next rakudo star release 01:14
tbrowder_ tyil: i will probably do just the first type first, but we’ll see 01:15
tyil I'm already glad you're looking into it :> 01:17
it doesn't seem to be an issue affecting many people, so there's no hurry with it I guess 01:18
tobs m: say 2 ~~ 2&3; say 3 ~~ 2&3; say 2|3 ~~ 2&3; say 2&3 ~~ 2|3; 01:36
camelia False
tobs the last two are surprising to me. I'd think nothing would smartmatch 2&3 01:37
it seems to be coming from 01:45
m: say 2|3 ~~ 2
camelia True
tobs which does make sense
m: say 2|3 ~~ 2 and 2|3 ~~ 3 01:47
camelia True
benjikun 2&3 creates all(2, 3) 01:50
m: say 2&3
camelia all(2, 3)
benjikun You've just got to avoid thinking about it in the same way as using && 01:52
lookatme m: say 2 ~~ 2+&3 01:56
camelia True
lookatme m: say 3 ~~ 2+&3
camelia False
lookatme m: say 4 ~~ 2+&4
tobs :)
camelia False
lookatme for fun 01:57
tobs benjikun: but an all junction should be equivalent to a chain of logical ands. My problem was that I read "2|3 ~~ 2&3" not as "2|3 ~~ 2 and 2|3 ~~ 3" but as "2 ~~ 2&3 or 3 ~~ 2&3". But of course, smartmatch ACCEPTS on the RHS. 02:03
lookatme m: say (2|3 ~~ 2) 02:05
camelia True
lookatme m: say (2|3) ~~ (2&3) 02:06
camelia True
lookatme m: say (2&3) ~~ (2|3)
camelia False
buggable New CPAN upload: KHPH-0.0.2.tar.gz by MLDEVINE modules.perl6.org/dist/KHPH:cpan:MLDEVINE 04:15
New CPAN upload: KHPH-0.0.1.tar.gz by MLDEVINE modules.perl6.org/dist/KHPH:cpan:MLDEVINE
buggable New CPAN upload: KHPH-0.0.3.tar.gz by MLDEVINE modules.perl6.org/dist/KHPH:cpan:MLDEVINE 04:25
jmerelo squashable6: status 05:52
squashable6 jmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 4 days and ≈4 hours (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
lookatme m: constant C = BEGIN do { 42 }; 05:55
camelia ===SORRY!===
QAST::Block with cuid 4 has not appeared
lookatme what happened with above code ?
jmerelo lookatme: as in, it worked before? 05:56
lookatme IDK 05:57
benjikun m: constant C = BEGIN { 42 };
camelia ( no output )
lookatme m: constant C = BEGIN { 42 }; say C;
camelia 42
lookatme great 05:59
benjikun :)
masak m: BEGIN { foo() }; sub foo() { say "OH HAI" } 06:32
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
foo used at line 1
Geth doc: aede24b1e5 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/functions.pod6
Changes anchors and de-capitalizes headers #2223 #1303
doc: 7390cfe886 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Clarifies mixins examples
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/functions
Link: doc.perl6.org/language/operators
doc: cff167a121 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Sub.pod6
Adding an example that clarifies how subs are accessed

  ... from outer scopes. This closes #2220
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Sub
Geth doc: JJ self-unassigned Proc::Async Example needs to be modified to run on Windows 10 github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1453
990083c782 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/classtut.pod6

Refs #2223 #1303
xinming should multi submethod work as expected? 07:43
Also, when submethod BUILD { ... } and we use augment class blabla { submethod BUILD { } }; <--- This doesn't seems to work, It says there is already a submethod named build. do we mean multi-method 07:44
masak m: class C { multi submethod BUILD(:$x!) { say "x" }; multi submethod BUILD(:$y!) { say "y" } }; C.new(:x); C.new(:y) 07:45
camelia x
masak xinming: worksforme
can't speak to `augment`, basically I stay away from it ;) 07:46
xinming m: class C { submethod BUILD (Str :$str) { ... } }; augment class C { submethod BUILD (Str :$str, Bool $bool) { } } 07:47
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
augment not allowed without 'use MONKEY-TYPING'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 (Str :$str) { ... } }; augment class C7⏏5 { submethod BUILD (Str :$str, Bool $boo
expecting any of:
xinming m: use MONKEY-TYPING; class C { submethod BUILD (Str :$str) { ... } }; augment class C { submethod BUILD (Str :$str, Bool $bool) { } }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot put required parameter $bool after variadic parameters
at <tmp>:1
------> 3{ submethod BUILD (Str :$str, Bool $bool7⏏5) { } }
expecting any of:
xinming m: use MONKEY-TYPING; class C { submethod BUILD (Str :$str) { ... } }; augment class C { submethod BUILD (Str :$str, Bool :$bool) { } }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Package 'C' already has a submethod 'BUILD' (did you mean to declare a multi-method?)
at <tmp>:1
xinming Here, this is the error I mean.
masak yes, because without any `multi`, you're basically causing a collision
xinming since in base class, It already has submethod defined
masak it's `augment`, not `supersede`
xinming In this way, How do we fix it? something like override the original method 07:48
I'I'll try bbl
masak not sure there's a simple answer. depends what you want.
xinming m: use MONKEY-TYPING; class C { submethod BUILD (Str :$str) { ... } }; augment class C { supercede submethod BUILD (Str :$str, Bool :$bool) { } }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Package 'C' already has a submethod 'BUILD' (did you mean to declare a multi-method?)
at <tmp>:1
masak given you're using `augment`, your goals are already suspect :P
xinming m: use MONKEY-TYPING; class C { submethod BUILD (Str :$str) { ... } }; augment class C { supersede submethod BUILD (Str :$str, Bool :$bool) { } }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
"supersede" not yet implemented. Sorry.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3thod BUILD (Str :$str, Bool :$bool) { } 7⏏5}
xinming :-) 07:49
some upstream package doesn't work well in my case.
