»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ wrote a comment on “Error occurred in Red::Driver::CommonSQL”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/357#issu...-529156262 00:00
🍕 Xliff++ closed issue “Error occurred in Red::Driver::CommonSQL”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/357
00:30 wildtrees left 00:39 leont left
Xliff $io-path.relative.split( $*SPEC.dir-sep ) -- is there a better way? 00:44
timotimo there's $*SPEC.splitdir 00:45
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ wrote a comment on “Generate HTML from Pod”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/351#issu...-529159300 01:03
Xliff timotimo++
squashable6: status 01:05
squashable6 Xliff, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈10 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Xliff, Log and stats: gist.github.com/8d19231072a8172e52...367794df49
01:10 Sgeo__ left, Sgeo__ joined 01:13 Xliff left 01:21 lucasb left 01:22 adu left 01:46 netrino left
SmokeMachine Xliff: I was wondering... maybe it would be cool to use something like this: github.com/FCO/pulp/blob/master/pulp.p6#L39 01:48
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to Xliff
01:48 kybr left
SmokeMachine sena_kun: I was wondering... maybe it would be cool to use something like this: github.com/FCO/pulp/blob/master/pulp.p6#L39 01:49
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to sena_kun
02:02 kybr joined 02:04 Manifest0 left, Manifest0 joined 02:09 Cabanossi left 02:12 Cabanossi joined 02:16 gdonald joined
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document how to delete a…”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/320#issu...-529162907 02:20
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document how to delete a…”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/320
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.ast`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/216#issu...-529162933
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.minus`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/215#issu...-529162939
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.minus`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/215
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.ast`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/216 02:21
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.intersect`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/214#issu...-529162975
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.intersect`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/214
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.union`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/213
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.union`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/213#issu...-529162997
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.save`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/212#issu...-529163010
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.save`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/212
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.delete`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/211#issu...-529163021
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.delete`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/211
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.create`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/210#issu...-529163031
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.create`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/210
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.batch`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/209#issu...-529163038
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.batch`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/209
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.Bool`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/208#issu...-529163043
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.Bool`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/208
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.elems`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/207#issu...-529163048
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.elems`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/207
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.from`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/206#issu...-529163056 02:22
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.from`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/206
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.classify`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/205#issu...-529163064
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.classify`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/205
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.first`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/204#issu...-529163082
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.first`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/204
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.pick`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/199#issu...-529163104
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.pick`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/199
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.sort`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/198#issu...-529163112
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.sort`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/198
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.map`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/197#issu...-529163119
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.map`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/197
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document `ResultSeq.grep`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/196#issu...-529163135
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document `ResultSeq.grep`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/196
02:26 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined, cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
guifa my @a = <a b c>; say 8 mod @a 02:44
p6: my @a = <a b c>; say 8 mod @a
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/I2E_DN50I5
guifa, Full output: gist.github.com/fb07e254237360ffdc...f94baad79c
guifa That seems … odd. “Calling infix:<mod>(Int, Positional) will never work with any of these multi signatures: (Real $a, Real $b)” 02:45
Shouldn’t an array be interpreted in numeric context for mathematical operators?
AlexDaniel guifa: yeah weird 02:56
03:05 Xliff joined 03:06 Sgeo_ joined
Voldenet % coerces arguments to numeric, mod doesn't 03:06
# NOTE: According to the spec, infix:<mod> is "Not coercive, so fails on differing types." Thus no casts here. 03:10
03:10 Sgeo__ left
Xliff SmokeMachine: Well, if it makes things easier in the long run, I am not against it. 03:12
For now, I don't see any need to change things if it does the job.
