»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
guifa Juerd: doh, brainfart. 00:09
pmurias m: Int < 0 08:16
yoleaux 28 Mar 2019 21:08Z <El_Che> pmurias: twitter.com/omengue/status/1111373440794058752
evalable6 WARNINGS for /tmp/so6TkOTPsM:
Useless use of "<" in expression "Int < 0" in sink context (line 1)
Use of uninitialized value of type Int in numeric context
in block <unit> at /tmp/so6TkOTPsM line 1
yoleaux 28 Mar 2019 22:54Z <MasterDuke> pmurias: have you looked at github.com/perl6/nqp/pull/518 and github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/2670 ? will they cause any problems for the js backend? i tried to build it to test, but still haven't been able to
Geth doc: ec2b72452f | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6
only → multi and reflow, closes #1783
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/setbagmix
pmurias El_Che: a WASM+WASI future doesn't seem too good for dynamic languages 08:51
jmerelo pmurias: why?
pmurias jmerelo: as of now it's heavily compiled to native languages focused and offers a simplified view of the machine 09:07
jmerelo pmurias: so it's better to just use the JS virtual machine for the time being?
pmurias jmerelo: I think they are working on adding gc to wasm 09:08
jmerelo: hard to say how efficent the JS backend will get
jmerelo: if you want to run any dynamic language like JS itself instead of Perl 6, the JS virtual machine is a ton better 09:09
jmerelo pmurias: GC is like the single thing that makes it more useful for dynamic languages?
pmurias GC is pretty important for dynamic languages 09:11
jmerelo: you mean for js vs wasm?
jmerelo jmerelo: well, in general. I have no idea what makes anything a good target for dynamic languages.
pmurias jmerelo: WASM as now mostly offers just a subset of the underlying machine instructions, it's something that MoarVM would run on 09:13
jmerelo pmurias: MoarVM or NQP? Is it better to port the underlying VM? 09:14
pmurias MoarVM
jmerelo: it's like targeting ARM
jmerelo pmurias: OK, cross-compilation to a particular instruction set. 09:15
pmurias it's like the common question of why don't we target LLVM directly 09:17
running MoarVM on WASM could work well tho 09:18
jmerelo pmurias: I really have no idea. Why?
pmurias because both LLVM and WASM offer just a simplified view of the CPU while higher level virtual machines like MoarVM/JVM offer a higher level abstraction with GC/JIT/an object model/etc. 09:21
it that wasn't needed we could just target x86 directly without MoarVM
jmerelo pmurias: great. Nice :-) Thanks for all the explanations 09:26
pmurias: BTW, did anyone contact you regarding Google Summer of Code? 09:27
pmurias jmerelo: nope 09:43
jmerelo pmurias: do spread the word through social networks if you can. We have a few candidates, but we could have (many) more. And the ellaboration of the proposal for Google takes some time. 09:50
moritz can I use the bisect bot for something that needs additional command line arguments to rakudo? 10:02
timotimo moritz: usually by "run"-ing perl6 from the regular script 10:12
pmurias jmerelo: do we have other candidates then the ones on the site? 10:15
jmerelo: I don't really have a lot programming friend on social medial :/ 10:16
* media
Geth doc: 11e56179b2 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Signature.pod6
distinguish use of "default" as adjective or noun
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Signature
sshow hi! anyone here who owns camelia ?
nine: ? 12:19
moritz I tend to run it 12:23
tbrowder .tell timotimo i would like to use DBIish since pg and sqlite are the only rdbms i use. 12:25
yoleaux tbrowder: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
andrzejku araraloren, hey 12:51
woolfy sshow: the owner of Camelia as a trademark is Larry Wall aka TimToady, well, I think he owns the trademark. 12:58
sshow : He is also the boss of Perl in general, and since we are at #perl6 it seems to be applicable to say he owns Perl 6. 12:59
araraloren andrzejku hey
timotimo m: use Test; done
yoleaux 12:25Z <tbrowder> timotimo: i would like to use DBIish since pg and sqlite are the only rdbms i use.
