»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
holyghost I have a risk function in Bayes::Learn 00:15
holyghost It calculates loss on a conditional probability (on a decision, the cond p) 00:24
ugexe Xliff: now that i think about it im not sure the optimal build order trick even works anymore since the hash randomization 00:59
Xliff ugexe: For CURI? 01:05
ugexe: That's OK, since I also use it for stats tracking.
cpan-p6_ New module released to CPAN! Bayes::Learn (0.2.3) by 03HOLYGHOST 01:55
holyghost ^-- risk functionality is in 01:57
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> aearnus.github.io/2019/04/08/gadts-in-perl-6 02:48
Xliff Tyler: I almost smell Python in that post. :) 04:52
holyghost If I do not continue on Bayes::Learn tomorrow, I might write the start of the docs for it or the audio effects of Soundn::Tina (which is not yet published IIRC) 05:34
holyghost Soundn::Tina is command line sound software based on WAV files 05:36
e.g. mixing
of samples 05:37
not music itself
Elronnd can perl6-j interface with java? 05:56
Xliff You would have to look into the jvm backend to know for sure. 06:08
holyghost As I comprehend 'interface', there's probably class files (I develop on Moar) but no inline code 06:09
holyghost Learn java bytecodes I guess :-) 06:11
I read that document from Sun back in the day
Xliff Elrond: www.slideshare.net/tokuhirom/perl6-meets-jvm -- see slide 78
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> > <holyghost> Learn java bytecodes I guess :-) aphyr.com/posts/341-hexing-the-tec...-interview 06:12
holyghost ^-- it's a helper bot ? 06:13
Xliff tl;dr: use java::util::zip::CRC32:from<java>; my $crc = CRC32.new(); $crc.update($_) for 'Hello, Java'.encode('utf-8'); $crc.getValue.say
For jar files... 06:14
use MyClass:from<java>:jar<myjar.jar>
holyghost thanks Xliff, so there's some form of inline code :-)
Xliff This is from YAPC 2016 06:15
Elronnd Xliff: neat! Thanks!
Xliff Elronnd: yw 06:28
Geth doc: fb1dbc99aa | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/enumeration.pod6
Minor changes
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/enumeration
patrickb m: class P {has $.x = 0; submethod BUILD() { $!x }}; say P.new(x=>5).perl 09:08
evalable6 P.new(x => Any)
patrickb m: class P {has $.x = 0; submethod BUILD() { #`[$!x] }}; say P.new(x=>5).perl
evalable6 P.new(x => 0)
patrickb Is the above a bug?
How is accessing a variable even able to have any effect in the above code?
moritz having a BUILD submethod disables the automatic setting of attributes 09:11
LTA, but unavailable, I've been told 09:12
patrickb moritz: But both of the above examples have a BUILD submethod. Both are not initialized with the passed variable. I understand that. 09:19
moritz: My question is why in one of the two above the default is not set.
Or why it is set in the other. I would expect the two to behave the same. 09:20
moritz yes, that's weird, might be a bug 09:22
patrickb I'll rakudobug.
Out of curriosity: Is it even possible in Perl 6 to determine whether a variable has been accessed before or not? 09:23
The above code behaves in such a way. I wouldn't even know how to implement such behavior... 09:24
moritz: Thanks for your help! 09:25
patrickb bisectable6: class P {has $.x = 0; submethod BUILD() { $!x }}; say P.new(x=>5).perl 09:33
bisectable6 patrickb, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=dc02335) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
patrickb, Output on both points: «P.new(x => Any)␤»
patrickb bisectable6: class P {has $.x = 0; submethod BUILD() { #`[$!x] }}; say P.new(x=>5).perl
bisectable6 patrickb, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=dc02335) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
patrickb, Output on both points: «P.new(x => 0)␤»
jnthn patrickb: So far, that's been implemented by having touching an attribute vivifying it; the fact there's then an object there rather than a NULL (used as a sentinel) is used to provide the "is this initialized" test 09:35
Even an assignment is actually a case of read/vivify the Scalar container, then assign into it 09:37
jnthn However...this approach has its issues. One is that which you've noticed. Another is that it doesn't work for native attributes since those can't be NULL. And another, which will probably actually motivate change, is that having every attribute access have to be NULL-checked and reacted to massively bloats our JIT-compilation output. 09:38
The question is what to do instead 09:39
And that will have minimal fallout on existing code
patrickb I'd say either initialize attributes to default values before BUILD is called (then build can overwrite if wanted, but still have default initialization), or just don't touch attributes at all of a BUILD is found. 09:41
jnthn Well, the first thing you just described is exactly the behavior of TWEAK :) 09:42
The second is a possibility, but would probably cause extensive breakage
patrickb I'm still in the process of wrapping my head around how object construction works, so take my opinions as a perspective from the outside. :-) 09:44
patrickb I added this conversation to the ticket github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2832 09:53
jnthn: Thanks for the extensive explanation! 09:55
timotimo jnthn: how well could it work to log whether a scalar had to be vivified in the spesh log and if we don't see that ever, we make a null check cause a deopt rather than vivifying? that could make the jit output smaller perhaps? or do we already just call out to a C function when we realize we'd have to vivify? 09:56
jnthn patrickb: that the spesh log exists isn't a Perl 6 level thing; we'd need a solution that'll work on JVM and JS and so on too 10:00
patrickb timotimo: ^ That's for you.
