»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Elronnd irced: neh, can't think of anything in particular at the moment, but if you see anything you think might make it better, go ahead! 02:20
irced Elronnd: sure 02:21
i'm a blind colt on git (though i can manage local code with it easily enough) 02:22
so i'll keep my eyes open 02:23
Elronnd how to construct a CUnion which is nested inside of a CStruct? 03:48
ix.io/1UoN/perl6 I have this, and I can't figure out how to create a new P6Val. I mean, I can create one, but then I have no way of setting the P6Data inside, nor can I set it from the constructor 03:49
Xliff \p 05:15
\o even
Elronnd what is \p? 05:16
and \o?
Xliff benchable: compare \p is nothing. That's me fat fingering \o 05:17
benchable6 Xliff, ¦\p: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “all”?)»
Xliff \o is a hand waving hello...
Elronnd o/
Xliff bench, compare HEAD 100.Str.chars for ^100000 || 100.log10 for ^100000
bench: compare HEAD 100.Str.chars for ^100000 ||| 100.log10 for ^100000 05:18
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, gist.github.com/e6beb3891d1e8bd8d6...c6a500f42a
Xliff I would expect the log version to be faster unless you are doing some WEIRD optimizations with strings. 05:20
Elronnd Xliff: perhaps .Str is a zero-cost operation following lexing 05:23
Xliff Yah. Thinking about that. It would mean that moarvm's floating point math went non-native in log10 05:24
Xliff bench: HEAD my @a = ('a'...'z') for ^100000 ||| @a = ('a'...'z').reverse for ^100000 05:46
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, No new data found
Xliff bench: HEAD my @a = ('a'...'z') for ^100000 ||| @a = ('a'...'d').reverse for ^100000 05:47
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, No new data found
Xliff bench: HEAD my ('a'...'z') for ^100000 ||| ('a'...'z').reverse for ^100000
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, No new data found
Xliff bench: HEAD ('a'...'z') for ^100000 ||| ('a'...'z').reverse for ^100000
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, No new data found
Xliff ?!? 05:48
bench: compare HEAD my @a = ('a'...'z') for ^100000 ||| @a = ('a'...'d').reverse for ^100000
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, ¦HEAD: «04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/aeFUACn8Ao␤Variable '@a' is not declared␤at /tmp/aeFUACn8Ao:1␤------> 03'a'...'z') for ^100000 } ,1␉ => sub { 08⏏04@a = ('a'...'d').reverse for ^100000 } ;␤»
Xliff bench: compare HEAD my @a = ('a'...'z') for ^100000 ||| my @a = ('a'...'d').reverse for ^100000 05:48
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, ¦HEAD: «Benchmark: ␤«timed out after 10 seconds»»
Xliff bench: compare HEAD my @a = ('a'...'z') for ^10000 ||| my @a = ('a'...'z').reverse for ^10000
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, ¦HEAD: «Benchmark: ␤«timed out after 10 seconds»» 05:49
Xliff bench: compare HEAD my @a = ('a'...'z') for ^100 ||| my @a = ('a'...'z').reverse for ^100
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, gist.github.com/453496649c3764be89...0ce582ca48
Xliff bench: compare HEAD my @a = ('a'...'z') for ^1000 ||| my @a = ('a'...'z').reverse for ^1000 05:50
benchable6 Xliff, starting to benchmark the 1 given commit
Xliff, gist.github.com/7bf7d08d62be999bf4...d89072d6b8
Xliff m: my @a = gather for 'a'..'g' { take $_ => ^90.pick }; @a.sort( -*.value ).say 05:58
evalable6 Potential difficulties:
Precedence of ^ is looser than method call; please parenthesiz…
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/e6e07d15e8f7754cee...87c3bb217c
Xliff m: my @a = gather for 'a'..'g' { take $_ => (^90).pick }; @a.sort( -*.value ).say
evalable6 (b => 76 e => 48 d => 41 a => 21 c => 21 g => 19 f => 4)
Xliff m: my @a = gather for 'a'..'g' { take $_ => (90 * rand).Int }; @a.sort( -*.value ).say 05:59
evalable6 (b => 85 c => 83 a => 79 g => 49 e => 47 d => 18 f => 18)
Xliff m: 90.rand.say
evalable6 7.918046477777251
Xliff m: 90.rand.say
evalable6 61.47528102036286
jmerelo squashable6: status 06:05
squashable6 jmerelo, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 2 days and ≈5 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo Yay!
