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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
timotimo i mean that assert looks like libuv isn't happy when you close stdout or stderr? (or stdin for that matter) 00:46
i wonder what's the intent behind that and what we can do about it
MasterDuke timotimo: did you try reproing it? i don't get it on head or 2018.12 00:47
but i do on 2018.06
timotimo wasn't able to either 00:51
i guess we should have asked for perl6 --version
MasterDuke .ask leszekdubiel with perl6 at HEAD on master or 2018.12 i can't repro your error. but i do get it with 2018.06. what does `perl6 --version` report for you? 01:05
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to leszekdubiel.
kybr how does one match EOF? if i `$_ = get()` and they type a control-d, how do i match that? 01:26
kybr i figured it out.. `when not .defined { ... }` works, sortof, but now i `use Linenoise` 02:00
Elronnd how can I append an array to another one? In the repl, with a simple test, @a.append(@b) works fine, but when I do it in my actual code, I get an error of 'Type check failed in assignment to @ret; expected tok::Token but got Array[tok::Token] (Array[tok::Token].new(tok::Token.new(t...)' 06:49
from the code [email@hidden.address] where @ret is an array of Token, and $opts.macros{$tmp} is another
Elronnd whelp, fixed it by flattening. Ain't clean, but it works 06:59
leszekdubiel perl6 --version This is Rakudo version 2018.06 built on MoarVM version 2018.06 implementing Perl 6.c. 07:27
yoleaux 01:05Z <MasterDuke> leszekdubiel: with perl6 at HEAD on master or 2018.12 i can't repro your error. but i do get it with 2018.06. what does `perl6 --version` report for you?
leszekdubiel perl6 --version This is Rakudo version 2018.06 built on MoarVM version 2018.06 implementing Perl 6.c. 07:28
there is a bug filed: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2700
jmerelo Geth: status 08:53
yoleaux 15 Feb 2019 20:21Z <tony-o> jmerelo: #222 would be a good plugin, it seems outside of the scope of installing packages
15 Feb 2019 20:24Z <tony-o> jmerelo: i'm working on getting stuff like `require xyz:file<>` to work in a way that would make plugins work nicely with zef and when that happens there'll be a lot more documentation surrounding it. writing docs about it right now is a waste of everyone's time as the interface _will_ change and it consumes time that is better spent making plugins better/saner and writing docs about that
jmerelo .tell tony-o how can we be expected to write plugins a) without documentation on how to do it or a reference implementation and b) if the interface to them will change? 08:55
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to tony-o.
Xliff m: class AA { }; class AB { }; class BB { }; my subset A where AA | AB; my subset B where BB | A; sub b(B $b) { say "B" }; b(AA.new); b(BB.new); b(A.new) 12:43
camelia B
You cannot create an instance of this type (A)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Xliff m: class AA { }; class AB { }; class BB { }; my subset A where AA | AB; my subset B where BB | A; sub b(B $b) { say "B" }; b(AA.new); b(BB.new); 12:44
camelia B
Xliff Nice!
Xliff m: class AA { }; class AB { }; class BB { }; class C { }; my subset A where AA | AB; my subset B where BB | A; sub b(B $b) { say "B" }; b(AA.new); b(BB.new); b(AB.new); b(C.new) 12:44
camelia B
Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '$b'; expected B but got C (C.new)
in sub b at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Xliff m: class AA { }; class AB { }; class BB { }; class C { }; my subset A where AA | AB; my subset B where BB | A; sub b(B $b) { say "B" }; b(AA.new); b(BB.new); b(AB.new); 12:45
camelia B
Xliff \o/
Is there a significant penalty when using a subset of subsets?
Particularly if there turns out to be a heirarchy?
lizmat the biggest penalty is using a constraint consisting of code 12:46
timotimo i would assume it at least has to call each predicate in turn
lizmat which prevents any fast paths ?
timotimo perhaps, i haven't looked into this at all yet 12:48
Altreus I'm falling over this github.com/Bailador/Bailador/issues/307 13:59
don't know what the resolution was
I ran zef update, but I dunno if there's something else to try refreshing or clearing 14:00
Altreus there's also the fact I can't find it either modules.perl6.org/search/?q=path::iterator 14:03
tobs m: say gather { take a => 10 } 14:04
camelia Unexpected named argument 'a' passed
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
tbrowder \o #perl6
tobs uh, how do I take a Pair?
araraloren m: say gather { take (a => 10) } 14:05
camelia (a => 10)
tobs thanks
araraloren Altreus have you update your Rakudo to last version 14:07
Altreus m: say gather { take :a(10) }
camelia Unexpected named argument 'a' passed
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Altreus huh
tbrowder i’m having a real head scratcher with a class i am building. i cannot figure why i get this error: Cannot look up attributes in a My::Class object... 14:08
Altreus araraloren: I'm on 2018.10. Is there a later version?