jnthn And doing a deopt in every BUILD method is not going to go so well performance wise ;) 10:01
oh, that wasn't quite what you suggested
But anyway, the code sequence for a deopt is not zero-length either :)
I sometimes wonder if we can just keep a bit field of what we initialized, and compile attribute access inside of a BUILD to tweak the bit field too 10:02
Xliff Why is evalable6 so shy. Priv message and he says "It's too private in here"
m: my $a = -> $a, $b { }; say $a.signature 10:03
evalable6 ($a, $b)
jnthn I think to keep people from abusing it
Xliff m: my $a = -> $a, $b { }; say $a.signature.arity
evalable6 2
Xliff OK. That will work for a start. 10:04
Trying to think ahead of a problem, for once.
m: my $a = -> $a, $b { }; say $a.signature.params
evalable6 (Mu $a Mu $b)
Xliff Niice.
patrickb Xliff: perlbot seems to do the job: /msg perlbot r: my $a = -> $a, $b { }; say $a.signature.params 10:05
Xliff Yah.. but that "r:".... *shudder* =)
Thanks, patrickb
patrickb :-P
Xliff m: my $a = -> $a, $d { }; $a.signature.params[0].type.say 10:06
evalable6 (Mu)
Xliff Also... perlbot has a noticeable delay as opposed to evalable6.
Beggars can't be choosy, though. 10:07
timotimo Xliff: i think you can go to #whateverable and eval loads of stuff there 10:24
Xliff timotimo++ 10:31
Now to go ZZzzzz 10:32
Xliff \o/ 11:22
WTF is a **@list??
Xliff said sleep. He LIED!
timotimo it'll not flatten unlike *@list 11:23
Xliff Wouldn't that be @list?
Or is that still "Slurpy, but do not flatten" 11:24
timotimo right
there's also +@list, which is "do single-argument-rule semantics"
i.e. if only one list gets passed, that becomes what's passed, otherwise things will be slurpy-flattened
tyil if I remember correctly, there was an experimental module which allowed one to do grammar testing/debugging in a GTK window 11:41
if anyone knows what I'm talking about, could you please give me a link to it 11:42
timotimo aye, it's Xliff's
github.com/Xliff/p6-VisualGrammar 11:43
tyil sweet
thanks timotimo :D
timotimo NP
rakudo will take many, many minutes to precompile the gtk module that goes with it, though 11:44
tyil that's not a problem, I remembered it would take a while, and I want to try some grammar stuff tomorrow 11:48
so I wanted to prepare for that in advance
timotimo OK, cool
tyil Xliff: github.com/Xliff/p6-VisualGrammar/issues/1 does this show enough information for you to work with? 12:23
Kaiepi m: say Array[Int].^parameterize(Str) ~~ [1] 14:02
evalable6 True
Kaiepi m: say Array[Int].^parameterize(Str) ~~ ['a']
evalable6 True
Kaiepi m: say Array[Int].^parameterize(Str) ~~ ['a', 1]
evalable6 True
Kaiepi m: say (Array[Int].^parameterize(Str)).^name 14:03
evalable6 Array[Int][Str]
Kaiepi m: say Array[Int][Str] 14:04
evalable6 (exit code 1) Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at /tmp/RhPnbZTcZt line 1
Unable to call postcircumfix [ (Str) ] with a type object
Indexing requires a defined object
in block <unit> at /tmp/RhPnbZTcZt line 1
El_Che sena_kun: yes? 14:32
sena_kun El_Che, o/ 14:33
El_Che hello
sena_kun I've started to flesh out client's api for LDAP, so thought I can ping you for some suggestions or maybe ideas about how wrong/okayish it seems.
