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Set by lizmat on 3 November 2023.
04:09 lizmat_ joined 04:13 lizmat left 05:25 tbrowder left 05:27 tbrowder joined 07:39 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined
SmokeMachine lizmat: is there a way to a query using :find to return the name of the file? it seems to be returning "<find>", and I don't know from where it's getting those line numbers... 11:41
(but I think it's .looking good... :) 11:42
lizmat iirc :find should return the filenames as the result ? 11:43
SmokeMachine I mean as $key when calling result... 11:46
shouldn't it?
lizmat I think the Callable is wrong 11:49
it should be something like: { try { $_ if .slurp.AST... } }, ...
SmokeMachine a simpler example: 11:54
lizmat the reason you get the contents, is because the callable returns the contents, instead of True or False 11:56
SmokeMachine so I should return the IO?
but is there a way to print the custom value and the filename? 11:57
lizmat you determine that by what you return in the Callable 12:00
could well be anything
SmokeMachine I mean, on my case I'm searching for specific AST on many files of code, and I want to return the name of the files where that ast was found and the ast itself...
lizmat so, why did you specify :find then ?
SmokeMachine because otherwise my callable would receice each line, instead of the IO... 12:01
lizmat and why not use the "rak" CLI ?
aah... --per-file
not sure what that is in the rak module
the mapping of cli opts to args to the "rak" sub is not always 1 one 1 12:02
fwiw, it feels that your use of "rak" is a bit of overkill 12:06
SmokeMachine and I'm not using the rak cli because it seems to not be importing the exports of modules (or I am doing something wrong) (
lizmat feels to me should be enough to make a file selection 12:07
and then .IO.slurp do you thing on what that produces
SmokeMachine I'll give a try on `path`, thanks! 12:08
what about the --module? 12:09
lizmat there's an issue for it... didn't get around to looking at that yet
tbrowder ah, paths my be what i need, too! 12:10
*may be
SmokeMachine lizmat: thanks!
lizmat: it seems `paths` is working well on my case, thanks! 12:18
lizmat paths(:file(*.ends-with(".rakumod")) would be faster :-) 12:20
and then $file.IO.slurp
prevents a lot of IO::Path objects from being made 12:21
SmokeMachine working well, thanks! Now, my next step is to fix the array inside array on named results on ASTQuery, (not related to rak nor paths), thanks! 12:23
lizmat yw 12:24
tbrowder lizmat: paths IS what i need, sorry for the bother, but it might be worth mention ing module "paths" in the rak docs. 12:26
thank you very much! 12:27
hm, how about pairing 'paths' with 'App::Rak' to get the equiv of Gnu find? 17:43
maybe allow something like : $rak = rak {paths(@dirs)} , :named1, :etc; 17:46
lizmat $ rak --find 17:51
should already be very close to GU find in functionaliy ?
$ rak foo --find 17:52
will find all files with "foo" in their name
tbrowder yes, i think i see how to use it as a CLI cmd. i’ll have to experiment some more, though. 23:24
i’m working on a PR for rak doc tweaks to help us weaker-minded users apply it as simply as possible 😁 23:26
lizmat nice 23:29
meanwhile I'm going for some shuteye &
tbrowder nitey nite 23:58