.tell AlexDaniel are hooks ready and everything?
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel
SmokeMachine jmerelo: I think it is... I’ve added the hook yesterday and it seems to be working... but I don’t know if anything else should be done... 06:08
jmerelo SmokeMachine: that should be enough. Now we only need people to do stuff :-)
SmokeMachine :) 06:09
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “AST”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/AST 06:17
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by FCO++! ♥
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “AST Optimizations”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/AST-Optimizations 06:19
🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “AST Optimizations”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/AST-Optimizations 06:21
🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “Traits”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Traits 06:26
🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “Dynamic Variables”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Dynamic-Variables 06:29
Xliff m: <a b c d e f>.elems.log10.say 06:31
evalable6 0.7781512503836435
Xliff m: 200.fmt('%1.724275869600789d').say 06:32
evalable6 (signal SIGHUP) «timed out after 10 seconds»
Xliff ^^ Houston... we have a problem. 06:33
m: 200.fmt('%1d').say
evalable6 200
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “How to”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/How-to 06:34
🍕 FCO++ opened issue “Document how to use custom inflators/deflators”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/347 06:37
Xliff jmerelo: For this squashy, are we to work on just the RED git repository or on the wiki, as well? 06:39
jmerelo Xliff: both seem to be good for the bot 06:40
mtj hey folks, is it possible to specify a module's required version number, or greater? 06:45
use SDL2::Raw:ver(0.2);
^ ..could i set version 0.2, or greater? 06:46
jmerelo mtj: it should be possible, yes.
mtj awesome!... anyone know of an example? 06:47
ive gotten that far ^ :)
jmerelo mtj: it should be straightforward, but give me a minute 06:48
mtj: github.com/JJ/my-perl6-examples/bl...rsioned.p6 06:52
timotimo oh, cool, someone's using SDL2::Raw :) :) 06:56
mtj hi timotimo , yes. hopefully.. 06:57
jmerelo: i have a look at your example, but still dont quite understand it 06:58
i attempted to execute it, it had an error 06:59
ok, its just an example - not to be executed 07:01
jmerelo mtj: it needs to go with this: github.com/JJ/my-perl6-examples/bl...sioned.pm6 and then run with perl6 -Ilib versioned.p6, sorry 07:02
mtj jmerelo: i see your commit... github.com/JJ/my-perl6-examples/co...65be39c6e6 07:05
...and your pm6 module is set to Versioned:ver<0.0.1> 07:06
so, how do you say ver 0.0.1... and greater?
not.. 07:07
unit class Versioned:ver<0.0.1>
jmerelo mtj: you would need to say that in the client, not in the class. But I'm not sure you can. Let me just try 07:08
mtj ah, sorry, its fri 7pm here..
yes click :)
jmerelo mtj: Japan?
mtj: it's sunny and warm here in Granada, Southern Spain 07:09
mtj: but yes, right, that does not work. Versions work literally in "use", so if you say :ver<0.0.1+> it will literally look for that.
mtj: you can specify that as a dependency in META6.json, and zef will do its best to find something that accomodates your wishes. But then you need to either avoid any version or else use a specific one. 07:10
mtj ha, i was just thinking of that example ^
jmerelo: thanks for your examples repo, looks very interesting 07:11
jmerelo: hi from new zealand :) 07:12
jmerelo mtj: that's exactly the antipodes of Spain :-) 07:14
mtj: those are examples I use for the documentation, stackoverflow answers and so on... It's probably more informative if you go to any of those. But feel free to use and ask :-) 07:15
mtj its raining and windy here... lets swap
jmerelo mtj: onset of spring beats onset of fall any time... you'll be very welcome here, but I really love it here anyway 07:18
holyghost I have programmed simple atom bindings for my cell system, the meaning is to build the DNA and os on on molecular quantum mechanics (using sigam, pi, delta orbitals) 07:24
The code is on Xliff's server
