»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Xliff m: my @a = ^5; say @a[^*] 00:51
camelia (0 1 2 3 4)
Xliff m: my @a = ^5; say @a[1..^*]
camelia (1 2 3)
Xliff m: my @a = ^5; say @a[1..2, *-1] 01:00
camelia ((1 2) 4)
Xliff m: my @a = ^5; say @a[1...2, *-1]
camelia (1 2 4)
Xliff m: 50 ~~ 0..30 02:34
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: say 50 ~~ 0..30
camelia False
Xliff m: say 29 ~~ 0..30
camelia True
Xliff m: say -1 ~~ 0..30
camelia False
Geth doc: Kaiepi++ created pull request #2767:
Document Scheduler.cue edge cases with :at/:in/:every
jmerelo releasable6: status 05:29
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 1 blocker. 132 out of 284 commits logged (⚠ 2 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/fd47e58bc0687d898d...181ca3ed85
Geth doc: be90f281c9 | (Ben Davies)++ | doc/Type/Scheduler.pod6
Document Scheduler.cue edge cases with :at/:in/:every
doc: 18d2226380 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Scheduler.pod6
Merge pull request #2767 from Kaiepi/scheduler

Document Scheduler.cue edge cases with :at/:in/:every
Geth doc: 8b23372479 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/List.pod6
Eliminates wrong definition of map

This addresses partially #2675. Probably new examples will need to be added to clarify how the sigilless argument works.
jmerelo we need to do something about ecosystem indices 06:09
jmerelo Everything is starting to fail: docker builds, travis tests... 06:09
Can't we redirect ecosystem.p6c.org to the new (provisional) hosting?
ufobat__ is there a way to remove a mixin from an object? 06:23
m: role Foo {}; my $a = [1,2,3] but Foo; $a.WHAT.say
camelia (Array+{Foo})
jmerelo ufobat__: that's a good one. I want to say yes, with the help of the MOP, but would be hard pressed to tell you how. 06:38
ufobat__ :D 06:39
the coercion methods seem to work sometimes sometimes not :(
i just created a rakudo issue
antoniogamiz hey o/ 08:15
sena_kun o/ 08:16
Geth doc: c4712fddb0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Add infix C«(<)», infix C«⊂», infix C«⊄» to operators
ufobat__ jnthn, what would you suggest to remove mixins? (dont want to hijack the ticket) 08:24
timotimo store the original object away when mixing in and give a method to get at the previous object (though that won't copy over changes to the existing attributes) 08:30
Geth doc: 863ebf0a4e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Add infix C«(<=)», infix C«⊆», infix C«⊈» to operators
Geth doc: 932d992fae | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Add infix C«(>)», infix C«⊂», infix C«⊅» to operators
ufobat__ timotimo, i dont get what you've written in the brackets
timotimo well, if you use "but", it will give you a clone that has the new type and keeps the data from the existing object 08:41
ufobat__ yeah 08:42
timotimo so when you just grab the existing object back, any changes to the attributes that the clone has done will be lost
ufobat__ ah
mhm maybe it's easier for me to avoid the mixin at all and use a class instead, that has the $value as an attribute. 08:44
ufobat__ thanks :) 08:44
antoniogamiz how much time should take zef to install doc dependencies? 08:47
sena_kun antoniogamiz, it depends. due to p6c.org being down, you are likely observing a 6 minute delay. you can avoid that by updating zef 08:49
antoniogamiz sena_kun: aaahh ok, I'll do that then :)
sena_kun antoniogamiz, and you can add --/update option, like `zef --/update Foo::Bar` to avoid ecosystem cache update process, which causes a delay 08:50
timotimo yeah, composition is very good 08:51
mixins are extra useful if you've got to "sneak past" some type checks
antoniogamiz sena_kun: nice! mmm I've rebuilt zef and now it says that cannot find JSON::Tiny
executing zef --deps-only install . in doc repo 08:52
Geth doc: bbd341d0c3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Add infix C«(>=)», infix C«⊇», infix C«⊉» to operators
ufobat__ timotimo, maybe I am more looking for a eqv that ignores mixins? 08:59
antoniogamiz first step to work in docs is to build the docs :D
Geth doc: dd2cf45f4e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Remove special section about set operators

It was empty
timotimo you mean an "eqv" operator? because IIRC eqv explicitly requires the types to match exactly 09:11
which is probably what you mean
ufobat__ yeah
Geth doc: lizmat self-assigned $*REPO and CompUnit::Repository::* classes not documented github.com/perl6/doc/issues/502
b89f2610ad | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/terms.pod6

Also add some codepoint information to some other terms
timotimo should i try becoming more awake before giving any more "advice"?
ufobat__ ich hab keine ahnung :D 09:15
oh sorry, wrong chat window
timotimo, i was happy with your adivce :) 09:17
jast wrong window? that comment is always appropriate, at least when I say it :} 09:27
timotimo that also happens to fit me like a glove 09:29
antoniogamiz what was the checklink app written in perl or perl6? 09:37
doc: 5a90e2022d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Removed term ∅ from operators

Also added some terms to the overview, added link to terms documentation.