see github.com/Altai-man/cro-ldap/blob...-client.md
yes, not all methods are filled out yet 14:34
El_Che ah nic
the react example is nice
sena_kun right now I rely heavily on old Net::LDAP in terms of API, which is, well, quite intuitive to me.
El_Che it is 14:35
sena_kun but I don't know its issues or maybe some papercuts, as I've never used it
El_Che partly becasue the lack of types maybe
sena_kun so if there are things we can do better because we start from scratch, I'd like to do it
El_Che sena_kun: it's main issue is that it looks abandonned to me
El_Che yes, make it as perl6-y as possible, imho 14:36
sena_kun El_Che, can you put up a small review/list of ideas or something like this based on the docs? maybe into a gist or just a ticket
El_Che I'll make a not to have a look at it
if there is code available I would like to write a small samble program 14:37
sena_kun I am now struggling with some ASN::META re-design to handle recursive search filters, and once this bootstrapping is done, I'd be able to continue with the client by the docs.
El_Che ok 14:38
oh, have a look at extended operations, also "relax"
sena_kun El_Che, well, API and the actual implementation _are_ different right now... What works is in the tests, see github.com/Altai-man/cro-ldap/blob...4-client.t
El_Che many libs out there in many languages miss that
sena_kun yes, saw that, well... we'll see once basic stuff like search/update/bind will be in place. 14:39
El_Che I have this example fresh in mind, because I migrated it to new code yesterday:
sena_kun yes, code examples of existing code are very welcome 14:40
El_Che look for changes in sambaPwdLastSet (is set by our IAM system) and change pwdLastSet accordingly
the latter is an operational attribute, so you're not allowed to change it without extending operations
maybe I can give you some p5 code 14:41
sena_kun El_Che, can you share the code? yes, even p5 will do.
El_Che I will look it up
I actually migrated the setup to a tailer of the audit_db.log, so a modify is done when a match is found by... regex 14:42
don't shoot me :)
but I want a fallback to query the db and do mass modifies just to be sure
sena_kun El_Che, I am only interested in LDAP-related parts as I am implementing it and literaly have no experience with its usages in real world(and in imaginary worlds too), so... 14:43
El_Che first part is generic (pricipal task is sending REST calls from ldap events in the logs), so not interesting to you
I'll look the 2nd part up, as an example of a relaxed operation
because the tailer works that well, I haven't had the need to do the mass live db update yet 14:44
but I will recover the code, make it standalone and working
should'nt be too much work
it's a typical real world scenario for me 14:45
sena_kun looks up Net::LDAP::Control::Relax
unclechu hey guys, please remind me, is there any way to mark subroutine argument as a constant? 14:50
unclechu i tried something like `Int \foo` but it didn't work 14:50
moritz they are by default
moritz m: sub f(Int $x) { $x = 42 }; my $a = 23; f($a) 14:50
evalable6 (exit code 1) Cannot assign to an immutable value
in sub f at /tmp/ZceuKuJhns line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/ZceuKuJhns line 1
araraloren m: sub f(Int \x) { x = 42 }; my $a = 23; f($a) 14:51
moritz however, note that this doesn't go deep into objects. If you pass a hash for example, you can still modify the hash itself, just not assign to the variable
well, not with \
araraloren m: sub f(Int $x is raw) { $x = 42 }; my $a = 23; f($a) 14:52
moritz don't use it if you want it read-only
araraloren so what's the `is raw` doing ?