I'll have to write another one myself then.\ 07:50
masak yeah, maybe wrap/facade 07:55
xinming How do we get the slot of the private variable by a string? 08:01
something like, my $private-attr = 'user'; How can we access the $!user ?
jmerelo xinming: you mean, without using EVAL? 08:06
masak m: class C { has $!user = "OH HAI"; method foo { my $var = q[user]; say C.^attributes.grep(*.name eq q[$!] ~ $var)[0].get_value(self) } }; C.new.foo 08:09
camelia OH HAI
masak xinming: ^
could be .first helps get rid of that [0] 08:10
also probably needs more error handling
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.class; method ically() { my $var = "class"; return $.::{$var}}; my $c = Classy.new( class => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of $. variable; in Perl 6 please use the .kv method on e.g. .lines
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 ically() { my $var = "class"; return $.7⏏5::{$var}}; my $c = Classy.new( class =>
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.class; method ically() { my $var = "class"; return .^lookup($var) }; my $c = Classy.new( class => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically 08:11
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3( class => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; return .^lookup($var) }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically 08:12
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; return .^lookup($var) } }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically
camelia (Mu)
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; say .^lookup($var).perl } }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically 08:13
camelia Mu
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; say self.^lookup($var).perl } }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically
camelia method klass (Classy:D: *%_) { #`(Method|68448256) ... }
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; say CLASS.^lookup($var).perl } }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically 08:13
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
CLASS used at line 1. Did you mean 'Classy'?
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; say ::.^lookup($var).perl } }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically
camelia Mu
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; say $?CLASS.^lookup($var).perl } }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically 08:14
camelia method klass (Classy:D: *%_) { #`(Method|77331296) ... }
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; return $?CLASS.^lookup($var) } }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically
camelia klass
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; return $?CLASS.^lookup($var) } }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically() 08:15
camelia klass
buggable New CPAN upload: Proc-InvokeEditor-0.0.4.tar.gz by SCIMON modules.perl6.org/dist/Proc::Invoke...pan:SCIMON
jmerelo benjikun: ^lookup returns the name of attributes or methods. I can't seem to get it right, though...
m: class Classy{ has $.klass; method ically() { my $var = "klass"; return self.^lookup($var) } }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.ically() 08:16
camelia klass
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.^lookup('klass') 08:17
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 'of its own' ); say $c.^lookup('klass')7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.^lookup('klass')
camelia klass
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.^lookup('klass').^name
camelia Method
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c.{$c.^lookup('klass')} 08:18
camelia Type Classy does not support associative indexing.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c."$c.^lookup('klass')"
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quoted method name requires parenthesized arguments. If you meant to concatenate two strings, use '~'.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3its own' ); say $c."$c.^lookup('klass')"7⏏5<EOL>
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c."{$c.^lookup('klass')}"
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quoted method name requires parenthesized arguments. If you meant to concatenate two strings, use '~'.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3s own' ); say $c."{$c.^lookup('klass')}"7⏏5<EOL>
scimon So I got Perl6 running on Windows. It's.... a bit horrible.
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c."klass" 08:19
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quoted method name requires parenthesized arguments. If you meant to concatenate two strings, use '~'.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 klass => 'of its own' ); say $c."klass"7⏏5<EOL>
jmerelo m: class Classy{ has $.klass }; my $c = Classy.new( klass => 'of its own' ); say $c."klass"()
camelia of its own
jmerelo scimon: is it Windows 10? Can you help with this? github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1453 08:20
scimon: why is it horrible?
scimon I am just not used to working in Windows really. 08:22
Too many years developing in Linux.
So for the tests of Proc::InvokeEditor I used .bat files. I need to check it works properly with .exe's plan is to add some example scripts. 08:24
(And Cygwin needs done).
jmerelo scimon: you can have AppVeyor to do it for you.
scimon: also: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1453 Pleeeeeease
scimon Assign is to me. I'll take a look when I'm at home (and have a windows box :) ) 08:25
jmerelo scimon: done through a comment. Thanks! 08:26
scimon S'cool :)
jmerelo reminds we have a Perl 6 documentation BoF at TPC in Glasgow act.perlconference.org/tpc-2018-gla...tion%20BoF 08:44
xinming Is it possible to access the private attribute in parent slot? 08:45
jmerelo xinming: no. That's why it's called private.
xinming: although you can use "trusts" docs.perl6.org/language/classtut#i...methods%29 08:47
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/classtut
buggable New CPAN upload: Propius-0.1.1.tar.gz by ATROXAPER modules.perl6.org/dist/Propius:cpan:ATROXAPER 09:05
sena_kun m: say Int.HOW 09:40
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new
sena_kun m: say Array.HOW
camelia No such method 'gist' for invocant of type 'Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW+{<anon>}'. Did you mean 'isa'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
sena_kun both are declared in BOOTSTRAP, is it a bug?
lizmat well, you could argue that "say Int.HOW" works is a feature 09:44
there was a time when that didn't either
it definitely is LTA, so maybe make an issue for it
sena_kun lizmat, if Int working is arguable, is there something else I can use to distinguish between class/role/package/module for CORE symbols? 09:46
lizmat m: say Array.^name 09:47
camelia Array
lizmat m: say Array.HOW.^name
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW+{<anon>}
lizmat m: say Int.HOW.^name 09:48
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW
lizmat wonders what got mixed in for Array, though
m: say Hash.HOW.^name
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW+{<anon>}
lizmat has no time to look into it now, working on the P6W
sena_kun lizmat, thanks a lot. 09:49
El_Che lizmat: the news of the stars!
sena_kun it works now. \o/ 09:52
Geth modules.perl6.org: 91cf1bec95 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/ModulesPerl6/DbBuilder/Dist/PostProcessor/p30METAChecker.pm
Revert "Harden meta checker against failed content fetches"

This reverts commit fd967f934e102962f76f29ae04bdfd9952cee4fe.
