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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
timotimo d'oh, the README has "trait_mod:" because the <is> is invisible because html 00:00
stackoverflow.com/questions/570479...1#57047921 - will someone keep an eye on the comments to this question? i'm going to bed 00:01
cool, the solution has been found \o/ 00:09
Xliff timotimo++ 00:10
Xliff Actually, isn't Markdown conversion already in Perl6? 00:19
SmokeMachine timotimo: good catch! Thanks! 00:30
lizmat clickbaits p6weekly.wordpress.com/2019/07/15/...mentation/ 07:29
tadzik I know that GDPR is cool and all but I regret not being able to look at all the goes to perlcon like you always could in ACT :( 07:35
lizmat well, I don't think the GDPR forbids that, if you're logged in 07:35
antoniogamiz o/ 07:36
El_Che lizmat: you can allow stuff as a user 07:40
people just need to know
tadzik I'm logged in, but I don't see the list of all the participants 07:43
tadzik I guess it doesn't make sense unless all the other people opt-in to it 07:43
lizmat well, yeah... I was just saying that it legally wouldn't be an issue 07:44
but yeah, the system does need to be adapted for that 07:45
and it isn't, afaik
tadzik right
El_Che does it use act? 07:46
lizmat yes, an adapted version of Act
weekly: blogs.perl.org/users/damian_conway/...enere.html
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
lizmat wow 07:55
finally read it
antoniogamiz we are using an outdated version of github templates in perl6/doc => help.github.com/en/articles/about-...-templates 08:12
rfold When I do: run 'psql'; psql says that "terminal is not fully functional". However it does seem to be a TTY. It must be that run somehow meddles with the TTY settings. 08:19
Is it possible to reset the TTY settings to exactly those that Rakudo was started with? 08:20
rfold Ahhh, nevermind. I pass env to run, which hides TERM. :D 08:26
rfold So instead of "run ..., env => %bla;" I have to do "run ..., env => (%*ENV, %bla)" 08:27
rfold p6: my %a = a => 1, b => 2; my %b = a => 4, c => 3; (%a, %b).Hash.perl.print 08:29
camelia {:a(4), :b(2), :c(3)}
antoniogamiz Uoh, :named-anywhere is very useful :ooo 09:38
rfold antoniogamiz++ thanks I was looking for that! 09:44
antoniogamiz rfold: oh, good then :DDD 09:45
rfold I wonder how that works if you have slurpy. 09:46
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Matrix::Bot::Plugin::AutoAcceptInvites (0.1.0) by 03TYIL 12:03
tyil AlexDaniel`, matiaslina: gitlab.com/tyil/perl6-matrix-bot-p...nvites.pm6 my first possible plugin, using methods on which one could do smart-matching, and access to a simple logging mechanism 12:57
matiaslina tyil: awesome! very straightforward 13:26
lizmat weekly: ajs.github.io/tools/ackermann-challenge/ 14:04
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
El_Che lo 14:27
how are we release-wise?
sena_kun releasable6, status 14:28
releasable6 sena_kun, Next release will happen when it's ready. R6 is down. At least 0 blockers. 666 out of 715 commits logged
sena_kun, Details: gist.github.com/7e6ed36f273e929a6e...f18379ac67 14:29
sena_kun sees a lot of commits logged, 0 blockers
antoniogamiz someone here is using rakudo-star?
tyil antoniogamiz: I use r* 14:31
antoniogamiz and have you ever found a program that does not work in that distribution but works in other? 14:33
tyil the only times such things have happened is when I either need a newer Perl 6, or I needed a higher module version than what r* shipped with 14:34
are you running into a problem rn that you could show an example of? 14:35
antoniogamiz mmm installing Perl6::Documentable
it looks like it does not work in r* 14:36
tyil what is the error you're getting? 14:37
noisegul My best assumption right is that modules shipping with r* are masking dependencies which causes Documentable to get the wrong ones?
tyil masking dependencies? 14:38
noisegul lack of a better term
antoniogamiz github.com/antoniogamiz/Perl6-Docu.../issues/48
noisegul: version 1.1.2 also fails?