jemerelo, I'm back into work on Perl6, the cell system is something I can work on. I'll put it on github later on. Hi BTW 07:31
I can work on tuesday, thrusday and friday. I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts on monday and Wednesday 07:32
1st year
jmerelo holyghost: good luck 07:41
mtj timotimo: many thanks for sdl2::raw, the NativeCall stuff looks very clean 07:45
timotimo SDL2 was rather pleasant to bind, at least the directly-bindable low-level stuff; sadly, SDL2_ttf (or something else?) passes some data as structs which will require a bit more work on NativeCall itself, down to putting in more code to moarvm ... 07:51
BBL 07:52
Xliff timotimo: How so? I have done a lot of work with Struct arrays with my GTK-Plus stuff. 08:29
It's not perfect, but it's workable. 08:30
Xliff What's the method I need to provide if I want +$object to coerce to numeric. Numeric()? 08:58
sena_kun m: class A {}; +A.new; 09:01
evalable6 (exit code 1) WARNINGS for /tmp/xiJofE7CqI:
Useless use of "+" in expression "+A.new" in s…
sena_kun, Full output: gist.github.com/7710d84f484431b46d...d03c1eed76
sena_kun m: class A {}; +(A.new);
evalable6 (exit code 1) WARNINGS for /tmp/Bwc1hIFL4o:
Useless use of "+" in expression "+(A.new)" in…
sena_kun, Full output: gist.github.com/d0376d1accb06d4ed8...dfedc90210
MasterDuke m: class A { multi method Numeric(|) { say "hi" } }; my A $a .= new; my $b = +$a
evalable6 hi
Xliff What invokes the following error? 10:07
"cloning a CStruct is NYI"
Xliff I'm getting it from the but operator... github.com/Xliff/p6-GStreamer/blob...ry.pm6#L99 10:08
jnthn You won't be able to mix into a CStruct 10:10
A but is a clone followed by a `does`
So even if the clone step worked, the `does` part ain't going to
Xliff *ARGH* 10:11
OK. Thanks, jnthn. Is there any plans on fixing that, or will that work when CStruct cloning is implemented?
Oh. The 'does' part isn't either... 10:12
jnthn The clone thing is worth doing, but maybe involves some interesting question on memory management
The `does` part is not going to be happening, probably. Or if it is, then only if you want to add methods, but there's no way to add more attributes
I mean, it's backed by a C structure 10:13
Not a P6opaque
And P6opaque has all kinds of things done to handle mixins
Xliff Crap. I've been doing this everywhere and I THOUGHT it worked.
But I was doing it with CPointers... maybe that explains it. 10:14
Xliff jnthn: Did you get my message about IO::Async::Socket::SSL/44? 10:20
OK, the CStruct thing is not a problem. I forgot a critical aspect of the assignment. /o\ 10:21
jnthn Xliff: Yes; my question is still "could it be a nativecall bug" 10:37
Xliff jnthn: Is there anything I can do to help you debug it? 11:19
tyil if there's anybody around that is knowledgable on DB::SQLite: I'm getting 'Use of Nil in numeric context in block at /home/tyil/.rakudo-star/rakudo-star-2019.03/install/share/perl6/site/sources/A96187CD3259EABBAF49C3BE8984779C46DABD52 (DB::SQLite::Statement) line 44' when trying to run the query over here gitlab.com/tyil/perl6-app-gtd/blob...g.pm6#L152 11:53
tyil and I'm unsure why I'm getting that error, nor a clue on how to fix it 11:54
timotimo modules.perl6.org/dist/DB::SQLite:...nt.pm6#L44 11:58
could the .step value have become null?
that == could be the numeric context it's talking about
odd, step is a method that is defined to return an int32 12:00
jnthn Xliff: Well, maybe reduce it to the smallest possible example (that is, golf down the module too) 12:05
Xliff jnthn: Yeah, well. I have next to no skill at that. 12:11
And I'm horribly worried that doing that will remove a catalyst. I will see what I can do. 12:12
m: class A { }; my A $a; say $a;
evalable6 (A)
Xliff m: class A { }; my A $a; say $a.defined;
evalable6 False
jnthn Xliff: I suspect it's a skill that improves with a) practice, b) learning to treat it like doing scientific experiments. 12:14
Xliff jnthn: It also needs c) patience. :) 12:17
jnthn (e.g. understand what you're holding constant and what you're varying, and use it to provide evidence for/against a hypothesis about what's wrong)
That, that is very true also :)
Being stubborn can be useful :)
Xliff Like I said, I will give it a shot. Maybe after I hit a good stopping point with GStreamer.
