»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
hythm is there a way to test if a `Channel` is ready to receive data? I'm asking because I have a code that sometimes runs and other times doesn't, the only way to make sure it runs every time is to add `sleep .5` 01:55
ugexe can you show an example of a Channel that is not ready to receive data? 01:56
hythm so instead of sleeping for sometime, is there a way to send data only when `Channel` is ready to receive? 01:58
unfortunately not able to replicate it 02:01
p6: my $c = Channel.new; my $s = $c.Supply; start { $c.send: $++ for ^42 }; sleep 2; start react { whenever $s { .say }};
hythm the above works everytime fine,, but in my code I have to add `sleep .5' in that line github.com/hythm7/Battleship/blob/...ver.pm#L45 02:02
not able to replicate a small example, I mean 02:03
hythm nvm, I thibk I'm not able to epress the problem I'm seeing well, I'll get back when I have a clear example 02:06
lumin Maybe my usage is wrong but why is "sum([[1,2],[2,3]])" 4 in perl6? 03:59
AlexDaniel m: say +$_ for [[1,2],[2,3]] 04:07
evalable6 2
AlexDaniel lumin: basically, a list or array in numeric context evaluates to the number of elements 04:09
elcaro lumin: sum takes all it's arguments, and then reduces them with the numeric addition operator
AlexDaniel lumin: so .sum returns the sum of all elements, and your elements are arrays that are turned into a number of elements in them
elcaro what he^ said 04:10
lumin: perhaps you want... 04:11
m: say ([1,2],[2,3]).map(*.sum)
evalable6 (3 5)
elcaro or
m: say ([1,2],[2,3])».sum
evalable6 (3 5)
lumin Ah, I see. Thank you guys 04:12
AlexDaniel if your structure is really deep, maybe you want something like
m: say sum gather ([1,2],[2,3]).deepmap(*.take) 04:13
evalable6 8
AlexDaniel m: say sum gather ([1,2],[2,[3,9]]).deepmap(*.take)
evalable6 17
AlexDaniel jnthn: would you agree that the code above looks stupid? I mean, it does work, and it's nice that perl6 is that flexible, but the code is still stupid. Do we need deepreduce or something? 04:14
AlexDaniel jnthn: or, here's a crazy idea. What about a .deep method that returns an iterator? 04:15
jnthn: though that's going to suck bad because .deep.map is not going to do what .deep.map does :) 04:16
.deepmap I mean
elcaro yeah... it's the flatmap problem all over again 04:17
maybe .descend ? 04:18
m: my &descend = { gather .deepmap(*.take) }; say ([1,2],[2,[3,9]]).&descend; say ([1,2],[2,[3,9]]).&descend.sum 04:20
evalable6 (1 2 2 3 9)
AlexDaniel elcaro: oooh, flatmap **problem**? :) Maybe you can submit a ticket on github.com/perl6/problem-solving/
elcaro: I remember stumbling upon this like, umm… all the time actually 04:21
elcaro no, i was just referring to the fact that flatmap was deprecated (i think?)
AlexDaniel mm
elcaro and i think one of the probs was it's semantics were slightly different to flat.map
or... something... i dunno... but anyways... descend is a nice name 04:22
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Game::QFG (0.1.6) by 03HOLYGHOST 04:49
New module released to CPAN! Game::AI::Messaging (0.1.6) by 03HOLYGHOST
New module released to CPAN! Game::QFG (0.1.7) by 03HOLYGHOST 04:50
New module released to CPAN! Game::AI::Messaging (0.1.7) by 03HOLYGHOST
New module released to CPAN! Game::AI::Messaging (0.1.8) by 03HOLYGHOST
jmerelo releasable6: status 05:27
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release in ≈2 days and ≈13 hours. 2 blockers. 132 out of 273 commits logged (⚠ 2 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/4dd5308b3e1c663246...1a5426e087
AlexDaniel kawaii: btw I'm not sure if that's realistic ↑ :) 05:28
kawaii: but I'm out of the loop, so judge yourself
jmerelo AlexDaniel: which one of the figures is not realistic?
AlexDaniel the one that says that the release will happen in 2 days :) 05:29
jmerelo AlexDaniel: right. One of the blockers is not a blocker, also: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2779 05:32
AlexDaniel ah alright
jmerelo AlexDaniel: although the PR has not been accepted: github.com/sergot/http-useragent/pull/223 Anyway, not Rakudo's thing. 05:33
Elronnd why is it so hard to make a contructor in p6? 05:35
why do I need to create new _and_ bless?
jmerelo Elronnd: bless starts the construction chain 05:36
Elronnd: you can use default constructors if you don't mind using nameds.
Elronnd but—why do both exist? 05:37
jmerelo Elronnd: new creates the object, bless bakes the attributes into an object. 05:40
(by calling the building chain)
AlexDaniel Elronnd: yeah but do you need a constructor? What's the reason you can't use TWEAK?
Elronnd because I didn't know about it :p 05:41
Elronnd looks up tweak
hmmm 05:43
AlexDaniel yeah
Elronnd looks...I don't know
AlexDaniel huh
Elronnd hack-ish
maybe I'm just used to languages where complex construction is normal
jmerelo Elronnd: this is phased rather than complex. 05:51
Elronnd jmerelo: what do you mean? Like, construction happens in phases rather than just having one complex step? 05:52
jmerelo Elronnd: correct
Elronnd hmmm 05:53
Idk, I think I like all the complexity to be in one place. Constructors always have to be ugly, so why not compartmentalize that ugliness? 05:54
jmerelo Elronnd: because you can delegate and hide ugliness all across the class hierarchy
Elronnd: also, Roles make stuff a bit more complicated. And there's the metamodel.