noisegul antoniogamiz: See my follow-up, that's with 1.1.2 14:39
tyil let my try to install Perl6::Documentable with zef
antoniogamiz noisegul: ah right
ugexe does your module depend/use any namespace that is also included in rakudo star? if rakudo star installs to $HOME/.perl6 it could be its (old/outdated) modules are getting chosen 14:40
noisegul ugexe: that's what my assumption was 14:41
tyil that should be fixable by adding version numbers to the deps (which they should always have if you need a minimum version)
ugexe it could also be a transitive dependency
antoniogamiz I will have to check that then, problem is I did not know I need a minimum version 14:42
it simply works with rakudo so I will have to check exact versions
ugexe antoniogamiz: try `mv $HOME/.perl6 $HOME/.perl6.bak`. that should exclude any modules rakudo star has provided (i think). 14:43
if it then works (or you get a different error, probably about a missing dependency) then your issue is an incompatible old version of something provided by rakudo-star
Geth ¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel self-assigned Issue templates for every label github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/65
antoniogamiz ugexe: thank you! I will check that :D 14:44
noisegul: please try this too
noisegul antoniogamiz: Perl6::TypeGraph causes the error on my test installs 14:45
antoniogamiz noisegul: I know but maybe some of the modules used by typegraph conflicts with r* as ugexe as said 14:47
well, though now I think about it, it cannot be that because typegraph does not have dependencies 14:48
noisegul antoniogamiz: Will do to reconfirm; If it's not Typegraph dependencies, could it be the Typegraph version itself? 14:49
antoniogamiz noisegul: mm I'm not sure 14:50
noisegul Renaming the .perl6 folder does not change the error, however according to the error it doesn't load it from there anyway 14:57
antoniogamiz It looks like the error is caused by this line => state $tg = Perl6::TypeGraph.new-from-file;
I think I know where the error comes from now 14:58
gist.github.com/antoniogamiz/dbdfb...16b98864d8 15:00
so that what zef info Perl6::TypeGraph outputs 15:01
it looks like zef is not installing the module it should
ugexe it is installing what has been requested 15:05
antoniogamiz ok, I have made zef update and it's working now
ugexe first, p6doc provides a Perl6::TypeGraph module of version 1.0+
or at least it used to 15:06
(mabye still does)
this is higher than the version of the stand alone Perl6::TypeGraph
antoniogamiz noisegul: can you check if you have the correct version of Perl6::TypeGraph? I have public 0.0.3 right now
published* 15:07
ugexe the module was found in zef's local cache -- so if p6doc no longer includes that module then it is finding an older version that used to (but is still higher version than your module)
`zef nuke StoreDir` will clear zef's cache
antoniogamiz ugexe: thanks for your help, I have updated everything and all problems are solved :D
noisegul Thanks everyone 15:36
El_Che will perlcon-eu be streamed? There are some p6 stuff I would like to see 15:50
sena_kun El_Che, afaik not, but recorded and uploaded later. 16:01
El_Che sena_kun: remember to wave then :)
sena_kun pressure intensifies 16:03
El_Che pressure is good :) 16:04
lizmat tell me about it :-) 16:05
El_Che lizmat: oh, in your case... 16:06
El_Che "18:19:12 STEP 18: RUN rakudo -c /usr/bin/pkgbuilder.p6" <-- when our CI at work reflects my wishful thinking about branding :) 16:21
[Coke] getting an error running the full 'xt/aspell.t' in the docs repo, about too many open files. Does anyone see where in github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/x...pell.t#L44 we're not closing something out? (I would expect the await to do that, but could be missing a method call to do it explicitly) 16:56
additional, before the open files error, seeing "Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 4" 16:57
(would also love to get rid of the perl5 invocation there which would hopefully help with reducing the number of open processes) 16:58
ugexe $proc.std[out|err] are never closed 17:17
ugexe maybe just need to close $proc.stdin though 17:21
[Coke] can't call close-stdin because I'm using bind-stdin, not :w 18:34
[Coke] (and you can't bind-stdin *and* use :w) - so there's no way to close that handle explicitly, I guess. 18:47
any other suggestions?
Geth ¦ doc: treyharris self-assigned New GitHub issue and PR template github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2904 18:49
[Coke] (looks like it's getting a libuv EMFILE exception 18:51
ugexe github.com/perl6/roast/blob/b9bfe1....t#L18-L22
that shows the closing of bind-stdin
it closes the handles *passed* to bind-stdin 18:52
so $fixer.stdout.close ?
[Coke] "To avoid data races, you must tap stdout before running the process" 19:05
but I don't want to tap it.