We have to return problems from the methods, which the commit doesn't
modules.perl6.org: 035edc556d | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/ModulesPerl6/DbBuilder/Dist/PostProcessor/p30METAChecker.pm
Hardness meta checker against undefs
Geth doc: 62e9b9cd44 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/contexts.pod6
Adds mixin behavior to context page

Thanks to @lizmat and @zoffixznet for the explanations
Context is everything. Always pay attention to context.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/contexts
cognominal Hi, twhat is the Perl 6 equivalent of the unix(2). Is there a ressource to help people who think in term of unix system calls, that includes Perl5-ers, to map that to the knowledge of the Perl 6 setting? I know way more of the rakudo internals than the setting :( 10:26
jmerelo cognominal: not sure what unix(2) is
cognominal: but there's an extensive set of pages devoted to migrate from perl 5 to perl 6 10:27
cognominal: they go first here docs.perl6.org/language.html They also include a set of POSIX calls and how they are translated into Perl 6, if that's what you mean. 10:28
cognominal oops I mean dup(2)
jmerelo cognominal: that's dup-ing file handles?
cognominal yes
jmerelo cognominal: if there's something, you might find it under docs.perl6.org/type/IO::Handle 10:29
cognominal: I seem to remember there was something also in Proc
let me check
Hum. No.
cognominal: I can't find anything, sorry. Maybe ask in StackOverflow? 10:32
cognominal: you can probably use NativeCall to call the native function, but still... 10:33
cognominal In Perl 5, that would be : open $dupout, '>&', \*STDOUT;
I am rusty, is a system call really exposed as a function ? 10:34
jmerelo cognominal: well, IO::Handle has a ":mode" associative, but I'm not really sure that particular mode would work.
cognominal: Yep. That's what NativeCall is all about. 10:35
lizmat cognominal: I've ported many Perl 5 builtin functions to Perl 6
cognominal hi, lizmat :) 10:36
lizmat cognominal: modules.perl6.org/t/PERL5 # perhaps that can be of help ?
cognominal o/ :-)
tbrowder_ \o #perl6 11:55
can anyone give me some help on nqp/QAST? 11:56
masak ask away 11:57
tbrowder_ i’m trying to find the type of an object in an nqp program and i can’t get any of the nqp types like str, lis to return true 11:59
the object doesn’t have a .ast suffix, but i wonder if it could be one 12:00
lizmat www.reddit.com/r/programming/comme...ming_some/ # too bad that doesn't have any reference to Perl 6 12:02
El_Che python? Sound pretty oldschool to me 12:03
stmuk_ pl6anet.org/drop/ has source and windows binary for rakudo-star-2018.06-RC0 (Mac binary to follow when ++virtualsue does it) 12:04
xinming_ How do sub signatures work with alias? 12:32
hmm, something like, multi sub-name (:$user(:$rpcuser)) { ... }
I can't remember the syntax for this.
moritz :user(:$rpcuser)
user isn't a variable, thus no $ 12:33
m: sub f(:a(:$b)) { say $b }; f a => 1; f b => 2; f c => 3;
camelia 1
Unexpected named argument 'c' passed
in sub f at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

xinming_ Ok, got it, thanks
xinming_ so, user => :$rpcuser => (user => (rpcuser => $rpcuser)) 12:34
and this kind of nested hash can work in signatures.
understand now
xinming_ jmerelo: so, subclass can't access anything that parents declared as private attributes. 12:45
Is it ok to override the private methods from parent?
class A { method !abc () { "Hello".say; } }; class B is A { method !abc () { "xyz".say; } }; B.new.abc 12:46
class A { method !abc () { "Hello".say; }; method test () { self!abc } }; class B is A { method !abc () { "xyz".say; } }; B.new.test;
evalable6 Hello
xinming_ m: class A { method !abc () { "Hello".say; }; method test () { self!abc } }; class B is A { method !abc () { "xyz".say; } }; B.new.test;
camelia Hello
xinming_ Is this designed behavior?
moritz yes 12:49
private methods are not polymorphic
xinming_ Ok, Thanks.
moritz otherwise they wouldn't be really private
xinming_ WHen I try to make attrs in base class be accessed in subclass, Do I have to declare it as $.attr? 12:53
Just feel confusing
[Coke] sees several pages of camelia spam trying to catch up 12:57
xinming_ is it possible to call BUILD method from parent in subclass? 13:00
moritz xinming_: what are you tryint to achieve?