Elronnd I don't want to hide the ugliness. I want it out in the open because that's where the bugs are 05:55
jmerelo Elronnd: well, it's quite in the open, but close to where it's actually used, because that's where the bugs are. 05:59
Elronnd: I mean, I'm not an adamant defender of this, but I guess that if you've got a meta-object protocol and roles, you will have to make some concessions. 06:00
Elronnd: plus new is really discouraged. It should only be used if you're pretty sure it's a final class, because unlike submethods it does not get called when subclasses are created. 06:01
Elronnd: Perls are the land of TIMTOWTDI. You can use the default constructor, you can create a custom BUILD phase to build the object just the way you want, you can let it build and then TWEAK, and you can create a new new API to start the chain. 06:03
Elronnd: it's up to you, there's more than one way to do it.
Geth doc: c4bc0160a8 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 3 files
Reflow and some method definition adaptation
doc: 4bf022bc33 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Attribute.pod6
Dedups is required, refs #2745
Elronnd jmerelo: BSCINABTE? 06:18
jmerelo TIMTOWTDI: There is more than one way to do it :-) 06:20
Elronnd BSCINABTE: But Sometimes Consistency Is Not A Bad Thing Either ;) 06:22
jmerelo Elronnd: well, Perls are strangely consistent(TM).
Elronnd is there a guide somewhere on how to use nqp? I want to use it for stuff that needs to be fast 06:26
ufobat_ Elronnd, github.com/perl6/nqp/blob/master/d...s.markdown 06:30
Elronnd thanks 06:34
is there anything SIMD?
jmerelo Elronnd: in general, it need not be faster than Perl 6 06:35
lumin Is it possible to define an infix operator "in" so that I can write `"sub" in "string"` instead of `"string".contains("sub")` ? 07:10
SmokeMachine m: multi infix:<in>(Str $sub, Str $str) { $str.contains: $sub }; say "sub" in "string" 07:17
evalable6 False
SmokeMachine m: multi infix:<in>(Str $sub, Str $str) { $str.contains: $sub }; say "tri" in "string"
evalable6 True
SmokeMachine lumin: ^^ 07:17
lumin SmokeMachine: wow, cool! 07:18
SmokeMachine m: multi infix:<in>(Str $sub, Str $str) { $str.contains: $sub }; multi infix:<in>(Str $sub, %str) { %str{ $sub }:exists }; say "sub" in "string"; say "bla" in { :42bla, :13ble } 07:20
evalable6 False
lumin the newly defined infix operator doesn't work in REPL 07:21
discord6 <Vendethiel> REPL has weird scopes, but I still think it should work 07:32
Xliff .seen holli 07:47
yoleaux I saw holli 21 Oct 2017 17:50Z in #perl6: <holli> oh hey tina :) sup?
Xliff .seen holliholzer
yoleaux I haven't seen holliholzer around.
Xliff .seen hholzer
yoleaux I haven't seen hholzer around.
Xliff .seen holzelro 07:48
yoleaux I haven't seen holzelro around.
Xliff .seen holzero
yoleaux I haven't seen holzero around.
Xliff .seen holzer
yoleaux I haven't seen holzer around.
Xliff Has irc.perl6.org been restored? 07:49
moritz no 08:26
holyghost Hello 08:27
holyghost Apparently, there has been a crack on the cpan database for the version number of Game::QFG and Game::AI::Messaging 08:28
So proceed with caution if you blame me for broken code 08:29
Elronnd timotimo: any chance you can add SDL_QueryTexture to the sdl2 bindings?
timotimo shouldn't be a problem at all 08:29
lumin I'm reading docs.perl6.org/language/create-cli . Then I still got no idea on the way to write a CLI program with several different actions. For example the "ip" from iproute2: ip addr, ip route, ip link, etc. Any advice?
In python this can be achieved by subparser (argparse) 08:30
Elronnd thanks!
timotimo hm, i have a bunch of other changes that would go with it into a release but the stuff isn't finished yet, hrmpf 08:34
Elronnd oh yeah, while you're here 08:35
timotimo lumin: you can just put a literal string as the first argument in the multi subs, but it's not perfect. for example, you will want to set the "named arguments allowed everywhere" flag, too
Elronnd can I ask what the 1234s mean in github.com/timo/SDL2_raw-p6/blob/m...se.p6#L30?
timotimo oh, that's just trash
see the comment in line 39 08:36
Elronnd why do you need all this finicky casting? Why not a plain Pointer[uint8]?
timotimo er, 37 and 38 rather
Elronnd but like, why do you need a buffer in the first place?
timotimo i tried it and it didn't work and then ten years passed and i didn't try fixing it ;)
Elronnd hah, alright!
I will dutifully copy it and have the same experience 10 years hence
lumin timotimo: That sounds like the easiest solution, yet not quite graceful :-) 08:38
Elronnd also SDL_PollEvent seems to be broken 08:46
I can't get it to do anything sensible
tried using castevent but that says "Cannot look up attributes in a SDL2::Raw::SDL_Event type object" 08:47
timotimo that means it gave you a null pointer 08:51
how do you use it? i haven't had problems with it yet
Elronnd sprunge.us/3QfBkS like this 08:54
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Git::Blame (0.0.1) by 03JMERELO 08:55
timotimo maybe SDL_CastEvent is just wrong 08:58
we do have CUnion now, so maybe CastEvent should be deprecated
Elronnd oh, yeah
I bet what happened is, sdl added some new event types
I was getting weird errors without castevent, though
timotimo huh, but in that case SDL_Raw just returns the original event object 08:59
Elronnd Hmmm
Xliff lumin: You can also do this: Use "sub MAIN ($cmd, *%opts)" as your signature, then just use given/when to run the right sub for $cmd. That each sub takes %opts as an argument. 09:00
timotimo does outputting the event with .perl or so giv anything interesting?