araraloren I don't know, Rakudo last release is 2018-12, not know the Rakudo Star 14:09
tbrowder my attributes are all $. or %., i am using a TWEAK submethod where i modify the attributes, all the attrs i tweak are marked “is rw” 14:10
Altreus I'm on the top level of perl6 involvement :) i.e. I do what perl6.org says, and ask for help when it doesn't work
tbrowder i am calling on some other package vars in the tweak 14:11
Altreus can I just install rakudo from github over the top of waht rakudo star gave me?
tbrowder: don't forget TWEAK requires you to use $! or %!
araraloren I don't know if they are install in same directory 14:12
tbrowder like so “my $var = $::(“My::Class::alist”); 14:13
yes, i am using ! twigil in the tweak 14:14
i can post what i have in a gist, but it may be TL;DR for casual viewing, it’s my version 2 of Date::Names 14:15
Altreus might be easier for someone to help if you do 14:16
probably won't be me though :D
timotimo tbrowder: did you forget a .new? 14:24
tbrowder hm, i didn’t think i had to define a new, so i didn’t 14:25
timotimo you don't have to define a new, but you do have to call it 14:26
tbrowder well, i did in my using file. i’m pushing my branch to github now... 14:27
ok, pushed v2 branch, made it the default branch, see github/tbrowder/Date-Names-Perl6; see examples/eg3.p6 which, when executed, throws the error. any help welcome. got to go for a while... 14:32
timotimo yeah 14:33
you can't .dump
timotimo without instantiating using .new 14:34
guifa tbrowder: have you thought about sourcing your information from CLDR? I’m going to have to import the date and number information over from it for my port of Fluent 15:02
Xliff m: say 'Test ' Z~ (1..3) 15:16
camelia (Test 1)
Xliff m: say ('Test ' xx 3) Z~ (1..3)
camelia (Test 1 Test 2 Test 3)
Xliff m: say 'Test ' »Z~ (1..3)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing « or »
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say 'Test ' »Z~7⏏5 (1..3)
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Altreus araraloren: Discovered that the module was renamed :) 15:17
bailador can be installed from github master 15:18
Xliff Is there a way to do that where I can do that without the xx?
m: say 'Test ' »Z~« (1..3)
camelia Lists on either side of non-dwimmy hyperop of are not of the same length while recursing
left: 1 elements, right: 3 elements
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: say 'Test ' Z~« (1..3)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in shell-quote words; couldn't find final '»' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say 'Test ' Z~« (1..3)7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
timotimo Xliff: you want X 15:19
Xliff Ooog
sena_kun m: say ('Test ') X~ (1..3)
camelia (Test 1 Test 2 Test 3)
Xliff m: say 'Test ' X~ (1..3)
camelia (Test 1 Test 2 Test 3)
Xliff \o/
sena_kun m: say 'Test ' X~ 1..3
camelia (Test 1 Test 2 Test 3)
Xliff timotimo++
araraloren Altreus oh, okay!
Xliff m: "Hide Column Titles".lc.replace(' ', '_').say 15:33
camelia No such method 'replace' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: "Hide Column Titles".lc.subst(' ', '_').say
camelia hide_column titles
Xliff m: "Hide Column Titles".lc.subst(' ', '_', :g).say
camelia hide_column_titles 15:34
Xliff m: sub aaaa { say "HI!" }: "&aaaa"; 15:34
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub aaaa { say "HI!" }:7⏏5 "&aaaa";
expecting any of:
colon pair
Xliff m: sub aaaa { say "HI!" }: ::("&aaaa"); 15:35
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub aaaa { say "HI!" }:7⏏5 ::("&aaaa");
expecting any of:
colon pair
Xliff m: sub aaaa { say "HI!" }: ::("&aaaa")();
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub aaaa { say "HI!" }:7⏏5 ::("&aaaa")();
expecting any of:
colon pair
tbrowder guifa: i wasn’t aware of that module...let me check...CLDR 15:50
guifa It’s not a perl module, but a large database of language information. To my knowledge the most anyone has done with it in P6 is to implement a list formatter 15:51
timotimo tbrowder: did you see my hint? 15:52
guifa . o O ( actually wouldn’t be a terrible thing to have as a built in in the same way all of Unicode’s stuff is built in)
tbrowder timotimo: arg! i thought i had a new in that ex*/eg3.p6 file! so much for single-set eyeballs, and too much late nighting! thanks! 15:56
guifa: it might be useful later, but at the rate i’m not debugging successfully, it might be a LONG while! 16:02
guifa I will probably look at tackling CLDR at some point, I’m going to have to implement its date and number functions for the Fluent localization framework 16:03
tbrowder um, CLDR date data? ...looking... 16:37
ufobat_ Altreus, I need to make a bailador tarball for cpan so it works again :( i am sorry, thats my fault 16:51