03:15 john_parr left 03:17 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ opened pull request “Doc tools”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/358 03:20
03:26 Sgeo joined 03:29 Sgeo_ left 03:42 ravenousmoose joined 03:47 ravenousmoose left
discord6 <Rogue> It seems like numbers tends to decay to Nums pretty quickly 03:50
<Rogue> like sqrt will always return a Num
04:47 evalable6 left 04:49 evalable6 joined
guifa Voldenet: indeed, but notice that the errror seems to imply that it can work with Real, not just Int 05:11
Voldenet m: 3.1 mod 3.2 05:27
evalable6 (exit code 1) WARNINGS for /tmp/AvBPCU4air:
Useless use of "mod" in expression "3.1 mod 3.…
Voldenet, Full output: gist.github.com/7ba4a93d26bb5f75bf...e39140ef9f
Voldenet Huh, that's a weird signature 05:28
05:33 Doc_Holliwood joined
Voldenet I bet that would work 05:35
05:35 ravenousmoose joined
Voldenet m: sub infix:<mod>(Numeric $a, Numeric $b) { $a - $b * floor($a / $b) }; 3.1 mod 3.2 05:36
Voldenet m: sub infix:<mod>(Numeric $a, Numeric $b) { $a - $b * floor($a / $b) }; say 3.1 mod 3.2
evalable6 3.1
05:41 ravenousmoose left
tobs Rogue: That is because if a square root is not an integer, it is not even rational. Perl 6 simply lacks the adequate type to store a square root exactly. Definitely a prime candidate for a module. 05:42
05:42 wamba joined
Elronnd m: my @a = <a b c>; say 8 % @a 05:43
evalable6 2
Elronnd tobs: perhaps Rat could be expanded to store exact representations of many kinds of numbers, rather than just rationals 05:44
tobs I think Rat is fine as it is in that it does what the name suggests. 05:50
05:50 rindolf joined 06:09 rindolf left 06:10 sena_kun joined
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Doc tools”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/358#issuec...-529173450 06:15
06:25 rindolf joined 07:07 AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined, AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined
squashable6 🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Doc tools”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/358#issuec...-529176743 07:11
SmokeMachine Xliff: me neither! The question was more to see if that would be useful... 07:13
squashable6: status 07:15
squashable6 SmokeMachine, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈4 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
SmokeMachine, Log and stats: gist.github.com/ef755ee54d283e71ca...f8c6a90e71
07:16 ravenousmoose joined
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Document trait `is nullable`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/274#issu...-529177130 07:18
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Document trait `is id`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/183#issu...-529177158
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Document trait `is serial`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/182#issu...-529177178 07:19
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document trait `is nullable`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/274 07:22
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document trait `is id`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/183 07:23
🍕 FCO++ closed issue “Document trait `is serial`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/182
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document trait `is serial`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/182#issu...-529177557 07:24
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document trait `is id`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/183#issu...-529177579
🍕 FCO++ wrote a comment on “Document trait `is nullable`”: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/274#issu...-529177586
SmokeMachine Altai-man: thanks! 07:25
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to Altai-man_
07:25 sena_kun is now known as Altai-man
Altai-man sublime truths are revealed 07:25
tellable6 2019-09-08T07:25:33Z #perl6 <SmokeMachine> Altai-man: thanks!
07:25 Altai-man is now known as sena_kun
SmokeMachine :) 07:26
sena_kun SmokeMachine, you are welcome. I'll probably write more stuff, but not sure if today, have to write as many pages of my paper as I can on weekend 07:27
tellable6 2019-09-08T01:49:02Z #perl6 <SmokeMachine> sena_kun: I was wondering... maybe it would be cool to use something like this: github.com/FCO/pulp/blob/master/pulp.p6#L39
07:27 aborazmeh left
SmokeMachine sena_kun: what are you thinking of Red so far? 07:28
sena_kun SmokeMachine, re pulp: whatever you see fitting, I don't have preferences. I'd go with Xliff's script, because it enforces structure, builds index and looks pretty neat, but maybe that's just me 07:31
SmokeMachine sena_kun: yes we are going with the script... 07:35
sena_kun SmokeMachine, as for "what I think about Red" - well, a lot of efforts was put in, really, so I am just impressed. I did not have an opportunity to try it out, but certainly will do if chances will be around. 07:37
07:37 Doc_Holliwood left
SmokeMachine :) 07:38
07:58 domidumont joined 08:06 xinming_ joined 08:08 xinming left 08:15 Black_Ribbon left 08:18 ravenousmoose left 08:48 Sgeo_ joined 08:52 Sgeo left 09:13 [particle]2 joined 09:15 [particle]3 joined, [particle]1 left 09:17 [particle]1 joined 09:18 [particle]2 left 09:19 [particle]3 left 09:29 khisanth_ left 09:38 leont joined, MilkmanDan left 09:39 MilkmanDan joined 09:41 khisanth_ joined 09:43 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ wrote a comment on “Doc tools”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/358#issuec...-529187053 09:47
09:53 nepugia joined 10:18 Doc_Holliwood joined
squashable6 🍕 Xliff++ closed pull request “Doc tools”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/358 10:45
🍕 Xliff++ opened pull request “Rebased doc_tool commit for PR”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/359
10:46 Xliff left
squashable6 🍕 Altai-man++ submitted a review on pull request “Rebased doc_tool commit for PR”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/359#pullre...-285208628 10:47
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on a review for “Rebased doc_tool commit for PR”: github.com/FCO/Red/pull/359#discus...r322002875
11:00 ravenousmoose joined 11:05 ravenousmoose left 11:16 ravenousmoose joined 11:19 Altai-man_ joined 11:20 sena_kun left 11:38 nepugia left 11:44 molaf joined
Altai-man_ m: supply {}; say &supply; 11:57
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/aDkxGo18CV
Undeclared routine:
supply used at line 1. Did you mean 'SUPPLY'?