Xliff m: sub a ( say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; "$a"() 09:01
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/FbVU0ZS29P
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/f63aef6beafa00a51c...c16c1faf6f
Xliff m: sub a ( say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; &"$a"()
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/rwd1BAescA
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/ecd13de51c999a874f...bd17c4f03a
Xliff huh
Elronnd timotimo: .perl says SDL2::Raw::SDL_Event
when I try to use the event, without casting it, I get
Xliff m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; &"$a"()
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/0L6NYZ1kNu
Name mu…
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/9bd84cc3e903143883...4915ca2443
Elronnd Native call expected return type with CStruct representation, but got a P6opaque (Scalar)
timotimo without a .new?
oh 09:02
Xliff m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; "$a"()
evalable6 (exit code 1) No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at /tmp/hsxAzsZnGQ line 1
timotimo you'll need to .new it first
Elronnd ohh
timotimo before you can call SDL_CastEvent on it
before you can PollEvent on it
Xliff m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; &("$a")()
evalable6 (exit code 1) No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at /tmp/2vIjXgX94O line 1
Elronnd *facepalms*
Xliff Well... I'm sure there's a way you can do what I am trying to.
m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; &($a)()
evalable6 (exit code 1) No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at /tmp/lYirwdmoZN line 1
Xliff Fuggedy. 09:03
m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; "\&{$a}"()
evalable6 (exit code 1) No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at /tmp/V3mP3SSlV3 line 1
Xliff lumin: If all of your subs are in a static class, you can do it this way. 09:05
m: class A { method a { say "Ehhh1" }; }; my $a = 'a'; A."$a"()
evalable6 Ehhh1
Xliff So now, class A contains a method for each command. and then you don't need the given/when statement. 09:06
Heck, you could even drop the class and use a hash! 09:07
moritz depends on your plans for extensibility 09:08
Xliff Sure. 09:10
Xliff If you want real extensibility, use a has and Pluggable. 09:10
s/has/hash/ 09:11
moritz or OO and sublclassing / roles 09:12
SmokeMachine m: multi MAIN("addr") {}; multi MAIN("route") {}; multi MAIN("link") {} 09:20
evalable6 (exit code 2) Usage:
/tmp/vCQ4DU4Cex addr
/tmp/vCQ4DU4Cex route
/tmp/vCQ4DU4Cex link
SmokeMachine m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; &("$a") 09:23
SmokeMachine this worked on my machine...
jnthn Hm, you didn't call it?
yoleaux 01:57Z <MasterDuke> jnthn: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...9-05-03#l2 (but really starting a couple lines down) has some more info somewhat relevant to <statement> reporting an NQPArray
jnthn m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; &("$a")() 09:24
evalable6 (exit code 1) No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at /tmp/X2wtCqN6MP line 1
jnthn Ah, also it's the wrong syntax for an indirect lookup :)
SmokeMachine m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; ::("$a")
evalable6 (exit code 1) No such symbol 'a'
in block <unit> at /tmp/eGSvLtb46q line 1
SmokeMachine m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; ::("&$a")
jnthn m: sub a { say "Ehhh1" }; my $a = 'a'; ::("&$a")()
evalable6 Ehhh1
Xliff O I C! 09:26
(SmokeMachine && jnthn)++ 09:27
SmokeMachine usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/.../image.png
Xliff SmokeMachine: You might want to insert a \ before the & 09:28
jnthn SmokeMachine: first one "works" because ' is what you're using for shell quoting too :)
So what Perl 6 actually sees is my $a = a;
Xliff jnthn: I have some issues to report. Can you help me file the bug report? 09:29
SmokeMachine yes!!! sorry!!! I copied and havent seen the '!!! sorry!
Xliff It would help if we had IRC logs, but we currently do not.
jnthn SmokeMachine: No worries, I only know to look for that becuase I've done the same so often :P
Xliff However... latest versions of rakudo can't compile GTKPlus. Latest version that I can compile the whole project on is 2019.03.01-246 09:30
m: $*PERL.compiler.version.say
evalable6 v2019.03.1.275.g.37.b.7.ef.7.ce
Xliff Latest one I've tested is 2019.03.1-272
Since this involves p6-GtkPlus, it's kinda tricky to compile. Should I just file a rakudobug with a complete set of replication steps? 09:31
Especially since this problem seems resistant to golfing. 09:32
jnthn Xliff: You can, but the chances of it being worked on increase enormously if it's either bissected to a particular commit or golfed.
Xliff jnthn: *sigh* 09:33
I know.
jnthn How does it fail?
"Can't compile" is rather underspecified.
Xliff On -272, memory use increases dramatically when it reaches a particular point in the build process.
Eventually, it reaches a module (each module in project is compiled via perl6 --stagestats -e 'use <module>', but using dependency order) 09:34
where it just stops. The process hangs, and continues to consume resources until the system bogs down.
On -272, it stopped here: github.com/Xliff/p6-GtkPlus/blob/m...dList#L266 09:36
Build script is here: github.com/Xliff/p6-GtkPlus/blob/m...r/build.sh
jnthn OK, please set RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1 in the environment and run that failing step 09:37
Xliff OK. Let me see if I can switch and do that without having to reinstall EVERYTHING. 09:38
timotimo hold on, we don't have irc logs? 09:39
Xliff irc.perl6.org is down
timotimo colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...05-03#l365
Xliff I don't know if channel is still getting logged.
timotimo it has always just been a forward AFAIK
Xliff Ah! Ok. Good.
Jnthn. OK. I hit it. Do you want the entire log or just the module that started the hang? 09:40
jnthn Xliff: The one that hands, but please incldue it in the bug report; I've got something else I need to work on at the moment. 09:43
*hangs 09:44
Xliff jnthn: Writing it now. I'm also including the output from the previous module for comparison.
Xliff github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2873 09:49
holyghost Xliff, what are you writing with GTK ? 09:56
Xliff holyghost: Anything I can. 09:58
holyghost nice
Xliff I guess you could say I am writing a version of "GTK::Complex: as opposed to jnthn's GTK::Simple
If you just need a UI, GTK::Simple works great. 09:59
holyghost I had to write and editor in GTK+ 1.2 in 1998 when I was still in college, now with the Cairo backend, it's neat
Xliff But if you need detailed signals and callbacks, then you'd have to use mine.
holyghost right, and writing other widgets ?
Xliff This is imperative if you want to use more complex widgets like GtkTextView 10:00
Subclassing widgets is not yet in scope. Probably won't be. I may have to add another module for that...