evalable6 (exit code 1) done without supply or react
in block <unit> at /tmp/BVvKl3icTL line 1
woolfy sshow : if you mean the stuffed toy butterfly Camelia, than you can talk to me, I have had a thousand of them made some years ago and I still have them in stock
so please, sshow, explain what you mean with "anyone here who owns camelia ?" 13:00
moritz woolfy: it was about the bot
the IRC evalbot named camelia, that is 13:01
timotimo why does my code get an "you planned four but ran two", followed by the remaining two tests :D 13:04
moritz they seem to execute too late, so maybe promises or phasers are involved? 13:05
timotimo yeah, promises (and also tasks) are involved, as are react/whenever 13:06
timotimo put an "await" in the right spot to make it work :) 13:09
hm, do we have a way to attach pod to a pointy block? does that happen? 13:10
sshow woolfy: sorry about the big confusion. it was just like moritz said; a bot in this channel.
timotimo m: #| Testing pod comment on pointy block␤my $foo = -> $a { say "bleh" }; say $foo.WHY; say $foo<>.WHY 13:12
evalable6 Testing pod comment on pointy block
Testing pod comment on pointy block
timotimo *nice*
maybe Code should put pod comments into the .perl output
m: #| Testing pod comment on pointy block␤my $foo = -> $a { say "bleh" }; say $foo.perl 13:13
evalable6 -> $a { #`(Block|94526779556688) ... }
timotimo there's already that comment there for the block's id
AlexDani` rkeval: say 42 13:15
perlbot AlexDani`: 42
AlexDaniel rkeval: say $*PERL.compiler.version 13:15
perlbot AlexDaniel: v2018.06
AlexDaniel simcop2387: any chance of updating that? That's a bit too old 13:16
simcop2387: btw you're going to love this, I think: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...03-29#l687 13:17
they found out you can run commands, and so they killed the bot… nice :) 13:18
I guess people want heavily seccomped perlbot then
rkeval: say 42; say 42
perlbot AlexDaniel: 42 42
timotimo m: #| Testing pod comment on pointy block␤my $foo = -> $a { say "bleh" }; sub say-why($foo) { say $foo.WHY }; say-why($foo) 13:23
evalable6 Testing pod comment on pointy block
timotimo m: say-why #| Testing pod comment on pointy block␤-> $a { say "bleh" }; sub say-why($foo) { say $foo.WHY }; 13:24
evalable6 Testing pod comment on pointy block
timotimo m: say-why (blerp => #| Testing pod comment on pointy block␤-> $a { say "bleh" }); sub say-why($foo) { say $foo.value.WHY };
evalable6 Testing pod comment on pointy block
timotimo i'm doing something wrong locally it seems
timotimo can y'all try installing MoarVM::Remote a few times with zef? and tell me if the tests are reliable? 13:57
woolfy moritz : oh, I missed somebody answering that... 14:02
moritz we all miss things; for me, it's mostly my sanity 14:13
timotimo "of all the things i've lost / i've missed my mind the most" 14:16
AlexDaniel misses camelia 14:20
timotimo releasable6: status 14:47
releasable6 timotimo, Next release in ≈21 days and ≈4 hours. 0 blockers. 0 out of 136 commits logged
timotimo, Details: gist.github.com/446d4e5fe98625c3c2...37d4b22df8
bazzaar \o perl6 15:33
moritz bazzaar o/ 15:34
bazzaar I'm using the Rakudo Star 2019.03 RC2, no problems generally, though was hoping to install Inline::Python, but that's failing ( issue #33 ). 15:42
bazzaar Not a problem, I can switch to other tasks :-) 15:45
come to think of it, I kept the previous perl6 with the module installed, so probably I can just run that instead :-) 15:54
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: yea i'll get it updated, i haven't kept up with the releases here 16:11
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: yea mine's guarded against exploits like camelia's :) let me get it updated 16:12
AlexDaniel simcop2387: if we can have output formatted similarly to what camelia does, that'd be awesome too… 16:13
basically \n → ␤
simcop2387 yea that's doable 16:15
2018.10 is latest stable?
