»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
jmerelo Today's article, by Altay-man, also devoted to parsing ASN.1 types: perl6advent.wordpress.com/ Check it out! 08:09
jmerelo Hi, lizmat :-) 08:37
buggable New CPAN upload: Pod-Load-0.1.0.tar.gz by JMERELO modules.perl6.org/dist/Pod::Load:cpan:JMERELO 09:04
lizmat jmerelo o/ 09:17
jmerelo lizmat: how's this Saturday going? 09:24
lizmat still recovering from a very nice social event on Thu night that lasted into the wee hours of the night :-) 09:25
jmerelo lizmat: :-) Sounds like the office Christmas party 09:25
lizmat in a way it was :-) 09:26
lizmat has a sore throat
jmerelo I turn into a pumpking after 12
Always have. I'm kind of useless for partying. 09:27
Next Squashathon.
squashable6: status
squashable6 jmerelo, Next SQUASHathon in 20 days and ≈0 hours (2019-01-05 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo lizmat: roast? Rakudo? There are 600 issues in Rakudo. Let's tame that monster before it turns 666
lizmat :-) 09:28
jmerelo (it's 662 already, so it's probably too late anyway)
lizmat: roast has 11 PRs there. Some of them from 2014... 09:29
roast is probably more approachable than Rakudo. At least for me... 09:30
lizmat jmerelo: I would like to get read-int/write-int into proper shape before the release, promise to look at PR's after having done that 09:32
jmerelo lizmat: great. But do you think it would be a good topic for the Squashathon? 09:33
lizmat: last "testneeded" hackathon was in April 09:34
lizmat sounds like a plan to me :-)
jmerelo lizmat++
.tell AlexDaniel (see conversation above). Is it OK if we make the next Squashathon a "testneeded" one? 09:35
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
jmerelo Wow, just saw the "MOLD" issues... those are positively old fail.rakudo.party/t/MOLD 09:37
pmurias why does rakudo have both $?FILES and $?FILE? 15:15
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo yeah, let it be testneeded (just not docs again!) :) 16:06
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
Geth ecosystem: 9077fde588 | (Naoum Hankache)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Update path of Imlib2
jmerelo releasable6: status 18:26
yoleaux 16:06Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: yeah, let it be testneeded (just not docs again!) :)
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release is just a few moments away. 3 blockers. 62 out of 71 commits logged (⚠ 1 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/212bc06f1b16c209cf...c5fbad8ad3
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel you gotcha!
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
AlexDaniel . 18:29
yoleaux 18:26Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: you gotcha!
jmerelo Did everyone read today's Advent Calendar? perl6advent.wordpress.com/2018/12/...th-perl-6/ You do that, we'll be waiting for you here :-) 19:01
sena_kun jmerelo++, thanks for adding a post cut && noticing the trait issue(along with a touch of grammar). 19:06
jmerelo sena_kun: sure. No problem. :-) 19:07
jmerelo sena_kun: WP can be tricky... 19:07
jmerelo sena_kun: we might go with tbrowder and change it to something else next year... Maybe based on uzu or something 19:08
jmerelo .seen masak 19:08
yoleaux I saw masak 13 Dec 2018 18:47Z in #perl6: <masak> b2gills: I guess my counterargument isn't that that's _wrong_, it's that it's nothing new -- a WhateverCode is just sugar for writing it out as a normal parameterized block
sena_kun next year is no so close to really guess, but will see if I will be able to help with it. :) 19:09
jmerelo sena_kun: that will be great. And one lesson learned is to plan in advance. Next year I'd like to have them ready by mid-November... 19:10
lucasb jmerelo: all posts from all authors? 19:12
jmerelo lucasb: yep, if possible. We've had a couple of close calls this year. And I don't know if tomorrow's article is ready yet, for instance.