Oh... I have the stubborn part down. :) 12:18
tyil timotimo: Guess I should make an issue on the DB::SQLite repository 13:31
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 13:47
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈22 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/724193e6725ae7e28c...7d2524f3d5
AlexDaniel yaaay
SmokeMachine \o/ 13:48
uzl[m] Is the ... as in sub foo { ... } still referred as the yada yada operator(?) in P6? 14:04
SmokeMachine m: ... 14:09
evalable6 (exit code 1) Stub code executed
in block <unit> at /tmp/HTvFOBDTJv line 1
SmokeMachine uzl[m]: I think so...
uzl[m] SmokeMachine: I found it (docs.perl6.org/language/operators#listop_...). It's still called that or stub operator. 14:13
lucasb m: ... 'yada ' x 3 14:20
evalable6 (exit code 1) yada yada yada
in block <unit> at /tmp/m0fz3IflKj line 1
lucasb m: !!! 'bang ' x 3
evalable6 (exit code 1) bang bang bang
in block <unit> at /tmp/YvZSOdiI5F line 1
lucasb m: ??? 'what ' x 3
evalable6 what what what
in block <unit> at /tmp/iu0slDmiTB line 1
uzl[m] What's the convention when using 'cannot' vs 'can not' in the docs? Generally, the latter is less frequently used than the former and mostly used when emphasizing something, especially if followed by 'only' (e.g., ... can not only ...). 14:23
lucasb I think the prefered style is 'cannot', for error messages 14:24
uzl[m] What about the documentation? I myself preferred 'cannot' and I don't remember ever using 'can not' ;-). 14:26
moritz I'd follow the same style as error messages there 14:32
lucasb I said 'prefered style', which I think it is, for core Rakudo exception messages 14:35
lucasb but actually, my P5 code usually says: die "Can't open ...", "Didn't match ...", "Couldn't handle ..." :) 14:37
Geth rakudo.org: jjatria++ created pull request #30:
Remove trailing slash in exported PATH
Grinnz mine usually say "Failed to..." 14:43
which has the benefit of being able to put it in single quotes without extra effort :P 14:44
rba .seen sortiz
tellable6 rba, I saw sortiz 2019-09-05T04:41:34Z in #perl6: <sortiz> Elronnd: Don't need to. The constructor Pointer.new(Int) works.
Geth rakudo.org: be001cf263 | (José Joaquín Atria)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/files-rakudo-source.html.ep
Remove trailing slash in exported PATH

The instructions on building from source for Linux had a trailing slash in the exported `$PATH`, which made the output of `which` ugly:
  $ which perl6
Although this is a purely cosmetic change, removing this trailing slash makes for less unexpected output.
rakudo.org: dd5a3edb73 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/files-rakudo-source.html.ep
Merge pull request #30 from jjatria/patch-1

Remove trailing slash in exported PATH
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Home”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Home 15:37
feynman hey everyone. they just discovered that 42 is the sum of 3 cubes: (-80538738812075974 ** 3) + (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3) 15:38
but perl6 tells me it's 214281900452106748271702072587124736
what am i doing wrong?
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Home”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Home
ilbelkyr p6: ((-80538738812075974) ** 3) + (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3) 15:39
evalable6 WARNINGS for /tmp/qZOuFm8muQ:
Useless use of "+" in expression "+ (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3)" in sink context (line 1)
ilbelkyr p6: say ((-80538738812075974) ** 3) + (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3)
evalable6 42
ilbelkyr feynman: operator precedence ^ 15:40
feynman ilbelkyr: oh ok, thanks. so exponentiation is higher than unary minus? 15:43
uzl[m] p6: (-80538738812075974 ** 3) + (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3) 15:44
evalable6 WARNINGS for /tmp/P_grnoNZkQ:
Useless use of "+" in expression "+ (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3)" in sink context (line 1)
ilbelkyr feynman: so is multiplication, afaik
uzl[m] feynman's example outputs 42 in the REPL. 15:45
m: say (-80538738812075974 ** 3) + (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3)
evalable6 42
ilbelkyr oh hm right, in this case it doesn't actually make a difference. Hm 15:47
feynman yeah, the way i typed it should've given me 42 regardless of grouping, i think. but it still gives me 214281900452106748271702072587124736
feynman oh and ((-80538738812075974) ** 3) + (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3) also gives me the sum starting with 214... 15:49
uzl[m] * m: say ((-80538738812075974) ** 3) + (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3) 15:50
feynman maybe its an integer bounds issue? python gives me 42 though...