timotimo nah, we have a 19.3 or 19.3.1 maybe
simcop2387 hmm, website only shows 2018.10. rakudo.org/files 16:16
timotimo oh, that's only rakudo star, isn't it? 16:17
we might only have a release candidate of that so far
simcop2387 ah where should i be looking then
timotimo rakudo.org/files/rakudo
simcop2387 perfect thanks 16:18
timotimo should we put a discord invite on this page? rakudo.org/people 16:19
can i highlight discord users from irc? @here 16:20
timotimo yup, that worked fine 16:20
discord6 <kerrhau> 🤔 16:21
<kerrhau> @Rogue idk if that's intended
timotimo perl6.org/community/#Getting-Involved - this also has a link to irc that could maybe have a link to discord as well
kerrhau @here 16:23
discord6 <kerrhau> alright better
timotimo better? it looked the same to me 16:24
maybe because i had the channel open alreadyd
another test for @here
simcop2387 ok 2019.3.1 is configuring, should have it built and installed for you guys shortly 16:25
timotimo oh, hack is not healthy at the moment 16:27
waiting a moment for the timeouts 16:28
that should be enough, i'll boot it up again 16:29
timotimo oh, were the others already gone? 16:30
timotimo ok, geth was already gone, and dalek probably as well 16:31
dalek could perhaps be decommissioned at some point
simcop2387 perlbot: reload_plugins 16:40
perlbot simcop2387: Attempting to reload plugins...
simcop2387 rkeval: say $*PERL.compiler.version 16:41
perlbot simcop2387: v2019.03.1␤
simcop2387 AlexDaniel: thar ye be.
AlexDaniel rkeval: .say for ^20 16:44
perlbot AlexDaniel: 0␤1␤2␤3␤4␤5␤6␤7␤8␤9␤10␤11␤12␤13␤14␤15␤16␤17␤18␤19␤
AlexDaniel simcop2387: looks good to me
rk: say 42
simcop2387: can we have something shorter, too?
r: say 42
evalable6 42
simcop2387 probably, let me get that in place 16:45
AlexDaniel simcop2387: maybe r: ?
I can make evalable shut up for r:
simcop2387 perlbot: reload_plugins
perlbot simcop2387: Attempting to reload plugins...
simcop2387 r: say "Hello World"
evalable6 Hello World
perlbot simcop2387: Hello World
simcop2387 that ran the wrong perl 16:46
AlexDaniel r: say v2019.03.1␤ 16:46
perlbot AlexDaniel: ߣ
simcop2387 perlbot: reload_plugins
perlbot simcop2387: Attempting to reload plugins...
simcop2387 r: say "Hello World"
perlbot simcop2387: Hello World␤
simcop2387 that's better
AlexDaniel alright
simcop2387: thank you! 16:47
simcop2387 r: say $*PERL.compiler.version
perlbot simcop2387: v2019.03.1␤
simcop2387 i'll try to keep up better with the new releases now that i know where to look :) 16:47
timotimo cool
thanks for your time :)
AlexDaniel r: .chr.say for ^255 16:48
perlbot AlexDaniel: ␤␤␤␤␤␤␤␤␤␤␤␤␤␤ 16:49
timotimo perl6.org/whatever/ - i changed the text for CommaIDE, tell me what you think of it
(geth didn't report the commit because hack was having issues again)
AlexDaniel timotimo: no spaces around “—” ?
timotimo i think that was already in the previous version 16:50
AlexDaniel “Atom Perl 6 script runner,” line has an issue too…
timotimo github.com/perl6/perl6.org/commit/...5ca33cac7c
this is what i changed
AlexDaniel please someone fix ocd triggers on that page xD 16:56
reminds me of the top image on this page: hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010...thing.html
bazzaar_ well that works ok, I just fall back to Rakudo Star 2018.04 when wanting to use Inline::Python and matplotlib. I'm a happy customer :-) 16:59
AlexDaniel bazzaar_: wait, why is there a need to do that? 17:00
bazzaar_ AlexDaniel: zef install Inline::Python is failing with the 2019.03.01 RC2 (closed issue #33) 17:02
AlexDaniel bazzaar_: issue #33 in which repo? 17:03
tbrowder hi \o/
bazzaar_ AlexDaniel: sorry, in Inline::Python repo (github.com/niner/Inline-Python/issues/33) 17:04
AlexDaniel nine: what is this thing about? ↑ 17:05
tbrowder off topic, but using either module DBIish or DB:SQLite, how does one get the rowid of the last inserted row? 17:07
for sqlite only 17:08
timotimo does sqlite have the "returning" thing?
www.sqlite.org/c3ref/last_insert_rowid.html - so we'd need this bound?