11:57 Altai-man_ is now known as sena_kun
sena_kun I am a bit confused, is `supply` an actual keyword instead of a subroutine? that's surprising 11:57
is it because it needs to bound emit calls? 11:58
12:12 daxim left 12:24 aborazmeh left 12:43 Xliff joined 12:49 mowcat joined 13:01 AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined 13:02 AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined
SmokeMachine sena_kun, Xliff: what about using it? github.com/marketplace/actions/wik...tor-action 13:13
13:14 lucasb joined
sena_kun SmokeMachine, they describe a "github action" for some kind of workflow, but I have a feeling that just enabling github pages will be sufficient 13:15
tellable6 2019-09-08T12:45:46Z #perl6-dev <Xliff> sena_kun: Thanks for the comment. I've updated the PR
sena_kun help.github.com/en/articles/config...ter-branch <- this sounds very interesting, they suggest publishing stuff from `docs/` directory in master branch, which is exactly setup we do 13:16
13:19 epony left
SmokeMachine sena_kun: but the !API docs will be on the wiki and the API docs will be on gh-pages? or should both be on gh-pages? 13:21
sena_kun SmokeMachine, I think that both should be on gh-pages, but there is no problem to have them in wiki too, since wiki is just a repo with markdown files 13:23
SmokeMachine sena_kun: fco.github.io/Red/introduction
sena_kun I mean, the only difference between API and !API is that the first one is generated from sources and the second one is not 13:24
13:24 AlexDaniel left
SmokeMachine yes... 13:24
13:28 AlexDaniel joined, AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined
sena_kun SmokeMachine, sent a couple of PRs 13:28
13:30 AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined, AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined
SmokeMachine sena_kun: thanks! merged! 13:32
13:32 AlexDaniel left 13:33 AlexDaniel joined, AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined 13:43 domidumont1 joined, domidumont left 13:47 mowcat left 13:50 molaf left 13:55 [particle] joined 13:57 [particle]1 left 13:58 [particle]1 joined 14:00 [particle] left
Xliff sena_kun: Do you know if anything Perl6 modulespace supports MSSQL? 14:02
*anything in
sena_kun Xliff, sorry, no idea
Xliff OK
guifa Elronnd: Yeah, definitely better to have an Irrat type to handle that. P6 definitely opens up the possibilities for some immensely functional and easy to use symbolic algebra libraries but porting them would be an immense amount of work. 14:07
Xliff: there’s an DB::MySQL 14:08
it’s threadsafe, but uses native bindings, so currently Linux specific. DBIsh isn’t threadsafe but I think has broader support 14:09
leont Xliff: there is a ODBC driver, I think one can access MSSQL through ODBC 14:11
Xliff leont: I think you still need a driver.
leont I never had to use ODBC, so I don't know the details of how to set it up, I just know others have done it before 14:12
SmokeMachine fco.github.io/Red/API 14:18
Xliff \o/ 14:19
Looks like those API modules need subheaders.
I'll see about a PR
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 14:22
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Next SQUASHathon in 25 days and ≈13 hours (2019-10-05 UTC-12⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 2019-09-07
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/ff2acbb3849bfdd902...f76eccff00
sena_kun Xliff, you can also urls in API index page while you're at it, `.md` extension should be removed as well as `docs` prefix 14:24
*also address
I'll do it myself later if you don't feel like it, of course, so no pressure, just a suggestion 14:25
Xliff sena_kun: I am not understanding. Do the links, as generated, not work? 14:26
sena_kun Xliff, yes
SmokeMachine sena_kun: I've fixed that...