uzl[m] m: say ((-80538738812075974) ** 3) + (80435758145817515 ** 3) + (12602123297335631 ** 3)
evalable6 42
scriplit feynman, are you on windows? 15:51
I see the same here on Windows
feynman scriplit: yes i am 15:52
uzl[m] feynman: What Rakudo version are you using?
feynman This is Rakudo Star version 2019.03.1 built on MoarVM version 2019.03implementing Perl 6.d. 15:53
scriplit 2019.03.1
Elronnd m: say (-80538738812075974) ** 3 + 80435758145817515 ** 3 + 12602123297335631 ** 3 15:54
evalable6 42
Elronnd order of operations ftw!
feynman elronnd: that expression still gives me 214281900452106748271702072587124736 15:55
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “How does it work”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/How-does-it-work 15:57
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “How to Pagination”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/How-to---Pagination 16:06
🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “How to”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/How-to
[Coke] heh, I just saw that sum of cubes on the 'net 16:27
feynman [Coke]: did you get 42 on the repl? 16:51
[Coke] yes. 17:15
feynman [Coke]: is there some type like a big int in perl6 that i need to use in order to get the right answer? 17:21
[Coke] nope, builtin 17:24
what version of rakudo do you have?
and what OS?
you're using the parens?
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ labeled issue “Document how to use custom inflators/deflators” (Documentation): github.com/FCO/Red/issues/347 17:25
feynman This is Rakudo Star version 2019.03.1 built on MoarVM version 2019.03implementing Perl 6.d.
Windows 10
i've tried all the groupings
python3 gives me 42 17:26
[Coke] duplicated on my win10 box. 17:27
could be a win10 bug, could be a bug in that version of rakudo.
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ opened issue “Document `$*RED-DB`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/348 17:27
[Coke] can someone kick off a bisect to check?
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ labeled issue “Document `$*RED-DB`” (Documentation): github.com/FCO/Red/issues/348 17:28
[Coke] bisect: exit 1 if (-80538738812075974) ** 3 + 80435758145817515 ** 3 + 12602123297335631 ** 3 != 42 17:29
bisectable6 [Coke], On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=9dd67cb) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
[Coke], Output on both points: «»
[Coke] so, looks like a windows bug.
Can you open a ticket at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues ?
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “$*RED DB”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/%24%2ARED-DB 17:36
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Dynamic Variables”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Dynamic-Variables 17:40
feynman i'm sorry, i don't know what a bisect is or how to use github. :S 17:42
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “$*RED DEBUG”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/%24%2ARED-DEBUG 17:49
🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “$*RED DEBUG”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/%24%2ARED--DEBUG
Doc_Holliwood It would be super cool if we could use .NET/mono classes from Perl6. Has anybody given that a serious thought? 19:03
There is this P/Invoke mechanism and you can use .NET from C/C++ so it should be possible. 19:04
netrino Does anybody have any tips on debuggin Cro::WebSocket library? I'm using library that is using websockets and on my production machine it just hangs on first `send' call and i don't know how to approach it. Tried to install different versions of perl6 to no success. I only have ssh access to production machine, so it sort of limits my options. 19:05
El_Che_ is the client side ok? E.g. when you open the browser console, can you send stuff (e.g. PING) 19:06
netrino Ah, it is used as a client on the backend 19:07
irced netrino: i dunno about the library but maybe i can help. are you attempting to make a secure (i.e. wss) websocket connection?
[Coke] bisect: say (-80538738812075974) ** 3 + 80435758145817515 ** 3 + 12602123297335631 ** 3 ; # try it with just the output.