tbrowder sorry 17:09
if i use the primary unique key sqlite will assign its value automatically so i think i need to know that when associating that row with other tables 17:11
never mind, bad question 17:12
tony-o tbrowder: modules.perl6.org/dist/DB::Xoos:cp...w.pm6#L144 17:40
bazzaar timotimo: is the free version of Comma still in Beta? I think it's now available as Comma Community and is fully in production, the paid version is Comma Complete. 17:42
bazzaar I've said it a few days ago on here, if I was a prospective perl6 customer, I'd just ignore the 'Whatever' and 'Fun' tabbed pages, 'Whatever' would not mean anything to me. 17:49
tbrowder tony-o: thanks for the reminder, i'll check it out 17:54
AlexDaniel bazzaar: I think it should be called “Tools”, please submit a PR here github.com/perl6/perl6.org
tony-o tl;dr is you can get the last id by select last_insert_rowid();
bazzaar On the perl6/org 'Whatever' page, the link to zef, couldn't that be on a Modules page instead, highlighting a few tasty modules to get the customer excited and then a link to the main module search page. It all seems so abrupt the modules page as it is now.
tony-o has it in there for DBIish or DB::*-ish 17:55
AlexDaniel bazzaar: yeah, that makes sense I think. A pr to perl6.org and github.com/perl6/modules.perl6.org can do the trick 17:56
bazzaar AlexDaniel: I'll have a go, I tried to suggest a bunch of changes to Rakudo.org, by raising an issue, but it never got anywhere. 17:58
I'm just a newbie as far as git goes, I'd probably be better trying to put all my thoughts into an issue, rather than getting bogged down with PR's and repo's etc. 18:00
tbrowder tony-o: got it, thanks! 18:25
kybr what do people use to profile perl6 code? 19:50
robertle I use perl6 --profile :) 19:52
kybr wow. nice. 20:11
timotimo kybr: if you're okay with a slightly bumpy installation process, may i interest you in checking out moarperf; read all about it on my blog: wakelift.de/ 20:36
Geth rakudo.org: 36607d8efc | (Naoum Hankache)++ | post/announce-rakudo-star-release-2019-03.md
Add announcment for 2019.03

Signed-off-by: Naoum Hankache [email@hidden.address]
rakudo.org: d79415d09e | (Naoum Hankache)++ | templates/files.html.ep
Update download link for Windows & Linux

Signed-off-by: Naoum Hankache [email@hidden.address]
perl6.org: 390bdd5980 | (Naoum Hankache)++ | source/downloads/index.html
Update Download page for Rakudo Star 2019.03

Signed-off-by: Naoum Hankache [email@hidden.address]
perl6.org: 397857d92e | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/whatever/index.html
comma isn't actually a beta any more
uzl Is there a IO::Path routine that behaves in the same manner as docs.python.org/2/library/os.path.....realpath? 21:38
timotimo maybe "resolve"? 21:39
Geth perl6.org: aee549b9ef | (Naoum Hankache)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/downloads/index.html
uzl timotimo: "resolve" doesn't seem to dereference symbolic links which "realpath" apparently does 21:43
I'm going by this SO answer: stackoverflow.com/a/37863619 21:44
I tried the same setup in the SO answer but `"b".IO.resolve` returns `"/home/luis/Projects/wyag/b".IO` instead of `"/home/luis/Projects/wyag/a".IO` as in the Python example. 21:46
Geth rakudo.org: hankache++ created pull request #24:
Update download link for macOS
uzl I guess both methods aren't equivalent ;-).
hankache Rakudo Star 2019.03 has been released (tar.gz & msi) The dmg will follow soon 21:50
moritz \o/ 21:53
hankache hi moritz
moritz Hi hankache, I'm glad you've put all that work into the R* release. Thank you so much! 22:01
hankache moritz: my pleasure :) 22:02
uzl Hi moritz! 22:09
moritz: Sorry to bother you but do you have any idea about this colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...3-30#l516? 22:10
moritz uzl: no idea, sorry 22:12
uzl No problem ;-)! 22:15
Geth rakudo.org: cce3b4ff3e | (Naoum Hankache)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/files.html.ep
Update download link for macOS
rakudo.org: 76707f7b2c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/files.html.ep
Merge pull request #24 from hankache/master

Update download link for macOS
AlexDaniel squashable6: next 23:33
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 5 days and ≈12 hours (2019-04-06 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day