moritz docs.perl6.org/type/Parameter#method_raw 14:53
araraloren what's the difference between the \x in argument list and the declaration `my \x = 22;` 14:57
m: my \x = 22; x = 42;
evalable6 (exit code 1) Cannot modify an immutable Int (22)
in block <unit> at /tmp/0zKP8UrsNV line 1
moritz that's the difference
araraloren oh wait
m: my $z = 22; my \x = $z; x = 42; 14:58
araraloren I get it :)
unclechu moritz: thanks 15:01
unclechu what do i usually do when i want to return few values of different types from a subroutine? 16:02
jnthn Just return them? `return $foo, $bar, $baz;` doesn't care about their types in any sense. I often find it better to declare a small class to hold the values, though. 16:05
sena_kun 1)wrap in a list; 2)create a class
unclechu jnthn: does it mean you return them as a list? 16:06
jnthn Yes
m: sub foo() { return 1,"foo",3 }; my ($a, $b, $c) = foo(); .say for $a, $b, $c
evalable6 1
unclechu jnthn: sena_kun: thanks 16:09
Kaiepi m: sub foo(Array[Str] @a) { @a }; say foo [1,2,3] 16:18
evalable6 (exit code 1) Type check failed in binding to parameter '@a'; expected Positional[Array[Str]] but got Array ($[1, 2, 3])
in sub foo at /tmp/8CS9k5sz_9 line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/8CS9k5sz_9 line 1
Kaiepi m: sub foo(@a where Array && *.^parameterize(Str)) { @a }; say foo [1,2,3] 16:19
evalable6 [1 2 3]
Kaiepi finally found a solution for a quirk that's been annoying the shit out of me for ages but it's awkward
jnthn What does that solve? 16:20
araraloren m: sub foo(Str @a) { @a }; say foo [1,2,3] 16:21
evalable6 (exit code 1) Type check failed in binding to parameter '@a'; expected Positional[Str] but got Array ($[1, 2, 3])
in sub foo at /tmp/19m8jtHZCD line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/19m8jtHZCD line 1
Kaiepi it makes it so i can type function parameters without having to type the arguments passed
jnthn sub foo(@a where Array && *.^this-never-runs-i-think { @a }; say foo [1,2,3]
m: sub foo(@a where Array && *.^this-never-runs-i-think { @a }; say foo [1,2,3]
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/evlqy2COy3
jnthn, Full output: gist.github.com/8014b0886f753c9f6d...ace3873039
Kaiepi specifically parameterizable parameters
jnthn m: sub foo(@a where Array && *.^this-never-runs-i-think) { @a }; say foo [1,2,3]
evalable6 [1 2 3]
Kaiepi oh
jnthn That code is equivalent to @a where Array && True 16:22
araraloren interesting
jnthn Since *.foo is a lambda, and defined, and definedness is the default True
I think what you're looking for is
m: sub foo(@a where .all ~~ Int) { @a }; say foo [1,2,3]
evalable6 [1 2 3]
jnthn Or some such
Kaiepi ohhh 16:22
i keep forgetting about junctions 16:23
jnthn m: sub foo(@a where .all ~~ Int) { @a }; say foo [1,'x',3]
evalable6 (exit code 1) Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '@a'; expected anonymou…
jnthn, Full output: gist.github.com/26ce837ed46a9b89e3...fbdb7bbd6d
araraloren night #perl6 16:25
Kaiepi m: subset Foo where .all ~~ Int; use nqp; say nqp::getattr(Foo.HOW, Metamodel::SubsetHOW, '$!refinement') 16:25
evalable6 -> ;; $_ { #`(Block|94358661318128) ... }
Kaiepi m: my constant Foo = Metamodel::SubsetHOW.new_type: :name<Foo>, :refinee(Any), :refinement({ .all ~~ Int }); sub foo(Foo @a) { @a }; say foo [1,2,3] 16:26
evalable6 (exit code 1) Type check failed in binding to parameter '@a'; expected Foo but got Array ($[1, 2, 3])
in sub foo at /tmp/bBDaCWrRhT line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/bBDaCWrRhT line 1
jnthn `Foo @a` means `Positional[Foo]`; you'd need to use a Scalar or \ parameter there to have the `Foo` apply to all of it
And set the refinee to List or some such 16:27
Kaiepi m: subset Foo where .all ~~ Int; use nqp; say nqp::getattr(Foo.HOW, Metamodel::SubsetHOW, '$!refinement')()
m: subset Foo where .all ~~ Int; use nqp; say nqp::getattr(Foo.HOW, Metamodel::SubsetHOW, '$!refinement')([1,2,3])
evalable6 (exit code 1) Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0