bisectable6 [Coke], On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=9dd67cb) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
[Coke], Output on both points: «42␤»
netrino irced: I think so, it is used in API::Discord library, i've been able to trace the problem down to WebSockets, let me check if it's wss 19:08
netrino irced: Yes, it is 19:08
irced netrino: have you attempted to make a plain https connection from the production machine using the command line? 19:09
netrino So, to clarify, i'm talking about Cro::WebSocket::Client, not the server
[Coke] AlexDaniel: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Bisectable has an irc log link going through the party host. (near the end) 19:10
irced this is important because websocket requires an http(s) opening handshake before upgrade
netrino irced: well, curl google.com worked
AlexDaniel [Coke]: that's right… and we have to restore that 19:11
[Coke]: so the redirection worked through Zoffix's stuff, and it's currently down
irced netrino: you mentioned server. can you connect to the server via https ? (techinically you should be able to connect since again websocket is an upgrade after the https connection) 19:12
netrino irced: and Cro::HTTP::Client.get('google.com', :http<1.1>) returned me a page
irced now i am referring to the websocket server
netrino irced: I don't have a websocket server there
irced since we have established you can connnect to an known https server
netrino irced: the program that is on the server uses WebSocket as a client 19:13
irced instead of wss://SERVER can you SERVER
netrino Let me see
irced it's okay if curl doesn't find the https index page 19:15
as long as you get a response
irced i got my own side question, i want to create an infinite sequence using gather, is this possible? my first attempt is failing. 19:16
i have my $seq := gather { state $prev = 0; take ++$previous if test($previous); } # test is block code defined earlier 19:17
Doc_Holliwood m: [+] (1 .. Inf)
evalable6 Potential difficulties:
Useless use of [+] in sink context
at /tmp/4bM7dhiV2V:1
------> 03<BOL>08⏏04[+] (1 .. Inf)
netrino irced: yeah, it returns 404 19:18
irced netrino: ok. have you tested Cro::WebSocket::Client with wss://echo.websocket.org ? (which can be used for simple tests) 19:19
netrino: it would be good to test with ws://echo.websocket.org as well 19:20
netrino: note that again i can't speak to Cro but be sure you are using the Cro secure websocket implementation for wss
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Dynamic Variables”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Dynamic-Variables 19:21
irced because if you don't you will fail the handshake before the upgrade
netrino irced: Interesting, got this when tried to do Cro::WebSocket::Connect with wss "Type check failed for return value; expected OpenSSL::Bio::BIO_METHOD but got Whatever (*)" 19:22
netrino I wonder if it might be related to the ssl library verseion 19:23
irced perhaps not the library version but instead that module OpenSSL may need to be installed
netrino irced: and connection succeeded with plain ws
irced another thing to which i cannot speak (but i know openssl in C)
netrino irced: OpenSSL is a depedency, it is installed 19:24
and it's the same version as on my local machine, where everything just works 19:25
irced netrino: oh
netrino different OSs tho
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “$*RED DEBUG RESPONSE”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/%24%2ARED-...G-RESPONSE 19:26
irced netrino: i don't know how cro calls bio but I suspect it's via a shared library. perhaps you don't have the openssl library? (perhaps cro needs the headers as well, that is the dev package? but i don't know much about native call atm)
netrino irced: i'll look into it now 19:27
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “How to”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/How-to
🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Home”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Home 19:28
irced netrino: curl works and probably uses the openssl shared library but it won't hurt to make sure that libssl*so* is on the machine 19:29
netrino: and your suggestion about it being a version issue could lead you somewhere 19:31
netrino irced: everything seems to be in order. Thanks for helping me out, i'll try to dig more on this issue. But this is a bit strange. cause in my app i doesn't fail on connection, it actually receives some data from websocket server as i understand but hangs on sending. Might be not even related to SSL, i've read about some deadlock issue on cro::websocket github, but figured it probably should be the same on my 19:34
local machine too.
Just spent whole day without any success, needed some fresh perspective :)
irced so i modified my gather code this way to at least get the first in the sequence: my $seq := gather { state $prev=0; while not test($previous) { $previous++; } take $previous; } 19:36
irced netrino: good luck. maybe consider testing some more with the echo server 19:36
netrino irced: Yeah, thanks, i'll try that
irced m: my &test = -> m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather { state $prev=0; $prev++ until test($prev); take $prev++; } 19:39
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/BsxImpAh4C
Variable '$a' is not declared
at /tmp/BsxImpAh4C:1
------> 03my &test = -> m { (08⏏04$a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather {
irced m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather { state $prev=0; $prev++ until test($prev); take $prev++; } 19:40
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/JlnebdZwzh
irced, Full output: gist.github.com/018206d2bd6383ff24...f0f946b6f8
irced m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> $m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather { state $prev=0; $prev++ until test($prev); take $prev++; } 19:41
irced m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> $m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather { state $prev=0; $prev++ until test($prev); take $prev++; }; say $seq[0];
evalable6 805
irced m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> $m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather { state $prev=0; $prev++ until test($prev); take $prev++; }; say $seq[1];
evalable6 Nil
irced how can i change this code to be an infinite list of solutions ? 19:42
if it helps, i am trying to find solutions to the equation a * x = b (mod c) # solve for x 19:43
i expected in the least that every subsequent call to $seq would give me the next solution 19:44
timotimo netrino: did you already try setting CRO_TRACE in the environment?