Xliff OK, so no extension and remove docs?
sena_kun SmokeMachine, you fixed the script or the output?
SmokeMachine both
Xliff Lemme merge.
sena_kun oh, great! SmokeMachine++ 14:27
SmokeMachine github.com/FCO/Red/commit/a83ae102...5e3e4d3697 and github.com/FCO/Red/commit/a2961f90...984f78fe74 14:28
sena_kun yup, checked that 14:29
seems like the squashathon was a success in starting to set up the documentation. \o/ 14:30
AlexDaniel that's true 14:31
Xliff SmokeMachine: I've merged your changes to the script. Made one minor adjustment that reads better.
AlexDaniel I'm glad that Red is getting more love :)
Xliff AlexDaniel: Now. About my p6-Gtk projects... ;)
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: can you announce the winner? I wasn't following the progress much
Xliff squashable6, status 14:32
squashable6 Xliff, Next SQUASHathon in 25 days and ≈13 hours (2019-10-05 UTC-12⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel Xliff: Log and stats: gist.github.com/ff2acbb3849bfdd902...f76eccff00
SmokeMachine: oh yeah, here's the list of some contributions gist.github.com/ff2acbb3849bfdd902...f76eccff00
some because I assume there were useful discussions on IRC :) 14:33
Xliff AlexDaniel: I still have active changes to be committed.
Testing them, now. 14:35
14:54 epony joined
Xliff SmokeMachine: Please check #362 15:04
SmokeMachine Xliff: merged! 15:12
AlexDaniel: I think the winner is Xliff! 15:20
AlexDaniel \o/
sena_kun Xliff++ 15:21
15:22 zakharyas joined
Xliff ┌╏ º □ º ╏┐ 15:23
(・о・) 15:24
AlexDaniel weekly: Last week we saw a squashathon dedicated to helping with documention of Red (a perl6 ORM, github.com/FCO/Red). The squashathon was a success in setting up the documentation for Red, and the winner is Xliff colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...09-08#l284
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted! (weekly)
AlexDaniel Xliff: I'm not 100% sure if they're still available, but please contact lizmat and ask for your plush camelia :) 15:25
SmokeMachine: thank you too! 15:26
Xliff AlexDaniel: Ah. OK. Thanks. 15:27
SmokeMachine Thank you all!!! Xliff congratulations! 15:29
Xliff SmokeMachine: Thank you! I'm glad I got a chance to become more familiar with Red.
I still have that Drop Table enhancement. I will try and finish that. 15:30
SmokeMachine :) 15:32
Xliff: And what do you think about Red now?
15:32 number6` joined
Xliff The design is interesting enough, but I need to start using it before I have a worthwhile opinion. 15:32
To that effect, I think we need support for MSSQL 15:33
I've got some things there that would DEFINITELY benefit from something like red.
SmokeMachine :) 15:34
Xliff: is that the reason you asked about MSSQL? are you planing to write a new driver? 15:37
Xliff If there isn't an old one.
I downloaded the linux MSSQL driver, this morning. If it's anything resembling the Oracle one, I think it's possible. 15:38
guifa Congrats Xliff! 15:54
Also I just had an idea for a module based off the most recent StackExchange perl6 question. A color module
Xliff guifa: Linky?
guifa Xliff: stackoverflow.com/questions/578412...-generator 15:55
I’m actually going to make that my afternoon project. I had good dissertation progress this week so I can treat myself
At least to make one that does basic RGB/HSB/LAB 15:56
timotimo we have at least one color module at the moment 16:01
Color Format conversion, manipulation, and math operations on colours
CCColor Simple and flexible color color conversion module for Raku Perl 6 , easy-to-use simple learning. 16:02
guifa hmm how did i miss that in searching?
oh right, searching for color perl6 on teh [sic] google only showed me term /ansi color stuff 16:03
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> I'm having an issue with NativeCall, could anyone help? repl.it/@theangryepicbanana/llvm-p6-thing 16:05
<theangryepicbanana> getting a segmentation fault
guifa Zoffix’s acually seems the best. Although it’s odd he chose to use $color.to-string(“cmyk”) instead of, I dunno, $color.Str :cmyk which seems more P6-ish 16:07
Xliff guifa: Submit a PR. :) 16:12
I think the perl6 org has it now.
theangryepicbanana: What is LLVMC> 16:14
I'd need that module and the lib it uses, compiled with -g, to be able to give you accurate advice. 16:15
16:16 MasterDuke left
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> Xliff: It's Perl 6 bindings to the LLVM 16:16
<theangryepicbanana> I am making it
Xliff Ah. Github?