lizmat this concludes my work on that part of the documentation for today
starting on the P6W now
lizmat hmmm... Travis failures of doc are because of missing dependencies during testing? 09:59
===> Failed to find dependencies: JSON::Fast, Test::META
what's the deal there ?
antoniogamiz mmmm maybe is zef, I tried to rebuild the doc a moment ago a zef didnt find some modules 10:00
and I had to install them from their repos
lizmat ugexe nine ^^^^ ideas
antoniogamiz where can I see why the run has failed? I new to shippable 10:07
I am*
antoniogamiz ah I can see the error in travis 10:10
jmerelo releasable6: status 11:20
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 1 blocker. 132 out of 284 commits logged (⚠ 2 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/dd1755733271f775fb...8e04e94ab9
antoniogamiz jmerelo: doc build is failing 11:31
lizmat I think this is caused by the ecosystem providing a borked cpan.json file atm
jmerelo lizmat: I think it's simply timing out. 11:32
lizmat github.com/ugexe/Perl6-ecosystems/.../cpan.json should be a ~50K lines JSON file: it isn't atm 11:33
jmerelo lizmat: that's why I asked this morning for a redirection of those addresses. I got like 2 dozens emails from Docker Hub also telling me that docker container build are failing 11:34
lizmat: Ah, wow. It's empty.
lizmat yup
jmerelo lizmat: that's a different problem. CPAN is failing this weekend.
lizmat I guess a revert of the last update would be best, but /me cannot do that
ugexe ^^
jmerelo lizmat: Somebody mentioned in Twitter they were doing maintenance operations 11:35
So perl6.org pages are failing, cpan is failing, and we should really, really, do something about the infrastructure.
lizmat ah, the Perl NOC .... hmmm
jmerelo log.perl.org/2019/04/maintenance-week.html 11:36
timotimo hmm.
jmerelo Today is a bank holiday in the UK, although this in in the Netherlands, if I remember correctly.
timotimo learn perl5? rewrite modules.perl6.org's module updater in perl6?
lizmat no, no holiday in NL
timotimo nah, i've got loads of stuff to do already
jmerelo timotimo: just more resilient or redundant infrastructure. 11:36
timotimo: Perl6 module updater is in perl5? 11:37
timotimo: oh, wow
lizmat yeah, hysterical raisins
timotimo infrastructure doesn't gist.github.com/timo/b28a1199c8d98...4a0a0cbf49
infrastructure redundancy doesn't add more features :)
jmerelo Well, perl6 docs web is also written using mojolicious.
timotimo oops, the output isn't right %) 11:38
jmerelo return code 2560 is not a good code.
lizmat: those raisins are the best.
timotimo "connection timed out"
jmerelo I think we should try and create a doc mirror in GitHub, simply perl6doc.github.io 11:39
At the end of the day, it's all static. Might not be the main site, but could be used to redirect in a pinch.
timotimo [2019-05-06 11:38:44.74156] [32387] [info] Using ModulesPerl6::DbBuilder::Dist::Source::CPAN to load cpan://id/J/JM/JMERELO/Perl6/Git-Blame-0.0.1.meta 11:40
jmerelo If no one is (strongly) against, it wouldn't be difficult to set up, either from travis or locally when I build it. Main difference would be using my own Github ID or create one ex profeso.
timotimo: er 11:41
timotimo: what?
timotimo yes
jmerelo timotimo: that is failing?
timotimo no
i'm showing that it's in fact working now
jmerelo ah, OK
timotimo i already kicked off the update last hour 11:42
but it didn't pick up your Git::Blame dist
lizmat noticed that
jmerelo then the cpan.json above should be updated in the next sweep. It's activated every two hours.
timotimo now i fixed the underlying problem
where does it grab its data?
jmerelo timotimo: you've got to dig into ugexe's repos. 11:43
timotimo: right, this is it: github.com/ugexe/Perl6-App--ecogen
github.com/ugexe/Perl6-App--ecogen...n/cpan.pm6 it's taking it from the same place 11:44
timotimo: maybe because it was one of the last ones... I upgraded it to 0.0.2 also. 11:45
timotimo that will not work 11:46
jmerelo timotimo: what will not work? 11:47
timotimo ecogen
jmerelo timotimo: I guess so. Hence the empty cpan.json 11:48
Here's the issue for copying the docs in GitHub. Happy about any comment or suggestion github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2768 11:50
timotimo github.com/ugexe/Perl6-App--ecogen/pull/4 11:51
ugexe: you don't happen to be around right now? :)
timotimo 995 of 1384 dists processed 11:58
lizmat log.perl.org/2019/04/maintenance-week.html # underlying issue 11:59
timotimo i'll put that in the github issue as well 12:00
someone should probably be subscribed to that :)
jmerelo .seen ugexe
yoleaux I saw ugexe 5 May 2019 19:58Z in #perl6-dev: <ugexe> praise be windows IOCP
jmerelo timotimo: he's like 6 or 7 hours behind. Not likely. 12:01
timotimo ah, that makes sense
mst what's breaking? we had some issues wrt PAUSE but if it was already on cpan, it didn't disappear 12:02
timotimo mst: we're using cpan-rsync.perl.org for our stuff; that's not responding to connection attempts
i'm not sure why it's got green on the left and red on the right
and what "no time" means 12:03
probably "tried to find out the exact time the mirror last synced, but failed to do that" 12:04
jmerelo goes AFK to cook.