BUILD is automatically called
xinming_ moritz: for example, a rpc client class has $!host $!port $!user $!pass in baseclass. 13:01
moritz m: class P { submethod BUILD() { say "P Build" } }; class C is P { submethod BUILD() { say "C Build" }}; C.new
camelia P Build
C Build
xinming_ tweak is also called? 13:02
moritz yes
xinming_ Ok, Thanks.
masak moritz: "private methods are not polymorphic"; I'd use s/polymorphic/virtual/ there -- now thinking whether they're synonyms, or from different OO traditions, or whether one is right and one is wrong ;) 13:14
moritz masak: you are right, "virtual" is less confusing to C++ programmers
masak "polymorphism: the ability in programming to present the same programming interface for differing underlying forms" 13:15
moritz: I'm definitely not a C++ programmer, yet I was confused :)
masak moritz: fwiw, I think `virtual` is also a keyword in C# (but not in Java, where it is the default, and has to be switched off with `final`) 13:15
moritz ... maybe even less confusing to non-C++ programmers
masak my feeling is that "polymorphic" is a very general thing, maybe even wider than OO. it means "this one thing can have different types" 13:16
whereas "virtual" means "if you subclass, you get to supply your own"
as usual though, nothing has just _one_ meaning in OO 13:17
(you might even say it's... polymorphic) *rimshot*
masak m: role C[::T] { has T $!x; method foo { try $!x = 0; try $!x = "OH HAI"; say $!x } }; C[Int].new.foo; C[Str].new.foo 13:21
camelia 0
masak moritz: like, that $!x there could be said to be polymorphic, but not virtual :)
masak .oO( this has been "Today's Bad Perl 6 Code: Don't Try This At Home" ) 13:22
masak .oO( Don't `try` This At Home )
.oO( if you do, I'll CATCH you later )
masak :D 13:23
I really like `CATCH` in Perl 6, but `try` is just reckless
[Coke] wreck-less.
masak it's like a construct for saying "I'd like to order up an immunity to pain, because I'm about to put my hand on the stove" 13:24
how about not putting your hand on the stove instead
moritz try has its uses cases; for example I never want my program to crash while trying to create a better error message 13:30
alexghacker does anyone know if there's a way to ask a perl6 build which version of the UCD (Unicode Character Database, aka Unicode version) it was built with? 13:39
masak moritz: "while trying to create a better error message" -- I'll have to think about that one. interesting.
moritz: on the other hand, I see `try` being used far more often than that.
masak suspects he'll need to blog about this, as he promised himself long ago 13:40
moritz masak: another use case: optional cleanups
masak moritz: that one I agree less with, offhand. 13:41
masak my point is that many `try` statements are an implicit "I know the exceptions I will get will be uninteresting/ignorable ones". but of course you can almost never know that. 13:41
sena_kun masak, isn't it just fallout of other languages experience when people must declare a try block to use catch thing? 13:42
alexghacker at the moment it's not a big deal - I know which version of the UCD was included in my build, but once we get to a point when there are perl6 builds that have been around for a while it may become useful information to have, especially since it's the data that's in the UCD that drives some of the things about how NFG behaves and/or counts things. 13:44
moritz masak: when I write an application for end-users, I *never* want to tell them that closing a socket didn't work during program shutdown. The OS will clean up after me, and the error message would just confuse the user, implying that something went wrong, and they don't have experience to assess *what* went wrong, and if it's harmful or not
sena_kun in plenty of popular languages e.g. $foo, $bar and the like you cannot write `CATCH { default {.note} }; die 'foo';` the way Perl 6 use.
masak sena_kun: I think partly, yes. `try` is like the half of Perl 5's `eval` that means "do this, and if an error happens, stuff it in $! instead of throwing"
moritz: I guess I see what you're saying. there's a certain "attempt to do this, but no big deal if it doesn't work" cleanup happening in finally/LEAVE blocks, I guess. 13:45
moritz masak: exactly 13:46
masak I think part of the reason I'm vocal about this is that I have misunderstood/over-used `try` in the past.
I'd like to put my self-immolation on display as a warning to others
moritz yes, overuse happens 13:46
masak but you have a really valid point about the few valid use cases where it really doesn't matter 13:47
I guess that's what we should train users to see: "is the outcome here *irrelevant*? then go ahead and use `try`"
basically, `try` is for those few cases where you don't want to know how it went 13:48
masak .oO( "There is no `try`; well, almost never" -- Yoda ) 13:49
sena_kun .o0 ( do or don't ) 13:50
Juerd Also, consider try'ing the outermost thing that you can sacrifice. For example, when dealing with incoming http requests, try the thing that handles the entire request instead of all the individual things within. 13:52
If you have lots of "try" sprinkled all around your code, you're probably doing something wrong :) 13:53
vrurg Juerd: it's just a question of when 'few' become 'lots'... 13:54
Juerd vrurg: Give yourself try quota of one per day, maybe one per 100 lines of code ;)
Depending on what you're building and whether failures are likely to require ignoring 13:55
raschipi Juerd: kinda like turning it into a transaction?
Juerd raschipi: Yes.
vrurg Juerd: ok, your quota sounds like "lots" to me... ;)
Juerd vrurg: I write dense code :D 13:56
vrurg: 100 lines is a lot!
vrurg doesn't count braces and blank lines as "code" either.