"GTK::Subclass", maybe.
or "GTK::Class"
holyghost cool, I mostly use SDL, as I know it better, I like to write a full widget system with it, e.g. game widgets 10:01
holyghost GTK packages are a good thing though 10:01
It's very straightforward to use its API 10:02
timotimo i want to build a binding for Dear Imgui
Xliff Dear Imgui?
timotimo but i've kind of got a few too many projects at the moment
Xliff Want help? 8-)
holyghost same here, I need to fix docs ASAP
timotimo if you want to completely do it, sure, lol 10:03
Xliff LOL! I have my own projects, too!
timotimo cimgui comes with a description file
which should give you the ability to just turn it into a NativeCall-based module, or even build it dynamically during precompilation 10:04
holyghost good feature 10:05
Xliff timotimo: Is that the libname? 10:06
timotimo yes
holyghost bindings to Ogre 3D (ogre3d.org) would be nice, apple's spritekit is about the same system, OGRE is older though 10:07
timotimo at the start it was going to be called "imgui" but the dev realized that would be like calling, for example, gzip "compression" instead
Xliff timotimo: Looking at the .h file, now. 10:08
Everything looks fine, except the structs have to be hand defined, I think. Or maybe I could use trixie.
timotimo why would you do that
Xliff So I wouldn't have to handwrite the structs?
timotimo oh hey would you look at that 10:09
(one second)
Xliff 8-D 10:10
holyghost with ogre3d we would have a 3D client system as panda3d uses a python API 10:12
ogre is better however
timotimo how about godot?
holyghost far less dependencies etc
timotimo what about irrlicht? 10:13
holyghost lichtirr ?
Anyway, a nice 3D system would be great to develop in 10:16
problem with C/C++ APIs is you don't speed up your coding with a HLL such a perl6
It needs more work than that, such as perl5's SDLx
SDLx::App etc 10:17
that's why I've put an MVC in Game::QFG, so I can speed up the SDL (1.2) dependency 10:19
timotimo what does QFG stand for?
holyghost I forgot about how I wanted to do its adaptiveness for generating rooms etc
Quest For GLory (the sierra games)
timotimo ah, i never played those
holyghost You can play them in a DOS emulator e.g. dosbox.com 10:20
timotimo probably also available on the internet archive
holyghost many DOS/mac abandonware sites have them
I'm going to use features of those games such as e.g. the Ogre which guards the kobold wizards' lair by a knowledge system (tree) 10:22
then generate quests
I need to find an AI or adaptive systems' engine for it 10:23
It's very difficult, almost as automatic (genetic) programming
which might be a good start to help out the system
Quests might turn out stupid though 10:24
anyway, I can hack on it from time to time, then it might do something cool 10:25
It's no copyright infringement, if you must know, I'll do some graphics later on 10:26
totally different stuff than the original game, except for a ruleset for e.g. the guardian ogre 10:27
Xliff timotimo: gist updated. :) 10:28
holyghost these rulesets then go into a knowledge system and you can alter them at game loading time 10:29
timotimo where?
holyghost e.g. you talk to the ogre, then generate a NPC AI, character based on its talktext and their rules
Xliff Read the comments
timotimo oh 10:30
interesting. those are not in the data?
Xliff s:g/'Str()'/Str
timotimo i mean ImVector_* are pretty much to be auto-generated
Xliff No. I ran my h-to-p6 generator on a quick mod of the .h 10:31
Put that together with what you've got and that's most of the plumbing.
timotimo imgui itself doesn't pop open a window btw, so you'd want to have something else do that 10:32
there's a bunch of examples, including "get imgui into a SDL window"
Xliff You can use GTK::* for that, right?
timotimo hm, possibly 10:33
Xliff OK. If I write the classes, can you write the tests? :D
timotimo not sure how best to test this stuff
Xliff Me neither.
OK. Well.... I will put it on my ever growing TODO list. 10:34
Maybe if I'm bored with GTK stuffs, I will try this. Bookmarking gist.
If I can give two commits, will bisectable tell me which commit is next to try? 10:36
bisectable: help
bisectable6 Xliff, Like this: bisectable6: old=2015.12 new=HEAD exit 1 if (^∞).grep({ last })[5] // 0 == 4 # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Bisectable
holyghost Xliff, if you do other things than just one Gtk::Comples package, you might alleviate your code later on, that's quite logical 10:38
Xliff Planning on it.
It's one monolithic mass at the moment becuase I'm still working on it and it well... worksi.
holyghost that's good
Xliff When I get it to a decent starting point, I will make a preview release, then start breaking things into pieces. 10:39
holyghost I would do that dependency wise
Xliff Not until I get to the preview release, dude.
holyghost ok
in these days, everyone has package systems to download them, but some compile things too, GTK+ is a large deps thing 10:42
there's also gnome-libs AFAIK 10:43
I'm getting rusty on those :-)
Xliff jnthn: OK. I have a strategty. I am bisecting, now. 10:44
Will probably take all morning....
holyghost drinks a beer 10:53
I hope I can cope next week with docs for Game::AI::Messaging and Bayes::Learn and Mathx::Stat 10:54
My english isn't too good 10:56
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! BSON (0.11.6) by 03MARTIMM 10:58
holyghost noone else can write the docs however as it's a bit knurky
martinm++ 10:59
I'm going to a brunch concert on sunday where my eldest daughter plays sax and flute 11:04
timotimo wow, at the same time?! 11:05
holyghost lol
timotimo SCNR
holyghost She knows those 2 instruments
I'm looking forward to it :-) 11:06
timotimo i can barely breathe proficiently, i have mad respects for wind instrument players
holyghost :-)
she has to tune the wind then
my youngest also comes to the concert, I'm going to eat some nice king crab sandwiches 11:07
the sunday that never ended :-) 11:09
holyghost hi 11:11
timotimo : would someone want to get the ecosystem bot online, I don't know much about bots, but I have this machine where it can connect, so if you like I can field it 11:19
holyghost flooding it seems scary to me though 11:22
lizmat so, has the squashathon started ? 11:59
holyghost jmerelo ? 12:01
Geth doc: fe5044eb55 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Type/CompUnit/Repository/Installation.pod6
Expand a bit on the reasons of CURI
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by lizmat++! ♥
lizmat I guess it has :-) 12:02
sena_kun lizmat, o/ 12:09
lizmat, how are you? 12:10
lizmat better :-) not good really yet
I thought I'd do some docs this weekend :-)
sena_kun lizmat, really glad you are feeling better. \o/
lizmat thank you :-) 12:11
sena_kun lizmat, if you are going after docs, there are some pieces that I hope you can clarify. should I point to them?
