»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
timotimo 349 megs and i killed it now to build newer commits 00:05
Kaiepi timitimo i ran it for 10 seconds and it ended up with 871.7MB of allocations 00:24
Kaiepi the panic doesn't seem to be happening anymore though 00:28
timotimo 871 memory in usage at that point, or 871 mb cumulative allocations? 00:31
Kaiepi cumulative 00:32
timotimo that's not terribly surprising, i think 00:34
Kaiepi i'll check how much was unmapped over that time
Kaiepi 525.6MB deallocated cumulative 00:41
so i have no idea what was happening earlier
burgulus is there a way to initialize a variable that was declared in a role, from the constructor of the class that does that role? 01:00
role a { has $.t } class b does a { $.t=1 } 01:05
lookatme_q m: role foo { has $.t; submethod BUILD() { $!t = $!t // 1 } }; class bar does foo { }; say bar.new 01:07
camelia bar.new(t => 1)
MasterDuke m: role A { has $.a }; class B does A { }; my $b = B.new(a => "ab"); say $b.a 01:08
camelia ab
lookatme_q oh, I misunderstand :/
m: role foo { has $.t; }; class bar does foo { }; say bar.new(:t6) 01:09
camelia bar.new(t => Any)
lookatme_q m: role foo { has $.t; }; class bar does foo { }; say bar.new(t => 6)
camelia bar.new(t => 6)
burgulus it is possible in my case the consumer of the class doesn't have the information, which would allow to pass in t 01:15
is there a constructor overload that would also allow the normal new to be called? Seems when I override new, the object is only a type object at the time of variable access. 01:16
class a { has $.t; }; class b is a { method new() { $.t = 1; }}; my $i = b.new; 01:18
Cannot look up attributes in a b type object.
lookatme_q burgulus, docs.perl6.org/language/objects#in...8method%29 01:19
I recommend you read the documents first
burgulus thanks I will read this section. I've been on the documents for a couple hrs now, but didn't know where to be directed. 01:20
burgulus lookatme_q, thanks that did the trick 01:48
role a { has $.t; }; class b does a { submethod TWEAK() { $!t = 1; }} 01:49
AlexDaniel Kaiepi: cool, so on HEAD it doesn't happen? 02:22
Kaiepi not anymore 02:24
cpan-p6_ New module released to CPAN! Path-Router (0.4.0) by 03HANENKAMP
cpan-p6 03cpan-p6 reporting for duty! [Perl 6] 02git.tyil.nl/perl6/app-cpan-uploadnotifierbot 02:35
quester m: (* ** *)(2,3) 06:20
camelia ( no output )
quester m: say (* ** *)(2,3)
camelia 8
quester m: say (* ***)(2,3)
camelia 8
quester m: say (*** *)(2,3)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Multiple HyperWhatevers and Whatevers may not be used together
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say (*** *7⏏5)(2,3)
quester thinks it's a bit odd that (* ***)(2.3) works without a complaint 06:22
jmerelo releasable6: status 06:24
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 115 out of 246 commits logged (⚠ 41 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/a22d34712e246958c9...2323e4aea6
dant_ p6: say 1; 06:31
camelia 1
dant_ p6: my %h; %h<a> = [1, 2]; .say for %h<a>.list
camelia 1
dant_ I need a second opinion. Do have have to "coerce" a SCALAR into a list in order to iterate over it's contents. Example: 06:35
my $x = [1,2]; .say for $x.list
evalable6 1
dant_ While I think I understand why, I'm not convinced that this is the most elegant way of expressing my intention. 06:37
dant p6: say hi 06:41
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
hi used at line 1
dant p6: say "hi"
camelia hi
jmerelo dant: you need to itemize it 06:48
dant: meaning pretty much what you do.