in block <unit> at /tmp/6SgTYV_L5o line 1
jnthn I think there's a .refinement method to save the getattr :) 16:28
tony-o does coke still hang about in irc? 16:33
sena_kun tony-o, no, but you can send him an e-mail. 16:36
unclechu how do i declare block to just isolate scope of names/variables? 16:39
sena_kun just {} 16:40
m: if True { my $a = 10; { my $a = 5; say $a; }; say $a; }
evalable6 5
unclechu ah, okay, thanks 16:41
hasuwiz Good evening, #Perl6 16:45
sena_kun hasuwiz, evening. 16:49
holyghost I forgot the Loss function in Bayes::Learn - Action.pm6, I'll upload tomorrow 17:12
pukku Hi! I just read the article at indiestack.com/2019/04/toggle-syst...cale-mode/ about using Python to automate changing a value on macOS. I thought that it should be possible to do this without Python, and I remembered that Perl 6 had some sort of native FFI system. I played around a bit, and eventually got this far: gist.github.com/remorse/1d29281cbf...7faf1a17a9 17:22
This doesn't work, because it seems like I need to tell Perl 6 what the parameters to `UAGrayscaleSetEnabled` are, but I don't know them myself (I'm only guessing, incidentally, on the `returns int32` part for `UAGrayscaleIsEnabled`). 17:23
Given that the Python code seems to be able to just know this, is there something that Perl 6 can do to just work? 17:24
(Incidentally, Perl 6 doesn't seem to understand the library format of the combined library the way that Python does; I wound up having to find a `.dylib` with the right symbols, with the name `libXXX.dylib`) 17:25
unclechu hey guys, how do i do real parallelism, Supply::tap seems to work in single thread. 17:34
timotimo yes, supplies are for managing parallelism, they don't introduce any by themselves
how to parallelize is very dependent on what exactly you have 17:35
timotimo like, are individual tasks completely separate, or do they share some data? is order important for something? 17:35
if your task is equivalent to just running map over a long list and no data is shared, you can just .hyper.map, perhaps specifying the size of batches that it should split the work into in the hyper method call 17:36
unclechu timotimo: well, Supply::throttle(4, ...) loads all my cpu cores, so it looks like it is what i'm looking for? 17:37
timotimo: no, my data is completely indedendent
it's completely free to make it parallel 17:38
timotimo in that case hyper could be a little simpler than supply.throttle 17:40
pukku: i would blindly assume that SetEnabled takes a single int32
timotimo it's quite strange that you don't get a single relevant search result except that post you linked to 17:41
pukku It's an internal, private API call, that isn't supposed to be exposed to anyone outside Apple. I'm not even really interested in it, except for seeing if Perl 6 can do something similar to Python. 17:43
That works!
sena_kun m: 1.new.say; 17:45
evalable6 0
unclechu timotimo: i believe there was an operator for "hyper", like .», is it gone?
sena_kun eeeeeeh. ok, TIL, though it was obvious all along.
pukku I'm still wondering how Python can just know what is allowed, without having to be told.
pukku I guess, according to the documentation, that it just assumes you know what you are doing, and doesn't enforce anything. 17:48
timotimo it still exists, but it doesn't automatically parallelize yet
it's ». or >>.
yes, it's quite possible that it just takes the name of the method you call and the arguments you pass and just turns them into the best equivalent for C that it knows 17:49
unclechu timotimo: so as hyper, it seems it's single threaded, only one cpu core is loaded for `.hyper.map` 17:49
timotimo the default batch size is rather small. if the work is very fast, spinning up more threads would be wasteful, so it won't do it
so you'd want to .hyper(batch => 10000).map(...) so it'll do 10k items from the list at once 17:50
pukku From the documentation "By default functions are assumed to return the C int type".
