»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Sparrow6 (0.0.5) by 03MELEZHIK 02:19
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AlexDaniel grep: temp 03:23
03:24 irced joined
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 5734 lines, 486 modules: gist.github.com/c3666d09d31c8fdcea...d2e6196200 03:24
AlexDaniel grep: temp.*\$ 03:30
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 1168 lines, 177 modules: gist.github.com/d2a13b0429de300da4...f53ce0352b
AlexDaniel grep: temp\s*\$
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 209 lines, 41 modules: gist.github.com/fad73f4b6ed2b7c5cf...d7d2495351 03:31
03:36 araraloren joined
araraloren Hi, I found some weird things when using require load a module :D 03:53
The test repository : github.com/araraloren/for-perl6-bug 03:54
Just clone the code run the main.p6
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chloekek masak: what does temp offer over my when using *-twigiled variables? 09:17
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ugexe You can’t ‘my’ a class member 10:01
you can temp $foo.bar 10:02
10:26 Black_Ribbon left
chloekek But those aren't *-twigiled. 10:40
p6: class C { has $.bar; }; my $*foo = C.new(:bar(1)); temp $*foo.bar = 2; 10:41
camelia Can only use 'temp' on a container
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
chloekek p6: class C { has $.bar; }; my $foo = C.new(:bar(1)); temp $foo.bar = 2; 10:42
camelia Can only use 'temp' on a container
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
chloekek p6: class C { has $.bar is rw; }; my $*foo = C.new(:bar(1)); temp $*foo.bar = 2;
camelia ( no output )
chloekek That makes sense thanks ugexe.
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Geth doc: threadless-screw++ created pull request #2922:
Some redactional changes and corrections
chloekek Is there a Str-like type that admits only the BMP/ 11:32
lizmat windows Bitmap ? 11:33
chloekek Basic Multilingual Plane 11:34
I think what I want is UCS-2. I need to work with a C library that uses UTF-16 except it can't cope with surrogates.
p6: say 'hello'.encode('utf16').perl 11:36
camelia utf16.new(104,101,108,108,111)
lizmat we don't have a "bmp" encoding atm... but we do have UTF-16... perhaps some hacking on that might work?
chloekek I think if that works with NativeCall I'll just use that.
p6: use NativeCall; sub bla(utf16:D $s --> utf16:D) is native {*} 11:37
camelia ( no output )
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Geth ecosystem: c36aae2be1 | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Promote fork of Text::LDIF

As the original module author has suggested at colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...06-29#l178
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Harzilein hi 18:50
timotimo moin 18:51
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Kaiepi if i wanted to get the uptime of a program, would it be more accurate to use BEGIN or INIT with my Instant constant START = now;? 19:40
i might add an uptime function to $*VM or something at some point, but a cpan module for older versions of perl 6 would be nice to have
kawaii I was curious about this too 19:42
yoleaux 23 Jul 2019 14:01Z <hankache> kawaii: regarding the Rakudo Star release we'll start as soon 2019.07.1 is released
Kaiepi also, does mi6 new <module> segfault for anyone else on a version of perl 6 at some point past 2019.07 or is it just a bug in the IO refactor i'm dogfooding? 19:45
19:47 john_parr joined
sena_kun I can't check if Lock is taken by someone and e.g. throw an exception instead of waiting? 19:48
jnthn sena_kun: No, but see Lock::Async; you get a Promise and can then choose not to `await` it, or do a timeout, etc.
m: say $*INITTIME;
camelia Dynamic variable $*INITTIME not found
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jnthn m: say $*INIT-TIME;
camelia Dynamic variable $*INIT-TIME not found
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jnthn Hm, thought something like that existing
Kaiepi: You'd want INIT, as BEGIN is precomp'd. Also, a constant is calculated at BEGIN time (because it's constant :)) 19:49
camelia Instant:1564257037.245931 19:50
jnthn Kaiepi: But ^^ already exists :)
sena_kun jnthn, I wonder if I am doing it wrong, the general thing is that all my Cro::LDAP ops are concurrent, _EXCEPT_ binding, which must be synced, so I thought of taking a lock for how much it is needed to send request and await for response, but in other methods I need to not await(because yikes, where is my concurrency then), but to check if we are in the middle of binding or not.
Kaiepi oh
jnthn sena_kun: Hm, I'd probably just have some Promise that I don't keep until binding is done 19:51
And make sure to await that before doing another operation 19:52
sena_kun jnthn, I am not yet convinced I want to queue operations instead of throwing an exception. 19:53
Maybe I want, though. Just not sure.
jnthn sena_kun: Ah, then you can just check the Promise isn't kept yet :)
Or if it's broken, throw that exception :)
sena_kun I am also worried that things like `$!bind-p = Promise.new` are not very, ahem, thread-safe. 19:54
inb4: just create an atomic semaphore
hmm, though one can't nicely await for it... 19:55
ah, as a source of possible misunderstanding: binding is not always happening at the beginning of the session and it can be done many times, that's why I am thinking that on every bind doing `$bind-in-progress = Promise.new` is not very safe. 19:57
Kaiepi ok the segfault is a bug in my own code, MVM_decoder_set_separators was getting passed a type object 19:58
jnthn sena_kun: Ah...you're worried about two bindings being started concurrently? 19:59
Kaiepi should probably panic with a decent error when that happens
jnthn sena_kun: Well, you can always try to cas in the Promise :)
sena_kun jnthn, how can I?
jnthn Something like `my $p = Promise.new; cas($!bind-p, Any, $p) === Any or die "NO! ur already binding!"` :) 20:00
sena_kun interesting...