Elronnd o/g 17:33
guifa tbrowder: when you download the common.zip file from CLDR, go to common/main/[languagecode].xml In that XML file, inside the <date> tag (top level tag) with how each language should format all the different calenders (not just gregorian), interval ranges, names of months years (even cycles of the chinese calendar!) 18:02
guifa Go to date -> calendars -> calendar type=gregorian -> months and you can see the different abbreviated names of months. For instance “abbreviated” (three letters), “narrow” (single), “wide” (spelled out) for use in compounds, or for when standing alone 18:04
tbrowder aha! an unknown treasure trove now revealed. that needs to be in the README, and in its tags. I hope I’m not wasting my time with Date::Names. 18:06
guifa: thanks for the info 18:07
guifa I only knew about it because I’ve done some work with a team that submitted the information for Asturian. It’s a bit more obscure I think that it should be. But I don’t think you’d be wasting your time. Some times it can be good to have a more surgically precise and tailored module than a blunt force mega module ;-) 18:09
woolfy Camelia rock star at FOSDEM 2019, lovely gift from visitor to the Perl-booth: www.flickr.com/photos/wendyga/4014...553419147/ 18:58
timotimo cool! 18:59
woolfy timotimo: the lady got a Camelia stuffed toy and a big hug as thanks... :-) 19:00
timotimo \o/
moritz very nice. Tweeted! 19:34
tbrowder guifa: i'm not finding it looking at patch's github repos. can you give me a link, please? 19:49
andrzejku I found a bug probably in moarvm 20:19
timotimo cool 20:21
details please :)
andrzejku when I add a libdir to moarvm
it looks like the generated moar binary 20:22
have not a properly set runtime path for /usr/lib64/perl6/libmoarvm.so
or something ismilar
so I set LDCONFIG but is more like a hack
timotimo do you mean --libpath? 20:23
andrzejku timotimo, I am not sure :D 21:14
timotimo well, --libpath is a commandline argument to the moar binary 21:16
andrzejku humm 21:20
that's install lib path
guifa tbrowder: unicode.org/Public/cldr/34/cldr-common-34.0.zip 21:21
err unicode.org/Public/cldr/34/core.zip but they may actually be the same thing (same file size AFAICT) 21:22
timotimo that's build stuff that i'm not knowledgeable about, andrzejku :( 21:25
andrzejku timotimo, ;D 21:52
if you can please support me here
that's my first package but it was a little bit complicated : ( 21:53
I hope they will accept it
tbrowder guifa: ok, thnx, i vaguely remember seeing that stuff now—i was zeroed in on patch’s repo (showing in a modules.perl6.org)... 22:44
timotimo andrzejku: i don't think "the successor of perl" is quite right 23:03
andrzejku timotimo, that's just advertisement
timotimo clicking on the yml file gives me a biiiiig window with the icon and name, but not the source m( 23:04
andrzejku :D 23:05
timotimo why isn't there a "download to clipboard" feature, haha 23:06
andrzejku timotimo, well I drink wine and going to sleep :-P
timotimo okay, sleep well!
andrzejku thnks, see you!
timotimo "Summary" is "Perl6" in the moarvm package? 23:07
timotimo andrzejku: If you're submitting a package.yml build, ensure you also commit the pspec_$ARCH.xml file, as builds are created from git tags. 23:10
is that relevant to your ticket?
i can't find the documentation for the package.yml files
timotimo aha, it's called ypkg 23:11
i think the summary field in the packages should have what's currently in the description and have a bit more explanations in the description field. for example, it'd be helpful to have the description of moarvm (or maybe even the summary) reference rakudo/perl6 23:13
andrzejku timotimo, ok 23:16
tbrowder guifa: that’s the answer (CLDR), and i can get it in json to skip pain of xml! thanks for the tip. btw, i see that da 23:26
*thanks for the tip (finger fumble...) 23:27
guifa Probably interesting to note that the JSON version is missing some languages for some odd reason 23:28
(namely, the one I work with) 23:29
manchicken Howdy. Anybody know of any known issues with Mojave and Rakudobrew? 23:33
manchicken I'm trying to do more work on perl6-POSIX, but I can't even get a functional build of moar right now. 23:35
timotimo i'm around, but i have no clue about macos 23:39
manchicken Aww. 23:50
timotimo can you paste some console output perhaps? have you tried multiple different versions? 23:52
manchicken Sure. 23:56
It's one of these: github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew/issues/107
timotimo are you using system libraries? 23:57
we have (and require/rely upon) patches to libtommath
using the system-provided/package-manager-provided version can just break