mst sounds likely
timotimo and somehow the failure mode wasn't understood to mean "the mirror is actually down completely" or something
timotimo anyway, it was a little foolish of us to use just a single host out of the CPA*N* 12:05
mst aye, though also, better to stress test things now than later when there's more people to be effective
affected even
insufficient coffee error at sentence 1 12:06
timotimo i'm sure there's a clever tool or guide to figuring out what kinds of things an application is trying to reach, and to insert faults at every individual point
timotimo inspired by steven lembark's testing talk
mst IME that's called 'mondays' 12:07
timotimo huh, there's two videos of that talk? one is about a quarter hour longer compared to the other, but both are on the The Perl Conference youtube channel? uploaded 2 days apart?
oh 12:08
the other one is actually a different talk altogether
www.youtube.com/watch?v=XREzI5cPOSo - anyway, i liked this talk
80 dists left to process 12:10
jdv79 perhaps the pause artifacts should be fixed and used? 12:11
timotimo how do you mean? 12:12
oh, you mean that if the mirror is down it shouldn't result in an empty list, just in what was there before?
jdv79 iirc pause generates metadata for p6 dists
timotimo oh, fixed as in repaired, rather than fixed as in made unchanging
jdv79 no, i just woke up. fixed as in not relying on a third party indexer 12:13
but im just shootin from the hip sans coffee:) 12:14
timotimo sorry, i barely know anything about that; we are currently relying on the same indexer that does perl5 dists or something like that?
jdv79 ill try to remember to talkbto him about it 12:15
jdv79 gotta head to $work now 12:15
timotimo viel erfolg!
tyil there's currently 2 Geths in this channel, do you want me to kill off my instance? 13:21
timotimo what we really should do is get the dns entry fixed so it points to either one of them :D 13:22
tyil oh
I can't do anything with that :p
timotimo aye
tyil I hadn't paid any attention to the hack.p6c server's status, so I was just wondering if mine is still wanted 13:23
timotimo ah
i think the other geth runs on a completely different server. nine's if i'm not mistaken?
but both geths require changes on github to make the hook point at a different URL
tyil yeah, the hooks need to point to either one 13:24
timotimo yup
tyil (or both, if you like spam)
timotimo until we change the dns and suddenly everything just works again 13:25
tyil I'm not shy on resources right now, so I'll let it run until further notice for now
timotimo thank you kindly
oh, could you also run a synopsebot? :)
github.com/perl6/synopsebot 13:26
tyil I guess, if there's a docker image or repo I can look at
timotimo no docker yet, but it's at least very simple
tyil making Docker images of Perl 6 projects is fairly simple
I have tyil/perl6 as a base which seems to work for everything I'ev tried thus far
timotimo \o/ 13:27
tyil I'll take a peek when I get home, which is in 2 hours or so 13:27
shouldn't waste too much of the boss' time :>
looks like a simple script either way, though 13:28
timotimo aye 13:29
it doesn't even have a database or anything persistent
tyil well, a TCP connection to the IRC server is better to be persistent 13:30
timotimo that's true :D
lizmat AlexDaniel: I appear to not be able to find this weekend's Squashathon results ? 14:58
sena_kun squashable6, status 15:08
squashable6 sena_kun, Next SQUASHathon in 24 days and ≈20 hours (2019-06-01 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
sena_kun not the status, but the winner is announced, at least 15:09
ufobat__ is there something comparable to weakref of perl5? 15:16
i wanna store objects in a hash, that would vanish if the object gets GCed. i just want to store some "meta information" there 15:17
lizmat notable6: weekly reset 15:24
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2019-05-06T15:24:20Z”
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2019/05/06/...s-to-riga/
moritz: ^^^ 15:25
jmerelo lizmat++ 15:28
timotimo ufobat__: not with actual references, but you can emulate something like "alive bits" with DESTROY
Xliff \o 15:29
Can someone tell me why I am getting this when attempting to compile a role: "Type check failed in binding to parameter '<anon>'; expected Any but got ItemOrModel (ItemOrModel)"
ufobat__ timotimo, i want to have this for "regular" objects lit Array or Int or Str and such, I think I can't modifiy their DESTROY methods 15:30
timotimo lizmat: "the the river cruise"
you can mix one in, probably
ufobat__ i am still looking for a way to "modify" my data, because the but (mixin) makes that my Int is no longer just an Int... 15:31
lizmat timotimo++ # fixed
ufobat__ the approach with MyContainerClass that has $.data and $.meta means that I need to addess $obj.data all the time, thats no fun :-(
lizmat afk for a bit&
Xliff Code is here: github.com/Xliff/p6-GooCanvas/blob...le.pm6#L30 15:32
Xliff m: subset IntStr is Int | Str; role T { method a (IntStr $a) { say "Hi { $a }"; }; }; class A does T {}; $a = A.new; $a.a(0); $a.a('Pete'); $a.a(1/2) 15:37
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
No such method 'add_parent' for invocant of type 'Perl6::Metamodel::SubsetHOW'
at <tmp>:1
Xliff m: my subset IntStr is Int | Str; role T { method a (IntStr $a) { say "Hi { $a }"; }; }; class A does T {}; $a = A.new; $a.a(0); $a.a('Pete'); $a.a(1/2) 15:38
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
No such method 'add_parent' for invocant of type 'Perl6::Metamodel::SubsetHOW'
at <tmp>:1
Xliff ?!?