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> not yet, but soon
<theangryepicbanana> I was hoping to get an example working 16:17
Xliff OK. Have you tried running this code with perl6-gdb-m?
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> the LLVMC library is in the "repl" project I posted
<theangryepicbanana> in the file tree
<theangryepicbanana> no I haven't
Xliff If you are having a segfault, it will usually tell you where it is blowing up. That hint is a good start.
If you haven't, I suggest you try.
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> ok
Xliff What distro are you on?
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> Well repl.it uses 2019.03 iirc 16:18
<theangryepicbanana> I have something newer locally
Xliff :S
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> yea...
Xliff OK. Well, I'd need to see LLVM to be able to help you further.
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> ok
Xliff Not being able to download debug symbols really hurts.
Also... LLVM 7 or 8? 16:19
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> 7
Xliff k
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> hoping to change to 8
<theangryepicbanana> I used this for reference btw llvm.org/doxygen/group__LLVMC.html
Xliff Hmmm... got something that breaks it down into types/objects? 16:20
Oh, nevermind. It does if you drill down enough. :p 16:21
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> maybe?
<theangryepicbanana> lol ok
Xliff Yeah. I can't do much more unless I see your LLVM code. 16:22
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> I'm saying that it's in the file tree on the website
<theangryepicbanana> cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557...nknown.png
Xliff Ahh... 16:23
I found it.
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> awesome
<theangryepicbanana> I'd be doing the project locally, but I use windows and it's easier to do this on linux
Xliff OK. I've confirmed the segfault... lesseeee.... 16:30
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> yay 16:31
Xliff LLVMRunFunction
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> ok. what happened there? 16:32
Xliff Crap. No locals. :( 16:33
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> no locals? 16:34
<theangryepicbanana> I think I'm a bit lost
Xliff Yeah, I am trying to see if I can tell what the arguments were when the problem function ran. 16:35
But it looks like libLLVM-7 might have been compiled with a large -O number
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> what would that do?
<theangryepicbanana> wait maybe I should use uint32 instead of size_t 16:39
Xliff Um. Not really.
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> no?
<theangryepicbanana> ok
Xliff $engine doesn't contain a value.
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> oh 16:40
Xliff I hope you have an autogenerator, rather than doing this by hand.
I've found that CPointers do not react well to "is rw"
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> no I did it by hand
<theangryepicbanana> o
<theangryepicbanana> reeeee that's fun
Xliff It's by far better to do CArray[LLVMExecutionEngineRef]
That's all you need for all CPointer 'is rw' arguments in LLVMC.pm6 16:41
It's tricker when you are tryint to call it.
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> what about Pointer[LLVMExecutionEngineRef]
<theangryepicbanana> ok
Xliff Something like this: 'my $pa = CArray[LLVMExecutionEngineRef].new; $pa[0] = LLVMExecutionEngineRef.new; " 16:42
You'd then pass $pa.
Hmm... let me try something else. One sec.
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> ok
Xliff HA! 16:43
my $engine = LLVMExecutionEngineRef.new;
16:44 epony left
Xliff ^^ This gets me to line 48 befor you get another error. 16:44
So hold off on those changes.
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> nice
<theangryepicbanana> ok
<theangryepicbanana> wasn't sure if .new worked on CPointers
Xliff Yeah.
Never pass an uninitialized CPointer or CStruct to a function.
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> ok 16:45
Xliff It's easy to forget in Perl6. Trust me. I speak from experience. :D
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> lol I'd bet
<theangryepicbanana> this is my first time using NativeCall for a large api 16:46
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discord6 <theangryepicbanana> omg it works yay 16:47
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pmurias vrurg: relative to what? 17:09
tellable6 2019-09-08T01:35:04Z #perl6-dev <vrurg> pmurias Is it possible to teach nqp-js to load modules with relative path? I tried setting libpath to blib, ./blib but in vain. Only @base_dir@/blib works.
2019-09-08T01:36:15Z #perl6-dev <vrurg> pmurias it also fails to load CORE.c.setting.js from ./ For the same reason, I guess.
