This channel is intended for users of App::Rak
Set by lizmat on 27 September 2022.
samebchase lizmat: Heard of rak today, and installed it immediately. I've always wondered what a command line tool supporting Raku's next-gen regexes would be like. I'm glad you've gone ahead and built it. 11:47
There need to be more killer apps for Raku like rak. 11:48
lizmat thanks!
also: please let me know of any issues / suggestions / comments 11:49
samebchase of course, I would love to be able to contribute to this in any way possible 11:51
lizmat PRs welcome :-)
also for the "rak" plumbing
currently working in turning a backtrace into a search result, so that you can --edit it, or provide --context 11:54
Geth App-Rak/main: 79e29d0013 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 8 files
Some fixes and preliminary work on --backtrace