lizmat please do
sena_kun github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2632 <- so we have this issue with 6.d changelog, and there are some items that, I am afraid, not so many understand. Particularly "Parameter.perl includes introspectable defaults"(and I saw your commits in this area) and there was something else, let me check the log... 12:13
lizmat, also colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...04-29#l901 12:14
sena_kun lizmat, also colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...04-29#l892 sounds suspicious to me, and I have no ideas why it works like that, so should be clarified and documented as a new Exception type. 12:16
that's enough from me. :)
sena_kun has hands full of $dayjob and $ldapjob, so cannot help much, but wishes luck to participants 12:17
lizmat sena_kun: which commit is "Default Hash.of returns a Str(Any) coercer type object" from ? 12:18
sena_kun lizmat, no idea. I saw github.com/perl6/roast/commit/34ce...bae08c6e26 that. But it clearly works with `keyof`, not with `of`. I wonder if there are mistakes possible in the changelog. 12:19
lizmat sena_kun: will look at all of these over the weekend 12:20
sena_kun ++lizmat 12:22
Xliff *Whee* -- Bisecting an entire build process is (not) fun. 12:24
guifa is getting some segmentation faults and mallooc_errors occasionally when using hyper. I’m assuming hash assignment isn’t super thread safe, but the error is LTA 12:31
lizmat anything involving adding / removing keys from a hash, is *not* thread safe 12:33
changing values in a hash should not cause segfaults afaik, but you may lose updates 12:34
guifa Yup, so that’d be it. Problem is when it errors, it just gives a segmentation fault or a malloc_error but no line number or anything to suggest it’s a thread issue or where caused 12:35
lizmat m: my $a = 0; await ^5 .map: { start { $a++ for ^10000 } }; say $a # note that doesn't say 50000
evalable6 38868
guifa Yeah, I?m not saying it should magically work, just that the error message seems LTA 12:36
lizmat yeah, it's on the radar 12:37
guifa Ah okay, was just wondering if I needed to file an issue or not for it :-) 12:38
lizmat things like that shouldn't segfault, but they are not guaranteed to produce the correct results either
jnthn It's a known shortcoming. There's two things to do: 1) make things memory-safe so we don't SEGV, though you'd get dubious results (mostly "just" an implementation task), and 2) a mechanism to make such programs predictably break (a research project) :) 12:39
lizmat guifa: 6guts.wordpress.com/2014/04/17/rac...ess-leads/
guifa Ultimately I may not need to worry about it. Like with P6 in general, I’m aiming for a correct-but-slow, and then later correct-and-fast for the CLDR 12:40
It takes about a second or two to load each language’s full set of data, which isn’t awful (most people will probably onyl ever use one, unless they’re running a webserver or something, in which case a single load for 1000s of requests isn’t bad either), but I know there are going to be better ways to store/read the data 12:41
(ICU cheats and just loads it in as a blob, I’m not sure I want to go that far just yet)
_sfiguser guys i wouldl ike to start and get confident with perl, should i start with 5 or 6 ? 13:05
sena_kun sftp, due to historical reasons, Perl 5 and Perl 6 are completely different languages. Some bits are indeed somewhat similar, but it is not like python 2/3 situation. If you want to work with Perl 5, Perl 5 is the way to go, if you fancy Perl 6, Perl 6 is the way to go. 13:07
Xliff sena_kun++ 13:08
sena_kun oops, sorry!
_sfiguser, ^
this lightly green nickname color makes my eyes worse than usual. :( 13:09
_sfiguser sena_kun, i want to do some network programming, develop a port scanner or something like that... 13:41
daxim then try both and see what suits you better
yoleaux 25 Apr 2019 00:03Z <thundergnat> daxim: Regarding the pronunciation of 𫇵. Can't really help with that, but I will leave this without further comment. twitter.com/henryfhchan/status/111...0864907265
_sfiguser daxim, ok but can't find networking modules for perl6 13:46
like pcap stuff
daxim <docs.perl6.org/language/nativecall> + libpcap 13:48
sena_kun github.com/jpve/perl6-net-pcap
though probably it needs some bitrot
s/probably// 13:49
lizmat unbitrotting ? 13:51
sena_kun ugh, yes. :) 13:52
daxim how to interleave two lists? 14:03
rakudo: my @foo = 7,1,1,0; my @bar = 3,2,1; zip @foo, @bar; # nok, expect: 7,3,1,2,1,1,0
evalable6 WARNINGS for /tmp/wAqklHiV5b:
Useless use of "zip @foo, @bar" in expression "zip @foo, @bar" in sink context (line 1)
daxim rakudo: my @foo = 7,1,1,0; my @bar = 3,2,1; say zip @foo, @bar; # nok, expect: 7,3,1,2,1,1,0
evalable6 ((7 3) (1 2) (1 1))
moritz zip is documented to stop at the shortest list 14:06
In cases where data clipping is possible, but undesired, then consider using roundrobin instead of zip.
daxim rakudo: my @foo = 7,1,1,0; my @bar = 3,2,1; roundrobin(@foo, @bar).flat.say 14:11
evalable6 (7 3 1 2 1 1 0)
moritz m: my @foo = 7,1,1,0; my @bar = 3,2,1; roundrobin(@foo, @bar).say 14:19
evalable6 ((7 3) (1 2) (1 1) (0))
holyghost ok, I've found a ##chat channel on freenode, where I can talk somewhat, I thought you guys would have less laments from me :-) 14:25
I've searched google and efnet, but everyone seems to be off irc these days of fora and chat clients
holyghost if someone knows a channel for straights on some servre, I'd be glad to hear :o| 14:26
jmerelo squashable6: status 15:28
squashable6 jmerelo, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈22 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo, Log and stats: gist.github.com/5d1184d34cc9368cce...80069fabad
jmerelo releasable6: status 15:29
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release in ≈2 days and ≈3 hours. 2 blockers. 132 out of 275 commits logged (⚠ 2 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/05e65546dbfeeeb853...d59f30027c
jmerelo OK, let's squash those bugs that ain't gonna squash themselves 15:35
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “document require more thoroughly” (docs): github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2735 16:05
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by JJ++! ♥
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “document require more thoroughly” (RFE): github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2735
lucs Playing around copying code to try out and have this: if $a >= $b <= $c { …
And it works fine.
