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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
leont It seems IO::Path.dir gives less than awesome error messages 00:12
Failed to get the directory contents of '/var/spool/cups': Failed to open dir: 13
13 means "permission denied", but somehow it prints the number instead of the message 00:13
Also, returning a Failure object when the user is expecting a Sequence is not very helpful (use fatal was though) 00:14
leont It works fine when iterating over it immediately, but not so much when putting it in an array first :-/ 00:24
El_Che That would be a nasty surprise 00:25
leont m: my @foo = "/var/spool/cups".IO.dir; dd @foo 00:26
camelia Array @foo = [Failure.new(exception => X::IO::Dir.new(path => "/var/spool/cups", os-error => "Failed to open dir: 13"), backtrace => Backtrace.new)]
leont That
El_Che I wonder if, unlike the Java-like failure throwing, the style of (return value, error) returns (like in Go) make defensive programming easier
leont One could argue Failure should blow up when listified, but I'm not sure I can see all the implications of that 00:28
El_Che catch it early or catch it later 00:29
it would break loops like "read all these files and show me their contents or error code" 00:30
timotimo m: sub willfail { fail "oh no" }; my @foo = willfail; say @foo.perl 00:46
camelia [Failure.new(exception => X::AdHoc.new(payload => "oh no"), backtrace => Backtrace.new)]
timotimo yeah, that's not so cool
but it's not being sunk, and sinking a failure or trying to work with it is what blows it up
m: sub willfail { fail "oh no" }; my @foo = willfail.list; say @foo.perl
camelia [Failure.new(exception => X::AdHoc.new(payload => "oh no"), backtrace => Backtrace.new)]
timotimo m: sub willfail { fail "oh no" }; my @foo = willfail.eager; say @foo.perl 00:47
camelia [Failure.new(exception => X::AdHoc.new(payload => "oh no"), backtrace => Backtrace.new)]
timotimo m: sub willfail { fail "oh no" }; for willfail { .perl.say } 00:49
camelia 5===SORRY!5===
Function 'willfail' needs parens to avoid gobbling block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3il "oh no" }; for willfail { .perl.say }7⏏5<EOL>
Missing block (apparently claimed by 'willfail')
at <tmp>:1
------> 3il "oh no" }; for …
timotimo m: sub willfail { fail "oh no" }; for willfail() { .perl.say }
camelia Failure.new(exception => X::AdHoc.new(payload => "oh no"), backtrace => Backtrace.new)
timotimo failure is also a thing for cases when you're doing a whole bunch of things in parallel and you want to finish stuff before a single failure blows everything up 00:50
so that necessitates that failures can go into lists
El_Che or when failure is a expected return (my reading lots of files examples) 00:52
the "13" exit code is LTA in this case, indeed 00:53
timotimo m: sub willfail { fail "oh no" }; for try willfail() { .perl.say }
camelia Nil
leont I don't mind it going into a list, but it shouldn't become a list
timotimo well, assigning to a @foo will turn things into lists
leont Obviously. That's where I want it to fail ;-)
El_Che oh, I see what you mean now
timotimo m: sub willfail { fail "oh no" }; for willfail.self { .perl.say } 00:54
camelia oh no
in sub willfail at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
leont Yeah, self or use fatal will make it DWIM, but it's still non-intuitive behavior 00:55
timotimo agreed 00:58
leont I filed a ticket for the dir behavior, but maybe I should have filed one for fail. Will need to ponder that. 01:02
Xliff \o/ 02:24
gist.github.com/Xliff/afed9c58e738...6645520c8f 02:28
MasterDuke cool 02:31
Xliff Thanks. 02:36
timotimo good work, Xliff! 02:43
Xliff timotimo: Thanks! :) 03:37
Now I need ideas for other things to do with what I have. Suggestions welcome! :)
Simple GTK apps would be nice.
Like... I'm not currently able to write a media player, yet. But wouldn't mind helping create one. :) 03:38
Xliff Is there any way to distribute a module through zef that has already been precompiled? 03:47
Xliff p6-GtkPlus is already clocking in at 30 minutes using optimal build order, and I'd prefer if end users didn't have to endure that prior to getting their hands dirty. 03:48
Maybe I could have said that better.
s/hands dirty/feet wet/ 03:49
vrurg Xliff: WOW! Amazing! 03:53
Xliff vrurg: :) Thanks. 03:54
Unfortunately, depends on GTKPlus, which depends on Pango which has a blocker.
Actually, I need to make an issue on that so I can track it.
Xliff OK. So I am currently stuck on p6-Pango with the two issues listed. Once those are fixed, I can release Pango, and p6-GtkPlus 04:04
Once those are released p6-WebkitGTK is only a week's worth of work behind. 04:05
Until then, to use everything I've been working on, you have to go through a lot of shite.
See instructions for github.com/Xliff/p6-VisualGrammar 04:06
Xliff OK. Next step is p6-GTK-MineSweeper.... Just coz! 04:20
hahainternet Xliff: this work seems very impressive ☺ 04:47
my only criticism of visualgrammar is that you should take care to use a colourblind-aware series of colours 04:48
Xliff hahainternet: I hear you. Right now I am using a module I converted from Javascript. See github.com/Xliff/p6-RandomColor 05:01
hahainternet: If there were an algorithm to generate random colors... or even an infinite set of colors for colorblind users, I would implement it in a second.