m: my $x = [1,2]; .say for $x<>
camelia 1
jmerelo m: my $x = [1,2]; .say for $x.item 06:49
camelia [1 2]
jmerelo m: my $x = [1,2]; .say for $x.flat 06:50
camelia 1
jmerelo m: my $x = [1,2]; .say for |$x
camelia 1
jmerelo dant: There is more than one way to do it (TM)
dant Jmerelo: Very helpful. Thanks. So, when $x contains something "listy", it is my responsibility to explicitly "flatten" it in order to iterate over it. 07:05
jmerelo dant: it's de-containerizing it, actually. But yes, that's the gist of it. 07:10
m: my $x = [1,2]; say $x.perl
camelia $[1, 2]
jmerelo dant: ^^^ You see the $? It indicates it's "itemized"
dant jmerelo: Thanks. I understand it much better now. I'll reread the relevant docs with this in mind. 07:13
jmerelo dant: if you find something missing there, just raise an issue
m: my $x = [1,2]; say $x.VAR ~~ Scalar 07:14
camelia True
jmerelo m: my @x = [1,2]; say $x.VAR ~~ Scalar
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$x' is not declared. Did you mean '@x'?
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my @x = [1,2]; say 7⏏5$x.VAR ~~ Scalar
jmerelo m: my @x = [1,2]; say @x.VAR ~~ Scalar
camelia False
Geth doc: 4ea1ff9aa5 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/mop.pod6
Add 'is itemized?' to index
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/mop
lizmat clickbaits p6weekly.wordpress.com/2019/01/21/...-youtubed/ 08:56
ufobat lizmat++ 08:57
lizmat moritz: ^^ 08:58
cpan-p6 03cpan-p6 reporting for duty! [Perl 6] 02git.tyil.nl/perl6/app-cpan-uploadnotifierbot 09:26
tyil now it's running in its own little namespace 09:27
ufobat woho
tyil ready to have more perl utils alongside it
moritz lizmat: twot :) 09:29
lizmat :-)
tyil it's snowing :o 09:46
hard evidence that global warming is a myth!
ufobat m: say "weather" ~~ "climate" 09:50
camelia False
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Lumberjack-Dispatcher-Syslog (0.0.3) by 03JSTOWE 09:59
pmurias tyil: report back if it keeps snowing for the whole year straight ;) 10:24
tyil pmurias: going strong for now! 10:25
ufobat ive got a sub that has a couplse of say's in it, as well as a run(), and i just see all the says after the run() returned. what could cause this delayed printing on the console? 11:00
AlexDaniel ufobat: stdout vs stderr? 11:01
ufobat all on stdout
lizmat buffering ?
jnthn Is it direct to the terminal, or is there something between it?
ufobat well not true, the run prints on stderr, maybe, if i dont specify anything
i invoke the perl process directly on my git shell (on windows) 11:02
jnthn If the output isn't to a TTY then it will turn on output buffering
ufobat how do i figure out if my terminal as a tty?
jnthn $*OUT.t I guess 11:03
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Crypt-CAST5 (0.1.0) by 03KAIEPI
jnthn You can see what $*OUT.out-buffer says to see if it's turned on
ufobat docker -ti --rm alpine complains that there is no tty. so i am not having a TTY
can i disable buffering? 11:04
timotimo i'd expect setting $*OUT.out-buffer to 0 or False would do that, but haven't tried 11:05
ufobat $*OUT.out-buffer is set to 0
El_Che ufobat: an alpine bug? I remember something about it. 11:06
ufobat El_Che, no the docker was just my way to checfk whether there is a tty or not
i am on windows right now :(
El_Che ah ok 11:07
ufobat $*OUT.t is False, and $*OUT.out-buffer is 0 :-(
jnthn Try $*OUT.out-buffer = False
ufobat aha! works 11:08
thanks to everyone! 11:09
jnthn wonders if we could do anything better, but if the thing really isn't claiming to be a TTY to other programs, it's not a bug in our "is this a TTY" detection 11:10
ufobat i dont have enough windows know how to comment on that topic, but if (most, cmd and powershell) do not claim to have a TTY then this is not the information to rely on for enabling buffering or not 11:43
daxim jnthn, I submitted a purchase order for comma supporter, but didn't receive an invoice. if you handle this directly, can you have a look? 11:48
jnthn daxim: I don't personally send those, but I can of course poke the appropriate person. 11:53
daxim thanks
tadzik giggles at the "C"-s on comma/cro pages 11:54
Comma - Cro - Courses - Consulting. Brought to you by... Cedument? :) 11:55
