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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Xliff \o 06:01
Merry Christmas!
Can someone tell me why I get the following error from zef?
===> Searching for: RandomColor
Enabled extracting backends [git path tar p5tar unzip] don't understand /home/cbwood/.zef/tmp/1545717544.13956.8648/p6-RandomColor
You may need to configure one of the following backends, or install its underlying software - [psunzip]
hythm_ Xliff: I got same error too. however this worked: zef install github.com/Xliff/p6-RandomColor.git 06:19
no-n is 2 GB of RAM enough to build rakudo? I tried with 1 but it failed. 06:26
AlexDaniel no-n: hmm, any reason why you can't use a prebuilt package? What's your OS? 06:27
no-n Ubuntu 16.04 06:29
but apt-get gets me 2015.11
I'm stuck on this OS because of my VPS provider :p 06:30
AlexDaniel huggable: deb
huggable AlexDaniel, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE and Ubuntu Rakudo packages: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#rakudo-pkg
no-n ahh. thanks =) 06:31
github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#debian-and-ubuntu -> E: Unable to locate package rakudo-pkg 06:34
AlexDaniel: ^ 06:37
AlexDaniel El_Che: ↑ any idea? 06:38
AlexDaniel no-n: what's going to work for sure is if you download a deb manually and install it github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releases 06:39
but it's weird that the recommended way does not work…
no-n ok
Xliff hythm_: Working on the issues you sent. Thanks, a lot! 06:46
no-n ok, cool. that worked for 2018.11 Ubuntu 16.04 2018.12 seems to be missing from that list.
AlexDaniel El_Che: there's rakudo-pkg-Ubuntu16.04_2018.12-01_amd64.deb.sha1 but no deb itself :D 06:51
hythm_ Thank you Xliff. 06:52
no-n just out of interest, is 2 GB enough RAM to build rakudo? 06:54
ahh, rakudo site says 1.5 06:55
AlexDaniel no-n: yeah, it should be enough, I think 06:56
Xliff hythm_: Check your issues. I did a few minor changes on the project and also on your examples. Both are now included in my test cases. 07:00
lookatme_q Xliff, I got that error on windows when my git is broken :) 07:07
Xliff lookatme_q: Hrm. I know that is not the case here, since I am using git and it's working! :) 07:08
lookatme_q Xliff, okay 07:10
Xliff So is RandomColor properly added to the ecosystem or did I miss something?
Ahh! Source URL was wrong in META6.json 07:14
Woodi hi today :) 08:03
en-joy merry Christmas everyone !
Woodi no-n: if you got old OS you should probably upgrade it just after power up, just: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade If you set to 'stable' branch and don't have huge amount of packages yet installed it should be quick... 08:11
no-n how do you set to stable? 08:12
Woodi no-n: assuming Debian: put into /etc/apt/preferences: Package: *\nPin: release o=Debian,a=stable\nPin-Priority: 900\n 08:14
change 900 into max of other pin priorities 08:15
pmurias: I think rakudo.js could have internet endiannes, same as IBM systems probably 08:16
there was "empty core in Perl6" meme... maybe i mis-imagined what it should be but curently imo we have loooots of things available without "use". not saying what is what but maybe some think could be factored as modules in Linux ? :) 08:23
holyghost merry christmass to all ! Now back to drinking and working :-) 09:25
Ulti at the moment whats the best plan for providing the native deps for a native wrapper library? 09:31
my current one is to create a submodule with what I want to support in /src/<dep_name> and deal with everything myself and essentially build the library myself 09:32
anyone know if zef or the way p6 modules in general are meant to behave is friendly to submodules? 09:35
Ulti maybe a subtree is better... 09:40
Woodi Ulti: probably best is to build native lib as a system shared/static library :) if provided stuff in lib is usefull it could have separate life from module... 09:58
Ulti its not my library and the issue is I want to ensure the version matches the Perl 6 module 10:28
Ulti the Rust wrapper uses a submodule and the Python one appears to do a flat copy of the tagged release 10:32
Ulti its also a library thats not especially likely to be kept up to date on a system if available at all too, like most scientific deps :< 10:45
Woodi Ulti: then imo it is best to resolve it via README: Pleas install dependencies :) 11:56
timotimo .seen ryn1x 14:16
yoleaux I saw ryn1x 22 Dec 2018 05:32Z in #perl6: <ryn1x> I kept looking over the List and Array pages. No way I could have known to search for xx...
buggable New CPAN upload: StrictClass-0.0.3.tar.gz by UFOBAT modules.perl6.org/dist/StrictClass:cpan:UFOBAT 14:44
k36tee help 16:14
k36tee any idea on where to start from ? 16:18
jmerelo k36tee: any specific thing you're looking for? 16:19
holyghost k36tee : perl6.org in google ? 16:20
jmerelo holyghost: they probably know how to do that. That's not very helpful.
Geth doc: dff5b3e4b7 | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
Updating the README.md for grammar and clarifications.

This is mainly to force a rebuilding of the site which would actually close #2518 in due time.
Geth doc: 3d96dade3b | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/experimental.pod6
Completed macro intro. Refs #2514
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/experimental
rouking jnthn: any plans to work on Cro? I want to use it but it's failing tests atm -- although not the same tests as it's failing on Travis-CI 19:40
and I honestly have no idea why it's failing those tests
I thought I might have some issue just on my machine, but it seems like everything is working 19:43
Testing the service fails with "connection refused", which could mean about ten thousand things... 19:46