Also: "ctypes tries to protect you from calling functions with the wrong number of arguments or the wrong calling convention. Unfortunately this only works on Windows. It does this by examining the stack after the function returns, so although an error is raised the function has been called. To find out the correct calling convention you have to look into the C header file or the documentation for the function you want to call."
unclechu timotimo: i think it would be better to set batch size to cpu cores count, am i right? 17:51
timotimo no, perhaps that's the degree parameter you're thinking of 17:52
Xliff tyil: No joy? Let me see if I can figure things.
timotimo pukku: that sounds like the calling convention used on windows leaves some data around that'll let you figure out if you were doing it right, like perhaps it inspects callee-saved registers to see if your arguments are in there or not? 17:53
gotta run for now
pukku Probably -- that rapidly passes beyond my knowledge.
timotimo calling conventions can be a fascinating read
pukku timotimo: thanks for the help!
timotimo and quite frustrating if you've got to implement them yourself
timotimo moarvm's jit has code to turn a list of things that want to be passed into the right instructions to place the data in registers and other places 17:54
doesn't help that even the same platform sometimes has multiple different calling conventions, like stdcall vs fastcall and i think there's also "thiscall" for C++ method calls?
anyway, bbl
pukku Thanks! 17:55
ugexe pascals triangle polyglot (not very exciting): gist.github.com/ugexe/94f0b84848ed...14a08674c7 17:57
it did bring up the challenge of handling the difference in flattening through
otherwise it could just be = (1, @foo, 1) 17:58
not having as much luck with the hamming numbers though 17:59
since what i can do with a hashref is limited
unclechu timotimo: well, anyway, Supply::throttle(CPU_CORES_COUNT, ...) gets best time results
timotimo OK! 18:00
ugexe isn't that just Supply.rotor(CPU_CORES_COUNT) unless start { } is used to schedule work? 18:02
if so then its probably not too surprising its faster if its truely doing it single threaded (and your logic does not benefit from multiple threads as-is) 18:03
unclechu no, .hyper.map also get all cores loaded, but not that stable 18:04
ugexe what do you mean not stable? its causing unstable results, or unstable timing? 18:05
unclechu unstable cpu cores usage 18:06
unclechu in some gaps some cores just not loaded 18:06
ugexe because you have not presented enough work for the compiler to feel adding more threads is a benefit
.map.hyper(:batch(1), :degree(4)) 18:07
unclechu if anyone wonders what i am doing, i'm just having fun with magic numbers: gist.github.com/unclechu/b38ce477a...9a8cb6c9d3
ugexe er, .hyper(:batch(1), :degree(4)).map({ ... }) 18:09
unclechu ugexe: wow thanks, now this gets best results 18:11
Kaiepi $*KERNEL.cpu-cores is wrong on my machine 18:12
sort of
it's right about physical cores, but doesn't take into account whether they're all enabled or not
unclechu well, once, not always, i'm not sure, it needs more benchmarks to decide what would be faster 18:14
ugexe unclechu: you would tune :batch(...) and :degree(...) until you find a size that works optimally with the work you are processing 18:15
:batch is how many each thread will get to work on before it feeds the next thread
:degree is the max number of threads it will do this for
ugexe Kaiepi: im going to take a wild guess and say there isn't a very portable way to do that 18:20
Kaiepi i doubt it 18:22
tony-o ugexe: i have a hamming polyglot
Kaiepi on openbsd it'd depend on whether the meltdown patch is installed
tony-o gist.github.com/tony-o/0999977b7c5...33031c988b 18:23
^ hamming numbers polyglot 18:24
ugexe ah cool. i was over complicating things 18:26
tony-o what was yours looking like? 18:26
Kaiepi that reminds me, i wrote support for getting the amount of free memory and the total amount of memory available on the system a while ago but forgot to make a pullreq for it
tony-o i tried to recurse at first but couldn't recall how to polysub and was too lazy to look 18:27
ugexe i was using a hash to index, and a hash splice to read multiple keys (2, 3, 5)
hash slice^
tyil Xliff: that error is all I got, but it doesn't exit after showing that 18:28
tyil and a small list of modules I had to install 18:28
Xliff I'm working on it, right now. 18:29
tyil thanks :>
tony-o yours probably has nicer output then mine 18:30
Xliff I've fixed the error, but colors (aside from RED) are no longer working.
tyil hmm
it's better than not working I guess :p 18:31
tyil can I just pull and retry? 18:31
tony-o what are you colorizing Xliff ? 18:31
Xliff Grammar rules 18:32
jdoege Hi all! Is there a builting way to generate n of m permutations? so that given < 1, 2, 3> and 2 as inputs you get back ( (1,2), (1,3), (2,3) )?