m: subset IntStr where Int | Str; role T { method a (IntStr $a) { say "Hi { $a }"; }; }; class A does T {}; $a = A.new; $a.a(0); $a.a('Pete'); $a.a(1/2)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$a' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3y "Hi { $a }"; }; }; class A does T {}; 7⏏5$a = A.new; $a.a(0); $a.a('Pete'); $a.a(
Xliff m: subset IntStr where Int | Str; role T { method a (IntStr $a) { say "Hi { $a }"; }; }; class A does T {}; my $a = A.new; $a.a(0); $a.a('Pete'); $a.a(1/2) 15:39
camelia Hi 0
Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '$a'; expected IntStr but got Rat (0.5)
in method a at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Hi Pete
Xliff m: subset IntStr where Int | Str; role T { method a (IntStr $a) { say "Hi { $a }"; }; }; class A does T {}; my $a = A.new; $a.a(0); $a.a('Pete');
camelia Hi 0
Hi Pete
Xliff m: subset IntStr of Mu where Int | Str; role T { method a (IntStr $a) { say "Hi { $a }"; }; }; class A does T {}; my $a = A.new; $a.a(0); $a.a('Pete'); 15:40
camelia Hi 0
Hi Pete
Kaiepi m: my $res = Promise.new; $res.keep: start start start start start start start start start start start start 1; $res = do with $res { $_ = await $_ while $_ ~~ Awaitable:D; $_ }; say $res 15:50
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant integer 1 in sink context (line 1)
Kaiepi m: my $res = Promise.new; $res.keep: start start start start start start start start start start start start { 1 }; $res = do with $res { $_ = await $_ while $_ ~~ Awaitable:D; $_ }; say $res
camelia 1
sena_kun m: y $a = start start start start start start start start start start start start { 1 }; while $a ~~ Awaitable { $a = await $a; LAST { say $a } } 15:58
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of y///; in Perl 6 please use tr///
at <tmp>:1
------> 3y7⏏5 $a = start start start start start star
sena_kun m: my $a = start start start start start start start start start start start start { 1 }; while $a ~~ Awaitable { $a = await $a; LAST { say $a } }
camelia 1
timotimo lizmat: "a few people where of the Perl 6 persuasion" :) 16:07
jmerelo So 16:49
If no one is strongly against this: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2768, I'm going to do it right now.
Xliff jmerelo: That's a great idea! I can help maintain if you want. 16:50
sena_kun jmerelo, have you asked folks who volunteer to care about infrastrucure stuff? ping rba, iirc 16:51
jmerelo Xliff: thanks. I'll add you to the repo. 16:51
sena_kun: they are all in the perl6 team, they must have received the issue. 16:52
The whole point is you don't need to care about it. I'll set up some commit hooks to generate it automatically every time I do some commit and push it
Anyone else wants to participate, they will just need to install the post-commit hook and re-generate every time they do changes. 16:53
Xliff Does anyone know if there are better examples of nextcallee than what is in the docs? 16:56
jmerelo Xliff: unlikely. But you can try the advent calendar or briandfoy book.
Xliff Thanks.
jmerelo perl6docs.github.io/ 17:05
I'll set up hooks in a while.
raschipi jmerelo++
jmerelo As a matter of fact, I have found an empty perl6doc organization 17:07
That's why I have used perl6docs
I don't dismiss the possibility that it might have me younger me creating that organization, but I don't really have any recollection...
Anyone wants to be added to the organization, just let me know. The more people rebuilds when they change something, the better. 17:08
jmerelo raschipi: you in? 17:08
raschipi sure 17:09
Geth doc: 1b4b3e479b | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
Created GitHub mirror closes #2768
moritz jmerelo++ 17:18
jmerelo moritz: you want in? 17:21
moritz jmerelo: is the build manually triggered now? 17:22
jmerelo moritz: manually and locally. I'll have to set up some post-commit hook, although I could also do it from Travis 17:24
timotimo jmerelo: will you also push to docs.perl6.org? 17:32
jmerelo timotimo: for the time being, that's also manual. So yes, I guess so. 17:33
Will do it now, as a matter of fact. Thanks for the reminder. 17:34
jmerelo And generation really takes a long time. We should fix that. Let's see if our two GSoC students can tame that beast... 17:47
Xliff Doc generation should benefit from parallelization. Has anyone tried to make the Makefile work with -j? 17:48
jmerelo Xliff: long time ago we did. We stopped doing it.
Xliff: parallelization is not going to buy you much, anyway, because it's generating 2k files. Every time. 17:49
jmerelo Disk access is going to be sequential anyway 17:50
It would help that only what's changed was generated. But that's difficult to do right now, because we don't keep track of that.