AlexDaniel jmerelo: I think masak did respond on #perl6-dev 19:18
Geth Pod-To-HTML: 22d04180c2 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Eliminates EVAL from rendering

It's now using Pod::Load for all the "external" pod rendering needs. Closes #55
Pod-To-HTML: a8d07053ce | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
Minor changes to docs to force tests
jmerelo AlexDaniel: Ah, OK. So it's ready. 19:21
AlexDaniel I don't know if it's ready, but masak++ should be on it
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I didn't know messages were relayed to perl6-dev too... 19:23
AlexDaniel jmerelo: dalek will find you anywhere 19:24
oops, yoleaux I mean
you can also write a private message to yoleaux and it will deliver messages to you, doesn't have to be on a channel
jmerelo AlexDaniel: that's great :-) Nice little 'bots 19:25
squashable6: status 19:31
squashable6 jmerelo, Next SQUASHathon in 19 days and ≈14 hours (2019-01-05 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo Added data on the next Squashathon, testneeded this time for the first time in 7 months. 19:32
Geth doc: df00560113 | (Trey Harris)++ | doc/Type/Junction.pod6
Minor rewording of Junction infix:<~>

The current wording, "the version of ~ that uses strings as a prefix or postfix" is a little confusing since they're all infix operators. Changing to "...use a string as one argument" instead.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Junction
TreyHarris Heh, is there an alias I need to set somewhere so that TreyHarris++ gets scored for (Trey Harris)++? ;-) 20:31
lucasb idk. you are not in CREDITS right? maybe add your nick there 20:34
TreyHarris lucasb: I'm not, but grepping through the channel log, it looks like this is true for everyone who doesn't have $REAL-NAME eq $IRC-NICK 20:40
Not a deal at all (let alone a big deal), I was just amused at the Geth++ 20:41
Geth doc: 8998650750 | (Trey Harris)++ | CREDITS
Adding myself to CREDITS.
TreyHarris Urgh--the doc build just failed on Shippable on xt/braces.t, but it passes in my repo. app.shippable.com/github/perl6/doc...49/1/tests 20:46
TreyHarris Is the text already present a few lines earlier, "The infix C<~> concatenation" somehow okay, while my change which added, "the versions of C<~> that use" somehow not? 20:59
AlexDaniel TreyHarris: not sure what's going on 21:20
TreyHarris I just did an xtest on the entire codebase (not just on doc/Type/Junction.pod6), and it fails the same waf 21:23
I rewound to the most recent commit before mine, that passed and was written to the website, by JJ Merelo (is he on here? I don't know his nick) -- it fails the same way 21:38
TreyHarris So, there were updates to some of the modules tests depend on since 3 days ago (when the commit before mine was done), so I'm assuming the issue was introduced by one of them 21:46
TreyHarris I can't figure out an easy way to rewind the modules though, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 21:53
tobs` I have a module that ships with a program in its %?RESOURCES which it has to execute at runtime. It works with `perl6 -Ilib` but I get "permission denied" when the module is installed. 21:58
I assume the installer removes the +x bit? Can I get it back somehow? 21:59
TreyHarris tobs`: you get that for free if you put it into bin/ rather than lib/ -- create a wrapper there? 22:00
tobs`: it can be as simple as github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/master/bin/zef 22:02
tobs` TreyHarris: the program is built from C sources, it's not a perl6 bin.
or would your suggestion still apply in that case? 22:04
TreyHarris tobs`: not sure, but it's worth a try 22:07
I'd think so, grepping through some build code
tobs` TreyHarris: I'm trying it now, but there is a problem: how do I find the program if not through %?RESOURCES anymore? I assume that it'd be in PATH as soon as the module is installed, but the installation needs the tests to pass, which in turn require access to that program. 22:15
tobs` It's really more of a resource for my module than a product of it. 22:16
TreyHarris tobs`: append './bin' to PATH as you do '.' to PERL6LIB?
Oh, you mean it won't be in the shipped package?
It's author-only? 22:17
tobs` TreyHarris: no, it's a C program (in no distro's repositories) which my Perl 6 module provides an interface to.
