»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Xliff m: my @a = <a b c d>; my @b = <4 3 2 1>; .say for @a »~« @b 00:00
camelia a4
00:01 khisanth_ left 00:02 p9s``` joined 00:15 khisanth_ joined
Xliff tbrowder: I know how you feel. I mean... I let the Hamburgler out! What was I thinking! :) 00:15
tbrowder fond memories, traveling with kids when macdonald’s was still pretty new 00:17
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Xliff m: "foo\nthis is not valid UTF-8 \xE5 =(\nbar\n".say 02:18
camelia foo
this is not valid UTF-8 å =(
Xliff m: "foo\nthis is not valid UTF-8 \xE5 =(\nbar\n".encode('ASCII').decode
camelia Error encoding ASCII string: could not encode codepoint 229
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Elronnd m: "8 \xE5 =(\nbar\n".comb.say 02:19
camelia (8 å = (
b a r
Xliff m: "foo\nthis is not valid UTF-8 \xE5 =(\nbar\n".encode('ISO-8859-1').decode 02:20
camelia Malformed UTF-8 at line 2 col 25
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
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Doc_Holliwood is there another way to call a metamodel method other than the ^method form? 02:58
timotimo yes, get the metaobject with .HOW and make sure to pass the instance on the object as first parameter of the method
Doc_Holliwood i'm looking at zef. it has problems with windows. it is shelling out <perl6 -MSomeModule -e "say SomeModule.^ver> 02:59
somehow the ^ gets eaten somewhere and I end up with unknown method "ver" 03:00
so, there is no instance 03:01
just a class
Xliff Doc_Holliwood: So use the class as the invocant.
SomeModule.HOW.ver(SomeModule) 03:02
Doc_Holliwood yes, that works 03:04
cool. a little progress before bed 03:06
tx guys
Xliff yw! :)
Doc_Holliwood yeah. was fighting with git for two hours 03:08
then i realized if i just do it the other way around the problem goes away 03:09
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Doc_Holliwood SO quote of the day (after advised to use strict) "(But) if I insert use strict nothing works anymore" 03:51
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Juerd I've been a Perl programmer since 1998, started using strict a few years later. Hated it initially. But even 2 decades later, I still sometimes forget to add "use strict;" and when I add it later it will typically point out some obvious mistake that I made by keeping my program from working at all. 04:02
Any new programming language should really not implement this feature, but have the equivalent enabled by default. 04:03
I'm glad Raku/P6 gets it right :) 04:04
Although... it does seem to support "no strict". I never tried before. 04:05
Why though
Doc_Holliwood indeed. just yesterday i wrote a "just ten lines script" and sure enough the regex wasn't "working" and sure enough $sampletext and $sample_text are not the same 04:06
Juerd I will typically use undeclared globals in oneliners, but really it's a bad habit :)
Doc_Holliwood no script is useful, because it can be block scoped
Juerd How does the block scope suddenly make it useful? :) 04:07
Doc_Holliwood so you can have sub foo { no strict; dosomethingdirty; }
but having strict on everywhere else
Juerd Why would you want to do that dirty thing?
Doc_Holliwood Because it's Perl and sometimes it makes sense 04:08
04:24 molaf left 04:35 cwilson joined
Xliff m: " part1 # part2 $ part3 \0 part4 ^".chars.say 04:39
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Non-variable $ must be backslashed
at <tmp>:1
------> 3" part1 # part2 7⏏5$ part3 \0 part4 ^".chars.say
expecting any of:
double quotes
statement lis…
Xliff m: " part1 # part2 \$ part3 \0 part4 ^".chars.say
camelia 32
pierrot Does anyone here use rakudobrew ? I've just installed it but I always get "The shell hook required to use rakudobrew in 'env' mode and use the 'shell' command seems not to be installed. Run 'rakudobrew init' for installation instructions." 04:40
I followed the instructions given by `rakudobrew init` but I still can't get over this error
Xliff pierrot: Try using 'rakudobrew mode shim' 04:51
Then see if "perl6 --version" works
pierrot Xliff : I get the same error
Xliff What shell are you using? 04:52
pierrot hmm it's the default shell in Debian
I think it's something called dash 04:53
but I'm not sure
Xliff echo $SHELL
Let me know what that says
pierrot oh no, it's bash. /bin/bash
Xliff :)
OK. Add this to the end of your ~/.profile
eval "$(/home/cbwood/Projects/rakudobrew/bin/rakudobrew init Bash)"
Then do "source ~/.profile" 04:54
That eval line should replace any reference to "rakudobrew init".