Even if we kept track at a file level, it would be big improvement. Right now, there's no way of changing a comma in a Type file and re-generating that file and anything affected by it. 17:51
The GSoC projects should take care of that, but there are fundamental problems in the specification of the content, and the file itself.
moritz: it should be updated in docs.perl6.org now 17:53
jmerelo And in perl6docs.github.io too, now. 17:56
Ah, that was timotimo
raschipi Where is the type graph stored?
jmerelo Anyway, pushed both way
raschipi found it 17:57
Geth doc/rafaelschipiura-Failure-is-Nil: a4787d9ade | (Rafael Schipiura)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | type-graph.txt
Failure is Nil

Failure is Nil which is Cool.
doc: rafaelschipiura++ created pull request #2769:
Failure is Nil
doc: a4787d9ade | (Rafael Schipiura)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | type-graph.txt
Failure is Nil

Failure is Nil which is Cool.
doc: 09ebe6f06b | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | type-graph.txt
Merge pull request #2769 from perl6/rafaelschipiura-Failure-is-Nil

Failure is Nil
jmerelo raschipi: another reason why type-graph.txt should be eliminted. There might be more errors like that one. 18:07
raschipi: good catch
raschipi Well, are you proposing just not having a Type graph or generating it automatically from the docs?
jmerelo raschipi: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2584 18:08
raschipi Sounds good to me. Although generating it automatically wouldn't have solved this problem because Failure wasn't declared is Nil in the docs either until a few days ago. I just didn't update in both places because I didn't find the file until now. 18:09
jmerelo raschipi: I was thinking more along the lines of... 18:10
m: say Failure.^mro
camelia ((Failure) Nil (Cool) (Any) (Mu))
Geth doc: 5a10f56d4c | (Rafael Schipiura)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Int.pod6
.Range isn't an Operator

Missed the additional =head1 in there.
raschipi I see, getting it from Rakudo itself. That would be nice. It would be easier if it was possible to do the reverse, list everything that extends a certain Type. 18:12
raschipi So one would call Any.^children and go from there. 18:13
Or rather Mu.^children
jmerelo Any other way would probably be better than the current one. 18:14
raschipi I mean the implementation. Listing a tree is way easier if you start at the root.
Geth doc: 4b7d378618 | (Rafael Schipiura)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Int.pod6
Better wording

  'They' didn't refer to anything in particular.
doc: 5e0cc7130c | (Rafael Schipiura)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Rational.pod6
Better wording 2

Same thing as my last commit.
jmerelo raschipi: right. We could do that. We could them blacklist some of them to avoid adding them to the graph, like any NQP stuff. 18:19
raschipi jmerelo: Can I ask you something? I don't remember if I already asked and you said no, so I'm just gonna ask agian. If it bothers you, feel free to ignore my request. I like your reflow commits, but it's difficult to see changes in a diff when you send new content and reflow in the same commit. Could you separate them in multiple commits? Send one with the work you're doing and another one reflowing the text? 18:21
jmerelo sure
raschipi Thanks
jmerelo reminds himself to do this from now on. It's going to be hard, because I do it as I go... 18:22
raschipi I agree it's difficult, but reading code is done more frequently than writing it, so I think it would save effort in the long run for the project as a whole. Makes it easier to review your commits. 18:24
jmerelo sure, no problem. Thanks for drawing this to my attention. 18:25
raschipi: agh, tabs break tests. 18:28
you fixed that? 18:29
Geth doc: f64f1b9d54 | (JJ Merelo)++ | type-graph.txt
No tabs
raschipi oops 18:31
I put tabs on purpose, shouldn't have.
jmerelo No biggie
raschipi Do you want me to remind you every time you forget to make separate commits and I have to fish content to review in a large reflow patch? 18:32
jmerelo raschipi: you can do it if you want, but I'll try to keep it separate. 18:33
raschipi I don't think it's a big deal, it's just to help you develop a new habit, if you think it will help. 18:34
raschipi In my defense, I did submit it as a pull request and you reviewed it :p 18:35
jmerelo as I said, feel free to do it... I
raschipi: that's why it fell on me to fix it... I didn't think there was going to be a problem with the tests; I merged before waiting for them. 18:36
raschipi: tests take 20 minutes and that's a problem.
raschipi Yeah, it's all good, it's just tongue-in-cheek banter. 18:37
jmerelo raschipi: are you attending any perlcon this year? 18:40
jmerelo raschipi: I'm generating again docs locally to see that they make of this new line... 18:41
raschipi I'm going to attend Debconf this year, they have a Perl miniconf. It's gonna be in the city I live... 18:42
jmerelo Never been in Brazil... 18:43
raschipi You should come. We will try our hardest to convince you to stay. 18:45
jmerelo The first is easy, the second might be harder. Who's going to cook for my family then? :-)
raschipi Well, no one said stay forever. Just a few seasons. 18:47
jmerelo Until it stops raining or so :-)
raschipi What's a dry season? 18:48
jmerelo :-)
rba jmerelo: cool stuff. already thougt about using github pages to host static stuff. 18:55
jmerelo: so travis is doing the generation themself? 18:56
jmerelo rba: no for the time being. travis does not do a complete make html. It would take ages to test stuff. 18:57
rba: but I could set up some other pipeline somewhere else. Maybe gitlab.