Merci Perl6!
jmerelo lucs: you wanna express your thanks, we're in the middle of a squashathon :-) 16:06
lucs: take a look at the documentation issues, help where you can :-)
lucs jmerelo: I don't mean to be ungrateful, but I can't do it right now. 16:07
jmerelo lucs: there's time until next Sunday! And you get to win a plush Camelia!
lucs I hope to get around to fixing some doc issues in the near future though. 16:08
The plush toy is tempting, eh! ;-)
sena_kun remembers kawaii wanting one 16:09
holyghost jmerelo : where do I need to start with the squashaton ? 16:10
kawaii sena_kun: sadly I'll be busy trying to do a rakudo release this weekend... Hopefully :) 16:11
sena_kun kawaii, good luck with the release. 16:12
jmerelo holyghost: thanks for the interest. Start with the doc issues: github.com/perl6/doc/issues 16:19
jmerelo holyghost: the 6.d issue is big, and in some cases it's only checking that it's there. Anything you need to know, let us know. 16:19
lucs: it's a nice plush toy :-) 16:20
kawaii: good luck! You've seen my comment to one of the blockers, right? TL;DR: It's not.
holyghost kawaii : will it be ready next week ? I intend to do a pkgsrc NetBSD release of the latest perl6 (rakudo) 16:21
holyghost reads jemerelo's link 16:22
kawaii holyghost: planning to release this Sunday if all goes well 16:22
holyghost coolness
I'll work on th release next week then
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Methods `target` and `po…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2736#i...-489156000 16:23
jmerelo kawaii++
holyghost jmerelo : it's just the 21 open of a checklist of #2632 issues ?
jmerelo holyghost: no, there are quite a few, 270 or so.
holyghost: easy to resolve ones should be, well, easy to resolve github.com/perl6/doc/issues?q=is%3...resolve%22 16:24
Also going through the checklist for 6.d will _really_ help. github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2632 We still don't have the whole list of 6.d features commented 16:25
More precisely, we don't know if we have them or not. We need to go through the checklist, some of them might have already been documented.
holyghost I'll look at your latest link 16:26
holyghost I hope I can resolve 1, I'm too busy this weekend 16:26
In fact I do not have time this weekend 16:27
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ closed issue “Methods `target` and `po…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2736 16:29
Geth doc: eee08a6529 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Cursor.pod6
Initiating transition from Cursor to Match

Redefinition, but now we need to transfer unexising methods from one to the other. Refs #2736.
doc: 6c3203cee2 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Match.pod6
Moves target and pos to Match

And leaves Cursor as a simple alias. Closes #2736
doc: 7c2cd9b33a | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Cleanup after 32736
holyghost sorry folks, I drank too much today, I'll see what I can do on sunday 16:33
jmerelo holyghost: take care
C'mon, who wants issue 2483? github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2483 Just a bit of rewriting =item ⇒ =head2 or =head3 It's going to be fun! 16:38
guifa jamrelo: I can’t help out this weekend I’m afraid =\ finishing up final grades. I’m going to make it a project this summer to do a lot of doc work 16:42
(y tal vez pasaré por Granada)
jmerelo even 16:43
tobs Can I run roast tests on a non-installed rakudo? `fudgeandrun --impl-cmd=$NEW_RAKUDO/perl6` fails to find Test.pm6 and the script apparently resets PERL6LIB
(well, I changed it not to reset the env var and it worked, but I'd still like to know if there's a more proper way) 16:46
holyghost I'm on ##chat, I have talked somewhat, I'm doing better 16:48
I drank a bit on there, I'll try to make a NetBSD release of rakudo next week and work on Game::Markov and Game::AI::Messaging 16:49
That way I'll be alright 16:50
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ opened issue “Document NQPMatchRole methods within Match.”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2746
jmerelo tobs: yes. You need to run some stuff. I was supposed to do a PR with it. Let me see if I find it 16:51
guifa: you'll be very welcome :-) 16:58
tobs jmerelo: hopefully we can be friends this weekend. My calendar only says "Squashathon". Right now I'm trying my hand at R#2872 though 17:00
jmerelo tobs++ 17:03
tobs can't find the issue. You need to generate some stuff before doing the fudgeand run; but you don't need to fudge all tests, only some of them
tobs: good luck with 2873. 17:04
guifa: I'll take you on a tapas tour, if you like that thing :-) 17:06
guifa jmerelo hahaha, but real tapas or the ones you pay for?
guifa is traditional. tapas aren’t tapas if they’re paid for separate from the drink
jmerelo guifa: Granada is the place of the real tapas. 17:07
guifa Funny, the Basque said the same thing :P 17:08
jmerelo guifa: those are pintxos, and you have to pay through your teeth. 17:08
guifa (of course, they also try to claim cider and I’m like … uh… no. And now they’re trying to escanciar the cider too and I’m just like 🤦 )
jmerelo guifa: we don't have any claim on cider. Just good Alhambra beer. 17:09
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Document NQPMatchRole methods within Match.” (docs): github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2746 17:11
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Document NQPMatchRole methods within Match.” (new): github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2746
jmerelo tobs: you know that's a Rakudo issue, not a doc issue, right?