[Coke] note that my input to the second process is the output of a proc::async - in your example it's the result of a file open. 19:06
TreyHarris Not an answer to the question, but should we be using the term "stdout" in the docs like that? Rather than "standard output" or `$*OUT`? 19:07
[Coke] stdout is literally the name of the method I'm calling, so it's fine in that regard. (it's output from perl6, not in the docs) 19:11
TreyHarris Oh, I found it in Type/X/Proc/Async/TapBeforeSpawn.pod6 so I thought it was in the published doc 19:13
All clear now. 19:14
ugexe that output comes from where 19:28
and it sure sounds like its coming from a pipe
s/where/somewhere/ 19:29
AlexDaniel Where should we move old RT tickets? Disagree now! github.com/perl6/problem-solving/i...-511953136 19:30
ugexe IO::Pipe doesn't have a close method anyway, so ignore me 19:31
calling .close-stdin works for me though 19:34
m: my $proc = Proc::Async.new($*EXECUTABLE.absolute, "-e", "say(42)"); my $proc2 = Proc::Async.new($*EXECUTABLE.absolute, "-e", "say $*IN", :stdout); $proc2.bind-stdin(my $stdout = $proc2.stdout); $proc.start; $proc2.start; $proc2.close-stdin
camelia Proc::Async is disallowed in restricted setting
in sub restricted at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 2
in method new at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 23
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! App::MoarVM::ConfprogCompiler (0.0.5) by 03TIMOTIMO 19:35
ugexe nevermind again, i didnt see the error blaring in my face
AlexDaniel or maybe I should just start a PR right away, so that later people don't complain that they were not asked… :) 19:36
Xliff \o 19:56
[Coke] golfed my open files issue down to rakudo#3057 20:58
synopsebot RAKUDO#3057 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3057 "too many open files" when repeatedly using Proc::Async
[Coke] I'd appreciate it if someone could try it on a slightly newer perl6 on something other than os x
veesh gimme a sec 20:59
[Coke] (probably not windows) 21:00
ugexe [Coke]: on OSX your golf doesn't stop for me 21:02
El_Che [Coke]: Ubuntu 18.04, latest release rakudo from rakudo-pkg (2019.03.1): still running at 850
ok, it stops at 1010 21:03
Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 6
too many open files
ugexe ah my ulimit is unlimited
El_Che too many open files$ ulimit -n
1024 in my case, makes sense to stop there 21:04
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! App::MoarVM::ConfprogCompiler (0.0.6) by 03TIMOTIMO 21:05
DrForr Does anyone know offhand if there's a NativeCall module using a .a file on modules? 21:22
timotimo can you actually just load those without linking them into a .so or similar? 21:24
timotimo i think an .a file is an archive file of a bunch of .o files? 21:25
DrForr Could very well be. I was just wondering if there were already prior art. 21:25
timotimo might first have to implement your own ld, then write it to a file and then load it with nativecall 21:26
DrForr Which is to say "moving on..." :) 21:27
El_Che DrForr: I can be mistaken, but I think this uses .a as intermediary: github.com/azawawi/perl6-inline-go
DrForr Nice, I'll take a look.
El_Che github.com/azawawi/perl6-inline-go...Go.pm6#L72
DrForr It'd be nicer if I could get a proper .so file but what can ye do... 21:33
MasterDuke in [Coke]'s example, should @!close-after-exit have something in it here github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...c.pm6#L355 ? 21:43
timotimo it only seems to be added when bind-stdin is used for stuff 21:46
MasterDuke his example does
timotimo OK, i hadn't looked at thaty et
MasterDuke `$b.bind-stdin: $a.stdout: :bin;` 21:47
or alternately, should github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...c.pm6#L234 be copied into the other multi?
tyil matiaslina: most of your proposals have been integrated now gitlab.com/tyil/perl6-matrix-bot/b...2019-07-16 22:05
I've also left some comments on the issue you opened
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Matrix::Bot (0.2.0) by 03TYIL 22:08
tyil thanks cpan-p6
cpan-p6 tyil, No problem!
tyil dank
tbrowder question for debian emacs users: can you get a horizontal scroll bar? i have tried several suggestions from emacs users but i cannot get the horizontal scroll bar to appear. it worked fine in xemacs, but not in emacs. note i use the Mate desktop. 23:34