jmerelo rba: everything would be easy, again, if we had some way of generating only what's needed... 18:58
rba jmerelo: moritz helped already a lot. so we're currently try to create a list of what all we need. and there might be some more "buiild"-host requirement. (or we use CI/CD service aleady around; just try to get a feeling...) 18:59
rba jmerelo: "generate only what's needed" sounds like a great taks for GSoC... 19:00
jmerelo rba: that's what antoniogamiz is supposed to do.
rba: we need to overhaul the whole definition/generation/serving tooling of the documentation.
jmerelo rba: a build host for docs might help, because right now it's using the serving host itself. This causes, by itself, some problems: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2227 19:02
rba jmerelo: for static pages we look as well if we get some CDN in front of the hosting. this might solve the availablity issues as well...
jmerelo rba: that will be great. 19:03
jmerelo raschipi: Already deployed with the new graph: docs.perl6.org/type/Failure 19:09
Also in perl6docs.github.io 19:10
I do have to write that hook...
tony-o_ AlexDaniel`: was travelling, where do i approve #23 ? 19:14
tony-o_ err, nvm, finally found it, apparently still jet lagged 19:14
Geth doc: b0bd2bbe49 | (Ben Davies)++ | 2 files
Update docs on Scheduler.cue edge case handling
doc: 6020b813a7 | (Ben Davies)++ | doc/Type/X/Scheduler/CueInNaNSeconds.pod6
Fix X::Scheduler::CueInNaNSeconds message
sena_kun Cro::LDAP 0.5 is released. (clap clap clap) 19:49
sena_kun this is really an alpha release with a good portion of my ugly API, bugs, missing features and so on 19:49
but from now on I would like to get some help with detecting what features are needed from now on 19:50
so any bug reports, suggestions, feature requests are welcome, github.com/Altai-man/cro-ldap <-
cast El_Che
timotimo \o/ 19:51
cast summon bigger fish
sena_kun I really don't know a thing about LDAP(well, _now_ I do, and also now I can encode-decode ASN.1 BER in my mind), so I hope people who have more experience with it will be nice enough to knock me down with bug reports. :) 19:53
timotimo i haven't done any ldap either
well, a tiny bit
raschipi I breath LDAP, but only as an operator. 19:55
lizmat last time I worked on interfacing with an LDAP server, was ~25 years ago 19:56
and I was not a happy camper, having to interface with a Microsoft implementation of LDAP that didn't follow the official specs (at least at the time) 19:57
timotimo ha
sena_kun hey, I definetely saw Net::LDAP in "most wanted modules" document! don't tell me now it's useless! :p 19:58
raschipi Which do you guys prefer? LDAP or DNS?
timotimo DNS kind of doesn't have any authentication, or does it?
cokebot_ is there a windows alternate to Terminal::ANSIColor ? 20:01
raschipi Well, the authentication services are userDB-independent, as far as I know. It's possible to plug passwd as a backend, LDAP, DNS and others.
timotimo there's ANSI.SYS
i would probably not put my company telephone number database in DNS
cokebot_ looks like ansi.sys isn't 64 bit compatible. 20:02
.oO( Did timotimo really go old-school with the mention of ANSI.SYS? )
God! I haven't thought about that thing in ages!
cokebot_ eh. another reason for me to move this to a browser instead. 20:03
timotimo isn't that how windows users get color in their command.com?
Xliff Not anymore
timotimo anyway, there is something on windows that can understand ansi escape codes
sena_kun >===> Failed to find dependencies: Cro::Core 20:04
sena_kun erm, travis is very unhappy... 20:04
Xliff command.com hasn't been a thing since ... well... Windows 7!
sena_kun can someone do a test installation?
timotimo AFAIK on windows if you want color you would open a handle on your current terminal that you're connected to and then in between print calls you would send an out-of-band command to the terminal to activate colors and stuff?
Xliff: i know you could still use it on winXP
raschipi Would the new Windows Terminal solve that problem? They announced it today, showed htop running on it, with colors. 20:05
timotimo it was running inside tmux, even!
raschipi github.com/Microsoft/Terminal
timotimo i mean, the obvious solution would be to get Cygwin/X and xterm 20:06
raschipi X.org works in WSL
timotimo i'm speaking from my experience, which ended rather quickly after windows vista came out 20:07
raschipi Now they only recommend installing IIS on Linux, to give you an idea. 20:08
Woodi sena_kun: re: LDAP: LDAPv3 protocol and StartTLS are important and I can't find it in code 20:13
sena_kun Woodi, what do you mean by `LDAPv3`? I was originally implementing v3, no v2 is planned. As for StartTLS - yes, was on my roadmap for some time and I have some ideas about its implementation, though TLS stuff is often... fun. Can you open a ticket, please? 20:15
sena_kun goes afk for 30 minutes~ 20:16
Woodi sena_kun: found v3 in encoding.t... 20:19
will try try ticket :)
sena_kun Woodi, is v2 really so alive to explicitly mention it? v3 was published in 1997(oh, so we are the same age) 20:20
Woodi sena_kun: no, just v3. I asked becouse didn't see it anywhere. 20:28
sena_kun Woodi, you can add a ticket like "Mention v3 in documentation". ;)
ugexe all the tests fail like this for me 20:30
Failed to open file /Users/ugexe/.zef/store/cro-ldap.git/1746da2ef5bc9aeb7d3d88894e3fbecee6dd3c01/Cro::LDAP::ASN::Plugin: No such file or directory
sena_kun ugexe, you need to manually install github.com/Altai-man/cro-ldap-asn-plugin for now 20:31
probably Cro::LDAP::ASN::Plugin should be published to the ecosystem, since there is nothing deserving "not going to release it right now" status 20:32
sena_kun adds it to dependencies...