04:56 cwilson left
pierrot Xliff : it works now. Thanks! 04:56
Xliff yw! 04:58
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Geth_ doc: JJ self-assigned Expand last example in the grammars tutorial to allow comments and blank lines github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1759
ea16117f9e | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/grammars.pod6
06:28 p9s``` left 06:43 Xliff left 06:44 pheix joined, krychu joined 06:46 pheix left
doc: 0e52ddf183 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Range.pod6
Documents int-bounds

Actually, the included definition was also wrong. Closes #2239
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/grammars
Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Range
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Geth_ perl6.org: a00f22ef92 | (Naoum Hankache)++ | source/downloads/index.html
Revert "trailing slash not working in download link"

This reverts commit 10ed00b6750b3343eef5e06e6624a4fdf874ad4e.
perl6.org: 0ccf9eacac | (Naoum Hankache)++ | source/downloads/index.html
Revert "Update Download location"

This reverts commit 7c16e3c2efe798e541e8df3fac6861fa8d6ccbfc.
perl6.org: 6539a3b317 | (Naoum Hankache)++ | source/downloads/index.html
Revert "Temporary location of latest R*"

This reverts commit 71c79446b9252b5c06fa870bd8db7c41649c96bb.
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MitarashiDango[m I seem to be having an issue with META6.json and testing. If I add a META6.json to this directory for example (github.com/exercism/perl6/tree/mas...lo-world), the module MUST be in lib for the test to find it, ignoring `use lib` or `-I`. 12:29
I tried a META6.json generated with 6pm, followed by one with just a name. 12:30
SmokeMachine MitarashiDango[m: let me try it... 12:33
timotimo MitarashiDango[m: just to make sure, you have HelloWorld.pm6 in your provides section of the meta6, yes? 12:36
SmokeMachine MitarashiDango[m: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/JUcUINzG/ 12:37
MitarashiDango[m I did not, added it but same issue
SmokeMachine MitarashiDango[m: it's working for me...
MitarashiDango[m Ah I think I see what I have wrong 12:38
SmokeMachine MitarashiDango[m: 6pm do not add the provides field...
MitarashiDango[m: what were you doing wrong?
MitarashiDango[m I had the provides key set up incorrectly 12:39
timotimo glad to hear :) 12:42
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Algorithm::LibSVM (0.0.5) by 03TITSUKI 13:45
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ab6tract o/ all! 15:14
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Doc_Holliwood there is a problem when using zef and Comma together. 16:33
both like to rewrite META6.json, but they have different opinions on how 16:34
sena_kun Doc_Holliwood, may be an ignorant question, but how do zef rewrites META6.json? 16:35
s/how does/
disregard that, I suck at grammar, but the question is still there. AFAIK, zef only uses META6.json as a source for data. 16:36
timotimo maybe confused zef and mi6 or so?
sena_kun other tools, such as mi6, can do that
yes, possibly
in a perfect world, usage of Comma deprecates usage of such tools, so we might as well put on roadmap what's missing. I am aware only about cpan releasing feature being missing, but likely there are more 16:38
Doc_Holliwood it does it on every build
my bad, mi6 yes
sena_kun Doc_Holliwood, what does build do?
Doc_Holliwood it calls self.regenerate-meta-info
sena_kun sorry, I mean, on high level, what we can teach Comma to do which is missing? 16:39
Doc_Holliwood in which it is using App::Mi6::JSON to encode an new file
which in turn uses JSON::Pretty 16:40
So, if Comma uses a different serializer ... 16:41
sena_kun well, it does, and it does its own sorting rules
Doc_Holliwood That's the problem
sena_kun Doc_Holliwood, as I said, in a perfect world an IDE is your code builder, uploader etc, so what is missing in Comma that you are doing using mi6? 16:42
(except known point of cpan uploads) 16:43
Doc_Holliwood exactly
I'm also not really fond of the editor in Comma. It gets in my way all the time 16:44
sena_kun ah, so nothing else? thanks for your feedback, we'll try to address it.