tobs yes, but it came up just last night. 17:12
and it seemed simple enough 17:14
jmerelo tobs: OK :-)
guifa is off for the weekend 17:24
holyghost bye guifa
guifa Good luck with the squashathon
jmerelo guifa: thanks. Good luck with your project. 17:24
xinming Is there a way to early return from a file? 17:26
Geth doc: 9196284d50 | (JJ Merelo)++ | html/.htaccess
Uncap now refs #935
doc: c1cd7a8f24 | (JJ Merelo)++ | html/.htaccess
Fixed .htaccess

Still does not work far as I can tell, since this does not work in Mojolicious, but the URL is correct. Refx #935
jmerelo xinming: exit?
xinming jmerelo: exit is exiting the program
for example in file test.p6 I have something like if ... { "return here" }; the rest code will be compiled, But not run. 17:27
and when I try to use require 'test.p6' when it reached "return here";, we abort execution of test.p6
jmerelo xinming: that's hackish 17:28
xinming jmerelo: yes, hackish, Just for fast testing purpose
sena_kun xinming, if you are running test files, `bail-out` maybe?
xinming for now, I'll have to wrap the rest of the code, and call them as a function.
Not test files. 17:29
test some script
jmerelo xinming: you could also try slurping, creating a sub around it, and doing EVAL.
xinming Yes, I'm trying to avoid wrap the code as sub.
But if this is the only way, I'll live with it.
I'd say, It's a good to have feature. :-)
jmerelo xinming: it's maybe less hackish. Plus it's not polluting your namespace. 17:30
xinming early returning from a file.
jmerelo xinming: don't know what you're doing, but maybe my Test::Script::Output could help
xinming a second 17:31
sena_kun xinming, I am not sure the concept of "running a file" fits very well here. If you want to run a script(not get its symbols in scope), why not Proc::Async and then your script can `exit`? 17:32
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “broken link docs…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/935#is...-489177444 17:33
xinming sena_kun: termbin.com/wy1q 17:34
xinming sena_kun: something like that. It's mix lib and script, for prototype, I write lib in a separate script. And later, I split them. 17:34
jmerelo xinming: Hum. Maybe using phasers? 17:35
xinming for now, i did something like, wrap the rest of the code as function, If it's not AS_LIB, then, I call that function.
jmerelo: How can we achieve that with phasers?
sena_kun xinming, it looks to me like you want class xxx to live in `lib` of a distribution, and in `bin` you have `use xxx` and the script code. Trying to mix it is not totally bad, but hmmm.
xinming there is nothing wrong with call as sub. 17:36
jmerelo xinming: phasers run in the precomp and comp phase...
xinming sena_kun: Yes, mix them, for fast prototyping, So, for the script-as-lib.p6, I just need to add a line if %*ENV<AS_LIB> or %*ENV<EARLY_RETURN> { #`(Skip the rest of the file) } 17:37
I'll check phasers.
sena_kun xinming, and then you can have `if $is-lib { require Foo::Bar } else { Proc::Async.new(`foo.pl6`)... }` instead of pushing the deciding code to test-lib.p6
xinming It needs to be in test-lib.p6 17:40
sena_kun xinming, wrapping with a sub is the way, I'd say.
xinming I understand, But I hope a way to early return in a compiling file. :-) 17:41
that maybe good to have feature. since perl6 should do as we "want"
ugexe but no one wants to consume code like that 17:43
ugexe that makes the api to consume it whacky as hell 17:44
xinming ugexe: I said it's for fast prototyping, I'll split the lib after early development is finished. 17:47
the test-lib.p6 is writing the lib stuff and also sample script in test-lib.p6 directly. 17:48
ugexe re: "good to have feature" -- features that encourage authors to write non-idiomatic code should be a side-effect of something else, not as a goal of TIMTOWTDI 17:54
tobs commit: 2015.12 say (^3)[0 ..^ *] 17:58
committable6 tobs, ¦2015.12: «(0 1 2)␤»
araraloren seems like what you guys talking is similar like __main__ of python? 17:58
I am not sure 17:59
Geth doc: 08f736ecc4 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 3 files
Adds /type/int closes #935
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ closed issue “broken link docs…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/935
Geth doc: 435336c7bd | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Wrap up #935 eliminates wrong link
jmerelo sena_kun: you're the one who's set up the mirror for perl6.org, right? 18:28
sena_kun jmerelo, yes
jmerelo sena_kun: documentation has not been updated since then.
sena_kun jmerelo, well, technically, I own the hosting, it was timotimo++ who set up most of the things
jmerelo sena_kun: OK, I'll talk to him. 18:29
.seen timotimo
yoleaux I saw timotimo 12:08Z in #perl6-dev: <timotimo> ah dang, el_che is gone already
sena_kun I also remember we had issues with building docs on the server, so we had to do it locally and rsync. 18:29
jmerelo .tell timotimo the documentation is not being updated. Can you please set up a cron job or something to re-build it from time to time? 18:30
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
jmerelo sena_kun: um.
sena_kun jmerelo, if you are familliar with rsync and have a fresh copy, I can give you access to the server
jmerelo sena_kun: you should have warned me...
sena_kun: yes on both counts.
holyghost ok, I'm off for the weekend 18:31
I come back aftre my daughter's brunch concert
sena_kun jmerelo, do you have a public ssh key? please, PM it to me, then I'll add it to authorized_keys 18:32
xinming m: termbin.com/qw3bm 18:40
evalable6 xinming, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL
xinming Anyone here would tell me how do we in a single match, to match all key1 key2 and key3 out-ordered? 18:41
Or, we'll have to match 3 times to ensure all kv are scanned.
sena_kun xinming, you can [`key1` | `key2` | `key3`] ** 18:42
xinming, you can [`key1` | `key2` | `key3`] ** 3
it won't catch bad cases like double keys though 18:43
xinming sena_kun: It's strange, Actually, Why will only ** 3 work? 18:46
before I tried something like [...] ** 0..3 It doesn't work. So, I thought I can't use repetition here. 18:47
But I found that with ** 3 worked.
