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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
00:00 manchicken joined 00:02 Juerd left, patrickb left 00:16 zacts left, w_richard_w joined 00:28 Juerd joined 00:42 manchicken left 00:43 zacts joined 00:47 MasterDuke joined, MasterDuke left, MasterDuke joined 00:49 netrino left 00:52 dominix__ is now known as dominix 01:03 alnk joined 01:06 Kaiepi joined 01:33 dominix left 01:37 alnk left, alnk joined 01:42 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined 01:52 zacts left 02:21 molaf left
timotimo www.reddit.com/r/perl6/comments/at...e/eh1abnf/ - just posted a long-ass comment about spesh optimizations up on reddit 02:22
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Xliff timotimo++ 02:40
02:41 snarkyboojum left
Xliff I will have to read this, carefully. It's Friday and my threshold for detailed discussions is low. 02:41
VERY low.
Xliff sips another coke and brandy.
02:42 ayerhart left 02:47 ayerhart joined
hahainternet thanks for the post timotimo, i'm working on things kinda unrelated to perl6 but it's always nice to read strategies, especially when i don't understand the problem domain :) 02:48
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timotimo :D 02:53
i need to finally write up something for my SDL2 experiments, even though they are still super simple
02:57 ayerhart left
hahainternet i am trying to concieve of a grammar that describes itself increasingly accurately while it is iteratively being designed 02:58
02:58 ayerhart joined
timotimo not entirely sure how you mean that? like invent a new EBNF-like? 02:59
hahainternet more or less, but designed around more human language 03:00
EBNF is exactly accurate/precise immediately
but humans describe things in big gloopy messes
timotimo that's true
hahainternet i'm intrigued by the idea of taking an abstract description, diving down and formalising each segment, then stepping backwards and genericising the formalised version
and seeing what you get
timotimo at some point we should have the other way around: put in perl6 grammar, get out a human-readable description :) 03:01
hahainternet well, all my playing is done in p6 because grammars are so wonderful
it's not so much human readable, but the ideal confluence
human writeable, machine readable, human rewriteable
timotimo mhm 03:02
that makes sense, yeah
hahainternet currently slowly tackling Syntactical Structures
(in PDF format, gah)
ah excellent and the guy i was arguing with on reddit was basically entirely arguing a red herring 03:04
wonderful :)
timotimo ;(
hahainternet my fault too, the thread will be informative for passers by though, which is ideal 03:05
timotimo yeah, there's often many more of them than the people actually involved
hahainternet anyhow, half of what i am doing already looks perl6y because it's like "class Pump { has Inlet; has Outlet; }" etc 03:10
a linguistic approach really feels right
discord6 <Rogue> I love "has" for class members
hahainternet 'is' and 'does' too
03:10 zachk left
discord6 <Rogue> After all, programming languages other than machine code are for humans 03:11
hahainternet that's not entirely true imho
we don't have any programming languages truly for humans, just ones that are more humanistic than others
discord6 <Rogue> Well, okay, programming languages are for programmers
hahainternet hah are you suggesting we are all part machine? ;) 03:12
discord6 <Rogue> and what do you get taught in any OO-focused introductory programming course? Object A has object B
Xliff I'm still waiting for someone to make a Slang so you can say "haz $!cheesburger" in a class def. 03:22
03:44 hythm joined 03:49 snarkyboojum_ left
irced part machine what? 03:59
irced looks around suspiciously.
irced eats a spider. 04:01
I'm not an andy.
hythm Hi, I'm trying to upload my first module to the ecosystem, I have requested a PAUSE account as per the docs. Now do I need to wait for an email to confirm my PAUSE account or what is next? 04:03
04:14 Cabanoss- joined 04:15 Cabanossi left, Cabanoss- is now known as Cabanossi 04:24 mikfire joined 05:05 ferreira left 05:06 mikfire left 05:37 jmerelo joined 05:38 zacts left 06:20 manwar joined
manwar Hi, if I am using use-ok 'x'; do I still have to say use X; 06:21
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Geth doc/master: 4 commits pushed by (JJ Merelo)++ 06:48
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jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel I'm thinking again about changing the subject of the hackathon after I have discovered this github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2632 07:02
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel after all, the "Most wanted" does not seem to be raising a lot of enthusiasm
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
jmerelo .tell manwar yes, but that will fail if use-ok returns false, so it's better if you do that in a different test, different numeration. 07:03
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to manwar.