;) 13:57
Juerd github.com/Juerd/shalog/blob/master/tracking.p6 if you want to see an example
I would have liked the class Stack in a separate file, but that gave weird errors. I should try that again some time, maybe the underlying bugs have been fixed.
vrurg Juerd: I'm mostly kidding. Though it looks pretty much like what I usually do. 13:59
vrurg I meant that use of try is dependant of use cases very much. In a web application sometimes it's the only one wrapping the whole application to produce a meaningful error page to the user. And a couple more inside to deal with non-fatal exceptions. 14:01
Juerd Of course 14:02
alexghacker m: my $s = qq<"Thin Condensed"(s) "Regular"(s)>; $s ~~ s/ \" $<value>=( <-[\"]>+ ) \" //; say ~$<value>.^name; 14:15
camelia Match
alexghacker m: my $s = qq<"Thin Condensed"(s) "Regular"(s)>; $s ~~ s:g/ \" $<value>=( <-[\"]>+ ) \" //; say ~$<value>.^name; 14:16
camelia Failure
alexghacker m: my $s = qq<"Thin Condensed"(s) "Regular"(s)>; $s ~~ s:g/ \" $<value>=( <-[\"]>+ ) \" //; say ~$<value>;
camelia Type List does not support associative indexing.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
alexghacker m: my $s = qq<"Thin Condensed"(s) "Regular"(s)>; $s ~~ s:g/ \" $<value>=( <-[\"]>+ ) \" //; say $s; 14:17
camelia (s) (s)
alexghacker So the global substitution works with the named capture, but I can't get to the captured values 14:18
timotimo m: my $s = qq<"Thin Condensed"(s) "Regular"(s)>; $s ~~ s:g/ \" $<value>=( <-[\"]>+ ) \" //; say $/; 14:21
camelia (「"Thin Condensed"」
value => 「Thin Condensed」 「"Regular"」
value => 「Regular」)
timotimo you can, they're just in $/ rather than $s
oh, i might have misunderstood
alexghacker it seems to be the ~$<value> syntax that doesn't work 14:22
timotimo the reason why you got Failure that one time is that $/ is a list rather than a single match object
since $<foo> is just short for $/<foo>, that's what's going wrong
trying to do key-value lookup on an array-ish thing 14:23
alexghacker I see 14:27
thanks timotimo++
timotimo YW
MitarashiDango[m For identifiers, where it mentions numbers in the docs, is that only Decimal Digit? 14:44
timotimo u: digit
unicodable6 timotimo, U+0030 DIGIT ZERO [Nd] (0)
timotimo, U+0031 DIGIT ONE [Nd] (1)
timotimo, 796 characters in total: gist.github.com/7eee60a6a695d3ca12...5024e08d6e
timotimo m: my $foo෭ = 1; say $foo෭ 14:45
camelia 1
timotimo m: my $foo༪ = 5; say $foo༪
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Bogus postfix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my $foo7⏏5༪ = 5; say $foo༪
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end…
timotimo that's an No, i.e. "numeric, other"
and that doesn't work
m: my $foo↊ = 2; say $foo↊ 14:46
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Bogus postfix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my $foo7⏏5↊ = 2; say $foo↊
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end…
timotimo well, that's also just No
is there anything N* other than No and Nd?
MitarashiDango[m Number, letter? 14:47
I don't think that works in an identifier either 14:48
AlexDaniel these work for identifiers: Ll (Letter, lowercase), Lu (Letter, uppercase), Lt (Letter, titlecase), Lm (Letter, modifier), Lo (Letter, other) 14:48
not sure about numbers though
jmerelo squashable6: status 14:49
squashable6 jmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 3 days and ≈19 hours (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
MitarashiDango[m m: my $fooⅩ;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Bogus postfix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my $foo7⏏5Ⅹ;
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
jmerelo m:say "Ⅹ".uniprop 14:50
evalable6 Nl
jmerelo m:say "x".uniprop 14:51
evalable6 Ll
jmerelo MitarashiDango[m: you need them to have the "L" property, I think. But that would have been cool. 14:52
pmurias masak: the don't-give-a-darn-about-any-exceptions form of bare try was super annoying when porting rakudo to the js backend 14:53
masak: it is used in two ways: to ignore a specific exception without being bothered to specificed and more rarely to ignore all exceptions 14:54
s/specified/specify 14:55
Geth marketing: 091d788a53 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 14 files
Add $*ARGFILES 6.d Teaser
nwellnhof p6: say 1 +< -64 15:09
camelia 1
nwellnhof p6: say "$_: ", 1 +< -$_, ' ', 1 +> $_ for 62..66
camelia 62: 0 0
63: 0 0
64: 1 0
65: 0 0
66: 0 0
nwellnhof ^^ Looks like a bug 15:10
Juerd Did you know you can interpolate expressions? :) 15:12
p6: say "$_: { 1 +< -$_ } { 1 +> $_ }" for 62..66
camelia 62: 0 0
63: 0 0
64: 1 0
65: 0 0
66: 0 0
nwellnhof Yes, I know. 15:13
Juerd (I don't know anything about how negative bitshifts should work)
[Coke] which part in particular is the bug?
nwellnhof Left-shifting by -64 behaves differently than other negative values like -63, -65, etc. 15:14
[Coke] m: say 1 +< -64
camelia 1
diakopter mod 64? 15:16
diakopter is camelia 32 bit? 15:17
timotimo i'd expect camelia to be 64bit
diakopter p6: say "$_: { 1 +< -$_ } { 1 +> $_ }" for 30..35
camelia 30: 0 0
31: 0 0
32: 0 0
33: 0 0
34: 0 0
35: 0 0
diakopter p6: say "$_: { 1 +< -$_ } { 1 +> $_ }" for 126..130 15:19
camelia 126: 0 0
127: 0 0
128: 1 0
129: 0 0
130: 0 0
nwellnhof Yes, also happens with multiples of 64. So there might be a mod 64 somewhere.