Or, at the very least, something that I could use to convert a RandomColor to something colorblind-aware. 05:02
Thanks for the suggestion! Could you add an issue to RandomColor?
hahainternet Xliff: the problem is people fail to understand colourblindness
Xliff I know.
hahainternet it's not just a question of being unable to see absolute colours
but also adjacent colour differences
Xliff Yes. And I know I need further education on that.
hahainternet i also am not aware of any algorithm for picking optimal colours
but i have seen colourblind schemes before
i've got time tomorrow, i'll do a bit of research ☺ 05:03
Xliff Be aware that p6-VisualGrammar does attempt to prevent colors too adjacent to each other.
hahainternet yes, the problem is that the 'too adjacent' map is generally based on colour distance
but obviously that map changes when you have broken eyes :(
Xliff I am very grateful for interested persons who find a problem and are willing to offer a solution.
hahainternet i'd like to know the correct solution tbqh 05:04
Xliff Yeah. Me too.
hahainternet it's a problem i encouter a lot, as i have bad red/green and a weak blue channel i think
Xliff It is more an issue for RandomColor than it is for VisualGrammar, tbh
hahainternet it's 5am for me so i won't be able to do much now
Xliff No worries. I am patient.
hahainternet but it's on my list for tomorrow now :D
Xliff :)
Do you think you could just add a quick issue to github.com/Xliff/p6-RandomColor? 05:05
I don't need details, just a quick notice.
hahainternet yeah can do 05:06
Xliff Thanks!
Xliff hahainternet: :D 05:12
araraloren I made the simple Pluggable example works 05:33
The IO::Handle.lock/unlock and require need another thread lock :) 05:34
They are not thread safe
jmerelo releasable6: status 07:15
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 6 blockers. 158 out of 257 commits logged
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/d791089c603142762a...dcac84aae3
Geth doc: 8ef3a57525 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Revision and reflow, refs #2594
Geth ecosystem: 53fa15ae36 | (Jonathan Stowe)++ | META.list
Remove more of my modules to CPAN
El_Che remove to? 12:59
moritz probably just "move to" 13:00
rfold Is it possible to ./Configure.pl rakudo-star so that building will not install zef? 13:18
El_Che you need all the extra modules? YOu could be regular rakudo instead 13:19
moritz right, rakudo star = rakudo + zef + modules 13:19
you need zef to install the modules
if you don't want zef, you can't have modules, and then you're back to just rakudo 13:20
rfold I don't need any of them.
Thanks, I'll try to install Rakudo!
leont But you need my precious modules! :-p 13:21
El_Che there are binaries for Linux and regular rakudo is now also part of homebrew on macos
MasterDuke moritz: did you happen to catch my comment about github.com/croservices? it has a lot of modules in the repos under it (e.g., Cro::HTTP, Cro::WebSocket) 13:30
moritz MasterDuke: I forgot, sorry 13:40
MasterDuke no worries
rfold Cool I got it working. 13:45
MasterDuke rfold: what are you planning to use rakudo for without any modules? 13:52
pmurias rfold: if you don't want to use any module you could try a raw rakudo release instead of star? 14:00
araraloren_ rfold you can try rakudo release 14:08
moritz ok, I now know why perl6-all-modules doesn't include many of the Cro-related modules 16:48
the job starts by downloading modules.perl6.org/s/from:cpan/.json
and then for each distribution, it looks at the "url" field
and expects a link to a tarball, but finds for example github.com/croservices/cro-core.git 16:49
where other modules contain URLs like cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/H/HO/H...2.7.tar.gz 16:50
my problem is, I have no idea if my script should be able to deal with git URLs, or if something is wrong
and if yes, if it's in modules.perl6.org, or with the Cro dists, or something else 16:51
hahainternet github always gets special cased in dep managers, frustratingly
same is true for Go
Harzilein sometimes gitlab gets special cased too 16:55
moritz perlpunks.de/paste/show/5c4de2fd.326b.c7 16:57
what's the point to upload things to CPAN if our meta data doesn't even contain links to the CPAN URLs? 16:58
moritz m: say 'foo'.endswith('o') 17:09
camelia No such method 'endswith' for invocant of type 'Str'. Did you mean 'ends-with'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat .ask jmerelo perhaps it's a good idea to postpone the Squashathon one week on account of FOSDEM next weekend ? 17:50
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
Juanita I love when on my body cum, find me here - gmy.su/:45ny 18:17
moritz .tell MasterDuke github.com/moritz/perl6-all-module...cpan/JNTHN looks much better now 18:19
yoleaux moritz: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
hahainternet Xliff: so i did some reading, and it seems the theory is fairly well established, in the standard colourspace diagram, a series of lines radiating from one of 3 points models deficiency in one colour receptor set 20:36
but specific algorithms to reduce the colourspace to a linear pick i don't yet know
so i'll get back to you if i find something :p