07:06 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined, kurahaupo left 07:07 kurahaupo joined 07:08 hythm left
Geth doc: JJ self-assigned list.head and list.tail use Ranges as examples github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2631
0e2a128100 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/List.pod6
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doc: 45a20b40bd | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/List.pod6
Rewrites tail closes #2631
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/List
07:37 gurmble joined 07:40 gfldex is now known as Guest6585, sauvin left, Actualeyes left, kst` left, grumble left, Guest6585 left, eseyman left, sivoais left, avar left, simcop2387 left, titsuki left, sena_kun left, nebuchadnezzar left 07:41 gurmble is now known as grumble, sauvin joined, nebuchadnezzar joined 07:42 Kaiepi left 07:44 aindilis left 07:53 llfourn_ left 07:54 rgrau left 07:56 namibj left, namibj joined 07:58 rgrau joined 08:01 llfourn joined 08:22 mahafyi joined 08:29 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined
Geth ecosystem: manwar++ created pull request #432:
Update META.list with the p6-Calculator.
ecosystem: 36de1308f0 | (Mohammad S Anwar)++ | META.list
Update META.list with the p6-Calculator.
ecosystem: 37f5125ea2 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #432 from manwar/manwar-Calculator

Update META.list with the p6-Calculator.
ecosystem: 4a8b236491 | (Jonathan Stowe)++ | META.list
Remove the last of my modules from META.list

This is the last batch of modules that I have uploaded to CPAN and tested that they actually download from there.
So long original ecosystem it was a blast.
09:29 evalable6 left 09:33 evalable6 joined 09:45 Kaiepi joined 10:38 netrino joined 10:43 wi15ht joined 10:46 w17t left 11:08 ravenousmoose joined 11:11 robertle joined 11:13 jmerelo left
netrino :react .* $<value>=[\d+F] .* :: Please, use Celsius $/ 11:24
sorry :(
missed the window during the paste 11:25
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AlexDaniel . 13:19
yoleaux 07:02Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: I'm thinking again about changing the subject of the hackathon after I have discovered this github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2632
07:02Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: after all, the "Most wanted" does not seem to be raising a lot of enthusiasm
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo I renamed “Blocker” label in the doc repo to “Top Priority” so that we don't get that confused with rakudo release process 13:21
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
13:22 ravenousmoose joined 13:38 ravenousmoose left
Geth doc: b2ef986ea2 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/packages.pod6
add "interpolating" to index
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/packages
13:41 ravenousmoose joined 13:43 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined 13:44 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined
chee is there a way using the `sub MAIN` for command line args, to say that the single letter args are able to be passed all together? 14:07
like in `wc -lwc` i mean
timotimo interesting, github.com/tadzik/Getopt-Type does seem to support that 14:09
it hasn't been updated in years, though
chee i've specified them all as optional, like `sub MAIN (Bool :$l, Bool :$w) {}` but then they need to be passed `wc -l -w`
timotimo and there's now ways to customize parts of sub MAIN directly
El_Che There is also leont's modules.perl6.org/dist/Getopt::Long:cpan:LEONT 14:10
if you like the perl5 like functionality
chee i was hoping it would be a `%SUB-MAIN-OPTS` value, but there's only one of those ^_^
El_Che chee: lizmat added that after I complained about the functionality here, so you know how things get into core :) 14:12
chee El_Che: :D
maybe i should come back and complain again at a more carefully planned time 14:13
El_Che that's the spirit
14:27 manchicken joined
chee would i use a META6.json in the root directory of an app also, is that a sensible thing to do? or is there another process for keeping track of dependencies when you aren't going to be distributing the thing as a library 14:33
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moritz chee: that's sensible for applications too 14:38
El_Che it's even probably the only wya
(isn't it?)
moritz well, you could have a shell script with "zef install" lines 14:39
14:39 volkov joined
El_Che moritz: I don't like you anymore 14:40
chee i could copy all my dependencies into the directory and run it as `perl6 -I.`
there are all sorts of terrible things we can do !