[Coke] m: use nqp; say nqp::bitshiftl_I(nqp::decont(1), nqp::unbox_i(64), Int) 15:20
camelia 18446744073709551616
[Coke] m: use nqp; say nqp::bitshiftl_I(nqp::decont(1), nqp::unbox_i(-64), Int)
camelia 1
[Coke] github.com/perl6/nqp/blob/2434978a...um.js#L191 15:21
timotimo isn't shifting by the bit width of the architecture or more undefined behaviour?
oh, but that's for Int, not int, right? 15:22
SmokeMachine I have a slang that some times works and some times doesn't work... 15:48
with the same data...
diakopter nondeterministic! lovely
raschipi SmokeMachine: On purpose?
timotimo perhaps precomp vs no precomp?
diakopter (or indeterminately deterministic, that is) 15:49
SmokeMachine timotimo: even after compiled sometimes it works and some times it doesn't... 15:50
diakopter try it in camelia?
[Coke] code? tests?
SmokeMachine this is my problem... www.irccloud.com/pastebin/N34VvNT3/ 15:53
the slang module is from here: github.com/FCO/p6-react
here: github.com/FCO/p6-react/blob/maste.../Slang.pm6 15:55
[Coke] SmokeMachine: just tried your first example in a checkout of p6-react, got output
what version of perl6 are you using?
SmokeMachine try it again... it some times works...
www.irccloud.com/pastebin/2pep0Mv7/ 15:56
This is Rakudo version 2018.06-276-gbb6a6f80b built on MoarVM version 2018.06-329-g21ea40f68
[Coke] yup, verified. was fine until I started running it in a bash loop. 15:57
SmokeMachine it looks a bug, right?
a little smaller example www.irccloud.com/pastebin/7KXUupfh/ 16:01
nwellnhof FWIW, the bitshift bug seems to be here: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/428e...ops.c#L729 16:09
I also filed github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/923
lizmat releasable6: status 16:12
releasable6 lizmat, Next release in ≈19 days and ≈2 hours. 3 blockers. 81 out of 276 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings)
lizmat, Details: gist.github.com/eea99d57c1f11bf5d6...221a018e00
SmokeMachine this is an old project... I don't remember to have this problem when I wrote this code... :( 16:13
[Coke] smokemachine: if nothing else, I wouldn't expect the nondeterministic results 16:15
sena_kun m: 1 does Bool; 16:22
camelia ( no output )
sena_kun m: say 1 does Bool; 16:22
camelia 1
sena_kun o.0
[Coke] m: say (1 does Bool).WHAT; 16:23
camelia (Int+{Bool})
sena_kun I'm getting "Unhandled exception: Cannot unbox a type object (Bool) to int.", but camelia works.
[Coke] what is your perl6 version? 16:24
sena_kun the exception using `perl6 -e` and endless loop with "Cannot unbox a type object (Bool) to int." message.
This is Rakudo version 2018.06 built on MoarVM version 2018.06
SmokeMachine #2151
[Coke] to be clear, not in the REPL? 16:26
sena_kun when in REPL, I see exception message repeating endlessly. When with `-e`, just the exception once. 16:27
[Coke] ah. same! 16:28
m: say $*VERSION
camelia Dynamic variable $*VERSION not found
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
sena_kun it is not like I need this feature now, just semi-accidentally typed that(wow) and decided to try out if it's a known issue.
m: say $*VM;
camelia moar (2018.06.329.g.21.ea.40.f.68)
[Coke] thanks 16:29
2018.06-216-g7a7e5e96f here.
sena_kun and we have 425 github issues for word "does". not sure if wants a ticket. 16:33
xinming What is the right way to define a string enum list? 16:37
xinming something like subset AssetName where { * ~~ set <cny usd jpy> } 16:38
THis version is what I can think of, But I'm thinking wether there is a better way to define the subset like this. 16:39
raschipi xinming: How is that different from just an enum? 16:42
Zoffix xinming: that version is broken and will always be true. You're wrapping a WhateverCode closure inside another Block 16:48
xinming: you can just use an `any` Junction with a list
m: subset AssetName where any <foo bar ber>; say $_ ~~ AssetName for <foo meow meh bar ber> 16:49
camelia True
xinming Zoffix: I didn't test that yet. Just think on how something can be achieved in perl6
Zoffix: Thanks for the idea
xinming raschipi: enum can be used as keywords directly, where we are passing strings around. 16:51
I get used to use _ for both sub and var name, After I get used to -, I feel - is better look. :-)
Juerd m: enum AssetName <cny usd jpy>; my $an = any AssetName.enums.keys; say $_ ~~ $an for <usd eur nlg frf dem cny> 16:56
camelia True
Juerd If you want an enum, then use one :) 16:57
Juerd is triggerend by ".enums", it feels recursive...
Zoffix sena_kun: I'd call that a case of DITWIDT. You're mixing into an object that's being used all over the shop, no wonder stuff explodes. You want to use `but` instead 16:58
(for record, it explodes because you changed "True" to be a type object and the true translate-nl param being used in a native int in core now doesn't fit anymore) 17:00
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo so what's the plan? 17:01
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
sena_kun Zoffix, well, I don't want anything(especially such code D: ), just asked if worth ticketing. Thanks for explanation! 17:02
Zoffix sena_kun: no, I would not consider this a bug. There's a lengthy discussion on R#1959 on this topic, and basically implementations are allowed to cache any two objects if they share a .WHICH (so basically return the same object for it) because they're considered immutable and eventually trying to `but` into such an object will error out. 17:05
synopsebot R#1959 [closed]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1959 Empty set()/bag()/mix() do not return a unique object
sena_kun oh, saw that ticket. yes, makes sense then.