irced rethinks.
timotimo also, it could be you're running into a bug in the HTTP2 implementation in cro::http 19:45
netrino timotimo: I did not, but i will try now
timotimo so maybe try the latest version off of github or pass :http<1.1> in the right spot to turn http2 off 19:45
netrino Also, weirdly, i've tried again and now it doesn't complain about SSL and connection to wss works just fine
timotimo: yeah, i checked that WebSocket specifies http<1.1>
timotimo oh, i didn't know that 19:46
netrino timotimo: and the bug in http2 reproduced on my local machine, if websocket were to use it, it wouldn't work there too
SmokeMachine irced: I've being playing with something like that...
irced SmokeMachine: you getting into crypto too you mean ? 😃 19:47
netrino Woah, CRO_TRACE resulted in a huge output :O gonna analyse it now 19:48
irced SmokeMachine: or more generally you have been playing with sequences of solutions to equations ? 19:49
m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> $m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather { while 1 { state $prev=0; $prev++ until test($prev); take $prev++; }; }; say $seq; 19:50
evalable6 (805 2822 4839 6856 8873 10890 12907 14924 16941 18958 20975 22992 25009 27026 29043 31060…
irced, Full output: gist.github.com/0b19a952fe6465a93c...de1252ed10
irced whoa, that didn't work on my side when i returned it from a subroutine
SmokeMachine irced: I've being playing with equations and in equations...
irced SmokeMachine: that's equazy! 19:51
netrino Interesting, getting this in trace "Cro::WebSocket::MessageSerializer QUIT Don't know how to jsonify Perl" 19:52
irced well what do you know, must have been a typo before it's working now 19:53
err, at least it's returning a sequence
m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> $m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather { while 1 { state $prev=0; $prev++ until test($prev); take $prev++; }; }; say $seq[1]; 19:54
evalable6 2822
irced wtf, again a discrepency
irced looks at his side.
irced again.
SmokeMachine irced: it was something like this: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/XRtli3Z8/ 19:55
irced SmokeMachine: Constraint dunno about it 19:57
SmokeMachine irced: That's the module I was writing... (terrible name...) 19:57
irced: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Lst9P361/ 20:00
SmokeMachine squashable6: status 20:01
squashable6 SmokeMachine, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈15 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
SmokeMachine, Log and stats: gist.github.com/3f331cbdb51f5ad629...4c94e4e00a
irced m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> $m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather { while 1 { state $prev=0; $prev++ until test($prev); take $prev++; }; }; say $seq[1];
evalable6 2822
irced when i run that code from a script it gives me the first 6 solutions instead of just the second one 20:01
any ideas on why? 20:04
oh my bad 20:07
stdout had some extra fluff in my code, it works the same now 20:08
SmokeMachine twitter.com/smokemachine/status/11...5880012800 20:10
netrino Okay, apparently, it just crashed on JSON serialisation and swallowed the error leaving the session in incomplete state. And the reason why it crashed on linux and didn't on macOS? Apparently, because on linux $*PERL variable is more complex and can not be serialised to JSON using JSON::Fast facilities :\
irced netrino: bummer 20:12
netrino: thanks for sharing
MasterDuke timotimo: ^^^
netrino thanks for helping, irced , timotimo :) CRO_TRACE is really nice thing to have 20:13
irced netrino: i am sure you will find a viable workaround or now that you have mentioned a bug here that time will heal
netrino irced: yeah, now that problem is known the solution should be relatively easy 20:15
irced here is my slightly refactored but still a ways to go code on my solve for x sequence... 20:23
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “$*RED DEBUG”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/%24%2ARED-DEBUG 20:28
🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Dynamic Variables”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Dynamic-Variables 20:30
irced m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> $m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather loop { state $prev=0; take $prev if test($prev); $prev++ }; say $seq[1];
evalable6 2822
irced m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> $m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather loop { state $prev=0; take $prev if test($prev); $prev++ }; say $seq;
evalable6 (805 2822 4839 6856 8873 10890 12907 14924 16941 18958 20975 22992 25009 27026 29043 31060…
irced, Full output: gist.github.com/be3764cdd92ea2c4fb...1fd2a20368
irced probably can size it down 😃 20:32
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “$*RED DEBUG AST”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/%24%2ARED-DEBUG-AST
🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Dynamic Variables”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Dynamic-Variables 20:38
irced m: my $a=197; my $b=1259; my $c=2017; my &test = -> $m { ($a * $m)%$c == $b }; my $seq := gather for 1 .. * { take $_ if test($_) }; say $seq; 20:39
evalable6 (805 2822 4839 6856 8873 10890 12907 14924 16941 18958 20975 22992 25009 27026 29043 31060…
irced, Full output: gist.github.com/47dfaceeec2defe512...cf49fcdf92
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “$*RED COMMENT SQL”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/%24%2ARED-COMMENT-SQL 20:41
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Home”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Home 20:59
🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “$*RED DEBUG RESPONSE”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/%24%2ARED-...G-RESPONSE 21:01
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Samples”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Samples 21:28
SmokeMachine is this a good example of Red usage? github.com/FCO/BlogSchema 21:29
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ created wiki page “Complements”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Complements 21:33
🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Home”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Home 21:34
timotimo netrino: yeah, JSON::Fast used to serialize the Perl object as { "0" => null } or so 21:43
netrino timotimo: I assume it was fixed in 0.10? Encountered another problem caused by JSON::Fast switching to enum keys instead of values, reverted back to 0.9 now it finally works! 21:44
timotimo are you working on a discord library?