El_Che thin ice, mister/missy 14:41
volkov So it's definitely necessary to break out Emacs and modify that Perl6 script.
14:43 wi15ht left 14:44 Kaiepi left 14:45 Kaiepi joined
moritz nah, you can use vim for that :D 14:49
14:49 volkov left
discord6 <Vendethiel> Well, vim has to be installed in emacs 14:54
<Vendethiel> - -to being a zef install argument can’t, it seems, be added to the meta file 14:56
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mst ucidatascienceinitiative.github.io...l/WhyJulia # the unicode tab completion thing strikes me as a clever and stealable idea 15:47
I guess perl6 would do it by having the texas operators auto-collapse
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timotimo don't make the REPL more attractive, or people will try using it :P 15:57
chee it's a pity that Linenoise has some tab completion but no utf-8 support and Readline has utf-8 support and no completion (other than the files in cwd) 16:02
16:02 Kaiepi left
timotimo yeah, it's bad :( 16:02
chee there are some forks of Linenoise that support utf-8, i tried to get one of them working last night but i didn't know enough about NativeCall or indeed C to succeed in the hour i spent on it 16:03
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chee oh, actually it did work 16:16
16:22 patrickb joined
Geth doc: 095177cdde | cfa++ | 2 files
Fix typo, whitelist code word.
doc: 3cd2962f54 | cfa++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Inline footnotes (workaround for rakudo/rakudo#2711).
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/operators
synopsebot RAKUDO#2711 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2711 Pod::To::Text is mishandling footnotes.
Geth doc: 73e4964f45 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/packages.pod6
add index item
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/packages
17:05 pmurias joined
pmurias mst: that seems like a good idea, having the initial impression of Perl 6 be as awesome as possible seems like a worthy goal to have it spread more 17:09
yoleaux 14 Feb 2019 02:20Z <MasterDuke> pmurias: i'm trying to build (nqp|rakudo)-js, but `perl Configure.pl --prefix=/home/dan/Source/perl6/install/ --backends=moar,js && make -j6 install` dies in the `make -j6 install` with `Unhandled exception: While looking for 'nqp.moarvm': no such file or directory`. any suggestions?
pmurias MasterDuke: I'll look into it
mst pmurias: also I think people are much more likely to use the unicode operators if they don't have to figure out how to type them 'properly'
certainly my use of texas operators has always been purely out of laziness 17:10
Geth doc: 055b7670b0 | cfa++ | doc/Type/Order.pod6
Index Less, Same and More (enum Order). Closes #2634.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Order
mst I wouldn't mind if I could type those and automatically get the prettier version
tadzik I have them on alt+[] 17:14
github.com/tadzik/dotfiles/blob/ma...emakpl#L34 these two
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tadzik ah, the topic is something else, nevermin 17:17
timotimo comma has or will have something for this :)
tadzik :)
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Geth doc: 7c14832190 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/packages.pod6
index a phrase
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/packages
17:24 simcop2387_ is now known as simcop2387
pmurias mst: the julia vim plugin also adds that so we could steal that mechanic for perl 6 too 17:53
mst hm 17:54
perl6fmt --de-texas # also a theoretically possible thing
pmurias it's something you definity expect from a Perl 6 perltidy
s/you definity/you would definitely 17:56
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MasterDuke mst, pmurias: github.com/drforr/perl6-Perl6-Tidy/issues/3 19:09
mst hah, nice 19:10
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