Zoffix Allowed to cache, but with the exception that .clone must return a fresh object 17:06
e: say 1 but Bool
evalable6 1
Zoffix e: say 1 but Bool;
evalable6 1
Zoffix e: say 1 does Bool;
evalable6 (exit code 1) 1
Unhandled exception: Cannot unbox a type object (Bool) to int.
Zoffix, Full output: gist.github.com/b0f4c763a5d5a99115...9a1c119008
Zoffix e: say 1.clone does Bool;
evalable6 1
Zoffix Works :)
* trying to `does` into such an object will error out; `but` is fine, 'cause it does a clone 17:08
masak Juerd: it's because the nomenclature in Perl 6 is a bit tortured. an _enumeration_ (declared using the `enum` keyword) consists of one or more _enums_. 17:14
xinming what type is best for money?
timotimo Rat
Num is floating point
[Coke] depends on your precision needs. I'd use Rat, myself.
masak xinming: definitely Rat.
xinming Ok, Thanks 17:15
masak xinming: important that many languages only have a type corresponding to Num, and so programmers in that language tend to use Num for money, which often leads to tears and hair loss. 17:16
xinming I'll convert Rat to Num before save to db 17:17
masak augh :/
then you'll lose precision.
xinming I just use it to do calculation in perl. 17:18
masak xinming: if you care enough about the precision guaranteed by Rat (as opposed to the precision-loss of Num), storing a Rat as a Str is preferable to storing the Rat as a Num 17:21
mst or depending on the sort of precision you want, a decimal in the db 17:22
raschipi Perhaps two integers would be better? 17:26
timotimo yeah, it would 17:27
though of course if you treat the Rat bad enough it'll also turn into a Num again
masak .oO( How to Train Your Rat ) 17:29
lizmat notable6: weekly reset 17:57
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2018-07-30T17:57:13Z”
buggable New CPAN upload: CamelPub-0.1.0.tar.gz by DONPDONP cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/D/DO/...1.0.tar.gz 18:05
Geth doc: 33603b1f18 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/numerics.pod6
[6.d] We now have a POV of `num` defaulting to 0e0

POV Impl: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/f045042d4f Propspec: github.com/perl6/roast/commit/2abee09f88
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/numerics
Geth doc: 4a04fb1e90 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/glossary.pod6
Glossarify some of the new spec-related terms
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/glossary
Goneri hi, can anyone explain me what I'm doing wrong here: paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/B1k0...ZrcwriZSvw 18:38
Zoffix Goneri: variables with Str in them are interpreted as literal strings. Use <$pattern> instead 18:39
Zoffix Goneri: there's was this recent "Intro Into Perl 6 Regexes and Grammars" talk, if you're interested: rakudo.party/post/Intro-Into-Perl6...-Recording 18:40
Goneri Zoffix, thanks!
xinming is self.var %.var the same? 18:40
Goneri I was using docs.perl6.org/syntax/%20Regex%20Interpolation and it's a bit confusing 18:41
xinming I thought they are the same, But I found they don't.
when I use self.var = blabla in BUILD, It worked, when I try to use %.var = blabla, It reports may not be used on partially constructed objects.
Zoffix xinming: %.var is like %(self.var), I believe
xinming let me try 18:42
then, this is probabaly a bug
Zoffix might be
xinming m: class A { has %.h = (a => 1) }; class B is A { submethod BUILD () { %.h = (b => 1) } }; B.new 18:43
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Virtual method call %.h may not be used on partially constructed object (maybe you mean %!h for direct attribute access here?)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 class B is A { submethod BUILD () { %.h7⏏5 = …
xinming m: class A { has %.h = (a => 1) }; class B is A { submethod BUILD () { self.h = (b => 1) } }; B.new
camelia ( no output )
xinming m: class A { has %.h = (a => 1) }; class B is A { submethod BUILD () { self.h = (b => 1) } }; B.new.h.perl.say;
camelia {:b(1)}
xinming m: class A { has %.h = (a => 1) }; class B is A { submethod BUILD () { %(self.h) = (b => 1) } }; B.new.h.perl.say; 18:44
camelia {:b(1)}
xinming You see, the %.h is not the same as %(self.h)
Will report later.
Zoffix Goneri: agreed. Filed an Issue in our docs repo for that: D#2230 18:48
synopsebot D#2230 [open]: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2230 [docs][easy to resolve] "Regex and interpolation is a bit confusing"
Zoffix %.h is probably the same as %(self.h), except the compiler complains in the %.h case when it's in the build method 18:52
m: class A { has %.h = (a => 1); has %.b = %.h }.new.b.say; 18:53
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Virtual method call %.h may not be used on partially constructed object (maybe you mean %!h for direct attribute access here?)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3ss A { has %.h = (a => 1); has %.b = %.h7⏏5 }.…
Zoffix m: class A { has %.h = (a => 1); has %.b = self.h }.new.b.say;
camelia {a => 1}
Zoffix Ano ther case
xinming: filed it as R#2152 18:56
synopsebot R#2152 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2152 Using `%.foo` in places throws, but changing it to `self.foo` works
Zoffix m: class { has @.h = <a b c d>; method z { dd %.h } }.new.z 18:58
camelia Hash % = {:a("b"), :c("d")}
Zoffix Looking at QAST, %.h is like `self.h.hash` 18:58
and %(self.h) is the same thing; a method call 18:59
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2018/07/30/...t-garbage/ 19:08
raschipi lizmat++ 19:09
sena_kun lizmat++ 19:17
[Coke] lizmat++ indeed. 19:18
moritz lizmat++ tweeted 19:19
El_Che jnthn's grant request needs more comments (linked in the weekly)
raschipi lizmat: You listed "Tons of clarifications by Zoffix Znet." twice. 19:20
lizmat raschipi: good catch, fixed 19:21
raschipi I thought a had a deja vu, but in fact I had deja vu. 19:22
masak lizmat++ # weekly 19:34
El_Che raschipi: there were a lot of clarifications :) 19:35
Geth doc: hankache++ created pull request #2231:
add missing 'class' keyword for consistency with other types
AlexDaniel jdv79: sorry, did you file a bug report? I can't find it 19:52
jdv79: for the performance issue
SmokeMachine lizmat: Injector wasn't mentioned... :( 19:53
lizmat I missed that ? 19:54
it's in the list of updated modules ??