Doc_Holliwood, gets in your way as in?
Doc_Holliwood I disabled all "magic" already, but it still keeps indenting shit on its own
16:45 softmoth left
sena_kun you can disable `Smart indent` in Editor->General->Smart Keys 16:46
if it is not disabled already
Doc_Holliwood it is 16:47
sena_kun :S
a better formatter and configurable code style would be awesome to have, can agree with that 16:48
Doc_Holliwood for instance I type "for\n{" and end what i get is "for\n {"
and no, curlies do NOT belong on the same line 16:49
I can prove it
sena_kun no questions here, our formatter clearly wants some more love
16:54 aborazmeh left 16:57 cinch left 17:10 cinch joined 17:11 Black_Ribbon joined
guifa “I can prove” 17:12
Hehe formatting war begin!
s/formatting/code style 17:13
SmokeMachine Is anyone here not going to the LPW and want to take a look at a gif of how my slides are until now (I need some comments)? (but I couldn't make the slide interval be grater than 1 sec...)
guifa isn’t going 17:14
ab6tract sees smoke signals indicating a possible flame war :) 17:16
SmokeMachine guifa: www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0qqD_fP...ow#LPW2019
ab6tract has anyone ever looked into the Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics? pimbook.org 17:17
I'm porting the examples to Perl 6, feeling pretty great about how it looks next to the relevant Python 17:18
guifa Heh, I opened the GIF up in Preview and its showing me every single frame
SmokeMachine guifa: doesn't it show the animations?
guifa: www.icloud.com/keynote/0gjNQAIChh7...8Q#LPW2019 17:19
guifa Not in Preview.app , in Chrome it animates nicely but as you said, just pauses for a second. Curiously VLC doesn’t handle GIF
SmokeMachine guifa: this second link is the presentation itself... 17:20
guifa Got it :-)
SmokeMachine it's not complete yet... 17:21
17:27 softmoth joined
guifa Um, it looks like a fantastic talk 17:28
Normally I’m not a huge animation guy, but it works well to show, e.g., the underlining SQL code behind some far more innoucuous P6 stuff 17:29
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SmokeMachine guifa: :) thanks! 17:31
Doc_Holliwood I'm not religious when it comes to curlies 17:44
but this guy kevlin soandso made a very good point for putting them on the next line, at least for signatures 17:45
let me see if i can find it
here we go www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsHMHukIlJY 17:47
if you have a spare 45 minutes, well worth a watch
what exactly does `$i := $i + 1`, do? 17:54
i thought it would create a new container 17:55
but apparently it is binding a bare value
can i make it bind to a new container? like `$i := my $j = $i + 1` 17:57
without the intermediate variable 17:58
chloekek Perhaps $i := my $ = $i + 1 works, then you don't have to give it a name. 18:21
p6: my $x := Scalar.new(1); $x = 2; say $x;
camelia Cannot make a Scalar object using .new
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
chloekek p6: my $x := my $ = 1; $x = 2; say $x; 18:22
camelia 2
SmokeMachine p6: my $x := $ = 1; $x = 2; say $x; 18:23
camelia 2
chloekek Is that thread-safe if the block is used in multiple threads?
p6: my &f = { my $x := $ = 1; say $x; sleep 2; $x = 2; say $x }; start { f }; start { sleep 1; f }; sleep 4 18:27
camelia 1
chloekek Oy vey it shares the $ variable across calls. 18:28
p6: my &f = { my $x := my $ = 1; say $x; sleep 2; $x = 2; say $x }; start { f }; start { sleep 1; f }; sleep 4
camelia 1
chloekek But this one does too!
Oh maybe not, my test is crooked.
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lizmat Doc_Holliwood: no you can't afaik 18:45
Doc_Holliwood the `my $ = ` idiom works for me 18:46
lizmat my $x := $ = 1; $x = 2; say $x; # this is binding to the unnamed state variable "$"
evalable6 2
Doc_Holliwood thans chloekek
i'd be happy for corrections though, stackoverflow.com/questions/582496...3#58250703
lizmat Doc_Holliwood: why do you need a new container?