Xliff ^3.comb(2) 18:33
tony-o m ^3.comb(2).perl.say;
Xliff m: ^3.permutation(2)
evalable6 (exit code 1) Potential difficulties:
Precedence of ^ is looser than method call; plea…
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/20c4982bfa2b30deb9...f659ccf132
tony-o m: ^3.comb(2).perl.say; 18:34
evalable6 Potential difficulties:
Precedence of ^ is looser than method call; please parenthesiz…
tony-o, Full output: gist.github.com/0433b0aafafdc03694...79e1d81b56
Xliff m: (^3).comb(2).say
evalable6 (0 1 2)
Xliff m: (^3).permutations(2).say 18:35
evalable6 (exit code 1) Cannot resolve caller permutations(List:D: Int:D); none of these signatures match:
(List: *%_ --> Seq:D)
in block <unit> at /tmp/2F_3DZXOky line 1
jdoege < 1, 2, 3>.comb(2).permutations
? Not quite
m: < 1, 2, 3>.comb(2).permutations
Xliff m: (^3).comb(2).permutations
Xliff m: (^3).comb(2).permutations.say 18:36
evalable6 ((0 1 2) (0 2 1 ) (1 0 2) (1 2 0 ) (2 0 1 ) (2 1 0 ))
Xliff m: (^3).permutations.say
evalable6 ((0 1 2) (0 2 1) (1 0 2) (1 2 0) (2 0 1) (2 1 0))
lucasb m: say (^3+1).combinations(2)
evalable6 ((1 2) (1 3) (2 3))
Elronnd on freebsd with the jvm backend, I'm having trouble building. There were a couple weirdnesses I commented out because I didn't want to deal with, but I'm stumped on this one. This command "/home/elronnd/.perl6/bin/perl6-j -Ilib bin/zef install ." fails with 'Unhandled exception: Wrong number of arguments passed; expected 1..1, but got 1', but with perl6-m it works fine
Xliff m: (^3).combinations(2).say
evalable6 ((0 1) (0 2) (1 2))
jdoege Thank you very much. Combinations seems to do the trick. 18:40
tony-o guifa: you might comment here to further discussion (or open a new issue here) as AlexDaniel commented github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/4 - in regards to getting round adverbs merged 19:04
atroxaper timotimo: hello. Specially for you - journald writer for LogP6 :) github.com/atroxaper/p6-LogP6-Writer-Journald 19:07
yoleaux 8 Apr 2019 11:43Z <lizmat> atroxaper: would love to see a blog post about LogP6
Xliff tyil: If you pull from p6-GtkPlus and p6-VisualGrammar, things should now work. Let me know if there are other problems. 19:08
atroxaper lizmat: hello. I'll try to write a blog, sure.
tyil Xliff: will do, thanks! 19:09
guifa tony-o Hmm interesting. some of those do seem to be a bit more involved. Round is already present, though
Xliff tyil: Also adjusted the docs so that new users won't miss those missing modules you encountered. Sorry about that.
Thanks for pointing it out! 19:10
tyil no worries :)
I was aware going into this that it's still pre-production level, but I think a tool like this could be great when trying to make a grammar
tony-o a separate discussion would be fine too
Xliff tyil: Yes. I have a very complex one in development. =) 19:11
tyil nice 19:14
Xliff: Failed to open file /home/tyil/.local/src/p6-VisualGrammar/tg.g: No such file or directory 19:16
(also Stage parse : 361.950)
Xliff OK. 19:18
Pull from VG
That really shouldn't be an error. Those files were never supposed to be there. lol
tyil I touched tg.g and aaaa.txt 19:19
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! LogP6-Writer-Journald (1.3.1) by 03ATROXAPER
tyil and it started up
tyil it says No such method 'parse' for invocant of type 'Any', is that normal when there's nothing written out yet 19:20
Xliff Yeah. I may need to initialize the buffers to '' on startup if there isn't a file. 19:21
I don't know why that's not done for an empty file, though.
tyil I didn't specify any file anywhere yet 19:22
so perhaps it's because there's no empty file either?
Xliff Yeah. It's been a long time since I've messed with this. It's been in maintenance mode for months.