netrino timotimo: No, just using it
timotimo OK
because the devs of that one discord library had the exact same two problems
netrino :D oh 21:45
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Home”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Home 21:47
🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Ecosystem”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Ecosystem 21:48
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: maybe it's better to have a single page with a list of variables 22:40
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: Good Idea... 22:41
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Dynamic Variables”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Dynamic-Variables 22:53
🍕 AlexDaniel++ opened pull request “Small whitespace fixes”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/349
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by AlexDaniel++! ♥
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: is it better this way? github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Dynamic-Variables 22:55
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Small whitespace fixes”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/349#issuec...-529040169 22:57
🍕 FCO++ merged pull request “Small whitespace fixes”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/349
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel++ thanks! 22:58
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: yeah, I think it's better! 22:59
SmokeMachine: small problem, I can't edit the wiki 23:01
SmokeMachine: can you uncheck “Restrict editing to users in teams with push access only” option in the settings?
Xliff \o 23:02
timotimo: You around?
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I'm search for it...
timotimo o/
Xliff timotimo: If I have a CStruct with another CStruct in it via HAS. The member CStruct is not ever supposed to be a type-object, right? 23:03
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: Done!
timotimo yeah, shouldn't
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: yeah, it's better now!
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: could you test it, please?
Xliff github.com/Xliff/p6-GStreamer/blob....pm6#L1365 23:04
If I run t/06-pad-caps.t, that's the error message I get.
Actually, now that I'm looking at it. Seems the whole CStruct is null.... 23:05
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ edited wiki page “Dynamic Variables”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Dynamic-Variables
Xliff timotimo: $.static_caps.GStreamer::Raw::Types::GstStaticCaps = Nil 23:06
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ created wiki page “_Footer”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/_Footer
AlexDaniel mst: please surprise me :) colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...08-24#l233 23:08
Xliff timotimo: Almost looks like the HAS is getting ignored.
AlexDaniel mst: github.com/FCO/Red/issues?q=is%3Ai...umentation
SmokeMachine: oh, so the issue editing script worked? :) 23:09
or did you just edit it all manually? :) 23:10
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I did try, but I'm having some problem on my mac... it was by hand... 23:11
AlexDaniel aww
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: for some reason, my zsh was killing it...
AlexDaniel: but I was thinking on PRing this www.irccloud.com/pastebin/xVem1TdX/ 23:14
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: sure! 23:16
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: but I couldn't test, so I didn't... 23:17
s/test/test it/ 23:18
irced how would one create a sequence to solve for two variables as in 65537x + 3511y = 1 for all integer values (including -Z and 0) as a sequence? 23:54
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ edited wiki page “Dynamic Variables”: github.com/FCO/Red/wiki/Dynamic-Variables
irced basically i need to test over two infinite ranges 23:55
timotimo given any x you get a set of ys for free 23:58
you want to "diagonalize" the space
irced feels a ping pong knocking off the insides of his skull.
timotimo imagine your x and y are coordinates, you'd be spiraling outwards from 0 through all valid values
that way you'll get a good distribution of all manner of values 23:59
irced in perl6 please
irced chuckles
timotimo nah, i'm going to bed
irced i follow you tho, thanks