18:46 pmurias left
Doc_Holliwood i'm SOing 18:46
lizmat I see 18:47
Doc_Holliwood ok, i wonder is there a way to loop "bindingly"? 18:50
so the loop variable is an alias to the "thing", not always the same container
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lizmat m: my @a = ^10; for @a { $_++ }; dd @a # the default $_ is bound that way ? 18:53
camelia Array @a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Doc_Holliwood if not, should there be? so that `my $one = 1; my $two = 2; for ($one, $two) -> $n { $n = 99 }; say $one;` would output 99
true 18:54
lizmat m: my $one = 1; my $two = 2; for ($one, $two) { $_ = 99 }; say $one
Doc_Holliwood now that's even more surprising
camelia 99
lizmat m: my $one = 1; my $two = 2; for ($one, $two) <-> $n { $n = 99 }; say $one
camelia 99
Doc_Holliwood aha! 18:55
lizmat m: my $one = 1; my $two = 2; for ($one, $two) -> $n is rw { $n = 99 }; say $one
camelia 99
18:55 cwilson joined
lizmat m: my $one = 1; my $two = 2; for ($one, $two) -> $n is raw { $n = 99 }; say $one 18:56
camelia 99
lizmat m: dd { ... }.signature # note that $_ is an optional "raw" parameter
camelia :(;; $_? is raw)
Doc_Holliwood i see, ty 19:03
not gonna put that bit into the post, it is long enough already
lizmat grokking containers in Perl 6 really makes you appreciate it :-) 19:05
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Doc_Holliwood so you consider it accurate? 19:13
asking for a friend
also, is it really "grokking"? i only read the german translation, there the k wasn't doubled 19:15
Heinlein is mostly overrated, but that one was a masterpiece 19:16
SmokeMachine Does any one have any comment about my slides?
19:16 cwilson left
Doc_Holliwood they are pretty 19:16
MasterDuke i think it's usually "grokking" 19:17
Doc_Holliwood i wonder how many people using the word know its origin 19:18
oh man this weed makes me chatty
Doc_Holliwood apologizes
19:18 aborazmeh left
MasterDuke it's an odd word, i've definitely seen/heard a bunch of people ask about it the first time they came across it 19:19
but i don't explicitly remember anybody admitting to using it without knowing where it came from, even if they hadn't read SiaSL themselves 19:20
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MasterDuke but yeah, not a fan of a lot of heinlein, but that wasn't bad 19:21
Doc_Holliwood If I had to pick one for the island, it would be Simmons' Hyperion Cantos 19:22
It's such a genius concept, the whole 19:23
no spoilers, doc
MasterDuke there's no way to pick just one (fwiw, the hyperion cantos didn't do a whole lot for me), but the compte de monte cristo would be up near the top for me 19:24
Doc_Holliwood how can you not like the shrike?
MasterDuke i wouldn't say i disliked it
Doc_Holliwood hello? hang gliding trough a gas giants athmosphere 19:25
i'm kidding.
i only watched the movie of the compte i must admit 19:26
never was into the classics
MasterDuke but if we're talking one whole related collection, then Asimov's robot/foundation series would also be a contender
i love it, probably read it ten times or more 19:27
Doc_Holliwood mmh. not a fan. too copious
Asimov in general. I never got access to the Foundation either 19:28
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MasterDuke i will admit that for dumas, you can read abridged versions and not miss much of the main storyline at all 19:28
Doc_Holliwood the guy sure had an obsession with his car 19:29
mercedes here, mercedes there
guifa Who was it that said they really wanted to have subscripts in identifiers? I could really use that and prime marks to make my code look like a formula lol
Doc_Holliwood Me. I wanted to use that in last weeklys challenge 19:30
the one with the angles
I think
guifa Oh wait Lizmat made a module already 19:31
lizmat I made a module ? 19:32
MasterDuke github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1347 and github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1348 might be relevant
guifa ^^ ninja’d you liz :-)
(in chat at least not in dev)
lizmat people pointed out to me that it should be possible to have something like: my $H₂O 19:33
I looked at adding that, but that appears to be much more difficult :(
looks like I need to rewrite NQP's Qregex.ident for that 19:34
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! LibXML (0.1.1) by 03WARRINGD 19:36
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guifa lizmat: probably even better (but more difficult… or maybe not depending on its done?) would be a chemical library/slang 19:46
lizmat what would that be more than allowing subscripts in identifiers ?