ugexe that error still seems odd though 20:33
sena_kun yes
ugexe why is it trying to open a specific file for instance
Woodi als can't find definition of Cro::LDAP::Message, where it is defined ?
sena_kun well, it was not mentioned in "depends" in the first place
ugexe i would expect 'Could not find Cro::LDAP::ASN::Plugin at line 1 in:'
sena_kun Woodi, github.com/Altai-man/cro-ldap/blob...pes.pm6#L5 <- what file spawns the error with Cro::LDAP::Message? 20:34
Woodi sena_kun: yes, just found 20:35
ugexe Cro::LDAP::Test::MockServer is not in the META6.json data 20:36
sena_kun ugexe, ugh, must it be?
Woodi sena_kun: tickets done :) 20:37
ugexe perl6 -I. t/01-basic.t etc won't work if you dont 20:38
Woodi sena_kun: do that repo have client and server implementation ? 20:38
sena_kun ugexe, indeed. I am always using `perl6 -Ilib`, not `perl6 -I.` and it works with the first way. 20:39
ugexe if you want to include a test library that doesnt get installed then put it in t/lib and use `use lib $*PROGRAM.parent.add("lib");
sena_kun Woodi, no server. Though there is a server stub you can "fill" with whatever implementation you want, but I don't plan to implementing a real ldap server, having a nice client is my main goal. 20:40
ugexe, thank you very much! _notes down_
ugexe ah, the strange Failed to open file error is from ASN::META's runtime module loading, which makes a little more sense
sena_kun a-a-ah, yes, ASN::META is pretty much... "fun" if you ask me. 20:41
kawaii timotimo: ping! 21:03
kawaii things are happening! usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/...-07-45.png 21:08
Geth doc: 9ac8c2e2a5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6
Emphasize the semantics of set operators over Set/Bag/Mix
kawaii Oh, looks like I don't have push access to nqp 21:17
looks like I may have to do the release tomorrow 21:18
AlexDaniel ello 21:19
kawaii: “Already in this organization” 21:20
kawaii Yep I'm a member but get this when pushing `Permission to perl6/nqp.git denied to kawaii.`
sena_kun 'night, #perl6. o/
AlexDaniel kawaii: if you're using the sakefile, then the problem is that generated git repos have https link instead of ssh 21:21
kawaii I think I'm a member of the org but a member of a subgroup with no write access 21:21
AlexDaniel kawaii: if it is so (look at the actuall error message?), then it can be fixed by fixing the links in git configs
kawaii From before when my CLA got signed
kawaii usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/...-21-45.png 21:22
AlexDaniel I see, I see… 21:22
so to write in nqp repo people should be in the core team?
kawaii I think so
AlexDaniel kawaii: fixed now 21:23
kawaii: but I also see no changelog and no announcement doc right now 21:24
at least that's not committed, and it should be before other stuff happens 21:25
kawaii AlexDaniel: hmm I can't see a changelog wiki page for nqp like we have for rakudo 21:28
AlexDaniel kawaii: yeah generally nqp changes are reflected in rakudo changelog if there's a good reason to, but I don't see a good reason to release nqp if rakudo prep is not done
the wiki page is just a way to let devs to log stuff quickly, the final version should be committed to rakudo repo 21:29
kawaii yep understood, I'll prep rakudo's changelog tomorrow in that case since it's lengthy and late here
AlexDaniel kawaii: take your time, yes. And maybe go through release guides once again to see if there's anything you missed github.com/perl6/nqp/blob/master/d..._guide.pod github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast..._guide.pod 21:30
also, things change and maybe the release guide needs to be tweaked too
Xliff m: my $a; $a.VAR.name.say 22:39
camelia $a
Xliff m: my $a = Str; $a.VAR.name.say 22:43
camelia $a
Xliff m: my $a = Str; .VAR.name.say for $a 22:44
camelia $a
Xliff m: my $a = Nil; .VAR.name.say for $a
camelia $a
Xliff sub a ($a) { say "Var: { $a.VAR.name }" } 22:48
m: sub a ($a) { say "Var: { $a.VAR.name }" }; a
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Calling a() will never work with declared signature ($a)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 a ($a) { say "Var: { $a.VAR.name }" }; 7⏏5a
Xliff m: sub a ($a) { say "Var: { $a.VAR.name }" }; a(1)
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
Xliff ^^ Is that a bug?
m: sub a ($a, $b) { my $c; say "Var: { $a.VAR.name } / { $b.VAR.name } / { $c.VAR.name }" }; a(1) 22:49
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Calling a(Int) will never work with declared signature ($a, $b)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3/ { $b.VAR.name } / { $c.VAR.name }" }; 7⏏5a(1)
Xliff m: sub a ($a, $b) { my $c; say "Var: { $a.VAR.name } / { $b.VAR.name } / { $c.VAR.name }" }; a(1, 1) 22:50
camelia Use of Nil in string context
Var: / / $c
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
Use of Nil in string context
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
Xliff ^^ Looks like a bug. Lexicals are fine, but parameter variables are not?
raschipi m: sub a ($a is raw) { say "Var: { $a.VAR.name }" }; a(1) 22:52
camelia No such method 'name' for invocant of type 'Int'. Did you mean any of these?

