»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
atroxaper tell jmerelo today's morning after zef update I see Pod::To::Cached 0.3.5 in ecosystem without auth property. And after that it just installed by zef install Pod::To::Cached 02:51
atroxaper .tell jmerelo today's morning after zef update I see Pod::To::Cached 0.3.5 in ecosystem without auth property. And after that it just installed by zef install Pod::To::Cached 02:54
tellable6 atroxaper, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
jmerelo releasable6: status 05:08
tellable6 2019-09-03T19:57:32Z #perl6 <[Coke]> jmerelo yup, 'zef install Pod::To::Cached' finds 0.3.5 and then fails the tests, still
2019-09-04T02:54:09Z #perl6 <atroxaper> jmerelo today's morning after zef update I see Pod::To::Cached 0.3.5 in ecosystem without auth property. And after that it just installed by zef install Pod::To::Cached
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release in ≈17 days and ≈13 hours. R6 is down. At least 7 blockers. Unknown changelog format
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/dfb92944903759581c...7130ac25f3
jmerelo .tell Coke will check out the issue. Thanks. 05:09
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to [Coke]
jmerelo .tell atroxaper thanks 05:10
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to atroxaper
El_Che I think the new bot is smarter and .tell is no longer needed 05:23
it will save the msg is the nick is not on the channel 05:24
Geth ¦ problem-solving: fecundf assigned to jnthn Issue Clean interpolation for enumerated character classes github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/97 05:47
rba Hmm. Looks like someone else already did some designs: www.cafepress.com/+raku+gifts 06:44
tellable6 2019-09-01T07:37:04Z #perl6 <jjmerelo> rba we're using circle-ci only for testing. We will probably build locally anyway. Also, I think both servers are used, but the official one is doc.perl6.org
2019-09-01T07:45:34Z #perl6 <jjmerelo> rba: sorry, docs.perl6.org is the one that's used and referenced.
jmerelo hi, rba 06:55
jmerelo Also, can anyone help with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/577829...-in-perl-6 I don't have any Windows machine around to check 06:56
discord6 <Aearnus> I didn't even know Perl 6 had windows support
jmerelo Aearnus: it does have, and you can even install it using chocolatey. However, I'm not sure if paths are automatically translated (via IO::Path::Win32) or we need to explicitly create them that way. 06:57
El_Che jmerelo: people would expect that unix paths work in windows 07:09
El_Che I want to check in a vm if I find the time but I don't have the energy to compile stuff on Windows (that's why I run an "illegal" Linux desktop at work :) ) 07:11
Xliff \o 07:15
Is there a way to load a core file from perl6-gdb-m?
El_Che hey Xliff
Xliff Hi, El_Che. How are you? 07:16
El_Che multitasking between perl 5 and Go today :)
Xliff El_Che: You know, I think tellable should also save a message if the user hasn't said anything in-channel for over an hour. 07:17
El_Che smart bot
Xliff I don't think that feature is in, yet. Is the code on github?
El_Che github.com/perl6/whateverable I think 07:18
Xliff Ah.
jmerelo Problem is, only way that I have to test Win32 stuff is to use Appveyor. Which is fine, but it takes time... 07:19
El_Che jmerelo: 07:40
C:\Users\me>c:/rakudo/bin/perl6 -e "mkdir IO::Path.new( 'a/b/c' )"
C:\Users\me>tree a
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is FFFFFFE0 42AB:8FAE
AlexDaniel` tell: source 07:41
tellable6 AlexDaniel`, github.com/perl6/whateverable
tobs El_Che: beat me to it :) 07:48
El_Che :) 07:50
tobs (I got this shiny new account two weeks ago but didn't get around to answer that one question I actually wanted to answer yet...) 07:51
atroxaper .tell jmerelo: Whole process has taken 535.53001468 seconds 08:13
tellable6 atroxaper, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
Xliff jmerelo: I'm running the process now. "Generating source files..." 08:34
The new instructions work well. 08:35
jmerelo: "Whole process has taken 411.76242301 seconds" 08:37
jmerelo hey, great. Thanks! 08:44
tellable6 2019-09-04T08:13:25Z #perl6 <atroxaper> jmerelo: Whole process has taken 535.53001468 seconds
jmerelo atroxaper++ 08:44
I'm going crazy with Windows testing 08:45
Xliff m: '⚛'.uniname.say
evalable6 ATOM SYMBOL
Xliff m: '⚛'.ord.fmt('%x').say
evalable6 269b
Geth problem-solving/path-to-raku: 3021673634 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | solutions/language/PATH-TO-RAKU.md
Also mention "p6" in repo names
jmerelo If anyone has a Windows machine handy, I'd be inmensely grateful if they downloaded github.com/perl6/Pod-To-Cached and run the tests 08:56
Xliff jmerelo: I'd have to reboot.
And do you want me to try native Windows or use the WSL? 08:57
jmerelo I'm trying to come up with a "rm -rf" equivalent that works also in Windows, but I can't seem to get the path right.
Xliff deltree?
jmerelo Xliff: I didn't know that...
Xliff :)
jmerelo Xliff: anyhow, the command is rmdir /s /q, but the path does not seem to be correct...
El_Che deltree 08:58
jmerelo Xliff: deltree only works in Win10?