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jmerelo squashable6: status 17:30
squashable6 jmerelo, Next SQUASHathon in 25 days and ≈10 hours (2019-10-05 UTC-12⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
tellable6 2019-09-07T13:18:07Z #perl6 <Xliff> jmerelo Suggestion: Consider total of (number of lines added - number of lines removed) for each PR in your consideration of contributions for the squashie.
jmerelo .tell XLiff: OK, I can do that...
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to Xliff
17:34 MasterDuke joined 17:35 molaf joined
Xliff . 17:36
jmerelo: Thanks for the consideration!
jmerelo Xliff: no problem :-) 17:38
MasterDuke Xliff: did you see my comment on github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3171? think it makes sense? 17:51
Xliff MasterDuke: Yes. I think it makes sense. Although I think a better solution would be to check that if %<n>d, then n is an integer 17:54
Then you don't have any unexpected delays.
I can see even lizmat's solution masking a serious performance error. 17:55
MasterDuke please add a comment then
Xliff Yes, I will. Thanks. 17:56
MasterDuke Xliff++ 17:57
vrurg pmurias: ping 18:02
.tell pmurias relative like ., ./, blib. Runtime can't find Perl6::ModuleLoader if libpath is set to just blib (or node_modules as it was previously) but works fine if its set to absolute path like $HOME/src/Perl6/rakudo/blib 18:06
tellable6 vrurg, I'll pass your message to pmurias
pmurias vrurg: pong 18:08
vrurg: I meant to what directory should the paths be relative to? 18:09
vrurg: the current working directory when compiling or when running, etc.
vrurg I'm talking about working dir of compilation for now. 18:10
pmurias: You could experiment on your own. I have merged the change. 18:11
pmurias I'm compiling rakudo.js with the merged changes as we speak ;) 18:12
vrurg pmurias: Try setting NQP_BASE_FLAGS in js/Makefile.in from @bpm(BLIB)@ to just blib.
I had to change BLIB to be set using @base_dir@ in order for JS to compile somehow. Still, it fails on CORE.d.setting because it fails to load CORE.c.setting from ./ 18:13
pmurias vrurg: I could change the --libpath flag easily to just treat relative paths as relative to the cwd from the time of the compile 18:15
vrurg pmurias: Actually, it's up to you how you handle it. Though to my view it must use cwd for relative path simply because this is what people usually expect it to be. 18:16
Like perl6 -Ilib, tec. 18:17
pmurias in node.js the paths tend to be relative to where the compiled code is 18:19
* in node.js land
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pmurias but I don't have a preference about the --libpath flag 18:20
vrurg pmurias: Again, if it compiles – it's ok. I'd prefer to have BLIB to be set to a relative path and have it used for all backends. If we achieve this and JS compiles – I'm ok with it. :) 18:23
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Xliff Hmm... no sourceable? 18:46
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AlexDaniel Xliff: nope 19:02
Xliff Ah.
MasterDuke zoffix ran it 19:05
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Xliff Oh. 19:43
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Xliff Oh. That was "sourcebaby". 19:43
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Kaiepi when i try to run unit tests for my monad library after adding support for type punning, it throws a sorrow with "No compile-time value for M", but gives no indication of where M actually is, even with --ll-exception. how do i debug this? 19:52
all that i can really tell from --ll-exception is the issue's with a method signature somewhere, but i have M as a parameter in almost every method in a bunch of different classes and roles 19:54
Xliff Kaiepi: Code? 19:59
vrurg Kaiepi: `No compile-time` comes from deep inside of World where it knows nothing about the source. Looks like run-away exception in Grammar to me.
timotimo when you're there you can try to reach a qast node that has a "node" attribute set
that will have a Match object from parsing the source 20:00
Kaiepi i figured it out, i was trying to use a parameter M as a return type, ig that's not allowed
Xliff heh
timotimo a better error message would be great
20:03 Ven`` joined, Kaiepi left, pmurias left, Kaiepi joined
vrurg Kaiepi: a ticket with --ll-exception would be helpful. 20:04
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pmurias vrurg: should the compiled setting by directly in the rakudo directory instead of blib? 20:38
* settings
vrurg pmurias: you're rising the question I was asking myself. :) 20:39
I wasn't ready to experiment with this. They're historically placed in the source root.