weekly: shintakezou.blogspot.com/2019/10/e...perl6.html 19:49
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
19:49 AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined 19:50 AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined
guifa lizmat: typical me thinking outloud. I was thinking more in terms of eventually getting something taht would convert H₂0 into a Chemical object. From what I’ve seen folks do with the inline SQL it seems fairly easy to make up your own rules 19:53
which of course wouldn’t actually do anything for the situation of just wanting it in an identifier lol
lizmat it would be nice if you could create a 'class H₂0 { }' 19:54
timotimo why do you spell it with a 0?
guifa O is ironically next to 0
timotimo m: class H₂O { }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse class definition
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class H7⏏5₂O { }
expecting any of:
generic role
timotimo m: my \H₂O = class { } 19:55
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Term definition requires an initializer
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my \H7⏏5₂O = class { }
lizmat oops
timotimo m: sub term:<H₂O> { class { } }; say H₂O
camelia (<anon|1>)
timotimo m: sub term:<H₂O> { class H2O { } }; say H₂O
camelia (H2O)
timotimo m: sub term:<H₂O> { class H2O { method ^name { "H₂O" } }; say H₂O
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 H2O { method ^name { "H₂O" } }; say H₂O7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
timotimo m: sub term:<H₂O> { class H2O { method ^name { "H₂O" } } }; say H₂O 19:56
camelia (H2O)
timotimo *shrug*
at least a term lets you get this into the current grammar
guifa remembers a story about some Russian theorist he studied in school that studied for years writing a program. Finally one day they took a trip to type in their programs and try them out. Poor guy didn’t realize the O and 0 keys were different and….compilation failed never got to see it run
timotimo oh no :( :(
lizmat so why do we allow it in a term, but not generally in an identifier ?
timotimo m: sub postfix:<₂>($a) { }; my \H = 99; say H₂ 19:57
camelia Nil
timotimo m: sub postfix:<₂>($a) { $a + 10000 }; my \H = 99; say H₂
camelia 10099
timotimo something something operators?
SmokeMachine m: class ::("H₂O") {}; say ::("H₂O")
camelia (H₂O)
timotimo heh.
SmokeMachine m: sub term:<H₂O> { class ::("H₂O") {} }; say H₂O 19:58
camelia (H₂O)
tbrowder anyone using harp.js for a static website?
20:02 wamba joined 20:04 Itaipu left 20:05 sena_kun left
lizmat weekly: blogs.perl.org/users/laurent_r/2019...clock.html 20:05
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
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guifa Only problem with extending the definition of a name/identifier: Comma really doesn’t like it :P 20:19
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lizmat then Comma should be made smarter :-) 20:20
although this is probably hacked in Comma
guifa jnthn sena_kun: lizmat’s insulting y’all’s baby’s intelligence 20:21
lizmat guifa: you should probably include timotimo in that :-)
guifa timotimo: lizmat’s insulting your baby’s intelligence 20:22
imgur.com/ikjB1v8 20:24
To be fair, it also really doesn’t like custom operators either 20:25
But I can imagine that’s gotta be hard as hell to make it do correctly, because then effectively the only way to syntax highlight correctly is to actually compile
Doc_Holliwood m: enum Foo < XA XB XC >; say (XA .. XC).Array[0].map: Foo(*);
camelia Cannot map a Int using 'Foo'
Did a * (Whatever) get absorbed by a list?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Doc_Holliwood why doesn't that work? this does: 20:26
enum Foo < XA XB XC >; say (XA .. XC).Array[0].map({ Foo(*) })
evalable6 ((Foo))
lizmat guifa: that's what I meant with "hacked"
SmokeMachine pmurias: a gist method would be good as well... 20:27
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SmokeMachine pmurias: is there some way to do something like this? perl6.github.io/6pad/#1f91334f6a6a...48d2fd2eb5 20:35
pmurias SmokeMachine: I would have to think about how the promises work 20:39
tellable6 2019-10-03T13:59:53Z #perl6-dev <AlexDaniel> pmurias: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...-10-03#l72
2019-10-03T15:33:28Z #perl6 <RaycatWhoDat> pmurias: re: rakudo.js, what is it exactly?
pmurias SmokeMachine: what do we want for gist?