daxim 🌜 very auspicious 11:56
jnthn But only Comma and Cro have stickers... :-) 12:02
moritz daxim: very causpicious :) 12:04
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! URI-FetchFile (0.0.3) by 03JSTOWE 13:26
sjn cpan-p6 should add a karma++ to it's postings, methinks :) 13:29
lizmat sjn: patches welcome :-) 14:08
tyil sjn: care to elaborate? 14:14
sjn "New module released to CPAN! URI-FetchFile (0.0.3) by JSTOWE++" 14:15
lizmat tyil: while you're at it: "New module" vs "Update module" 14:16
sjn assuming we still have a karma bot in this channel :)
lizmat sjn: we don't afaik
but it's still a nice gesture
sjn aw
tyil I have infra to host more bots, but idk if freenode will be happy if I have 10 bots coming from my IP all of a sudden :p
sjn likes karma bots
lizmat tyil: maybe only say "New" if it is an initial update of the module ? 14:17
tyil lizmat: that can be done soon-ish
I dont have any database with old module info yet
but I have the database to store this ready, I just need to import some data into it
and the program to import data into it should also be mostly usable
lizmat ++tyil 14:19
tyil I was hoping to bring the database up and running this week, but as I got the keys to my new appartment I may have less time than I anticipated 14:21
but I'll do my best
sjn tyil: no hurries :)
tyil you can keep up with progression on the repo: git.tyil.nl/perl6/app-cpan 14:22
hahainternet if you need more IPs for more bots i can run containers on a few machines if required 15:09
Util m: say rand xx 2; 15:26
camelia (0.011579168018182928 0.2339042665648644)
cpan-p6_ 03cpan-p6_ reporting for duty! [Perl 6] 02git.tyil.nl/perl6/app-cpan-uploadnotifierbot 15:26
jmerelo releasable6: status 16:13
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 115 out of 246 commits logged (⚠ 41 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/aa0f0c8c32e9a8a99a...4125c2159a
jmerelo .tell moritz docs.perl6.org is down 16:35
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to moritz.
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel docs.perl6.org is down
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
jmerelo Hi, AlexDaniel 16:39
AlexDaniel jmerelo: hello 16:41
yoleaux 16:35Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: docs.perl6.org is down
jmerelo AlexDaniel: ping is OK, seems to be a problem with the website itself.
AlexDaniel moritz: ↑ ?
perl6.org is down too
timotimo: ↑ ?
jmerelo: github.com/perl6/infrastructure-do...nistration 16:42
jmerelo AlexDaniel: OK, thanks. 16:43
timotimo: Are you around?
.seen [Coke]
yoleaux I saw [Coke] 16 Jan 2019 15:51Z in #perl6-dev: <[Coke]> I am barely handling my current volunteer responsibilities with the TPF.
jmerelo .seen FROGGS
yoleaux I saw FROGGS 28 Jul 2018 11:59Z in #perl6: <FROGGS> though that'd mean that if something was not present at compile time, it wont be used if it get installed later on
moritz I'm around now
yoleaux 16:35Z <jmerelo> moritz: docs.perl6.org is down
jmerelo moritz++ 16:44
Util www.perl6.org is also down 16:44
AlexDaniel tyil: something will be unhappy, yes. I did add a random delay to whateverables so that they don't join at the same time… 16:45
and that works, for now… :)
Geth doc: 2f0a42be7c | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/modules.pod6
Adds note and example to address comment

Closes #2544
Comment was 3 years old, BTW.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/modules
moritz *.perl6.org up again
AlexDaniel moritz: thank you ♥ 16:50
moritz: any idea about what happened to it?
jmerelo great! Thanks moritz 16:51
Util moritz++
AlexDaniel I made a huge mistake… It's -15°C and I went outside 16:53
lizmat AlexDaniel: and now ? 16:54
NL had a new traffic jam record: 2339 km 16:55
moritz AlexDaniel: the www.p6c.org VM froze up
no idea why
AlexDaniel lizmat: now I'm back home under a blanket :) 16:56
timotimo statisfiable6: help 17:13
statisfiable6 timotimo, Available stats: core (CORE.setting size), install (size of the installation), libmoar (libmoar.so size) # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Statisfiable
timotimo statisfiable6: core 17:14
statisfiable6 timotimo, OK! Working on it…
jmerelo AlexDaniel: get well soon...
