jnthn sleep time for me; 'night 00:41
japhb timotimo++ # Remote debugging! 01:16
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brrt \o 07:55
jnthn++ timotimo++ remote debugger yay
.tell MasterDuke the real problem is that some of your CALL nodes contain a size 'int' which isn't a size but a type 07:56
yoleaux brrt: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
08:13 domidumont joined
Geth MoarVM: e9e54c8a47 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | tools/expr-template-compiler.pl
[JIT] Warn for things that should be a size but may not be

In MasterDuke++'s set of templates there is a (CALL) node in the existskey template that indicates its size as 'int'. The 'int' keyword is however resered to indicate a *type* in a (CARG) node - what was meant was the int_sz keyword instead.
This is confusing but somewhat difficult to clean up entirely. What we can do easily though is warn when an argument that *should* be a size looks like it isn't (not a number, not a macro, and doesn't end with _sz).
brrt .tell MasterDuke if you can fix that I'll merge the code 08:23
yoleaux brrt: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
08:54 brrt joined 10:04 brrt joined
jnthn morning o/ 10:13
brrt morning jnthn 10:16
awesome work on the remote debugger
jnthn Thanks :-) 10:29
timotimo++ for turning my design for it into working code :)
And sena_kun++ of Cro fame provided an amount of testing too :) 10:31
lizmat_ good * 10:35
lizmat stackoverflow.com/questions/492455...will-match # perhaps something for samcv ? 10:36
dogbert2_ timotimo++, jnthn++ remote debugging 10:49
dogbert2_ will definitely try that out :-)
brrt yes, all of you ++ 11:39
12:42 domidumont joined 13:35 AlexDaniel joined
japhb Ah! That explains why jnthn did the blog entry (I had assumed it was some combination of Edument funding it and letting timotimo focus his energy on the coding). jnthn++ and sena_kun++ too then. :-) 14:11
timotimo aye, without jnthn++ and sena_kun++ it wouldn't have turned out very good ;) jnthn came up with the protocol design and that gave a good set of design decisions right from the start 14:13
and of course lots of assistance and guidance from jnthn++ throughout the whole implementation phase and bug spotting and debugging help from sena_kun++ 14:15
gist.github.com/panzi/6856583 - this is a dual-licensed public-domain, BSD, MIT, Apache header file that makes all the endian functions available on different systems. with that maybe the debug branch can be merged 14:20
japhb From the comments, there are patches to apply and/or forks to follow. Which one(s) do you plan to use, OOC? 14:29
timotimo no clue, i don't have the necessary systems to test stuff on 14:57
i'm sure kaiepi has something to say about at least one of the BSDs
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jnthn timotimo: Where in particular do we need the endian stuff, ooc? For cmp? 16:09
timotimo no, just the handshake :) 16:10
we could NIH it, too 16:11
jnthn Don't we have some endian swapping code for reading bytecode anywya? 16:15
timotimo we should, yeah 16:33
oh, it was cmp after all that requires endian.h 16:37
huh, no, i don't see endian.h anywhere
i was using it without including a header at all? 16:38
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timotimo moarvm's endian switching code is the other way around :D 16:41
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timotimo we'll have our own fork of cmp soon too 18:43
m: say (2486 * 2 + 1138 * 2) / 1024 19:14
camelia 7.078125
timotimo out of the 4.2 megabytes that Grammar.moar has, I could save 7 kilobytes by introducing const_i1 and const_i0 19:15
m: say (2486 * 2 + 1138 * 2 + 2290 * 2 + 1473 * 2) / 1024 19:16
camelia 14.427734
timotimo 14.4 kilobytes if i add const_i2 and const_i3
(i.e. constant values 0 through 3)
a friend suggests varints for every single piece of data in our bytecode files 19:26
which ... no
that would have rather a lot of effort involved to get it working at all 19:28
m: say 11754136 / 1024 19:34
camelia 11478.648438
timotimo m: say 11754136 / 25972 19:35
camelia 452.569536
timotimo 452 chars per string, huh?
i probably read that wrong. 19:38
totally 19:43
potentially the string_heap_read_limit is just the end of the file
20:01 domidumont joined, MasterDuke joined
MasterDuke brrt, et al.: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/816 is good now 20:02
yoleaux 07:56Z <brrt> MasterDuke: the real problem is that some of your CALL nodes contain a size 'int' which isn't a size but a type
08:23Z <brrt> MasterDuke: if you can fix that I'll merge the code
20:03 Kaypie joined 20:26 Kaypie joined 21:26 dogbert17 joined
dogbert17 #join #whateverable 21:26
AlexDaniel :) 21:27
dogbert17 a bit of a fail there 21:29
japhb #hash #all #the #words
Geth MoarVM/spesh-refactor-iffy: 4 commits pushed by (Bart Wiegmans)++ 21:32
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Geth MoarVM/master: 5 commits pushed by (Samantha McVey)++, (Jonathan Worthington)++ 23:26
jnthn huh, I merged github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/817 (the debug server PR) too, but it didn't report it here 23:27
timotimo++ anyway :)
timotimo yays 23:31
23:32 Zoffix joined
Zoffix Yeah, there's a bug where it doesn't report huge merges. Though now I get a chance to debug and fix it. 23:33
timotimo cool, ++Zoffix 23:34
23:39 Geth joined
jnthn Zoffix: I wondered if it was the size of it :) 23:39
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MasterDuke timotimo++ 23:42
Geth MoarVM/master: 5 commits pushed by (Samantha McVey)++, (Jonathan Worthington)++ 23:43
Zoffix hmm
(trying to find the webhook event for the merge)
found it 23:45
jnthn oh, there's 2 that are marked error
(In the GitHub webhooks UI)
And yeah, one was the merge
timotimo that means an error came back from the http server? 23:46
23:47 Geth joined
timotimo is waiting for the world's slowest swapoff 23:48
jnthn The hover of the error said it was "Couldn't connect to server" 23:50
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Geth MoarVM/master: 5 commits pushed by (Samantha McVey)++, (Jonathan Worthington)++ 23:54
MoarVM/master: 112 commits pushed by (Timo Paulssen)++, (Jonathan Worthington)++
review: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/e...f952244753
Zoffix :/
Ah, yeah
Geth MoarVM/master: 112 commits pushed by (Timo Paulssen)++, (Jonathan Worthington)++
review: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/e...f952244753
Zoffix Yeah. fixed now
timotimo i bet the ~2% cpu usage by a couple of moar processes are all the supervisor thread ... 23:55
23:55 Geth joined 23:59 Zoffix left