TreyHarris "in no distro's repositories"... meaning no Linux distro? No module repo? No GitHub repo? 22:18
tobs` no Linux distro. There are repositories of it on the web, one of which is a submodule in my module's repo. A concrete example: github.com/taboege/p6-SAT-Solver-MiniSAT 22:20
with "no repositories" I was trying to say that I can't delegate correct installation of that C program to some other dependency mechanism outside zef. 22:21
TreyHarris tobs`: Sorry, this is advanced building mojo. Maybe someone who's done something like this before has an idea. Sorry :-( 22:30
tobs` TreyHarris: Thanks anyway. I was just about to say that I'm going with a `BEGIN %?RESOURCES<minisat>.IO.chmod(0o755)` in the meantime.
TreyHarris makes sense as a workaround to me 22:31
tobs` This seems to do the trick, albeit maybe not intended to be done.
SmokeMachine I can override the `~` operator, so I can make `"bla " ~ $my-obj` make anything I want... but how can I do that with `"bla { $my-obj }"`? 22:56
tobs SmokeMachine: that calls $my-obj.Str 23:00
SmokeMachine tobs: yes, but it will always return a Str, right? I mean: 23:01
tobs m: class A { method Str { "something completely different" } }; say "bla { A.new } "
camelia bla something completely different
tobs yeah, about bending its meaning more, I have no idea. 23:02
SmokeMachine m: class C {}; multi infix:<~>($a, C) {42}; say "test" ~ C.new 23:02
camelia testC<56745792>
SmokeMachine ? 23:03
m: class C {}; multi infix:<~>(Str, C) {42}; say "test" ~ C.new 23:06
camelia 42
TreyHarris m: class C {}; multi infix:<~>($a, C) is default {42}; say "test" ~ C.new 23:16
camelia testC<65788896>
TreyHarris m: class C {}; multi infix:<~>(Str $a, C) is default {42}; say "test" ~ C.new 23:17
camelia 42
TreyHarris ^that confuses me
AlexDaniel I don't think `is default` is doing anything there 23:21
at least not for what you're showing
I guess there's another candidate that is narrower?
TreyHarris The other candidates are (Str, Str), (Str, Junction), (Junction, Str), and (Junction, Junction) 23:29
So I thought (_, C) would be narrower for parameters (Str, C) than (Str, Str) 23:30
AlexDaniel TreyHarris: ok let's check something… 23:31
6c: class C {}; multi infix:<~>($a, C) is default {42}; say "test" ~ C.new
TreyHarris Either the first argument can be passed as whatever and C matches exactly, or C must be coerced to Str so you have two Strs...
AlexDaniel wait for it
committable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/b3d7c62a7ef369a765...fa2b7d15ef
AlexDaniel so until 2018.08 it used to do what you want 23:32
let's bisect then…
bisect: class C {}; multi infix:<~>($a, C) is default {42}; say "test" ~ C.new
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=203487f) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
AlexDaniel, bisect log: gist.github.com/efff3094c4c18896ea...6797107997
AlexDaniel, (2018-08-09) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/3a...c59a22f73d
AlexDaniel and let's double check just to be sure 23:33
c: 3ae97e5f38^,3ae97e5f38 class C {}; multi infix:<~>($a, C) is default {42}; say "test" ~ C.new
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦3ae97e5f38^: «42␤» ¦3ae97e5: «testC<94427766515840>␤»
AlexDaniel yeah
TreyHarris: can you file a ticket?
jnthn `is default` is just a tie-breaker, fwiw
It only comes into play if there'd otherwise be an ambiguous dispatch 23:34
TreyHarris AlexDaniel: been trying to figure out how the docs broke... after that, sure
Or maybe I'll just file an issue for that, too 23:35
AlexDaniel I'll file it now if you don't mind
TreyHarris Not at all. Cc me? 23:36
AlexDaniel TreyHarris: R#2548 23:38
synopsebot R#2548 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2548 [regression] Custom multi infix:<~> not working as expected
SmokeMachine is there a way to override `"bla {ble}"` to return something that's not a Str? 23:52
timotimo m: sub circumfix:<` `>($a) { say "i'm returning $a now"; }; `"hello {1 + 1}"` 23:54
camelia i'm returning hello 2 now
SmokeMachine hum!
timotimo: sorry, I mean ""... 23:55
q(), qq(), etc...
timotimo not without a Slang, i believe 23:56