AlexDaniel jmerelo: I'm OK, actually, I hope :) 17:15
jmerelo AlexDaniel: get warmer soon, I guess :-) 17:18
AlexDaniel timotimo: I don't think it'll finish… it stopped working for some reason 17:19
timotimo oh 17:20
lizmat Something went down recently in the setting.moarvm size: 17:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 liz staff 14589128 Jan 20 18:29 CORE.setting.moarvm
-rw-r--r-- 1 liz staff 14371712 Jan 21 14:51 CORE.setting.moarvm
scimon Question in Stackoverflow about Key errors on hashes. Don't we give a warning about that? I thought we did.
lizmat looks
timotimo there's one commit jnthn made that removes bytecode that was generated from a { ... } block before it was decided that it was actually a hash 17:22
lizmat scimon: what should it have warned about ?
timotimo that was 4th of january, though
lizmat timotimo: but that was like a week ago, no ?
timotimo lowering $_ and removing unused $_ could have helped 17:23
lizmat ah, that
looks though it was 5b231e09991f1306
timotimo that's strange 17:24
i would have expected that to increase the size rather than decrease
moritz m: use fatal; my %h; say "foo %h<bar>"; say "alive"
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
scimon lizmat: Ignore me. I'm being dumb. Again. 17:27
lizmat I won't and you aren't. Again :-)
lizmat scimon: nice one about the role 17:31
I wonder if we should put something like that in cofre
scimon I figured I'd make a module for it. Couple of roles, maybe as traits. One to die and one to warn if the key doesn't exist. 17:34
AlexDaniel timotimo: ok, I know what's wrong… maybe 17:59
AlexDaniel statisfiable6: core 18:06
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel, OK! Working on it…
AlexDaniel 🤞
AlexDaniel hmm… 18:12
AlexDaniel statisfiable6: core 18:26
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel, OK! Working on it…
AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/d2cf44884dbbac163d...66f49964bb 18:36
AlexDaniel timotimo: ↑
statisfiable6: install 18:41
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel, OK! Working on it…
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/6d06727ebd4c6da9a5...fccdbecc3a 18:52
AlexDaniel statisfiable6: libmoar
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel, OK! Working on it…
statisfiable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/3861ce25aad32420a7...fa0a904990 19:04
AlexDaniel timotimo: ↑ all graphs! 19:05
con how can I do something like `use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all'` and `use autodie qw(:all)` in perl6? 19:10
moritz autodie coresponds to "use fatal;" 19:11
timotimo i wonder if we'll get the core setting size down again somehow at some point ... 19:13
melezhik Hi! I run external command as run "command", @params, :out; How do I make this not to fail when command exists with none zero code? I am interested in other ways then catching exceptions
moritz melezhik: the return value of run is a Promise 19:14
so store it somewhere, don't let it explode in sink context 19:15
melezhik Hi moritz: let me show a certain example 19:16
m: 'run "fff", :out'
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant string "run \"fff\", :out" in sink context (line 1)
melezhik m: run "fff", :out
camelia The spawned command 'fff' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: my $run-val = run "fff", :out; say $run-val.^name; say $run-val.exitcode; say "alive" 19:17
camelia Proc
melezhik I'd like to avoid exceptions, through "run" parameters, is it possible?
timotimo like this -^
melezhik ahh, should I assign?
timotimo "disarm" the Proc object that is returned by Proc
that's what moritz told you :)
melezhik moritz: thanks! 19:18
timotimo: thanks too ((=:
but I also need to get stdout IF command is successful 19:19
normally this is achievable by
sorry, 5 secs 19:20
m: my $a = run "ls", :out; say $a.out.lines
camelia ("my file" Inline-Perl5 Perlito bin dalek-queue evalbot evalbot.log file.txt hs_err_pid7347.log lib log mbox nqp-js p1 p2 p6eval-token perl5 precomp rakudo-j-1 rakudo-j-2 rakudo-j-inst rakudo-j-inst-1 rakudo-j-inst-2 rakudo-m-1 rakudo-m-2 rakudo-m-ins…
melezhik m: my $a = run "lggggg", :out; say $a.out.lines 19:21
camelia ()
melezhik well look like I die when I try to close 19:22
m: my $a = run "lggggg", :out; say $a.out.lines; $a.out.close()
camelia ()
The spawned command 'lggggg' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik that the case
how can I handle that?