in sub a at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ToddAndMargo Anyone on Newbie duty? 23:12
yoleaux 29 Apr 2019 21:58Z <b2gills> ToddAndMargo: Instead of `s/\/\/\//\/\//` You could do `s/ '///' /{ '//' }/`
ToddAndMargo What am I doing wrong on ths regex? `$FixedLine ~~ s:global/ '#' / no./;` It ignores me 23:13
b2gills m: my $FixedLine = 'abc#4 def#5'; $FixedLine ~~ s:global/ '#' / no./; say $FixedLine 23:15
camelia abc no.4 def no.5
ToddAndMargo before: 050619AD and HRBC17APC Replacement Battery Cartridge 171$38.45 23:17
after: 050619AD and HRBC17APC Replacement Battery Cartridge #171$38.45
Soory. Wrong before. They are both the after
actual lne looks like: 050619A\tD and H\tRBC17\tAPC Replacement Battery Cartridge #17\t1\t$38.45 23:20
b2gills m: my $FixedLine = “050619A\tD and H\tRBC17\tAPC Replacement Battery Cartridge #17\t1\t$38.45”; $FixedLine ~~ s:global/ '#' / no./; say $FixedLine 23:23
camelia Use of Nil in string context
050619A D and H RBC17 APC Replacement Battery Cartridge no.17 1 .45
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ToddAndMargo This works, so I am at a loss: p6 'my $x="ab\tc#d\tef\t"; say $x; $x~~s/"\#"/ no./; say $x;' 23:27
timotimo ToddAndMargo: with one-liners on the terminal, you'll always have to amke sure escaping works the way you expect it to, the \#, who knows if the shell eats the \ or passes it on to perl6 23:28
raschipi my $FixedLine = '050619A\tD and H\tRBC17\tAPC Replacement Battery Cartridge \#17\t1\t$38.45'; $FixedLine ~~ s:global/ '#' / no./;say $FixedLine 23:29
evalable6 050619A\tD and H\tRBC17\tAPC Replacement Battery Cartridge \ no.17\t1\t$38.45
ToddAndMargo And guess what just decided to start working perfectly. I didn't do anything! 23:30
timotimo if the replacement is so simple, why not just .subst with strings?
ToddAndMargo checking 23:32
was using: $FixedLine ~~ m/(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*)/;
timotimo that looks like you want to .split("\t") 23:33
with a limit on the number of splits, which is the second argument to split
ToddAndMargo docs.perl6.org/routine/subst does not look understandable to me. don't think it applies either 23:34
I will try split
timotimo i thought you were replacing a # with a no. 23:35
ToddAndMargo $FixedLine ~~ s:global/ '"' / inch/; # Note quotes screw the the parsing up $FixedLine ~~ s:global/ "\'" / feet/; # Note quotes screw the the parsing up $FixedLine ~~ s:global/ '#' / no./; # Note "#" screws the the parsing up $FixedLine ~~ s:global/ '*' /x/; # Note "*" screws the the parsing up 23:36
how do I collect up $1, $2, etc with split? 23:37
timotimo the trans method can also help you for that 23:37
ToddAndMargo what is trans?
timotimo m: say q[50" 9' #123 100*5].trans(['"', "'", "#", "*"] => [" inch", " feet", " no.", "x"]) 23:38
camelia 50 inch 9 feet no.123 100x5
ToddAndMargo All in one! Easy on the eyes too! 23:41
And the translation is no longer working either. But the # stopped screwing up the m/. This is like nailing jellow to a wall! 23:44
Did I goof this? $FixedLine.trans(['"', "'", "#", "*"] => [" inch", " feet", " no.", "x"]); 23:46
timotimo it returns the result, so you need to assign
ToddAndMargo It acts like there is a comment sign in front of it
timotimo i.e. $FixedLine .= trans(...)
ToddAndMargo Ah. Short between the headsets $FixedLine = $FixedLine.trans(['"', "'", "#", "*"] => [" inch", " feet", " no.", "x"]); 23:48
".=" give me No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str' 23:50
before: 050619AD and Habc12"34' #17 *31$1.00 23:51
After: 050619AD and Habc12 inch34 feet no.17 x31$1.00
Just went back to "=" and now it is working again. Didn't before when I used "=". Where is that jello? 23:52
timotimo you forgot to put trans after .= maybe?
you put another $FixedLine after the .= probably 23:53
ToddAndMargo Just one. First I used "=", then I tried ".=", then I removed the ".". Jello! 23:57
I wonder if th is is an issue with Jeany. Seems that since upgrading from Fedora 29 to 30, I have to press the save icon several times, even when it is grayed out. That would explain the jello! 23:59
timotimo i'm not sure what you mean by that