moritz token singlekey { key1|key2|key3 }; token allthree { :my %*SEEN; [<singlekey> <?{ !%*SEEN{ $<singlekey>][*-1]}++ }> ] ** 3} 18:48
you can even use the assertion to give a better error message on duplicate keys, if that's what you want
xinming: it should work. So we'd need a specific example of what you were doing to answer your question 18:49
xinming I'm just curious why it doesn't work with [...] ** 0..3 18:50
but work with [...] ** 3 :-)
AlexDaniel sena_kun: what about github.com/JJ.keys ? 19:00
jmerelo AlexDaniel: should have thought about that :-) 19:01
AlexDaniel interestingly, gpg keys are also visible on github, but you have to work harder to get them
sena_kun AlexDaniel, that's a smart feature I've never heard about before. But the docs are updated, so all well that ends well.
skids Woodi: I just pushed a quick fix to get perl6-xcb closer to "working". You'll have to remove xinput.xml and screensaver.xml from the xcb files and there's still some issues but at least the "bindings" build and some of tests work. 19:16
antoniogamiz Hi! I'm back to squash some bugs/issues :D 19:17
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by moritz++! ♥ 19:27
Geth doc: d15e32a6d4 | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Type/Match.pod6
General improvements to Match documentation

  * mention that Match can be an in-progress match as well
  * mention that method pos only makes sense for in-progress matches
  * orig can return a non-string
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “Document NQPMatchRole methods within Match.”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2746#i...-489213386 19:30
antoniogamiz mm you can pass arguments beginning with numbers?
something like this: say DateTime.new(:2016year, :3600timezone) - Duration.new(31536001.0);
Geth doc: 88381417f0 | Antonio++ | 4 files
change timezone with time zone, closes #2661
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by antoniogamiz++! ♥
doc: b4af072a75 | Antonio++ | doc/Type/Match.pod6
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:perl6/doc
squashable6 🍕 antoniogamiz++ closed issue “timezone vs time zone”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2661
tobs antoniogamiz: yes, :2016year turns into :year(2016) 19:36
antoniogamiz tobs: :oo, I didnt know that, thanks
tobs it's syntactic sugar that you can use in instances like `wait :2minutes` in favour of `wait minutes => 2` 19:37
antoniogamiz quite useful yep
Geth doc: 0ab9021d5c | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Type/Match.pod6
Document Match.chars and .make

Closes #2746
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ closed issue “Document NQPMatchRole methods within Match.”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2746
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ edited issue “Nativecall function callback syntax”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2684 20:14
kybr do we have a priority queue? 20:15
oh i see one on modules.. 20:17
Geth doc: antoniogamiz++ created pull request #2747:
changes =item to =head3 sections #2483
squashable6 🍕 antoniogamiz++ opened pull request “changes =item to =head3 sections #2483”: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/2747
xinming IIRC, We can make a 2 arg function to become "infix" operator 20:21
Is this syntax like &[&test] ??
m: sub test ($a, $b) { "$a $b".say; }; "Good" [&test] "Bad"
evalable6 WARNINGS for /tmp/tWPNbHQ6zK:
Good Bad
Useless use of &test in sink context (line 1)
antoniogamiz m: say $+; 20:22
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/jvfgkqqsvB
antoniogamiz, Full output: gist.github.com/8aec1f15e5fc26cd43...5f6aeba3c7
xinming How do we remove this warning? I just forgot where I read this.
Geth doc: c49b3117f0 | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Language/regexes.pod6
regexes: first empty of con/disjunctions are ignored.

Closes #2611
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ closed issue “null alternatives are not documented in regexes”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2611
xinming hmm, Ignore me, Finally I got it here docs.perl6.org/language/functions#Subroutines 20:24
antoniogamiz in #2632 one item says: Trying to use variables $;, $,, $., $\, $(, $),
$<, $>, $/, $\, $[, $-, $+, and $@
throws X::Syntax::Perl5Var
but when you use that variables it doesnt throw anything 20:25
someone knows why?
tobs antoniogamiz: didn't it throw (in the form of a compiler error) when you tried above? 20:26
in case of $+ at least 20:27
antoniogamiz mmm but it isnt X::Syntax::Perl5var
m: say $,; 20:28
evalable6 (Any)
antoniogamiz m: say $\;
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/7uBXJwAvDd
antoniogamiz, Full output: gist.github.com/37b930d6e276bc7336...c3ca25c6f6
antoniogamiz mmmm in some cases it works 20:29
ugexe bisectable: CATCH { default { say $_.perl } }; say $,; 20:30
bisectable6 ugexe, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=37b7ef7) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
ugexe, Output on both points: «(Any)␤»
tobs m: say $, = 'something' 20:31
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/LkYJLSD0uq
Unsupported use of $, variable; in Perl 6 please use .join() method
at /tmp/LkYJLSD0uq:1
------> 03say $,08⏏04 = 'something'
tobs according to Grammar.nqp, that exception is triggered if you try to assign to $, 20:33
antoniogamiz mmmmm ok. thanks tobs, that should appear in the docs 20:34
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “Type Graph: what is it good for?”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2584#i...-489231176
🍕 moritz++ edited issue “type-graph.txt: what is it good for?”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2584
moritz can we close #2559 because it's not a bug? 20:36
a method is a routine after all
moritz duckit, I'm closing it, and people can reopen it if they object 20:38
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “docs.perl6.org/r…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2559#i...-489232396 20:39
🍕 moritz++ closed issue “docs.perl6.org/r…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2559
🍕 antoniogamiz++ wrote a comment on “Checklist for 6.d”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2632#i...-489232446
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “create standard location…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2195#i...-489234681 20:47
Geth doc: f5139e6d58 | Antonio++ | template/header.html
add autofocus to search bar #2657
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by taboege++! ♥ 21:00
Geth ¦ doc: taboege self-assigned Too many :skip-tests github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2738
kawaii `Too late for unit-scoped class definition; Please use the block form.` 22:02
oh I understand! 22:04
gfldex lolibloggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2019/05/04/mo...ee-no-nil/ 23:15