SmokeMachine: ^^^
SmokeMachine no, its a new module... 19:55
AlexDaniel lizmat: fwiw it's better to say “4 August (all timezones included)” instead of ±23 hours
lizmat SmokeMachine: I guess when I saw commits on 26 May, I assumed it was an update... 19:56
will move
SmokeMachine modules.perl6.org/search/?q=Injector
AlexDaniel because it's like (-14 … (24 hours) … +12)
Geth doc: cdce18f8d2 | (Naoum Hankache)++ | 4 files
add missing 'class' keyword for consistency with other types
doc: 6a0817cea7 | (Naoum Hankache)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 4 files
Merge pull request #2231 from hankache/master

add missing 'class' keyword for consistency with other types
AlexDaniel Complicated maybe, but the idea is that whenever it's Saturday in *any* timezone, it's Squashathon :)
SmokeMachine lizmat: now I got it!
lizmat SmokeMachine: updated
SmokeMachine its mentioned on update!!!
I thought it was new...
am I a little crazy?
raschipi SmokeMachine: Sim, por ser brasileiro, mas não vem ao caso. 19:58
lizmat it was added to the ecosystem repo last week, yes
AlexDaniel: fixed 19:59
SmokeMachine raschipi: :) mas nesse caso não sou o único... :P
El_Che crazy brazilians alarm
raschipi Cada louco é louco da sua própria maneira, ser normal é que é chato. 20:00
🚨🚨🚨🚨 20:01
El_Che chato ou gato?
lizmat si 20:02
raschipi crazy Spanish alarm 20:03
jdv79 AlexDaniel: not yet. i fell asleep.
jnthn is on vaca anyway. whats the rush;) 20:04
you could do it if you feel compelled 20:05
alexghacker I think I've discovered a problem with the values being returned by uniprop for some glyphs 20:06
m: my $s = "\c[0x377, 0x378, 0x379, 0x37a]"; say $s.uninames; say $s.uniprops('Block')
(Greek and Coptic No_Block No_Block Greek and Coptic)
alexghacker But, according to www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/...locks.txt, "0370..03FF; Greek and Coptic" 20:07
AlexDaniel jdv79: well I just don't want us to forget about it :)
alexghacker so even though those glyphs are reserved they still ought to be part of that block (they're included in the range) 20:08
AlexDaniel jdv79: it's reproducible and noticeable, maybe golfable too. Good catch, you need to write it down now :)
jdv79 im at lunch. ill do it in a bit.
alexghacker should that be filed as a rakudo-specific bug or should tests be added to roast for it?
raschipi alexghacker: even though no one answered you, I bet half a dozen people are working on it already. 20:09
AlexDaniel jdv79: thanks ♥ 20:10
alexghacker raschipi: ty. pleased to meet you. I'm not quite new here, but it's been a long while :) 20:12
I'm good filing my own bug reports and/or merge requests; I just want to put them in the most appropriate place.
SmokeMachine lizmat: thanks! 20:16
Zoffix alexghacker: here's a good place: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/new 20:35
alexghacker: and our resident Unicode expert is samcv if you wanted to talk to her about this stuff :)
ttkp6 are the TPC-2018 talks going to be recorded and made available via youtube or similar? 20:59
never mind .. just found www.youtube.com/user/yapcna 21:00
samcv alexghacker: file a bug at github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM 21:23
i am pretty sure i know why it gives the wrong result, and how i will fix it as well. but please open a ticket so i make sure it gets done 21:24
Zoffix FYI: www.p6c.org was down. Couldn't ssh to it, so I rebooted it. 21:26
I think all the sites are back.... 21:27
jdv79 AlexDaniel: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2155 22:19
timotimo doesn't look bad 22:27
AlexDaniel jdv79: yes, thank you! :) 22:30
Kaiepi m: say await start { return start { 1 } } 22:30
camelia An operation first awaited:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Died with the exception:
Attempt to return outside of any Routine
in block at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: say await Promise.start({ Promise.start({ 1 }) }) 22:31
camelia Promise.new(scheduler => ThreadPoolScheduler.new(initial_threads => 0, max_threads => 64, uncaught_handler => Callable), status => PromiseStatus::Kept)
Kaiepi damn i was hoping it'd be 1 like in js
geekosaur m: say so await Promise.start({ Promise.start({ 1 }) }) 22:33
camelia True
geekosaur oh, the value. 22:34
MasterDuke alexghacker: btw, i know samcv has talked about making the unicode version discoverable (and maybe even selectable) 23:27
AlexDaniel MasterDuke, alexghacker: GH#2031 23:40
synopsebot GH#2031 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2031 [RFC][path to stability] Ability to ensure support for a unicode version