timotimo the return value of $a.out.close is what's blowing up 19:24
m: my $a = run "lggggg", :out; say $a.out.lines; $a.out.close().^name
camelia ()
timotimo m: my $a = run "lggggg", :out; say $a.out.lines; say $a.out.close().^name
camelia ()
timotimo it's the Proc object "again", and it has the exit code in it as well
timotimo also thanks, AlexDaniel :) 19:28
melezhik timotimo: so it's just an .^name at the end to do the trick? 19:37
melezhik anyway, it works. thank you! 19:41
timotimo well, not really 19:43
just don't sink the value itself
store it away and it'll be fine
Kaiepi m: use NativeCall; sub strlen(Str --> size_t) is native{*}; my Str $foo = explicitly-manage('ayy lmao'); say strlen($foo) 19:46
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
A unit-scoped sub definition is not allowed except on a MAIN sub;
Please use the block form. If you did not mean to declare a unit-scoped sub,
perhaps you accidentally placed a semicolon after routi…
Kaiepi m: use NativeCall; my sub strlen(Str --> size_t) is native{*}; my Str $foo = explicitly-manage('ayy lmao'); say strlen($foo) 19:47
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
A unit-scoped sub definition is not allowed except on a MAIN sub;
Please use the block form. If you did not mean to declare a unit-scoped sub,
perhaps you accidentally placed a semicolon after routi…
timotimo needs to have a space after "native"
Kaiepi oh
m: use NativeCall; sub strlen(Str --> size_t) is native {*}; sub free(Pointer[void]) is native {*}; my Str $foo = explicitly-manage('ayy lmao'); say strlen($foo); free(nativecast(Pointer[void], $foo)) 19:48
camelia Type check failed in assignment to $foo; expected Str but got NativeCall::CStr (NativeCall::CStr.new)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: use NativeCall; sub strlen(Str --> size_t) is native {*}; sub free(Pointer[void]) is native {*}; my Str $foo = 'ayy lmao'; explicitly-manage($foo); say strlen($foo); free(nativecast(Pointer[void], $foo))
camelia 8
Native call expected return type with CPointer, CStruct, CArray, or VMArray representation, but got a P6opaque (Str+{NativeCall::ExplicitlyManagedString})
in sub nativecast at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/sources/947BDAB9F96E0E5FC…
Kaiepi didn't this used to work? 19:50
timotimo i would expect it to, yeah
Kaiepi what does "is raw" do? 19:59
timotimo defers selection of context (item vs list for example) but doesn't require a writable container like "is rw" does
BBL 20:01
tyil lizmat: I now have the database up-and-running to keep track of modules, so I can also implement new vs updated module text 20:44
not sure if I want to do that first, or make a program to crawl the entire cpan index for perl 6 modules 20:45
to ensure the database is complete
does anyone know if cpan has ratelimiting on http requests? or can I just fire at it as fast as computerly possible? 20:46
timotimo have you looked at how exactly modules.perl6.org uses rsync with cpan? 20:54
tyil not yet 20:55
timotimo only for CPAN/authors/id?
it does finish really quickly
modules.perl6.org/update.log - just looking at the log right now
tyil I was looking at ecogen, which is used to generate info for zef
if im correct
timotimo ah, i think that's right
tyil where can I find the code behind the update mechanism for modules.perl6.org? 20:57
timotimo i think it's the same name on github under perl6/
tyil found it github.com/perl6/modules.perl6.org
tyil it doesnt look like perl 6 tho ;~; 20:58
timotimo the web app definitely isn't 20:59
not sure about the updater script
tyil github.com/perl6/modules.perl6.org...ct-list.pl
its perl 5
but I can gather the required info from it nonetheless I think
cpan-p6_ New module released to CPAN! LibraryCheck (0.0.8) by 03JSTOWE 21:37
abc3354 hi 21:52
ufobat hi
sena_kun o/ 21:52
ufobat good bye :D 21:53
ParsonsNose #jdd 23:04
leont is rather surprised to discover modules.perl6.org is written in perl5 23:37
sena_kun well... 23:48
I suspect it was written when Perl 6 was not as mature as it is now, ecosystem-wise, performance-wise. Attempts to rewrite it in Perl 6 are welcome, one can suspect. :) 23:50