El_Che oh Xliff was faster
Xliff OK. Well I will reboot to Windows and attempt to install Pod-To-Cached
El_Che jmerelo: I remember deltree from the DOS days
Xliff El_Che: :)
jmerelo I don't remember the DOS days 08:59
This is the thing: ci.appveyor.com/project/JJ/pod-to-...s/27169716
Now it's saying: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
deltree is not used now, apparently 09:04
Xliff Rebooting... 09:07
jmerelo Xliff thanks 09:07
pmurias nqp-m: my num $float := 123456789e240; 10:09
nqp-m: my num $float := 123456789e240;say($float == nqp::inf);
m: say("evalbot lives")
evalable6 evalbot lives
AlexDaniel pmurias: it doesn't, evalable6 is just pretending to be one :) 10:39
moritz I'll check if rakudo builds again on camelia 10:45
if yes, I can enable camelia again
AlexDaniel please do :) 10:47
jmerelo Pod::To::Cached now tests OK in Windows. One of the most difficult things I've ever done. 10:52
tellable6 2019-09-04T09:17:52Z #perl6-dev <Xliff> jmerelo: paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/xJhT...6~-ybZ2mLg
jmerelo OS-independent paths are used throughout, and some temporary stuff is cleaned up as it should. 10:53
jmerelo .tell Xliff thanks. 10:53
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to Xliff
moritz looks like "no" 12:03
though each build clobbers the log files, so I can't see the erro message right now
asd could anyone help me with the perl6 setup, I did install the msi file in the C: direction, but i can't open any .p6 files on windows 10 13:52
timotimo does "perl6" work in the console? 13:53
asd C:\rakudo>perl6 hello.p6 13:55
i think so
timotimo i have no clue about the windows build of rakudo :( 13:56
[Coke] what's the windows issue? I have it installed on a box here... 13:57
tellable6 2019-09-04T05:09:37Z #perl6 <jmerelo> Coke will check out the issue. Thanks.
asd thank you anyway
am i right with the point when i get this message: 13:58
C:\rakudo>perl6 hello.p6
then perl6 is working does it?
[Coke] ?
that looks like a command you run, not a message you get 13:59
asd i am beginner i just try to get a hello world line with the hello.p6 file, what do i have to do for that 14:00
[Coke] you have a file "hello.p6" ? 14:03
asd is that wrong?
[Coke] then yes, you should be able to enter "perl6 hello.p6" at a command prompt and have it emit.
no, I'm just verifying.
you can also try: perl6 -e "say 'hi'" 14:04
[Coke] you shouldn't have to be in any particular directory when you run perl6. 14:05
is it not working for you?
asd yes this worked :)
C:\rakudo>perl6 -e "say 'hi'"
[Coke] \o/ 14:06
asd thank you now i know at least that perl 6 is working
SmokeMachine notable6: next 15:51
notable6 SmokeMachine, No notes for “next”
SmokeMachine squashable6: next
squashable6 SmokeMachine, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 1 day and ≈12 hours (2019-09-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo SmokeMachine: are you ready? 15:59
SmokeMachine jmerelo: I'm trying to release the next API version before the Squashathon... but I think it's not happening... 16:11
jmerelo: and I also would like to create some bodies to the issues... but I couldn't yet... 16:12
SmokeMachine jmerelo: though I think they are ok only with the titles... 16:12
jmerelo SmokeMachine: people can always ask :-) 16:24
SmokeMachine :) 16:34
jmerelo Well, apparently CI actions in GitHub don't include Perl... 17:13
Grinnz someone has written one that works 17:13
basically, just grabbing perlbrew from apt and going from there it looked like
jmerelo Can you do that? It would be interesting to have one for Perl 6 too... 17:14
We've got the containers and everything.
Grinnz i'm sure it could be doable in that way
jmerelo They seem to be here github.com/actions/starter-workflo.../master/ci 17:15
Grinnz github.com/iamalnewkirk/do/tree/ma.../workflows are the perl ones i saw 17:17
jmerelo Grinnz: thanks!
perryprog I'm having some trouble: why does my @lines = slurp("CONTRIBUTING.md") ==> split("\n") assign lines to a one elem list of the result of slurp? Perl ignores split unless I surround the RHS of the assignment with parens 17:41
Hopefully that makes sense. 17:42
Ah shoot, I didn't read the second part of the docs on the ==> operator. Never mind.
jmerelo perryprog: :-) Good luck anyway. 17:45
perryprog Thanks!
tobs the bottom line to keep in mind is that ==> has extremely loose precedence, looser than assignment and even looser than `and` and `or` 18:27
thiccdaddy I was told I would receive points from my man Larry 19:09
varjack p6: say /op varjack
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04===
Regex not terminated.
at /tmp/bWUd5KWHhL:1
varjack, Full output: gist.github.com/aa59e58b1fecf1f763...01debc11cb
varjack what in the heck
thiccdaddy wow a gist output, classy 19:10
varjack was not expecting that, but your bot looks nice
Grinnz cute, but not how irc works, even if any of the bots were opped
varjack depends on how the bot interacts with the channel, but in most cases yes 19:11
Grinnz maybe if it's a mirc bot, but i try to put those out of my mind
varjack I think I've only ever gotten that to work on an mirc bot 19:12
thiccdaddy furiously pushes up glasses as he types away belittling the new guys.
thiccdaddy scoffs as his thicc jowls shake with the movement of his breathing
varjack I'm already belittle
AlexDaniel you should `use IRC::Client`, then set up the client and connect to freenode 19:31
*with* your password :P :P
and then you can op anyone from the bot on the channels that you own :P :P :P
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! LibXML (0.0.4) by 03WARRINGD 21:50
Xliff . 22:10
Geth ¦ problem-solving: Xliff assigned to jnthn Issue Perl6 is missing the ability to store sub signatures for later use. Think Callbacks. github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/98 22:13
guifa Xliff: you can create signatures programmatically. All we really need is a way to attach them in a concise manner 23:01
tellable6 2019-09-02T00:11:03Z #perl6 <irced> guifa: thanks for your feedback on subparse on august 26
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 23:05
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 1 day and ≈4 hours (2019-09-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day