20:40 ravenous_ left
pmurias SmokeMachine: but integrating with the js promises should be possible in principle got to think how 20:41
SmokeMachine pmurias: I think promise <-> js-promise would be extremely useful... 20:42
pmurias: about the gist, I was thinking about something like this... but it seems to not work: perl6.github.io/6pad/#df7fd0fcb9df...1dc49e1203 20:46
Doc_Holliwood The javascript concept of promises requires a global event loop 20:52
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SmokeMachine Doc_Holliwood: the js promise seems to be working: perl6.github.io/6pad/#abe71efcf3a1...8929b63ca8 21:06
Doc_Holliwood what i mean is, when coding with JS promises you don't need to care about race conditions, locks and such because of the event loop. 21:08
only one promise can execute at any given time. 21:09
that's not neccessarily the case in Perl6
21:17 Alchemy joined
SmokeMachine pmurias: It seems to be working: perl6.github.io/6pad/#1a49bd2a3e65...7512ec8eac 21:17
pmurias: but not working with await... perl6.github.io/6pad/#e0eb11a8eb43...153464a218 21:21
Doc_Holliwood: ^^
pmurias SmokeMachine: 6pad currently doesn't have Promises working correctly 21:22
SmokeMachine: I need to fix my 6pad working code an upload a version that has them enabled
SmokeMachine pmurias: it's working if not using await...
pmurias Doc_Holliwood: in rakudo.js we don't have real threads because JavaScript doesn't have those 21:24
SmokeMachine pmurias: so, will await work with the new code?
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SmokeMachine pmurias: will DBIish, DB::Pg, etc work on rakudo-js? 21:25
pmurias: and have you decided how to use JS libs?
pmurias SmokeMachine: I will need to hook that up explicitly 21:28
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pmurias SmokeMachine: in node.js land 'use chalk:from<node.js>' works 21:28
didn't get it working with parcel yet
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SmokeMachine but where should it be installed? 21:29
21:29 Alchemy is now known as daemon
SmokeMachine (it would be cool see Red working on the browser...) 21:29
21:29 daemon is now known as Guest39076
pmurias SmokeMachine: www.npmjs.com/package/rakudo#using...ejs-module 21:30
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pmurias SmokeMachine: the current scheme is that you put them wherever you want but you have to add a use lib 21:30
SmokeMachine is that the path for the package.json or for the node_modules? 21:31
21:31 Guest39076 is now known as daemon
pmurias SmokeMachine: node_modules 21:33
SmokeMachine: If you want anything added to the README I'll be helpfull for suggestions 21:34
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Doc_Holliwood m: enum Foo < XA XB XC >; say XB.WHAT.HOW.isa(Per6::Metamodel::EnumHOW); 21:45
camelia Could not find symbol '&EnumHOW'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Doc_Holliwood ???
m: enum Foo < XA XB XC >; say XB.WHAT.HOW.isa(Perl6::Metamodel::EnumHOW);
camelia Could not find symbol '&EnumHOW'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
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SmokeMachine pmurias: I'll take a look! 21:50
pmurias: are there people writing perl6 modules to run on the browser?
pmurias SmokeMachine: I'm not aware of anyone using rakudo.js yet much 21:52
timotimo++ used it in an advent post
SmokeMachine pmurias: so, is the MemoizedDOM the first one?
pmurias I would assume so 21:53
SmokeMachine pmurias: how do I use/install perl6 modules to use with rakudo-js? I mean, if I want to install MemoizedDOM to use with rakudo-js? 21:54
(im trying to read the MemoizedDOM examples to remember it...) 21:58
pmurias SmokeMachine: I'll add that to the README 22:13
SmokeMachine: it wasn't possible with 6pad but with parcel-plugin-nqp and the .rakudorc config file (to add the -Ilib) 22:14
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Doc_Holliwood The joy, when you delete 7 lines and 2 variable declarations with a single line 22:46
and replace 22:47
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! LibXSLT (0.0.2) by 03WARRINGD 23:43
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