20:45 Cabanossi left
pmurias do we have an easy way to turn a relative path into an absolute one in nqp? 20:48
vrurg Unlikely. Not something I could quickly find with grep 20:52
pmurias: IO::Spec::Unix implements rel2abs "manually". 20:54
So, it's unlikely there is no op for this. 20:55
*there is op
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pmurias vrurg: --libpath now takes relative paths 21:51
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SmokeMachine twitter.com/smokemachine/status/11...7957157889 22:46
irced lo SmokeMachine
tellable6 2019-09-07T10:23:30Z #perl6 <SmokeMachine> irced: what do you mean with my math???
2019-09-07T11:08:48Z #perl6 <SmokeMachine> irced: it’s Red::Driver::SQLite... not SQLITE.
2019-09-07T11:09:58Z #perl6 <SmokeMachine> irced: in the synopsis, it uses Postgres just for 1 block
irced nm that 22:47
SmokeMachine irced: hi!
irced SmokeMachine: nm the pg, that's sorted
SmokeMachine: i thought your math was interesting
SmokeMachine: i think i did encounter an real issue with the synopsis
SmokeMachine irced: what math? 22:48
irced: what's the issue?
irced SmokeMachine: the math to find a solution for two variables. nm that,
lemme go back and see
i typed the synopsys by hand but perhaps if i had copy and pasted (or download?) i wouldn't have gotten an error on line $author.name = "John Doe"; specifically, Cannot modify an immutable Str (Fernando) 22:50
i checked some of the objects and the source of error was not clear to me at first look 22:51
do you get the same error?
background: i am using SQLite (tho i don't think this is a factor)
maybe i checked out a dated version.? 22:52
SmokeMachine irced: yes, I do...
irced ok, so that's something. 22:53
irced actually i zef'd not checked out.
irced zef'd the standard repo. 22:54
SmokeMachine it seems the `is rw` on model Person is not working for some reason... if you add a `is rw` on the name attribute declaration it works... would you mind to open an issue about that for me, please?
irced: ^^ 22:55
irced what is the correct procedure to do so, i am new to git collaboration
SmokeMachine irced: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/new
irced ok, i'll give it a go but first i'll try adding is rw on the name attribute declaration 22:56
SmokeMachine irced: thank you for finding this!
irced hth
SmokeMachine it will, probably, work... but that's a bug...
irced: worked? 22:59
23:00 HoboWithAShotgun joined
irced no error this time 23:00
SmokeMachine irced: great! 23:02
irced except maybe that originally i had to comment one of two my Post declarations
was that expected?
my Post $post1 was declared twice
SmokeMachine what do you mean?
23:03 Doc_Holliwood left
SmokeMachine hum... that's true... they should be post1, post2 and post3... thanks! would you mind to open another issue with that? 23:04
irced SmokeMachine: i am still working on understand red with the synposis but one thing i needed to due to avoid a warning is comment one of the two repeated declaration/assignment to $post1
sure, i can do that, let me first see what the adjustments produce
it would help to know what the expected output of the synopsis is, fyi 23:06
SmokeMachine irced: thanks! maybe it would be easier to understand by the examples dir: github.com/FCO/Red/tree/master/examples
irced ok, for now i can report the issues without further comment 😃 23:07
can i download the synopsys so that line numbering is consistent? 23:09
SmokeMachine irced: the output should be: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Djewhcap/
irced: but if you add a `my $*RED-DEBUG = True;` at the beginning, the output will become: 23:11
irced: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/OSmfaESP/
irced SmokeMachine: i see, thank1 23:12
SmokeMachine good night! 23:13
irced 😃later
Xliff \o/ 23:15
I have DBDish connectiong to MS SQL Server!
irced hears crickets chirping.
just kidding, that sounds cool 23:16
23:16 rindolf left
Xliff irced: ;p 23:17
irced congrats
Xliff Thanks,
I'm hoping I can get it to work with Red without much problem.
irced ah nice 23:18
Xliff SmokeMachine: How do I pass a DBH to Red? 23:19
SmokeMachine Xliff: github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/lib...se.pm6#L11 23:20
Is that what you want?
23:25 kst left
Xliff Yes. Let's see if CommonSQL will work with MS SQL Server 23:30
SmokeMachine :) 23:33
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Xliff SmokeMachine: Any thoughts about writing a driver for MS SQL? 23:50
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