Red ORM for the Raku language - #red logs are going to be saved on, and later
Set by SmokeMachine on 1 June 2021.
08:20 patrickb joined 12:11 abraxxa left 16:13 patrickb left
lizmat . 18:56
SmokeMachine Hi! 19:12
lizmat sorry if I seemed to be talking to myself, but I was testing some live chat update code for the logs server, and suddenly everybody went quiet :-) 19:23
SmokeMachine np… I was trying to help… sorry for that… 19:25
lizmat You did :-) by saying something :-) 19:28
japhb "something" 20:02
lizmat now I just have to wait about 4 hours to see whether it will correctly handle the change of UTC date :-) 20:06
japhb I wonder how long you can play the Jeopardy song before it causes insanity ... 20:12
lizmat ah, and then the special handling for a new year :-) 20:18
21:48 redable joined
SmokeMachine red: say 42 21:48
redable SmokeMachine,
21:53 redable left
japhb SmokeMachine: What's the intended use of redable? Is it essentially a Camelia with Red loaded? 22:12
SmokeMachine yes... mostly... but it's more to study...
22:21 redable joined
SmokeMachine red: say 42 22:22
redable SmokeMachine, ===SORRY!===␤Experimental feature 'red-do' not recognized.␤
22:23 redable left 22:25 redable joined
SmokeMachine red: say 42 22:25
redable SmokeMachine, ===SORRY!===␤Experimental feature 'red-do' not recognized.␤
22:25 redable left 22:32 redable joined
SmokeMachine red: say 42 22:32
redable SmokeMachine, 42␤
SmokeMachine red: .say for Person.^all
redable SmokeMachine, ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /code/./code.p6␤Undeclared name:␤ Person used at line 2. Did you mean 'Version'?␤␤ 22:33
SmokeMachine red: use Person; .say for Person.^all
redable SmokeMachine, => 1, name => "SmokeMachine")␤ => 2, name => "SmokeMachine")␤ => 3, name => "SmokeMachine")␤ => 4, name => "SmokeMachine")␤ => 5, name => "SmokeMachine")␤
SmokeMachine red: use Person; .say for Person.^all.grep(* %% 2) 22:46
redable SmokeMachine, Use of uninitialized value of type Person in numeric context␤MoarVM panic: Trying to unwind over wrong handler␤
SmokeMachine red: use Person; .say for Person.^all.grep(* %% 2) 22:47
redable SmokeMachine, Use of uninitialized value of type Person in numeric context␤MoarVM panic: Trying to unwind over wrong handler␤ 22:48
SmokeMachine red: use Person; .say for Person.^all.grep({ $_ %% 2 })
redable SmokeMachine, Use of uninitialized value of type Person in numeric context␤MoarVM panic: Trying to unwind over wrong handler␤
SmokeMachine odd
22:49 redable left
japhb SmokeMachine: (wild guess) Entry in the DB with bad/missing data or out of date schema that won't inflate into a concrete Person object properly? 23:04