So if you would: play around with it and create issues. They'll multiply like bunnies. 19:23
tyil will do :)
for now, a very basic example seems to work 19:26
I also have a bug available for you, which I'll work out later when I'm less tired :> 19:27
Xliff Issue it. I will be checking now that I know VG is being used! :D 19:32
(and then there were 2 -- it all goes down hill from there)
timotimo atroxaper: oh jeez, i should really get on that var args for nativecall thing ... 20:15
atroxaper: is it fine that when there's no sendXY for the number of fields that it'll just not log at all? 20:21
sortiz \o #perl6 20:34
timotimo 6lrep# o/
sortiz timotimo: About varargs, post my PoC, I'm working in a prototype, hope to be usable soon. 20:37
timotimo i mean to build actual proper support
var args is a little more than just calling the function as if it had that amount of arguments
sortiz Yep, its clear, and much desired. 20:38
Xliff timotimo: If you bring varargs to perl6 I will have your children! 20:39
That's the '...' params, right?
timotimo aye
Xliff It will be interesting to see how that can work. 20:40
Coz for many, it's variant parameters.
Xliff So something like (Object $o, $Int $i, Str $n, ...) 20:41
timotimo it'll just pretend you had a signature with the types that were actually supplied
Xliff Ooh. 20:42
OK. And you can do that without creating a nativecall def for each variant.
timotimo for the API on the perl6 side i'm expecting to provide just support for *@foo which will just straight-up varargs and for something like "is-first-var-arg"
it'll be effortless from the perl6 side
Xliff My GtkPlus code will thank you!
(maybe it will have your children, instead) 20:43
But that way makes sense.
timotimo what i don't know yet is how va_list parameters are implemented with libffi and dyncall 20:43
Xliff Good luck! If you need flunkies, let me know.
timotimo i don't know what a flunkie is :) 20:44
Xliff Henchman. Minions. Fodder. Etc
timotimo aah
Xliff I may regret cluing you in, later....
timotimo flip the switch, igor!
oh, have you ever listened to Igorrr? 20:45
Xliff Errr... no.
Should I have?
timotimo it's ... excentric? 20:46
Xliff googlexs.
Rock opera?!?
timotimo maybe don't play it loudly
i wouldn't consider that rock opera, though the wikipedia page says there's some operatic singing? 20:47
Xliff Yes. There is.
timotimo > Igorrr's sound combines breakbeats, heavy metal riffs, extreme tempo changes, and operatic singing coupled with screaming/growling, among other elements, to create what AllMusic describes as "an intense, disturbing, and undeniably distinct experience".
that is a very apt description 20:48
Xliff It's like Electronica, Heavy Metal and Opera jumped into a mosh pit, and this is what came out!
Definitely unique?
.oO( I'm still conf00sled! )
timotimo i haven't heard anything like it ever since i heard a bit of that
but tbh i really only listened to one album more than twice
Xliff www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS7X5nuvjHo
timotimo moissisure is the album i know a little
sena_kun there is no easy way to just say "export from this module A everything that it imports" without explicitly mentioning everything in EXPORT, right? 21:03
Xliff I wish 21:09
sena_kun :|
timotimo you don't have to explicitly mention it, you can probably loop over the things in it 21:13
sortiz sena_kun: The easy way I found: github.com/salortiz/NativeLibs/blo...s.pm6#L157
(But trait_mod:<is> that is now special cased) 21:14
sortiz bbl 21:16
SmokeMachine sena_kun: this is how it’s done on Red: github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/lib/Red.pm6#L50 21:43
sena_kun hmm, nice, but I don't have prefixes of external symbols, its just `success` enum piece or `AddRequest`, not a `Foo::Bar::success` and `Foo::Bar::AddRequest`. 21:44
well, anyway, the list is not even tremendously long, so I guess I'll be ok with it.
have a lot of more urgent issues to deal with, in any case. ;)
tony-o sena_kun: what are you trying to do? 22:20
sena_kun tony-o, related to what? my question about neater symbol exporting? or right now?
sena_kun right now I am thing to implement recursive ASN types and it is not too much fun. 22:21
about exporting - right now I am having github.com/Altai-man/cro-ldap/blob.../Types.pm6 and all those pushes are somehow irritate me and doesn't look too clean. 22:22
tony-o yes the symbol exporting 22:29
StopThisPsuedoHa hi 22:37
guifa That face when you read a standard and the eamples don’t follow the standard 23:53