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sena_kun eeeerm 20:10
>Will reliably only ever print Master! one time
for me it reliably prints nothing. :S
docs.perl6.org/routine/cas#(Scalar)_sub_cas <- this example 20:11
with `else { say 'Not' }` it says `Not` four times.
timotimo why would it === Any?
when the two constants are Any.new?
sena_kun no idea 20:12
timotimo that seems wrong
sena_kun if I replace it with `NOT_STARTED`, it is correct
I'll patch it now...
timotimo that was in jonathan's original check-in, even 20:13
Geth doc: 791582d92d | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Scalar.pod6
Correct example code
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Scalar
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sena_kun are you mah mastah... 20:17
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Gnome::Gtk3 (0.17.6) by 03MARTIMM 20:24
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vrurg timotimo: gist.github.com/vrurg/00d8166c28f7...31e93c7e17 - do you know what could this be? 20:48
20:50 chloekek left
timotimo any number of things; you can get more info from the moar process you're attached to with the env var MDS_PROTOCOL 20:51
vrurg Damn it, that's the case where I started it without this variable. Ok, thanks! 20:52
timotimo ;(
vrurg Will have to wait for another 20mins when the process hangs. ;) 20:53
timotimo oh no :(
vrurg lunch time anyway....
timotimo www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw5tHvnUu7k&t=241s - have some good vidya game music while you wait?
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MasterDuke m: say (-77371252455337) +> 3 21:46
camelia -9671406556918
MasterDuke m: say -(77371252455337 +> 3)
camelia -9671406556917
MasterDuke is ^^^ correct?
21:46 dpk joined
tobs MasterDuke: that seems to be the theme in roast tests: github.com/perl6/roast/blob/master...ic-shift.t 21:52
the difference by one, I mean 21:53
MasterDuke tobs++ 21:59
samcv there's crazy new unicode numbers 22:12
their values are 0.046875, 0.03125, 0.015625, 0.0125 and 0.003125 22:13
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tbrowder hi, folks: \o/ 22:26
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tbrowder i need some help rebuilding rakudo master branch after working on a local branch with changes 22:29
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tbrowder i generally build with --gen-moar --gen-nqp --backends=moar 22:31
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tbrowder and that gets me a fresh nqp and moarvm in the local dir 22:32
then i checkout my dev barnch and cobble away...
when i want to go back and rebuild an updated master, i don't always get a clean start with a make clean or make distclean 22:35
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tbrowder is there a good way to start over in the local dir or do i have to blow the whole mess away and reclone? 22:36
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tbrowder i seem to be having conflicts with the nqp-configure submodule and am not sure how to deal with it when switching between master and another branch. 22:39
samcv tbrowder, i usually don't use --gen-moar and --gen-nqp and just compile each separately. since i had similar issues to you
tbrowder that should be "3rdparty/nqp-configure" 22:40
samcv tbrowder, wait so did you modify nqp or moarvm. or rakudo 22:41
tbrowder i'm working on rakudo only but it does get changed. 22:42
sena_kun how can a type object print its type correctly with `say $foo`, but `say $foo.WHAT` prints Scalar instead of type?
timotimo $foo<>.WHAT
sena_kun hmmm...
tbrowder samcv: actually, i'm modifying rakudo's nqp as well as its pm6 files (but not touching the real nqp or moarvm source) 22:43
sena_kun the odd thing here is that I am doing all types of type generation with MOP, and when I added `trait_mod:<is>($attribute-to-add-into-class, :rw)`, then I got scalars, but without it there are no wrapper. 22:45
I wonder if that's a bug or not.
timotimo without "it"?
tbrowder keeping nqp and moarvm outside the rakudo clone is probably the way to go as you are doing.
sena_kun without rw trait
ooooh 22:46
it actually may be just natural thing...
timotimo well, when you want to assign to what an accessor method returns, it's gotta be a scalar
otherwise there's no assignment possible
sena_kun m: constant C := Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type(name => 'Foo'); my $attr = Attribute.new(name => '$!aa', type => Str, package => C, :has_accessor); trait_mod:<is>($attr, :rw); C.^add_attribute($attr); C.^compose; my $ca = C.new; say $ca.aa.WHAT; 22:47
camelia (Str)
sena_kun I can't reproduce it with this golf. :S
m: class A { has Int $.a is rw; }; A.new.a.WHAT.say;
camelia (Int)
sena_kun and with this
AlexDaniel samcv: heh, nice. More stuff to work with when golfing github.com/AlexDaniel/raku-golf-ch...c-literals 22:52
tbrowder hm, looking at Configure.pl --help i don't see anything like --with-moarvm=<path to moarvm> 23:06
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MasterDuke tbrowder: --prefix 23:08
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vrurg tbrowder: --with-moarvm is nqp's Configure option. 23:11
But as MasterDuke noted, --prefix is prefereable.
tbrowder arg, mea culpa ref nqp config and moarvm 23:20
23:22 Cabanossi left, wildtrees left
tbrowder but, ref option --prefix, how do you use it? do you not configure and build in the rakudo cloned repo! 23:23
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tbrowder s/!/?/ 23:23
timotimo --prefix is where everything lands, there'll be a "bin" folder with moar and perl6-m and nqp-m and all that 23:24
and there'll be a lib folder i think
bin, include, lib, and share
tbrowder i'm assuming my probs are stemming from the recent major changes to Configure.pl since i have been using my build process for a long time without the current probs 23:25
timotimo maybe all you need is a "git submodule update" 23:26
tbrowder ah, maybe... 23:27
erg, that didn't work...i'll try the separate moarvm and nqp method 23:30
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tbrowder thanks all (samcv, vrug, timotimo) 23:31
and MasterDuke 23:32
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